Information on Spreadsheets

President by Congressional District Spreadsheets
The spreadsheets are in Microsoft Excel (xlsx) format (Mac/PC). The following worksheets are included in each file:
  • Vote Data by Congressional District - lists vote totals by congressional for each candidate - with boundary file information (fips)
  • CD tab also includes detailed data of how the votes split in counties located in more than one congressional district.
  • Data Sources - a list of data sources used to compile the spreadsheet.
  • Candidates - candidate names and national party ballot listing
  • Notes - a list of notes by state describing the
National, County, and Town Tab Metadata (Column lettering may vary by year)

CD Tab
Column		Title		Data
A				Congressional District or State Name
B				State Two-Character Abbreviation
C		Total Vote	Total popular vote cast for candidates
D		<abbrev>	Rank of Democratic Candidate
E		<abbrev>	Rank of Republican Candidate
F		<abbrev>	Rank of Independent Candidate
G		Margin		Vote Margin between the winning candidate and second place candidate
H		Margin %	Percentage of total vote for the margin between the winning candidate and second place candidate
I				No Data
J		<name>		Percentage of total votes cast for Democratic Candidate
K		<name>		Percentage of total votes cast for Republican Candidate
L		<name>		Percentage of total votes cast for Independent Candidate
M		Other		Percentage of total votes cast for remaining candidates
N		<name>		Democratic Candidate Popular Vote
O		<name>		Republican Candidate Popular Vote
P		<name>		Independent Candidate Popular Vote
Q-AT		<name>		Popular vote for Candidate listed in row 1
AU-AV				No Data
AW-AZ		<abbrev>	Rank of 4th - 7th candidates
BA-BD		<name>		Percentage of total vote for candidates 4 through 7
BF				County or State Name
BG				County or State Two-Character Abbreviation
BH		CD		Congressional District
BI				No Data
BJ		ST		State FIPS code
BK		CTY		County FIPS code
BL		FIPS		Five-number combined state and county FIPS Code
BM		LSAD_TRANS	Shape type (county, state, city, parish)