Talk Elections

Presidential Elections - Analysis and Discussion => Election What-ifs? => Topic started by: LLR on July 21, 2016, 12:19:22 PM

Title: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: LLR on July 21, 2016, 12:19:22 PM
Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the future. The date is September 21st, 2019, and America's president is Hillary Clinton. Following the disaster that was Donald Trump's candidacy, the GOP must decide which way to turn.

2016 Election Result:


Hillary Clinton/Timothy Kaine 423 EVs/48.5%
Donald Trump/Michael Pence 102 EVs/35%
Gary Johnson/William Weld 13 EVs/17.5%

The Game

Post your campaign announcements here, that will constitute turn 1. After that, I will release polls and we will being turn 2 from 9/21/19 to 9/28/19. Y'all know the drill, let's go!

I will be using DKrol's rules
Quote from: DKrol
Rules and Regulations
- Each round will start with an updated poll summary and a list of the upcoming electoral contests
Periodically, news events will be introduced to elicit responses from the players that will impact the race
- Players are encourage to post, for each round, a schedule for the week. It can be as in-depth as an hourly itinerary for the candidate, or it can be as general as a summary of the entire week
- Players should PM me, the Game Moderator, for endorsements. The PM should contain the name of the person you'd like to be endorsed by, the most recent office or position they've held, and a brief reason why they would endorse you (Ie: George H.W. Bush, former President, should endorse George W. Bush because he is his son.)
- Advertisements will be accepted, if you want to make them, but they're not 100% required
- All events have in this TL have occurred as they did in OTL
- Independent/Third Party candidates will be accepted, but be warned that they will have to work very hard to make a national impression


President Hillary Clinton (Pericles)
Representative Tim Ashe (Kingpoleon)

Senator Cory Gardner (Cris)
FBI Director James Comey (NeverAgain)
Speaker Paul Ryan (Branden Cordeiro)
Representative Mia Love (AuH2O Republican)
Senator Tom Cotton (Spark498)
Senator Joni Ernst (MikeWells)
Senator Marco Rubio (UWS)
Senator and Former Governor John Kasich (Heisenberg)
Senator Tim Scott (TedBessell)

Third Party:
[Libertarian] Former Governor William Weld (Haslam2020)

All announcements must be done by the end of Monday, July 25th, 2016. Have fun! ;D

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: / on July 21, 2016, 12:22:02 PM
dude this should so be 2024 ;)

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Senator Cris on July 21, 2016, 12:34:58 PM
I'll be Colorado Senator Cory Gardner.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: LLR on July 21, 2016, 12:37:03 PM
I'll be Colorado Senator Cory Gardner.

If it wasn't clear, you should make your announcement speech too.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Kingpoleon on July 21, 2016, 01:27:42 PM
I wish to run as Former Governor John Kasich. I'll have an announcement speech up later today.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Former Senator Haslam2020 on July 21, 2016, 01:30:36 PM
Bill Weld as a Libertarian.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: NeverAgain on July 21, 2016, 03:32:04 PM
Fmr. (unless Hillary keeps him on LOL) FBI Director James Comey. 4dalulz.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: LLR on July 21, 2016, 03:34:38 PM
Fmr. (unless Hillary keeps him on LOL) FBI Director James Comey. 4dalulz.

What party?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: NeverAgain on July 21, 2016, 03:48:48 PM


Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Kingpoleon on July 21, 2016, 03:51:31 PM
If no one else does it, I might switch over and try primarying Hillary as Miro Weinberger.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Senator Cris on July 21, 2016, 04:11:44 PM
Cory Gardner for President!


Thank you, Yuma!

Today, I'm here in Yuma, Colorado, the place where I was born and raised, to talk about the state of our country and on our intentions to build a brighter future for all Americans.

America is great. We are still the most powerful nation in the world, we have a tremendous potential. But this potential was not fully unleashed in the past years. Twelve years caracterised by weak leadership, bad judgement and by a big government that is more than ever intruded in the lifes of hard-working Americans. It's time to change that, and that's why I'm running for President of the United States.

The federal government must not be involved as much as it's now in the lifes of American citizens. The government's role shall be to clear the way to the people in order to let them being successful and let them realize their desires. Clear the way to the people, not running the life of the people.

And when I say we'll clear the way to Americans, I mean that we'll cut taxes for business owners in order to put Americans back to work. We'll improve our education system, creating better opportunities of being successfull in life for our children and for all the generations to come. We'll repeal Obamacare and we'll replace it with a better system that will favour every citizen.

An area in which Presidents Obama and Clinton had been very week is foreign policy. If I'll be elected President, America will stand with its allies. We'll build an international coalition in order to defeat ISIS, we are gonna involve the moderate part of the Muslims. We'll stay with our european allies against eventual dangerous designs of Russia.

I consider myself as a new kind of republican. Look, Americans are angry. We are losing our role in the world, dangerous policies are dominating our lives by twelve years, the governments is bigger than ever before, Hillary Clinton proved that she is unable to put the United States in the right direction. Four years ago, Donald Trump was able to understand the fears of the American people, but if you want to be successful in solving the problems of the American people, you have to build a message that unites the country and not divides it. If you want to change things, you have to involve the minorities, you have to run on a positive message.

If we want to win, we have to run a positive, inspiring campaign that is able to catch the support not just of republicans, but the support of all people disatisfied with the direction of our country. Hispanics, and all minorities in general, shall not be our weakness anymore. If you want to win here in Colorado, you have to do that. Back in 2014, I ran a spirited, inspiring campaign, who got the support of people from all sides and that received praise from a lot of people. I won that election, and I'm 100% ready to do the same again!

It's time for a principled leader, with fresh and bold ideas able to bring common-sense solutions to the problems facing our nation, able to get support from all the people of this great nation. I already did that as Senator for the great state of Colorado. I'm that kind of leader and I'm ready to serve all the citizens of the United States of America.

Thank you so much and God bless you!


Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: New_Conservative on July 21, 2016, 08:16:40 PM
Rumors are swirling that Paul Ryan will announce his candidacy for the Republican nomination, tomorrow at 1 PM ET.

(I'll be Paul Ryan, and I'll make my announcement sometime later tonight.)

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Kingpoleon on July 21, 2016, 11:28:15 PM
I'm switching to Representative Tim Ashe.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Kingpoleon on July 21, 2016, 11:58:39 PM
Tim Ashe speaking to reporters after announcement

June 3, 2019; Burlington, VT:
Hello, my fellow citizens of Vermont. I am here before you today to discuss some very important issues in America today. I am also here because I need your support in this election, as I have decided to run for President of the United States! I do this not out of anger but out of hope. I am hopeful for change in America.

Our leaders in Washington, D. C. grow out of touch with the very people they claim to represent. In two years in D. C. I have learned that there is little compromise and even less progress. After Welch's resignation and my election two years ago to his seat, I have seen all this. When I ask people to help me ban Super PACs, they act afraid. When I ask for people to support universal healthcare for all, they are unwilling.

With your help and your support, we will get rid of Super PACs. Special interests, whether they be big agriculture, business, or energy, will have less influence. Instead, the common person will donate to the campaigns they really wish to support. If the public does not wish to fund you, they will not. If you deserve their funds, you will get it.

I promise you that we will pass universal healthcare. Our healthcare system is inefficient, weak, and frankly confusing. With the help of people like Former Senator Sanders and former Secretary Robert Reich, I intend to write healthcare legislation that will be passed in 2021 if I am President. We, as a nation, ought to find it horrible that thousands of people die on our streets every year from poverty that prevents them from having healthcare.

I intend to take up the issue of fair trade. We are losing far too many jobs that could go to our communities at home overseas. This problem especially affects African-Americans and young people struggling to find a job. At the hands of the Washington consensus, our nation is being ruined by trade deals like TPP that hurt our nation badly.

Colleges, frankly, charge far too much. If you're smart and you have a bright brain, we will pay for your college. To those of you struggling with college debt, I intend to pay it down for everyone currently in college and out of college. In the future, anyone with an ACT score of thirty or higher will have their college paid for, while anyone in a household making under fifty thousand dollars a year will be able to apply for Pell Grants, which we will make easier to apply for.

I intend to pursue a foreign policy of diplomacy. With diplomacy, we will liberalize Cuba. With diplomacy, we can apply less brute force and aggressiveness and apply more common sense and compromise. We cannot afford many more wars. I promise you, with an Ashe administration, we will have peace, prosperity, and progress! Thank you!

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: New_Conservative on July 22, 2016, 12:43:37 AM
Campaign Announcement: Janesville, Wisconsin – Janesville Assembly Plant
Thank you for joining me and my family for my announcement of the candidacy for the Republican nomination for the President of the United States.

We are at the site of the Janesville Assembly Plant, home of General Motors for nearly a century. It was a symbol of American prosperity, employing nearly 7,000 American workers at its peak nearly 50 years ago. It is important to revive these centers of commerce for our citizens to prosper under a freer economic engine.

Growing up in this beautiful town, I’ve endured the hardships that many Americans have felt. After experiencing the death of my father, it became my responsibility to care for my grandmother as my mother commuted to attend community college in Madison. When I attended the University of Miami (OH), I developed a devout passion for economic theory professed by Milton Friedman, which led to an obsession with bettering people’s lives through economic reform.

For more than a decade, the American worker and job-creator has been handcuffed by an America riddled with regulation, low growth, and little innovation. The federal debt has continued to balloon, and our nation’s vital entitlement programs have not been saved from eventual collapse.

Having said that, the Republican Party must provide a message of fiscal conservatism, providing an optimistic message promoting free market solutions to lift people out of poverty, and provide an economy that gives Americans a fighting chance. Reforming our tax code to empower our workers and businesses to reinvest in our communities, empowering workers to invest their own capital in order to save for retirement, school choice for those in our society who have been left out, and unraveling the regulatory red tape that cripples American innovation. This platform is America’s path to prosperity.

On the world stage, we must return to a platform advocating for American exceptionalism. The violent ideology, Radical Islam, threatens our way of life. We must be proactive in defeating this problem, and preventing the spread of radical groups throughout the world. The United States must assure our allies that we have their back in defending against radical Islam, an aggressive Russia, and that we will be a vital advocate for freedom across the world.

Our values as Americans are important, but we must not shy away from our ever-developing world. Our party must end the rhetorical divisive messaging of the past. A party where we advocate to common-sense alternatives to abortions, a prosperous America for the LGBTQ community, and a positive economic message will allow us to grow the Grand Old Party to victory.

Thank you, and I hope you join our team to put America on the path to prosperity.

God Bless you, and God Bless the United States of America.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: AuH2O Republican on July 22, 2016, 05:40:54 AM
Is it possible for me to primary Hillary by running as Alvin Greene?

If that is too much of a joke candidate... ;)

Then I'd like to run Mia Love for the Republican nomination.

Will put up a speech once I know which candidate I can be.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Senator Cris on July 22, 2016, 06:24:19 AM
I think that a recap of 2016/2018 Senate and Gubernatorial elections would be helpful! :)

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: LLR on July 22, 2016, 06:35:02 AM
Is it possible for me to primary Hillary by running as Alvin Greene?

If that is too much of a joke candidate... ;)

Then I'd like to run Mia Love for the Republican nomination.

Will put up a speech once I know which candidate I can be.

I'd prefer Mia Love

I think that a recap of 2016/2018 Senate and Gubernatorial elections would be helpful! :)

I'll get on it eventually...

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: AuH2O Republican on July 22, 2016, 07:38:08 AM
Please put me down as Mia Love and I will get an announcement speech done tonight/tomorrow.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Senator Spark on July 22, 2016, 10:16:16 AM
I will run as Tom Cotton. Announcement speech to come.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Wells on July 22, 2016, 12:11:55 PM
Joni Ernst (R). I'll have my announcement by the end of tomorrow.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Enduro on July 22, 2016, 12:35:10 PM
Is it too late to join?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: LLR on July 22, 2016, 12:41:45 PM

Not at all!

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on July 22, 2016, 01:22:42 PM
I'd like to join as Marco Rubio. To join the game, do we just have to start it by make an announcement speech?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: LLR on July 22, 2016, 01:24:10 PM
I'd like to join as Marco Rubio. To join the game, do we just have to start it by make an announcement speech?

Yes, that's correct.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: LLR on July 22, 2016, 01:42:56 PM
America in 2020: The State of the Union

President Clinton Job Approval
Approve 45%
Disapprove 47%

CPI: 315.12
Unemployment rate: 7.3%

2016/2018 Senate Results




Indiana (Bayh)
Wisconsin (Feingold)
Illinois (Duckworth)
Pennsylvania (McGinty)
New Hampshire (Hassan)




North Dakota
West Virginia
Ohio (Kasich)


2020 GOP Primary Schedule

Jan 14: Iowa
Jan 21: New Hampshire
Feb 4: South Carolina and Nevada
Feb 8: Tennessee
Feb 11: Alaska, Montana, and Washington
Feb 22: Arizona
March 3 (Super Tuesday): Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Georgia, Massachusetts, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas, Vermont, Wyoming
March 10: Idaho, Hawai'i, Mississippi, Louisiana
March 14: Puerto Rico, American Samoa
March 17: Guam
March 20: Virgin Islands
March 31: Colorado, Kentucky, and Virginia
April 7: Michigan and Northern Mariana Islands
April 14: Florida, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, West Virginia
April 21: Illinois, Maine, North Carolina, Ohio
April 28: New York
May 12: DC, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania
May 16: Connecticut, Rhode Island
May 19: Utah
June 2: California, Indiana, New Mexico, Oregon
July 20-23: RNC 2020

If you want any more information, tell me, I'll be happy to post it ;)

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Heisenberg on July 22, 2016, 01:54:54 PM
Since Kingpoleon switched to Tim Ashe as a primary to Clinton, I'll play as Sen. John Kasich (R-OH).

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Heisenberg on July 22, 2016, 02:03:09 PM
Just wondering, who are the new Republican Senators from Florida, Missouri, Indiana, North Dakota, West Virginia and Virginia elected in 2018?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: LLR on July 22, 2016, 02:10:54 PM
Just wondering, who are the new Republican Senators from Florida, Missouri, Indiana, North Dakota, West Virginia and Virginia elected in 2018?

FL: Jeff Atwater
MO: Ann Wagner
IN: Todd Young
ND: Drew Wrigley
WV: Evan Jenkins
VA: Ken Cuccinelli

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Heisenberg on July 22, 2016, 02:17:43 PM
Also, who is the Governor of Ohio?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on July 22, 2016, 02:18:45 PM
Marco Rubio for President 2020
Right here Right now
Campaign Announcement : Tampa, Florida– University of South Florida

June 7, 2019


« Thank you, Tampa! Thank you, my friends!

Sixty years ago, Fidel Castro took power in Cuba, the land of my ancestors. But many ran from Castro's tyranny and anti-free market threat to get residence here in America in order to accomplish their dreams. As son of immigrants, I lived the American Dream. Since three years now, Hillary Clinton, a leader from yesterday, has weakened our economy by taxing people more, regulating more, spending more, making us more dependent from foreign oil and increasing the debt to over 20 billion $. We need free market policies to get our economy back on track by embracing energy revolution (which requires more oil production and energy independence), free trade, school choice, business championing and tax cuts for all Americans.

Since three years now, President Clinton showed weakness in fighting terrorism and Russia's imperialist actions. The world is more dangerous than ever before. We don't want more tragedies like the ones in Orlando, San Bernardino, Paris, Nice, etc. I have the right foreign policy experience : under my leadership, we will increase defense spending, fight terrorism around the world and strengthen our strategic alliances.

All this kind of agenda requires an expansion of our party. We need to attract Hispanic votes, African American votes, Asian American votes and female votes to show that the Republican Party is the party for all Americans. As a son of immigrants, I am the best qualified to do it. That way, we can win the White House, beat Hillary Clinton and lead America to prosperity and security. For this reason, in order to serve our country, I'm running for President of the United States of America and we need this kind of leadership right here, right now!

Thank you! God Bless you, and God Bless the United States of America! »

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: LLR on July 22, 2016, 02:19:47 PM

Mike DeWine

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on July 22, 2016, 02:28:45 PM
America in 2020: The State of the Union

President Clinton Job Approval
Approve 45%
Disapprove 47%

CPI: 315.12
Unemployment rate: 7.3%

2016/2018 Senate Results




Indiana (Bayh)
Wisconsin (Feingold)
Illinois (Duckworth)
Pennsylvania (McGinty)
New Hampshire (Hassan)




North Dakota
West Virginia
Ohio (Kasich)


2020 GOP Primary Schedule

Jan 14: Iowa
Jan 21: New Hampshire
Feb 4: South Carolina and Nevada
Feb 8: Tennessee
Feb 11: Alaska, Montana, and Washington
Feb 22: Arizona
March 3 (Super Tuesday): Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Georgia, Massachusetts, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas, Vermont, Wyoming
March 10: Idaho, Hawai'i, Mississippi, Louisiana
March 14: Puerto Rico, American Samoa
March 17: Guam
March 20: Virgin Islands
March 31: Colorado, Kentucky, and Virginia
April 7: Michigan and Northern Mariana Islands
April 14: Florida, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, West Virginia
April 21: Illinois, Maine, North Carolina, Ohio
April 28: New York
May 12: DC, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania
May 16: Connecticut, Rhode Island
May 19: Utah
June 2: California, Indiana, New Mexico, Oregon
July 27-30: RNC 2020

If you want any more information, tell me, I'll be happy to post it ;)

I have two questions :

-How many delegates a candidate will have to win to clinch the nomination?

-Are you sure we should not set the 2020 RNC before July 24? Because the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo will be held from July 24 to August 9 and if the RNC is set between these dates, more people might get more attention at the Olympics than at the RNC.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: LLR on July 22, 2016, 02:35:06 PM
Quote from: UWS
I have two questions :

-How many delegates a candidate will have to win to clinch the nomination?

-Are you sure we should not set the 2020 RNC before July 24? Because the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo will be held from July 24 to August 9 and if the RNC is set between these dates, more people might get more attention at the Olympics than at the RNC.

You're right about the RNC, thanks!

As to delegates, I haven't figured it out, I'll work it out when the primaries draw closer - but about the standard amount, in the 1,000-1,400 range.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Senator Spark on July 22, 2016, 08:22:59 PM
Tom Cotton for America, 2020
Pick Cotton
Fayetteville, Arkansas - University of Arkansas


Good evening everyone, I am blessed to be here with you today. Over the last few years, we have witnessed the disastrous results and the consequences of Hillary Clinton's presidency. The national debt has significantly skyrocketed to unprecedented levels. Many people are now unemployed and scrambling for jobs and opportunity. She has weakened our economy by imposing higher taxes, and enacting more regulations, and increasing spending on foreign affairs.

Terrorism has become more rampant around the world and we need a leader that will address it and protect us from this existential threat. We have to be on a path to energy independence and not rely on other countries. She has displayed negligence and irresponsibility in countless instances.

The world is less safe than when she took office. I will do everything that I can to ensure the safety for Americans of all ethnic backgrounds. We have to create jobs for African Americans, Hispanics, and others. We need to be a more inclusive Republican Party and not leave individuals that have much potential on the sidelines. If we all cooperate toward a common goal, we can achieve the prosperity for all Americans. We can deliver the freedoms and security we desperately deserve. I am here to announce my candidacy for President of the United States. Under my leadership, America will be taken in a different direction that will be beneficial and put us on the best track to lead in the 21st century. God Bless you and God Bless our great nation!

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: New_Conservative on July 22, 2016, 10:22:12 PM
Paul Ryan: Week of Sept. 14, 2019-Sept. 20, 2019

September 14th, 2019
Paul Ryan announced his candidacy for President at 11:30 AM CT in Janesville, Wisconsin at the former GM Assembly Plant. Later in the afternoon, he attended a fundraiser in Milwaukee, Wisconsin hosted by Businesswoman Diane Hendricks.

September 15th, 2019
The campaign began to organize his campaign staffers, announcing his campaign headquarters to be held in Janesville, Wisconsin. It is evident that Ryan will target the upper Midwest in the primaries, and the general election. The campaign also announced the opening of 6 field offices in Iowa and New Hampshire; including in the towns of Dubuque, Des Moines, Cedar Rapids, Sioux City, Portsmouth (NH), Manchester (NH) and Concord (NH). He attended a fundraiser in Washington, DC later that night.

September 16th, 2019
Ryan makes first campaign appearance at an event at the Davenport West High School in Davenport, Iowa. He promotes an inclusive message of economic reform for those struggling under the Clinton economy. 57% of students at Davenport West are eligible for free or reduced lunch programs. Ryan's speech touched an anti-poverty agenda that Republicans have been struggling to profess during the past couple of election cycles.

September 17th, 2019
Barnstorming in North Liberty, Iowa
Tour of the University of Iowa Center for Research, met with students of Univ. of Iowa Medical School.
Met with organizers of economic policy speech at the Carver Hawkeye Arena on September 18th.

September 18th, 2019
Economic Policy Speech - Carver Hawkeye Arena at the University of Iowa

Thank you for joining me in outlining my proposal to lift people out of poverty. The University of Iowa has provided the people of Iowa with a first-class education, giving Iowa the tools to get to work. The University of Iowa, and our other great institutions across the country provide people with the tools to succeed, now the federal government must get out of the way and allow those people to prosper. In a time where millions of Americans are buried under student loan debt, which this administration promised to relieve through a government bailout, it is time to get America back to work. Today, I will announce my path to prosperity, outlining my proposals to lift American wages, get corporations and small businesses hiring again, lower American unemployment, and to lift those in poverty into a new era of success.

It is time to lift people up, not bring them down through common sense conservatism. People are tired of left-wing economics, leaving them stuck in an endless cycle of low wages, and low growth. During the years of Ronald Reagan, America was prospering. When Reagan took office, taxes and unemployment were sky high, the nation was divided and angry. Sound familiar? That is what we have had to deal with under the Democrat's legacy of failure. Like Reagan, my campaign will promote a message of cutting taxes, controlling spending and getting government out of the lives of the American people. The government's role should be to keep its citizens safe, leaving the rest up to the hard work of the American spirit.

Today, I will release my tax proposal to reform our backwards tax code in the United States. We have the highest corporate tax rate in the western world, stifling growth and allowing jobs to leave to go overseas. Our struggling towns across the country; whether its Scranton, Pennsylvania or Flint Michigan, and everywhere in between; have seen the effects of this reality. We must make the American economy move into the 21st century. In order to strengthen the American wallet, it will be important to reduce our tax brackets into 3 categories.  This will simplify our tax code for the American taxpayer. The top tax rate will be 25%, down from the current rate of 43.6% enacted by President Clinton. The rich Washington elite labels who is "wealthy" by their elitist definitions, leaving a heavy burden to our middle class. Our campaign will release a very detailed proposal after this speech detailing the specifics our pro-growth tax brackets of 10%, 15% and 25%. I'm proud to be the candidate of the American worker, family and business.

When discussing the corporate tax rate, our new rate of 20% would make us a leader on the world stage. Pro-business policies will allow the American workforce to capitalize on prospering world economy. It will allow us to give opportunity to those who have been left out in the Clinton and Obama economies, including our inner-city communities. We must create an economy that works for all, through the free market. This includes an increased use of oil, natural gas, solar, and other programs that will help power America. We must not pick winners and losers through our political leanings, but it is important for the American people to decide the future of American energy. Our oil drillers and coal miners represent the backbone of our blue-collar economy, and it is important we give people to capitalize on the opportunity to make America energy independent by the end of my administration.

When lowering tax rates, it is vital that we must not balloon our deficit. A more competent, smaller, less bloated federal budget and operation is important to the success of our economy. The American people know how to spend their hard earned money better than the federal government. There are a number of areas we must address to keep government small, and to ensure the fiscal responsibility of our nation. Pension spending by our local and federal government is out of control, leaving the American taxpayer on the books for insolvent programs that must be reformed. They won't be reformed by those in power in Washington, as they benefit at the hands of all of us. Government spending is out of control, particularly in our entitlement programs, which must be addressed responsibly.

Most importantly in my economic plan, it is important for Republicans to address the growing poverty our country has faced as a result of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama's policies. We must explore updating our anti-poverty programs. We must increase the Earned Income Tax Credit, which fights poverty while rewarding work. We will expand eligibility in order to include those in the working poor, along with families. We will give states the option of enacting a block grant, otherwise known as our Opportunity Grant. It will allow states to allocate federal funds into individually focused programs to help those in need. The American education system has remained second rate since the 70s, despite our funding being the highest ever. We must better allocate those funds to local municipalities. It is also important to address mass incarnation, which is a impediment for economic progress in all communities. Federal judges will have more discretion sentencing non-violent offenders, and rehabilitation will be made easier for inmates. That is a smart allocation of our resources, which everyone can agree on, whether you're a Republican, Democrat or anything in between. We will remove the reality of regressive regulations, easing licensing regulations, and leading all new regulations to stricter review as a result of their impact on low-income families.

I have outlined a very detailed vision for America. It is time to unite around a message of economic growth, and I will be the economic growth candidate. Thank you and God Bless America.

September 19th, 2019
12:00 PM ET: Paul Ryan introduces tax proposal.
Single filers:
--- $0-$40,000/year : 10%
--- $40,001-89,999/year: 15%
---$90,000/year and above: 25%
Married filers:
--$0-65,000: 10%
-- $65,001-$150,000 year: 15%
--- $150,001 a year and above: 25%
Head of Household:
--- $0-$47,999/year: 10%
--- $48,000-$115,00 year: 15%
---$115,001 a year and above: 25%

Corporate tax rate: 20%

1:45 PM ET: Meet with voters at Riley's Cafe in Cedar Rapids.
4:00 PM ET: Meet with voters at Lighthouse Inn in Cedar Rapids
7:00 PM ET: Address the Iowa Farm Business Association in Ames, Iowa.

September 20, 2019
1:00 PM ET: Speech to the Manchester, NH Chamber of Commerce
4:00 PM ET: Town Hall at South Range Elementary School in Derry, NH
7:00 PM ET: School Choice Policy Speech at The Founders Academy in Manchester, NH
9:30 PM ET: Phone interview with The Concord Monitor

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on July 22, 2016, 11:42:44 PM
Are the debates included in that game? If yes, when and where will the next debate be held?

Just to be sure, is PM (procedure to get endorsements) an abbreviation of « Private Message »? If that's the case, must these messages be sent only to the Game Moderator?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Kingpoleon on July 22, 2016, 11:56:33 PM
If no one signs up as Hillary, will you play as her and handicap her a bit? I wanted to primary her, but if she doesn't run, then I might pick James Stavridis.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Heisenberg on July 23, 2016, 01:06:31 AM
Just wondering, if Tim Ashe is Congressman, did Welch vacate his seat to run for Governor or Senator? Or was he primaried out/defeated by an Indy/VT Progressive run of Ashe. Also, did Kasich face any major opponents in the primary? If so, who? And what was his margin of victory in the Senate race?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Kingpoleon on July 23, 2016, 01:40:29 AM
Just wondering, if Tim Ashe is Congressman, did Welch vacate his seat to run for Governor or Senator? Or was he primaried out/defeated by an Indy/VT Progressive run of Ashe. Also, did Kasich face any major opponents in the primary? If so, who? And what was his margin of victory in the Senate race?
I had Welch resign in either 2017 or 2018 due to health problems. He'll turn seventy in 2017.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Pericles on July 23, 2016, 01:46:03 AM
President Hillary for me please.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Heisenberg on July 23, 2016, 01:52:32 AM
Just wondering, if Tim Ashe is Congressman, did Welch vacate his seat to run for Governor or Senator? Or was he primaried out/defeated by an Indy/VT Progressive run of Ashe. Also, did Kasich face any major opponents in the primary? If so, who? And what was his margin of victory in the Senate race?
I had Welch resign in either 2017 or 2018 due to health problems. He'll turn seventy in 2017.
Interesting. Does Ashe run as a Democrat, VT Progressive, or Independent?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Kingpoleon on July 23, 2016, 01:59:36 AM
Just wondering, if Tim Ashe is Congressman, did Welch vacate his seat to run for Governor or Senator? Or was he primaried out/defeated by an Indy/VT Progressive run of Ashe. Also, did Kasich face any major opponents in the primary? If so, who? And what was his margin of victory in the Senate race?
I had Welch resign in either 2017 or 2018 due to health problems. He'll turn seventy in 2017.
Interesting. Does Ashe run as a Democrat, VT Progressive, or Independent?

I'd assume the endorsements of the first two.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Heisenberg on July 23, 2016, 02:18:46 AM
Just wondering, if Tim Ashe is Congressman, did Welch vacate his seat to run for Governor or Senator? Or was he primaried out/defeated by an Indy/VT Progressive run of Ashe. Also, did Kasich face any major opponents in the primary? If so, who? And what was his margin of victory in the Senate race?
I had Welch resign in either 2017 or 2018 due to health problems. He'll turn seventy in 2017.
Interesting. Does Ashe run as a Democrat, VT Progressive, or Independent?

I'd assume the endorsements of the first two.
That's what he'd probably do. Thanks!

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Pericles on July 23, 2016, 04:09:59 AM
I'll take President Hillary and do an announcement later. Can you sign me up for her?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: LLR on July 23, 2016, 06:08:40 AM
I'll take President Hillary and do an announcement later. Can you sign me up for her?
Yes. You don't have to ask twice, will ya let a man sleep?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: LLR on July 23, 2016, 06:11:23 AM
Are the debates included in that game? If yes, when and where will the next debate be held?

Just to be sure, is PM (procedure to get endorsements) an abbreviation of « Private Message »? If that's the case, must these messages be sent only to the Game Moderator?

PM does stand for private message, and you should PM only me.

Debate schedule:

October 8, 2019 in Texas
November 13, 2019 in Ohio
December 2, 2019 in California
December 18, 2019 in Tennessee
January 9, 2020 in Iowa
(there may be a couple more)

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Wells on July 23, 2016, 08:19:54 AM
Joni For President 2020

Red Oak, Iowa   Early Summer

Announcement Speech Transcript

Hello, Iowa. It’s good to be back. Thank you. Thank you. As you may know, I was born in right here in Montgomery County. I grew up on a farm, feeding hogs, my clothes handmade by my mother. And growing up, I had values instilled in me that have helped me throughout my life. Every week, I went to church with my family. If the neighbors needed help, we helped them, and they did the same for me and my family. I was lucky enough to go to a university on a leadership scholarship and I paid the rest through working construction jobs with my father during the summer months. I got married to a Command Sergeant Major and Army Ranger and settled down right back here in Iowa, where I had a lovely daughter, Libby. I taught Sunday school in the very same church I was baptized and married in.

But I saw the lack of leadership and values in Washington and the decay of morals as a loss for America and realized that we needed change. And I wasn’t alone in thinking this. I ran for the Senate to bring the change to Washington and won handily. True Americans like you knew that we need to support our military, rights, and morals. For five years I have tried to bring this change from the Senate. But what I didn’t know was that between Obama and Hillary, our two most obstructionist presidents, such change is all but impossible. And this lack of strong leadership hurts average Americans.

This cannot stand. In order to take America back, we need a serious overhaul at the top. Today, I announce my candidacy for president of the United States! I am running for president because I believe that the change needs to come from somebody who understands the plight of everyday Americans, and knows just what is needed to bring back jobs and work ethic, balance the budget, support our military, and protect the rights of everybody, born and unborn, black and white, man and woman.

I have put forth comprehensive plans that will take America back to a time before Obama and Hillary and the disastrous policies that followed. As president, I will remove the IRS, EPA, and Department of Education. This will save taxpayer dollars and leave it to the states to educate our children much better than the federal government can. I will support open-carry measures and live up to my A rating by the NRA. I will not support any proposed bill that violates the Tenth Amendment while supporting States Rights. I will be a president, not a dictator like Obama or Hillary.

On the economy, I have decided that the government should remove itself as much as possible. As president, I will oppose any burdensome increases in the federal minimum wage and instead leave it to the states to decide what is best for them. I will make the tax code fairer, flatter, and simpler. And I will balance the budget and support a constitutional amendment that requires a balanced budget.

On foreign policy, we must take a stand to protect our interests and promote peace through strength. I will prevent Russian expansionism, halt Iran’s progress with nuclear weapons, stand up to China and North Korea, and finish ISIS once and for all. Meanwhile, I will stand with our allies in Europe and Israel and help them just like my family helped our neighbors when I was a child. With Syria, I think Clinton’s actions have been very harmful not just to the country, but to the region, and you can trust me when I say I will go in a different direction. At the same time, I will reject any migrant with possible terrorist connections from entering the country. Clinton has accepted way too many migrants and we shouldn’t be surprised by all the terror we’re seeing now.

We’re tired of the elitists liberals in Washington trying to divide us and tear America down. We’re tired of big government infringing on our rights and stunting growth. But most of all, we are tired of the failed leadership of Obama and Hillary. Together, we will take America back and end the elitism we see from the Democrats. Together, we will break Washington’s spending addiction and spur economic growth. Together, we will roll back regulations and replace Obamacare with a healthcare system that works for the people, not the politicians. Together, we will strengthen our defense and honor our veterans. Together, we will keep lawbreakers and criminals out of our country and end executive overreach. Together, we will protect the unborn and appoint judges who feel the same way.

This November, when you go to the polls, remember which way you want this country to go. Do you want it to follow the path of Clinton and Obama, the path of reckless spending, weakness, and declining morals? Or do you want to follow the path of economic freedom, self-governance, strength abroad and prosperity at home?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Pericles on July 23, 2016, 10:27:18 AM
President Hillary Rodham Clinton-JULY 25, 2019
"Thank you. Thank you.
Today, I am launching my campaign for re-election. With your support, we can win this election. I am running because we can't let the progress we have made in the last decade be rolled back. We need to build on the progress we have made-the stakes are too high for us to lose. We have had our share of challenges and obstacles, but America is better off since I was elected your President, and we are going to build on the progress we have made.
My opponents like to claim it is all doom and gloom. That is no true. Yes, we have faced challenges. Our economy has faced a short downturn last year. That's not the 'crushing depression' Republicans claimed we have faced. The economy is growing again, thanks to my leadership. The Republican proposal has been to use bigotry and xenophobia, while targeting those who really need help, and instead blowing a hole in our budget with tax cuts. As your President, I refuse to let that happen. I will stand for hard-working Americans. In this administration, we have managed to move towards a fairer tax system, with increases in taxes for the rich, and cuts for hard-working Americans. These measures have created an economy that works for all Americans, and has been fiscally responsible. Also, we have strengthened the economy with much-needed spending on our infrastructure. i am proud of these achievements, and we will build on them.
Now, I have fought tirelessly to keep America safe. My record backs that up. We have rolled back the threat of ISIS, and in foreign policy I have a very successful record. ISIS's supposed caliphate is no more, and this terrible organisation is being battered and beaten. Terrorism remains an issue. But with a steady hand on the tiller, we are winning this way and we are keeping America safe. Gloomy warnings of apocalyptic war and an unsafe America are just not true. We don't need irrationality, we don't need fear and we don't need to go round whacking hornet's nests. What we need is leadership. As President of this great nation, I have provided leadership, and we stand stronger in the world.
I am running for re-election because the progress since I was elected President, and the progress of the Obama presidency is too important to throw away. We have a record we can be proud of, let's stand and fight for it. Republicans are trying to divide us, and win using fear, gloom and negativity. But don't be fooled. They offer no positive vision for our future. All they offer is an America that is less prosperous, less kind, more divided, weakened and closed off. There's a better way. We can have a President who is fighting for you. We can have a President who stands with the American people, to fight for them. Throughout history, we look for the best in our leaders, leaders who can lead by uniting not dividing. Leaders who can lead with hope, not fear. Leaders who can lead this country in the right direction. Sure, we face obstacles, and we face challenges, But they enhance us as a nation. We stand at the crossroads. The Republicans offer gloom, fear, negativity and divisiveness. I offer that we can protect Obamacare, we can protect Dodd-Frank, we can protect our infrastructure investment, we can protect the progress we have made. We can build on it too, finally reforming our broken immigration system, a goal we have made progress too, by continuing to tackle climate change and the challenges we face. We can choose progress, vision and a leadership that unites us and gets the best of us, to build a better America. Come join me in this journey America!.."

Background: In the final two quarters of 2018, the economy fell into a recession, with unemployment rising to 8%. Unemployment has since fallen to 7.3%, but growth has been slow and there are fears of a 'double-dip'.
ISIS had lost most of its territory, but has responded by expanding in other areas and more terrorist attacks.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on July 23, 2016, 11:05:15 AM
Marco Rubio : Week of Sept. 14, 2019-Sept. 20, 2019

September 14th, 2019
Marco Rubio made an appearance at an event at the Freedom Tower in Miami, Florida. He claimed the economic benefits from immigrants' path to American citizenship. In addition of promising to liberalize Cuba, the land of his ancestors, he also promoted free trade with Latin America by affirming that it would reinforce freedom and prosperity in the United States and in Latin America with the influence of free market and that it will help the United States to counterbalance China's trading power since Latin America's economy is as big as China's. Later in the afternoon, Senator Rubio attended a fundraiser in Belle Glade, Florida hosted by Businessman at the Sugar Cane Growers Cooperative of Florida's headquarters. He met his campaign team to organize a foreign policy speech at the Naval Support Activity Orlando on September 15th.

September 15th, 2019
Foreign Policy Speech - Naval Support Activity Orlando at the Central Florida Research Park
Thank you for attending this rally in this time of war and terrorist threat. Eight years ago, President Obama made the mistake of withdrawing our troops from Iraq and to cut military spending, which helped the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) to emerge and expand its territory from Iraq to Syria and to commit many terrorist attacks around the world, including here in Orlando, three years ago, to threat our values of freedom, democracy and justice. Now President Clinton is keeping us in this path to permanent weakness that led to the death of many of our fellow Americans. We have to increase military spending to fight and defeat Radical Islamic terrorism and to defend our allies. We need to take action to defeat ISIS once and for all.

We need to arm and train militarily the Kurds and the Syrian rebellion to make them able to fight ISIS successfully. If we want to defeat ISIS, we also have to deprive it of its sources of supplies, especially oil, by securing those resources and giving them back to Syrians and Iraqis. We also need to reinforce our strategic alliances, especially with Turkey because of its military power and its neighbourhood with Syria and Iraq. Since Turkey is demanding us to topple the tyrannical regime of Bachar al-Assad in exchange of a Turkish military intervention against ISIS, we've got to make Assad's fall a priority as well in order to ensure freedom, democratic transition and security in Syria through reconstruction and to make sure that we're going to stop the division of anti-ISIS forces that, thanks to the elimination of Assad, an internal enemy, will fight against only one enemy : ISIS, because this terrorist organization is profiting from anti-ISIS forces' division to commit more terrorist attacks. One thing does not exclude another.

Time has come to send ground troops in Syria in order to fight and destroy ISIS on its territory and to end Assad's oppression. That way, alongside our NATO allies, Syria, Iraq and the Kurds, we will surround ISIS. This terrorist group will get attacked from every side and will be forced to divide its forces to defend its remaining positions in Syria and Iraq, thus making them weaker. If this kind of scenario helped us to defeat Adolf Hitler  during World War II thanks to the division of the Nazi forces on two fronts in the European continent (the Western Front and the Eastern Front), it can work against ISIS as well. That way, the Middle East will make another great step to democracy, freedom, peace and justice, we will free the territory occupied by ISIS and we will find Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader of ISIS, and then capture or kill him, thus weakening ISIS much more.
It is time of a stronger America, a stronger international security a safer, freer and peaceful world. I will use my foreign policy experience to make it happen. Thank you and God Bless America.

September 16th, 2019

After his campaign flight from Orlando landed in Des Moines, Iowa, Marco Rubio, holds a rally before the Firestone Agricultural Tire Company. Since agriculture is Iowa's main economic activity, the Florida Senator promises tax cuts and tax credits for all U.S. businesses, including tractor companies and seed companies. including tractor manufacturing companies as well as seed companies and to give them tax credits in order to help these companies to innovate, to create new jobs and to increase the production of agricultural tractors and seeds, thus helping Iowans and Americans to accomplish their agricultural activities and ensure their subsistence. Rubio affirms that energy independence will also boost tractor manufacturing as well as the effectiveness of new agricultural technologies. He argues that his plan will reduce Iowans' and Americans' dependence on food stamps by the reduction of inflation and food prices, which will reinforce their purchasing power and give them more access to food. Later that day, Rubio and his campaign team wrote and organized a speech on freedom of religion scheduled on September 17th, in Sioux City, Iowa and has the goal of wooing Evangelical Christian conservatives.

September 17th, 2019

Freedom of religion speech - St Joseph's Catholic Church, Sioux City, Iowa

Thank you for this warm welcome in the blessed city of Sioux City.
During all my political career, I fought for freedom of religion because it gives every American the right to practice any religion and because freedom of religion is a basic element of the First that is defending not only freedom of religion, but also freedom of speech and freedom of the press, all values of our democracy.

But in this time of growing jihadist threat, all these values, including freedom of religion, are threatened by radical Islamic terrorism. We saw it around the world, including here in the United States during the Orlando shooting, three years ago. In the Middle East, jihadists from ISIS are beheading Christians and they are trying to impose Islam through violence. And by promoting violence, ISIS is not respecting Islam's rules and is not respecting the right to practice any religion. This is valuating freedom, democracy, justice and integrity That's why I fought for freedom of religion by legislating a bill on this matter in the Senate. And I will keep fighting for freedom of religion as your president by sending troops in the Middle East to combat ISIS and protect your local coreligionists if necessary. By eradicating ISIS, we will reinforce freedom of religion here and abroad, thus ensuring the defense of democracy, freedom and justice. Your coreligionists in the Middle East will be safe, people will be allowed to speak their mind and every religion around the world will be saved from persecution.
Iran wants the death of Israel, our greatest ally in the Middle East. Tehran is demonstrating this by using the capital gains earned from diplomatic sanctions lifting to keep developing its nuclear military program. In addition, Iran is supporting and funding Hezbollah to commit terrorist attacks in the Middle East, especially Israel. Israel's destruction would almost lead to Judaism's extinction. This would also be a disastrous violation of the freedom of religion, freedom of speech and democracy. For this reason, I take the pledge to re-establish sanctions against Tehran to keep capitals from falling in the hands of the the Iranian government. I have a plan to create an association between nations included in the Indian Sub-Continent (India, Pakistan and Afghanistan) in order to stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons. After all, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India have common goals and common enemies. These three countries suffered terrorist attacks and are fighting terrorism. But for many years, India and Pakistan are facing high diplomatic tensions on religious and territorial matters. But they both successfully fought for their liberty and defeated British colonial oppression seven decades ago. So these two nations are, in some ways, brothers and they need to work together to fight and eradicate Islamic terrorism and make sure that Pakistani nuclear weapons will not fall in the hands of terrorists. In addition, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India, just like us, are worried about the possibility of Iran getting a nuclear bomb. Support for the Iranian military nuclear among the Iranian public opinion is still strong. So we need to create this intergovernmental military alliance in the Indian Sub-Continent to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons and to defeat radical Islamic terrorism in Afghanistan and in Pakistan. This plan will defend freedom of religion as well in addition of ensuring liberty and security in the Middle East.
This is the responsibility of a commander-in-chief to guarantee liberty and justice for all and I take the pledge to fulfill this responsibility as President of the United States. Thank you, God Bless you and God Bless America.

September 18th, 2019

11:00 AM ET : Meet with the voters in Davenport
4:00 PM ET : Address the Iowa Farm Business Association in Ames, Iowa.
9:00 PM ET : Fundraiser event at MidAmerican Energy Company in Council Bluffs

September 19th, 2019

10:00 AM ET : Fundraiser event in Cedar Rapids, Iowa
3:30 PM ET : Speech to the Manchester, NH Chamber of Commerce
7:30 PM ET : Speech at Segway Inc.'s headquarter in Manchester

September 20th, 2019

10:30 AM ET : Speech in Concord, NH in favor of the expansion of the Quebec – New England Transmission
1:00 PM ET : Fundraiser event in Concord
4:00 PM ET : Meet with the voters at Franklin Pierce University in Concord
7:00 PM ET : Debate preparation

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Kingpoleon on July 24, 2016, 09:32:45 PM
Tim Ashe Schedule: September 14-20, 2019

September 14:
- Town Hall in Manchester, NH
- Town Hall in Manchester, NH
- Barnstorm Manchester, NH
- Town Hall in Nashua, NH
- Town Hall in Nashua, NH
- Barnstorm Nashua, NH
Quote from: Tim Ashe
I would agree to as many debates as the President would like. If she refuses to debate me, I intend to call her out on it. If she really believes in democracy, the root word of our party's name, she will agree to debate me. I intend to call her out on the issues. With her in charge, we have no universal health care. We have no college tuition for most students who work hard. We have no campaign finance reform. It is time for we the people to take our country back!

September 15:
- Town Hall in Concord, NH
- Town Hall in Concord, NH
- Barnstorm Concord, NH
- Barnstorm Concord, NH
- Barnstorm Manchester, NH
- Barnstorm Nahua, NH

September 16:
- Town Hall in Manchester, NH
- Town Hall in Manchester, NH
- Barnstorm Manchester, NH
- Town Hall in Nashua, NH
- Town Hall in Nashua, NH
- Barnstorm Nashua, NH
Quote from: Tim Ashe
The ideals of progressivism inspired a movement that won this state in a landslide just three and a half years ago. Those ideals have not yet been brought to pass. I promise you, though, that with my administration, we will bring about the implementation of those ideals. If you can, volunteer for the campaign. If you can't volunteer, donate. If you can't donate, phone bank for us. If you can't phone bank, vote. Through these means and no other will we hold President Clinton accountable for her milquetoast liberalism.

September 17:
- Town Hall in Concord, NH
- Town Hall in Concord, NH
- Barnstorm Concord, NH
- Town Hall in Dover, NH
- Barnstorm Dover, NH
- Barnstorm Derry, NH

September 18:
- Town Hall in Dover, NH
- Barnstorm Dover, NH
- Barnstorm Dover, NH
- Town Hall in Derry, NH
- Town Hall in Derry, NH
- Barnstorm Derry, NH
Quote from: Tim Ashe
My fellow Americans, it is to you I speak today. For four years President Clinton has been a buck that fails to deliver. The buck has failed to deliver universal healthcare and campaign finance reform. The buck has failed to deliver Glass-Steagall and banking regulations. The buck has failed to deliver on college debt and tuition. I call on all progressives and Americans throughout the country to come out and vote, so that we may win New Hampshire. Ladies and gentlemen, her buck stops here!

September 19:
- Town Hall in Manchester, NH
- Barnstorm Manchester, NH
- Town Hall in Nashua, NH
- Barnstorm Nashua, NH
- Town Hall in Concord, NH
- Barnstorm Concord, NH

September 20:
- Barnstorm Manchester, NH
- Barnstorm Nashua, NH
- Town Hall in Derry, NH
- Barnstorm Derry, NH
- Town Hall in Dover, NH
- Barnstorm Dover, NH
Quote from: Tim Ashe
Progressives are frustrated, and they have every right to be. Throughout the country, the national party has tried to stifle our voice. From Indiana, where they tried to push out Tom Sugar, to Alaska, where the establishment tried to stifle the progressive maverick Begich from running this cycle, we have seen a stunning lack of concern for the ideals of progressive. I call on every progressive throughout the country to not let our movement go quietly in the night. Do not surrender without a fight. It is time for sweeping change. Let's take our country back!

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Heisenberg on July 24, 2016, 10:26:44 PM
Kasich for US 2020
Westerville, Ohio - July 24, 2019

Thank you, people of Ohio for all your support. It has been my pleasure representing you. While in Congress, I led the budget committee in the 1990's when we balanced the budget. After my tenure in Congress, I returned to the private sector. In 2010, after one term of Ted Strickland's disastrous governorship, which saw no economic growth in our state, many jobs lost, and a deficit rise up to $8 billion, I decided to return to politics and run for governor. After a tough race, we won. While in office, I took the state from an 8 billion dollar hole to a 2 billion dollar surplus, and eliminated the state's estate tax. During my time in office, Ohio also saw a 9.3% increase in private sector jobs.
In 2014, I was reelected governor by a large margin, carrying all but two of the state's counties. In my second term, I continued to cut taxes while boosting state funding for higher education and allocating much-needed money to maintain and repair our state's infrastructure. I also fought the opioid epidemic in Ohio by making naloxone, a life-saving antidote available without a prescription. By the end of my second term, I maintained very high approval ratings, higher than any other governor in the midwest.
In 2018, when I was term-limited, I decided to run for the US Senate to return to Washington to introduce legislation that will do what I did for Ohio for the whole county. I defeated incumbent Sherrod Brown by a comfortable margin, uniting conservatives and moderates as well as attracting significant crossover support. Hillary Clinton's presidency has done nothing to our country but continue  Obama's spending policies that keep increasing our national debt. America cannot afford another four years of Hillary Clinton, so I am pleased to announce that I am running for President of the United States!
Remember that we are not a nation of Republicans and Democrats, we are all Americans. Unlike Donald Trump three years ago, I will unite people rather than divide. Many people are worried about the direction our country is headed, but my campaign will provide light and hope. And we will be united to win the White House! Our campaign is positive and we look ahead to the bright future of America under the Kasich administration! We will end out-of-control spending, balance the budget, welcome new legal immigrants, repair our infrastructure, and defeat ISIS!
It's time for new strong, honest, and effective leadership that can unite America! I believe I can get support from people all across this nation so I can serve as commander-in-chief of this great nation. Thanks and God bless!

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on July 24, 2016, 10:40:17 PM
Kasich for US 2020
Westerville, Ohio - July 24, 2019

Thank you, people of Ohio for all your support. It has been my pleasure representing you. While in Congress, I led the budget committee in the 1990's when we balanced the budget. After my tenure in Congress, I returned to the private sector. In 2010, after one term of Ted Strickland's disastrous governorship, which saw no economic growth in our state, many jobs lost, and a deficit rise up to $8 billion, I decided to return to politics and run for governor. After a tough race, we won. While in office, I took the state from an 8 billion dollar hole to a 2 billion dollar surplus, and eliminated the state's estate tax. During my time in office, Ohio also saw a 9.3% increase in private sector jobs.
In 2014, I was reelected governor by a large margin, carrying all but two of the state's counties. In my second term, I continued to cut taxes while boosting state funding for higher education and allocating much-needed money to maintain and repair our state's infrastructure. I also fought the opioid epidemic in Ohio by making naloxone, a life-saving antidote available without a prescription. By the end of my second term, I maintained very high approval ratings, higher than any other governor in the midwest.
In 2018, when I was term-limited, I decided to run for the US Senate to return to Washington to introduce legislation that will do what I did for Ohio for the whole county. I defeated incumbent Sherrod Brown by a comfortable margin, uniting conservatives and moderates as well as attracting significant crossover support. Hillary Clinton's presidency has done nothing to our country but continue  Obama's spending policies that keep increasing our national debt. America cannot afford another four years of Hillary Clinton, so I am pleased to announce that I am running for President of the United States!
Remember that we are not a nation of Republicans and Democrats, we are all Americans. Unlike Donald Trump three years ago, I will unite people rather than divide. Many people are worried about the direction our country is headed, but my campaign will provide light and hope. And we will be united to win the White House! Our campaign is positive and we look ahead to the bright future of America under the Kasich administration! We will end out-of-control spending, balance the budget, welcome new legal immigrants, repair our infrastructure, and defeat ISIS!
It's time for new strong, honest, and effective leadership that can unite America! I believe I can get support from people all across this nation so I can serve as commander-in-chief of this great nation. Thanks and God bless!

How did you post the image?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Mike Thick on July 24, 2016, 10:51:26 PM

South Carolina Senator Tim Scott announces his 2020 Presidential bid at an event in Charleston

Quote from: Tim Scott's Announcement Speech
Hello, South Carolina!


I am here today to announce my candidacy for President of the United States!


You know, I was talking this over with my family and my friends when I was thinking about whether or not to run. One day, I was mulling it over with a good friend of mine, a Congressman. So he says, "Tim, why do you want to be President?"

Why do I want to be President?

My friends, America is the greatest country in the world. It's been that way ever since we were founded, way back in the 18th century. Nobody else in the world did it like we did back then -- worked on the principle that men were born to rule themselves, and no man was entitled from the day he was born to rule another. Since that day, we have become a shining example for other nations to follow, and today much of the world is as free as we are. I am running for President because I am proud of what my country is, and because I want to maintain and build on the values and policies that have made it that way.

Recent times, though, have not been good for our nation. Unemployment is climbing, poverty is on the rise, and big government is crowding out individual freedom. Indeed, we seem to be letting go of the very things that made out nation as great as it is and was -- liberty, good governance, and equality for everyone. However, it isn't too late to make a change. I am running for President because I want to help make our country into the shining city on the hill that Ronald Reagan spoke of, and that I know America will always be!

We can start by getting Government out of the economy. Over the past twelve years, overreach from the Fed has choked businesses big and small alike, shrunken middle-class paychecks, and caused the slowest economic recovery in history to be followed by yet another economic slump. I am running because we need to let loose free enterprise, and let the American economy become the envy of the world once more!

It isn't just at home that our nation has been weakened, though -- America is not as strong abroad as it once was, and needs to be. Terrorism is wreaking havoc across the globe, and President Clinton's foreign policy has done nothing to make Americans safer, and it has done nothing to make the world a better place. I am running so I can keep the threat of terrorism away from our shores, and prevent ISIS from taking any more innocent lives!

It's easy to think that this, conservatism, is just nostalgia. You know, looking back at better times and trying to return to the past. I don't see it like that. I see conservatism as progress -- moving away from the devastating policies of Obama and Clinton, and towards a brighter future for us and our children. I am running for President because I want to move our country forward.

My friends, change is coming. The last twelve years have been dark for us, but the sun is rising. I am running for President to change America, and I hope you will join me! Thank you, and God bless America!

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Heisenberg on July 24, 2016, 11:17:30 PM
To post an image, click on the picture of an image (below the I), and it will type () for you. Type the URL of the image between.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: AuH2O Republican on July 25, 2016, 02:57:41 AM
I have had a manic weekend and already look quite a bit behind, so Mia Love will be dropping out of the race.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Mike Thick on July 25, 2016, 03:06:56 PM

Senator Tim Scott discusses strategy with his campaign staff

Quote from: @mikeallen
Sources tell me @SenatorTimScott campaign will focus heavily on Southern states like SC and TN, as well as IA.

Quote from: @mikeallen
@SenatorTimScott will kick off his campaign with a swing through South Carolina and Tennessee.

Quote from: @mikeallen
Sources also say @SenatorTimScott will aggressively pursue the 2016 donor base of @tedcruz

September 14:
- Town hall and meet-and-greet at North Charleston High School (location of announcement) in SC
- Meet-and-greet in North Charleston, SC
- Fundraising dinner in Charleston, SC

September 15:
- Interviews on Sunday shows such as Meet the Press, Fox News Sunday, and Face the Nation
- Sunday service at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church (Mother Emanuel) in Charleston. Senator Scott gives a brief address about race relations in America

Quote from: Excerpt from Tim Scott's Remarks at Mother Emanuel
I'm well aware that racial tensions in America are high. And what is critical here is a climate of mutual respect, where police officers respect black folks and black folks show respect to police officers. But the simple fact is that it's impossible to say there isn't a problem -- when black men like us are exponentially more likely to be killed by police that our white counterparts, we're right to be concerned. That's why, during my time in the Senate, I have worked tirelessly for criminal justice reform, and I will continue to do so until we can feel safe in our communities and in our homes again.

- Barnstorming and meet-and-greet in Summerville, SC
- Barnstorming in Hilton Head Island, SC
- Meeting with campaign volunteers and staff in Columbia, SC to help open up his campaign office in the city

September 16:
- Constituent breakfast in Columbia, SC
- Barnstorming and town hall in Orangeburg, SC
- Barnstorming and town hall in Lexington, SC
- Rally in Newberry, SC
- Fundraising dinner in Rock Hill, SC

September 17:
- Fundraising breakfast in Rock Hill, SC
- Barnstorming, town hall, and meet-and-greet in Spartanburg, SC
- Meeting with donors (fundraising) in Spartanburg, SC
- Barnstorming and meet-and-greet in Greenville, SC
- Town hall in Gaffney, SC

September 18:
- Flight from Greenville-Spartanburg Airport to Chattanooga, TN
- Barnstorming, town hall, and meet-and-greet in Chattanooga, TN
- Campaign announces the opening of several "storefront" field offices in Iowa, Tennessee, and South Carolina via press release at noon

Quote from: Excerpt from Scott 2020 Press Release
The Tim Scott campaign is pleased to announce that they will be opening five campaign offices, including state campaign headquarters in Charleston, South Carolina; Nashville, Tennessee; and Des Moines, Iowa; in addition to other offices in Cedar Rapids, Iowa; and Columbia, South Carolina.

- Town hall and meet-and-greet in Pulaski, TN
- Barnstorming and town hall in Shelbyville, TN

September 19:
- Meeting with donors in Nashville, TN
- Town hall and meet-and-greet in Nashville, TN
- Speech at historically black Fisk University in Nashville, TN

Quote from: Excerpt from Tim Scott's Remarks at Fisk University
You know, I know I'm running against Speaker Ryan, but we do agree on... well, a lot of things, but especially one thing: Republicans need to go places they never dreamed of going if we're going to succeed. We need to get the message out to people like you folks and myself that tax cuts are going to put money in everyone's pocket -- whether you're black or white or brown or any color of the rainbow. Economic growth will help everyone. Defeating ISIS will help to protect all Americans - not just white folks. As Reagan said, a rising tide lifts all boats.

- Barnstorming and town hall in Smyrna, TN

September 20:
- Phone calls with potential donors for most of the day
- Rally in Nashville, TN
- Meet-and-greet dinner in Nashville, TN
- Attends a Friday night show at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville, briefly addresses concertgoers

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Progressive on July 25, 2016, 07:58:12 PM
Is it too late to join?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: LLR on July 25, 2016, 08:00:10 PM

Nah. Just get your sh*t done by the morning.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Progressive on July 25, 2016, 08:01:44 PM

Is there a synopsis version of just how exactly it works? Can I be any candidate I want?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: LLR on July 25, 2016, 08:05:38 PM

Is there a synopsis version of just how exactly it works? Can I be any candidate I want?

First post for synopsis, be whoever you want to be.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Wells on July 25, 2016, 08:31:06 PM
Joni Ernst Campaign Schedule: September 14 - 20, 2019

September 14 - Ernst held a morning town hall in Milan, NH where she commented on many different issues. That afternoon she held another town hall in Berlin, NH where she also spoke on a wide variety of subjects, from Hillary Clinton to voting restrictions. That same day, the Ernst campaign opened a new campaign office in South Carolina. (HQ is in Des Moines, Iowa.)

"It just makes sense that a photo ID should be required to vote. There are too many cases of voter fraud to be acceptable in today's political climate, especially when elections are as close as they are. Just one or two false votes undermine the entire institution of democracy and just isn't fair to law-abiding voters who follow the rules."

September 15 - Ernst spent the morning visiting small businesses in Berlin, where she had short discussions with the owners about her economic plans, especially how she wanted to cut their taxes. That afternoon, Ernst appeared for a pre-recorded interview on the local TV stations in northern NH. She was grilled on her staunchly conservative social views but responded by mentioning values and morals and her childhood. She held a rally in Berlin that evening, where she highlighted her stances on crime, singling out BLM by accusing them of instigating violence against police. (The largest contributor to Berlin’s economy is correctional facilities.)

“For too long, we have idly stood by as these so called ‘activist groups’ encourage violence and scapegoat entire groups of people. The Ferguson Effect is a very real phenomenon, and I could not be more disappointed at Clinton’s apathy towards the very real dangers police officers face every day. We need a strong leader, who will stand behind our police officers and understands what it is like to put their life on the line for law and order. Let’s label Black Lives Matter as a terrorist group instead of an activist group and start correcting these anti-police feelings.”

September 16 - Ernst spent the morning with students and teachers at Gorham High School, New Hampshire, talking about her education and economic plans. She defended her positions on unions from one of the angry (female) teachers, but she connected well with the students. That night, she appeared as a guest on Hannity.

“The federal government should not be getting involved with things like education. Washington bureaucrats don’t know a thing about what children and young adults need in order to get ahead in life. Those who do are at the state and local levels of government. Under my presidency, we will end No Child Left Behind and the Common Core. Teachers, students, and even parents like me all agree that there is just too much uniform testing in the current system of education. The perfect antidote is the localizing of education in the United States.”

September 17 - Ernst arrived in Nashville, Tennessee at noon. One hour later, she held a fundraising party, where she made brief remarks about the free market and her upcoming tax plan. That evening, she held a rally in Nashville, talking with voters personally before it started. In her speech, she focused on her foreign and social policy stances, though she did mention her tax plan.

“I am proud to have served in uniform as a member of the National Guard. And my status as a veteran has influenced my policymaking in the Senate and you can surely bet that it will influence my policymaking as president. I will fight to make sure our men and women in uniform have the tools necessary to preserve our values and defend our nation. We must give them the very best training and equipment, establish missions with clear, attainable objectives, and ensure we have the best leaders.”

September 18 - Ernst spent the morning talking with factory workers in Nashville about how her economic plans would spur growth in the industry sector. One of the angry workers disagreed with her on unions, but she knew how to handle it this time. She held another fundraising lunch before heading to Springfield (TN), where she held a town hall where she was asked about values,  morals, energy, and healthcare, among other things.

“It’s time to put people back in charge of their health care, not Washington bureaucrats. The Affordable Care Act, which is anything but affordable, should be repealed and will be repealed on day one of my presidency. This disaster has added 1.2 trillion dollars in taxes to hardworking Americans. Businesses have seen their growth disappear. Patients have lost access to doctors. This is not right. I support a replacement that will put the free market in charge of healthcare. This plan will increase growth, decrease premiums, and let people see their doctors once again."

September 19 - Ernst visited Clarksville the next day, spending the morning going to restaurants and talking to voters about the issues important to them. That evening, she held a rally. In her speech, she outlined her foreign policy.

“We must work with our allies around the world to strengthen our security and their security, especially in Israel. We must counter ISIS and other international terrorist groups. We must deter the aggression of Russia and Iran and counter China’s rise. We, with other nations, must face these threats together to achieve global stability in an era with so many challenges.”

September 20 - Ernst flew back to her campaign headquarters in Des Moines, Iowa. There, she prepared for the debate for one hour. She held another fundraising lunch. That evening, she gave a speech in Des Moines, focusing on her Senate achievements.

“I have sponsored legislation relating to the Kurds in Iraq and how they are an ally in defeating ISIS. We need all the help we can get in dealing with terrorist organizations, and I know that we are stronger when we are numerous and united. I have introduced bills that helped our veterans and expanded our military. As president, I would do the same.”

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: LLR on July 26, 2016, 07:52:47 AM
I don't think I have time to process this turn until this afternoon, but I haven't abandoned y'all, don't worry!

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Senator Cris on July 26, 2016, 08:26:57 AM
Why are you posting the schedules from Sept. 14 to Sept. 20 when in the introductory post it's said that Turn 1 is just announcements and that Turn 2 is from Sept. 21 to Sept. 28?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on July 26, 2016, 12:05:11 PM
Why are you posting the schedules from Sept. 14 to Sept. 20 when in the introductory post it's said that Turn 1 is just announcements and that Turn 2 is from Sept. 21 to Sept. 28?

Maybe because our announcements were made long before the week Sept. 14-20.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Mike Thick on July 26, 2016, 12:25:34 PM
I just did it because everyone else was doing it :P

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Kingpoleon on July 26, 2016, 12:54:55 PM
I just did it because everyone else was doing it :P

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Wells on July 26, 2016, 12:56:38 PM

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: New_Conservative on July 26, 2016, 05:30:30 PM
I posted a schedule because I assumed that if I'd announce on the 14th I could campaign for that week. My bad.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: LLR on July 26, 2016, 07:40:45 PM
If anyone, for any reason, wants to take over for me, please do.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on July 26, 2016, 11:23:10 PM
Just to be sure, if we don't have enough place to write all our schedule in only one post, is that possible to divide it on two posts for one turn? For example : Schedule part 1 and Schedule part 2?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: LLR on July 27, 2016, 06:47:27 AM
Just to be sure, if we don't have enough place to write all our schedule in only one post, is that possible to divide it on two posts for one turn? For example : Schedule part 1 and Schedule part 2?


Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: LLR on July 27, 2016, 07:04:22 AM
Turn 2: September 21 to 28

Democratic Primary Polling
Hillary Clinton 77%
Tim Ashe 6%

Iowa Democratic Caucus Polling
Hillary Clinton 74%
Tim Ashe 10%

NH Democratic Primary Polling
Hillary Clinton 53%
Tim Ashe 33%

Republican Primary Poll
Paul Ryan 20%
Marco Rubio 16%
Joni Ernst 14%
Tim Scott 13%
Cory Gardner 9%
John Kasich 7%
James Comey 4%
Tom Cotton 3%

Iowa Republican Primary Poll
Ernst 25%
Ryan 16%
Scott 11%
Rubio 11%
Gardner 6%
Comey 4%
Kasich 3%
Cotton 3%

New Hampshire Republican Primary Poll
Marco Rubio 23%
Paul Ryan 16%
John Kasich 15%
Tim Scott 11%
Joni Ernst 10%
Cory Gardner 8%
James Comey 6%
Tom Cotton 2%

Do your stuff for this turn by the end of Monday, August 1. Thanks! ;)

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on July 27, 2016, 07:23:24 AM
Turn 2: September 21 to 28

Democratic Primary Polling
Hillary Clinton 77%
Tim Ashe 6%

Iowa Democratic Caucus Polling
Hillary Clinton 74%
Tim Ashe 10%

NH Democratic Primary Polling
Hillary Clinton 53%
Tim Ashe 33%

Republican Primary Poll
Paul Ryan 20%
Marco Rubio 16%
Joni Ernst 14%
Tim Scott 13%
Cory Gardner 9%
John Kasich 7%
James Comey 4%
Tom Cotton 3%

Iowa Republican Primary Poll
Ernst 25%
Ryan 16%
Scott 11%
Rubio 11%
Gardner 6%
Comey 4%
Kasich 3%
Cotton 3%

New Hampshire Republican Primary Poll
Marco Rubio 23%
Paul Ryan 16%
John Kasich 15%
Tim Scott 11%
Joni Ernst 10%
Cory Gardner 8%
James Comey 6%
Tom Cotton 2%

Do your stuff for this turn by the end of Monday, August 1. Thanks! ;)

« Stuff », you mean our schedule?

And also, you mean that the third turn will begin at August 1?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: LLR on July 27, 2016, 07:25:45 AM
« Stuff », you mean our schedule?

And also, you mean that the third turn will begin at August 1?

Sure, kid, whatever.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on July 27, 2016, 07:27:40 AM

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on July 27, 2016, 09:23:53 AM
Marco Rubio : Week of Sept. 21, 2019-Sept. 27, 2019, Part 1

September 21st, 2019

Education policy speech - Saint Anselm College, Goffstown, NH

We are a nation of immigrants and diversity is a good reputation for America. We need to make sure they can be integrated while our borders are secured. I was raised paycheck to paycheck and many immigrant families are living paycheck to paycheck so their kids don't have the same chance as other families to have the skills to succeed in America's schools.

The America my parents came to 63 years ago was one where you could find a middle income job even without a higher education. That is how they succeeded to the middle class, working as a bartender and a maid. But they desperately wanted their children to have even more than that. Giving us the chance at a better life was their American Dream. My parents did not make enough to save for our education. But I managed to use Pell grants, student loans, work study and summer jobs to pay for a four-year degree and eventually law school.
Not all college majors have the same success rate in terms of students' connection with good jobs. At the national level, majors like business, liberal arts, and hospitality have underemployment rates at 50 percent if not more. There are more graduates than jobs in these sectors. Meanwhile, engineering, health services and education all have underemployment rates under 25 percent. It's imperative that we reverse this tendency.

We need to promote school choice, which will cost families, including these immigrant families living paycheck to paycheck, less and produce higher outcomes compared to public education. It will grant parents the power to orientate their children out of poorly-performing schools assigned by zip code and look for better education elsewhere. It will expand opportunities for low-income students—especially minorities—to attend high-quality schools that would otherwise be accessible only to higher-income families, thus increasing their chances of success and of entry into the workforce.
China & India graduate more science & engineering PhDs, which is boosting their innovation knowledge faster than ours, boosting their industries and helping them creating much more new businesses and jobs than we do. So we need to increase education investing to make it easier to create the jobs of tomorrow and help students studying in business administration or in engineering to create, open and develop new businesses that will create more jobs thanks to increased knowledge. New Hampshire can be proud of one of its remarkable families : the Sununu family, a great and honorable family of innovators that is prominent in the fields of business and politics represents a great example of job creation and prosperity through knowledge. Let's give all American people this chance.

That's how we will create the good-paying jobs of tomorrow and strengthen America's reputation as the land of opportunity.

That's what we can call the knowledge economy. We must put our children's needs first, ahead of the teacher unions' interests. School choice will give a chance for all Americans to accomplish the American Dream. By investing in education, we will create more companies and remain the number one country in the world in terms of job creation. Thank you! Que Dios bendiga los Estados Unidos de América!

September 22nd, 2019

Energy policy speech - Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant, Seabrook, NH

Like we all agree with, economic growth requires energy independence and innovation. The CTA named me Innovation Policy Ninja, which is why I promote economic growth through innovation. We must use all our energies, oil, gas, nuclear, wind, solar energy and electrical energy. The Energy Information Administration reported that New Hampshire's energy consumption and per capita energy consumption are among the lowest in the country. We need to increase it if we want to create new jobs. New Hampshire represents a perfect example of this desire to develop the electric industry since the Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant is the largest nuclear reactor in New England and provides about 30 % of New Hampshire's electricity. I have a plan to boost our electric industry as well as our nuclear industry. I support an expansion of the Quebec–New England Electric Power Transmission to create new American jobs and develop new electric technologies that will help us creating more jobs. I will also, as President of the United States, woo French private investors with electric industry skills during the World Economic Forum in Davos (Switzerland) in order to help our electric and nuclear industries growing thanks to nuclear technologies adopted by France, one of our greatest partners and one of the greatest nuclear producers in the world. That way, not only new American jobs will be created, but more Americans will have access to electricity.

September 23rd, 2019

Marco Rubio flew to Charleston, South Carolina. He announced the opening of five campaign offices in Des Moines, Iowa; Manchester, New Hampshire; Charleston, South Carolina; Las Vegas, Nevada and state campaign headquarters in Miami, Florida. He attended an fundraising dinner in Charleston. He then appeared at an event and made a speech in front of his supporters the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, where nine people were killed by a white supremacist on June 17, 2015.

Speech on African-Americans' living conditions - Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, SC :

In the last ten years, African-Americans' living conditions have not improved. Racism is still alive today and the violent deaths of African-Americans, including here in Charleston (2015), Saint Paul (2016), Minnesota and Baton Rouge (2016), Louisiana, demonstrated it, whether these murders were committed by criminals, terrorists or policemen. Like I said, if you are white in America, you cannot fully understand what it means to be black in America. The racial tensions got worse than they were ten years ago and the economic depression we are actually living has deepen racial inequalities. We need a reformed criminal code, which criminal regulations and laws are easier to understand, a reform of civil forfeiture by which people suspected of crimes will be deprived of private property. We also need economic growth for all the American people, including African-Americans. So we have to promote school choice to give them an easier access to education and to champion our automotive industry by increasing oil and gas productions and cutting taxes on business because Detroit, capital of the American automotive industry, is now in bankruptcy, which have cost too many jobs, especially among African-Americans, and could contribute to the bankruptcy of other great cities of the Midwest (a region where a massive African-American population is living) like Chicago, Milwaukee, etc.

Since the beginning of its existence, the Republican Party has been an inclusive party and will keep this status. That's why Abraham Lincoln has freed African-Americans from slavery and that's why I appreciate Governor Haley's decision to remove the Confederate flag from the South Carolina State House after the Charleston shooting in 2015, because we will never tolerate discrimination because the American people must stay united and stand with an optimistic agenda like mine that will create jobs and opportunity in order to restore the American Dream.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on July 27, 2016, 09:26:02 AM
Marco Rubio : Week of Sept. 21, 2019-Sept. 27, 2019, Part 2

September 24th, 2019
-Phone calls with potential donors for most of the morning
-Interview on Face the Nation
-At The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina (in Charleston), Senator Rubio gives an address about his foreign policy accomplishments in the Senate, the importance of promoting geopolitical alliances and the urgency of increasing defense spending.

Foreign policy speech - The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina, Charleston, SC :

In the U.S. Senate, I chaired the Committee on Foreign Relations, I know how diplomacy works. As President, I will use my diplomatic experience to strengthen our relations with our allies and create new alliances. I cited the example of a military collaboration similar to NATO between the powers of the Pacific to prevent any Chinese aggression or any North Korean nuclear attack against its neighbours. I also cited the example of a military collaboration between our country, India, Pakistan and Afghanistan to fight Islamic terrorism and prevent any nuclear attack by Iran. Such alliances can work because all these countries have common goals like fighting Islamic terrorism, stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons or prevent a geopolitical crisis in the Pacific.
In the end of my first term in the Senate, I co-sponsored the National Defence Authorisation Act (NDAA)-2017 that bolstered and strengthened our defense ties between United States and India, a strategic ally in the Indian Sub-Continent. This bill
With our military power and with the collaboration of our allies, we will manage to defeat our enemies and that's why I will promote strength through unity as commander-in-chief. Like we always say since America's birth : « United We Stand ».
Four years ago, I supported sanctions on Hezbollah, which made this terrorist organization less capable of threatening Israel by supporting Palestinian extremists, of helping militarily the Assad regime in Syria and of helping Iran in getting nuclear weapon. Just like Iran, Hezbollah is threatening freedom of religion by threatening Israel, a Jewish nation. With Mossad's collaboration, we'll be able to discover any conspiracy fomented by Hezbollah against us and our allies, making our foes in the Middle East weaker and making this region safer than it was ever before.
In the last ten years, the world has grown more dangerous while our military suffered disastrous defense cuts. The threats to our nation and international security and peace like ISIS, Al Qaida, Iran, Russia, Syria, China and North Korea have continued to multiply. With a military built for the 20th century rather than the 21st, how can we expect a strong national security? As Commander-in-chief, I will restore American strength by giving our troops the training and equipment to combat successfully the threats they will face, by increasing defense spending to ensure our armed forces' readiness and to modernize our military. I will extend the size of the Marine to 182 000 men and the size of the Army to 490 000 to reverse the cuts in military spending and allow us to send more troops in Europe to stop the Russian agression.
I will recapitalize our Navy and increase the size of our fleet to at least 323 ships by 2028, reversing cuts that have slashed our fleet to its smallest size since World War I. Because a major part of this effort must be to ensure a large and modern U.S. submarine fleet, I will order at least two Virginia-class submarines to be built each year.

South Carolina has an important role to play in this process. The Navy’s Nuclear Power School, located just outside of Charleston, helps train the next generation of officers and enlisted sailors to operate many of the vanguard ships in our fleet. In all, defense spending accounted for more than six billion dollars in economic activity in South Carolina in 2014. That’s $1,262 per resident. A strong defense industrial base is necessary to our national security and our local economies as well, and that is why I will oppose more rounds of base realignment and closure, which endangers vital military installations in the Palmetto State and across the country.

To make sure that the 21st Century will be an American century, we need a strong American military, an element of our security and prosperity. And that's why I am running for president. For a long time, South Carolina has made a vital contribution to our defense and when I am Commander-in-chief it will continue to help ensure that Americans are safe and free. Thank you, God bless our men and women and uniform, God bless our veterans and God bless America.

September 25th, 2019

-Barnstorming in Goose Creek, SC
-Foreign policy speech at Nuclear Power School in Goose Creek, SC :
In this time of growing international threats, we need to increase defense spending to counter these threats, which requires improving our military. We can do it by balancing the budget through tax cuts, job creation, free market policies as well as research and innovation supporting. Many military universities and colleges here in South Carolina like the Nuclear Power School partnered to ensure military arsenal improvement by research and innovation. That way, once the budget balanced, we can use the budget surplus to innovate our military arsenal, making our military much more powerful, our enemies much more weaker and the world much more safer.
We must show our solidarity with our allies, including Ukraine. We need to arm the Ukrainian troops and bring them military training. Russia is training and arming the pro-Russian rebellion, well Ukrainian troops will be able to defeat this insurgency and to defend their country with American military knowledge and weapons. Turkey's geographical position in proximity with Ukraine as well as a deployment of our fleet and our allies' fleets will help us to surround the pro-Russian insurgents occupying Crimea. Then, it will be more easy to free Crimea and give it back to Ukraine. By supplying powerful submarines to Ukraine, the Ukrainian Naval Forces will be able to defeat the Russian Navy on the Black Sea if Russia ever decides to launch naval attacks against Ukraine.
By the way, if we increase diplomatic and economic sanctions against Russia, it will devalue Russian gas, which will make Ukraine more independent from Russian gas and orientate this nation to American gas that will be less expansive and will make Ukraine richer thanks to a partnership with a friendlier nation like ours.

-Meet with fundraisers in Columbia, SC
-Campaign speech on Rubio's record on veterans at the Memorial Park in Columbia, SC :

My older brother Mario Rubio is a military veteran and he represents to me an example of the living conditions of our veterans. I have a clear record on improving our veterans lives. I supported a bill that passed into law. This law empowered the United States Department of Veterans Affairs in order to care more about vets than bureaucrats. I am proud of our veterans' service for our country, for our liberty and our security. My colleagues in the Senate John McCain and Lindsey Graham, both veterans and war heroes had always put America's interests first, mostly by supporting a strong foreign policy, a strong defense and a strong national security. I am proud of this post-military career service for America's security. So I promise you that under my watch as President of the United States our future military veterans will have access to the same services as the actual veterans do. They will deserve this because their honorable service for our country will keep us safe and we must thank them for that. Thank you! God bless our veterans and God bless the United States of America!

September 26th, 2019
-Fundraiser event in Columbia, SC
-Foreign policy speech at Fort Jackson in Columbia, SC
-Meet with the voters at the Peace Center in Greenville, SC
-Fundraising dinner in Greenville
-Abortion policy speech at Greenville Health System in Greenville, SC :
Abortion is never good. Everybody, whether or not they are yet eligible to vote, has the right to live. And like I said, if we tolerate abortion, future generations are likely to look back at this history of our country and call us barbarians for murdering millions of babies who we never gave them a chance to live. This is not only a social issue, it's also an economic issue. One of the main reasons why the Glorious Thirty (1945-1972) were so prosperous was the great number of young baby boomers who were available to find a job and work. Today, it's exactly the opposite : many baby boomers are going to retirement, which hurts our workforce and slows our GDP and our economy. So if we want longer term economic growth and prosperity, we need to fight abortion in order to let future generations live and make sure that our workforce will get stronger and stronger, making our economy growing again. That's what I'm going to do if I'm elected President of the United States on November 3rd 2020 and inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States on January 20th 2021 while reiterating my pledges for the country and saying « So help me God! ». Thank you, may God bless America.
-Debate preparation

September 27th, 2019
-Fundraising breakfast in Greenville
-Debate preparation
-Interview on Fox News
-Barnstorming and fundraising in Rock Hill, SC
-Speech at Kings Mountain National Military Park in Rock Hill, SC
-Meet with the voters at Clinton Junior College in Rock Hill, SC
-Meet with the voters and the donors at Winthrop University in Rock Hill, SC
-Flight to Las Vegas, Nevada

September 28th, 2019
-Meet with the voters at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas, NV
-Meeting with organizers of foreign policy ad similar to Ronald Reagan's There is a bear in the woods demonstrating Marco Rubio as tougher and stronger than President Hillary Clinton when it comes to dealing with threats to international security and fighting terrorism.
-Door knocking in Las Vegas, NV
-Rest and debate preparation

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: LLR on July 27, 2016, 11:58:19 AM
Announcement: Ted Bessell is an amazing person and he agreed to take this over so he is the game leader now, not me.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Mike Thick on July 27, 2016, 12:16:50 PM

Hello, I'm Wolf Blitzer, and this is CNN. We have just learned that South Carolina Senator Tim Scott will be withdrawing from the Presidential contest. This comes after a catastrophic first week of campaign gaffes and unforced errors, and marks what is likely one of the shortest, if not the shortest, presidential campaign in history. More on this breaking story coming up...not really lol

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Mike Thick on July 27, 2016, 01:06:10 PM
So, yeah. I'm taking over the game. For the sake of consistency, this turn will last the same length as decided before, but I will be adopting DKrol's full set of rules for future turns:

Quote from: DKrol
Each round will cover one week IG
- Each round will last, at minimum, 48 hours and, at maximum, 96 hours
- Each round will start with an updated poll summary and a list of the upcoming electoral contests
- Periodically, News events will be introduced to elicit responses from the players that will impact the race
- Players are encourage to post, for each round, a schedule for the week. It can be as in-depth as an hourly itinerary for the candidate, or it can be as general as a summary of the entire week
- Players should PM me, the Game Moderator, for endorsements. The PM should contain the name of the person you'd like to be endorsed by, the most recent office or position they've held, and a brief reason why they would endorse you (Ie: George H.W. Bush, former President, should endorse George W. Bush because he is his son.)
- Advertisements will be accepted, if you want to make them, but they're not 100% required
- All events have in this TL have occurred as they did in OTL
- Independent/Third Party candidates will be accepted, but be warned that they will have to work very hard to make a national impression

Each new turn will start with poll numbers in early states, whatever major events occur during the week (with background, if called for), and debate questions if a debate is occurring. I'll be expanding on LLR's debate schedule during the primaries, depending on how long they last on both sides.

Please PM me with any questions you may have, and post your schedules! Thank you!

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Former Senator Haslam2020 on July 27, 2016, 05:17:23 PM
Bill Weld announces entry into Presidential Race!!!


Bill Weld announcing his entry into the race at a press conference in Boston, MA, on September 20th, 2019

"Hello, my fellow Americans. I never wanted to be here, but for twenty years, our country has been in a state of constant decline... Whether it's the useless wars, or the crippling national debt, we must put a stop to the death of our nation. With a lot of effort, America can once again be the shining city on a hill. Let's cut taxes, decrease unemployment, get better trade deals, and get the government OUT of YOUR life! Four years ago, we started a movement. To finish that movement, we need a true libertarian leader. For those reasons, and for the reason of breaking the current political system, I AM going to be a candidate for the Libertarian nomination for PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES! Lets show America that THERE ARE MORE THAN TWO DARK OPTIONS for president leading down to the same, dark path! I have the experience to stop the death of our GREAT nation. America, we're coming. Thank you, and God bless America!!!"


Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on July 27, 2016, 09:02:11 PM
I didn't expect Tim Scott to drop out so early. So must the responses to these breaking news be included in our original schedules?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Heisenberg on July 27, 2016, 09:35:51 PM
I didn't expect Tim Scott to drop out so early. So must the responses to these breaking news be included in our original schedules?
Maybe Ted Bessell is doing it so he can focus on being the leader of the game?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: LLR on July 27, 2016, 09:38:52 PM
I didn't expect Tim Scott to drop out so early. So must the responses to these breaking news be included in our original schedules?
Maybe Ted Bessell is doing it so he can focus on being the leader of the game?

Yes, if it wasn't clear, Ted is replacing me. And thus, in order to remove bias and focus on leading, his candidate is dropping out.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Mike Thick on July 27, 2016, 09:39:35 PM
I didn't expect Tim Scott to drop out so early. So must the responses to these breaking news be included in our original schedules?
Maybe Ted Bessell is doing it so he can focus on being the leader of the game?

There's no need for you to respond. Except for by throwing a party. Because if I had stayed in, I would have kicked your butts ;)

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Pericles on July 28, 2016, 02:47:11 AM
September 21, 2019: President Clinton and Vice-President Tim Kaine meet with business leaders in the White House. Later, the President meets with her political advisers and views focus group findings.

September 22, 2019: The Clinton campaign declines calls to debate Tim Ashe, saying he is "a joke" and  "has very little chance of winning."

September 23, 2019: Reports show widespread backlash to Clinton's remarks on the Ashe campaign. President Clinton travels to an Ohio factory and has photo-ops with manufacturing workers there. She declares "Here, we can see the economic might of this country. This is not a country on the ropes. We see a vibrant, strong economy, and a nation that will continue to grow and be a world-leader."

September 24, 2019: Clinton attacks opponents in her party in a shock speech, defending her progressive record. She claimed "This is one of the most progressive administrations, in history." She compares Ashe and her opponents to the Tea Party, and declares "don't change horses mid-stream."

September 25, 2019: Clinton gives a speech in New Hampshire defending her economic record, saying   "This economy is working, and we can't afford to retreat to failed policies." She also charged the Republicans were being "economically illiterate." On the same day, Clinton holds a private fundraiser with donors.

September 26, 2019: The President gives a speech on foreign-policy, and attacks Republicans as "encouraging and fanning the flames of division and fear, while failing to offer credible solutions. All they will do is divide our nation, weaken our reputation and be a boon to terrorist recruiters. They offer no real solutions or leadership."

September 27, 2019: The President travels to Canada. Meanwhile the Clinton campaign releases a new web ad called "Change-Maker" which shows her accomplishments as President, and ends with "President Clinton. Fighting for us."

September 28, 2019: In an interview on 60 Minutes, President Clinton claims "These people are trying to make things look worse than they are. There is, a conspiracy of sorts, to undermine the morale of the American people." Vice-President Tim Kaine gives a pro-Clinton speech in New Hampshire, and says her Democratic opponents are 'blind' if they can't see how successful and progressive she is.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Mike Thick on July 28, 2016, 03:36:05 AM
Just for the record, I'm going to be handling polling and "news" in the game. If you have an idea for an event, run it by me via PM, but please do not post them yourself. In addition, if you want to do anything with polling please make sure it is okay with me beforehand as well. Thanks.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Mike Thick on July 28, 2016, 12:27:43 PM
Another note -- you can "respond" to news events in any way you'd like. You can incorporate responses into speeches, you can release statements, you can reference the event in debate answers, or you can not respond at all (although this may have negative consequences). It's up to you.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on July 28, 2016, 06:47:33 PM
Another note -- you can "respond" to news events in any way you'd like. You can incorporate responses into speeches, you can release statements, you can reference the event in debate answers, or you can not respond at all (although this may have negative consequences). It's up to you.
Just to be sure, if we did not expect such an event so early, can the response not be included in our original schedule?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Mike Thick on July 28, 2016, 07:03:31 PM
Another note -- you can "respond" to news events in any way you'd like. You can incorporate responses into speeches, you can release statements, you can reference the event in debate answers, or you can not respond at all (although this may have negative consequences). It's up to you.
Just to be sure, if we did not expect such an event so early, can the response not be included in our original schedule?

I will release some news at the start of each turn for you to respond to during that turn.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Kingpoleon on July 28, 2016, 07:28:51 PM
Tim Ashe Schedule: September 21-27, 2019

September 21:
- Town Hall in Manchester, NH
- Town Hall in Manchester, NH
- Barnstorm Manchester, NH
- Town Hall in Nashua, NH
- Barnstorm Nashua, NH
- Appearance on Meet the Press
Quote from: Tim Ashe
I'm disappointed by President Clinton's refusal to debate me so far. With her in charge, we have no universal health care. We have no college tuition for most students who work hard. We have no campaign finance reform. It is time for we the people to take our country back!

September 22:
- Town Hall in Concord, NH
- Town Hall in Concord, NH
- Barnstorm Concord, NH
- Barnstorm Concord, NH
- Barnstorm Manchester, NH
- Barnstorm Nahua, NH

September 23:
- Town Hall in Manchester, NH
- Town Hall in Manchester, NH
- Barnstorm Manchester, NH
- Town Hall in Nashua, NH
- Town Hall in Nashua, NH
- Barnstorm Nashua, NH
Quote from: Tim Ashe
No one is more disappointed in the President than I am. I am most certainly not a joke. What the President has shown is that she believes that universal healthcare is merely a joke. Campaign finance reform isn't a joke. It's a necessity to combat Washingon corruption.

September 24:
- Town Hall in Concord, NH
- Town Hall in Concord, NH
- Barnstorm Concord, NH
- Town Hall in Dover, NH
- Barnstorm Dover, NH
- Barnstorm Derry, NH

September 25:
- Town Hall in Dover, NH
- Barnstorm Dover, NH
- Barnstorm Dover, NH
- Town Hall in Derry, NH
- Town Hall in Derry, NH
- Barnstorm Derry, NH
Quote from: Tim Ashe
Last week I said: "For four years President Clinton has been a buck that fails to deliver. The buck has failed to deliver universal healthcare and campaign finance reform. The buck has failed to deliver Glass-Steagall and banking regulations. The buck has failed to deliver on college debt and tuition." Now let me tell you, this buck has called me a joke. Let me reiterate: President Clinton, if you're listening, the buck stops here! The buck stops now!

September 26:
- Town Hall in Manchester, NH
- Barnstorm Manchester, NH
- Town Hall in Nashua, NH
- Barnstorm Nashua, NH
- Town Hall in Concord, NH
- Barnstorm Concord, NH

September 27:
- Barnstorm Manchester, NH
- Barnstorm Nashua, NH
- Town Hall in Derry, NH
- Barnstorm Derry, NH
- Barnstorm Dover, NH
- Town Hall in Southern New Hampshire University
Quote from: Tim Ashe
I understand most of you students were too young to vote last time. This time I hope you will carefully consider how you vote and who you vote. Can we afford the lesser of two evils again? Can we afford another attempt at a coronation for the Democratic nomination? That is what your vote will decide. Your vote will also decide the definition of progressivism for the next four years. Is it milquetoast liberalism or real progressive ideals?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Mike Thick on July 28, 2016, 07:31:00 PM
Another note -- you can "respond" to news events in any way you'd like. You can incorporate responses into speeches, you can release statements, you can reference the event in debate answers, or you can not respond at all (although this may have negative consequences). It's up to you.
Just to be sure, if we did not expect such an event so early, can the response not be included in our original schedule?

I will release some news at the start of each turn for you to respond to during that turn.

Is that possible to modify our schedule above and add our reaction in it?

I guess, but I don't know why you would need to, because none of the events have happened yet, and you wouldn't be able to change anything if you modified your schedule to fix a mistake after the deadline. But if you post a schedule and forget something, but make your modifications before the deadline, I guess it would be fine.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Mike Thick on July 28, 2016, 07:41:45 PM
Another note -- you can "respond" to news events in any way you'd like. You can incorporate responses into speeches, you can release statements, you can reference the event in debate answers, or you can not respond at all (although this may have negative consequences). It's up to you.
Just to be sure, if we did not expect such an event so early, can the response not be included in our original schedule?

I will release some news at the start of each turn for you to respond to during that turn.

Is that possible to modify our schedule above and add our reaction in it?

I guess, but I don't know why you would need to, because none of the events have happened yet, and you wouldn't be able to change anything if you modified your schedule to fix a mistake after the deadline. But if you post a schedule and forget something, but make your modifications before the deadline, I guess it would be fine.

So if I understand this point clearly, this event only happens at the end of the week covered by the second turn?

For the sake of efficiency and giving you all the most possible time to respond, you can just pretend that the entire week's news occurs at the exact moment the previous turn ends and the new one begins.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: New_Conservative on July 29, 2016, 01:11:31 AM
Paul Ryan for President: Week of 9/21-9/28

September 21st, 2019
-Barnstorming in Eagan, MN
1:30 PM CT- Meets with workers of the UPS Distribution Center in Eagan, Minnesota.
3:00 PM CT- Meets with faculty of Eastview High School in Eagan, Minnesota
-Meet with voters in Burnsville, MN
5:00 PM CT- Meet voters at Burnsville Center Shopping Center in Burnsville, Minnesota.
7:00 PM CT- Dinner with voters at Twin City Grill in Bloomington, Minnesota.
9:15 PM CT- Speech to the Minnesota Taxpayers League in St. Paul, Minnesota

September 22nd, 2019
-Barnstorming in Cedar Falls, IA
-Visits The Phelps Youth Pavilion in Waterloo, IA and disccusses the importance of families to the American economy.
-Meet with University of Northern Iowa students at the Sidecar Coffee Shop at the University of Northern Iowa.
-Tours the University of Northern Iowa Industrial Technology Center
-Organize volunteers, and door knock in Cedar Falls, IA.

September 23rd, 2019
-Canvass neighborhoods with volunteers in Independence, IA.
-Barnstorming in Rowley, IA.
-Meet with voters at Immaculate Conception Church in Fairbank, IA.
-Touts economic policy in speech to the Greater Cedar Valley Alliance and Chamber in Cedar Falls, IA.

September 24th, 2019
-Call bank at Des Moines, IA campaign office.
-Speech on law and order at Woodbury County Courthouse in Sioux City, IA.
-Door knock in Sioux City, IA.
-Meet with workers of Tyson Fresh Meats in Sioux City, IA.
-Meet with workers of the Port Neal Landing Industrial Park in Sergeant Bluff, IA.
-Dinner with voters at Pizza Ranch in Sergeant Bluff, IA.

September 25th, 2019
-Travel to Manchester-Boston Regional Airport.
-Phone bank at Concord, New Hampshire campaign office
-Door knocking in Concord, New Hampshire
-Rest and debate prep.

September 26th, 2019
-Town Hall in Chester, New Hampshire.
-Town Hall in Exeter, New Hampshire.
-Phone bank at Portsmouth, New Hampshire campaign office.

September 27th, 2019
-Town Hall at Middlesex Community College in Lowell, Massachusetts.
- Rally with supporters at Londonderry, New Hampshire.
- Door knocking in Merrimack, New Hampshire
- Meeting with New Hampshire Union Leader editorial board.
- Interview with WMUR-9 news (Manchester, NH media market).

September 28th, 2019
- Breakfast with voters in Loudon, New Hampshire.
- Meet with voters at Loudon Elementary School in Loudon, NH.
- Town Hall in Franklin, NH.
- Dinner with voters at The Everyday Cafe in Hopkinton, NH.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on July 31, 2016, 09:15:39 PM
No one, except for me, Paul Ryan, Hillary Clinton and Tim Ashe has posted their schedules. But does the next turn still start tomorrow?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Mike Thick on July 31, 2016, 09:23:11 PM
No one, except for me, Paul Ryan, Hillary Clinton and Tim Ashe has posted their schedules. But does the next turn still start tomorrow?

No, the turn starts the day after tomorrow.

On that note, please have your schedules posted and all by 12:00 Pacific time -- there will be serious consequences for your numbers if you don't.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Heisenberg on August 01, 2016, 12:11:55 AM
John Kasich for President: Week of 9/21-9/28[/center]
Events include breakfast and dinner with a group of voters, meet & greet/town hall, and interview with local news anchors.

September 21st, 2019
Des Moines, IA

September 22nd, 2019
Cedar Rapids, IA
Then, fly to Manchester, NH

September 23rd, 2019
Manchester, NH

September 24th, 2019
Manchester, NH

September 25th, 2019
Nashua, NH

September 26th, 2019
Concord, NH

September 27th, 2019
Windham, NH

September 28th, 2019
Loudon, NH

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: MadmanMotley on August 01, 2016, 03:19:33 AM
Can I still join as Rand Paul?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Senator Cris on August 01, 2016, 07:53:20 AM
Cory Gardner for President - September 21-28

"We'll compete in every state. We know that a victory in Iowa, barring some unexpected events, is unlikely, but even other placements, not just first, will be important in an early state like Iowa, so we'll fully campaign in Iowa. Senator Gardner will be able to do well in all the remaining early states. We have very good expectations about Nevada and South Carolina, we have still work to do in New Hampshire, but we are sure the voters of the Granite State will know Cory very well and will give him their confidence."

"Senator Gardner will spend this week on a campaign bus tour through the five early states of the primary seasons and will make the case on why Republicans should pick him as their presidential nominee. Also Senator Gardner will inaugurate campaign offices in every state." -- Chris Hansen, Gardner 2020 Campaign Manager


September 21
Rally in Las Vegas, NV.
Opening of Campaign Office in Las Vegas, NV.
Fundraiser in Las Vegas, NV.
Town Hall in Carson City, NV.
Meet and Greet in Henderson, NV.

"Nevada, you always have played a big role in the primary season and in the general election campaign. But this time you'll have a bigger role. I love this state, I'm sure I can do very well here and I can say to you that Nevada will be decisive on my presidential campaign."

September 22
Meet and Greet in Caliente, NV.
Rally in Reno, NV.
Opening of Campaign Office in Reno, NV.
Meet and Greet in Sparks, NV.
Live appareance on Fox News from Sparks, NV.

"Over 80% of Nevada area is owned by the federal government. It's time to stop this intrusion of the federal government in the life of Nevadans and of all Americans. The government shall just clear the way for our citizens in order to let Americans be successfull. This means that the government shall cut taxes, replace Obamacare with a better plan, improve the education system and make our country more safe."

September 23
Meet and Greet in West Des Moines, IA.
Opening of Campaign Office in Des Moines, IA.
Meet and Greet in Iowa City, IA.
Rally in Cedar Rapids, IA.
Meet and Greet in Marion, IA.

"I know one thing for sure. The Iowans' support is not for sale. You, the people of Iowa, want a genuine choice, a person that you can trust. I'm your guy. The small and medium business of Iowa deserve better conditions and the federal government, instead of stifle the life of Iowans and of business owners and workers, must create a better environment, better conditions for the small business, cut taxes. That's what will happen when I'll be President."

September 24
Town Hall in Manchester, NH.
Opening of Campaign Office in Manchester, NH.
Meet and Greet in Bedford, NH.
Town Hall in Hollis, NH.
Town Hall in Hudson, NH.

September 25
Meet and Greet in Nashua, NH
Town Hall in Merrimack, NH.
Town Hall in Pelham, NH.
Senate duties in Washington, DC.

"You'll see me very much in the next months, New Hampshire. I'll hold a lot of town-halls, so that I can answers all of your questions. You have an important role next year and you have the right of hearing my stances on all the issues that matters to you. New Hampshire is looking for a common-sense leader, able to bring real results. I'm sure to be that guy, I'll demonstrate that to you in the next months!"

September 26
Meet and Greet in North Charleston, SC.
Rally in Charleston, SC.
Opening of Campaign Office in Charleston, SC.
Meet and Greet in Mount Pleasant, SC.
Live appareance on CNN from Mount Pleasant, SC.

September 27
Town Hall in Lexington, SC.
Opening of Campaign Office in Columbia, SC.
Meet and Greet in Newberry, SC.
Meet and Greet in Spartanburg, SC.
Rally in Greenville, SC.

September 28
Meet and Greet in Charleston, SC.
Town Hall in Chattanooga, TN.
Opening of Campaign Office in Nashville, TN.
Meet and Greet in Nashville, TN.
Rally in Mephis, TN.

"Conservative values are important to me. I believe in the free market, I want less government in the life of Americans and more of the way of life of the American people in the government, I want tax cuts, I support our defense and I think we should increase it. I support self-defense, I stand with the 2nd amendment, but I think that there shall be more tests, more controls and measures to secure the life of American citiziens, because being pro-life doesn't mean being pro-life just for the pregnancy, but means being pro-life for the whole life. I'm proud to be pro-life for the whole life.
These values are really important to us, and in order to implement them, we shall select a person able to get more and more people behind our project for a better America as our presidential nominee. I look forward to make the case on why I should be the republican nominee."

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Wells on August 01, 2016, 03:30:52 PM
Joni Ernst Campaign Schedule: September 21-28, 2019
Putting America First

September 21 - Ernst continued to stay in Des Moines, holding another fundraiser, talking with potential voters, and filming for advertisements and preparing for the debate at campaign HQ. Her campaign had hired a caucus organizer who had worked on the Cruz campaign (in 2016) the previous week, and she coordinated with him. That night she gave another speech, this time in West Des Moines, and about her overall campaign platform, where she also praised Tim Scott (in an effort to pick up some support).

“Funding for NASA and space exploration is a priority for me. America is a truly wonderful country, and the fact that we have been world leaders in space exploration exemplifies this perfectly. But, space travel has really declined under the failed leadership of Obama and Clinton. We ended the space shuttle program. We haven’t sent people to the moon in years. I believe that if we collaborate with private space exploration industries we could change all of this.”

September 22 - Joni Ernst travelled to Adel, Iowa, where she held a town hall in the evening (after meeting with a small group of voters beforehand, where she supposedly attacked Rubio). In this town hall, she was asked many questions, mainly about her socially conservative views.

“You know, you are completely right.1 It seems lately that there is so much bias and dishonesty in the media. They have been completely ignoring the disastrous mistakes of this current administration. And every time they report something bad about it, they spin it into something good. As president, I will cut all government funding for media and let the free market decide what media reports best. We need new media to spread truth in an unbiased way.”

September 23 - Ernst travelled to Panora next, where she met with the mayor. The meeting reportedly went well. She then held a town hall in the evening, with opening remarks about her disaster preparedness program (and her upcoming tax proposal). She was asked about many things in the town hall.

“I can’t believe I have to keep repeating this, but people should not commit voter fraud. Democrats have allied themselves with people who aren’t registered but vote anyway, the people who vote twice, and voting zombies. Voter ID laws are the single most effective way of curbing these types of fraud and ensuring fair elections. It’s common sense. Until then, however, I urge authorities to be very vigilant about this.”

September 24 - Ernst continued her tour of Iowa in Guthrie Center. There, she spoke in front of a small crowd about her general policy.

“I was very disappointed when the nation made its biggest mistake in decades in electing Hillary Clinton to the White House. Throughout her career, she has been dishonest, corrupt, and yet always gets away every time. But 2016 was worse. It showed that if you are dishonest and corrupt, you can still hold the most powerful office in the world. Now, I’d like to be wrong. This is one of those rare cases where I desperately hope I’m wrong. But it doesn’t look like I’m wrong. So, this November, let’s prove me wrong. Let’s stand up for the values we hold dear and kick Clinton out of the White House.”

September 25 - Joni Ernst visited Hamlin, Iowa next. There, she visited a barnstorm and gave a speech before holding a town hall that evening.

“Every single illegal alien is a criminal. They broke the law when they crossed the border illegally. And we don’t want criminals in America, do we? Do we want them working in our jobs? Taking up places at our colleges? As president, I will support the expansion, reform, and improvement of an H-1B system to protect and put American workers first. I will do the opposite of Hillary Clinton and protect our workers and borders.”

September 26 - Joni Ernst went to Audubon, Iowa where she held a town hall and talked with a few voters.

“On my very first day in office, I will repeal the disaster we know as Obamacare. On my second day in office, I will replace it. My plan will give the choice to Americans instead of Washington bureaucrats. Patients and doctors know their health needs best, so why would anyone else make the choice? We will look for patient-centered alternatives to healthcare. These will increase access to quality healthcare at an affordable price.”

September 27 - Joni Ernst held a press conference in Carroll, Iowa, where she unveiled her tax plan. That night, she held a rally, also in Caroll (and she praised Tim Scott again).

Joni Ernst’s income tax plan summary2:

Flat tax of 20%
For families four or larger the first $30,000 of income is free
Deductions for dependents, charitable donations, and marriage (and a few other things)

The corporate tax rate is 30% under her plan with no deductions.

September 28 - Ernst visited Denison, Iowa, where she held a small fundraiser in the morning and held a rally that evening.

“Hillary Clinton has accepted way too many migrants from countries where radical Islam is prevalent. We shouldn’t be too surprised when there are more and more terrorist attacks because she has single-handedly destroyed America’s safety through executive overreach. Under my presidency, we will not accept Muslim migrants from countries with the presence of ISIS. It’s the sensible thing to do.”

Joni's First Campaign Advertisement: Meet Joni (airs nationwide)

Joni Ernst has dedicated her life to this country (if airing in Iowa, add “and Iowa”), serving in the military and then the Senate. In the Senate, she has worked in the Armed Services; Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs; and Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committees. As president, Joni would grow a vibrant economy and ensure the government runs effectively and efficiently which means cutting out-of-control spending, reducing taxes, eliminating harmful regulations and balancing the budget. Vote for Joni Ernst. (I’m Joni Ernst and I approve this message.)

1) In response to a town hall question.
2) This is just a summary, don't expect an entire plan laid out here.

Press Release on Tim Scott's (un)expected dropout:

I applaud Tim Scott on his efforts in the Senate to stand up for the values and morals that make America unique, and will help to fix America once we get a Republican in the White House. I have worked with Scott before and can attest to the fact that he is a very bright and charming person. I look forward to continuing to work with him in the Senate over the next year and signing his bills into law once I reach the presidency.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Senator Cris on August 01, 2016, 05:27:08 PM
Statement on Tim Scott dropping out of the race.
During these years in the Senate, I had the privelege of knowing Senator Tim Scott well. He's a nice, dedicated person who stands up for all South Carolinians and for all Americans. He's a principled man and I look forward to continue to work with him on real solutions for Americans as the next President.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 01, 2016, 06:00:45 PM
Rubio's statement on Tim Scott dropping out of the race.
Recently, we learned that Tim Scott dropped out of the race. Even though Senator Scott and I were opponents for a short time, I am thankful of his contribution to this presidential campaign, to conservative values and to America's future. Tim is a friend of mine, it's a great honour to have a principled man like him as a partner in the Senate and together, when I'm President of the United States, Tim and I will keep working together by ratifying new laws and reforms that will get America back on track thanks to conservative and pro-growth solutions proposed by the Grand « Opportunity » Party. I share Senator Scott's values and goals such as small government, tax cuts, free market's promotion for the sake of our prosperity, strengthening our middle-class, fight for liberty, making sure our country remains the greatest country in the world, strong national security, defeating ISIS, defending the Second Amendment, allowing unborn children to live, repealing the unconstitutional Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), improving the living conditions of the African-American community, taking care of our brave and honourable veterans as well as defending and restoring the American Dream. God bless Tim Scott and his supporters, God bless South Carolina and God bless the United States of America.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Mike Thick on August 02, 2016, 11:06:26 AM
The turn is over, the next turn will begin as soon as I get new poll numbers and updates out.

Another note -- I'm changing the rules from having a penalty for not responding to events to a bonus for responding to them. I'm not going to go bore you with my reasoning here, but it's not going to be spectacularly consequential either way.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Potus on August 02, 2016, 02:22:58 PM
American Vision 2020

Several major Republican and conservative donors have joined together to create a standing organization to damage President Clinton's chances at re-election. The Republican primary is currently home to mostly acceptable candidates, though that could change. Should candidates jeopardize the ability of a Republican to defeat Hillary Clinton, resources could be diverted to the Republican primary.

OOC: Can we get a recap of Hillary's first term? Everything that happened, Supreme Court picks, how folks voted on that, etc. Basically write a wiki article for her first term.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Wells on August 02, 2016, 02:28:56 PM
American Vision 2020

Several major Republican and conservative donors have joined together to create a standing organization to damage President Clinton's chances at re-election. The Republican primary is currently home to mostly acceptable candidates, though that could change. Should candidates jeopardize the ability of a Republican to defeat Hillary Clinton, resources could be diverted to the Republican primary.

OOC: Can we get a recap of Hillary's first term? Everything that happened, Supreme Court picks, how folks voted on that, etc. Basically write a wiki article for her first term.

So are you just jumping in the game and starting a Super PAC? I thought Clinton made that illegal. :P

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Potus on August 02, 2016, 03:15:43 PM
American Vision 2020

Several major Republican and conservative donors have joined together to create a standing organization to damage President Clinton's chances at re-election. The Republican primary is currently home to mostly acceptable candidates, though that could change. Should candidates jeopardize the ability of a Republican to defeat Hillary Clinton, resources could be diverted to the Republican primary.

OOC: Can we get a recap of Hillary's first term? Everything that happened, Supreme Court picks, how folks voted on that, etc. Basically write a wiki article for her first term.

So are you just jumping in the game and starting a Super PAC? I thought Clinton made that illegal. :P

That's the idea. A right of center superpac. It's realistic.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Mike Thick on August 02, 2016, 04:21:47 PM
The News

2020 Campaign Heats Up

Note: For various reasons, I will be making some changes to LLR's polling.

The 2020 election is rolling along!

Let's start with the Republican race. As you can see from our polling data, House Speaker Paul Ryan has sustained his national lead, although the margin has narrowed since we last polled the horse race. Florida Senator Marco Rubio maintains his second-place position, and is closing in on Ryan, but his polling lead in New Hampshire has narrowed significantly. Most notable, though, is the rising candidate in the race -- Iowa Senator Joni Ernst. Ernst has some serious momentum, which appears to be derived from the lack of another "very conservative" or "populist" option in the running after Senator Tim Scott's exit. Currently, she only leads in her home state of Iowa, but that may change. Cory Gardner has also made gains among younger and more libertarian Republicans, but he continues to struggle with national name recognition. In the meantime, Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton and former FBI Director James Comey have slipped further in presidential polling, and risk being removed from polling entirely if they do not post schedules and such.

Meanwhile, President Clinton's apparent snub of primary challenger and Vermont Congressman Tim Ashe has not done her any favors in her nomination battle. Ashe has dramatically risen in the polls, and although he still trails the incumbent President by a wide margin nationally and in Iowa, he leads comfortably in his home state and has narrowed the gap to the mid-low teens in New Hampshire. Many Sanders 2016 backers, especially young people, are backing Ashe due to perceived failings of the Clinton Administration to advance progressive causes -- it is clear that she will need to defend her record and handle the challenge much better than she is currently if she hopes to escape the primary unscathed. However, many Democratic voters are uncomfortable voting for someone as left-wing as Ashe is, and may need assurances that he is not a member of the "Green Tea Party" and does not represent the negative traits of Ted Cruz and Mike Lee simply flipped on the ideological spectrum.

National Polls:
Hillary Clinton 65%
Tim Ashe 19%

Paul Ryan 21%
Marco Rubio 19%
Joni Ernst 16%
Cory Gardner 10%
John Kasich 8%
Tom Cotton 2%
James Comey 1%

Iowa Polls:
Hillary Clinton 61%
Tim Ashe 22%

Joni Ernst 29%
Paul Ryan 17%
Marco Rubio 14%
Cory Gardner 7%
John Kasich 7%
Tom Cotton 2%
James Comey 1%

New Hampshire Polls:
Hillary Clinton 55%
Tim Ashe 39%

Marco Rubio 24%
Paul Ryan 18%
John Kasich 19%
Joni Ernst 13%
Cory Gardner 12%
James Comey 1%
Tom Cotton 1%

South Carolina Polls:
Hillary Clinton 71%
Tim Ashe 14%

Marco Rubio 23%
Paul Ryan 20%
Joni Ernst 15%
Cory Gardner 10%
John Kasich: 6%
Tom Cotton 2%
James Comey 1%

Nevada Polls:
Hillary Clinton 60%
Tim Ashe 23%

Marco Rubio: 28%
Paul Ryan 19%
Cory Gardner 14%
Joni Ernst 13%
John Kasich 5%
Tom Cotton 1%
James Comey 1%

Tennessee Polls:
Hillary Clinton 68%
Tim Ashe 16%

Paul Ryan 25%
Marco Rubio 22%
Joni Ernst 16%
Cory Gardner: 10%
John Kasich: 7%
Tom Cotton: 2%
James Comey: 1%

Stocks Dip as China Fears Intensify


Economic troubles in China rattled global markets this week, as widespread credit defaults roiled the Asian nation's banking industry. "Triggers" to halt trading on Chinese exchanged were activated two times during the week. Global indexes dipped between five and eight percent over the course of the crash, but most are currently on track to recover.

Report: Kennedy Mulls Retirement


Reports from sources close to Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy indicate that the 83 year old Justice is considering retirement from the bench, due in part to his age.

Nominated by Ronald Reagan and confirmed in 1988, Kennedy is the most senior Justice on the court. While he was nominated by a conservative President and has generally sided with the conservative wing of the court, he has attracted the ire of right-wingers by siding with liberals on some important social issues, and is generally considered to be a swing justice. Kennedy's retirement could significantly change the balance of power on the court.

President Clinton has filled two vacancies on the bench during her Presidency -- one with Justice Merrick Garland, who she renominated to the late Antonin Scalia's seat after Obama was termed out without a nominee, and one with Justice Sri Srinivasan, who filled the vacancy created by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's retirement.

DPRK Conducts Exercise Near Border

North Korean military forces conducted a large-scale military exercise near the DMZ, the nation's border with South Korea. Exercises were also conducted just fifteen miles away from the Port of Incheon.

Tensions between the two countries have escalated in recent months, as North Korean nuclear and missile tests have increased in frequency and become more brazen, and loudspeaker propaganda on both sides across the DMZ has ramped up.


(For the purposes of efficiency, endorsements will take effect in the turn after they are announced.)

Bill Weld: Former Governor Gary Johnson, Former Governor Lincoln Chafee

Joni Ernst: Senator Chuck Grassley, Senator Ben Sasse

Cory Gardner: Former Senator Kelly Ayotte

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Mike Thick on August 02, 2016, 04:22:27 PM
The next turn has begun. Please post schedules within 72 hours.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 02, 2016, 05:42:54 PM
The next turn has begun. Please post schedules within 72 hours.

I have 2 questions :

-I thought the maximum time for schedules was 96 hours. Is that still the case?
-If I ever want to PM you, do we do it by emails? If yes, what is your email address?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Mike Thick on August 02, 2016, 05:53:38 PM
The next turn has begun. Please post schedules within 72 hours.

I have 2 questions :

-I thought the maximum time for schedules was 96 hours. Is that still the case?
-If I ever want to PM you, do we do it by emails? If yes, what is your email address?

1. I was under the impression that there was a range, but because turns are only one week I'm going to stick with 72 hours from now on.
2. Click on the link to my profile, then click the "send message" link in my profile to contact me for endorsements or other things.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Kingpoleon on August 02, 2016, 06:20:45 PM
Tim Ashe Schedule: September 29-30 and October 1-5, 2019

September 29:
- Town Hall in Manchester, NH
- Town Hall in Manchester, NH
- Barnstorm Manchester, NH
- Town Hall in Nashua, NH
- Barnstorm Nashua, NH
- Appearance on Meet the Press
Quote from: Tim Ashe
I have recently been made aware that President Clinton and her campaign are implying I have ties to the Green Tea Party. Let me be clear: the Green Tea Party is a socialist organization. While I intend to have them in my coalition, I am somewhere between a progressive like Elizabeth Warren and social democrats in Europe.

September 30:
- Town Hall in Concord, NH
- Town Hall in Concord, NH
- Barnstorm Concord, NH
- Barnstorm Concord, NH
- Barnstorm Manchester, NH
- Barnstorm Nahua, NH

October 1:
- Town Hall in Manchester, NH
- Town Hall in Manchester, NH
- Barnstorm Manchester, NH
- Town Hall in Nashua, NH
- Town Hall in Nashua, NH
- Barnstorm Nashua, NH
Quote from: Tim Ashe
Cowardice knows no boundaries. While President Clinton avoids me and the cry of the people, I speak for the young, the middle aged and the old. If you are satisfied with the status quo; if you are satisfied with inflationary economics; if you are satisfied with compromise where none should be made and gridlock where none ought to be; then I encourage you to support President Clinton. However, if like me you are not satisfied with this government, I ask for your support.

October 2:
- Town Hall in Concord, NH
- Town Hall in Concord, NH
- Barnstorm Concord, NH
- Town Hall in Dover, NH
- Barnstorm Dover, NH
- Barnstorm Derry, NH

October 3:
- Town Hall in Dover, NH
- Barnstorm Dover, NH
- Barnstorm Dover, NH
- Town Hall in Derry, NH
- Town Hall in Derry, NH
- Barnstorm Derry, NH
Quote from: Tim Ashe
I stand as a new progressive. We are not radicals nor fearmongerers. We are not divisive and hardcore leftists. We stand for reasonable change. Since when did it become radical to support universal healthcare? When did it become radical to support Glass-Steagall? When did it become radical to support what everyone, from Donald Trump to Newt Gingrich to Bernie Sanders to Harry Truman, supports? It became radical when it became unpopular. When I see a world against me and telling me to move, I tell them: no, you move.

October 4:
- Town Hall in Manchester, NH
- Barnstorm Manchester, NH
- Town Hall in Nashua, NH
- Barnstorm Nashua, NH
- Town Hall in Concord, NH
- Barnstorm Concord, NH

October 5:
- Barnstorm Manchester, NH
- Barnstorm Nashua, NH
- Town Hall in Derry, NH
- Barnstorm Derry, NH
- Barnstorm Dover, NH
- Town Hall in Southern New Hampshire University
Quote from: Tim Ashe
I hope to make a new coalition. Social democrats, progressives, and left-libertarians have not fared well in the Clinton-Kaine Third Wayism of the Democratic Party. True change cannot be made through this moderation for the sake of moderation and gridlock for the sake of gridlock. True change can only be made when you and I declare that once and for all we want our country back! Therefore, whether you're a Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, or inde

"We ask that you, the people, stand up boldly and declare that this is a democracy. We ask that you declare that in a democracy, no voice ought to be silenced. To do this, I call on everyone who believes this, whether you are a Republican, Democrat, independent, or libertarian, to do one thing. Go onto Twitter right now and tweet #PresidentClintonDebate to show that you think there should be a Democratic debate. Thank you. - Personally, Tim Ashe"

The Ashe campaign is willing to release a list of potential Supreme Court Justices for the SCOTUS if Kennedy retires during an Ashe administration or another vacancy appears. List:
1. Vermont District Chief Judge Christina Reiss
2. Kentucky Attorney General Andy Beshear
3. District Attorney for Vermont Deborah Markowitz
4. Maryland Attorney General Marilyn Mosby
5. New Jersey Chief Justice Paul Fishman
6. Duke Law School Dean David F. Levi
7. New York Supreme Court Justice Trevor Morrison

The Ashe campaign will open one office in each county of New Hampshire for a total of ten offices. Two offices will be opened in the states of Iowa, Vermont, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 02, 2016, 06:23:45 PM
The next turn has begun. Please post schedules within 72 hours.

I have 2 questions :

-I thought the maximum time for schedules was 96 hours. Is that still the case?
-If I ever want to PM you, do we do it by emails? If yes, what is your email address?

1. I was under the impression that there was a range, but because turns are only one week I'm going to stick with 72 hours from now on.
2. Click on the link to my profile, then click the "send message" link in my profile to contact me for endorsements or other things.

Just wondering, who is the Governor of New Hampshire?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Mike Thick on August 02, 2016, 06:44:46 PM
The next turn has begun. Please post schedules within 72 hours.

I have 2 questions :

-I thought the maximum time for schedules was 96 hours. Is that still the case?
-If I ever want to PM you, do we do it by emails? If yes, what is your email address?

1. I was under the impression that there was a range, but because turns are only one week I'm going to stick with 72 hours from now on.
2. Click on the link to my profile, then click the "send message" link in my profile to contact me for endorsements or other things.

Just wondering, who is the Governor of New Hampshire?

Chris Sununu defeated incumbent Colin Van Ostern in a 2018 rematch for the Governorship.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 02, 2016, 07:05:07 PM
The next turn has begun. Please post schedules within 72 hours.

I have 2 questions :

-I thought the maximum time for schedules was 96 hours. Is that still the case?
-If I ever want to PM you, do we do it by emails? If yes, what is your email address?

1. I was under the impression that there was a range, but because turns are only one week I'm going to stick with 72 hours from now on.
2. Click on the link to my profile, then click the "send message" link in my profile to contact me for endorsements or other things.

Just wondering, who is the Governor of New Hampshire?

Chris Sununu defeated incumbent Colin Van Ostern in a 2018 rematch for the Governorship.

Can the reason for an endorsement be the offer of a post in my candidate's administration?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Mike Thick on August 02, 2016, 07:09:29 PM
The next turn has begun. Please post schedules within 72 hours.

I have 2 questions :

-I thought the maximum time for schedules was 96 hours. Is that still the case?
-If I ever want to PM you, do we do it by emails? If yes, what is your email address?

1. I was under the impression that there was a range, but because turns are only one week I'm going to stick with 72 hours from now on.
2. Click on the link to my profile, then click the "send message" link in my profile to contact me for endorsements or other things.

Just wondering, who is the Governor of New Hampshire?

Chris Sununu defeated incumbent Colin Van Ostern in a 2018 rematch for the Governorship.

Can the reason for an endorsement be the offer of a post in my candidate's administration?

You can do that, if you're willing to risk a scandal if the information leaks.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 02, 2016, 07:12:41 PM
The next turn has begun. Please post schedules within 72 hours.

I have 2 questions :

-I thought the maximum time for schedules was 96 hours. Is that still the case?
-If I ever want to PM you, do we do it by emails? If yes, what is your email address?

1. I was under the impression that there was a range, but because turns are only one week I'm going to stick with 72 hours from now on.
2. Click on the link to my profile, then click the "send message" link in my profile to contact me for endorsements or other things.

Just wondering, who is the Governor of New Hampshire?

Chris Sununu defeated incumbent Colin Van Ostern in a 2018 rematch for the Governorship.

Can the reason for an endorsement be the offer of a post in my candidate's administration?

You can do that, if you're willing to risk a scandal if the information leaks.

O.K., so I better not.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 02, 2016, 08:42:30 PM
Rubio's statement on Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy considering retirement

Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy is considering retirement. Even though I don't agree with him on every issue, I'm thankful of his fight for the Constitution of the United States. If he retires, Hillary Clinton will get a new opportunity to increase liberal influence in the Supreme Court of the United States by changing Kennedy's seat from moderate to liberal through the nomination of more liberals in order to promote gun control, violating the Second Amendment, to allow abortion, preventing unborn children from living, to give a green light to big government, undermining taxpayers' purchasing power and increasing the deficit, and to expand Obamacare, weakening Medicare, ensuring small business decline, depriving our fellow citizens of their health insurance, accelerating patients' agony and bringing more deficit.

As President of the United States, I will reverse this tendency by nominating conservatives to the Supreme Court of the United States to defend the Second Amendment and American's posess a gun, to promote life by fightinhg abortion, to reduce the size of government for the sake of economic growth and prosperity through free market policies, tax cuts and reducing spending, and to repeal Obamacare once and for all, reducing the deficit, giving patients' access to necessary treatment, giving back Medicare and health insurance to the American people and allowing small business to prosper and create jobs.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 02, 2016, 11:55:55 PM
Marco Rubio : Week of Sept. 29, 2019-Oct. 5, 2019, Part 1

September 29th, 2019
-Space policy speech responding to Joni Ernst's space policy speech delivered in Des Moines on September 21 and unveiling Marco Rubio's plan for the development of American space program and industry and the revival of American space exploration at Nevada Aerospace Hall of Fame in Las Vegas, Nevada :

In the last twelve years, American space industry and space exploration have declined, mostly because of this recession that weakened our economy, the increase of our national debt at over 20 trillion $, the increase of big government spending, tax increases and the government's intrusion in the economy, thus bringing more deficit and more job losses. I want our country to make progress in space and relaunch space exploration before other nations like China, Russia or India do. I believe in a manned and very strong and dynamic space program, and I appreciate my friend Senator Joni Ernst's willingness to revive space exploration. But in this time of recession and economic depression, we need to remain fiscally responsible. Senator Ernst seeks to fund NASA and space exploration, but the problem is that means a bigger government spending agenda that will cost billions and billions of dollars and considerably increase our national debt to approximately 25 trillion $, which will force economic agents to reduce investment consumption, thus weakening American business activity and lead to further unemployment. This is fiscally irresponsible and fiscal irresponsibility is unacceptable. We are a party that is embracing fiscal conservatism and fiscal responsibility and advocating tax cuts, reduction of government spending and government deficit. Reviving our space program is not government's role. As a proud conservative Republican, like any other, I trust free market to lead us to success in space exploration. That's why the Senate passed an Amendment I introduced in 2013 to enable NASA to dispose underutilized facilities that could be utilized by commercial users and state and local entities, resulting in savings for NASA, a reduction in the federal government’s burden to fund space operations and our commercial space capability's growth while saving taxpayers' money.

The right procedure to grow our space industry and relaunch U.S. space exploration is to incentivize the private sector to develop space technology by promoting partnership between NASA and private spaceflight companies like SpaceX, Shackleton Energy Company, Space Adventures, Ltd., Planetary Resources, Deep Space Industries, etc., and by extending tax credits and exemptions for those businesses investing in research and development, equipment and other capital (a plan similar to the AGREE Act that I co-sponsored to the Senate in 2011) in order not only to create new jobs in the space industry but also to develop a plan that will keep our space program alive, dynamic and competitive. That's how we'll be able to innovate and develop our space technologies and equipment and to exploit volatiles, minerals and other raw materials from asteroids, comets, moons, near-Earth objects and other space objects to grow our economy. Some of these resources will be taken back to Earth to grow our economy and create jobs (especially gold, silver, iridium, platinum, osmium, palladium, rhodium, rhenium, tungsten and ruthenium) or used to construct rockets and spacecrafts that will be committed for spatial missions (iron, aluminium, titanium, nickel, manganese, molybdenum and cobalt), to ensure our astronauts' self-sufficiency (oxygen and water) and to be utilized as rocket propellant (hydrogen, oxygen and ammonia). That's what we can call in-situ resource utilization (ISRU) that provides all the required materials and energy for a space mission. That way, thanks to ISRU, we will successfully conduct a manned space mission and reclaim our status as world leaders in space exploration while reducing the mass and cost of space exploration architectures as well as the amount of payload that must be launched from Earth in order to explore a given planetary-body.

By the way, if we want to revive and grow our space program, we also have to abolish government regulations on space commercialization that cost too much, make it harder for American innovators to create jobs and undermined our citizens' and businesses' ability to establish property rights in space, which imposed obstacles to the development of space for commercial development and human habitation as well. But in November 2015, the Spurring Private Aerospace Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship Act of 2015 (SPACE Act of 2015) was signed into law after passing in Congress in order to discourage government barriers to the development in the United States of economically viable, safe, and stable industries for commercial exploration and commercial recovery of spatial resources in manners consistent with the global commitments of America, to recognize the right of U.S. citizens and businesses to own space resources they obtain and to promote the commercial exploration and use of resources exploited on asteroids. This bill is an important gain for our country, for Florida’s space coast and for the whole space exploration community. That's why I supported that bill to help the American space industry to create new jobs and to expand further into space than ever before. I will use this kind leadership as President of the United States.                                          
Thanks to my plan, we will revive our space program, make progress in space exploration, conduct successful manned space missions on the Moon or Mars by 2030, encourage space commercialization through the exploitation of spatial resources and raw materials to accelerate job creation in the United States and to make our space missions more easy to accomplish while limiting the government's role, reducing government spending and saving taxpayers' money. The future is becoming reality and this will be one giant leap not only for America but also for mankind as Neil Armstrong said while becoming the first person to walk on the Moon, fifty years ago.

Thank you!

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 03, 2016, 12:00:54 AM
Marco Rubio : Week of Sept. 29, 2019-Oct. 5, 2019, Part 2

-Speech slamming President Hillary Clinton's foreign policy performance at the New York New York Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada :

In the last few days, President Clinton has demonstrated her arrogance and her inability to assume her responsibilities. In her mind, every time a crisis happened, whether it's an economic decline, a terrorist attack or an international crisis, it's someone else's fault, never hers. Tim Ashe's primary challenge to the President is demonstrating division among the Democratic Party. More Americans are disapproving Hillary Clinton's presidential performance, our economy is weakening, our fellow Americans struggle to find a job and Hillary Clinton lied to the American people about her emails. When Clinton was Secretary of State, our embassy in Benghazi wasn't prepared to repel a terrorist attack and four of our brave diplomats were killed. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton withdrew our troops in Iraq at the wrong time, thus helping ISIS to emerge and impose its terror. ISIS is still on the run, cowardly killing innocent people, Russia keeps invading its neighbours, especially Ukraine, and our allies are trusting us less when it comes to international security. So if there's anyone whose policies are encouraging terrorists, bringing division in this country, weakening our reputation and undermining our national security, it's Hillary Clinton, not us.

