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General Politics => International General Discussion => Topic started by: Tender Branson on January 02, 2012, 07:44:40 AM

Title: WTF ? Austria bans jokes about blondes because it could lead to terrorism
Post by: Tender Branson on January 02, 2012, 07:44:40 AM
Wow, I thought this is an Onion article, but it's not. I have heard this for the first time and it's already law since yesterday:

A new law that makes jokes about blondes illegal comes into force in Austria from 1 January as part of a tough new package of anti-terrorism measures.

Lawmakers argued that blond-haired people could feel themselves marginalised and end up resorting to terrorist measures to get revenge on a society that rejected them if the jokes were not banned.

The new law was originally aimed to make it easier for authorities to tackle those promoting extremist standpoints verging on promoting terrorism but by the time it was approved had been extended to include what was previously only regarded as questionable humour.

Also banned uner the new paragraphs 278 and 283 of the Austrian penal code are jokes about people from the Burgenland region of Austria, the agricultural region in the far east of the country where locals are often the subject of anecdotes along the lines of jokes about Irishman in the UK.

Charges for serious breaches can be up to 2 years for repeat offenders.

Austrian newspaper the Krone quoted the president of the Austrian Lawyers Association Rupert Wolff as saying: "From January certain jokes about blondes and people from Burgenland can be punishable in a court of law."

Wolff added: "This law is an over reaction. It is just not neccesary in Austria. It is in any case an invasion of the private sphere of Austrians. it might be that something someone says is in bad taste or just plain stupid, but it should be allowed anyway and not banned by the law."

In Hungary recently blonde women staged a protest march in the capital Budapest demanding fairer treatment of blondes, with Hungarian blonde rights spokeswoman Zsuzsa Kovacs saying: "Blondes really do face discrimination at work, on the street. People are banned by law from discriminatiing against Jews, or blacks, so why not grant blondes the same protection."

And in Romania a Romanian model who set up a new political party to fight for models’ rights – including jail terms for anyone making dumb blonde jokes - welcomed the Austrian move.

Sanziana Buruiana, 27, said her Romanian Models Party also wants to make it law that anyone making dumb blonde jokes will be fined or even sent to jail.

But a planned march in Russia by hundreds of blondes to protest against anti-blonde discrimination was a flop after only a tenth of those who promised to be there were organised enough to make it.

Organisers of the protest in the Russian town of Nizhniy Novgorod admitted the rest had given excuses ranging from getting lost to getting the time wrong, not finding a parking place and in one case even deciding to go shopping instead.

In the end only 20 women turned up instead of the 200 who had registered to attend.

The blondes who did take part held banners with slogans such as "Blonde hair is a gift".

They complained they were discriminated against by men and other women at work and want legislation brought in to stop blonde jokes being told in public.

Anna Zaitseva, who organised the protest, said: "All we wanted was the same rights for blonde girls as for everyone else."

Title: Re: WTF ? Austria bans jokes about blondes because it could lead to terrorism
Post by: Tender Branson on January 02, 2012, 08:31:45 AM
Apparently this is part of new terror law that was amended in parliament last year and took effect yesterday because the EU wanted it. Austria since yesterday basically is a police state, because now the police has the power to use surveillance methods not only for groups (like before) but also for every individual who has said something "dangerous" in public, wrote something or put something into the Internet. And no judge is needed for this anymore. Only some dude in the Interior Ministry that is not a neutral person. The amendments read like this:

Sie gibt der Polizei weitgehende Überwachungs- und Datensammelbefugnisse ohne dabei einer effektiven Kontrolle unterliegen zu müssen.

Es geht um geheimdienstliche Überwachungsbefugnisse. Angeknüpft wird nicht an Straftaten oder einen konkreten Verdacht, sondern an bloße Vermutungen und Zukunftsprognosen der Behörde.

Politischer Aktivismus und harmloses Verhalten kann so zu einer ungerechtfertigten Überwachung durch die Polizei, im speziellen durch das Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz und
Terrorismusbekämpfung, führen.