Unlike the president, I actually have real solutions : reinforcing our military presence in the Black Sea as well as arming and training the Ukrainian army to stop Russia's agression in Eastern Europe. By training and arming the Syrian rebellion and the Kurds, sending ground troops in Syria and promoting strategic geopolitical alliances, thus forming a great and effective coalition, we will defeat ISIS thanks to our powerful military arsenal, our courageous men and women in uniform and our allies' contribution. Those jihadists will be surrounded, thus forcing them to divide their troops to defend their turf, weakening them, clearing the way for our troops and leading to ISIS' defeat. Terrorist attacks are multiplying in the Middle East, and democracy and freedom are in danger in this region. One of the main reasons why some Muslims are radicalizing and are adhering Islamic terrorism is they are living into poverty and under tyranny and are not given the necessitated opportunities to prosper and succeed. So we got to ensure the development of the Middle East. My plan's goal is to counter jihadism's influence in this region and help the Muslim world to reject radical Islamic terrorism. We have to build houses to give housing for all the people of Middle East, hospitals to give them the health care they need, groceries to give them more access to food and schools to give them the education they need to have a successful life and to make sure Middle East's young people will be able to find economic opportunities and good-paying jobs. We also have to invest in the development of Middle East's resources with private investors to give the Middle East people access to its own resources, especially oil, nuclear and local agricultural products. We need to give local armed forces military training if we want security and liberty to be reinforced in this region. We also have to promote democracy, gender equality and the rule of law there and to expand free-trade with Middle East to make America and it's companies competitive in this region and to ensure job creation not only in America but also in the Middle East. By promoting free trade with Middle East, we can promote democracy and political freedom in that region through globalization, technology innovation and economic liberalization. That way, radicalization will be reduced, security and freedom will be reinforced and the Middle East will be more prosperous than ever before.

When it comes to Iran, restoring sanctions will deprive Tehran of the capitals the Iranian government needs to develop its nuclear program. The military solution is and will be the last option, but it must be kept on the table. In addition, my proposal of creating an intergovernmental military partnership with India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Israel, will increase pressure on Iran and stop Tehran from getting nuclear weapons and threatening our allies. Instead of using nuclear energy to develop nuclear weapons, the Iranian government should use it to ensure Iran's economic growth through electricity production for the good of the Iranian people that is desperately looking for economic opportunities to improve their living conditions.

Since I chaired the Committee on Foreign Relations in the U.S. Senate, I know how diplomacy works. As President, I will use my diplomatic experience to strengthen our relations with our allies and create new alliances. I know when it is time to increase defense spending to reinforce our national security, defend our allies and defeat terrorism as well as tyranny. The time is now.

-Fundraising event at the Mirage Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada
-Speech on immigration and the American Dream at the Sam's Town Hotel in Las Vegas, NV
-Meet with the voters and the donors for a speech at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, NV
-Debate preparation   

September 30th, 2019
-Fundraising breakfast at the Linq Hotel & Casino
-Meet with the voters at the Westgate Las Vegas Resort & Casino
-Meet with the voters and the donors at the Sam Boyd Stadium in Las Vegas, NV
-Speech at the Old Las Vegas Mormon State Historic Park.
-Visit to the Nevada Test Site for a speech about the importance of stopping Iran's nuclear program and North Korean agression as well as preventing nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction from falling into the hands of terrorists.
-Barnstorming in Carson City, NV
-Town Hall in Carson City, NV
-Speech about how to save and boost the American automotive industry at the National Automobile Museum in Reno, NV :
The best way to save our automotive industry, a great pillar of our economy, is to fight the terrible effects of this economic depression on the energy industry such as government's intrusion and to increase oil production by doubling the number of oil wells, building more pipelines in this country, approving Keystone XL pipeline and exploring ANWR. That way we will be much more independent from foreign oil than we were ever before. It will allow us to manufacture more cars, to reduce our cars' prices that will be less expensive than Asian cars, to boost purchasing power of the American people and more American cars will be bought and we will have the upper hand in the Trans-Pacific Partnership that I will ratify as President. That's how we will boost our automotive industry.
-Meet with the voters at the University of Nevada, Reno, NV
-Rest and debate preparation

October 1st, 2019
-Breakfast with voters in Reno, Nevada
-Fundraising event at Grand Sierra Resort in Reno, Nevada
-Town hall in Reno, Nevada
-Marco Rubio's campaign created a television ad similar to Ronald Reagan's 1984 "There is a bear in the woods", that was, at the time, promoting a strong national security against the Soviet Union symbolized by a bear. Rubio's ad titled "A cougar is waiting in the weeds" featured a cougar, comparing this predator to Islamic terrorism, a cyclist riding in cougar's mountainous territory and a park warden. Through the ad's narration, the cyclist, lacking of vigilance, keeps riding while the cougar is preparing to pounce on his prey, but fortunately, a park warden arrives just in time and pulls his rifle on the predator, forcing the mountain lion to step back before fleeing, thus saving the cyclist's life. This commercial's goal is to call on the American people to stay vigilant against the threat posed to the United States by Islamic terrorism (especially ISIS, Al Qaida, the Hezbollah, Boko Haram, etc.) and to promote a strong national defense to eradicate this threat. Rubio's campaign had paid for the ad to run in the early voting states of Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Nevada and the Washington state as well.

"A cougar is waiting in the weeds" avertissement narration :

« In the mountainous deserts of the West, the cougar, one of the greatest most dangerous and deadly predators in America, is waiting in the weeds, just like jihadists are preparing to attack at anytime around the world. On the cougar's territory, we can't afford to lack vigilance just like we can't afford to lower our guard against Islamic terrorism by cutting in the budget defense and military spending. The cougar is preparing to pounce on his next prey, defenceless. But if we increase security on this territory, this threat can be removed, thus saving this cyclist's life, just like we can remove the threat posed to the United States and its allies by Islamic terrorism by increasing defense spending and deploying all the necessary military arsenal to defeat Islamic terrorism, thus saving innocent lives for the sake of democracy, freedom, justice, integrity and security.
I'm Marco Rubio and I approve this message. »

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 03, 2016, 12:25:30 AM
Marco Rubio : Week of Sept. 29, 2019-Oct. 5, 2019, Part 3

-Flight to Seattle, Washington
-Speech about free trade policy at the Port of Seattle, Washington :

Over Hillary Clinton's presidency, there's no single free trade agreement ratified by the United States of America. Hillary Clinton embraced protectionism that did not ever create a single job. Globalization is a great element of the 21st century and created more economic opportunities with competitive wages and worker benefits. If Hillary Clinton doesn't believe this, then it demonstrates that she's disconnected from reality. In this time of crisis and recession, free trade is clearly needed in order to make our country competitive again, to create new American jobs and make sure America remains the greatest economic power of the world. With energy independence, our cars will be less expensive than Asian cars, which represents an advantage for us in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) because it will incite consumers in the Pacific to buy more American cars, thus increasing their purchasing power and favor our automotive industry and create more American jobs. Even if India is not a member of TPP, Florida’s $1 billion annual exports to India represent a reason why trade ties with India’s and Asia's large and growing markets matter to Americans. The more we export, the more consumers we get in the world, the more our companies can ensure their expansion and the more jobs we can create. That's why I take the pledge to ratify the Trans-Pacific Partnership if I become President.

Free trade will boost free enterprise, which is the strength of our economy. It will also give international consumers a greater access to American products, which will be good for our economy. America's ability to compete and innovate derives from its open markets and from the continual search for new markets through the expansion of free trade. Silicon Valley, which is bordering the Pacific Ocean and has a social and business ethos that supports innovation and entrepreneurship, represents a great example of this desire for innovation. Goods and services crossing borders favor new ideas and models and allow our producers to learn about the market through the failure and success of traded products. While learning more, they will be able to innovate in order to remain competitive. With its globalization effects, free trade will promote and reinforce democracy on the Pacific just as it happened in Indonesia in the 1990s. China vows to surpass us as the first economic power in the world. China is lead by an oppressive communist government that does not embrace free enterprise and restricts freedom of the Chinese people. Beijing is also disputing insular territories in the Pacific and shows it's incredible military power in order to threat it's opponents in the region. That's why we'll be a better commercial partner than China for our allies in the Pacific : we embrace free enterprise, which ensures economic prosperity and less government in the economy's handle. We fight for liberty, for security in the Pacific Ocean and for territorial integrity in this region.

Latin America represents an opportunity that we should not miss : we have great relations with Latin America, a dynamic region with language opportunities and whose economy is as big as China's. So if we ratify free trade with Latin America, we will counterbalance China's trading power. Free trade will not only create jobs in our country, but also ensure the expansion of American businesses here and across the world and make our diplomatic relations stronger across the world. It requires a reduction of tariffs to make exportations and importations less expansive for the good of our economy, our companies and our jobs.

-Rest and debate preparation

October 2nd, 2019
-Fundraising breakfast with the voters and the donors at the Starbucks Center in Seattle, Washington

-Foreign policy speech in reaction to recent military exercises conducted by North Korean military forces near border with South Korea and unveiling Marco Rubio's plan to ensure peace, stability and security on the Pacific Ocean - Museum of Flight, Seattle, Washington :

Almost eighty years ago, during World War II, the Washington state played a major role for our forces' readiness for the Pacific War, especially when it comes to the manufacturing of ships and warplanes for the war effort. But now, we are facing new challenges on the Pacific Ocean : North Korea keeps developing its nuclear program and is multiplying provocations on the Pacific by threatening our regional allies militarily. Recently, Pyongyang increased missile tests and conducted military exercises near the Korean Demilitarized Zone, violating Korean Armistice Agreement (ratified at the end of the Korean War in 1953) once again and weakening stability in the Korean peninsula. That's why we must put North Korea back on the list of states supporting terrorism. Kim Jong-un's regime is much more dangerous than ever before. If we don't take action on it, we risk witnessing the beginning of a devastating nuclear war.
China is lead by an oppressive communist government that does not embrace free enterprise and restricts freedom of the Chinese people. Beijing is also disputing insular territories in the Pacific and shows it's military power in order to threat it's opponents in the region, violating South China Sea's territorial integrity. We need to increase military exercises with our allies in the region if we want to prevent such a crisis and make our partners more able to prevent any Chinese offensive.

Abu Sayyaf is a threat that must be exterminated. This Filipino terrorist group that swore allegiance to ISIS is killing innocent Christians, holding tourists hostage to fund their terrorist activities, put in danger our local economic and political interests and is trying to rip apart one of our most strategic geopolitical allies on the South China Sea : the Philippines. Abu Sayyaf is bringing instability on the Pacific Ocean and if we don't destroy it, this terrorist organization could use the Philippines as a springboard to commit terrorist attacks against us and our allies.

I propose that we create around the Pacific Ocean an intergovernmental military alliance similar to NATO, but including the United States and all their allies around the Pacific (like Canada, Mexico, Peru, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Philippines, South Korea, Japan, etc.) to prevent any North Korean aggression, to take down any North Korean missile thrown against us or our allies and to reinforce security on the Pacific Ocean. Thanks to such an intergovernmental military association, we can avoid any war with North Korea and restore peace, security and stability on the Pacific while increasing pressure on Pyongyang and we'll be able to ensure South China's Sea territorial integrity and expand freedom in this region by reinforcing our military presence there in order to make sure our local allies will be able to discourage China from attacking and invading our partners. The U.S. Navy and our allies will bomb djihadists fighting for Abu Sayyaf and our warplanes from our aircraft carriers will locate targets and destroy them, thus helping the Filipino government to eradicate Abu Sayyaf and restore security and peace on its territory. This is peace through strength. The Pacific Ocean will be aptly named. God bless our men and women in uniform, God bless our allies and God bless the United States of America. Thank you everybody!

-Immigration policy speech at the Seattle Asian Art Museum in Seattle, WA
-Town Hall in Bellevue, WA
-Economic policy speech at the Microsoft campus in Redmond, WA
-Rest and debate preparation
-Flight to Des Moines, Iowa

October 3rd, 2019
-Rally in Des Moines, IA
-Meet with the voters at Dowling Catholic High School in Des Moines, IA
-Touts economic policy and agriculture policy in speech at Iowa Farm Equipment in Tipton, IA
-Speech on law and order and gun control in front of the U.S. Courthouse in Davenport, IA
-Speech on economic and education policy and faith at the St. Ambrose University in Davenport, IA
-Door knocking in Dubuque, IA   
-Fundraiser event at John Deere Dubuque Works in Dubuque, IA
-Debate preparation

October 4th, 2019
-Flight to Nashua, New Hampshire
-Dinner with voters at Bonhoeffer's Cafe and Espresso in Nashua, NH
-Town Hall in Nashua, NH
-Economic policy at the Stonyfield Farm in Londonderry, NH
-Foreign policy speech about the importance of a stronger counter-Islamic terrorism policy at home and abroad.
-Speech at the Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce in Concord, NH
-Debate preparation

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 03, 2016, 08:46:11 AM
The next turn has begun. Please post schedules within 72 hours.

I have 2 questions :

-I thought the maximum time for schedules was 96 hours. Is that still the case?
-If I ever want to PM you, do we do it by emails? If yes, what is your email address?

1. I was under the impression that there was a range, but because turns are only one week I'm going to stick with 72 hours from now on.
2. Click on the link to my profile, then click the "send message" link in my profile to contact me for endorsements or other things.

Just wondering, who is the Governor of New Hampshire?

Chris Sununu defeated incumbent Colin Van Ostern in a 2018 rematch for the Governorship.

Can the reason for an endorsement be the offer of a post in my candidate's administration?

You can do that, if you're willing to risk a scandal if the information leaks.

O.K., so I better not.

Does the current week include October 5 or only until October 4, 2019?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Mike Thick on August 03, 2016, 09:06:33 AM
The next turn has begun. Please post schedules within 72 hours.

I have 2 questions :

-I thought the maximum time for schedules was 96 hours. Is that still the case?
-If I ever want to PM you, do we do it by emails? If yes, what is your email address?

1. I was under the impression that there was a range, but because turns are only one week I'm going to stick with 72 hours from now on.
2. Click on the link to my profile, then click the "send message" link in my profile to contact me for endorsements or other things.

Just wondering, who is the Governor of New Hampshire?

Chris Sununu defeated incumbent Colin Van Ostern in a 2018 rematch for the Governorship.

Can the reason for an endorsement be the offer of a post in my candidate's administration?

You can do that, if you're willing to risk a scandal if the information leaks.

O.K., so I better not.

Does the current week include October 5 or only until October 4, 2019?

All turns are seven in-game days long.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 03, 2016, 10:34:59 AM
Marco Rubio : Week of Sept. 29, 2019-Oct. 5, 2019, Part 4

October 5th, 2019
-Fundraising event at the Mall of New Hampshire in Manchester, NH
-Meet with the voters at the University of New Hampshire in Manchester, NH
-Flight to Houston, Texas
-Meet with voters and donors at the George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston, Texas
-Energy policy speech at Philipps 66 service station in Houston, Texas :

President Clinton declared war on energy industries. She expanded regulations on oil companies, which led to job losses and made us more dependent on foreign oil. We need to increase oil exploration, drilling and exploitation. How? By increasing permits and licenses on federal land, manufacturing more oil wells, building more pipelines between lands rich in fossil energies. If I'm elected President of the United States, I will abolish ban on oil exports, approve Keystone XL pipeline and support the project of building a transcontinental pipeline from Pennsylvania to California (both states rich in oil and gas) as well as the building of a pipeline from Alaska to Alberta. I will also approve oil exploration and drilling in ANWR in Alaska. Then, we'll be able to create hundreds of thousands of new jobs, to develop new technologies that will allow us to get energy independence by 2035 and to keep our status as the first oil producer in the world. It will also boost our automotive industry, make American cars less expansive, which will give us the upper hand in integrating the TPP, encourage our consumers to buy more American cars thanks to a stronger purchasing power and save Great Lakes cities (like Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, etc., where automotive industry is the main economic activity) from bankruptcy. I propose the manufacture of more underwater tankers that will be able to exploit oilfields under water as well as more oil platforms. That way, we'll have the capacity to exploit these resources easily and safely without any danger. By the way, we must engage our country in the race into the Arctic. It's a strategic territory with great potential, including an abundance of oil and gas, particularly on the Alaskan coasts and the Beaufort Sea. We must secure these resources before the Russians do and exploit and drill these oil and gas reserves to create new jobs and increase our energy independence. Increasing oil production will allow us to invest a part of oil drilling revenue for alternative energy for the good of our economy and our environment.

-Advertisement filming
-Debate preparation

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 03, 2016, 10:40:15 AM
The next turn has begun. Please post schedules within 72 hours.

I have 2 questions :

-I thought the maximum time for schedules was 96 hours. Is that still the case?
-If I ever want to PM you, do we do it by emails? If yes, what is your email address?

1. I was under the impression that there was a range, but because turns are only one week I'm going to stick with 72 hours from now on.
2. Click on the link to my profile, then click the "send message" link in my profile to contact me for endorsements or other things.

Just wondering, who is the Governor of New Hampshire?

Chris Sununu defeated incumbent Colin Van Ostern in a 2018 rematch for the Governorship.

Can the reason for an endorsement be the offer of a post in my candidate's administration?

You can do that, if you're willing to risk a scandal if the information leaks.

O.K., so I better not.

Does the current week include October 5 or only until October 4, 2019?

All turns are seven in-game days long.

I remember that the next Republican debate will be set in Texas on October 8, 2019. But do we know which city in Texas will host this debate?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Mike Thick on August 03, 2016, 10:44:05 AM
The next turn has begun. Please post schedules within 72 hours.

I have 2 questions :

-I thought the maximum time for schedules was 96 hours. Is that still the case?
-If I ever want to PM you, do we do it by emails? If yes, what is your email address?

1. I was under the impression that there was a range, but because turns are only one week I'm going to stick with 72 hours from now on.
2. Click on the link to my profile, then click the "send message" link in my profile to contact me for endorsements or other things.

Just wondering, who is the Governor of New Hampshire?

Chris Sununu defeated incumbent Colin Van Ostern in a 2018 rematch for the Governorship.

Can the reason for an endorsement be the offer of a post in my candidate's administration?

You can do that, if you're willing to risk a scandal if the information leaks.

O.K., so I better not.

Does the current week include October 5 or only until October 4, 2019?

All turns are seven in-game days long.

I remember that the next Republican debate will be set in Texas on October 8, 2019. But do we know which city in Texas will host this debate?

The debate will be held in Dallas.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Kingpoleon on August 03, 2016, 12:36:14 PM
This week doesn't go to October 5.

September 29, 30, and 31 are three days. October 1, 2, 3, and 4 are four more days. Three plus four is seven.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 03, 2016, 12:43:29 PM
This week doesn't go to October 5.

September 29, 30, and 31 are three days. October 1, 2, 3, and 4 are four more days. Three plus four is seven.

But September 31 does not exist. You can look at your calendar. September never has 31 days.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Kingpoleon on August 03, 2016, 04:07:46 PM
My apologies.

Edit: My schedule is now correct. Any further editing will only be done in response to events.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Wells on August 04, 2016, 03:43:16 PM
Joni Ernst Campaign Schedule: September 29 - October 5, 2019
Putting America First

September 29 - Joni Ernst arrived in Greenville, South Carolina, where she attended a church service and spoke in front of the church about (guess what!) values and morals. She held a fundraiser afterward, which was then followed by a rally, where she spoke in front of one of her largest crowds.
(response to stock market)
“The economy has been up and down all through Clinton’s presidency. It’s like a roller coaster ride that won’t end. The unemployment goes up and down and up again. The stock market does the same. This instability doesn’t assuage the fears of ordinary Americans. It’s making things worse for everybody. The most recent turn of events is a perfect example of this. But, it’s a fact that the economy is more stable and better overall under Republican presidents. Anybody who says otherwise is lying to you. Under my presidency, the economy will be fantastic. My economic plans will generate growth and employment. I will turn our economy over to the free market. I will cut taxes on the middle class and families.”

September 30 - Ernst spent the morning preparing for the upcoming debate. She then went to Simpsonville, SC, where she held a town hall and meet-and-greet with voters.

“It’s just shocking to me that Hillary Clinton is allowed to run. Everybody knows she’s a criminal, they’ve known for the past few years now. Between Clinton Foundation corruption to Benghazi, those terrible Benghazi attacks, and the FBI saying that what she did with those emails, 30,000 of them, was illegal but that she was too big to jail anyway, it’s just sad. It’s sad. I can assure you that I will be the exact opposite of Hillary Clinton in every way when I am in the oval office. I will be conservative. I will be honest. And I will be a real leader because we need honest conservative leaders in government.”

October 1 - Ernst visited Fountain Inn, SC to discuss the benefits her tax plan would have on the economy. She then held a town hall in Gray Court, SC, where she was asked about the Supreme Court (and other things).

“There are rumors flying around, from very credible sources, I might add, that Justice Anthony Kennedy is considering retirement. In an election year, I might add. We’ve been in this position before. As president, I will nominate conservative justices to the Supreme Court, respectable judges like Scalia or Clarence Thomas. Now, I don’t agree with Kennedy on all of his decisions, especially a lot of his more recent ones, though he is very nice personally, but I would hate to see Clinton nominate an activist social justice warrior who will make decisions based on politics instead of the actual Constitution in his place. It’s unthinkable.”

October 2 - In Laurens, SC, Ernst continued preparing for the debate. She then held a town hall that afternoon.

“Our police officers do a tremendous service to the country and I will always stand behind them and the amazing job that they do. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, that is more honorable than serving your country as a member of the Armed Forces or your community as a member of law enforcement. As president, I will protect those who protect us, especially from these recent attacks, both physical and verbal on what they do. I cannot thank you enough for what you do for us.”
(She then had any soldiers/police officers/veterans in the crowd stand up and they were applauded.)

October 3 - In Clinton, SC, Ernst made a speech, and appeared for an interview with statewide news stations where she was asked about her economic and social policies. She was also asked about Rubio’s recent comments on her space program.

“I actually do agree with Rubio on many points, and he seems to have misunderstood me. I do think increased privatization and less regulation is the key to space exploration, but the government should also be doing something. I can’t remember any of the moon landings. And there’s something wrong with that. We need to feel inspired, hopeful, and optimistic about this country and the future, something I haven’t felt in more than a decade, and you can’t put a price on that. The American people deserve to feel patriotic. Let’s give it to them. My campaign and presidency will always be about putting America first.”

October 4 - Ernst spent most of the day traveling to Nevada (preparing for the debate on the plane), and when she arrived in Reno, she held a fundraising rally/meet-and-greet. There, she gave a foreign policy speech.

“The past twelve years have been tough on Americans, but it’s also getting worse abroad. Just recently, as you may have heard, North Korea is conducting military exercises right next to their border with South Korea. And the current administration isn’t doing anything about it. Now, tensions have been rising for months. For all we know, a war could break out at any moment. Where’s Clinton’s leadership? North Korea is testing nuclear missiles that they might use against one of our allies. What did Obama do to stop it? Nothing. Now, standing idly by when a friend is threatened goes against everything I’ve been taught, my values and morals. You can not accept this lack of leadership from a president. And if you make the right choice on Election Day, you won’t have to. We must stand up to countries who threaten peace by forcefully pushing peace onto them. That is the way America works, peace through strength. That’s the way it’s always worked, and that’s the way I will work as president.”

October 5 - Ernst appeared on a statewide talk radio station in Nevada, where she commented mainly about the biggest differences between her and Hillary Clinton. Afterward, she held a town hall in Washoe City, where she was asked who her favorite president was.

“My favorite president is Ronald Reagan. He was a president like no other. From the genius of his policies to his bravery in foreign policy, there are just too many nice things about him. My favorite things about Reagan were his anecdotes. He really knew how to tell a story. I could listen to him speak all day. There was no president like him before, and none have ever measured up since. I just hope that I can be almost as good as Reagan in the Oval Office.”

During the week Ernst's campaign opened up two new campaign offices in Nevada and one in Iowa.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 05, 2016, 06:10:45 AM
Rubio's statement on stocks' dip due to China's economic troubles

Economic troubes in China shaked the global market and global indexes dipped as widespread credit defaults roiled China's banking industry. With an unemployment rate already at
7,3 %, we risk experiencing a terrible financial crisis that could very well plunge us into a much worse recession than the one in 2008 unless we change leadership in the White House and put in place a pro-growth agenda.

First, we need to cut taxes for all Americans because We don't fix the economy by making rich people poorer but by making poor people richer.

Into such a recession caused by a financial and economic crash in China, we risk seeing oil prices increasing, which will discourage consumers to spend into gasoline, which will create downward pressure on economic growth and lead to our automotive industry's decline. So we need to clinch energy independence by promoting more oil exploration, exploitation, drilling and production, which will reduce oil prices, make our cars less expansive than Asian cars, reinforce our consumers' purchasing power and encourage our consumers to spend into gasoline. Lower oil prices will boost our automotive industry by encouraging car manufacturing and encouraging a larger share of American consumers to buy more American cars than Asian cars. Thanks to energy independence, we will finally be able to diversify our economy with renewable energies such as nuclear, solar, wind, etc.

Protectionism brought us into this terrible recent economic situation just like it happened in the 1930s when Herbert Hoover, the last American protectionist president before Hillary Clinton, was in the White House while adopting the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act (1930) that increased tariffs and reduced American exports and imports, thus increasing unemployment rate by 17 % in only two years (from 8 % in 1930 to 25 % in 1932) and prolonged the terrible effects of the Great Depression. Hillary Clinton is promoting protectionism that did not bring job creation. Globalization created more economic opportunities thanks to competitive wages and worker benefits. So we got to promote free trade to reduce our trade deficit and make our businesses competitive again. By reducing tariffs, our products will be less expansive, which will increase foreign consumers' access to our markets. Also, like I said, energy independence will make our cars cheaper than Asian cars and encourage consumers here and in the rest of the world to buy more American cars, which will help us growing our economy. As a consequence, our adherence into TPP will be beneficial for our economy.

We must champion U.S. business by cutting taxes and regulations on businesses and giving them tax credits to strengthen their capacity of hiring, producing and innovating. Reducing taxes on businessses will stop our companies' off-shoring and will ensure the creation of good-paying jobs.

Economic growth will increase the wages of our fellow Americans, which will help us to balance the budget.

That's how, as President of the United States, I will make sure that our country will avoid a worse recession than the one in 2008 by following the path to prosperity that I am proposing.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Senator Cris on August 05, 2016, 09:22:51 AM
I ask for an extention until tomorrow @ 3 PM EST. Would that be possible?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Mike Thick on August 05, 2016, 10:38:46 AM
I ask for an extention until tomorrow @ 3 PM EST. Would that be possible?


Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Heisenberg on August 05, 2016, 05:24:00 PM
John Kasich 2020 Campaign Schedule: Week of September 29

September 29: After spending time in New Hampshire for half of the previous week, Kasich decides to fly south into South Carolina, where his poll numbers have been weak. His first stop in the state is the city of Charleston, Sen. Tim Scott's hometown. In hopes of picking up some of his former supporters, Kasich praises Senator Scott.
"Tim Scott has served his constituents really well. It has been my pleasure serving alongside him in the US Senate. Despite the fact that he had been running against me, I have always appreciated his dedication to serving the people of South Carolina, and I look forward to working with him as President. Senator Scott will stand up for our moral ves, fiscal responsibility, and our Constitution. God bless Senator Scott, South Carolina, and The United States of America."

September 30: The next day, Kasich moved on to the state's capital city of Columbia, where he held a large rally. The highlight of his rally was his foreign policy speech (response to North Korea military exercises):
North Korea's military exercises are unacceptable, and pose a serious threat to the security of our nation and of our allies. Unlike Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, I have a plan. You can't just sit there and be defenseless. We have to equip our allies in the region with the proper equipment to stop and intercept any North Korean plane or ship suspected of carrying harmful materials. America and her allies must act together to contain the threat of that rogue regime that has interest in nothing but aggression and violation of international agreements to profit from its missiles. The Kasich administration will put an end to the ineffective do-nothing policies of Obama and Clinton that have gotten us nowhere towards containing the threat of North Korea. When I am president the United States will once again stand up for her allies and work with them to defeat our nation's threats and keep the world safe."

October 1: On his third and final day of his South Carolina, he held a town hall, meet and greet, and lunch in the city of Spartanburg. After spending the first half of the day in Spartanburg,  he moved to the nearby city of Greenville to spend the evening and wrap up his tour of South Carolina.

October 2: Moving on to another southern state, Kasich held an event in Knoxville, TN. In response to Kennedy considering retirement, Kasich said to the friendly church-going, God-fearing people of Eastern Tennessee
"Justice Kennedy is smart man and a brilliant justice who has a strong passion for defending the Constitution. Even if I do not necessarily agree with all of his rulings, I have tremendous respect for him and acknowledge that whatever the Supreme Court rules is the law of the land. With Hillary Clinton's new appointees, the Court has become more liberal. As President, I will ensure that that we will have new, Constitutionally-minded jurists on the Court who will uphold the traditional moral values that have made us the great, strong nation that we our. God bless."

October 3: Heading west, Kasich visited Nashville, TN. In the Music City, Kasich held his largest rally so far of the 2020 cycle, and campaigned across town. In the afternoon he held a fundraiser where he raised a large amount of money.

October 4: Before leaving the South for Nevada, Kasich makes one last stop in Memphis, where he campaigns across the city. In Memphis, he meets and greets residents across the different neighborhoods of the city, and speaks in front of a local reporter. In this diverse, urban city, he focuses on race relations and law enforcement.
"A nation without laws is not a nation. Hate crimes against the police need to stop. While a small few of our nation's officers are bad, the overwhelming majority of them are good, brave people wth the courage and passion to serve our communities. The Kasich administration will keep our nation safe, enforce our laws, and stand with law enforcement to keep crime down."

October 5: After spending six days in the South, Kasich begins campaigning in Henderson, NV, where he recently opened a campaign office, along with four others in the state (Las Vegas, Carson City, Reno, Sparks). He held a fundraiser, where he also made a speech about the economy (response to the stock market).
"My experience as Chairman of the House Budget Committee, Governor of Ohio, and US Senator, as well as my work in the private sector make me undoubtably qualified to serve as President of the United States. One of my strongest policy areas is the economy. In Ohio, I got us out of the disastrous economy aged Strickland left behind, and the economy recovered really well. Ohio added thousands of jobs in the private sector during my first term as governor, and the whole nation will see even greater job and economic growth when I am President. The economy and our markets will be stable under my administration, and we will run our government efficiently to reduce spending and pay off our debt, and we will be able to cut taxes to ensure a friendly business environment.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Potus on August 05, 2016, 08:33:01 PM
Abandoned But Not Forgotten

VOICEOVER: Another Democrat President, another four years of crushing poverty in the African American community. Hillary Clinton has had four years to bring opportunity and prosperity to African American communities. She chose not to. She abandoned you. But she hasn't forgotten you. She needs your vote. They always need your vote. When you go to the polls this year, remember who abandoned you, your family, your neighborhood. Reject Hillary Clinton. Reject the same old same old.


Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Potus on August 05, 2016, 08:51:11 PM
Taking over as Comey.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Potus on August 05, 2016, 09:08:24 PM


Hello, everybody. Thank you for coming. Thank you.

My opponents in the Republican primary have attacked me time and again for what they call my "Hillary issue." The loudmouths on cable news attack me for it. They say I have no chance because of it. But listen to this story. Let me tell you about the Clintons.

If you saw the inside of the federal government, I ran the FBI, you would be terrified. Let me be very clear: *this country is not safe.* This country is targeted by thousands of enemies every day. Terrorism. Crime. Violence. They want to kill us. I have dedicated my life to protecting this country from enemies both foreign and domestic. The FBI has been a terrific place to stand up for the rule of law, to protect this country, and to serve the people.

That changed four years ago when my boss, Loretta Lynch, ordered me to report that Hillary Clinton did nothing wrong when she endangered this country's national security by mishandling classified information. She had dinner with the First Gentleman and he asked her, the convincing way he asks every woman, to dismiss it all. To make sure that the investigation came back with nothing. That was the order I received. Cover it up for the Clintons or lose my job.

It may sound like I was selfish, keeping my job. But, like I said, this country is in danger every moment of every day. I was the only Republican in the room. I was the only person truly committed to the security of this country. Lynch. Obama. The rest of them, they cared about politics. I could not, with good conscience, leave the national security of this country to those people. So I did what I had to do.

Today, I know those dangers are even larger. I know our border is weaker, the world is more dangerous, and the terrorists are more committed. Worse, the leaders are even weaker. Hillary Clinton cannot spend another four years in the Oval Office.

Let me be perfectly clear: The Clintons do not care about you. They do not care about security. THey do not care about this country. They do not care. They must be stopped.

No other Republican in this field will fight the way we need to fight. None of them are going to prosecute Hillary Clinton's record of lies, injustice, and weakness. If you want to fight her, if you want to take her and her husband on, I'm your man.

I am running this campaign to fight the deceit in Washington and to fight for America abroad. I will fight to keep us safe. I will fight for a fair deal for every American. I will fight for you. Fight for you everyday.

I look forward to seeing you on the trail, I'll need all the help I can get. Thank you. God bless America!

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Potus on August 05, 2016, 10:12:19 PM

September 29: Iowa
-Speech to pro-life chapter in Des Moines, invite to rally
-Tour small businesses in downtown Des Moines
-Rally in Des Moines

Quote from: Rally Speech Excerpt
[...] There are a lot of naysayers in this country. A lot of people in the media tell us that the fight has been lost. They are saying that the Republican Party doesn't want to fight. They say that because of the election results that gave the Clintons the White House, only after they cheated and lied to the American people to get there, Republicans don't want to fight for their country. I know that's not true, no matter how often the liberal media reports it. Republicans, conservatives someone that will fight for our values. I'm a fighter. We want someone that will fight corruption. I'm a fighter. We want someone that will fight to keep our country safe. I'm a fighter! WE want someone who will fight to stop Washington from taking more of our paychecks! I'm a fighter! We want someone who will fight for US! Who will fight for AMERICA! MY FRIENDS, I-AM-A-FIGHTER!

September 30: Iowa
-Meeting with Fraternal Order of Police, seeking endorsement
-Barnstorm in Des Moines, shake hands at diners and whatnot.

Quote from:  Remarks to Fraternal Order of Police
I led the FBI, the most powerful law enforcement agency in the country. I know that we caught terrorists. We fought organized crime. We did hugely important work very well when I led the FBI. But nothing can compare to the work you guys and gals do. Nothing is braver than putting on your badge in the morning, sometimes that feels like putting on a target, and going out their and protecting others. That's courageous and I pray for you everyday. If I'm elected President, you know, every police officer knows, I'll be fighting for you and your family.

October 1: Iowa
-Rally in Ames
-Open Campaign HQ

Quote from: Rally Speech Excerpt
[...]You know, when I first dealt with what the media called my "Hillary problem" I figured my party would jump on it. I figured my opponents would join me in calling out the Clinton corruption that hangs over Washington. That's what the people want, after all. A government that works for them again. But then I realized, every last one of them is a Senator except one. And he's Speaker of the House. They don't want to change Washington. They are Washington.

October 2: New Hampshire
-Speech to Fraternal Order of Police, reiterate speech in Iowa
-Barnstorming in Manchester
-Rally in Manchester

Quote from: Rally Speech Excerpt
[..] Yesterday in Iowa, I called on my opponents to act like people who want to beat Hillary. I called on them to attack the Clinton Corruption we all know hangs over Washington. This has really upset the liberal media. The talking heads are saying that I have overstepped, that I'm fighting too hard. Do you think I'm fighting too hard or just right? *cheers* We all know what is really happening. The media wants some senator who is too afraid of their own conscience, and the conscience of conservatives everywhere, to call out Hillary Clinton. They don't want to lose their President. That's why they're trying to stop me.

October 3: South Carolina
-Speech to veterans organization
-Tour old factory in Greensboro
-Rally in Greensboro

Quote from: Rally Speech Excerpt
[...] I toured a factory today. It used to employ hundreds of workers, but not anymore. It has no workers. It's vacant. No one works there. Why? Why do we let this happen? The people in Washington have been working on a deal they call the Trans-Pacific Partnership to open up our economy to Asian companies. They will try to attack me for this, the liberal media will. They will attack me for this, but the Clintons are deeply corrupt. They want the TPP because it enriches their donors and those that support them. The Republicans who are in charge of the House and Senate support it because they believe it's free trade. It's not free trade. It's a corporate deal written by and for the multinationals who don't like the free market and want power. It's not free markets, it's not free trade. It's a sweetheart deal for Clinton donors.

October 4: South Carolina
-Barnstorm in Charleston
-Rally in Charleston

Quote from: Rally Speech Excerpt
It has been almost a week since I first came forward with the story of how the Clintons manipulated the FBI to avoid justice. Almost a week. In this field of presidential candidates, there are two members of Congress, one is a Democrat and the other is the Speaker, and a handful of Senators. So many people who are able to represent justice. I believe it is time to give the folks in Washington a chance to fight for justice. The Constitution grants the legislative branch the power to impeach the President.

It is time for Speaker Ryan and Senators Ernst, Rubio, Gardner, Kasich, and Cotton to choose. Choose between the people and Hillary Clinton. Our message is clear: Impeach the President.

October 5: Iowa
-Barnstorming in Grand Rapids
-Rally in Grand Rapids

Quote from: Rally Speech Excerpt
The reaction to this campaign, to our movement, has been INCREDIBLE. The American people are standing up for justice, for security, for stability, for someone who will fight for them. I am honored by the support you have given me. Truly honored. In the face of dark times behind us and ahead, I remind you that we must be ready to fight together, to stand together. Let's bring justice to Washington! Justice to the Clintons! Justice to the Establishment! Let's bring someone who will fight for America again!

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Senator Cris on August 06, 2016, 11:01:05 AM
Cory Gardner for President - September 29 - October 5


September 29
Senatorial duties in Washington, DC.
Flying to South Carolina
Meet and Greet in Charleston, SC.
Rally in Charleston, SC.

"I do not agree with all of Justice Kennedy's decisions, but I have to say that he's a smart man that loves the Constitution. Hillary Clinton appointed new liberal judges during his presidency and now the court is heavly balanced toward a particular ideology. When I'll be President, I'll appoint conservative judges that love the Constitution and that will stand for American's rights and for the Constitution. The Suprem Court will finally be more balanced than now."

September 30
Town Hall in Columbia, SC.
Rally in Columbia, SC.
Flying to Nevada
Meet and Greet in Las Vegas, NV.
Rally in Las Vegas, NV.

October 1
Meet and Greet in North Las Vegas, NV.
Rally in Mesquite, NV.
Meet and Greet in Laughlin, NV.
Meet and Greet in Spring Valley, NV.
Rally in Paradise, NV.
Dinner with voters in Paradise, NV.

October 2
Meet and Greet in Sunrise Manor, NV.
Rally in Whitney, NV.
Town Hall in Moapa Valley, NV.
Meet and Greet in Moapa Town, NV.
Rally in Las Vegas, NV.
Flying to New Hampshire

"I'm proud to endorse Senator Cory Gardner for the presidency. I know him very well. We worked togheter on all issues and I can guarantee you that Cory is a principled man who'll fight for you, who'll fight to get common-sense solutions for all the people of New Hampshire and for all the people of the United States. He had been able to listen to all the people of the Senate in order to get things done. He has great skills, he's ready to take the spot of Hillary Clinton, whose presidency has weakened America." -- Former Sen. Kelly Ayotte

October 3
Meet and Greet in Manchester, NH.
Rally in Manchester, NH.
Town Hall in Manchester, NH.
Town Hall in Hudson, NH.
Meet and Greet in Merrimack, NH.
Town Hall in Milford, NH.
Interview on local radio in Manchester, NH.

October 4
Town Hall in New Boston, NH.
Town Hall in Bedford, NH.
Debate preparation in Bedford, NH.
Meet and Greet in Deering, NH.
Rally in Nashua, NH.
Meet and Greet in Nashua, NH.
TV appareance from Nashua, NH.
Dinner with voters in Nashua, NH.

"Our federal government must help the citizens, not run their lives. When I'll be President, we'll cut taxes, we'll reduce government spending, we'll create better opportunities in order to let all the young (and not) people who want to build their own success and all the small and medium business to shine and to completely unlesh their potential. America has a great potential, we must favorize our citizens to unlesh that potential. We can do that with conservative principles, common-sense reforms and a strong leaders who stands up for this great country"

October 5
Town Hall in Weare, NH.
Meet and Greet in Sharon, NH.
Meet and Greet in Pelham, NH.
Town Hall in Francestown, NH.
Rally in Manchester, NH.
Meet and Greet in Manchester, NH.
Flying to Washington, DC.

Former Senator Ayotte will attend all Gardner events in New Hamphire.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Senator Cris on August 06, 2016, 11:23:39 AM
Cory Gardner for President - TV Ads

To play in the following states:

"Know Cory"

Gardner speaks:


"It's time for a new kind of leadership in the White House. Growing up in small-town Colorado, I learned that respecting the views of others and working together is necessary for success.
Washington is dominated by career politicians whose policies have weakened our country, left our economy struggling, increased the size of government in the life of Americans and left Americans still looking for work.

It's time for a new generation of Americans to lead the next generation.

I'm Cory Gardner and I approve this message."


Highlights from Gardner's announcement speech:


"The federal government must not be involved as much as it's now in the lifes of American citizens. The government's role shall be to clear the way to the people in order to let them being successful. Clear the way to the people, not running the life of the people.

And when I say we'll clear the way to Americans, I mean that we'll cut taxes for business owners in order to put Americans back to work, we'll reduce spending.

We'll improve our education system, creating better opportunities for our children and for all the generations to come.

We'll repeal Obamacare and we'll replace it with a better system that will favour every citizen.

If I'll be elected President, America will stand with its allies. We'll build an international coalition in order to defeat ISIS.

I consider myself as a new kind of republican. It's time for a principled leader, with fresh and bold ideas able to bring solutions to the problems facing our nation, able to get support from all the people.

I'm Cory Gardner and I approve this message."

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 06, 2016, 07:31:36 PM
Is the third turn over?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 06, 2016, 09:13:52 PM
Just wondering, is Los Angeles selected as the host city of the 2024 Summer Olympics?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Mike Thick on August 06, 2016, 09:35:25 PM
Just wondering, is Los Angeles selected as the host city of the 2024 Summer Olympics?

Yes, and yes to your earlier question. I'll try and crank out some stuff tonight.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 06, 2016, 10:27:33 PM
Just wondering, is Los Angeles selected as the host city of the 2024 Summer Olympics?

Yes, and yes to your earlier question. I'll try and crank out some stuff tonight.

Is that possible to make more than one suggestion of endorsements in one PM sent to you?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Mike Thick on August 06, 2016, 11:25:27 PM
Just wondering, is Los Angeles selected as the host city of the 2024 Summer Olympics?

Yes, and yes to your earlier question. I'll try and crank out some stuff tonight.

Is that possible to make more than one suggestion of endorsements in one PM sent to you?

Of course it is.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Mike Thick on August 07, 2016, 12:57:57 PM
Polls, events and endorsements will come in another incoming post:

The News

Comey's "Clinton Problem" Speech Sends Shockwaves Trough 2020 Campaign

The 2020 election is rolling along!

James Comey's shock announcement that Attorney General Loretta Lynch and President Barack Obama pressured him to sit on evidence that Clinton had flagrantly violated the law and should have been charged -- rocketing a Republican candidate previously seen as a joke into the top tier of his party, and cratering the approval ratings and primary numbers of President Clinton.

The former FBI Director jumped a stunning fourteen percentage points in our national polling in a mere week, and his momentum shows no sign of slowing. Comey appears to be siphoning "Trumpist" voters away from Joni Ernst, who was previously the candidate of choice for this group, although she is still holding her own because of a strong position among "very conservative" voters. He has also drawn a bit from each of the other candidates. The once-rising star Tom Cotton, in the meantime, is continuing to sink, and is now on the "death watch" of most political observers.

Meanwhile, Clinton's support in the Democratic primaries has slid rapidly, largely due to the mushrooming email scandal -- and she hasn't been on the trail to counter the narrative. Ashe has opened up a small lead on the incumbent President in the critical early state of New Hampshire, is closing in in Iowa, and has made major gains nationally. Clinton's bungling of the challenge to her renomination has also contributed to her hemorrhaging.

National Polls:
Hillary Clinton 51%
Tim Ashe 33%

Paul Ryan 20%
Marco Rubio 17%
James Comey 15%
Joni Ernst 13%
Cory Gardner 9%
John Kasich 7%
Tom Cotton 1%

Iowa Polls:
Hillary Clinton 48%
Tim Ashe 37%

Joni Ernst 22%
Paul Ryan 14%
James Comey 14%
Marco Rubio 10%
Cory Gardner 6%
John Kasich 5%
Tom Cotton 1%

New Hampshire Polls:
Tim Ashe 45%
Hillary Clinton 43%

Marco Rubio 24%
Paul Ryan 16%
John Kasich 15%
James Comey 13%
Cory Gardner 10%
Joni Ernst 9%
Tom Cotton 1%

South Carolina Polls:
Hillary Clinton 64%
Tim Ashe 25%

Marco Rubio 20%
Paul Ryan 18%
James Comey 15%
Joni Ernst 10%
Cory Gardner 9%
John Kasich: 5%
Tom Cotton 1%

Nevada Polls:
Hillary Clinton 55%
Tim Ashe 30%

Marco Rubio: 24%
Paul Ryan 15%
Cory Gardner 13%
James Comey 13%
Joni Ernst 4%
John Kasich 5%
Tom Cotton 1%

Tennessee Polls:
Hillary Clinton 58%
Tim Ashe 26%

Paul Ryan 21%
Marco Rubio 18%
James Comey: 15%
Joni Ernst 11%
Cory Gardner: 8%
John Kasich: 6%
Tom Cotton: 1%

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Mike Thick on August 07, 2016, 04:55:11 PM
Can we not post schedules yet, please? I have something to say about the scheduling in a post I'm writing.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 07, 2016, 08:07:04 PM
Not only there are schedules to post, but there is a debate between the Republican presidential candidates on October 8, 2019. So how will we procede for the debate to answer questions and respond to attacks from our opponents?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Mike Thick on August 07, 2016, 09:10:09 PM
Okay, things are happening IRL that are probably going to keep me from moderating this effectively. Someone else can take over, I can keep trying to moderate but probably not do very well, or we can just cut it off and maybe migrate over to dar's much better organized parliamentary TL. What do you think?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 08, 2016, 08:30:37 AM
Not only there are schedules to post, but there is a debate between the Republican presidential candidates on October 8, 2019. So how will we procede for the debate to answer questions and respond to attacks from our opponents?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 08, 2016, 02:09:27 PM
Is that me or am I the only one waiting for posts and news? I find this game amusing and I'm worried about this game's future.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Heisenberg on August 08, 2016, 02:14:23 PM
Is that me or am I the only one waiting for posts and news? I find this game amusing and I'm worried about this game's future.
I'd like to continue, but if Ted doesn't have the time to, I respect that.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 08, 2016, 02:16:26 PM
Is that me or am I the only one waiting for posts and news? I find this game amusing and I'm worried about this game's future.
I'd like to continue, but if Ted doesn't have the time to, I respect that.

Do you know anyone interested of taking over? If not, maybe we could look for someone interested to do so. What do you think of this?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Pericles on August 08, 2016, 02:44:31 PM
I'll do Hillary's response to Comey today if I can fit it in.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 08, 2016, 03:08:24 PM
Can somedbody from the outside take over the moderation, I mean someone who didn't ever play in this game nor didn't ever moderated this game? In that case, we would have to explain him the rules and the background.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 08, 2016, 06:06:40 PM
I'll do Hillary's response to Comey today if I can fit it in.

Very good idea! I hope it will relaunch this timeline because I'm worried about this game's future.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: LLR on August 08, 2016, 06:08:22 PM
If ya want me to lock the thread, let me know.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on August 08, 2016, 06:57:57 PM
I heard that this game's moderator has less time than usual to moderate this game and that this timeline is declining. But can I take over the moderation of this game in order to relaunch this timeline?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Wells on August 08, 2016, 07:14:53 PM
I heard that this game's moderator has less time than usual to moderate this game and that this timeline is declining. But can I take over the moderation of this game in order to relaunch this timeline?

I think you could ask LLR or Ted Bessell? I want this to continue, though we have received requests to participate in a different 2020 game.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on August 08, 2016, 07:23:16 PM
If ya want me to lock the thread, let me know.

I heard that this game's moderator has less time than usual to moderate this game and that this timeline is declining. But can I take over the moderation of this game in order to relaunch this timeline? If you accept, please explain me the rules and the background.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Mike Thick on August 08, 2016, 07:28:51 PM
If ya want me to lock the thread, let me know.

I heard that this game's moderator has less time than usual to moderate this game and that this timeline is declining. But can I take over the moderation of this game in order to relaunch this timeline? If you accept, please explain me the rules and the background.

The rules are explained in the OP and throughout the thread, if you have any questions you can let me know.

If you have the time to moderate the game effectively, though, I'm more than happy to hand it off.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on August 08, 2016, 07:54:51 PM
If ya want me to lock the thread, let me know.

I heard that this game's moderator has less time than usual to moderate this game and that this timeline is declining. But can I take over the moderation of this game in order to relaunch this timeline? If you accept, please explain me the rules and the background.

The rules are explained in the OP and throughout the thread, if you have any questions you can let me know.

If you have the time to moderate the game effectively, though, I'm more than happy to hand it off.

Perfect! I'm ready to take over the moderation. Can we make the announcement?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Mike Thick on August 08, 2016, 08:08:06 PM
If ya want me to lock the thread, let me know.

I heard that this game's moderator has less time than usual to moderate this game and that this timeline is declining. But can I take over the moderation of this game in order to relaunch this timeline? If you accept, please explain me the rules and the background.

The rules are explained in the OP and throughout the thread, if you have any questions you can let me know.

If you have the time to moderate the game effectively, though, I'm more than happy to hand it off.

Perfect! I'm ready to take over the moderation. Can we make the announcement?

Go right ahead :P

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on August 08, 2016, 08:36:23 PM
Hello guys! I'm taking over the moderation of the game. Here are the DKrol's rules

-Each round will cover one week IG
- Each round will last 72 hours, but if you ask me to extend the deadline for a round, let me know
- Each round will start with an updated poll summary and a list of the upcoming electoral contests
- Periodically, News events will be introduced to elicit responses from the players that will impact the race
- Players are encourage to post, for each round, a schedule for the week. It can be as in-depth as an hourly itinerary for the candidate, or it can be as general as a summary of the entire week
- Players should PM me, the Game Moderator, for endorsements. The PM should contain the name of the person you'd like to be endorsed by, the most recent office or position they've held, and a brief reason why they would endorse you (Ie: George H.W. Bush, former President, should endorse George W. Bush because he is his son.)
- Advertisements will be accepted, if you want to make them, but they're not 100% required
- All events have in this TL have occurred as they did in OTL
- Independent/Third Party candidates will be accepted, but be warned that they will have to work very hard to make a national impression

If you have suggestions of News events, PM me.

The debate schedule remains the same, though there might be more after the Iowa caucuses.

In the coming week that will be covered in this game, remember that there will be a Republican presidential debate featuring Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan, Joni Ernst, James Comey, Cory Gardner, John Kasich and Tom Cotton in Dallas on October 8, 2019. Here's the procedure for the debates : I will post the questions and you will have to post your responses to the questions. When it comes to the attacks from your opponents (that they will post as well), it will be the same procedure, which is you post your responses to the attacks. If you have suggestions of questions for the debates, please PM me.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: / on August 08, 2016, 09:48:38 PM
Good to know that this timeline is back up and running!

But you guys are still welcome to join the Parliamentary America game as well if you'd like to! :D

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on August 08, 2016, 10:12:33 PM
By the way the the 4th round starts tomorrow with News events and endorsements. Then you can post your schedules before the beginning of Republican debate in Dallas.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Pericles on August 09, 2016, 03:48:08 AM
I'm here to talk to you today, because I feel a responsibility to restore trust in our government, and in myself. Over the last few years, we have seen politicians use extreme, divisive and just plain unacceptable rhetoric for their own partisan purposes. This has eroded trust in our leadership and in our institutions. The final straw, in my view, is when Director Comey, to selfishly benefit his poll numbers, made the astonishing and totally false accusation that I broke the law with my handling of my private email server. Today, I am going to correct the record and hopefully begin a process where we can return to civility in our politics and civil discourse.
Director Comey alleged that he was forced to deny that I, somehow, broke the law with my handling of my private email server as Secretary of State. Let's be clear; had I the chance for a do-over, I would not do it again. But that does not mean, in any way, that I committed a crime. I made a mistake, in using a private email server as Secretary of State. That does not justify a witchhunt against me, or the kind of absurd allegations that have become routine. Just-stop and think for a second. It is now normal for the President of the United States to be called a criminal. Director Comey and the other Republican candidates, it's been calculated, they spend more time calling me a criminal than talking about policy. It is ridiculous.
If you look at the facts, there is no way I could be charged with any crime. The law says "“Whoever knowingly and willfully … [discloses] or uses in any manner prejudicial to the safety and interest of the United States [certain categories of classified information] … shall be fined … or imprisoned.” I did not knowingly remove information, and there is no proof of any kind that US security was endangered by my actions. You can go through the law-there is nothing in there that makes me guilty of a crime. And neither did I endanger US security. That idea is just fiction. Most of the emails were classified retroactively. The fact is, there is no legal justification for an indictment. It is a bunch of fictions, half-truths and outright lies.
And so when Director James Comey goes and says I am a criminal, and should have been indicted, it is false. You can ask anybody at the FBI who was involved in the investigation and isn't running for President. I think that's a lot of people! Now you might be thinking Hang on, isn't Comey telling the truth? He isn't a politician? He sounds like he knows what he's talking about. I can trust him. No, no, no, and ... no.  Comey is running for President. He is now a politician. He has to get votes, I understand, he wants to be President. So do I. And so he needs to pander to people's fears, to delusions, paranoid delusions that Republicans have been stoking for decades. It's the same old tricks, and it has never worked. And so he goes and he tries to get votes. That's fine. What I am not fine is his false attacks on my integrity, on my character. You know you are lying, Director! It is time for Comey and the Republicans to stop peddling falsehoods and delusions, and start having an honest debate on policy, on the direction of this country.
And I think this is about more than me, more than me and Director Comey, more than me and my email server. It is an issue of trust. Trust in our government, trust in our institutions, in our leadership, and in our President. When we resort to calling our President a criminal, and when we try to delegitimise our opposition, all it does is divide us. It reduces the trust of Americans in their government. It weakens us as a nation. Abraham Lincoln once said "A house divided cannot stand." And some politicians today seem intent on dividing that house, because they are irresponsibly gambling that they can gain votes that way, pander to the base, so to speak. But they are ultimately sowing the seeds of their own destruction. The rhetoric that I should be put in jail, that there is a 'Clinton body count', that I murdered Vince Foster and hate America. It is corrosive. We are seeing at every little the degradation of public discourse, and therefore the degradation of our political system and of the faith the American people have in their government. This has to stop. Let's have a debate. Who offers the best policies for growing our economy? Who offers the best policies for combating terrorism? Who has the best policies on healthcare? I could go on(laughs). Let's debate the issues, let's have a civil debate, and restore the faith of the American people. The longer we distract ourselves with these lies and nonsense, the longer we continue to hurt ourselves. So America, let's have a debate. Let's decide the direction of this country. We should make this election about you, not me and my opponent. So, let's go and set the record right, and set our politics right. Thank you, thank you...

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on August 09, 2016, 04:31:05 AM
Hello guys! I'm taking over the moderation of the game. Here are the DKrol's rules

-Each round will cover one week IG
- Each round will last 72 hours, but if you ask me to extend the deadline for a round, let me know
- Each round will start with an updated poll summary and a list of the upcoming electoral contests
- Periodically, News events will be introduced to elicit responses from the players that will impact the race
- Players are encourage to post, for each round, a schedule for the week. It can be as in-depth as an hourly itinerary for the candidate, or it can be as general as a summary of the entire week
- Players should PM me, the Game Moderator, for endorsements. The PM should contain the name of the person you'd like to be endorsed by, the most recent office or position they've held, and a brief reason why they would endorse you (Ie: George H.W. Bush, former President, should endorse George W. Bush because he is his son.)
- Advertisements will be accepted, if you want to make them, but they're not 100% required
- All events have in this TL have occurred as they did in OTL
- Independent/Third Party candidates will be accepted, but be warned that they will have to work very hard to make a national impression

If you have suggestions of News events, PM me.

The debate schedule remains the same, though there might be more after the Iowa caucuses.

In the coming week that will be covered in this game, remember that there will be a Republican presidential debate featuring Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan, Joni Ernst, James Comey, Cory Gardner, John Kasich and Tom Cotton in Dallas on October 8, 2019. Here's the procedure for the debates : I will post the questions and you will have to post your responses to the questions. When it comes to the attacks from your opponents (that they will post as well), it will be the same procedure, which is you post your responses to the attacks. If you have suggestions of questions for the debates, please PM me.

Can I join as independent Angus King?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on August 09, 2016, 06:08:09 AM

Terrorist attack by ISIS in Rome

Three Libyan jihadists who pledged allegiance to ISIS have commited a terrorist attack at the Sapienza University of Rome, killing approximately 28 people and injured 40 people before being surrounded and killed by the police. These events triggered strong feeling of solidarity feelings the world and many solidarity campaigns are adopting the slogan « We are Rome! ». This terrorist attack sounds likely to intensify the fight against terrorism.

Rise of the unemployment rate

The actual economic troubles seem to show their effect on the worldwide economy. In the United States, the unemployment rate raised to 7,7 % due to the loss of 350 000 jobs in the last month.

Hostage-taking by Hezbollah at the Karachi Nuclear Power Complex

Karachi, the capital of Pakistan, became the scene of a violent hostage-taking by ten Hezbollah fighters. They held the employers of the Karachi Nuclear Power Complex the employers hostage. They apparently wanted their hostages to deliver them the secrets and techniques of Pakistani's nuclear weapons manufacturing. Fortunately, the Pakistani police and army arrived, surrounded the Karachi Nuclear Power Complex and launched an assault in which four hostages, three policemen, two soldiers and all the ten jihadists were killed. One policeman and two soldiers are injured and all the other hostages were saved. Some people are suspecting that this event is relied to Iran's nuclear program.


Marco Rubio : New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu, Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 10, 2016, 02:07:56 PM
Marco Rubio : Week of Oct. 6, 2019-Oct. 12, 2019, Part 1

October 6th, 2019
-Fundraising breakfast at the Hilton Americas-Houston in Houston, TX
-Meet with the voters at the Houston Hispanic Forum Houston, Texas
-Economic policy speech in front of the Halliburton Company headquarters in Houston, TX
-Fundraising event at the Brown Shipbuilding Company in Houston, TX
-Dinner with the voters at the Russo's New York Pizzeria in Houston, TX
-Speech at the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum in College Station, Texas :

Thank you for your warm welcome at the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum founded as a tribute to the 41st President of the United States George H. W. Bush!
I am proud of George H. W. Bush's military service to his country during World War II in which he flew 58 combat missions as a pilot. I am proud of George H. W. Bush's contribution to our economic progress as the founder and the CEO of oil companies like the Zapata Petroleum Corporation (now named HRG Group, Inc.), prosperous companies that created jobs and are working hard to allow our country to clinch energy independence by encouraging the exploration and exploitation of our own oil resources. This contribution from the Bush family continued with George W. Bush's business career as the founder CEO of Arbusto Energy. And even though I don't agree with him on everything, I am proud of George H. W. Bush's political service to our country as a Congressman, as a diplomat, as Director of the CIA, as Vice-President of the United States under Ronald Reagan and as President of the United States at the glorious time of the Reagan Revolution. I'm proud to have grown up at the time of the Reagan Revolution.

Before Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush were elected to the White House in 1980, the world was living a catastrophic situation in which the Second Oil Crisis hurt the worldwide economy and made us more dependent of foreign oil and in which an increase of inflation, a big government taxing the American people too much, regulating too much and spending too much made the economic situation worse and killed many American jobs. At the time, the USSR was challenging us on the international stage by supporting communist movements all around the world, increasing its nuclear arsenal and by invading Afghanistan. Many of our fellow citizens were held hostages in Iran. But under Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush's eight years at the White House, America shined again thanks to Reaganomics that reduced unemployment rate by created nearly 20 million jobs through tax cuts, reducing regulations and spending, reinforcing the American people's purchasing power, lifting petroleum price and allocation controls, championing our businesses, signing free-trade agreements and balancing the budget. President Reagan increased defense spending, which helped us to win the Cold War by developing our military arsenal and by vanquishing the communist threat, especially in Grenada, Afghanistan. Only after Reagan's second term and during the first year of George H. W. Bush's presidency, the Berlin Wall, which contributed to the end of the Cold War in which we and our allies were victorious, thus ensuring the survival of freedom, democracy, capitalism and free market. As president, George H. W. Bush defended Kuwait's territorial integrity by launching a military intervention there against Saddam Hussein's Iraq during the Gulf War and signed the North American Free Trade Agreement that reduced our tariffs, allowed our companies expand, innovate, export and create jobs. Because Bill Clinton missed his chance of killing Osama Bin Laden, the World Trade Center came down on 9/11. But after 9/11, George W. Bush kept us safe by intervening militarily in Afghanistan and Iraq, thus weakening Al Qaida, toppling Saddam Hussein and reinforcing stability and freedom in these two countries. And it is thanks to the War on Terror launched by George W. Bush that Osama Bin Laden is killed, even though it's not under his watch as President.

Ladies and Gentlemen, there is no doubt about it : we are now experiencing a world of economic decline in which taxes and regulations are too high, thus weakening the American people's purchasing power and leading to American companies' offshoring. We are suffering a remarkable increase of the national debt, job losses, increasing unemployment rate and an increasing dependency on foreign oil. We're living in a dangerous world of increasing geopolitical threat because of President Clinton's weak leadership and lack of judgment. ISIS and Al Qaida are still on the run, are killing innocent people around the world and are threatening our values : liberty, democracy, justice and integrity. Vladimir Putin is trying to position Russia as a geopolitical force by invading Ukraine, like he did to Georgia, through supporting, training and arming the pro-Russian insurgency in Ukraine. For economic interests, Putin's Russia intervened militarily in Syria to help the Assad regime to vanquish the Syrian rebellion. If we don't take action, if we give Syria to Russia, Syria will be under permanent chaos : Assad still in power and oppressing it's people, Russia keeps it's tyrannical influence in Syria and this country becomes a permanent terrorist heaven. Iran keeps developing its nuclear program for military purposes. The Iranian government keeps supporting terrorism and is threatening our allies in the Middle East, notably Israel, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton allowed Iran to pursue its quest of getting nuclear weapons and supporting terrorism by giving a ransom to Iran and lifting sanctions against Tehran, thus allowing the Iranian government to obtain capital gains that will surely be used to build more nuclear weapons and to finance terrorist groups. North Korea is threatening our allies on the Pacific through military exercises and its nuclear arsenal.
We are living a similar situation than before Ronald Reagan and George Bush were elected President of the United States and Vice-President of the United States respectively in 1980.
We need to cut taxes, spending and regulations, encourage oil drilling to help us clinching energy independence, to promote free trade, to champion big, medium and small business and to balance the budget. We've got to increase defense spending if we want to defeat enemies. By giving a material assistance and military training to the Syrian rebellion (which will be beneficial for their cause and our economy through the purchase of those weapons by the rebels) and intervening militarily in Syria, we and our allies will not only free this country from Assad and restore democracy there, but also eradicate ISIS by bombarding them on its turf thanks to our powerful military arsenal and we will find and eliminate Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as well as eliminating ISIS around the world. By restoring sanctions against Iran and promoting intergovernmental military alliances with Iran's neighbors, we will increase pressure on Iran and force Tehran to end its nuclear program's military nature and stop supporting terrorism. Thanks to such an alliance, we will also be able to finally eradicate Al Qaida and force the Taliban to surrender and to make sure that Pakistani nuclear weapons will not fall into terrorists' hands. By converging into a military alliance, we and our allies in the Pacific will stop any war with North Korea from happening thanks to an increased military presence on the Pacific. If we increase sanctions against Moscow, train and arm the Ukrainian armed forces reinforce our military presence in Eastern Europe, especially on the Black Sea, we will defeat the pro-Russian rebellion and stop the Russian agression, thus saving Ukraine's territorial integrity, freedom and prosperity by giving its resources back to the Ukrainian people.

I take the pledge of following this agenda as President of the United States of America. Thank you and God bless America.

-Energy policy speech in favor of the Keystone XL pipeline at Spindletop in Beaumont, Texas
-Flight to San Antonio, Texas      
-Debate preparation

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 10, 2016, 02:20:43 PM
Marco Rubio : Week of Oct. 6, 2019-Oct. 12, 2019, Part 2
October 7th, 2019
-Breakfast with the voters at Cafe Ole in San Antonio, TX
-Debate preparation
-Speech at the San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce about the importance of creating economic opportunities for the Hispanic community - San Antonio, Texas :

The Clinton Administration has been ineffective when it comes to create jobs for the American people, including Hispanics. We need to give Hispanics the opportunity to learn English while maintaining their language and cultural heritage in order to open up economic opportunities for them, because I believe we should not close these opportunities for any of our fellow citizens because their first language is another one than English. School choice will give positive results to Hispanics : lower education costs for families, including immigrant families living paycheck to paycheck, production of higher outcomes, in contrast to public education. It allow parents guide their children out of poorly-performing schools assigned by zip code and grant them better education elsewhere. It will expand opportunities for low-income students—notably minorities—to attend high-quality schools that would otherwise be accessible only to high-income families, thus giving them a fair chance of success and an easier path to the workforce. By promoting free trade with Latin America, we will give our businesses, including Hispanic small businesses in the United States thanks to language opportunities and their fluency in Spanish and English, new opportunities to innovate, to increase their competitiveness, to get new consumers by giving them access to American products, to create jobs in our country and ensure their business' expansion here and around the world. Thanks to their bilingualism, Hispanics will be dominant among the importers, exporters, translators and executives who ensure such a cultural and commercial exchange. And like I said, our innovation and competition capacity comes from our open markets as well as our constant quest for new markets.

Thanks to my pro-growth agenda to open economic opportunities for Hispanics and create jobs for them, this large community will earn the same opportunities as any other American, because America is the land where todo es posible. Thank you, may God bless the Hispanic community and God bless the United States of America.

-Meet with the voters and the donors at the University of Texas at San Antonio, Texas
-Dinner with the voters at the Tacos and Tequila in San Antonio, Texas
-Fundraising event at the Federation of Hispanic Republicans in Austin, Texas
-Flight to Garland (preparing for the debate on the plane), Texas
-Foreign policy speech at Curtis Culwell Center, Garland, Texas :

Four years ago, Garland became the first place in the American soil that was hit by a terrorist attacked inspired by ISIS. Since then, terrorist attacks committed or inspired by ISIS intensified on our soil, especially in San Bernardino and Orlando, because of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton's weakness on fighting terrorism. In Hillary Clinton's mind, how many innocent people killed around the world does it take to take a real and strong action against jihadism? We need to reinforce our homeland security to stop this kind of tragedy from happening again. ISIS will strike again on our soil unless we increase military spending, fight ISIS in Syria and Iraq through military force and destroy it's sources of supplies. Unlike Hillary Clinton, I will, as President of the United States, fight for liberty, security and integrity.

-Interview on Face the Nation in which Senator Marco Rubio was asked about James Comey's recent comments on prosecuting Hillary Clinton :

Well first of all, I'm glad that the American people is finally going to find out the truth about the email scandal. There's no question about it : the Clintons can't be proud of their record on national security, they don't even care about it. On 9/11, the Twin Towers were destroyed because Bill Clinton missed the opportunity to kill Osama Bin Laden when he had the chance to do so. Under Hillary Clinton's watch as Secretary of State and as President, we were attacked by radical Islamic terrorists in Benghazi, Garland, San Bernardino, Orlando and abroad. It demonstrates weakness in her leadership on issues such as foreign policy and national security. By using her family's private email server for official communications instead of official State Department email accounts maintained on federal servers, she broke the law and put lives in danger. That's why too many Americans are dead today and that's why Hillary Clinton does not deserve a second term.
When it comes to James Comey, I am proud of his service to our national security as director of the FBI. But recently, he's lecturing me and my other colleagues in the field when it comes to condemning Hillary Clinton's record of lies, injustice and weakness. He pretends to have been the only Republican among the GOP presidential field to have prosecuted Clinton's insanity. That's completely wrong. I am the only one in this field that was among the few Senators (alongside, especially, Ron Johnson, John McCain and Rand Paul) who engaged Hillary Clinton at a Senate hearing on the Benghazi attack. I fought Hillary Clinton's corruption, I always had the courage to do so and I will keep doing so because as President of the United States, I will fight for America like I always did. James Comey lectured us about choosing between the American people or Hillary Clinton. I have always chosen the American people and I will keep doing so because I am a patriot. And that's exactly why I'm running for President! I want to bring justice, integrity and security back in America. I have no lessons to learn from James Comey, a man who gave up his responsibility, corrupted the integrity of American justice and allowed Hillary Clinton to win the presidency in 2016 and to give us four more years of corruption, economic decline, weak foreign policy and national security and growing terrorist threat by deciding not to indict Hillary Clinton while he knew very well that Clinton is guilty of her record of weakness, dishonesty and injustice and that a majority of Americans opposed the FBI's decision not to prosecute Clinton even the day after the conclusion of the investigation three years ago.

-Debate preparation

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 10, 2016, 02:22:32 PM
Marco Rubio : Week of Oct. 6, 2019-Oct. 12, 2019, Part 3

October 8th, 2019

-Marco Rubio's campaign broadcasts an advertisement about the Florida Senator's accomplishments and agenda. This ad is airing in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Nevada, Tennessee, the Washington state and Arizona :

Marco Rubio is a man of honor and integrity who devoted his life and energy to Florida and America, serving in the Florida House of Representatives and in the United States Senate. We need a person with great political experience. In the Senate, he has worked in the Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation; Foreign Relations; Select Committee on Intelligence and Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committees.
In the Florida House of Representatives, he introduced a book called “100 Innovative Ideas For Florida’s Future” and 24 of those ideas became law. In the Senate, Marco Rubio supported military intervention in Libya that contributed to Gaddafi's fall and to democratic transition in Libya in 2011. He successfully co-sponsored the 2014 VA reform law by introducing a measure empowering the VA secretary to hold managers accountable for incompetence, negligence and corruption and to care more about veterans than bureaucrats because it's another way to reward our veterans for their military service and their sacrifices for America. Rubio successfully pushed Venezuela human rights sanctions into law in order to condemn the tyrannical Venezuelan regime led by Nicolas Maduro and promote freedom in this country. In 2015, Rubio's Girls Count Act was signed ito law, conditioning U.S. foreign assistance on the establishment of birth registries to properly document childbirth and prevent kids' exploitation, trafficking or exclusion from society. Rubio's efforts in the Senate to defund Obamacare saved taxpayers $2.5 billion that would have otherwise bailed out health insurance companies under ObamaCare. He authored legislation that became law which sanctions the terrorist group Hezbollah and, by extension, Iran for supporting terrorism, thus showing leadership when it comes to standing with America's allies, especially Israel. In 2016, Rubio authored legislation that became law to promote greater transparency and combat waste and abuse involving taxpayer dollars dedicated to U.S. foreign aid.
As President of the United States of America, Marco Rubio, a son of immigrants, will restore the American Dream. He will repeal Obamacare to save Medicare, balance the budget, abolish regulations, cut government spending, cut taxes for all Americans and business owners to strengthen the American people's purchasing power and to make sure our businesses will increase their ability to innovate, hire and create jobs, improve our education system to create opportunities for every children, give us energy independence through oil production and drilling and then the promotion of the development of renewable energies a promote free trade to make our country competitive and grow our economy by innovating, finding new consumers around the world and reducing tariffs barriers. The Rubio administration will stand with our allies and against our enemies by increasing military spending in order to make sure that we will be able to defeat any threat. Under Marco Rubio's watch as President, we and our allies will form a great international military coalition and intervene in Syria and Iraq to eliminate ISIS. In order to stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons, President Rubio will restore sanctions against Iran and build a regional military alliance in order to increase pressure on Tehran and destroy any missile thrown against us and our allies. To put an end at the Russian agression in the Eastern Europe, Marco Rubio will reinforce military presence in this region to ensure security and Ukraine, train and arm the Ukrainian army, vanquish the pro-Russian rebellion and free Ukraine from Russia's tyranny. President Rubio will ensure South China Sea's territorial integrity by reinforcing our navy's presence there, multiply military exercises in the region with our allies to make sure they will be ready and able to stop China's agression and, if they have to, defeat the Chinese navy. He will show his courage to take action against North Korea by putting Pyongyang back on the list of states supporting terrorism and build a great and powerful intergovernmental military alliance organization with our allies around the Pacific to deter North Korea from making nuclear tests or attacks and attacking it's neighbors, to avoid any war with North Korea and to ensure peace, stability, security and freedom on the Pacific.
Choose a path to justice, integrity, fairness, freedom, national unity, economic prosperity, strength and security. Vote for Marco Rubio!

I'm Marco Rubio and I approve this message.

-Fundraising breakfast at the Ritz-Carlton Dallas hotel in Dallas, Texas
-Debate preparation
-Visits Little Mexico in Dallas, Texas
-Speech in front of voters and donors at the Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas :
Fifty-six years ago, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated here at the Dealey Plaza. During his inauguration speech, on January 20th 1961, he called on the American people to ask itself an important question. He told the American people : « Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. » That's a very good question. Today, the answer about what we can do for our country is to make one of the most important choices in our lifetime. Like Ronald Reagan would have said, as he did in 1964, it's a time for choosing. We have to chose between four more years of corruption, lies, weakness, disappointment, growing terrorist threat, big government and economic decline with Hillary Clinton or a great change in Washington by choosing a path to integrity, justice, law and order, freedom and prosperity. The former choice is unacceptable. The latter choice requires the election of a Republican at the White House.
I am the best qualified to take on Hillary Clinton and beat her on election day. I got endorsements from both the Tea Party and the establishment, so I will be able to bring our party together, thus leading us to victory in the general election. I will be able to bring our party together appeal new voters in our party, such as Hispanics and young people, because unlike Hillary Clinton I understand their problems and concerns since I am one of them and want to restore the American Dream that I know very well for having lived it. In the Senate, I chaired the Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere, Transnational Crime, Civilian Security, Democracy, Human Rights and Global Women's Issues and I am a member of the Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, the Committee on Foreign Relations and the Select Committee on Intelligence. I will use my foreign policy experience against Hillary Clinton to show the American people that I will demonstrate better responsibility, better judgement and stronger action (through military force and standing with our allies) on foreign policy than Hillary Clinton who can't dispel her record of insecurity that caused the death of many of our fellow Americans. I am a member of the Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship and I'm offering the American people a path to job creation and prosperity through cutting taxes, keeping the government out of the American people's way, encouraging energy independence through oil production and drilling and then alternative energy production, promoting free trade, giving a chance of education success for all the American people by promoting school choice, balancing the budget and championing small, medium and big business. In the last twelve years, we lost most of the jobs that ensured our middle class' sustenance. So we need to nominate someone who understands the middle class' concerns. Hillary Clinton can't lecture about living paycheck to paycheck because I was raised paycheck to paycheck. She can't lecture me about student loans because I owed over 100 000 $ eight years ago. If I'm the Republican nominee, we will be the party of the future, a party that will keep promoting integrity, freedom, justice, law and order, economic prosperity, strong national and international security. If I'm our nominee, we WILL beat Hillary Clinton by appealing Hispanic voters, young voters, minority voters, conservatives as well as independents and liberals who are disappointed with Hillary Clinton's leadership thanks to an optimistic agenda like the one that I'm promoting. That's the choice we have to make if we don't want four more years of Hillary Clinton.
That's the answer that we are now giving to John F. Kennedy about what we can do for our country and that's the answer we are now giving to Ronald Reagan about the choice we make in this crucial time for choosing. Thank you, may God bless you and God bless the United States of America.

-Spends all the after-noon for debate preparation
-Debate alongside all other Republican presidential contenders in Dallas, Texas

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 10, 2016, 02:28:45 PM
Marco Rubio : Week of Oct. 6, 2019-Oct. 12, 2019, Part 4

October 9th, 2019
-Flight to Spartanburg, South Carolina
-Economic policy speech at the BMW manufacturing facility in Spartanburg, South Carolina :

South Carolina is one of the most prosperous states in our country. Industrial production is South Carolina's most vital economic activity, particularly the automotive industry. The Palmetto State is among the states with the lowest tax rates on businesses, the most competitive wages for workers and the weakest unionization in America, which classified South Carolina among the states creating the most favourable environment for businesses in the United States, which helped this right-to-work state to attract some large companies like BMW and brought positive effects on South Carolina's economy. During the recession in the late 2000s, South Carolina's unemployment rate peaked at 12 % at the end of 2009. But as the 21st century progressed, including during the time Nikki Haley was Governor of South Carolina, the Palmetto State managed to attract new companies by reducing corporate income tax rate to 5 %, by abolishing state property tax, local income tax, inventory tax, sales tax on manufacturing equipment, wholesale tax and unitary tax on worldwide profits and by having industrial power or materials for finished products, which boosted job creation and innovation in South Carolina. As Governor of South Carolina, Nikki Haley, a great job creator in the private sector (she worked in her mother's clothing business, Exotica International, was named to the board of directors of the Orangeburg County Chamber of Commerce and of the Lexington Chamber of Commerce, became treasurer of the National Association of Women Business Owners before becoming president of the South Carolina Chapter of the National Association of Women Business Owners) and in political life as well, cut taxes, opposed regulations and successfully invited business to move to South Carolina by considerably lowering the cost of doing business in the Palmetto State, which created over 80 000 new jobs in South Carolina during the eight years of Haley's leadership as Governor and reduced the local unemployment rate from 12 % in 2009 to below 5 % before the actual economic downturn caused by President Clinton's policies, which include protectionism, high taxes and regulations and greater dependency on foreign oil and killed many good-paying jobs and increased the national debt. We need to embrace energy independence to make us able to produce our own energies and free trade to make us competitive in the world economy, reform our education system, balance the budget, and champion business. If Governor Haley's economic policies worked in South Carolina, it can work for ALL the country as well. So if I'm the next President of the United States, one of the elements of my economic agenda will be to cut taxes for all the American people and for business owners, to eliminate regulations and to lower the cost of doing business in the United States, which will attract companies to move to the United States. It will also help our future entrepreneurs to open new businesses in America, to innovate, to create jobs and to ensure America's prosperity.
Thank you God bless our entrepreneurs, God bless our workers and God bless America.

-Agriculture and economic speech at the Milliken & Company headquarters in Spartanburg reiterating Rubio's promise to cut taxes for tractor and seed businesses to help them to innovate, to create jobs and to increase agricultural tractor manufacturing and seed production, thus helping Americans to accomplish their agricultural activities and ensure their sustenance, lowering their dependence on food stamps through the reduction of inflation.
-Barnstorming in Blacksburg, South Carolina
-Dinner with the voters at the Rock Hill Galleria
-Education policy speech at the Winthrop University in Rock Hill, SC
-Interview on CBS Evening News in which Marco Rubio was asked about whether he would vote in favor of an impeachment of Hillary Clinton if the Congress were to initiate such a procedure :

It's not acceptable that Hillary Clinton violates the law and puts our national security in danger by using her family's private email server for official communications rather than an official State Department email accounts on federal servers. It's not acceptable that Hillary Clinton hides the truth from the American people by deleting over 30 000 of her emails to make sure the authorities can’t discover her crime and violations, thus getting away with it. It's not acceptable that America's geopolitical foes like Russia hacked the Democratic National Committee's computer system because of Hillary Clinton's lack of judgement in handling our classified secrets, thus undermining our national security and putting our lives in danger. So if the Congress were to initiate a procedure to impeach President Clinton, I will vote yes, because this is fighting for the American people, for justice, for integrity and for security.

October 10th, 2019
-Door knocking in Rock Hill, South Carolina
-Fundraising event and economic speech at the Lexington Chamber of Commerce in Lexington, South Carolina
-Barnstorming in Lexington, South Carolina
-Advertisement filming
-Meet with the voters at the South Carolina State University in Orangeburg in order to court the African American vote
-Foreign policy speech in reaction of the terrorist attack in Rome - the McEntire Joint National Guard Base in Columbia, SC :
Eight years ago, I supported the successful military intervention in Libya that toppled Mohamar Gaddafi and restored democracy in this North-African country. But only after that, the Obama administration abandoned the Libyan people on its own, thus helping terrorists to emerge in Libya and to strike us, including in our embassy in Benghazi in 2012 when four of our diplomats died. Why didn't we keep a few troops in Libya to train the new Libyan armed forces and ensure this country's reconstruction after Gaddafi's fall like we did in Afghanistan and Iraq? If we did so, Libya would have been much safer and freer than ever before.
Once again, ISIS offended our Italian allies and our values of justice and freedom through terrorist attacks in Rome. We can't afford four more years of weakness and insecurity. The last twelve years saw massive cuts in defense spending, which weakened us and our allies and decreased our allies' trust toward us. We absolutely need to rebuild our military and increase military spending. That way, we will have all the necessary tools, arsenal, weapons and men and women to defeat radical Islamic terrorism. We can't afford to let the Mediterranean Sea becoming a terrorist lake. Terrorists' turf's proximity to Europe gives terrorists an advantage they are using Africa as springboard to commit attacks in Europe. But our European allies' proximity to North Africa can be an advantage to us as well : we need to build a great and powerful military coalition with our NATO allies and our Middle Eastern allies to strike back and to bombard and destroy radical Islamic terrorism in Africa and in the Middle East through military engagement, thus removing the terrorist threat in Europe, Africa and the Middle East.
To eradicate terrorism on the African continent, we also must arm African nations involved in this fight. I propose to put in place a military intelligence agency that will lead antiterrorist crusade in the African continent through military or intelligence operations and that will use drones in order to find the location of terrorist leaders, which will help us to capture or kill them. We also need to give military training to the armed forces of the African countries in the throes of jihadism to make sure these courageous soldiers will be ready and able to accomplish their duty of ensuring their countries' security and to combat terrorism with American techniques that helped us to capture or kill Osama Bin Laden or Saddam Hussein. That's how we're going to defeat Boko Haram, ISIS, the Shebaab and reinforce security in Africa.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 10, 2016, 02:32:52 PM
Marco Rubio : Week of Oct. 6, 2019-Oct. 12, 2019, Part 5

October 11th, 2019
-Meet with the voters at the Colonial Life Arena in Columbia, SC
-Meet with the donors at the Richland County Public Library in Columbia, SC
-Foreign policy speech in reaction of the hostage-taking by Hezbollah in Pakistan - Shaw Air Force Base in Sumter, SC :
Recently, Hezbollah took hostages employers of a nuclear facility in Pakistan and wanted to obtain secrets on the Pakistani nuclear. The Iranian government surely told Hezbollah to lead such an attack in order to help Iran developing its military nuclear program and eventually threat us and our allies. This administration showed once again its naivety on Iran and its nuclear program. The Iran nuclear deal didn't change anything and allowed Tehran to keep developing new nuclear weapons thanks to capital gains due to the lifting of the sanctions. Restoring sanctions will definitely keep Tehran of supplies for the developpement of its nuclear arsenal. We can't let Iran crossing the red line. Under my presidency, if Iran ever crosses the red line, we will stand with our allies through the intergovernmental military alliance that I'm proposing and would include us and all of our allies in the region (India, Pakistan, Iraq, Turkey, Jordan, Israel and Saudi Arabia). That way, we will increase pressure on Iran. Every single option should be kept on table, including the military option. If Iran were to keep developing nuclear weapons, if we decide to launch an air military operation to stop Iran's nuclear program, we will have the back of our allies. In that case, we and our allies will use airstrikes to destroy all Iranian nuclear facilities to stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon. But that will be the last option. The formation of such a military alliance, the restoration of sanctions as well as the establishment of an anti-missile shield on the Black Sea should do the job. That way, we can successfully handle such a crisis and restore security in the Middle East without sending ground troops in Iran. That way, Tehran will understand that it's nuclear energies should be used for economic purposes not for military purposes.

-Freedom of religion speech at the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Sumter, SC
-Dinner with the voters at Red Lobster in Sumter, SC
-Economic speech in reaction to unemployment rate's increase to 7,7 % - North Eastern Strategic Alliance, Florence, SC :
Unless we embrace free market policies, we are going to be witnessing weaker and weaker economic growth in this country and even a worse economic downturn than in 2008. There's no question about it : Hillary Clinton's presidency is Obama's third term. The North Eastern Strategic Alliance's objective to develop our industry base and to create and recruit new companies in the nine counties of the East of South Carolina represents a great example of the importance of championing businesses nationwide. By cutting taxes for business owners, we will stop our businesses' offshoring and keep jobs here in America and increase our entrepreneurs' ability to create more jobs and capital investment within existing industry base. That way, the cost of doing business in America will be lower, which will motivate businesses to move here in America. Free trade will lower tariffs, those making imports and exports less expansive, ensure our companies' expansion and create new jobs in America through the obtainment of new consumers in the world. Energy independence will make us able to produce more American energies, which requires reinforcing oil production, make our cars' less expansive and boost our automotive industry. More American cars will be built and bought thanks to a stronger purchasing power. Education system reform and school choice will give a chance of success and of adherence to the workforce for every American and create the jobs of tomorrow. Balancing the budget will ensure America's prosperity give us budget surplus that could be used for the development of infrastructure in order to facilitate our commercial activities and make our markets more accessible.
The Clintons have lost their 1992 winning argument : « It's the economy, stupid! » Now Hillary Clinton's big government policies including high taxes, high regulations and greater dependence on foreign oil are to blame for the terrible economic situation we are living today. My economic plan will increase our GDP rate to 4 % and give us long-term prosperity and full employment. Thank you! God bless America.

-Speech at the Greater Charleston Base Memorial in North Charleston, SC :
If I'm elected President of the United States, our veterans will be rewarded for their valiant service to their country not only with medals of honor but also with health services. In the Senate, I successfully introduced a bill signed into law that empowered the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs in order to care more about vets than bureaucrats.
In addition, the AGREE Act that I co-sponsored in the U.S. Senate in 2011 provided tax credits for veterans who start a business franchise, which allows them to prosper, to live a better lives and to make a contribution to economic growth.
If we take care of our veterans, they will be thankful of the services we will give to them just as we are thankful of their service for our country, for freedom and for our national security. I will use this leadership as President of the United States. God bless our veterans and God bless the United States of America.

-Meet with the voters and the donors at the North Charleston Coliseum in North Charleston, SC
-Supper with the voters at the Park Pizza Co

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 10, 2016, 02:34:42 PM
Marco Rubio : Week of Oct. 6, 2019-Oct. 12, 2019, Part 6

October 12th, 2019
-Flight to Concord
-Rally in Concord, NH, with New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu announcing officially his endorsement to Senator Marco Rubio :

Marco Rubio is the only one who can bring our party together in addition of expanding it. He will bring new voters to our party, including minority voters, female voters, independents, etc. So he's the only who can lead us to victory. I share his views on economic growth, on education and on the American Dream. Thanks to his optimistic agenda, he will restore the American Dream, bring prosperity to this country and keep us safe. That's why I'm supporting Marco Rubio, the next President of the United States of America.

-Fundraising event at the Steeplegate Mall in Concord, NH
-Town Hall at the NHTI, Concord's Community College in Concord, NH
-Meet with the voters in Stratham, NH
-Rally at the Prescott Park in Portsmouth, NH
-Foreign policy speech at USS Albacore Museum & Park in Portsmouth, NH
-Dinner with the voters at the Thirsty Moose Tap House in Portsmouth, NH
-Economic policy speech at the Market Square in Portsmouth, NH. After the speech, a reporter asked him about Comey's recent comments on free trade. Here's the answer from Marco Rubio :

James Comey got it wrong about free trade. He should remember that one of the main reasons why the Great Depression got longer and worse is the legislation of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930 that increased tariffs and reduced American exports and imports, thus increasing unemployment rate from 8 % in 1930 to 25 % in 1932. One of the reasons why we are living an economic decline is that President Clinton has not signed any free trade agreement and embraced protectionism. Did protectionism ever create any single job? No. One of the indicators of the free trade's benefits to the United States is that many agricultural companies here in New Hampshire, especially dairy companies, that are benefiting from free trade partly because American milk is approximately twice less expensive than the Canadian milk, which encourages of American and Canadian consumers to buy more American milk than Canadian milk to keep their purchasing power strong. My home state of Florida's $1 billion annual exports to India demonstrate a great example of the importance to develop trade ties with India’s and Asia's large and growing markets. The more we export, the more consumers we get in the world, the more our companies can ensure their expansion, the more money we get from exports, the more jobs we can maintain and create. Transpacific Partnership will be an asset for America because regional potential members of the TPP that are usually great trade partners to China will be orienting more and more to us as trade partners. In addition, American cars will be less expensive than Asian cars thanks to energy independence, which will result to the purchase of more American cars than Asian cars. By opening more markets and look for new ones, we will increase our ability to innovate and compete in this world economy. Goods and services crossing borders ensure the development of new ideas and models and allow our producers to learn about the market through the failure and success of traded products. By learning more, they will be favored to innovate and keep their competitiveness.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Wells on August 10, 2016, 03:46:19 PM
Joni Ernst Campaign Schedule: October 6-8, 2019
Putting America First

October 6 - Ernst returned to Reno where she barnstormed, held another rally, and another town hall. She commented on recent news events there.

“Tonight, I would like us to have a moment of silence for the attack on Rome and our thoughts and prayers are, as always with the victims. We are Rome! (moment of silence) This attack was perpetrated by the terrorist group ISIS. We must show ISIS and similar groups that, attacks like these, on freedom and our culture shall not stand. We must eradicate and eviscerate ISIS once and for all! As president, I will strategically take out specific ISIS targets while making sure that such events do not happen here in the United States of America. You should be afraid, with such dangers in the world under a horrible president, but under my presidency, you won’t need to.”

October 7 - Ernst flew back to Iowa for a quick press conference in Des Moines. She was asked about Comey’s Clinton comments, and responded with “Clinton has been a weak and corrupt leader, and this isn’t surprising. What is surprising is that people would vote for the person who let her off the hook.” She was also asked about the new economic report.

“The staggering number of lost jobs is astounding. We haven’t seen this many lost jobs since the early Obama presidency. But I’m not sure what we were expecting, considering the lack of strong leadership coming from the Clinton administration. What is surprising is that the unemployment rate isn’t higher. The Bureau of Labor Statistics could be getting pressure from the Clintons to sugarcoat the numbers like they did with Comey and the emails. But we can’t be sure. At any rate, the economy will be stronger if I get the chance to cut regulations and enhance infrastructure once elected president.”

October 8 - Joni Ernst arrived in Dallas where she spent the morning in a town hall, and the entire afternoon preparing for the debate. In the town hall, she was asked about the event in Pakistan.

“The failure of Clinton’s leadership and Obama’s Iran deal have crippled the situation in the Middle East. We should be doing everything in our power to ensure that nobody who doesn’t already have nuclear weapons gets nuclear weapons. The Iran deal will be shredded as soon as I am in the Oval office and we will begin dealing with the terrorists instead of making deals with the terrorists. This country needs a strong leader to ensure peace through strength and put American ideals first.”

October 9-12 will come after the debate.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on August 10, 2016, 06:57:06 PM
Can I join as independent Senator Angus King

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on August 11, 2016, 07:22:51 AM
Can I join as independent Senator Angus King


Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on August 11, 2016, 03:36:19 PM
Republican Presidential Debate in Dallas on October 8, 2019

Participatants : Florida Senator Marco Rubio, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, Iowa Senator Joni Ernst, Former FBI Director James Comey, Colorado Senator Cory Gardner, Ohio Senator John Kasich and Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton

Moderated by Anderson Cooper and CNN

Debate music theme : CNN America's Choice

United States' National Anthem

Opening statements of each Republican presidential candidate

Questions to the candidates :

  • What's your plan to get us energy independence?
  • What's your plan to get business growing again?
  • Senator Rubio, you said recently that abortion is not only killing unborn children but is also bad for the economy. What do you mean?
  • Senator Ernst, you said recently that Black Lives Matter should be considered as terrorist. Can you tell the audience why considering this movement as terrorist will not affect negatively the Republican Party's chances of wooing African-American voters?
  • Should Hillary Clinton be impeached if the Congress were to decide to initiate such a procedure?
  • What would be the conditions to a military intervention in Iran?
  • Recently, North Korea made military exercises near the demilitarized zone between the two Koreas. What is your plan to maintain peace on the Pacific and avoid any war with North Korea?
  • Three years ago, the Republican Party made one of it's worst electoral performances in it's history. What are the lessons that your party should learn from 2016 in order to correct the mistakes of 2016 and then win in 2020?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 12, 2016, 09:20:04 AM
Marco Rubio's responses to the questions during the Republican debate in Dallas

-What's your plan to get us energy independence?

This economic downturn that we are living today is likely to lead us to a third oil crisis, which is absolutely the last thing we need. The first element of my plan is to double permits on federal lands. Now that our party has the control of both Houses of the Congress, we have a great opportunity to pass the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada to Texas, which will create at least 80 000 jobs. Now the last step to build this pipeline is to elect a Republican in the White House. And I take the pledge of passing a bill allowing the construction of Keystone XL for the sake of our economy. With a Rubio administration, we will also increase our energy independence by multiplying our oil wells, building pipelines, particularly between Western Pennsylvania and California (both lands rich in oil and gas reserves) and from Alaska to Alberta. We also need to drill ANWR's oil reserves and to manufacture more underwater tankers that will be able to exploit oilfields under water as well as more oil platforms. That way, we'll have the capacity to exploit these resources easily and safely without any danger, especially in the Arctic, a strategic region with great potential, including an abundance of oil and gas, particularly on the Alaskan coasts and the Beaufort Sea. We must secure these resources before the Russians do and exploit and drill these oil and gas reserves to create new jobs and increase our energy independence. Increasing oil production will allow us to invest a part of oil drilling revenue for alternative energy for the good of our economy and our environment. My energy plan will boost our automotive industry by making our cars less expensive, increasing car manufacturing in America, encouraging our consumers to buy more Americans than Asian cars thanks to a stronger purchasing power and by saving save Great Lakes cities (like Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, etc., where automotive industry is the main economic activity) from bankruptcy. That's how we will get energy independence by 2035 and keep our status as the first worldwide oil producer.

-What's your plan to get business growing again?

We have to cut taxes for all Americans and for all business owners in order to increase their capacity of hiring, innovating and expanding. We need to give tax credits for business investing in R & D to ensure innovation. We also have reduce the cost of doing business in America, thus allowing us to attract new businesses here in the United States and our future entrepreuneurs to create new ones, just like South Carolina is doing to attract businesses by beeing one of the states where the cost of doing business is the lowest. If it worked in South Carolina, then it can work all across America by being one of the countries where the cost of doing business is the lowest.

-Senator Rubio, you said recently that abortion is not only killing unborn children but is also bad for the economy. What do you mean?

Well you know, Anderson, that one of the main reasons why the Glorious Thirty (1945-1972) was so prosperous was the great number of young baby boomers who were ready to integrate the workforce. Today, it's exactly the opposite :  many baby boomers are going to entitlement, thus hurting our workforce and slowing our GDP and our economy. So we need younger people to replace them and we can't do it if we kill these young people before they are born. If we want longer term economic growth and prosperity, we need to fight abortion in order to let future generations live and make sure that our workforce will get stronger and stronger, making our economy growing again.

-Senator Ernst, you said recently that Black Lives Matter should be considered as terrorist. Can you tell the audience why considering this movement as terrorist will not affect negatively the Republican Party's chances of wooing African-American voters?

(Senator Ernst's response)

-Should Hillary Clinton be impeached if the Congress were to decide to initiate such a procedure?

I think she should, because she lied over and over and over again to the American people about her emails, deleted 30 000 emails that she doesn't want to be disovered by the authorities, used a private email server rather than a governmental one, thus allowing America's foes to hijack her emails and to put lives in danger. Impeaching Hillary Clinton will put an end to a long record of untrustworthiness, weakness and insecurity. This too is putting America's interests first by fighting for integrity.

-What would be the conditions to a military intervention in Iran?

First of all, the military option will be the last one, but we should not put this option out of the table. We should instead be ready for everything. In the first 100 days of my presidency, I will rip the so-called Iran deal because Tehran violated it. I will re-establish diplomatic and economic sanctions against Iran to stop capital from falling into Tehran's hands for the development of their nuclear arsenal. I will extend the War on Terror against Hezbollah to stop them from contributing to the nuclearization of Iran and threatening Israel, America's interests and freedom of religion. Alongside Iran's regional foes such as India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey and Israel, I will build a great intergovernmental military alliance to deter Iran from getting nuclear weapons and supporting terrorism. If Iran crosses the red line, we will take action, but we won't be alone thanks to the regional military alliance that I will build as President because we have a common goal with our allies in the Middle East : stopping Iran from being a nuclear military power. If Tehran crosses the red line, we will destroy all Iranian nuclear facilities through airstrikes, thus making Iran unable to build nuclear weapons and forcing the Iranian government to step back and use Iranian nuclear energy for other purposes than military purposes, especially to develop Iran's economy and electricity's industry for the sake of the Iranian people that is struggling to prosper and find good-paying jobs in Iran.

-Recently, North Korea made military exercises near the demilitarized zone between the two Koreas. What is your plan to maintain peace on the Pacific and avoid any war with North Korea?

We have to reinforce the U.S. Navy's presence on the Pacific and to establish an anti-missile shield in the Pacific. In order to avoid any war with North Korea and to reinforce security on the Pacific Ocean, I will build a intergovernmental military organization similar to NATO, but this time circling the Pacific Ocean and including the United States and all their allies around the Pacific. This will deter Pyongyang from triggering a war against it's neighbors or an arms race that will affect East Asia's stability and security.

-Three years ago, the Republican Party made one of it's worst electoral performances in it's history. What are the lessons that your party should learn from 2016 in order to correct the mistakes of 2016 and then win in 2020?

In 2016, our party turned it's back to female voters, young voters and minority voters, especially Hispanics, African-American, Asian-Americans, etc., which led Hillary Clinton to victory and allowed another four years of depression and weakness. Today, Hispanic voters represent over 15 % of the electorate and all Millenials will be eligible to vote. On this stage, I'm greatest defender of the American Dream and a great supporter of innovation and modernization. We need to be an inclusive party, a party for all Americans. I take the pledge of being President of the United States for all Americans whether or not they will vote for me. In this time of crisis, young people are struggling to find a job. We need to embrace school choice to give young people more opportunities and help them to find a job. That way, the Republican Party will be able to attract minorities and young people.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on August 13, 2016, 08:43:19 PM
Now begins the fifth round!

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on August 13, 2016, 09:39:02 PM
New polls

As Tim Ashe gets closer and closer to Hillary Clinton in the Democratic Primary polls, Marco Rubio is now the leader in the Republican Primary polls. Rubio's success is due to his strong debate performance in Dallas. Many Republican voters looking for a candidate with clear foreign policy experience orientate toward Rubio in a time in which Islamic terrorism threat persists due to terrorist attacks in Rome and in which Iran's nuclear threat emerges again due to the recent events in Pakistan. Thanks to Governor Chris Sununu's support, Rubio increased his lead in New Hampshire. Rarely present on the campaign trail during the previous week, Paul Ryan fell by two percentage points in the national polls. Joni Ernst re-emerged by a few points in the polls partly due to recent international events mentioned above. Because of his lack of political experience and his poor debate performance, James Comey's surge stopped and the former FBI director starts going down in the polls. Cory Gardner and John Kasich didn't really move in the polls. Due to events in Pakistan, Tom Cotton increased his poll standing by only one point, which will not be enough to change the course of this campaign in his favor.

National Polls
Hillary Clinton : 50 %
Tim Ashe : 36 %

Marco Rubio : 22 %
Paul Ryan : 18 %
Joni Ernst : 15 %
James Comey : 11 %
Cory Gardner : 8 %
John Kasich : 7 %
Tom Cotton : 2 %

Iowa Polls
Hillary Clinton : 47 %
Tim Ashe : 38 %

Joni Ernst : 24 %
Paul Ryan : 15 %
Marco Rubio : 13 %
James Comey : 12 %
Cory Gardner : 6 %
John Kasich : 4 %
Tom Cotton : 2 %

New Hampshire Polls
Tim Ashe : 47 %
Hillary Clinton : 42 %

Marco Rubio : 27 %
Paul Ryan : 15 %
John Kasich : 14 %
Joni Ernst : 11 %
James Comey : 11 %
Cory Gardner : 10 %
Tom Cotton : 1 %

South Carolina Polls
Hillary Clinton : 65 %
Tim Ashe : 23 %

Marco Rubio : 22 %
Paul Ryan : 17 %
Joni Ernst : 13 %
James Comey : 12 %
Cory Gardner : 9 %
John Kasich : 4 %
Tom Cotton : 2 %

Nevada Polls
Hillary Clinton : 54 %
Tim Ashe : 32 %

Marco Rubio : 28 %
Paul Ryan : 14 %
Cory Gardner : 12 %
James Comey : 11 %
Joni Ernst : 7 %
John Kasich : 4 %
Tom Cotton : 1 %

Tennessee Polls
Hillary Clinton : 58 %
Tim Ashe : 28 %

Marco Rubio : 20 %
Paul Ryan : 20 %
Joni Ernst : 14 %
James Comey : 13 %
Cory Gardner : 8 %
John Kasich : 5 %
Tom Cotton : 2 %


Florida Senator Marco Rubio triumphed during the Republican debate in Dallas. Many alysts judged that he gave the strongest responses and arguments when it comes, particularly, to how to deal with America's geopolitical foes, to economic issues, to the American Dream and abortion. In addition, his remarks about how to create economic opportunities for the Hispanic community received great applause.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on August 14, 2016, 06:00:16 AM
Angus King for President!


This year's election is a pivotal one. Republicans and Democrats, all they do is fall to their knees when special interests and corporations come knocking. I believe that the American people do not have a strong choice for President in 2020.

It is for this reason that I hereby announce my intention to stand for President of these United States!

I will not be running as Republican or a Democrat. I will be running as an American. I will stand for the people of Main Street, for the construction worker, for the cashier, for the student, for the office clerk, the small business owner and the veterans! Let's take America back!
-Senator King announcing his independent Presidential bid in Augusta, captial of Maine

King 2020: Let's Take America Back!

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on August 14, 2016, 08:01:03 PM

Russian airstrikes against the Ukrainian army in Donetsk

Russian air forces led air strikes against Ukrainian armed forces that were leading a military offensive against the pro-Russian rebellion in Donetsk. Approximately 76 Ukrainian soldiers were killed by these attacks led by Russian air forces. The United States and their Western allies condemned these raids and decided to increase diplomatic and economic sanctions against Moscow.

Russia tried to kill Albey Ahmed Berri, leader of the Free Syrian Army

In an attempt to support it's ally Bachar al-Assad in order to defend Russia's economic interests in Syria, the Russian armed forces launched airstrikes in Aleppo to kill Albey Ahmed Berri, leader of the Free Syrian Army. But Berri survived and blamed, alongside the United States and their allies, Russia for it's military support to Assad and for focusing on destroying the Syrian rebellion rather than ISIS.


Marco Rubio :  South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, Former Chairman of the New Hampshire Republican Party John H. Sununu

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Heisenberg on August 15, 2016, 04:15:48 PM

Major Announcement from the Kasich Campaign

Thank you. Thank you very much. A few months ago, we started our campaign. And I would like to thank all of you for your support. It has been my pleasure traveling across the country and meeting great people. Four years ago, I was one of seventeen candidates in a historically large and diverse field. This year, the field was not as large. But our party still has a long, divided primary season ahead this cycle. Three years ago, as a result of the bitterly-fought primaries that divided our party through the general election cycle, we suffered a massive loss in the election, giving us four more years of the weak policies of the Obama administration. Because I do not see a very clear path forward, I am announcing that I will be suspending my campaign for president to keep the field from being too divided. I will not make an endorsement during the primary season, but I will support the Republican nominee. Now that I am suspending my campaign, I will return to the US Senate and serve out the six year term I was elected to serve, and work to balance the budget and get America on the right track there. I look forward to working with a Republican administration next year. Thank you and God bless.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on August 15, 2016, 07:36:42 PM
King 2020

Schedule for October 6-12 2019

October 6
-Announce candidacy in Augusta, Maine
-Rally in Portland, Maine
Republicans and Democrats are one and the same. The only time they work in the interests of the American people is when their interests coincide with that of the American people!
-Barnstorm in Hancock County, Maine
-Barnstorm in Penobscot County, Maine
-Meet with students and lecturers at the University of Maine

October 7
-Build campaign infrastructure in Maine (all day)

October 8
-Fly to Los Angeles, California
-Appearance on New Rules with Bill Maher
*Maher* And finally new rule: If you're running and independent campaign for President and you only build yourself up in your home state in the first two days of your campaign, you need to ask yourself: What the f**k am I actually doing? *audience laughs*

*King* Well they did vote for me as Governor twice and made me their Senator.

*Maher* Which of course begs the question: Why? *audience laughs, King joins in with them*
-Build campaign infrastructure in California (remainder of day)

October 9
-Rally in San Diego, California
-Policy Speech in Santa Clara, California: "Why Corporations Are Destroying our Democracy"
-Barnstorm in Fresno County,
-Barnstorm in Mariposa County, California
-Town Hall in San Francisco, California

October 10
-Continue building campaign infrastructure in California
-Fly to New Hampshire

October 11
-Rally in Dover, New Hampshire
-Barnstorm in Strafford County, New Hampshire
-Host public lunch in Laconia, New Hampshire
-Barnstorm in Belknap County, New Hampshire
-Town Hall in Concord, New Hampshire

October 12
-Build campaign infrastructure in New Hampshire
-Fundraiser in Manchester, New Hampshire

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Wells on August 16, 2016, 01:23:09 PM
Joni Ernst has decided that she isn't going to win and is dropping out to focus on her Senate campaign. She has said she isn't going to endorse until after the nominee has become clear. Also, I came up with a timeline idea and want to spend time working on it.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 16, 2016, 08:41:32 PM
Marco Rubio for President 2020, Right here, Right Now : Week of Oct. 13 2019- Oct. 19, 2019, Part 1

October 13th, 2019
-Speech in reaction of the Russian raids in Ukraine and Syria - Pease Air National Guard Base, Portsmouth, New Hampshire :
Over the last few days, Russia demonstrated once again it's collaboration with America's foes. These events showed that Russia cannot be trusted on ensuring security, freedom and peace. After Russia tried to kill the leader of the Free Syrian Army Albey Ahmed Berri, it's clear that Vladimir Putin is much more interested in defending his ally Bachar al-Assad than destroying ISIS. When we will intervene militarily with our allies in Syria, we will not only eradicate ISIS but also topple the Assad's tyrannical regime in order to restore peace, freedom and justice in that country and to free Syria from Russia's insanity. By bombarding our Ukrainian allies in Donetsk to support the pro-Russian rebellion, Russia showed once again its selfishness and his willing to defend its local economic interests. Russia is supporting terrorists that want to destabilize Ukraine, one of our greatest allies in Eastern Europe. Now is the time to label these pro-Russian separatists as terrorists and to stand with Ukraine. We need to reinforce our military presence on the Black Sea, to train the Ukrainian army and to arm it in order to ensure the Ukrainian armed forces' readiness to fight effectively the terrorists supported by Russia. The pro-Russian rebellion will have no decent chance against a well-armed and trained Ukrainian army using American military arsenal and techniques. We will then reinforce the security at the borders between Ukraine and Russia. By increasing our military presence on the Black Sea, we will not only reinforce security in the region but also ensure Crimea's retrocession to Ukraine. This can't happen under Hillary Clinton's weak and naive leadership, but it will happen under my strong and wise leadership.

-Economic policy speech at the Mount Washington Valley Economic Council in Conway, NH
-Health Care policy at the Echo Group in Conway, NH
-Meet with the voters at the Granite State College in Claremont, NH
-Dinner with the voters at Ramunto's in Claremont, NH
-Town Hall alongside former New Hampshire Governor John H. Sununu announcing his endorsement to Marco Rubio in Claremont, NH
-Energy policy at Lempster Mountain Wind Power Project in Lempster, NH

October 14th, 2019
-Flight to Columbus, Ohio, in an attempt to court Ohio Republican voters, especially former Kasich supporters
-Speech in reaction of John Kasich's withdrawal - Columbus, Ohio :
We learned yesterday that Senator John Kasich has quit this race. I'm grateful of his contribution to the conservative cause and to America's cause. During his time as Governor of Ohio, he reduced the size of government, diversified Ohio's economy and balanced the budget more than once, which cut this state's unemployment by half in only five years (2010-2015). In 1982, in the beginning of the Reagan Revolution, he was elected in the House of Representatives and became a member of the House Armed Services Committee. Just like Ronald Reagan, John Kasich and I understand that pursuing economic growth has always been and will remain one of our greatest priorities because it allowed us and will always allow us to grow our navy and rebuild our military, which will help us to defend our allies, to reinforce peace and security around the world and to win the War on Terror just as we won the Cold War. If I'm President, we will grow this economy through energy independence by expanding oil production, which will then help us diversifying our economy by exploiting alternative energies, through free trade, through education system reform and through championing American businesses. This economic agenda will not only create jobs but also balance the budget. Under my administration, a part of the budget surplus will be used to increase our troops' readiness and to modernize U.S. military equipment, which will further reinforce national and international security. That way, we will reverse this situation of depression under Hillary Clinton and get our country in the right direction leading us to prosperity, justice and security. Thank you! God bless Senator Kasich, God bless Ohio and God bless America.

-Build campaign infrastructure in Ohio
-Speech ahead of the voters and the students at the Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio
-Economic policy at the Columbus Steel Castings in Columbus, OH

-Economic and energy policy speech at the American Electric Power (AEP), Columbus :
Alongside Pennsylvania, Ohio is considered as oil industry's birthplace in addition of being the third nationwide oil producer after California and Texas. So Ohio has a great role to play to get us energy independence. President Clinton doesn't understand oil's importance into transition to energy independence and increased dramatically regulations on oil production and export, which is making us more dependent on foreign oil and killed tens of thousands of jobs. Now is the time to reverse this tendency and to increase permits on federal lands, to build more oil wells in order to increase oil drilling, exploitation and production. Like I pledged, I will build a transcontinental pipeline from Pennsylvania to California by the way of the Ohio Shale to increase oil production as well as the production and transport of oil barrels, which, according to economists, will create 100 000 new jobs. It will boost our automotive industry by encouraging automobile manufacturing here in America and prevent further bankruptcies like the one that happened in Detroit. Jeep, headquartered in Toledo, Ohio, represents a great example of such a procedure. Energy independence will lower American cars' prices, which will encourage consumers to buy more American cars and will give us a great advantage in the Trans-Pacific Partnership because our cars will be less expensive than Asian cars. It will also help us getting energy independence and economic diversification, which requires, partly, the encouragement of electricity production, but President Clinton declared war on coal, a basic source of energy, needed to produce electricity. Hillary Clinton's regulations and taxes on coal industry killed a massive number of jobs in this sector and those people now out of work are struggling to find a job. President Clinton's offensive on oil, gas, coal sent energy and manufacturing jobs to China, the greatest worldwide coal miner. We need to abolish regulations on these industries and to take advantage on coal not only to create jobs and to lead us to energy independence but also to increase the production of electricity and heat for our fellow citizens. That's how we will increase job and business creation not only here in Ohio but also all across America when I'm President of the United States. Thank you!
-Fundraising event at the Hyatt Regency Columbus in Columbus, OH

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 16, 2016, 08:58:11 PM
Marco Rubio for President 2020, Right here, Right Now : Week of Oct. 13 2019-Oct. 19, 2019, Part 2

October 15th, 2019
-Breakfast with the voters at the Hyatt Regency Columbus in Columbus, OH
-Economic policy speech at the Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, OH
-Rally at the Cleveland Hispanic Humadaop in Cleveland, OH
-Town Hall at the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland, OH :
Three years ago, our party made one of its worst electoral performances of its history. The consequence of the 2016 election was four more years of failed economic policies, weak foreign policy and national division. We need to embrace free market policies to boost the U.S. Economy through energy independence, free trade, innovation, education system reform, tax cuts for businesses, budget balance and infrastructure development with a part of the future budget surplus under my presidency. We also need to stand with our allies, to increase defense spending, modernize our military and to give more efforts to defeat Islamic terrorism, to stop Russia's expansionist policies, stop Iran from becoming a nuclear military power and to maintain peace and stability on the Pacific Ocean against North Korea's agression. This agenda requires electing a Republican in the White House, but we can't do it without Ohio and minority voters. In 2020, Hispanics will constitute 15 % of the population and all Millennials will be eligible to vote. I'm the only candidate in this race who can bring our party together and attract minority voters and young people because as one of them I understand their concerns. Six decades ago, my parents came in America from Cuba to find economic opportunities and live the American Dream. Thanks to their hard work, they made the lives of their children better than theirs. We need to be more inclusive towards the Hispanic community and to fix our immigration system. I attend to do so. In San Antonio, I unveiled my plan to create economic opportunities for the Hispanic community through giving them the chance of learning English while allowing them to keep their language and cultural heritage, through school choice promotion and through free trade with Latin America, which help Hispanics to earn the chance to prosper, to live better lives and give their children a bright future. This message will inspire Hispanics to follow our agenda and vote Republican in order to restore the American Dream as I pledge to do as President. As a member of the Committee on Foreign Relations and the Select Committee on Intelligence in the Senate, I have the best foreign policy experience to counter Hillary Clinton's weak foreign policy record in which she failed to pursue War on Terror, to stand up for territorial integrity against Russia and to deter North Korea's agression. I got support from both the Tea Party and our party's establishment, which will help the Republican Party to reunite together, to defeat Hillary Clinton and to provide my optimistic agenda if I'm the Republican nominee, then President of the United States of America. Thank you! God bless you all!

-Agriculture policy at Richmond Agriculture in Cleveland, OH
-Flight to Des Moines, Iowa   
-Law and order speech in Des Moines, Iowa

October 16th, 2019
-Economic policy speech at the Kum & Go in West Des Moines, IA
-Research and development policy speech at the Iowa State University of Science and Technology in Ames, IA
-Fundraising dinner at the Central Iowa Expo in Ames, IA
-Rally with the farmers and the voters at the Central Iowa Expo in Ames, IA
-Speech at the Rockwell Collins headquarters in Cedar Rapids, IA
-Social security policy speech at the Transamerica Corporation headquarters in Cedar Rapids, IA

October 17th, 2019
-Breakfast with the voters at the Holiday Inn Express & Suites Cedar Rapids in Cedar Rapids, IA
-Town Hall at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Cedar Rapids Convention Complex in Cedar Rapids, IA

-Cedar Rapids, IA, Speech Veteran’s Memorial Building in response of Joni Ernst's dropping out of the race :
For only a few months, Joni Ernst and I were opponents until she dropped out of the race yesterday. Senator Ernst is a woman of integrity, courage and honor. I am proud of Senator Ernst's contribution to the fight against terrorism by serving in the United States Army in Iraq, of her work to improve services to our veterans and of her promotion of American values and conservative values. In the Senate, I successfully introduced a bill which once signed into law empowered the VA secretary to hold managers accountable for incompetence, negligence and corruption and to care more about veterans like Joni Ernst than bureaucrats. It's another kind of gratitude to our veterans for their military service and their sacrifices for America's security and liberty. Despite dropping out of the presidential race, Senator Ernst will keep fighting for conservatism by seeking to keep the U.S. Senate under a Republican majority, which I hope will expand in 2020, thus contributing to America's prosperity through reducing the size of government and promoting free market policies and to America's security by contributing to an increase of defense spending needed to modernize our military and deploy all the necessary forces (ground, air and maritime forces) to defeat radical Islamic terrorism and tyranny around the world, stand up against Russia's agression, stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons and supporting terrorism and ensure stability on the Pacific Ocean against North Korea's nuclear threat and China's expansionist policies. Thanks to Senator Ernst's help to keep our majority in the Senate, we will defend the Second Amendment and save unborn children from dying prematurely through abortion. That's what she seeks to do as Senator and that's what seek to do as President of the United States. As of January 20th 2021, when I will be inaugurated as President of the United States, I will keep working with Senator Ernst by sign  into law bills that will get America back on track and on the right direction.
Thank you! God bless Joni Ernst and her supporters, God bless Iowa and God bless America.

-Rally at the Modern Woodmen Park in Davenport, IA

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 16, 2016, 09:18:48 PM
Marco Rubio for President 2020, Right here, Right Now : Week of Oct. 13 2019-Oct. 19, 2019, Part 3

October 18th, 2019
-Fundraising event at the Junge Park in Davenport, IA
-Flight to Las Vegas, Nevada
-Foreign policy speech at Paris Las Vegas in Las Vegas, NV :
Here we stand, in front of the replica of the Eiffel Tower, built in Paris in 1889 to celebrate the centennial of the French Revolution that freed the French people from tyranny and corruption and during which was signed the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, a rampart defending the following values that we are sharing : « liberty, property, security and resistance to oppression ». But in the last few years, ISIS committed two terrorist attacks in Paris in 2015 and expanded its operations around the world through further terrorist attacks, threatening our values of liberty, gender equality, justice, freedom of religion and freedom of speech. After every of those attacks emerged solidarity campaigns in defence of freedom. But Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton neglected the fight for freedom by cutting defense spending needed to fight radical Islamic terrorism and prevent further terrorist attacks. As President, I will not only increase defense spending and our military's readiness but also strengthen our military alliances because we have common goals with our allies : reinforcing security and defending liberty, justice and integrity. By deploying ground troops and expanding our military alliances, we will destroy radical Islamic terrorists, whether it's ISIS, Al Qaida, Hezbollah, Al-Nusra Front, Al-Shabaab or Boko Haram, then assist countries in the throes of terrorism in their reconstruction by training new armed forces, building houses, schools, groceries, markets, hospitals and police stations as well as by creating democratic institutions to reinforce security, freedom, democracy and justice, which will reinforce peace and save many innocent lives around the world as well as liberty and justice.

-Fundraising event at the Freemont Street Casino in Las Vegas, NV
-Economic policy speech at the Zappos headquarters in Las Vegas, NV :
Nevada represents a great example of the too large size of government taxing and regulating the American people, our companies and our industries. Over 80 % of Nevada's land is under government jurisdiction, which is weakening dramatically the American people's purchasing power and entrepreneurial spirit and contributed to the loss of too many jobs. When I'm President of the United States, I will grow our economy by cutting taxes and regulations for all the American people and for American business owners and by reducing the cost of doing business in America and making sure that this country will be among the countries in the world where the cost of doing business will be at the lowest in order to help businesses hiring more people, to innovate, to expand and to create new jobs. In addition, our businesses will grow through free trade and tariff reduction that will lower the costs of exporting and importing and get us more consumers around the world. That's how our businesses and the American people will prosper while putting government aside.

-Advertisement filming   
-Fundraising supper at the Palazzo Hotel in Las Vegas, NV

October 19th, 2019
-Breakfast with the voters at the Palazzo Hotel in Las Vegas, NV
-Immigration policy speech at the Smith Center for the Performing Arts in Las Vegas, NV
-Economic policy speech at the Wal-Mart facility in Henderson, NV
-Fundraising event at the Green Valley Ranch in Henderson, NV
-Meet with the voters at the Nevada State College in Henderson, NV
-Meet with the voters at the Galleria at Sunset in Henderson, NV

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on August 16, 2016, 09:26:06 PM
The fifth turn is over. Now begins the sixth one. The polls, the news and the endorsements will be ready tommorow.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on August 17, 2016, 07:28:13 AM
New polls

After John Kasich and Joni Ernst dropped out of the race for the Republican presidential nomination, the polls' tendency dramatically changed. Kasich's and Ernst's withdrawals reinforced Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan as the two main contenders for the nomination after they managed to seduce a great part of Ernst's and Kasich's former supporters. Now that the Iowa Senator is out of the race and focuses on her re-election campaign to the Senate, the Iowa caucuses just become more competitive : Ryan  narrowly leads Rubio by only one percentage point. Due to the Ohio Senator's withdrawal and to John H. Sununu's endorsement, Rubio reinforced his lead in New Hampshire. Thanks to Senator Lindsey Graham's endorsement, the Florida Senator also increased his favorite status in South Carolina. In part because of Ernst's withdrawal, Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton increased his standing in national polls by four points. But the question is will he be able to catch his rivals and become a top-tier candidate.

National Polls
Hillary Clinton : 52 %
Tim Ashe : 34 %

Marco Rubio : 30 %
Paul Ryan : 24 %
James Comey : 14 %
Cory Gardner : 12 %
Tom Cotton : 6 %

Iowa Polls
Hillary Clinton : 48 %
Tim Ashe : 37 %

Paul Ryan : 22 %
Marco Rubio : 21 %
James Comey : 17 %
Cory Gardner : 13%
Tom Cotton : 8 %

New Hampshire Polls
Tim Ashe : 46 %
Hillary Clinton : 40 %

Marco Rubio : 34 %
Paul Ryan : 21 %
James Comey : 14 %
Cory Gardner : 14 %
Tom Cotton : 4 %

South Carolina Polls
Hillary Clinton : 66 %
Tim Ashe : 23 %

Marco Rubio : 31 %
Paul Ryan : 23 %
James Comey : 14 %
Cory Gardner : 12 %
Tom Cotton : 6 %

Nevada Polls
Hillary Clinton : 55 %
Tim Ashe : 35 %

Marco Rubio : 33 %
Paul Ryan : 18 %
Cory Gardner : 15 %
James Comey : 12 %
Tom Cotton : 3 %

Tennessee Polls
Hillary Clinton : 59 %
Tim Ashe : 27 %

Marco Rubio : 27 %
Paul Ryan : 26 %
James Comey : 16 %
Cory Gardner : 12 %
Tom Cotton : 7 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on August 17, 2016, 09:02:17 AM

Matter of security in Japan

Due to recent North Korean military exercises at the Korean demilitarized zone, the Japanese people is divided on whether Japan should revise the ninth amendment of its constitution signed at the end of World War II and arm itself against North Korea's agression in order to ensure Japan's security. According to a new poll, 46 % of the Japanese favor this idea while 49 % oppose and 5 % are still undecided.

Justin Trudeau re-elected Prime Minster of Canada but with a minority government

On October 21st, Canadian voters went to the polls in a context of growing terrorist threat and economic decline due to rising debt, to oil industry's decline, to a protectionist tendency and to the weakening worldwide economic situation. The Liberal Party won the election with 149 seats, followed by the Conservative Party led by Peter MacKay who won 126 seats, by the New Democratic Party led by Alexandre Boulerice who won 45 seats, by the Bloc Québécois led by Xavier Barsalou-Duval who won 15 seats and by the Green Party led by Elizabeth May who won 3 seats.


Marco Rubio : Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, Arizona Senator and 2008 Republican presidential nominee John McCain

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Senator Cris on August 18, 2016, 03:19:07 AM
Cory Gardner drops out of race, endorses Rubio.


"I'd like to thank all the people that volunteered for my campaign. Looking at the state of the race, it's clear that I have not a shot at winning the nomination. I've decided to focus on my re-election campaign as Senator from Colorado. I have still a lot of work to do for my great state.
The republican field is composed by fantastic candidates and I'm sure that all of them would be better than the democratic candidates running. All GOP candidates are great candidates, but I think that the best nominee would be Marco Rubio. He's the right man for a new American century. He will help us winning again among Hispanics and all minorities, that Donald Trump alienated in 2016. I'm proud to endorse him and I look forward to campaign with him all across the nation and to help him win here in Colorado, both in the primary and in the general election."

I've already skipped a round and I have 0 chances to win. I'd like to thank R/H for his fantastic job.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 19, 2016, 07:38:59 AM
Marco Rubio's presidential campaign : Week of Oct. 20, 2019-Oct. 26, 2019, Part 1

October 20th, 2019
-Flight to Phoenix, Arizona
-Town hall meeting with the voters alongside Senator John McCain announcing his endorsement to Marco Rubio - Luke Air Force Base in Phoenix, AZ :
During his Senate career, Marco Rubio demonstrated strong leadership in order to get America back on track through conservative solutions. As a proud foot soldier in the Reagan Revolution, I think we need a candidate with the right foreign policy experience and promoting a strong foreign policy and national defense in this time of growing terrorism. We need to modernize and strengthen our military in order to reinforce our national security, defend our allies and defeat radical Islamic terrorism as well as tyranny around the world. That's exactly what Marco will do as President of the United States. I appreciate Marco's contribution into the improvement of the services given to military veterans like me by reforming the VA because many of these veterans are war heroes and some of them became POWS, just as it happened to me in Vietnam. But some of these POWS came back home with sequalae that pushed them to suicide. We can't let this happen we must take care of our veterans. That's what Senator Rubio did and will do again as President. He will fix our immigration system and make our country more inclusive towards immigrants who come here to live better lives and flee oppression and violence. After losing the 2008 presidential election, I understood the reason the main demographic reason of my defeat to Barack Obama : my weak electoral performance among Latinos. As one of them, Marco Rubio will be able to attract them, thus growing our party, because he understands their problems and concerns. That's how he's going to do what I couldn't have : winning the general election and get our country back on track with free market policies and a conservative optimistic agenda as President of the United States. For all these reasons, I give my endorsement to my friend Marco Rubio our next president and commander-in-chief.

-Economic policy speech at the Freeport-McMoRan headquarters in Phoenix, AZ
-Fundraising event at Avnet, Inc. in Phoenix, AZ
-Speech at the Arizona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in Phoenix, AZ
-Meet with the voters at the University of Phoenix in Phoenix, AZ

October 21st, 2019
-Flight to San Diego   
-Fundraising in San Diego, CA
-Foreign policy speech at the National Steel and Shipbuilding Company headquarters in San Diego, CA
-Meet with the voters at the University of California in San Diego, CA
-Dinner with the voters at the Chinawok in San Diego, CA
-Space policy at the San Diego Air & Space Museum in San Diego, CA

October 22nd, 2019
-Meet with the voters at the Anaheim University
-Immigration policy speech at the Immigration Solution Services in Anaheim, CA
-Law and order speech in Anaheim, CA
-Meet with the voters at the Anaheim Plaza in Anaheim, CA
-Economic and energy policy speech at the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce in Los Angeles, CA
-Free Trade policy speech at the Port of Los Angeles in Los Angeles, CA

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 19, 2016, 07:42:44 AM
Marco Rubio's presidential campaign : Week of Oct. 20, 2019-Oct. 26, 2019, Part 2

October 23nd, 2019
-Breakfast at The Griddle Cafe in Los Angeles, CA
-Meet with the voters at the Chinatown in Los Angeles, CA, to woo the Asian-American voters
-Meet with the voters at the Koreatown in Los Angeles, CA
-Speech at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum in Los Angeles, CA :
Two years ago, the magnificent city of Los Angeles has been selected to host the Summer Olympics in 2024. As a patriot, I am proud of it. But the economic downturn that we are living now is threatening these promising Olympics just like the Great Depression did to the 1932 Olympics here in Los Angeles. Because of the Great Depression, fewer than half of the worldwide participants were present because many nations and athletes didn't have the necessary money to pay the trip to Los Angeles. Even President Hoover was absent. I don't want this kind of scenario to repeat itself. Under my leadership as President of the United States, we will grow and fix this economy. This requires partly reducing taxes for all the American people and for business owners to encourage them to compete, innovate, produce and hire. It also requires taking advantage of all our resources to clinch energy independence, encouraging free trade to ensure our competitiveness in the world economy and our companies' expansion and balancing the budget. In the next four years, we will develop all the necessary infrastructure to make the 2024 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles dynamic and successful. That way, the American people will feel patriotic, which is the strength of our nation.

-Meet with the voters at the voters at the University of California in Los Angeles, CA
-Fundraising event at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, CA
-The Marco Rubio's presidential campaign broadcasts a T.V. ad titled « United We Stand! » talking about Rubio's plan to maintain peace on the Pacific Ocean against North Korea's threat :
If we don't take real action, the Pacific Ocean is likely to become a battlefield. North Korea and China are multiplying their military exercises on the Pacific Ocean and are threatening peace and stability. We need to reinforce our military presence on the Pacific and establish an anti-missile shield to avoid any disaster leading to devastating war on the Pacific. When I'm President of the United States, we will create a NATO-style intergovernmental military organization including us and our allies around the Pacific to deter North Korea from attacking South Korea or one of its foes and from developing its nuclear program. It will also deter China from pursuing its agression and its expansionist policies and will restore South China Sea's territorial integrity. Peace will be restored and we will avoid any conflict on the Pacific. This is peace through strength and unity because United We Stand!
I'm Marco Rubio and I approve this message.

October 24th, 2019
-Speech at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, CA, about the importance of defending Ronald Reagan's legacy for the sake of America's prosperity and security
-Flight to Denver, Colorado
-Town Hall at the University of Denver, CO, where Marco Rubio thanks Colorado Senator Cory Gardner for his endorsement :
Thank you Cory for your endorsement! I'm happy to see our party making a step closer to unity to beat Hillary Clinton in the next general election and to get America back on track thanks to conservative and free market policies. If I'm the Republican presidential nominee, we will grow our party by attracting Hispanics and minority voters to our party by offering them an optimistic message and agenda because I want to unite ALL the American people around an optimistic agenda that will lead them to a better and brighter future because al pueblo estadounidense merece más. We will reduce taxes and regulations, which will increase Americans' purchasing power and our companies' ability to produce, innovate and hire. We will take advantage of all of our natural resources, including oil, gas, coal, nuclear, wind, etc., which will lead us to energy independence Unborn children will earn the right to live, our constitutional rights, especially the Second Amendment, will be saved. We will defeat radical Islamic terrorism thanks to a stronger military more engaged and to extended alliances. This agenda will pass and will be successful thanks to an extended Republican majority in Congress, which will partly be saved by Cory's re-election campaign, and to our victory in the race for the White House in 2020, the year of the beginning of a New American Century. Thank you and God bless America.

-Economic policy speech at the Xcel Energy facility in Denver, CO
-Gun control and law and order policy speech in Denver, CO
-Dinner with the voters at the Qdoba Mexican Grill in Denver, CO
-Fundraising event at the Pepsi Center in Denver, CO
-Interview with ABC at KMGH-TV in which Senator Rubio is asked about the effects of the results of the recent Canadian federal elections. He was also asked about a potential modification of the Japanese 9th amendment :
First of all, I congratulate Prime minster Justin Trudeau for his re-election. The Canadian people has spoken and choose balance of power. Americans and Canadians have the opportunity to work together on common interests such as the Keystone XL pipeline to reach energy independence, reinforcing free trade to strengthen our trade relations and our economies and fighting terrorism to reinforce security around the world.

That's the Japanese people's decision. But if Japan decides to modify its 9th amendment, it would be another great step to peace and stability on the Pacific Ocean since North Korea and China are becoming more and more threatening. With my plan of establishing a NATO-style organization on the Pacific, we will follow Ronald Reagan's notion of peace through strength, a notion that allowed us to avoid any devastating war against USSR and that will allow us to avoid any armed conflict with North Korea.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 19, 2016, 07:44:24 AM
Marco Rubio's presidential campaign : Week of Oct. 20, 2019-Oct. 26, 2019, Part 3

October 25th, 2019
-Foreign policy speech at Buckley Air Force Base in Aurora, CO
-Economic and education policy speech at the Staples facility in Aurora, CO
-Town Hall in Aurora, CO
-Fundraising event in Aurora, CO
-Flight to Memphis, Tennessee   
-Rest and debate preparation

October 26th, 2019
-Breakfast with the voters at the Cafe Eclectic in Memphis, TN
-Speech at the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, TN
-Speech at the Memphis National Cemetery in Memphis, TN
-Economic policy speech at the FedEx Express headquarters in Memphis, TN
-Meet with the voters at the Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN
-Speech at the Parthenon in Nashville, TN, about the importance of defending democracy and liberty
-Meet with the voters at the Grand Ole Pry in Nashville, TN
-Debate preparation

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on August 19, 2016, 07:50:18 AM
The next turn will begin tonight but in order to let you more time to post your schedules and because I will be in vacation trip until August 23, this turn will last 96 hours. See you soon!

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on August 19, 2016, 07:57:40 AM
New polls

National Polls
Hillary Clinton : 51 %
Tim Ashe : 37 %

Marco Rubio : 37 %
Paul Ryan : 29 %
James Comey : 16 %
Tom Cotton : 9 %
Undecided : 9 %

Iowa Polls
Hillary Clinton : 49 %
Tim Ashe : 36 %

Marco Rubio : 26 %
Paul Ryan : 24 %
James Comey : 18 %
Tom Cotton : 10 %

New Hampshire Polls
Tim Ashe : 44 %
Hillary Clinton : 41 %

Marco Rubio : 36 %
Paul Ryan : 23 %
James Comey : 15 %
Tom Cotton : 6 %

South Carolina Polls
Hillary Clinton : 67 %
Tim Ashe : 24 %

Marco Rubio : 36 %
Paul Ryan : 25 %
James Comey : 14 %
Tom Cotton : 10 %

Nevada Polls
Hillary Clinton : 53 %
Tim Ashe : 37 %

Marco Rubio : 38 %
Paul Ryan : 22 %
James Comey : 14 %
Tom Cotton : 5 %

Tennessee Polls
Hillary Clinton : 60 %
Tim Ashe : 29 %

Marco Rubio : 29 %
Paul Ryan : 27 %
James Comey : 17 %
Tom Cotton : 9 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on August 19, 2016, 08:01:18 AM

Assasination attempt in Berlin

German Chancellor Angela Merkel survived an assassination attempt in Berlin. The suspect is arrested by the Berlin police and is apparently a member of ISIS who tried to assassinate Merkel in order to sanction Germany for its contribution to the fight against terrorism.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Pericles on August 21, 2016, 08:33:38 PM
New polls

National Polls
Hillary Clinton : 51 %
Tim Ashe : 37 %

Marco Rubio : 37 %
Paul Ryan : 29 %
James Comey : 16 %
Tom Cotton : 9 %
Undecided : 9 %

Iowa Polls
Hillary Clinton : 49 %
Tim Ashe : 36 %

Marco Rubio : 26 %
Paul Ryan : 24 %
James Comey : 18 %
Tom Cotton : 10 %

New Hampshire Polls
Tim Ashe : 44 %
Hillary Clinton : 41 %

Marco Rubio : 36 %
Paul Ryan : 23 %
James Comey : 15 %
Tom Cotton : 6 %

South Carolina Polls
Hillary Clinton : 67 %
Tim Ashe : 24 %

Marco Rubio : 36 %
Paul Ryan : 25 %
James Comey : 14 %
Tom Cotton : 10 %

Nevada Polls
Hillary Clinton : 53 %
Tim Ashe : 37 %

Marco Rubio : 38 %
Paul Ryan : 22 %
James Comey : 14 %
Tom Cotton : 5 %

Tennessee Polls
Hillary Clinton : 60 %
Tim Ashe : 29 %

Marco Rubio : 29 %
Paul Ryan : 27 %
James Comey : 17 %
Tom Cotton : 9 %

Can you make Paul Ryan a different color?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Kingpoleon on August 21, 2016, 08:48:36 PM
Tim Ashe will endorse King if a progressive gets on the ticket.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 22, 2016, 03:19:51 PM
Tim Ashe will endorse King if a progressive gets on the ticket.

You mean if King selects a progressive as his running mate?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Kingpoleon on August 22, 2016, 09:51:21 PM

Provided Short List:
Representative Tim Ashe
Former Governor Brian Schweitzer
Senator Al Franken
Governor Zephyr Teachout*
Lieutenant Governor David Zuckerman**
Radio Host Thom Hartmann
Former Mayor Rocky Anderson

*Elected in 2018
**Elected in 2016

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 23, 2016, 07:37:20 PM
Marco Rubio's 2020 Right Here Right Now : Week of Oct. 27, 2019-Nov. 2, 2019

October 27, 2019
-Debate preparation
-Meet with the voters at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, Tennessee
-Economic policy speech at the Knoxville Center in Knoxville, TN
-Meet with the voters at the Market Square in Knoxville, TN
-Education policy speech at the Knoxville College in Knoxville, TN
-Freedom of religion speech at the Roman Catholic Diocese of Knoxville, TN
-Security and defense speech at the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Auditorium in Chattanooga, TN
-Town Hall in Chattanooga, TN
-Debate preparation
October 28th, 2019
-Flight to Sioux City, Iowa
-Debate preparation in the plane
-Agriculture policy speech at the Curly's Foods facility in Sioux City, IA
-Meet with the voters at the Morningside College in Sioux City, IA
-Speech at the Sergeant Floyd monument in Sioux City, IA
-Economic policy speech at the Port Neal Landing industrial park in Sergeant Bluff, IA
-Foreign policy speech at the 185th Air Refueling Wing in Seargent Bluff, IA
-Fundraising event at the Woodburry County REC in Moville, IA
-Foreign policy speech at the Memorial Park in Moville, IA
-Veteran policy speech at the Veterans Park in Monville, IA
-Debate preparation

October 29th, 2019
-Agriculture and economic policy speech at the Stine Seed headquarters in Adel, IA
-Meet with the voters at the Valley High School in West Des Moines, IA
-Economic policy speech at the Target Corporation facility in West Des Moines, IA
-Barnstorming in Dallas Center, IA
-Town Hall in Grimes, IA
-Debate preparation

October 30th, 2019
-Agriculture policy speech at the Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden in Des Moines, IA
-Speech at the Western Gateway Park in Des Moines, IA
-Foreign policy speech at the Korean War Memorial in Des Moines, IA
-Meet with the voters at the Grand View University in Des Moines, IA
-Speech in front of the Edna M. Griffin Memorial Pedestrian Bridge in Des Moines, IA
-Debate preparation

October 31st, 2019
-Agriculture policy speech at the Tyson Foods facility in Perry, IA
-Meet with the voters at the Perry High School in Perry, IA
-Speech at the Living History Farms in Urbandale, IA
-Rally at the Buccaneer Arena in Urbandale, IA
-Debate preparation

November 1st, 2019
-Economic policy speech at the Maytag Corporation headquarters in Newton, IA
-Barnstorming in Mitchellville, IA
-Rally in front of the Universalist Church
-Flight to Columbia, South Carolina
-Meet with the voters at the Columbia Museum of Art in Columbia, SC
-Fundraising event at the Carolina Coliseum in Columbia, SC
-Dinner with the voters at the Main Street Grille in Walterboro, SC
-Speech at the Tuskegee Airmen Memorial in Walterboro, SC, in reaction to the assassination attempt against Angela Merkel in Berlin :
Once again, as they did in Germany by trying to assassinate Chancellor Angela Merkel, one of our greatest allies, the terrorists are trying to fear us and to sanction us for leading the fight against terrorism. But we will not back down, we will not surrender, we will fight until terrorism is destroyed, until security and freedom are restored and until justice is done.
-Debate preparation

November 2nd, 2019
-Breakfast with the voters at the Olde House Cafe in Walterboro, SC
-Rally at the Slave Relic Museum in Walterboro, SC
-Barnstorming in Walterboro, SC
-Economic policy speech at the Coastal Grand Mall in Myrtle Beach, SC
-Speech at the Coastal Carolina University in Myrtle Beach, SC
-Town meeting at the Myrtle Beach Convention Center
-Debate preparation

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on August 23, 2016, 10:03:48 PM
New polls

On the Democratic side, many Hillary Clinton's supporters used the recent international events to demonstrate Tim Ashe's lack of foreign policy experience, which sounds to have helped her in the polls. On the Republican side, Marco Rubio maintains his lead. With Joni Ernst out of the race, Rubio understood that winning the Iowa caucuses is now possible so he campaigned hardly in Iowa, which boosted him in the Iowa polls. Rubio's success in Iowa is also due to his agriculture plan. But Paul Ryan can still count on Wisconsin's neighbourhood with Iowa to win this state's caucuses.

National Polls
Hillary Clinton : 53 %
Tim Ashe : 34 %

Marco Rubio : 35 %
Paul Ryan : 28 %
James Comey : 15 %
Tom Cotton : 11 %

Iowa Polls
Hillary Clinton : 50 %
Tim Ashe : 36 %

Marco Rubio : 28 %
Paul Ryan : 22 %
James Comey : 16 %
Tom Cotton : 13 %

New Hampshire Polls
Tim Ashe : 42 %
Hillary Clinton : 42 %

Marco Rubio : 35 %
Paul Ryan : 23 %
James Comey : 14 %
Tom Cotton : 7 %

South Carolina Polls
Hillary Clinton : 69 %
Tim Ashe : 23 %

Marco Rubio : 37 %
Paul Ryan : 24 %
James Comey : 13 %
Tom Cotton : 11 %

Nevada Polls
Hillary Clinton : 52 %
Tim Ashe : 39 %

Marco Rubio : 37 %
Paul Ryan : 20 %
James Comey : 13 %
Tom Cotton : 7 %

Tennessee Polls
Hillary Clinton : 62 %
Tim Ashe : 29 %

Marco Rubio : 31 %
Paul Ryan : 28 %
James Comey : 15 %
Tom Cotton : 10 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on August 23, 2016, 10:05:20 PM
I'm back. Now begins the seventh round and we come back to the 72-hour lasting for every round.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on August 24, 2016, 09:24:59 AM

A terrorist attack by Boko Haram could hurt the worldwide economy

Yesterday, 200 Boko Haram fighters took control of an oil refinery in the Imo State, in Nigeria. Their apparent goal is to fund their terrorist activities through oil traffic. The Nigerian government is preparing a military operation which goal is to take back this oil refinery. But that's a matter of time : the terrorist control on this refinery and their funding through oil traffic could not only boost their terrorist activities and weaken Nigeria's national security but also hurt the economy of Nigeria, one of the greatest oil producers in the world. It could also hurt the worldwide economy by a potential increase of oil prices. That's why this refinery must be taken back as soon as possible.

Growing diplomatic tensions between Taiwan and China

In the last few days, diplomatic tensions grew between China and Taiwan due, first, to territorial disputes in the Paracel Islands for their abundant oil and gas ressources. Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen's intention to sign TPP with the United States and the other potential members of this proposed free-trade agreement outraged the Chineese government who accused Washington of seeking to orchestrate a trade war on the Pacific Ocean. Finally, according to a Taiwanese poll, support for Taiwan's independence has grown to clinch 75 % of this island's population against 23 % opposed and 2 % undecided. Once more, Beijing raised the threat to invade Taiwan if it ever declares independence. So President Ing-wen decided to boost defense industry by giving it tax credits in order to allow this industry to innovate, boost and modernize it's navy. International leaders fear the emergence of a total war between Taiwan and China.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on August 24, 2016, 02:13:22 PM

Marco Rubio : Former Kansas Governor Sam Brownback, U.S. Representative from Wyoming Liz Cheney (daughter of former Vice-President of the United States Dick Cheney)

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on August 24, 2016, 06:46:38 PM
King 2020

Senator King releases VP shortlist

Representative Tim Ashe

Former Governor Bill Walker

Former Senator Tom Daschle

Senator Al Franken

Representative Tulsi Gabbard

Former Governor Lincoln Chaffee

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Kingpoleon on August 24, 2016, 06:51:27 PM
Chafee and Daschle are completely unacceptable, and to a slightly lesser extent Bill Walker is unacceptable. For now, we suspend our campaign, but we intend to encourage supporters to vote against Hillary.

"This race has shown me that, Clinton scandal after Clinton scandal, the media will not accept me as a real candidate. I therefore endorse Angus King, in recognition of the fact of what we learned four years ago: This race is rigged against people like me and Bernie Sanders. Should Angus King not choose someone off my short list or Tulsi Gabbard, I intend to run myself or someone even higher profile as the Justice, Reform, Green, and any other leftist parties we can get on board, nominee."

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on August 24, 2016, 07:33:45 PM
King 2020

October 27
-Fly to New Hampshire
-Rally in Dover, New Hampshire
-Barnstorm in Grafton County, New Hampshire
-Build ampaign infrastructure in New Hampshire

October 28
-Fly to New York
-Rally in Brooklyn, New York
-Build campaign infrastructure in New York

October 29
-Fly to Vermont
-Rally in Burlington, Vermont
After long and careful discussion with my campaign staff, we have reached a conclusion on selection of a running mate. I know it is still early in the campaign, but establishing a ticket early allows us to manage our campaign more effectively.

After a careful vetting process, I have decided to offer Tim Ashe, a Congressman from this great state, the Vice Presidential nomination, so that we may push for progressive policies across the nation!

-Build campaign infrastructure in Vermont

October 30
-Rally in Montpelier, Vermont with Tim Ashe, should he accept VP nomination
-Meet with Vermont Progressives
-Barnstorm in Orange County
-Continue building campaign infrastructure in Vermont
-Fly to Massachusetts

October 31st
-Rally in Worcester, Massachusetts
-Barnstorm in Middlesex County, Massachusetts
-Barnstorm in Essex County, Massachusetts
-Rally in Boston, Massachusetts
-Meet with college students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

November 1st
-Fly to Ohio
-Rally in Cleveland, Ohio
-Barnstorm in Huron County, Ohio
-Build campaign infrastructure in Ohio
-Meet with college voters at Ohio State University

November 2nd
-Build campaign infrastructure in Ohio (all day)

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Pericles on August 24, 2016, 08:33:24 PM
October 27
President Clinton meets with foreign policy advisers in the White House after Boko Haram's latest attacks. The White House declares "Boko Haram are an enemy of humanity. They are not Islam, they are lunatics. We will use all necessary means to stamp out the jihadist threat, and protect the security of America and the world."

October 28
First Gentleman Bill Clinton barnstorms for Hillary with caucus voters in Iowa. President Hillary Clinton meanwhile gives a foreign policy speech, vowing to "utterly destroy terrorism", and promises the American people "we will not relent in our pursuit and war against these inhuman monsters. They are a threat, and they will be defeated. We always have defeated our enemies." She warns though "to those who think this is a war against Islam, that is ridiculous. To wage war against Islam is the war they are praying for. Muslims are our friends and our allies. What's more, Muslim-Americans are Americans. And together, all faiths and ethnicities, we will destroy the terrorists."

October 29
The White House confronts renewed questions about Hillary Clinton's email, calling the idea that she should have been indicted "rambling nonsense" and calling Director Comey's campaign "A demagogic, conspiratorial, negative campaign, disconnected from reality and common sense."

October 30
Vice-President Tim Kaine flies to San Fransisco to fundraise for the Hillary 2020 re-election effort. Clinton meanwhile gives a speech in New Hampshire, and defends her economic record and attacking Republican tax plans as "irresponsible".

October 31
President Clinton returns to the White House and meets with congressional leaders to outline measures to stimulate the economy.

November 1
Clinton campaign political strategists begin building campaign infrastructure in swing states, while planning new ads to run in Iowa and New Hampshire.

November 2
In an interview with Jake Tapper, Clinton says "It is hard, to cope, with all the hatred, all the awful things people think about me and say about me. But you have to, because being President isn't easy, and you need steady hands on the tiller. Looking at the record, my hands have been very steady."

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Kingpoleon on August 24, 2016, 10:44:20 PM
Tim Ashe accepts the nomination and intends to fight for the defeat of the Bush-Clinton machine.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on August 24, 2016, 11:16:30 PM
Tim Ashe accepts the nomination and intends to fight for the defeat of the Bush-Clinton machine.

Angus King unveils the independent ticket for the election.

King/Ashe 2020

Taking America Back

I am humbled that Congressman Ashe has accepted my offer of the Vice-Presidential nomination. The Democratic-Republican duopoly can be broken. To all those maligned voters who feel thag they have been ignored, you have an option this election.

I look forward to campaigning with Tim over the next year. Thank you.

-Senator King, announcing that Tim Ashe has accepted the Vice-Presidential pick.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 26, 2016, 10:21:12 AM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right Here Right Now, Week of Nov. 3, 2019-Nov. 9, 2019, Part 1

November 3rd, 2019
-Energy policy speech at the Hess Gasoline Distribution Center in North Charleston, SC
-Economic policy speech at the Cummins, Inc. facility in North Charleston, SC
-Foreign policy speech at the Patriots Point Naval & Maritime Museum in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina - Response to Boko Haram attacks :
Nigeria, one of our most important partners in Africa, is still in throes of jihadism. Boko Haram added oil trafficking as one of its procedures to fund its terrorist activities, which not only would reinforce terrorism in Africa but would also hurt Nigeria's economy and the worldwide economy through the increase of oil prices and make us more dependent on foreign oil as Hillary Clinton is doing as she is weakening our national security. We need to stand with our allies, including Nigeria, in order to destroy terrorism. That's what I intend to do, first, by establishing a military intelligence agency named America-Africa Counter-Terrorism Partnership Agency (AACTPA)
that will orchestrate antiterrorist fight in Africa through military or intelligence operations and that will use drones in order to find the location of terrorist leaders, which will help us to eliminate them and bring them to justice. We also have to bring military training to the armed forces of the African countries in the throes of jihadism to ensure their preparedness to re-establish their countries' security and to combat and defeat terrorism thanks to military techniques used by the first military power in the world, the United States of America.
Thank you! May God bless our allies and may God bless America.

-Rally with the voters at the College of Charleston, SC
-Debate preparation
November 4th, 2019
-Foreign policy speech at the Charleston Air Force Base in Charleston, SC, in reaction to growing tensions between Taiwan and China :
President Clinton does not understand the urgency and the importance of reinforcing our military presence and engagement on the Pacific Ocean to make sure we avoid any war or any arms race on this ocean, which will bring chaos. China and Taiwan are disputing South China Sea Islands, especially the Paracel Islands, mostly for the local energy and petroleum resources. China expanded its agression towards Taiwan by sanctioning Taipei for its willingness to join us in the TPP in order to integrate the worldwide economy and to prosper through free market. While the Taiwanese people is more than ever willing to conduct its own destiny as an independent nation, China is threatening to invade this island. This is unacceptable. Alone, Taiwan does not stand a chance against China's military power. We understood it two centuries ago when France gave us military assistance to help us gaining our independence from Great Britain. Otherwise, without this precious help, we would have lost the American Revolution. When I'm President of the United States, we and our allies will recognize the Taiwanese people's decision because that would be a democratic decision and we won't let an authoritarian regime like China's dictating any other nation's destiny. That's why I take the pledge to send military experts in Taiwan, to reinforce the U.S. Navy's presence on the Pacific Ocean and to multiply military exercises to make sure Taiwanese armed forces will be ready to defend their nation's freedom and independence. We will also provide weapons to Taiwan by selling it military materials and engines such as military submarines, airplanes, battleships, etc., which will give Taiwan a military advantage against China in a potential war between these two nations thanks to American military techniques and a modernized Taiwanese military, which I'm sure will deter China from invading Taiwan after a Taiwanese declaration of independence and would force Beijing to recognize Taiwan as a free and independent country. Such a war can also be avoided through the creation of a NATO-style intergovernmental military alliance around the Pacific named Pacific Treaty Organization (PTO) including America and its allies around this ocean. That way, we will achieve our geopolitical goals in East Asia while maintaining peace and our relations with China.
That way, security, peace, democracy and freedom will be reinforced in the Far East. Taiwan will earn the opportunity to lead its own destiny, to defend its own values, to prosper in the world economy and to ratify its own treaties and partnerships such as the TPP, which will reinforce U.S.-Taiwan relations and these two nations' economies. That's how justice and integrity works.

-Meet with the voters at the Clemson University in Beaufort, SC
-Fundraising event at Henry C. Chambers Waterfront Park in Beaufort, SC
-Foreign policy speech at Beth Israel Congregation in Beaufort, SC
-Free trade policy speech at the Sea Pines Resort in Hilton Head Island, SC
-Barnstorm in Hilton Head Island, SC
-Debate preparation

November 5th, 2019
-Flight to Manchester, New Hampshire
-Debate preparation on the plane
-Meet with the voters at the University of New Hampshire at Manchester, NH
-Rally with the voters at the Weston Observatory in Manchester, NH
-Speech at the Verizon Wireless Arena in Manchester, NH
-Fundraising event at the Palace Theatre in Manchester, NH
-Speech at the Rochester Public Library in Rochester, NH
-Barnstorm in Gilford, NH   
-Rest and debate preparation

November 6th, 2019
-Speech at the Plymouth State University in Plymouth, NH
-Rally at the Fox Pond Park in Plymouth, NH
-Speech at the Pease Public Library in Plymouth, NH
-Fundraising dinner at the Eagle Hotel in Concord, NH
-Debate preparation

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 26, 2016, 10:23:16 AM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right Here Right Now, Week of Nov. 3, 2019-Nov. 9, 2019, Part 2

November 7th, 2019 (Part 1)
-Speech in reaction to Tim Ashe's nomination as Angus King's running mate - Concord, NH :
We just learned that Tim Ashe was nominated as Angus King's running mate. Exactly forty years ago, Ted Kennedy announced that he would challenge President Jimmy Carter in a time of economic decline and decreasing international security due to a relaunch of the Cold War, thus dividing the liberal vote. But at this same time, Reagan managed to increase his supports among Democratic voters by convincing them that only a stronger national security would solve our geopolitical challenges while these Democrats were more conservative than liberal on national security issues. These Democrats also opposed high taxes and big government and embraced free market, a principle defended by America that led and will lead us again to prosperity. That's another reason why these Democrats voted twice for Ronald Reagan and were named the Reagan Democrats. Once again, the Democratic Party, just like all the American people, is standing at crossroads, just like in the end of Jimmy Carter's presidency. Senator King is presuming that he represents the best alternative to Hillary Clinton's record of lies, disappointment, insecurity and corruption. But he is proposes further tariffs that already brought us protectionism and made us unable to boost job creation. Senator King is opposing the Keystone XL pipeline as well as oil drilling in ANWR, which will make us much more dependent on foreign oil and kill many American jobs. Such an agenda will kept us from developing permanently alternative energies for the sake of our economy and our environment. And worse, a part of the foreign oil that we are importing is from countries in throes of anti-American forces such as Iran, Syria, etc. Angus King and Tim Ashe are promoting the same failed economic and big government policies of the last ten years that hurt the U.S. economy, killed American jobs, offshored many of our companies, increased poverty, increased our national debt and contributed to further budgetary imbalance.
In order to bring America together once and for all, to grow our economy, to ensure America's prosperity, to defeat international terrorism, to reinforce international peace and security, to bring justice and integrity back to this country and to restore the American Dream, I am proposing a real alternative for all the American people, not only for conservatives, but also for independents Democrats, liberals, many of them disappointed by President Clinton's leadership.
As President of the United States, I will promote free trade to make us competitive in the world economy, reduce the costs of exporting and importing by abolishing tariffs, increase our exports and make sure our companies will be able to expand here in America and abroad, thus helping us getting new consumers around the world. It will also allow us to reduce our trade deficit and to keep our status as the first economic power of the world, a status that China is coveting. We will reinforce oil drilling by approving the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline as well as oil drilling in ANWR and Alaskan coasts, by building a transcontinental pipeline from Pennsylvania to Californian coasts and another one from Alaska to Alberta to increase oil production as well as the production and transport of oil barrels, which, according to economists, will create hundreds of thousands of new good-paying jobs. I will increase permits on federal lands and promote the manufacturing of more underwater tankers that will be able to exploit oilfields under water as well multiplying oil platforms. That way, we will finally be able to exploit these resources easily and safely without any danger before Russia does, especially in the Arctic, a strategic region with great potential such as an abundance of oil and gas, notably on the Alaskan coasts and the Beaufort Sea. It will help us growing our economy and to protect the environment. As a result, my energy plan will lead us to energy independence by 2035 and increase our capacity of producing our own energies. It will also boost our automotive industry by making our cars less expensive, increasing car manufacturing in America, encouraging our consumers to buy more Americans than Asian cars thanks to a stronger purchasing power and by saving save Great Lakes cities (like Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, etc., where automotive industry is the main economic activity) from bankruptcy. As a result, it will give us the upper hand in the Transpacific Partnership thanks to lower prices for American cars. Under my administration, we will use a part of the revenues from oil drilling to develop alternative and renewable energies such nuclear, wind, solar and hydroelectric energies for the sake of our economy and our environment. Once the budget is balanced under my presidency, we will use a part of budget surpluses to invest into infrastructure development, thus facilitating our nation's economic activities and make our businesses more competitive and more able to create new jobs. The more jobs we create, the more our working citizens' wages will grow, thus will reduce our national debt.
I will be everybody's President, which sometimes requires bipartisanship, and I demonstrated it in the Senate. In 2011, I cosponsored the AGREE Act with Senator Chris Coons, a bill that expanded tax credits and exemptions for businesses investing in research and development, equipment and other capital, gave tax credits for veterans starting a business franchise and contributed to an increase in immigration for some types of work visas, which helped our nation to reinforce job creation and innovation. I want to reform our immigration reform to reinforce security in our borders, to make our country more welcoming and inclusive than ever before towards immigrants and to restore the American Dream as well as to reinforce our country's reputation as the land of opportunity. As President, I will promote school choice, which will give positive results for lower-income Americans : lower education costs for families, including immigrant families living paycheck to paycheck, production of higher outcomes, in contrast to public education. It will help parents to guide their children out of poorly-performing schools assigned by zip code and grant them better education elsewhere. It will expand opportunities for low-income students—especially minorities—to attend high-quality schools that would otherwise be accessible only to high-income families, thus giving them a fair chance of succeeding and entering the workforce.
That's how I will bring all the American people together through an optimistic agenda including common goals.
Thank you! God bless the United States of America!

-Space policy and economic policy speech at the McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center in Concord, NH, reiterating his space plan's benefits on American patriotism and the U.S. economy
-Meet with the voters at the Granite State College in Concord, NH
-Dinner with the voters at the Milano’s Pizza in Concord, NH
-Barnstorm in Hillsborough, NH   
-Flight to New York City, New York
-Debate preparation on the plane

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 26, 2016, 10:32:37 AM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right Here Right Now, Week of Nov. 3, 2019-Nov. 9, 2019, Part 3

November 7th, 2019 (Part 2)

-Interview on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon at the GE Building in New York City, NY :

Fellon : This morning you said you would be able to attract new voters to the Republican Party should you be the Republican presidential nominee, including Democratic voters. How do you plan to do so?

Rubio : That's a great question Jimmy! First of all, the last three years are representing a disappointment for all the American people due to recent economic depression, job losses, poverty increasing, weak foreign policy and national security and growing terrorism around the world. America is divided more than ever and Tim Ashe's challenge to President Clinton is a great example to this matter of fact. Now Angus King, the Independent nominee that was once a Democrat, has selected Senator Ashe as his running mate, which will surely divide the liberal vote. The Democratic Party is standing at crossroads, just like it was in 1980 when Ted Kennedy challenged President Jimmy Carter and when Ronald Reagan was able to seduce an important part of the Democratic in such a disastrous context. So like Ronald Reagan would have said today not only « There you go again » but also « Here we are again ».


Rubio : But Angus King is promoting the same failed economic policies defended by President Clinton and the Republican Party needs to give an alternative path. To bring this country together, we sometimes need to put partisanship aside and sometimes convince Democrats that our agenda can help them reaching their interests while in the opposition. I will promote free trade, reinforce oil drilling to get us energy independence, use a part of oil drilling revenues to develop renewable energy resources, which will create jobs AND protect the environment. In addition, I take the pledge to invest a part of future budget surpluses into infrastructure development once I succeed my task to balance the budget. Republicans and Democrats to avoid wars against nuclear powers or potential nuclear powers such as Iran and North Korea. I will do so through the creation of intergovernmental military organizations in the Indian subcontinent, in the Middle East and on the Pacific Ocean to deter these two nations to pursue their nuclear programs' development, from aggressing or attacking their neighbors and from supporting terrorism. Like I said, this is peace through strength, a principle defended by Ronald Reagan, a great American that kept us save and lead us to victory in the Cold War. That's how I will bring Republicans and Democrats together in a bipartisan and optimistic agenda, thus bringing our country together once and for all. I'm sure it will help our party increasing liberal and independent support to the Republican Party just as Ronald Reagan did almost four decades ago. So, who knows, maybe after « Reagan Democrat » (in 1980 and 1984) and « McCain Democrat » (in 2008) we will be witnessing the emergence of the term « Rubio Democrat ».

[Laughs and applause]

Fallon : After all, Ronald Reagan was a Democrat before becoming Republican.

Rubio : (Laughing) Yeah, that's right. And now we are 2019, fifty years the Beatles released their album Abbey Road and their single « Come Together ». Now it's time to tell the American people, Republicans, Democrats and Independents to come together right now over me promoting an agenda including conservative solutions that will help us managing common objectives for America's prosperity, security and unity.

[Laughs and applause while the Beatles' Come Together plays in the studio]

Rubio : It's not for nothing that my Super PAC that supported my 2016 presidential candidacy was named Conservative Solutions. Like President Reagan said « government is not the solution, government is the problem ». It's still the case today and it's demonstrated by our growing dependency towards foreign oil and by some of our companies' off shoring over the last ten years due to increasing taxes and regulations. We will reverse this tendency.

Fallon : So you're saying that we are living a very similar situation than before 1980?

Rubio : Not at 100 %, because we're not challenged by the same geopolitical foes even though Russia is still pursuing its expansionist policies and is aggressing our allies in Eastern Europe and in the Middle East and I'm not saying that I am Ronald Reagan and that Hillary Clinton is Jimmy Carter. Vladimir Putin is supporting the pro-Russian rebellion in Ukraine to maintain its influence in this country, annex Eastern Ukraine as he did with Crimea, and to take control of Ukrainian gas. ISIS is trying to expand its turf through terrorist attacks and is persecuting Christians and Kurds, thus violating freedom of religion. And finally China is disputing islands in South China Sea for economic, strategic and patriotic purposes, thus violating South China's territorial integrity and threatening peace and stability in this region. So in any case we can say, « the Empire Strikes Back » just like it did in 1980s in real time and in science fiction during a time Ronald Reagan kept us safe against any Soviet nuclear missile, partly by establishing the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), that was moreover nicknamed « Star Wars ».

[Laughs and applause while John Williams' Imperial March plays in the studio]

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 26, 2016, 10:34:38 AM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right Here Right Now, Week of Nov. 3, 2019-Nov. 9, 2019, Part 4

November 8th, 2019
-Energy policy speech at the Mobile headquarters in New York City, NY
-Economic policy speech in the Chrysler Building in New York City, NY
-Fundraising event at the Rockefeller Center in New York City, NY
-Immigration policy speech at Boricua College in New York City, NY, in order to woo the Puerto Ricans and Hispanics of any race
-Dinner with the voters at the Subway facility in New York City, NY
-Economic policy speech at the Westfield World Trade Center in New York City, NY
-Counter-terrorism policy speech at the National September 11 Memorial & Museum in New York City, NY
-Speech in front of the Statue of Liberty in New York City, NY
-Fundraising event at the New York Mercantile Exchange in New York City, NY
-Fundraising supper at the Pasty's Italian Restaurant in New York City, NY
-Rest and debate preparation

November 9th, 2019
-Breakfast with the voters at the Best Bagel & Coffee in New York City, NY
-Fundraising event at the Unisphere in New York City, NY
-Economic policy speech at the Tech Valley in Albany, NY
-Fundraising event at the One Commerce Plaza in Albany, NY
-Meet with college voters at the State University of New York at Albany in Albany, NY
-Meet with voters and donors at the Empire State Plaza in Albany, NY
-Speech at the Irish American Heritage Museum in Albany, NY
-Economic policy speech at Tonawanda Engine in Buffalo, NY
-Supper with the voters at Cantina Loco in Buffalo, NY
-Rally at the New Era Field in Buffalo, NY
-Rest and debate preparation
-Flight to Cincinnati, Ohio

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on August 26, 2016, 03:20:51 PM

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on August 26, 2016, 03:27:17 PM
Branden Cordeiro, the guy who plays Paul Ryan, has not been active since the end of July. Could you find anyone else interested of taking Branden's place for the role?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on August 26, 2016, 04:04:10 PM
New polls

On the Democratic side, after Angus King selected Tim Ashe as his running mate, President  Hillary Clinton is now running unopposed even though a part of the Democratic base is less enthusiastic about supporting her than it was in 2016. So there's no more real necessity to post any Democratic primary poll unless you absolutely want.

On the Republican side, polls demonstrated that Senator Marco Rubio is now considered as the frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination with 10 percentage points ahead of Speaker of the House Paul Ryan who is polling second. In addition, in this time of deep division of the Democratic Party, Rubio's message to bring Republican, Democratic and Independent voters together towards a bipartisan element of his agenda reinforced the potential that the Florida Senator has the best chance of beating Hillary Clinton. Tom Cotton made progress as well in the polls and even narrowly tops James Comey for the third place in South Carolina.

Now all Republican presidential candidates are preparing for the second presidential primary debate that will be held in Cleveland State University in Cleveland, Ohio, and will be moderated by Fox News, Chris Wallace and Megyn Kelly and Bret Baier.

National Polls

Marco Rubio : 37 %
Paul Ryan : 27 %
James Comey : 16 %
Tom Cotton : 10 %

Iowa Polls

Marco Rubio : 29 %
Paul Ryan : 26 %
James Comey : 17 %
Tom Cotton : 14 %

New Hampshire Polls

Marco Rubio : 37 %
Paul Ryan : 23 %
James Comey : 15 %
Tom Cotton : 5 %

South Carolina Polls

Marco Rubio : 38 %
Paul Ryan : 23 %
Tom Cotton : 12 %
James Comey : 11 %

Nevada Polls

Marco Rubio : 39 %
Paul Ryan : 21 %
James Comey : 12 %
Tom Cotton : 8 %

Tennessee Polls

Marco Rubio : 32 %
Paul Ryan : 27 %
James Comey : 16 %
Tom Cotton : 12 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on August 26, 2016, 04:29:09 PM

The Nigerian Army takes back the occupied oil refinery from Boko Haram

The Nigerian Army led a successful military offensive in the Imo State to take back the oil refinery taken last week by Boko Haram. 152 jihadists were killed while 31 other were wounded and 17 other surrendered. On the Nigerian armed forces' side, 19 soldiers were killed while 10 others were wounded.

Increase of oil prices

Due, partly, to the Nigerian oil refinery occupation by Boko Haram in the Imo State and to the use of oil trafficking by terrorists to fund their terrorist activities, worldwide oil prices raised from 56 $ to 75 $ per barrel, which is hurting the worldwide economy as worldwide consumers' purchasing power.


Marco Rubio : Former Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman, Former Alaska Governor and 2008 Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Kingpoleon on August 26, 2016, 05:25:30 PM
Tim Ashe speech:
"My fellow Americans, early in the morning on November seventh, Senator Marco Rubio has used me and Senator King as political ploys. He created a narrative saying he stands for independents, moderate Democrats, and moderate Republicans. He accused me and Senator King of dividing Democrats. He has compared himself to Ronald Reagan, a much better man than himself. Ronald Reagan was a good leader, despite bad elements of his ideology. Part of the reason he was a good leader was because he didn't compare himself to others. He stood on his own two feet.

Marco Rubio, if you're listening, listen to my next words: later that same day, there you go again. He quotes to Jimmy Fallon three times Ronald Reagan. He can't stand on his own two feet. Rubio has to compare himself to someone else. America, do not listen to him. Let him tell us who he is - not in sound bites for commercials, but let him tell his background. Let us find his personality ourselves. Senator Rubio, do not try to get us to mix your personality with the optimism of Ronald Reagan.

Let me also clarify: my campaign intends to be on the ballots in all the early primary states. If the DNC blocks this, we intend to get write in ballot access. We will call out the system on its many problems. It is rigged by the status quo against the poor, racial and sexual minorities, and many others. This campaign, of King and mine, is one that promises we will not leave anyone behind. We will unrig the system. Together, we will defeat the people destroying America and the world. We represent the failed economic policies of neither Hillary Clinton nor George W. Bush. We represent all the people."

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on August 27, 2016, 02:59:51 AM
Tim Ashe speech:
"My fellow Americans, early in the morning on November seventh, Senator Marco Rubio has used me and Senator King as political ploys. He created a narrative saying he stands for independents, moderate Democrats, and moderate Republicans. He accused me and Senator King of dividing Democrats. He has compared himself to Ronald Reagan, a much better man than himself. Ronald Reagan was a good leader, despite bad elements of his ideology. Part of the reason he was a good leader was because he didn't compare himself to others. He stood on his own two feet.

Marco Rubio, if you're listening, listen to my next words: later that same day, there you go again. He quotes to Jimmy Fallon three times Ronald Reagan. He can't stand on his own two feet. Rubio has to compare himself to someone else. America, do not listen to him. Let him tell us who he is - not in sound bites for commercials, but let him tell his background. Let us find his personality ourselves. Senator Rubio, do not try to get us to mix your personality with the optimism of Ronald Reagan.

Let me also clarify: my campaign intends to be on the ballots in all the early primary states. If the DNC blocks this, we intend to get write in ballot access. We will call out the system on its many problems. It is rigged by the status quo against the poor, racial and sexual minorities, and many others. This campaign, of King and mine, is one that promises we will not leave anyone behind. We will unrig the system. Together, we will defeat the people destroying America and the world. We represent the failed economic policies of neither Hillary Clinton nor George W. Bush. We represent all the people."

King responds to Sen. Rubio's accusations.
First off, let me just say that Rubio proved that he is willing to get down in the gutter with the rest of his oarty. A shame, as I once considered him one of the Republican Party's bright young men.

Of course I oppose Keystone XL. Of course I oppose drilling in the ANWR. Why? Because we need to do something about the catastrophic effect fossil fuels are having on the environment. As Senator Sanders said four years ago, the debate on climate change is over. Well, except for the Republican Party it seems.

And no Senator, this will not increase our reliance on foreign fuels. We must instead look to renewable energy sources. Need I remind you Senator, that Ronald Reagan tore down the solar panels Jimmy Carter had installed at the White House.

And you forget, Senator, I am not running as a Democrat, myself and Congressman Ashe are running as independents. I left the Democratic Party because of the influence of special interest groups and corporation. Senator Rubio  . . . is supported by special interest groups and corporations.

Senator Rubio, you were once a beacon of sanity in the sea of crazy that is the Republican Party. I can see that my assumption was wrong.

President Clinton has done nothing but disappoint liberals and progressives in this country, so it is ludicrous that you think for even one second you could appeal to that crowd. Why? You keep touting the failed policy of trickle-down economics; you keep pushing for direct intervention into a war that shouldn't concern us; you keep pushing for policies that harm our environment; and finally, you're in the pocket of Wall Street. I don't have a SuperPAC and I don't want one.

In conclusion, in return for Rubio comparing himself to Reagan, I say this: Senator, you're no Ronald Reagan.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 27, 2016, 08:00:28 AM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right Here Right Now, Week of Nov. 10, 2019-Nov. 16, 2019, Part 1

November 10th, 2019
-Fundraising event at the Macy's Inc. headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio
-Economic policy speech at the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber in Cincinnati, OH
-Speech in reaction to Angus King's and Tim Ashe's accusations - Cintas Center in Cincinnati, OH :
Angus King and Tim Ashe accused me of comparing myself to Ronald Reagan. I think they should have listened more carefully my comments. I didn't say that I was Ronald Reagan, I said that we are living a similar situation than before Reagan's entrance to the White House so we need to reverse this situation. I never said that Senator King was running as a Democrat I only said that his third-party candidacy pulled progressives away from Clinton so we need to offer them a new path. When it comes to foreign policy, Senator King misunderstood me and I think he should have read my agenda correctly. By creating intergovernmental military alliances in Middle East and South Asia as well as around the Pacific, we will increase pressure on Iran and North Korea to deter them from pursuing their nuclear programs and supporting terrorism. That way, there will be no need to attack these foes militarily. In addition, thanks to the contribution of military powers such as India and Turkey, we will defeat Al Qaida and ISIS in the Middle East. But America must do its part, if we want peace, we must be ready for war if not ISIS and Al Qaida will be on the run forever and more innocent people will die. And that's exactly thanks to preparedness for war that we defeated Hitler and then the USSR and its allies in the Cold War and that we beheaded Al Qaida by killing Osama Bin Laden.
Senator King and his running mate have doubts about my willingness to reunite all the American people together. They are completely wrong to doubt about it. I believe that when we are President of the United States, we are President for those who voted for us and for those who didn't vote for us. First, here's one proof of my determination and capacity of putting our country together : Joe Lieberman, a former Democrat who is now an Independent and who is none other than Al Gore's running mate in 2000 in addition of coming very close to become Vice-President of the United States, recently endorsed my candidacy because he understands that we need a stronger and more effective national security to defeat terrorism and tyranny and that we need energy independence to develop renewable energies and ensure economic growth and prosperity. Let me tell you Senator King, I need to remind you that at the end of your second term as Maine Governor, you left this state with a deficit. In addition, during your tenure as Governor, you opposed raising the minimum wage, thus angering you fellow liberals. So how can you claim that progressives can trust you?
Secondly, let me remind you, Senator King, that I cosponsored the AGREE Act alongside Democratic Senator Chris Coons. This bill increased tax credits and exemptions for companies investing in R & D, equipment and other capital, gave tax credits for veterans opening a business franchise and raised immigration for some types of work visas, which helped our country to boost economic growth, job creation and innovation.
Thirdly, I fought for immigration reform and I will keep doing it at the White House by reinforcing security in our borders and giving a pathway to citizenship for immigrants to make sure they will live a better life and earn a brighter future on the land of opportunity just like my parents and grandparents did by coming here in America.
Just like the Democrats, my party wants to develop infrastructure to grow our economy and I will do so by using some budget surpluses once our budget is balanced, thus facilitating economic activities and reinforcing our companies' competitiveness.
In addition, by expanding oil drilling we will make sure that we take control of our own energies, that we create jobs and that we clinch energy independence. I can reassure Democrats and Independents that we can exploit oil resources on Alaskan coasts and on Beaufort Sea without hurting the environment thanks to underwater tankers. It will increase car manufacturing, thus saving and reviving our automotive industry, allow us to avoid further bankruptcies, like the one in Detroit, in cities in which the main economic activity is automotive industry. It will reduce the costs of buying American cars thanks to lower oil and gas prices, thus giving us the advantage of integrating the TPP and making sure that more American cars will be bought than Asian cars, which will contribute to further job creation in America and encourage our future business owners to open new businesses. Under President Rubio, a part of revenues from oil drilling will be used to invest into developing renewable sources of energies to boost job creation and to protect the environment. That way, our cars can permanently function through renewable energies and we can develop a permanent electric automotive industry. That way, we will keep our reputation as the greatest energy producer and economic power in the world. I promise, my fellow Americans, that if I'm the Republican nominee, we will be the party of opportunity as well as the party of the future. Thank you! God bless you all.

-Rally at the Findlay Market
-Dinner with the voters at the Frisch's Restaurants, Inc. headquarters in Cincinnati, OH
-Speech at the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center in Cincinnati, OH, about the importance of improving race relations and of defending freedom for all the people, liberty of religion in America and abroad and free market
-Meet with the voters and the donors at the Duke Energy Convention Center in Cincinnati, OH
-Debate preparation
-In reaction to increasing oil prices, Marco Rubio's presidential campaign broadcasts a T.V. ad titled American Energy Revolution and that featured energy policy speech gave by Rubio in Concord on November 7th as well as graphics stats demonstrating the results of Rubio's energy plan. The ad airs in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Nevada, Montana, Alaska, the Washington state, Oklahoma, Texas and Wyoming.

« American Energy Revolution » advertisement narration :

Over the last ten years, the Obama and Clinton administrations imposed taxes and regulations on oil companies and opposed any expansion of oil drilling, thus killing millions of jobs, made us unable to develop permanently renewable resources and made America more dependent on foreign oil, which a part comes from countries dominated by anti-American forces. But Marco Rubio has a plan, an energy plan that will bring success under President Marco Rubio
« We will reinforce oil drilling by approving the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline as well as oil drilling in ANWR and Alaskan coasts, by building a transcontinental pipeline from Pennsylvania to Californian coasts and another one from Alaska to Alberta to increase oil production as well as the production and transport of oil barrels, which, according to economists, will create hundreds of thousands of new good-paying jobs. I will increase permits on federal lands and promote the manufacturing of more underwater tankers that will be able to exploit oilfields under water as well multiplying oil platforms. That way, we will finally be able to exploit these resources easily and safely without any danger before Russia does, especially in the Arctic, a strategic region with great potential such as an abundance of oil and gas, notably on the Alaskan coasts and the Beaufort Sea. It will help us growing our economy and to protect the environment. As a result, my energy plan will lead us to energy independence by 2035 and increase our capacity of producing our own energies. It will also boost our automotive industry by making our cars less expensive, increasing car manufacturing in America, encouraging our consumers to buy more Americans than Asian cars thanks to a stronger purchasing power and by saving save Great Lakes cities (like Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, etc., where automotive industry is the main economic activity) from bankruptcy. As a result, it will give us the upper hand in the Transpacific Partnership thanks to lower prices for American cars. Under my administration, we will use a part of the revenues from oil drilling to develop alternative and renewable energies such nuclear, wind, solar and hydroelectric energies for the sake of our economy and our environment. »
I'm Marco Rubio and I approve this message.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 27, 2016, 08:04:54 AM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right Here Right Now, Week of Nov. 10, 2019-Nov. 16, 2019, Part 2

November 11th, 2019
-Speech at the University of Dayton in Dayton, OH
-Fundraising event at the University of Dayton Arena in Dayton, OH
-Economic policy speech at Tech Town in Dayton, OH
-Speech at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, OH, in reaction to the successful military offensive against Boko Haram in the Imo State, Nigeria :
I am happy to hear that the brave Nigerian armed forces managed to take back an oil refinery from Boko Haram in the Imo State. This is once again another step to victory against radical Islamic terrorism, but this fight is not over. We need to stand with our allies, increase defense spending and send troops in the Middle East to destroy ISIS and Al Qaida and we must create intergovernmental military alliances to defend our partners and allies in Asia and around the Pacific against Iran and North Korea. That's how the world will finally be safe and peaceful.

-Speech at the VA Medical Center in Dayton, OH, about Rubio's record on reforming the VA and the importance of taking care veterans
-Meet with the voters at the Benjamin and Marian Schuster Performing Arts Center in Dayton, OH
-Barnstorm in Troy, OH   
-Rest and debate preparation

November 12th, 2019
-Energy policy speech at the Piqua Nuclear Generating Station in Piqua, OH
-Economic and innovation policy speech at the Upper Valley JVS in Piqua, OH
-Meet with the voters at the Ohio Theatre in Columbus, OH
-Dinner with the voters at Cap City Diner and Bar
-Meet with the voters at the Ohio State Fair in Columbus, OH
-Speech at the Ohio Stadium in Columbus, OH, about electability and the importance of winning in 2020 :
Three years ago, our party made one of the worst electoral performances in its history. We need to be more inclusive towards ethnic minorities. As one of them, I understand their concerns because I was raised paycheck to paycheck. We need to reform our immigration system to make sure immigrants can earn the privilege to become American citizens. We need to promote school choice to give positive results for lower-income Americans : lower education costs for families, including immigrant families living paycheck to paycheck (like my family during my childhood), production of higher outcomes, in contrast to public education. It will help parents to guide their children out of poorly-performing schools assigned by zip code and grant them better education elsewhere. It will expand opportunities for low-income students—especially minorities—to attend high-quality schools that would otherwise be accessible only to high-income families, thus giving them a fair chance of succeeding and entering the workforce. Free trade with Latin America will be beneficial for Hispanics because it will give our companies, including small businesses built, opened and owned by Hispanics in the United States, through language opportunities and their fluency in Spanish and English, new opportunities to innovate, to reinforce their competitive position, to get new consumers by giving them access to American products, to create jobs in our country and ensure their business' expansion here and around the world. Thanks to their bilingualism, Hispanics will be among top importers, exporters, translators and executives who ensure such a cultural and commercial exchange. That's why « su futuro será brillante y así es como los hispanos o latinos en los Estados Unidos de América ha de realizar el Sueño americano ». When it comes to my friend Paul Ryan, I like him and I respect him as a great leader in the House of the Representatives. Even though he lost a presidential election as a running mate in 2012, I respect him like all losing vice-presidential nominees whether it's Bob Dole, Sarah Palin or Mike Pence. But we can't afford four more years of Hillary Clinton's failed economic policies and weak national security. So how can we be sure that Paul Ryan can beat Hillary Clinton after he lost in 2012. Almost no losing running mate in American History has ever won the White House as the presidential nominee. We need to chose a path to victory, which requires attracting minority voters and an optimistic agenda, both tools which I'm equipped. Time has come to turn the page and to chose a path to prosperity, security and national unity. And I'm asking for your help, support and vote to make sure this path will be open to us for the next eight years and beyond. Thank you! Que Dios Bendiga los Estados Unidos de América!

-Economic and foreign policy speech at the Jeep headquarters in Toledo, OH
-Energy policy speech in front of college voters at the Bowling Green State University in Toledo, OH
-Debate preparation   

November 13th, 2019
-Breakfast with the voters at Tony Packo's Cafe in Toledo, OH
-Debate preparation
-Rally with the voters at the Toledo Museum of Art in Toledo, OH
-Bus trip to Cleveland
-Debate preparation for all afternoon
-Marco Rubio participates in the second Republican presidential debate held at the Cleveland State University  alongside Paul Ryan, Tom Cotton and James Comey.

November 14-16 will come after the debate.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Kingpoleon on August 27, 2016, 05:42:29 PM
Morning Joe Appearance:
Joe Scarborough: Mr. Ashe, do you have any response to Marco Rubio's speech?

Tim AsheI think it's kind of strange that Marco Rubio has decided to try giving back and forth speeches. I know I don't intend to try to divide the American people by giving speeches to be nit picked and taken apart by many, many people. I don't encourage anyone to try that. All I can say is that Rubio might want to take my advice.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on August 29, 2016, 04:45:50 PM
Second Republican primary presidential debate at the Cleveland State University in Cleveland, OH

Date : November 13th, 2019

Participants : Florida Senator Marco Rubio, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, Former FBI Director James Comey and Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton

Host : Fox News

Moderators : Chris Wallace, Megyn Kelly and Bret Baier


-Opening statements

-Senator Rubio, you talked about Paul Ryan's chances to win on next election day by the fact that he lost the 2012 presidential election as Mitt Romney's running mate. How do you explain that you would be in better position to win the next general election that Speaker Ryan is?

-Do you think that the recent Canadian electoral results (in which the Conservative Party made electoral advances, thus making the Trudeau government a minority government) represent a great opportunity to approve the Keystone XL pipeline?

-This question is adressed to all the candidates. Senator Rubio said recently that you will be able to attract new voters to the Republican Party, including Independents and Democrats. How do you intend to do that?

-Senator Cotton, you said that you are among Arkansas Republican warriors (alongside notably Mike Huckabee) that defeated the Clinton machine in Arkansas, thus weakening Democratic influence in Arkansas. What do you mean by that?
-How do you intend to stand up to Russia?

-What is your plan to capture or kill Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader of ISIS?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 29, 2016, 07:23:32 PM
Marco Rubio debate answers, Part 1

-Opening statements

Exactly forty years ago today, in front of the Statue of Liberty, in New York, Ronald Reagan, a great American and a great conservative announced his candidacy for the presidency of the United States of America for the 1980 presidential election. We now have to defend the legacy he left to America, which is an America safer thanks to increased and modernized military and to strong alliances around the world; an America more prosperous than ever before thanks to free market policies, which are energy independence, free trade, eduction system reform, budget balance, tax cuts for all the American people and encouraging businesses to open here in America; and also a fairer America through immigration reform, Criminal Code reform, giving our unborn children the right to live and defending our constitutional rights, notably the right to own fireweapons and the freedom of speech, of press and of religion as well as the pursuit of happiness. That's what I take the pledge to do as President of the United States. Thank you!

-Senator Rubio, you talked about Paul Ryan's chances to win on next election day by the fact that he lost the 2012 presidential election as Mitt Romney's running mate. How do you explain that you would be in better position to win the next general election that Speaker Ryan is?

First of all, I never doubt about Speaker Ryan's chances to win on Election Day. What makes me more likely to win against Hillary Clinton is my ability to appeal among young people and Hispanic voters. I am Senator of Florida, an important key battleground state where victory will be ensured thanks to Hispanic support. I want to fix our immigration system and to give economic opportunities for all ethnic minorities and school choice will help them to succeed on the land of opportunity. If you want to know more details about my plan to give economic opportunities, go on my campaign website. In addition, I got endorsements from both the establishment and the Tea Party, which will help our party to reunite and lead it to victory on November 2020 if I'm the nominee. In addition, Joe Lieberman supported my candidacy, which is a great step for our efforts to win over Independents and Democrats dissapointed by President Clinton's leadership. Thanks to my foreign policy experience, I will be able to represent time and time again a clear alternative to Hillary Clinton's record of weakness, chaos and insecurity.

When it comes to Paul Ryan, even though he lost the 2012 Presidential election, he made a terrific vice-presidential nominee and I respect him as I respect all other losing vice-presidential nominees, whether it's Bob Dole, Sarah Palin, who recently endorsed my campaign, or Mike Pence. But we can't afford four more years of economic depression, growing geopolitical threats and national division under  Hillary Clinton. So Mr. Speaker how can you reassure our supporters that you can win the election after you lost the 2012 election as the vice-presidential nominee. In American History, almost no losing running mate has ever won the White house as the presidential nominee. Many analysts said that one of the reasons why your ticket lost is that in the past you opposed Cuba embargo, which cut our supports among the Cuban-American community, a people who desires, just like us, to make sure that freedom and democracy comes back to Cuba, the land of my ancestors. So as a result, we lost Florida to Barack Obama in 2012 while it's one of the most important states to win due to it's great number of great electors (29). Yesterday, you claimed that despite losing in 2012, you can win by following Franklin Delano Roosevelt's path to victory (who lost alongside Democratic nominee James M. Cox as the vice-presidential nominee in 1920) by running during a time of economic recession just like in 1932. But I'm sorry to tell you this : Mr. Speaker you are no Franklin Delano Roosevelt!

-Do you think that the recent Canadian electoral results (in which the Conservative Party made electoral advances, thus making the Trudeau government a minority government) represent a great opportunity to approve the Keystone XL pipeline?

Well, first of all Americans and Canadians have common interests, including energy independence and economic growth. And I think that these elections resulting to a liberal minority government represent effectively a great opportunity to approve Keystone XL pipeline. When Stephen Harper came in office in 2006, George W. Bush was still in office, but Keystone XL did not really develop between 2006 and 2008 because Harper led a minority government at the time and Barack Obama was elected President in 2008, thus halting the project.

Democracy talked  and won, like always, and the Canadian people chose balance of power and voted for growth and economic opportunities. To govern, a Prime Minster will have to deal with the opposition when he leads a minority government. While he opposes Keystone XL pipeline, Justin Trudeau is in favor of Energy East pipeline. So I'm sure that the Leader of opposition, Conservative leader Peter McKay will be able to make sure that Prime Minster Trudeau will change his mind and approve Keystone XL pipeline, thus ensuring the creation of 80 000 good-paying jobs. Under my administration, we will approve Keystone XL.

We will also develop projects of building pipelines from Alaska to Alberta and from Pennsylvania to Californian coasts. We will double permits on federal lands, thus increasing the number oil wells and platforms, and manufacture underwater tankers to exploit oil resources under Beaufort Sea without any danger for the environment. It will also lower the cost of buying American cars, which will give us the advantage in the TPP thanks to American cars less expansive than Asian cars, and boost our automotive industry. That way, we will create jobs, clinch energy independence in the next fifteen years, diversify our economy and ensure permanent prosperity in America.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 29, 2016, 07:29:55 PM
Marco Rubio debate answers, Part 2

-This question is adressed to all the candidates. Senator Rubio said recently that he will be able to attract new voters to the Republican Party, including Independents and Democrats. How do you intend to do that?

Hillary Clinton disappointed all the American people, whether they are conservatives, liberals or independents. Now, some Democrats and Independents voters are at the crossroads. Joe Lieberman is supporting my campaign, which made allowed our party to make a great step in it's quest for Independent and Democratic support. To attract these voters to the Republican Party while promoting my conservative agenda, I will take the pledge that my administration will, thanks to my energy plan, increase oil drilling and then help us clinching energy independence and develop alternative and renewable energies by using a part of oil drilling revenues, which will grow diversify our economy and create jobs while protecting the environment. Once the budget will be balanced under my administration, a part of the budget surpluses will be used to invest into the development of our infrastructures, thus increasing economic activities and allowing our businesses to grow, to expand, to invest in America and to create jobs. Companies investing in R & D and equipment received tax credits and exemptions thanks to the AGREE Act that cosponsored, which helped our country to boost economic growth, job creation and innovation. That's how my conservative agenda will help all Americans, conservatives and liberals, to achieve their goals for the sake of America's economic prosperity. That's how our party will expand it's supports among Independents and Democrats by convincing them to support this American agenda that I am proposing.

-Senator Cotton, you said that you are among Arkansas Republican warriors (alongside notably Mike Huckabee) that defeated the Clinton machine in Arkansas, thus weakening Democratic influence in Arkansas. What do you mean by that?

[Tom Cotton's response]

-How do you intend to stand up to Russia?

My administration will increase diplomatic and economic sanctions against Russia, which will increase Russian oil and gas prices, increase Russian inflation and weaken Russian economy, which will force Vladimir Putin to step back and change it's attitude. Russia is invading Ukraine by supporting, training and arming a pro-Russian rebellion in order to annex Eastern Ukraine and taking control of Ukrainian oil and gas resources, which is unacceptable. When I'm president, we will reinforce the U.S. Navy's presence on the Black Sea, send military experts in Ukraine to train Ukrainian armed forces and develop strategies and arm the Ukrainian army, which represents mutual interests for America and Ukraine : Ukrainian army will have all the necessary tools to defeat pro-Russian terrorists and military equipment manufacturing and selling to Ukraine will be beneficial for the U.S. economy. That way, the Ukrainian army will be able to counter Russia's powerful military arsenal thanks to American military equipment and techniques, to defeat the pro-Russian rebels and to retake control of Crimea as well as Ukraine's energy resources. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton never had the courage to follow this strategy. In Syria, Russia is focusing more on destroying Syrian rebellion rather than ISIS to defend the Assad regime and its local economic interests and open the way for the building of a pipeline from Russia to Syria, thus slowing our fight against terrorism and tyranny. If Russia keeps targeting and bombing the Syrian rebels, we will keep arming these rebels and give them the necessary military training to strike back against Russia's military agression.

-What is your plan to capture or kill Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader of ISIS?

We need, firstly to increase military spending and send ground troops in Syria and Iraq in order to pursue War on Terror, defeat ISIS and find Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. And our NATO allies got attacked over and over again by ISIS more than ever before and they share our goal of defeating radical Islamic terrorism, so they will join us in this military offensive against ISIS. We also need to modernize our intelligence and military technologies to find and destory terrorist positions. I will also make sure that we capture or kill al-Baghdadi by reinforcing our geopolitical strategic alliances. We have common security interests with our allies in the Middle East and in South Asia : destroying terrorism and stopping Iran from getting nuclear weapons. So it will motivate them to coalesce into the intergovernmental military alliance that I am proposing and that will be named Southern and Western Asia Defense Alliance (SWADA). As a consequence, thanks to the collaboration our local allies (Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India), to our military power as well as India's Turkey's military powers, and to the great number of American and allied troops in Syria and Iraq, we will cut ISIS resources, surround ISIS territory, force ISIS fighters to divide their forces for the defense of all the corners of their territory and defeat ISIS more easily. That way, we will finally find al-Baghdadi's refuge, attack it and capture or kill him, thus weakening ISIS leading to it's end, thus bringing peace, stability and justice back in the Middle East.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 29, 2016, 07:36:18 PM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right Here Right Now, Week of Nov. 10, 2019-Nov. 16, 2019, Part 3

November 14th, 2019

-Health care policy speech at the Medical Mutual of Ohio headquarters in Cleveland, OH
-Economic policy speech at the Port of Cleveland
-Meet with college voters at the Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, OH
-Dinner with the voters at the West Side Market in Cleveland, OH
-Meet with the voters and the donors at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, OH
-Barnstorm in Lorrain, OH
-Energy policy speech at the Ford Econoline in Lorrain, OH
-Flight to Davenport, Iowa   

November 15th, 2019

-Fundraising event at the KONE Inc. Hedquarters in Davenport, IA
-Speech at the Iowa Soldiers’ Orphans Home in Davenport, IA
-Meet with the college voters at the St. Ambrose University in Davenport, IA
-Economic policy speech at the Alcoa facility in Riverdale, IA
-Barnstorm in Riverdale, IA
-Marco Rubio’s presidential campaign broadcasts a new T.V. ad named « United We Stand, Part 2 » talking about a basic element of Rubio's plan to restore and maintain peace in the Middle East. The ad airs in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Tennessee and the Washington state.

« United We Stand!, Part 2 » advertisement narration :

Iran is supporting terrorism, wants the destruction of Israel, is threatening freedom of religion and is very close from getting nuclear weapons. ISIS and Al Qaida are still on the run and keep cowardly killing innocent people on their territories and around the world. We need to take real action and to stand with our allies. That’s why I want to establish, as President of the United States, an intergovernmental military alliance located from South Asia to Middle East named Southern and Western Asia Defense Alliance (SWADA) in order to increase pressure on Iran and force Tehran to stop supporting terrorism and to give up its nuclear program’s military nature or receive airstrikes destroying its nuclear facilities. Through collaboration with our NATO and SWADA allies and to our military power, we will cut terrorists' sources, eliminate ISIS and Al Qaida and rebuild Middle East to make sure that stability, freedom, justice and peace will be restored in this region. This is peace through strength and union because « United We Stand ».

I'm Marco Rubio and I approve this message.

-Fundraising event in Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc. Facility in Bettendorf, IA
-Town hall at the Quad Cities Waterfront Convention Center in Bettendorf, IA

November 16th, 2019

-Barnstorm in Bettendorf, IA
-Barnstorm in Libertyville, IA
-Agriculture policy speech at the Everybody’s Whole Foods in Fairfield, IA
-Meet with the voters at the Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, IA
-Advertisement filming
-Flight to Elko, Nevada

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on August 29, 2016, 08:21:13 PM
Round 9 begins!

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on August 29, 2016, 08:45:20 PM
New Polls

According to new nationwide and statewide polls, Marco Rubio reinforced his status as the Republican frontrunner for his party's nomination. This increase is due to it's growing appeal among some Democrats and Independents thanks to it's energy agenda and it's plan to invest into infrastructure development once the budget balanced. His lead also increased thanks to his terrific debate performance in Cleveland. Paul Ryan lost momentum after the debate during which Marco Rubio remarked the Speaker's past opposition to Cuba embargo until 2008 and claimed that Ryan was « no Franklin Delano Roosevelt », who lost as the Democratic vice-presidential nominee in 1920 before winning as the Democratic presidential nominee in 1932.

National Polls

Marco Rubio : 39 %
Paul Ryan : 25 %
James Comey : 15 %
Tom Cotton : 11 %

Iowa Polls

Marco Rubio : 30 %
Paul Ryan : 25 %
James Comey : 16 %
Tom Cotton : 15 %

New Hampshire Polls

Marco Rubio : 40 %
Paul Ryan : 22 %
James Comey : 14 %
Tom Cotton : 5 %

South Carolina Polls

Marco Rubio : 37 %
Paul Ryan : 21 %
Tom Cotton : 13 %
James Comey : 11 %

Nevada Polls

Marco Rubio : 40 %
Paul Ryan : 21 %
James Comey : 13 %
Tom Cotton : 9 %

Tennessee Polls

Marco Rubio : 33 %
Paul Ryan : 28 %
James Comey : 16 %
Tom Cotton : 14 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on August 29, 2016, 09:38:43 PM

Henry Kissinger died at 96

Yesterday, Henry Kissinger, former Secretary of State from 1973 to 1977 under Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, passed away at 96 years old due to prostate cancer. National funerals for the architect of policy of détente with the Soviet Union are scheduled over the current week. Christopher Nixon Cox, Richard Nixon's grandson, has scheduled to attend these funerals. Let's remind that Christopher Nixon Cox is once again candidate for the Republican nomination for Congressman of the 1st Congressional District of New York after his failed attempt in 2010 and could resurect the Nixon family's political prospects if he wins his party's nomination and then the general election.

Nationwide unemployment rate raised to 7,8 %

Because of oil prices increase, the unemployment rate in the United States raised to 7,8 % due to job losses in the automotive industry and in the energy sector.

ISIS rises in Egypt

Due to Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi's unpopularity (with his policies, which some are considered to be oppressive) and the weakness of the Egyptian economy (with an unemployment rate elevated at 15 %), ISIS emerged in Egypt. Terrorist attacks by ISIS on the Egyptian soil increased. In addition of killing innocent people, ISIS in Egypt attacks energy infrastructure, which weakens Egyptian economy. The Northwest of the country is under ISIS control.


Marco Rubio : Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, Former Virginia Senator Jim Webb, Former North Dakota Senator Heidi Heitkamp

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on August 31, 2016, 01:26:52 PM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right Here Right Now, Week of Nov. 17, 2019-Nov. 23, 2019

November 17th, 2019
-Economic policy speech at the Goldstrike mine in Elko, Nevada
-Meet with the voters at the Commercial Casino in Elko, NV
-Fundraising event at the Red Lion Casino in Elko, NV
-Speech at the Western Folklife Center in Elko, NV
-Barnstorm in Eureka, NV
-Meet with the voters at the Battle Mountain College High School in Battle Mountain, NV
-Barnstorm in Battle Mountain, NV
November 18th, 2019
-Barnstorm in Pioche, NV
-Speech at the Kershaw–Ryan State Park in Caliente, NV
-Speech at the Caliente Railroad Depot in Caliente, NV
-Speech at the Desert Research Institute in Las Vegas, NV
-Meet with the voters at the Fremont Street Experience in Las Vegas, NV
-Fundraising event at the Golden Nugget Las Vegas in Las Vegas, NV
-Meet with the voters at the Main Street Casino in Las Vegas, NV

November 19th, 2019
-Fundraising breakfast at The Stratosphere in Las Vegas, NV
-Speech at the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, NV
-Meet with the voters at the Neon Museum in Las Vegas, NV
-Dinner with the voters at La Casona in Las Vegas, NV
-Foreign policy speech at the National Atomic Testing in Las Vegas, NV
-Town hall at the Nevada Ballet Theatre in Paradise, NV
-Meet with the voters and the donors at the Flamingo in Las Vegas, NV
-Fight to Spartanburg, South Carolina

November 20th, 2019
-Economic policy speech at the WalMart facility in Spartanburg, SC
-Meet with college voters at the Wofford College in Spartanburg, SC
-Speech at the Spartanburg Memorial Auditorium in Spartanburg, SC, in reaction to Henry Kissinger's death :
Thank you ladies and gentlemen! After the mournful news we learned confirming the death of Henry Kissinger, I am asking for a moment of silence to in order to thank him for his service to our country. (moment of silence) Henry Kissinger came into the world in 1923, in Germany while Hitler unsuccessfully led the Beer Hall Putsch to take the power. Fifteen years later, he and his family ran away from Nazi regime’s tyranny, terror and persecutions and came to America, the land of opportunity and a safer, freer and more inclusive country. He then engaged voluntarily in the U.S. Army and fought in Europe, leading military intelligence missions, thus making his contribution to our victory against Hitler.
However we can perceive Kissinger’s reputation and career and even if his tenure has not always been successful, he made a considerable service to reinforce peace and our relations with other nations as Secretary of State under the Nixon administration whether when it comes to the policy of détente with USSR, to China, to Vietnam, to Bangladesh.
We are now living in a dangerous world of growing terrorism, of expansionism behaviour from Russia and China and of nuclear threat by Iran and North Korea. Through defense spending increased, more American military engagement, standing with our allies, reinforcing our military presence in strategic regions, strengthening our homeland security and modernizing our military, we will defeat terrorism, help our allies to successfully challenge Russia’s aggression and restore territorial integrity, deter Iran and North Korea from pursuing their nuclear programs, thus reinforcing peace, stability and freedom around the world. Peace requires preparedness for war because terrorism and tyranny are making peace impossible. That’s why as President of the United States I will promote peace through strength, engagement and collaboration.
Thank you! God bless our allies and God bless America.

-Dinner with the voters at the RJ Rockers Brewing Company in Spartanburg, SC
-Barnstorm in Greer, SC
-Energy policy speech at the South Carolina Petroleum Council in Columbia, SC
-Rally with the voters at the Williams-Brice Stadium in Columbia, SC

November 21st, 2019
-Meet with voters and donors at the Finlay Park in Columbia, SC
-Speech at the Martin Luther King Jr. Park in Columbia, SC
-Meet with college voters at the Columbia International University in Columbia, SC
-Agriculture policy speech at the AgFirst Farm credit Bank in Columbia, SC
-Energy policy speech at the Saluda Dam in Lexington, SC
-Economic policy speech at the Lowe's facility in Lexington, SC
-Infrastructure policy speech at the Central Midlands Regional Transit Authority in Lexington, SC

November 22nd, 2019
-Speech at the North Augusta High School in North Augusta, SC
-Barnstorm in North Augusta, SC
-Barnstorm in Parris Island, SC
-Foreign policy speech at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island in Parris Island, SC, in reaction of ISIS' rise in Egypt :
Because of Hillary Clinton’s lack of judgement and leadership, ISIS emerged in Egypt, killing innocent people and threatening stability, justice, peace and freedom in North Africa and in the Middle East. We need to create and expand our regional alliances and to orchestrate airstrikes against ISIS in North Africa, to reinforce the U.S. Navy’s presence in this region and to send military experts to help the Egyptian armed forces to defeat these jihadists before it’s too late. If ISIS takes control of the Suez Canal, it will hurt the U.S. economy as well as the worldwide economy by blocking international commercial activities. Time for action is now.

-Meet with the voters at the Parris Island Museum in Parris Island, SC
-Barnstorm in Shell Point, SC
-Barnstorm in Port Royal, SC
-In reaction to the rise of unemployment rate, Marco Rubio's presidential campaign broadcasts a T.V. ad titled « Economic solution » talking about the importance of businesses' role in America's prosperity and the importance of cutting taxes and regulations for businesses.
« Economic solution » advertisement narration :
Since the last ten years, businesses are overtaxed and overregulated, which decreased their ability to innovate and hire and sometimes forced them to offshore abroad, which killed many jobs in this country and raised the unemployment rate to 7,8 %. America’s prosperity is not due to big government. It’s due to our entrepreneurs’ audacity and risk-taking. We need to cut taxes and abolish regulations for business owners (big, middle and small) and give them tax credits in order to help them to innovate, produce and create jobs. It will encourage future entrepreneurs to open their businesses here in America. Energy independence will lower the cost of buying American cars and boost our automotive industry, thus creating new jobs and allowing us to invest into the development of renewable energies to create jobs and develop renewable energy industry, which will create jobs and improve our environment. Free trade will boost free enterprise, which is the strength of our economy. It will also give international consumers a greater access to American products, which will be good for our economy. America's ability to compete and innovate derives from its open markets and from the continual search for new markets through the expansion of free trade. Tax cuts for the American people will get our citizens out of poverty and reinforce our consumers’ purchasing power, thus encouraging consumption and job creation in America. And finally, once our budget balanced, we will invest into infrastructure development, thus facilitating our economic activities and making sure that our entrepreneurs will chose America as the best place to open a new business. My economic plan will allow our country to keep its status as the number one nation in terms of job creation and as the first economic power in the world, thus restoring the American Dream.
I’m Marco Rubio and I approve this message.

-Foreign policy speech at the Tuskegee Airmen Memorial in Walterboro, SC
-Agriculture policy speech at the Colleton Museum & Farmer's Market in Walterboro, SC

November 23rd, 2019

-Barnstorm in Walterboro, SC
-Flight to Nashua, New Hampshire
-Economic policy speech at the Greater Nashua Chamber of Commerce in Nashua, NH
-Meet with the voters and the donors at the Pheasant Lane Mall in Nashua, NH
-Barnstorm in Milford, NH
-Meet with the college voters at the Granite State College in Concord, NH
-Speech at the Veterans Monument in Concord, NH
-Supper with the voters at the Eagle Hotel in Concord, NH

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on August 31, 2016, 09:50:25 PM
King/Ashe 2020

Taking America Back

November 17
-Fly to Maine
-Apply for general election ballot access in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York and Massachusetts
-Rally in Augusta, Maine

November 18
-Fly to Massachusetts
-Rally in Dorchester, Massachusetts
-Barnstorm in Bristol County, Massachusetts
-Barnstorm in Hampden County, Massachusetts
-File for GE ballot access in California, Ohio, Colorado and Michigan

November 19
-Rally in Cambridge, Massachusetts with Vice-Presidential nominee Tim Ashe
This state is home to Elizabeth Warren, one of this nation's great progressives. Massachusetts has a fine history of standing for progressive ideals, and I intend to continue that, and so does Tim Ashe!
-Meet with college voters at the University of Massachusetts Amherst
-Barnstorm in Norfolk County, Massachusetts
-Build campaign infrastructure in Massachusetts

November 20
- File for GE ballot access in Indiana, Wisconsin, Florida, Minnesota and Washington state.
-Fly to Ohio
-Rally in Cincinnati, Ohio
-Policy speech in Columbus, Ohio "Protecting the Rustbelt"
-Town Hall with Tim Ashe in Toledo, Ohio

November 21
-Build campaign infrastructure in Ohio (all day)

November 22
-File for GE ballot access in Pennsylvania, Virginia, Texas, Oregon, New Mexico and New Jersey
-Rally in Cleveland, Ohio
-Barnstorm in Perry County, Ohio
-Fly to Washington state

November 23
-Rally in Seattle, Washington
-Barnstorm in Snohomish County, Washington
-File for GE ballot access in Arizona, Rhode Island, Delaware, Montana and Nevada.
-Build campaign infrastructure in Washington.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 01, 2016, 07:30:29 PM

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 02, 2016, 03:45:27 AM
New Polls

After he received endorsements from Democratas Jim Webb and Heidi Heitkamp, Marco Rubio increased his supports among Independents, including in New Hampshire and South Carolina, both key early voting states in the campaign for the Republican nomination. Tom Cotton too made some progress by topping James Comey for the third place in Iowa.

National Polls

Marco Rubio : 40 %
Paul Ryan : 27 %
James Comey : 14 %
Tom Cotton : 12 %

Iowa Polls

Marco Rubio : 31 %
Paul Ryan : 27 %
Tom Cotton : 16%
James Comey : 14 %

New Hampshire Polls

Marco Rubio : 37 %
Paul Ryan : 21 %
James Comey : 14 %
Tom Cotton : 6 %

South Carolina Polls

Marco Rubio : 40 %
Paul Ryan : 21 %
Tom Cotton : 14 %
James Comey : 10 %

Nevada Polls

Marco Rubio : 42 %
Paul Ryan : 22 %
James Comey : 13 %
Tom Cotton : 10 %

Tennessee Polls

Marco Rubio : 34 %
Paul Ryan : 28 %
James Comey : 15 %
Tom Cotton : 15 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 02, 2016, 05:36:42 AM

Nine U.S. ambassadors killed in Cairo

5 ISIS fighters attacked the U.S. embassy in Cairo and killed 9 American diplomats before getting by the local police. Once again, more and more people doubt about Clinton's leadership just like in 2012 during Benghazi attacks. ISIS also held hostage a British container ship on the Suez Canal and asks for 100 million $ in exchange of the hostages' release. The increase of terrorist attacks in Egypt raised rumors claiming that Ayman al-Zawahiri, leader of Al Qaida since Bin Laden's death, could be hiding in Egypt, his birthplace.

The United States Congress votes in favor of normalizing relations between the United States and Venezuela

Barely a year after Henrique Capriles' election as Venezuelan president and Nicolas Maduro's electoral defeat, the United States Congress voted in favor of US-Venezuelan relations' normalization after two decades of marxist oppression in this Latin American country, thus reinforcing diplomatic and economic relations between these two countries.


Marco Rubio : Former President of the United States George W. Bush, Florida Senator Jeff Atwater, Maine Senator Susan Collins and Former CIA officer Felix Rodriguez.

Angus King : Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, Hawai Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura and Businessman Bill Gates

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Pericles on September 02, 2016, 04:02:35 PM
November 25
President Clinton meets with voters in Iowa, and discusses economic issues with them. Voters expressed concern about stagnant wages and the possibility of a recession, the President explained her program, and talked about her accomplishments in office. Later, she is pictured eating corndogs with voters.

November 26
President Hillary Clinton gives an economic policy speech. She defends her accomplishments, including her infrastructure reform. She outlines a program of tax cuts for the middle class, tax increases for the rich and new stimulus spending. Clinton defends progressive economic policies, and Republican policies will "cause debt, recession and put the rich against the middle class."

November 27
Clinton attacks Tim Ashe as "a traitor to his party" and says he will "enable a Republican victory and the reversal of decades of progress."

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Kingpoleon on September 02, 2016, 04:18:32 PM
Tim Ashe"All I have done is switched my party registration. President Clinton has switched the economy from growth under President Obama. She has switched the deficit, which is now expanding. She has not continued progress. If I am a traitor to my party for switching situations, at least I have not destroyed our country with dishonesty, lies, and bad government. I switched my party registration because I believed in my ideology, which obviously President Clinton cannot understand."

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on September 02, 2016, 04:37:14 PM
King responds to President Clinton's accusations

Tim Ashe is a traitor to the Democratic Party, is he? Madame President, you were a Republican at one point, working for Barry Goldwated. Does this not make you a traitor to the Republican Party?

Madame President, I am running this year to put an end to Wall Street's influence, combat climate change, to make healthcare and education affordable. Liberals and progressives in the country are disappointed in you. You can't even keep your own party together; as is shown by Congresswoman Gabbard's endorsement of my campaign.

Madame President, if the next Vice-President of the United States is a traitor to the Democratic Party, at least he has not sold out his beliefs. The people have had enough of politics as usual. You keep running your party towards the center, when people are crying out for progressive policies.

With that in mind, I'm compelled to ask this question: You were once in favor of universal healthcare during your husband's administration, Madame President, yet now you're not. What happened?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Kingpoleon on September 02, 2016, 10:07:13 PM
"I have to admit, I think Senator King was a bit too nice to President Clinton. Centrism and progressivism are similar causes with similar goals. Common sense, efficient universal healthcare, energy independence using our national supply of ethanol and oil evolving into renewable energy, a realistic and diplomatic foreign policy, and a more balanced budget. President Clinton follows neither progressivism nor centrism. She represents everything wrong with American liberalism and nothing right with it - a lack of efficiency, economic loss, and a growing decline in labor participation and a growing increase in inflation."
- Tim Ashe

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on September 03, 2016, 06:54:23 AM
Marco Rubio's response to Hillary Clinton's accusations

Like she always does, President Clinton is trying to find excuses for her failures and is trying to find anyone else to blame for these failures. But actually, her failed policies caused debt and recession and already killed too many jobs. She brought corruption, depression, weakness and disapointment.

Even though we are opponents, Senator King and I agree about this : President Clinton can't keep her party together just as she can't keep this country together because of the terrible economic situation we are living today due big government policies, high taxes and regulations, bigger dependence towards foreign oil, which increased poverty as well as the unemployment rate; and because of her failed foreign policy in which she cut military spending, thus weakening our national security, made our allies less trustful towards us, made our ennemies stronger and led to the death of many innocent people. That's why Democrats and former Democrats like Joe Lieberman and Heidi Heitkamp endorsed my campaign because they know that oil drilling will help us creating jobs, boosting our automotive industry, getting energy independence and developping renewable energies through investments from a part of oil drilling revenues for the sake of our economy and the environment as well. They are also supporting me because they know that the best way to develop infrastructure is to balance the budget and then use a part of budget surpluses to invest into infrastructure development, thus facilitating and multiplying economic activity and ensure our businesses' implementation and expansion, which will help them creating much more good-paying jobs. Some Democrats and Independents like Joe Lieberman and Heidi Heitkamp are endorsing me because they know that a stronger U.S. military and stronger military alliances will reinforce peace around the world and help us destroying terrorism. That's how Republicans AND Democrats will accomplish their goals. Let tell you this Madame President : if you called Tim Ashe a traitor to your party, then you are calling Joe Lieberman and Heidi Heitkamp traitors to your party as well. But they are not traitors to the American people and they decided not to contribute to this country's destruction through lies, corruption, economic depression and weak foreign policy.

They don't trust Hillary Clinton anymore. When a crisis happens, whether it's an economic disaster or a terrorist attack, the American people asks action from Clinton. But she demonstrated weakness and inaction. Even at 3 AM in the morning, there is no answer at the phone from President Clinton. After all, it's no wonder in her mind she's responding « What difference at this point does it make? » That is such an arrogant response, so I'm gonna answer this arrogant question about what difference it makes at this point. It makes the difference that America's leadership, security and prosperity are in danger and that you don't have the courage to fix this situation.

But I will fix this situation through tax cuts for all the American people and reinforced purchasing power, increased oil drilling and reinforced energy independence, free trade and stronger American competitiveness, education system reform, budget balance, business championing, increased defense spending, stronger and modernized American military and stronger strategic alliances. That's how we're going to restore the American Dream and that's how we're going to make America more prosperous than ever before, safer than ever before, fairer than ever before and more united than ever before.

Thank you my friends, God bless you and God bless the United States of America.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on September 03, 2016, 09:15:25 PM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right Here Right Now, Week of Nov. 24, 2019-Nov. 30, 2019, Part 1

November 24th, 2019
-Debate preparation
-Meet with the voters at Franklin High School, NH
-Barnstorm in Franklin, NH
-Fundraising event at the Harold S. Gilman Museum in Alton, NH
-Rally with the voters at the Monument Square in the center of Alton, NH
-Dinner with the voters at Lavinia's Relaxed Dining in Center Harbor, NH
-Economic policy speech at the E.M. Heath Grocery Store in Center Harbjavascript
-Debate preparation

November 25th, 2019
-Breakfast with the voters at Sam and Rosies Cafe and Bakery in Center Harbor, NH
-Barnstorm in New Hampton, NH
-Foreign policy speech at the Cold Regions Research Laboratory in Hanover, NH
-Economic policy speech at the Daat Research Corp. in Hanover, NH
-Meet with college voters at Dartmouth College, NH
-Flight to Knoxville, Tennessee
-Speech at the Neyland Stadium in Knoxville, TN
-Debate preparation

November 26th, 2019
-Economic policy speech at the Tennessee Valley Authority in Knoxville, TN
-Meet with college voters at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, TN
-Dinner with the voters at the Sunsphere in Knoxville, TN
-Rally at the Coolidge Park in Chattanooga, TN
-Town hall at the Chattanooga Public Library in Chattanooga, TN
-Foreign policy speech in reaction to recent terrorist attacks in Egypt - National Medal of Honor Museum in Chattanooga, TN :
This morning, nine American ambassadors were killed by ISIS jihadists in Cairo while ISIS is holding a British container hostage on the Suez Canal. Time has come to reinforce our local strategic alliances such as Libya, Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, etc., to reinforce our military presence on the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, develop new naval bases there and orchestrate airstrikes against ISIS in Egypt if we want to eradicate ISIS from Egypt, reinforce freedom and security there and make the Suez Canal safer to make sure free passage will be saved and that our trade activities will be conducted without any danger.

-Debate preparation

November 27th, 2019
-Speech at the Chattanooga African American Museum in Chattanooga, TN
-Energy policy speech at the Chickamauga Lock and Dam in Chattanooga, TN
-Meet with the voters and the donors at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga in chattanooga, TN
-Freedom of religion speech in front of the Church of God in Cleveland, TN
-Health care policy speech at Life Care Centers of America headquarters in Cleveland, TN
-Infrastructure policy speech at Hardwick Field in Cleveland, TN
-Barnstorm in Murfreesboro, TN
-Debate preparation

November 28th, 2019
-Agriculture policy speech at the Tractor Supply Company in Brentwood, TN
-Barnstorm in Brentwood, TN
-Meet with the voters at the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville, TN, where Senator Rubio delivers his Thanksgiving message
-Advertisement filming
-Speech at the Nissan Stadium in Nashville, TN
-Meet with the donors at Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center in Nashville, TN
-Flight to San Francisco, California
-Debate preparation on the plane

November 29th, 2019
-Fundraising breakfast at the Hotel Nikko San Francisco in San Francisco, CA
-Energy policy speech at the Pacific Gas & Electric Building in San Francisco, CA
-Free Trade policy speech at the Port of San Francisco, CA
-Speech at the University of California in San Francisco, CA
-Fundraising event at the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco, CA
-Dinner with the voters at the Tian Sing Chinese Restaurant in San Francisco, CA
-Barnstorm at the Mission District in San Francisco, CA, to woo Hispanic, African American and Asian American vote
-Barnstorm at the Chinatown in San Francisco, CA, to woo the Asian American vote
-Speech in reaction to US-Venezuela relations' normalization - San Francisco Chamber of Commerce :
A year ago, Venezuela freed itself from tyranny, depression and violence after two decades of marxist oppression by electing Henrique Capriles for President of Venezuela. I am proud of my vote in the Senate in favor of normalization between the United States and Venezuela. Thanks to this normalization, diplomatic and economic relations between the United States and Venezuela will be stronger than ever before. This is another step for the promotion of democracy around the world and we are proud of this because pueblo venezolano merce algo mejor. That's another step for free trade with Latin America, which will  further reinforce our relations with Latin America, increase our companies' competitiveness and benefit the U.S. economy as well as Latin America's economy. It will also allow us to keep our status as the worldwide greatest trade power since Latin America's economy is as big as China's. It will also create good economic opportunities for all Hispanics thanks to their bilingualism, which will make them dominant among the importers, exporters, translators and executives who ensure such a cultural and commercial exchange with Latin America. If free trade as well as its globalization effect brought democracy in Indonesia at the end of the 1990s, it can also reinforce democracy in Latin America, especially Cuba, a country from where my parents came from and that is still under oppression. Thanks to stronger relations, the United States and Venezuela will finally fulfill their common economic, political and international interests.

God bless the Venezuelan people and God bless America!

-Foreign policy speech at the Herbst Theatre in San Francisco, CA, about Rubio's plan to reinforce security and peace on the Pacific by creating the Pacific Treaty Organization (that would include the United States, Canada, Peru, Mexico, Chile, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines, Japan and South Korea), establishing an anti-missile shield on the Pacific and reinforcing the U.S. Navy's presence there.
-Fundraising event at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, CA
-Supper with the voters at La Taqueria in San Francisco, CA
-Fundraising event at the Ferry Building in San Francisco, CA
-Rest and debate preparation

November 30th, 2019
-Foreign policy speech at the Presidio of San Francisco, CA
-Barnstorm accross Silicon Valley, CA
-Economic policy speech at the HP Inc. headquarters in Palo Alto, CA :
Over Hillary Clinton's presidency, there's no single free trade agreement ratified by the United States of America. Hillary Clinton embraced protectionism that did not ever create a single job. Globalization is a great element of the 21st century and created more economic opportunities with competitive wages and worker benefits. If Hillary Clinton doesn't believe this, then it demonstrates that she's disconnected from reality. In this time of crisis and recession, free trade is clearly needed in order to make our country competitive again, to create new American jobs and make sure America remains the greatest economic power of the world. With energy independence, our cars will be less expensive than Asian cars, which represents an advantage of the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Free trade will boost free enterprise which is the strength of our economy. It will also give international consumers a greater access to American products, which will be good for our economy. America's ability to compete and innovate derives from its open markets and from the continual search for new markets through the expansion of free trade. Silicon Valley, which is bordering the Pacific Ocean and has a social and business ethos that supports innovation and entrepreneurship, represents a great example of desire for innovation. Goods and services crossing borders favor new ideas and models and allow our producers to learn about the market through the failure and success of traded products. While learning more, they will be able to innovate to remain competitive. With its globalization effects, free trade contributed to the democratization of some countries like Indonesia in the 1990s. With Henrique Capriles Radonski's election as Venezuelan president, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski's election as Peruvian president three years ago and Aécio Neves' election as Brazilian president is opening a path to free trade with Latin America. Free trade will not only create jobs in our country, but also ensure the expansion of American businesses here and across the world and make our diplomatic relations stronger across the world. It requires a reduction of tariffs to make exportations and importations less expansive for the good of the economy, our companies and our jobs.

-Economic policy speech at the Apple Inc. headquarters in Cupertino, CA
-Fundraising event at the Oracle Corporation in Redwood City, CA
-Fundraising event at Intel headquarters in Santa Clara, CA
-Rest and debate preparation
-Marco Rubio's campaign broadcasts a T.V. ad titled « No answer from Clinton at 3 AM » painting Hillary Clinton as weak on national security and demonstrating that a stronger national security under Marco Rubio as President of the United States will make America and the whole world safer.
« No answer from Clinton at 3 AM » advertisement narration :

Unlike what she pledged to do a decade ago, Hillary Clinton didn't answer any phone call about a national security crisis situation, not even at 3 AM, in the last three years. Radical Islamic terrorism raised, thus threatening and killing many innocent lives. Iran and North Korea are pursuing the development of their nuclear programs, thus threatening international peace and stability. If a national security crisis ever happens in the world under a Rubio administration, Marco Rubio will answer the phone at any hour, including at 3 AM, because we can't afford to wait for such a crisis to get worse before acting. A stronger and modernized U.S. military, a greater American military engagement in countries in throes of terrorism as well as stronger military alliances around the world will help us defeating terrorism as well as tyranny and to reinforce peace, security, freedom, democracy and territorial integrity. Marco Rubio will follow this agenda to remove any threat to international security and to reinforce peace.

I'm Marco Rubio and I approve this message.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 04, 2016, 09:17:02 PM
Here starts the 11th round!

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 04, 2016, 09:51:57 PM
New Polls

While there is no important change in the polls for the Republican nomination, Tom Cotton and James Comey are battling for the third place. The four Republican presidential candidates are preparing to challenge each other for the third Republican presidential primary debate that will be set at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California, on December 2nd 2019. Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzennegger will be among the debate audience at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.

National Polls

Marco Rubio : 39 %
Paul Ryan : 26 %
James Comey : 13 %
Tom Cotton : 13 %

Iowa Polls

Marco Rubio : 30 %
Paul Ryan : 28 %
Tom Cotton : 16%
James Comey : 14 %

New Hampshire Polls

Marco Rubio : 38 %
Paul Ryan : 23 %
James Comey : 14 %
Tom Cotton : 5 %

South Carolina Polls

Marco Rubio : 42 %
Paul Ryan : 20 %
Tom Cotton : 15 %
James Comey : 10 %

Nevada Polls

Marco Rubio : 43 %
Paul Ryan : 24 %
James Comey : 14 %
Tom Cotton : 10 %

Tennessee Polls

Marco Rubio : 33 %
Paul Ryan : 29 %
James Comey : 16 %
Tom Cotton : 15 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 05, 2016, 06:17:45 AM

Abu Sayyaf strikes on the U.S. national territory

In an attempt to end US military presence in the Pacific and pursue the developpment of North Korea's nuclear program, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un funds Filipino jihadist group Abu Sayyaf to make terrorist attacks in Hawaï. A group of 4 Abu Sayyaf jihadists killed 10 marines in Pearl Harbor, Hawai, before being killed by the U.S. Army. This attack demonstrates the necessity of reinforcing the U.S. military presence in Pacific Ocean and fight terrorism.

Consideration for NATO's expansion

Russia's aggressive foreign policy, including in Ukraine, triggered debates on whether Eastern European countries like Ukraine and Finland should integrate NATO, which would reinforce pressure on Russia.


Marco Rubio : Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton, Businesswoman and CEO of HP Inc. Meg Whitman and Former Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on September 05, 2016, 10:13:26 PM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right Here Right Now, Week of Dec. 1, 2019-Dec. 7, 2019, Part 1

December 1, 2019
-Foreign policy speech in reaction to Abu Sayyaf's terrorist attack in Hawaii - Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California :
Like we were attacked in Pearl Harbor by Imperial Japan, barely 78 years ago, Abu Sayyaf attacked us on our territory, in Hawaii, killing 10 of our brave and courageous men in uniform. There's no doubt about it : jihadism is expanding on the Western Pacific Rim, which is threatening this region's security and stability. That's why we have to reinforce the U.S. Navy's presence on the Pacific, to increase the number of U.S. naval bases around the South China Sea and follow my proposal to create the PTO (Pacific Defense Organization) in order to defeat Abu Sayyaf, to deter North Korea from supporting terrorism and pursuing the development of its nuclear program and to protect South China's territorial integrity against China's aggressive and expansionist policies. A stronger and modernized U.S. military as well as stronger strategic military alliances are required for peace, so I will take this path to peace promotion as commander-in-chief.

-Economic policy speech at the ITT Technical Institute facility in San Bernardino, CA
-Meet with college voters at the San Bernardino Valley College in San Bernardino, CA
-Fundraising event at the Los Angeles Music Center in Los Angeles, CA
-Economic policy speech at the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce in Los Angeles, CA
-Barnstorm in Eastside Los Angeles, CA, in an effort to woo the local Hispanic community
-Dinner with the voters
-Speech at the at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art in Los Angeles, CA
-Fundraising event at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, CA
-Debate preparation

December 2, 2019
-Foreign policy speech in reaction to debates on whether Ukraine and Finland should become NATO members - Battleship USS Iowa Museum in Los Angeles, CA :
Vladimir Putin's insanity needs to stop now and the invasion of Eastern Europe by Russia has to stop now. It partly requires an expansion of NATO, which will increase pressure on Russia and reinforce the spirit of solidarity towards our allies. Ukraine's and Finland's NATO memberships will be a great step to such a procedure. So by reinforcing and extending our local alliances, increasing our military presence in Eastern Europe as well as on the Black Sea and by giving military assistance, we will deter any Russian invasion, defeat the pro-Russian terrorist rebellion in Ukraine and give Crimea back to Ukraine, thus restoring peace and freedom in Eastern Europe.

-Speech at the MacArthur Park in Los Angeles, CA
-Fundraising event at L.A. Live in Los Angeles, CA
-Speech at the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles, CA
-Bus trip to Simi Valley, CA
-Debate preparation in the bus
-Marco Rubio participates in the third Republican presidential primary debate held at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, in Simi Valley, alongside Paul Ryan, Tom Cotton and James Comey.

December 3-7 will come after the debate

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 05, 2016, 11:00:31 PM
Third Republican primary presidential debate at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California

Date : December 2nd, 2019

Participants : Florida Senator Marco Rubio, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton, Former FBI Director James Comey

Host : ABC News

Moderator : George Stephanopoulos


-Opening statements

-ISIS raised in Egypt, multiplying terrorist attacks on the Egyptian territory. These terrorist attacks also raised rumors claiming that the leader of Al Qaida Ayman al-Zawahiri might be hidding in Egypt, his birthplace. Do you believe he's there? And if yes how do you intend to capture or kill him?

-Senator Cotton, how can you explain that the letter you wrote and sent to Iran in 2015 is not a violation of the Logan Act?

-We were attacked on our national territory for the first time since 2016.This attack was orchestrated by Abu Sayyaf in Hawai and was apparently supported by North Korea. Do you think we are witnessing an expansion of jihadism on the Pacific? What is your plan to defeat Abu Sayyaf?

-Speaker Ryan, when you were Mitt Romney's running mate in 2012, our embassy in Benghazi was attacked, causing the death of four U.S. ambassadors. Today in 2019, our embassy in Cairo was attacked by ISIS, causing the death of nine of our ambassadors. How do you think the situation is different now than in 2012?

-The question is addressed to you Mr. Comey. Senator Rubio said that you got it wrong about free trade consequences on the economy.  Can you give your justification?

-Senator Rubio, you have the chance to respond.

-Do you think India should be integrated into the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)?

-The following question will be adressed to Senator Rubio, Speaker Ryan and Senator Cotton. Senator Rubio you're a member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship; Speaker Ryan you were a member of the House Budget Committee before becoming this Committee's chairman in 2011; and Senator Cotton you are a member of the Senate Banking Subcommittee on Economic Policy. I want you to tell the ato hear from you why you have the best background and the best plan to grow the U.S. economy?

-Why would Ronald Reagan support your candidacy if he was alive today?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on September 06, 2016, 12:51:16 PM
Marco Rubio debate answers, Part 1

-Opening statements

Here we stand : in the Air Force One Pavilion in the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. The world is much more dangerous than it was before and America is in deep economic downturn. So I believe the question here is who on this stage is the best qualified to fix this situation, bring this country together, boost economic growth and ensure international security and peace just like Ronald Reagan did during his presidency after a growing geopolitical threat and economic recession before Reagan's election as President of the United States.

-ISIS raised in Egypt, multiplying terrorist attacks on the Egyptian territory. These terrorist attacks also raised rumors claiming that the leader of Al Qaida Ayman al-Zawahiri might be hidding in Egypt, his birthplace. Do you believe he's there? And if yes how do you intend to capture or kill him?

Well look, there are no signs of Zawahiri's presence in Egypt, but it's possible that he's hiding there. If we ever get informations confirming Zawahiri's presence in Egypt, my administration will increase the number of American warships on Eastern Mediterranean Sea, establish more military  and naval bases in this region, reinforce our regionnal military alliances and engage more warplanes and drones to destroy terrorist bases and force terrorists, including Ayman al-Zawahiri, to get out of their refuges, which will help us capturing or killing Ayman al-Zawahiri for the sake of justice, security and liberty.

-Senator Cotton, how can you explain that the letter you wrote and sent to Iran in 2015 is not a violation of the Logan Act?

[Senator Tom Cotton's response to the question]

-We were attacked on our national territory for the first time since 2016.This attack was orchestrated by Abu Sayyaf in Hawai and was apparently supported by North Korea. Do you think we are witnessing an expansion of jihadism on the Pacific? What is your plan to defeat Abu Sayyaf?

Of course we are witnessing an expansion of jihadism on the Pacific. Hillary Clinton did not demonstrate enough vigilence and leadership to prevent such an expansion. If we want to defeat Abu Sayyaf, we need to put North Korea back on the list of nations supporting terrorism, to  increase U.S. Navy's presence on the Pacific as well as the number of U.S. naval bases around the South China Sea, orchestrate airstrikes against this terrorist group and create an intergovernmental military organization, which my campaign named Pacific Treaty Organization (PTO), around the Pacific, which help us to defeat Abu Sayyaf through collaboration and military force.

-Speaker Ryan, when you were Mitt Romney's running mate in 2012, our embassy in Benghazi was attacked, causing the death of four U.S. ambassadors. Today in 2019, our embassy in Cairo was attacked by ISIS, causing the death of nine of our ambassadors. How do you think the situation is different now than in 2012?
[Speaker Paul Ryan's response to the question]

-The question is addressed to you Mr. Comey. Senator Rubio said that you got it wrong about free trade consequences on the economy.  Can you give your justification?

[James Comey's response to the question]

-Senator Rubio, you have the chance to respond.

Of course he's wrong to say that free trade is bad for the economy. Mr. Comey, do I need to reming you that one of the main reasons why the Great Depression got longer and worse is the legislation of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930 that increased tariffs and reduced American exports and imports, thus increasing unemployment rate from 8 % in 1930 to 25 % in 1932. One of the factors of the actual economic decline we are living is that President Clinton did not sign a single free trade agreement in the last three years. Many agricultural companies, especially in New England, especially dairy companies, that are benefiting from free trade partly because American milk is approximately twice less expensive than the Canadian milk, which encourages of American and Canadian consumers to buy more American milk than Canadian milk to keep their purchasing power strong. Transpacific Partnership will be an asset for America because regional potential members of the TPP that are usually great trade partners to China will be orienting more and more to us as trade partners. In addition, American cars will be less expensive than Asian cars thanks to energy independence, which will result to the purchase of more American cars than Asian cars. By opening more markets and look for new ones, we will increase our ability to innovate and compete in this world economy. Goods and services crossing borders ensure the development of new ideas and models and allow our producers to learn about the market through the failure and success of traded products. By learning more, they will be favored to innovate and keep their competitiveness. So if you believe that free trade is bad for the economy, then you seek to be a leader of the past.

-Do you think India should be integrated into the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)?

India is a great friend and ally of ours. New Delhi is a very strategic ally for the United States. It represents a political, military and economic counterweight to China. This country can also work with us and with Pakistan and Afghanistan to lead an effective fight against terrorism and to keep Iran from getting a nuclear weapon because it's two goals that these countries have in common. India is the greatest democracy in the world in terms of population while globalization that brought democratization into countries previously oppressed by dictators is one of the greatest effects of free trade. It's a great free market nation that is sharing our values. Free trade with India will give Indian consumers a greater access to American products, which will be good for our economy. Florida’s $1 billion annual exports to India are a reason why trade ties with India’s large and growing market matter to Americans. Like I said, America's capacity  to compete and innovate comes from its open markets and from the constant search for new markets by promoting  free trade. As a consequence, India's integrating into TPP will boost our economy, create jobs. It's not only free trade, but also fair trade, because it will give India new American free-market technologies and skills to develop their markets and industries and create jobs for all Indians, whose some fellow citizens are living into poverty in a so great industrialized country.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on September 06, 2016, 12:51:37 PM
Marco Rubio debate answers, Part 2

-The following question will be adressed to Senator Rubio, Speaker Ryan and Senator Cotton. Senator Rubio you're a member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship; Speaker Ryan you were a member of the House Budget Committee before becoming this Committee's chairman in 2011; and Senator Cotton you are a member of the Senate Banking Subcommittee on Economic Policy. I want you to tell the ato hear from you why you have the best background and the best plan to grow the U.S. economy?

Like you mentionned George I am a member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship. And as all we know, except for Hillary Clinton, the business sector is the basic engine of economic growth. If I’m President, taxes for all the American people, especially the middle-class, as well as for business owners will be cut, which will reinforce taxpayer’s purchasing power and will stop our companies’ offshoring and increase their ability to produce, to innovate, to expand and hire people. By following South Carolina’s example of reducing the cost doing business, but this time all across the country, our future entrepreneurs will be more likely to open new businesses in America. I believe that giving tax credits to companies investing in R & D will ensure innovation and job growth. I'm a champion of innovation. For that reason, the Consumer Technology Association (CTA) named me the Innovation Policy Ninja.

Thanks to my energy plan, which includes doubling permits on governmental lands, increasing oil drilling, approving Keystone XL, building pipelines from Pennsylvania to California as well as from Alaska to Alberta and exploiting oil resources on Beaufort Sea will help us clinching energy indpendence and to develop renwable energies to create jobs while protecting the environment by investing some oil drilling revenues into alternative energies development. It will boost our automotive industries and car manufacturing, reduce the cost of buying American cars and make sure that more American cars will be bought, thus ensuring further job creation and preventing new bankruptcies like in Detroit.

I know that free trade will get us much more consumers around the world and reduce the cost of exporting and importing, which will make our open markets very attractive around the world, boost job creation in America and help us keeping our status as the first worldwide economic power and the world’s leading trade power. That’s why I voted for the TPP and will, as President, approve and ratify TPP as well as free trade agreements with the European Union and Latin America. Like I said, free trade with Latin America will not only allow us to create jobs and to counterbalance China’s trading power, but will also help Hispanics small business owners and workers to innovate, to obtain new consumers, to remain competitive and to create jobs due to language opportunities and their fluency in Spanish and English. That way, Hispanics will be able to emerge at a dominant status among importers, exporters, translators and executives managing such commercial and cultural exchanges.

That’s why I have the best plan to grow our economy and create jobs for all the American people

-Why would Ronald Reagan support your candidacy if he was alive today?

I'm a child of the Reagan Revolution. In 1980, with my grandfather, I watched my first Republican convention and this one nominated Ronald Reagan, one of the greatest conservatives of all time who, as President of the United States, kept us safe, made our country prosperous and won the Cold War over the First USSR in the name of freedom and democracy. Since this convention, I became a greater and greater admirer of Ronald Reagan. Now we live in a similar situation before Ronald Reagan's presidency : economic crisis and dangerous world combining together. We need to cut taxes to strengthen our companies and our middle-class, promote free trade to make our country competitive again and create more jobs by getting more consumers, embrace energy independence by promoting oil production and alternative energies' production to make sure our country remains the world's greatest energy producer and balance budget.

If I’m our nominee, our party will be able to attract Independents and even Democrats disappointed of of Hillary Clinton. My energy plan includes oil exploitation on the Beaufort Sea thanks to underwater tankers, which will allow us to exploit these resources whithout hurting the environment. It will also boost job creation and give us new revenues from increased oil drilling that will partly be invested into the development of alternative and renewable energies to create good-paying jobs and to protect the environment. Once the budget balanced, we will invest a part of the future budget surpluses to develop new infrastructures that will facilitate economic activities and make sure that more businesses will open here in the United States and will be able to grow, to expand and to reinforce their competitiveness. Businesses investing in R & D and equipment will keep earning tax credits, which will ensure job creation through innovation. That’s how all Americans, whether they are conservatives or liberals, will accomplish their goals. That’s how I will bring all the American people together for America’s future like Ronald Reagan did during his two successful presidential runs that contributed to landslide victories.

We also need to increase defense spending to defend our allies and defeat our ennemies. To accomplish that goal, we must also reinforce our geopolitical alliances and fight our ennemies on their territories. That's exactly how Ronald Reagan defeated our ennemies during his presidency.

That's why I believe he would be supporting me in my project to keep our country safe, prosperous and unified.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on September 07, 2016, 01:32:07 AM
King/Ashe 2020

Taking America Back

Schedule for 1-7 December

December 1
-Fly to Hawaii
-File for ballot access in Hawaii and Alaska
-Rally in Honolulu with Tulsi Gabbard
Hillary Clinton has disappointed progressives in this country greatly. Four years ago, she was given a huge mandate by the American people, and she's squandered. Angus King is the only choice for President this year!
-Barnstorm on Maui
-Meeting With college voters at Hawaii Pacific University

December 2
-Build campaign infrastructure in Hawaii

December 3
-Fly to Minnesota
-File for ballot access in Minnesota
-Rally in Minneapolis with Jesse Ventura
It takes guts to try and break the two party system, guts that Hillary Clinton and Marco Rubio don't have. Angus King and Tim Ashe do. I'm proud to back the only honest ticket this year
-Barnstorm in Ramsey County
-Town Hall in Duluth with Tim Ashe and Jesse Ventura

December 4
-Build campaign infrastructure in Minnesota, utilising Ventura's resources from his term as Governor

December 5
-Fly to Washington state
-Rally in Medina with Bill Gates
Angus and Tim stand for for real Americans. Their beliefs on healthcare and education line up with me exactly. I am proud to endorse them for President and Vice-President respectively.
-File for ballot access in Washington state
-Fundraise in Seattle
-Town Hall in Tacoma

December 6
-Build campaign infrastructure in Washington

December 7
-File for ballot access in all remaining states
-Build national campaign infrastructure

Senator King encourages Tim Ashe to campaign heavily in New England with Bernie Sanders, using both his resources and those of Senator Sanders.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on September 07, 2016, 07:34:39 AM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right Here Right Now, Week of Dec. 1, 2019-Dec. 7, 2019, Part 2

December 3, 2019
-Free trade policy speech at the San Diego's commercial port in San Diego, California
-Economic policy speech at the Qualcomm Research Center headquarters in San Diego, CA
-Fundraising event at the San Diego Convention Center
-Meet with college voters at the University of California in San Diego, CA
-Meet with the voters and the donors at Westfield Horton Plaza in San Diego, CA
-Energy policy speech at San Diego Gas & Electric in San Diego, CA, during which Marco Rubio attacks his rival Paul Ryan for his opposition to the Bush Administration national energy policy in the 2000s :
In this time of economic depression, we need to increase oil production and drilling in order to boost job creation, help us getting energy independence boost job creation and developing renewable energies. Me and my rivals, including Paul Ryan, agree about this. But if Speaker Ryan agrees with me about this, how is this that he voted NO on passing the Bush Administration national energy policy in 2004 and 2005 while this plan could have got us to energy independence already under better conditions? He voted against energy independence, he voted against job creation and he voted against prosperity. Is that he didn’t understand what it takes to get us energy independence or changed his opinion on energy issues? We don’t win elections by changing positions over and over again. I believe the next president must demonstrate good judgement and leadership to get this country back on track. We need to increase oil drilling, exploitation and transportation in this country to create jobs, boost our automotive industry, obtain energy independence and get the necessary revenues from oil drilling to invest into the development of alternative energies and of new industries specialized into renewable energies, thus allowing us to pursue further job creation and to improve our ecological footprint.

-Foreign policy speech at Naval Air Station North Island in Coronado, CA
-Fundraising supper at the Hotel del Coronado in Coronado, CA

December 4, 2019
-Breakfast with the voters at the Hotel del Coronado in Coronado, CA
-Barnstorm in Coronado, CA
-Flight to Glendale, Arizona
-Economic policy speech at the Beet Sugar Factory Building in Glendale, AZ
-Speech at the Gila River Arena in Glendale, AZ
-Speech at the University of Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ
-Barnstorm in Phoenix, AZ

December 5, 2019
-Flight to Las Vegas, Nevada
-Fundraising event at the Venetian Resort in Las Vegas, NV
-Infrastructure policy speech at the Las Vegas Station in Las Vegas, NV
-Speech at the Main Street Station Casino, Brewery and Hotel in Las Vegas, NV
-Fundraising event at MGM Las Vegas in Las Vegas, NV
-Supper with the voters at the Center Bar in Las Vegas, NV

December 6th, 2019
-Flight to Sioux City, Iowa
-Meet with the voters at The Great American Popcorn Company in Sioux City, IA
-Rally at the Orpheum Theatre in Sioux City, IA
-Meet with college voters Briar Cliff University in Sioux City, IA, in an effort to woo young voters
-Meet with the voters and the donors at the Tyson Events Center in Sioux City, IA
-Barnstorm in Emmetsburg, IA
-Barnstorm in Churdan, IA
-Town hall in Jefferson, IA

December 7th, 2019
-Barnstorm in Grand Junction, IA
-Infrastructure policy speech at the United Parcel Service facility in Des Moines, IA
-Agriculture policy speech at the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company facility in Des Moines, IA
-Meet with the voters at The Des Moines Performing Arts in Des Moines, IA
-Speech at Des Moines University in Des Moines, IA
-Barnstorm in Indianapola, IA
-Barnstorm in Beaconsfield, IA
-Economic policy speech at the Hy-Vee facility in Beaconsfield, IA

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 07, 2016, 06:48:13 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the 12th round!

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 07, 2016, 07:04:11 PM
New Polls

The polls got a few closer between Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan but not at a threatening level towards Rubio's frontrunner status. The race in Iowa is likely to be a close race since Rubio is leading Ryan by 3 points. Tom Cotton takes the third place in the national Republican polls.

National Polls

Marco Rubio : 40 %
Paul Ryan : 29 %
Tom Cotton : 14 %
James Comey : 13 %

Iowa Polls

Marco Rubio : 32 %
Paul Ryan : 29 %
Tom Cotton : 17 %
James Comey : 13 %

New Hampshire Polls

Marco Rubio : 39 %
Paul Ryan : 25 %
James Comey : 12 %
Tom Cotton : 6 %

South Carolina Polls

Marco Rubio : 43 %
Paul Ryan : 22 %
Tom Cotton : 16 %
James Comey : 10 %

Nevada Polls

Marco Rubio : 44 %
Paul Ryan : 25 %
James Comey : 13 %
Tom Cotton : 11 %

Tennessee Polls

Marco Rubio : 32 %
Paul Ryan : 30 %
Tom Cotton : 16 %
James Comey : 15 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 07, 2016, 07:13:16 PM

Oil prices increase in the European Union

Before Brexit, the United Kingdom was the first oil producer in the European Union. Due to Brexit, oil prices in the European Union, notably in France and Germany (both countries particularily dependent on foreign oil), increased dramatically, which risks to contribute to job losses the European Union and to increase European energy dependence. Brexit effects also hurted British's real estate market. In response to this crisis, British Prime Minster Theresa May and her government started developping an infrastructure plan.

Successful rescue in Egypt

U.S. Special Forces and the Egyptian army led a successful rescue on the Suez Canal where they took back a British container from ISIS who held the crew hostage for a ransom of 100 million $. Almost all the crew is saved while one hostage was killed during the assault concluded by the death of all the jihadists engaged in this hold-up.


Marco Rubio : Actor and former California Governor Arnold Schwarzennegger; Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice; Businessman, former member of the Washington Senate and candidate for Washington State Governor Dino Rossi; Texas Senator John Cornyn

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on September 08, 2016, 06:51:03 PM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right Here Right Now : Schedule for Week of Dec. 8, 2019-Dec. 14, 2019

December 8, 2019
-Speech at the Mount Ayr Public Library in Mount Ayr, Iowa
-Barnstorm in Mount Ayr, IA
-Flight to Tallahassee, Florida
-Meet with college voters at the Florida A&M University in Tallahassee, FL
-Economic policy speech at the Tallahassee Automobile Museum in Tallahassee, FL, in response to Brexit effects on oil prices in the European Union and on the worldwide economy :

While I respect the democratic choice made by the British people three years ago to leave the European Union (EU), we have to confront the terrible effects of Brexit on the worldwide economy. Without the United Kingdom, who was the EU's greatest oil producer, oil prices in the EU increased dramatically, causing economic downturn on this continent as well as job losses due to a weaker purchasing power. British real estate market also suffered from Brexit effects, which complicated this country's national economic activities. But I believe that if we ratify the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) with the European Union, we will mitigate Brexit brutal consequences, firstly because of the reduction of tariffs, which will decrease the cost of exporting and importing. My energy plan will make sure that we'll get energy independence, reduce oil prices in America, which will increase our taxpayers' purchasing power, boost our automotive industry through the increase of American car manufacturing and lower the cost of buying American cars, which will result to the bought of more American cars here and abroad, including in the EU. So it will encourage the EU to import more American oil and gas, which will reduce oil prices in the EU and increase local consumers' purchasing power thanks to a greater access to American markets. Free trade will bring great benefits for both America's and Europe's economies. In addition, since we are the fourth viticultural producer in the world, we can, thanks to free trade, compete more effectively with French, Spanish and Italian viticultural markets. TTIP will also allow us to develop alternative energies as well as industries specialized in this sector. France, for example, is one of the greatest electric and nuclear powers in the world, so free trade will help our electric and nuclear industries to grow thanks to nuclear technologies adopted by France, one of our greatest partners. We can also do it by wooing French investors with electric industry skills in the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Such a partnership will be very effective since French President Alain Juppé was Minister of Ecology and Sustainable Development under Nicolas Sarkozy's presidency in 2007. That way, not only new American jobs will be created, but more Americans will have access to electricity and we will improve our ecological footprint.

-Foreign policy speech at the Naval Station Mayport in Jacksonville, FL, in reaction to hostages' release in Egypt :
Our campaign learned this morning that the crew of the British container held hostage by ISIS on the Suez Canal was saved thanks to the intervention of our Special Forces and of the Egyptian army who killed all the engaged jihadists. This is a victory against terrorism. We may have won this battle, but the war against terrorism is not won yet. We must pursue this war against terrorism by increasing defense spending, deploying the necessary troops and military arsenal to defeat terrorism on its territory, reinforcing and expanding our alliances and modernizing our military if we want to this crusade successful. I will follow this strategy as commander-in-chief.

-Rally in front of the statue of Andrew Jackson in Jacksonville, FL
-Infrastructure policy speech at the RailAmerica headquarters in Jacksonville, FL
-Debate preparation

December 9, 2019
-Fundraising event at the CSX Corporation in Jacksonville, FL
-Barnstorm in Merritt Island, FL
-Economic and space policy speech at the Vehicle Assembly Building in Merritt Island, FL, reiterating Rubio's plan for space exploration
-Economic policy speech at the Barn Light Electric Company headquarters in Titusville, FL
-Meet with the voters at the Universal Parks & Resorts in Orlando, FL
-Meet with college voters at the University of Central Florida in Orlando, FL
-Rally in Orlando with Jeb Bush
-Speech at the Republican National Hispanic Assembly in Mascotte, FL
-Fundraising event at the Amalie Arena in Tampa, FL
-Rest and debate preparation

December 10, 2019
-Economic policy speech at the Verizon Communications facility in Tampa, FL
-Fundraising event at the Tampa Convention Center in Tampa, FL
-Rally at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, FL
-Speech at Tampa Museum of Art in Tampa, FL
-Speech at the Miami Beach Convention Center in Miami Beach, FL
-Barnstorm in Miami Beach, FL
-Meet with college voters at the University of Miami in Miami, FL
-Fundraising event at the Adrienne Arsnt Center for Performing Arts4
-Supper with the voters at Pollo Tropical in Miami, FL
-Free trade policy speech at the Port of Miami in Miami, FL
-Rest and debate preparation
December 11, 2019
-Breakfast with the voters at the Versailles restaurant in Miami, FL
-Barnstorm in Little Havana in Miami, FL
-Fundraising event at the Royal Caribbean International headquarters in Miami, FL
-Flight to Charleston, South Carolina
-Economic policy speech at the Charleston International Airport in Charleston, SC
-Freedom of religion policy speech at the Roman Catholic Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Charleston, SC
-Rally at Cannon Park in Charleston, SC
-Meet with wounded soldiers at Naval Beaufort Hospital in Charleston, SC
-Debate preparation

December 12, 2019
-Economic policy speech at the Port of Charleston in Charleston, SC
-Barnstorm in Allendale, SC
-Barnstorm in Cayce, SC
-Energy policy speech at SCANA Corporation in Cayce, SC
-Town hall at the Koger Center for the Arts in Columbia, SC
-Fundraising event at the Carolina Coliseum in Columbia, SC
-Meet with college voters at Benedict College in Columbia, SC
-Debate preparation

December 13, 2019
-Barnstorm in Columbia, SC
-Flight to Nashua, New Hampshire
-Economic policy speech at the Nashua Manufacturing Company Historic District in Nashua, NH
-Meet with the voters at Mine Falls Park in Nashua, NH
-Rally at the Clocktower Place in Nashua with John H. Sununu, NH
-Meet with college voters at the Manchester High School West in Manchester, NH
-Debate preparation

December 14, 2019
-Infrastructure policy speech at the Manchester-Boston Regional Airport in Manchester, NH
-Economic policy speech at the Manchester School of Technology in Manchester, NH
-Rally with Joe Lieberman at the Lincoln statue in front in front of Central High School in Manchester, NH
-Speech at the Palace Theatre in Manchester, NH
-Fundraising dinner with the voters at the Eagle Hotel in Concord, NH
-Foreign policy speech at the Veterans Monument in Concord, NH, honoring the memory and courage of the U.S. Veterans
-Debate preparation

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 10, 2016, 06:41:32 PM

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 10, 2016, 07:04:08 PM
New Polls

Florida Senator Marco Rubio holds his lead in the Republican primary presidential polls with 12 percentage points ahead of Paul Ryan. The four Republican presidential candidates are preparing for their clash for the fourth Republican presidential primary debate that is scheduled for December 18, will be held at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, and moderated by Wolf Blitzer and CNN.

National Polls

Marco Rubio : 42 %
Paul Ryan : 30 %
Tom Cotton : 15 %
James Comey : 12 %

Iowa Polls

Marco Rubio : 33 %
Paul Ryan : 31 %
Tom Cotton : 17 %
James Comey : 13 %

New Hampshire Polls

Marco Rubio : 41 %
Paul Ryan : 26 %
James Comey : 10 %
Tom Cotton : 6 %

South Carolina Polls

Marco Rubio : 44 %
Paul Ryan : 22 %
Tom Cotton : 17 %
James Comey : 11 %

Nevada Polls

Marco Rubio : 45 %
Paul Ryan : 23 %
James Comey : 13 %
Tom Cotton : 10 %

Tennessee Polls

Marco Rubio : 34 %
Paul Ryan : 31 %
Tom Cotton : 17 %
James Comey : 16 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 10, 2016, 07:29:15 PM

Putsch in the Philippines

A group of hundreds of Philippine soldiers successfully led a putsch that overthrowed President Rodrigo Duterte, a controversial leader who was considered as the « Philippine Donald Trump » due to his protectionist and populist views as well as his racist policies. Many people suspected that his hate speech partly contributed to the rise of jihadism in the Philippines. The soldiers that led the putsch started a transition for the formation of a new democratic government through elections in order to make sure that the country can quickly get back permanently in the fight against terrorism.

Angus King's candidacy made Maine a battleground state

Due to Maine Senator Angus King's candidacy, Maine, a state that voted Democraat every presidential election since 1992, seems to be about to become a battleground state. According to a recent poll published by CNN/ORC Hillary Clinton is leading in Maine, but less wide than usual. Against Marco Rubio as the Republican nominee, Hillary Clinton holds 41 % of the vote against 35 % for the Florida Senator and 21 % for Angus King. If she faces Paul Ryan, she would win this state with 43 % of the vote against 33 % for the Speaker of the House and 22 % for the Maine Senator. In the case of a face-off against Tom Cotton, the President of the United States would win this New England state with 44 % over Cotton's 31 % and King's 24 %. Against James Comey, Clinton would win widely with 44 % over Comey's 30 % and King's 25 %.


Marco Rubio : Former Vice-President of the United States Dick Cheney, former Florida Senator Mel Martinez, former Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval, former New Hampshire Senator John E. Sununu

Angus King : Former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, former Vice-President of the United States Al Gore, former New York Mayor Bill de Blasio and former Secretary of State Colin Powell

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: / on September 10, 2016, 07:29:56 PM
R/H, are you a sock of UWS?

Just wondering.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 10, 2016, 07:33:28 PM
R/H, are you a sock of UWS?

Just wondering.

No, my dear friend.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on September 10, 2016, 07:52:48 PM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now : Schedule for the week of Dec. 15, 2019-Dec. 21, 2019, Part 1

December 15, 2019
-Marco Rubio's statement to the polls released in Maine :
We learned that polls in Maine for the 2020 general election are getting closer than expected, partly due to Angus King's candidacy but also to Hillary Clinton's unpopularity. This made this race more competitive, including in traditional blue states and I think that's good for democracy. I believe it represents a good opportunity to compete in states we haven't compete for a long time. We must not neglected any single American. We must offer the American people a real alternative agenda to Hillary Clinton's record of failure, disappointment and corruption and to Senator King's agenda proposing the same failed economic policies. Thanks to increased oil drilling and production, we will not only lead us to energy independence, create jobs and boost our automotive industry, but also get us enough revenues to invest into the development of renewable energies to create new industries specialized in this domain, to create more jobs and protect the environment. When the budget will be balanced, my administration will invest a part of budget surpluses to develop infrastructures to ensure further job creation and facilitate commercial activities. If I'm elected President, my administration will give tax credits to companies investing in equipment and R & D to ensure innovation that will contribute to job creation. President Rubio will promote peace through strength by modernizing and reinforcing our military, by increasing our military presence in strategic regions, by deploying the necessary troops to defeat terrorism and by creating and expanding intergovernmental military alliances in the Middle East, in the Indian subcontinent and around the Pacific to make sure we will fight terrorism more successfully and increase pressure on North Korea and Iran, which will reduce the risk of a war trigger in these regions.