Die Änderungen der Novelle im Detail:

Erweiterte Gefahrenerforschung bei Einzelpersonen

Schon bisher hat der Verfassungsschutz im Rahmen der erweiterte Gefahrenerforschung
Gruppierungen (ab 3 Personen) weitreichend überwachen und über sie Daten sammeln können. Der Gesetzesentwurf sieht vor, dass im Wege der erweiterten Gefahrenerforschung in Zukunft auch Einzelpersonen überwacht werden können.

Es soll zwei Fälle geben:

1) Meinungsäußerungen

Die Person sprich sich in der Öffentlichkeit (zb Demorede, Diskussion im gefüllten Lokal,
Podiumsdiskussion etc) oder in schriftlicher (zb Brief, Flyer, Poster) oder elektronischer (zb
Internetforum, Email, Facebook, twitter etc) Kommunikation in irgendeiner Form für Gewalt gegen Menschen, Sachen oder verfassungsmäßigen Einrichtungen aus. Die Bestimmung kann so weit ausgelegt werden, dass auch harmlose Äußerungen betroffen sind. Meinungsäußerungen bei facebook, in Internetforen, Flyer oder Äußerungen in der Öffentlichkeit können in Zukunft dazu führen, weitreichend überwacht zu werden.


2) Informationen und Mittel beschaffen

die Person verschafft sich Mittel und Kenntnisse mit denen sie in die Lage versetzt wird schwere Sachbeschädigungen oder die Gefährdung von Menschen herbeizuführen. Eine tatsächliche Planung einer Straftat ist nicht notwendig; vielmehr reicht es, dass die Person mit dem Wissen und Mitteln theoretisch dazu in der Lage wäre. Dass das Wissen und die Mittel zb zu einem ganz anderen Zweck erworben wird (Studium, Interesse, Hobby, Beruf etc), ist irrelevant. So kann ein Chemiestudium, das Lesen eines Buches, einer Homepage im Internet oder Ansehen einer Doku als pönalisierte Informationsbeschaffung gewertet werden, die eine weitreichende Überwachung zur Folge hat.

Liegt einer dieser zwei Fälle vor, muss die Behörde auch zu der Ansicht kommen, dass bei der Person mit schwerer weltanschaulicher oder religiös motivierter Gewalt zu rechnen ist. Dabei
handelt es sich um eine Vermutung; es muss weder eine überwiegende noch eine hinreichende Wahrscheinlichkeit bestehen, dass es zu Gewalt kommt.

Eine Zustimmung des Rechtsschutzbeauftragten ist in beiden Fällen erforderlich; dieser ist aber im Innenministerium angesiedelt und kein unabhängiges Gericht.

Folgende Überwachungsmaßnahmen darf der Verfassungsschutz ohne gerichtliche Kontrolle oder Zustimmung des Rechtsschutzbeauftragten dabei einsetzen:

• personenbezogene Daten einholen, sammeln und in Datenbanken weiterverarbeiten
• Einholen von Auskünften (offene Befragung)
• Observationen
• Peilsender
• Verdeckte Ermittlungen
• Foto, Ton und Videoaufnahmen in der Öffentlichkeit
• Foto, Ton und Videoaufnahmen durch verdeckte Ermittlung (zb verwanzter Zivi)
• Datenabfrage bei allen staatlichen Einrichtungen (von Strafregister bis Sozialversicherung)

Ziffer 6 auf Seite 1 und 2 des Gesetzestextes im Entwurf
§ 21 Abs 3 SPG


Gutheißung von terroristischen Straftaten verboten

Der erste Teil des Anti-Terror-Pakets, die Änderungen im StGB, wurden bereits Mitte Oktober vom Nationalrat beschlossen. Sie sehen vor, dass die Aufforderung zu bzw. die Gutheißung von terroristischen Straftaten - zum Beispiel Hasspredigten - künftig strafrechtlich relevant sind, wenn dies vor mindestens 30 Personen passiert. Bisher war dies ab 150 Personen der Fall. Weiters wird auch die Anleitung zur Begehung einer terroristischen Straftat künftig strafbar sein. Der Strafrahmen beträgt bis zu zwei Jahren.

Konkret heißt es: Wer künftig ein Medienwerk, "das nach seinem Inhalt dazu bestimmt ist, zur Begehung einer terroristischen Straftat (...) anzuleiten" oder solche Informationen im Internet in einer Art anbietet bzw. zugänglich macht, um zur Begehung eines Terrorakts "aufzureizen", macht sich strafbar. Es drohen bis zu zwei Jahre Haft. Gleiches gilt für jene, die sich so ein Medienwerk oder solche Informationen aus dem Internet beschaffen, um eine entsprechende Straftat zu begehen.

Delikt der Verhetzung verschärft

Beim Delikt der Verhetzung sind ebenfalls Änderungen geplant: Strafbar macht sich künftig auch, wer zu Gewalt oder einer sonstigen feindseligen Handlung gegen jemanden wegen des Geschlechts, einer Behinderung, des Alters oder der sexuellen Orientierung aufruft. Sind derzeit nur Gruppen geschützt, soll nun auch Hetze gegen Einzelpersonen wegen ihrer Zugehörigkeit zu so einer Gruppe strafbar sein. Auch hier drohen bis zu zwei Jahre Haft.

Title: Re: WTF ? Austria bans jokes about blondes because it could lead to terrorism
Post by: they don't love you like i love you on January 02, 2012, 04:17:03 PM



Title: Re: WTF ? Austria bans jokes about blondes because it could lead to terrorism
Post by: Keystone Phil on January 02, 2012, 04:18:38 PM
Europe is a joke continent when it comes to political correctness? What? Someone tell me it isn't true!

Title: Re: WTF ? Austria bans jokes about blondes because it could lead to terrorism
Post by: Antonio the Sixth on January 02, 2012, 04:43:49 PM
This is retarded beyond any imagination.

Title: Re: WTF ? Austria bans jokes about blondes because it could lead to terrorism
Post by: Swedish Rainbow Capitalist Cheese on January 02, 2012, 05:26:11 PM
No offense Tender, but Austria is by far the most ridiculous country in Europe. I actually thought it could go no lower after changing the national anthem to appease a small group of radical feminists, but I was proved wrong.

Also this is clearly a violation of Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights that ensure people Freedom of Expression and would be struk down by the courts if anyone's ever silly enough to attemt to enforce this Law.

Ironicly it wouldn't be the first time Austria gets spanked by the European Court for violating the Freedom of Expression ( 

Title: Re: WTF ? Austria bans jokes about blondes because it could lead to terrorism
Post by: Teddy (IDS Legislator) on January 02, 2012, 05:57:16 PM
Austria and Hungary are having a race, it seems, to who can become the most NAZI country in Europe.

Perhaps they are looking to re-unite

Title: Re: WTF ? Austria bans jokes about blondes because it could lead to terrorism
Post by: Franzl on January 02, 2012, 06:35:34 PM
Glad I didn't make any jokes on my way out yesterday.

Title: Re: WTF ? Austria bans jokes about blondes because it could lead to terrorism
Post by: Reginald on January 02, 2012, 07:20:48 PM
"People are banned by law from discriminating against Jews, or blacks, so why not grant blondes the same protection."


This seriously isn't a joke?! How utterly bizarre. That someone is actually comparing blonde jokes to these two forms of discrimination (particularly these two!) is unbelievable. Wow.

Title: Re: WTF ? Austria bans jokes about blondes because it could lead to terrorism
Post by: Fuzzybigfoot on January 02, 2012, 07:40:05 PM
Europe is a joke continent when it comes to political correctness? What? Someone tell me it isn't true!

Europe is a country now?

Title: Re: WTF ? Austria bans jokes about blondes because it could lead to terrorism
Post by: Franzl on January 02, 2012, 07:41:38 PM
Europe is a joke continent when it comes to political correctness? What? Someone tell me it isn't true!

Europe is a country now?