-Flight to Chicago, Illinois
-Economic policy speech at the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce in Chicago, IL
-Barnstorm in the Humboldt Park in Chicago, IL, to woo the Puerto Rican vote
-Speech at the National Hellenic Museum in Chicago, IL
-Fundraising at the Chicago Theatre in Chicago, IL
-Dinner with the voters at the Uno Pizzeria & Grill in Chicago, IL
-Speech at United Center in Chicago, IL
-Meet with college voters at the University of Chicago in Chicago, IL
-Infrastructure at Chicago Union Station in Chicago, IL
-Free trade policy speech at the Port of Chicago in Chicago, IL
-Foreign policy speech at Calumet Harbor in Chicago, IL
-Rest and debate preparation

December 16, 2019   
-Fundraising event at the Hollywood Casino Aurora in Aurora, IL
-Speech at the Paramount Theatre in Aurora, IL
-Meet with college voters at the Aurora University in Aurora, IL
-Economic policy speech at the Belvidere Assembly Plant in Rockford, IL
-Fundraising event at the Bengt Sjostrom Theatre at Rock Valley College in Rockford, IL
-Freedom of religion policy speech at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Rockford, IL
-Barnstorm in downtown Rockford, IL
-Foreign policy speech at Memorial Hall in Rockford, IL, in response to the recent events in the Philippines :
Today, the whole world read or watched that Rodrigo Duterte was overthrown by a putsch by a group of soldiers. Even though this country is in a situation of crisis and in throes of terrorism, I believe these are good news because it will bring integrity and justice back in the Philippines, a country that now got rid of hate speech that did nothing but encouraging terrorism. It's good news for relations between the United States and the Philippines, which will reinforce our economic partnership as well as our military partnership against terrorism, North Korea and China's expansionist policies. Thanks to such a stronger partnership between our two countries, prosperity, freedom, integrity, stability and peace will be brought back to the Pacific. God bless the Philippine people and God bless America.

-Barnstorm in Tampico, IL
-Speech in front of the Ronald Reagan plaque in Tampico, IL, honoring Ronald Reagan's memory
-Debate preparation

December 17, 2019
-Economic policy speech at Caterpillar Inc. headquarters in Peoria, IL
-Speech at the Peoria Riverfront Museum in Peoria, IL
-Barnstorm in Peoria, IL
-Speech at the Lincoln's Tomb in Springfield, IL
-Fundraising event at Lanphier Park in Springfield, IL
-Barnstorm in Springfield, IL
-Flight to Nashville, Tennessee
-Debate preparation on the plane

December 18, 2019
-Debate preparation
-Rally at the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, TN
-Advertisement filming
-Economic policy speech at the Nissan North America Inc. facility in Nashville, TN
-Debate preparation
-Marco Rubio participates in the fourth Republican presidential primary debate held at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, alongside Paul Ryan, Tom Cotton and James Comey.

December 19-21 will come after the debate

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 10, 2016, 08:50:53 PM
Fourth Republican primary presidential debate at the Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee

Date : December 18th, 2019

Participants : Florida Senator Marco Rubio, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton, Former FBI Director James Comey

Host : CNN

Moderator : Wolf Blitzer

CNN America's Choice theme :

Podium order was determined by the average of the national polls since the beginning of December :

Comey    Ryan    Rubio    Cotton


-Opening statements

-Senator Cotton, do you worry that your short political experience could represent an obstacle if you're President?

-Speaker Ryan, Senator Rubio claimed that you changed your positions due to your opposition to the Bush Administration national energy policy and your changing positions on Cuba embargo and a potential military intervention in Syria. Why did you oppose the Bush Administration national energy policy and why did you change your positions on Cuba embargo and military engagement in Syria?

-Senator Angus King's independent candidacy sounds to divide the liberal vote. A recent poll released in Maine, for example, demonstrated that polls between all four of you and Hillary Clinton are getting closer while this state traditionnally votes Democrat. I want to hear from all the candidates, do you believe it finally represents an opportunity for the Republican Party to compete in states where it didn't compete for a long time?

-Recently, a putsch overthrowed Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte and the group of soldiers that orchestrated this putsch are starting a political transition to the formation of a new democratic government through elections. Do you believe this putsch represents good news?

-Russia's policy in Ukraine triggered debates on whether Eastern European countries like Ukraine or Finland should integrate NATO. Do you believe these countries should become NATO members and why?

-Why are you the candidate on this stage that is most likely to beat Hillary Clinton?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on September 11, 2016, 08:05:53 AM
Marco Rubio debate answers

-Opening statements

Good evening my fellow Americans! Tonight is another great opportunity to answer the question on who is the best qualified to take on Hillary Clinton, get this country back on track and keep it safe. 2020 is likely to be remarked by a three-way race between our nominee, Hillary Clinton and Angus King. So the question here tonight is who on this stage will be able to bring all the American people together, to bring conservatives, liberals and independents together towards our agenda. I believe my economic plan as well as my intention of promoting peace through strength will help us getting an important number of votes from conservatives, liberals and independents. So I wish you will enjoy this debate to make sure you will understand the answer to the question about how to bring the people together for the sake of America's prosperity and security. Thank you!

-Senator Cotton, do you worry that your short political experience could represent an obstacle if you're President?

[Tom Cotton's response]

-Speaker Ryan, Senator Rubio claimed that you changed your positions due to your opposition to the Bush Administration national energy policy and your changing positions on Cuba embargo and a potential military intervention in Syria. Why did you oppose the Bush Administration national energy policy and why did you change your positions on Cuba embargo and military engagement in Syria?

[Paul Ryan's response]

-Senator Rubio?

With all due respect, this is a total lack of judgement and lacking judgement does not help getting the American people's trust. In 2012 Speaker Ryan said no to boots on the ground in Syria while the right answer was that we should have sent troops in Syria to topple Assad and to make sure that terrorism does not expand in Syria. If we intervened earlier in Syria, this country would have already been democratic, free, safe and prosperous. Until 2008, Speaker Ryan opposed Cuba embargo while we all want democracy, freedom and integrity to come back on the land of my ancestors. While he wants to get America to energy independence just like me and Senator Cotton and James Comey, Speaker Ryan opposed the Bush Administration national energy policy that would have already led us to energy independence and greater economic prosperity under better conditions. It's disappointing that instead of giving America a path to prosperity you're giving it a path to crossroads.

-Senator Angus King's independent candidacy seems to divide the liberal vote. A recent poll released in Maine, for example, demonstrated that polls between all four of you and Hillary Clinton are getting closer while this state traditionnally votes Democrat. I want to hear from all the candidates, do you believe it finally represents an opportunity for the Republican Party to compete in states where it didn't compete for a long time?

Well of course it is. I believe that we should not neglect any single American and that's why I'm running to be president for all the American people. I think that Maine's tranformation into a battleground state shaped democratic mindset in this country. But also demonstrates that all the American people, conservatives, liberals and independents are disappointed of Hillary Clinton's weak leadership. That's one of the reasons why  Independents as well as some Democrats or former Democrats like Joe Lieberman and Heidi Heitkamp are endorsing me. I think we can win some traditional blue states this time around if we give more efforts in these states because I'm proposing a path to economic prosperity that will allow all Americans, whether they are conservatives, liberals or independents, to prosper. Thanks to my energy plan including increased oil drilling and exploitation, we will create many jobs  and grow our automotive industry while getting enough revenues from oil drilling to invest into the development of renewable energies to create jobs while protecting the environment. My administration will develop infrastructures by investing a part of budget surpluses when the budget will be balanced, which will help our future business owners to open new businesses, to create jobs, to expand and to be competitive. Just as I did by cosponsoring the AGREE Act in the Senate, I will make sure that companies investing in R & D and equipment will earn tax credits, which will ensure further job creation through innovation. That's how we're going to bring the American people together under this optimistic agenda, allow our party to expand and to win blue states.

-Recently, a putsch overthrowed Rodrigo Duterte and the group of soldiers that orchestrated this putsch are starting a political transition to the formation of a new democratic government through elections. Do you believe this putsch represents good news?

Well, I believe that it represents good news because it will allow our two countries to develop a better partnership thanks to better relations. Duterte's hate speech encouraged terrorism to emerge in the Philippines. Thanks to such better relations with a straightfoward Philippine government, we will fight terrorism more effectively, challenge successfully China's expansionist policies on the South China Sea and develop a good economic partnership into the TPP. That way, peace, freedom, stability, integrity and prosperity will be restored on the Pacific.

-Russia's policy in Ukraine triggered debates on whether Eastern European countries like Ukraine or Finland should integrate NATO. Do you believe these countries should become NATO members and why?
A stronger and larger NATO will increase pressure on Russia. So it will be a great advantage that Ukraine and Finland become new NATO members, because it's not careful of Russia to attack a NATO member. That way, we will reinforce our support to our allies, increase our military presence on the Black Sea and in Ukraine to reinforce security, to provide military training to the Ukrainian army and to arm it in order to help it defeating the pro-Russian rebellion, thus allowing the Ukrainian people to get it's country back through the retrocession of Crimea as well as the Eastern part of Ukraine to this nation, which will finally restore territorial integrity in Eastern Europe. Such an expansion of NATO will also deter Russia from managing further dishonest actions such as supporting militarily the Assad regime in Syria. Because « United We Stand! »

-Why are you the candidate on this stage that is most likely to beat Hillary Clinton?

I'm the son of Cuban immigrants that came here in America for economic opportunities and that could never come back to Cuba because of Castro's tyranny. Though they struggled to adapt in this new society, they were successful and they made sure that their childrens' lives would be more successful than their's. I understand the concerns of the Hispanic community because I lived the American Dream. We need to reform our immigration system to reinforce security in our borders, to make our country more inclusive and to give immigrants a fair chance to earn American citizenship, to earn higher education if they need it and to prosper by experiencing the American Dream on the land of opportunity. Free trade with Latin America will help our Hispanic business owners to innovate, to grow and expand their businesses and to create jobs by becoming top importers, exporters, translators and executives managing such commercial and cultural exchanges thanks to their fluency in Spanish. That's how I will be able to expand GOP's support among Hispanics and young people.

My economic plan will not only boost job creation and bring prosperity back to America but will also bring all the American people together thanks to bipartisan elements, which will help our party to expand its support among the American people.

I have the best foreign policy experience to counter Hillary Clinton's terrible record that gave us further growing of international terrorism, that allowed Russia to keep threatening international peace and that got Iran closer from getting nuclear weapons. By promoting peace through strength thanks to an increase of our military presence in strategic areas and to the creation of intergovernmental military alliances, we will deter Iran and North Korea from pursuing the development of their nuclear programs and fight radical Islamic terrorism more effectively. By increasing military spending and sending all the necessary troops and arsenal in the Middle East, America and its allies will be able to defeat terrorism all across this region for the sake of international security, freedom and peace.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on September 12, 2016, 02:40:30 PM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now : Schedule for the week of Dec. 15, 2019-Dec. 21, 2019, Part 2

December 19, 2019
-Meet with the voters and the donors at the Herschel Greer Stadium in Nashville, Tennessee
-Fundraising event at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville, TN
-Barnstorm at Centennial Park in Nashville, TN
-Marco Rubio's presidential campaign broadcasts a T.V. ad underlining Paul Ryan's changing positions over the years only to include, then, Rubio's quote during the fourth Republican presidential debate accusing his rival of giving America a path to crossroads instead of a path to prosperity. The ad is titled « Shifting positions giving a path to crossroads ». The ad airs in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Nevada, Tennessee, the Washington state, Texas and Oklahoma.

« Shifting positions giving a path to crossroads » advertisement narration :

Paul Ryan cannot be trusted. While he is a champion of energy independence, he opposed twice the Bush Administration national energy policy in 2004 and 2005. Until 2008, he opposed the Cuba embargo, a position that goes against the interests of the Cuban people that wants freedom, democracy, justice and integrity to come back in their country. Before being opened to boots on the ground in Syria, Paul Ryan ruled out this idea in 2012 while we should have intervened earlier for the sake of international security and democracy. How can Paul Ryan lead this country if he lacks so much judgement and changes his positions constantly.

« It's disappointing that instead of giving America a path to prosperity you're giving it a path to crossroads. » (Marco Rubio's quote during the fourth Republican primary presidential debate)

But Marco Rubio says what he believes and shares the values of the American people. Thanks to Rubio's energy plan that will increase oil drilling, build pipelines from Alberta to Texas, from Pennsylvania to California and from Alaska to Alberta and allow the exploitation of oil reserves on the Beaufort Sea thanks to underwater tankers, over 4 million new good-paying jobs will be created, our automobile industry will be relaunched and enough revenues will be obtained to invest into the development of alternative energies to create jobs while protecting the environment.
Marco Rubio will fight for Cuba's democratization to make sure the Cuban people will leave better lives.
As President of the United States, he will use all the necessary troops, arsenal and alliances to topple Bachar el-Assad's regime in Syria and defeat radical Islamic terrorism all across the Middle East and abroad for the sake of democracy, freedom, justice and international security and peace. So if you want a leader who will lead this country without ambiguity, fight for your values and keep America safe, Marco Rubio is your man.

I'm Marco Rubio and I approve this message.

-Dinner with the voters at Shoney's headquarters in Nashville, TN
-Bus trip to Walhalla, South Carolina
-Barnstorm in Walhalla, SC
-Barnstorm in Seneca, SC
-Speech at Clemson University in Clemson, SC
-Speech at Memorial Stadium in Clemson, SC

December 20, 2019
-Bus trip to Rock Hill, SC
-Economic policy speech at Manchester Village in Rock Hill, SC
-Meet with college voters at Clinton Junior College in Rock Hill, SC
-Innovation policy speech at the Comporium Telephone Museum in Rock Hill, SC
-Interview with Bill O'Reilly in The O'Reilly Factor :

O'Reilly : Senator Rubio, thanks for accepting our invitation to this show!

Rubio : Thank you Mr. O'Reilly! It's an honour!

O'Reilly : Let's come back to one of your responses during the most recent Republican presidential debate in Nashville. You said that if you're the Republican nominee you will be able to win some traditional blue states that usually vote Democrat. Which states do you think you can win in 2020?

Rubio : Well, of course among these states I think we can win Maine due to Angus King's candidacy since it's the state where King is Senator and he seems to be dividing the liberal vote and you saw recent polls that showed that Hillary Clinton is leading in Maine by only 6 points against me. More traditional blue states I believe I can win as the nominee are Minnesota abnd perhaps the state of Washington or even Illinois. But to win these states, we have to make many efforts.

O'Reilly : Illinois, a bluestate that didn't vote Republican since 1988. How do you believe your party can win this Democratic stronghold this time around?

Rubio : First, like I said, Angus King is taking many support away from Hillary Clinton, thus dividing the liberal vote and hurts Clinton not only in battleground states but also in some traditional Democratic strongholds. Secondly, the strongest Republican electoral performance in Illinois since 1988 was in 2004 when John Kerry won this state over George W. Bush by only 10 points (54 % for Kerry over Bush's 44 %) and the reason why Democratic support in Illinois increased since then is because Barack Obama, who was Senator of Illinois, was running for president twice. Now that Barack Obama is no longer running, that Hillary Clinton is now very unpopular and that Senator King is taking many liberal endorsements I think we can make breakthroughs in the Prairie State. Thirdly, through my career, I demonstrated over and over again my ability to win a massive number of Hispanic votes and even to dominate my Democratic and Independent opponents during my two Senate races in 2010 and 2016 as well as during my 2016 campaign for the Republican presidential nomination. I understand the Hispanic community's concerns since I am from this community, which will help us winning in states where Hispanics represent an important portion of the population, including Illinois (where Hispanics represent over 16 % of this state's population). In addition, since Illinois is among the top 10 coal producing states and that oïl is one of Illinois' main sources of energy, I think I will be able to convince the people of Illinois that my energy plan that will increase oïl drilling and production will help us to create a great number of good-paying jobs, to boost American automobile industry and make sure that some Great Lakes cities like Chicago won't suffer a bankruptcy like Detroit did, to get energy independence and obtain the necessary revenues to invest into the development of alternative and renewable energies, which will diversify our economy and ensure further job creation as well as the protection of the environment. My intention to promote peace through strength by reinforcing and expanding our alliances around the world will make sure we won't need to orchestrate military action against Iran and North Korea, thus maintaining international peace. Hillary Clinton disappointed not only conservatives and independents, but also a part of her electoral base due to her failed economic policies and her failed foreign policy record. That's why Democrats or former Democrats like Joe Lieberman, Heidi Heitkamp or Jim Webb, endorsed my campaign because I want to offer the American people an agenda that will bring the American people together to make America prosperous, safe and united again.

O'Reilly : Senator Rubio, thank you!

Rubio : Thank you! And merry Christmas!

-Barnstorm in Columbia, SC
-Bus trip to Hampton, SC
-Barnstorm in Hampton, SC

December 21, 2019
-Barnstorm in Ridgeland, SC
-Barnstorm in Hardeeville, SC
-Advertisement filming
-Speech at the Parish Church of St. Helena in Beaufort, SC
-Foreign policy speech at the Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort in Beaufort, SC
-Barnstorm in Beaufort, SC

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 13, 2016, 06:35:47 PM
Round 14 : December 22, 2019-December 28, 2019

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 13, 2016, 06:43:50 PM
New Polls

Mostly due to his strong debate performance, Florida Senator Marco Rubio increased his frontrunner status with a 15 percentage point lead over Paul Ryan, whose campaign sounds to be into difficulty. In addition, Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton is trailing the Speaker of the House by only 2 points for the second place in South Carolina.

National Polls

Marco Rubio : 43 %
Paul Ryan : 28 %
Tom Cotton : 16 %
James Comey : 11 %

Iowa Polls

Marco Rubio : 34 %
Paul Ryan : 30 %
Tom Cotton : 18 %
James Comey : 14 %

New Hampshire Polls

Marco Rubio : 43 %
Paul Ryan : 26 %
James Comey : 9 %
Tom Cotton : 7 %

South Carolina Polls

Marco Rubio : 46 %
Paul Ryan : 20 %
Tom Cotton : 18 %
James Comey : 11 %

Nevada Polls

Marco Rubio : 46 %
Paul Ryan : 22 %
James Comey : 12 %
Tom Cotton : 10 %

Tennessee Polls

Marco Rubio : 35 %
Paul Ryan : 29 %
Tom Cotton : 18 %
James Comey : 16 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 13, 2016, 07:14:43 PM

Taliban attack in Khost, Afghanistan

The Taliban led an assault on Khost, in Afghanistan. They made breakthroughs until downtown. But luckily, the local Afghan troops came just in time to strike back and repel the Taliban. 500 Taliban, 40 Afghan soldiers and 156 civilians were killed during the attack. These events raised concerns about Afghanistan's security.

Failed terrorist attack attempt in Greece

A 24 year-old man radicalized and affliated to ISIS was arrested after the Athenian police discovered bombs and an AK-47 in the suspect's car. He apparently planned to orchestrate a terrorist attack on the Acropolis of Athens, but his arrest prevented it, thus saving many innocent as well as a symbol of democracy in Athens, the cradle of democracy.


Marco Rubio : Former Indiana Governor and 2016 Republican Vice-Presidential nominee Mike Pence, Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner, Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Former U.S. Ambassador to China and 2012 Republican presidential candidate Jon Huntsman

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on September 13, 2016, 10:12:47 PM
King/Ashe 2020

Taking America Back

Schedule for December 22-28

December 22
-Fly to Wisconsin
-Rally in Madison, Wisconsin
Governor Walker has destroyed the rights of workers in this state to unionize. Unions are an important part of the economy; they protect workers from unscrupulous corporate bosses. The right to unionize is the right of the worker!
-Barnstorm in Taylor County, Wisconsin
-Barnstorm in Wood County, Wisconsin
-Organise state volunteers in Wisconsin

December 23
-Fly to New York
-Rally with former Mayor Bill de Blasio and former Secretary of State Colin Powell in New York City, NY
I supported Hillary four years ago, and what have we got? More failed policies. I am proud to endorse the only true progressive in this race, Angus King!

The Republican Party is no longer my party. It has shifted too far to the right to represent the American people. Angus King is the only real, authentic person in this race, so I'm proud to support him
-Town Hall meeting in Buffalo, NY
-Barnstorm in Westchester Counry, NY
-Organise state volunteers in New York

December 24
-Fly to Brunswick, Maine to spend Christmas with family

December 25
-Spend day with family

Decmber 26
-Fly to Nashville, Tennessee
-Rally with former VP Al Gore in Nashville
Angus King understands the crisis our climate is in like no other candidate. I am proud to give him and Tim Ashe my full support
-Build campaign infrastructure in Tennessee

December 27
-Fly to South Dakota
-Rally in Sioux Falls with Tom Daschle
If you want a President who will fight for healthcare, fight for the environment, fight for your rights as Americans, then vote for Angus King in November!
-Build Campaign infrastructure in South Dakota

December 28
-Internet ad buy  ($50,000)
-TV ad buy ($100,000)
-Build national campaign infrastructure

Ashe will be campaigning heavily in Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts and Rhode Island and hold rallies in Vermont and New Hampshire with Sen. Sanders.

Surrogate schedule:

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard
-Campaign heavily in Hawaii.
-Organise Hawaii volunteers.
-Large rally in Honolulu, touting King's progressive credentials, lack of reliance on big money and non-interventionist policy

Fmr. Gov. Jesse Ventura
-Campaign heavily in Minnesota
-Organise Minnesota volunteers
-Interview with MSNBC

Businessman Bill Gates
-Fundraise heavily in Washington state
-Organise Washington state volunteers
-Interview with CNN

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on September 14, 2016, 06:11:06 PM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now : Schedule for the week of Dec. 22, 2019-Dec. 28, 2019

December 22, 2019
-Flight to Detroit, Michigan
-Economic policy speech at Genral Motors Company headquarters in Detroit, MI
-Fundraising event in front of the Renaissance Center in Detroit, MI
-Energy policy speech at DTE Energy Co. Headquarters in Detroit, MI
-Fundraising event at Shinola headquarters in Detroit, MI
-Speech at Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, MI   
-Fundraising event at MGM Grand Detroit in Detroit, MI
-Meet with the voters at Detroit Institute of Arts in Detroit, MI
December 23, 2019
-Fundraising event at Ford Field in Detroit, MI
-Speech in front of The Spirit of Detroit in Detroit, MI
-Meet with the voters at Eastern Market in Detroit, MI
-Fundraising event at Fox Theatre in Detroit, MI
-Economic policy speech at the Ford World Headquarters in Dearborn, MI
-Rally at The Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village of Innovation in Dearborn, MI
-Fundraising event in front of Chrysler headquarters in Auburn Hills, MI
-Foreign policy speech at the United States Army TACOM Life Cycle Management Command in Warren, MI, in reaction to recent Taliban attacks in Afghanistan and to failed terrorist attack in Athens :
I am grateful of the Athenian police's efforts to prevent terrorist attacks against innocent people that are sharing opposing values to those held by radical Islamic terrorists. Thanks to their service, lives are saved as well as freedom and justice. What happened yesterday in Afghanistan was a terrible tragedy though the Taliban attack has been repelled. These events demonstrated that terrorism still represents a clear and present danger in Afghanistan. The Afghan army made a really great job, but they are not likely to defeat terrorism alone. We need to increase our help to Afghanistan through airstrikes and military experts. By creating Southern and Western Asia Defense Alliance (SWADA), a intergovernmental military alliance that I'm proposing, radical Islamic terrorism will finally, not only be eradicated from Afghanistan and Pakistan, but also be destroyed.
I'm the only candidate in this race who cares about international security, about our fellow Americans' lives and about innocent lives around the world. Despite recent international disasters like terrorist attacks in Hawaii, where 10 of our brave soldiers were killed by Abu Sayyaf, in Egypt, in Berlin and in Rome or conflicts between Ukraine and Russia or between Taiwan and China, Hillary Clinton and Angus King ignored these events which they don't know the seriousness and remained silent about all these tragedies. They don't have any plan when it comes to fight terrorism, make sure that Iran won't get nuclear weapons and ensure territorial integrity in Eastern Europe against Russia and in the South China Sea against China. If we want a safer world, we need to increase defense spending, send the necessary troops in the Middle East to defeat terrorism, reinforce and expand defense partnerships with our allies, reinforce our military presence in strategic points in the world such as the Pacific, the Black Sea as well as the Suez Canal and establish anti-missile shields to take down any nuclear missile launched by Iran or North Korea against us or our allies. That's exactly the agenda that I will adopt as President of the United States and as commander in chief for the sake of international security and peace, democracy, liberty and justice for all.

-Speech at the Civic Center Library in Warren, MI
-Energy policy speech at Ottawa Street Power Station in Lansing, MI
-Barnstorm in Lansing, MI

December 24, 2019
-Fundraising event at the Grand Rapids Public Museum in Grand Rapids, MI
-Speech at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum in Grand Rapids, MI
-Speech at the Cathedral of St. Andrew in Grand Rapids, MI
-Flight to Miami, Florida to spend Christmas with family

December 25, 2019
-Spend Christmas Day with family in Miami, FL

December 26, 2019
-Flight to Salt Lake City, Utah
-Rally with Jon Huntsman in Salt Lake City, UT :
Republicans led by Marco Rubio will give an optimistic message that will diversify our party by attracting ethnic minorities, especially Hispanics, and that will boost our economy by clinching energy independence, promoting free trade, reforming our education system, balancing our budget and making America a friendly country to businesses. As a former U.S. Ambassador to Singapore and then to China, I have a clear and good judgement about who is the best qualified to ensure international security. I know that Senator Marco Rubio has the best foreign policy experience in this field to keep America safe and he will do so by promoting peace through strength, reinforcing our military alliances and keeping fighting terrorism and tyranny. That's why I'm supporting Marco Rubio, the next President of the United States of America.

-Fundraising event with Josh Romney, Republican candidate for Utah Governor, in Salt Lake City, UT
-Speech at the Salt Lake Temple in Salt Lake City, UT
-Speech at the Rice-Eccles Stadium in Salt Lake City, UT
-Fundraising event at the Salt Lake City Public Library in Salt Lake City, UT

December 27, 2019
-Barnstorm in West Valley City, UT
-Fundraising event at Maverik Center in West Valley City, UT
-Barnstorm in West Jordan, UT
-Economic policy speech at Nu Skin Enterprises in Provo, UT
-Innovation policy speech at Novell Inc. headquarters in Provo, UT
-Fundraising event at the Covey Center for the Arts in Provo, UT
-Speech at Provo City Library in Provo, UT

December 28, 2019
-Flight to Seattle, Washington state
-Build campaign infrastructure in the Washington state
-Rally in Seattle with Dino Rossi
-Speech at Seattle Central Library in Seattle, WA
-Fundraising event at Benariya Hall in Seattle, WA
-Rally at CenturtyLink Field in Seattle, WA
-Foreign policy speech at the Museum of History & Industry in Seattle, WA
-Interview with CBS

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 16, 2016, 08:36:06 PM
Round 15 : December 29, 2019-January 4, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 16, 2016, 08:48:14 PM
New Polls

As we are approaching the Iowa Republican caucuses that will start the primaries on January 14 2020, Marco Rubio holds his status as the Republican frontrunner. The four Republican presidential candidates started to campaign in Iowa for the local caucuses and they preparing to debate at the Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, on January 9 2020.

National Polls

Marco Rubio : 41 %
Paul Ryan : 31 %
Tom Cotton : 17 %
James Comey : 10 %

Iowa Polls

Marco Rubio : 35 %
Paul Ryan : 32 %
Tom Cotton : 19 %
James Comey : 13 %

New Hampshire Polls

Marco Rubio : 43 %
Paul Ryan : 27 %
James Comey : 10 %
Tom Cotton : 8 %

South Carolina Polls

Marco Rubio : 47 %
Paul Ryan : 23 %
Tom Cotton : 18 %
James Comey : 10 %

Nevada Polls

Marco Rubio : 44 %
Paul Ryan : 21 %
James Comey : 12 %
Tom Cotton : 10 %

Tennessee Polls

Marco Rubio : 35 %
Paul Ryan : 30 %
Tom Cotton : 18 %
James Comey : 16 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 16, 2016, 09:06:43 PM

Debate in Washington on defense ties with India

Due to China's military exercises and territorial claims on the South China Sea, to terrorist attacks in Afghanistan and Pakistan and to Iran's nuclear development, debates on a potential reinforcement of defense ties between the United States and India are triggered. In fact, some proponents of such a partnership are arguing that it would be a very strategic partnership due to India's military power, which would be very helpful at defeating terrorism and at increasing pressure on Iran and China to stop their « dishonest » policies threatening international peace.


Marco Rubio : former President of the United States George H. W. Bush; Florida Governor, Former Arkansas Governor and Republican presidential candidate in 2008 and 2016 Mike Huckabee; former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld; former U.S. Ambassador to China Gary Locke; former Rhode Island Senator and 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Lincoln Chafee.

Angus King : Former Maine Governor John Baldacci, Investment Banker Steve Eisman, Author Michael Lewis, Activist Ralph Nader, Former Congressman Dennis Kucinich, AFL-CIO

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 16, 2016, 09:12:48 PM
2020 Republican presidential primary calendar is finally unveiled

2020 GOP Primary Schedule

2436 delegates - 1219 delegates needed to win the nomination

Jan 14 : Iowa (28 delegates)   
Jan 21 : New Hampshire (21 delegates)
Feb 4 : South Carolina (48 delegates) and Nevada (29 delegates)
Feb 8 : Tennessee (56 delegates)
Feb 11 : Alaska (26 delegates), Montana (27 delegates), and Washington (43 delegates)
Feb 22 : Arizona (56 delegates)
March 3 (Super Tuesday) : Alabama (50 delegates), Arkansas (38 delegates), Delaware (17 delegates), Georgia (74 delegates), Massachusetts (41 delegates), Nebraska (34 delegates), Oklahoma (41 delegates), Texas (153 delegates), Vermont (16 delegates), Wyoming (27 delegates)
March 10 : Idaho (32 delegates), Hawaii (19 delegates), Mississippi (38 delegates), Louisiana (46 delegates)
March 14 : Puerto Rico (23 delegates), American Samoa (9 delegates)
March 17 : Guam (9 delegates)
March 20 : Virgin Islands (9 delegates)
March 31 : Colorado (35 delegates), Kentucky (46 delegates), and Virginia (49 delegates)
April 7 : Michigan (58 delegates) and Northern Mariana Islands (9 delegates)
April 14 : Florida (99 delegates), Kansas (40 delegates), Minnesota (34 delegates), Missouri (52 delegates), North Dakota (28 delegates), South Dakota (30 delegates), Wisconsin (42 delegates), West Virginia (32 delegates)
April 21 : Illinois (69 delegates), Maine (22 delegates), North Carolina (71 delegates), Ohio (65 delegates)
April 28 : New York (95 delegates)
May 12 : DC (19 delegates), Maryland (38 delegates), New Jersey (52 delegates), Pennsylvania (73 delegates)
May 16 : Connecticut (28 delegates), Rhode Island (19 delegates)
May 19 : Utah (40 delegates)
June 2 : California (172 delegates), Indiana (57 delegates), New Mexico (24 delegates), Oregon (28 delegates)
July 20-23 : RNC 2020 in Las Vegas, Nevada

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on September 16, 2016, 11:39:48 PM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now : Schedule for the week of Dec. 29, 2019-Jan. 4, 2020

December 29, 2019
-Meet with college voters at Saint Martin's University in Olympia, Washington state
-Rally with Gary Locke in Olympia, WA
-Speech at Sylvester Park in Olympia, WA
-Foreign policy speech in Olympia, WA, about debates on U.S.-India defense ties reinforcement :
Due to it's very powerful military, a stronger defense partnership with India will prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons, deter China from violating South China Sea's territorial integrity and help us and our allies to fight and destroy radical Islamic terrorism. That's why I support such a reinforcement of U.S.-India defense ties, vote YES on such a procedure in the Senate and keep promoting strategic partnership with India as President of the United States for the sake of security, freedom and peace.

-Flight to Minneapolis, Minnesota
-Speech at Christ Church Lutheran in Minneapolis, MN
-Speech at the Minneapolis Institute of Art in Minneapolis, MN
-Speech at Target Center in Minneapolis, MN

December 30, 2019
-Fundraising event at the Xcel Energy Center in Saint-Paul, MN
-Economic policy speech at Ford Twins Cities assembly plant in Saint-Paul, MN
-Energy policy speech at Lock and Dam No. 1 in Saint-Paul, MN
-Meet with college voters at Hamline University in Saint-Paul, MN
-Agriculture policy speech at the Seneca Foods plant in Rochester, MN
-Barnstorm in Rochester, MN

December 31, 2019
-Flight to Des Moines, Iowa
-Barnstorm in Des Moines, IA
-Marco Rubio's presidential campaign broadcasts a T.V. commercial in which the Florida Senator delivers his Happy New Year message and wishes all the American people a happy new year.
-New Year Celebration with family and supporters in Rubio's campaign headquarters in Des Moines, IA

January 1, 2020
-Speech at Wells Fargo Arena in Des Moines, IA
-Speech the State of Iowa Historical Museum in Des Moines, IA
-Fundraising event at Des Moines Art Center in Des Moines, IA
-Rally at Western Gateway Park in Des Moines, IA
-Freedom of religion policy speech at Dowling Catholic High School in Des Moines
-Social policy speech at Salisbury House in Des Moines, IA, denouncing abortion and gun control
-Economic policy speech at United Parcel Service facility in Des Moines, IA

January 2, 2020
-Agriculture policy speech at the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company facility in Des Moines, IA
-Health care policy speech at Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield in Des Moines, IA
-Advertisement filming
-Fundraising event at Best Buy facility in Ankeny, IA
-Education policy speech at Staples facility in Ankeny, IA
-Meet with college voters at Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary in Ankeny, IA
-Bus trip to Ames, IA
-Speech at the Iowa State University in Ames, IA
-Debate preparation

January 3, 2020
-Breakfast with the voters at Café Beaudelaire in Ames, IA
-Fundraising event at Hilton Coliseum in Ames, IA
Barnstorm in Ames, IA
-Advertisement filming
-Bus trip to Sioux City, IA
-Meet with the voters and the donors at Municipal Auditorium in Sioux City, IA
-Speech at the Tyson Events Center in Sioux City, IA
-Marco Rubio's presidential campaign broadcasts a T.V. ad about Rubio's plan to grow America's agriculture industry. The ad titled « Prosperity and subsistence » airs in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina.

« Prosperity and subsistence » advertisement narration :

In this time of economic depression, the American people, including farmers, are struggling to recover and to prosper. Many farmers lost their jobs and rising inflation raised the cost of buying agricultural products, which hurts agricultural businesses. We need to reverse this situation. Marco Rubio has a plan to help farmers.

As President, Marco Rubio will cut taxes for businesses, including tractor and seed companies, to help them to innovate and to manufacture more tractors and seeds, which will boost job creation, improve agricultural technologies, ensure Iowa's and America's subsistence, reduce the food prices through the reduction of inflation and reduce Americans' dependence on food stamps, which will reinforce their purchasing power and give them more access to food. That's how we're going to make sure that the American people will live better lives by finding good-paying jobs, fulfilling their food needs and accomplishing their agricultural activities.

Marco Rubio for prosperity and subsistence!

I'm Marco Rubio and I approve this message.

-Debate preparation

January 4, 2020
-Speech at Bishop Heelan Catholic Schools in Sioux City, IA
-Bus trip to Sheldon, IA
-Barnstorm in Sheldon, IA
-Barnstorm in Spirit Lake, IA
-Speech at the Public Library Estherville in Estherville, IA
-Barnstorm in Estherville, IA
-Debate preparation

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on September 18, 2016, 10:27:49 PM
King/Ashe 2020

Taking America Back

Schedule for December 29 to January 4

December 29
-Fly to New York
-Rally on the Brooklyn Bridge with Steve Eisman and Michael Lewis
12 years ago, I was the manager for FrontPoint LLC, a hedge fund operating under Morgan Stanley. It was there that I witnessed the failures of conservative economics-which are still being touted by the Republican frontrunner-firsthand. People lost their jobs, their homes, their savings, their pensions and God knows what else.

The priority here is to break up the big banks, and reinstate Glass-Steagall. Only Angus King has vowed to do this!

-Investment Banker Steve Eisman endorsing Sen. King

As Steve said, the shortcomings of conservative economics were made apparent 12 years ago, and we have gone even further down the path of deregulation. We need to break up the big banks, overhaul the SEC, reinstate Glass-Steagall and above all end the concept of too-big-to-fail. Angus King stands for these things!

-Michael Lewis, author of The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine endorsing Sen. King

-Barnstorm in Suffolk County, New York
-Barnstorm in Nassau County, New York
-Town Hall meeting in Cooperstown, New York

December 30
-Fly to Maine
-Rally in Augusta, Maine with former Governor John Baldacci
I succeeded Angus as Governor of Maine. It was going to be hard to live up to his reputation, but I did the very best I could. Angus was a great Governor and is an excellent Senator. I'm proud to give him my backing this year.
-Fly to Connecticut
-Rally in Hartford, Connecticut with Ralph Nader
Angus King is standing for you, the American people. He wants to make healthcare better, ensure that everyone has a social safety net, expand Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, and end Wall Street's dominance over our political system. I am proud to endorse this man for President!
-Fly to Maine

December 31
-Spend day with family

January 1
-Spend day with family

January 2
-Fly to Los Angeles, California
-Formally unveil platform at the Staples Center, Los Angeles with Tim Ashe and all surrogates.

King/Ashe 2020 Platform

-Break up the big banks
-Reinstate the Glass-Steagall Act
-Overturn the disastrous Citizens United decision
-Raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans
-Close offshore tax havens
-Renegotiate disastrous trade deals
-Overhaul the Securities and Exchange Commission
-Lower taxes for the middle class  
-Cut military spending by half
-Raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour

-Protect a woman's right to choose
-Defend Obergefell v. Hodges, guaranteeing the right of same-sex couples to marry
-Implement a National Care Service, to provide universal healthcare to all Americans
-Defend the right to citizenship for the children of immigrants born in the United States
-Reinstate the Federal Assault Weapons Ban
-Establish a National Education Service to regulate public schooling and College education, making primary, secondary and tertiary education free of charge
-Introduce body cameras for all federal law enforcement agencies, and introduce legislation encouraging states and cities to do the same
-End disastrous right-to-work legislation
-Give the District of Columbia a formal vote in the House of Representatives
-Hold a statehood referendum in Puerto Rico
-End NSA spying
-Legalise, tax and regulate marijuana

-End funding to Saudi Arabia
-Strengthen ties with India and Japan
-End corporate oversight of free trade
-Increase involvement in the United Nations
-Adopt a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict
-End funding to all groups fighting in Syria
-Focus on training Iraqi Government forces to take the fight to ISIS
-Provide diplomatic support for Iran's fight against ISIS
-Defend the Iran nuclear agreement
-Explore options for peacefully halting Russian aggression in Europe

-Oppose drilling the the ANWR
-Oppose the Keystone XL Pipeline
-Oppose Nuclear power
-Provide incentives for companies to switch to renewable energy
-Federal funding for renewable energy programs
-Increase funding for the EPA
-Establish a Renewable Energy Commission, which will focus on transforming America into a nation entirely dependent on renewable power.
-Introduce a Carbon Tax, taxing major corporations based on the amount of emissions caused by their operations
-Establish a Federal Renewable Energy Transition Scheme, aiming to reduce total carbon emissions by 25% by 2035
-Host a public dinner in Los Angeles with Tim Ashe and all surrogates to celebrate platform unveiling

January 3
-Fly to Cleveland, Ohio
-Rally in Cleveland, Ohio with former Congressman Dennis Kucinich
Angus King is the only person in this race who will unequivocally stand up and fight for the average citizen. I'm proud to back him.
-Build campaign infrastructure in Ohio with the aid of Kucinich

January 4
-Television ad buy ($150,00)
-Internet ad buy ($50,000)
-Build national campaign infrastructure

Tim Ashe will be campaigning heavily in all Rustbelt states with Sen. Sanders and AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, touting King's backing of a higher minimum wage and his opposition to right-to-work legislation

Surrogate Schedule

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard will be campaigning in Alaska all week, emphasizing King's record on the rights of minorities

Former Governor Jesse Ventura will be campaigning in all libertarian-leaning states, touting King's opposition to NSA spying, support for marijuana legalisation and non-interventionist foreign policy

Businessman Bill Gates will be fundraising up and down the west coast

Former Mayor Bill de Blasio and former Secretary of State Colin Powell will be campaigning in New York, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania. Powell will also give an interview to Fox News' Bill O'Reilly explaining why he supports King over any of the Republican candidates.

Former Vice President Al Gore will be campaigning in in the southeast, focusing on those who have felt maligned by the government. He will also be interviewed by CNN's Anderson Cooper as to why he supports King over Hillary Clinton, given his ties to the Clinton family

Former Senator Tom Daschle will be campaigning in the Northwest, touting King's progressive credentials. He will be interviewed by MSNBC's Rachel Maddow as to why he has endorsed King over Clinton.

In addition, all surrogates will attend the platform unveiling and public dinner held on the 2nd.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 19, 2016, 08:08:25 PM
Round 15 : January 5, 2020-January 11, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 19, 2016, 08:27:33 PM
New Polls

Nine days ahead of the Iowa Republican caucuses, the race in Iowa seems likely to be a duel between Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan. The four Republican presidential candidates are preparing to debate at the Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, on January 9 2020. The debate will be moderated by John Dickerson of CBS News.

National Polls

Marco Rubio : 43 %
Paul Ryan : 32 %
Tom Cotton : 17 %
James Comey : 8 %

Iowa Polls

Marco Rubio : 36 %
Paul Ryan : 32 %
Tom Cotton : 17 %
James Comey : 13 %

New Hampshire Polls

Marco Rubio : 42 %
Paul Ryan : 28 %
James Comey : 10 %
Tom Cotton : 9 %

South Carolina Polls

Marco Rubio : 48 %
Paul Ryan : 24 %
Tom Cotton : 18 %
James Comey : 9 %

Nevada Polls

Marco Rubio : 42 %
Paul Ryan : 20 %
James Comey : 13 %
Tom Cotton : 10 %

Tennessee Polls

Marco Rubio : 36 %
Paul Ryan : 32 %
Tom Cotton : 19 %
James Comey : 13 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 19, 2016, 08:50:07 PM

Slavery is still alive

In Cameroun, Boko Haram enslaved civilian people to extract and exploit blood diamonds to fund it's terrorist activities. International court condemned this war crime. The Cameroon Government is preparing to organize a military offensive to free these slaves, deprive Boko Haram of funds and destroy this terrorist group's training camps.


Marco Rubio : Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley, former Pennsylvania Senator and Republican presidential candidate in 2012 and 2016 Rick Santorum, former Maine Senator Olympia Snowe, former Texas Senator Ted Cruz, retired general in the United States Army Tommy Franks, The Des Moines Register

Angus King : Economist Paul Krugman, Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich, National Education Association, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, Washington Governor Jay Inslee

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 19, 2016, 09:16:28 PM
Republication Party presidential debates schedule, 2020

Jan. 9 : Des Moines, Iowa
Jan. 16 : Goffstown, New Hampshire
Jan. 23 : Charleston, South Carolina
Feb. 13 : Phoenix, Arizona
Feb. 25 : Boston, Massachusetts
Feb. 28 : Atlanta, Georgia

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on September 19, 2016, 10:28:10 PM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now : Schedule for the week of Jan. 5, 2020-Jan. 11, 2020, Part 1

January 5, 2020
-Barnstorm in Eddyville, IA
-Barnstorm in New Sharon, IA
-Bus trip to Oskaloosa, Iowa
-Economic policy speech at the Clowe Valve Company plant in Oskaloosa, IA
-Foreign policy speech at William Penn University in Oskaloosa, IA
-Barnstorm in Oskaloosa, IA
-Bus trip to Cedar Rapids, IA
-Debate preparation

January 6, 2020
-Breakfast with the voters at the Hotel Roosevelt in Cedar Rapids, IA
-Agriculture policy speech at the Quaker Oats Company plant in Cedar Rapids, IA
-Foreign policy speech at Veterans Memorial Building in Cedar Rapids, IA, denouncing Boko Haram's use of blood diamonds to fund its terrorist activities :
This morning, we learned that Boko Haram enslaved innocent people to exploit blood diamonds in order to fund its terrorist activities in Cameroun. It's outrageous and unacceptable that a terrorist group funds its activities at innocent civilians' expense. It's a war crime. Slavery is immoral and that's why we abolished it under Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican president. We need to stop this, to free this civilians to make sure they will live into dignity and that Boko Haram will be deprived of sources. We need to establish the AACTPA, a military intelligence agency that will orchestrate antiterrorist fight in Africa through military or intelligence operations and that will use drones in order to find the location of terrorist leaders, which will help us to eliminate them and bring them to justice. We also have to bring military training to the armed forces of the African countries in the throes of jihadism to ensure their preparedness to re-establish their countries' security and to combat and defeat terrorism thanks to military techniques used by the first military power in the world, the United States of America.

-Speech at Prairie High School in Cedar Rapids, IA
-Meet with the voters and the donors at Theatre Cedar Rapids in Cedar Rapids, IA
-Speech at the National Czech and Slovak Museum & Library in Cedar Rapids, IA
-Bus trip to Davenport, IA
-Fundraising event at the River Music Experience in Davenport, IA
-In an effort to woo evangelical voters in Iowa, Marco Rubio's presidential campaign broadcasts a T.V. ad about Rubio's plan to defend freedom of religion. The ad titled « Fight for Liberty » airs in Iowa, South Carolina and Tennessee
« Fight for liberty » advertisement narration :

Fighting terrorism is necessary not only to ensure international security and to save innocent lives but also to defend freedom of religion. In the Middle East, ISIS is persecuting Christians and Muslims who are not sharing their views and even beheaded many of them. It's in violation of freedom of religion, an important wall defending justice, freedom, democracy as well as gender equity and an important element of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. If we take military action in the Middle East, we will not only destroy terrorism and reinforce security as well as innocent lives but also save Middle East Christians from persecution, which will save freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, the right to peaceably assemble and the right to petition.

If you want freedom to be maintained and your values to be defended here and abroad, I'm asking for your support.

I'm Marco Rubio and I approve this message.

-Debate preparation

January 7, 2020
-Town hall meeting at the Figge Art Museum in Davenport, IA
-Speech at Modern Woodmen Park in Davenport, IA
-Speech at Junge Park in Davenport, IA
-Interview with KWQC-TV
-Meet with college voters at Saint Ambrose University in Davenport, IA
-Economic policy speech at Hamilton Technical College in Davenport, IA
-Health care policy speech at Genesis Health System in Davenport, IA
-Debate preparation

January 8, 2020
-Speech at the Quad Cities Waterfront Convention Center in Bettenforf, IA
-Freedom of religion speech at Regina Coeli Monastery in Bettendorf, IA
-Speech at the Family Museum in Bettendorf, IA
-Economic policy speech at the ALCOA plant in Bettendorf, IA
-Barnstorm in Bettendorf, IA
-Bus trip to Des Moines, IA
-Debate preparation

January 9, 2020
-Debate preparation
-Agriculture policy speech at the Greater Des Moines Botanical Gardenbuilding in Des Moines, IA
-Speech at Principal Park in Des Moines, IA
-Barnstorm in Des Moines, IA
-Campaign efforts in Des Moines, IA, to woo local Hispanics and African Americans
-Debate preparation during all the afternoon
-Marco Rubio debates with Paul Ryan, Tom Cotton and James Comey at the Drake University in Des Moines, IA

January 10-11 will come after the debate

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 20, 2016, 05:49:45 AM
Fifth Republican primary presidential debate at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa

Date : January 9th, 2020

Participants : Florida Senator Marco Rubio, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton, Former FBI Director James Comey

Host : CBS News

Moderator : John Dickerson

Podium order was determined by the average of the national polls since the beginning of January :

Cotton    Rubio    Ryan    Comey


-Opening statements

-Senator Rubio, you claimed that Iran is threatening freedom of religion. What do you mean?

-The Taliban orchestrated recently new attacks across Afghanistan, especially in Khost. How should we react to this situation? Should we send troops back to Afghanistan to eliminate this terrorist threat?

-The Senate is now debating on reinforcing defense ties with India. What are the reasons why India is a very important partner for the U.S. in terms of international security?

-Senator Cotton, four years ago, you said that you would support Bernie Sanders for the Democratic presidential nomination. What did you mean?

-In this time of economic downturn, American farmers, especially here in Iowa, are struggling to recover. What is your plan to grow American agriculture?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on September 20, 2016, 07:24:58 PM
Marco Rubio debate answers

-Opening statements

Since the last twelve years, our Constitution and our freedom are under attack through Affordable Care Act, gun control measures and terrorist attacks around the world. We need a president who will defend America's values and fight for freedom and security here and abroad. In five days, here in Iowa, we will start choosing this president, so I hope this debate will make sure that you will make the right choice. Thank you!

-Senator Rubio, you claimed that Iran is threatening freedom of religion. What do you mean?

Iran wants Israel's death, which means a genocide against Judaism. That's why we can't let Iran getting nuclear weapons not only because it will threat international peace and security but also because it will represent a threat to freedom of religion, a basic element of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States alongside freedom of the press and freedom of the speech. That's why we need more sanctions against Tehran to make sure Iran won't get the necessary capitals to develop it's nuclear program. That's why we have to reinforce our defense relations with our local allies by creating the SWADA to increase pressure on Iran and prevent it from pursuing it's nuclear program. We need strength and collaboration with our allies if we want peace and we need peace to ensure liberty's defense.

-The Taliban orchestrated recently new attacks across Afghanistan, especially in Khost. How should we react to this situation? Should we send troops back to Afghanistan to eliminate this terrorist threat?

This administration withdrew our troops at the wrong time, increasing terrorist threat due to re-emergence of the Taliban and Al Qaida in Afghanistan. To correct this situation, defeat the radical Islamic terrorism and restore security in this country, we need to launch air operations against the Taliban and Al Qaida and send military analysts there to ensure the Afghan army's readiness and to help it to develop successful strategies against the insurgents. Thanks to SWADA's creation and to India's and Pakistan's military power and support, we will defeat terrorism in this region.

-The Senate is now debating on reinforcing defense ties with India. What are the reasons why India is a very important partner for the U.S. in terms of international security?

India is a precious ally due to it's geographical standing, it's powerful military and our diplomatic and economic relations with New Delhi. We need to create an association between nations included in the Indian Sub-Continent (India, Pakistan and Afghanistan). President Clinton withdrawed our troops from Afghanistan at the wrong time, thus allowing a growing terrorist threat in the Indian Sub-Continent. After all, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India have common goals and common ennemies. Afghanistan, Pakistan and India suffered terrorist attacks and are fighting terrorism. But since many many years, India and Pakistan are facing high diplomatic tensions on religious and territorial matters. But they both successfully fought for their liberty and defeated british colonial oppression seventy years ago. So these two countries are, in some ways, brothers and they need to work together to fight and eradicate radical Islamic terrorism and make sure that Pakistani nuclear weapons don't fall in the hands of terrorists. In addition, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India, just like us are worried about the possibility of Iran getting a nuclear bomb. Support for the Iranian military nuclear among the Iranian public opinion is still strong. So, as I said, it's reason why SWADA needs to be created to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons. India also represents a political, military and economic counterweight to China. So if China pursues it's expansionist policies in the South China Sea, violating territorial integrity, stronger defense ties between the United States and India will increase pressure on Beijing through deploying more American and Indian warships, thus reinforcing security and peace by deterring China from launching military offensives against it's neighbours.

-Senator Cotton, four years ago, you said that you would support Bernie Sanders for the Democratic presidential nomination. What did you mean?

[Tom Cotton's response]

Well Tom, I don't think we should endorse neither Hillary Clinton nor Bernie Sanders because no matter it was Clinton or Sanders who won the Democratic nomination in 2016, both of their programs would have killed free enterprise, violated the American people's constitutional rights, brought economic depression through high taxes and regulations and decreased international security, all of which we can see right now with Hillary Clinton's leadership. The right thing to do of course is to support the Republican nominee to stop big government policies and ensure economic prosperity through innovation, free enterprise and energy independence, protect our constitutional rights and reinforce international security through a stronger military and stronger alliances. We have the chance to do it now and we can't afford to give Hillary Clinton four more years of deception, depression, insecurity, corruption and lies.

-In this time of economic downturn, American farmers, especially here in Iowa, are struggling to recover. What is your plan to grow American agriculture?

What we have to do is to cut taxes and abolish regulations for all our businesses, including tractor and seed companies. That way, these businesses will be able to create jobs, to innovate, to develop new technologies, to manufacture more tractors and more seeds and to help agricultural workers to fulfill their agricultural activities, thus helping Iowans and all the American people to satisfy their nutritional needs and to reduce their dependency on food stamps thanks to a stronger purchasing power and to the reduction of inflation.

In addition, free trade is a great advantage for our agriculture since, for example, American milk is twice less expansive than Canadian milk, which encourages consumers to buy more American milk than Canadian milk. Due to stronger economic and commercial partnerships with France and Germany, two of the greatest agricultural producers on the European continent, free trade with Europe will also reinforce our agricultural industry through America's ability to develop new technologies and to compete and innovate thanks to open markets and to the continual search for new markets through the expansion of free trade. Goods and services passing borders encourage new ideas and models and allow our producers to learn about the market through the failure and success of traded products. While learning more, they will be able to innovate to remain competitive and make a successful contribution to economic growth and our agricultural industry's relaunch.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on September 21, 2016, 06:00:20 AM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now : Schedule for the week of Jan. 5, 2020-Jan. 11, 2020, Part 2

January 10, 2020
-Rally at Buccaneer Arena in Des Moines, Iowa
-Agriculture policy speech at the Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden in Des Moines, IA
-Rally with Rick Santorum in Des Moines, IA :
I'm proud to endorse Marco Rubio. He is the only one who can keep us safe, defend our values and lead America to victory for the sake of prosperity and international security. Due to Angus King's candidacy, to Senator Rubio's foreign policy agenda that promotes peace through strength and to its economic agenda that will lead us to energy independence through increased oil drilling and then investment into the development of alternative energies, Marco will manage to convince Democrats and Independents to vote Republican, thus expanding our party, just like I did during the 2012 Michigan Republican primary as a blue collar conservative.

-Economic policy speech at Hy-Vee facility in West Des Moines, IA
-Fundraising event in front of Kum & Go headquarters in West Des Moines, IA
-Barnstorm in West Des Moines, IA
-Speech at Triangle Park in Waukee, IA
-Barnstorm in Waukee, IA

January 11, 2020
-Foreign policy speech at the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center in Sioux City, IA
-Speech at the Sioux City Art Center in Sioux City, IA
-Economic policy speech at Western Iowa Tech Community College Sioux City, IA
-Agriculture policy speech at the Iowa Farm Business Association in Ames, IA
-Infrastructure policy speech in Ames, IA
-Barnstorm in Boone, IA

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 22, 2016, 07:40:58 PM
Round 16 : January 12, 2020-January 18, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 22, 2016, 07:48:25 PM
New Polls

Two days from the Iowa Republican caucuses, Rubio narrowly leads Ryan by three points, which makes clear that the results in Iowa are unpredictable.

National Polls

Marco Rubio : 44 %
Paul Ryan : 34 %
Tom Cotton : 16 %
James Comey : 6 %

Iowa Polls

Marco Rubio : 37 %
Paul Ryan : 34 %
Tom Cotton : 16 %
James Comey : 12 %

New Hampshire Polls

Marco Rubio : 41 %
Paul Ryan : 29 %
James Comey : 12 %
Tom Cotton : 8 %

South Carolina Polls

Marco Rubio : 46 %
Paul Ryan : 21 %
Tom Cotton : 17 %
James Comey : 9 %

Nevada Polls

Marco Rubio : 44 %
Paul Ryan : 20 %
James Comey : 14 %
Tom Cotton : 9 %

Tennessee Polls

Marco Rubio : 35 %
Paul Ryan : 31 %
Tom Cotton : 17 %
James Comey : 14 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 23, 2016, 04:48:37 AM

Russia reinforces it's military presence in the Arctic

Russia reinforced it's military presence in the Arctic by sending more warships there. In fact, Vladimir Putin took that decision in order to claim Russia's sovereignty in the Arctic and to secure the local oil and mineral resources. As we all know, the other competitors in the Arctic are the United States (via Alaska), Canada, Denmark (via Greenland) and Norway.


Marco Rubio : South Dakota Senator John Thune, former Illinois Senator Mark Kirk, Utah Senator Mike Lee, South Carolina Senator Tim Scott

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on September 23, 2016, 05:09:21 AM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now : Schedule for the week of Jan. 12, 2020-Jan. 18, 2020, Part 1

January 12, 2020
-Speech at Cresco Community Theatre in Cresco, Iowa
-Barnstorm in Cresco, IA
-Barnstorm in Charles City, IA
-Barnstorm in Nashua, IA
-Agriculture policy speech at Seed Savers Exchange in Decorah, IA
-Meet with college voters at Luther College in Decorah, IA
-Speech at Civil War Monument in Decorah, IA
-Debate preparation
January 13, 2020
-Barnstorm in Fairbank, IA
-Barnstorm in Calmar, IA
-Barnstorm in West Union, IA
-Barnstorm in Fayette, IA
-Town hall meeting in Oelwein, IA
-Speech at Williams Center for the Performing Arts in Oelwein, IA
-Rally at the Williams Wellness Center in Oelwein, IA
-Debate preparation

January 14, 2020
-Barnstorm in Sumner, IA
-Speech at Mount Mercy University in Cedar Rapids, IA
-Rally with the voters at Junge Park in Davenport, IA
-Speech at Modern Woodmen Park, IA
-Bus trip to Des Moines, IA
-Debate preparation in the bus
-Barnstorm in Des Moines, IA
-Rally at Marco Rubio’s campaign headquarters in Des Moines to watch voting results’ development in the Iowa caucuses
January 15-18 will come after the Iowa Republican caucuses results

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 23, 2016, 05:42:31 AM

CNN America's Choice theme :

« This a CNN special programming : the Iowa Repuclian presidential caucuses. Now reporting Anderson Cooper. »

« Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I'm Wolf Blitzer and I have John King and Anderson Cooper accompanying me. Welcome to the coverage of the Iowa Republican caucuses that are announcing very hot. So I wish you will enjoy this coverage. Oh, John are you signaling the first results? »

« Yeah! It's 8 pm  and we can project that Paul Ryan is currently leading in the Winneshiek county, followed by Marco Rubio, then Tom Cotton and James Comey. »

1 % reported
Paul Ryan : 32 %
Marco Rubio : 28 %
Tom Cotton : 14 %
James Comey : 10 %

« It's 8 : 30 pm now and we can report that Paul Ryan gained the Linn County, where Cedar Rapids is locating, boosting his current lead in Iowa. »

10 % reported
Paul Ryan : 35 %
Marco Rubio : 27 %
Tom Cotton : 15 %
James Comey : 11 %

« It's 8 : 45 pm  and we can project that Marco Rubio wins the Scott County, where Davenport is locating, as well as all the counties surrounding Scott the Linn County, where Cedar Rapids is locating, boosting his current lead in Iowa. »

20 % reported
Paul Ryan : 34 %
Marco Rubio : 30 %
Tom Cotton : 16 %
James Comey : 12 %

« It's 9 pm  and we can project that Tom Cotton wins a great part of southeastern Iowa counties as well as the counties of Howard and Mitchell. »

30 % reported
Paul Ryan : 32 %[
Marco Rubio : 31 %
Tom Cotton : 18 %
James Comey : 12 %

« It's 9 : 15 pm  and we can project that Senator Rubio edges Paul Ryan after winning the Madison as well as the Dallas County, where West Des Moines, and the Polk County, location of Des Moines. »

40 % reported
Marco Rubio : 34 %
Paul Ryan : 31 %
Tom Cotton : 17 %
James Comey : 13 %

« It's 9 : 30 pm  and we can project that Rubio, Ryan and Cotton are sharing a proportional part of the counties situated in the South of Des Moines. »

50 % reported
Marco Rubio : 36 %
Paul Ryan : 33 %
Tom Cotton : 18 %
James Comey : 12 %

« It's 9 : 45 pm  and we can project that Senator Rubio triumphs in the Woodburry County and Sioux City as well as in all the neighbouring counties. »

60 % reported
Marco Rubio : 38 %
Paul Ryan : 34 %
Tom Cotton : 17 %
James Comey : 11 %

« It's 10 pm and Marco Rubio dominates in most of Northwest Iowa. »

70 % reported
Marco Rubio : 38 %
Paul Ryan : 33 %
Tom Cotton : 18 %
James Comey : 10 %

« Now is 10 : 15 pm. Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan are battling in the center of Iowa. »

80 % reported
Marco Rubio : 37,5 %
Paul Ryan : 34 %
Tom Cotton : 19 %
James Comey : 10 %

« Now is 10 : 30 pm. Marco Rubio wins most of the counties situated between Des Moines and Cedar Rapids. »

90 % reported
Marco Rubio : 38 %
Paul Ryan : 35 %
Tom Cotton : 18 %
James Comey : 9 %

« Now is 10 : 45 pm and we can project that Senator Marco Rubio wins the Iowa Republican caucuses. »

100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 37,5 %
Paul Ryan : 35,5 %
Tom Cotton : 18 %
James Comey : 9 %


Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on September 23, 2016, 08:42:54 AM
King/Ashe 2020

Taking America Back

Schedule for January 12-January 18

January 12
-Fly to California
-Rally in San Francisco, California (accompanied by Congressman Ashe)
-Speech to the Electronic Frontier Foundation
The internet is fast becoming the best way for people to communicate throughout the world. However, there are certain members of Congress who want to end net neutrality, which is absolutely insane. It's just not realistic. Internet Service Providers must be held to task and provide a stable connection for all sites.

The other reason I speak today is that the NSA is completely out of control. The Patriot Act let them so whatever they wanted. They have been spying on American citizens, which is a clear violation of the Fourth Amendment!

I feel it is my responsibility therefore, to say to people like Chelsea Manning or Edward Snowden, under a King Administration, you will be pardoned and welcomed home. Whistleblowers risk their lives to defend American values; they do not deserve to be punished for it!
-Fundraiser in Sacramento, California
-Barnstorm in Santa Clara County, California

January 13
-Fly to Ohio
-Rally in Mount Vernon, Ohio (accompanied by former Congressman Kucinich)
-Barnstorm in Union County, Ohio
-Town Hall meeting in Wilmington, Ohio. During the meeting, King expressed a desire to meet with 2016 Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson and 2016 Green nominee Jill Stein to discuss a possible Libertarian-Progressive alliance to break the two-party duopoly.
-Interview with The Young Turks' Cenk Uygur
*Uygur* You've said that you entered this year's race as an American, and not as a Democrat or a Republican. What does that exactly mean?

*King* It means that Democrats and Republicans alike are both out of touch with the modern American population. President Clinton is a Wall Street crony, and the Republicans aren't much better on that front. Look at Congress's approval rating; it's in single digits. The politicians of Washington DC are more concerned with their own interests. I'm running to give all Americans a voice, and I think that our base has a broad appeal; we've gotten support from Secretary Powell, Jesse Ventura, Ralph Nader and more.

*Uygur* What do you think of Russia's actions in the Arctic?

*King* I think we need to be cautious. While we should be wary of Russia's intentions, we should not look to try and provoke Putin any further

January 14
-Fly to Massachusetts
-Rally in Boston, Massachusetts with Sen. Elizabeth Warren
4 years ago, I, like Mayor de Blasio supported President Clinton. Instead of holding true to her promises, she has led us further down a neoliberal path. Senator King is the only choice for progressives and liberals this election!
-Rally in Cambridge, Massachusetts
-Barnstorm in Norfolk County, Massachusetts
-Barnstorm in in Plymouth County, Massachusetts with Sen. Warren

January 15
-Fly to Washington state
-Rally in Seattle, Washington with Governor Inslee and Mr Krugman. Inslee and Krugman gave full-throated endorsements of the independent Maine Senator, with Krugman blasting Clinton over her economic policies, labeling her a "person who willingly and joyfully sells out to Wall Street"
-Barnstorm in Pierce County, Washington
-Barnstorm in Thurston County, Washington
-Meet with college voters at Washington State University. King had his most successful college meeting here, signing up many campaign volunteers.

January 16
-Fly to Pennsylvania
-Rally in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with former Secretary Robert Reich and President of the National Education Association, Lily Eskelsen Garcia. Reich hit the same notes as Krugman did the day before, hammering Clinton on her ties to Wall Street. Garcia chose to slam Clinton for failing to make the minimum wage a living wage and her ties to "school-killing Wall Streeters"
-Build campaign infrastructure in Pennsylvania

January 17
-Senatorial duties

January 18
-National campaign organization (with the aid of all surrogates)
-Fly to Maine
-Attend a "Taking America Back" public dinner hosted by former Governor John Baldacci

Tim Ashe, apart from events mentioned above, will be campaigning heavily in Indiana and Wisconsin with Trumka, once again touting King's pro-union stance

Surrogate schedule

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard will campaign in Georgia, emphasizing her military service and her subsequent support of Sen. King. She will also give an interview to CNN's Wolf Blitzer about the similarities between Sen. Sanders' 2016 campaign and King's 2020 campaign

Former Governor Jesse Ventura will be campaigning in Colorado and Nevada, with emphasis on King's civil libertarianism

Businessman Bill Gates will be campaigning in Arizona and New Mexico

De Blasio and Powell will continue campaigning together, this time hitting Michigan, Vermont (with Sen. Sanders) and New York

Senator Bernie Sanders will be campaigning in Vermont (with Powell and de Blasio), Rhode Island and Delaware

Former Vice President Al Gore and Former Senator Tom Daschle will be campaigning in Florida, Arkansas and South Carolina

Michael Lewis and Steve Eisman will be campaigning in Washington, Oregon and California, touting King's opposition to corporate influence of the political process

Former Governor John Baldacci will be campaigning in all New England states and host a "Taking America Back" public dinner on the 18th. Admission is free to all campaign volunteers, children under 25 and adults over 50. Price of admission for all others is $2.00. All food is free of charge.

Ralph Nader will be campaigning heavily in New York

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 23, 2016, 11:37:18 AM
Republican Presidential Primaries, 2020 - Map and Delegate count


Marco Rubio : 11 delegates
Paul Ryan : 9 delegates
Tom Cotton : 5 delegates
James Comey : 3 delegates

1219 delegates needed to win the nomination

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Kingpoleon on September 23, 2016, 03:09:34 PM
Ashe advises King to consider the following in private:

Other potential SCOTUS/Attorney General/Solicitor General nominees:
Potential Libertarians
Warren Redlich
Chris Marrou(Age: 72 on Nov. 12, 2020)
Nicholas Sarwak
Justin Amash

Potential Greens/Justice:
Rocky Anderson(68 Jan. 2020)
David Cobb(56 Jan. 2020)

Other people who may be appointed to Cabinet and maybe SCOTUS:
Ben Chipman, John Eder, Luis Rodriguez, John Moore, Evan McMullin, David French, Mark Madsen, James Hahn, Kelley Paul, Thomas Massie, Chris Gibson, David Brat

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on September 23, 2016, 08:03:30 PM
Marco Rubio's victory speech in Iowa


Thank you my friends! Thank you Iowa! Four years ago, we made a surprising performance in this state where they said we had no chance because my hair weren't gray enough. But four years later now in 2020, I have all the right experience to lead this country. And now in 2020, we can't afford to give Hillary Clinton four more years of depression, division, big government, economic downturn, international insecurity and division. Iowa has sent a clear message : time has come to change leadership in the White House in order to bring prosperity, leadership and security in this country once and for all to get America back on track. Iowa supported my agenda and I take the pledge to accomplish it as President of the United States! Time has come to stand with our allies, to modernize our military, to fight our ennemies until we get victory and to embrace free market policies in order to make sure we get energy independence for every single American,  to make our businesses competitive, to ensure the success of our students in the best schools in the world, to balance budget and to ensure massive job creation, thus bringing permanent prosperity and permanent peace. Thank you and God Bless America!

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on September 24, 2016, 03:55:58 AM
While they may be political opposites and rarely agree on issues, Senator King congratulates Senator Rubio on his victory in the Iowa Caucuses, and looks forward to a lively campaign against him.

"We may be opposites in every single way, shape and form to each other, but is there a reason we can't be civil?"

-King, on why he congratulated Rubio.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on September 24, 2016, 07:47:23 AM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now : Schedule for the week of Jan. 12, 2020-Jan. 18, 2020, Part 2

January 15, 2020

-Flight to Manchester, New Hampshire
-Speech at the Southern New Hampshire University in Manchester, NH
-Meet with college voters at Springfield College Manchester in Manchester, NH
-Economic policy speech at the Segway PT headquarters in Manchester, NH
-Fundraising event at City Hall Plaza in Manchester, NH
-Rally in Manchester with New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu :
Marco Rubio will keep the American Dream alive by reforming our immigration system, by fixing our education system to make it more accessible to the American people, by getting us energy independence to allow us to develop alternative energies, by making American businesses competitive, by cutting taxes for all Americans including the middle class, by standing with our precious allies and by modernizing our military. He has both the right economic background and the right foreign policy background to lead our nation to success, security, victory and unity.
-Bus trip to Nashua, NH
-Debate preparation

January 16, 2020
-Debate preparation
-Barnstorm in Nashua, NH
-Economic and energy policy speech at the Seabrook Nuclear Power plant in Seabrook, NH
-Bus trip to Goffstown, NH
-Debate preparation for all afternoon
-Marco Rubio debates with Paul Ryan, Tom Cotton and James Comey at the Saint Anselm College in Goffstown, NH

January 17-18 will come after the debate

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 24, 2016, 12:41:23 PM
Sixth Republican primary presidential debate at Saint Anselm College in Goffstown, New Hampshire


Date : January 16th, 2020

Participants : Florida Senator Marco Rubio, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton, Former FBI Director James Comey

Host : Fox News

Moderators : Chris Wallace, Megyn Kelly and Bret Baier


Podium order was determined by the average of the national polls since the beginning of January :

Cotton    Rubio    Ryan    Comey

Segments : Economy, job creation,

The Star-Spangled Banner, the United States' National Anthem sung by Britney Spears


-Opening statements

-Gentlemen, as we all know, the New Hampshire primary is one the main contests in the Republican presidential primary race where Independent voters are eligible to select the Republican presidential nominee. President Clinton's leadership seems to have angered many Independents, Angus King King seems to be dividing the liberal vote and many Democrats including Al Gore, Joe Lieberman, Tom Daschle, Gary Locke, etc., deserted the Democratic Party to endorse Angus King or one of the four of you. Do you expect Independent participation to the New Hampshire Republican primary to be higher in 2020 than ever before?

-What is your plan to develop renewable energies?

-How do you intend to secure the United States' territorial claims in the Arctic and the local oil and mineral resources against Russia?

-Once you will have balanced the budget as President what do you intend to do with future budget surplus?

-Senator Rubio, you claimed that free trade with the European continent will be a great advantage for both the United States and Europe. How do you explain that?

-Speaker Ryan, eight years ago, Mitt Romney, one of our nation's main businessmen and job creators selcted you as your running mate and emphasized his two presidential campaigns in 2008 and 2012 on his business experience to demonstrate his economic credentials and ability to ensure permanent job creation during a time of economic crisis. Do you believe that Mitt Romney's business experience will play a great role in your economic agenda and how will it help you to create jobs?

-Director Comey, recently Angus King unveiled his presidential program that includes closing offshore tax havens. Do you agree with that?

-Senator Rubio, during an interview with Bill O'Reilly, you said that despite the fact that Illinois has not voted Republican since almost three decades, the Republican Party has now a decent opportunity to win this Democratic stronghold in 2020 due to economic conditions. What did you mean?

-As we all know, China, second worldwide economic power, vows to surpass us as the status of greatest economic power of the world. How do you intend to compete with China economically and to make sure that the United States of America will keep their status as the first greatest economic power in the world?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on September 24, 2016, 02:18:04 PM
Marco Rubio debate answers, Part 1

-Opening statements

Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Over the last twelve years, our economy has weakened, which killed millions and millions of good-paying jobs in this country. It's due to big government spending, high taxes and regulations that triggered our businesses' and energy industries' decline and to President Clinton's protectionist policies. One of the  reasons why I won the Iowa caucuses is that I gave a ambitious plan to relaunch our agricultural industry. The CTA named me Innovation Policy Ninja because I'm a champion of innovation. As a son of immigrants, I lived the American Dream, a symbol of freedom, hope and success. As a member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, I know how the economy and job creation work. Thanks to my 8 point plan that will cut taxes for all Americans, including from the middle class, champion small, middle and big business, give us energy independence through increased oil drilling and investment into the development of renewable energies, expand free trade, reform our education system, balance the budget, fix our immigration system and invest into the development of infrastructures after budget balance, we will create 20 million jobs in the next eight years and the United States of America, the land of opportunity, will be prosperous again and remain the hope of the Earth.

-Gentlemen, as we all know, the New Hampshire primary is one the main contests in the Republican presidential primary race where Independent voters are eligible to select the Republican presidential nominee. President Clinton's leadership seems to have angered many Independents, Angus King King seems to be dividing the liberal vote and many Democrats including Al Gore, Joe Lieberman, Tom Daschle, Gary Locke, etc., deserted the Democratic Party to endorse Angus King or one of the four of you. Do you expect Independent participation to the New Hampshire Republican primary to be higher in 2020 than ever before?

I believe it's going to be higher than usual. Angus King's candidacy as well as Hillary Clinton's disapointment put many Democrats at crossroads and they don't recognize themselves inside the Democratic Party. I believe that a higher number of Independents voting during the NEw Hampshire Republican primary brings more electoral diversity and a greater electoral diversity in the New Hampshire Republican primary is a good thing for democracy. As Americans, we need to offer these Democrats and Independents at crossroads an alternative to Hillary Clinton's failure and to Angus King's agenda promoting the continuation of Clinton's failed economic policies. I'm proposing to invest into renewable energy development thanks to revenues obtained from increased oil drilling. I promote peace through strength, which will reduce the necessity of declaring total war against Iran and North Korea, though these options should not be ruled out. This message will seduce Republicans, Democrats and Independents who are tired of being hopeless and of seing their country declining through economic downturn. That's how I got endorsements from many liberals and independents like Joe Lieberman, Heidi Heitkamp, Michael Bloomberg, Gary Locke, Jim Webb, Lincoln Chafee, etc. The American people wants change. We need to give it hope if we want our people to be safe, to prosper and to live better lives. That's why I believe Independent participation in the New Hampshire Republican primary will break records because if I'm the nominee we will be the party of the future, of opportunity and security.

-What is your plan to develop renewable energies?

We first have to clinch energy independence through increased oil drilling and production, which will reduce our dependence on foreign oil, boost America's automobile industry and deprive terrorists and dictarors in the Middle East of providing money from oil imports. Energy independence will also bring massive job creation in America and give us enough funds, which a part will be invested into the development of alternative and renewable energies, especially nuclear, solar, wind and hydrolelectricity, which will allow us to create jobs and to reduce our ecological footprint. The Energy Information Administration reported that New Hampshire's energy consumption and per capita energy consumption are among the lowest in the country. We need to increase it if we want to create new jobs. New Hampshire represents a perfect example of this desire to develop the electric industry since the Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant is the largest nuclear reactor in New England and provides about 30 % of New Hampshire's electricity. I have a plan to boost our electric industry as well as our nuclear industry. I support an expansion of the Quebec–New England Electric Power Transmission (also called Northern Pass Transmission) to create new American jobs and develop new electric technologies that will help us creating more jobs. I will also, as President of the United States, in the World Economic Forum in Davos (Switzerland) woo French investors with electric industry skills in order to help our electric and nuclear industries growing thanks to nuclear technologies adopted by France, one of our greatest partners and one of the greatest electric powers in the world. French President Alain Juppé's expertise into this domain due to his experience as Minister of Ecology and Sustainable represents a great opportunity for us into such a partnership with France. That way, not only new American jobs will be created, but more Americans will have access to electricity.

-How do you intend to secure the United States' territorial claims in the Arctic and the local oil and mineral resources against Russia?

What we have to do is to double permits on federal and private lands, which will allow oil companies to implement around this region, especially on Alaskan Northern and Western coasts as well as on the Beaufort Sea and the Bring Sea. By sending patrol ships, we will ensure our sovereignty on these lands. By increasing the number of oil platforms and by encouraging the manufacturing of underwater tankers, we will be able to exploit the Artic's oil reserves without risking of hurting the environment. In addition, it will also make us able to exploit Artic's mineral resources. We need to secure these lands before Russia does for to ensure our country's security, prosperity and energy independence.

-Once you will have balanced the budget as President what do you intend to do with future budget surplus?

When the budget will be balanced under my presidency, we will invest a part of budget surpluses into the development of our infrastructures, which will improve transportation, facilitate our economic activities all across the country and make sure that new businesses will be able to implement here in the United States, which will help our  business owners and business owners to ensure the expansion of their companies, to prosper, to create jobs, to innovate and to reinforce their competitiveness. Another part of future budget surpluses will also be invested to pursue further improvement and modernization of our military equipment and arsenal, which will make our military much more ready and reinforce peace and security all around the world through fighting and defeating terrorism and all dictatorial regimes supporting terrorism. That way, the U.S. military will remain the most powerful military in the world and by standing with our allies, we will force Russia and China to cease their expansionist and agressive policies against our allies, which will reinforce territorial integrity as well as international peace. That's why we absolutely need to balance the budget if we want to reduce our deficit and to clear a path to peace and economic prosperity.

-Senator Rubio, you claimed that free trade with the European continent will be a great advantage for both the United States and Europe. How do you explain that?

Due to Brexit, oil prices raised in the European Union since the United Kingdom was the greatest oil producer in the EU. In addition, the whole world, including America and Europe, are hurt by the worldwide economic downturn. The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership's (TTIP) ratification with the European Union, we will ease Brexit economic effects, firstly due to reduced tariffs, which will decrease the cost of exporting and importing. My energy plan will make sure that we'll get energy independence, reduce oil prices in America, which will increase our taxpayers' purchasing power, boost our automotive industry through the increase of American car manufacturing and lower the cost of buying American cars, which will result to the bought of more American cars here and abroad, including in the EU. So it will encourage the EU to import more American oil and gas, which will reduce oil prices in the EU and increase local consumers' purchasing power thanks to a greater access to American markets. Free trade will bring great benefits for both America's and Europe's economies. In addition, since we are the fourth viticultural producer in the world, we can, thanks to free trade, compete more effectively with French, Spanish and Italian viticultural markets. TTIP will also allow us to develop alternative energies as well as industries specialized in this sector, which will help us to create jobs, to protect the environment and to innovate.

-Speaker Ryan, eight years ago, Mitt Romney, one of our nation's main businessmen and job creators selcted you as your running mate and emphasized his two presidential campaigns in 2008 and 2012 on his business experience to demonstrate his economic credentials and ability to ensure permanent job creation during a time of economic crisis. Do you believe that Mitt Romney's business experience will play a great role in your economic agenda and how will it help you to create jobs?

[Paul Ryan's response]

-Director Comey, recently Angus King unveiled his presidential program that includes closing offshore tax havens. Do you agree with that?

[James Comey's response]

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on September 24, 2016, 02:19:10 PM
Marco Rubio debate answers, Part 2

-Senator Rubio, during an interview with Bill O'Reilly, you said that despite the fact that Illinois has not voted Republican since almost three decades, the Republican Party has now a decent opportunity to win this Democratic stronghold in 2020 due to economic conditions. What did you mean?

Well first of all Chris, the strongest Republican electoral performance in Illinois since 1988 was in 2004 when John Kerry won this state over George W. Bush by only 10 points (54 % for Kerry over Bush's 44 %). Now that Barack Obama (who was Illinois Senator before becoming president) is no longer running, that Hillary Clinton is now very unpopular, I believe we can make breakthroughs in Illinois. All my career, I demonstrated  my ability to win among Hispanics whether it's during my two Senate races in 2010 and 2016 or my 2016 campaign for the Republican presidential nomination. I understand the Hispanic community's concerns since I am from this community, which will help us winning in states where Hispanics represent an important portion of the population, including Illinois (where Hispanics represent over 16 % of this state's population). While Angus King took many liberal support away from Hillary Clinton, it reduces Clinton's lead in some Democratic strongholds, including Maine and Illinois. 7,8 % of the American people are unemployed and they are desperate to find good-paying jobs. We need to open our party to all the American people, which requires offering liberals and Independents a path to America's economic prosperity. And I do so by proposing to increase oil drilling and production, which will help us to create jobs, to boost our automobile industry, to clinch energy independence and to get revenues that will be invested into the development of alternative energy. So this agenda will be good for both our economy and the environment. Illinois is in the top 10 coal producing states and that oil is one of this state's' main sources of energy, I think I will be able to convince the people of Illinois that my energy plan will bring positive economic and environmental results and make sure that some Great Lakes cities like Chicago won't suffer a bankruptcy like Detroit did. In adition, I seek promote peace through strength by reinforcing and expanding our alliances around the world  as well as reinforcing our military presence in strategic zones. That way, there will be no need to trigger military action against Iran and North Korea, which will maintaininternational peace, stability and security.

-As we all know, China, second worldwide economic power, vows to surpass us as the status of greatest economic power of the world. How do you intend to compete with China economically and to make sure that the United States of America will keep their status as the first greatest economic power in the world?

If we want our country to remain the first worldwide economic power, we need to reinforce free trade with our allies. Latin America represents a great opportunity for us since it's economy is as big China's. So free trade with Latin America will allow us to counter China's trade power. The Trans-Pacific Partnership will give us the status of competitors in such a dynamic region like East Asia, create economic partnership between the United States and China's traditional trade partners and allow us to innovate and to improve our relations with local nations. This capacity comes from open markets and from the continual search for new markets through the expansion of free trade. By reducing tariffs, our products will be less expansive, which will increase foreign consumers' access to our markets. Also, like I said, getting energy independence by increasing oil drilling will make our cars less expansive than Asian cars and encourage consumers here and in the rest of the world to buy more American cars, which will help us growing our economy.

We also have to promote school choice, which will cost  families less and produce higher outcomes compared to public education. It will grant parents the power to orientate their children out of poorly-performing schools assigned by zip code and look for better education elsewhere. It will expand opportunities for low-income students to attend high-quality schools that would otherwise be accessible only to higher-income families. China & India graduate more science & engineering PhDs, which is boosting their innovation knowledge faster than ours, boosting their industries and helps them creating much more new businesses than we do. So we need to increase education funding to make it easier to create the jobs of tommorow and help students studying in business administration or in engeneering to create, open and developp new businesses that will create more jobs thanks to increased knowledge.

By cutting taxes for all the American people and for businesses, we will increase our people's purchasing power, stop our companies' offshoring abroad and reinforce our businesses' capability to grow, to expand, to innovate, to produce and to create good-paying jobs here in America.

That's how the United States of America will keep their status as the first worldwide economic power.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on September 25, 2016, 12:13:46 AM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now : Schedule for the week of Jan. 12, 2020-Jan. 18, 2020, Part 3

January 17, 2020
-Meet with college voters at Franklin Pierce University in Concord, New Hampshire
-Social security policy speech at Lincoln National Corporation facility in Concord, NH
-Speech at the Pierce Manse in Concord, NH
-Speech at the McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center in Concord, NH, about Rubio's space plan's benefits for American patriotism and the U.S. economy
-Fundraising event at the Capitol Center for the Arts in Concord, NH
-Bus trip to Rochester, NH
-Advertisement filming
-Town hall meeting at the Rochester Public Library in Rochester, NH
January 18, 2020
-Fundraising event at Rochester Opera House in Rochester, NH
-Speech at Roger Allen Sports Facility in Rochester, NH
-Meet with the voters at Spaulding High School in Rochester, NH
-Speech at Rochester Historical Society Museum in Rochester, NH
-Advertisement filming
-Rally with Joe Lieberman at Pease Air National Guard Base, NH :
I endorse Marco Rubio because unlike Hillary Clinton and Angus King he will use all the necessary arsenal, strength, troops and alliances to defeat international terrorism, to keep Iran and North Korea from pursuing their nuclear programs and to stop Vladimir Putin's expansionist and dishonest policies. That way, all the American people will be safe here and abroad and freedom and justice will be saved.

I also support Senator Rubio for president because he wants to work with both Republicans and Democrats. That's partisanship. He will lead us to energy independence by reinforcing oil drilling and reduce our ecological footprint by investing into the development of alternative energies through revenues from oil production. He will also invest a part of future budget surplus in the development of infrastructure, which will make our companies more competitive and more dynamic, thus ensuring innovation and further job creation.

That's why Marco Rubio will be President for ALL Americans.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 25, 2016, 07:07:29 PM
Round 17 : January 19, 2020-January 25, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 25, 2016, 07:18:15 PM
New Polls

Two days from the New Hampshire Republican primaries, Florida Senator Marco Rubio dominates in the New Hampshire polls by leading Speaker of the House Paul Ryan by 11 points. The four Republican presidential candidates are preparing to clash again during the seventh Republican presidential primary debate that will be held in Charleston, South Carolina, on January 23 2020, 12 days before the South Carolina primary that is scheduled on the same day as the Nevada caucuses.

National Polls

Marco Rubio : 42 %
Paul Ryan : 30 %
Tom Cotton : 18 %
James Comey : 10 %

New Hampshire Polls

Marco Rubio : 43 %
Paul Ryan : 32 %
James Comey : 10 %
Tom Cotton : 10 %

South Carolina Polls

Marco Rubio : 47 %
Paul Ryan : 23 %
Tom Cotton : 19 %
James Comey : 9 %

Nevada Polls

Marco Rubio : 47 %
Paul Ryan : 22 %
James Comey : 12 %
Tom Cotton : 11 %

Tennessee Polls

Marco Rubio : 36 %
Paul Ryan : 30 %
Tom Cotton : 19 %
James Comey : 14 %

Washington Polls

Marco Rubio : 44 %
Paul Ryan : 22 %
Tom Cotton : 18 %
James Comey : 12 %

Alaska Polls

Marco Rubio : 37 %
Paul Ryan : 28 %
Tom Cotton : 19 %
James Comey : 13 %

Montana Polls

Paul Ryan : 37 %
Marco Rubio : 28 %
Tom Cotton : 21 %
James Comey : 12 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 25, 2016, 07:45:30 PM

The U.S. Navy intercepted a North Korean cargo near Singapore

Off the coast of Singapore, the United States Navy intercepted a North Korean cargo that was carrying nuclear missiles to Iran. These events increased international tensions between Western powers and Iran accused of violating the 2015 Iran deal, of seeking to threat international security (especially Israel) and of supporting terrorism. It also raised concerns about the possibility of an international crisis in the Middle East.


Marco Rubio : Former New Mexico Senator Pete Domenici, former New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte, former Republican Majority Leader in the U.S. House of Representatives Eric Cantor, former U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, former South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint

Angus King : Electronic Frontier Foundation, Edward Snowden, American Nurses Association, Service Employees' Union, The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on September 25, 2016, 08:22:57 PM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now : Schedule for the week of Jan. 19, 2020-Jan. 25, 2020, Part 1

January 19, 2020
-Bus trip to Gilmanton, New Hampshire
-Barnstorm in Gilmanton, NH
-Town hall meeting at Gilmanton Academy in Gilmanton, NH
-Speech at the Centre Congregational Church in Gilmanton, NH
-Bus trip to Littleton, NH   
-Debate preparation in the bus
-Economic policy speech at Littleton Coin Company in Littleton, NH
-Free trade policy speech at Littleton Farmers Market in Littleton, NH
-Fundraising event at Littleton Opera House in Littleton, NH
-Advertisement filming
-Debate preparation

January 20, 2020
-Barnstorm in Haverhill, NH
-Speech at Colburn Park in Lebanon, NH
-Meet with college voters at River Valley Community College in Lebanon, NH
-Advertisement filming
-Speech at Lebanon Public Library in Lebanon, NH :
New Hampshire has the reputation of being a president maker. In exactly one year, on January 20th 2021, we'll be witnessing the end of twelve years of economic stagnation or downturn, big government, international insecurity and national division. Exactly one year from now, on January 20th 2021, after I make my presidential oath and say « So help me God! », los Estados Unidos de America vamos a ganar futuro más brillante y esperanzada. We will embrace free enterprise, cut taxes for all Americans to reinforce their purchasing power, ensure America's energy independence by encouraging the exploitation of all of our resources, encourage free trade to reinforce America's competitiveness in the world economy, fix our education system to make it easier for our kids to enter the workforce, balance the budget and champion small, middle and big business. Infrastructures will be developed and expanded thanks to a part of future budget surpluses, thus improving transportation across the country and allow our businesses to remain competitive, to grow, to expand and to pursue further job creation. We will increase defense spending in order to reinforce and modernize our military, to stand with our allies, to fight and defeat terrorism and tyranny with all the necessary arsenal, troops and partnerships. This will be a future of peace, prosperity, freedom, justice and unity. So I encourage you, people of New Hampshire, to go to the polls tomorrow. Vote for the future! Thank you. God bless you all.

-Barnstorm at Park Street in Lebanon, NH
-Fundraising event at Daland Library in Mont Vernon, NH
-Barnstorm in Mont Vernon, NH
-Barnstorm in Amherst, NH
-Barnstorm in New Boston, NH
-Foreign policy speech at New Boston Air Force Station, NH, in reaction to North Korea's failed attempt to provide nuclear missiles to Iran :
Thanks to our troops' and navy's vigilance, we stopped North Korea from providing nuclear missiles to Iran. But it demonstrates clearly Hillary Clinton's naivety on national security as wells as Iran's violation to the so-called nuclear deal. There's no doubt about it : Iran still wants to threat international security by supporting terrorism, developing its nuclear program, seeking to destroy Israel and striking any of our allies standing on its way. Time has come to restore sanctions against Iran to stop Tehran from getting nuclear weapons and threatening our allies. We must also do so by creating SWADA, an intergovernmental military organization including our allies in the Middle East and in the Indian Subcontinent, to increase pressure on Iran. That's how we're going to maintain stability and peace.
-Debate preparation

January 21, 2020
-Fundraising event at the Mall of New Hampshire in Manchester, NH
-Economic policy speech at the Manchester Chamber of Commerce in Manchester, NH
-Speech at the John F. Kennedy Memorial Coliseum in Manchester, NH
-Fundraising event at the New Hampshire Institute of Art in Manchester, NH
-Barnstorm in Concord, NH
-Rally at Marco Rubio’s campaign headquarters in Concord, NH, to watch voting results’ development in the New Hampshire primary

January 22-25 will come after the New Hampshire primary results

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on September 25, 2016, 09:03:28 PM
King/Ashe 2020

Taking America Back

Schedule for January 19-January 25

January 19
-Fly to Washington
-Rally in Seattle, Washington (accompanied by Bill Gates)
-Policy Speech in Spokane, Washington: "My Benchmark Legislation"
As President, I plan to introduce what I call the Whistleblower's Legal Rights Act. This will essentially guarantee legal assistance and protection to all whistleblowers if they are found to be in line with Constitution. Many of these people have given everything in defense of American freedoms. Edward Snowden himself revealed that the US government was spying on its people. Not only was the government acting disgracefully, it was also a clear violation of the Fourth Amendment, and how many NSA people have faced charges over this? I'll give you a hint, it's the same amount of Wall Street bankers who have been charged for their roles in the 2008 Subprime Mortgage Crisis.

To President Clinton and all Republican candidates, I say this: LET SNOWDEN COME HOME!
-Build campaign infrastructure in Washington

January 20
-Watch live interview of Edward Snowden by Glenn Greenwald
*Greenwald* Do you have any thoughts on the 2020 Presidential Election?

*Snowden* Well, there's two ways this thing can go. President Clinton has made my life harder, and a Republican administration will make my life even harder. It's not just me either; having to live here in Moscow's taking a toll on Lindsay too. We want to come home more than anything, and I am prepared to face a trial if that's what's required.

*Greenwald* And what about the independent candidate, Senator Angus King?

*Snowden* King is far more credible on foreign policy than president Clinton or the Republican candidate; and I say that as a former Republican. This new legislation he's proposing is going to definitely make my life easier, as well as Lindsay's and Chelsea Manning's. He's the real deal.

*Greenwald* So you support Senator King?

*Snowden, without hesitation* Yes. I support Senator King for President. He's the only logical choice this election.
-Fly to Florida
-Rally in Miami, Florida
-Rally in Tampa, Florida
-Barnstorm in Polk County, Florida

January 21
-Fly to Pennsylvania
-Rally in Scranton, Pennsylvania. During the rally, King welcomed Snowden's endorsement, stating his immense pride in it. He once again reiterated his "Let Snowden Come Home" phrase, which has become an unofficial slogan for his campaign
-Meet with 2016 Libertarian and Green nominees Gov. Gary Johnson and Dr Jill Stein in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
-Meet with college voters at Pennsylvania State University
-Town Hall meeting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania accompanied by Tim Ashe and Robert Reich

January 22
-Fly to California
-Rally on the Golden Gate Bridge with Brian Beheldorf (EFF Board Chair), Cindy Cohn (EFF Executive Director), Mitch Kapor, John Perry Barlow and John Gilmore (EFF founders). All blasted the Republican and Democratic parties over their whistleblower policies, and repeated the phrase "Let Snowden Come Home"
-Build internet campaign infrastructure with the aid of the Electronic Frontier Foundation

January 23
-Fly to Maryland'
-Rally in Baltimore, Maryland with NAACP President Cornell William Brooks, Service Employees' Union President Mary Kay Henry and American Nurses Association President Karen Daley. All three slammed Clinton and the Republicans, with Daley stating there is no difference between them. All three ended their speeches with "Let Snowden Come Home"
-Build campaign infrastructure in Maryland

January 24
-Public video call with Edward Snowden and his girlfriend Lindsay Mills (accompanied by Tim Ashe)
*King* I am humbled by your endorsement, Mr Snowden.

*Snowden* It was a bit of a no-brainer. Your new legislation will allow us to come home.

*Mills* Yes. Clinton and Rubio will only make our lives harder. We want nothing more than to come home; we miss our families greatly.

*King* Rest assured, you will be welcomed home under a King administration.
-Continue building internet campaign infrastructure with EFF aid

January 25
-Announce east coast tour
-Meet with all surrogates to discuss national strategy
-Rally in Silver Springs, Maryland

All surrogates will be campaigning in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Wisconsin and Iowa

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 26, 2016, 05:59:27 AM


CNN America's Choice theme :

« Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to CNN's coverage of the New Hampshire Republican presidential primary, the first primary in state.  »

« It's 8 : 15 pm  and we can project that Marco Rubio leads in the Rockingham county by 14 points over Paul Ryan. »

10 % reported
Marco Rubio : 44 %
Paul Ryan : 30 %
Tom Cotton : 16 %
James Comey : 10 %

« It's 8 : 30 pm  and we can project that Marco Rubio gains the Merrimack county with 41 % of the vote followed by Paul Ryan with 30 %, Tom Cotton with 18 % and James Comey with 11 %. »

20 % reported
Marco Rubio : 42,5 %
Paul Ryan : 30 %
Tom Cotton : 17 %
James Comey : 10,5 %

« It's 8 : 45 pm  and we can report that Speaker Ryan wins the Cheshire county by five points over Rubio. »

30 % reported
Marco Rubio : 39,66 %
Paul Ryan : 33 %
Tom Cotton : 16,33 %
James Comey : 11 %

« Is now 9 pm Marco Rubio narrowly wins the Hillsborough county. »

40 % reported
Marco Rubio : 39 %
Paul Ryan : 34 %
Tom Cotton : 16,75 %
James Comey : 11 %

« Is now 9 : 15 pm Marco Rubio wins in the Strafford county. »

50 % reported
Marco Rubio : 40,2 %
Paul Ryan : 32,8 %
Tom Cotton : 16,4 %
James Comey : 11 %

« Is now 9 : 30 pm Paul Ryan wins in the Belknap county. »

60 % reported
Marco Rubio : 39,5 %
Paul Ryan : 34 %
Tom Cotton : 16,83 %
James Comey : 9,66 %

« Is now 9 : 45 pm and Marco Rubio dominates in the Sullivan county with a margin of 19 percentage points. »

70 % reported
Marco Rubio : 40,57 %
Paul Ryan : 33,14 %
Tom Cotton : 16,42 %
James Comey : 9,85 %

« Is now 10 pm. The winner in the Carrol county is Marco Rubio. »

80 % reported
Marco Rubio : 41,5 %
Paul Ryan : 32,5 %
Tom Cotton : 16,37 %
James Comey : 9,62 %

« Is now 10 : 15 pm. The winner in the Coos county is Marco Rubio. »

90 % reported
Marco Rubio : 41,33 %
Paul Ryan : 32,55 %
Tom Cotton : 16,44 %
James Comey : 9,66 %

« Is now 10 : 30 pm. Marco Rubio triumphs in the Grafton county. »

100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 41,5 % ✔
Paul Ryan : 32,4 %
Tom Cotton : 16,2 %
James Comey : 9,9 %

« Now we can project that Marco Rubio will be the winner of the New Hampshire primary, beating Paul Ryan by 9 points. »


« Here are the final results in New Hampshire : 41,5 % of the vote and 12 delegates for Marco Rubio, 32,4 % of the vote and 6 delegates for Paul Ryan, 16,2 % of the vote and 3 delegates for Tom Cotton and 9,9 % of the vote and 0 delegate for James Comey. »

New Hampshire primary
Marco Rubio : 41,5 %, 12 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan : 32,4 %, 6 delegates
Tom Cotton : 16,2 %, 3 delegates
James Comey : 9,9 %, 0 delegate

« So Wolf, Senator Rubio accomplished a performance that no single Republican presidential candidate accomplished in a Republican presidential primary race which is winning both the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary. »

« That's right Anderson. And even an official of Rubio's presidential campaign told us earlier that when Iowa Senator Joni Ernst was running for the presidency in this actual cycle, Ernst was dominating in the polls in her home state and was very likely to win Iowa. This official told us that Marco Rubio would focus more on New Hampshire than Iowa in order to win time and make sure to win New Hampshire after potentially losing Iowa, thus putting him in good shape to win the next key primaries such as South Carolina. »

« So it's similar to John McCain's strategy in 2008. »

« Exactly, but after Ernst dropped out of the race last fall, the Rubio campaign realized that it was possible to win both Iowa and New Hampshire. And that's exactly what the Florida Senator accomplished tonight. We can realize that he's totally ready to campaign in South Carolina (where he got endorsements from Senators Lindsey Graham and Tim Scott and from former Governor Nikki Haley) and Nevada (where he spent a part of his childhood and where he could get help from a massive Hispanic population, especially in Las Vegas). »

« Rubio sounds likely to considerably increase his lead since every Republican presidential candidate, in the recent history of the Republican Party, that won at least two of the first three primary contests (Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina) eventually won the nomination. But the race is not over yet. »

« So like we always say in the television series, to be continued. »

« [laughs] Yes, that's right, to be continued. So we'll see you soon in this presidential race on January 23 during CNN's moderation of the Republican presidential debate that will be hosted by Charleston, in South Carolina. We wish you good night. »

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 26, 2016, 07:15:59 AM
Republican Presidential Primaries, 2020 - Map and Delagate count


Marco Rubio : 23 delegates
Paul Ryan : 15 delegates
Tom Cotton : 8 delegates
James Comey : 3 delegates

1219 delegates needed to win the nomination

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on September 26, 2016, 07:47:22 PM
Marco Rubio's victory speech in New Hampshire

Thank you New Hampshire! This victory just got us closer to the nomination and the presidency of the United States of America!

In this time of economic depression due to Hillary Clinton's big government policies, extreme taxes and regulations and protectionism, we lost millions of jobs and some of our young people decided that America would not be the best place in the world to open a new business, which offshored businesses and jobs overseas and increased the unemployement rate. We need to embrace free enterprise and economic freedom in order to ensure massive job creation and economic prosperity for all by cutting taxes for all the American people, which will reinforce their purchasing power, clinching energy independence through increasing oil production and drilling that will get us more revenues that will be invested for renewable energy development, expanding free trade to reduce the cost of trading and to make us competitive in the world economy, making education accessible for all of our people, balancing the budget, invest a part of future budget surpluses into the development of infrastructure and championing businesses to reinforce their capacity of growing, expanding, innovating, producing and hiring.

In this time of war and growing terrorism, terrorists and all tyrannical regimes supporting terrorism are threatening international security and freedom by attacking us for what we believe. Iran and North Korea are developping their nuclear weapons and a nuclear attack from these nations would be very catastrophic and cost hundreds of thousands of lives or worse. Russia and China are pursuing their expansionist policies by deploying military troops in the territory of their neighbours to take control of these zones for economic, patriotic and territorial purposes, thus violating their neighbours' territorial integrity. We need to increase defense spending, to reinforce and modernize our military, deploy all the necessary troops and arsenal in the Middle East to fight and destroy terrorism and free Syria from Bachar el-Assad's tyranny, insanity and corruption. We need to reinforce and expand our alliances in the Middle East and the Indian Subcontinent to defeat terrorism and stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons and supporting terrorism and around the Pacific to prevent North Korea from pursuing it's nuclear program and to stop China's agression in the South China Sea. We also have to stand with Ukraine by training the Ukrainian troops and providing them all the necessary weapons and arsenal to defend their country against Russia effectively, defeat these pro-Russian terrorists supported by Vladimir Putin and taking their country and Ukraine's national resources back.

Now, time has come for us to turn the page and to engage in this fight for liberty. New Hampshire sent a message based on it's official moto : either we live free or we die. For us, the choice is very easy : living free. But to live free, we have to fight for freedom and that's what I'm going to do in the economic area and in the foreign policy area as the 46th President of the United States of America!

Let's go to South Carolina to continue this fight for freedom, justice, democracy, prosperity, security and national unity.

Thank you, God bless you, God bless New Hampshire and God bless the United States of America!

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on September 26, 2016, 08:31:10 PM
Marco Rubio's victory speech in New Hampshire

Thank you New Hampshire! This victory just got us closer to the nomination and the presidency of the United States of America!

In this time of economic depression due to Hillary Clinton's big government policies, extreme taxes and regulations and protectionism, we lost millions of jobs and some of our young people decided that America would not be the best place in the world to open a new business, which offshored businesses and jobs overseas and increased the unemployement rate. We need to embrace free enterprise and economic freedom in order to ensure massive job creation and economic prosperity for all by cutting taxes for all the American people, which will reinforce their purchasing power, clinching energy independence through increasing oil production and drilling that will get us more revenues that will be invested for renewable energy development, expanding free trade to reduce the cost of trading and to make us competitive in the world economy, making education accessible for all of our people, balancing the budget, invest a part of future budget surpluses into the development of infrastructure and championing businesses to reinforce their capacity of growing, expanding, innovating, producing and hiring.

In this time of war and growing terrorism, terrorists and all tyrannical regimes supporting terrorism are threatening international security and freedom by attacking us for what we believe. Iran and North Korea are developping their nuclear weapons and a nuclear attack from these nations would be very catastrophic and cost hundreds of thousands of lives or worse. Russia and China are pursuing their expansionist policies by deploying military troops in the territory of their neighbours to take control of these zones for economic, patriotic and territorial purposes, thus violating their neighbours' territorial integrity. We need to increase defense spending, to reinforce and modernize our military, deploy all the necessary troops and arsenal in the Middle East to fight and destroy terrorism and free Syria from Bachar el-Assad's tyranny, insanity and corruption. We need to reinforce and expand our alliances in the Middle East and the Indian Subcontinent to defeat terrorism and stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons and supporting terrorism and around the Pacific to prevent North Korea from pursuing it's nuclear program and to stop China's agression in the South China Sea. We also have to stand with Ukraine by training the Ukrainian troops and providing them all the necessary weapons and arsenal to defend their country against Russia effectively, defeat these pro-Russian terrorists supported by Vladimir Putin and taking their country and Ukraine's national resources back.

Now, time has come for us to turn the page and to engage in this fight for liberty. New Hampshire sent a message based on it's official moto : either we live free or we die. For us, the choice is very easy : living free. But to live free, we have to fight for freedom and that's what I'm going to do in the economic area and in the foreign policy area as the 46th President of the United States of America!

Let's go to South Carolina to continue this fight for freedom, justice, democracy, prosperity, security and national unity.

Thank you, God bless you, God bless New Hampshire and God bless the United States of America!

Senator King once again extends his congratulations to Senator Rubio. The King campaign looks forward to a lively election against him.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on September 27, 2016, 07:35:44 AM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now : Schedule for the week of Jan. 19, 2020-Jan. 25, 2020, Part 2

January 22, 2020
-Flight to Charleston, South Carolina
-Debate preparation on the plane
-Speech at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, SC
-Foreign policy speech at The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina, in Charleston, SC
-Advertisement filming
-Marco Rubio's presidential broadcasts a television ad slamming Paul Ryan for opposing dettering foreign arms transfers to China. The ad titled « What if we didn't act? » airs in South Carolina, Nevada and the Washington state

« What if we didn't act? » advertisement narration :

Since the last three decades, China is considerably reinforcing its military and is about to become competitive with our military. China is led by a communist and oppressive government that doesn't respect human rights and doesn't believe in free enterprise. This nation is threatening its neighbours for economic, patriotic and territorial purposes, thus violating South China Sea's territorial integrity in addition of threatening to declare war against Taiwan if this island declares its independence from China.
We have to take action to avoid any war against China. But in 2005, Paul Ryan made the wrong choice on this matter. Paul Ryan voted against deterring foreign arms transfers to China. If America decided not to deter arms transfers to Beijing, then China would have won, would already had the most powerful military in the world and would have already imposed its dominance on South China Sea and on the Pacific.
But fortunately, Senator Marco Rubio had a better record on facing China's military power. Along with Senator Edward Markey, he successfully introduced a legislation named the China Nuclear Cooperation and Nonproliferation Act of 2016, which would tighten regulations on U.S. nuclear exports to China and hold Beijing accountable for any violations of the U.S.-China nuclear cooperation agreement. Since this legislation passed into law, foreign arms transfers to China are restricted, thus weakening the potential that China would surpass us as the first worldwide military power and threat its neighbours militarily. As President of the United States, Marco Rubio will pursue this kind of leadership and keep facing China's raising military power by reinforcing our military presence on the Pacific and by creating the Pacific Treaty Organization (PTO), an intergovernmental military organization that will include America and all its allies around the Pacific in order to ensure security, freedom and peace on the Pacific.

If you want a commander in chief who will fight for you, for America's allies and for international security, Marco Rubio is the right choice.

I'm Marco Rubio and I approve this message.

-Town hall at the Waterfront Park in Charleston, SC
-Foreign policy speech at the Charleston Arsenal in Charleston, SC
-Freedom of religion speech at St. Michael's Church in Charleston, SC
-Debate preparation

January 23, 2020
-Debate preparation
-Foreign policy speech at The Battery in Charleston, SC
-Speech at the Porter-Gaud School in Charleston, SC, on Rubio's record on reforming the VA and improving American veterans' living conditions.
-Economic policy speech at Compiter Sciences Corporation facility in North Charleston, SC
-Speech about how to improve relations between the black community and the police in North Charleston, SC
-Counter-terrorism policy speech at the Charleston Air Force Base in North Charleston, SC
-Debate preparation during all the afternoon
-Marco Rubio debates with Paul Ryan, Tom Cotton and James Comey at Charleston Southern University in North Charleston, South Carolina

January 24-25 will come after the debate

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 27, 2016, 12:04:50 PM
Seventh Republican primary presidential debate at Charleston Southern University in North Charleston, South Carolina
Date : January 23rd, 2020

Participants : Florida Senator Marco Rubio, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton, Former FBI Director James Comey

Host : CNN
Moderator : John King

Podium order was determined by the average of the national polls since the New Hampshire primary :

Cotton    Rubio    Ryan    Comey

Segments : Foreign policy, social issues

CNN's America's Choice music :


-Opening statements

-Mr. Comey, under your watch as FBI Director, relations between the African-American community and the police got worse. Many unarmed black people were killed by police officers, which some of them killed African-Americans for racist reasons. Why would the American people trust you to improve relations between the police and the Black community.

-Senator Rubio, Senator Cotton and Speaker Ryan, how do you plan to improve relations between the police and the Black community?

-Senator Rubio, you pushed a legislation that passed into law and that improved social assistance provision to our veterans while Senator Cotton claimed that his experience as a military veteran would be an advantage for him to increase assistance to our veterans. Why would you assist our veterans better than Senator Cotton?

-Recently, Edward Snowden endorsed Angus King and the King's campaign adopted « Let Snowden Come Home » as an unofficial slogan for his campaign. Should Snowden come home?

-North Korea tried to provide nuclear weapons to Iran. Do you believe it's a proof that Iran effectively violated the Iranian nuclear deal? How do you intend to stop North Korea from providing weapons to Iran?

-Speaker Ryan, Senator Rubio slammed you for voting no on dettering foreign arms to China? How do you respond that?

-Senator Rubio?

-Should Japan modify its 9th amendment to develop its military arsenal in order to ensure its security and to face North Korea's nuclear threat, China's military agression and Russia's vilation to territorial integrity in the Sea of Okhotsk?

-Senator Rubio, you claimed that providing American weapons to Ukraine and other freedom fighting groupd like the Syrian Free Army would be a mutual advantage for both the United States and these allies. How do you explain this comment?

-Would Trans-Pacific Partnership's ratification reinforce democracy in East Asia?

-Would toppling Bachar el-Assad make our fight against ISIS easier?

-How do you intend to prevent further growing terrorism and wars from happening in the Middle East?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on September 28, 2016, 11:54:51 AM
Marco Rubio debate answers, Part 1

-Opening statements

We're living in a much dangerous world than ever before. Radical Islamic terrorism is reinforced, Russia is invading Eastern Europe, Iran is developping its nuclear arsenal and supports international terrorism, North Korea and China are imposing terror on the Pacific and our allies are trusting us less since Hillary Clinton demonstrated weakness when it comes to confront international terrorism and maintain international peace. We need a leader who will keep us safe with great courage and leadership. I will have the courage to combat terrorism here and all around the world whether it's through military means, material support, reinforcement of our military presence on strategic zones in the world or reinforcement and expansion of our alliances. Some dictarorial regimes like Bachar el-Assad’s are slaying their own people and are possessing chemical weapons or weapons of mass destruction, all which proves that Assad is himself a terrorist. Only freedom, democracy and justice can guarantee an effective fight against terrorism as well as peace and stability in a country like Syria. That’s how we’re going to the world safer, more prosperous and fairer than ever before.

-Mr. Comey, under your watch as FBI Director, relations between the African-American community and the police got worse. Many unarmed black people were killed by police officers, which some of them killed African-Americans for racist reasons. Why would the American people trust you to improve relations between the police and the Black community?

[James Comey's response]

-Senator Rubio, Senator Cotton and Speaker Ryan, how do you plan to improve relations between the police and the Black community?

We have to give our policemen the right training in order to make sure they will make a better job. To reduce the murdering or unfair killing of African Americans by police officers, we need to equip policemen with corporeal cameras.

Today and since a too long time, the African-American community is living unfavorable economic situation.

We need to promote school choice to give positive results for lower-income Americans : lower education costs for families, including immigrant amd minority families living paycheck to paycheck (like my family during my childhood), production of higher outcomes, in contrast to public education. It will help parents to guide their children out of poorly-performing schools assigned by zip code and grant them better education elsewhere. It will expand opportunities for low-income students—especially minorities, including African-Americans—to attend high-quality schools that would otherwise be accessible only to high-income families, thus giving them a fair chance of succeeding, entering the workforce and prospering thanks to a better education, thus helping them to earn better lives.

-Senator Rubio, you pushed a legislation that passed into law and that improved social assistance provision to our veterans while Senator Cotton claimed that his experience as a military veteran would be an advantage for him to increase assistance to our veterans. Why would you assist our veterans better than Senator Cotton?

First all, I don't doubt about Tom's willingness and ability to reform the VA. But I actually did that five years ago and I will reinforce this reform as President of the United States. My older brother Mario is a military veteran and he represents to me an example of the living conditions of our veterans. I have a clear record on improving our veterans' lives. I supported a bill that passed into law. This law empowered the United States Department of Veterans Affairs in order to care more about vets than bureaucrats. I am proud of our veterans' service for our country, for our liberty and our security. So I can promise you that our future military veterans will have access to the same services as the current veterans do. In addition, the AGREE Act that I cosponsored in 2011 provided tax credits for veterans who start a business franchise. If I'm president, I will pursue this kind of leadership for the sake of our veterans.

-Recently, Edward Snowden endorsed Angus King and the King's campaign adopted « Let Snowden Come Home » as an unofficial slogan for his campaign. Should Snowden come home?

Of course he should come home. And you know for what : to face justice. Edward Snowden stole government property, violated the Espionage Act through unauthorized communcation on national defense information and communicated classified communicationd intelligence information to an unauthorized person, thus putting many people's lives in danger because these informations could fall into the hands of anybody, including terrorists. It's wrong to blame our national security system for threatening freedom and the right of privacy. The true threat to liberty is international terrorism and thanks to a reinforced homeland security, we will prevent further terrorist attacks from happening in our country and save American lives. By fighting international terrorism militarily, we will reinforce freedom in America and abroad.

-North Korea tried to provide nuclear weapons to Iran. Do you believe it's a proof that Iran effectively violated the Iranian nuclear deal? How do you intend to stop North Korea from providing weapons to Iran?

First we have to put North Korea back on the list of nations supporting terrorism. We got to reinforce our military presence on the China Sea if we want to intercept any North Korean boat carrying weapons to Iran or any terrorist group. Finally, we need to create the Pacific Treaty Organization to stop North Korea from threatening or attacking its neighbours, supporting terrorism and providing weapons to America's and the free world's foes. That's how we will reinforce security, and peace both in the Middle East and in East Asia.

-Speaker Ryan, Senator Rubio slammed you for voting no on dettering foreign arms to China? How do you respond that?


[Paul Ryan's response]

-Senator Rubio?

Well, I don't think we should stand on the sidelines and watch our allies getting offensed by China. We can't allow an arms race to trigger on the Pacific Ocean and in East Asia, which could cause disastrous consequences on international security and peace. Mr. Speaker, if we want peace, we have to be ready for war, so we have to prevent foreign weapons to be transferred to China and make sure China doesn't surpass us as the most powerful military on Earth. I'm proud to have introduced, along with Senator Edward Markey, the China Nuclear Cooperation and Nonproliferation Act of 2016, which would tighten regulations on U.S. nuclear exports to China and hold Beijing accountable for any violations of the U.S.-China nuclear cooperation agreement. Since this legislation passed into law, foreign arms transfers to China are restricted, thus weakening the potential that China would surpass us as the first worldwide military power and threat its neighbours militarily. If we stepped aside, if we didn't act to make sure that foreign arms don't fall between Chinese hands, then China would have won, would already had the most powerful military in the world and would have already imposed its dominance on South China Sea and on the Pacific. If I'm president, we will keep deterring foreign arms transfers to China, reinforce our military presence on the Pacific Ocean and create the PTO in order to ensure freedom, peace, stability and security on the Pacific.

-Should Japan modify its 9th amendment to develop its military arsenal in order to ensure its security and to face North Korea's nuclear threat, China's military agression and Russia's violation to territorial integrity in the Sea of Okhotsk?

If Japan decides to modify this amendment, it's this country's choice. It would be a step closer to stability, peace and freedom on the Pacific Ocean, because it will deter North Korea from attacking South Korea or any of it's neighbours and pursuing the development of its nuclear arsenal, deter China from pursuing it's expansionist policies and it's military agression and possibly force Russia to recognize Japan's sovereignty on Kuril Islands. Japan is a very strategic ally on the Pacific so we have to ensure its security and to respect its decisions when it comes to international security in order to restore peace and freedom on the Pacific.

-Senator Rubio, you claimed that providing American weapons to Ukraine and other freedom fighting groupd like the Syrian Free Army would be a mutual advantage for both the United States and these allies. How do you explain this comment?

Well, by manufacturing such military arsenal and providing it to these allies, they will be able to defeat our common foes thanks to weapons from the United States, the most greatest military power in the world. It will also allow us to pursue economic growth due to revenues from arms selling to our allies in such an engagement that doesn't necessarily include a US open military engagement. We can take references to such a procedure : during World War I, we remained neutral, but we were supporting the Triple Entente by providing it weapons and food to help it to defeat the Triple Alliance, thus providing us revenues that helped our country to ensure economic growth. if we take such an engagement, we can defeat our foes without sending troops while boosting our economy.

-Would Trans-Pacific Partnership's ratification reinforce democracy in East Asia?

With its globalization effects, free trade contributed to the democratization of some countries like Indonesia in the 1990s. Globalization includes free trade and free trade includes free enterprise and economic freedom, all of which are basic elements of democracy. I believe the Transpacific Partnership will reinforce our trade relations with local countries or territories such as Taiwan. I believe this trade agreement will make sure to convince the Chinese people that if it want freedom, justice and equality, they have to embrace free enterprise and force their government to democratize this country. Because communism includes tyranny, proletariat and governemental control of the economy, which is bad for freedom. So I believe that the Transpacific Partnership will be good news for freedom and democracy in East Asia.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on September 28, 2016, 11:55:12 AM
Marco Rubio debate answers, Part 2

-Would toppling Bachar el-Assad make our fight against ISIS easier?

Absolutely! You know, Assad's tyranny incited some Syrians to radicalize and to join terrorist groups such as ISIS. There can't be peace and security in Syria without a democratic government. In addition, Russia, a great ally of Asad, led airstrikes on Syrian rebels instead of on ISIS, which demonstrates clearly that Russia is more determined about defending Assad than defeating ISIS. In addition, a few years ago, Turkey said that if we seek to overthrow Assad, it would incite Ankara to join us in our fight against ISIS by intervening militarily in Syria. So if we overthrow Assad, our fight against terrorism will be much more easy. That way, the Syrian people can finally restore it's trust toward a democratic government to defend its values, ensure security and defeat terrorism. Thanks to an increased military engagement and reinforced alliances, we will defeat Assad and ISIS.

-How do you intend to prevent further growing terrorism and wars from happening in the Middle East?

Terrorist attacks are multiplying in the Middle East, and democracy and freedom are in danger in this region. One of the main reasons why some Muslims are radicalizing and are adhering jihadism is they are living into poverty and under tyranny and are not given the necessitated opportunities to prosper and succeed. So we got to ensure the development of Middle East with a plan similar to President Kennedy's Alliance for Progress used to develop Latin America and combat communism almost sixty years ago, but we'll take the lessons of the failures of this program. The goal of my plan is to counter jihadism influence in this region. We have to build houses to give housing for all the people Middle East, hospitals to give them the health care they need, groceries to give them more access to food and schools to give them the education they need to have a successful life and to make sure Middle East's young people will be able to find economic opportunities and good-paying jobs. We also have to invest in the development of Middle East's ressources with private investors to give Middle East people access to it's own ressources, especially oil, nuclear and local agricultural products. We need to give local armed forces military training if we want security and liberty to be reinforced in this region. We also have to promote democracy there and to expand free-trade with Middle East to make America and it's companies competitive in this region and ensure job creation not only in America but also in the Middle East. By promoting free trade with Middle East, we can promote democracy and political freedom in that region through globalization, technology innovation and economic liberalization. That way, radicalization will be reduced, security and freedom will be reinforced and the Middle East will be more prosperous than ever before.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on September 28, 2016, 09:31:01 PM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now : Schedule for the week of Jan. 19, 2020-Jan. 25, 2020, Part 3

January 24, 2020
-Flight to Las Vegas, Nevada
-Economic policy speech at Neonopolis in Las Vegas, NV
-Fundraising event at the Fremont Street Experience in Las Vegas, NV
-Speech at the Desert Research Institute in Las Vegas, NV
-Fundraising event at the Golden Nugget Las Vegas in Las Vegas, NV
-Speech on the American Dream at the Smith Center for the Performing Arts in Las Vegas, NV
-Speech at the Discovery Museum in Las Vegas, NV
-Fundraising event at Stratosphere Las Vegas in Las Vegas, NV
January 25, 2020
-Fundraising breakfast with the voters at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, NV
-Immigration policy speech at Circus Circus Las Vegas in Las Vegas, NV
-Fundraising event at the MGM Grand Las Vegas in Las Vegas, NV
-Foreign policy speech at the New York-New York Hotel & Casino
-Fundraising event at Paris Las Vegas in Las Vegas, NV
-Infrastructure policy speech at Bally's & Paris station in Las Vegas, NV
-Fundraising event at Bally's Las Vegas in Las Vegas, NV
-Energy policy speech in front of Yucca Moutain :

Yucca Mountain represents a new opportunity for us to clinch energy independence, to reduce our ecological footprint, to create jobs and to give the American people a greater access to electricity by exploiting and producing nuclear energy, including here around the Yucca Mountain, for the sake of our economy and our environment.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 28, 2016, 09:57:15 PM
Round 18 : January 26, 2020-February 1, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 28, 2016, 10:08:00 PM
New Polls

After his victory in New Hampshire primary as well as his strong debate performance, Marco Rubio reinforced his status as the clear frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination. In addition, Paul Ryan and Tom Cotton are disputing the second place in South Carolina.

National Polls

Marco Rubio : 43 %
Paul Ryan : 28 %
Tom Cotton : 19 %
James Comey : 9 %

South Carolina Polls

Marco Rubio : 50 %
Paul Ryan : 21 %
Tom Cotton : 21 %
James Comey : 7 %

Nevada Polls

Marco Rubio : 50 %
Paul Ryan : 21 %
James Comey : 13 %
Tom Cotton : 12 %

Tennessee Polls

Marco Rubio : 35 %
Paul Ryan : 31 %
Tom Cotton : 21 %
James Comey : 12 %

Washington Polls

Marco Rubio : 46 %
Paul Ryan : 21 %
Tom Cotton : 17 %
James Comey : 11 %

Alaska Polls

Marco Rubio : 38 %
Paul Ryan : 27 %
Tom Cotton : 20 %
James Comey : 14 %

Montana Polls

Paul Ryan : 36 %
Marco Rubio : 29 %
Tom Cotton : 21 %
James Comey : 11 %

Arizona Polls

Marco Rubio : 48 %
Paul Ryan : 32 %
Tom Cotton : 16 %
James Comey : 4 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 29, 2016, 06:25:22 AM

Hostage taking by Somalian pirates near Socotra

Yesterday, 10 Somalian pirates took hostage the passangers of an Arabian cruise ship near Socotra, a Yemeni island. The pirates are asking a ransom of 250 million $ in exchange of the passengers' release, otherwise they would kill them. They apparently want to use this ransom to fund Al-Shabaab and Al Qaida.

Riad Mousa al-Asaad, leader of the Free Syrian Army, captured in Aleppo by Syrian armed forces

With the help of Russian airstrikes, the Syrian armed forces besieging Aleppo captured Riad Mousa al-Assad, leader of the Free Syrian Army (FSA), a rebel group that is fighting dictatorial regime of Bachar el-Assad's to restore democracy in Syria. The United States and all their Western allies denounced Russia's contribution to this capture and Assad's repression and are summon the Syrian regime to release Riad Mousa al-Assad. The leader of the FSA is imprisonned in Damascus to be judged and executed publicly. But the Syrian rebels are developing a plan to rescue their leader.


Marco Rubio : Commisoner of the Texas General Land Office George P. Bush, former U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, U.S. Nevada Congressman and 2016 nominee for Nevada Senator Joe Heck, South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster

Angus King : 2012 and 2016 Green Party nominee Dr Jill Stein, Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson, Massachusetts Senator Ed Markey, Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown, Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin, Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold, Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on September 29, 2016, 10:49:52 PM
Would we be able to get some national GE polls? Like Democrat vs Republican vs Independent?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 29, 2016, 11:17:18 PM
Would we be able to get some national GE polls? Like Democrat vs Republican vs Independent?

Good idea! I'm gonna make one now and henceforth, there will be a GE poll at every round.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on September 29, 2016, 11:31:58 PM
General Election Polls

Hillary Clinton vs Marco Rubio vs Angus King

Marco Rubio : 46 %
Hillary Clinton : 39 %
Angus King : 12 %

Hillary Clinton vs Paul Ryan vs Angus King

Paul Ryan : 44 %
Hillary Clinton : 41 %
Angus King : 14 %

Hillary Clinton vs Tom Cotton vs Angus King

Tom Cotton : 42 %
Hillary Clinton : 42 %
Angus King : 15 %

Hillary Clinton vs James Comey vs Angus King

Hillary Clinton : 46 %
James Comey : 41 %
Angus King : 13 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on September 30, 2016, 06:11:57 AM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now : Schedule for the week of Jan. 26, 2020-Feb. 1, 2020, Part 1

January 26, 2020
-Speech in front of the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada, where the 2020 Republican National Convention will be held from July 20 to July 23 :

My message during the Republican National Convention will be, notably, be that Las Vegas is a great example of the diversity of America. We are now a diverse party and I am myself an example of this and we need diversity to defeat President Clinton. We need to work together, whether or not we agree on everything, in order to win this election and bring this country back on track with a conservative agenda that will bring prosperity, security, liberty and justice back here in America. My message will be that This agenda will make sure the American Dream will be restored and that America will remain the hope of the Earth in this time of international economic stagnation and growing international threats (terrorism or oppressive regimes).

-Fundraising event at the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, NV
-Speech at Old Las Vegas Mormon State Historic Park in Las Vegas, NV
-Meet with college voters at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas, NV
-Barnstorm in North Las Vegas, NV
-Marco Rubio's presidential campaign broadcasts an T.V. ad about Rubio's plan to create economic opportunities for Hispanics. The ad titled « Hispanics for Prosperity » airs in Nevada, the Washington state, Arizona, Oklahoma, Texas and Florida both in English and Spanish.

« Hispanics for Prosperity » advertisement narration (English version) :

The Clinton Administration has been ineffective when it comes to create jobs for the American people, including Hispanics. We need to give Hispanics the opportunity to learn English while maintaining their language and cultural heritage in order to open up economic opportunities for them, because I believe we should not close these opportunities for any of our fellow citizens because their first language is another one than English. School choice will give positive results to Hispanics : lower education costs for families, including immigrant families living paycheck to paycheck, production of higher outcomes, in contrast to public education. It allow parents guide their children out of poorly-performing schools assigned by zip code and grant them better education elsewhere. It will expand opportunities for low-income students—notably minorities—to attend high-quality schools that would otherwise be accessible only to high-income families, thus giving them a fair chance of success and an easier path to the workforce.