If the Euro-fetishists get their way...sooner than you can imagine... ;)

Title: Re: WTF ? Austria bans jokes about blondes because it could lead to terrorism
Post by: Keystone Phil on January 02, 2012, 11:28:52 PM
Europe is a joke continent when it comes to political correctness? What? Someone tell me it isn't true!

Europe is a country now? point is that this type of silly extreme political correctness is common across the continent. And I quite clearly called it a continent in my post.

Title: Re: WTF ? Austria bans jokes about blondes because it could lead to terrorism
Post by: Tender Branson on January 03, 2012, 01:53:02 AM
No offense Tender, but Austria is by far the most ridiculous country in Europe. I actually thought it could go no lower after changing the national anthem to appease a small group of radical feminists, but I was proved wrong.

Also this is clearly a violation of Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights that ensure people Freedom of Expression and would be struk down by the courts if anyone's ever silly enough to attemt to enforce this Law.

Ironicly it wouldn't be the first time Austria gets spanked by the European Court for violating the Freedom of Expression ( 

The heirs of the woman who made the (original, and correct IMO) national anthem are now setting up a lawsuit against the government anyway and will likely go up to the European Court, because they say the government has broken the copyright law.

Wien. Erst ab Neujahr werden die "Töchter" in der österreichischen Bundeshymne offiziell besungen, doch der Thomas Sessler-Verlag, Vertreter der Erben von Textdichterin Paula von Preradovic, wehrt sich schon im Voraus gegen die Textänderung. Der geschäftsführende Verlags-Gesellschafter Ulrich Schulenburg erwägt deshalb den Gang zum Europäischen Gerichtshof (EUGH), erklärte er am Freitag im Ö1-"Mittagsjournal". Bevor das passiert, suche man jedoch noch das Gespräch mit der Republik.

Title: Re: WTF ? Austria bans jokes about blondes because it could lead to terrorism
Post by: 🐒Gods of Prosperity🔱🐲💸 on January 05, 2012, 01:23:05 PM
"People are banned by law from discriminating against Jews, or blacks, so why not grant blondes the same protection."


This seriously isn't a joke?! How utterly bizarre. That someone is actually comparing blonde jokes to these two forms of discrimination (particularly these two!) is unbelievable. Wow.
Sociologically, they're different, but there's no legal principle that would allow banning one but not the other.

Title: Re: WTF ? Austria bans jokes about blondes because it could lead to terrorism
Post by: Swedish Rainbow Capitalist Cheese on January 05, 2012, 01:51:30 PM
There's also a big difference between discriminating against a group of people and joking about stereo-types about those groups. Banning black jokes or gay jokes would be just as stupid.

Title: Re: WTF ? Austria bans jokes about blondes because it could lead to terrorism
Post by: dead0man on January 06, 2012, 03:46:23 AM
A gay black guy with blond hair walks into a bar, the straight white brunette lady behind him ducks.

Title: Re: WTF ? Austria bans jokes about blondes because it could lead to terrorism
Post by: Tender Branson on January 06, 2012, 03:59:03 AM
A gay black guy with blond hair walks into a bar, the straight white brunette lady behind him ducks.

Do black guys even have natural blonde hair ? I have only seen black guys with black hair so far or no hair or blonde coloured hair or black albinos with blonde hair. And when I went to Google I only found porn about black buys and blonde girls.

Title: Re: WTF ? Austria bans jokes about blondes because it could lead to terrorism
Post by: Хahar 🤔 on January 06, 2012, 04:02:09 AM
Chad Johnson


Title: Re: WTF ? Austria bans jokes about blondes because it could lead to terrorism
Post by: Tender Branson on January 06, 2012, 04:04:06 AM

Looks coloured to me (the hair).

Title: Re: WTF ? Austria bans jokes about blondes because it could lead to terrorism
Post by: dead0man on January 06, 2012, 04:08:59 AM
A gay black guy with blond hair walks into a bar, the straight white brunette lady behind him ducks.