By promoting free trade with Latin America, we will give our businesses, including Hispanic small businesses in the United States thanks to language opportunities and their fluency in Spanish and English, new opportunities to innovate, to increase their competitiveness, to get new consumers by giving them access to American products, to create jobs in our country and ensure their business' expansion here and around the world. Thanks to their bilingualism, Hispanics will be dominant among the importers, exporters, translators and executives who ensure such a cultural and commercial exchange. And like I said, our innovation and competition capacity comes from our open markets as well as our constant quest for new markets.


Thanks to my pro-growth agenda to open economic opportunities for Hispanics and create jobs for them, this large community will earn the same opportunities as any other American, because America is the land where todo es posible.

I'm Marco Rubio and I approve this message.

« Los hispanos para la prosperidad » advertisement narration (Spanish version) :

El Clinton Administración ha sido ineficaz a la hora de crear puestos de trabajo para el pueblo estadounidense, incluyendo a los hispanos. Tenemos que dar a los hispanos la oportunidad de aprender Inglés, manteniendo su lengua y su patrimonio cultural con el fin de abrir nuevas oportunidades económicas para ellos, porque creo que no debemos cerrar estas oportunidades para cualquiera de nuestros conciudadanos, ya que su primer idioma es otro que Inglés. La elección de escuela dará resultados positivos a los hispanos: los costos de educación más bajos para las familias, incluyendo las familias de inmigrantes de cheque a cheque, la producción de los resultados más altos, por el contrario viven a la educación pública. Se permite a los padres a guiar a sus hijos de las escuelas-funcionando mal asignados por el código postal y les otorgan una mejor educación en otros lugares. Se ampliará las oportunidades para los estudiantes -en particular las minorías de bajos ingresos, para asistir a escuelas de alta calidad que de otro modo sólo será accesible a las familias de altos ingresos, lo que les da una oportunidad razonable de éxito y un camino más fácil a la fuerza de trabajo.


Al promover el libre comercio con América Latina, vamos a dar a nuestros negocios, incluyendo las pequeñas empresas hispanas en los Estados Unidos gracias a las oportunidades de idiomas y su fluidez en español e inglés, nuevas oportunidades para innovar, para aumentar su competitividad, para llegar a nuevos consumidores, dando a tener acceso a los productos estadounidenses, para crear puestos de trabajo en nuestro país y garantizar su expansión empresarial 'aquí y en todo el mundo. Gracias a su bilingüismo, los hispanos será dominante entre los importadores, los exportadores, los traductores y los ejecutivos que garanticen un intercambio, cultural y comercial. Y como he dicho, nuestra capacidad de innovación y la competencia proviene de nuestros mercados abiertos, así como nuestra constante búsqueda de nuevos mercados.


Gracias a mi agenda pro-crecimiento para abrir oportunidades económicas para los hispanos y crear puestos de trabajo para ellos, esta gran comunidad ganará las mismas oportunidades que cualquier otro americano, porque Estados Unidos es la tierra donde todo es posible.

Soy Marco Rubio y apruebo este mensaje.

January 27, 2020
-Flight to Charleston, South Carolina
-Economic policy speech Detyens Shipyards in Charleston, SC
-Foreign policy speech at Fort Moultrie in Charleston, SC, in reaction to hostage taking by Somalian pirates around the African Horn :
We learned that Somalian pirates took hostage an Arabian Cruise Ship around the African Horn. These events demonstrated the clear urgency of strongly fighting international terrorism as well as piracy. It's out of the question to fund terrorism by giving it ransoms.

-Marco Rubio meets with military veterans and Marines at Joint Base Charleston where he gives a speech in reaction to Riad Mousa al-Asaad's incarceration :
That's what happens when we don't support our allies and freedom fighters militarily and materially as Hillary Clinton didn't. I hope Syrian rebels will rescue and free their leader soon enough because his execution might weaken the rebellion, reinforce Assad's oppression and make our fight against ISIS much more difficult.

-Technology policy speech at Cummins Inc. facility in North Charleston, SC
-Speech at the Greater Charleston Naval Memorial in North Charleston, SC
-Barnstorm in Georgetown, SC
-Economic policy speech at Coastal Grand Mall in Myrtle Beach, SC

January 28, 2020
-Fundraising event at the Alabama Theatre in Myrtle Beach, SC
-Economic policy speech at Myrtle Beach Mall in Myrtle Beach, SC
-Barnstorm at North Ocean Boulevard in Myrtle Beach, SC
-Bus trip to Columbia, SC
-Speech at the Columbia Museum of Art in Columbia, SC
-Meet with college voters at Benedict College in Columbia, SC, in an effort to court the African-American vote
-Health care policy speech in front of Palmetto Health Baptist Hospital in Columbia, SC
-Foreign policy speech at Memorial Park in Columbia, SC
-Town hall meeting at Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center in Columbia, SC

January 29, 2020
-Innovation policy speech at Midlands Technical College in Columbia, SC
-Counter-terrorism policy speech at Fort Jackson in Columbia, SC
-Meet with college voters at Claflin University in Orangeburg, SC
-Speech at St. Paul's United Methodist Church in Orangeburg, SC
-Economic policy speech at Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College in Orangeburg, SC
-Barnstorm in Orangeburg, SC
-Barnstorm in Allendale, SC
-Meet with college voters at the University of South Carolina Salkehatchie in Allendale, SC
-Barnstorm in Parris Island, SC

January 30, 2020
-Barnstorm in Beaufort, SC
-Barnstorm in Edgefield, SC
-Meet with college voters at Tillman Hall in Clemson, SC
-Rally at Memorial Stadium in Clemson, SC
-Economic policy speech at the International Center for Automotive Research in Greenville, SC
-Speech at Greenville Drive game in Greenville, SC
-Speech at the Greenville County Museum of Art in Greenville, SC

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on September 30, 2016, 06:18:34 AM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now : Schedule for the week of Jan. 26, 2020-Feb. 1, 2020, Part 2

January 31, 2020
-Economic policy speech at the BMW US Manufacturing Company headquarters in Greer, SC
-Barnstorm in Greer, SC
-Foreign policy speech at Daniel Morgan Monument in Spartanburg, SC
-Speech at Spartanburg Memorial Auditorium in Spartanburg, SC
-Meet with college voters at Converse College in Spartanburg, SC
-Dinner with the voters at Denny's Corporation in Spartanburg, SC
-Fundraising event at the Chapman Cultural Center in Spartanburg, SC
-Bus trip to Rock Hill, SC
-Economic policy speech at Rock Hill Galleria in Rock Hill, SC
-Rally at Andrew Jackson State Park in Rock Hill, SC
-Fundraising event at Winthrop Coliseum in Rock Hill, SC

February 1, 2020
-Economic policy speech at Manchester Village in Rock Hill, SC
-Meet with college voters at Winthrop University in Rock Hill, SC
-Foreign policy speech at Kings Mountain National military Park in Rock Hill, SC
-Bus trip to Charleston, SC
-Free trade policy speech at Columbus Street Terminal in Charleston, SC
-Rally with voters at MUSC Health Stadium in Charleston, SC
-Speech at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Charleston, SC
-Rally at Waterfront Park in Charleston, SC
-Speech at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, SC

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on September 30, 2016, 08:18:22 AM
King/Ashe 2020

Taking America Back

Schedule for January 26-February 1

January 26
-Fly to New Mexico
-Rally in Santa Fe, New Mexico with Former Governor and two-time Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson and two-time Green nominee Jill Stein. Both gave ringing endorsements of the Maine Senator, Johnson in particular emphasized their shared social liberalism and opposition to corporatism, while Stein praised his economic policies. The two both touted King's non-interventionist foreign policy, repeating "Let Snowden Come Home"
-Barnstorm in Sandoval County, New Mexico
-Town Hall meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico with Gov. Johnson and Dr Stein
*audience member* My question is for Governor Johnson. How can you endorse Senator King given his policy of increased market regulation?

*Johnson* An excellent question. This is an area where the Senator and I disagree; I lean towards the free market and he leans towards increased regulation. What we stand opposed to is crony capitalism and corporatism; we both believe that corporations are running our democracy; we both believe we need to restrict corporate influence on Congress. That is why I support the Senator.

*Stein* If I can just add to that, I believe that the three of us agree more than disagree on issues. We're all social liberals, so we have a lot of common ground. What Senator King is doing is building a coalition of progressives and libertarians, something which both Ralph Nader and Ron Paul have alluded to in the past. It's an alliance that will take time to build, but will be incredibly strong
-Build campaign infrastructure in New Mexico with the aid of Gov. Johnson and Dr Stein

January 27
-Fly to Wisconsin
-Rally in Madison, Wisconsin with Senators Tammy Baldwin and Russ Feingold. Both Senators slammed Clinton for failing to make good on her promises to the progressive wing, with Baldwin notably referring to her as a "Wall Street lapdog". Feingold called Clinton "a complete sellout; a person who has abandoned those who could've supported her most".
-Barnstorm in Outagamie County, Wisconsin
-Barnstorm in Dodge County, Wisconsin
-Build campaign infrastructure in Wisconsin with the aid of Sens. Baldwin and Feingold

January 28
-Fly to Ohio
-Rally in Cincinnati, Ohio with former Congressman Kucinich and Senator Sherrod Brown. Brown, in his first rally with King, instead of going on the attack, instead touted King's extensive legislative experience and progressive platform
-Meet with college voters at Ohio University. King stated his immense pride at visiting one of American's oldest universities, and had a successful day assembling teams of young volunteers.
-Continue building campaign infrastructure in Ohio, with the aid of Kucinich and Brown

January 29
-Fly to Massachusetts
-Rally in Plymouth, Massachusetts with Senators Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey. Markey, like Brown, emphasized King's progressive platform and experience, citing him as "the candidate of the grassroots"
-Continue building campaign infrastructure in Massachusetts with the aid of Sens. Warren and Markey

January 30
-Fly to Minnesota
-Rally in Saint Paul, Minnesota with Gov. Ventura and Congressman Keith Ellison. Ellison touted King's defense of minority rights and his willingness to reinstate Glass-Steagall
-Continue building campaign infrastructure in Minnesota with the aid of Ventura and Ellison

January 31
-Interview with Thom Hartmann, host of RT's The Big Picture
*Hartmann* You've gotten the recent backing of Governors Ventura and Johnson, two notable libertarians. Is this the start of something new?

*King* Hopefully so; progressives and libertarians have more in common than they realize. The only way for either of them to achieve electoral success against a corrupt two-party system is to ally, and that's what I'm doing here; building an alliance of libertarians and progressives

*Hartmann* And what about Somali pirates seizing control of the cruise ship of of Socotra Island?

*King* It's a serious matter, but one that needs to be handled delicately. Military force should only be a last resort; though I have little doubt that Republicans will use this as an excuse to raise our already bloated military budget.
-Fly to Washington
-Rally with Gov. Inslee in Tacoma, Washington
-Rally in Medina, Washington with Bill Gates
-Fundraiser in Bellevue, Washington with Gates and Inslee

February 1
-Rally in Vancouver, Washington with Tim Ashe
-Rally in Kent, Washington with Ashe, Inslee and Gates
-Record television ad "Let Snowden Come Home" (will be put up in next post)
-Build national campaign infrastructure

Tim Ashe will be campaigning in Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia all week.

Surrogate schedule

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard will be campaigning in Maryland and Pennsylvania

Former Governor Jesse Ventura will be Campaigning in Minnesota and Wisconsin

Businessman Bill Gates will be fundraising in Florida

Senator Bernie Sanders, former Secretary Colin Powell and former Mayor Bill de Blasio will be campaigning heavily in all New England states

Former Vice President Al Gore will be campaigning in Tennessee and Louisiana

Former Senator Tom Daschle will be campaigning in North and South Dakota

Author Michael Lewis and Investment Banker Steve Eisman will be focusing efforts on southern California

All major EFF personnel will be campaigning in Ohio, Indiana and Illinois

Activist Ralph Nader will be campaigning in New York and Delaware

Former Governor John Baldacci will be campaigning in Illinois

Economist Paul Krugman and former Secretary Robert Reich will be campaigning in northern California

Senator Elizabeth Warren will be campaigning in her birth state of Oklahoma'

Governor Jay Inslee will be campaigning in his home state of Washington

Lily Eskelsen Garcia (NEA), Karen Daley (ANA), Richard Trumka (AFL-CIO) and Mary Kay Henry (SEU) will be campaigning in all Rustbelt states

Cornell William Brooks (NAACP) will be campaigning in Maryland, with a focus on minority neighborhoods

Edward Snowden will be sending out tweets in support of the Senator (obviously his ability to campaign is limited, given his exile)

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on September 30, 2016, 08:41:59 AM
King/Ashe 2020 campaign advertisement

Type: Television, YouTube

To air in: All states

Title: Let Snowden Come Home

*various pictures of Edward Snowden flash on the screen while a narrator speaks* Seven years ago, Edward Snowden revealed to the world that the National Security Agency that the US government was violating the Fourth Amendment.

*Snowden* I did what I thought was necessary.

*narrator* Instead of being cheered as a hero of the Constitution, Snowden was instead forced into exile in Russia. If he returns, he faces persecution.

*Clinton, from a debate in 2016* I don't think he should come home without facing the music

*Rubio, from the seventh primary debate* Of course he should come home for one reason: To face Justice.

*Snowden* Things like this can't just be swept under the rug.

*Rubio, again from the debate* Edward Snowden stole government property and violated the Espionage Act.

*Narrator* Only one candidate this election has volunteered to stand up for Snowden and people like him

*Cut to King, standing in front of a black background, flanked by Tim Ashe* I'm Angus King, former Governor, Senator from Maine and independent candidate for President. Edward Snowden did a public service for this nation. Our government should respect the Constitution, and now they vilify the man who upheld the Fourth Amendment.

It is with great pride that I say the following words: Let Snowden come home

*cut to Tim Ashe* Let Snowden come home

*cut to Tulsi Gabbard* Let Snowden come home

*Cut to Jesse Ventura* Let Snowden come home

*Cut to Gary Johnson* Let Snowden come home

*Cut to Jill Stein* Let Snowden come home

*Cut to Bernie Sanders* Let Snowden come home

*Cut to Bill de Blasio* Let Snowden come home

*Cut to Colin Powell* Let Snowden come home

*Cut to Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey* Let Snowden come home

*Cut to Tammy Baldwin and Russ Feingold* Let Snowden come home

*Cut to Jay Inslee* Let Snowden come home

*Cut to Dennis Kucinich and Sherrod Brown* Let Snowden come home

*Cut to John Baldacci* Let Snowden come home

*Cut to Robert Reich* Let Snowden come home

*Cut to Tom Daschle* Let Snowden come home

*Cut to Al Gore* Let Snowden come home

*King, in voiceover* I'm Angus King, and I approve this message.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Kylar on October 01, 2016, 03:15:06 PM
Hi I'm Kylar Graf, I was the Columbia County WI chairperson for Ted Cruz in the 2016 Election.
Can I make a late entry into this game?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 01, 2016, 04:03:06 PM
Hi I'm Kylar Graf, I was the Columbia County WI chairperson for Ted Cruz in the 2016 Election.
Can I make a late entry into this game?

Ted Cruz is already endorsing Marco Rubio.

But if you want to play a role in this game, you could, for example, entry as the Republican vice-presidential nominee a few weeks before the 2020 Republican National Convention that will be held from July 20 to July 23, just as Kingpoleon is doing as Tim Ashe, the Independent V.P. nominee.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Kylar on October 01, 2016, 04:19:11 PM
It is no joke that I was his chair :) sorry if this comes off as coarse I am trying to be a friendly sort :)
and sure I can be the VP nominee-who will I be :) ?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 01, 2016, 05:21:29 PM
It is no joke that I was his chair :) sorry if this comes off as coarse I am trying to be a friendly sort :)
and sure I can be the VP nominee-who will I be :) ?

It depends on who will win the Republican nomination. Even if they know who they will select as their running mate, each of the Republican presidential candidates will unveil their list of potential running mates in order to maintain the suspense until the few weeks preceding the Republican Convention. So I will tell all the guys playing the Republican presidential candidates to send you private messages to tell you who they will select as their running mate if they become the Republican presidential nominee.

Do you know where to consult your private messages on this website?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on October 01, 2016, 06:35:17 PM
It is no joke that I was his chair :) sorry if this comes off as coarse I am trying to be a friendly sort :)
and sure I can be the VP nominee-who will I be :) ?

It depends on who will win the Republican nomination. Even if they know who they will select as their running mate, each of the Republican presidential candidates will unveil their list of potential running mates in order to maintain the suspense until the few weeks preceding the Republican Convention. So I will tell all the guys playing the Republican presidential candidates to send you private messages to tell you who they will select as their running mate if they become the Republican presidential nominee.

Do you know where to consult your private messages on this website?

I had a thought: Maybe he could jump in as a compromise candidate at the Convention?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 01, 2016, 06:41:40 PM
It is no joke that I was his chair :) sorry if this comes off as coarse I am trying to be a friendly sort :)
and sure I can be the VP nominee-who will I be :) ?

It depends on who will win the Republican nomination. Even if they know who they will select as their running mate, each of the Republican presidential candidates will unveil their list of potential running mates in order to maintain the suspense until the few weeks preceding the Republican Convention. So I will tell all the guys playing the Republican presidential candidates to send you private messages to tell you who they will select as their running mate if they become the Republican presidential nominee.

Do you know where to consult your private messages on this website?

I had a thought: Maybe he could jump in as a compromise candidate at the Convention?

You mean if the Convention is brokered?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 01, 2016, 06:47:49 PM
Round 19 : February 2, 2020-February 8, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 01, 2016, 07:09:05 PM
New Polls

Two days from the South Carolina Primary and the Nevada caucuses, Senator Marco Rubio maintains his lead in both of these states. Tom Cotton edges Paul Ryan for the second place in South Carolina.

Republican National Polls

Marco Rubio : 44 %
Paul Ryan : 27 %
Tom Cotton : 20 %
James Comey : 8 %

South Carolina Polls

Marco Rubio : 48 %
Tom Cotton : 22 %
Paul Ryan : 21 %
James Comey : 8 %

Nevada Polls

Marco Rubio : 52 %
Paul Ryan : 21 %
James Comey : 12 %
Tom Cotton : 11 %

Tennessee Polls

Marco Rubio : 37 %
Paul Ryan : 32 %
Tom Cotton : 22 %
James Comey : 9 %

Washington Polls

Marco Rubio : 47 %
Paul Ryan : 22 %
Tom Cotton : 16 %
James Comey : 10 %

Alaska Polls

Marco Rubio : 39 %
Paul Ryan : 27 %
Tom Cotton : 21 %
James Comey : 12 %

Montana Polls

Paul Ryan : 37 %
Marco Rubio : 28 %
Tom Cotton : 20 %
James Comey : 11 %

Arizona Polls

Marco Rubio : 51 %
Paul Ryan : 30 %
Tom Cotton : 15 %
James Comey : 4 %

General Election Polls

Hillary Clinton vs Marco Rubio vs Angus King

Marco Rubio : 47 %
Hillary Clinton : 40 %
Angus King : 13 %

Hillary Clinton vs Paul Ryan vs Angus King

Paul Ryan : 42 %
Hillary Clinton : 40 %
Angus King : 16 %

Hillary Clinton vs Tom Cotton vs Angus King

Tom Cotton : 44 %
Hillary Clinton : 43 %
Angus King : 13 %

Hillary Clinton vs James Comey vs Angus King

Hillary Clinton : 46 %
James Comey : 40 %
Angus King : 14 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 02, 2016, 05:22:16 AM

ISIS strikes in India

ISIS orchestrated a car bomb attack at Indira Gandhi International Airport in  New Delhi, killing 31 people and wounding 50 people. The two terrorists implicated in this attack died in the explosion. Many solidarity campaigns created the slogan « We are New Delhi! ». The Indian Government is preparing to take action against ISIS.

Riad Mousa al-Asaad is released by his companions

Yesterday, a group of 100 rebels led a secret mission during the night in Damascus to release their leader Mousa al-Asaad. While they entered the Damascus' prison, many people herd a shootout from this building. The rebels killed 40 policemen and 22 soldiers before and lost 31 fighters during the operation before they successfully released al-Asaad and escaped. These events seem to give hope to the Syrian rebels and to the potential of Syria's democratization.

Hostages released around the African Horn

Somalian, Arabic and Yemeni navies led a successful rescue operation to release hostages detained by 10 Somalian pirates during almost a week. These terrorists were asking 250 million $ for the release of these hostages apparently to fund Al Qaida's and Al-Shabaab's terrorist activities. But fortunately, the Arabic, Yemeni and Somalian armies killed 7 pirates and captured the 3 surviving terrorists during the attack while losing 3 soldiers and while 6 hostages died. All the other hostages are saved and are happy to meet their families again.


Marco Rubio : Former New York City Mayor and 2008 Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani, former New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez, U.S. Congresswoman Mia Love, former U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Arizona Senator Jeff Flake, Tennessee Senator Lamar Alexander

Angus King : Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett, Comedian Bill Maher, Journalist Ed Schultz, Massachusetts Governor Joe Kennedy

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 02, 2016, 05:50:35 AM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now

Schedule for the week of Feb. 2, 2020-Feb. 8, 2020, Part 1

February 2, 2020
-Barnstorm in Summerville, South Carolina
-Economic policy speech at Mount Pleasant Towne Centre in Mount Pleasant, SC
-Speech at Boone Hall in Mount Pleasant, SC, in reaction to Riad Mousa al-Asaad's release :
Riad Mousa al-Asaad's release represents good news for the Syrian rebellion, for democracy, for justice and for security. When I'm President of the United States, we will materially and militarily support the Syrian rebellion to help it fighting ISIS and the Assad regime. It's the only way to bring peace in this country. ISIS terrorists will be surrounded by our troops and our allies' troops and be forced to divide their forces to defend all the corners of their turf, thus weakening their defenses and make it easier for us to eliminate them or force them to surrender. We will then find ISIS' leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and kill or capture him, and justice will be done.

-Speech at Patriots Point Naval & Maritime Museum in Mount Pleasant, SC, in reaction to ISIS' terrorist attack in New Delhi :

India suffered the worst terrorist attack in its history since the 2008 Mumbai attacks. So I want us to demonstrate solidarity with such a great ally like India. « We are New Delhi! » We must not stand in the sidelines, we must not surrender to terrorism. Hillary Clinton withdrew from this fight against terrorism. If I'm President, we will reengage into this crusade. With the help of our allies, we will fight and defeat ISIS in Syria and Iraq through increased military engagement. Through drones, airstrikes and the creation of SWADA, we will destroy ISIS and Al Qaida. Despite their differences, India and Pakistan will be great partners in SWADA because they both suffered colonial domination as British colonies and they now have common goals : fighting terrorism. It's only by working together, not by fighting against each other among our allies, that we will accomplish our goals, reinforce security and save freedom and justice.

-Rally in Charleston with South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham :

Marco Rubio has the best foreign policy background and experience to keep us safe. Thanks to his leadership and courage, we will defeat ISIS and Al Qaida in the Middle East by sending more troops, reinforcing and expanding our strategic alliances. We will stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons thanks to the creation of SWADA and the establishment of anti-missile shields That's how we will bring security, freedom and justice in this region. President Rubio will defeat terrorism in Africa through intelligence missions and the provision of material support and military training to the armies of African countries in throes of terrorism. By reinforcing our military presence on the Pacific and creating Pacific Treaty Organization (PTO), we will deter arms transfers to China, stop China's military agression, prevent North Korea from pursing its nuclear program and destroy Abu Sayyaf. Through economic and diplomatic sanctions, material and military support to Ukrainian armed forces and reinforcement of our military presence in the Black Sea, we will stop Russia's agression against Ukraine and all of our Eastern European allies, defeat the pro-Russian terrorist insurgency and give Ukraine back to Ukrainians. Marco will be the best national security defender since Ronald Reagan and that's why I will help him to win our party's nomination and then the presidency of the United States of America.

-Town hall meeting at the Gibbes Art Gallery in Charleston, SC
-Fundraising event at the Dock Street Theatre in Charleston, SC

February 3, 2020
-Bus trip to Columbia, SC
-Speech at the Columbia Museum of Art in Columbia, SC
-Speech at Founders Park in Columbia, SC
-Rally at Columbia International University with former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley :

As President of the United States, Marco Rubio will reverse Hillary Clinton's record of economic depression, extreme taxations and regulations, energy dependence and growing poverty. President Rubio will cut taxes and abolish these devastating regulations for all the American people as well as for our business owners in order to increase our fellow Americans' purchasing power, stop our companies offshoring and help them to innovate, produce, expand and hire. He will reduce the cost of doing business in the United States, which will attract companies in America and incite our future business owners to do business in here in America, thus ensuring massive job creation just like what happened in South Carolina during my eight years as Governor of the Palmetto State. Under Rubio's presidency, energy independence through increased oil production due to the approval of the Keystone XL pipeline, oil drilling in ANWR and the construction of the TransAmerica Energy pipeline from Pennsylvania to California, will help us creating jobs, boosting our automobile industry and getting revenues from oil drilling, which a part will be invested into the development of renewable energies to create more industries specialized in this domain and, to create jobs and protect the environment. Free trade will boost job creation by reducing tariffs, making our companies more competitive, promoting innovation, getting us new consumers around the world and opening new markets. By reforming our education system, Marco will make education accessible for all Americans and help our future workers to find a good-paying job. After balancing the budget, a part of budget surpluses will b used to develop infrastructures to facilitate our economic activities and ensure the implementation of new businesses here in the United States. Unlike Hillary Clinton's and Angus King's big government, energy dependence and protectionist agenda, Marco Rubio's economic agenda will bring permanent prosperity back to America, keep the American Dream alive and allow our country to keep its status as the land of opportunity. South Carolina has the historic reputation of making Republican nominees and presidents so let's elect Marco Rubio to make him our nominee and to make him the next President of the United States of America!

-Foreign policy speech at McEntire Joint National Guard Base in Eastover, SC, in reaction to hostages' release around the African Horn :

Thanks to the collaboration between Saudi Arabia, Somalia and Yemen and to the courage of their soldiers, hostages detained by Somalian pirates are free now while some of them died. But these pirates are neutralized and their plan to find Al Qaida and Al-Shabaab failed. These are good news for international security, but the fight against terrorism is not over. We to contribute more in this fight through military engagement and collaboration with our allies, because united we stand! United, we will defeat our enemies, restore and maintain justice, freedom and security all around the world.

-Barnstorm in Eastover, SC
-Energy policy speech at the Saluda Dam
-Economic policy speech at the Target Corporation facility in Lexington, SC
-Barnstorm in Lexington, SC
-Debate preparation

February 4, 2020
-Barnstorm in Cayce, SC
-Energy policy speech at SCANA Corporation in Cayce, SC
-Bus trip to Charleston, SC
-Speech at Washington Square in Charleston, SC
-Barnstorm in Charleston, SC
-Debate preparation
-Rally at Marco Rubio’s campaign headquarters in Charleston, SC, to watch voting results’ development in the South Carolina primary and the Nevada caucuses

February 5-8 will come after the South Carolina primary and the Nevada caucuses results

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 02, 2016, 06:29:03 AM


CNN America's Choice theme :

Wolf Blitzer : « Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the development of the results in the South Carolina Republican primary and the Nevada Republican caucuses covered by CNN.  »

Anderson Cooper : « It's 8 : 15 pm and here are our first projections : Senator Marco Rubio leads in the Lexington county by 8 points over Speaker Paul Ryan. »

10 % reported
Marco Rubio : 40 %
Paul Ryan : 32 %
Tom Cotton : 20 %
James Comey : 8 %

John King : « It's 8 : 30 pm we can report that Marco Rubio sweeps all the southern counties of the Palmetto State, including the Charleston County (Charleston's and North Charleston's location) where he leads with 48 % of the votes, followed by Tom Cotton with 20 % of the popular vote, Paul Ryan with 19 % and James Comey's 13 %. »

20 % reported
Marco Rubio : 46 %
Paul Ryan : 27 %
Tom Cotton : 22 %
James Comey : 5 %

Wolf Blitzer : « It's 8 : 45 pm we can project that Tom Cotton wins 5 counties in the North of South Carolina, including the Kershaw county. »

30 % reported
Marco Rubio : 45 %
Paul Ryan : 26 %
Tom Cotton : 23 %
James Comey : 6 %

Wolf Blitzer : « It's 9 pm we can project that Marco Rubio triumphs in the Richland (Columbia's location), Orangeburg, Edgefield, Aiken and Saluda counties. »

40 % reported
Marco Rubio : 46 %
Paul Ryan : 25 %
Tom Cotton : 24 %
James Comey : 5 %

Wolf Blitzer : « It's 9 : 15 pm we can project that Marco Rubio dominates in the Eastern South Carolina counties while being narrowly trailed in this region by Tom Cotton and Paul Ryan. »

50 % reported
Marco Rubio : 44 %
Paul Ryan : 26 %
Tom Cotton : 25 %
James Comey : 5 %

Cooper : « It's 9 : 30 pm and Marco Rubio wins the following counties : Oconee, Pickens, Greenville, Spartanburg, Cherokee and York (Rock Hill's location). Tom Cotton wins the Lancaster county. Now the Arkansas Senator just narrowly edged Paul Ryan for the second place.»

60 % reported
Marco Rubio : 45 %
Tom Cotton : 26 %
Paul Ryan : 25 %
James Comey : 5 %

King : « It's 9 : 45 pm and Marco Rubio wins the counties in the North of Columbia. »

70 % reported
Marco Rubio : 46 %
Tom Cotton : 24 %
Paul Ryan : 23 %
James Comey : 7 %

Blitzer : « It is now 10 pm and we can project that Marco Rubio wins the South Carolina primary. »

80 % reported
Marco Rubio : 46 % ✔
Tom Cotton : 24 %
Paul Ryan : 23 %
James Comey : 7 %


Blitzer : « Now I think the polls in Nevada just began to close. So let's take a look in the West. »

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 02, 2016, 06:37:27 AM


Anderson Cooper : « It's 10 pm and Senator Rubio leads in the Nye county. »

1 % reported
Marco Rubio : 42 %
Paul Ryan : 28 %
Tom Cotton : 17 %
James Comey : 13 %

Wolf Blitzer : « It's 10 : 15 pm and Senator Rubio wins the Lincoln county while Paul Ryan is in the top in the White Pine and Eko counties. »

10 % reported
Marco Rubio : 40 %
Paul Ryan : 30 %
Tom Cotton : 18 %
James Comey : 12 %

John King : « It's 10 : 30 pm and Marco Rubio wins the Clark county (Las Vegas' location) with 60 % of the vote over Paul Ryan's 25 %, Tom Cotton's 11 % and James Comey's 4 %. I see it sometimes can be an advantage to spend a part of his childhood in some important states like Las Vegas. In addition, according to our closing polls 76 % of Hispanic Republicans voted for Rubio in these caucuses. And during his childhood, Rubio and his family practiced Mormonism before practicing Roman Catholicism again. So he's winning an important part of the local Mormon population though Paul Ryan is supported by another important part of the Mormon vote since he was the running mate of Mitt Romney who could have been the first Mormon to become President of the United States if he won the 2012 Presidential election over Barack Obama. »

20 % reported
Marco Rubio : 46 %
Paul Ryan : 26 %
Tom Cotton : 15 %
James Comey : 11 %

Cooper : « It's 10 : 45 pm and Marco Rubio wins the Esmeralda, Mineral and Lyon counties. »

30 % reported
Marco Rubio : 48 %
Paul Ryan : 25 %
Tom Cotton : 16 %
James Comey : 11 %

Cooper : « It's 11 pm and Marco Rubio wins Carson City. »

40 % reported
Marco Rubio : 49 %
Paul Ryan : 25 %
Tom Cotton : 15 %
James Comey : 11 %

King : « It's 11 : 15 pm and Marco Rubio sweeps the Story and Douglas counties. »

50 % reported
Marco Rubio : 49 %
Paul Ryan : 24 %
Tom Cotton : 14 %
James Comey : 10 %

Blitzer : « It's 11 : 30 pm and Marco Rubio wins the Washoe county (Reno's location). »

60 % reported
Marco Rubio : 51 %
Paul Ryan : 23 %
Tom Cotton : 13 %
James Comey : 10 %

Blitzer : « It's 11 : 45 pm and Marco Rubio wins the Pershing and Churchill counties. »

70 % reported
Marco Rubio : 52 %
Paul Ryan : 24 %
Tom Cotton : 13 %
James Comey : 10 %

Cooper : « It's 12 pm and Marco Rubio wins the Humboldt and Lander counties. »

80 % reported
Marco Rubio : 53 %
Paul Ryan : 23 %
Tom Cotton : 12 %
James Comey : 10 %

King : « It's 12 : 15 pm and Marco Rubio wins the Nevada caucuses. »

90 % reported
Marco Rubio : 53 % ✔
Paul Ryan : 23 %
Tom Cotton : 13 %
James Comey : 10 %


Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on October 02, 2016, 07:07:19 AM
King/Ashe 2020

Taking America Back

Schedule for February 2-February 8

February 2
-Fly to Nebraska
-Rally with Warren Buffett and Bill Gates in Omaha, Nebraska. Buffett, while lambasting Clinton for refusing to denounce Wall Street's influence, saved his harshest words for the Republicans, labeling them "science deniers" and calling Rubio "ignorant" on the issue of climate change, citing one of Rubio's past statements that he didn't agree with scientists.
-Barnstorm in Sherman County, Nebraska
-Barnstorm in Stanton County, Nebraska
-Build campaign infrastructure in Nebraska

February 2
-Fly to Massachusetts
-Rally Worcester, Massachusetts with Senators Warren and Markey, and Governor Joe Kennedy
Angus King is the only choice for progressives this election. During my time in Congress, I was a member of the Progressive Caucus, and have brought those same values with me back to Massachusetts. My grandfather Senator Robert Kennedy was a progressive, as were my great-uncles, Senator Ted Kennedy, and President John F. Kennedy!

It is time for a true progressive voice, and Senator King is that voice!
-Meet with state volunteer coordinators
-Continue building campaign infrastructure in Massachusetts, with the aid of Sens. Warren and Markey, and Gov. Kennedy

February 3
-Fly to California
-Interview on Real Time with Bill Maher, with Ed Schultz
*Maher* You've been running a left-wing campaign, and you've notably been lambasting both Clinton and the Republicans, despite the fact you used to be a Democrat and have been backed rather notably by Al Gore. Why?

*King* I left the Democratic Party for the right reasons, really. They became far too dependent on Wall Street, and they cave way to easily. I think it started with the so-called 'New Democrat' ideals that drove the husband of our current President. We continued this under Gore, Kerry, Obama and the second Clinton. If the Democratic Party wants me to back down from this, they need to be the actual liberal party! *crowd applauds*

*Schultz* I agree with Angus there. When I was on MSNBC, I used to talk about the TPP and how it would damage our economy. I was told to walk away from those comments, but refused to stop, now look at me.

*Maher* Yeah, you're a jobless moocher *crowd laughs* Anyway Senator, you have my full backing and I assume you have Ed's too?

*Schultz nods emphatically*
-Rally in San Francisco, California with Tim Ashe
-Town Hall meeting in Oakland, California with Tim Ashe. During the meeting, King expressed his hope to make it into the Presidential debates, while Ashe called for the 15% threshold to be abolished
-Host public dinner in Berkeley, California

February 3
-Fly to Michigan
-Rally in Detroit, Michigan
-Rally in Lansing, Michigan
-Rally in Flint, Michigan. King called on Karen Weaver, Mayor of Flint, Karen Weaver, and Governor Rick Snyder to launch a proper full-scale, bipartisan investigation into the causes of Flint's water crisis
-Barnstorm in Wexford County, Michigan

February 4
-Barnstorm in Muskegon County, Michigan
-Barnstorm in Kent County, Michigan
-Rally in Jackson, Michigan
-Barnstorm in Chippewa County, Michigan
-Rally in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan

February 5
-Fly to Florida
-Rally in Tampa, Florida
-Rally in Miami, Florida
-Barnstorm in Pasco County, Florida
-Barnstorm in Lee County, Florida

February 6
-Build national campaign infrastructure with aid of all surrogates.

February 7
-Video Conference at EFF Headquarters with Edward Snowden

February 8
-Build Outreach Program

Tim Ashe will be focusing efforts on the west coast this week, campaigning with Bill Gates and Governor  Inslee

All other surrogates, with the exception of Ventura and Johnson, will be campaigning in Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin.

Libertarian Outreach Program announced

Senator King is proud to announce the formation of a Libertarian Outreach Program for his campaign. The Program aims to reach libertarian voters nationwide, and King will invest considerable campaign funds towards the Program which will in turn, rally libertarian support for the Senator

The Program will be co-chaired by former Governors Ventura and Johnson. To show King's slight libertarian leanings, Ventura and Johnson are being given full autonomy over the Program.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 02, 2016, 07:08:36 AM
South Carolina Republican Primary, and Nevada Caucuses : Final results

Wolf Blitzer « So here are the final results of the South Carolina primary and the Nevada caucuses : Marco Rubio wins 47 % of the vote in South Carolina and 45 of the 48 local delegates, followed by Tom Cotton with 23 % of the vote and 3 of the 48 local delegates, Paul Ryan with 20 % of the vote and 0 delegate and James Comey with 10 % of the vote 0 delegate. »

South Carolina primary (100 % reported)
Marco Rubio : 47 %, 45 delegates ✔
Tom Cotton : 23 %, 3 delegates
Paul Ryan : 20 %, 0 delegate
James Comey : 10 %, 0 delegate

Cooper : « In Nevada, Rubio wins with 53 % of the vote and 21 delegates, followed by Paul Ryan with 23 % of the vote and 5 delegates, Tom Cotton with 14 % of the vote and 2 delegates and James Comey with 10 % of the vote and 1 delegate. »

Nevada caucuses (100 % reported)
Marco Rubio : 53 %, 21 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan : 23 %, 5 delegates
Tom Cotton : 14 %, 2 delegates
James Comey : 10 %, 1 delegate

King : « So Senator Rubio is once again the great winner of the night and is getting closer and closer to the nomination. But his Republican rivals are not ready yet to give up. So we will maintain the suspense in the next few mounths. Good night and we'll see you on February 8 during the coverage of the Tennessee Republican primary. »

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 02, 2016, 11:07:03 AM
Republican Party Presidential Primaries, 2020 - Map and Delegate Count

Marco Rubio : 89 delegates
Paul Ryan : 20 delegates
Tom Cotton : 13 delegates
James Comey : 4 delegates

1219 delegates needed to win the nomination

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: QuickHead555 on October 02, 2016, 12:49:52 PM
Would it be too late for me to mount an independent bid?

I assume the answer is likely yes, but it never hurts to ask I guess.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 02, 2016, 01:54:00 PM
Marco Rubio's victory speech in South Carolina

Thank you South Carolina!

While President Clinton expands taxes and regulations on businesses and the American people, all the country, including the Palmetto State, is worrying about its economy and its jobs. I listened to South Carolinians and I proposed to reduce the cost of doing business in America just like Governor Haley did for the cost of doing business in South Carolina, which will make our companies competitive and more able to produce, to innovate, to grow, to expand and to create jobs. By listening to your concerns about America's economic situation and proposing such solutions, I earned your support and I'm thankful of it because our kids, including my daughters Amanda and Daniella and my sons Dominick and Anthony, as well as all future generations deserve a better future than the one Hillary Clinton is preserving and they will earn this better future if we win on November.

While President Clinton is proving herself weak on fighting international terrorism, all the country, including South Carolina, a state with military tradition, is worrying about international security. I listened to South Carolinians and I took the pledge to promote peace through strength by modernizing our military, increasing our military presence on strategic points, reinforcing our alliances and by fighting and destroying terrorism through military strength. By understanding your concerns, I proposed a strong foreign policy solution that will bring permanent international peace and freedom, so I earned your support and I thank you for that!

Thanks to our victory in Nevada, we proved my ability to expand and grow our party due to a strong appeal among Hispanics because as one of them and since I was myself raised paycheck to paycheck I know their concerns and they will live better lives by fixing our immigration system to give them access to American citizenship, giving them better education through school choice, and allowing them to prosper through the ratification of a free trade agreement between the United States and Latin America.

Nosotros, el pueblo de los Estados Unidos todos somos uno y vamos formar una Unión más perfecta.

Thanks to this victory here in South Carolina, we got closer to the Republican nomination. South Carolina makes nominees. South Carolina makes presidents. Let's keep it up and we will finally bring our party together, bring the American people together with my optimistic agenda, which will lead us to victory against Hillary Clinton and help us putting America back on track and on the right direction.

Thank you! God bless you all, God bless South Carolina and God bless America.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 02, 2016, 02:42:19 PM
Would it be too late for me to mount an independent bid?

I assume the answer is likely yes, but it never hurts to ask I guess.

Maybe you could play as the Green Party nominee or the Libertarian nominee if you want.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: QuickHead555 on October 02, 2016, 03:02:20 PM
Would it be too late for me to mount an independent bid?

I assume the answer is likely yes, but it never hurts to ask I guess.

Maybe you could play as the Green Party nominee or the Libertarian nominee if you want.

Alright, I will go as the Libertarian nominee, is Drew Carey fine? He is a libertarian and has endorsed it's nominee this year.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 02, 2016, 03:05:36 PM
Would it be too late for me to mount an independent bid?

I assume the answer is likely yes, but it never hurts to ask I guess.

Maybe you could play as the Green Party nominee or the Libertarian nominee if you want.

Alright, I will go as the Libertarian nominee, is Drew Carey fine? He is a libertarian and has endorsed it's nominee this year.


Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 03, 2016, 05:58:12 AM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now

Schedule for the week of Feb. 2, 2020-Feb. 8, 2020, Part 2

February 5, 2020
-Flight to Nashville, Tennessee
-Debate preparation on the plane
-Meet with college voters at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN
-Health care policy speech at Hospital Corporation of America in Nashville, TN
-Fundraising event at Ryman Auditorium in Nashville, TN
-Rally at Nissan Stadium in Nashville, TN
-Economic policy speech at Nissan North America headquarters in Nashville, TN
-Speech at the Parthenon in Nashville, TN
-Bus trip to Memphis, TN
-Debate preparation

February 6, 2020
-Speech at the Memphis Pyramid in Memphis, TN
-National unity policy speech at the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, TN
-Speech at the Memphis Brooks Museum of Art in Memphis, TN
-Rally at the FedExForum in Memphis, TN
-Barnstorm at Beale Street in Memphis, TN, in an effort to woo the African-American vote
-Fundraising event at the Orpheum Theatre in Memphis, TN
-Economic policy speech at the FedEx headquarters in Memphis, TN
-Supper with the voters at the Peabody Memphis in Memphis, TN
-Debate preparation

February 7, 2020
-Breakfast at the Peabody Memphis in Memphis, TN
-Bus trip to Chattanooga, TN
-Meet with college voters at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga in Chattanooga, TN
-Rally at Coolidge Park in Chattanooga, TN
-Fundraising event at the Hunter Museum of American Art in Chattanooga, TN
-Agriculture policy speech at the Chattanooga Market in Chattanooga, TN
-Infrastructure policy speech at Terminal Station in Chattanooga, TN
-Bus trip to Knoxville
-Debate preparation

February 8, 2020
-Meet with college voters at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, TN
-Rally at Neyland Stadium in Knoxville, TN
-Speech at the Tennessee Theatre in Knoxville, TN
-Bus trip to Nashville, TN
-Debate preparation in the bus
-Barnstorm in Nashville, TN
-Rally at Marco Rubio’s campaign headquarters in Nashville, TN, to watch voting results’ development in the Tennessee primary

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 03, 2016, 10:05:53 PM


CNN America's Choice theme :

Wolf Blitzer : « Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the coverage of the results of the Tennessee Republican primary. »

John King : « It's 8 : 30 pm and Paul Ryan wins most of the eastern Tennessee counties, including the Knox county (Knoxville's location). »

20 % reported
Paul Ryan: 35 %
Marco Rubio : 32 %
Tom Cotton : 18 %
James Comey : 12 %

Wolf Blitzer : « It's 9 pm and Marco Rubio wins the Davidson county (Nashville's location) and all the neighnouring counties. »

40 % reported
Marco Rubio : 34 %
Paul Ryan: 33 %
Tom Cotton : 19 %
James Comey : 11 %

John King : « It's 9: 30 pm and Tom Cotton wins most of the western counties except for Shelby (Memphis' location), Tipton, Fayette and Haywood counties, all four of them won by Marco Rubio. »

60 % reported
Marco Rubio : 35 %
Paul Ryan: 33 %
Tom Cotton : 21 %

Wolf Blitzer : « It's 10 pm and all the four Republican candidates are sharing Tennessee's Southeastern counties. »

80 % reported
Marco Rubio : 35,5 %
Paul Ryan: 32 %
Tom Cotton : 22 %
James Comey : 12 %

Wolf Blitzer : « It's 10 : 30 pm and we can project that Senator Marco Rubio will win the Tennessee primary. »

100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 36 % ✔
Paul Ryan: 31 %
Tom Cotton : 22 %
James Comey : 11 %


Wolf Blitzer : « Here are the final results : Senator Rubio wins the Tennessee primary with 36 % of the vote and 30 delegates. Speaker Ryan finishes second with 31 % of the vote and 18 delegates. Senator Cotton comes third with 22 % of the vote and 8 delegates. Mr. Comey is fourth with 11 % and 0 delegate. »

100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 36 %, 30 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan: 31 %, 18 delegates
Tom Cotton : 22 %, 8 delegates
James Comey : 11 %, 0 delegate

Wolf Blitzer : « We'll see you next time on February 11 for the coverage of the caucuses in Montana, the Washington state and Alaska. Good night! »

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 04, 2016, 05:12:24 AM
Republican Party Presidential Primaries, 2020 - Map and Delegate Count

Marco Rubio : 119 delegates
Paul Ryan : 38 delegates
Tom Cotton : 21 delegates
James Comey : 4 delegates

1219 delegates needed to win the nomination

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 04, 2016, 06:43:28 PM
Marco Rubio's victory speech in Tennessee

This is an amazing result that accelerated the Marcomentum. This is another step to the nomination, this is another step to victory and this another step for a New American Century.

Thank you! God bless you all.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 04, 2016, 06:57:22 PM
Round 20 : February 9, 2020-February 15, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 04, 2016, 07:07:38 PM
New Polls
After clinching victories in South Carolina, Nevada and Tennessee, Florida Senator Marco Rubio largely leads his opponents. All the Republican presidential candidates are preparing for the caucuses in the Washington state, Alaska and Montana as they are preparing to clash during their 8th debate in Phoenix, Arizona, on February 13.
Republican National Polls

Marco Rubio : 46 %
Paul Ryan : 26 %
Tom Cotton : 21 %
James Comey : 7 %

Washington Polls

Marco Rubio : 49 %
Paul Ryan : 23 %
Tom Cotton : 17 %
James Comey : 9 %

Alaska Polls

Marco Rubio : 38 %
Paul Ryan : 28 %
Tom Cotton : 20 %
James Comey : 11 %

Montana Polls

Paul Ryan : 39 %
Marco Rubio : 27 %
Tom Cotton : 19 %
James Comey : 11 %

Arizona Polls

Marco Rubio : 52 %
Paul Ryan : 29 %
Tom Cotton : 15 %
James Comey : 4 %

General Election Polls

Hillary Clinton vs Marco Rubio vs Angus King

Marco Rubio : 45 %
Hillary Clinton : 41 %
Angus King : 14 %

Hillary Clinton vs Paul Ryan vs Angus King

Paul Ryan : 42 %
Hillary Clinton : 41 %
Angus King : 16 %

Hillary Clinton vs Tom Cotton vs Angus King

Tom Cotton : 42 %
Hillary Clinton : 42 %
Angus King : 15 %

Hillary Clinton vs James Comey vs Angus King

Hillary Clinton : 44 %
James Comey : 39 %
Angus King : 17 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 05, 2016, 04:47:32 AM

Saudi Arabia starts leading airstrikes against ISIS in Egypt

Since ISIS' rise in Egypt, a few months ago, uncertainty and insecurity raised in Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Saudi Arabia decided to counter this threat by orchestrating airstrikes in Egypt. The offensive started near the Suez Canal where 39 jihadists were killed by Arab airstrikes.


Marco Rubio : Former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, Libertarian journalist Nick Gillespie, Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam, Alaska Governor Bill Walker, Alaska Senator Dan Sullivan, Alaska Governor Lisa Murkowski and former Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer

Angus King : Former California Governor Jerry Brown, activist Michael Moore, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, Minnesota Senator Al Franken and Reverand Jesse Jackson

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on October 05, 2016, 06:51:34 AM
Ooh I'm rising in the polls. Should make the GE interesting.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 05, 2016, 07:46:39 AM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now

Schedule for the week of Feb. 9, 2020-Feb. 15, 2020, Part 1

February 9, 2020
-Flight to Billings, Montana
-Debate preparation on the plane
-Meet with college voters at Montana State University Billings in Billings, MT
-Economic policy speech at Stillwater Mining Company headquarters in Billings, MT
-Fundraising event at Rimrock Auto Arena in Billings, MT
-Flight to Seattle, Washington state
-Debate preparation on the plane
-Free trade policy speech in favor of Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) at at the Port of Seattle in Seattle, WA
-Dinner with voters at Seattle's Best Coffee in Seattle, WA
-Barnstorm at the South Lake Union neighborhood in Seattle, WA
-Town hall meeting at Seattle Central Library in Seattle, WA
-Rally at Benaroya Hall in Seattle, WA   
-Fundraising event at Seattle Center in Seattle, WA
-Rest and debate preparation

February 10, 2020
-Breakfast with voters at the Starbucks Center in Seattle, WA
-Foreign policy speech at Museum of Flight in Seattle, WA
-Immigration policy speech at the Seattle Asian Art Museum in Seattle, WA
-Meet with college voters at the University of Washington in Seattle, WA
-Energy policy speech at U.S. Oil & Refining Company headquarters in Tacoma, WA
-Economic policy speech at the Port of Tacoma in Tacoma, WA
-Foreign policy speech at Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Tacoma, WA, where Senator Rubio claims the urgency of deterring North Korea from pursuing its nuclear program and China from aggressing its neighbors. He also reiterated the importance of fighting international terrorism around the world, including Abu Sayyaf. He also reiterated his intention of accomplishing this national security engagement by creating the Pacific Treaty Organization (PTO). He also made statements reacting to Saudi Arabia's airstrikes against ISIS in Egypt :

It's good news that Saudi Arabia engaged into this fight against ISIS in Egypt. It's another step to international security. But we need to make our contribution in this campaign against terrorism by leading airstrikes as well and reinforcing our military presence around the Suez Canal. And hopefully, if the rumors are true, we can find Aymar al-Zawahiri and bring him to justice once and for all.

-Meet with college voters at the Evergreen State College in Olympia, WA
-Barnstorm in Olympia, WA
-Bus trip to Spokane, WA
-Debate preparation in the bus
-Fundraising event at the Peyton Building in Spokane, WA
-Speech at the Spokane Veterans Memorial Arena in Spokane, WA
-Speech at St. Aloysius Church in Spokane, WA
-Rest and debate preparation

February 11, 2020

-Economic policy speech at the Microsoft Corporation in Redmond, WA, allongside CEO Paul Allen
-Barnstorm in Redmond, WA
-Meet with college voters at Seattle Japanese School in an effort to woo the Asian-American vote and young voters
-Speech at the Bellevue Arts Museum in Bellevue, WA
-Barnstorm in Seattle, WA
-Rally at Marco Rubio’s campaign headquarters in Seattle, WA, to watch the voting results' development in the caucuses in the Washington state, Montana and Alaska.

Feb. 12-15 will come after the results of the Washington state, Montana and Alaska caucuses

Surrogate schedule

February 9, 2020

-Alaska Senator Dan Sullivan gives foreign Policy speech in Anchorage, Alaska :

In 2012, it was clear that Russia is a geopolitical foe that is challenging us and still represents a threat to our national security interests. Mitt Romney understood it, but Barack Obama mocked it and Hillary Clinton is still ignoring these facts. Russia is invading Ukraine, supporting the Assad regime militarily and is trying to ensure its sovereignty on the Arctic to take control of local energy resources. Mitt Romney was right about it and if he was elected President in 2012, we would have been in a very different and safer situation today. But we still have a chance to correct Barack Obama's and Hillary Clinton's mistakes. Marco Rubio's foreign policy will allow us to successfully the Ukrainian army to defeat the pro-Russian rebellion and to give Ukraine back to Ukrainians. President Rubio will topple the Assad regime, give Syria back to the Syrian people and defeat ISIS. As the next President of the United States, Marco Rubio will defend America's sovereignty on the Arctic and open oil drilling on the Arctic through underwater tankers, which will bring economic growth ithout hurting the environment. That's why I support Senator Marco Rubio to be the next commander-in-chief.

February 11, 2020

-Sarah Palin campaigns for Marco Rubio in Sitka, Alaska, and gives an energy policy speech in favor of Keystone XL pipeline, oil drilling in ANWR, and the construction of a pipeline from the Prudhoe Bay to Alberta.

February 11, 2020

-Brian Schweitzer campaigns for Marco Rubio in Helena and Billings, Montana

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 06, 2016, 07:56:57 AM


CNN America's Choice theme :

Wolf Blitzer : « Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the coverage of the results of the Washington, Montana and Alaska Republican caucuses. So tonight we can say Go West Young Man! »

Anderson Cooper : « It's 10 : 30 pm and Marco Rubio is leading in the King county (Seattle's location) as well as all the neighboring counties, including the Pierce county (Tacoma's location). »

Washington Caucuses - 25 % reported
Marco Rubio : 46 %
Paul Ryan: 25 %
Tom Cotton : 17 %
James Comey : 12 %

Blitzer : « It's 11 pm. Paul Ryan and Tom Cotton are sharing the Pend Oreille, Stevens, Ferry and Okanogan counties. »

Washington Caucuses - 50 % reported
Marco Rubio : 44 %
Paul Ryan: 27 %
Tom Cotton : 18 %
James Comey : 11 %

Cooper : « It's 11 : 30 pm and Marco Rubio sweeps all the rest of the Western counties of the Washington state, including the Thurston county (Olympia's location) while Paul Ryan wins the Columbia county. »

Washington Caucuses - 75 % reported
Marco Rubio : 48 %
Paul Ryan: 24 %
Tom Cotton : 16 %
James Comey : 10 %

Blitzer : « It's midnight and we can project that Marco Rubio wins the Washington caucuses. »

Washington Caucuses - 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 50 % ✔
Paul Ryan: 24 %
Tom Cotton : 17 %
James Comey : 9 %


Blitzer : « So Senator Rubio wins the Washington Republican caucuses and 38 delegates while Paul Ryan gains 5 delegates. »

100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 50 %, 38 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan: 24 %, 5 delegates
Tom Cotton : 17 %, 0 delegate
James Comey : 9 %, 0 delegate


Blitzer : « We still have two caucuses to follow tonight in Montana and Alaska. Do we have projections in these states? »

Cooper : « Yes! In Montana, Paul Ryan sweeps most of the Northeastern counties except for the Garfield county won by Marco Rubio. »

Montana Caucuses - 25 % reported
Paul Ryan: 35 %
Marco Rubio : 29 %
Tom Cotton : 18 %
James Comey : 12 %

Blitzer : « It's 12 : 30 am and Marco Rubio wins the Yellowstone county (Billings' location) and almost all the neighboring counties. »

Montana Caucuses - 50 % reported
Paul Ryan: 36 %
Marco Rubio : 31 %
Tom Cotton : 19 %
James Comey : 11 %

Blitzer : « It's 1 am. Ryan and Cotton are sharing the northwestern counties while Marco Rubio wins the Lewis and Clark county (Helena's location). »

Montana Caucuses - 75 % reported
Paul Ryan: 37 %
Marco Rubio : 30 %
Tom Cotton : 20 %
James Comey : 12 %

Blitzer : « It's 1 : 30 am and Paul Ryan wins the Montana caucuses all the 27 delegates. »

Montana Caucuses - 100 % reported
Paul Ryan: 38 %, 27 delegates ✔
Marco Rubio : 30 %, 0 delegate
Tom Cotton : 21 %, 0 delegate
James Comey : 11 %, 0 delegate



Blitzer : « In Alaska, Senator Rubio wins the State House Districts 33, 35 and 36 while State House District 32 is won by Paul Ryan. »

Alaska Caucuses - 25 % reported
Marco Rubio : 35 %
Paul Ryan: 29 %
Tom Cotton : 17 %
James Comey : 12 %

Cooper : « It's 2 am, Marco Rubio wins all the eastern State House Districts as well as the State House District 40, in Northern Alaska. »

Alaska Caucuses - 50 % reported
Marco Rubio : 38 %
Paul Ryan: 28 %
Tom Cotton : 18 %
James Comey : 13 %

Blitzer : « It's 2 : 30 am, Marco Rubio wins almost all Alaska's western State House Districts except for State House District 40 won by Paul Ryan. »

Alaska Caucuses - 75 % reported
Marco Rubio : 39 %
Paul Ryan: 29 %
Tom Cotton : 18 %
James Comey : 12 %

Blitzer : « It's 3 am and Marco Rubio wins the Alaska caucuses. »

Alaska Caucuses - 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 41 % ✔
Paul Ryan: 28 %
Tom Cotton : 19 %
James Comey : 12 %


Alaska Caucuses - 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 41 %, 16 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan: 28 %, 6 delegates
Tom Cotton : 19 %, 4 delegates
James Comey : 12 %, 0 delegate

Blitzer : « Wow! What a so very long night. At last we can sleep. »

Cooper : « Yeah! We'll see you next time on the coverage of the Arizona Republican primary on February 22. »

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 06, 2016, 08:20:18 AM
Republican Party Presidential Primaries, 2020 - Map and Delegate Count


Marco Rubio : 173 delegates
Paul Ryan : 76 delegates
Tom Cotton : 25 delegates
James Comey : 4 delegates

1219 delegates needed to win the nomination

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 06, 2016, 02:40:36 PM
Marco Rubio's victory speech in Seattle, Washington


Thank you for your support!

Here, in Seattle we are bordering an ocean that is about to become a battlefield. But if we stand with our allies, reinforce our military presence on the Pacific and create the PTO in order to stop North Korea and China from pursuing their arms race and their military agression against our local allies, the Pacific Ocean will remain pacific. I met many people here in the Pacific Northwest that lost their jobs and are worried about their future and America's future. Their situation is due to Hillary Clinton's protectionism and war on energy. But TPP will make our companies competitive again, reduce the cost of trading, get us new consumers, bring innovation as well as job creation. When it comes to energy, like I said, Hillary Clinton declared war on energy, overexpanded regulations on fossil energy industries and made us unable to develop new forms of energies. But if I'm President, we will double permits on federal lands, increase oil drilling, approve the Keystone XL pipeline, build the TransAmerica Energy pipeline from Pennsylvania to California and another one from Alaska to Alberta, which will create many good-paying jobs, boost our automobile industry, reduce the cost of buying a car in America (which will give us the upper-hand in the TPP where American cars will be less expansive than Asian cars), get us energy independence and give the necessary revenues to invest into the development of renewable energies, thus helping America to pursue further job creation without hurting the environment. A safer, more prosperous and more united America will lead us to a New American Century that will make our dreams becoming reality, restore the American Dream and keep America's status as the land of opportunity alive.

Thank you! God bless America.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 06, 2016, 02:43:42 PM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now

Schedule for the week of Feb. 9, 2020-Feb. 15, 2020, Part 2

February 12, 2020
-Flight to Phoenix, Arizona
-Debate preparation on the plane
-Foreign policy speech at the Luke Air Force Base in Phoenix, AZ
-Economic policy speech at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix, AZ
-Speech at the Arizona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in Phoenix, AZ
-Fundraising event at the Orpheum Theater in Phoenix, AZ
-Speech at the Arizona Science Center in Phoenix, AZ
-Rally at Talking Stick Resort Arena in Phoenix, AZ
-Supper with the voters at the Arizona Biltmore Hotel in Phoenix, AZ
-Debate preparation   

February 13, 2020
-Fundraising breakfast at the Arizona Biltmore Hotel in Phoenix, AZ
-Debate preparation
-Meet with voters and donors at the Phoenix Community College in Phoenix, AZ
-Speech at the Phoenix Art Museum in Phoenix, AZ
-Rally at the University of Phoenix Stadium in Phoenix, AZ
-Debate preparation for all the afternoon
-Marco Rubio assists to the 8th Republican Presidential Primary debate alongside Paul Ryan, Tom Cotton and James Comey at the University of Phoenix in Phoenix, AZ

Feb. 14-15 will come after the debate

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on October 06, 2016, 06:36:45 PM
King/Ashe 2020

Taking America Back

Schedule for February 9-15

February 9
-Fly to Delaware
-Rally in Dover, Delaware
-Barnstorm in New Castle County, Delaware
-Barnstorm in Sussex County, Delaware
-Rally in Wilmington, Delaware

February 10
-Fly to Sacramento, California
-Rally with Former Governor Jerry Brown
The issue of campaign finance reform is one of the great issues of our time. Big name candidates run around with their SuperPACs, raising millions of dollars, and for what? So they can continue doing the same thing they have for years? Angus King wants to rectify this. He has no superPAC, and his two wealthy backers, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, are not donating to his campaign. This is a man who I can support!
-Barnstorm in Fresno County, California
-Barnstorm in Glenn County, California
-Rally in San Jose, California

February 11
-Fly to Minnesota
-Rally in Minneapolis, Minnesota with Former Governor Jesse Ventura, Congressman Keith Ellison and Senator Al Franken. In his first campaign appearance with Senator King, Franken took some humorous jabs at both Clinton and Rubio, calling them "Unabashed trickle-downers"
-Continue building campaign infrastructure in Minnesota with the aid of Ventura, Franken, and Ellison

February 12
-Senatorial duties

February 13
-Fly to Pennsylvania
-Rally in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with Governor Tom Wolf, Michael Moore and Reverend Jesse Jackson. All three hammered Clinton over her Wall Street connections, but Jackson and Wolf saved their biggest blasts for the Republicans in general and Rubio in particular.
-Continue building campaign infrastructure in Pennsylvania with the aid of Gov. Wolf

February 14
-Fly to Ohio
-Rally in Columbus, Ohio with former Congressman Kucinich and Senator Brown
-Barnstorm in Morrow County, Ohio
-Barnstorm in Holmes County, Ohio
-Rally in Dayton, Ohio

February 15
-Organize "Republicans for King"

"Republicans for King" announced
Senator King is proud to announce the formation of Republicans for King. The committee, chaired by former Secretary of State Colin Powell, will aim to reach moderate Republicans dissatisfied with the party's shift to the right by highlighting what Powell calls "not liberal or conservative positions, but common sense positions", which he says King espouses. Powell will have full autonomy over the program.

Tim Ashe will be campaigning with Sen. Sanders and Trumka in Maryland and Virginia.

All other surrogates will be campaigning and fundraising up and down the coasts.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 06, 2016, 09:05:10 PM
Eigth Republican primary presidential debate at Phoenix University in Phoenix, Arizona

Date : February 13th, 2020

Participants : Florida Senator Marco Rubio, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton, Former FBI Director James Comey


Host : ABC News

Moderator : Charles Gibson

Podium order was determined by the average of the national polls since the beginning of the South Carolina primary and the Nevada caucuses :

Cotton    Rubio    Ryan    Comey


-Opening statements

-How do you intend to relaunch our space program?

-Senator Rubio, you claimed, a few days before the South Carolina primary and the Nevada caucuses, that the Yucca Mountain, in Nevada, represents a great opportunity for the development of our nuclear industry. What did you mean?

-Senator Rubio, Speaker Ryan accused you of supporting amnesty for illegal immigrants by suggesting that we should allow children of illegals to pay in-state college tuition. How do you respond to it?

-Recently, Saudi Arabia is leading an air offensive against ISIS in Egypt. If we do the same, do you believe it represents a great occasion of improving our relations with Saudi Arabia, four years after the Congress' approval of a law allowing 9/11 victims' families to pursue Saudi Arabia?

-Due to Russia's recent military acts in Syria, Ukraine and the Arctic, was Mitt Romney right to call Russia as geopolitical foe?

-Angus King's campaign launched his Liberterian Outreach Program as well as Republicans for King. I want to hear from all four of you : why Republicans and Libertarians should not trust Angus King to be president and support you as the Republican nominee?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 06, 2016, 09:30:05 PM
Marco Rubio debate answers, Part 1

-Opening statements

Good evening fellow Americans! In this time of economic downturn and growing international insecurity, we have to ask a crucial  question : are we better off than we were twelve years ago. If you want America to hire again, to be energy independent, to be competitive in the world economy, to give a better quality education for our kids, budget balance, peace through strength, international terrorism's extinction and international freedom to be restored, then I'm your candidate because Hillary Clinton's record of economic depression, international security, corruption and national division failed America. I will reverse this situation and bring prosperity, security and national unity back to America, because the United States of America deserves better and you , my fellow Americans, deserve better.

Thank you!

-How do you intend to relaunch our space program?

We have to do to grow our space industry and relaunch U.S. space exploration is to incentivize the private sector to develop space technology by promoting partnership between NASA and private spaceflight companies like SpaceX, Shackleton Energy Company, Space Adventures, Ltd., Planetary Resources, Deep Space Industries, etc., and by extending tax credits and exemptions for those businesses investing in research and development, equipment and other capital (a plan similar to the AGREE Act that I co-sponsored to the Senate in 2011) in order not only to create new jobs in the space industry but also to develop a plan that will keep our space program alive, dynamic and competitive. That's how we'll be able to innovate and develop our space technologies and equipment and to exploit volatiles, minerals and other raw materials from asteroids, comets, moons, near-Earth objects and other space objects to grow our economy. Some of these resources will be taken back to Earth to grow our economy and create jobs (especially gold, silver, iridium, platinum, osmium, palladium, rhodium, rhenium, tungsten and ruthenium) or used to construct rockets and spacecrafts that will be committed for spatial missions (iron, aluminium, titanium, nickel, manganese, molybdenum and cobalt), to ensure our astronauts' self-sufficiency (oxygen and water) and to be utilized as rocket propellant (hydrogen, oxygen and ammonia). That's what we can call in-situ resource utilization (ISRU) that provides all the required materials and energy for a space mission. That way, thanks to ISRU, we will successfully conduct a manned space mission and reclaim our status as world leaders in space exploration while reducing the mass and cost of space exploration architectures as well as the amount of payload that must be launched from Earth in order to explore a given planetary-body.

By the way, if we want to revive and grow our space program, we also have to abolish government regulations on space commercialization that cost too much, make it harder for American innovators to create jobs and undermined our citizens' and businesses' ability to establish property rights in space, which imposed obstacles to the development of space for commercial development and human habitation as well. But in November 2015, the Spurring Private Aerospace Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship Act of 2015 (SPACE Act of 2015) was signed into law after passing in Congress in order to discourage government barriers to the development in the United States of economically viable, safe, and stable industries for commercial exploration and commercial recovery of spatial resources in manners consistent with the global commitments of America, to recognize the right of U.S. citizens and businesses to own space resources they obtain and to promote the commercial exploration and use of resources exploited on asteroids. This bill is an important gain for our country, for Florida’s space coast and for the whole space exploration community. That's why I supported that bill to help the American space industry to create new jobs and to expand further into space than ever before. I will use this kind of leadership as President of the United States.
Thanks to my plan, we will revive our space program, make progress in space exploration, conduct successful manned space missions on the Moon or Mars by 2030, encourage space commercialization through the exploitation of spatial resources and raw materials to accelerate job creation in the United States and to make our space missions more easy to accomplish while limiting the government's role, reducing government spending and saving taxpayers' money.

-Nuclear energy

It is a great opportunity to ensure energy independence for America, to create jobs and to give the American people a better access to electricity. It also represents a new opportunity to create jobs and to boost our electricity industry and make it permanent. After all, electricity is a renewable energy and by developping it, we will create jobs while improving the environment if we follow the right procedures into nuclear energy development and exploitation.

-Senator Rubio, Speaker Ryan accused you for supporting amnesty for illegal immigrants by suggesting that we should allow children of illegals to pay in-state college tuition. How do you respond to it?

Well Mr. Speaker, saying that allowing college tuitions for children of illegal immigrants provides amnesty is simply not true. Because it will make sure that illegal immigrant families pay taxes and it will give their kids a chance to learn English, which will facilitate their integration to our society, and to earn the opportunity to earn a high-quality education. If you want confirmation about your false definition of amnesty, just ask Senator McCain who is sitting among this audience.

-Recently, Saudi Arabia is leading an air offensive against ISIS in Egypt. If we do the same, do you believe it represents a great occasion of improving our relations with Saudi Arabia, four years after the Congress' approval of a law allowing 9/11 victims' families to pursue Saudi Arabia?

Of course it is. The United States and Saudi Arabia have common goals : fighting terrorism and restore international security and freedom. If we kept a few troops in Libya to train the new Libyan army in 2011 after toppling Gadaffi, North Africa would have already been safer and freer today. But we can contribute to such a better future for North Africa and the Middle East if we engage in this fight against terrorism by joining our allies in this fight against ISIS in Egypt and across the Middle East and if the rumors are true we could find Aymar al-Zawahiri in Egypt and bring him to justice.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 06, 2016, 09:30:54 PM
Marco Rubio debate answers, Part 2

-Due to Russia's recent military acts in Syria, Ukraine and the Arctic, was Mitt Romney right to call Russia as geopolitical foe?

He was clearly right just as he was right about Detroit as we can see due to Detroit bankruptcy in which we can see this city's desertion as well as job loss due to big government job-killing policies. But Barack Obama wrongly mocked it, but we still have a chance to correct all of this terrible situation. Russia is defending the corrupt and dictatorial Syrian regime of Bachar el-Assad. By targeting the Syrian rebellion instead of ISIS, Russia keeps putting its own interests before international security, thus making our fight against radical Islamic terrorism more difficult and making tyranny permanent in Syria. If we topple Assad, Syria will finally take its liberty back under a democratic government and we will give Syria back to the Syrian people. Russia is invading Ukraine by annexing Crimea and by supporting a separatist pro-Russian insurgency through military equipment providing, thus violating Ukraine's territorial integrity. So if we increase diplomatic and economic sanctions against Russia, reinforce our military presence in Eastern Europe and Black Sea, and provide military training as well as military equipement to Ukraine armed forces, they will be able to defeat this pro-Russian terrorist insurgency, free Crimea and give Ukraine back to the Ukrainian people. We have to ensure America's sovereignty on our Arctic regions before Russia does as it is alrready militarizing the Arctic to secure local energy resources. That way, peace and stability will be maintained on the Arctic, our sovereignty on the Arctic regions bordering Alaska will be saved and we'll exploit local energy and mineral resources for the sake through underwater tankers for the sake of our economy and our environment. I think that's exactly what Governor Romney would have done as President of the United States if he won the 2012 presidential election. But since he lost, he didn't have the chance to do so but we still have the opportunity to follow such an international security agenda and I will if I become the next President of the United States.

-Angus King's campaign launched his Liberterian Outreach Program as well as Republicans for King. I want to hear from all four of you : why Republicans and Libertarians should not trust Angus King to be president and support you as the Republican nominee?

Well, just like Hillary Clinton, Angus King is promoting the same failed economic policies of the last twelve years that cost millions and millions of jobs in this country. Senator King opposes economic freedom and promotes big government policies (higher taxes and regulations) that offshored our companies and our jobs overseas. It will only make our people poorer and decrease the American people's purchasing power. He is against energy independence and wants to make us more dependent on foreign oil. If we follow this path, we'll never be able to clinch energy independence and develop alternative energies. Senator King opposes free trade while protectionism is one of the factors of this actual economic downturn. Senator King should remember that one of the main reasons why the Great Depression got longer and worse is the legislation of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930 that increased tariffs and reduced American exports and imports, thus increasing unemployment rate from 8 % in 1930 to 25 % in 1932. We can't afford to repeat such a mistake. In addition at the end of his second term as Maine Governor, Angus King left this state with a deficit due to big government spending, taxing and regulating, thus killing jobs in Maine and raising the local unemployment rate to 5 % at the time.
Republicans AND Libertarians want economic freedom, smaller government and reduced taxes because that's the only solution to prosperity. If I'm President of the United States, we will  reduce the size of government and cut taxes for ALL Americans, including the middle class and poor people. The right way to grow the economy is making  poor people richer, not making rich people poorer. I understand the middle class and poor people's concerns and I have the right solutions to help them. Hillary Clinton and Angus King can't lecture me about living paycheck to paycheck. I was raised paycheck to paycheck. By cutting taxes for business owners and reducing the cost of doinf business in the United States, we will stop our companies' offshoring overseas and America will remain the best place in the world to open a new business. It will help businesses to grow, expand, innovate, produce and hire people.

Just like Libertarians, we want to help our country to clinch energy independence. I will do so by increasing oil drilling, approving Keystone XL pipeline, TransAmerica pipeline and oil drilling in ANWR, which will bring energy independence as well as massive job creation and get us the necessary revenues to be invested into the development of renewable energies. That's how we'll be energy independent, create jobs and reduce our ecological footprint. In addition, increased oil drilling will boost our automobile industry and prevent bankruptcies in cities where automobile manifacturing is the main economic activity such as Detroit. Energy independence will reduce the cost of buying American cars, which will give us the advantage into TPP because if our cars are less expansive than Asian cars,  international consumers will buy more American cars than Asian cars.

Free trade will reduce the cost of exporting and importing, make our companies competitive, get us new consumers around the world, bring innovation and job creation. By opening more markets and look for new ones, we will increase our ability to innovate and compete in this world economy. Goods and services crossing borders ensure the development of new ideas and models and allow our producers to learn about the market through the failure and success of traded products. By learning more, they will be favored to innovate and keep their competitiveness.

Once the budget will be balanced under my presidency, we will invest a part of futurre budget surpluses into the development of infrastructures to facilitate economic activities, ensure the implementation of new businesses and help them to grow and expand, which will also create new jobs.

I cosponsored the AGREE Act alongside Democratic Senator Chris Coons. This bill increased tax credits and exemptions for companies investing in R & D, equipment and other capital, gave tax credits for veterans opening a business franchise and raised immigration for some types of work visas, which helped our country to boost economic growth, job creation and innovation.
When it comes to foreign policy, if we create the SWADA (Southern and Western Asia Defense Alliance) and PTO (Pacific Treaty Organization) and promote peace through strength, we will stop China's agression on South China Sea, increase pressure on Iran and North Korea and force them to stop pursuing their nuclear programs. That way there will be no need to declare war against these nations because my plan will provide peace through strength.

That's why Republicans, Democrats, Independents and Libertarians should reject Senator King's big government and international insecurity agenda and can count on me to lead America to the future and bring prosperity, security and national unity back to this country once and for all.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on October 06, 2016, 10:58:41 PM
King responds to Senator Rubio's accusations

Senator Rubio says I have been promoting failed economic policies. Is this true when the most recent deficit from the Iraq War, according to Brown University was $1.1 trillion? How is it we can afford that, but not Medicare for all, or universal education?

Republicans like to talk about less regulation. Fine. They can start by stopping trying to regulate a woman's body. They can start by stopping regulating which bathrooms a student should use. The can stop preventing the use of marijuana. They can take the lead in ending the PATRIOT Act. These are all examples of big government conservatism.

There are some areas where I and Republicans hold similar views. I believe in free market capitalism. I believe capitalism does good things. It fosters a competitive spirit, encourages innovation, and allows society to advance further. However, I believe that totally unfettered, unregulated capitalism is dangerous; just look at Argentina when they had Carlos Menem as their President. He pushed for less financial regulation, and look what happened; companies shifted their jobs overseas and millions of Argentinians lost their jobs.

You may share economic grounds with Libertarians, but not on social issues. I've been backed by Jesse Ventura and Gary Johnson; two notable Libertarians. Why? Because we're all social liberals. The same goes with Colin Powell. He has backed me because of the Republican Party's shift to the right.

Senator, you are touting the same failed trickle-down economics that Reagan introduced. Trickle-down economics was one of the most disastrous plans ever implemented. You want to implement these again, but it's okay because you lived paycheck to paycheck? Give me a break.

This is without mentioning that your often skip votes. In December 2015, you criticized a bill that gave $1.1 billion in government funding. You said you would do anything to block it. So you just didn't do your job. Is it fair that you don't do your job and get paid, yet a cashier who works nine to five each day gets paid minimum wage? Can you justify this? I have been attending to my job; I have left my campaign on occasion to attend to my Senate duties. I've been doing my job as a Senator. Have you?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on October 06, 2016, 11:18:05 PM
Angus King Advertisement

Format: Radio

Title: The Party of Veterans?

*Narrator* Republicans say they support the troops.

*various sound bites of the Republican 2012 campaign* They are the best . . . a time for a surge of support . . . I will not apologize for the military

*narrator* In 2014, Senator Marco Rubio blocked Senate bill S.1982, a bill that would have provided healthcare and job training to veterans who gave their all.

*soundbite of Paul Loebe, USMC veteran* As a veteran and lifelong registered Republican, I'm disgusted with the current Republican Party. I can show you a mile long list of them who have voted to screw us veterans over

*Angus King, voiceover* Republicans say that they support the troops, but that's only when sending them to war. When they come home, they're maligned and neglected.

*Narrator* Republicans: The Party of Veterans? I think not.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 07, 2016, 01:13:21 AM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now

Schedule for the week of Feb. 9, 2020-Feb. 15, 2020, Part 3

February 14, 2020
-Foreign policy speech at Thunderbird Field in Glendale, Arizona
-Interview with John Harwood and CNBC in which Rubio was asked about Senator King's accusation to the Republican Party to the right :

If Senator King really believes that the Republican Party had shifted that far to the right, then he I think he is stuck to the past : we are in 2020, not in 1964 (referring to unsuccessful Barry Goldwater's extremist candidacy in 1964). When it comes to Ronald Reagan's job creation record here are the facts : how can Senator King call the Reaganomics failed policies while these pro-growth policies created over 16 million new jobs while inflation significantly decreased during Reagan's eight-year presidency? If you don't have the facts, then you don't have any credibility.

-Economic policy speech at the Glendale Training Center in Glendale, AZ
-Rally with voters at Gila River Arena in Glendale, AZ
-Speech at the LDS Mesa Arizona Temple in Mesa, AZ
-Speech at the Mesa Arts Center in Mesa, AZ
-Meet with college voters at Arizona State University Polytechnic campus in Mesa, AZ
-Rally at Hohokam Stadium in Mesa, AZ   

February 15, 2020
-Foreign policy speech at Fort Huachuca in Tucson, AZ
-Economic policy speech at the Tucson Gem & Mineral Show in Tucson, AZ
-Marco Rubio responds to Angus King's negative ad titled « The Party of Veterans ? » :

Senator King said in a negative ad based on unsubstantiated claims that I support our troops only when sending them to war and then neglect them when they come home. This is an outright lie.

I understand our veterans struggle to adapt. My older brother Mario Rubio is a military veteran and he represents to me an example of the living conditions of our veterans. I always support him just like all other veterans to help them to earn the best post military service life they would ever know. I have a clear record on improving our veterans lives. Let me remind you, Senator King, in 2011 I cosponsored the AGREE Act alongside Democratic Senator Chris Coons. This bill gave tax credits for veterans opening a business franchise, so it helps them to find a good paying job and to prosper after their military service.

I successfully co-sponsored the 2014 VA reform law by introducing a measure empowering the VA secretary to hold managers accountable for incompetence, negligence and corruption and to care more about veterans than bureaucrats because it's another way to reward our veterans for their military service and their sacrifices for America.

In 2015, when Donald Trump questioned John McCain's war hero status, I defended Senator McCain and all veterans and PWOs. I denounced Trump's comments about McCain's heroism and courageous service to this country in which he was tortured in Vietnam and was ready to die for his country rather than encouraging communist propaganda because he always put country first before his own interests just like I take the pledge to put our country first as President of the United States of America and Commander-in-Chief.

If I'm elected President of the United States, our veterans will be rewarded for their valiant service to their country not only through medals of honor but also through health services.
If we take care of our veterans, as I always did and will always do, they will be thankful of the services we'll give to them just as we are thankful of their service for our country, for freedom and for our national security. I will use this leadership as President of the United States. So I can promise you that our future military veterans will have access to the same services as the current veterans do.

God bless our men and women in uniform, God bless our veterans and God bless the United States of America.

-Speech at the Davis–Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson, AZ
-Meet with college voters at the University of Arizona in Tucson, AZ
-Flight to Washington D.C.
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

Surrogate schedule

February 15, 2020
-In Washington D.C., Arizona Senator and 2008 Republican presidential nominee John McCain slams Angus King for his "defamations" about the Republican Party's record on improving American veterans' lives :

I solemnly condemn Angus King's lies and calumnies about our party's record on caring about our veterans. Senator King said that the Republican Party supports our troops only when we send them to war only to neglect and ignore them when they come home. Senator King is a pathological liar who is ready to say or do anything to win this election.

I fought the Vietnam War, my plane was shot down by Vietcong, I was captured and tortured for six years by the Vietcong and was ready to die for my country rather than promoting communist propaganda by accepting early release because I always put my country first just as my friend Senator Rubio has always and will always put our country first.

Just like Senator Rubio, I understand our veterans' living conditions. After my military service, I supported keeping health care promises to aging veterans, improving educational assitance for vétérans and freezing spending on everything but Defense, Veterans and entitlements.

Nine years ago Marco cosponsored the AGREE Act alongside Democratic Senator Chris Coons, which gave tax credits for veterans opening a business franchise and helped them to find a good paying job and to prosper in their post-military service.

Senator Rubio co-sponsored the 2014 VA reform law by introducing a measure empowering the VA secretary to keep managers accountable for incompetence, negligence and corruption and to care more about veterans than bureaucrats.

President Rubio will care about our veterans and reward them through medals of honor and health and social services because he knows that they deserve a better life than the one bureaucrats are giving to them after their valiant, honorable and courageous service for America's security and freedom. That's why I support Marco Rubio.

So shame on you Senator King for dishonoring our veterans and making difamations for political gains!

-Brian Schweitzer gives an interview with Bill O'Reilly on why he supports Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio over Hillary Clinton :

In this time of economic decline, we need new leadership to grow our economy which requires, notably, energy independence, a procedure which Hillary Clinton doesn't have the guts to follow. I support oil drilling because it will bring massive job creation, make us energy independent and get us the necessary revenues to invest into the development of alternative energies. That way, Republicans AND Democrats will fulfill their agenda for the sake economic growth. Marco Rubio understands this and that's why I'm enthusiastically supporting his candidacy

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on October 07, 2016, 09:19:49 AM
The Rachel Maddow Show, February 15, 2020


Angus King in personal strife? Maybe. The independent Presidential candidate and Senator from Maine has reportedly suffered a personal tragedy. His running mate Tim Ashe and his surrogates all refused to comment, saying a press conference would come next week.

In other news police in Brunswick, Maine have arrested a drunk driver . . .

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 07, 2016, 07:44:19 PM
Round 21 : February 16, 2020-February 22, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 07, 2016, 08:00:39 PM
New Polls
A week from the Arizona primary, Senator Marco Rubio is still leading largely in the polls for the Republican nomination. The four Republican presidential candidates are campaigning hardly in Arizona and are preparing for the ninth Republican presidential debate that will be set on February 25 2020 in Boston, Massachusetts. James Comey's presidential campaign announced that if the former FBI Director doesn't win the Arizona primary he could end his campaign.

Republican National Polls

Marco Rubio : 47 %
Paul Ryan : 27 %
Tom Cotton : 20 %
James Comey : 6 %

Arizona Polls

Marco Rubio : 53 %
Paul Ryan : 28 %
Tom Cotton : 15 %
James Comey : 4 %

General Election Polls

Hillary Clinton vs Marco Rubio vs Angus King

Marco Rubio : 46 %
Hillary Clinton : 40 %
Angus King : 12 %

Hillary Clinton vs Paul Ryan vs Angus King

Paul Ryan : 43 %
Hillary Clinton : 41 %
Angus King : 15 %

Hillary Clinton vs Tom Cotton vs Angus King

Tom Cotton : 41 %
Hillary Clinton : 40 %
Angus King : 14 %

Hillary Clinton vs James Comey vs Angus King

Hillary Clinton : 44 %
James Comey : 37 %
Angus King : 16 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on October 07, 2016, 10:50:18 PM
Angus King Temporarily Suspends Campaign, Collapses on Exit

AP-At a press conference in his hometown of Brunswick, Maine, Senator Angus King announced that he would not be campaigning for the remainder of February.

"I cannot bring myself to campaign these remaining days of February." When asked why, he gave a shocking answer.

"After the events of the 15th, I got a call from John Baldacci, who was campaigning for me right here in Brunswick. The call said that there had been a major car accident. It said . . . my son Angus III was dead, his wife Cricket was dead, my granddaughter Emma was dead, and as of 10 minutes ago, they're not sure if my grandson Gus will make it.."

The Senator was visibly crying as he revealed the news to a shocked audience, but the real shok was still to come. After the conference, King collapsed as he was leaving the podium. The 72-year-old's doctor has reassured that there is no terminal illness for the Senator.

The Senator's running mate, Vermont Congressman Tim Ashe, and his surrogates, all refused to comment.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 08, 2016, 04:37:12 AM

ISIS strikes in Chicago

Yesterday, ISIS orchestrated a terrorist attack in Chicago. The jihadist organization tried to destroy the Sears Tower (also called the Willis Tower), a symbol of the United States' economic power. Two ISIS terrorists from Syria were driving a truck containing bombs and charged the Sears Towers, hitting and killing approximately 21 people on their way with the truck. but fortunately, before the truck hit its target, two safeguard policemen spot the threat and killed the truck's driver, thus disorientating the vehicle that crashed down to explode on the Wacker Drive, thus killing 37 people and making a total of 58 victims and made this event the worst terrorist attack on the U.S. soil since 9/11.

Many solidarity campaigns adopted the slogan « We are Chicago! »

This terrorist attack triggered debates on whether the United States should intervene militarily in Syria and Iraq to defeat ISIS.


Marco Rubio : Businessman Mark Cuban; former Kansas Senator, former Republican Senate Majority Leader and 1996 Republican presidential nominee Bob Dole; former Vice-President of the United States Dan Quayle; former U.S. Congressman from Arizona and Dan Quayle's son; Businessman Steve Forbes;  Businessman Paul Allen

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 08, 2016, 05:09:30 AM
Marco Rubio's response to Angus King's temporary campaign suspension

We learned Angus King's son, wife and granddaughter died in a car crash and that his grandson is wounded, which forced Senator King to temporarily suspending his campaign. It is with sorrow that I extend my sympathies to Senator King and his family and I hope he will recover soon enough.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on October 08, 2016, 07:39:11 AM
King Suffering from "Extreme Exhaustion and Anxiety"

AP-Angus King's physician has laid rest to fears that the Senator is suffering from a major illness.

"He was simply suffering from exhaustion from campaigning and anxiety over the death of his son's family. He's not the young man he sued to be."

His physician also said that King will remain in hospital for the remainder of the month.

Fears over the Senator's health erupted after he collapsed while leaving a press conference earlier in the day.

UPDATE: It has just been confirmed that Senator King's grandson Gus King has died.


Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 08, 2016, 09:52:24 AM
Marco Rubio's response to Gus King's death

Though we are opponents, I extend my sympathies for Angus King. His son Gus died, which increased his exhaustion and anxiety. I hope he will recover soon enough.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 08, 2016, 02:31:47 PM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now

Schedule for the week of Feb. 16, 2020-Feb. 22, 2020

February 16, 2020
-Flight to Chicago, Illinois, to support the victims' families of the terrorist attack at the Willis Tower

-Speech denouncing international terrorism in Chicago after the terrorist attack at the Willis Tower :
Though ISIS' plan to destroy the Willis Tower failed, this terrorist group attacked us on the U.S. soil, committing the worst terrorist attack on American soil since 9/11. I'm extending my sympathies for all victims' families. We will never surrender against international terrorism, we will fight it until we destroy and defeat it, until America's victory against terrorism.

February 17, 2020
-Flight to Washington D.C.
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.   
-Senate vote on extending the PATRIOT Act's roving wiretaps due to recent terrorist attack in Chicago
-Marco Rubio and Virginia Democratic Senator Mark Warner co-sponsored a bipartisan legislation called Bipartisan Counterterrorist Coalition Act that would reinforce defence ties with Turkey, Iraq, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India in order to create a greater collaboration with these countries to fight terrorism in the Middle East through military strength and deter Iran from getting nuclear weapons.

-Marco Rubio's speech in the U.S. Senate introducing his Bipartisan Counterterrorist Coalition Act

We just suffered the worst terrorist attack on the U.S. soil since 9/11. We have to make sure that this kind of tragedy never happens again here in America and abroad. That requires fighting international terrorism, especially in the Middle East. But if we want to make our antiterrorist fight successful, we have to reinforce and expand our strategic alliances and then, through military strength, we will defeat ISIS and Al Qaida. Such stronger alliances will, through stronger pressure on Tehran, make sure that Iran never gets nuclear weapons. It will make sure that Iran will use its nuclear energy not for military purposes but for economic purposes. Nuclear energy should be used for Iran's economic growth. And as long as Iran acts like this, there will be no need to intervene militarily against Iran, which will reinforce international security and peace. That's why Senator Warner and I are co-sponsoring and now introducing the Bipartisan Counterterrorist Coalition Act.

February 18, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

February 19, 2020
-Flight to Phoenix, Arizona
-Speech at Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum at the Arizona State Fairgrounds in Phoenix, AZ
-Rally with voters at Talking Stick Resort Arena in Phoenix, AZ
-Speech at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Phoenix, AZ
-Dinner with the voters at Garcia's in Phoenix, AZ
-Foreign policy speech at Raytheon Missile Systems facility in Tucson, AZ
-Economic policy speech at Universal Avionics headquarters in Tucson, AZ
-Speech at the Jewish History Museum in Tucson, AZ
-Debate preparation

February 20, 2020
-Energy policy speech at Global Solar Energy headquarters in Tucson, AZ
-Speech at the Cathedral of Saint Augustine in Tucson, AZ
-Barnstorm in Nogales, AZ
-Barnstorm in Bisbee, AZ
-Barnstorm in El Mirage, AZ
-Advertisement filming
-Barnstorm in Casa Grande, AZ
-Infrastructure policy speech at Arizona Railway Museum in Chandler, AZ
-Economic policy speech at the Intel facility in Chandler, AZ
-Debate preparation

February 21, 2020
-Advertisement filming
-Speech at the Liberty Market in Gilbert, AZ
-Barnstorm in Gilbert, AZ
-Meet with college voters at the Arizona State University in Tempe, AZ
-Rally at Wells Fargo Arena in Tempe, AZ
-Energy policy speech at the Salt River Project headquarters in Tempe, AZ
-Foreign policy speech at the Marine Corps Air Station Yuma in Yuma, AZ
-Barnstorm in Yuma, AZ
-Immigration policy speech at Scottsdale Stadium in Scottsdale, AZ
-Supper with the voters at Hotel Valley Ho in Scottsdale, AZ
-Debate preparation

February 22, 2020
-Breakfast with the voters at Hotel Valley Ho in Scottsdale, AZ
-Speech on the American Dream at Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art in Scottsdale, Arizona
-Counterterrorist policy speech at General Dynamics Mission Systems facility in Scottsdale, AZ
-Fundraising event at Hassayampa Hotel in Prescott, AZ
-Barnstorm in Prescott, AZ
-Immigration policy speech at Coconino Community College in Flagstaff, AZ
-Barnstorm in Flagstaff, AZ
-Barnstorm in Lake Havasu, AZ
-Fundraising event at Desert Ridge Marketplace in Phoenix, AZ
-Rally with supporters at the Arizona Biltmore Hotel in Phoenix, AZ, to watch the development of the Arizona Republican primary’s voting results

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 08, 2016, 07:12:12 PM


CNN America's Choice theme :

Wolf Blitzer : « Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to CNN's coverage of the Arizona Republican presidential primary. »

John King : « It's 10 : 30 pm and Marco Rubio is leading in the Pima (Tucson's location), Santa Cruz and Cochise counties. »

Arizona Primary - 25 % reported
Marco Rubio : 50 %
Paul Ryan: 27 %
Tom Cotton : 15 %
James Comey : 8 %

Anderson Cooper : « It's 11 pm and Marco Rubio leads in the Maricopa county, a very important county for victory in Arizona since this county includes the cities of Phoenix, Glendale and Mesa. The Florida Senator is also leading in the Yuma, La Paz, Mohave and Apache counties while Paul Ryan is leading in the Navajo and Graham counties. »

Arizona Primary - 50 % reported
Marco Rubio : 53 %
Paul Ryan: 28 %
Tom Cotton : 14 %
James Comey : 5 %

Wolf Blitzer : « It's 11 : 30 pm and we can project that Marco Rubio wins the Arizona Republican Primary and all the 56 delegates. »

Arizona Primary - 75 % reported
Marco Rubio : 53 %, 56 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan: 28 %, 0 delegate
Tom Cotton : 14 %, 0 delegate
James Comey : 5 %, 0 delegate


John King : « I think this victory is due to strong Hispanic vote and Mormon support as well as to John McCain's endorsement. »

Wolf Blitzer : « That's right. In fact, Senator Rubio won 75 % of the local Hispanic vote and 39 % of the Mormon vote. And of course Senator McCain's endorsement was also a precious help to win this primary. So this was the last primary contest before Super Tuesday. We'll see you next time. ladies and gentlemen for the coverage of the Super Tuesday on March 3. I wish you good night and good voting for Super Tuesday. »

Arizona Primary - 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 54 %, 56 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan: 29 %, 0 delegate
Tom Cotton : 14 %, 0 delegate
James Comey : 3 %, 0 delegate

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 08, 2016, 07:27:36 PM
Republican Presidential Primaries, 2020 - Map and Delegate count


Marco Rubio : 229 delegates
Paul Ryan : 76 delegates
Tom Cotton : 25 delegates
James Comey : 4 delegates

1219 delegates needed to win the nomination

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 08, 2016, 10:34:22 PM
Marco Rubio's victory speech in Arizona


Thank you Arizona!

Now we have less than 1000 delegates left to win to clinch the Republican nomination. Once again, we made a contribution to party unity and to national unity by winning Arizona. We are the party of all Americans, whether they are white, black, hispanic, asian, conservative, liberal or independent. ISIS attacked us in Chicago and we have to defeat international terrorism, which can only be done if all the American people works together. So I intend, as President of the United States, bring our country and our people together in order to make sure that we will overcome our challenges for the sake of America's prosperity, security and unity.

We still have work to do. Let's invest our efforts for Super Tuesday to ensure America's victory.

Thank you! Que Dios Bendiga los Estados Unidos de America.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 10, 2016, 10:09:22 PM
Round 22 : February 23, 2020-February 29, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 10, 2016, 10:34:54 PM
New Polls
After Rubio's victory in the Arizona primary, the Republican candidates are investing their efforts on the states voting on Super Tuesday that will be held on March 3. As Marco Rubio consolidates his frontrunner status, James Comey is considering dropping out of the race.

Republican National Polls

Marco Rubio : 49 %
Paul Ryan : 26 %
Tom Cotton : 20 %
James Comey : 5 %

Alabama Polls

Marco Rubio : 36 %
Paul Ryan : 34 %
Tom Cotton : 20 %
James Comey : 9 %


Tom Cotton : 37 %
Marco Rubio : 27 %
Paul Ryan : 23 %
James Comey : 13 %

Delaware Polls

Marco Rubio : 41 %
Paul Ryan : 26 %
Tom Cotton : 13 %
James Comey : 11 %

Georgia Polls

Marco Rubio : 43 %
Paul Ryan : 32 %
Tom Cotton : 20 %
James Comey : 3 %

Massachusetts Polls

Paul Ryan : 40 %
Marco Rubio : 34 %
Tom Cotton : 20 %
James Comey : 5 %

Nebraska Polls

Marco Rubio : 41 %
Paul Ryan : 33 %
Tom Cotton : 24 %
James Comey : 2 %

Oklahoma Polls

Marco Rubio : 42 %
Paul Ryan : 33 %
Tom Cotton : 24 %
James Comey : 1 %

Texas Polls

Marco Rubio : 53 %
Paul Ryan : 31 %
Tom Cotton : 15 %
James Comey : 2 %

Vermont Polls

Marco Rubio : 48 %
Paul Ryan : 32 %
Tom Cotton : 15 %
James Comey : 5 %

Wyoming Polls

Marco Rubio : 40 %
Paul Ryan : 33 %
Tom Cotton : 20 %
James Comey : 7 %

General Election Polls

Hillary Clinton vs Marco Rubio vs Angus King

Marco Rubio : 47 %
Hillary Clinton : 40 %
Angus King : 11 %

Hillary Clinton vs Paul Ryan vs Angus King

Paul Ryan : 44 %
Hillary Clinton : 40 %
Angus King : 13 %

Hillary Clinton vs Tom Cotton vs Angus King

Tom Cotton : 43 %
Hillary Clinton : 41 %
Angus King : 12 %

Hillary Clinton vs James Comey vs Angus King

Hillary Clinton : 43 %
James Comey : 38 %
Angus King : 16 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 10, 2016, 11:26:52 PM

James Comey drops out of the race

After winning only 4 delegates and 0 state, former FBI Director James Comey dropped out of the race for the Republican presidential nomination. However, he didn't endorse yet one of the three remaining Republican candidates but said he will respect his pledge of supporting the Republican nominee. Here are some quotes from his concession speech delivered in Phoenix, Arizona : « I congratulate Senator Rubio for his victory in Arizona. We invested all of our efforts on Arizona, but without a victory here, it's impossible to continue the battle for the nomination and we do nothing but dividing our party, which will give Hillary Clinton a new chance of giving us four more years of corruption and insecurity. So I decided to end my campaign in order to contribute to our party unity. I will endorse the eventual Republican nominee for the sake of America's integrity, security and prosperity. Thank you! God bless the United States of America. »


Marco Rubio : Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse, Reality TV star Rachel Campos-Duffy, Oklahoma Senator James Lankford, former U.S. Navy SEAL Robert O'Neill (the man who killed Osama Bin Laden in 2011), former U.S. Navy SEAL and author of Lone Survivor Marcus Luttrell, Michael Powell (son of Colin Powell), former Alabama Governor Robert Bentley, former Georgia Governor Zell Miller, former general Anthony Zinni

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 11, 2016, 07:33:41 PM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now

Schedule for the week of Feb. 22, 2020-Feb. 29, 2020, Part 1

February 23, 2020
-Flight to Cheyenne, Wyoming
-Statement in reaction to James Comey's exit from the Republican presidential primary race :

I appreciate James Comey's contribution for conservative cause. I also appreciate his service for America as FBI Director. I'm extending my sympathies to him and his family and as he said he will support the eventual Republican nominee, he will continue his service to our country by supporting me once I clinch the nomination.

-Meet with college voters at the Laramie County Community College in Cheyenne, WY
-Foreign policy speech at Francis E. Warren Air Force Base in Cheyenne, WY, alongside former Vice-President Dick Cheney :

I endorse Marco Rubio because he represents the Republican Party's future as well as America's future and because I believe, as a former U.S. Secretary of Defense, that he has the best plan and background to collaborate with our allies, to fight and defeat international terrorism and to keep us safe through a stronger American military, stronger alliances, stronger American military engagement and stronger support to groups or organizations fighting for democracy, freedom, justice and integrity, notably in Syria. That way, international freedom and peace will be reinforced and terrorist attacks like the recent one in Chicago will never happen again. In addition, unlike Paul Ryan, who voted against the Bush Administration National Energy plan under my watch as Vice-President of the United States, I know, as a former oil industry businessman, that Marco Rubio will lead us to energy independence by increasing permits on federal lands, increasing oil drilling, including on ANWR, approving the Keystone XL pipeline and building pipelines from Pennsylvania to California and from the Prudhoe Bay to Alberta and promote oil exploitation in the Arctic through underwater tankers, thus creating jobs and getting us the required revenues for the development of renewable energies, which will encourage job creation and prosperity without affecting the environment.
-Barnstorm in Cheyenne, WY   
-Meet with college voters at the University of Wyoming in Laramie, WY
-Speech at the Fine Arts Concert Hall in Laramie, WY
-Energy policy speech at the Salt Creek Oil Field in Casper, WY
-Meet with college voters at Casper College in Casper, WY
-Rally at the Casper Events Center in Casper, WY
-Flight to Lincoln, Nebraska
-Debate preparation on the plane
-Foreign policy speech at Lincoln Air National Guard Base in Lincoln, NE
-Dinner with the voters at Amigos/Kings Classic headquarters in Lincoln, NE
-Fundraising event at Pinnacle Bank Arena in Lincoln, NE
-Barnstorm in Bellevue, NE
-Economic policy speech at the Greater Chamber of Commerce in Omaha, NE
-Speech alongside Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse at the CenturyLink Center Omaha in Omaha, NE
-Speech at Joslyn Art Museum in Omaha, NE
-Supper with the voters at Godfather's Pizza headquarters in Omaha, NE
-Rest and debate preparation
-Flight to Montpelier, Vermont

February 24, 2020
-Barnstorm in Montpelier, VT
-Barnstorm in South Burlington, VT
-Speech at the Church Street Marketplace in Burlington, VT
-Meet with college voters at the University of Vermont in Burlington, VT
-Rally at Battery Park in Burlington, VT
-Speech at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Burlington, VT
-Flight to Wilmington, Delaware
-Debate preparation on the plane
-Economic policy speech at DuPont headquarters in Wilmington, DE
-Speech at Daniel S. Frawley Stadium in Wilmington, DE
-Free trade policy speech at the Port of Wilmington in Wilmington, DE
-Speech at the University of Delaware in Newark, DE
-Barnstorm in Newark, DE
-Barnstorm in Middletown, DE
-Foreign policy speech at Dover Air Force Base in Dover, DE
-Speech at the Capitol Theater in Dover, DE
-Flight to Washington D.C.
-Debate preparation on the plane
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.
-Senator Marco Rubio votes in favor of his co-sponsored Bipartisan Counterterrorist Coalition Act in the United States Senate in Washington D.C.

February 25, 2020
-Flight to Boston, Massachusetts
-Debate preparation on the plane
-Freedom of religion policy speech at the old South Church in Boston, MA
-Free trade policy speech at the Port of Boston in Boston, MA
-Energy policy speech at General Electric Company headquarters in Boston, MA
-Economic policy speech at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston, MA
-Speech in front of the statue of George Washington at Boston Public Garden in Boston, MA :

Boston represents a great symbol of America's values : freedom, democracy, justice and integrity. In 1774, just before the American Revolution, Boston became the birthplace of America's fight for economic freedom, for free enterprise and against government intrusion in the economy. By cutting taxes for all the American people as well as for business owners, we will stop our companies' offshoring and make sure our future business owners will decide that America is the best place in the world to open a new business, which will increase their capacity of innovating, expanding, producing and hiring. Free trade will make our companies more competitive in the world economy by reducing the cost of trading, getting us more international consumers and bringing innovation, which will pursue further job creation here in the United States.

Boston also represents a symbol of America's independence and freedom after our fight against the British Empire's colonial oppression. Today, our freedom is threatened again, but this time by terrorism. Just like they did here in Boston in 2013, terrorists recently attacked us in Chicago, on the American soil. But by increasing defense spending, reinforcing our security measures, reinforcing and modernizing our military and working with our allies, we will defeat international terrorism and all the tyrannical regimes supporting terrorism for the sake of international security, justice and freedom, thus saving innocent lives.

-Fundraising event at the TD Garden in Boston, MA
-Debate preparation
-Meet with college voters at the Harvard University in Boston, MA
-Marco Rubio debates with Paul Ryan and Tom Cotton at the Harvard University in Boston, MA

Feb. 26-29 will come after the debate

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on October 11, 2016, 07:47:13 PM
King Ready to Return to Race

AP-In a press conference today, Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard confirmed that independent Presidential candidate Angus King will be returning to the race next week. The Maine Senator was hospitalized following a collapse at a press conference some time ago.

"He's raring to go." Said the Hawaii Congresswoman and Hawaii National Guard Major. Pennsylvania  Governor Tom Wolf and King's running mate, Vermont Congressman Tim Ashe, have also both stated that King is ready to return.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 12, 2016, 06:13:02 AM
Ninth Republican primary presidential debate at the Harvard University in Boston, Massahusetts

Date : February 25th, 2020

Participants : Florida Senator Marco Rubio, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton


Host : CBS News

Moderators : Major Garrett and Scott Pelley

Podium order was determined by the average of the national polls since mid-February :

Ryan    Rubio    Cotton


-Opening statements

-Senator King claimed in an attack ad that the Republican Party only supports our troops when sending them to war. Do you believe it's offensive to some of your fellow Republicans like Senators John McCain or Lindsey Graham who served in the U.S. Army before entering politics?

-Senator Rubio, you said a few hours ago that Boston represents a symbol of America's freedom and values. What did you mean?

-Speaker Ryan, in 2012, as the Republican vice-presidential nominee, you praised Mitt Romney's record on working, as Governor of Massachusetts, with a legislation formed by 85 % of Democratic members. How do you describe your record, as Speaker of the House, on working with the opposite party and do you believe it will help you working with Democrats in the Congress as President of the United States?

-Senator Cotton, you tried to attenuate concerns about your short political experience by claiming that you could lead this country Dwight D. Eisenhower but with a few years of legislative experience. What did you mean?

-In the last few months, jihadism surged through enslavering innocent people in Cameroon and hostage taking around the African Horn. What is your plan to fight terrorism on the African continent?

-Senator Rubio, in your campaign, you claimed time and time again that the Black Sea is one of the most strategic zones in the world when it comes to international security. Why?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on October 12, 2016, 06:29:02 AM
@TulsiGabbard Perhaps Republicans can acknowledge that @SenAngusKing made a somwhat valid point in his ad?

@GovJVentura Agreed Tulsi. Won't happen though; they've sold vets down the river. I can name at least 10 times McCain voted against vets.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 12, 2016, 07:27:14 AM
Marco Rubio debate answers

-Opening statements

A week ago, we suffered the worst terrorist attack on the U.S. soil since 9/11. We need to bring our country together to defend our values, fight terrorism, get America on the right direction and bring prosperity back to America by promoting economic freedom, entrepreneurship, energy independence, education system reform and fiscal responsibility. I intend to do so as the next President of the United States of America. Thank you.

-Senator King claimed in an attack ad that the Republican Party only supports our troops when sending them to war. Do you believe it's offensive to some of your fellow Republicans like Senators John McCain or Lindsey Graham who served in the U.S. Army before entering politics?

Yes I believe it's offensive to them and even offensive to my friend Tom Cotton. [Shakes Cotton's hand while the audience applauds] It's not only offensive but also inaccurate. Like Senator McCain said, he always supported improving social assistance to our veterans after serving in Vietnam and being tortured there for six years.

I cosponsored the AGREE Act alongside Democratic Senator Chris Coons, which gave tax credits for veterans opening a business franchise, thus helping them to find a good paying job and to prosper after their military service. I successfully co-sponsored the 2014 VA reform law by introducing a measure empowering the VA secretary to hold managers accountable for incompetence, negligence and corruption and to care more about veterans than bureaucrats.

If I'm elected President of the United States, our veterans will be rewarded for their valiant service to their country not only through medals of honor but also through health and social services. If we take care of our veterans, they will be thankful of the services we'll give to them just as we are grateful of their service for our country, for freedom and for our national security. So I can promise you that our future military veterans will have access to the same services as the current veterans do.

-Senator Rubio, you said a few hours ago that Boston represents a symbol of America's freedom and values. What did you mean?

Before the beginning of the American Revolution, taxes imposed by the British Empire on products like tea shocked the American people, thus contributing to the Boston Tea Party. So Boston became the birthplace of America's quest for economic freedom, for free enterprise and against government intrusion in the economy. Tax cuts for all the American people and for business owners  will stop our companies' offshoring and make sure our future business owners will decide that America is the best place in the world to open a new business, which will increase their capacity of innovating, expanding, producing and hiring. Free trade will make us more competitive in the global economy by reducing the cost of exporting and importing, getting us more consumers in the four corners of the Earth and bringing innovation, which will pursue further job creation here in the United States.

-Speaker Ryan, in 2012, as the Republican vice-presidential nominee, you praised Mitt Romney's record on working, as Governor of Massachusetts, with a legislation formed by 85 % of Democratic members. How do you describe your record, as Speaker of the House, on working with the opposite party and do you believe it will help you working with Democrats in the Congress as President of the United States?

[Paul Ryan's response]

-Senator Cotton, you tried to attenuate concerns about your short political experience by claiming that you could lead this country Dwight D. Eisenhower but with a few years of legislative experience. What did you mean?

[Tom Cotton's response]

-In the last few months, jihadism surged through enslavering innocent people in Cameroon and hostage taking around the African Horn. What is your plan to fight terrorism on the African continent?

In the last ten years, Hillary Clinton's lack of leadership has decreased North Africa's stability and security, especially in Libya and in Egypt where many of our brave ambassadors were killed and where ISIS emerged. And she's surely still hiding something about Benghazi, informations that she would have erased among her emails when she was Secretary of State. Terrorists are using Africa as a springboard to commit terrorist attacks in Europe. I don't want the Mediterranean Sea to become a terrorist lake. We have to launch an air offensive against ISIS in Egypt and deprive terrorists of their sources of supplies, especially oil, by securing those ressources and giving them back to Egyptians. My plan to restore security and peace in Africa is, of course, arming African nations involved in this fight, but also putting in place a military intelligence agency called the American Counterterrorism Agency in Africa (ACTAA) that will lead antiterrorist crusade in the African continent through military or intelligence operations and that will use drones in order to find the location of terrorist leaders, which will help us to capture or kill them. We also need to give military training to the armed forces of armies of the African countries in the throes of jihadism to make sure these courageous soldiers will be ready and able to combat terrorism with American techniques that helped us to capture or kill Osama Bin Laden, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Saddam Hussein and Dadullah. That's how we're going to defeat Boko Haram, ISIS, the Shebaab and reinforce security in Africa.

-Senator Rubio, in your campaign, you claimed time and time again that the Black Sea is one of the most strategic zones in the world when it comes to international security. Why?

Well, if we reinforce our military presence on the Black Sea, we will increase pressure in Russia and increase our support to Ukraine by helping Kiev through military material providing and airstrikes to defeat this pro-Russian terrorist group supported by Moscow and then Ukraine will be given back to the Ukrainian people. With a more secured Black Sea,we can intercept and destroy more easily any nuclear weapon launched by Iran against us or our allies, thus preventing any chaotic disaster from happening.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on October 12, 2016, 07:57:13 PM
Angus King: March 31st 1944-25th February 2020


AP-Angus King, former lawyer, two-term independent Governor of Maine, two-term independent Senator from Maine and independent Presidential candidate, has tragically passed away.

The Senator suffered a fatal heart attack just hours ago, and his death has just been confirmed by his wife, Mary.

This brings down the curtain of one of the most prominent political careers in the Northeast. King served two four-year terms as Governor of Maine, his adopted home state, winning is first election in a tough four-way race against Democrat Joseph Brennan, Republican Susan Collins and Green Jonathon Carter with 35% of the vote. King would later win reelection in a landslide, winning 58% of the vote. King was later elected to the Senate in 2012, facing down Republican Charlie Summers and Democrat Cynthia Dills with 52% of the vote. He was later reelected in a landslide in 2018, facing down 4 other candidates to win with 57%.

Called the "Progressive Lion" of the 2020 race, King ran on a progressive platform aiming to increase taxes for wealthy Americans, reinstate the Glass-Steagall Act, raise the minimum wage, provide healthcare for all, and increase infrastructure spending.

"Angus will be missed by all Americans." Said Dr Jill Stein, one of King's endorsers. Governors Jesse Ventura and Gary Johnson would later echo this statement.

"America lost a man who would've made a great President." Governor Ventura said.

"Angus King was a uniter; a man who brought progressives and libertarians together. He'd have been a fantastic President." Said Governor Johnson.

Tim Ashe has already said that he will take over the ticket, but is yet to announce a VP nominee

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 12, 2016, 08:40:42 PM
Marco Rubio's reaction to Angus King's death

We learned this morning that Senator Angus King died due to heart attack. Despite our disagreements on many issues, I appreciate his service to America by doing with the best he could to unite our country, to improve hard-working Americans' living conditions and to protect the American Dream. As an American, I'm extending my sympathies to his family and I congratulate Congressman Tim Ashe for his nomination at the top of the Independent ticket.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 12, 2016, 08:52:03 PM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now

Schedule for the week of Feb. 22, 2020-Feb. 29, 2020, Part 2

February 26, 2020
-Fundraising event at Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston, MA
-Speech at Faneuil Hall in Boston, MA
-Barnstorm in East Boston in Boston, MA, in an effort to woo the local Hispanic/Latino vote
-Barnstorm in Chinatown, Boston in Boston, MA, in an effort to woo the local Asian-American vote
-Economic policy speech at David Clark Company, Inc. headquarters in Worcester, MA
-Town hall meeting at Mechanics Hall in Worcester, MA
-Foreign policy speech at Bancroft Tower in Worcester, MA
-Speech at MassMutual Center in Springfield, MA
-Marco Rubio's presidential campaign broadcasts an ad slamming Paul Ryan's 2013 statement in favor of restricting NSA and surveillance without scrapping the PATRIOT Act. The ad titled « Security without measures? » airs in all the states voting on Super Tuesday (Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Georgia, Massachusetts, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas, Vermont and Wyoming)

« Security without measures? » advertisement narration :


In this time of war against terrorism, some parts of the Patriot Act expired on June 1 2015 and NSA was restricted, thus weakening our surveillance programs and encouraging terrorists to commit attacks against the United States, notably in San Bernardino in 2015, in Orlando, New York and New Jersey in 2016, Hawai in 2019 and now in Chicago in 2020.

While supporting the PATRIOT Act, Paul Ryan is in favor of restricting NSA and surveillance. But what would have happened without NSA and surveillance? More terrorist attacks against us, more innocent people killed and more threats toward our values, which are freedom, justice and integrity.

We suffered too much of these kind of disasters in the last two decades. So the best leader to prevent such disasters is Marco Rubio.

As President of the United States, Marco Rubio will increase our security measures, reinforce and modernize our military, consolidate and expand our international alliances, and deploy all the necessary military strength to reinforce security and defeat terrorism, which will save innocent lives, defend America's values, reinforce international peace and keep us safe in a safer and more peaceful world.

I'm Marco Rubio and I approve this message.

-Flight to Mobile, Alabama
-Debate preparation on the plane
-Foreign policy speech at Austal USA headquarters in Mobile, AL
-Meet with college voters at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, AL
-Economic policy and tax policy speech at the Business Technology Center in Mobile, AL
-Speech at Bishop State Community College in Mobile, AL, in an effort to woo the African-American vote
-Speech at the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Mobile, AL
-Bus trip to Montgomery, AL
-Debate preparation

February 27, 2020
-Foreign policy speech at the Maxwell-Gunter Air Force Base in Montgomery, AL
-Economic policy speech at the Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Alabama headquarters in Montgomery, AL
-Meet with college voters at Auburn University at Montgomery in Montgomery, AL
-Fundraising event at Montgomery Riverwalk Stadium in Montgomery, AL
-Speech at the Alabama Theatre in Birmingham, AL
-Civil rights and national unity policy speech at Birmingham Civil Rights Institute in Birmingham, AL
-Speech at the Southern Museum of Flight in Birmingham, AL
-Speech at the Cathedral of Saint Paul in Birmingham, AL
-Speech at the Samford University in Birmingham, AL
-Barnstorm in Tuscaloosa, AL
-Flight to Columbus, Georgia
-Debate preparation on the plane
-Foreign policy speech at Fort Benning in Columbus, GA
-Speech at the Coca-Cola Space Science Center in Columbus, GA
-Rally at Golden Park in Columbus, GA
-Defense policy at the National Infantry Museum in Columbus, GA
-Debate preparation

February 28, 2020
-Speech at the Fox Theatre in Atlanta, GA
-Rally at The Phoenix statue in Atlanta, GA
-Speech at the Millenium Gate Museum in Atlanta, GA
-Fundraising at the World of Coca-Cola headquarters in Atlanta, GA
-Rally at Turner Field in Atlanta, GA
-Meet with college voters at Spelman College in Atlanta, GA
-Dinner with the voters at the Varsity headquarters in Atlanta, GA
-Innovation policy speech at the Museum of Design Atlanta in Atlanta, GA
-Speech at the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site in Atlanta, GA
-Debate preparation
-Marco Rubio debates with Paul Ryan and Tom Cotton at the Georgia State University in Atlanta, GA

Feb. 29 will come after the debate

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on October 13, 2016, 03:27:03 AM
The following people and their families are invited to the funeral of Senator King on March 4:

Congressman Tim Ashe
Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard
Former Governor Jesse Ventura
Former Governor Gary Johnson
Former Senator Tom Daschle
President Hillary Clinton
Vice President Tim Kaine
Senator Russ Feingold
Senator Tammy Baldwin
Senator Elizabeth Warren
Senator Ed Markey
Governor Joe Kennedy
Senator Bernie Sanders
Former Governor John Baldacci
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell
Former Mayor Bill de Blasio
Former Vice President Al Gore  
Mr Bill Gates
Mr Warren Buffett
Mr Michael Lewis
Mr Steve Eisman
Mr Bill Maher
Mr Ed Schultz
Mr Ralph Nader
Senator Marco Rubio
Senator Tom Cotton
Speaker Paul Ryan
Former FBI Director James Comey

Mr Edward Snowden and his partner Ms Lindsay Mills will be attending via video conference.

The eulogy will be delivered by Congressman Ashe.

The following guests are invited to make speeches at the funeral:

President Hillary Clinton
First Gentleman Bill Clinton
Vice President Tim Kaine
Governor Joe Kennedy
Former Vice President Al Gore
Former Governor Gary Johnson
Former Governor Jesse Ventura
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell
Dr Jill Stein
Senator Marco Rubio

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 13, 2016, 07:58:12 AM
Tenth and final Republican primary presidential debate at the Georgia State University in Atlanta, Georgia

Date : February 28th, 2020

Participants : Florida Senator Marco Rubio, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton


Host : CNN

Moderator : Anderson Cooper

Podium order was determined by the average of the national polls since mid-February :

Ryan    Rubio    Cotton

CNN's America's Choice theme :

U.S. National Anthem sung by John Ondrasik


-Opening statements

-How does it feel to learn that one your supposed opponents for the general election passed away as it was the case for Angus King?

-Senator Rubio, in the Senate, you recently co-sponsored the Bipartisan Counterterrorist Coalition Act that passed into law and that would reinforce our defense ties with Middle Eastern and South Asian countries. How will it be effective into fighting terrorism?

-Should we deter arms transfers to Syria?

-Speaker Ryan, Senator Rubio's campaign recently broadcasted a TV ad slamming you for your position in favor of restricting NSA and surveillance without scrapping the PATRIOT Act. How can it be done without scrapping the PATRIOT Act and national security?

-Senator Rubio, your response.

-Senator Cotton, your home state of Arkansas is among the states voting on Super Tuesday that is coming closer and closer. Your fellow Arkansan Florida Governor Mike Huckabee who was Governor of Arkansas for 11 years endorsed Senator Rubio over you. How do you feel it?

-Speaker Ryan, you sometimes handled government shutdowns threats. As President of the United States, how do you intend to avoid government shutdowns?

-Senator Rubio said that Iran should use its nuclear energy not for military purposes but for economic purposes. I want to hear from all three of you : how are you going to make sure that Iran follows that procedure?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 13, 2016, 09:33:21 AM
Marco Rubio debate answers

-Opening statements

America is a great country through its diversity, its values, its promises and the opportunities it gives to whoever comes there. But today, our values are threatened by terrorists and the American Dream is threatened by the economic downturn we are living actually. We need to know whom of us will be the best to face Hillary Clinton and Tim Ashe on Election Day, to get America back on track, to grow the U.S. economy, to reinforce international security and to bring all the American people together. So I hope you will enjoy this debate because this is the last one in this cycle. Thank you.

-How does it feel to learn that one your supposed opponents for the general election passed away as it was the case for Angus King?

Well, despite our disagreements and despite the fact he was supposed to be one of our nominee's two major opponents alongside Hillary Clinton, Angus King should be honored for the service he made to our country. Like every American running for President of the United States, we got to have the best platform to bring all of the American people together as I intend to do through my  pro-growth economic agenda.

-Senator Rubio, in the Senate, you recently co-sponsored the Bipartisan Counterterrorist Coalition Act that passed into law and that would reinforce our defense ties with Middle Eastern and South Asian countries. How will it be effective into fighting terrorism?

By reinforcing our alliances, our collaborations will be stronger and more military force and arsenal will be deployed to defeat terrorism in the Middle East. Terrorists are trying to divide us through fear but if we work together, terrorists will be defeated. This is peace and security through strength and collaboration. Through its diplomacy, through its support to terrorist organizations like Hezbollah and through the development of its nuclear arsenal, Iran wants Israel's disappearance, which will cause a genocide against an entire people. But the reinforcement of our Defense ties with our allies in the Middle East through the Bipartisan Counterterrorist Coalition Act will ensure Israel's survival by increasing sanctions against Iran and pressure on the Iranian government since this country is neighboring many of our strategic allies : Turkey, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and Pakistan. That way, Iran will be force to give up the military nature of its nuclear program for the sake of peace and stability.

-Should we deter arms transfers to Syria?

Of course we should. The stronger Assad's army is, the more chances it has to defeat the Syrian rebellion and to reinforce Assad's tyranny in Syria. Instead of fighting ISIS in Syria as we are doing, Russia is orchestrating airstrikes against the rebellion and is providing military materiasls to the Assad regime to keep Assad into power and to defend its local economic interests. As long as Assad is in power, as long as tyranny remains in Syria, our fight against ISIS will be difficult. So we have to deter foreign arms transfers to Syria by sanctioning whoever provides weapons to the Assad regime, which will aweaken Assad's troops and ensure the Syrian rebellion's victory, freedom's victory, justice's victory and integrity's victory, thus bringing security back to Syria.

-Speaker Ryan, Senator Rubio's campaign recently broadcasted a TV ad slamming you for your position in favor of restricting NSA and surveillance without scrapping the PATRIOT Act. How can it be done without scrapping the PATRIOT Act and national security?

[Paul Ryan's response]


-Senator Rubio, your response.

The PATRIOT Act was adopted after 9/11 in order to reinforce our security measures and to collect informations that allow us to prevent terrorists attacks against America from happening. But on June 1, 2015, some parts of the PATRIOT Act expired, thus weakening NSA and surveillance, which kept us from collecting informations that would have been useful to maintain security. So terrorists realized that it was more easy to commit attacks against us and they seased this opportunity in San Bernardino in 2015, Orlando, New York and New Jersey in 2016, Hawai in 2019 and now in Chicago.

Mr. Speaker if we pursue further restriction of the NSA and surveillance, much more terrorists attacks will be commited against us, much more innocent civilians will die, our values will be threatened over and over again, terrorists will win and we will be facing a disastrous situation. We don't want it to happen.

By increasing our security measures, unlike what you plan to do, we will make America safer, terrorist attacks against America will never happen again and freedom will be maintained because terrorists are representing the threat to freedom. We will also reinforce America's national security by condolidating and modernizing our military, reinforcing our alliances, and use all the necessary troops and all other military force, international terrorism will be destroyed and this will be a great step for international peace, stability, security and freedom.

-Senator Cotton, your home state of Arkansas is among the states voting on Super Tuesday that is coming closer and closer. Florida Governor Mike Huckabee who was Governor of Arkansas for 11 years endorsed Senator Rubio over you. How do you feel it?

[Tom Cotton's response]

-Speaker Ryan, you sometimes handled government shutdowns threats. As President of the United States, how do you intend to avoid government shutdowns?

[Paul Ryan's response]

-Senator Rubio said that Iran should use its nuclear energy not for military purposes but for economic purposes. I want to hear from all three of you : how are you going to make sure that Iran follows that procedure?

Iran is already in the throes of economic struggles but the Iranian government doesn't seem to care about it. Instead of using nuclear energy for Iran's economic growth, he uses it to develop nuclear arsenal, to threat its neighbors, to destroy Israel and to attack any nation standing on its away. But by reinforcing economic sanctions against Tehran, reinforcing our defense ties with our allies and in the Indian Subcontinent  pledging to destroy every Iranian nuclear facility through airstrikes if it doesn't act the way it should, economic arguments of Iran's nuclear program will be stronger than military arguments and Iran will be forced to abandon its military nuclear program and use it to develop its national economy for the Iranian people that is struggling to find good-paying jobs and to have access to electricity.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 13, 2016, 10:22:48 AM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now

Schedule for the week of Feb. 22, 2020-Feb. 29, 2020, Part 3

February 29, 2020

-Flight to Tulsa, Oklahoma
-Energy policy speech at the Williams Companies, Inc. headquarters in Tulsa, OK
-Speech at the Philbrook Museum of Art in Tulsa, OK
-Fundraising event at the BOK Center in Tulsa, OK
-Meet with college voters at the University of Tulsa in Tulsa, OK
-Foreign policy and space policy speech at the Tulsa Air and Space Museum in Tulsa, OK
-Dinner with the voters at Ike's Chili Parlor in Tulsa, OK
-Rally at Chesapeake Energy Arena in Oklahoma City, OK
-Counterterrorism policy speech at the Oklahoma City National Memorial in Oklahoma City, OK
-Economic policy speech at Chesapeake Energy Corporation headquarters in Oklahoma City, OK
-Barnstorm at South Oklahoma in Oklahoma City, OK, in an effort to woo the local Latino community
-Foreign policy speech at Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma City, OK
-Meet with college voters at the University of Oklahoma in Norman, OK
-Fundraising event at the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art in Norman, OK
-Rally at Oklahoma Memorial Stadium in Norman, OK
-Economic policy speech at Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company facility in Lawton, OK
-Speech at the Cameron University in Lawton, OK
-Flight to Dallas, Texas

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 13, 2016, 09:39:59 PM
Round 23 : March 1, 2020-March 7, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 13, 2016, 09:55:05 PM
New Polls
As Super Tuesday approaches, Marco Rubio reinforced his status as the clear frontrunner for the Republican nomination. In addition, among all the Republican presidential candidates, he makes the best performance against Hillary Clinton according to the polls. In addition of Super Tuesday, the Republican presidential candidates will have another opportunity to gain points in the race for their party's nomination : the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in National Harbor, Maryland, on March 5, 2020.

Republican National Polls

Marco Rubio : 51 %
Paul Ryan : 25 %
Tom Cotton : 20 %

Alabama Polls

Marco Rubio : 39 %
Paul Ryan : 35 %
Tom Cotton : 22 %


Tom Cotton : 41 %
Marco Rubio : 30 %
Paul Ryan : 24 %

Delaware Polls

Marco Rubio : 45 %
Paul Ryan : 28 %
Tom Cotton : 15 %

Georgia Polls

Marco Rubio : 47 %
Paul Ryan : 31 %
Tom Cotton : 21 %

Massachusetts Polls

Paul Ryan : 42 %
Marco Rubio : 36 %
Tom Cotton : 21 %

Nebraska Polls

Marco Rubio : 44 %
Paul Ryan : 35 %
Tom Cotton : 21 %

Oklahoma Polls

Marco Rubio : 44 %
Paul Ryan : 31 %
Tom Cotton : 25 %

Texas Polls

Marco Rubio : 54 %
Paul Ryan : 30 %
Tom Cotton : 16 %

Vermont Polls

Marco Rubio : 50 %
Paul Ryan : 33 %
Tom Cotton : 16 %

Wyoming Polls

Marco Rubio : 42 %
Paul Ryan : 32 %
Tom Cotton : 22 %

General Election Polls

Hillary Clinton vs Marco Rubio vs Tim Ashe

Marco Rubio : 46 %
Hillary Clinton : 41 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %

Hillary Clinton vs Paul Ryan vs Tim Ashe

Paul Ryan : 42 %
Hillary Clinton : 40 %
Tim Ashe: 15 %

Hillary Clinton vs Tom Cotton vs Tim Ashe

Tom Cotton : 42 %
Hillary Clinton : 41 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 13, 2016, 11:04:23 PM

The Bipartisan Counterterrorist Coalition Act passed in the two chambers of the Congress and is signed into law

Last week, after the terrorist attack in Chicago, Senators Marco Rubio (Rep.-Florida) and Mark Warner (Dem.-Virginia) co-sponsored the Bipartisan Counterterrorist Coalition Act that would reinforce defense ties between the United States, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Turkey, Jordan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and the United Arab Emirates in order to fight terrorism in the Middle East through military strength and to stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons by increasing pressure on Tehran and making sure Iran uses its nuclear energy to ensure economic growth instead of developping nuclear weapons to trigger a devastating and catastrophic war.