Do black guys even have natural blonde hair ? I have only seen black guys with black hair so far or no hair or blonde coloured hair or black albinos with blonde hair. And when I went to Google I only found porn about black buys and blonde girls.
Well a LOT of blondes aren't real blondes, but no, black people very rarely have natural hair that color.  And, as you can see with Ocho there, even when they bleach their hair it never really gets all that blond and it always looks weird (at least to me), but I think that's part of the point.

That doesn't mean a blond black guy can't walk into bar...especially if he didn't know it was there.

Title: Re: WTF ? Austria bans jokes about blondes because it could lead to terrorism
Post by: Pingvin on January 06, 2012, 08:43:57 AM
This is retarded beyond any imagination.

Title: Re: WTF ? Austria bans jokes about blondes because it could lead to terrorism
Post by: Tender Branson on January 07, 2012, 11:59:50 AM
I tried to look up some articles about this amended terror law and the law doesn't exactly say anything about blondes etc.

I think it is the interpretation of this law expert that jokes about blondes etc. could be subject to this law, but I doubt any person will ever file a lawsuit against someone who told a blonde joke or there would ever be a judge that would take up such a case.

Such a provision to the new terror law (wanted by the EU) could actually be part of the legislations of many EU states, many people just don't know it ... :P ;)

Title: Re: WTF ? Austria bans jokes about blondes because it could lead to terrorism
Post by: Swedish Rainbow Capitalist Cheese on January 08, 2012, 01:23:08 PM
Well that's just another good reason we should behead the union, burn the Lisbon treaty, and throw the remains in the sea.

Title: Re: WTF ? Austria bans jokes about blondes because it could lead to terrorism
Post by: Tender Branson on January 08, 2012, 01:33:51 PM
Well that's just another good reason we should behead the union, burn the Lisbon treaty, and throw the remains in the sea.

It seems it goes back as far as 2006 that the EU proposed a far-reaching Anti-Terror package to be implemented in all member countries. Austria was now among the last members to implement it, because it was long opposed to the data storage provision that the EU wanted in the laws. But otherwise Austria would have been fined a few hundred million Euros if the government did not implement it by 2012. Under the new laws, every member country now has to collect and store for at least 6 months all mobile phone and regular calls, all internet communication and all other forms of electronic communication ...

I would have rather wanted Austria to pay the millions of Euros than to introduce such a fascist law. Terrorists will always find a way or means of communication to be one step ahead of the government observation guys and they also have the element of surprise on their side.

Title: Re: WTF ? Austria bans jokes about blondes because it could lead to terrorism
Post by: Tender Branson on January 08, 2012, 01:39:05 PM
BTW: One of the last remaining countries to consistantly oppose the new terror law was Sweden, but in 2011 the EU also warned Sweden that they rather implement it or be punished.

Any word if the parliament up there passed the data storage thing now or if it's still blocked ?

Maybe the Swedes have the guts to not pass this law and pay the fine instead ... :)

Title: Re: WTF ? Austria bans jokes about blondes because it could lead to terrorism
Post by: Swedish Rainbow Capitalist Cheese on January 08, 2012, 08:00:20 PM
BTW: One of the last remaining countries to consistantly oppose the new terror law was Sweden, but in 2011 the EU also warned Sweden that they rather implement it or be punished.

Any word if the parliament up there passed the data storage thing now or if it's still blocked ?

Maybe the Swedes have the guts to not pass this law and pay the fine instead ... :)

It's not going to get passed as long as there is no majority in the parliament obviously. The Commies and Sweden Democrats are against the European Union and oppose everything from Brusseles out of principle. The Greens are no big fans of things called anti-terror. The Social Democrats would of course have supported it were they in government, but they're smart enough to realise crossing the floor to pass vastly unpopular directives when in opposition makes no sense what so ever. Even if the government actually had a majority it'd take an astonishing hard whip-effort to get all Alliance MPs behind the legislation.

So interestling having 20 or so facists holding the balance of power in some ways actually helps in stopping facist legislation from being implemented.     

Title: Re: WTF ? Austria bans jokes about blondes because it could lead to terrorism
Post by: Simfan34 on January 08, 2012, 08:32:12 PM

Stay away from not not even one.