The law easily passed in the House of Representatives. Almost all Republican senators, except for Rand Paul, voted in favor of this law, which made 55 YES votes. In addition of these 55 approvals, 12 Democratic senators gave their support to the law by voting YES, which makes 67 YES votes in total, thus allowing it to cross the 66 votes required not only to pass but also to override any potential presidential veto. The Democratic senators supporting the bill are Mark Warner, of course, Cory Booker, Evan Bayh, Bob Menendez, Bob Casey, Tammy Duckworth, Claire McCaskill, Dick Durban, Martin Heinrich, Ron Wyden and Kirsten Gillibrand.

President Hillary Clinton later signed the bill into law, thus giving the effects it included.

A special Senate election will be held in Maine on this year's Election Day

Senator Angus King's death made his Senate seat vacant. Republican, Democratic and Indendent potential successors announced their candidacy. The Republican Senatorial candidates are former U.S. Ambassador to Costa Rica Peter Cianchette and U.S congressman from Maine Bruce Poliquin. Democratic candidates are former Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap, State Representative Jon Hinck and former Governor John Baldacci. The Independent candidates remain to be announced in the next few days.


Marco Rubio : former United States Navy Admiral and organizer of the Operation Neptune's Spear William H. McRaven, U.S. Navy sailor John Sydney McCain IV, Richard Armitage, former Deputy Secretary of State, general, commander of U.S. Africa Command and leader of the 2011 U.S. military intervention in Libya Carter Ham, Businessman Neil Bush (son of George H. W. Bush and brother of George W. Bush), former general of the U.S. armed forces in Afghanistan and former CIA Director David Petraeus, Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe, U.S. Congressman from Florida Daniel Webster

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 14, 2016, 11:37:46 AM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now

Schedule for the week of March 1, 2020-March 7, 2020, Part 1

March 1, 2020
-Speech at the American Airlines Center in Dallas, Texas
-Economic policy speech at Atmos Energy Corporation headquarters in Dallas, TX
-Economic policy speech at AT&T Inc. headquarters in Dallas, TX
-Barnstorm at Fort Worth Silicon Prairie in Dallas, TX
-National unity policy speech at African American Museum in Dallas, TX
-Meet with college voters at the University of Texas at Dallas in Dallas, TX, in an effort to woo the Hispanic vote, the African-American vote and the Asian-American vote
-Foreign policy speech at the George W. Bush Presidential Center in Dallas, TX
-Barnstorm at the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex in Dallas, TX, in an effort to woo the Hispanic vote
-Fundraising event at the Dealey Plaza in Dallas, TX, alongside Neil Bush
-Meet with the voters at the Houston Hispanic Forum Houston, TX
-Economic policy speech in front of the Halliburton Company headquarters in Houston, TX
-Free trade policy speech at the Port of Houston in Houston, TX
-Meet with college voters at the University of Houston in Houston, TX
-Space policy at the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center in Houston, TX
-Town hall meeting at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, TX, where Senator Rubio was asked about what he thinks the Republican candidates for Angus King’s vacant Senate seat (due to King's death) in a special election that will be held the same day as the next presidential election :

They are would both be terrific nominees for the Senate seat. As a former Ambassador, Peter Cianchette has the right foreign policy experience to ensure a terrific foreign policy in the Senate. He earns another advantage that he shares with Congressman Poliquin. Whether Cianchette or Poliquin wins the nomination and is elected, they would both, thanks to their business experience, bring economic expertise, which would make another great contribution to economic growth and America’s economic prosperity.

-Supper with the voters at the Russo's New York Pizzeria in Houston, TX
-Meet with the voters at the Galleria in Houston, TX
-Rally at NRG Stadium in Houston, TX
March 2, 2020
-Breakfast with the voters at the Hilton Americas-Houston in Houston, TX
-Energy policy speech in favor of the Keystone XL pipeline at Spindletop in Beaumont, TX
-Rally at Darrell K. Royal-Texas Memorial Stadium in Austin, TX
-Speech at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum in Austin, TX
-Speech at Mexic-Arte Museum in Austin, TX
-Meet with college voters at the University of Texas at Austin in Austin, TX
-Rally in Austin with Ted Cruz :

I give my support to Marco Rubio because he's the most conservative candidate in this race. Among the Republican field, Marco is the most likely to defeat President Clinton so he's the most likely to defend the Constitution of the United States as well as our values such as the right to self-defense through gun rights, promotion of life, freedom of religion, integrity, free enterprise and national security.

-Speech at the Shoreline Church in Austin, TX
-Energy policy speech at Valero Energy Corporation headquarters in San Antonio, TX
-Foreign policy speech at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, TX
-Speech at the Cathedral of San Fernando in San Antonio, TX
-Speech at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center
-Dinner with the voters at Cafe Ole in San Antonio, TX
-Speech at the San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in San Antonio, TX
-Meet with the voters and the donors at the University of Texas at San Antonio, TX
-Supper with the voters at the Tacos and Tequila in San Antonio, TX

March 3, 2020
-Breakfast with the voters at the Landry's Restaurant, Inc. in the Tower of the America's in San Antonio, TX
-Fundraising event at the San Antonio Public Library in San Antonio, TX
-Speech at the Museo Alameda in San Antonio, TX
-Rally at the AT&T Center in San Antonio, TX, alongside Republican Senate Majority Leader John Cornyn :

I appreciate Senator Rubio's conservative faith. He's the best candidate to attract Hispanic voters and other minority voters and to grow our party and to beat Hillary Clinton thanks to his optimistic agenda that is proposing tax cuts and a stronger purchasing power for all the American people, energy independence by using all of our sources of energies, free trade promotion to ensure our companies' competitiveness, education system reform, budget balance and American businesses' championing. He will also reinforce and modernize our military, consolidate and expand our alliances as he recently did by successfully introducing the Bipartisan Counterterrorist Coalition Act and use all the necessary military force to defeat radical Islamic terrorism, including ISIS, Al Qaida, etc. and stop dishonest regimes like Iran and North Korea from getting nuclear weapons and Russia from pursuing its aggression against our allies.

As Leader of the Majority in the U.S. Senate, I'm ready to work with President Marco Rubio by approving his policies in the Senate for the sake of America's prosperity, security and unity. So I'm asking you to vote for Marco Rubio tonight on one of our most important Super Tuesdays of our lifetime in order to help him to get things done and realize his agenda that will lead us to a New American Century and we need Marco Rubio's strong leadership right here right now!

Thank you. God bless you, God bless Texas and God bless the United States of America.

-Meet with college voters at the Trinity University in San Antonio, TX
-Speech at the Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center in San Antonio, TX
-Flight to Austin, TX
-Dinner with the voters at Sweet Leaf Tea Company headquarters in Austin, TX
-Rally at Dell Diamond in Austin, TX
-Fundraising event at House Park in Austin, TX
-Speech at the Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center in Austin, TX
-Rally with supporters at the W Austin Hotel in Austin, TX, to watch the Super Tuesday results’ development

March 4-7 will come after Super Tuesday

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 14, 2016, 11:32:52 PM



CNN America's Choice theme :

Wolf Blitzer : « Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to CNN's coverage of the Super Tuesday. So remember, the states voting on Super Tuesday this year are Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Georgia, Massachusetts, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas, Vermont and Wyoming. So it's 8 am. Do we have news John? »

John King : « Yes and Paul Ryan is leading in most of the Northern counties of Alabama, including the Madison county (Huntsville's location). »

Alabama Primary - 25 % reported
Paul Ryan: 39 %
Marco Rubio : 36 %
Tom Cotton : 18 %

Anderson Cooper : « It's 8 : 30 pm and Marco Rubio leads in most of Alabama's southern counties, including in Montgomery and Mobile. »

Alabama Primary - 50 % reported
Marco Rubio : 38 %
Paul Ryan: 37 %
Tom Cotton : 19 %

Wolf Blitzer : « It's 9 pm and Marco Rubio wins the Jefferson county (Birmingham's location). »

Alabama Primary - 75 % reported
Marco Rubio : 39 %
Paul Ryan: 36 %
Tom Cotton : 20 %

John King : « It's 9 : 30 pm and we can project that Marco Rubio wins the Alabama primary. »

Alabama Primary - 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 41 % ✔
Paul Ryan: 37 %
Tom Cotton : 22 %


Blitzer : « So Marco Rubio wins the Alabama primary with 41 % of the popular vote and 26 delegates while Paul Ryan wins 18 delegates and Tom Cotton wins 6 delegates. »

Alabama Primary - 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 41 %, 26 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan: 37 %, 18 delegates
Tom Cotton : 22 %, 6 delegates

Cooper : « We are now turning to Arkansas, the home state of Senator Tom Cotton who leads largely in many rural counties. »

Arkansas Primary - 25 % reported
Tom Cotton : 43 %
Marco Rubio : 30 %
Paul Ryan: 21 %

Cooper : « Tom Cotton wins the Pulaski county (Little Rock's location) while Marco Rubio leads in a few southeastern counties as well as in the Jefferson county (Hope's location). »

Arkansas Primary - 50 % reported
Tom Cotton : 46 %
Marco Rubio : 32 %
Paul Ryan: 22 %

King : « Now we can project that Tom Cotton wins his home state of Arkansas. »

Arkansas Primary - 75 % reported
Tom Cotton : 45 % ✔
Marco Rubio : 32 %
Paul Ryan: 23 %


King : « So Tom Cotton wins Arkansas and 28 of the local 38 delegates, followed by Marco Rubio with 6 delegates and Paul Ryan with 4 delegates. »

Arkansas Primary - 100 % reported
Tom Cotton : 47 %, 28 delegates ✔
Marco Rubio : 31 %, 6 delegates
Paul Ryan: 22 %, 4 delegates

Blitzer : « Now we are turning on the state of Delaware and Senator Rubio leads in the Sussex county. »

Delaware Primary - 25 % reported
Marco Rubio : 43 %
Paul Ryan: 25 %
Tom Cotton : 19 %

Cooper : « Rubio wins the Kent County (Dover's county) and the New Castle county (location of Middletown, Newark and Wilmington). »

Delaware Primary - 50 % reported
Marco Rubio : 46 %
Paul Ryan: 26 %
Tom Cotton : 18 %

King : « Now we can project that Senator Marco Rubio wins the Delaware primary and all the 17 delegates. »

Delaware Primary - 75 % reported
Marco Rubio : 47 %, 17 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan: 25 %
Tom Cotton : 19 %


Blitzer : « Here are the final results in Delaware. »

Delaware Primary - 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 54 %, 17 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan: 26 %, 0 delegate
Tom Cotton : 20 %, 0 delegate

Blitzer : « Let's move to Georgia. While all the three Republican presidential candidates are disputing this state's northern counties, Rubio leads largely in the Fulton county (Atlanta's location). »

Georgia Primary - 25 % reported
Marco Rubio : 45 %
Paul Ryan: 30 %
Tom Cotton : 23 %

King : « Rubio leads in most of the southern counties that are bordering his home state of Florida. »

Georgia Primary - 50 % reported
Marco Rubio : 47 %
Paul Ryan: 29 %
Tom Cotton : 24 %

Cooper : « Rubio wins the Muscogee county (Columbus' location) and the Richmond county (Augusta's location). »

Georgia Primary - 75 % reported
Marco Rubio : 48 %
Paul Ryan: 27 %
Tom Cotton : 25 %

Cooper : « Rubio wins the Georgia primary. »

Georgia Primary - 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 48 %, 54 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan: 28 %, 13 delegates
Tom Cotton : 24 %, 7 delegates

Blitzer : « Here's what we can report in Massachusetts : Paul Ryan leads in the Suffolk county (Boston's location) by three points over Marco Rubio. »

Massachusetts Primary - 25 % reported
Paul Ryan: 41 %
Marco Rubio : 38 %
Tom Cotton : 20 %

King : « While Ryan leads in the Middlesex , Rubio leads in the Hampden county (Springfield's location). »

Massachusetts Primary - 50 % reported
Paul Ryan: 40 %
Marco Rubio : 36 %
Tom Cotton : 21 %

Cooper : « While Ryan leads in the Middlesex , Rubio leads in the Hampden county (Springfield's location). »

Massachusetts Primary - 75 % reported
Paul Ryan: 42 %
Marco Rubio : 37 %
Tom Cotton : 20 %

King : « We can project that Paul Ryan wins the Massachusetts primary. »

Massachusetts Primary - 100 % reported
Paul Ryan: 42 %, 20 delegates ✔
Marco Rubio : 37 %, 17 delegates
Tom Cotton : 21 %, 4 delegates


Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 15, 2016, 05:33:17 AM



Anderson Cooper : « Here comes the first result in the Vermont primary. While Paul Ryan leads in the Benington and Windsor counties, Marco Rubio leads in the Washington county (Montpelier's location) and in the Chittenden county (Burlington's and South Burlington's location). »

Vermont Primary - 25 % reported
Marco Rubio : 49 %
Paul Ryan: 34 %
Tom Cotton : 17 %

John King : « We can now project that Senator Rubio leads in Rutland and sweeps all the other remaining counties. »

Vermont Primary - 50 % reported
Marco Rubio : 52 %
Paul Ryan: 32 %
Tom Cotton : 16 %

Wolf Blitzer : « It's 10 pm and we can project that Marco Rubio will win the Vermont primary and because he earned over 50 % of the popular vote, he will win all the state's 16 delegates. »

Vermont Primary - 75 % reported
Marco Rubio : 53 %, 16 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan: 31 %, 0 delegate
Tom Cotton : 16 %, 0 delegate


Vermont Primary - 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 52 %, 16 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan: 31 %, 0 delegate
Tom Cotton : 17 %, 0 delegate

King : « Let's take a look at Nebraska, where Senator Rubio leads in almost all the eastern counties, including the Douglas county (Omaha's location), the Sarpy county (Bellevue's location) and the Lancaster county (Lincoln's location). »

Nebraska Primary - 25 % reported
Marco Rubio : 43 %
Paul Ryan: 34 %
Tom Cotton : 22 %

Cooper : « It's 10 : 30 pm and Rubio, Ryan and Cotton are battling for the counties in the center of Nebraska. »

Nebraska Primary - 50 % reported
Marco Rubio : 42 %
Paul Ryan: 33 %
Tom Cotton : 23 %

Cooper : « It's 11 pm and Rubio and Ryan are sharing the western counties. »

Nebraska Primary - 75 % reported
Marco Rubio : 44 %
Paul Ryan: 34 %
Tom Cotton : 23 %

Cooper : « It's 11 : 30 pm and Marco Rubio wins the Nebraska primary and all the 34 delegates. »

Nebraska Primary - 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 44 %, 34 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan: 35 %, 0 delegate
Tom Cotton : 21 %, 0 delegate


Cooper : « Let's turn to Oklahoma where Marco Rubio leads in almost all the northeastern counties, including in Tulsa. »

Oklahoma Primary - 25 % reported
Marco Rubio : 44 %
Paul Ryan: 32 %
Tom Cotton : 23 %

King : « Rubio dominates in the center of Oklahoma, including the Oklahoma county (Oklahoma City's location) and the Cleveland county (Norman's location). »

Oklahoma Primary - 50 % reported
Marco Rubio : 45 %
Paul Ryan: 31 %
Tom Cotton : 23 %

King : « Cotton wins most of the eastern counties that are bordering his home state of Arkansas while Rubio wins most of the western counties. »

Oklahoma Primary - 75 % reported
Marco Rubio : 43 %
Paul Ryan: 30 %
Tom Cotton : 25 %

Blitzer : « Now we can project that Marco Rubio is the winner of the Oklahoma primary. »

Oklahoma Primary - 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 44 %, 28 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan: 31 %, 8 delegates
Tom Cotton : 25 %, 5 delegates


Blitzer : « There we come : the Texas primary, the richest Super Tuesday state in terms of delegates. Marco Rubio leads in Dallas and in almost all the neighboring counties. Tom Cotton leads in ten northeastern counties.

Texas Primary - 25 % reported
Marco Rubio : 50 %
Paul Ryan: 33 %
Tom Cotton : 17 %

King : « While Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan are sharing an important part of the northwestern counties, the Florida Senator dominates in the center of Texas, in the southeastern counties and also in the Travis county (Austin's location) and the Harris county (Houston's location). »

Texas Primary - 50 % reported
Marco Rubio : 52 %
Paul Ryan: 32 %
Tom Cotton : 16 %

Cooper : « Hey guys, we can report that Senator Rubio cominates in the southern counties of Texas and leads largely in the Bexar county (San Antonio's location). This large lead in a town that is the residence of a massive Hispanic population demonstrates Rubio's ability to attract Hispanic voters. »

Texas Primary - 75 % reported
Marco Rubio : 54 %
Paul Ryan: 31 %
Tom Cotton : 15 %

Blitzer : « Now we can project that Marco Rubio wins the Texas primary. This is a big win for the Florida Senator tonight. »

Texas Primary - 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 55 %, 141 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan: 30 %, 12 delegates
Tom Cotton : 15 %, 0 delegate


Blitzer : « It's midnight. We now have one state left to follow : Wyoming. Rubio leads in almost all the eastern counties, including the Laramie county (Cheyenne's location) and the Albany county (Laramie's location), except for the Crook and Converse counties where Paul Ryan leads. »

Wyoming Caucuses - 25 % reported
Marco Rubio : 41 %
Paul Ryan: 33 %
Tom Cotton : 23 %

King : « It's 12 : 30 am. We can see that while Marco Rubio dominates in the eastern and middle counties in Wyoming, including the Natrona county (Casper's location), Paul Ryan does the same for the northwestern counties. »

Wyoming Caucuses - 50 % reported
Marco Rubio : 42 %
Paul Ryan: 34 %
Tom Cotton : 24 %

King : « It's 1 am and Marco Rubio maintains his lead in Wyoming. »

Wyoming Caucuses - 75 % reported
Marco Rubio : 43 %
Paul Ryan: 33 %
Tom Cotton : 22 %

King : « It's 1 : 30 am and Marco Rubio wins the Wyoming caucuses. »

Wyoming Caucuses - 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 44 %, 16 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan: 34 %, 7 delegates
Tom Cotton : 22 %, 4 delegates


Blitzer : « So now after Super Tuesday, Marco Rubio increased his lead in terms of delegates. He now has 584 delegates, followed by Paul Ryan with 158 delegates and Tom Cotton with 79 delegates. We wish you good night and we'll see you next week on the coverage of the Republican contests in Louisiana, Mississippi, Idaho and Hawai. »

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 15, 2016, 08:37:22 AM
Republican Party Presidential Primaries, 2020 - Map and Delegate Count


Marco Rubio : 584 delegates
Paul Ryan : 158 delegates
Tom Cotton : 79 delegates
James Comey : 4 delegates

1219 delegates needed to win the nomination

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 15, 2016, 09:27:38 AM
Marco Rubio's victory speech in Austin, Texas

Thank you my friends!

Thanks to your support, we had a big night tonight and we are now approximately in half way from the nomination. After this disastrous terrorist attack in Chicago, the American people decided to go to the polls on this Super Tuesday in order to decide who is the best to lead America in the next four years, to bring justice, security, prosperity and national unity back in the United Staes of America. I listened to your worries and concerns, I proposed real solutions and the American people finally found his way and followed it in order to get out of crossroads. I'm proud to see our party growing due to a greater vote participation today on Super Tuesday. More minority voters, especially Hispanics and African-Americans, went to the polls today than ever before in a Republican presidential primary race because they are disappointed of Hillary Clinton's failure and they want to earn a better life, they want to prosper through tax cuts, stronger purchasing power, free trade with Latin America, education system reform and immigration system reform. And that's exactly the agenda I'm proposing.

That way, todos el pueblo de los Estados Unidos de America se brindará a esos detenidos una oportunidad justo de prosperar en America, el tierra de las oportunidades.

This great victory on Super Tuesday will push us to win the Republican nomination, to unite and grow our party, to promote an agenda that will bring America together, to defeat Hillary Clinton on November and to bring this country back on track and in the right direction, which includes energy independence, free trade for the sake of our economic competitiveness in the global economy, a fairer education system, budget balance, business championing, stronger military, stronger international security and stronger national unity.

We need to move in this direction right here right now and this direction will lead us to a New American Century.

Thank you, may God Bless the United States of America. 

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 16, 2016, 08:13:56 AM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now

Schedule for the week of March 1, 2020-March 7, 2020, Part 2

March 4, 2020
-Flight to Brunswick, Maine, to attend Angus King's funeral
-Marco Rubio's speech at Angus King's funeral in Brunswick, ME :

America lost one his most influential and honorable men : Angus King.

Despite our disagreements on many issues and despite the fact I ran against him in the actual presidential race, I appreciate his service to America by doing with the best he could to unite our country, to improve hard-working Americans' living conditions, to reform our education system and to defend the American Dream.

Before entering politics, he made a contribution to energy independence by founding Northeast Energy Management, Inc., a company that developed, installed, and operated large-scale electrical energy conservation projects at commercial and industrial facilities throughout south-central Maine.

In the Senate, Angus King and I voted to arm the Syrian rebellion in order to help it fighting the dictatorial Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad and ISIS because we both knew that it will allow us to make a step closer to Syria's freedom and to international security and peace.

Let's give honor to such an honorable and patriotic man like Angus King. May he rest in peace and may God give welcome to his soul.

-Flight to Washington D.C.
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

March 5, 2020   
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.
-Barnstorm in Gaithersburg, Maryland
-Dinner with the voters at McCormick and Schmick's restaurant in National Harbor, MD
-Marco Rubio gives his speech at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center in National Harbor, MD

March 6-7 will come after CPAC

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 16, 2016, 08:24:32 AM
Conservative Political Action Conference

Florida Senator Marco Rubio's speech :

Thank you my fellow Republicans, my fellow conservatives, my fellow Americans.

Here we come anually at the Conservative Political Action Conference to talk about the urgency to give America a better future.

Conservatism is the philosophy of freedom. Conservatism is the philosophy that promotes the defense of the Constitution of the United States.

We always defended and will always defend the freedom of speech, the freedom of press and the right to peaceably assemble. That's why we engaged ourselves in a crusade to promote freedom and democracy here and abroad, that's why we fought and toppled tyrannical regimes like the Taliban regime in Afghanistan, Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq and Muammar Gaddafi's regime in Libya and that's why we are fighting Bashar al-Assad's regime in Syria. We conservatives always defended and will always defend freedom of religion. Terrorists in the Middle East, especially ISIS, are violating the free exercise of religion by persecuting local Christians through violence. If we fight these terrorists on their turf, we will not only ensure international security but also save these innocent Christians' lives and defend their right to practice their religion.

Iran also wants to eliminate freedom of religion by destroying Israel, one of our most important allies in the Middle East. If it ever happens, we'll be witnessing not only a catastrophic disaster but also a terrible genocide. In order to do so, Iran is developing its nuclear program to get nuclear weapons. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton never had the courage to stand with Israel and make sure that Iran never gets nuclear weapons. But we American conservatives, along with some independents (like Angus King), are opposing the so-called Iran deal because it gives Iran all the necessary capitals to keep developing its nuclear program. If we win this November, we will restore diplomatic and economic sanctions against Iran to deprive it of capitals for the development of Iran's nuclear program. By creating an intergovernmental military alliance with our allies in the Middle East and in the Indian Subcontinent and reinforcing our defense ties with these countries like I did by successfully introducing the Bipartisan Counterterrorist Coalition Act, we will increase pressure on Iran because it will be surrounded by powerful allies of the United States. Iran will understand that the best way to use its nuclear energy is to grow Iran's economy, not to attack any of its foes. That's the agenda I will promote as a conservative because it's for the sake of international security and freedom as well as the free exercise of religion.

In addition, in 1854, the Republican Party is founded by anti-slavery activists. Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican U.S. President was elected in 1860 by promoting the fight against slavery. While the Democratic Party advocated slavery of the African-Americans during a civil war that divided our country, the Republican Party successfully fought against slavery by approving the Emancipation Proclamation. We will always defend the American people's freedom and will always condemn slavery like we are doing while Boko Haram is using innocent people in Cameroon as slaves to extract blood diamonds to fund their terrorist activities.

Conservatism is the advocate of the freedom of scholar choice through school choice for the sake of our children's social success. We need to promote school choice, which will cost families, including these immigrant families living paycheck to paycheck, less and produce higher outcomes compared to public education. It will grant parents the power to orientate their children out of poorly-performing schools assigned by zip code and look for better education elsewhere. It will expand opportunities for low-income students—especially minorities—to attend high-quality schools that would otherwise be accessible only to higher-income families, thus increasing their chances of success and of entry into the workforce.

Conservatism is also the philosophy that promotes the right to life and self-defense. Innocent and defenceless people are killed cowardly by armed radicalized murderers whether it's in churches, schools or other public places. These victims' families are still suffering the loss of their loved ones. Hillary Clinton is violating the Second Amendment by imposing a restriction to the right of carrying a gun, which will put many lives in danger. But if we defend this constitutional right, every single American will have the right to defend himself and save his own life.

Conservatism is the philosophy that promotes the right for unborn children to live. Abortion is never good. Everybody, whether or not they are yet eligible to vote, has the right to live. And like I said, if we tolerate abortion, future generations are likely to look back at this history of our country and call us barbarians for murdering millions of babies who we never gave them a chance to live. This is not only a social issue, it's also an economic issue. One of the main reason why the Glorious Thirty (1945-1972) were so prosperous was the great number of young baby boomers who were available to find a job and work. Today, it's exactly the opposite : many baby boomers are going to retirement, which hurts our workforce and slows our GDP. So if we want longer term economic growth and prosperity, we need to fight abortion in order to let future generations live and make sure that our workforce will get stronger and stronger, making our economy growing again.

Conservatism is the philosophy that promotes economic freedom through free enterprise. Hillary Clinton is restricting the American people's freedom by extending taxes and regulations on the American people and business owners, which weakens our consumers purchasing power, restricts their freedom to consume and buy, reduces our businesses' ability to be competitive and causes their offshoring, thus killing many jobs and making many of our fellow Americans unemployed. If we cut taxes for all the American people, we will reinforce their purchasing power as well as their freedom to consume and buy high quality products, which will be beneficial for the economy. If we cut taxes and abolish regulations on businesses of all sizes, we will stop their offshoring and increase their competitiveness and their ability to implement here in America, to grow, to expand, to produce, to innovate, to create good-paying jobs and to increase wages. Unlike liberals led by Hillary Clinton, we conservatives will promote free trade with our allies, which will make our companies competitive in the world economy, reduce the cost of exporting and importing, make our products less expansive, get us new consumers around the world, which will bring innovation and job creation here in America in addition of promoting freedom and democracy through globalization and economic freedom.

Conservatism is also the philosophy that promotes freedom of energy independence. America is blessed with abundant energy resources. Thanks to new technology and innovation, our country is poised to become the world’s energy superpower. But through her liberal policies, Hillary Clinton expanded taxes and regulations on oil industry, cut permits on federal lands, stopped nuclear power plants and offshore drilling, thus restricting America's freedom to be energy independent and reclaim the world's energy superpower status, costing millions of jobs and making us more dependent on foreign oil. In addition, a part of the foreign oil we are importing comes from countries in throes of terrorism or tyranny so as long as we remain energy dependent, we will fund and encourage anti-American forces to commit attacks against us, which will put our national security as well as international security in danger. But if we embrace energy independence, we will deprive anti-American forces of the necessary capitals to threat America in addition of promoting permanent job creation. We will clinch energy independence and make America the world's energy superpower by doubling permits on federal lands, increasing oil drilling, approving the Keystone XL pipeline, oil drilling in ANWR and the construction of the TransAmerica Energy pipeline from Pennsylvania to California. We will also defend America's sovereignty on the Arctic, especially on the Alaskan coasts, against Russia. We will exploit local oil resources thanks to underwater tankers, which will help us to drill these resources without hurting the environment. That way, we will ensure massive job creation in America, get us energy independence, make America the world's energy superpower and get us the necessary funds to invest into the development of renewable energy, which will pursue further job creation while protecting the environment.

We American conservatives have the right solutions to Hillary Clinton's failures and disappointment in order to preserve protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America, protect, promote and expand freedom and ensure America's prosperity and security. That's why we have to combine our forces to beat Hillary Clinton on November and put our country back on track and on the right direction to ensure a better future for our children and future generations and give all the American people the chance to live what my parents and grandparents sought by coming here in America from Cuba : the American Dream.

Thank you. God bless you. God bless the United States of America.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 16, 2016, 08:26:19 AM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now

Schedule for the week of March 1, 2020-March 7, 2020, Part 3

March 6, 2020
-Flight to New Orleans, Louisiana
-Economic policy speech at the Port of New Orleans in New Orleans, LA
-Meet with college voters at Tulane University in New Orleans, LA
-Barnstorm in Gentilly in New Orleans, LA
-Speech at the New Orleans Museum of Art in New Orleans, LA
-Dinner with the voters at Café du Monde in New Orleans, LA
-Speech at the Southern University at New Orleans in New Orleans, LA, in an effort to attract the African-American vote
-Speech at the St. Louis Cathedral in New Orleans, LA
-Bus trip to Baton Rouge, LA   
-Energy policy speech at ExxonMobil's Baton Rouge Refinery in Baton Rouge, LA
-Fundraising event at the Baton Rouge River Center in Baton Rouge, LA
-Town hall meeting at the Shaw Center for the Arts in Baton Rouge, LA
-Foreign policy speech at USS Kidd (DD-661) in Baton Rouge, LA
-Rally at Tiger Stadium at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, LA, with Bobby Jindal

March 7, 2020
-Freedom of religion policy speech at St John's Cathedral of Roman Diocese of Lafayette in Louisiana in Lafayette, LA
-Meet with college voters at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette in Lafayette, LA
-Economic policy speech at Center for Business and Informaticon Technologies (CBIT) in Lafayette, LA
-Rally at Cajun Field in Lafayette, LA
-Fundraising event at the Cajundome in Lafayette, LA
-Speech at Acadian Cultural Center in Lafayette, LA
-Speech at the Lafayette Public Library in Lafayette, LA
-Flight to Jackson, Mississippi
-Agriculture policy speech at Cal-Maine Foods, Inc. headquarters in Jackson, LA
-Energy policy speech at Ergon, Inc. in Jackson, MS
-Rally at Mississippi Veterans Memorial Stadium in Jackson, MS
-National security policy speech at ISS Jackson (LCS-6) in Jackson, MS
-Flight to Boise, Idaho

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on October 17, 2016, 03:00:01 AM
Ashe 2020

Taking America Back

Schedule for March 4-7 2020

March 4
-Deliver eulogy for Angus King
I looked up to Senator King. I viewed him as a mentor, a man who never asked anyone to do anything he could do himself.

Angus King was a great man. He stood up for what was right; he never let himself be pushed around. As Senator Rubio said, he was one of our most honorable Americans.

Senator, you will be missed.

March 5
-Meet with King's former surrogates to plan campaign further

March 6
-Begin transition to new campaign

March 7
-Begin vetting the following people as possible VP nominees:

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard
Governor Joe Kennedy
Senator Al Franken
Mr Steve Eisman
Former Governor Jesse Ventura

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 17, 2016, 04:31:08 AM
Round 24 : March 8, 2020-March 14, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 17, 2016, 05:44:36 AM
New polls

Marco Rubio's victories on Super Tuesday consolidated his frontrunner status as he is close to the half of the delegates needed to clinch the nomination. The Florida Senator earns 53 % of the vote in the poll while Paul Ryan comes second at 27 % and Tom Cotton comes third with 17 % of the vote.

National Polls

Marco Rubio : 53 %
Paul Ryan : 27 %
Tom Cotton : 17 %

Louisiana Polls

Marco Rubio : 42 %
Paul Ryan : 30 %
Tom Cotton : 23 %

Idaho Polls

Marco Rubio : 46 %
Paul Ryan : 36 %
Tom Cotton : 13 %

Mississippi Polls

Paul Ryan : 41 %
Marco Rubio : 35 %
Tom Cotton : 21 %

Hawai Polls

Marco Rubio : 54 %
Paul Ryan : 32 %
Tom Cotton : 14 %

Puerto Rico Polls

Marco Rubio : 75 %
Paul Ryan : 18 %
Tom Cotton : 7 %

American Samoa Polls

Marco Rubio : 69 %
Tom Cotton : 13 %
Paul Ryan : 10 %

Guam Polls

Marco Rubio : 74 %
Paul Ryan : 14 %
Tom Cotton : 7 %

Virgin Islands Polls

Marco Rubio : 72 %
Paul Ryan : 17 %
Tom Cotton : 8 %

Colorado Polls

Marco Rubio : 52 %
Paul Ryan : 34 %
Tom Cotton : 12 %

Kentucky Polls

Marco Rubio : 40 %
Paul Ryan : 36 %
Tom Cotton : 15 %

Virginia Polls

Marco Rubio : 47 %
Paul Ryan : 33 %
Tom Cotton : 15 %

General Election Polls

Hillary Clinton vs Marco Rubio vs Tim Ashe

Marco Rubio : 47 %
Hillary Clinton : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %

Hillary Clinton vs Paul Ryan vs Tim Ashe

Paul Ryan : 43 %
Hillary Clinton : 40 %
Tim Ashe: 16 %

Hillary Clinton vs Tom Cotton vs Tim Ashe

Tom Cotton : 43 %
Hillary Clinton : 43 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 17, 2016, 06:16:04 AM

Marco Rubio wins the 2020 CPAC

According to a poll released after March 7, Florida Senator Marco Rubio won the 2020 CPAC by portraying conservatism as the philosophy of freedom. Here are the results : Marco Rubio wins the CPAC with 42 % of the vote, followed by Paul Ryan with 30 % of the vote and Tom Cotton with 18 % of the vote. All the remaining 10 % of the vote went to all other speakers at the CPAC.

Should we deter foreign arms transfers to Syria?

Due to arms transfers to Syria, especially from Russia, Bashar al-Assad's regime uses this arsenal more to fight the Syrian rebellion than ISIS. During its air military intervention, Russia targeted more the Syrian rebels than the djihadist group. These events triggered debates on whether foreign arms transfers to Syria should be detered as it happened to Iran and China.


Marco Rubio : David D. McKiernan, former general in the United States Army, Bill Cohen, former U.S. Secretary of Defense, Butch Otter, former Idaho Governor, Brad Little, Idaho Governor, Mike Crapo, Idaho Senator, Sean MacFarland, commander of the coalition against ISIS in Syria and Iraq, Stanley Allen McChrystal, former U.S. Army general, Tom Corbett, former Pennsylvania Governor.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 17, 2016, 08:03:51 AM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now

Schedule for the week of March 8, 2020-March 14, 2020, Part 1

March 8, 2020
-Agriculture policy speech at Simplot headquarters in Boise, Idaho
-Economic policy speech at Micron Technology, Inc. headquarters in Boise, ID
-Fundraising event at the Boise Art Museum in Boise, ID
-Rally at Memorial Stadium in Boise, ID
-Economic policy speech at the Amalgamated Sugar Company headquarters in Nampa, ID
-Meet with college voters at the Northwest Nazarene University in Nampa, ID
-Bus trip to Idaho falls
-Foreign policy speech at Idaho State Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Freeman Park in Idaho Falls, ID
-Veteran policy speech at War Memorial in Idaho Falls, ID
-Barnstorm in Idaho Falls, ID

March 9, 2020
-Speech at Idaho State University in Pocatello, ID
-Rally at Holt Arena, ID
-Barnstorm in Pocatello
-Flight to Hattiesburg, Mississippi
-National unity policy speech at the African American Military History Museum in Hattiesburg, MS
-Foreign policy speech at the Mississippi Armed Forces Museum in Hattiesburg, MS
-Speech at Saenger Theatre in Hattiesburg, MS
-Flight to New Orleans, Louisiana
-Rally at Mercedes-Benz Superdrome in New Orleans, LA
-Fundraising event at Smoothie King Center in New Orleans. LA
-Foreign policy speech at Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base New Orleans in New Orleans, LA
-Speech at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome in New Orleans, LA

March 10, 2020
-Economic policy speech at Kaiser Aluminium facility in Chalmette, LA
-Barnstorm in Chalmette, LA
-Meet with college voters at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, LA
-Speech in front of Memorial Tower in Baton Rouge, LA
-Rally with supporters at Marriott Hotel Baton Rouge in Baton Rouge, LA, to watch the development of the Louisiana, Idaho and Hawaii caucuses as well as the Mississippi primary

March 11-14 will come after the primary results in Louisiana, Mississippi, Idaho and Hawai

Surrogate schedule

March 8, 2020
-Jon Huntsman gives a free trade policy speech at Matson, Inc. headquarters in Honolulu, Hawaii
-Huntsman gives an energy policy speech at Hawaiian Electric Industries facility in Honolulu, HI

March 9, 2020
-Nikki Haley meets college voters at the University of Hawaii at Manoa in Honolulu, HI
-Condoleezza Rice barnstorms for Marco Rubio in Kailua, HI

March 10, 2020
-Elaine Chao fundraises for Marco Rubio's campaign at the Palace Theater in Halo, HI
-Chao gives an immigration policy speech at the East Hawaii Cultural Center in Hilo, HI
-Chao meets with college voters at the University of Hawaii at Hilo in Hilo, HI
-Dick Cheney gives a foreign policy speech at Naval Station Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, HI, where he claims the urgency of reinforcing America's military presence on the Pacific and of creating the Pacific Treaty Organization (PTO) that Marco Rubio is proposing in order to stop China's military agression against its neighbors, to prevent North Korea from pursuing its nuclear program and to fight Abu Sayyaf more effectively in the Philippines

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 17, 2016, 11:43:00 AM

CNN America's Choice theme :

Wolf Blitzer : « Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the coverage of the results of the Louisiana, Mississippi, Idaho and Hawaii Republican primaries and caucuses. »

Anderson Cooper : « It's 8 pm and Marco Rubio dominates in the south of Louisiana, including in the Orleans county (New Orleans' location)»

Louisiana Caucuses - 25 % reported
Marco Rubio : 43 %
Paul Ryan: 32 %
Tom Cotton : 22 %

John King: « It's 8 : 30 pm. While Ryan and Cotton are battling for supremacy in the northern counties of Louisiana, Rubio leads in Baton Rouge and in all counties around this city. »

Louisiana Caucuses - 50 % reported
Marco Rubio : 44 %
Paul Ryan: 30 %
Tom Cotton : 24 %

Blitzer : « It's 9 pm and Rubio wins in Lafayette while Cotton wins the Caddo county (Shreveport's location). »

Louisiana Caucuses - 75 % reported
Marco Rubio : 45 %
Paul Ryan: 27 %
Tom Cotton : 27 %

King : « It's 9 : 30pm and we can project that Marco Rubio wins the Louisiana caucuses»

Louisiana Caucuses - 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 46 %, 26 delegates ✔
Tom Cotton : 28 %, 12 delegates
Paul Ryan: 26 %, 8 delegates


Cooper : « Now let's move to Mississippi. Paul Ryan leads in most of this state's eastern and northern counties. »

Mississippi Primary - 25 % reported
Paul Ryan: 42 %
Marco Rubio : 35 %
Tom Cotton : 23 %

Blitzer : « It's 10 pm and Marco Rubio wins the Hinds county (Jackson's location) as well as all the neighboring counties. »

Mississippi Primary - 50 % reported
Paul Ryan: 42 %
Marco Rubio : 36 %
Tom Cotton : 22 %

King : « It's 10 : 30 pm and all the three Republican presidential candidates are delivering a heat battle for Mississippi's southern counties. »

Mississippi Primary - 75 % reported
Paul Ryan: 41 %
Marco Rubio : 35 %
Tom Cotton : 23 %

Cooper : « It's 11 pm and we can project that Paul Ryan wins the Mississippi primary. »

Mississippi Primary - 100 % reported
Paul Ryan: 43 %, 18 delegates ✔
Marco Rubio : 37 %, 14 delegates
Tom Cotton : 20 %, 6 delegates


Blitzer : « Now let's go to Idaho. Marco Rubio sweeps all this state's eastern counties. »

Idaho Caucuses - 25 % reported
Marco Rubio : 47 %
Paul Ryan: 35 %
Tom Cotton : 15 %

Cooper : « It's 11 : 30 pm. While Paul Ryan dominates in the northern counties, Marco Rubio does the same for most of the western counties, including the Ada county (Boise's location) and the Canyon (Nampa's location). »

Idaho Caucuses - 50 % reported
Marco Rubio : 50 %
Paul Ryan: 36 %
Tom Cotton : 14 %

King : « It's midnight. Ryan leads in the Owyhee county, but it doesn't seem to be enough to catch Rubio. »

Idaho Caucuses - 75 % reported
Marco Rubio : 51 %
Paul Ryan: 36 %
Tom Cotton : 13 %

Blitzer : « It's 12 : 30 am. We can project that Marco Rubio wins the Idaho caucuses and all the 32 delegates. »

Idaho Caucuses - 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 51 %, 32 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan: 36 %, 0 delegate
Tom Cotton : 13 %, 0 delegate


King : « And finally the Hawaii caucuses. Rubio leads largely in Honolulu. »

Hawaii Caucuses - 25 % reported
Marco Rubio : 55 %
Paul Ryan: 32 %
Tom Cotton : 13 %

Cooper : « It's 1 am and Rubio leads in the Kauai county. »

Hawaii Caucuses - 50 % reported
Marco Rubio : 55 %
Paul Ryan: 31 %
Tom Cotton : 14 %

Blitzer : « It's 1 : 30 am and Rubio leads in the Maui county. »

Hawaii Caucuses - 75 % reported
Marco Rubio : 54 %
Paul Ryan: 31 %
Tom Cotton : 14 %

King : « It's 2 am and Rubio wins the Hawaii caucuses and all the 19 delegates. »

Hawaii Caucuses - 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 55 %, 19 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan: 30 %, 0 delegate
Tom Cotton : 15 %, 0 delegate


Blitzer : « So we'll see you in 4 days for the coverage of the Puerto Rico primary. I wish you good night. »

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 17, 2016, 11:55:39 AM
Republican Party Presidential Primaries, 2020 - Map and Delegate Count


Marco Rubio : 675 delegates
Paul Ryan : 184 delegates
Tom Cotton : 97 delegates
James Comey : 4 delegates

1219 delegates needed to win the nomination

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: WashLibertarian on October 17, 2016, 12:33:15 PM
Can I throw my hat into the ring for the Republican Nomination as Ron Paul

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 17, 2016, 12:58:00 PM
Can I throw my hat into the ring for the Republican Nomination as Ron Paul

If it's to play a Libertarian, what do you think of playing as Jesse Ventura if Tim Ashe selects him as his running mate?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: WashLibertarian on October 17, 2016, 01:17:29 PM
I'd prefer to run as a republican and give Rubio a late run for his money. If I lose the nomination then I'll consider going a 3rd party ticket. I'd also appreciate it if we could have one final republican debate. Thank you. If you're good with this tell me an I'll make an announcement speech

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 17, 2016, 02:43:01 PM
I'd prefer to run as a republican and give Rubio a late run for his money. If I lose the nomination then I'll consider going a 3rd party ticket. I'd also appreciate it if we could have one final republican debate. Thank you. If you're good with this tell me an I'll make an announcement speech

It's ok.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: WashLibertarian on October 17, 2016, 04:59:19 PM
Ron Paul 2020

Presidential Announcement Speech

Thank you citizens of Dallas and the press for holding this wonderful event. I am here today to announce my candidacy for the republican nomination for president of the United States and I would like to talk about my plan today. Over the past, century our government has grown to a staggering size, our national debt is soon to surpass 20 trillion dollars, and we continue to manage a foreign policy that is based on warmongering and interventionism. The Republican Party has not offered an alternative to our struggles, the candidates in our primary have proposed more government, more spending, and have promised to intervene and start wars around the world. these policies are no different to the policies of Hillary Clinton. That's why I felt the necessity to run for this office to save the Republican Party. That is why my platform is a different one that emphasizes economic freedom and personal liberty. Which also calls for a new foreign policy based on peace and diplomacy, not needless wars. We have not nominated a conservative for the Republican Party since Ronald Reagan and this year I'd like to change that. The America we desire does exist it can be one, we just need to find the courage to fight for it thank you, and God bless.  

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on October 17, 2016, 05:26:39 PM
Ashe 2020
Taking America Back

Schedule for March 8-March 14 2020

March 8
-Fly to Vermont
-Rally in Burlington, Vermont with Bernie Sanders
-Barnstorm in Addison County, Vermont
-Barnstorm in Caledonia County, Vermont
-Rally in Montpelier, Vermont

March 9
-Fly to New York
-Rally in the Bronx, New York with former Mayor Bill de Blasio
-Rally in Manhattan, New York with former Secretary of State Colin Powell
-Barnstorm in Niagara County, New York with Steve Eisman
-Barnstorm in Schuyler County, New York with Micheal Lewis

March 10
-Continue vetting VP candidates

March 11
-Fly to Pennsylvania
-Rally in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania with Governor Tom Wolf
-Policy speech in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: "Unions and the Jobs They Protect"
-Barnstorm in Union County, Pennsylvania with former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich
-Rally in Brookville, Pennsylvania

March 12
-Fly to New Mexico
-Rally in Santa Fe, New Mexico with former Governor Gary Johnson
-Rally in Los Alamos, New Mexico
-Barnstorm in Sierra County, New Mexico
-Barnstorm in Guadalupe County, New Mexico

March 13
-Fly to Ohio
-Rally in Toledo, Ohio with former Congressman Dennis Kucinich
-Rally in Newark, Ohio
-Barnstorm in Monroe County, Ohio
-Barnstorm in Medina County, Ohio

March 14
-Finish vetting VP candidates in preparation for final announcement on the 16th. Final shortlist is:

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard

Senator Al Franken

Former Governor Jesse Ventura

All surrogates, when not campaigning with Ashe, will be campaigning in their home states.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: WashLibertarian on October 17, 2016, 09:55:53 PM
Ron Paul 2020
Taking Over The Government to Leave You Alone

Schedule March 8-14, 2020

March 8th 2020
-Fly to California
-Rally in San Diego
-Fox News interview
-Rally in Riverside
-Economic Speech in Los Angeles
Today I am proud to announce my 5 point economic plan which details the following. A 12.5% flat tax rate exempting your first 50,000, Redeucibg government regulation by implementing the Stossel Rule(for every new regulation you must get rid of 5 old ones), a balanced budget a massive spending cut implanted through the penny plan and a major foreign policy reversal, the ending of the federal reserve, and eliminating the minimum wage

March 9, 2020
-Rally in San Francisco
-Meet the Press interview
-Hardball with Chris Matthews
-Rally in San Jose
-Debate Prep.

March 10, 2020
-Fly to Virginia
-Rally in Langley
-Rally in Richmond
-Rally in Norfolk
-Rally in Roanoke
-Debate Prep on the plane

March 11, 2020
-Fly to New York
-Debate Prep on the plane
-Twitter Q&A on plane
-Rally in New York City
-Rally in Albany

March 12, 2020
-Fly to Michigan
-Foreign Policy Address to press on plane
Excerpt:Another area in which the United States can start to change policy to decrease terrorism is in foreign policy. Ever since World War 2 the United States has been on the quest for empire. Invading and occupying everywhere from Vietnam to Iraq, and all without a declaration of war mandated by the Constitution. Our military actions in the Middle East have created what the CIA calls Blowback. The concept of Blowback is that when the United States takes action in the middle east, whether it be bombs or nation building, that there is an unintended consequence that occurs. A prominent example of this is our nation building in Iran for the latter part of the 20th century. In 1953 the United States installed the Shah in Iran; the Shah, which is the name of the ruler, was very unpopular among the Iranian people. So in response to that, the people of Iran invaded our embassy in 1979 and took hostages. This infamous event became known as the Iranian Hostage Crisis, which is directly related to our nation building. Another example of Blowback is the 9-11 attacks on the United States. If you ever read the writings of Bin Laden and the reasons they attacked us, it was abundantly clear it was because we were over there. We built a military base in Saudi Arabia, which that certain faction of Islam believed to be the holy land. In retaliation for our military base and constant bombing of the middle east, they hijacked 2 planes and flew them into the Twin Towers. I would make the case that if we are serious about fighting terrorism we have to look at our foreign policy.

-Rally in Detroit
-Rally in Flint
-Rally in Grand Rapids

March 13, 2020
-Fly to Illinois
-Debate Prep
-Rally In Northside of Chicago
-Rally in Southside of Chicago
-Rally in Rockford

March 14, 2020
-Fly to Ohio
-Debate Prep on Periscope with Twitter Q&A
-Rally in Cleveland
-Rally at Ohio State University
-Rest and leisure  

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on October 17, 2016, 11:22:23 PM
Statement on Ron Paul's  Entry into the Race

The Ashe Campaign welcomes the political return of former Congressman Ron Paul.

Congressman Ashe is an admirer of the former Texas Congressman, who has been a consistent fighter against corporate welfare, Wall Street's influence on Congress, a bloated military, and endless wars of intervention.

Naturally, there are many areas of disagreement between the two candidates, but there are many areas of agreement as well.

So good luck Congressman Paul. We'll see you on the campaign trail.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 18, 2016, 01:10:20 AM
Marco Rubio's statement about Ron Paul's entrance into the race

I welcome Ron Paul's political return. He's a man of faith and conviction. His candidacy will give more opportunities to demonstrate whom in the Republican presidential field is the most conservative and who is the best to unify our party, to get the American people together, to beat Hillary Clinton on November and to get America on the path to prosperity, national security and unity.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Pericles on October 18, 2016, 03:28:39 AM
President Hillary Clinton gives a speech in Cleveland, Ohio, on March 10, 2020

"Thank you! Thank you! It is so good to be here. You're gonna see a lot more of me, on the campaign trail! Thank you all for getting here, this is a great crowd.

I would like to talk to you about the future of our economy. We have two starkly different visions being offered to us this election. We face a choice that will decide your future. I see today and all across America, so many people that have the future ahead of them. So many people have so much at stake from the choices we make now. You know, every politician says every election is important. But this one really is, because we have a lot at stake.

On the Republican side, we have the offer of regressive policies. They want more tax cuts for the rich, more trickle-down economics, more for the rich and less for the poor. They are not offering real solutions for the American people. Their plans are unrealistic, irresponsible and dangerous. Trillions more in debt, rising inequality, and an economy that does not work for all Americans. That's not solutions. That's nonsense.

You know, it really is sad that we aren't spending more time talking about solutions, about our visions, so you can make a choice for your future. I hope this election will be about you. I hope that we can talk about our vision for this country. The Republicans are offering trickle-down economics, they are offering tax cuts for the rich and cuts for the rest of us. They can try couch it in soundbites and platitudes, but that's the truth. And I'm offering a vision where we can create a fair tax system, we can lift up all Americans. We have accomplished a lot in the last four years, but there is still work to be done. And I hope that we can contrast on the solutions, we can have a debate for the future of our country. We can have a debate for your future. But, you know, the Republicans don't want that. They want this election to be about me. They talk about me far more than they talk about you. I don't think that's right. You are the ones that will be impacted by this election. You deserve a choice, a debate, not an angry mob. You deserve reality.

And so I'm going to be offering solutions. We need to make college affordable. My plan does that. We need higher wages and reduced inequality. And I offer a program that will lift up the middle class and make an economy that works for you and for all Americans. Under my plan, we have middle-class tax cuts and an increase in tax credits. Check out at how much you will save. And we will make the tax system fairer by cutting loopholes and making sure the wealthy pay their fair share. Nonpartisan analysts, nonpartisan, have said this will reduce the deficit. But that is far from all I intend to do if we win a second term-and that would be a great honor. We still need paid parental leave, and we need more for childcare. Raising a child, it really does take a village. It is the hardest job I have ever had, and it is the most rewarding too. And I want all Americans to be able to get the very best, so we can help those who have helped us so much. I offer a comprehensive platform, that lifts up all Americans. My opponents may want to destroy and repeal and tear down, but I want to build up and lift you up so we can all reach our full potential.

It would be wrong to think though that we don't have more work to do on the issue of race. We need real criminal justice reform. More needs to be done, so we can end the era of mass incarceration. We have made progress, there is no doubt about that, but we cannot stop now. And when our opponents fight us every step of the way and seek to roll back all the progress we have made, we cannot be complacent. We need to stand up for what is right and for progress. We have reduced the occurrence of police shootings in this country. But we need to continue to move forward, to give every American the opportunity to succeed. I intend to continue to fight against racial inequality, and I have the plan to do it.

And while we're at it, we also need to reduce gun violence in this country . Too many Americans have been needlessly killed in gun violence, and that needs to change. I met a mother named Janet, who lost 2 children to gun violence. She told me that she needs me to do what it takes to ensure no more children die pointlessly. I was inspired by her because she didn't give up. She has dedicated herself to fighting for common-sense gun control. Out of tragedy, comes a positive legacy. We have already made progress. But there is work to do. I will push for Congress to pass into law legislation that gets guns out of the hands of criminals and gets weapons of war off our streets, and legislation that means no more mothers lose their children.

And from the Republicans, we see a vision of negativity. If they have policies, they are badly thought out policies that will harm ordinary Americans. I offer a positive vision and a plan so we can make progress as a nation. Some of you may be tempted to take a third option. But I am the one with the real plan to solve our problems. I am the only candidate who is a proven leader with a strong agenda to lift up all Americans. And I am the only alternative to a dangerous Republican agenda that will set us back and roll back decades of progress. Please, join me in fighting for a better America. Get out and vote, and vote for me. This, my friends, is a cause worth fighting for. I look forward to getting my case to the American people. Let's go and win this election! Thank you! Thank you!"

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 18, 2016, 08:03:23 AM
Marco Rubio's victory speech in Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Thank you!

Let's keep it up, we are in the middle distance from winning the nomination and starting officially the fight to get America back to work, to security and unity.

Hillary Clinton once again mislead her comments about our agenda. I want to cut taxes for every single American citizen, no matter their income because they need a stronger purchasing power that will make them free to consume and a stronger consumption brings a stronger economy. My energy plan will ensure massive job creation without hurting the environment thanks to increased oil production, underwater tankers and the acquisition of the necessary revenues from oil drilling for the development of renewable energies. By getting the government out of the way of the American people, our companies will stop offshoring abroad, which will make our companies able to produce, innovate, grow, expand and hire again. Hillary Clinton opposes school choice, which made it much more difficult for children from lower-income families to earn the best education they can and to succeed in our society. We need to promote school choice. Why? Because it will cost families, including these immigrant families living paycheck to paycheck like I did during my childhood, less and produce higher outcomes compared to public education. Parents willhave a greater power to guide their kids out of poorly-performing schools assigned by zip code and look for better education elsewhere. It will increase opportunities for low-income students—especially minorities—to attend high-quality schools that would otherwise be accessible only to higher-income families, thus increasing their chances of success and of entry into the workforce.

When it comes to international security, Hillary Clinton orchestrated a weak foreign policy. She did absolutely nothing to prevent terrorist attacks like the recent one in Chicago. She had to wait for this terrorist attack in Chicago on February and for the Congress to finally wake up and take action. Only after this disastrous attack, I brought real solutions by successfully introducing the Bipartisan Counterterrorist Coalition Act that passed in the Congress through unanimity and was signed into law by President Clinton in order to reinforce defense ties with our allies Middle East and Indian Subcontinent to fight terrorism in these regions and to increase pressure on Iran to make sure it uses its nuclear energy for economic development not for nuclear military arsenal development. I know that diplomacy is a great tool to ensure peace, but diplomacy was not enough to defeat Adolf Hitler, to win the Cold War or to kill Osama Bin Laden and you know that very well Mrs. President since it was under your watch as Secretary of State that Bin Laden was killed. Under your term, international terrorism increased in the Middle East, in the Indian Subcontinent, in Africa and on the Pacific. And preventing terrorist attacks like in Rome, Hawaii, Chicago, etc. required reinforcing security and fighting terrorism through military force and expanding our alliances. But you didn't follow such a procedure and like you arrogantly responded during the Benghazigate scandal it doesn't make any difference at this point in your mind.

If we want peace, we need to be ready for war. We need to increase defense spending, reinforce and modernize our military, consolidate and expand our alliances, fight terrorists on their turf through military force alongside our allies, destroy terrorists' sources of provision, overthrow every tyranical regime supporting terrorism, stop Iran and North Korea from developping their nuclear programs, ensure territorial integrity (notably in Eastern Europe and on the South China Sea) and support pro-freedom forces through arms providing. This is peace through strength and collaboration. I will follow this agenda in for the sake of international security, freedom, stability and peace even at 3 am in the morning.

The American people is tired of Hillary Clinton's failures, disappointments, corruption, lies and depression. The American people wants change, change that will bring prosperity, opportunity, security, justice and national unity. I'm asking you for your vote in the next primary contests and in the general election because if I'm our party's nominee, I will bring this decisive change. We need this change right here right now in order to lead us to a New American Century.

Thank you! God bless the United States of America.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 18, 2016, 08:16:40 AM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now

Schedule for the week of March 8, 2020-March 14, 2020, Part 2

March 11, 2020
-Flight to Washington D.C.
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

March 12, 2020
-Flight to San Juan, Puerto Rico
-Speech at the Puerto Rico Museum of Contemporary Art in San Juan, PR
-Meet with college voters at the University of Puerto Rico in San Juan, PR
-Speech in San Juan, PR, in favor of Puerto Rico's statehood in the United States
-Rally at the José Migue Agrelot Coliseum in San Juan, PR
-Economic policy speech at Plaza del Sol in Bayamon, PR
-Barnstorm in Carolina, PR
-Economic policy speech at Industrias Vassallo in Ponce, PR

March 13, 2020
-Meet with college voters at the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico in Ponce, PR
-Rally at the Juan Pachín Vicéns Auditorium in Ponce, PR
-Speech at the Museo de Arte de Ponce in Ponce, PR
-Flight to Washington D.C.
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.
-Due to Russian air bombings against the Syrian rebellion rather than ISIS and Moscow's material support to Damascus in order to protect the Assad regime for economic purposes, Senator Marco Rubio and New Jersey Democratic Senator Bob Menendez co-sponsored a bipartisan legislation called the Syria Arms Nonproliferation Act that would establish penalties and sanctions for nations, persons or companies assisting Syria in acquiring chemical and missile technology or all other types of weapons of mass destruction.

March 14, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.
-Bus trip to Richmond, Virginia
-Debate preparation in the bus
-Rally with supporters at the Jefferson Hotel to follow the development of voting results in Puerto Rico and the American Samoa

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 18, 2016, 08:55:18 AM

CNN America's Choice theme :

Wolf Blitzer : « Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the coverage of the results of the Puerto Rico primary and the American Samoa caucuses. »

John King : « It's 8 pm and Marco Rubio leads largely in Puerto Rico after sweeping San Juan and all the neighboring counties. This must be due to a massive Hispanic population. »

Puerto Rico primary - 50 % reported
Marco Rubio : 71 %
Paul Ryan: 13 %
Tom Cotton : 9 %
Ron Paul : 7 %

Anderson Cooper: « It's 8 : 30 pm and Senator Rubio wins the Puerto Rico primary and all the 23 delegates. »

Puerto Rico primary - 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 74 %, 23 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan: 14 %
Tom Cotton : 6 %
Ron Paul : 6 %


Blitzer : « Now let's move on the American Samoa where Rubio is also leads largely his rivals. »

American Samoa caucuses - 50 % reported
Marco Rubio : 65 %
Paul Ryan: 15 %
Ron Paul : 9 %
Tom Cotton : 6 %

King : « It's 9 pm and we can project that Marco Rubio triumphs in the American Samoa caucuses and wins all the 9 delegates. »

American Samoa caucuses - 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 68 %, 9 delegates  ✔
Paul Ryan: 16 %
Ron Paul : 10 %
Tom Cotton : 6 %


Blitzer : « We'll see you next time in two and a half weeks for the coverage of the primaries in Virginia and Kentucky and the caucuses in Colorado. Good night ladies and gentlemen. »

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 18, 2016, 09:05:57 AM
Republican Party Presidential Primaries, 2020 - Map and Delegate Count


Marco Rubio : 707 delegates
Paul Ryan : 184 delegates
Tom Cotton : 97 delegates
Ron Paul : 0 delegate
James Comey : 4 delegates

1219 delegates needed to win the nomination

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on October 19, 2016, 09:15:21 PM

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 20, 2016, 04:54:35 AM
Round 25 : March 15, 2020-March 21, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 20, 2016, 05:04:51 AM
New polls

Marco Rubio still leads the Republican presidential field. Due to his late entry in the race, Ron Paul trails behind, but this tendency might change depending on how the race will go on.

National Polls

Marco Rubio : 50 %
Paul Ryan : 28 %
Tom Cotton : 15 %
Ron Paul : 7 %

Guam Polls

Marco Rubio : 72 %
Paul Ryan : 14 %
Tom Cotton : 6 %
Ron Paul : 5 %

Virgin Islands Polls

Marco Rubio : 71 %
Paul Ryan : 15 %
Ron Paul : 9 %
Tom Cotton : 5 %

Colorado Polls

Marco Rubio : 53 %
Paul Ryan : 33 %
Tom Cotton : 10 %
Ron Paul : 4 %

Kentucky Polls

Marco Rubio : 40 %
Paul Ryan : 34 %
Tom Cotton : 12 %
Ron Paul : 12 %

Virginia Polls

Marco Rubio : 48 %
Paul Ryan : 33 %
Tom Cotton : 12 %
Ron Paul : 7 %

General Election Polls

Hillary Clinton vs Marco Rubio vs Tim Ashe

Marco Rubio : 46 %
Hillary Clinton : 40 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %

Hillary Clinton vs Paul Ryan vs Tim Ashe

Paul Ryan : 42 %
Hillary Clinton : 41 %
Tim Ashe: 15 %

Hillary Clinton vs Tom Cotton vs Tim Ashe

Tom Cotton : 42 %
Hillary Clinton : 42 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %

Hillary Clinton vs Ron Paul vs Tim Ashe

Hillary Clinton : 42 %
Ron Paul : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 17 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 20, 2016, 06:17:14 AM

Tom Cotton drops out of the race and endorses Marco Rubio

After winning one primary in his home state of Arkansas and 97 delegates, Tom Cotton decided to drop out of the race. Later, in his concession speech, he announced his that he gives his endorsement to Florida Senator Marco Rubio. We are giving you a few quotes from his concession speech :

« Despite the efforts we invested, we didn't manage to win enough contests and delegates to remain viable. So in order to bring our party together, to ensure our victory on November and then to get our country back on track, I decided to drop out of the race. I want to thank all of you my friends and all the Americans that supported me in this race. However, my fight for our country and for liberty does not end here and it's for two reasons :

First, I will run for re-election in the U.S. Senate in order to help the Republican Party to keep it's majority.

Secondly, I give my endorsement to my friend Senator Marco Rubio. He will keep us safe by reinforcing our military, standing with our allies, orchestrating a strong fight against jihadism, securing strategic geographical zones and making sure that Iran will never ever get any nuclear weapons. I know this as a former soldier in the United States Army. He has all the necessary foreign policy experience to keep America safe.

Thanks to his economic plan, the American Dream will be restored thanks to a stronger purchasing power for all the American people due to tax cuts. America will become the world's energy superpower by clinching energy independence. America will be competitive again in the world economy through free trade. Our education system will be fixed and all of our kids and all future generations will earn the best education they ever know. Budget will be balanced through smaller government and reduction of government spending. Our prosperity will be insured by championing our businesses. Thanks to his experience as a member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, the Rubionomics will make America much more prosperous than it was ever before and correct Hillary Clinton's mess that brought us in the economic downturn we are actually living.

That's why I'm supporting Marco Rubio to be the next President of the United States of America. Thank you. God bless you and God bless America. »

An additional Republican presidential primary debate will be held in Denver on March 21

Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan accepted Ron Paul's demand for additional and final primary debate. This debate will be held at the University of Denver, Colorado, on March 21, 2020. All the three remaining Republican presidential candidates are preparing to face each other in this debate set to be very intense.

The Senate vote on the Syria Arms Nonproliferation Act set on March 20

We just learned that the vote on the Syria Arms Nonproliferation Act co-sponsored by Republican Florida Senator Marco Rubio and Democratic New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez and that would establish penalties and sanctions for nations, persons or companies assisting the dictatorial Syrian regime of Bachar al-Assad in acquiring chemical and missile technology or all other types of weapons of mass destruction is set on March 20, 2020. Most of the 56 Republican senators are likely to support the bill but we need to wait until we know how much support from Democratic senators this bill will get to affirm if it will pass.


Marco Rubio : Arkansas Senator and 2020 Presidential candidate Tom Cotton; Former Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell; former Alabama Congressman Bradley Byrne; Republican House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy; former Hawaii Governor Linda Lingle; CEO, former Arizona Congressman and son of Barry Goldwater Barry Goldwater Jr.; former Colorado Congressman Bob Beauprez; former Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell

Tim Ashe : Retired General and 2004 Presidential Candidate Wesley Clark, Former Senator and 2004 Democratic VP nominee John Edwards, Delaware Governor John Carney, Former Maryland Governor and 2016 Presidential Candidate Martin O'Malley, Former Associate Justice of the Supreme Court John Stevens

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 20, 2016, 08:03:16 AM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now

Schedule for the week of March 15, 2020-March 21, 2020, Part 1

March 15, 2020
-Fundraising breakfast at the Jefferson Hotel in Richmond, Virginia
-Speech at the St. John's Episcopal Church
-Speech at the Carpenter Theatre in Richmond, VA, in reaction to Tom Cotton's withdrawal from the race :
We just learned that Senator Cotton dropped out of the race. I congratulate him for the campaign he led for the American people's cause. By running for a second term in the Senate, he will keep fighting for this cause, thus ensuring the defense of the Constitution of the United States, free market survival and stronger national defense. I thank Senator Cotton for his endorsement. By bringing our party together and then by growing through attracting new voters from minority voters, independent voters and liberal voters, we will defeat Hillary Clinton, get this country in the right direction and bring prosperity, security, justice and unity back in America.

-Innovation policy speech at the Science Museum of Virginia in Richmond, VA
-Meet with college voters at the University of Richmond in Richmond, VA
-Bus trip to Norfolk, VA
-Debate preparation on the bus
-Foreign policy speech at the USS Wisconsin battleship museum in Norfolk, VA
-Defense policy speech at Naval Station Norfolk in Norfolk, VA
-Speech at Nauticus in Norfolk, VA
-Economic policy speech at Dominion Enterprises headquarters in Norfolk, VA
-Debate preparation

March 16, 2020
-Fundraising event at the Harrison Opera House in Norfolk, VA
-Meet with college voters at Norfolk State University in Norfolk, VA, in an effort to attract African-American voters
-Speech in front of the MacArthur Statue in Norfolk, VA, about Rubio's record on reforming the VA and improving veterans' living conditions
-Rally at Harbor Park in Norfolk, VA
-Counterterrorism policy speech at Naval Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach, VA
-Rally at Veterans United Home Loans Amphitheater at Virginia Beach in Virginia Beach, VA
-Economic policy speech at Lynnhaven Mall in Virginia Beach, VA
-Foreign policy speech at Naval Auxiliary Landing Field Fentress in Chesapeake, VA
-Infrastructure policy speech in Chesapeake, VA
-Education system reform policy speech in Chesapeake, VA
-Barnstorm in Chesapeake, VA
-Debate preparation

March 17, 2020
-Speech at the Naval Shipyard Museum in Portsmouth, VA
-Speech at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Portsmouth, VA
-Foreign policy and free trade policy speech at the Norfolk Naval Shipyard in Portsmouth, VA
-Defense policy speech at Marine Corps War Memorial (Iwo Jima Memorial) in Arlington, VA
-VA policy speech at Memorial Amphitheater in Arlington, VA
-Barnstorm in Arlington, VA
-Speech at the Alexandria Library in Alexandria, VA
-Speech at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial in Alexandria, VA
-Debate preparation

March 18-21 will come after the Guam caucuses

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 20, 2016, 06:29:18 PM

CNN America's Choice theme :

Wolf Blitzer : « Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the coverage of the results of the Guam caucuses. »

John King : « It's 8 pm and Marco Rubio leads largely in Guam. »

Guam caucuses - 50 % reported
Marco Rubio : 73 %
Paul Ryan: 15 %
Ron Paul : 6 %

Anderson Cooper: « It's 8 : 30 pm and Senator Rubio wins the Guam caucuses and all the 9 delegates. »

Guam caucuses- 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 76 %, 9 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan: 15 %, 0 delegate
Ron Paul : 9 %, 0 delegate


Blitzer : « We'll see you in two days when we will cover the Virgin Islands caucuses. »

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 20, 2016, 06:36:31 PM
Republican Party Presidential Primaries, 2020 - Map and Delegate Count


Marco Rubio : 716 delegates
Paul Ryan : 184 delegates
Ron Paul : 0 delegate
Tom Cotton : 97 delegates
James Comey : 4 delegates

1219 delegates needed to win the nomination

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 20, 2016, 08:09:20 PM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now

Schedule for the week of March 15, 2020-March 21, 2020, Part 2

March 18, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.
-Debate preparation

March 19, 2020
-Bus trip to Charlottesville, VA
-Rally at John Paul Jones Arena, VA
-Meet with college voters at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, VA
-Town hall meeting at Charlottesville Public Library in Charlottesville, VA
-Dinner with voters at Muhouse Coffeehouse in Charlottesville, VA
-Barnstorm in Charlottesville, VA
-Rally in Mount Vernon, VA
-Speech at the Taubman Museum of Art in Roanoke, VA
-Barnstorm in Roanoke, VA

March 20, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.
-Senator Marco Rubio votes in favor of his co-sponsored Syria Arms Nonproliferation Act in the United States Senate in Washington D.C.
-Debate preparation

March 21 will come after Virgin Islands caucuses

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 21, 2016, 05:32:48 AM

CNN America's Choice theme :

Wolf Blitzer : « Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the coverage of the results of the U.S. Virgin Islands caucuses. »

John King : « It's 8 pm and Marco Rubio leads largely in the U.S. Virgin Islands. »

U.S. Virgin Islands caucuses - 50 % reported
Marco Rubio : 70 %
Paul Ryan: 14 %
Ron Paul : 6 %

Anderson Cooper: « It's 8 : 30 pm and Senator Rubio wins the U.S. Virgin Islands caucuses and all the 9 delegates. »

Guam caucuses- 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 73 %, 9 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan: 17 %, 0 delegate
Ron Paul : 10 %, 0 delegate


Blitzer : « We'll see you tommorow for the moderation of the 11th and final Republican presidential primary debate that will be held at the University of Denver, Colorado and in one and a half week for the coverage of the primary results in Virginia, Kentucky and Colorado. I wish you good night ladies and gentlemen. »

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 21, 2016, 05:34:35 AM
Republican Party Presidential Primaries, 2020 - Map and Delegate Count


Marco Rubio : 725 delegates
Paul Ryan : 184 delegates
Ron Paul : 0 delegate
Tom Cotton : 97 delegates
James Comey : 4 delegates

1219 delegates needed to win the nomination

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 21, 2016, 05:44:11 AM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now

Schedule for the week of March 15, 2020-March 21, 2020, Part 3

March 21, 2020
-Flight to Denver, Colorado
-Debate preparation on the plane
-Energy policy speech at the Noble Energy facility in Denver, CO
-Speech at Denver Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Metro Denver, CO, in an effort to attract Hispanic voters and to reiterate Senator Rubio's economic proposals for the Hispanic community
-Dinner with the voters at Chipotle Mexican Grill in Denver, CO
-Fundraising event at the Ellie Caulkins Opera House in Denver, CO
-Debate preparation for all afternoon
-Florida Senator Marco Rubio debates with Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and former Texas Congressman Ron Paul at the University of Denver in Denver, CO

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 21, 2016, 01:40:01 PM
Eleventh Republican primary presidential debate at the University of Denver, Colorado

Date : March 21st, 2020

Participants : Florida Senator Marco Rubio, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, former Texas Congressman Ron Paul


Host : CNN

Moderator : Wolf Blitzer

Podium order was determined by the average of the national polls since Super Tuesday :

Ryan    Rubio    Paul

CNN America's Choice theme :


-Opening statements

-Congressman Paul, four years ago, Hillary Clinton suffered a pneumonia during the 2016 presidential campaign and is now sharing the status of oldest President in the history of the United States with Ronald Reagan. And this year, Angus King, former Independent nominee, died at 76 years old due to health problems. So I want you to respond to the following question : do you have worries about your health in the case you would be elected President?

-Senator Rubio do you believe Congressman Paul is too old to be president?

-Speaker Ryan?

-When he entered this race, Congressman Paul said that the Republican Paarty has not nominated a conservative since Ronald Reagan. So I want to you to tell the audience here or people watching this debate online : why are you the most conservative candidate on this stage?

-Senator Rubio, the Senate recently voted in favor of your co-sponsored Syria Arms Nonproliferation Act. How will it be effective when it comes to deter foreign arms transfers to the Assad regime and make our fight against ISIS and potentially against the Assad regime successful?

-Speaker Ryan, in 2015, Senator Rand Paul, Ron Paul's son, called your budget an Omnibus Spending Bill. How do you respond that?


-Congressman Paul, you supported Ronald Reagan's candidacy in in 1976 and 1980. Yet in 2008, you didn't support John McCain as the Republican presidential nominee and you didn't supported Mitt Romney in 2012. You would, of course, have endorsed your son Rand Paul if he won the nomination in 2016 and in this same year you said that you would have endorsed Donald Trump if he supported free market but you didn't because he didn't believe in free market. So I want to ask you the following question : this year in 2020, if you were to lose this race, do you take the pledge of supporting the eventual Republican presidential nominee?

-China once adopted the one-child policy before increasing the limit number of children per family at two. These policies have been criticized for violatinf a human right of determining the size of one's own family. Do you believe it would be a reason why abortion should not be tolerated in the United States?

-A few months ago, there are concerns about nuclear energy's security in Pakistan since some terrorist groups like Al Qaïda, the Taliban, the Hezbollah, ISIS, etc. could use this nuclear energy to build nuclear weapons and use them against us and our allies. One of the main natural resources in Niger is uranium, a basic element into the manufacturing of nuclear weapons, and this country is in the throes of terrorism due to Boko Haram's terrorist attacks. Do you believe Boko Haram could use this uranium in Niger to build nuclear weapons in order to prepare terrorist nuclear attacks?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on October 22, 2016, 08:08:24 AM
Ashe 2020
Taking America Back

Schedule for March 15-21, 2020

15 March
-Add recently appointed NAACP President John Monds (replacing Cornell William Brooks) to VP list for vetting
-Finalise VP nominee in preparation for announcement on the 18th in Ashe's home of Burlington, Vermont. Final list of candidates includes:

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard

Senator Al Franken

Former Governor Jesse Ventura

NAACP President and 2010 Libertarian nominee for Governor of Georgia, John Monds

16 March
-Fly to Florida
-Rally in Tampa, Florida with Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich
-Town Hall in Orlando, Florida
-Rally in Miami, Florida
-Barnstorm in Lee County, Florida

17 March
-Fly to Indiana
-Rally in Huntington, Indiana with Former Congressman Dennis Kucinich
-Rally in Bloomington, Indiana
-Barnstorm in Johnson County, Indiana
-Barnstorm in in Hendricks County, Indiana

18 March
-Fly to Vermont
-Rally in Burlington, Vermont with Senator Bernie Sanders and VP nominee
In choosing my running mate, I wanted someone who could build bridges, would be able to work effectively in the highly polarized environment that is federal politics, and someone who would be able to continue Senator King's attempt to build an alliance of libertarians and progressives in this country.

In honor of that great man; a man who would've made a wonderful President, I hereby announce to you the next Vice President of the United States of America, the recently appointed President of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the Libertarian Party's 2010 nominee for Governor of Georgie, Mr John Monds!

I am very humbled that Tim would select me as his running mate. Senator King's campaign energized both libertarians and progressives throughout this country, and I hope I can do him justice.

Tim and I may have some opposing views, but isn't healthy disagreement good? This is the bipartisan ticket this nation needs. Let's bring stability back to Washington! Let's take back America!

-Rally in Montpelier, Vermont
-Discuss strategy with Monds

19 March
-Fly to Georgia
-Rally in Atlanta, Georgia with Monds
-Fly to Arkansas
-Rally in Little Rock, Arkansas with General Wesley Clark. Clark slammed Clinton for her 'Republican-lite' policies, and announced his full support of Ashe's proposed expansion of the VA.
-Fly to Washington, DC for legislative announcement.

20 March
-In a House session, Ashe introduces the Help for Heroes Act in conjunction with Congresswoman Gabbard. The Act proposes increased funding for the VA, as well as a major retraining and housing program for past and future veterans. Should the bill pass the House, Senators Sanders and Warren will introduce the bill to the Senate.
-Fly to Delaware
-Rally in Dover, Delaware with Governor John Carney and Former Associate Justice John Stevens. Both hammered various candidates over the use of SuperPACs, with Stevens reiterating his Citizens United dissent, stating "A democracy cannot function effectively when its constituent members believe laws are being bought and sold."
-Fly to Maryland
-Rally in Baltimore, Maryland with Former Governor Martin O'Malley
President Clinton has let progressives and liberals in this country down. She has sold out to Wall Street repeatedly. Tim Ashe will be the pick for progressives this year!

21 March
-Fly to North Carolina
-Rally in Raleigh, North Carolina with Former Senator John Edwards. Edwards stated that Ashe's status as an outsider meant that he hadn't been 'corrupted' by Washington yet, and as such, was the only logical choice for those wanting honesty and transparency in the Presidential race
-Prepare surrogate teams

John Monds will be campaigning in Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi, with a particular focus on highlighting Ashe's plans to return jobs to America and rebuild the south's infrastructure.

Surrogate schedule

Gov. Ventura and Gov. Johnson, the campaign's Libertarian Team, will be campaigning in Colorado, Arizona and Nevada, highlighting Ashe's selection of Monds as VP as indicative of his desire to ally with libertarians

Former VP Gore, Mr Nader and Dr Stein, the Environmental Team, will be campaigning in New York, Vermont, and Pennsylvania, highlighting the pro-environment aspects of the campaign.

Former Congressman Kucinich, Senator Franken, Congressman Ellison and Senator Sanders, the Progressive Team, campaigned in California, Oregon and Washington, emphasizing Ashe's platform for the poor and middle class. Both Franken and Ellison announced they would be voting for the HFH Act, with Ellison promising the votes of the Progressive Caucus (67 House votes, 2 Senate votes, discounting Sanders and Warren)

Mr Lewis, Mr Eisman and Senator Warren (joined next week by John Stevens), the Economics Team, will campaign in Wisconsin, Indiana and Ohio.

Gov. Inslee, Gov. Kennedy and Gov. Baldacci, the Governors' Team (joined next week by Gov. O'Malley) will not be campaigning for Ashe, but will instead campaign for Baldacci's Senate bid.

Senators Feingold, Baldwin and Markey, the Senators' Team (joined next week by John Edwards), will be campaigning in New Jersey, Massachusetts and Washington DC. All three Senators announced their intention to vote for the HFH Act.

Congresswoman Gabbard, to be joined next week by General Clark (forming the Veterans' Team) will be touring VA hospitals up and down the west coast

Mr Gates and Mr Buffett, the Fundraising Team, will hold fundraisers in Pennsylvania, Illinois and Iowa. These will all be low-priced affairs, and rely on grassroots attendees.

EFF, AFL-CIO, NAACP and SEIU leaders will be campaigning in all states. Richard Trumka will coordinate efforts.

Edward Snowden and his girlfriend Lindsay Mills will record a YouTube advertisement entitled "Paying the Price". The ad will highlight what Snowden did and why he did it, as well as making a case for the psychological toll the exile is inflicting on him and Mills. Mills will end the ad by saying "Should the price for telling the truth be this high?". The ad will then end with the hashtag #LetSnowdenComeHome, which has become a rallying cry at EFF rallies for Ashe.

All other surrogates will be campaigning in their home states.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 22, 2016, 09:10:52 AM
Marco Rubio's debate responses, Part 1

-Opening statements

Good evening, we accepted this additional debate in order to give the American people a new democratic opportunity to decide who is the best to lead us to a new American Century. Do we want four more years of Hillary Clinton's failed policies and disappointment or a better future for America that includes prosperity through free market policies and a better education for our kids and for future generations. A future that includes a stronger national security through a reinforced and modernized military that will lead us to victory against international terrorism and tyranny. A future that will bring stronger national unity. Through my foreign policy experience, my experience as a member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship and because I lived the American Dream, I know what it takes to bring such a prosperous, safer and fairer future for America. So I wish you to enjoy this debate to understand this matter of fact. Thank you.

-Congressman Paul, four years ago, Hillary Clinton suffered a pneumonia during the 2016 presidential campaign and is now sharing the status of oldest President in the history of the United States with Ronald Reagan. And this year, Angus King, former Independent nominee, died at 76 years old due to health problems. So I want you to respond to the following question : do you have worries about your health in the case you would be elected President?

[Ron Paul's response]

-Senator Rubio do you believe Congressman Paul is too old to be president?

No I don't think so, but let me tell you this, Wolf, we should not bring up age as a campaign issue. I won't in any case exploit for political reasons my rival's old age and fatigue. I respect Congressman Paul, his experience and his service to America. This election is a generational choice time has come for a new  generation to lead us to a new American century. Before us now is the opportunity to author the greatest chapter yet in the amazing story of America. We can’t do that by going back to the leaders and ideas of the past like Hillary Clinton. If I'm President, taxes will be lowered for all Americans which will give them a stronger purchasing power, lead us to energy independence, which will not only help us to create jobs but also to develop renewable energies, free trade will bring job creation and innovation and make American products more accessible and education will be accessible for every single American children through school choice, taxes and regulations on businesses will be reduced, which will be reinforce their expansion and their ability to innovate and to create jobs and companies investing in R & D will receive tax credits, which will help their capacity to create jobs through innovation. If I'm the nominee, we will be the party of the future.

-Speaker Ryan?

[Paul Ryan's response]

-When he entered this race, Congressman Paul said that the Republican Paarty has not nominated a conservative since Ronald Reagan. So I want to you to tell the audience here or people watching this debate online : why are you the most conservative candidate on this stage?

Well, first of all, if George H. W. Bush, Bob Dole, George W. Bush, John McCain, Mitt Romney and Donald Trump were really not conservatives, then I don't think they would have been in the Republican Party. But of course, they adopted positions that didn't please the conservative base (Bush Sr. increased taxes while he promised not to do so, Bob Dole pushed for federal funding for viagra, George W. Bush increased government spending, John McCain is in favor of abortion only when it comes incest, rape and life of the mother, Mitt Romney adopted different positions on abortion especially and Donald Trump before becoming a Republican adopted progressive positions) and might have hurt our party because conservative voters might have stayed home instead of going to the polls on previous Election Days.

If I'm the Republican nominee, I will be the most conservative nominee since Ronald Reagan. I'm fully pro-life, I'm a great defender of the right to own a gun and to ensure self-defense, I'm a great defender of freedom of religion, I want to promote school-choice to ensure education success for all of our kids, I will cut taxes for all the American people to give them a stronger purchasing power, I want our country to clinch energy independence by increasing oil drilling and production while Speaker Ryan voted against the Bush Administration national energy policy in 2004, I want to promote free trade in order to get us new consumers around the world and to reduce tariffs, which will make trade easier and help us creating many good-paying jobs here in America, and I want to champion businesses of all sizes by abolishing regulations and cutting taxes for business owners, which will prevent them from offshoring overseas and help them to grow, to expand, to innovate, to produce and to hire. Our national debt is now standing at over 20 trillion $. We will balance the budget and reduce our national debt thanks to job creation because the more jobs we create, the more wages will increase and the more it will be easy to balance the budget and reduce the debt.

When it comes to Ron Paul, who lectured us about how to be a conservative, I don't think he would be such a conservative nominee. He's against free trade : he's against NAFTA, he voted YES on withdrawing from the WTO, he voted NO on implementing free trade agreement with Chile, he voted NO on implementing US-Singapore free trade agreement, he voted NO on implementing US-Australia Free Trade Agreement, he voted NO on implementing CAFTA (Central America Free Trade) and he voted NO on promoting free trade with Peru.

Congressman, how can you be a conservative while opposing free trade and economic freedom while these pro-growth policies reduce the cost of exporting and importing? How can conservatives and libertarians trust you on this issue if they are in favor of free trade while you oppose this? And you know that one of the main reasons why the Great Depression got longer and worse is the legislation of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930 that increased tariffs and reduced American exports and imports, thus increasing unemployment rate from 8 % in 1930 to 25 % in 1932.

By reducing tariffs, reducing the cost of exporting and importing and get us new consumers, American businesses will be competitive again. By getting energy independence through increased oil production, we will make American cars less expansive than Asian cars, which will give us the upper-hand in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and make sure that more American cars will be bought than Asian cars.

Even if India is not a member of TPP, Florida’s $1 billion annual exports to India represent a reason why trade ties with India’s and Asia's large and growing markets matter to Americans. The more we export, the more consumers we get in the world, the more our companies can ensure their expansion and the more jobs we can create. That's why I take the pledge to ratify the TPP if I become President. Free trade will boost free enterprise, which is the strength of our economy. It will also give international consumers a greater access to American products and ensure massive job creation here in the United States, which will be good for our economy. America's ability to compete and innovate derives from its open markets and from the continual search for new markets through the expansion of free trade.

-Senator Rubio, the Senate recently voted in favor of your co-sponsored Syria Arms Nonproliferation Act. How will it be effective when it comes to deter foreign arms transfers to the Assad regime and make our fight against ISIS and potentially against the Assad regime successful?

This bill will increase economic sanctions on every nation, including Russia, that provides military material to the Assad regime. Russia should put the fight against ISIS ahead of it's own interests through defending the Assad regime, a procedure that Mr. Putin doesn't embrace. As long as Assad remains in power, our fight against radical Islamic terrorism will be difficult and ineffective. So by weakening the Assad regime through detering foreign arms transfers to this tyrannical regime, Syrian rebels will have a decent chance of toppling Assad, bringing freedom and democracy back to Syria, eradicate corruption and give this country back to the Syrian people. That way, our fight against ISIS will be much easier because the Syrian people will havre finally regained trust in their government due to integrity and freedom. Democracy, freedom and integrity are elements required to ensure security.

-Speaker Ryan, in 2015, Senator Rand Paul, Ron Paul's son, called your budget an Omnibus Spending Bill. How do you respond that?

[Paul Ryan's response]


[Ron Paul's response]

-Congressman Paul, you supported Ronald Reagan's candidacy in in 1976 and 1980. Yet in 2008, you didn't support John McCain as the Republican presidential nominee and you didn't supported Mitt Romney in 2012. You would, of course, have endorsed your son Rand Paul if he won the nomination in 2016 and in this same year you said that you woul have supported Donald Trump if he supported free market but you didn't because he didn't believe in free market. So I want to ask you the following question : this year in 2020, if you were to lose this race, do you take the pledge of supporting the eventual Republican presidential nominee?

[Ron Paul's response]

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 22, 2016, 09:12:14 AM
Marco Rubio's debate responses, Part 2

-China once adopted the one-child policy before increasing the limit number of children per family at two. These policies have been criticized for violatinf a human right of determining the size of one's own family. Do you believe it would be a reason why abortion should not be tolerated in the United States?

I do. Allowing abortion restricts the right for unborn children to live as well as the human right of determining the size of one's own family, like you just said Wolf. Everybody, whether or not they are yet eligible to vote, has the right to live. And like I said, if we tolerate abortion, future generations are likely to look back at this history of our country and call us barbarians for murdering millions of babies who we never gave them a chance to live. This is not only a social issue, it's also an economic issue. One of the main reason why the Glorious Thirty (1945-1972) were so prosperous was the great number of young baby boomers who were available to find a job and work. Today, it's exactly the opposite : many baby boomers are going to retirement, which hurts our workforce and slows our GDP. So if we want longer term economic growth and prosperity, we need to fight abortion in order to let future generations live and make sure that our workforce will get stronger and stronger, making our economy growing again.

-A few months ago, there are concerns about nuclear energy's security in Pakistan since some terrorist groups like Al Qaïda, the Taliban, the Hezbollah, ISIS, etc. could use this nuclear energy to build nuclear weapons and use them against us and our allies. One of the main natural resources in Niger is uranium, a basic element into the manufacturing of nuclear weapons, and this country is in the throes of terrorism due to Boko Haram's terrorist attacks. Do you believe Boko Haram could use this uranium in Niger to build nuclear weapons in order to prepare terrorist nuclear attacks?

I think they could, unless we take action on this to make sure these resources of uranium are secured and to fight terrorism in this region. We have to remember, in 2002 and 2003, investigations about potential weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, there was a denied possibility that Saddam Hussein's regime bought uranium from Niger to develop such weapons. So if it could have happened we have to make sure it doesn't happen. We need to help Niger and it's neighbors to fight Boko Haram through military and intelligence training and support and military material provision because against  military techniques from the strongest military power of the world, the United States, Boko Haram has no chance of defeating Western African military troops. By eradicating terrorism in this region, Niger's uranium resources will be secured and be used only for electricity production and Niger's economic growth and not for the development of nuclear weapons by Boko Haram who could use them to attack anybody, including us or our allies, which would be very catastrophic, cause a very deadly disaster and impose a serious threat to freedom, justice and security.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: WashLibertarian on October 22, 2016, 09:16:37 PM
Ron Paul's Debate Responses

Opening statement: good evening, my name is Ron Paul I am a former congressman from Texas. I am the champion of the constitution and the defender of liberty. I got into this race to save conservatism. Ever since Ronald Reagan left the white house we have not nominated a conservative. I plan to change that. Conservatism means consistently small government, not small government until I disagree with your personal choices. It means spending cuts across the board, not spending cuts on domestic issues but when it comes to wars and overseas spending then spare no expense. And finally conservatism means having a government that leaves you alone not a government that invades your privacy and stomps on your civil liberties. If you nominate me I will save conservatism and I promise to cut taxes across the board, to shrink government, and to expand liberty for all Americans.

-Congressman Paul, four years ago, Hillary Clinton suffered a pneumonia during the 2016 presidential campaign and is now sharing the status of oldest President in the history of the United States with Ronald Reagan. And this year, Angus King, former Independent nominee, died at 76 years old due to health problems. So I want you to respond to the following question : do you have worries about your health in the case you would be elected President?

Answer: No Wolf I don’t, but I’d like to address Senator Rubio’s jab at my health. Senator Rubio claims to be the heir to Ronald Reagan's legacy he has said it the entire campaign, he even stole one of Reagan’s quotes to attack me. Senator Rubio I knew Ronald Reagan, Ronald Reagan was a friend of mine. Senator Rubio you’re no Ronald Reagan. On the issue of my health, I go for bike rides every weekend and my wife, Carol, makes good healthy meals for me. if you also remember in 2012 I was the only congressman to hit a homerun over the fence in history. Speaker Ryan may have been on Men's Health and Senator Rubio brags about his hands but neither of them have hit one over the fence and they are 30 years younger than me!

(Rubio’s Answer)

(Ryan’s Answer)

-When he entered this race, Congressman Paul said that the Republican Party has not nominated a conservative since Ronald Reagan. So I want to you to tell the audience here or people watching this debate online : why are you the most conservative candidate on this stage?

Answer: I have voted against more government spending that Senator Rubio and Speaker Ryan combined. I have voted against every tax increase and every bill that infringes on the bill of rights. I have advocated for a foreign policy that saves american lives and american dollars. I have fought against crony trade deals that don’t represent free trade. Real free trade is abolishing tariffs and allowing for foreign and american goods compete giving us low prices and high quality. I have advocated for ending the federal reserve which is destroying the middle class. I am the only one on this stage who has stood on principle and has never caved to political pressure or the special interests.

-Senator Rubio, the Senate recently voted in favor of your co-sponsored Syria Arms Nonproliferation Act. How will it be effective when it comes to deter foreign arms transfers to the Assad regime and make our fight against ISIS and potentially against the Assad regime successful?

(Rubio’s answer)

-Speaker Ryan, in 2015, Senator Rand Paul, Ron Paul's son, called your budget an Omnibus Spending Bill. How do you respond that?

(Ryan’s Answer)

Answer: Yes my son Rand is right. The spending bill was probably the worst bill passed or even proposed this past year. This is something that really frustrates me about you Speaker Ryan. My son proposed a budget that balanced in less than 4 years yet you decided to cave on principle and team up with the democrats and president obama and now president clinton. The 2o trillion debt is a result of you and members of congress refusing to take a stand. What you should have done is you should have taken Rand’s budget and sent it to the President's desk and force him to veto it. After he vetoes it you take it directly to the people and say “look the president is now clearly responsible for the debt and has done nothing to stop it” after that the people would be calling for the heads of everyone who voted for it and for the president. Whoever the nominee of your party would be, he would win by a landslide but instead you passed a bill that dumps the blame on the Republicans and on you. You should be ashamed of yourself. I would ask you for an apology to the American people for your role in our now 20 trillion dollar debt.

-Congressman Paul, you supported Ronald Reagan's candidacy in in 1976 and 1980. Yet in 2008, you didn't support John McCain as the Republican presidential nominee and you didn't supported Mitt Romney in 2012. You would, of course, have endorsed your son Rand Paul if he won the nomination in 2016 and in this same year you said that you would have endorsed Donald Trump if he supported free market but you didn't because he didn't believe in free market. So I want to ask you the following question : this year in 2020, if you were to lose this race, do you take the pledge of supporting the eventual Republican presidential nominee?

Answer: I will endorse the nominee if they pledge to support economic freedom, personal liberty, and a foreign policy of peace and diplomacy not endless war. If they don’t support these values then I will not. Senator Rubio scares me. His foreign policy is Obama’s and Clinton’s on steroids, he recommends more wars and more spending that will bankrupt this country. He supports unconstitutional spying on Americans and this really concerns me. If Senator Rubio cared about being a conservative he wouldn’t support a foreign policy of endless war and the eternal occupation of the middle east. Maybe we ought to consider a Golden Rule in foreign policy: Don't do to other nations what we don't want happening to us. We endlessly bomb these countries and then we wonder why they get upset with us?I won’t have any part in the poisoning of conservatism and my seal of approval on this perversion of conservatism would seal the grave. So no, i won’t make the pledge.

-China once adopted the one-child policy before increasing the limit number of children per family at two. These policies have been criticized for violating a human right of determining the size of one's own family. Do you believe it would be a reason why abortion should not be tolerated in the United States?

Answer: I believe that people should be able to live there lives the way the want as long as they don’t hurt anyone or damage their property. Abortion is murder. It really is as simple as that, ending the life of a child is not an acceptable consequence for you making bad sexual decisions. I believe in an exception in the cases of rape or when the mother's life is threatened. This is something that really sickens me about the left of this country. Not only do they support regular abortion they also support partial birth abortion where the baby can be halfway out of the womb and the mother can still decide that she doesn’t want it and the doctor smashes in the skull of the child and vacuums out its brain. Abortion is one of the reasons that I am so proud to be a conservative.

-A few months ago, there are concerns about nuclear energy's security in Pakistan since some terrorist groups like Al Qaïda, the Taliban, the Hezbollah, ISIS, etc. could use this nuclear energy to build nuclear weapons and use them against us and our allies. One of the main natural resources in Niger is uranium, a basic element into the manufacturing of nuclear weapons, and this country is in the throes of terrorism due to Boko Haram's terrorist attacks. Do you believe Boko Haram could use this uranium in Niger to build nuclear weapons in order to prepare terrorist nuclear attacks?

Answer: Not in the foreseeable future, I have faith in our intelligence capabilities to keep us informed and up to date on this threat. We need to be cautious when it comes to this situation. Many member of our party and the Democratic party will call for us to invade and take out this terrorist threat. I think that's the wrong course of action, do we really want to start another war overseas? We have been intervening in the middle east for the last 20 years and it’s created this terrorist threat we have to reject this policy and we have to understand that our interventions are directly related to terrorism and make things worse and not better. I say no more Americans have to die overseas and no more dollar bills spent on this empire around the world, it’s time to quit this!

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: WashLibertarian on October 22, 2016, 10:35:20 PM
Ron Paul Schedule March 15-21

March 15, 2020
-Fly to Louisville
-Twitter Q&A on Plane
-Rally In Louisville with Rand Paul
-Meet with college voters at University of Louisville
-Foreign Policy Speech at University Of Louisville
Excerpt: I have a few questions for my colleagues.
What if our foreign policy of the past century is deeply flawed and has not served our national security interest?
What if we wake up one day and realize that the terrorist threat is the predictable consequence of our meddling in the affairs of others, and has nothing to do with us being free and prosperous?
What if propping up repressive regimes in the Middle East endangers both the United States and Israel?
What if occupying countries like Iraq and Afghanistan and bombing Pakistan is directly related to the hatred directed toward us?
What if someday it dawns on us that losing over 5,000 American military personnel in the Middle East since 9/11 is not a fair tradeoff with the loss of nearly 3,000 American citizens no matter how many Iraqi, Pakistani, Afghan people are killed or displaced?
What if we finally decide that torture, even if called “enhanced interrogation technique”, is self-destructive and produces no useful information and that contracting it out to a third world nation is just as evil?
What if it is finally realized that war and military spending is always destructive to the economy?
What if all war-time spending is paid for through the deceitful and evil process of inflating and borrowing?
What if we finally see that war-time conditions always undermine personal liberty?
What if Conservatives who preach small government wake up and realize that our interventionist foreign policy provides the greatest incentive to expand the government?
What if Conservatives understood once again that their only logical position is to reject military intervention and managing an empire throughout the world?
What if the American people woke up and understood that the official reasons for going to war are almost always based on lies and promoted by war propaganda in order to serve special interests?
What if we as a nation came to realize that the quest for empire eventually destroys all great nations?
What if Obama has no intention of leaving Iraq?
What if a military draft is being planned for for the wars that would spread if our foreign policy is not changed?
What if the American people learned the truth, that our foreign policy has nothing to do with national security, that it never changes from one administration to the next?
What if war in preparation for war is a racket serving the special interests?
What if President Obama is completely wrong about Afghanistan and it turns out worse than Iraq and Vietnam put together?
What if Christianity actually teaches peace and not preventive wars of aggression?
What if diplomacy is found to be superior to bombs and bribes in protecting America?
What happens if my concerns are completely unfounded?
But what happens if my concerns are justified and ignored?
Nothing good.

March 15, 2020
-Drive to Lexington
-Rally in Lexington
-Doorknock with Supporters in Lexington
-Drive to Frankfort
-Rally in Frankfort
-Doorknock with supporters in Frankfort

March 16, 2020
-Drive to Campbellsville
-Rally in Campbellsville
-Lunch with supporters and donors
-Townhall in Campbellsville
-Dinner with supporters

March 17, 2020
-Drive to Bowling Green
-Doorknock with supporters in Bowling Green
-Rally in Bowling Green
Excerpt: We have to cut taxes across the board for all americans. It's your money not washington DC’s. That’s why my tax plan is the most conservative of all the Republican candidates. It’s a 12.5% flat tax which exempts your 1st 50,000 dollars. My plan also drops the corporate rate to 10 % and gets rid of all the other taxes except for social security, medicaid, and medicare which will be devolved to the states. My plan leave everyone with more dollars in there pockets and this will grow the economy exponentially.
-Townhall in Bowling Green
-Dinner with Donors

March 18, 2020
-Drive to Madisonville
-Twitter Q&A on the drive
-Rally in Madisonville
-Townhall in Madisonville
-Lunch with supporters in Madisonville
-2nd Rally in Madisonville

March 19, 2020
-Drive to Owensboro
-Taking to twitter and posting numerous tweets about Rubio and Ryan’s failed foreign policy and social issue policies
-Rally in Owensboro
-Townhall in Owensboro
-Doorknocking with supporters in Owensboro
-2nd Town Hall in Owensboro

March 20, 2020
-Drive to Hopkinsville
-Breakfast with supporters in Hopkinsville
-Rally in Hopkinsville
-Townhall in Hopkinsville
-Doorknocking in Hopkinsville
-Dinner with supporters in Hopkinsville

March 21, 2020
-Fly to Wisconsin
-Rally in Madison
-Townhall in Madison
-Meet with college voters at the University of Wisconsin
-Drive to Milwaukee
-Twitter Q&A on the way
-Town Hall in Milwaukee
-Rally in Milwaukee

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 22, 2016, 11:20:47 PM
Round 26 : March 22, 2020-March 28, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 23, 2016, 08:40:16 AM
New polls

Marco Rubio still leads the Republican presidential field, this is partly due to Tom Cotton's withdrawal from the primary race, which resulted that the Florida Senator the support from many former Cotton's supporters. This is also due to his strong performance during the final Republican presidential primary debate at the University of Denver, especially when he compared his conservative record to the previous Republican presidential nominees since Ronald Reagan and when he questionned Ron Paul's conservatism due to the Texas Congressman's opposition to some free trade agreements. When it comes Ron Paul, his best line seems to be when he criticized Paul Ryan's budget which, according to the Texas Congressman, increased government spending and the national debt. The Speaker of the House made the poorest debate performance that night. According to a poll, 51 % of the debate watchers said that Marco Rubio won the debate while 37 % said the same for Ron Paul and only 12 % for Paul Ryan.

National Polls

Marco Rubio : 55 %
Paul Ryan : 31 %
Ron Paul : 10 %

Colorado Polls

Marco Rubio : 56 %
Paul Ryan : 35 %
Ron Paul : 7 %

Kentucky Polls

Marco Rubio : 46 %
Paul Ryan : 37 %
Ron Paul : 14 %

Virginia Polls

Marco Rubio : 53 %
Paul Ryan : 36 %
Ron Paul : 9 %

General Election Polls

Hillary Clinton vs Marco Rubio vs Tim Ashe

Marco Rubio : 46 %
Hillary Clinton : 41 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %

Hillary Clinton vs Paul Ryan vs Tim Ashe

Hillary Clinton : 43 %
Paul Ryan : 41 %
Tim Ashe: 16 %

Hillary Clinton vs Ron Paul vs Tim Ashe

Hillary Clinton : 43 %
Ron Paul : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 23, 2016, 08:57:56 AM

The Syria Arms Nonproliferation Act passed the Senate

Last week, Senators Marco Rubio (Rep.-Florida) and Bob Menendez(Dem.-New Jersey) co-sponsored the Bipartisan Syria Arms Nonproliferation Act that would establish penalties and sanctions for nations, persons or companies assisting Syria in acquiring chemical and missile technology or all other types of weapons of mass destruction.

The bill passed the Senate by clinching 66 votes required to override a potential veto by President Clinton. All the 56 Republican Senators voted in favor of the bill, which made 56 YES votes. In addition of these 56 YES votes, 10 Democratic senators supported the bill : Bob Menendez, Chris Coons, Edward Markey, Mark Warner, Bob Casey Jr., Tammy Duckworth, Evan Bayh, Martin Heinrich, Cory Booker and Ron Wyden.

With a Republican supermajority in the House of the Representatives, the bill is likely to pass in this chamber as well. The vote in the House of the Representatives is set to be done next week.

North Korea orchestrates a nuclear test between Sea of Japan and East China Sea


Yesterday, North Korea orchestrated a nuclear missile test on the maritime zone located between Sea of Japan and East China Sea. The explosion could have been seen from Nagasaki (one of the towns that suffered nuclear strikes from Americans at the end of World War II), Japan, and from Busan, South Korea. These two countries accused Kim Jong-un of using this missile test as an act of provocation. The international community condemned the nuclear missile test.


Marco Rubio : Radio animator Michael Reagan (son of Ronald Reagan), General Motor's CEO Mary Barra, former Michigan Governor Rick Snyder, former Florida Lieutanant Governor Carlos Lopez-Cantera, former Puerto Rico Governor Luis Fortuno, Florida Congressman Tom Rooney, Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Adam Putnam, former Utah Senator Orrin Hatch, Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson.

Tim Ashe : Journalist Glenn Greenwald, The Congressional Progressive Caucus

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 24, 2016, 07:29:01 PM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now

Schedule for the week of March 22, 2020-March 29, 2020

March 22, 2020
-Speech at the Latin American Educational Foundation headquarters in Denver, Colorado, in an effort to attract the Hispanic vote
-Energy policy speech at Anadarko Petroleum Coroporation facility in Denver, CO
-Fundraising event at the Pepsi Center in Denver, CO
-Foreign policy speech at Lowry Air Force Base in Denver, CO, in reaction to North Korea's nuclear missile test :

This nuclear missile test represents a threat to international security and allowed North Korea to make progress in the development of its nuclear program. We can't allow this. Diplomatic and economic sanctions are required to decrease Pyongyang's nuclear capacity and we need to increase our military's presence on the Pacific by deploying more warships on this ocean. That way, we can prevent an arms race as well as a nuclear war from happening. That's why I'm proposing the creation of the Pacific Treaty Organization (PTO) in order to reinforce our defense ties with our allies around the Pacific, to deploy all the necessary arsenal, to create an anti-missile shield, to increase pressure on North Korea by stopping this nation from offending its neighbors and to prevent China from violating South East China's territorial integrity. Peace will be restored and maintained through strength and collaboration.

-Small government policy speech at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver, CO
-Meet with college voters at the University of Colorado Denver in Denver, CO
-Dinner with the voters at Qdoba Mexican Eats headquarters in Denver, CO
-Rally at the Denver Performing Arts Complex in Denver, CO
-Speech at Sports Authority Field at Mile High in Denver, CO
-Rally at Coors Field in Denver, CO, alongside Colorado Senator Cory Gardner who praises Marco Rubio's presidential agenda :

Marco is the best candidate to take on Hillary Clinton. He lived the American Dream and will make the Republican Party competitive again among Hispanics and all other ethnic minorities by doing what Donald Trump couldn't have done : attracting ethnic minorities, thus leading us to victory on November. He will do so by promising to fix our broken immigration system and offering them school choice and giving them access to a better education. Like Senator Rubio said, free trade with Latin America will help our Hispanic business owners to innovate, to grow and expand their businesses and to create jobs by becoming top importers, exporters, translators and executives managing such commercial and cultural exchanges thanks to their fluency in Spanish. That's how I will be able to expand GOP's support among Hispanics and young people. It will also allow us to counter China's trading power and to remain the first worldwide economic power since Latin America's economy is as big as China's.

Marco has the right experience and background to grow our economy due to his experience of the U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship. His foreign policy experience due to his membership in the U.S. Senate Committees on Foreign Relations and in the Select Committee of Intelligence will keep us safe. He will use all the necessary arsenal and reinforce and expand our alliances to defeat international terrorism and promote international freedom, democracy, justice and peace.

I’m proud to endorse my friend Senator Marco Rubio, the next President of the United States of America and our leader for the 21st Century, a New American Century.

-Barnstorm in Golden, CO
-Health care policy speech at St. Anthony Hospital in Lakewood, CO
-Meet with college voters at Colorado Christian University in Lakewood, CO
-Fundraising supper with voters at Casa Bonita in Lakewood, CO
-Town hall meeting with voters at Lakewood Civic Center in Lakewood, CO
-Bus trip to Colorado Springs, CO

March 23, 2020
-Space policy speech at Space Foundation in Colorado Springs, CO
-Social and familiarity policy speech at Focus on the Family headquarters in Colorado Springs, CO
-Speech at the United States Olympic Committee headquarters in Colorado Springs, CO, where the Florida Senator gives a speech that shows optimism about the 2024 Summer Olympic Games that will be held in Los Angeles.
-Foreign policy speech at the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, CO
-Fundraising dinner with the voters and the donors at Antlers Hotel in Colorado Springs, CO
-Bus trip to Aurora, CO
-National defense policy speech at Buckley Air Force Base in Aurora, CO
-Barnstorm in Aurora, CO
-Supper with the voters at the Radisson Hoyel Denver Southeast in Aurora, CO

March 24, 2020
-Flight to Louisville, Kentucky
-Economic policy speech at the General Electric facility in Louisville, KY
-Rally at the Muhammad Ali Center in Louisville, KY
-Fundraising event at the Frazier Museum in Louisville, KY
-Speech at the Kentucky Center in Louisville, KY
-Speech at Louisville Slugger Field in Louisville, KY
-Meet with college voters at University of Louisville in Louisville, KY
-Economic policy and foreign policy speech at the University of Louisville in Louisville, KY
-Barnstorm at the Fourth Street Live! in Louisville, KY
-Supper with the voters at the Hard Rock Cafe at the Fourth Street Live! in Louisville, KY
-Bus trip to Frankfort, KY

March 25, 2020
-Meet with college voters at Kentucky State University in Frankfort, KY, in an effort to attract African-American voters
-Barnstorm in Frankfort, KY
-Bus trip to Lexington, KY
-Economic policy speech at Lexmark International headquarters in Lexington, KY
-Meet with college voters at the University of Kentucky in Lexington, KY
-Foreign policy speech at Memorial Hall at the University of Kentucky in Lexington, KY
-Speech at Commonwealth Stadium in Lexington, KY
-Rally at Rupp Arena in Lexington, KY
-Foreign policy speech at the Aviation Museum of Kentucky in Lexington, KY
-Speech at First African Baptist Church in Lexington, KY, in an effort to woo the African-American vote

March 26, 2020
-Bus trip to Owensboro, KY
-Economic policy speech at Modern Welding Company in Owensboro, KY
-Social security policy speech at Owensboro Medical Health System in Owensboro, KY
-Foreign policy speech at Temple Adath Israel in Owensboro, KY
-Barnstorm in Owensboro, KY
-Flight to Washington D.C.
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

March 27, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

March 28, 2020
-Bus trip to Alexandria, Virginia
-National security speech at the Institute for Defense Analyses headquarters in Alexandria, VA
-Speech at the Torpedo Factory Art Center in Alexandria, VA
-Barnstorm in Alexandria, VA
-Barnstorm in Arlington, VA
-Barnstorm in Reston, VA
-Speech at Leidos headquarters in Reston, VA
-Speech at Reston Town Center in Reston, VA
-Barnstorm in Winchester, VA
-Barnstorm in Stephens City, VA
-Speech at Trinity Lutheran Church in Stephens City, VA

Surrogate schedule

March 22, 2020
-Rudy Giuliani gives a foreign policy speech in New York City, NY :

I have to remind Congressman Paul like I told him before, especially during a presidential primary debate in Goffstown, New Hampshire, in January 2008 : America did not create radical Islamic terrorism. Claiming the contrast is simply not true. Extremist Islamic terrorists killed over 500 Americans before September 11, 2001, going back to the late 1960s. They have also killed people recently in Bali, in London. They have launched attacks in Germany. They attacked everywhere because we didn’t do anything to prevent such terrorist attacks. The attack in Chicago demonstrated this matter of fact.

We need to reinforce our security measures, increase defense spending, modernize and reinforce our military, promote, consolidate and expand our strategic alliances, use all the necessary troops to destroy terrorism and all the tyrannical regimes supporting terrorists and prevent arms races from happening in order to stop any nuclear war from triggering. That’s exactly the agenda that Senator Marco Rubio is promoting and that’s why I’m proud to endorse him.

March 23, 2020
-Cory Gardner barnstorms for Marco Rubio in Yuma, CO
-Cory Gardner gives an energy policy speech in Denver, CO, where he praises Rubio’s energy agenda

-Cory Gardner barnstorms for Marco Rubio in Denver, CO

March 24, 2020
-Cory Gardner gives a foreign policy speech where he praises Marco Rubio’s foreign policy agenda

March 25, 2020
-Jim Webb gives a foreign policy speech where he promotes Marco Rubio’s foreign policy agenda in Richmond, VA

March 26, 2020
-Mitch McConnell praises Marco Rubio’s legislative record in both the Florida House of Representatives and in the United States Senate and claims that this kind of leadership is needed in the White House

March 27, 2020
-During an interview with ABC News in the U.S. Senate in Washington D.C. when he's asked about Ron Paul's comments on national security, John McCain rebukes Congressman Paul and promotes Marco Rubio’s foreign policy agenda :

I know that Congressman Paul has this tendency of claiming that our defense spending costs too much. And yet he endorsed Ronald Reagan in 1976 and 1980 while he knew very well that during his presidential campaigns Ronald Reagan was promoting a strong foreign policy agenda that included an increased defense budget and a stronger military. That’s exactly what helped us to win the Cold War over USSR, to make the world safer and to make us the only superpower in the world. And it's thanks to a strong military and a strong intelligence system that we found and killed Bin Laden. So it's due to a strong military that we will defeat Al Qaida and ISIS, capture or kill Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, stop nuclear wars from triggering and maintain international peace. Senator Rubio understands this and that's why I believe he's the best qualified candidate to make America and all the rest of the world safer and that's why I support him to be our next President.

March 28, 2020
-Tim Scott barnstorms for Marco Rubio in Richmond, VA

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on October 25, 2016, 05:00:15 AM
Ashe/Monds 2020
Taking America Back

Schedule for March 22-28, 2020

22 March
-Fly to Georgia
-Rally in Georgia with John Monds.
-Barnstorm in Bartow County, Georgia
-Barnstorm in Barrow County, Georgia
-Town Hall in Columbus, Georgia with Monds

23 March
-Fly to Maine
-At a rally for the Baldacci for Senate Campaign in Augusta, Maine, Ashe formally endorsed John Baldacci for the open Senate seat, calling him "a fighter for progressive values". Governors Kennedy, O'Malley and Inslee also appeared to support Baldacci
-Ashe spent the remainder of the day campaigning for Baldacci

24 March
-Fly to New York
-Rally in New York City with Glen Greenwald. Greenwald slammed both Clinton and Rubio for their stances on foreign policy, and attitude towards whistleblowers.
-Build campaign infrastructure in New York

25 March
-House duties

-Fly to California
-Rally in Los Angeles with Jerry Brown. Ashe also advertised the Help for Heroes Act, and called on Senators McCain and Rubio to back it in support of veterans.
-Build campaign infrastructure in California with the aid of Brown

27 March
-Fly to Arizona
-Rally in Phoenix, Arizona with leaders of the Congressional Progressive Caucus
The Congressional Progressive Caucus has never endorsed a Presidential candidate before, but this election is too important to sit out. Therefore, our entire caucus 67 Representatives and 4 Senators endorses Congressman Ashe for the Presidency!
-Build national infrastructure with the aid of the CPC

28 March
-Fly to Florida
-Rally with Steve Eisman and Michael Lewis in Tampa, Florida
-Rally with Tulsi Gabbard in Miami, Florida. Both advertised the Help for Heroes Act.
-Build support for the Help for Heroes Act

Schedule of John Monds

22-24 March
-Monds will hold rallies, Town Halls and give speeches across Georgia, Florida, the Carolinas  and Kentucky, emphasizing that a progressive/libertarian ticket is the bipartisan solution the country needs

25-28 March
-Monds will focus the remainder of his efforts on a single state: California. He will campaign extensively on civil liberties

Surrogate Schedule

The Libertarian Team (Ventura and Johnson) will campaign in Arizona, New Mexico and Minnesota, once again emphasizing Ashe's civil libertarianism

 Environmental Team (Gore, Nader and Stein), will be campaigning in New York, Vermont, and Pennsylvania, highlighting the pro-environment aspects of the campaign.

The Progressive Team, (Kucinich, Franken, Ellison and Sanders) campaigned in California, Oregon and Washington, emphasizing Ashe's platform for the poor and middle class.

The Economics Team, (Warren, Eisman, Lewis, Stevens and Reich) will campaign in Wisconsin, Indiana and Ohio.

The Governors' Team (Inslee, Kennedy, Baldacci, O'Malley, Brown, Wolf) will not be campaigning for Ashe, but will instead campaign for Baldacci's Senate bid.

Senators' Team (Feingold, Baldwin, Markey, Edwards), will be campaigning in New Jersey, Massachusetts and Washington DC.

The Veterans Team (Gabbard, Clark, Powell) Will be advertising the Help for Heroes Act, with Powell in particular praising it for its farsightedness. Powell also called on fellow Republican veterans, such as McCain and Graham to support the bill.

Mr Gates and Mr Buffett, the Fundraising Team, will hold fundraisers in Connecticut, Michigan and Washington. These will all be low-priced affairs, and rely on grassroots attendees.

EFF, AFL-CIO, NAACP and SEIU leaders will be campaigning in all states. Richard Trumka will coordinate efforts.

All members of the Progressive Caucus will campaign in their home states (AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, GA, IL, IN, IA, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, NJ, NY, NC, OH, OR, PA, RI, TN, TX, VT, VA, WA, WI and DC).

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 25, 2016, 08:52:45 PM
Round 27 : March 29, 2020-April 4, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: WashLibertarian on October 25, 2016, 10:02:53 PM
Ron Paul 2020

Taking Over The Government To Leave You Alone

Ron Paul Schedule March 22-29, 2020

March 22, 2020
-Fly to New Mexico
-Rally in Albuquerque
-Lunch in Albuquerque
-Foreign Policy Speech
-Doorknocking with supporters
-Meet with college voter at University of New Mexico

March 23,2020
-Fly to New York City
-Rally in NYC
-Economic Policy Speech in NYC
-Meet with small business owners
-Drive to Albany
-Healthcare Speech

March 24, 2020
-Fly to Maine
-Rally in Maine
-Education Speech in Portland, ME
-Lunch and Doorknocking with supporters
-Drug Policy Speech in Portland, ME

March 25, 2020
-Fly to North Dakota
-Rally in Bismark
-Foreign Policy Speech in Bismark
-Rally at North Dakota University
-2nd Amendment Speech at Bismark

March 26, 2020
-Fly to Washington
-Personal Liberty Speech in Seattle
-Rally in Tacoma
-Meet with small business owners
-Role of Government Speech at the University of Washington
-Doorknocking in Bothell, WA
-Dinner Rally with supporters

March 27, 2020
-Fly to Colorado
-Rally in Boulder
-Economic Policy Speech in Boulder
-Rally at University of Colorado
-Rally at Colorado State University
-Doorknocking with supporters

March 28, 2020
-Fly to Kentucky
-Twitter Q&A on Plane
-Rally in Lexington
-Coal Speech in Louisville
-Personal Liberty Speech at University of Louisville
-Foreign Policy Speech at University of Kentucky
-Speech on Religous Liberty and Fighting Poverty at African American Church in Louisville

March 29, 2020
-Fly to Michigan
-Bureaucracy Failures Speech at Flint
-Rally in Detroit
-Economic and Poverty Speech in Detroit
-Education Speech in Detroit
-Rally at University of Michigan
-Personal Liberty Speech at Michigan State

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 26, 2016, 05:15:23 AM
New polls

As we are approaching the Virginia and Kentucky primaries and the Colorado caucuses, Senator Rubio increased his lead for the Republican nomination and sounds to be the Republican candidate that is most likely to beat Hillary Clinton.

National Polls

Marco Rubio : 56 %
Paul Ryan : 31 %
Ron Paul : 10 %

Colorado Polls

Marco Rubio : 57 %
Paul Ryan : 33 %
Ron Paul : 6 %

Kentucky Polls

Marco Rubio : 48 %
Paul Ryan : 40 %
Ron Paul : 12 %

Virginia Polls

Marco Rubio : 54 %
Paul Ryan : 36 %
Ron Paul : 8 %

General Election Polls

Hillary Clinton vs Marco Rubio vs Tim Ashe

Marco Rubio : 47 %
Hillary Clinton : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %

Hillary Clinton vs Paul Ryan vs Tim Ashe

Paul Ryan : 42 %
Hillary Clinton : 42 %
Tim Ashe: 16 %

Hillary Clinton vs Ron Paul vs Tim Ashe

Hillary Clinton : 43 %
Ron Paul : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 26, 2016, 05:29:45 AM

The Syria Arms Nonproliferation Act passed the House of the Representatives

The Bipartisan Syria Arms Nonproliferation Act co-sponsored by Senators Marco Rubio (Rep.-Florida) and Bob Menendez(Dem.-New Jersey) that would establish penalties and sanctions for nations, persons or companies assisting Syria in acquiring chemical and missile technology or all other types of weapons of mass destruction passed the passed the House of the Representatives, one week after passing the Senate. President Clinton signed this bill into law, thus giving this bill's effects.

The Senate vote on the Help Heroes Act set on March 29

The vote in the U.S. Senate on the Help Heroes Act co-sponsored by the Independent presidential nominee Tim Ashe and that would provide health insurance and program training for American military veterans is set on March 29 2020.

Iran imposes an embargo on Saudi Arabia's oil

In reaction to sanctions against Iran due to Iran's nuclear development, Tehran decided to impose an embargo on oil importations from Saudi Arabia, which risks to trigger an oil crisis.


Marco Rubio : Former Colorado Congressman and 2008 presidential candidate Tom Tancredo, activist and 2000 presidential candidate Gary Bauer, retired U.S. Army general Lloyd Austin, former Georgia Congressman and 2008 Libertarian presidential nominee Bob Barr, North Dakota Senator John Hoeven, North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory, former Florida Governor Rick Scott.

Tim Ashe : House Minority Leader and former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Former Secretary of State and 2004 Democratic Presidential nominee John Kerry, Former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, California Senator Kamala Harris.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 26, 2016, 05:44:41 AM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now, Part 1

Schedule for the week of March 29, 2020-April 4, 2020

March 29, 2020
-Flight to Washington D.C.
-Interview with journalists in the U.S. Senate, in Washington D.C., where Senator Rubio he's asked what he thinks about Syria Arms Nonproliferation Act success in both houses of the Congress. He's also asked about Iranian embargo on Saudi Arabia's oil :

Well this bill's success is a victory for democracy because it will deprive Assad of any foreign arms provision, especially from Russia, and give the upper-hand to Syrian rebellion, which will help it to defeat Assad's troops, to topple this dictatorial government and to restore democracy in Syria. It's also a victory against terrorism because fight against terrorism will be easier with a democratic government because I believe the people of Syria needs trust in its government. That's how peace and security will be restored in Syria and all across the Middle East.


This embargo on Saudi Arabia's oil risks to trigger an oil crisis and that's why we need to embrace energy independence by drilling and producing our own oil. We need to be the world energy superpower in order to increase our independence on foreign oil and get the necessary revenues to develop renewable energies. If we don't follow this procedure, we risk of feeling the effects of such a potential oil crisis. I believe Iran's embargo risks to backfire because if it stops to import Saudi Arabia's oil while receiving international sanctions, its economy could suffer a downturn and Tehran could be forced to give up its military nuclear program and to use its nuclear energy for Iran's economic development.

-Senate duties in Washington D.C.
-Senator Marco Rubio encourages his Republican colleagues in the Senate to approve the Help for Heroes Act
-Senator Marco Rubio votes in favor of the Help for Heroes Act in the United States Senate in Washington D.C., and to do the same
-Flight to Denver, Colorado
-Speech at the Denver Art Museum in Denver, CO
-Rally at Lincoln Park in Denver, CO
-Meet with college voters at the University of Denver in Denver, CO
-Meet with donors at the Ritchie Center in Denver, CO
-Barnstorm in Yuma, CO
-Speech at Adams State University in Alamosa, CO
-Immigration policy speech in Alamosa, CO
-Barnstorm in Alamosa, CO
-Barnstorm in Aspen, CO
-Town hall meeting at the Wheeler Opera House in Aspen, CO
-Fundraising event at the Hotel Jerome in Aspen, CO
-Barnstorm in Breckenridge, CO

March 30, 2020
-Economic policy speech at the Evraz Steel Mills facility in Pueblo, CO
-Economic policy speech at Steelworks Museum in Pueblo, CO
-Meet with college voters at Colorado State University-Pueblo in Pueblo, CO
-Barnstorm in Pueblo, CO
-Meet with college voters at the University of Colorado Boulder in Boulder, CO
-Barnstorm at Pearl Street Mall in Boulder, CO
-Speech at the Chautauqua Auditorium in Boulder, CO
-Speech at the Naropa University in Boulder, CO
-Flight to Louisville, Kentucky
-Fundraising event at the Louisville Slugger Museum & Factory in Louisville, Kentucky
-Speech at the Cathedral of the Assumption in Louisville, KY
-Rally with Mitch McConnell in Louisville, KY
-Speech at Christian Academy of Louisville, KY
-Rally at Louisville Waterfront Park in Louisville, KY

March 31, 2020
-Speech at the Lexington History Center in Lexington, KY
-Meet with college voters at Transylvania University in Lexington, KY
-Flight to Richmond, Virginia
-Speech at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts in Richmond, VA
-Speech at the Carpenter Theatre in Richmond, VA
-Fundraising event at the Classic Amphitheatre at Strawberry Hill in Richmond, VA
-Speech at the Egyptian Building in Richmond, VA
-Rally with supporters at the Jefferson Hotel in Richmond, VA, to watch the development of the results of the primaries in Virginia and Kentucky and the Colorado caucuses

April 1-4 will come after the results in Virginia, Kentucky and Colorado

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on October 26, 2016, 05:50:20 AM
Sanders and Warren Introduce Help For Heroes Act


Today, March 29, Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren introduced the Help For Heroes Act to the Senate, which had previously been proposed by independent Congressman and Presidential candidate Tim Ashe. Senators Sherrod Brown, Tammy Baldwin and Russ Feingold have already ssid to vote in favour on it.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 26, 2016, 11:57:45 AM
Virginia, Kentucky and Colorado primaries and caucuses, 2020

CNN America's Choice theme :

Wolf Blitzer : « Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to CNN's coverage of the Virginia, Colorado and Kentucky Republican primaries and caucuses. »


John King : « It's 8 pm and we can project that Marco Rubio leads in the majority of Virginia's northern counties, including most of the counties bordering Washington D.C., while Paul Ryan dominates in the southwest of Virginia. »

Virginia Primary - 25 % reported
Marco Rubio : 52 %
Paul Ryan: 38 %
Ron Paul : 10 %

Anderson Cooper : « It's 8 : 30 pm and Marco Rubio wins most of the southeastern counties, including Norfolk and Virginia Beach, while Paul Ryan leads narrowly in Chesapeake. »

Virginia Primary - 50 % reported
Marco Rubio : 54 %
Paul Ryan: 37 %
Ron Paul : 9 %

Wolf Blitzer : « It's 9 pm and Senator Rubio dominates in the eastern counties and in the center counties of Virginia, including the Richmond City county (Richmond's location). »

Virginia Primary - 75 % reported
Marco Rubio : 55 %
Paul Ryan: 35 %
Ron Paul : 10 %

John King : « It's 9 : 30 pm and we can report that Marco Rubio wins the Virginia primary and all the state's 49 delegates. »

Virginia Primary - 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 55 %, 49 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan: 34 %, 0 delegate
Ron Paul : 11 %, 0 delegate



Cooper : « Now let's look at Kentucky where Rubio dominates in most of the northern counties, including in the Jefferson county (Louisville's location). »

Kentucky Primary - 25 % reported
Marco Rubio : 47 %
Paul Ryan: 41 %
Ron Paul : 12 %

Blitzer : « It's 10 pm and while Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan are battling for the supremacy in the center counties, the Florida Senator wins the Franklin county (Frankfort's location). »

Kentucky Primary - 50 % reported
Marco Rubio : 48 %
Paul Ryan: 42 %
Ron Paul : 10 %

King : « It's 10 : 30 pm and Paul Ryan wins the Daviess county (Owensboro's location) while he and Marco Rubio are sharing an important part of Kentucky's eastern counties. Senator Rubio also wins the Fayette county (Lexington's and Fayette's location). »

Kentucky Primary - 75 % reported
Marco Rubio : 47 %
Paul Ryan: 42 %
Ron Paul : 11 %

Cooper : « It's 11 pm and Marco Rubio wins the Kentucky primary with 48 % of the popular vote and 29 delegates, followed by Paul Ryan with 41 % of the popular vote and 13 delegates and Ron Paul with 11 % of the popular vote and 4 delegates. »

Kentucky Primary - 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 48 %, 29 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan: 41 %, 13 delegates
Ron Paul : 11 %, 4 delegates



Blitzer : « Now we turn our attention to Colorado. Senator Marco Rubio dominates largely in the state's center counties, including in Denver, Boulder, the Jefferson county (Lakewood's county) and the Arapohoe county (Aurora's location). This large lead must be due to his strong appeal among Hispanic voters, to his debate performance at the University of Denver, 10 days ago, and also to the endorsement he received from Colorado Senator Cory Gardner, a former rival for the Republican presidential nomination. »

Colorado caucuses - 25 % reported
Marco Rubio : 57 %
Paul Ryan: 34 %
Ron Paul : 8 %

King : « It's 11 : 30 pm and Marco Rubio wins most of Colorado's eastern counties, including Yuma, Cory Gardner's birthplace. Paul Ryan wins in most of Colorado's southwestern counties. »

Colorado caucuses - 50 % reported
Marco Rubio : 57 %
Paul Ryan: 35 %
Ron Paul : 8 %

King : « It's 12 am in the morning and while sharing Colorado's northwestern counties, Marco Rubio leads in El Paso county (Colorado Springs' location) and dominates in the southeastern counties as well as in Alamosa and Pueblo. »

Colorado caucuses - 75 % reported
Marco Rubio : 59 %
Paul Ryan: 34 %
Ron Paul : 7 %

Cooper : « It's 12 : 30 am and we can project that Marco Rubio wins the Colorado caucuses with 60 % of the popular vote and 30 delegates, beating Paul Ryan who received 33 % of the vote and 5 delegates. Ron Paul takes the third place with 7 % of the vote and 0 delegate. »

Colorado caucuses - 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 60 %, 30 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan: 33 %, 5 delegates
Ron Paul : 7 %, 0 delegate


Blitzer : « So thank you ladies and gentlemen for your attention for the Republican presidential primaries and caucuses in Virginia, Kentucky and Colorado. We'll see you next week for the coverage of the Michigan primary. Good night! »

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: WashLibertarian on October 26, 2016, 04:51:11 PM
Ron Paul 2020 Campaign Announcement

Congressman Ron Paul is challenging Senator Marco Rubio and Speaker Paul Ryan to another GOP Presidential Debate in New York City, New York.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 26, 2016, 05:37:48 PM
Republican Party Presidential Primaries, 2020 - Map and Delegate Count

Marco Rubio : 833 delegates
Paul Ryan : 202 delegates
Ron Paul : 4 delegates
Tom Cotton : 97 delegates
James Comey : 4 delegates

1219 delegates needed to win the nomination

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on October 26, 2016, 10:41:14 PM
Ashe/Monds 2020

Taking America Back

Schedule for 29 March-4 April

29 March
-Fly to Ohio
-Rally in Columbus, Ohio with former Congressman Kucinich
-Town Hall in Cincinnati, Ohio with John Monds
-Policy speech in Cleveland, Ohio
-Fundraiser in Toledo, Ohio

30 March
-Fly to Wisconsin
-Rally in Madison, Wisconsin with Senators Feingold and Baldwin
-Barnstorm in Clark County, Wisconsin
-Barnstorm in Douglas County, Wisconsin
-Rally in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with Feingold and Baldwin

31 March
-Fly to California
-Rally in Oakland, California with Senator Kamala Harris
I supported President Clinton four years ago, and what have we got? Failed Republican-lite policies. Tim Ashe is the logical choice for President this year!
-Town Hall in Oakland, California with Sen. Harris
-Rally on the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi expressed regret over the treatment of Bernie Sanders and his supporters four years ago, and said that she would not be stsnding on the sidelines this year, endorsing Ashe for President.
-In a press conference following the Golden Gate rally, Ashe welcomed the endorsement of Pelosi, calling it a "powerful statement from someone who has witnessed Washington corruption firsthand"

1 April
-Fly to Maine
-Appear at rallies, town halls and other events for Baldacci's Senate bid. Baldacci was then released from his responsibilities as a surrogate to focus on his Senate campaign.

2 April
-Fly to Massachusetts
-Rally in Boston, Massachusetts with former Secretary of State John Kerry and fomrer Governor Deval Patrick . Kerry hammered Clinton over her Wall Street influence and Rubio over his use of PACs and SuperPACs
-Continue buiding infrastructure in Massachusetts

3 April
-Fly to Michigan
-Rally in Detroit, Michigan
-Rally in Flint, Michigan
-Barnstorm in Marquette County, Michigan
-Barnstorm in Barry County, Michigan

4 April
-Video interview with Edward Snowden and Lindsay Mills
-Fly to Minnesota
-Rally in Minneapolis with Jesse Ventura, Keith Ellison and Al Franken
-Fly to Maine
-Appear at Baldacci for Senate fundraiser

Schedule for John Monds

29 March-1 April
-Barnstorm heavily in Indiana, New York and Pennsylvania

2-4 April
-Hold rallies and Town Halls in Ohio, Florida and Georgia

Surrogate Schedule

The Libertarian Team will campaign in Texas, New Mexcio and Oklahoma, stating Ashe's commitment to loweirng middle-class taxes.

The Environmental Team will campaign in California, Oregon and Washington, emphasizing the potential to create jobs in renewable energy

The Progressive Team (Joined by de Blasio) will campaign in Vermont, New Hampshire and New York. Sanders will be detached this week to campaign for Baldacci

The Economics Team will campaign in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana, citing the need to renegotiate disastrous trade deals.

The Governors' Team will campaign in Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Connecticut

The Senators' Team will campaign in Florida, Georgia and South Carolina

The Veterans' Team will campaign in California, Arizona and Nevada, as well as touring VA hospitals in all three states

The Fundraising Team will hold fundraisers in California,  New York and Ohio

The EFF, SEIU, AFL- CIO and NAACP will be campaigning in all states, with Trumka coordinating

Snowden and Mills will record a YouTube video, citing their desire to come home

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 27, 2016, 12:28:21 PM
Marco Rubio's victory speech in Richmond, Virginia

Thank you my friends.

These are amazing results that are demonstrating that our party's supporters are reuniting behind our campaign that promotes change, prosperity, security, strength and national unity. We now have less than 400 delegates to win to clinch the nomination. I represent the clear alternative to Hillary Clinton. I'm the one candidate she doesn't want to face. But I'm sorry to tell you Mrs. President that you will have to.

If I'm the nominee, we will grow and diversify our party by bringing the American people together around an American optimistic agenda and attracting minority voters because I understand their struggles and concerns and I have the solutions to solve their concerns such as school choice, education system reform, immigration system reform and economic opportunities for all Americans for the sake of the American Dream and that's how we won states like Colorado with 60 % of the vote, including 71 % of the local Hispanic vote, tonight.

Ya se sea blancos, afroamericanos, hispanos, asiáticos, hombres u mujeres, estados todos estadounidenses unidos y nosotros hemos un objetivo común : justicia, oportunidad, integridad, libertad, prosperidad, seguridad, unidad y paz.

I have the right foreign policy background to counter Hillary Clinton's terrible foreign policy experience that allowed radical jihadism to expand and to kill innocent people, including here in America, that allowed dictators like Bashar al-Assad to maintain their power and slay their own people, that allowed Iran to pursue the development of its nuclear program, that allowed Russia to invade Ukraine and to orchestrate a foreign policy based only on its own interests rather than international security and that allowed North Korea and China to undermine stability on the Pacific. This terrible foreign policy record also undermined our allies' trust toward us.

But in the Senate, I successfully introduced Bipartisan Counterterrorist Coalition Act that reinforced our defense relations with our allies in the Indian Subcontinent and in the Middle East. I successfully introduced the Syria Nonproliferation Arms Act that will deter foreign arms transfers to the Assad regime, which will bring Assad's tyranny to end for the sake of Syria's freedom, integrity and security. And I will keep promoting this kind of leadership as President of the United States.

If I'm President of the United States, we will increase defense spending, reinforce and modernize our military, defeat international terrorism through military force and consolidated partnerships with our allies and we will secure strategic points around the world to maintain stability and peace.

As a member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and EntrepreneurshipI have the right economic knowledge to counter Hillary Clinton's disappointing record of economic depression and big government. When I'm President, we will reduce government spending, cut taxes for all the American people, cut taxes and regulations for businesses of all sizes in order to help them growing and hiring, get us energy independence through increasing oïl drilling and production and renewable energies' development, promote free trade to make us competitive in the world economy through reduced tariffs and lower costs of trading, and reform our education system. My economic plan will increase wages through job creation, reduce the deficit and balance the budget once and for all.

My agenda will get America to a better future and this future is right here right now and the American people understands this and that's why I will campaign across this country in order to ask for your support and vote.

Thank you. God bless the United States of America.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 27, 2016, 12:31:08 PM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now, Part 2

Schedule for the week of March 29, 2020-April 4, 2020

April 1, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.
-Flight to Detroit, Michigan
-April Fool's Day rally with supporters in Detroit, MI
-Rally at the Spirit of Detroit in Detroit, MI
-Fundraising event at the Fisher Building in Detroit, MI
-Speech at the Eastern Market Historic District in Detroit, MI
-Education policy speech in Detroit, MI
-Meet with college voters at Wayne State University in Detroit, MI
-Innovation policy speech at the Metropolitan Center for High Technology in Detroit, MI
-Fundraising supper with the voters at the Westin Book Cadillac Detroit in Detroit, MI

April 2, 2020
-Breakfast with the voters at the Westin Book Cadillac Detroit in Detroit, MI
-Economic policy speech at the Renaissance Center in Detroit, MI
-Energy policy speech at Detroit Diesel Corporation headquarters in Detroit, MI
-Economic policy speech at the Henry Ford Museum in Detroit, MI :

Due to Barack Obama’s and Hillary Clinton’s big government policies such as high taxes and regulations on businesses and on energy industry, America’s automobile industry is declining. Detroit represents a great example of this matter of fact. In the last ten years, Detroit is in downturn due to the struggles that our automobile industry is facing. And in 2013, Detroit declared bankrupt, which killed tens of thousands of jobs. It risks of causing a domino effect : since automotive manufacturing is one of Chicago’s main economic activities, Detroit’s bankruptcy risks of putting Chicago into bankruptcy as well, which will hurt the U.S. economy. If we don’t take action, this domino effect will hit Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Saint Paul, Cleveland, etc. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton’s failed economic policies caused the offshoring of many of our companies, which cost much more American jobs.

But I have a plan to relaunch America’s automotive industry : by cutting taxes and abolishing regulations on businesses of all sizes (small, medium and big), including automotive industry companies, we will increase our companies’ capacity of open, to grow, to expand, to produce, to innovate and to create jobs. If I’m President, I will reduce the cost of doing business in America, which will convince our future business owners that America is the best place in the world to open a new business, which will help them to lead successful business careers and to create jobs. We also need to embrace energy independence, which requires using all of our sources of energies and increasing oil drilling and production. As President of the United States, I will double permits on federal lands, approve the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline as well as oil drilling in ANWR. Under my administration, we will build the TransAmerica Energy pipeline that I’m proposing and that will from situated between Pennsylvania to California. We will also drill oil resources on the Arctic by increasing the number of oil platforms and by encouraging the manufacturing of underwater tankers that will be able to exploit underwater oil and gas resources. That way, we will be able to encourage oil exploitation, drilling and production without hurting the environment. That way, we will not only bring massive job creation in America but also get all the necessary revenues for the development of renewable energies such as wind, solar, hydroelectric, nuclear energies, which will bring, as a result, the development of an automotive industry manufacturing cars that will function through renewable energies, thus making America the world energy superpower and helping us creating jobs for the American people, for all Americans from all social classes.

My plan to get us energy independence will also relaunch and grow our automotive industry because it will encourage automotive manufacturing in America. It will also reduce the cost of buying American cars, which will, thanks to a stronger purchasing power, encourage our consumers to buy more American cars rather than Asian cars that will be more expansive. So it will encourage the opening of new automotive companies all across America, including here in Detroit. That’s also an advantage of integrating the Trans-Pacific (TPP) because, combined with tariff reduction, the path that I’m proposing to clinch energy independence will make sure that we will be competitive in the Asia-Pacific since American cars will be less expensive than Asian cars. It will encourage more international consumers, including in the Asia-Pacific to buy American cars, which will be beneficial for our automotive industry and for our economy.

So I’m asking for your vote to grow our automotive industry, to save Detroit, its neighbors and all America from bankruptcy and depression, to lead us to energy independence and permanent economic prosperity and to accomplish our goal of bringing full employment in this country for the sake of the U.S. economy and the American Dream.

Thank you. God bless America.

-Speech at the Detroit Institute of Arts in Detroit, MI
-Rally at Ford Field in Detroit, MI
-Barnstorm at Black Bottom in Detroit, MI, in an effort to attract African-American voters
-Fundraising event at the MGM Grand Detroit in Detroit, MI
-Speech at the Fox Theatre in Detroit, MI
-Advertisement filming in Detroit, MI
-Bus trip to Warren, Michigan

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 27, 2016, 12:33:16 PM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now, Part 3

Schedule for the week of March 29, 2020-April 4, 2020

April 3, 2020
-Foreign policy speech at the United States Army TACOM Life Cycle Management Command in Warren, MI
-Economic policy speech at the General Motors Technical Center in Warren, MI
-Meet with college voters at Davenport University in Warren, MI
-Economic policy speech at Warren Truck Assembly in Warren, MI
-Barnstorm in Center Line, MI
-Rally at Atwood Stadium in Flint, MI
-Economic policy speech at the University of Michigan-Flint in Flint, MI
-Energy policy speech at GM Powertrain in Flint, MI
-Space policy speech at the Longway Planetarium in Flint, MI
-Speech at the Flint Cultural Center in Flint, MI
-Advertisement filming in Flint, MI
-Marco Rubio's presidential campaign broadcasts a TV ad titled « Keep Detroit and America rolling » talking about Marco Rubio's plan to relaunch the United States' automobile industry. The TV commercial narrates Marco Rubio’s speech at the Henry Ford Museum in Detroit. The ad airs in Michigan, Florida, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, West Virginia, Illinois and Ohio.

« Keep Detroit and America Rolling » advertisement narration :

Due to Barack Obama’s and Hillary Clinton’s big government policies such as high taxes and regulations on businesses and on energy industry, America’s automobile industry is declining. Detroit represents a great example of this matter of fact. In the last ten years, Detroit is in downturn due to the struggles that our automobile industry is facing. And in 2013, Detroit declared bankrupt, which killed tens of thousands of jobs. It risks of causing a domino effect : since automotive manufacturing is one of Chicago’s main economic activities, Detroit’s bankruptcy risks of putting Chicago into bankruptcy as well, which will hurt the U.S. economy.

If we don’t take action, this domino effect will hit Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Saint Paul, Cleveland, etc. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton’s failed economic policies caused the offshoring of many of our companies, which cost much more American jobs.

But I have a plan to relaunch America’s automotive industry : by cutting taxes and abolishing regulations on businesses of all sizes (small, medium and big), including automotive industry companies, we will increase our companies’ capacity of open, to grow, to expand, to produce, to innovate and to create jobs. If I’m President, I will reduce the cost of doing business in America, which will convince our future business owners that America is the best place in the world to open a new business, which will help them to lead successful business careers and to create jobs.

We also need to embrace energy independence, which requires using all of our sources of energies and increasing oil drilling and production. As President of the United States, I will double permits on federal lands, approve the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline as well as oil drilling in ANWR.

Under my administration, we will build the TransAmerica Energy pipeline that I’m proposing and that will from situated between Pennsylvania to California. We will also drill oil resources on the Arctic by increasing the number of oil platforms and by encouraging the manufacturing of underwater tankers that will be able to exploit underwater oil and gas resources.

That way, we will be able to encourage oil exploitation, drilling and production without hurting the environment. That way, we will not only bring massive job creation in America but also get all the necessary revenues for the development of renewable energies such as wind, solar, hydroelectric, nuclear energies, which will bring, as a result, the development of an automotive industry manufacturing cars that will function through renewable energies, thus making America the world energy superpower and helping us creating jobs for the American people, for all Americans from all social classes.

My plan to get us energy independence will also relaunch and grow our automotive industry because it will encourage automotive manufacturing in America. It will also reduce the cost of buying American cars, which will, thanks to a stronger purchasing power, encourage our consumers to buy more American cars rather than Asian cars that will be more expansive. So it will encourage the opening of new automotive companies all across America, including here in Detroit. That’s also an advantage of integrating the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) because, combined with tariff reduction, the path that I’m proposing to clinch energy independence will make sure that we will be competitive in the Asia-Pacific since American cars will be less expensive than Asian cars. It will encourage more international consumers, including in the Asia-Pacific to buy American cars, which will be beneficial for our automotive industry and for our economy.

So I’m asking for your vote to grow our automotive industry, to save Detroit, its neighbors and all America from bankruptcy and depression, to lead us to energy independence and permanent economic prosperity and to accomplish our goal of bringing full employment in this country for the sake of the U.S. economy and the American Dream.

I’m Marco Rubio and I approve this message.

April 4, 2020
-Energy at the Otto E. Eckert power plant in Lansing, MI
-Meet with college voters at Michigan State University in East Lansing, MI
-Town hall meeting at Peppermint Creek Theatre Company in Lansing, MI
-Speech at Lansing Center in Lansing, MI
-Economic policy speech at Ottawa Street Power Station in Lansing, MI
-Rally at Cooley Law School Stadium in Lansing, MI
-Flight to Washington D.C.
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 28, 2016, 08:34:16 PM
Round 28 : April 5, 2020-April 11, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 28, 2016, 09:00:51 PM
New polls

Senator Marco Rubio consolidated his status of Republican frontrunner as he gets closer and closer to the Republican nomination. According to the polls, he's the Republican candidate most likely to beat Hillary Clinton. According to national polls, Tim Ashe's Independent candidacy seems to divide the progressive and liberal vote, which could hurt Clinton's re-election chances.

National Polls

Marco Rubio : 57 %
Paul Ryan : 32 %
Ron Paul : 9 %

Michigan Polls

Paul Ryan : 47 %
Marco Rubio : 41 %
Ron Paul : 10 %

Northern Marianas Polls

Marco Rubio : 70 %
Paul Ryan : 20 %
Ron Paul : 10 %

Florida Polls

Marco Rubio : 69 %
Paul Ryan : 26 %
Ron Paul : 5 %

Kansas Polls

Paul Ryan : 43 %
Marco Rubio : 31 %
Ron Paul : 14 %

Minnesota Polls

Marco Rubio : 43 %
Paul Ryan : 36 %
Ron Paul : 16 %

Missouri Polls

Paul Ryan : 40 %
Marco Rubio : 39 %
Ron Paul : 11 %

North Dakota Polls

Marco Rubio : 46 %
Paul Ryan : 36 %
Ron Paul : 10 %

South Dakota Polls

Marco Rubio : 41 %
Paul Ryan : 37 %
Ron Paul : 10 %

Wisconsin Polls

Paul Ryan : 54 %
Marco Rubio : 34 %
Ron Paul : 9 %

West Virginia Polls

Marco Rubio : 42 %
Paul Ryan : 34 %
Ron Paul : 10 %

General Election Polls

Hillary Clinton vs Marco Rubio vs Tim Ashe

Marco Rubio : 48 %
Hillary Clinton : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %

Hillary Clinton vs Paul Ryan vs Tim Ashe

Paul Ryan : 42 %
Hillary Clinton : 41 %
Tim Ashe: 17 %

Hillary Clinton vs Ron Paul vs Tim Ashe

Hillary Clinton : 42 %
Ron Paul : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 19 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 28, 2016, 11:16:10 PM

Division in the Democratic Party

The Democratic Party seems to be more divided than ever before due to Hillary Clinton's « broken promises » that angered many Democratic voters and other leftist partisans and activists. Many Democratic politicians such as John Kerry, Jesse Jackson, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, John Edwards, Kirsten Gillibrand, etc., decided to endorse Tim Ashe's Independent candidacy because they are estimating that his program is much more progressive than Hillary Clinton's « failed Republican-lite » policies when it comes to the economy, the environment and foreign policy.

Even some Democrats such as Joe Lieberman, Brian Schweitzer, Jim Webb, Heidi Heitkamp, Dino Rossi, etc. decided to endorse the Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio because they are convinced that the Florida Senator will be able to bring America together with bipartisan elements of his agenda when it comes to economic growth, energy independence, infrastructure and peace through strength.

If the division of the Democratic Party gets deeper, we might be witnessing a decline of this political party. Maybe the Democrats will suffer their worst electoral defeat since 1972 by winning less than 200 electoral votes on the Electoral College and losing seats in the Senate and in the House of the Representatives. Some political analysts claimed that such division might ensure a Republican victory on November.

The Senate approves the Help Heroes Act

The Help Heroes Act, that would provide health and education services to military veterans, introduced by Congressman Tim Ashe, the Independent presidential nominee, passed the U.S. Senate with 60 YES votes versus 40 NO votes. All the 44 Democratic senators approved the bill. Among the main 16 Republican senators that gave their support to the bill, we can mention Marco Rubio, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Tom Cotton, Joni Ernst, Tim Scott, John Cornyn, John Kasich, John Thune, etc.

The vote on the Help Heroes Act in the House of the Representatives is set on April 5 2020.

S.O.S. Detroit

Due to the recent economic downturn we are living and also due to high oil prices, the U.S. automobile industry suffered a decline last month, which caused a further rising unemployement rate at 18 % in Detroit, the Automotive Capital of the World. Many Detroit's residents claimed that some Detroit's businesses offshored because of « big government policies promoting higher taxes and regulations. » But this situation is also due to an increasing poverty.

A 12th Republican presidential debate in New York City on April 19

Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan and Ron Paul agreed to confront during an aditional Republican presidential primary debate that will be set on April 19 2020 at the Apollo Theater in New York City, New York, and moderated by John Harwood and Rebecca Quick from CNBC.

MSNBC invites Tim Ashe for a televised Town Hall

Tim Ashe got invitation from MSNBC for a Town Hall in Boston, Massachusetts, in order to discuss the influence of his campaign's influence on the whole presidential campaign. The Town Hall is set on April 6, 2020.


Marco Rubio : Former Indiana Senator Dan Coats; real estate developper, Mitt Romney's son and candidate for Utah Governor; Utah congressman Jason Chaffetz; former Missouri Senator Kit Bond; lawyer, Richard Nixon's grandson and candidate for New York congressman

Tim Ashe : United Steelworkers, Transport Workers Union of America, Congressman and Dean of the House John Conyers, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Former Senator Chris Dodd, Senator Richard Blumenthal, Senator Ron Wyden

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 29, 2016, 12:15:32 AM
MSNBC Televised Town Hall with Congressman Tim Ashe in Boston, Massachusetts

Date : April 6, 2020

Host : MSNBC

Moderator : Brian Williams

MSNBC's Election theme :


-We all know that you are running a campaign to defend progressive values for the sake of America such as a 15 $ an hour minimum wage, green energies, stronger gun control, etc. But do you have any worries that your campaign could undermine the progressive cause by dividing the liberal and progressive vote, thus ensuring a Republican victory on next Election Day, thus ensuring the establishment of a conservative agenda?

-Do you worry that your short political experience might be an obstacle?

-Recently, the Congress passed your sponsored Help Heroes Act. What will be effects of this bill?

-When it comes to your opponents : what do you think of Marco Rubio's co-sponsored Bipartisan Counterterrorist Coalition Act, that reinforced defense ties with America's allies in the Middle East and in the India Subcontinent and increased sanctions on Iran to make sure it uses its nuclear energy for economic growth rather than for military purposes? And what do you think of Senator Rubio's Bipartisan Syria Arms Nonproliferation Act that would establish penalties and sanctions for nations, persons or companies assisting Syria in acquiring chemical and missile technology or all other types of weapons of mass destruction?

-What do you think is the solution to relaunch Detroit?

-Why did you select John Monds as your running mate?

-Just wondering, who is your favorite American President in the United States' history?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on October 29, 2016, 05:30:11 AM
Ashe/Monds 2020
Taking America Back

Schedule for April 5-11 2020

April 5
-Fly to Maine
-Appear at fundraisers and events for Baldacci's Senate campaign

April 6
-Fly to Massachusetts
-MSNBC Town Hall


-We all know that you are running a campaign to defend progressive values for the sake of America such as a 15 $ an hour minimum wage, green energies, stronger gun control, etc. But do you have any worries that your campaign could undermine the progressive cause by dividing the liberal and progressive vote, thus ensuring a Republican victory on next Election Day, thus ensuring the establishment of a conservative agenda?

Is this a worry of mine? Of course it's a worry, but it's not as pronounced as four years ago. In 2016, we faced the most dangerous General Election so far in the 21st century. Donald Trump sought to implement unrealistic, idiotic policies that would've doomed our country. Not to mention that his running mate, Governor Pence, had previously stated that smoking did not cause any diseases. That is why Bernie endorsed President Clinton then.

This campaign isn't just about me. Of course we'd like to win, but even if we don't, we have created a movement that will last throughout the ages. Progressives are beginning to find their voices again, and that's what this is about

-Do you worry that your short political experience might be an obstacle?

It could be considered one, yes. My first elected office was in 2004, when I was elected to the Burlington City Council. I was reelected twice, and was the youngest member of the Council. In 2008, I was elected to the Vermont Senate on a joint Vermont Progressive/Democratic ticket, making me the first member of the Vermont Progressive Party elected to the Senate. I was reelected in 2010, 2012, 2014, and 2016 before running for Congress and winning as a Democrat in 2018. So yes, I may have had limited experience in federal politics, but I have been involved in politics since 2004, so I ask everyone to not just look at my term in federal politics, but in state as well.

-Recently, the Congress passed your sponsored Help Heroes Act. What will be effects of this bill?

I am very proud of the Help for Heroes Act. This was crafted in conjunction with Tulsi Gabbard and Bernie Sanders. The Act provides increased funding for the VA, creates the Veterans' Job Retraining Program, which provides job training for returned veterans, and the Veterans' Housing Program, which provides housing vouchers for homeless veterans. It not only provides for all veterans currently, but all future ones too.

-When it comes to your opponents : what do you think of Marco Rubio's co-sponsored Bipartisan Counterterrorist Coalition Act, that reinforced defense ties with America's allies in the Middle East and in the India Subcontinent and increased sanctions on Iran to make sure it uses its nuclear energy for economic growth rather than for military purposes? And what do you think of Senator Rubio's Bipartisan Syria Arms Nonproliferation Act that would establish penalties and sanctions for nations, persons or companies assisting Syria in acquiring chemical and missile technology or all other types of weapons of mass destruction?

Let me be absolutely clear on this: Senator Rubio and I have many areas of disagreements; that's only natural. the BCCA has several good points; I am eager to build on ties with India. However, I find it hypocritical of us to ally with Saudi Arabia, an Islamic fundamentalist nation, while we are fighting ISIS. I also believe that we need to start thinking that Israel is not infallible. They have killed many thousands of civilians, and the best chance for peace there is, I believe, a two-state solution. I am a proud supporter of the Iran nuclear deal that occurred under President Obama, and oppose WMDs no matter who possesses them. Not every foreign policy action we do is justified 100%

-What do you think is the solution to relaunch Detroit?

Well first off, it's a horrendous situation. Detroit was one of our main manufacturing cities up until now.

I don't buy the accusations of higher taxes and regulation being the cause though. Regulations are necessary; without it, we wouldn't have a middle class. Taxes on the wealthy are necessary too; not a single banker has been trialed for what they did in 2008. More than that, they got rewarded; the CEOs and their immediate subordinates used the bailouts, which was all taxpayer money, to pay themselves huge bonuses and lobbied Congress to kill reform.

I think the biggest factor has been disastrous free trade deals. Transnational corporations wield so much influence over these things; almost to an absurd level. To be absolutely clear; I am not 100% against free trade or capitalism. Free trade can be a good thing with the right conditions. That was the line Senator King had and it's mine too. Trade deals can be renegotiated. Capitalism does good things too; it fosters competitiveness, innovation, independence and so on.

Another solution to lower the unemployment rate might be to put people to work rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure. Rebuild our roads, highways, bridges, railway lines and so on. Republicans call Keystone XL a jobs program. It creates 35 jobs. 35. A nationwide infrastructure program can create thousands.

For Detroit in particular, I believe we can lure some companies back. My platform calls for incentives to be implemented for companies who utilize green energy and cut their carbon emissions. We can renegotiate trade deals. Heck, we can even grant funds to those who want to start businesses using the abandoned factories. Again, a good point of capitalism. To any budding entrepreneurs, consider using a factory in Detroit; we'll give you a startup grant and get you going. You'll put people back to work. And if you progressively cut your carbon emissions, we will grant you incentives.

-Why did you select John Monds as your running mate?
John has been a consistent fighter for minority rights for years. His recent appointment as head of the NAACP has shown that he is a proven leader.

He's also an experienced politician. in 2008, he became the first Georgian Libertarian candidate to win over a million votes against a Republican opponent. He held the record for most votes for a Libertarian ever until 2012, when Gary Johnson won more in the Presidential Election. in Georgia's 2010 gubernatorial election, he won 100,000 votes, putting the Libertarian Party on the map in the south.

Throughout the time he's been on this campaign, he's proven himself to be a skilled organizer;our entire infrastructure in Georgia, Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi and Louisiana was done by him and the volunteers he led. He is a fantastic organizer, and that is why I think we're polling better in the south than many predicted.

-Just wondering, who is your favorite American President in the United States' history?
*Ashe laughs* I kind of expected that question. Our country has had many great leaders. George Washington, our first President; Abraham Lincoln, the man who held the country together through a Civil War and freed the slaves; Teddy Roosevelt, the nation's first great progressive, who fought to give women the vote; Lyndon Johnson, who led the process of desegregation and gave black Americans the right to vote.

However, I believe the greatest President we have is Franklin Delano Roosevelt. FDR was elected in a landslide in 1932, and he lived up to his promises. He refused to listen to naysayers and pessimists, something lacking today. He knew how to twist arms when necessary; he knew that sometimes, deficit spending is necessary to prop up the economy. He led our country through the Second World War, which was a phenomenal feat in and of itself. The New Deal was and still remains, the most essential package of legislation ever passed. If elected President, I intend to enact a Second New Deal.

-Barnstorm in Barnstable County, Massachusetts with former SoS John Kerry
-Barnstorm in Dukes County, Massachusetts
-Rally in Springfield, Massachusetts

April 7
-Fly to Michigan
-Rally in Detroit, Michigan, with Congressman and Dean of the House John Conyers.
Regulation and taxes were not the death of Detroit. Free trade and greedy, profit-obsessed corporations were the death of Detroit. The time has come to stand up and say that we've had enough of you doing nothing but furthering your own bottom line. That is why I support Tim Ashe for President.
-Press conference in Detroit. Ashe welcomed the endorsement of Rep. Conyers, saying that the campaign welcomed the wealth of experience from the 27-term Congressman
-Speak with former automotive workers in Detroit

April 8
-Fly to New York
-Rally in New York with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. The Senator stated her ideals and how they aligned with Ashe instead of Clinton. She also chose to hammer several candidates over the use of SuperPACs.
-Visit the Statue of Liberty with wife Paula and Senator Gillibrand, Secretary Powell and Mayor de Blasio
-Barnstorm in Putnam County, New York
-Barnstorm in Richmond County, New York

April 9
-Fly to Connecticut
-Rally in Hartford, Connecticut with former Senator Chris Dodd and Senator Richard Blumenthal. Dodd and Blumenthal cited the need to get money out of the political system, stating that Ashe was the only candidate who'd vowed to do so.
-Barnstorm in New Haven County, Connecticut
-Barnstorm in New London County, Connecticut
-Barnstorm in Middlesex County, Connecticut

April 10
-Fly to Oregon
-Rally in Oregon with Senator Ron Wyden. Wyden blasted both Clinton and Rubio over their reliance on big money donors, emphasizing Ashe's reliance on small donors.
-Build campaign infrastructure in Oregon

April 11
-Fly to Pennsylvania
-Rally with Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President and Harry Lombardo, Transport Workers Union of America President in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Gerard hammered Clinton and Rubio over their support for free trade deals, and urged them to be renegotiated. Lombardo meanwhile, chose to focus on the need to rebuild public transport's infrastructure and their need for better equipment.
-Fly to Maine
-Ashe spent the remainder of the day campaigning for Baldacci

Schedule for John Monds
April 5-8
-Monds headed to Maine to campaign for Baldacci's Senate bid for all four days. He led numerous barnstorming efforts and appeared at several rallies for Baldacci.

April 8-11
-Monds campaigned with volunteers in Arizona, Nevada and Colarado. In addition, he also met with local volunteer leaders to help strategize

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on October 29, 2016, 05:30:35 AM
Surrogate Schedule

The Libertarian team will campaign in Montana, Wisconsin and North Dakota, touting Ashe's civil libertarianism

The Environmental team will campaign in New York, New Jersey and Rhode Island, emphasizing Ahe's plans for renewable energy

The Progressive Team (joined by Pelosi) will campaign in Florida, Ohio and Indiana, using populist rhetoric to attract voters.

The Senators' Team (joined by Daschle and Harris) will campaign in Vermont, Iowa and Washington, touting the endorsement of John Conyers as a sign of Ashe's fitness to be President

The Governors' Team (joined by Wolf) Will campaign in Massachusetts, New Jersey, Rhode Island and New Hampshire. Inslee will be detached this week to campaign for Baldacci

The Veterans' Team (joined by Kerry) will be leading a major week-long event at a campsite near Camp Pendleton, called "Veterans for Tim". The headlining speakers will be Gabbard, Clark, Kerry and Powell. The aim is to increase support among military personnel for Ashe's campaign. Veterans and their families enter free and the event will feature all kinds of entertainment, such as sports, movies and organized games.

The Fundraising Team (joined by Maher and Schultz) will hold major fundraisers in California, Washington, and New York.

All Unions will be focusing their efforts on Michigan this week, with Richard Trumka leading.

All CPC-affiliated Congressmen and women will be campaigning for Ashe in their districts.

Snowden and Mills will be hosting a Reddit AMA on why they support Ashe.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 29, 2016, 07:12:14 AM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now, Part 1

Schedule for the week of April 5, 2020-April 11, 2020

April 5, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.
-Interview with journalists in the U.S. Senate in Washington D.C. where he's asked why he supported the Help for Heroes Act :
I supported the bill because I believe that if our brave and honorable soldiers fight for America's freedom and security, they deserve that we give them something in exchange, such as education, job training, health services.

-In the U.S. Senate, Florida Senator Marco Rubio introduces the Save Automobile Economic Vitality Act (SAVE Act) that would, in reaction to Detroit's decline and to national rising unemployment rate, provide tax credits for businesses investing in ethanol in order to help automobile companies to manufacture cars functioning through ethanol, which, according to Rubio, would revive Detroit's economic vitality, ensure job creation and prevent further bankruptcies.

-Flight to Detroit, Michigan
-Economic policy speech in Detroit Economic Club in Detroit, MI
-Speech at the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, MI, in an attempt to appeal Reagan Democrats
-Infrastructure policy speech at Michigan Central Station in Detroit, MI
April 6, 2020
-Bus trip to Dearborn, MI
-Debate preparation on the bus
-Economic policy speech at the Ford Motor Company headquarters in Dearborn, MI
-Energy policy speech at Automotive Components Holdings headquarters in Dearborn, MI
-Meet with college voters at the University of Michigan-Dearborn in Dearborn, MI
-Speech at Henry Ford Centennial Library in Dearborn, MI
-Economic policy speech at the Ford River Rouge Complex in Dearborn, MI
-Manufacturing policy speech at Lear Corporation headquarters in Southfield, MI
-Town hall meeting at the Southfield Public Library in Southfield, MI
-Meet with college voters at the Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI

April 7, 2020
-Bus trip to Grand Rapids, MI   
-Debate preparation on the bus
-Fundraising event at the Grand Rapids Public Museum in Grand Rapids, MI
-Speech at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum in Grand Rapids, MI
-Rally at Van Andel Arena in Grand Rapids, MI
-Speech at the Cathedral of Saint Andrew in Grand Rapids, MI
-Meet with college voters at Grand Valley State University in Grand Rapids, MI
-Bus trip to Jackson, MI
-Energy policy speech at CMS Energy headquarters in Jackson, MI
-Meet with voters at Westwood Mall in Jackson, MI
-Speech at the Jackson County Tower in Jackson, MI
-Bus trip to Detroit, MI
-Debate preparation on the bus
-Rally with supporters at the Westin Book Cadillac Hotel in Detroit, MI, to watch the development of the results of the Michigan primary and the Northern Marianas caucuses

April 8-11 will come after the results in Michigan and in the Northern Marianas caucuses

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 29, 2016, 07:52:11 AM
Michigan primary and Northern Marianas caucuses, 2020

CNN America's Choice theme :

Wolf Blitzer : « Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to CNN's coverage of the Michigan primary and the Northern Marianas caucuses. »

John King : « It's 8 pm and we can project that Paul Ryan leads in most of Michigan's northern counties in addition of winning the Genesee county (Flint's location). »

Michigan Primary - 25 % reported
Paul Ryan: 48 %
Marco Rubio : 40 %
Ron Paul : 10 %

Anderson Cooper : « It's 8 : 30 pm and Marco Rubio wins narowly the Wayne county (Detroit's location) while Paul Ryan wins the Macomb county (Warren's location). »

Michigan Primary - 50 % reported
Paul Ryan: 46 %
Marco Rubio : 41 %
Ron Paul : 11 %

Wolf Blitzer : « It's 9 pm. While Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan are battling for supremacy in Michigan's center and western counties, the Speaker of the House wins the Ingham county (Lansing's location) and the Kent county (Grand Rapids' location). »

Michigan Primary - 75 % reported
Paul Ryan: 47 %
Marco Rubio : 42 %
Ron Paul : 11 %

Anderson Cooper : « It's 9 : 30 pm and we can project that Paul Ryan wins the Michigan primary. »

Michigan Primary - 100 % reported
Paul Ryan: 46 %, 31 delegates ✔
Marco Rubio : 42 %, 27 delegates
Ron Paul : 12 %, 0 delegate


John King : « Now let's take a look at the Northern Marianas. Senator Rubio leads largely. »

Northern Marianas caucuses - 50 % reported
Marco Rubio : 70 %
Paul Ryan: 19 %
Ron Paul : 10 %

Anderson Cooper : « It's 10 pm and we can project that Senator Rubio wins the Northern Marianas caucuses and all the 9 delegates. »

Northern Marianas caucuses - 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 72 %, 9 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan: 17 %, 0 delegate
Ron Paul : 11 %, 0 delegate


Anderson Cooper : « Maybe Paul Ryan was helped by Mitt Romney's connections in Michigan since the 2012 GOP nominee was born in Detroit and his father George was this state's governor after leading a successful business career in the auto industry. »

Wolf Blitzer : « This must also be due to the fact that Michigan borders Wisconsin, Paul Ryan's home state. Now an official of Paul Ryan's presidential campaign told us that the Speaker of the House hopes that a victory in Michigan might propel him to be competitive in the next week's primaries, especially in Kansas, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and Missouri. »

John King : « Maybe Ryan's only hope is to trigger a brokered convention in Las Vegas on July if he keeps Rubio from winning the 1219 delegates needed to clinch the nomination. In addition, Wisconsin is among the states voting next week, which could be an advantage for the Speaker. »

Anderson Cooper : « But Senator Rubio could also have the advantage if he intensifies attacks on Ryan. And we also have to remind that Florida, Rubio's home state, will also hold its primary next week. »

Wolf Blitzer : « So we will see what happens next week as we will cover the vote results of the Mini Super Tuesday. Thank you ladies and gentlemen for watching and we wish you good night. »

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 29, 2016, 07:57:18 AM
Republican Party Presidential Primaries, 2020 - Map and Delegate Count

Marco Rubio : 869 delegates
Paul Ryan : 233 delegates
Ron Paul : 4 delegates
Tom Cotton : 97 delegates
James Comey : 4 delegates

1219 delegates needed to win the nomination

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 29, 2016, 08:26:29 AM
Marco Rubio's speech after Michigan primary results

Thank you my friends.

Even though we didn't win here in Michigan, we won more delegates than my rival Paul Ryan tonight. And let me assure you that this race will be over soon enough and soon we will start the real fight for America's future. You know why, because the mini Super Tuesday will be decisive, particularily because my home state of Florida is among the states voting next week and it's massive number of delegates will propel us closer to the nomination. We will also bring our message to the other voting states by April 14.

In this time of economic depression, these states as well as all this country are desperatly in search of solutions to grow our economy and create jobs. We need to use all of our sources of energy, including oil, gas, ethanol fuel, nuclear, solar, wind, hydroelectricity, etc., in order to get us energy indpendence, get the world energy superpower status, create jobs, protect the environment and make sure that we stop unwillingly fund terrorist groups by importing oil from countries in throes of terrorism. But Paul Ryan voted against the passage of the Bush Administration national energy policy. This is bad judgement and such bad judgement will never get us energy independence and ensure permanent job creation. If I were Paul Ryan, I would have done the exact opposite and you know why, because it's for the sake of America's prosperity.

If I'm the Republican nominee, we will make one of our best performances among ethnic minorities, because I understand their struggles, because I lived the American Dream. If I'm President of the United States, every single American will prosper, including ethnic minorities. Under a Rubio administration, we will reform our immigration system in order to offer immigrants a path to citizenship and help them accomplishing the American Dream on the land of opportunity. Through job creation, wages will increase, including for ethnic minorities. We will reform our education system through school choice for the sake of our children's social success. We need to promote school choice, which will cost families, including these immigrant families living paycheck to paycheck, less and produce higher outcomes compared to public education. It will grant parents the power to orientate their children out of poorly-performing schools assigned by zip code and look for better education elsewhere. It will expand opportunities for low-income students—especially minorities—to attend high-quality schools that would otherwise be accessible only to higher-income families, thus increasing their chances of success and of entry into the workforce. By promoting free trade with Latin America, we will give our businesses, including Hispanic small businesses in the United States thanks to language opportunities and their fluency in Spanish and English, new opportunities to innovate, to increase their competitiveness, to get new consumers by giving them access to American products, to create jobs in our country and ensure their business' expansion here and around the world. Thanks to their bilingualism, Hispanics will be dominant among the importers, exporters, translators and executives who ensure such a cultural and commercial exchange. And like I said, our innovation and competition capacity comes from our open markets as well as our constant quest for new markets.

Let's keep fighting for this bright future for America by sending this message all across this country. We will win big on mini Super Tuesday next week and that means that America will win.

Thank you. God bless the United States of America.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 29, 2016, 06:05:54 PM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now, Part 2

Schedule for the week of April 5, 2020-April 11, 2020

April 8, 2020
-Flight to Bismarck, North Dakota
-Debate preparation on the plane
-Energy policy speech at MDU Resources Group, Inc. headquarters in Bismarck, ND
-Meet with college voters at the University of Mary in Bismarck, ND
-Bus trip to Fargo, ND
-Agriculture policy speech in Fargo, ND
-Fundraising event at Fargo Theatre in Fargo, ND
-Rally at Fargo Civic Center in Fargo, ND
-Foreign policy speech at Grand Forks Air Force Base in Grand Forks, ND
-Speech at Ralph Engelstad Arena in Grand Forks, ND
-Flight to Pierre, South Dakota
-Barnstorm in Pierre, SD
-Rally at the Rapid City Public Library in Rapid City, SD
-Bus trip to Sioux Falls, SD
-Speech in favor of the SAVE Act in Sioux Falls, SD
-Manufacturing policy speech at Raven Industries headquarters in Sioux Falls, SD
-Speech at Saint Joseph Cathedral in Sioux Falls, SD
-Meet with college voters at Augustana University alongside John Thune in Sioux Falls, SD
-Marco Rubio's presidential campaign broadcasts an ad attacking Paul Ryan through accusations of dishonoring the American Dream for his comments on inner cities in March 2014 during an interview on Bill Bennett's Morning in America radio program. These comments triggered accusations towards the Speaker of the House of being racist. The ad narrates Ryan's comments as well as rebukes toward these comments, especially from Barabara Lee. It then narrates the reason why Marco Rubio is the best qualified to improve the African-American people's living conditions. The ad titled « Unworthy » airs in Florida, Missouri, Minnesota, Kansas, Illinois, Ohio, North Carolina and New York.

« Unworthy » advertisement narration :

Paul Ryan is unworthy of leading this country. On March 2014, he dishonored the American Dream.

On Bill Bennett’s Morning in America radio program, he linked poverty to « this tailspin of culture, in our inner cities in particular, of men not working and just generations of men not even thinking about working or learning the value and the culture of work. »

But poverty is especially concentrated in America’s inner cities, so these comments are very offensive to the poor people. And most of the residents in America's inner cities are African-Americans, so these reprehensible comments are offensive to the African-American community.


Representative Barbara Lee of California : « This is a thinly veiled racial attack. When Mr. Ryan says “ inner city ”, when he says, “ culture ”, these are simply code words for what he really means : “ black ”. »


Immediately, the Congressional Black Caucus announced itself « deeply troubled by these highly offensive comments. »

In addition, Paul Ryan wrongly tried to justify his outrageous comments by invoking Charles Murray—a man who co-wrote a controversial 1994 book, The Bell Curve, tying intelligence to race, and who in 2000 explained that genetics will likely show, « One reason that we still have poverty in the United States is that a lot of poor people are born lazy. »

Delivering such comments is abandoning the African-American community and leaving it on its own in this unfavorable situation of poverty. Over 25 % of the African-American people is living into poverty. Neglecting this people will bring further national division, increase racial tensions and make things worse. By neglecting African-Americans, we will never earn their trust. By neglecting African-Americans, we lost three consecutive presidential elections, which gave this community twelve years of poverty and violence.


Here's the right procedure to demonstrate that the Republican Party really cares about all the American people, including the African-American community.

« By the seventies and into the eighties and nineties, Republicans gave up on winning the African American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization. I am here today as the Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong. - Former RNC chairman Ken Mehlman's 2005 speech before the NAACP


« For the last 40-plus years we had a “ Southern Strategy ” that alienated many minority voters by focusing on the white male vote in the South. » - Former RNC chairman Michael Steele 2010 quote


Unlike Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio understands that the Republican Party is the party of Abraham Lincoln, a great and honorable American, the first Republican president and the man who held the United States of America together through the Civil War and freed the African-American slaves by abolishing slavery through the adoption of the Emancipation Proclamation while the Democratic Party was supporting slavery.


Marco Rubio has the right solutions to improve the African-American community's living conditions : President Rubio will cut taxes for all the American people, including African-Americans in order to give them a stronger purchasing power and to help them to prosper. He will improve racial relations as well as relations between African-Americans and the police by providing a better training for police officers and providing a better education for African-Americans. President Marco Rubio will promote school choice, which will cost families, including immigrant families living paycheck to paycheck, less and produce higher outcomes compared to public education. It will grant parents the power to orientate their children out of poorly-performing schools assigned by zip code and look for better education elsewhere. It will expand opportunities for low-income students—especially minorities—to attend high-quality schools that would otherwise be accessible only to higher-income families, thus increasing their chances of success and of entry into the workforce.

That's how the African-American community will prosper and that's how we will bring this country together through racial relations' improvement. So the choice for national unity is clear : Marco Rubio.

I'm Marco Rubio and I approve this message.

April 9, 2020
-Flight to Minneapolis, Minnesota
-Debate preparation on the plane
-Energy policy speech at Xcel Energy Inc. headquarters in Minneapolis, MN
-Speech at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, MN
-Rally at U.S. Bank Stadium in Minneapolis, MN
-Fundraising event at Target Center in Minneapolis, MN
-Speech at Christ Church Lutheran in Minneapolis, MN
-Bus trip to Saint Paul, MN
-Speech at the Xcel Energy Center in Saint Paul, MN
-Economic policy speech at Ford Twin Cities assembly plant in Saint Paul, MN
-Speech at Minnesota Museum of American Art in Saint Paul, MN
-Meet with college voters at St. Catherine University in Saint Paul, MN
-Agriculture policy speech before the Corn water tower in Rochester, MN
-Speech at the Chateau Theatre in Rochester, MN
-Flight to Kansas City, Missouri
-Debate preparation on the plane

April 10, 2020
-Speech at the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in Kansas City, MO, in an effort to attract Hispanic voters
-Economic policy speech at Smith Electric Vehicles headquarters in Kansas City, MO
-Foreign policy speech at the National World War I Museum and Memorial in Kansas City, MO
-Veteran policy speech at the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, Inc. headquarters in Kansas City, MO
-Dinner with voters at Los Tules Mexican Restaurant in Kansas City, MO
-Fundraising event at the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts in Kansas City, MO
-Rally at Kemper Arena in Kansas City, MO
-Speech at Sprint Center in Kansas City, MO
-Speech before African American History and Culture House in Kansas City, MO, in an effort to woo African-American voters
-Meet with college voters at the University of Missouri-Kansas City in Kansas City, MO
-Barnstorm in Claycomo, MO
-Bus trip to Jefferson City, MO

April 11, 2020
-Meet with college voters at Lincoln University in Jefferson City, MO, in an effort to attract African-American voters
-Economic policy speech at Capital Mall in Jefferson City, MO
-Speech at the Cathedral of Saint Joseph in Jefferson City, MO
-Barnstorm in Fulton, MO
-Speech at Williams Woods University in Fulton, MO
-Bus trip to Berkeley, MO
-Debate preparation on the bus
-Barnstorm in Berkeley, MO
-National defense speech at Boeing Defense, Space & Security headquarters in Berkeley, MO
-Bus trip to St. Louis, MO
-Meet with college voters at Washington University in St. Louis, MO
-Speech at Busch Stadium in St. Louis, MO
-Speech before the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, MO
-Speech at Griot Museum of Black History in St. Louis, MO, in an effort to attract African-American voters
-Flight to Huntington, West Virginia
-Debate preparation on the plane
-Foreign policy speech at Memorial Park in Huntington, WV
-Rally at the Big Sandy Superstore Arena in Huntington, WV
-Meet with college voters at Marshall University in Huntington, WV
-Bus trip to Charleston, WV
-Energy policy speech at Appalachian Power headquarters in Charleston, WV
-Rally at Schoenbaum Stadium in Charleston, WV
-Meet with voters at Charleston Town Center in Charleston, WV
-Barnstorm in Charleston, WV

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on October 29, 2016, 06:29:24 PM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now, Part 3

Schedule for the week of April 5, 2020-April 11, 2020

Surrogate schedule

April 8, 2020
-Heidi Heitkamp meets college voters for Marco Rubio at the North Dakota State University in Fargo, ND

April 9, 2020
-John Hoeven gives a speech praising Marco Rubio's leadership and agenda at the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks, ND
-John Hoeven fundraises for Marco Rubio's presidential campaign at Chester Fritz Library in Grand Forks, ND

April 10, 2020
Kit Bond barnstorms for Marco Rubio in Springfield, MO
Kit Bond meets with voters for Marco Rubio at Union Station in St. Louis, MO

April 11, 2020
-Mike Huckabee campaigns for Marco Rubio in Tampa, Florida
-Jeb Bush praises Marco Rubio's immigration policy agenda at the Freedom Tower in Miami, FL, in an attempt to court Hispanic voters for Rubio

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: WashLibertarian on October 30, 2016, 10:45:14 PM
Ron Paul 2020 Schedule April 5-11, 2020

April 5, 2020
-Fly to Minnesota
-Rally in Minneapolis
-Energy Policy Speech in Minneapolis
-Build Ground Infrastructure
-Drive to Saint Cloud
-Foreign Policy Speech in Saint Cloud
-Rally in Saint Cloud
-Economy Speech in Saint Cloud
-Debate Prep
-Twitter Q&A
-Dinner with donors
-Speech at Dinner

April 6, 2020
-Personal Liberty Speech at University of Minnesota
-Meet wth College voters at University of Minnesota
-Townhall at University of Minnesota
-Drive to Fargo
-Rally in Fargo
-Trade Policy speech in Fargo
-Townhall in Fargo
-Foreign Policy Speech in Fargo
-Drive to Grand Forks
-Rally in Grand Forks
-Economics Policy Speech in Grand Forks
-Townhall in Grand Forks

April 7, 2020
-Fly to Kansas
-Rally in Wichita
-Foreign Policy speech at Wichita State university
-Townhall at Wichita State
-Build Ground Infrastructure in Wichita
-Size of Government Speech in Wichita
-Drive to McPherson
-Rally in McPherson
-Corruption Speech in McPherson
-TownHall in McPherson
-Healthcare Speech in McPherson
-Debate Prep

April 8, 2020
-Fly to North Dakota
-Twitter Q&A
-Interviews with the press
-Rally in Bismarck
-Size of Government Speech in Bismarck
-Townhall in Bismarck
-Personal Liberty Speech at University of North Dakota
-Meet with College voters at University of North Dakota
-Townhall at University of North Dakota
-Debate Prep
-Dinner with donors
-Build Ground Infrastructure in Bismarck

April 9, 2020
-Drive to Minot, ND
-Debate prep
-Rally in Minot, ND
-Foreign Policy Speech in Minot, ND
-Townhall in Minot, ND
-Trade Policy Speech in Minot, ND
-Build Ground Infastructure in Minot, ND
-Economic Policy Speech in Minot
-Doorknocking with supporters in Minot
-Townhall in Minot

April 10, 2020
-Fly to Kansas
-Rally in Topeka
-Corruption Speech in Topeka
-Townhall in Topeka
-Education Speech in Topeka
-Debate Prep
-Build Ground Infrastructure in Topeka
-Drive to Ottawa, KS
-Rally in Ottawa
-Size of Government Speech in Ottawa
-Townhall in Ottawa

April 11, 2020
-Fly to West Virginia
-Rally in Charleston, WV
-Townhall in Charleston
-Economic Policy Speech in Charleston
-Education Speech in Charleston
-Foreign Policy Speech in Charleston
-Townhall at University of West Virginia
-Build Ground Infrastructure in Charleston
-Meet college voters at University of West Virginia
-Debate Prep

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 31, 2016, 07:37:21 PM
Round 29 : April 12, 2020-April 18, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 31, 2016, 09:27:55 PM
New polls

As we approach the Mini Super Tuesday where Florida, West Virginia, Missouri, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and Kansas will hold primaries or caucuses, Paul Ryan hopes to obtain victories in Wisconsin, West Virginia, Missouri, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and Kansas in order to remain competitive, keep his campaign's vitality and then show competitiveness in Illinois, a state rich in delegates that is bordering his home state of Wisconsin. For Ryan it's do or die. If he fails to make such performnce on Mini Super Tuesday, he might drop out of the race and concede victory to Marco Rubio.

The Florida Senator's mission for this week is to make a strong performance on Mini Super Tuesday by winning most of the eight states voting this day in order to knock out Ryan and become unstoppable for his party's presidential nomination. For this, while he will surely win his home state of Florida, the Republican frontrunner targets North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, West Virginia and Missouri.

This will be a very intense and interesting week.

National Polls

Marco Rubio : 56 %
Paul Ryan : 33 %
Ron Paul : 8 %

Florida Polls

Marco Rubio : 70 %
Paul Ryan : 25 %
Ron Paul : 5 %

Kansas Polls

Paul Ryan : 44 %
Marco Rubio : 31 %
Ron Paul : 14 %

Minnesota Polls

Marco Rubio : 45 %
Paul Ryan : 37 %
Ron Paul : 16 %

Missouri Polls

Marco Rubio : 44 %
Paul Ryan : 40 %
Ron Paul : 10 %

North Dakota Polls

Marco Rubio : 47 %
Paul Ryan : 35 %
Ron Paul : 11 %

South Dakota Polls

Marco Rubio : 42 %
Paul Ryan : 38 %
Ron Paul : 11 %

Wisconsin Polls

Paul Ryan : 54 %
Marco Rubio : 36 %
Ron Paul : 9 %

West Virginia Polls

Marco Rubio : 42 %
Paul Ryan : 34 %
Ron Paul : 10 %

Illinois Polls

Marco Rubio : 51 %
Paul Ryan : 38 %
Ron Paul : 10 %

Ohio Polls

Marco Rubio : 51 %
Paul Ryan : 35 %
Ron Paul : 11 %

Maine Polls

Marco Rubio : 47 %
Paul Ryan : 32 %
Ron Paul : 15 %

North Carolina Polls

Marco Rubio : 39 %
Paul Ryan : 32 %
Ron Paul : 14 %

General Election Polls

Hillary Clinton vs Marco Rubio vs Tim Ashe

Marco Rubio : 47 %
Hillary Clinton : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %

Hillary Clinton vs Paul Ryan vs Tim Ashe

Paul Ryan : 43 %
Hillary Clinton : 40 %
Tim Ashe: 17 %

Hillary Clinton vs Ron Paul vs Tim Ashe

Hillary Clinton : 41 %
Ron Paul : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 19 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on October 31, 2016, 10:35:31 PM

The end of the two-party system by 2021?


Recently, as the Democratic Party gets into deep division due to Hillary Clinton's policies perceived as too Republican-lite and her « failures », there's been chatter from several of Ashe's endorsers, notably Sanders, Warren, Gabbard and Kennedy, that they may break off from the Democratic Party at the end of this election cycle and run for reelection as candidates of a proposed Progressive Liberty Party, the creation of which has been proposed by Monds, Stein and Ventura. If it happens, we might witness the end of the two-party system and the U.S. political landscape would be dominated by the Republican Party, the Democratic Party and the Progressive Liberty Party.

The House of the Representatives approves the Help Heroes Act

The Help Heroes Act co-sponsored by the Independent presidential nominee Tim Ashe and that would provide health insurance and program training for American military veterans passed the House of the Representatives with 320 YES votes against 115 NO votes. The bill is then signed into law by President Hillary Clinton and will establish its effects.

The Senate vote on the SAVE Act set on April 12

The vote in the U.S. Senate on the SAVE Act sponsored by Republican Florida Senator and presidential candidate Marco Rubio is set on April 12, 2020. This bill would, in reaction to Detroit's decline and to national rising unemployment rate, provide tax credits for businesses investing in ethanol in order to help automobile companies to manufacture cars functioning through ethanol and to boost job creation.

ISIS commits genocide in a Kurdish village close to Mossul, Iraq

ISIS fighters commited a genocide by killing the entire population of a Kurdish village located close to Mossul, not only men but also women and children. ISIS decided to do so in order to punish the Kurds for having joined the antijihadist military coalition led by the United States and their allies. Over 100 people are killed in this attack.


Marco Rubio : Iowa Senator and 2020 presidential candidate Joni Ernst, former Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown, North Carolina Senator Richard Burr, former South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard, businessman, former U.S. Ambassador to Costa Rica and Republican candidate for Maine Senator Peter Cianchette, businessman and former Missouri Governor Matt Blunt, former RNC Chairman Michael Steele, former Florida Congressman Allen West, former Lieutenant Governor of Florida Jennifer Carrol, former U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales

Tim Ashe : Former Senator Mark Udall, Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin, Former President Jimmy Carter, Former Vice President Walter Mondale

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on November 01, 2016, 12:11:34 AM
Marco Rubio for President 2020, Part 1
Right here Right now
Schedule for the week of April 12, 2020-April 18, 2020

April 12, 2020
-Meet with college voters at West Virginia University at Parkersburg in Parkersburg, West Virginia
-Energy policy speech in Parkersburg, WV
-Barnstorm in Parkersburg, WV
-Interview in Parkersburg, WV, where Senator Rubio is asked what he thinks of the potential creation of the Progressive Liberty Party that would be causing the end of the two-party system by 2021 :
Well I think a more diversified political landscape would be good for democracy and democracy has always been, still is and will always be a precious value that we're fighting for here and around the world for the sake of freedom, gender equality, security and liberty of press and opinion.

-Speech about faith in Parkersburg, WV, on the feast of Easter
-Easter party with supporters in Parkersburg, WV
-Marco Rubio delivers his Easter message on his campaign website
-Flight to Washington D.C.
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.
-In the U.S. Senate, Florida Senator Marco Rubio votes in favor of his sponsored SAVE Act.
-Flight to Miami, Florida
-Barnstorm in Little Havana in Miami, FL, in an effort to attract Hispanic voters
-Meet with college voters at the University of Miami in Miami, FL
-Speech at Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts in Miami, FL
-Fundraising event at American Airlines Arena in Miami, FL
-Immigration policy speech in Miami, FL
-Free trade policy speech at the Port of Miami in Miami, FL
-Foreign policy speech at the Miami Beach Convention Center in Miami, FL, where Senator Rubio denounces the genocide committed by ISIS in Iraq :
ISIS slaughtered an entire Kurdish village in Iraq. Just like it's outrageous that a jihadist group commits an attack against anybody anywhere in the world for what we believe, it's outrageous that terrorists orchestrate such a genocide. Every single racial or religious group has the right to exist. That's why jihadism needs to be destroyed and it can only be done through military strength and engagement and through reinforced and expanded military partnerships with our allies. That's why I take the pledge to do so as President of the United States in order to restore international security and to make sure that every racial or religious group can live within their beliefs and their convictions without getting persecuted.

-Supper with the voters at Tony Roma's facility in Miami, FL
-Speech at South Florida Hispanic Chamber in Miami, FL
-Speech at Miami Beach Hispanic Community Center in Miami, FL
-Speech at the Freedom Tower in Miami, FL

April 13, 2020   
-Easter breakfast with the voters at Versailles Restaurant in Miami, FL
-Fundraising event at the Four Seasons Hotel and Tower in Miami, FL
-Meet with college voters at Florida International University in Miami, FL
-Barnstorm in Fort Lauderdale, FL
-Meet with college voters at the University of Tampa in Tampa, FL
-Rally at Amalie Arena in Tampa, FL
-Rally at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, FL, alongside George W. Bush :
In 2000, I won one of the closest and most contested elections by winning this crucial state of Florida by only 537 more votes than Al Gore. So I'm the living proof that every single vote counts. I support my friend Senator Marco Rubio to be the next President of the United States because of his strong leadership, because he will make our economy strong again by cutting government spending and taxes for all the American people, championing businesses of all sizes, promoting free trade, reforming our education system, balancing our budget, ensure infrastructure development and lead us to energy independence through encouraging the exploitation of all of our sources of energy such as oil, gas, ethanol fuel, nuclear, electricity, wind, solar, etc., which will make us the strongest energy producer in the world, boost our automotive industry, make our cars less expensive than Asian cars, which will make us competitive in the Asia-Pacific region if we ratify the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). I know this as a former businessman of the oil industry.

I also endorse Marco Rubio because he has the right foreign policy experience to keep us safe like I did after 9/11. He will reinforce an modernize our military, promote and expand our precious and strategic alliances, fight and defeat international terrorism through military strength as well as all regimes supporting terrorism. He will stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons, restore Eastern Europe's territorial integrity against Russia and maintain peace on the Pacific Ocean by reinforcing our military presence there and creating the Pacific Treaty Organization (PTO).

Senator Rubio's family came here in Florida 64 years ago to find better economic opportunities and live better lives. As son of a bartender and a housekeeper, he was raised paycheck to paycheck and his parents didn't earn full education and didn't speak English. And yet, they made their American Dream successful and made their kids' lives better than theirs. I'm convinced that Senator Rubio will beat my record of attracting Hispanic voters (because Bush won 44 % of the Hispanic vote in during his re-election bid in 2004, the strongest Republican performance among Hispanic voters).

Como miembro de la comunidad hispana, él comprenda sus luchas. El cómo reformará nuestro sistema de inmigración o que le permitirá acceder a ciudadanía americana en terrenos más seguros y más justo como los Estados Unidos. El cómo reformará nuestro sistema de educación Al promover el libre comercio con América Latina, vamos a dar a nuestros negocios, incluyendo las pequeñas empresas hispanas en los Estados Unidos gracias a las oportunidades de idiomas y su fluidez en español e inglés, nuevas oportunidades para innovar, para aumentar su competitividad, para llegar a nuevos consumidores, dando a tener acceso a los productos estadounidenses, para crear puestos de trabajo en nuestro país y garantizar su expansión empresarial 'aquí y en todo el mundo. Gracias a su bilingüismo, los hispanos será dominante entre los importadores, los exportadores, los traductores y los ejecutivos que garanticen un intercambio, cultural y comercial. Y como he dicho, nuestra capacidad de innovación y la competencia proviene de nuestros mercados abiertos, así como nuestra constante búsqueda de nuevos mercados.

When I was elected in 2000, we were crossing the bridge to the 21st century, but 9/11 made the beginning of this century chaotic. We then fought terrorism around the world and killed Osama Bin Laden, ten years later. But yet, we still have strong challenges to face. Marco Rubio will accomplish the job I didn't manage to fulfill completely during my presidency. Thanks to his leadership the 21st century will be a new American century through strength, peace, prosperity, justice and national unity. So I'm asking you to support Marco Rubio because like I said I'm the living proof that every vote counts. So every vote counts for the future of America, a bright future that President Marco Rubio will bring.

Thank you. God bless the United States of America.

-Counter-terrorism policy speech at the Tampa Convention Center in Tampa, FL
-Economic policy speech at the Museum of Science and Industry in Tampa, FL
-Rally at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, FL
-Speech at Tampa Museum of Art in Tampa, FL
-Meet with college voters at the University of South Florida in Tampa, FL
-Energy policy speech at Big Bend Power Station in Tampa, FL
-Fundraising event at Tampa Museum of Art in Tampa, FL
-Foreign policy speech at the Mahaffey Theater in St. Petersburg, FL
-Barnstorm in St. Petersburg, FL
-Rally with Mike Huckabee in St. Petersburg, FL
-Bus trip to Orlando, FL
-Speech at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, FL
-Speech about Cuba's future in Orlando, FL
-Supper with voters at Darden Restaurants headquarters in Orlando, FL
-Foreign policy speech in Orlando, FL
-Rally at the Amway Center in Orlando, FL

April 14, 2020
-Meet with college voters at the University of Central Florida in Orlando, FL, alongside Jeb Bush
-Economic and space policy speech at the Vehicle Assembly Building in Merritt Island, FL, reiterating Rubio's plan for space exploration
-Speech at the Republican National Hispanic Assembly in Mascotte, FL
-Rally at EverBank Field in Jacksonville, FL
-Foreign policy speech at Naval Air Station Jacksonville in Jacksonville, FL
-National security policy speech at the Naval Station Mayport in Jacksonville, FL
-Speech at the Museum of Science & History in Jacksonville, FL
-Meet with college voters at Jacksonville University in Jacksonville, FL
-Economic policy speech at the Tallahassee Automobile Museum in Tallahassee, FL
-Meet with college voters at the Florida State University in Tallahassee, FL
-Speech at Florida A&M University in Tallahassee, FL, in an effort to woo African-American voters
-Fundraising event at FSU's Doak Campbell Stadium in Tallahassee, FL
-Veteran policy speech at the Tallahassee Vietnam War Memorial facing the Florida Capitol in Tallahassee, FL
-Foreign policy speech at the Florida Korean War Memorial in Tallahassee, FL
-Freedom of religion policy speech at St. Peter's Anglican Chirch in Tallahassee, FL
-Immigration policy speech in Tallahassee, FL
-Rally at Bragg Memorial Stadium in Tallahassee, FL
-Flight to Miami, FL
-Speech in Miami, FL, where Senator Rubio praises the American Dream
-Speech at the New World Center in Miami, FL
-Rally with supporters at the Four Seasons Hotel and Tower in Miami, FL, to watch the development of the voting results of the mini Super Tuesday

April 15-18 will come after mini Super Tuesday

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on November 01, 2016, 12:24:49 AM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now, Part 2
Schedule for the week of April 12, 2020-April 18, 2020

Surrogate schedule

April 12, 2020
-Joni Ernst campaigns for Marco Rubio in Des Moines, Iowa
-Joni Ernst campaigns for Marco Rubio in Springfield, Missouri
-Joni Ernst campaigns for Marco Rubio in Kansas City, MO
-Joni Ernst gives an interview with Fox News. Chris Wallace asks the Iowa Senator and former presidential candidate why she decided to endorse Marco Rubio while she said, after dropping out of the race, that she would support any candidate when the eventual nominee is clearly winning the nomination :
I decided to endorse Senator Rubio now because I did the math : Marco Rubio is clearly going to clinch the 1219 delegates needed to win the Republican nomination. He's definitely going to be the Republican nominee for President of the United States. Now he has 869 delegates and the mini Super Tuesday is likely to play on his favor : Marco is very likely to win his home state Florida where he's born, where he's Senator and where he will surely be helped by a massive Hispanic population, among them Cuban-Americans who are angry at Paul Ryan's past position against the Cuban embargo. So it gives Rubio all Florida's 99 delegates, thus putting him at 968 delegates.

Speaker Ryan's opposed the Bush Administration national energy policy in 2004 and 2005, which I think will hurt Ryan in states like West Virginia, North Dakota, South Dakota, all states which economy is mostly based on oil drilling and production and that will also be voting on mini Super Tuesday. Many Republicans and Independents are supporting Rubio's energy plan and Marco even got endorsement from former North Dakota Senator Heidi Heitkamp. In addition, ethanol is an important source of energy in North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota, and Rubio's SAVE Act that would provide tax credits for companies investing in ethanol fuel and encourage the manufacturing of cars functioning through ethanol fuel will please voters in these states. So it would get Senator Rubio at approximately 1063 delegates.

In addition, in one of its T.V. ads, Rubio attacked Ryan for his controversial comments on inner cities, which, I believe, will help him winning African-American voters, especially in Missouri, another state voting on mini Super Tuesday. Plus, there's an important Hispanic population in Kansas City (over 10 % of this city's population), which could represent an effective path to Rubio's victory in Missouri. If Rubio invests all these efforts, he will win Missouri and all the 52 delegates, thus putting him at 1115 delegates.

And the week after mini Super Tuesday, Rubio's Bipartisan Counter-Terrorist Coalition Act that passed into law after terrorist attacks in Chicago on February will help him winning Illinois where he will also likely be helped by Hispanic and African-American voters. After Rubio claimed that it's possible for the Republican Party to win Illinois on Election Day this year, he brought enthusiasm and optimism among Illinois Republicans. In addition, Illinois, like all the country, needs jobs, which partly requires approving the Keystone XL pipeline, which one of its destinations is Illinois. I met Illinois voters and talked to me about their worries for their future and for the U.S. economy, which, I think, will convince them to vote for Rubio in Illinois in order to find good-paying jobs, while Ryan, again, opposed the Bush Administration national energy policy. So it gives Rubio at least 54 delegates, putting him at 1169 delegates.

Ohio will vote the same day as Illinois and there's no single presidential candidate in the history of the United States, except for John F. Kennedy in 1960, that ever won the White House without winning Ohio so I think Ohio Republicans will focus their choice on who is the most likely to beat Hillary Clinton. Marco is the candidate that is making the best performance against President Clinton and will improve our capacity of attracting ethnic minority votes, especially from Hispanics. He has the right experience to grow the economy since he's a member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship. He also has the best foreign policy experience to keep us safe and defeat radical Islamic terrorism. In addition, he promised to approve the construction of the TransAmerica Energy Pipeline from Pennsylvania to California, passing by Ohio, while Ohio's main energy resources are oil and gas and Rubio pledged to expand oil drilling to boost economic growth as well as our automotive industry, to get us energy independence and to ensure the development of renewable energies in order to pursue further job creation while protecting the environment. In addition, African-Americans represent approximately 15 % of Ohio's population, which doesn't help Ryan in Ohio due to his comments on inner cities. So it will help Marco Rubio to win the Ohio primary and all the 65 delegates, thus putting him at 1234 delegates, thus clinching the Republican nomination because its 15 delegates more than the 1219 delegates needed to win.

I also support Marco because he's the only one who will grow our party and bring it together, attract ethnic minority voters as well as young voters and lead us to victory. He has the best plan to take care of our veterans like myself, to grow the economy, keep us safe and bring this country together once and for all.

April 13, 2020
-Matt Blunt praises Marco Rubio's economic policy agenda in St. Louis, MO
-Matt Blunt campaigns for Marco Rubio in Jefferson City, MO
-Jeb Bush campaigns for Marco Rubio in Miami, Florida
-Senator Jeff Atwater campaigns for Marco Rubio in Tallahassee, FL, and praises his Florida colleague's leadership in the U.S. Senate and tells undecided voters that this kind of leadership and judgement is needed at the White House.
-Carlos-Lopez Cantera campaigns for Marco Rubio in Orlando, FL
-Felix Rodriguez slams Paul Ryan's past opposition to the Cuba embargo and praises Marco Rubio's stand for freedom and democracy in Cuba

April 14, 2020
-Mike Huckabee campaigns for Marco Rubio in Jacksonville, FL
-George W. Bush campaigns for Marco Rubio in Miami, FL
-George P. Bush campaigns for Marco Rubio in Tampa, FL
-Jeanette Rubio campaigns for her husband in Boca Raton, FL
-Jeanette Rubio meets with college voters at Lynn University in Boca Raton, FL
-Jeanette Rubio rallies with her husband, their four children and Marco Rubio's supporters at the Four Seasons Hotel and Tower in Miami, FL, to watch the development of the voting results of the mini Super Tuesday

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 01, 2016, 05:46:32 AM

CNN America's Choice theme :

Wolf Blitzer : « Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to CNN's coverage of the Mini Super Tuesday. So remember, the states voting on Mini Super Tuesday this year are Florida, Kansas, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Missouri and West Virginia. It's 8 pm. Do we have news John? »


John King : « Yes Wolf, and we can project that Senator Marco Rubio dominates in the center counties of Florida as well as in the Hillsborough county (Tampa's location) and the Pinellas county (St. Petersburg county). This large lead is, of course, due to the fact that it's Rubio's home state and also due to the large local Hispanic population. »

Florida Primary - 25 % reported
Marco Rubio : 65 %
Paul Ryan: 28 %
Ron Paul : 5 %

Anderson Cooper : « It's 8 : 15 pm and while Paul Ryan wins only 4 northern counties, Marco Rubio sweeps all Florida's southern counties, including the Miami-Dade county (Miami's location) where the Florida Senator was born almost 49 years ago. He also wins almost all the northeastern counties, including the Orange county (Orlando's location), the Duval county (Jacksonville's location) as well as the Leon county (Tallahassee's location)»

Florida Primary - 50 % reported
Marco Rubio : 69 %
Paul Ryan: 28 %
Ron Paul : 3 %

Wolf Blitzer : « It's 8 : 30 pm and we can project that Senator Marco Rubio wins his home state of Florida and all the 99 delegates. »

Florida Primary - 75 % reported
Marco Rubio : 70 %, 99 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan: 27 %, 0 delegate
Ron Paul : 3 %, 0 delegate


John King : « It's 8 : 45 pm and here are the final results in the Florida primary. Rubio easily wins his home state with 71 % of the vote and all the Sunshine State's 99 delegates, beating Paul Ryan who earned only 25 % of the vote and Ron Paul who got 4 % of the vote. »

Florida Primary - 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 71 %, 99 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan: 25 %, 0 delegate
Ron Paul : 4 %, 0 delegate


Cooper : « We are now turning to West Virginia, where Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan are battling for supremacy in the southern counties. »

West Virginia Primary - 25 % reported
Marco Rubio : 44 %
Paul Ryan: 39 %
Ron Paul : 15 %

King : « It's 9 pm and Marco Rubio wins most of West Virginia's center counties as well as the Kanawha county (Charleston's location) and the Cabell county (Huntington's location). »
West Virginia Primary - 50 % reported
Marco Rubio : 46 %
Paul Ryan: 40 %
Ron Paul : 14 %

Blitzer : « It's 9 : 15 pm and Marco Rubio dominates in the western counties, including in the Wood county (Parkersburg's location) while Paul Ryan wins the Ohio county (Wheeling's location). »

West Virginia Primary - 75 % reported
Marco Rubio : 47 %
Paul Ryan: 41 %
Ron Paul : 12 %

Blitzer : « It's 9 : 30 pm and Marco Rubio wins the West Virginia primary and all the 32 delegates. »

West Virginia Primary - 100 % reported
 Marco Rubio : 47 %, 32 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan: 40 %, 0 delegate
Ron Paul : 13 %, 0 delegate



Blitzer : « Now let’s take a look at Wisconsin where Speaker Ryan leads in most of the center counties. »

Wisconsin Primary - 25 % reported
Paul Ryan: 51 %
Marco Rubio : 34 %
Ron Paul : 8 %

Cooper : « It’s 9 : 45 pm and while Rubio and Ryan are battling for supremacy in the northern counties, the Speaker of the House wins in Milwaukee and Kenosha. The Florida Senator narrowly wins the Brown county (Green Bay’s location). »

Wisconsin Primary - 50 % reported
Paul Ryan: 53 %
Marco Rubio : 37 %
Ron Paul : 9 %

King : « It’s 10 pm and Ryan wins the Dane county (Madison’s location). »

Wisconsin Primary - 75 % reported
Paul Ryan: 54 %
Marco Rubio : 37 %
Ron Paul : 9 %

Blitzer : « It’s 10 : 15 pm and we can project that Paul Ryan wins his home state of Wisconsin. »

Wisconsin Primary - 100 % reported
Paul Ryan: 51 %, 33 delegates ✔
Marco Rubio : 39 %, 9 delegates
Ron Paul : 10 %, 0 delegate



Blitzer : « Let’s move on the Minnesota caucuses. While Ryan leads in most of this state’s northwestern counties, he shares an important part of the center counties with Rubio. »
Minnesota Caucuses - 25 % reported
Marco Rubio : 42 %
Paul Ryan: 37 %
Ron Paul : 15 %

Cooper : « It’s 10 : 30 pm and while Ron Paul wins a few counties in the south and the north, Senator Rubio dominates in the eastern counties, including in the Hennepin county (Minneapolis’ location) and the Ramsey county (Saint Paul’s location). »

Minnesota Caucuses - 50 % reported
Marco Rubio : 43 %
Paul Ryan: 35 %
Ron Paul : 16 %

King : « It’s 10 : 45 pm and while Paul Ryan wins the St. Louis county (Duluth’s location) »
Minnesota Caucuses - 75 % reported
Marco Rubio : 45 %
Paul Ryan: 36 %
Ron Paul : 17 %

Blitzer : « It’s 11 pm and we can declare Marco Rubio the winner of the Minnesota caucuses. »

Minnesota Caucuses - 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 46 %, 16 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan: 37 %, 12 delegates
Ron Paul : 17 %, 6 delegates


Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 01, 2016, 05:53:58 AM

Cooper : « Now let's look at North Dakota. »


Cooper : « Rubio wins most of the North Dakota’s northern counties »

North Dakota Caucuses - 25 % reported
Marco Rubio : 45 %
Paul Ryan: 37 %
Ron Paul : 12 %

King : « It’s 11 : 15 pm and while Ryan wins a few counties in the center of North Dakota, Rubio wins in Bismarck and in Fargo. »

North Dakota Caucuses - 50 % reported
Marco Rubio : 47 %
Paul Ryan: 38 %
Ron Paul : 12 %

Blitzer : « It’s 11 : 30 pm and Senator Rubio leads in Grand Forks. »

North Dakota Caucuses - 75 % reported
Marco Rubio : 48 %
Paul Ryan: 38 %
Ron Paul : 13 %

King : « It’s 11 : 45 pm and we can project that North Dakota goes to Marco Rubio. »

North Dakota Caucuses - 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 50 %, 18 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan: 37 %, 6 delegates
Ron Paul : 13 %, 4 delegates



Cooper : « Let’s look at South Dakota. Though Rubio and Ryan are fighting for this state’s center counties, Rubio wins the Stanley county (Pierre’s location). »

South Dakota Primary - 25 % reported
Marco Rubio : 42 %
Paul Ryan: 36 %
Ron Paul : 11 %

Cooper : « It’s midnight and Marco Rubio dominates in the western counties, including the Pennington county (Rapid city’s location and Mount Rushmore’s location). He also shares an important part of the eastern counties with Paul Ryan who leads in the Brown county (Aberdeen’s location). »

South Dakota Primary - 50 % reported
Marco Rubio : 44 %
Paul Ryan: 37 %
Ron Paul : 12 %

Blitzer : « It’s 12 : 15 am in the morning and Senator Rubio wins the Minnehaha county (Sioux Falls’ location. »

South Dakota Primary - 75 % reported
Marco Rubio : 45 %
Paul Ryan: 39 %
Ron Paul : 14 %

King : « It’s 12 : 30 am in the morning and we project that the winner in the South Dakota primary is Senator Marco Rubio who secures all the 30 delegates. »

South Dakota Primary - 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 46 %, 30 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan: 40 %, 0 delegate
Ron Paul : 14 %. 0 delegate



Cooper : « Let’s move on Kansas. Paul Ryan leads in most of the southern counties. »

Kansas Caucuses - 25 % reported
Paul Ryan: 45 %
Marco Rubio : 30 %
Ron Paul : 14 %

Blitzer : « It’s 12 : 45 am. Marco Rubio makes progress in Kansas by winning the Wyandotte county (Kansas City’s location) as well as the Sedgwick county (Wichita’s location), while Paul Ryan wins the Johnson county (Overland Park’s location) and, narrowly, the Shawnee county (Topeka’s location). »

Kansas Caucuses - 50 % reported
Paul Ryan: 46 %
Marco Rubio : 34 %
Ron Paul : 15 %

King : « It’s 1 am. Paul Ryan dominates in most of the rural counties in the north, in the southeast and in the west of Kansas »

Kansas Caucuses - 75 % reported
Paul Ryan: 48 %
Marco Rubio : 35 %
Ron Paul : 15 %

Cooper : « It’s 1 : 15 am. Paul Ryan wins the Kansas caucuses. »

Kansas Caucuses - 100 % reported
Paul Ryan: 49 %, 20 delegates ✔
Marco Rubio : 37 %, 16 delegates
Ron Paul : 14 %, 4 delegates



Blitzer : « Now let's see what's happening in the Missouri primary. Rubio and Ryan are competing for supremacy in Missouri's center counties. The Florida Senator wins the Cole county (Jefferson City's location). »

Missouri Primary - 25 % reported
Marco Rubio : 45 %
Paul Ryan: 41 %
Ron Paul : 10 %

King : « It's 1 : 30 am and Paul Ryan dominates in the northeastern counties. Marco Rubio does the same for the western counties, including the Jackson county (Kansas City's location) where he leads with 60 % of the vote against 29 % for Ryan and 10 % for Ron Paul. Rubio also consolidated his lead in most of the center counties. »

Missouri Primary - 50 % reported
Marco Rubio : 48 %
Paul Ryan: 43 %
Ron Paul : 9 %

Cooper : « It's 1 : 45 am and Marco Rubio leads largely in the St. Louis county and in St. Louis while Paul Ryan leads in most of the southern counties, including in the Greene county (Springfield's county). »

Missouri Primary - 75 % reported
Marco Rubio : 50 %
Paul Ryan: 44 %
Ron Paul : 6 %

Blitzer : « It's 2 am and we can project that Marco Rubio wins the Missouri primary with 50 % of the vote, thus winning all the 52 delegates, beating Paul Ryan who received 43 % of the vote while Ron Paul comes third with 7 % of the vote. »

Missouri Primary - 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 50 %, 52 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan: 43 %, 0 delegate
Ron Paul : 7 %, 0 delegate


Blitzer : « So it puts Senator Marco Rubio at 1141 delegates, followed by Paul Ryan with 304 delegates and Ron Paul with 18 delegates. We can see that Paul Ryan failed to make a strong performance on Mini Super Tuesday and won only Wisconsin and Kansas while Marco Rubio has now only 78 more delegates to win to clinch the Republican nomination. So I think Speaker Ryan is likely to drop out of the race and endorse Senator Rubio. »

King : « I think you're right Wolf. Now on a total of 2436 delegates, there are still 872 delegates left that are not yet collected. But even if Ryan wins all of these delegates, which is improbable, he can't win the nomination on the first ballot at the Republican National Convention because it doesn't give him the 1219 delegates needed to win the nomination, which would only bring further division in the party and decrease its chances of winning in November. So Ryan could effectively do the math and drop out of the race in order to bring party unity in the Republican Party that would likely join together in support of Marco Rubio who would be likely to clinch the nomination next week after winning the Maine caucuses as well as the primaries in Illinois, Ohio and North Carolina. »

Cooper : « And Ryan would think that such party unity is more than necessary in order to bring the GOP together and to beat Hillary Clinton in November. This would be putting the country first. »

Blitzer : « We'll see it tonight, but for now we wish you, ladies and gentlemen, good night and we'll see you next week for the coverage of the Illinois, Ohio and North Carolina primaries as well as the Maine caucuses. Thank you for watching! »

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 01, 2016, 06:05:54 AM
Republican Party Presidential Primaries, 2020 - Map and Delegate Count

Marco Rubio : 1141 delegates
Paul Ryan : 304 delegates
Ron Paul : 18 delegates
Tom Cotton : 97 delegates
James Comey : 4 delegates

1219 delegates needed to win the nomination

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on November 01, 2016, 11:54:03 AM
Marco Rubio's victory speech in Miami, Florida

Thank you. Thank you so very much.

This is a great victory and a great night for America, because our party is uniting toward our campaign in order to start the work and to start the campaign to win in November, to beat Hillary Clinton, to get America back to work through smaller government, tax cuts for all the people, energy independence, free trade, education reform, budget balance, infrastructure development and businesses' promotion. After we win on November, America and the rest of the world will be safer through a stronger and modernized U.S. military, stronger alliances and stronger international freedom in order to fight and destroy international terrorism, to defeat tyranny for the sake of democracy and to restore international territorial integrity.

Bienvenida en el siglo XXI, un Nuevo Siglo Americano para todos los estadounidenses por la prosperidad, por la segurida, por la justicia, por la unidad nacional.

I got message for President Clinton : it's the economy stupid! Does it remind you something? Ten years ago, the Deepwater Horizon crisis in the Gulf of Mexico, not far away from here, hurt oil industry as well as our whole economy. Then Barack Obama's and Hillary Clinton's taxes and regulations on energy industry made this economic depression longer and worse and made us much more dependent on foreign oil, including from countries in throes of terrorism, thus, sometimes, unwillingly funding terrorist groups. We need to relaunch oil production by doubling permits on federal lands, approve the Keystone XL pipeline, drill in ANWR, build the TransAmerica Energy pipeline and another one from Alaska to Canada and exploit oil resourcesin the North Pole through the use of underwater tankers. That way, we will get energy independence through energy revolution that will make us the world energy superpower, bring massive job creation, boost our automotive industry and give us the necessary revenues to develop renewable energies to create jobs. That's how we'll grow our economy while preserving the environment. Free trade with Latin America will reinforce our relations with this region's nations, ensure economic growth through free market, reduced tariffs  and lower costs of trading. I believe it will make a contribution to Cuba's democratization through free market promotion just as it did for Indonesia two decades ago. Free trade with Latin America will help our Hispanic business owners to innovate, to grow and expand their businesses and to create jobs by becoming top importers, exporters, translators and executives managing such commercial and cultural exchanges thanks to their fluency in Spanish. Along with the Trans-Pacific Partnsership, It will also help us to keep our status as the first economic power in the world since Latin America's economy is as powerful as China's, which will keep our trade power stronger than China's. By cutting taxes for all the American people and for business owners, by reducing the cost of doing business in America and by developping infratructure through a part of future budget surplus, America will remain the best place in the world to open a business, which will reinforce the American people's purchasing power, increase wages, reduce the deficit, reinforce production and consumption, create jobs, and bring creative innovation.

Hillary Clinton wants to close Guantanamo that is located  in Cuba, not away from here in Florida, which will decrease our national security. We can't afford to risk allowing terrorists to escape and to kill more Americans. Too much Americans are murdered since too long by coward terrorists. When I'm president, our security measures will be increased, our defense budget will be increased, our military will be reinforced and modernized, our alliances will be consolidated and expanded. Terrorism will be defeated thanks to strong military coalitions, strong military force and effective intelligence operations. Diplomatic and economic sanctions as well as the my co-sponsored Bipartisan Counterterrorist Coalition Act will make sure that Iran will never ever get any nuclear weapons, that it will instead use its nuclear energy for its economic growth and that Israel as well as all the Middle East will remain stable, safe and free.

My friends, tonight, we are close to the finish line because we have less than 100 delegates to win for the nomination. Let's keep it up and we will win the Republican nomination next week and start the campaign for America's future.

Thank you. Que Dios los bendiga a todos y Que Dios Bendiga los Estados Unidos de America.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on November 01, 2016, 06:21:07 PM
Ashe/Monds 2020
Taking America Back

Schedule for 12 April-18 April

12 April
-Fly to Georgia
-Rally in Atlanta, Georgia with Former President Jimmy Carter and Former Vice President Walter Mondale. Mondale struck a left wing tone in his speech, declaring that Clinton was no liberal, calling her a centre-right corporatist and describing his liberal roots, naming them the reason he endorses Ashe. Carter followed soon after
Hillary Clinton has not done much for this nation. All she has done is do the bidding of her corporate masters and little else. Tim Ashe refuses to listen to corporate America. That is why I support him.
-Meet with advisors and surrogates in Atlanta, Georgia. Ashe and his campaign refused to comment on the nature, but that an announcement would come at the end of the week.

13 April
-Fly to Maine
-Appear at events for Baldacci's Senate campaign

14 April
-Fly to Hawaii
-Rally in Honolulu with Tulsi Gabbard
-Visit Pearl Harbor military base
-Town Hall in Hilo, Hawaii
-Visit College voters at the University of Hawaii. Ashe was able to recruit several youth groups of volunteers.

15 April
-Fly to Florida
-Rally in Tampa, Florida
-Town Hall in Miami, Florida
-Rally in Palm Beach, FL
-Organise Florida volunteers

16 April
-Fly to New Mexico
-Meet with campaign advisors and surrogates in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Ashe again refused to comment on the meetings  nature
-Rally in Sata Fe, New Mexico with Gary Johnson
-Organise New Mexico volunteers

17 April
-Fly to California
-Rally  in Sacramento, California
-Rally in San Diego, California
-Visit  military base at Camp Pendleton, California
-Town Hall in San Francisco, California

18 April
-Fly to Vermont
-Rally in Montpelier, Vermont with Gov. Peter Shumlin. Shumlin praised Ashe and Sanders for standing up to the political status quo
-Fly to Colorado
-Rally in Denver, Colorado with former Senator Mark Udall. Udall slammed Clinton lver her reliance on Wall Street.
-Fly to New Mexico for announcement. (To be included in next post)

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on November 01, 2016, 07:12:31 PM
Progressive Liberty Party launched in New Mexico


Today, Tim Ashe formally launched the Progressive Liberty Party. Ashe describes the party as a union of progressive and libertarian voters and candidates, and has stated his immense pride in the new party.

Gary Johnson is the first Progressive Liberty politician to ammounce his candidacy, running in the US Senate election in New Mexico this year, challenging two term incumbent Tom Udall.

Johnson announced his candidacy in Santa Fe today, determined to show that the PLP is a viable third party, while invoking the legacy of recently deceased Senator Angus King, and the progressive-liberterian alliance he hoped to forge this year.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on November 03, 2016, 05:53:30 AM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now, Part 3
Schedule for the week of April 12, 2020-April 18, 2020

April 15, 2020
-Breakfast with the voters at the Four Seasons Hotel and Tower in Miami, Florida
-Fundraising event at the Four Seasons Hotel and Tower in Miami, FL
-Flight to Washington D.C.   
-Debate preparation on the plane
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.
-Flight to Charlotte, North Carolina
-Energy policy speech at Duke Energy headquarters in Charlotte, NC
-Rally at Spectrum Center in Charlotte, NC
-Meet with college voters at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, NC
-Speech at the Bank of America Stadium in Charlotte, NC
-Speech at the Harvey B. Gantt Center for African-American Arts + Culture in Charlotte, NC
-Size of government speech in Charlotte, NC
-Fundraising event at Weatherspoon Art Museum in Greensboro, NC
-Rally at World War Memorial Stadium in Greensboro, NC
-Economic policy speech at Friendly Center in Greensboro, NC
-Economic policy speech at Cree Inc. headquarters in Durham, NC
-Meet with college voters at Duke University in Durham, NC. Rubio succeeded to recruit several youth groups of volunteers.
-Speech at Cameron Indoor Stadium in Durham, NC
-Dinner with voters at Burger and Bull City Brewery, in Durham, NC
-Civil Rights policy speech at the Carolina Theatre in Durham, NC
-Tax policy speech in Durham, NC

April 16, 2020   
-Bus trip to Raleigh, NC
-Debate preparation on the bus
-Economic policy speech at Red Hat headquarters in Raleigh, NC
-Energy policy speech at Progress Energy headquarters in Raleigh, NC
-Rally at PNC Arena in Raleigh, NC
-Veterans policy speech at the Memorial Bell Tower in Raleigh, NC
-Foreign policy speech at J.S. Dorton Arena in Raleigh, NC
-Supper with the voters at Solas Restaurant in Raleigh, NC
-Flight to Portland, Maine
-Debate preparation on the plane
-Build campaign infrastructure in Maine
-Economic policy speech at the Port of Portland in Portland, ME
-Energy policy speech at Portland Pipeline marine terminal in Portland, ME
-Rally at Cross Insurance Arena in Portland, ME
-Fundraising event at Hadlock Field in Portland, ME
-Meet with college voters at the University of New England in Portland, ME
-Social policy speech at Holy Cross Church in South Portland, ME
-Paul LePage stumps for Marco Rubio in South Portland and praises Rubio's economic agenda

April 17, 2020
-Speech at the Franco Center in Lewiston, ME
-Barnstorm in Lewiston, ME
-Barnstorm in Auburn, ME
-Appear at events at events for Peter Cianchette's Senate campaign
Marco Rubio is going to be our nominee and then our next president. As the next Maine Senator, I will reverse Angus King's liberal big government policies and I'm ready to work with President Marco Rubio. I will approve President Rubio's bills for the sake of economic prosperity and national security because I know that thanks to his experience in the U.S. Senate Committees on Foreign Relations and in the Select Committee of Intelligence Marco is the only one in this race who will be able to keep our country safe and to reinforce our relations with our allies. I know this as a former U.S. Ambassador to Costa Rica. Thanks to his membership in the U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship and because of his understanding of the American Dream, he's the only one in this race who will be able to restore the American Dream, grow our economy and to make our fellow Americans' lives better by cutting taxes and big government, promoting energy independence, promoting free trade, reforming our education system and our immigration system, balancing the budget, developing our infrastructures through some budget surpluses, balancing our budget, championing businesses and reducing our national deficit that is already standing at over 20 trillion $. I know this as a businessman. Marco Rubio's candidacy will demonstrate that the Republican Party is a diverse party that is not only the party of white men but also the party of all the American people whether they are white, black, Hispanic, Asian-American, men, women, etc. Let's make Senator Marco Rubio the Republican nominee. Let's make Marco Rubio the next president of the United States of America. Thank you all.

-Barnstorm in Brunswick, ME
-Foreign policy speech at the University of Maine at Augusta, ME
-Barnstorm in Augusta, ME
-Agriculture policy speech at Hannaford headquarters in Scarborough, ME
-Barnstorm in Westbrook, ME
-Barnstorm in Saco, ME
-George H. W. Bush stumps for Marco Rubio in Saco, ME, where he praises the Florida Senator
-Flight to Chicago, Illinois
-Dinner with voters at the O'Hare International Airport in Chicago, IL
-Fundraising event at the Chicago Theatre in Chicago, IL
-Counterterrorism policy speech before the Willis Tower in Chicago, IL
-Foreign policy speech at the University of Chicago in Chicago, IL :

Two months ago, we suffered the worst terrorist attack on the U.S. soil since 9/11. But the Bipartisan Counterterrorist Coalition Act reinforced our defense ties with our allies in the Middle East and in the Indian Subcontinent in order to lead a more effective fight against terrorism. We need to reinforce our military, deploy all the necessary forces to destroy terrorism, consolidate our alliances and secure strategic zones in the world. With a stronger U.S. military arsenal, terrorists can't win and can't escape from us. By deploying troops and military arsenal in Syria, we and our allies will surround ISIS' territory in Syria and Iraq. These terrorists will be attacked from all the sides, which will undermine their organization. That way, we will free all the territory occupied by ISIS and we will find Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and bring him to justice whether it's by capturing him or killing him. Then, we will make sure that Syria will recover from suffering due to Assad's tyranny and that this country will be rebuilt in order to make it certain that terrorism will never re-emerge in this region. That's how we will win the War on Terror and I promise you that we will win this war once and for all for the sake of international security and peace.
Thank you. God bless America.

-Rally at U.S. Cellular Field in Chicago, IL
-Trade policy speech at the Port of Chicago in Chicago, IL
-Economic policy speech at the Chicago Board of Trade Building in Chicago, IL
-Rally at the Chicago Theatre in Chicago, IL, with Iowa Senator Joni Ernst :

A few months ago, Marco Rubio and I were opponents. But for the sake of America's security, prosperity and unity, I understood that we need to keep our majority in the Senate so I decided to run for re-election in the Senate. Now, Marco will clearly win the nomination and that's why I endorse him. I also endorse him because he's the best candidate to beat Hillary Clinton and because he's the most qualified to ensure international security by making our alliances stronger, reinforcing our military, fighting and defeating radical Islamic terrorism, making sure that Iran won't get nuclear weapons and stopping Russia's and China's imperialist policies. He demonstrated compassion for American military veterans like me by successfully introducing a bill that would make irresponsible bureaucrats accountable of not taking care enough of our veterans. These veterans deserve a bright post-military service life just like all the American people deserves better than Hillary Clinton's record of deception, depression, insecurity, corruption and division.

Vote Rubio on next Tuesday and he will, as President of the United States, make our country more prosperous, safe and united than ever before.

Thank you all. God bless America.

-Supper with voters at Uno Chicago Grill in Chicago, IL
-Speech at the National Hellenic Museum in Chicago, IL
-Rest and debate preparation

April 18, 2020
-Build campaign infrastructure in Illinois
-Energy policy speech at Integrys Energy Group headquarters in Chicago, IL
-Florida Senator Marco Rubio barnstorms in Chicago, IL, to woo ethnic minority voters, especially Hispanic voters, African-American voters and Asian-American voters
-Rally at Soldier Field in Chicago, IL, alongside Governor Bruce Rauner :
-Fundraising event at Penn National Gaming facility in Aurora, IL
-Speech at the Paramount Theatre in Aurora, IL
-Rally at Peoria Civic Center in Peoria, IL
-Agriculture policy speech before the National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research in Peoria, IL
-Economic policy speech at Caterpillar headquarters in Peoria, IL
-Meet with college voters at Bradley University in Peoria, IL, where Senator Rubio managed to recruit several young volunteers
-Speech at the Coronado Theatre in Rockford, IL
-Barnstorm in Rockford, IL
-Bus trip to Springfield, IL
-Debate preparation on the bus
-Speech at the Lincoln Tomb in Springfield, IL, where Marco Rubio praises Abraham Lincoln's heritage and gives an effort to woo African-American voters
-Infrastructure policy speech in Springfield, IL
-American Dream policy speech at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum in Springfield, IL
-Flight to New York City, New York
-Debate preparation on the plane

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 03, 2016, 10:19:32 PM
Round 30 : April 19, 2020-April 25, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 03, 2016, 10:56:26 PM
New polls

As he gets closer to the Republican presidential nomination after great results in the Mini Super Tuesday, Marco Rubio sounds likely to clinch the nomination this week. Among the Republican presidential candidates, he makes the strongest performance on Election Day according to the polls. Paul Ryan is about to announce his withdrawal from the race and his endorsement to Senator Rubio. Tim Ashe made progress on Election Day polls after the creation of the Progressive Liberty Party. It also explains Ron Paul's struggles to top Hillary Clinton in the polls because of Ashe's attempt to build a progressive-libertarian coalition, which cuts a part of Paul's support among libertarians.

National Polls

Marco Rubio : 61 %
Paul Ryan : 31 %
Ron Paul : 7 %

Illinois Polls

Marco Rubio : 51 %
Paul Ryan : 38 %
Ron Paul : 10 %

Ohio Polls

Marco Rubio : 51 %
Paul Ryan : 35 %
Ron Paul : 11 %

Maine Polls

Marco Rubio : 47 %
Paul Ryan : 32 %
Ron Paul : 15 %

North Carolina Polls

Marco Rubio : 39 %
Paul Ryan : 32 %
Ron Paul : 14 %

New York Polls

Marco Rubio : 61 %
Paul Ryan : 30 %
Ron Paul : 9 %

Washington D.C. Polls

Marco Rubio : 64 %
Paul Ryan : 31 %
Ron Paul : 5 %

New Jersey Polls

Marco Rubio : 61 %
Paul Ryan : 29 %
Ron Paul : 10 %

Maryland Polls

Marco Rubio : 60 %
Paul Ryan : 28 %
Ron Paul : 12 %

Pennsylvania Polls

Marco Rubio : 60 %
Paul Ryan : 31 %
Ron Paul : 9 %

General Election Polls

Hillary Clinton vs Marco Rubio vs Tim Ashe

Marco Rubio : 47 %
Hillary Clinton : 36 %
Tim Ashe : 17 %

Hillary Clinton vs Paul Ryan vs Tim Ashe

Paul Ryan : 41 %
Hillary Clinton : 40 %
Tim Ashe: 19 %

Hillary Clinton vs Ron Paul vs Tim Ashe

Hillary Clinton : 40 %
Ron Paul : 36 %
Tim Ashe : 20 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 03, 2016, 11:48:28 PM

Paul Ryan drops out of the race and endorses Marco Rubio

After disappointing results on Mini Super Tuesday on April 14, Paul Ryan announced that he drops out of the race for the Republican presidential nomination. The Speaker of the House had been Marco Rubio’s top challenger but despite winning his home state of Wisconsin and Kansas on Mini Super Tuesday, he lost six of the eight voting states (Florida, West Virginia, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota and South Dakota) to the Florida Senator and has only 304 delegates. So it became mathematically impossible for Ryan to win the nomination on the first ballot at the Republican National Convention since the remaining 872 delegates could not give him the magic number of 1219 delegates, which, according to Ryan, would only bring division in the GOP and decrease its chances of beating Hillary Clinton. At 1141 delegates and leading largely in the states holding a primary or a caucus on March 21 (Illinois, Ohio, North Carolina and Maine), Marco Rubio is likely to win enough delegates to clinch the nomination. So Ryan did the math and decided to drop out of race and to endorse Marco Rubio to bring party unity and to ensure a Republican victory on November for the « sake of America’s future », which makes Rubio assured of winning the Republican nomination. In the end, Paul Ryan won 6 states and 304 delegates.

Here is Ryan’s withdrawal announcement speech at the Pfister Hotel in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on April 14 :

Thank you.

I'm proud of the campaign we led. I want to thank all the Americans that endorsed me. But without great results tonight it's useless to continue our campaign, which would only bring deeper divide to our party, while Marco Rubio is close from winning the Republican nomination for President of the United States. Time has come for party unity in order to grow it and to start our campaign for victory in November against Hillary Clinton, to take America back on track through free market policies and through international security due to stronger alliances and a stronger American military. For this reason, in order to give America a bright future, I decided to drop out of the race and to endorse Senator Marco Rubio to be the next President of the United States of America.

Marco Rubio has the best foreign policy background and judgement to defeat our enemies around the world and keep us safe. He will do so by modernizing and reinforcing our military, fighting and destroying terrorism. When I was Mitt Romney's running mate in 2012, Mitt warned the American people about Russia's dishonest policies such as supporting militarily and materially the Assad regime for economic interests and violating Eastern Europe's territorial integrity. But Barack Obama mocked it and Hillary Clinton is making things worse. But we have a chance to correct this mistake and Marco Rubio will correct this mistake by toppling the Assad regime and ensure Syria's reconstruction and democratization. By reinforcing our military presence on the Black Sea, providing weapons and military training to Ukrainian troops, Marco Rubio will help Ukraine to defeat the pro-Russian insurgency, force give Crimea back to Ukraine and to give Ukraine back to the Ukrainian people, thus ensuring peace, stability and integrity.
As President of the United States, Marco Rubio will use his experience as member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship to grow our economy through smaller government, lower taxes for all the American people, business championing, free trade, energy independence, education system, balanced budget and lower national deficit.

Marco Rubio will be our nominee. I will help him to defeat Hillary Clinton and, as Speaker of the House of Representatives, I'm ready to work with President Marco Rubio by passing his bills that will create jobs, bring economic prosperity, fight and defeat terrorism and ensure international security, make our health system fairer and bring all the American people together in a brighter future that we need right here right now for a new American Century.

Thank you. God bless you and God bless the United States of America.

The Senate approves the SAVE Act

The United States Senate approved the SAVE Act sponsored by Republican Florida Senator and presidential candidate Marco Rubio. This bill would, in reaction to Detroit's decline and to national rising unemployment rate, provide tax credits for businesses investing in ethanol in order to help automobile companies to manufacture cars functioning through ethanol and to boost job creation.

The PLP is already developping its down ballot campaigns

Just a week after its creation, the Progressive Liberty Party is preparing its down ballot campaigns for 2020 and the 2022 midterms. Gary Johnson is standing in the Senate race in New Mexico. Having moved back to his birth state of Illinois Wesley Clark is challenging incumbent Dick Durbin in the Illinois Senate race. Tulsi Gabbard will be running for Governor of Hawaii on a PLP ticket in 2022. Jesse Ventura will be running for a second term as Governor of Minnesota on a PLP ticket in 2022. Bill Gates will be running for the Senate in 2022, challenging incumbent Patty Murray. Martin O'Malley will run on a PLP Senate ticket in 2022 in his state of Maryland. Should the Ashe/Monds ticket lose the election, Monds will be running for Governor of Georgia as a PLP candidate in 2022.

The Syrian rebels repelled the Syrian Army's assault on Aleppo

Deprived of military material provision from Russia due to the Syria Arms Nonproliferation Act, the Syrian army lost the battle of Aleppo, a battle that lasted eight years, making it one of the longest battles the world has ever known. The Syrian rebellion managed to repel the Assad forces' assault on Aleppo, the second largest city in Syria, which increases the morale among rebels and the resurrection of Syria's democratization in this time of war against terrorism.

Endorsements :

Marco Rubio : Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House, 2012 GOP vice-presidential nominee and 2020 presidential candidate; former Maine Paul LePage, former Massachusetts Governor and 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney; Wisconsin Governor and 2016 presidential candidate Scott Walker; Ohio Senator and presidential candidate in 2016 and 2020 John Kasich; Ohio Senator Rob Portman; RNC chairman Reince Priebus; former Speaker of the House and 2012 presidential candidate; former Hewlett-Packard CEO and 2016 presidential candidate Carly Fiorina; Actor Jon Voight

Tim Ashe : Actor Mark Ruffalo, Actress Shailene Woodley, United Kingdom Leader of the Opposition Party Jeremy Corbyn, Australian Prime Minister Bill Shorten, Professor Lawrence Lessig, Vermont Progressive Party, Mayor Miro Weinberger of Vermont, Actor Viggo Mortensen

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on November 04, 2016, 06:11:20 AM
Marco Rubio's speech in reaction to Paul Ryan's withdrawal from the race

Yesterday night, Paul Ryan dropped out of the race. I congratulate him for the campaign he led for conservative cause and for America's cause. He's a terrific leader and he demonstrated it as Speaker of the House and as a budget wonk. And believe me, if Mitt Romney won the 2012 election, Mitt would have been a great president and Paul Ryan would have been a great vice-president. I'm proud to see our party united and it's through unity that we will defeat Hillary Clinton and get America back on track. I'm ready to work with Speaker Ryan as President of the United States. Together, we will pass laws that will create jobs, cut taxes and regulations to reinforce the American people's purchasing power, reduce government spending, get us energy independence, promote free trade, reform our education system, champion businesses and balance the budget. This path to prosperity demonstrates how prosperity works.

We will also pass laws that will reinforce our partnerships with our allies, reinforce our military and help us defeating international terrorism and restoring international territorial integrity. That's how international security and peace work.

Thank you. God bless Paul Ryan and God bless America.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on November 04, 2016, 12:15:41 PM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now, Part 1
Schedule for the week of April 19, 2020-April 25, 2020

April 19, 2020
-Breakfast with voters at the Plaza Hotel in New York City, New York
-Debate preparation
-Free trade policy speech at the Port of New York and New Jersey
-Fundraising event at Madison Square Garden in New York City, NY
-Economic Policy speech in New York City, NY, in which Rubio describes the Big Apple as a great symbol of free market and of America's economic superpower

-Speech about freedom before the Statue of Liberty in New York City, NY
-Counter-terrorism policy speech at the One World Trade Center in New York City, NY, alongside Rudy Giuliani
-Foreign policy speech before the headquarters of the United Nations in New York City, NY
-Dinner with voters at Joe’s Shanghai in New York City, NY
-Meet with voters at Columbia University in New York City, NY
-Speech at One Astor Plaza in New York City, NY
-Debate preparation for all the afternoon
-Marco Rubio debates with Ron Paul at Apollo Theater in New York City, NY

April 20-25 will come after the debate

Surrogate schedule

April 19, 2020
-Michael Bloomberg gives an economic policy speech at Rockefeller Center in New York City, NY, where he praises Marco Rubio's economic plan
-Rob Portman meets with college voters for Marco Rubio at the University of Cincinnati in Cincinnati, Ohio
-Rob Portman gives a free trade policy speech at the Port of Cleveland, OH, and praises Rubio's position in favor of free trade
-John Kasich gives a foreign policy speech for Marco Rubio at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, OH
-Bruce Renner campaigns for Marco Rubio in Chicago, Illinois

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 05, 2016, 08:48:14 AM
Twelfth Republican primary presidential debate at the Apollo Theater in New York City, New York

Date : April 19th, 2020

Participants : Florida Senator Marco Rubio and former Texas Congressman Ron Paul


Host : NBC News

Moderator : Brian Williams

Podium order was determined by the average of the national polls since Mini Super Tuesday :

Paul      Rubio

NBC News Election theme :


-Opening statements

-Senator Rubio, you now have only 78 delegates left to win to clinch the Republican presidential nomination. I want to hear from both of you : why will your nomination ensure realignment among the Republican Party?

-Recently, Tim Ashe created the Progressive Liberty Party, a party that seems to be becoming a viable third party. What do you think will be the effects of this launch?

-Senator Rubio, you are endorsed by Ted Cruz who, four years ago, was criticizing Donald Trump for embracing « New York values »? According to you, what are the New York values?

-In the last 27 years, New York City suffered 7 terrorist attacks or attempted terrorist attacks, including, of course, the World Trade Center bombing in 1993 and 9/11, just like we were attacked by ISIS in Chicago two months ago. So I want to hear from both of you : what is your plan to fight terrorism and to make sure that New York and all the United States of America will never get attacked by terrorists on the American soil?

-Senator Rubio, recently the Syrian rebellion managed to repel the Syrian army's assault on Aleppo. Do you think it's partly due to your co-sponsored Syria Arms Nonproliferation Act?

-In the last few years, Vladimir Putin's authority is contested in Russia and around the world. What do you think would be the conditions that would ensure political change in Russia, bring integrity in Russia's political landscape and in Moscow's foreign policy and restore freedom of press in Russia as well as territorial integrity in Eastern Europe?

-How do you plan to deter North Korea from supporting terrorism and to fight djihadism on the Pacific?

-Hillary Clinton who was Secretary of State during Barack Obama's first term is considered as a major architect of Obama's foreign policy. Despite Muhammar Gaddafi's fall, the 2011 military intervention in Libya is considered as a failure due to the terrorist attacks since 2011. What would you have done to restore permanent democracy and security in the post-Gadaffi's Libya if you were President of the United States at the time?

-This morning, the SAVE Act, sponsored by Senator Rubio, passed the Congress and is signed into law. How this bill make a contribution to economic growth and to U.S. automobile industry's relaunch?

-Senator Rubio, you claimed, this morning, that New York City is a great symbol of free market and of America's economic power. What did you mean by that and what is your plan to preserve this reputation typical to America?

-How do you plan to help America progressing in the digital economy?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on November 05, 2016, 12:32:41 PM
Marco Rubio's debate answers, Part 1


-Opening statements

Thank you Brian. This election matters now more than ever in this time of economic downturn, growing terrorist threat and national division. Time has come for us to join our forces to face our challenges effectively that's why our country is named the United States of America. Despite our differences between conservatives, independents, liberals and libertarians, it's only through unity that America will successfully face its economic challenges, defeat its enemies and restore freedom and the American Dream. Paul Ryan understood it and decided it was time to withdraw from the race and to endorse me in order to help our party to win in November. United we stand. Divided we fall.

Reinforcing oil drilling and energy independence will help us getting the revenues for the development of renewable energies and promoting peace through strength by securing strategic points such as the Pacific Ocean or the Black Sea will reduce any risk of needing to use military force to attack North Korea or Iran. That's an American agenda that will bring the American people together and make the United States a much more united country than ever before.

-Senator Rubio, you now have only 78 delegates left to win to clinch the Republican presidential nomination. I want to hear from both of you : why will your nomination ensure realignment among the Republican Party?

If I'm the nominee, we will be a more diverse party than ever before by opening our doors to ethnic minorities. I know what it takes to restore the American Dream because I lived it as a son of immigrants who were living paycheck to paycheck but who successfully adapted into a fair society like America thanks to the hardworking of a bartender and a housekeeper. We will secure our borders, reform our immigration system and give immigrants a path to citizenship.

If we promote school choice, it will give positive results for lower-income Americans : lower education costs for families, including immigrant and minority families living paycheck to paycheck (like my family during my childhood), production of higher outcomes, in contrast to public education. It will help parents to guide their children out of poorly-performing schools assigned by zip code and grant them better education elsewhere. It will expand opportunities for low-income students—notably minorities—to attend high-quality schools that would otherwise be accessible only to high-income families, thus giving them a fair chance of succeeding, entering the workforce and prospering thanks to a better education, thus helping them to earn better lives. Free trade with Latin America will help our Hispanic business owners to innovate, to grow and expand their businesses and to create jobs by becoming top importers, exporters, translators and executives managing such commercial and cultural exchanges thanks to their fluency in Spanish. That's how my nomination will help our party increasing its supports among Hispanics and young people.

Promoting the development of renewable energies through multiplying oil drilling and getting energy independence will help us getting new Independent and liberal voters because all this procedure will create jobs without hurting the environment.

That's why Independent or Democratic politicians like Joe Lieberman, Heidi Heitkamp, Brian Schweitzer, Jim Webb, etc., are endorsing me over Hillary Clinton. That's how we're going to grow and diversify our party and that's how we're going to defeat Hillary Clinton on November.


[Ron Paul's answer]

-Recently, Tim Ashe created the Progressive Liberty Party, a party that seems to be becoming a viable third party. What do you think will be the effects of this launch?

I believe that a more diversified political landscape will be beneficial for our republic and our democracy and democracy has always been, still is and will always be a precious value that we're fighting for here and around the world for the sake of freedom, gender equality, security and liberty of press and opinion. That's why we fight terrorism. And here, in New York City, we are proud to have a great symbol of liberty : the Statue of Liberty that France gave us 100 years after the Declaration of Independence during a war when we defeated the most powerful empire and army of the world thanks to France's military help, thus getting us our national independence and freedom.

In addition of dividing the liberal vote and ensuring our victory in November, the Progressive Liberty Party's creation demonstrates that only the Republican Party represents the path to prosperity and restoration of the American Dream for all the American people, whether they are conservatives, independents, liberals, progressives or libertarians. We need to put the government aside in order to give the American people the right and freedom to prosper, to find a good-paying job and to found families which children will have the privilege to earn a better education and a bright future. If I'm President of the United States, in addition of reducing government spending, we will cut taxes for all the American people, including the middle class and poor people. By increasing oil drilling and production, we will ensure massive job creation and get the necessary revenues to develop renewable energies to create jobs while protecting the environment. It will also make a contribution in our fight against terrorism because it will make sure that we will stop unwillingly finance terrorist groups by importing oil from countries in throes of terrorism and this money won't fall into the wrong hands. Job creation will increase wages, thus reducing poverty and helping us reducing our deficit. Budget balance will help us developing our infrastructures thanks to a part of budget surpluses, which will help our future business owners to open, grow and expand new businesses, to produce, to innovate and to create jobs.

That's how we will bring all the American people, including independents, liberals and progressives around our agenda while promoting conservative policies.

-Congressman Paul, what do you think of the creation of the Progressive Liberty Party?

[Ron Paul's response]

-Senator Rubio, you are endorsed by Ted Cruz who, four years ago, was criticizing Donald Trump for embracing « New York values »? According to you, what are the New York values?

Well first of all, while I agree with Ted on many social issues, we don't always agree on everything, which is natural and normal. That's why I condemned his remarks on the New York values at the time and now I'm proud to have Ted's endorsement in order to bring our party and all the American people together to beat Hillary Clinton.

I believe the New York values are the values shared by all the American people, from the North East, from the South, from the Midwest and from the West. The New York values are opportunity, freedom, free enterprise, search of happiness, inclusiveness, security, integrity and justice. These are not only New York values. These are American values and I will defend them as President of the United States of America.

-Congressman Paul, what are the New York values according to you?

[Ron Paul's answer]

-In the last 27 years, New York City suffered 7 terrorist attacks or attempted terrorist attacks, including, of course, the World Trade Center bombing in 1993 and 9/11, just like we were attacked by ISIS in Chicago two months ago. So I want to hear from both of you : what is your plan to fight terrorism and to make sure that New York and all the United States of America will never get attacked by terrorists on the American soil?

Another 9/11 is absolutely the last thing New York City needs just like it's absolutely the last thing America needs and as it's the last thing the whole world needs. It's wrong to blame our national security system for threatening freedom and the right of privacy. The true threat to liberty is international terrorism and thanks to a reinforced homeland security, we will prevent further terrorist attacks from happening in our country and save American lives.

[Applause from the audience]

We first have to reinforce our security measures, to reinforce and modernize our military, to consolidate and expand our alliances and defense partnerships and to use all the military arsenal to defeat terrorism. By sending troops in Syria, ISIS fighters in Syria and Iraq will be surrounded and get attacked from all sides. That way, they will have no choice, in order to defend their positions, to divide their forces, which will make their defenses weaker. That way, they can't escape and they will have to surrender or die. It will help us finding and killing or capturing Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, which will further weaken ISIS, help us destroying this terrorist group once and for all and ensuring permanent security, stability, freedom and prosperity.

-Congressman Paul, your turn to answer the question.

[Ron Paul's answer]

-Senator Rubio, recently the Syrian rebellion managed to repel the Syrian army's assault on Aleppo. Do you think it's partly due to your co-sponsored Syria Arms Nonproliferation Act?

Of course it is. By providing weapons to the Assad regime, thus allowing it to launch further attacks against the Syrian rebellion, Russia is only complicating our fight against terrorism. But the Syria Nonproliferation Act reversed this situation by deterring any foreign arms transfers to the Assad regime and increasing diplomatic and economic sanctions against any nation providing Assad in weapons, which, in addition of making our antiterrorist crusade easier, weaken the Assad regime forces against the rebels, thus clearing a path for Syria to freedom, democracy, stability and peace. And it's also through trust to a more integrate and democratic government that the fight against terrorism will be successful.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on November 05, 2016, 12:35:28 PM
Marco Rubio's debate answers, Part 2


-In the last few years, Vladimir Putin's authority is contested in Russia and around the world. What do you think would be the conditions that would ensure political change in Russia, bring integrity in Russia's political landscape and in Moscow's foreign policy and restore freedom of press in Russia as well as territorial integrity in Eastern Europe?

The main condition for such a procedure is action. Russia is violating Ukraine's territorial integrity. By increasing diplomatic and economic sanctions against Russia, Vladimir Putin will be forced to step back. We need to stand with our allies. By reinforcing our military presence on the Black Sea, providing military material, military training and intelligence support to the Ukrainian army, Ukraine will manage to counter Russia's military power thanks to American weapons from the United States, the strongest military power on Earth. The Ukrainian army will be able to defeat the pro-Russian insurgency, free eastern Ukraine as well as Crimea and give Ukraine back to the Ukrainian people. That way, Ukraine will retake control of its natural resources, which will deprive Russia of Ukrainian gas since Ukraine seeks to establish permanent economic partnership with the European Union. By toppling the Assad regime and defeating ISIS, we're going to make sure that the Syrian people takes its country back and will elect a government that will govern under the Syrian people's willing and interests. As a result, Russia will lose its economic interests in Syria. We also need to increase our engagement in the race for the Arctic to exploit the local oil and gas resources before the Russians, which will create jobs in America, not in Russia. So I hope that such a procedure as well as a rising Russian inflation due to international sanctions will encourage the Russian people to turn the page on Putin years and to end Putin's tyranny and to elect a new government more integrate that will respect the freedom of press as well as territorial integrity, especially in Eastern Europe.


[Ron Paul's answer]

-How do you plan to deter North Korea from supporting terrorism and to fight djihadism on the Pacific?

We have to put North Korea back on the list of nations supporting terrorism, to reinforce our military presence on the Pacific, to create the Pacific Organization Treaty (PTO), an intergovernmental military alliance that would include us and our allies around the Pacific to stop North Korea and China from pursuing their arms race and their military agression against our local allies, the Pacific Ocean will remain pacific. That way, we will help our allies in the Pacific to fight local terrorism more effectively because these terrorists will be isolated and on their own without any help. Thanks to our help and to American airstrikes from aircraft carriers that will force terrorists to get out of their hideouts, our allies on the Pacific will lead successful operations against terrorism and restore peace and stability.

-Hillary Clinton who was Secretary of State during Barack Obama's first term is considered as a major architect of Obama's foreign policy. Despite Muhammar Gaddafi's fall, the 2011 military intervention in Libya is considered as a failure due to the terrorist attacks since 2011. What would you have done to restore permanent democracy and security in the post-Gadaffi's Libya if you were President of the United States at the time?

If I were commander-in-chief at the time, I would have kept a few troops in Libya in order to train the new Libyan army and make it fully able to defend this country, ensure its security and make sure terrorism won't surge. We also should have ensured Libya's reconstruction, which would have helped this country to rebuild its economy and to reinforce democratic institutions. That's exactly what we did in Afghanistan and Iraq after toppling the Taliban and Saddam Hussein and as a result, these countries' new armies are demonstrating a decent ability of fighting jihadism. But we didn't do so in Libya and because of Hillary Clinton's lack of judgement, the situation in Libya got worse, 4 of our ambassadors are killed by terrorists on September 11 2012 and the Mediterranean Sea is becoming a terrorist lake. We can't allow this. So if I'm President, we will do in Libya what we did in Afghanistan and Iraq to reinforce security, stability and freedom in North Africa, a region that will never be a springboard to terrorists again to orchestrate terrorist attacks in Europe like they did in Rome last October.

-This morning, the SAVE Act, sponsored by Senator Rubio, passed the Congress and is signed into law. How this bill make a contribution to economic growth and to U.S. automobile industry's relaunch?

We need to use all of our sources of energies, whether it's oil, gas, coal, nuclear, solar, wind or ethanol fuel. By giving tax credits to companies investing in ethanol fuel, we will ensure job creation as well as a boost for our automobile industry. So it will also save Detroit and its neighbors such as Chicago, Cleveland, Milwaukee and Minneapolis from further bankruptcies.

We also need to relaunch oil production by doubling permits on federal lands, approve the Keystone XL pipeline, drill in ANWR, build the TransAmerica Energy pipeline and another one from Alaska to Canada and exploit oil resources in the North Pole through the use of underwater tankers. That way, we will get energy independence through energy revolution that will make us the world energy superpower, bring massive job creation, boost our automotive industry by encouraging the automobile manufacturing, lowering the cost of buying American cars through a stronger purchasing power and encouraging the implementation of new automobile companies here in the United States. Reduced costs of buying American cars will give us the upper hand in the TPP and make us competitive in such a dynamic region like Asia-Pacific, because our cars will be less expensive than Asian cars, which will encourage international consumers to buy more American cars, thus bringing massive job creation in America.

That's why, almost two and a half centuries after the Declaration of Independence, my energy plan will be a synonym of Declaration of Energy Independence for the sake of America's economic prosperity.

-Congressman Paul?

[Ron Paul's answer]   

-Senator Rubio, you claimed that New York City is a great symbol of free market and of America's economic power. What did you mean by that and what is your plan to preserve this reputation typical to America?

Well you know New York represents our economic superpower since it hosts Wall Street, Silicon Alley and Times Square. In addition, the World Trade Center, just like the previous one, is also a symbol of our economic power. So what we have to do to make sure that America keeps its status as the world economic superpower is to cut taxes for our consumers and our business owners, which will encourage consumption, innovation, production and job creation.

Small businesses are struggling and reversing this situation means evening out the tax code for small businesses by lowering their tax rate to 25 %, just like we need to do for all businesses, no matter their size. We got to put in place a budget that limits big government taxes and regulations in our economy. We have to repeal and replace the unconstitutional Affordable Care Act and to improve higher education for people to in order to give them the necessary skills for the 21st century jobs. That's how we'll restore America's business-friendly environment for to make this economy growing again.

We also have to promote energy independence as well as free trade in order to reduce tariffs and the cost of trading. We also have to reduce the cost of doing business in America, thus encouraging future business owners to open their business in America and making sure that future jobs in these businesses will be created here in America. That's how America will keep his status as strongest economy in the world.

-Congressman Paul?

[Ron Paul's response]

-How do you plan to help America progressing in the digital economy?

The economy we live in today is dramatically different from the one we had ten years ago. It’s an economy that now has placed us in global competition with dozens of other countries around the world.

The 21st century's economy is based on knowledge and innovation. That's why it's important to follow this path. It requires banning Internet taxes and new cell phone taxes. Internet tax ban saved consumers hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars over the last 20 years. So we need to lead policy of free-market Internet. Developing our digital economy requires supporting infrastructure (hardware, software, telecoms, networks, etc.), e-business (how business is conducted, any process that an organization conducts over computer-mediated networks) and e-commerce (transfer of goods, when a book is sold online, for example). It's also crucial to encourage the implementation of data centers and innovation centers specialized in information technology. Since the Information Technology Agreement of 1997 abolished all taxes and tariffs on information technology products to zero, we will keep promoting this kind of leadership under my administration in order to encourage innovation, job creation and the implementation of start-up companies specialized in the digital economy. No taxes and no tariffs means no government intrusion. It means creation of the jobs of tomorrow through innovation, economic competitiveness and dynamism.


[Ron Paul's response]

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: WashLibertarian on November 05, 2016, 05:57:59 PM
Ron Paul Debate Answers

Opening Statement

Good Evening, I am former Congressman Ron Paul from Texas. I am the defender of the Constitution and the champion of liberty. I first got into this race out of great concern for the direction of the Republican Party. The party has gone in the direction of big government, massive spending, and endless wars overseas. I believe Senator Rubio embodies those values unfortunately. But I am glad to stand here tonight to stand up for a foreign policy of peace and diplomacy, a balanced budget, and personal liberty. My goal is to take over the government to leave you alone. But recent trends of our party have embarked on quite the opposite. Senator Rubio supports the unconstitutional spying on innocent americans, he supports the use of torture which is outlawed in the 8th amendment, and he supports the continued intervention and endless wars in the middle east without a declaration and without there being a significant threat to our national security. If you nominate me, I will put an end to it.

-Senator Rubio, you now have only 78 delegates left to win to clinch the Republican presidential nomination. I want to hear from both of you : why will your nomination ensure realignment among the Republican Party?

Well, as I outlined earlier I believe that our party has lost its way. I think Foreign Policy is a major area that we can offer an alternative. Right now both parties support the endless wars overseas, these wars are unconstitutional, unwinnable, and immoral. So the Republican alternative can be a Foreign Policy that is against war and for a Foreign Policy of peace and diplomacy. This policy will keep us safer as Americans, it will bring us back to fiscal sanity and it will keep a lot more americans alive. I think the party also needs to become the party of small government again. We have supported too many government interventions in the market and the party also supports running peoples social lives so we need to go in the opposite direction. We need to get the government out of the way when it comes to economic affairs and that means lowering taxes across the board, reducing regulations and red tape for small businesses, and it means ending this disastrous Federal Reserve System that is responsible for the wiping out of the middle class. And as President I will do everything in my power to promote economic freedom, personal liberty and a foreign policy of peace.

-Recently, Tim Ashe created the Progressive Liberty Party, a party that seems to be becoming a viable third party. What do you think will be the effects of this launch?

Well it's difficult to tell as of right now so we’ll see how things shake out. But ultimately I think it creates a great opportunity for our party this is right now splitting the democratic party in half and that really opens the door for us so we better not blow it. But I think this also highlights a deeper feeling that americans have about our political system. The american people are sick and tired of war, one of the founding principles of that party was a foreign policy that is against war and for peace and diplomacy which is great. But this party advocates for policies that cannot be payed for and will rack up our debt so the republican alternative should be free markets and liberty. I also think that if the Republican Party becomes the party that is against war and regime change then the Progressive Liberty Party will soon become history and I think we can accomplish this.

-Senator Rubio, you are endorsed by Ted Cruz who, four years ago, was criticizing Donald Trump for embracing « New York values »? According to you, what are the New York values?

(Senator Rubio's Response)

-In the last 27 years, New York City suffered 7 terrorist attacks or attempted terrorist attacks, including, of course, the World Trade Center bombing in 1993 and 9/11, just like we were attacked by ISIS in Chicago two months ago. So I want to hear from both of you : what is your plan to fight terrorism and to make sure that New York and all the United States of America will never get attacked by terrorists on the American soil?

Yes, the problem of terrorism has a lot to do with foreign policy and it has a lot to do with blowback. The concept of Blowback is that when the United States takes action in the middle east, whether it be bombs or nation building, that there is an unintended consequence that occurs. A prominent example of this is our nation building in Iran for the latter part of the 20th century. In 1953 the United States installed the Shah in Iran; the Shah, which is the name of the ruler, was very unpopular among the Iranian people. So in response to that, the people of Iran invaded our embassy in 1979 and took hostages. This infamous event became known as the Iranian Hostage Crisis, which is directly related to our nation building. Another example of Blowback is the 9-11 attacks on the United States. If you ever read the writings of Bin Laden and the reasons they attacked us, it was abundantly clear it was because we were over there. We built a military base in Saudi Arabia, which that certain faction of Islam believed to be the holy land. In retaliation for our military base and constant bombing of the middle east, they hijacked 2 planes and flew them into the Twin Towers. I would make the case that if we are serious about fighting terrorism we have to look at our foreign policy.
-In the last few years, Vladimir Putin's authority is contested in Russia and around the world. What do you think would be the conditions that would ensure political change in Russia, bring integrity in Russia's political landscape and in Moscow's foreign policy and restore freedom of press in Russia as well as territorial integrity in Eastern Europe?

Well the United States should have no role in nation building or dictating what kind of government other nations should have. But the best way we can promote our values is by setting a good example for other nations around the world and be the shining city on the hill as Reagan once said. If here at home we have thriving free markets, respect for civil liberties and the greatest education system in the world it gives the rest of the world something to emulate or follow after. But our biggest weapon to strengthen relations and friendship with the world is free trade. When we trade with other nations it builds trust and
friendship with them, this is the policy we should be doing with Russia, Iran, and Cuba. Instead of dropping bombs and intervening we can build friendship and encourage diplomacy through free trade.

-How do you plan to deter North Korea from supporting terrorism and to fight jihadism on the Pacific?

Well we should understand that Jihad is a philosophy that a radical tenet of Islam adopts. And in North Korea they are not Islamic, they actually have to worship their leader and he claims he is God. So this whole question operates on a false premise that would never happen. But we can encourage good relations with North Korea by being willing to be diplomatic and to trade with them but the wrong way is to provoke them by making of show of force out of south korea or in nearby waters. We need to promote peace and not war.

-Hillary Clinton who was Secretary of State during Barack Obama's first term is considered as a major architect of Obama's foreign policy. Despite Muammar Gaddafi's fall, the 2011 military intervention in Libya is considered as a failure due to the terrorist attacks since 2011. What would you have done to restore permanent democracy and security in the post-Gadaffi's Libya if you were President of the United States at the time?

Well I wouldn’t have intervened in the first place! That was such a bad move, we may have good intentions when it comes to military interventions but there are unintended consequences that come with it. We also operate under the false premise that after we topple the regime there are some democratic angels waiting to take over which is never true and now Libya is in chaos and overrun by radicals so we are now dealing with the consequences of our failed foreign policy. This is also a reason why Hillary Clinton cannot be re elected president and it would be kind of awkward if Senator Rubio and President Clinton found themselves in agreement on this issue. If you nominate me I will champion peace and diplomacy.

-This morning, the SAVE Act, sponsored by Senator Rubio, passed the Congress and is signed into law. How this bill make a contribution to economic growth and to U.S. automobile industry's relaunch?

Well it won’t so a whole lot in my opinion. This is another example of crony capitalism and government picking winners and losers. It’s not the government's role to stimulate the economy, it's the government role to create an environment for success. This means lowering taxes across the board, getting rid of the red tape, and balancing the budget. It’s amazing that the Senator calls himself a believer in free markets when this goes blatantly against them so I think the american people will see through this. And on the issue of ethanol production, hemp is actually the cheapest way to produce ethanol and I think we ought to legalize it and allow the market to select the best method for production instead of some government bureaucrat choosing it. Senator Rubio also opposes this so I don’t think he knows a whole lot about ethanol or the free market in general.

-How do you plan to help America progressing in the digital economy?

Well the best thing for the government to do is to stay out of it! The beautiful thing about the market is the innovation and technological advances, the greatest inventions and advancements came from free people who were allowed to unleash their creativity and keep the fruits of their labor. None of these advancements came from government or came from a bureaucrat ordering an innovation. When government stays out of the way great things can happen! One thing we can do is to lower the corporate tax rate to the lowest in the world and make the United States the best place in the world to start a business. If we do this all of the sudden the technology sector will leave China and Japan and come to America and we will have the greatest economy in the world. 

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on November 05, 2016, 08:49:13 PM
Marco Rubio's debate responses to Ron Paul's attacks, Part 1


-Opening Statement

Good Evening, I am former Congressman Ron Paul from Texas. I am the defender of the Constitution and the champion of liberty. I first got into this race out of great concern for the direction of the Republican Party. The party has gone in the direction of big government, massive spending, and endless wars overseas. I believe Senator Rubio embodies those values unfortunately. But I am glad to stand here tonight to stand up for a foreign policy of peace and diplomacy, a balanced budget, and personal liberty. My goal is to take over the government to leave you alone. But recent trends of our party have embarked on quite the opposite. Senator Rubio supports the unconstitutional spying on innocent americans, he supports the use of torture which is outlawed in the 8th amendment, and he supports the continued intervention and endless wars in the middle east without a declaration and without there being a significant threat to our national security. If you nominate me, I will put an end to it.

-Senator Rubio, you now have only 78 delegates left to win to clinch the Republican presidential nomination. I want to hear from both of you : why will your nomination ensure realignment among the Republican Party?

Well, as I outlined earlier I believe that our party has lost its way. I think Foreign Policy is a major area that we can offer an alternative. Right now both parties support the endless wars overseas, these wars are unconstitutional, unwinnable, and immoral. So the Republican alternative can be a Foreign Policy that is against war and for a Foreign Policy of peace and diplomacy. This policy will keep us safer as Americans, it will bring us back to fiscal sanity and it will keep a lot more americans alive. I think the party also needs to become the party of small government again. We have supported too many government interventions in the market and the party also supports running peoples social lives so we need to go in the opposite direction. We need to get the government out of the way when it comes to economic affairs and that means lowering taxes across the board, reducing regulations and red tape for small businesses, and it means ending this disastrous Federal Reserve System that is responsible for the wiping out of the middle class. And as President I will do everything in my power to promote economic freedom, personal liberty and a foreign policy of peace.

-Recently, Tim Ashe created the Progressive Liberty Party, a party that seems to be becoming a viable third party. What do you think will be the effects of this launch?

Well it's difficult to tell as of right now so we’ll see how things shake out. But ultimately I think it creates a great opportunity for our party this is right now splitting the democratic party in half and that really opens the door for us so we better not blow it. But I think this also highlights a deeper feeling that americans have about our political system. The american people are sick and tired of war, one of the founding principles of that party was a foreign policy that is against war and for peace and diplomacy which is great. But this party advocates for policies that cannot be payed for and will rack up our debt so the republican alternative should be free markets and liberty. I also think that if the Republican Party becomes the party that is against war and regime change then the Progressive Liberty Party will soon become history and I think we can accomplish this.

-Senator Rubio, you are endorsed by Ted Cruz who, four years ago, was criticizing Donald Trump for embracing « New York values »? According to you, what are the New York values?

(Senator Rubio's Response)

-In the last 27 years, New York City suffered 7 terrorist attacks or attempted terrorist attacks, including, of course, the World Trade Center bombing in 1993 and 9/11, just like we were attacked by ISIS in Chicago two months ago. So I want to hear from both of you : what is your plan to fight terrorism and to make sure that New York and all the United States of America will never get attacked by terrorists on the American soil?

Yes, the problem of terrorism has a lot to do with foreign policy and it has a lot to do with blowback. The concept of Blowback is that when the United States takes action in the middle east, whether it be bombs or nation building, that there is an unintended consequence that occurs. A prominent example of this is our nation building in Iran for the latter part of the 20th century. In 1953 the United States installed the Shah in Iran; the Shah, which is the name of the ruler, was very unpopular among the Iranian people. So in response to that, the people of Iran invaded our embassy in 1979 and took hostages. This infamous event became known as the Iranian Hostage Crisis, which is directly related to our nation building. Another example of Blowback is the 9-11 attacks on the United States. If you ever read the writings of Bin Laden and the reasons they attacked us, it was abundantly clear it was because we were over there. We built a military base in Saudi Arabia, which that certain faction of Islam believed to be the holy land. In retaliation for our military base and constant bombing of the middle east, they hijacked 2 planes and flew them into the Twin Towers. I would make the case that if we are serious about fighting terrorism we have to look at our foreign policy.

Rubio's response : So I suppose, Congressman, that you would have prefered to have Al Gore at the White House on 9/11 rather than George W. Bush.

[Applause from the audience]

If Al Gore was President on 9/11, not only the government would have been bigger, thus making our economy weaker, but terrorism would have been much stronger today and Bin Laden would have been alive today.

The reason why the World Trade Center was destroyed on 9/11 is because Bill Clinton missed the opportunity of killing Osama Bin Laden when he had the chance to do so in 1998. It's also because we didn't increase enough our security measures.

The attacks in San Bernardino demonstrated it in 2015. In December 2015, two radical Islamic terrorists killed 14 people and injured 22 others in San Bernardino and you know why, because some Senators in the Congress, including your son Rand Paul, voted in favor of weakening our surveillance program on June 2015, before the attacks in San Bernardino, thus putting our country in danger and encouraging terrorists to commit terrorist attacks on our soil and to kill Americans.

The reason why we managed to find and kill Bin Laden is because we launched the War on Terror and because we reinforced our security measures as well as our military. So I believe that if you were President on 9/11, much more Americans and much more innocent people around the world would be dead today.

And claiming that we created terrorist groups like Al Qaida or ISIS by engaging ourselves in the Middle East is simply not true. And Rudy Giuliani, who was mayor of New York City on 9/11 and who is sitting among this audience tonight even told you this during a debate in New Hampshire on January 2008.

Jihadists killed over 500 Americans before September 11, 2001, in the late 1960s. They have also killed people in Bali, in London. They have launched attacks in Germany.

If our military operations successfully helped us fighting terrorism and capturing or killing terrorist leaders like Bin Laden, then such a procedure can also work today to destroy ISIS and Al Qaida once and for all for the sake of international liberty, peace and stability.

[Applause from the audience]

-In the last few years, Vladimir Putin's authority is contested in Russia and around the world. What do you think would be the conditions that would ensure political change in Russia, bring integrity in Russia's political landscape and in Moscow's foreign policy and restore freedom of press in Russia as well as territorial integrity in Eastern Europe?

Well the United States should have no role in nation building or dictating what kind of government other nations should have. But the best way we can promote our values is by setting a good example for other nations around the world and be the shining city on the hill as Reagan once said. If here at home we have thriving free markets, respect for civil liberties and the greatest education system in the world it gives the rest of the world something to emulate or follow after. But our biggest weapon to strengthen relations and friendship with the world is free trade. When we trade with other nations it builds trust and
friendship with them, this is the policy we should be doing with Russia, Iran, and Cuba. Instead of dropping bombs and intervening we can build friendship and encourage diplomacy through free trade.

Rubio's response : I agree that free trade can help us promoting liberty in countries oppressed by dictators.

But Congressman your statement claiming that we are dictating what kind of government other nations should have is absolutely wrong. That's not true.

We don't dictate to nations, we free nations from dictators.

[Applause from the audience]

-How do you plan to deter North Korea from supporting terrorism and to fight jihadism on the Pacific?

Well we should understand that Jihad is a philosophy that a radical tenet of Islam adopts. And in North Korea they are not Islamic, they actually have to worship their leader and he claims he is God. So this whole question operates on a false premise that would never happen. But we can encourage good relations with North Korea by being willing to be diplomatic and to trade with them but the wrong way is to provoke them by making of show of force out of south korea or in nearby waters. We need to promote peace and not war.

Rubio's response : And yet you endorsed Ronald Reagan in 1976 and 1980 while you knew very well that he promised, even at that time, to increase defense budget in order to reinforce and moderize our military, thus helping us to promote peace through strength and to win the Cold War against the USSR.

[Applause from the audience]

And peace through strength is exactly what I'm proposing, which requires making our military strong again, reinforcing our alliances, including around the Pacific, securing strategic and vital zones and establshing an anti-missile shield that will bring down any nuclear missile launched against us or our allies, thus ensuring peace, stability, freedom and territorial integrity in the Pacific.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on November 05, 2016, 08:53:35 PM
Marco Rubio's debate responses to Ron Paul's attacks, Part 2


-Hillary Clinton who was Secretary of State during Barack Obama's first term is considered as a major architect of Obama's foreign policy. Despite Muammar Gaddafi's fall, the 2011 military intervention in Libya is considered as a failure due to the terrorist attacks since 2011. What would you have done to restore permanent democracy and security in the post-Gadaffi's Libya if you were President of the United States at the time?

Well I wouldn’t have intervened in the first place! That was such a bad move, we may have good intentions when it comes to military interventions but there are unintended consequences that come with it. We also operate under the false premise that after we topple the regime there are some democratic angels waiting to take over which is never true and now Libya is in chaos and overrun by radicals so we are now dealing with the consequences of our failed foreign policy. This is also a reason why Hillary Clinton cannot be re elected president and it would be kind of awkward if Senator Rubio and President Clinton found themselves in agreement on this issue. If you nominate me I will champion peace and diplomacy.

Rubio's response : I know that diplomacy is a great tool for peace promotion. But Congressman, I need to remind you that diplomacy has not been enough to defeat Hitler, to win World War II, to win the Cold War and to find and kill Osama Bin Laden.

And I'm astonished, Congressman, that, as a Libertarian, you don't seem to care about democracy. The only single reason why democracy is not permanent now in Libya is that we left the Libyan people on its own too early. If we did the opposite, the 4 U.S. Ambassadors killed in Benghazi would be alive today and terrorism would not have surged in Libya. By combining our forces with Libya's, we will defeat terrorism, thus saving freedom and democracy. Only democracy ensures security and stability because the people can trust their government due to a stronger integrity. We can't let the Mediterranean Sea become a terrorist lake.

-This morning, the SAVE Act, sponsored by Senator Rubio, passed the Congress and is signed into law. How this bill make a contribution to economic growth and to U.S. automobile industry's relaunch?

Well it won’t so a whole lot in my opinion. This is another example of crony capitalism and government picking winners and losers. It’s not the government's role to stimulate the economy, it's the government role to create an environment for success. This means lowering taxes across the board, getting rid of the red tape, and balancing the budget. It’s amazing that the Senator calls himself a believer in free markets when this goes blatantly against them so I think the american people will see through this. And on the issue of ethanol production, hemp is actually the cheapest way to produce ethanol and I think we ought to legalize it and allow the market to select the best method for production instead of some government bureaucrat choosing it. Senator Rubio also opposes this so I don’t think he knows a whole lot about ethanol or the free market in general.

Rubio's response : Well first of all Congressman, I'm the only one on this stage who is sitting in the U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship. I lived the American Dream and I spent all my career to establish pro-growth policies that created good-paying jobs whether it's in Florida or in Washington and I understand what it takes to revive free market and our economy and to create jobs. That's why businesspeople like Mitt Romney, Carly Fiorina, Meg Whitman, Rick Snyder, Nikki Haley and the Sununu family are endorsing me because they know that I am the only candidate in this race that has the best pro-growth agenda that will be able to save free market, to create jobs, to grow our economy, to get America back to work, to balance the budget and to reduce the deficit.

And I do not need any lectures from a man who opposes free market by voting YES on withdrawing from the WTO and by opposing free trade, especially NAFTA, free trade agreement with Chile, US-Singapore free trade agreement, US-Australia Free Trade Agreement, CAFTA and  free trade with Peru. Opposing free trade is not conservative because higher tariffs mean bigger government and more government intrusion in the economy. It also undermines our consumers' purchasing power, thus weakening consumption and consumption is an important element of economic growth. The Great Depression got longer and worse because of the legislation of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930 that increased tariffs and reduced American exports and imports, thus increasing unemployment rate from 8 % in 1930 to 25 % in 1932.

Secondly, you seem to have misunderstood me. The SAVE Act doesn't include subsidaries for ethanol. It includes tax credits for the companies investing on ethanol and tax credits mean lowering taxes and putting the government aside.

And I'm proud to support ethanol because it's good for our environment, for our air, for job creation, for our automobile industry and for the U.S. economy in general. I support ethanol because we need to use all of our sources of energy and because it also reduces our dependency upon foreign energy.

What would you suggest, Congressman? That we keep unwillingly funding terrorist groups by importing oil from countries in throes of terrorism because of our dependency on foreign oil? I refuse it. Energy independence will not only grow our economy, reinforce free market, create jobs and protect the environment but also weaken terrorist groups by depriving them of funds.

[Applause from the audience]

-How do you plan to help America progressing in the digital economy?

Well the best thing for the government to do is to stay out of it! The beautiful thing about the market is the innovation and technological advances, the greatest inventions and advancements came from free people who were allowed to unleash their creativity and keep the fruits of their labor. None of these advancements came from government or came from a bureaucrat ordering an innovation. When government stays out of the way great things can happen! One thing we can do is to lower the corporate tax rate to the lowest in the world and make the United States the best place in the world to start a business. If we do this all of the sudden the technology sector will leave China and Japan and come to America and we will have the greatest economy in the world.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Kingpoleon on November 05, 2016, 10:40:46 PM
-Recently, Tim Ashe created the Progressive Liberty Party, a party that seems to be becoming a viable third party. What do you think will be the effects of this launch?

I believe that a more diversified political landscape will be beneficial for our republic and our democracy and democracy has always been, still is and will always be a precious value that we're fighting for here and around the world for the sake of freedom, gender equality, security and liberty of press and opinion. That's why we fight terrorism. And here, in New York City, we are proud to have a great symbol of liberty : the Statue of Liberty that France gave us 100 years after the Declaration of Independence during a war when we defeated the most powerful empire and army of the world thanks to France's military help, thus getting us our national independence and freedom.

In addition of dividing the liberal vote and ensuring our victory in November, the Progressive Liberty Party's creation demonstrates that only the Republican Party represents the path to prosperity and restoration of the American Dream for all the American people, whether they are conservatives, independents, liberals, progressives or libertarians. We need to put the government aside in order to give the American people the right and freedom to prosper, to find a good-paying job and to found families which children will have the privilege to earn a better education and a bright future. If I'm President of the United States, in addition of reducing government spending, we will cut taxes for all the American people, including the middle class and poor people. By increasing oil drilling and production, we will ensure massive job creation and get the necessary revenues to develop renewable energies to create jobs while protecting the environment. It will also make a contribution in our fight against terrorism because it will make sure that we will stop unwillingly finance terrorist groups by importing oil from countries in throes of terrorism and this money won't fall into the wrong hands. Job creation will increase wages, thus reducing poverty and helping us reducing our deficit. Budget balance will help us developing our infrastructures thanks to a part of budget surpluses, which will help our future business owners to open, grow and expand new businesses, to produce, to innovate and to create jobs.

That's we will bring all the American people, including independents, liberals and progressives around our agenda while promoting conservative policies.

-Recently, Tim Ashe created the Progressive Liberty Party, a party that seems to be becoming a viable third party. What do you think will be the effects of this launch?

Well it's difficult to tell as of right now so we’ll see how things shake out. But ultimately I think it creates a great opportunity for our party this is right now splitting the democratic party in half and that really opens the door for us so we better not blow it. But I think this also highlights a deeper feeling that americans have about our political system. The american people are sick and tired of war, one of the founding principles of that party was a foreign policy that is against war and for peace and diplomacy which is great. But this party advocates for policies that cannot be payed for and will rack up our debt so the republican alternative should be free markets and liberty. I also think that if the Republican Party becomes the party that is against war and regime change then the Progressive Liberty Party will soon become history and I think we can accomplish this.

Officials Ashe-Monds response by Monds:

"Senator Rubio has once again made sweeping platitudes rather than direct answers. Our party is a party of ideas and direction, not mindless rambles from a man who can only repeat lines. If you care to recall, Senator Rubio said a comment about President Obama once. Governor Christie then accused him of using repetitive, sweeping, political lines and sound bites. Senator Rubio went on to repeat this same phrase three or four times.

"Senator Rubio's ideology of extreme belligerency, cutting taxes, and raising military spending while cutting no other spending is inflationary, adds to our debt, and is generally fiscally unsound. On social issues, he refuses to address gay marriage. He refuses an exception for abortion for the mother's health. He refuses background checks and mental tests. Senator Rubio is an extremist through and through.

"Congressman Paul implied that the Progressive Liberty Party is solely anti-war and fiscally irresponsible. We do not support fiscal irresponsibility. We support elimination of most welfare systems, a combination of Wyden-Bennett and BaucusCare, a basic income to those at or below 250% of the poverty line, erasure of artificial state lines on healthcare insurance, and universal healthcare for veterans, servicemen, their spouses, and their children(the last up until the age of 22).

"We support trade deals done one nation at a time. We support reform of the United Nations. We support a foreign policy doctrine involving rare military action but strong military action. We support increasing ties to growing nations like India, Germany, and Brazil. We support using diplomacy to democratize and stabilize nations like Brazil, India, Thailand, Turkey, and similar nations.

"We are not aged radicals who have insulted the members of the Libertarian Party who have joined us. We represent fresh ideas. While the ideas outlined above are those of my party, we support mavericks in our party. I'm a libertarian maverick in my party. People like David Cobb and Rocky Anderson would be solidly progressive mavericks if they joined. Others are centrist mavericks.

"The Progressive Liberty Union is neither Democratic nor Republican. It belongs neither with the left nor the right; it belongs neither to liberals nor conservatives; it belongs to America; it belongs to the American people. The NAACP, the HRC, the moderates, the libertarians: many different people in many different organizations support us.

"Senator Rubio, Congressman Paul, and President Clinton we expect all will continue to criticize us in the coming months. These forces of the status quo stand not with the American people. The forces of the people stand against us and against the American people. These people are afraid of true change, led neither by the G. O. P. or the left, but by the people. This is our battle cry, this is our call: We, the people, demand bold change!"

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: WashLibertarian on November 05, 2016, 10:42:07 PM
Ron Paul Rebuttal To Rubio Attacks Part 1

Rubio's response : So I suppose, Congressman, that you would have prefered to have Al Gore at the White House on 9/11 rather than George W. Bush.

[Applause from the audience]

If Al Gore was President on 9/11, not only the government would have been bigger, thus making our economy weaker, but terrorism would have been much stronger today and Bin Laden would have been alive today.

The reason why the World Trade Center was destroyed on 9/11 is because Bill Clinton missed the opportunity of killing Osama Bin Laden when he had the chance to do so in 1998. It's also because we didn't increase enough our security measures.

The attacks in San Bernardino demonstrated it in 2015. In December 2015, two radical Islamic terrorists killed 14 people and injured 22 others in San Bernardino and you know why, because some Senators in the Congress, including your son Rand Paul, voted in favor of weakening our surveillance program on June 2015, before the attacks in San Bernardino, thus putting our country in danger and encouraging terrorists to commit terrorist attacks on our soil and to kill Americans.

The reason why we managed to find and kill Bin Laden is because we launched the War on Terror and because we reinforced our security measures as well as our military. So I believe that if you were President on 9/11, much more Americans and much more innocent people around the world would be dead today.

And claiming that we created terrorist groups like Al Qaida or ISIS by engaging ourselves in the Middle East is simply not true. And Rudy Giuliani, who was mayor of New York City on 9/11 and who is sitting among this audience tonight even told you this during a debate in New Hampshire on January 2008.

Jihadists killed over 500 Americans before September 11, 2001, in the late 1960s. They have also killed people in Bali, in London. They have launched attacks in Germany.

If our military operations successfully helped us fighting terrorism and capturing or killing terrorist leaders like Bin Laden, then such a procedure can also work today to destroy ISIS and Al Qaida once and for all for the sake of international liberty, peace and stability.

Well personally I think they would both be terrible presidents and one of them was. This idea that George Bush didn't grow government is quite humorous I'm not sure Al Gore would have been able to top him. During Bush's Administration the department of education was doubled in size, we also created this massive bureaucracy called the Department of Homeland Security. We had all the information to deal with the threat on 9-11 but it was inefficiency in the bureaucracy that let it to go by. So what's our response it's to implement a massive bureaucracy that hasn't helped solve the problem and you can't be conservative and support these policies. You also support the unconstitutional NSA spying on Americans which is clearly outlawed in the constitution. We need to look at foreign policy through the eyes of the people we attack imagine if they were doing this to us imagine if china or Iran built a massive embassy the size of the Vatican in downtown New York and imagine Chinese soldiers routinely patrolled our streets. And China continuously bombed us and sometimes accidentally bombed a hospital or a wedding. I think it makes perfect sense why they hate us. They hate us because we bomb them. They hate us because we build military bases on there holy land. They hate us because we patrol the streets and claim to be protecting there national security I think it's time we have a foreign policy based on the golden rule.

Rubio's response : I agree that free trade can help us promoting liberty in countries oppressed by dictators.

But Congressman your statement claiming that we are dictating what kind of government other nations should have is absolutely wrong. That's not true.

We don't dictate to nations, we free nations from dictators.

But what you don't understand is there are unintended consequences that occur. We may think that we are doing them a service but often times we end up leaving the area in chaos from our interventions. In Libya we toppled Gaddafi and now Libya is in chaos, same thing in Iraq we intervened and opened the vacuum for ISIS to fill and it's not the United States role to police the world and eternally occupy the Middle East. But the worst thing about this is that it's all unconstitutional! The constitution says the congress has to declare war because when you don't the wars don't end that's why we have troops in 130 countries and we are bombing 8 countries simultaneously we have to quit this! Senator Rubio how many men have to die?! How many soldiers must come home wounded and with PTSD before you'll understand that this foreign policy had failed?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: WashLibertarian on November 05, 2016, 10:44:06 PM
Ron Paul Rebbutal to Rubio Attacks Part 2

Rubio's response : And yet you endorsed Ronald Reagan in 1976 and 1980 while you knew very well that he promised, even at that time, to increase defense budget in order to reinforce and moderize our military, thus helping us to promote peace through strength and to win the Cold War against the USSR. [Applause from the audience]

And peace through strength is exactly what I'm proposing, which requires making our military strong again, reinforcing our alliances, including around the Pacific, securing strategic and vital zones and establshing an anti-missile shield that will bring down any nuclear missile launched against us or our allies, thus ensuring peace, stability, freedom and territorial integrity in the Pacific.

I'm not exactly sure what this has to do with Reagan but I supported the message of Reagan but when we came to office the democratic congress blew the lid off the spending and it wasn't the spending that ended the Cold War it was diplomacy and open relations and trade with other nations. Reagan didn't end the Cold War by warmongering or nation building that's not how you promote peace

Rubio's response : I know that diplomacy is a great tool for peace promotion. But Congressman, I need to remind you that diplomacy has not been enough to defeat Hitler, to win World War II, to win the Cold War and to find and kill Osama Bin Laden.

And I'm astonished, Congressman, that, as a Libertarian, you don't seem to care about democracy. The only single reason why democracy is not permanent now in Libya is that we left the Libyan people on its own too early. If we did the opposite, the 4 U.S. Ambassadors killed in Benghazi would be alive today and terrorism would not have surged in Libya. By combining our forces with Libya's, we will defeat terrorism, thus saving freedom and democracy. Only democracy ensures security and stability because the people can trust their government due to a stronger integrity. We can't let the Mediterranean Sea become a terrorist lake.

The conditions that led to world war 2 were created because of the peace treaty established after world war 1 and it dumped a lot of blame and financial responsibility on Germany and this led to someone like Hitler being able to appeal to nationalism and come to power. If we hadn't intervened in world war 1 or if we negotiated a better peace treaty the name Adolf Hitler would mean nothing. My argument is that if we are going to go to war we have to declare it constitutionally and we have to commit to winning. Senator Rubio if we didn't have a military base or an embassy in Libya no Americans would have died your foreign policy is going to lead to more Americans dying it's going to lead to a skyrocketing national debt and it's going to increase terrorism against the United States. It's time we quit this and stop these wars!

Rubio's response : Well first of all Congressman, I'm the only one on this stage that is sitting in the U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship. I lived the American Dream and I spent all my career to establish pro-growth policies that created good-paying jobs whether it's in Florida or in Washington and I understand what it takes to revive free market and our economy and to create jobs. That's why businesspeople like Mitt Romney, Carly Fiorina, Meg Whitman, Rick Snyder, Nikki Haley and the Sununu family are endorsing me because they know that I am the only candidate in this race that has the best pro-growth agenda that will be able to save free market, to create jobs, to grow our economy, to get America back to work, to balance the budget and to reduce the deficit.

And I do not need any lectures from a man who opposes free market by voting YES on withdrawing from the WTO and by opposing free trade, especially NAFTA, free trade agreement with Chile, US-Singapore free trade agreement, US-Australia Free Trade Agreement, CAFTA and  free trade with Peru. Opposing free trade is not conservative because higher tariffs mean bigger government and more government intrusion in the economy. It also undermines our consumers' purchasing power, thus weakening consumption and consumption is an important element of economic growth. The Great Depression got longer and worse because of the legislation of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930 that increased tariffs and reduced American exports and imports, thus increasing unemployment rate from 8 % in 1930 to 25 % in 1932.

Secondly, you seem to have misunderstood me. The SAVE Act doesn't include subsidaries for ethanol. It includes tax credits for the companies investing on ethanol and tax credits mean lowering taxes and putting the government aside.

And I'm proud to support ethanol because it's good for our environment, for our air, for job creation, for our automobile industry and for the U.S. economy in general. I support ethanol because we need to use all of our sources of energy and because it also reduces our dependency upon foreign energy.

What would you suggest, Congressman? That we keep unwillingly funding terrorist groups by importing oil from countries in throes of terrorism because of our dependency on foreign oil? I refuse it. Energy independence will not only grow our economy, reinforce free market, create jobs and protect the environment but also weaken terrorist groups by depriving them of funds.

[Applause from the audience]

Well here we go again on the free trade thing. I am the biggest supporter of free trade in the country I want to get rid of all the tariffs on our imported and exported goods. The reason I oppose deals like NAFTA is because of the hidden provisions and unfair advantages given to certain countries or goods. You don't need a trade deal to do free trade you just need the government to get out of the way. I never said I didn't support ethanol I argued that certain companies shouldn't get unfair advantages for using ethanol produced in a certain way. I also advocated for allowing us to decriminalize hemp and allow us to produce ethanol from hemp. And Senator I think you would know a lot about funding terrorists since you vote for weapons deals that give terrorists access to weapons so you can't have it both ways

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on November 05, 2016, 11:23:48 PM
Marco Rubio's debate responses to Ron Paul's attacks, Part 3


-Paul: Well here we go again on the free trade thing. I am the biggest supporter of free trade in the country I want to get rid of all the tariffs on our imported and exported goods. The reason I oppose deals like NAFTA is because of the hidden provisions and unfair advantages given to certain countries or goods. You don't need a trade deal to do free trade you just need the government to get out of the way. I never said I didn't support ethanol I argued that certain companies shouldn't get unfair advantages for using ethanol produced in a certain way. I also advocated for allowing us to decriminalize hemp and allow us to produce ethanol from hemp. And Senator I think you would know a lot about funding terrorists since you vote for weapons deals that give terrorists access to weapons so you can't have it both ways

-Senator Rubio's response : That's false, Congressman. I never supported any bill that gave terrorists access to weapons.

Actually I introduced a bill named the Terror Intelligence Improvement Act that is aimed at keeping guns away from suspected terrorists. I think we all agree on such procedure because that's the right way to protect our constitutional and inviolable Second Amendment while disallowing suspected terrorists to get weapons and to kill innocent people.

So I believe it's time for you, Congressman, to stop lying about my record. It's not a badge of honour.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: WashLibertarian on November 05, 2016, 11:44:03 PM
Ron Paul Rebuttal to Rubio Attacks Part 3

-Senator Rubio's response : That's false, Congressman. I never supported any bill that gave terrorists access to weapons.

Actually I introduced a bill named the Terror Intelligence Improvement Act that is aimed at keeping guns away from suspected terrorists. I think we all agree on such procedure because that's the right way to protect our constitutional and inviolable Second Amendment while disallowing suspected terrorists to get weapons and to kill innocent people.

So I believe it's time for you, Congressman, to stop misleading my record. It's not a badge of honour.

Well that's another lie Senator Rubio, on September 21, 2016 you voted for 1.15 billion dollars in military funding to Saudi Arabia and we know now that Saudi Arabia was complicit in funding and supporting the 9-11 attacks so Senator you can't have it both ways you can't say that you want to fight terrorism but you vote for bills that fund nations who support terrorism I say not one penny to the nations who hate us and burn our flag!

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: WashLibertarian on November 06, 2016, 01:28:14 AM
Ron Paul schedule April 19-25, 2020

April 19, 2020
-Fly to Illinois
-Rally in Chicago
-Poverty Speech in Chicago
-Town Hall in Chicago
-Drive to Aurora
-Foreign Policy Speech in Aurora
-Twitter Q&A
-Townhall in Aurora
-Dinner with supporters

April 20, 2020
-Drive to Joliet
-Rally in Joliet
-Doorknock with supporters in Joliet
-Townhall in Joliet
-Economic Policy Speech in Joliet
-Drive to Rockford
-Rally in Rockford
-Townhall in Rockford
-Personal Liberty speech in Rockford

April 21, 2020
-Fly to Ohio
-Rally in Cleveland
-Build ground infrastructure
-Townhall in Cleveland
-Education Speech in Cleveland
-2nd TownHall in Cleveland
-Lunch with supporters
-Drive to Columbus
-Rally in Columbus
-Trade Speech in Columbus
-Townhall in Columbus

April 22, 2020
-Drive to Cincinnati
-Twitter Q&A
-Rally in Cincinnati
-Townhall in Cincinnati
-doorknock with supporters
-Foreign Policy Speech in Cincinnati
-2nd Townhall in Cincinnati
-Dinner with supporters

April 23, 2020
-Fly to Maine
-Rally in Augusta
-Doorknock with supporters in Augusta
-Townhall in Augusta
-Healthcare speech in Augusta
-Build Ground infrastructure in Augusta
-Education Speech in Augusta
-2nd Townhall in Augusta
-Dinner with supporters

April 24, 2020
-Drive to Portland
-Rally in Portland
-Economic Speech in Portland
-Establish ground infrastructure in Portland
-Townhall in Portland
-Trade Policy Speech in Portland
-Drive to Lewiston
-Rally in Lewiston
-Townhall in Lewiston
-Role of government speech in Lewiston
-build ground infrastructure in Lewiston

April 25, 2020
-Fly to New York
-Rally in NYC
-Build ground infrastructure in NYC
-Townhall in NYC
-Economic Policy Speech in NYC
-Meet with college voters at NYU
-Personal Liberty Speech at NYU
-Townhall at NYU
-Townhall in NYC
-Education Speech in NYC

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on November 06, 2016, 03:20:33 AM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now, Part 2
Schedule for the week of April 19, 2020-April 25, 2020

April 20, 2020
-Flight to Cleveland, Ohio
-Speech at the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in Cleveland, OH
-Marco Rubio barnstorms across the West 25th Street in Cleveland, OH, in an effort to attract Hispanic voters.
-Speech at the African American Cultural Garden in Cleveland, OH, in an effort to woo African-American voters.
-Economic policy speech at Cliffs Natural Resources headquarters in Cleveland, OH
-Space policy speech at Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, OH
-Meet with college voters at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, OH
-Dinner with voters at the West Side Market in Cleveland, OH
-Speech at Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland, OH
-Foreign policy speech at Cleveland State University in Cleveland, OH
-Rally at FirstEnergy Stadium in Cleveland, OH, alongside Mitt Romney :

Thank you, Ohio.

Time has come to put an end at almost 30 years of big government and to encourage free enterprise in order to promote economic freedom and competitiveness and economic prosperity.
Ohio is the most crucial battleground state for victory on November. Senator Marco Rubio represents a great example of this matter of fact : he will lead us to victory by doing what I couldn't have, which is attracting Hispanic votes and all other ethnic votes and by countering Hillary Clinton's disastrous foreign policy record through his foreign policy experience and knowledge.

I spent 25 years in the private sector and I know what it takes to get small business growing again and to make America working again to make it the best place in the world to open a new business. Marco Rubio lived the American Dream and he understands the meaning of hard-working. He's a member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship. He understands what it takes to grow the economy, to create jobs and to ensure permanent economic prosperity in America.

He will do so by cutting taxes for all the American people and by leading us to energy independence through taking full advantage of our oil and coal and gas and nuclear and renewables. As President of the United States, Marco Rubio will give our fellow citizens the skills they need for the jobs of today and the careers of tomorrow. When it comes to the school your child will attend, every parent should have a choice, and every child should have a chance. President Marco Rubio will make trade work for America by forging new trade agreements. Just like me, he knows that job creation will increase wages, which will help us to reduce our deficit and to balance the budget. President Rubio will champion businesses of all sizes, including small business, America's engine of job growth. Once our budget balanced under the Rubio administration, a part of budget surpluses will be used into the development of infrastructures, which will ensure the implementation of new businesses, thus bringing further innovation and job creation.

Tomorrow, we're going to make Marco Rubio our nominee for President of the United States and we will start the real fight for America's unity, security and prosperity. Vote Rubio tomorrow and he will defend with ardour America's status as the strongest economy in the world and he will restore the American Dream on the land of opportunity.

Thank you! God bless Marco Rubio and God bless America.

-Trade policy at the Port of Cleveland in Cleveland, OH
-Energy policy speech at NACCO Industries Inc. headquarters in Cleveland, OH
-Fundraising event at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in Cleveland, OH
-Speech at the James A. Garfield Memorial in Cleveland, OH
-Meet with college voters at the University of Toledo in Cleveland, OH, where the Florida Senator manages to recruit several young volunteers
-Economic policy speech at Jeep headquarters in Toledo, OH
-Rally at the Huntington Center in Toledo, OH, alongside John Kasich :

Marco Rubio and I were opponents not only once but twice. Now I'm endorsing him because I like him and because he is our best chance of winning the White House. Just like I did during my eight years as Governor of Ohio, Marco Rubio will diversify our economy by increasing oil drilling and production and use a part of revenues from oil drilling to develop renewable energies, thus ensuring the environment's protection while encouraging economic growth and job creation.
As a former member of the House Armed Services Committee, I know that Marco Rubio will keep us safe by modernizing and reinforcing our military, consolidating and expanding our alliances, defeat terrorism through military strength, promote freedom and democracy, stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons and supporting terrorism and restore international territorial integrity.

Ohio has always been the key to the White House. We must win this state at all costs. That's why I will campaign for Marco Rubio all across Ohio and I will help him to win this state and its 18 great electors, thus making him the next President of the United States of America. Every vote, especially here in Ohio, counts so I'm asking for your vote in favor of Marco Rubio, the leader for the 21st century.

Thank you. God bless you and God bless America.

-Fundraising at Hollywood Casino Toledo in Toledo, OH

April 21, 2020
-Breakfast with voters at Tony Packo's Cafe in Toledo, OH
-Foreign policy speech at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, OH
-Rally with voters at Nutter Center in Dayton, OH
-Meet with college voters at the University of Dayton in Dayton, OH
-Bus trip to Columbus, OH
-Education policy speech in Columbus, OH
-Manufacturing policy speech in Columbus, OH
-Meet with college voters at the Ohio State University in Columbus, OH
-Rally at the Ohio Stadium in Columbus, OH
-Speech at Southern Theatre in Columbus, OH
-Economic policy speech at Nationwide Arena in Columbus, OH
-Speech at Columbus Museum of Art in Columbus, OH
-Agricultural speech at Franklin Park Conservatory and Botanical Gardens in Columbus, OH
-Bus trip to Cincinnati, OH
-Speech at the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center in Cincinnati, OH, in an effort to attract African-American voters
-Meet with college voters at the University of Cincinnati in Cincinnati, OH
-Freedom of religion speech at the Isaac M. Wise Temple in Cincinnati, OH, in an effort to woo Jewish voters
-Speech at the Duke Energy Convention Center in Cincinnati, OH
-Rally with supporters at the Cincinnatian Hotel in Cincinnati, OH, to watch the voting results in the Ohio, Illinois, North Carolina and Maine primaries and caucuses

April 22-24 will come after the results in Ohio, Illinois, North Carolina and Maine

Surrogate schedule

April 20, 2020
-Tim Scott campaigns for Marco Rubio in Charlotte, North Carolina
-In an effort to attract the African-American vote for Marco Rubio, Tim Scott slams Ron Paul for his newsletters contained material that later proved controversial and reflected racist, anti-Semitic, and homophobic bigotry. He claims that it demonstrates that the African-American community can't trust the Texas Congressman and that it would undermine the Republican Party's chances of attracting black voters.

We are the party of Lincoln and unlike Congressman Paul, Marco Rubio is the only presidential candidate in this race that understands it. He will improve the African-American community's living conditions by promoting school choice. He will improve relations between the black community and the police by providing better job training for police officiers, thus making sure that they will act the right way. That's why we need to elect Marco Rubio to be the President of every single American.

Thank you. God bless the African-American community, God bless Marco Rubio and God bless the United States of America.

-Paul Ryan campaigns for Marco Rubio in Chicago, Illinois
-Paul Ryan gives an economic policy speech at South Chicago Chamber of Commerce in Chicago, IL, where he praises Marco Rubio's economic agenda
-Bruce Raunner campaigns for Marco Rubio in Springfield, IL
-Scott Walker campaigns for Marco Rubio in Rockford, IL
-Mike Pence gives a foreign policy speech in Aurora, IL, where he praises Rubio's foreign policy agenda
-Joe Lieberman campaigns for Marco Rubio in Brunswick, Maine
-Joe Lieberman slams Ron Paul for his newsletters contained material that later proved controversial and reflected racist, anti-Semitic, and homophobic bigotry :

It's no wonder that Congressman Paul doesn't want to stand with our allies, including Israel. He doesn't have the courage to do so and wants to let the people of Israel in the throes of Iran. If we let Iran getting nuclear weapons, Israel will be destroyed by Iran and a very very important portion of the worldwide Jewish population will be killed, which would be a genocide. We can't allow this. The Jewish people can't trust Ron Paul to lead this country. So I'm asking for the Jewish voters to go to the polls in order to beat Ron Paul tomorrow night, to make Marco Rubio our presidential nominee and to make him the next President of the United States so he will stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons, ensure America's survival, Israel's survival and the Jewish people's survival. He will make our country safe by fighting and reinforcing our military and our alliances and destroying international terrorism.

Thank you. God bless the Jewish people and God bless the United States of America.

-Susan Collins campaigns for Marco Rubio in Portland, ME

April 21, 2020
-Rob Portman campaigns for Marco Rubio in Toledo, OH
-Mitt Romney campaigns for Marco Rubio in Cincinnati, OH
-John Kasich campaigns for Marco Rubio in Columbus, OH
-Mike Pence campaigns for Marco Rubio in Cleveland, OH
-Richard Burr campaigns for Marco Rubio in Charlotte, North Carolina
-Richard Burr campaigns for Marco Rubio in Greensboro, NC
-Jim Webb gives a foreign policy speech at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC, where he praises Marco Rubio's foreign policy agenda.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 06, 2016, 10:38:01 AM

CNN America's Choice theme :

Wolf Blitzer : « Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to CNN's coverage of the Republican primaries and caucuses in Ohio, Illinois, North Carolina and Maine. »


John King : « It's 8 pm and we can project that Senator Marco Rubio leads largely in Maine. »

Maine Caucuses - 25 % reported
Marco Rubio : 76 %
Ron Paul : 17 %

Anderson Cooper : « It's 8 : 15 pm and while Ron Paul wins three counties in the North of Maine, Rubio wins the Kennebec and Cumberland counties (respectively Augusta's and Portland's locations). »

Maine Caucuses - 50 % reported
Marco Rubio : 78 %
Ron Paul : 19 %

Wolf Blitzer : « It's 8 : 30 pm and Marco Rubio sweeps most of the western and southern counties. »

Maine Caucuses - 75 % reported
Marco Rubio : 79 %
Ron Paul : 20 %

John King : « It's 8 : 45 pm and we can project that Marco Rubio wins the Maine caucuses and all the 22 delegates. »

Maine Caucuses - 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 79 %, 22 delegates ✔
Ron Paul : 21 %, 0 delegate



John King : « Now let's take a look at the Ohio primary. Marco Rubio sweeps all Ohio's eastern counties, including the Cuyahoga county (Cleveland's location). »

Ohio Primary- 25 % reported
Marco Rubio : 76 %
Ron Paul : 16 %

Anderson Cooper : « It's 9 pm. And we can project that Senator Rubio dominates in all Ohio's northern anc center counties, including in the Lucas county (Toledo's location) and in the Franklin county (Columbus' location). »

Ohio Primary- 50 % reported
Marco Rubio : 79 %
Ron Paul : 15 %

Wolf Blitzer : « It's 9 : 15 pm and Marco Rubio sweeps all the southern counties in Ohio, including the Montgomery county (Dayton's location) and the Hamilton county, (Cincinnati's location). »

Ohio Primary- 75 % reported
Marco Rubio : 84 %
Ron Paul : 14 %

Wolf Blitzer : « It's 9 : 30 pm and we can project that Marco Rubio wins the Ohio primary and all the 65 delegates, thus winning enough delegates to clinch the Republican nomination for President of the United States. »

Ohio Primary- 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 85 %, 65 delegates ✔
Ron Paul : 15 %, 0 delegate




Wolf Blitzer : « So that's right, Florida Senator Marco Rubio just clinched the Republican nomination for President of the United States. He now has 1228 delegates, which is 9 more delegates than the 1219 delegates needed to win the nomination, thus making Marco Rubio the Republican nominee for President of the United States. This is a historic day because Senator Rubio just became the first Hispanic to become the nominee of one of the two major parties. »

John King : « So now he can focus on the general election campaign and investing all his attacks against Hillary Clinton and Tim Ashe. By securing the nomination early, he earned more time to campaign around the country, to raise money and to broadcast T.V. ads. »

Anderson Cooper : « And according to some polls, he could beat George W. Bush's 2004 record in attracting Hispanic voters. Recently, Senator Rubio is winning among Hispanics with over 50 % of the Hispanics' voting intentions. I think it will be interesting to see a Hispanic facing a woman. »


Wolf Blitzer : « Let's look at the North Carolina primary. Marco Rubio, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, sweeps all North Carolina's western counties, including the Mecklenburg county (Charlotte's location). »

North Carolina Primary- 25 % reported
Marco Rubio : 78 %
Ron Paul : 14 %

John King : « It's 9 : 45 pm and Marco Rubio wins all the center counties, including in Durham as well as in the Guilford county (Greensboro's location) and the Wake county (Raleigh's location). »

North Carolina Primary- 50 % reported
Marco Rubio : 81 %
Ron Paul : 15 %

Anderson Cooper : « It's 10 pm and Marco Rubio dominates in all the eastern counties. »

North Carolina Primary- 75 % reported
Marco Rubio : 82 %
Ron Paul : 17 %

Anderson Cooper : « It's 10 : 15 pm and Marco Rubio wins the North Carolina primary. »

North Carolina Primary- 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 82 %, 65 delegates ✔
Ron Paul : 18 %, 6 delegates



Wolf Blitzer : « Now we turn our attention to the Illinois primary. Senator Rubio wins all Illinois' northern counties, including the Cook county (Chicago's location), the Kane county (Aurora's location) and the Winnebago county (Rockford's location). »

Illinois Primary- 25 % reported
Marco Rubio : 77 %
Ron Paul : 17 %

John King : « It's 10 : 30 pm and Rubio sweeps all the center counties, including the Sangamon county (Springfield's location). »

Illinois Primary- 50 % reported
Marco Rubio : 81 %
Ron Paul : 15 %

Anderson Cooper : « It's 10 : 45 pm and Marco Rubio dominates in all Illinois' southern counties. »

Illinois Primary- 75 % reported
Marco Rubio : 82 %
Ron Paul : 16 %

Wolf Blitzer : « It's 11 pm and we can project that Marco Rubio easily wins the Illinois primary, beating Ron Paul with 84 % of the vote and all the 69 delegates while the former Texas Congressman got only 16 % of the vote and 0 delegate. »

Illinois Primary- 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 84 %, 69 delegates ✔
Ron Paul : 16 %, 0 delegate


Wolf Blitzer : « So tonight, the race for the Republican nomination is over. With 1362 delegates, Florida Senator Marco Rubio clinched the Republican nomination for President of the United States. He will be nominated at the Republican National Convention in Las Vegas next July and he will become the Republican presidential nominee. So thank you ladies and gentlemen for watching. We'll see you tomorrow morning. »

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 06, 2016, 01:06:54 PM
Republican Party Presidential Primaries, 2020 - Map and Delegate Count


Marco Rubio : 1362 delegates ✔
Ron Paul : 24 delegates
Paul Ryan : 304 delegates
Tom Cotton : 97 delegates
James Comey : 4 delegates

1219 delegates needed to win the nomination

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on November 06, 2016, 08:21:19 PM
Marco Rubio's victory speech in Cincinnati, Ohio, as the Republican presumptive presidential nominee

Thank you. Thank you Ohio, Illinois, North Carolina and Maine. I am thankful of the support you gave to our campaign during a long and intense primary race. Tonight, thanks to your support, we have won enough delegates to give me the great privilege and the great honor to proudly announce to you that I will be the Republican nominee for President of the United States of America.

Thank you for all the Republicans, Independents and disaffected Democrats who supported our campaign, brought us to victory and allowed us to start the campaign for the general election. I congratulate Congressman Paul for the campaign he led.

I want to thank my family : my wife Jeanette and my children Amanda, Daniella, Dominick and Anthony as well as my mother Oriales and our dear friends for their contribution to our victory and for the contribution they will give to our victory and to America's victory on next Election Day through love, compassion and conviction.

I also want to thank all my former rivals for the nomination Paul Ryan, Tom Cotton, Ron Paul, James Comey, Cory Gardner, Joni Ernst, John Kasich and Tim Scott for their contribution for America's cause by participating in this race and bringing up great ideas that will boost our party as well as the whole country and you know why because we are a party of ideas. Now I'm thanking them for their support to our campaign because right here right now time has come for us to work together in order to convince the American people that we represent the solution to Hillary Clinton's record of disappointment, lies, corruption, economic depression, growing terrorist threat and national division. By working together, we will bring the American people together by offering them real solutions to our challenges, we will beat Hillary Clinton on next November and we will finally, after twelve dark years, get America on the right direction by making this country more united, more prosperous, safer, freer and prouder than ever before.

Hace sesenta y cuatro años, mis padres vine a América en busca de mejores condiciones de vida y mejores oportunidades económicas. Ellos no hablaba ni una palabra de inglés, y no tenían acceso a la educación y viven de cheque en cheque. Pero, gracias al empeño del un barman y una ama de llaves, ellos crear mejores vidas para sus hijos. Es una historia fabulosa del Sueño Americano que representa un ejemplo de nuestro deber para nuestro país : reforzar nuestra prosperidad económica y garantizar que nuestro niños dos estarán la más próspera generación de estadounidenses.

I take the responsibilities I incur as the nominee of our party, I give you my word and I will keep it. We are tired of broken promises and depression. This election, like any other, must be about the future.

Hillary Clinton's big government policies that include high taxes and regulations weakened our people's purchasing power as well as our companies' ability to produce and hire, cost millions of jobs, offshored some of our jobs and companies overseas, made us more dependent on foreign oil, reduced our economic competitiveness through protectionism and raised our deficit at over 20 trillion $.

The next President must take the responsibility of restoring the American Dream and our economic prosperity by lowering taxes for all the American people to reinforce their purchasing power as well as consumption, a great element of economic growth, by leading us to energy independence through taking advantage of our oil, gas, coal, nuclear, wind, solar and renewable energies, by promoting free trade to reduce tariffs and the cost of trading and to make us competitive in the global economy, by reforming our education system through school choice and giving Americans the necessary skills for the jobs of today and tomorrow, by balancing the budget and reducing the deficit through job creation and increased wages, by championing businesses to encourage innovation, production, progress and job creation and by developing our infrastructures through a part of future budget surpluses in order to encourage the implementation of new businesses here in the United States, a country that will reclaim his status as the best place in the world to open a new business and to prosper. Unlike Hillary Clinton, I will take this responsibility. And I will campaign to repeal Obamacare and replace it by a better health care reform that will make health care more accessible to more Americans through reforms that will lower costs in the health care industry, which will reinforce the world's best medical care quality.

Hillary Clinton's weak foreign policy made the world more dangerous than ever before. Terrorism has expanded in the Middle East and North Africa and jihadists multiplied their cowardly terrorist attacks against our allies and against us, including in Hawaii and in Chicago. Iran is closer than ever before from getting nuclear weapons, North Korea seeks to trigger an arms race and a nuclear war on the Pacific, China is violating South China Sea's territorial integrity just as Russia is doing for Eastern Europe in addition of supporting tyrannical regimes like Bachar al-Assad's that is undermining peace, stability and freedom in the Middle East.

The next President must take the responsibility of keeping our country as well as the whole world safe, which means restructuring our security measures, our intelligence, our diplomacy and our military, standing with our allies by reinforcing and expanding our alliances as I did through the Bipartisan Counterterrorist Coalition Act, using all the necessary military force to fight and defeat international terrorism and securing strategic zones in the world in order to prevent wars from triggering, to ensure stability as well as peace through strength and to defend territorial integrity. Unlike Hillary Clinton, I will take this responsibility with courage, conviction, patriotism and determination.

My fellow Americans, November 3 2020 will mark a new beginning for our country. November 3 2020 will mark the beginning of a New American Century that will bring great and decisive change for our country and a future that will lead us to permanent economic prosperity, stronger national and international security and stronger national unity here on the land of opportunity and we need this future right here right now and we will campaign over the next few months all across this beautiful and formidable country to make sure that you will earn this bright future.

Gracias. God bless you all. God bless the United States of America.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on November 06, 2016, 10:38:52 PM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now, Part 3
Schedule for the week of April 19, 2020-April 25, 2020

April 22, 2020
-Breakfast with the voters at the Cincinnatian Hotel in Cincinnati, OH
-Rally with voters at Nippert Stadium in Cincinnati, OH
-Barnstorm in Sharonville, OH
-Economic policy speech at Sharonville Transmission in Sharonville, OH
-Flight to Cleveland, OH
-Rally at the Fountain of Eternal Life in Cleveland, OH
-Fundraising event at the Cleveland Museum of Art in Cleveland, OH
-Economic policy speech at the General Tire and Rubber Company headquarters in Akron, OH
-Meet with college voters at the University of Akron in Akron, OH
-Energy policy speech at FirstEnergy Corporation headquarters in Akron, OH

April 23, 2020
-Economic policy speech before college voters at the University of Akron College of Business Administration in Akron, OH
-Fundraising event at the Goodyear Polymer Center in Akron, OH
-Speech at the Akron-Summit Public Library in Akron, OH
-Flight to Miami, Florida
-Barnstorm in Miami, FL
-Organize « Hispanics for Rubio »

« Hispanics for Rubio » announced

Senator Rubio is proud to announce the formation of Hispanics for Rubio. The committee, chaired by sugar businessman José Pepe Fanjul, will aim to reach Hispanic voters by convincing them that Rubio's immigration policy, education plan and economic agenda will be beneficial for the Hispanic community. Fanjul will have full autonomy over the program.

-Flight to Washington D.C.
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

April 24, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

April 25, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.
-Flight to New York City, NY

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 06, 2016, 11:12:02 PM
Round 31 : April 26, 2020-May 2, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 06, 2016, 11:29:02 PM
New polls

Because Florida Senator Marco Rubio has clinched the Republican presidential nomination, there is no need to publicize Republican primary polls. Now all the polls will be focusing on the general election campaign. Rubio's nomination seems to have boosted the Florida Senator in the polls against Hillary Clinton and Tim Ashe. This must also be due to his ability of attracting Hispanic voters, Independents and even Democrats disappointed of Clinton's leadership. Next week, polls will be released in battleground states.

General Election Polls

Hillary Clinton vs Marco Rubio vs Tim Ashe

Marco Rubio : 50 %
Hillary Clinton : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on November 07, 2016, 06:07:12 AM
Ashe/Monds 2020
Taking America Back

Schedule for April 26-May 2 2020

April 26
-Fly to Vermont
-Unveil PLP National Committee

Chair: Former Secretary of State John Kerry

Vice Chairs:
Former Vice President Al Gore

Senator Elizabeth Warren


Former Governor and 2020 Senate nominee Gary Johnson

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell

Executive Director: Representative Tulsi Gabbard

Treasurer: Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich

Secretary: Senator Bernie Sanders

Communications Director: Mr Richard Trumka, President of the AFL-CIO

National Finance Chair: Mr Bill Gates

Advisors: Ms Shailene Woodley, former Senator Sherrod Brown, Governor Joe Kennedy, Former Governor Jesse Ventura, General Wesley Clark

-Fly to California
-Rally in Los Angeles, California  with Shailene Woodley, Mark Ruffalo and Viggo Mortensen.
I supported Bernie four years ago. I decided to vote for Clinton because it was too dangerous to vote third party. Not this year. Tim Ashe has energized this nation, and this new party can help America. I support Tim Ashe for President!
Mortensen explained his vote for Jill Stein in 2016, and why he once again was supporting a third party. Ruffalo likewise said that he supported Ashe for the same reasons he supported Sanders four years ago.
-Town Hall with John Monds in San Francisco, California

April 27
-Fly to Illinois
-Campaign for Wesley Clark's Senate bid

April 28
-Fly to New Mexico
-Campaign for Gary Johnson's Senate bid

April 29
-Fly to Michigan
-Meet with factory workers in Detroit, Michigan
-Barnstorm in Lake County, Michigan
-Barnstorm in Saint Joseph County, Michigan
-Barnstorm in Huron County, Michigan

April 30
-Fly to Massachusetts
-Rally on Harvard Law School campus with Professor Lawrence Lessing. Lessig hammered both Clinton and Rubio over their use of PACs and SuperPACs, stating that a proper candidate should rely on proper, grasroots methods of raising money
-Fly to Vermont
-Rally with Mayor Miro Weinberger in Burlington, Vermont. Weinberger called Ashe the successor to Sanders' legacy, emphasizing  the work  that Bernie did for the state and the city.
-Speech to members of the Vermont Progressive Party in Montpelier, Vermont. Ashe announced that if he gained approval from the VPP, he would run on a fusion PLP/VPP ticket.

May 1
-Conference call with Australian Prime Minister Bill Shorten and UK Opposition Leader Jeremy Corbyn. Both endorsed Ashe for President during the call
-Fly to New York
-Discuss former SoS Colin Powell's possible run for Mayor of New York City in 2021
-Rally in Manhattan, New York with Former Mayor Bill de Blasio
-Town Hall in the Bronx, New York

May 2
-Fly to Wisconsin
-Rally in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with Sens. Feingold and Baldwin
-Barnstorm in Jefferson County, Wisconsin
-Barnstorm in La Crosse County, Wisconsin
-Rally in Madison, Wisconsin with John Monds

Schedule for John Monds

April 26-April 30
-Barnstorm in Virginia, North Carolina and Kentucky

May 1-May 2
-Campaign  for Gov. Johnson and Gen. Clark

Surrogate schedule

Jesse Ventura will campaign in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Ohio (Gary Johnson has been relieved of his duties as surrogate to focus on his Senate campaign)

The Environmental Team (Joined by Former President Carter)will campaign in Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine, emphasizing Ashe's pro-environment platform (Former VP Gore is being detached to campaign for Gen. Clark)

The Progressive Team (joined by former VP Mondale and Rep. Conyers) will campaign in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Indiana, launching heavy attacks on free trade.

The Economics Team will campaign in California, Washington, and Oregon, emphasizing Ashe's economic agenda and how it will benefit  all Americans

The Governors' Team will campaign in Pennsylvania, Virginia and Maryland (Gov. Kennedy is being detached to campaign for Gov. Johnson)

The Senators' Team will campaign in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Indiana, touring areas hit hard by the economic downturn since 2000.

The Veterans' Team will campaign in New Mexico, Colorado and Nevada, touting Ashe's success with the Help for Heroes Act.

The Fundraising Team will hold fundraisers in Florida, Georgia and Louisiana. In addition, Bill Maher will be detached to hold stand-up shows in New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts. All events  will be low-cost affairs.

Richard Trumka will lead efforts by all Union personnel in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Massachusetts, where they will attemtp to rally blue-collar support for Ashe

Snowden will be sending out tweets in support of Ashe.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: WashLibertarian on November 08, 2016, 10:15:57 AM
Ron Paul Campaign Announcement

Good evening I am here tonight to announce my independent candidacy for the presidency. It seems that the Republican Party no longer can advance the ideas of conservatism and libertarianism. I am doing this too turn things around. No one is willing to stand up for consistently small government. No one is willing to stand up for consistent spending cuts and balanced budgets. No one is willing to stand up for peace and diplomacy as opposed to war. I am here to stand up against the powers of tyranny and big government. It's time we get our country back, it's time for a revolution

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on November 08, 2016, 02:22:27 PM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now, Part 1
Schedule for the week of April 26, 2020-May 2, 2020

April 26, 2020
-Speech at Madison Square Garden in New York City, NY
-Foreign policy speech at the Unisphere in New York City, NY
-Economic policy speech at Verizon Communications Inc. headquarters in New York City, NY
-Education policy speech in New York City, NY
-Meet with college voters at the Columbia University in New York City, NY
-Speech at the Brooklyn Museum in New York City, NY
-Fundraising event at Barclays Center in New York City, NY
-Immigration policy speech at the Puerto Rican Traveling Theatre in New York City, NY
-Speech at the New York State Coalition of Hispanic Chambers of Commerce in New York City, NY
-Barnstorm at Little Italy in New York City, NY
-National unity and counterterrorist policy speech at the National Seeptember 11 Memorial & Museum in New York City, NY
-Barnstorm at Manhattan’s Chinatown in New York City, NY

April 27, 2020

-Meet with college voters at the State University of New York at Albany, NY
-Fundraising event at the Palace Theatre in Albany, NY
-Economic policy speech at the Port of Albany-Rensselaer in Albany, NY
-Social security policy speech at Delaware North Companies in Buffalo, NY
-Dinner with voters st John Young's Wings 'n Things in Buffalo, NY
-Fundraising event at KeyBank Center in Buffalo, NY
-Foreign policy speech at the Buffalo and Erie County Naval & Military Park in Buffalo, NY
-Meet with college voters at the State University of New York at Buffalo, NY
-Speech at Coca-Cola Field in Buffalo, NY
-Bus trip to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
-Build campaign infrastructure in Pennsylvania
-Economic policy speech at the United States Steel Corporation headquarters in Pittsburgh, PA
-Agriculture policy speech at Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens in Pittsburgh, PA
-Speech at Benedum Center in Pittsburgh, PA

April 28, 2020
-Innovation and economic policy speech at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA
-Rally at the Petersen Events Center in Pittsburgh, PA
-Meet with college voters at the University of Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh, PA
-Energy policy speech at Consol Energy in favor of the construction of the proposed TransAmerica Energy Pipeline from Pennsylvania to California
-Bus trip to Harrisburg, PA
-Speech at the Latino Connection in Harrisburg, PA, in an effort to attract Hispanic voters

-Economic policy speech at the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in Harrisburg, PA
-National unity speech at the Holocaust Memorial for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in Harrisburg, PA
-Fundraising event at Hilton Harrisburg and Towers in Harrisburg, PA
-Speech at FNB Field in Harrisburg, PA
-Speech at the African American Chamber-Commerce in Harrisburg, PA, in an effort to attract African-American voters
-Meet with college voters at the University of Pennsylvania in Harrisburg, PA, where Senator Rubio manages to recruit young volunteers and supporters among college voters, including young Hispanics and Asian voters as well as a few African-Americans.
-Barnstorm in Hershey, PA
-Rally at Giant Center in Hershey, PA
-Economic policy speech at the Hershey Company headquarters in Hershey, PA
-Bus trip to Philadelphia, PA

April 29-May 2 will come after the New York primary results

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 08, 2016, 02:38:43 PM

CNN America's Choice theme :

Wolf Blitzer : « Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the coverage of the results of the New York primary. »

Anderson Cooper : « It's 8 pm and Marco Rubio, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, unsurprisingly wins largely all the New York State's southern and eastern counties, including in New York City and Albany. We can already declare Rubio the winner of the New York primary. »

New York Primary - 50 % reported
Marco Rubio : 90 %, 95 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan (withdrawn): 7 %
Tom Cotton (withdrawn) : 3 %


John King: « It's 8 : 30 pm. And Marco Rubio sweeps all the New York State's counties and all the 95 delegates. »

New York Primary - 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 93 %, 95 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan (withdrawn): 5 %
Tom Cotton (withdrawn) : 2 %

Wolf Blitzer : « We'll see you tommorow ladies and gentlemen and I wish you good night. »

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 08, 2016, 05:34:30 PM
Republican Party Presidential Primaries, 2020 - Map and Delegate Count

Marco Rubio : 1457 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan : 304 delegates
Tom Cotton : 97 delegates
Ron Paul : 24 delegates
James Comey : 4 delegates

1219 delegates needed to win the nomination

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on November 09, 2016, 08:44:43 PM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now, Part 2
Schedule for the week of April 26, 2020-May 2, 2020

April 29, 2020
-Breakfast with voters at the Italian Market in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
-Energy policy speech at Sunoco headquarters in Philadelphia, PA
-Freedom policy speech at the Independence Hall in Philadelphia, PA
-Speech before the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, PA
-Sylvester Stallone stumps for Marco Rubio at the Rocky Statue in Philadelphia, PA
-Fundraising event at the Philadelphia Museum of Art in Philadelphia, PA
-Speech at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, PA
-Meet with college voters at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA
-Barnstorm at the Philadelphia Chinatown in Philadelphia, PA, in an effort to attract Asian-American voters
-Rally at Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia, PA
-Constitution and civil rights defense policy speech at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, PA
-Economic policy speech at the Merchants’ Exchange Building in Philadelphia, PA
-Speech before the Washington Monument at Eakins Oval in Philadelphia, PA
-Build campaign infrastructure in Pennsylvania
-Supper with the voters at Pat’s King of Steaks in Philadelphia, PA

April 30, 2020
-Speech at the Walnut Street Theatre in Philadelphia, PA
-Meet with college voters at Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA
-Speech at Girard Fountain Park in Philadelphia, PA
-Economic policy speech at the Greater Philadelphia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in Philadelphia, PA, where Rubio gives a speech in which he claims the beneficial economic effects of immigration reform, school choice and free trade with Latin America for the Hispanic community
-Meet with college voters at La Salle University in Philadelphia, PA
-Flight to Wahsington D.C.
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

May 1, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

May 2, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.
-Rubio's presidential campaign unveils the presumptive Republican presidential nominee's list of potential running mates :

List of Marco Rubio's potential running mates

Nikki Haley
John Kasich
Tim Scott
Eric Cantor
Rob Portman
Chris Sununu
Susana Martinez
Rick Snyder
Mia Love
Brian Sandoval
Jon Huntsman
Cory Gardner

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 09, 2016, 09:00:02 PM
Round 32 : May 3, 2020-May 9, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 09, 2016, 09:07:35 PM
New polls

General Election Polls

Hillary Clinton vs Marco Rubio vs Tim Ashe

Marco Rubio : 50 %
Hillary Clinton : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %

Statewide Opinion Polls


Marco Rubio : 47 %
Hillary Clinton : 41 %
Tim Ashe : 11 %


Marco Rubio : 53 %
Hillary Clinton : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %


Marco Rubio : 47 %
Hillary Clinton : 42 %
Tim Ashe : 11 %

New Hampshire

Marco Rubio : 46 %
Hillary Clinton : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %


Hillary Clinton : 44 %
Marco Rubio : 41 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %


Marco Rubio : 51 %
Hillary Clinton : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %


Marco Rubio : 52 %
Hillary Clinton : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 09, 2016, 09:41:37 PM

President Hillary Clinton died due to colorectal cancer

Yesterday, President Hillary Clinton, 72, died due to a colorectal cancer. These news shaked up the whole country and the whole world. Her funerals will be set in one week in Washington D.C. Her vice-president Tim Kaine immediately succeeded her and made the ritual presidential oath.

The Ashe campaign has released its funding status for the month March 2020

The campaign was able to raise $38 million, with an average donation of $31. Around $15 million is going to downballot campaigns, 2hile the remaining $23 million will go towards the campaign itself. Ashe has called it "a triumph of the grassroots" while Monds has said "This shows that the Progressive Liberty Party s a viable party; an alternative to the main parties."


Marco Rubio : Kentucky Senator and 2016 presidential candidate Rand Paul, CEO Tim Cook, Actor Chuck Norris, former Texas Governor Rick Perry, French President Alain Juppé, Lawyer Al Cardenas, CEO and 2012 presidential candidate Herman Cain, The Economist, Americans for Tax Reform, CEO Morry Taylor

Tim Ashe : Mr Noam Chomsky, Former Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber, Retired Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, Comedian Jon Stewart

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on November 10, 2016, 06:04:26 AM
Ashe campaign statement regarding the death of Hillary Clinton

I am in shock over the death of President Hillary Clinton. President Clinton has accomplished much in her life; one of the most notable Senators, and the first woman to be President.

I also wish to send my condolences to the entire Clinton family. I can only imagine how it would be for you. I also want to give my condolences to President Kaine. I'm sure he never wanted to ascend to the Presidency this way.

Despite our differences, I do not deny President Clinton's outstanding service to this country. She has given her life to public service; to the service of this, the greatest nation on Earth.

Rest in Peace, Madame President

-Congressman Tim Ashe

Friends, not that long ago, we were mourning the death of Senator King, a man of great personal integrity. A short time ago, I just learned that President Clinton has passed on. In the space of a few months, America has lost two of its finest public servants.

President Clinton and I may not have agreed on every issue, but only a fool would deny her decades of sterling service to the United States of America. She withstood every attack against her to become this nation's first female President, a commendable feat no matter what side of the aisle you come from.

To the Clinton family, you have my sincerest condolences. To President Kaine, I also give you my condolences and wish you the best of luck; you will make a fine President.

-Mr John Monds.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: WashLibertarian on November 10, 2016, 09:54:02 AM
I am stunned as well as saddened to hear about the passing of president Clinton. Her family and friends will be in my prayers. I wish Tim Kaine the best of luck and he will be in my prayers - Former Congressman Ron Paul

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on November 10, 2016, 10:38:14 AM
Marco Rubio's response to Hilliary Clinton's death

Yesterday, we heard that President Clinton has passed away. We are all saddened to learn such a tragedy. Even though I didn't agree with Hillary Clinton on most of the issues, I'm grateful of all the efforts she invested to keep our country safe, prosperous and united during all her political career.

I want to send my condolences to the entire Clinton family and to President Tim Kaine.

God bless America.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on November 12, 2016, 10:12:14 AM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now
Schedule for the week of May 3, 2020-May 9, 2020

May 3, 2020
-Flight to Newark, New Jersey
-Build campaign infrastructure in New Jersey
-Free trade policy speech at Port Newark in Newark, NJ
-Rally at Prudential Center in Newark, NJ
-Counterterrorism policy speech in Newark, NJ
-Fundraising event at Bears & Eagles Riverfront Stadium in Newark, NJ
-Meet with college voters at Rutgers University–Newark in Newark, NJ
-Speech at Hispanic Leadership in Newark, NJ
-Speech at the Statewide Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of New Jersey in Newark, NJ
-Bus trip to Paterson, NJ   
-Barnstorm in Paterson, NJ
-Bus trip to Jersey City, NJ
-Economic policy speech at Newport Centre in Jersey City, NJ
-Speech at the Afro-American Historical and Cultural Society Museum in Jersey City, NJ, in an effort to attract African-American voters
-Foreign policy speech at Saint Peter's University in Jersey City, NJ
-Infrastructure policy speech at the Central Railroad of New Jersey Terminal in Jersey City, NJ

May 4, 2020
-Bus trip to Trenton, NJ
-Rally at Arm & Hammer Park in Trenton, NJ
-Meet with college voters at Thomas Edison State University in Trenton, NJ
-Dinner with voters at Italian People's Bakery in Trenton, NJ
-Speech in Trenton, NJ :
I think we can win New Jersey on next Election Day. In 2004 John Kerry won this state by only six points over George W. Bush. We can also win New Jersey by opening our doors to minority voters as I intend to do. The people of New Jersey like all the American people are disappointed of the last four years marked by economic depression, national division and growing international terrorism. We are offering the American people a clear alternative to this record through energy independence, infrastructure development with a part of future budget surpluses and fight against terrorism. So I'm asking for your vote to make sure that we will finally bring these solutions to our challenges.

-Barnstorm in Trenton, NJ
-Flight to Washington D.C.
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

May 5, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.
-Flight to Richmond, Virginia
-Barnstorm in Richmond, VA
-Speech at the Carpenter Theatre in Richmond, VA
-Meet with college voters at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA
-Flight to Miami, Florida
-Immigration policy speech in Miami, FL
-Free trade policy speech in Miami, FL
-Foreign policy speech in Orlando, FL

May 6, 2020
-Meet with college voters at the University of Central Florida in Orlando, FL
-Energy policy speech in Tampa, FL
-Economic policy speech at the University of Tampa in Tampa, FL
-Leadership policy speech in Tampa, FL
-Fundraising event at Amalie Arena in Tampa, FL
-Foreign policy speech in Tampa, FL, describing Marco Rubio's plan to stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons
-Economic policy speech at the Greater Tampa Chamber of Commerce in Tampa, FL
-Flight to Annapolis, Maryland

May 7, 2020
-Foreign policy speech at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD
-Barnstorm in Annapolis, MD
-Energy policy speech at Constellation Energy Group headquarters in Baltimore, MD
-Speech at Baltimore World Trade Center in Baltimore, MD
-Fundraising event at Baltimore Visitor Center in Inner Harbor in Baltimore, MD
-Rally at the Washington Monument in Baltimore, MD
-Flight to Cleveland, Ohio
-Build campaign infrastructure in Ohio
-Rally at Playhouse Square in Cleveland, OH
-Rally at Progressive Field in Cleveland, OH

May 8, 2020
-Meet with college voters at University Circle in Cleveland, OH
-Barnstorm in Elyria, OH
-Barnstorm in Mentor, OH
-Barnstorm in Painesville, OH
-Barnstorm in Jefferson, OH
-Trade policy speech at the Port of Ashtabula, OH
-Energy policy speech in Ashtabula, OH
-Foreign policy speech at American Merchant Marine Veterans Memorial in Ashtabula, OH
-Flight to Washington D.C.
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.
-Organize « Millenials for Rubio »

« Millenials for Rubio » announced

Senator Rubio is proud to announce the formation of Millenials for Rubio. The committee, chaired by Michigan Congressman Justin Amash, will aim to reach Millenial voters by convincing them that Rubio's infrastructure policy agenda, education plan and economic agenda will be beneficial for Millenials. Amash will have full autonomy over the program.

May 9 2020
-Senator Marco Rubio assists at Hillary Clinton's funeral in Washington D.C.

Surrogate schedule

May 3, 2020
-José Pepe Fanjul campaigns for Marco Rubio in Orlando, FL
-José Pepe Fanjul gives an economic policy speech at the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Metro Orlando in Orlando, FL
May 4, 2020
-Joni Ernst gives a foreign policy speech at Des Moines University in Des Moines, Iowa, in favor of Marco Rubio's foreign policy agenda
-Joni Ernst gives a speech in Des Moines, IA, where she praises Marco Rubio's agriculture policy agenda

May 5, 2020
-Brian Sandoval campaigns for Marco Rubio in Las Vegas, Nevada
-Brian Sandoval fundraises for Marco Rubio at T-Mobile Arena, NV, the 2020 Republican National Convention's venue

May 6, 2020
-Mitt Romney campaigns for Marco Rubio in Detroit, Michigan
-Mitt Romney promotes Marco Rubio's economic policy agenda at the Detroit Economic Club in Detroit, MI

May 7, 2020
-Chris Sununu meets with college voters at the St. Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire, in an effort to convince young voters to support Marco Rubio through Rubio's economic and social promises

May 8, 2020
-Cory Gardner campaigns for Marco Rubio in Denver, Colorado
-Cory Gardner promotes Rubio's energy policy agenda in Denver, CO
-Cory Gardner meets with college voters at the University of Denver in Denver, CO

May 9, 2020
-Scott Walker campaigns for Marco Rubio in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: WashLibertarian on November 12, 2016, 11:51:44 AM
Ron Paul Schedule Part 1

May 3, 2020
-Fly to Idaho
-Rally in Boise
-Townhall in Boise
-Economy Policy Speech in Boise
-Build Ground Game in Boise
-2nd Rally in Boise
-Drive to Twin Falls
-Rally in Twin Falls
-Townhall in Twin Falls
-Size of government rally in Twin Falls

May 4, 2020
-Fly to Washington
-Rally in Seattle
-Townhall in Seattle
-Foreign Policy Speech in Seattle
-Build ground infrastructure in Seattle
-Drive to Spokane
-Rally in Spokane
-Twitter Q&A
-Townhall in Spokane
-Trade Policy Speech in Spokane

May 5, 2020
-Fly to California
-Rally in San Francisco
-Townhall in San Francisco
-Economy Policy Speech in San Francisco
-Foreign Policy Speech in San Francisco
-Drive to Los Angeles
-Rally in Los Angeles
-Townhall in Los Angeles
-Personal Liberty Speech in Los Angeles

May 6, 2020
-Fly to New Mexico
-Rally in Santa Fe
-Townhall in Santa Fe
-Economy Policy Speech in Santa Fe
-Drive to Albuquerque
-Townhall in Albuquerque
-Rally in Albuquerque
-Townhall in Albuquerque
-Foreign Policy Speech in Albuquerque

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: WashLibertarian on November 12, 2016, 11:55:52 AM
Ron Paul Schedule Part 2

May 7, 2020
-Fly to Ohio
-Rally in Cleveland
-Build ground infrastructure
-Townhall in Cleveland
-Education Speech in Cleveland
-2nd TownHall in Cleveland
-Lunch with supporters
-Drive to Columbus
-Rally in Columbus
-Trade Speech in Columbus
-Townhall in Columbus

May 8, 2020
-Drive to Cincinnati
-Twitter Q&A
-Rally in Cincinnati
-Townhall in Cincinnati
-doorknock with supporters
-Foreign Policy Speech in Cincinnati
-2nd Townhall in Cincinnati
-Dinner with supporters

May 9, 2020
-Fly to Maine
-Rally in Augusta
-Doorknock with supporters in Augusta
-Townhall in Augusta
-Healthcare speech in Augusta
-Build Ground infrastructure in Augusta
-Education Speech in Augusta
-2nd Townhall in Augusta
-Dinner with supporters

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on November 13, 2016, 05:43:13 AM
Ashe/Monds 2020
Taking America Back

Schedule for May 3-May 9, 2020

May 3
-Fly to New York
-Interview with host of Secular Talk Radio Kyle Kulinski
*Kulinski* I've never actually had a Presidential candidate on here before.

*Ashe* Well first time for everything

*Kulinski* Yeah, agreed. So, down to the issues here. The progressive Liberty Party seems to be gaining some ground. I mean, Wesley Clark's doing well in polls; Gary Johnson's doing well in polls; you're doing well in polls. Is the PLP the future?

*Ashe* I hope so. The PLP was the final plan Angus King drafted before he died earlier this year. I wanted to see his dream of a progressive-libertarian alliance come true; and it's working. Bernie Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard and Elizabeth Warren have all changed their party affiliations and we've got a lot of libertarians supporting us. We are creating a viable third party here, and that has a lot of people excited.
-Rally in New York City with Colin Powell. Powell formally announced his candidacy for Mayor of new York City at the rally
-Barnstorm in Richmond County, New York
-Barnstorm in Nassau County, New York

May 4
-Fly to Maryland
-Rally in Baltimore, Maryland with Martin O'Malley
-Town Hall in Baltimore, Maryland sponsored by NAACP with John Monds. Ashe and Monds answered questions from a majority African-American audience.
-Rally in Ellicott city, Maryland
-Barnstorm in Talbot County, Maryland

May 5
-Fly back to New York
-Rally on the Brooklyn Bridge with Jon Stewart
I made the biggest mistake of my life not supporting Bernie four years ago. I am not standing on the sidelines this time! Tim Ashe and the Progressive Liberty Party are the future of America!
-Meet with Jon Stewart to discuss a possible run for Governor of New York in 2022
-Lay foundations for Sec. Powell's Mayoral campaign

May 6
-Fly to South Carolina
-Rally in Gaffney, South Carolina with Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson. Wilkerson decried Rubio as an unapologetic warhawk, while also saying that the Republican Party had 'lost its soul'
-Fly to Pennsylvania
-Rally in Philadelphia with Noam Chomsky. Chomsky called Ashe the only sane candidate in the race, while also alluding to corporate influence over Senator Rubio
-Town Hall in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

May 7
-Fly to Oregon
-Rally in Salem, Oregon, with Former Governor John Kitzhaber. Kitzhaber said that the Ashe/Monds ticket was the ticket to take on Wall Street, protect the environment and eject money from politics
-Rally in Portland, Oregon
-Barnstorm in Polk County, Oregon
-Barnstorm in Gilliam County, Oregon

May 8
-Fly to Illinois
-Campaign for Wesley Clark

May 9
-Fly to New Mexico
-Campaign for Gary Johnson

Schedule for John Monds

May 3-6
-Campaigning for Wesley Clark and Gary Johnson

May 7-9
-Barnstorm and hold rallies in New Hampshire, Virginia and Colorado

Surrogate schedule

Jesse Ventura will be campaigning in Ohio, Colorado and Nevada, as well as recruiting libertarian voters

The Progressive Team (Joined by Rev. Jackson) will campaign in New York, New Hampshire and Vermont, touting Ashe's credentials as a progressive (Sen. Sanders is being detached to campaign for Gov. Baldacci's Senate bid)

The Environmental Team will campaign in Florida, Wisconsin and Ohio, emphasizing just how many jobs can be created from renewable energy

The Economics Team will campaign in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Iowa, emphasizing the risks of unrestricted free trade

The Senators' Team will campaign in Washington, Oregon and California (Sen. Baldwin is being detached to campaign for Gov. Johnson's Senate bid)

The Governors' Team will campaign in Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and Illinois, touting Ashe's experience as a state legislator

The Veterans' Team will campaign in Arizona, Nevada, and California, as well as touring VA hospitals (Sec. Powell is being detached to focus on his MAyoral campaign; Sec. Kerry will campaign for Gen. Clark)

The Fundraising Team will hold a week-long event at a camping ground outside of San Francisco. The week will consist of outdoor films, organised games, guest speakers, and more. The event will be a low-cost affair, and there will be people on hand to recruit potential PLP candidates

The Entertainers' Team (Woodley, Mortensen, Ruffalo and Maher) will be holding rallies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Pennsylvania State University, University of Maryland, and Virginia Commonwealth University. Woodley, Mortensen and Ruffalo will all feature as speakers, while Maher will be holding stand-up performances at each rally.

Richard Trumka will lead union efforts in Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania. They will attempt to rally support in these areas for working class voters

Edward Snowden and Lindsay Mills will be holding a week-long Reddit AMA

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on November 13, 2016, 05:49:00 AM
Bipartisan Energy Summit

The Ashe campaign and progressive Liberty Party invite Senator Rubio, Former Congressman Paul and President Kaine to a summit in Augusta, Maine. The purpose of the summit will be to explore:

1) How America can secure energy independence without harming the environment

2) How politicians can encourage protection of the environment

3) The potential creation of millions of new jobs

4) Market solutions to environmental problems

The summit is to be held on May 11. Please indicate your willingness to attend. If you wish for them to accompany you, your running mates will be allowed to attend.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 13, 2016, 06:01:09 AM
Round 33 : May 10, 2020-May 16, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 13, 2016, 06:55:48 AM
New polls

General Election Polls

Tim Kaine vs Marco Rubio vs Tim Ashe vs Ron Paul

Marco Rubio : 48 %
Tim Kaine : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Statewide Opinion Polls


Marco Rubio : 46 %
Tim Kaine: 41 %
Tim Ashe : 11 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 53 %
Tim Kaine : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 8 %
Ron Paul : 0,5 %


Marco Rubio : 47 %
Tim Kaine : 42 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %
Ron Paul : 0,9 %

New Hampshire

Marco Rubio : 45 %
Tim Kaine : 36 %
Tim Ashe : 17 %
Ron Paul : 1,5 %


Tim Kaine : 46 %
Marco Rubio : 40 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 48 %
Tim Kaine : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 11 %
Ron Paul : 1,6 %


Marco Rubio : 51 %
Tim Kaine : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 8 %
Ron Paul : 2 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 13, 2016, 07:43:07 AM

Tim Kaine selects former Governor Deval Patrick


In an effort to reinforce his appeal among progressives, Tim Kaine decided to select former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, thus making him the first African-American to become vice-president. In the next few months, he will campaign alongside President Kaine in his re-election campaign.

Theresa May re-elected Prime Minister

On May 7, after winning 359 seats and 40 % of the popular vote, Conservative British Prime Minister is re-elected with a majority government. Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party won 209 seats and 31 % of the popular vote while the Scottish National Party got 57 seats. The Democratic Unionist Party got 5 seats. The Liberal Democrats led by Tim Farron earned 6 seats while Plaid Cymru and SDLP each won 3 seats. The UKIP got 4 seats. The UUP and the Green Party each got 2 seats.


Marco Rubio : Actor Bruce Willis, Wisconsin Congressman Sean Duffy, former New Jersey Governor and 2016 presidential candidate Chris Christie, Pennsylvania Senator Pat Toomey, Japanese Prime Minister Shenzo Abe, NRA, The Heritage Foundation, FreedomWorks, German Chancelor Angela Merkel, The Washington Times

Tim Ashe : 2016 Libertarian Presidential candidate Austin Petersen, 2016 Libertarian Presidential candidate John McAfee, President of the Navajo Nation Russel Begaye, Activist Erin Brockovich, Businessmen Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, Apple Inc. Co-founder Steve Wozniak, Actress Susan Sarandon, Producers Trey Parker and Matt Stone

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: WashLibertarian on November 13, 2016, 11:37:26 AM
Ron Paul Campaign Announcement

Congressman Paul would ask to be included in the general election polls since he is a viable 3rd Party option

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 13, 2016, 01:48:48 PM
Ron Paul Campaign Announcement

Congressman Paul would ask to be included in the general election polls since he is a viable 3rd Party option

Okay. I put your name in the general election polls.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on November 15, 2016, 07:55:25 AM
Ashe/Monds 2020

Taking America Back

Schedule for May 10-16 2020

May 10
-Fly to Vermont
-Rally in Burlington, Vermont with Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, co-founders of Ben & Jerry's. The two offered  full endorsements of Ashe, calling him Bernie's successor.
-Fly to Missouri
-Rally in Independence, Missouri with 2016 Libertarian candidates Austin Petersen and John McAfee. The two announced their backing of Ashe, with Petersen calling him "the face of modern government".

May 11
-Fly to Maine
-Attend the Bipartisan Energy Summit in Augusta, Maine
The Ashe Plan for America's energy:

1) Oppose hydraulic fracking. This only harms the environment. The same goes for the ANWR.

2) Oil drilling and coal mining may occur in designated areas,  but must be tightly regulated to avoid another Deepwater Horizon incident

3) Establish an Renewable Energy Exploratory Commission to explore both the potential to create millions of jobs from renewables and opportunities for corporate investment in renewables.

4) Gradually phase out use of fossil fuels, with the aim of a 50% reduction by 2035, and full reduction by 2045. Only through aggressive target setting can we beat climate change.

5) Assist companies in their transition from fossil fuels to renewables

Amend as you see fit

12 May
-Fly to Colorado
-Rally in Denver, Colorado with Trey Parker and Matt Stone. The two gave their full backing. Supporting his plan for marijuana legalisation
-Town Hall in Denver, Colorado
-Fly  to California
-Rally in Los Angeles, California with Erin Brockovich and Steve Wozniak. Both backed his economic and environmental plans

13 May
-Fly to New Hampshire
-Barnstorm in Belknap County, New Hampshire
-Barnstorm in Sullivan County, New Hampshire
-Rally in Concord, New Hampshire
-Town Hall in Laconia, New Hampshire

14 May
-Fly to Massachusetts
-Rally in Boston, Massachusetts with Governor Joe Kennedy
-Barnstorm in Norfolk County, Massachusetts
-Rally in Cambridge, Massachusetts with Senator Elizabeth Warren
-Rally in Plymouth, Massachusetts with Senator Ed Markey

15 May
-Fly to Florida
-Rally in Tampa, Florida wih CPC member Alan Grayson
-Rally in Miami, Florida
-Barnstorm in Palm Beach County, Florida
-Barnstorm in Hillsborough County, Florida

16 May
-Fly to Nevada
-Rally in Las Vegas, Nevada
-Barnstorm in Douglas County, Nevada
-Rally in Carson City, Nevada
-Barnstorm in Lyon County, Nevada

Schedule for John Monds

May 10-13
-Campaign for Baldacci, Johnson and Clark.

May 14-16
-Focus efforrs on Nevada and Arizona. Campaign hard, emphasizing the campaign's protectionism

Surrogate schedule

Jesse Ventura will campaign in New Hampshire, Massachusetts and New York

The Progressive Team (joined by Chomsky) will campaign in all New England states (Jackson is being detached to campaign for Baldacci)

The Environmental Team will campaign in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Connecticut, touting his enivronmental plan (VP Gore is being detached to campaign for Clark)

The Economics Team will campaign in Pennsylvania, Michigan. Virginia and Maryland, emphasizing just how many jobs can be created from renewable energies (Warren is being detached to cam0aign for Johnson)

The Senators' Team will campaign in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa, touting Ashe's status as a Washington outsoder who will  'clean it up'

The Governors' Team (joined by Kitzhaber) will campaign in Oregon, California and Washington, as well was recruting possible PLP candidates during events

The Veterans' Team (joined by Wilkerson) will be touring VA hospitals in Florida, Georgia and Louisiana, touting Ashe's support for veterans and his success with the Help for Heroes Act

The Fundraising Team will hold fundraisers in New York, New Hampshire and Vermont.

The Entertainers' Team (joined by Stewart) will hold rallies and stand-up performances (performed by Maher and Stewart) at College campuses in Ohio, Michigan and Indiana. Again, low cost affairs.

Richard Trumka will coordiante union efforts in Pennsylvania, ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin. In addition to rallying support for the Ashe/Monds ticket, Trumka aims to recruit at least 150 candidates to run for local, state and federal office.

Edward Snowden and Lindsay Mills will be speaking with supporters of Ashe at so-called 'digital rallies', involving Snowden and Mills using YouTube livestream and Facebook Live to fire up supporters.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on November 15, 2016, 09:38:44 PM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now
Schedule for the week of May 10, 2020-May 16, 2020

May 10, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.
-Interview with Jake Tapper and CNN about the election results in Unite Kingdom :

While I respect Mr. Corbyn, I'm proud of Theresa May's re-election because it represents another step to international security through stronger military action and effective fight against terrorism. It also represents a new a step to economic prosperity, for both the United States and the United Kingdom through free trade promotion and a ratification of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership because it will not only bring innovation but also reduce the cost of importing and exporting due to lower tariffs, thus making our products less expansive and ensuring job creation. I understand this, Theresa May understands this and our European partners understand this. That's why I take the pledge to sign the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership if I become President of the United States.

-Flight to Portland, Maine
-Energy policy speech at the Portland Pipeline marine terminal in South Portland, ME
-Rally at Cross Insurance Arena in Portland, ME
-Meet with college voters at the University of Southern Maine in Portland, ME
-Dinner with the voters at Portland Lobster Company in Portland, ME
-Twitter Q&A
-Marco Rubio's campaign prepares the Republican presidential nominee's speech for the Bipartisan Energy Summit
-Fundraising event at Hadlock Field in Portland, ME
-Rally at Fitzpatrick Stadium in Portland, ME
-Campaign with Peter Cianchette in Portland, ME
-Bus trip to Augusta, ME

May 11, 2020
-Speech at the Maine State Museum in Augusta, ME
-Marco Rubio attends the Bipartisan Energy Summit in Augusta, ME :

Marco Rubio's plan for America's Energy Revolution :


1) Encourage increasing oil drilling and production, double permits on federal lands, approve Keystone XL pipeline, the TransAmerica Energy pipeline (from Pennsylvania to California) and drilling in ANWR, exploit oil and gas resources through underwater tankers in order to avoid an environmental catastrophe, thus helping us creating new jobs and getting the necessary revenues to invest into the development of renewable energies.

2) Use a part of the revenues from oil drilling to invest into the development of renewable energies such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, ethanol, biomass, etc., thus contributing to further job creation without hurting the environment and getting us energy independence by 2035, which will make sure that we take advantage of all of our sources of energy and that we stop terrorist organizations from getting some of the money we send overseas to oil producing countries by importing their oil.

3) My energy plan will create about 7 million new good-paying jobs.

4) Support the expansion of the Quebec–New England Electric Power Transmission (also called Northern Pass Transmission) to create new American jobs and develop new electric technologies that will help us creating more jobs. Woo French investors with electric industry skills at the annual World Economic Forum in Davos (Switzerland) in order to help our electric and nuclear industries growing thanks to nuclear technologies adopted by France, one of our greatest partners and one of the greatest electric powers in the world.

-Bus trip to Kittery, ME
-Foreign policy speech at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Kittery, ME
-Bus trip to Portsmouth, New Hampshire
-Fundraising event at Market Square in Portsmouth, NH
-Barnstorm in Portsmouth, NH
-Twitter Q&A

May 12, 2020
-Bus trip to Concord, NH
-Barnstorm in Concord, NH
-Barnstorm in Rindge, NH
-Meet with college voters at the Franklin Pierce University in Rindge, NH
-Bus trip to Manchester, NH
-Rally at Northeast Delta Dental Stadium in Manchester, NH
-Speech at the Mall of New Hampshire in Manchester, NH
-Economic policy speech at the Manchester Chamber of Commerce in Manchester, NH
-Innovation policy speech at the Segway, Inc. headquarters in Manchester, NH
-Speech at the Convention Center Manchester in Manchester, NH
-Fundraising supper with voters and donors at the Radisson Hotel in Manchester, NH

May 13, 2020
-Breakfast with the voters at the Radisson Hotel in Manchester, NH
-Build campaign infrastructure in New Hampshire
-Flight to Washington D.C.
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

May 14, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

May 15, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

May 16, 2020
-Flight to Charlotte, North Carolina
-Meet with college voters at Pfeiffer University at Charlotte, NC
-Rally at Bank of America Stadium in Charlotte, NC
-Speech at the the Harvey B. Gantt Center for African American Arts + Culture in Charlotte, NC, in an effort to attract African-American voters
-Energy policy speech at Duke Energy headquarters in Charlotte, NC
-Meet with college voters at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, NC
-Build campaign infrastructure in North Carolina
-Organize « Democrats for Rubio »

« Democrats for Rubio » announced

Senator Rubio is proud to announce the formation of Democrats for Rubio. The committee, chaired by former Democratic North Dakota Senator Heidi Heitkamp, will aim to reach Democratic voters disappointed of the Clinton/Kaine leadership by convincing them that Rubio's infrastructure policy agenda, energy plan, education plan and economic agenda will be beneficial for all Americans, whether they are conservatives, liberals, progressives, libertarians or Independents and that Rubio's promotion of peace through strength by reinforcing and expanding America's alliances and by securing strategic points will ensure peace and prevent arms races and wars from happening. Heitkamp will have full autonomy over the program.

Surrogate schedule

May 10, 2020
-José Pepe Fanjul campaigns for Marco Rubio in Las Vegas, Nevada, in an effort to attract Hispanic voters

May 11, 2020
-Nikki Haley delivers a speech about the benefits Marco Rubio's economic plan for the American people at the Detroit Economic Club in Detroit, Michigan

May 12, 2020
-John Kasich campaigns for Marco Rubio across Ohio

May 13, 2020
-Rick Snyder and Mike Pence will campaign hard for Marco Rubio in Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania, emphasizing on the advantages of Rubio's proposal to deliver tax credits to agricultural and tractor companies to boost America's agriculture activities. They will also campaign to convince these states' voters that the exploitation of oil and gas resources between Ohio and Pennsylvania will be beneficial for American jobs, for the U.S. economy and for America's transition to energy independence.

May 14, 2020
-Bruce Rauner campaigns for Marco Rubio in Illinois and Iowa

May 15, 2020
-Mark Kirk campaigns for Marco Rubio in Chicago, Illinois, praises Rubio's foreign policy agenda and claims that the Republican presidential nominee's Bipartisan Counterterrorist Coalition Act is successfully keeping America safer three months after the terrorist attacks in Chicago and the failed attempt to destroy the Sears Tower.

May 16, 2020
-Paul Ryan campaigns for Marco Rubio in Minnesota

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 15, 2016, 10:03:19 PM

CNN America's Choice theme :

Wolf Blitzer : « Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the coverage of the results of the Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey and Washington D.C. Republican primaries and caucuses. »


Anderson Cooper : « It's 8 pm and Marco Rubio, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, unsurprisingly wins largely the Washington D.C. caucuses and all the 19 delegates. »

Washington D.C. Caucuses - 50 % reported
Marco Rubio : 88 %, 19 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan (withdrawn): 7 %
Tom Cotton (withdrawn) : 3 %


Washington D.C. Caucuses - 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 91 %, 19 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan (withdrawn): 6 %
Tom Cotton (withdrawn) : 3 %


John King: « It's 8 : 30 pm. And Marco Rubio sweeps all Pennsylvania's counties and all the 73 delegates. Marco Rubio wins the Pennsylvania primary. »

Pennsylvania Primary - 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 90 %, 73 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan (withdrawn): 7 %
Tom Cotton (withdrawn) : 3 %



Wolf Blitzer : « It's 8 : 45 pm and Senator Rubio easily wins the New Jersey primary and all the 52 delegates. »

New Jersey Primary - 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 94 %, 52 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan (withdrawn): 4 %
Tom Cotton (withdrawn) : 2 %



Jake Tapper : « It's 9 pm and Senator Rubio wins the Maryland primary and all the 38 delegates. »

Maryland Primary - 15 % reported
Marco Rubio : 87 %, 38 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan (withdrawn): 5 %
Tom Cotton (withdrawn) : 4 %


Maryland Primary - 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 92 %, 38 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan (withdrawn): 6 %
Tom Cotton (withdrawn) : 2 %

Wolf Blitzer : « Thank you for watching ladies and gentlemen. We'll see you in four days for the covering of the primaries in Connecticut and Rhode Island. Good night. »

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 15, 2016, 10:12:11 PM
Republican Party Presidential Primaries, 2020 - Map and Delegate Count


Marco Rubio : 1639 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan : 304 delegates
Tom Cotton : 97 delegates
Ron Paul : 24 delegates
James Comey : 4 delegates

1219 delegates needed to win the nomination

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 15, 2016, 10:26:42 PM

CNN America's Choice theme :

Wolf Blitzer : « Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the coverage of the results of the Connecticut and Rhode Island Republican primaries. »


Anderson Cooper : « It's 8 pm and Marco Rubio, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, easily wins the Connceticut primary and all the 28 delegates. »

Connecticut Primary - 15 % reported
Marco Rubio : 85 %, 28 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan (withdrawn): 9 %
Tom Cotton (withdrawn) : 3 %


Connecticut Primary - 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 89 %, 28 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan (withdrawn): 7 %
Tom Cotton (withdrawn) : 4 %


John King: « It's 8 : 45 pm. And Marco Rubio wins the Rhode Island primary by sweeping all this state's counties, thus gaining all the 19 delegates. »

Rhode Island Primary - 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 90 %, 19 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan (withdrawn): 6 %
Tom Cotton (withdrawn) : 4 %


Wolf Blitzer : « Thank you for watching ladies and gentlemen. We'll see you in 3 days for the coverage of the Utah Republican primary. Good night. »

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 15, 2016, 10:31:25 PM
Republican Party Presidential Primaries, 2020 - Map and Delegate Count


Marco Rubio : 1686 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan : 304 delegates
Tom Cotton : 97 delegates
Ron Paul : 24 delegates
James Comey : 4 delegates

1219 delegates needed to win the nomination

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on November 15, 2016, 10:32:37 PM
Ashe's Response to Rubio's Plan

I am impressed with Senator Rubio's desire to prevent further damage to our environment. It is important that it is protected.

I will make some concessions to Senator Rubio now with my revised plan. No doubt this bill will harm my reputation among some progressives, but the priority of this summit was to provide solutions for energy independence. I believe that we have been successful, and we have secure Senator Rubio's promise to act on the environment

Revised Plan:

1) Re-designate the borders of the ANWR to allow limited drilling in certain areas. Utilize underwater tankers to prevent environmental disasters. Pipelines such as Keystone XL can be approved, but with provisions to remove them once the transition to renewables is completed.

2) At least half of revenue from the acquiring of fossil fuels will go towards the research of renewable energies. This will ensure job creation and allow for new industries to develop

3) This plan will kickstart the renewable energies industry; a possible remedy to widespread unemployment.

4) Construction of an electricity network that relies on at least 50% of its power from renewable sources. Nuclear power is an option, but must be carefully researched before establishing it. The risks of another Three Mile Island incident are still there.

5) Encourage corporate investment in renewable energy. This could be the opportunity many corporations have been waiting for to restore damaged public reputations.

I hope the Senator can agree to this plan.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 15, 2016, 11:48:35 PM
Round 34 : May 17, 2020-May 23, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 16, 2016, 06:41:48 AM
New polls

General Election Polls

Tim Kaine vs Marco Rubio vs Tim Ashe vs Ron Paul

Marco Rubio : 49 %
Tim Kaine : 36 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 2 %

Statewide Opinion Polls


Marco Rubio : 46 %
Tim Kaine: 41 %
Tim Ashe : 11 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 54 %
Tim Kaine : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 8 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 47 %
Tim Kaine : 41 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %
Ron Paul : 2 %

New Hampshire

Marco Rubio : 44 %
Tim Kaine : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %
Ron Paul : 2 %


Tim Kaine : 45 %
Marco Rubio : 41 %
Tim Ashe : 12 %
Ron Paul : 2 %

North Carolina

Marco Rubio : 49 %
Tim Kaine : 40 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 49 %
Tim Kaine : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %
Ron Paul : 1,6 %


Marco Rubio : 51 %
Tim Kaine : 40 %
Tim Ashe : 7 %
Ron Paul : 2 %


Tim Kaine : 47 %
Marco Rubio : 40 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %
Ron Paul : 3 %


Marco Rubio : 46 %
Tim Kaine : 43 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 45 %
Tim Kaine : 41 %
Tim Ashe : 11 %
Ron Paul : 3 %


Tim Kaine : 42 %
Marco Rubio : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %
Ron Paul : 4 %


Tim Kaine : 46 %
Marco Rubio : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 12 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 36 %
Tim Ashe : 36 %
Marco Rubio : 24 %
Ron Paul : 4 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 16, 2016, 10:49:19 PM

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visits Washington D.C. and gives a speech at the Capitol

Yesterday, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Washington D.C. and after a conversation with President Kaine, he gave a speech in front of all Senators and Representatives. He expressed his pride to see the relations between the two countries improving.  He also expressed his proud of the development of economic diversity and dynamism in both America and India and made a pitch for U.S. businesses to increase their involvement in India. He claimed that the reinforcement of the defence ties between the U.S. and India due to the Bipartisan Counterterrorist Coalition Act will be beneficial in the war against terrorism in the Middle East.

Cuban pro-democracy activists are practicing hunger strike in Cuba

In an effort to promote democracy in Cuba, a country that is oppressed by dictatorship since over 60 years, Cuban pro-democracy activists are practicing hunger strike. These activists understood that violence would not be very effective when it comes to defeat oppression and decided to follow Gandhi's example of non-violence.


Marco Rubio : Businessman and Independent presidential candidate in 1992 and 1996 Ross Perrot, Actor James Woods, Tea Party Express, Conservative Talk Radio, Author and political commentator in Fox News Charles Krauthammer, Kansas Senator Pat Roberts, Professor at the University of Pennsylvania and grandson of President Dwight D. Eisenhower David Eisenhower, consultant, author and granddaughter of President Dwight Eisenhower Susan Eisenhower

Tim Ashe : League of Conservation Voters, Senator Patrick Leahy, Equality Federation, Former Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt III

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on November 17, 2016, 12:07:12 AM
How's Vermont looking? It's Ashe's home state, and he has the backing of both the state's Senators, its Governor and the VPP. Not to mention that Vermont is one of the most left-wing states in the country.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 17, 2016, 12:31:07 AM
How's Vermont looking? It's Ashe's home state, and he has the backing of both the state's Senators, its Governor and the VPP. Not to mention that Vermont is one of the most left-wing states in the country.

Perfect. I added Vermont in the polls and you are tied with Tim Kaine, which makes Vermont a new battleground state and increased the potential that a state could be won by a third-party candidate for the first time since 1968.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on November 18, 2016, 12:19:33 AM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now
Schedule for the week of May 17, 2020-May 23, 2020

May 17, 2020
-Flight to Washington D.C.
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.
-Speech in the U.S. Senate in reaction to Cuban pro-democracy activists practicing hunger strike :
I'm proud of the Cuban people's courageous fight for freedom. Since too long, Cuba is suffering the oppression of a dictatorial communist regime that doesn't believe in democracy, free market and justice. As Gandhi said : « There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it always. » And that's why the Cuban people has never gave up and will never give up until it wins its fight against tyranny. By using hunger strike, these pro-democracy activists will win their fight by following Gandhi's lead and finally restore democracy, freedom, justice and free market in Cuba, thus allowing the Cuban people to live free and to prosper on the land of my ancestors.

-Senator Rubio attends Narendra Modi's speech at the Capitol
-After Modi's speech, Senator Rubio has a conversation with the Indian Prime Minister especially on defense, War on Terror, China, economic issues and India's potential membership in the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

May 18, 2020
-Flight to Salt Lake City, Utah
-Fundraising event at Smith's Ballpark in Salt Lake City, UT
-Economic policy speech at Huntsman Corporation executive headquarters in Salt Lake City, UT
-Speech at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, UT
-Meet with voters and donors at Abravanel Hall in Salt Lake City, UT
-Speech at Rice-Eccles Stadium in Salt Lake City, UT, where Senator Rubio expresses his optimism about the 2024 Summer Olympic Games that will be hosted by Los Angeles and these games benefits for the U.S. economy, for American patriotism and for America's pride
-Speech at the Salt Lake Temple in Salt Lake City, UT
-Flight to Las Vegas, Nevada

May 19, 2020
-Immigration policy speech at Hispanic Museum of Nevada in Las Vegas, NV, in an effort to attract Hispanics
-Speech about the American Dream at Latin Chamber of Commerce in Las Vegas, NV, in an effort to woo Hispanic voters
-Economic policy speech at World Market Center Las Vegas in Las Vegas, NV
-Fundraising event at the Golden Nugget Las Vegas in Las Vegas, NV
-Speech at T-Mobile Arena, the 2020 Republican National Convention's venue
-Dinner with the voters at Asian BBQ & Noodle in Las Vegas, NV
-Fundraising event at the Fremont Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, NV

May 20, 2020
-Bus trip to Sparks, NV
-Fundraising event at Nugget Casino Resort in Sparks, NV
-Meet with voters at Victorian Square in Sparks, NV
-Government size reduction policy in Sparks, NV
-Speech at Silver Legacy Reno in Reno, NV
-Meet with college voters at the University of Nevada in Reno, NV
-Dinner with voters at Port of Subs Restaurant in Reno, NV
-Energy policy speech at Electronic Evolution Technologies, Inc. headquarters in Reno, NV
-Rally at the National Bowling Stadium in Reno, NV
-Speech at Latino Business Chamber of Commerce in Reno, NV
-Flight to Los Angeles, California

May 21, 2020
-Economic policy speech at Reliance Steel and Aluminium Co. headquarters in Los Angeles, CA
-Clint Eastwood stumps for Marco Rubio in Los Angeles, CA, and takes some parts of one of his famous quotes spoken by his character Inspector Harry Callahan in Dirty Harry (1971) in which he played:

Clint Eastwood : I know what you're thinking : « Did the American people suffer decline 4 times or only three due to economic depression, big government, high taxes and regulations, energy dependence, protectionism, terrorist attacks, growing international terrorism and dishonest actions from Russia, North Korea, Syria and Iran? » Well to tell you the truth in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But here is Marco Rubio the next President of the United States and the best leader to grow our economy through his pro-growth agenda and his experience in the U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship and to keep us safe with his experience in the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and his strong foreign policy agenda that will blow terrorists' heads clean off. So my fellow Americans, we've got to ask ourselves one question : « Do we finally feel lucky? »

Crowd : YES!

Clint Eastwood : So time has come, my friends, to elect Marco Rubio to be our President in order to get America back on track. That's how we're going to ensure a new Morning in America and make America's day. Go ahead, make my day.

Crowd : [Applause]

-Infrastructure policy speech at AECOM headquarters in Los Angeles, CA
-Rally at Staples Center in Los Angeles, CA
-Meet with college voters at the University of California in Los Angeles, CA
-Energy policy speech at Richfield Tower in Los Angeles, CA
-Rally at the Los Angeles Convention Center in Los Angeles, CA
-Barnstorm in Koreatown in Los Angeles, CA, in an effort to woo Asian American voters
-Supper with the voters at the Mexican Village Restaurant in Los Angeles, CA

May 22, 2020
-Innovation policy at AeroVironment Inc. headquarters in Monrovia, CA
-Speech at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, CA
-Bus trip to San Francisco, CA
-Fundraising at Moscone Center in San Francisco, CA
-Free trade policy speech at the Port of San Francisco in San Francisco, CA
-Speech at the War Memorial Opera House in San Francisco, CA
-Speech at the University of San Francisco in San Francisco, CA
-Speech at the Mexican Museum in San Francisco, CA, in an effort to attract Hispanic voters
-Dinner with the voters at Don Pistos in San Francisco, CA
-Barnstorm at the Mission District in San Francisco, CA, in an effort to woo Hispanic voters
-Barnstorm at the Chinatown of San Francisco, CA
-Energy policy speech at the Pacific Gas and Electric Company headquarters in San Francisco, CA
-Economic policy Hewlett Packard Enterprise headquarters in Palo Alto, CA
-Speech alongside Carly Fiorina at Oracle Corporation headquarters in Santa Clara, CA about the importance of developing the digital economy

May 23, 2020
-Flight to Denver, Colorado
-Energy policy speech at Kodiak Oil & Gas Corporation in Denver, CO
-Dinner at La Cocinita Mexica Restaurant in Denver, CO
-Fundraising event at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver, CO
-Meet with college voters at Johnson & Wales University in Denver, CO
-Build campaign infrastructure in Colorado
-Speech at Pepsi Center in Denver, CO

Surrogate schedule
May 17, 2020
-Carly Fiorina campaigns for Marco Rubio in Virginia

May 18, 2020
-Pat Toomey and Rick Santorum campaign for Marco Rubio all across Pennsylvania

May 19, 2020
-Tim Pawlenty campaigns for Marco Rubio in Minnesota

May 20, 2020
-Susana Martinez gives a speech in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where she praises Marco Rubio's determination to fix immigration system and to restore the American Dream

May 21, 2020
-Rick Scott campaigns for Marco Rubio in Miami, Tampa and Orlando, Florida, and praises Marco Rubio's legislative record and painted it as a sign of great leadership, a leadership needed at the White House.

May 22, 2020
-Carlos-Lopez Cantera campaigns for Marco Rubio in Tallahassee, FL
-Tom Rooney campaigns for Marco Rubio in Jacksonville, FL

May 23, 2020
-John Thune campaigns for Marco Rubio in Sioux City and in Des Moines, Iowa

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 18, 2016, 08:16:15 AM

CNN America's Choice theme :

Wolf Blitzer : « Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the coverage of the results of the Utah Republican primary. »

Anderson Cooper : « It's 8 pm and Marco Rubio, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, easily wins all Utah's northern and center counties, including the Salt Lake County (Salt Lake City's location). So we can already declare Rubio as the winner of the Utah primary, as expected. He wins all this state's 40 delegates. »

Utah Primary - 15 % reported
Marco Rubio : 85 %, 40 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan (withdrawn): 6 %
Tom Cotton (withdrawn) : 3 %


Utah Primary - 100 % reported
Marco Rubio : 88 %, 40 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan (withdrawn): 8 %
Tom Cotton (withdrawn) : 4 %

Wolf Blitzer : « We will see you in two weeks for the coverage of the final Republican presidential primaries in California, New Mexico, Indiana and Oregon. Good night. »

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 18, 2016, 08:21:22 AM
Republican Party Presidential Primaries, 2020 - Map and Delegate Count

Marco Rubio : 1726 delegates ✔
Paul Ryan : 304 delegates
Tom Cotton : 97 delegates
Ron Paul : 24 delegates
James Comey : 4 delegates

1219 delegates needed to win the nomination

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 19, 2016, 01:02:30 AM
Round 35 : May 24, 2020-May 30, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 19, 2016, 07:50:20 AM
New polls

General Election Polls

Tim Kaine vs Marco Rubio vs Tim Ashe vs Ron Paul

Marco Rubio : 49 %
Tim Kaine : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 12 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Statewide Opinion Polls


Marco Rubio : 47 %
Tim Kaine: 40 %
Tim Ashe : 12 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 54 %
Tim Kaine : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 7 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 46 %
Tim Kaine : 40 %
Tim Ashe : 11 %
Ron Paul : 3 %

New Hampshire

Marco Rubio : 45 %
Tim Kaine : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 2 %


Tim Kaine : 46 %
Marco Rubio : 41 %
Tim Ashe : 12 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

North Carolina

Marco Rubio : 50 %
Tim Kaine : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 50 %
Tim Kaine : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 11 %
Ron Paul : 0,6 %


Marco Rubio : 52 %
Tim Kaine : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 8 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 46 %
Marco Rubio : 42 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %
Ron Paul : 2 %


Marco Rubio : 46 %
Tim Kaine : 42 %
Tim Ashe : 11 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 47 %
Tim Kaine : 40 %
Tim Ashe : 11 %
Ron Paul : 2 %


Tim Kaine : 41 %
Marco Rubio : 40 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %
Ron Paul : 3 %


Tim Kaine : 44 %
Marco Rubio : 40 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Ashe : 37 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Marco Rubio : 24 %
Ron Paul : 4 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 19, 2016, 02:39:36 PM

Polish voters are preparing to vote this week in the local presidential election

Polish voters are going to the polls today for the first round of the 2020 Polish presidential election. There are fears that Russia could try to rig this election in order to ensure victory to the Zmiana party, a pro-Russian and anti-European political movement.


Marco Rubio : Montana Senator Jon Tester, CEO PAtricia Russo, former U.S. Ambassador and 2000 preidential candidate Alan Keyes, the Kushner family, South Dakota Senator Mike Rounds, Radio host Chuck Baldwin

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: WashLibertarian on November 20, 2016, 12:55:03 AM
Ron Paul Campaign Schedule May 24-30

May 24, 2020
-Fly to Idaho
-Rally in Boise
-Townhall in Boise
-Economy Policy Speech in Boise
-Build Ground Game in Boise
-2nd Rally in Boise
-Drive to Twin Falls
-Rally in Twin Falls
-Townhall in Twin Falls
-Size of government rally in Twin Falls

May 25, 2020
-Fly to Washington
-Rally in Seattle
-Townhall in Seattle
-Foreign Policy Speech in Seattle
-Build ground infrastructure in Seattle
-Drive to Spokane
-Rally in Spokane
-Twitter Q&A
-Townhall in Spokane
-Trade Policy Speech in Spokane

May 26, 2020
-Fly to California
-Rally in San Francisco
-Townhall in San Francisco
-Economy Policy Speech in San Francisco
-Foreign Policy Speech in San Francisco
-Drive to Los Angeles
-Rally in Los Angeles
-Townhall in Los Angeles
-Personal Liberty Speech in Los Angeles

May 27, 2020
-Fly to New Mexico
-Rally in Santa Fe
-Townhall in Santa Fe
-Economy Policy Speech in Santa Fe
-Drive to Albuquerque
-Townhall in Albuquerque
-Rally in Albuquerque
-Townhall in Albuquerque
-Foreign Policy Speech in Albuquerque

May 28, 2020
-Fly to Ohio
-Rally in Cleveland
-Build ground infrastructure
-Townhall in Cleveland
-Education Speech in Cleveland
-2nd TownHall in Cleveland
-Lunch with supporters
-Drive to Columbus
-Rally in Columbus
-Trade Speech in Columbus
-Townhall in Columbus

May 29, 2020
-Drive to Cincinnati
-Twitter Q&A
-Rally in Cincinnati
-Townhall in Cincinnati
-doorknock with supporters
-Foreign Policy Speech in Cincinnati
-2nd Townhall in Cincinnati
-Dinner with supporters

May 30, 2020
-Fly to Maine
-Rally in Augusta
-Doorknock with supporters in Augusta
-Townhall in Augusta
-Healthcare speech in Augusta
-Build Ground infrastructure in Augusta
-Education Speech in Augusta
-2nd Townhall in Augusta
-Dinner with supporters

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on November 20, 2016, 04:02:24 AM
Ashe/Monds 2020
Taking America Back

Schedule for May 24-May 30 2020

May 24
-Fly to New York
-Interview with Stephen Colbert on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
*Colbert* So how come you didn't campaign last week?

*Ashe* Well there's a lot of logistics involved in creating a new party. We're hammering out a Presidential primary process for 2024 and have out first national convention planned this year.

*Colbert* I'm impressed. Really, I am. How many seats are you contesting this year?

*Ashe* Well you know about Wesley and Gary who are running for the Senate in Illinois and New Mexico respectively. Moreover, Tulsi Gabbard is running for re-election as a Progressive Liberty candidate. We are actually contesting 48 Congressional seats in 11 states and we're contesting around 87 seats in 14 state legislatures. In two years' time, we will contest 200 seats.
-Rally in New York City, New York with Sec. Powell and Sec. Reich
-Town Hall in Albany, New York with John Monds
-Fly to Vermont

May 25
-Rally in Montpelier, Vermont with Sen. Patrick Leahy. Leahy stated that it took a lot of courage to stand as a third party candidate, and called Ashe "the candidate of the grassroots; a man who listens to the people"
-Rally in Burlington, Vermont with Sen. Sanders
-Meet voters at the University of Vermont
-Give speech at the University of Vermont. Ashe highlighted his status as an alumni of the University, and ended the speech with the line "If you believe you can accomplish anything, you will!"
-Host public dinner in Burlington, Vermont

May 26
-Fly to Utah
-Rally in Salt Lake City with former Mayor Rocky Anderson. Anderson states that he and Ashe lined up almost exactly on the issues almost exactly, and called on Utahans to take a closer look at Ashe's candidacy
-Fly to Pennsylvania
-Rally in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with Franklin D. Roosevelt III. Roosevelt said that not only was Ashe the successor to Sanders, but also the successor to his grandfather, President Franklin Roosevelt. He called Ashe "a modern New Dealer", and stated his admiration for running outside the two-party system
-Town Hall in Scranton, Pennsylvania

May 27
-Fly to Washington D.C.
-Formally change party affiliation to Progressive Liberty Party
-In a session, Ashe proposed the Future Energies Transition Act. The Act is as follows:
1) Re-designate the borders of the ANWR to allow limited drilling in certain areas. Utilize underwater tankers to prevent environmental disasters. Pipelines such as Keystone XL can be approved, but with provisions to remove them once the transition to renewables is completed.

2) At least half of revenue from the acquiring of fossil fuels will go towards the research of renewable energies. This will ensure job creation and allow for new industries to develop

3) This plan will kickstart the renewable energies industry; a possible remedy to widespread unemployment.

4) Construction of an electricity network that relies on at least 50% of its power from renewable sources. Nuclear power is an option, but must be carefully researched before establishing it. The risks of another Three Mile Island incident are still there.

5) Encourage corporate investment in renewable energy. This could be the opportunity many corporations have been waiting for to restore damaged public reputations.
Sen. Sanders will introduce the bill to the Senate. It is hoped that the bill can gain cross-bench support
-House duties

May 28
-Fly to Ohio
-Rally in Cincinnati, Ohio with former Congressman Kucinich
-Rally in Cleveland, Ohio with John Monds
-Barnstorm in Clinton County, Ohio
-Barnstorm in Huron County, Ohio

May 29
-Fly to Colorado
-Rally in Denver, Colorado with Trey Parker and Matt Stone
-Barnstorm in Park County, Colorado
-Rally in Leadville, Colorado
-Barnstorm in Fremont County, Colorado

May 30
-Fly to California
-Rally in Los Angeles, California with Susan Sarandon. Sarandon chose to hammer Tim Kaine over his support for the TPP, but did not hold back on Rubio either, calling him out on his reluctance to sid the environment
-Fly to New Hampshire
-Rally in Manchester, New Hampshire
-Barnstorm in Belknap County, New Hampshire

Schedule for John Monds:

-May 24-26
Campaign for Gary Johnson and Wesley Clark

May 27-30
-Barnstorm in Illinois, Wisconsin and Ohio
-Hold rallies in Madison (Wisconsin), Chicago (Illinois) and Cleveland (Ohio)

Surrogate Schedule

The Libertarian Team (Now reconstituted with Jesse Ventura, John McAfee and Austin Petersen) will campaign in Colorado, Nevada and Arizona. The three will highlight Ashe's record on civili liberties, as well as his stance for gay marriage and for marijuana legalization

The Progressive Team will campaign in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana, highlighting Ashe's infrastructure program (Sanders is being detached to campaign for Gen. Clark)

The Economics Team will be campaigning in Michigan and Wisconsin, touting Ashe's economic policies as the ones to renew the broken rustbelt

The Senators' Team will campaign in Massachusetts, Maine and New Hampshire, with the aim being to drive up grassroots support for the PLP (Feingold is being detached to campaign for Baldacci)

The Governors' Team will campaign in California, Washington and Oregon, emphasizing Ashe's skill at legislation (Kennedy is being detached to campaign for Johnson)

The Veterans' Team will tour areas of Georgia, Virginia and the Carolinas, visiting veterans who have been helped by the Help for Heroes Act.

The Fundraising Team will hold a week-long event in Miami, Florida called "Progressives at the Beach". It will follow the same format at all previous events and all visitors will not be charged for entry. Half of all profits from sales of various items will go towards the PLP's downballot campaigns.

The Entertainers' Team (joined by Susan Sarandon) will focus on California, attempting to turn out the youth vote in the heavily liberal state.

Trumka, the unions, the League of Conservation Voters and the Equality Federation will be holding rallies, fundraisers and will barnstorm in all 50 states

Edward Snowden and Lindsay Mills will hold additional 'digital rallies' after the success they had last time.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on November 20, 2016, 10:13:43 AM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now
Schedule for the week of May 24, 2020-May 30, 2020

May 24, 2020
-Bus trip to Laporte, Colorado
-Barnstorm in Laporte, CO
-Bus trip to Fort Collins, Colorado
-Economic policy speech at Advanced Energy Industries headquarters in Fort Collins, CO
-Meet with college voters at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, CO
-Speech at the Fort Collins Museum of Discovery in Fort Collins, CO
-Barnstorm in Wellington, CO
-Energy policy speech in Nunn, CO
-Barnstorm in Windsor, CO

May 25, 2020
-Foreign policy speech at Greeley Air National Guard Situation in Greeley, CO. He was asked about the potential that Vladimir Putin's Russia could try to rig the Polish presidential election to ensure victory to the Zmiana party, a pro-Russian and anti-European political movement :

Rubio's answer : You know, Poland is one of our most strategic NATO allies in Eastern Europe to stop Russia from invading this region, so it might not be the case but Putin could be willing to orchestrate an electoral defeat by President Andrzej Duda and an electoral success by the Zmiana party, which would represent a threat to security, stability, freedom and integrity in Eastern Europe. So if we ever find out that Russia was trying to rig this election, sanctions against Moscow will be increased because can't allow a foreign country to decide the issue of an election. It's not Russia's choice, it's the Polish people's choice. That's how democracy works.

-Meet with college voters at the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley, CO
-Health care policy speech before North Colorado Medical Center in Greeley, CO
-Dinner with the voters at El Pueblito Mexican Restaurant in Greeley, CO
-Barnstorm in Evans, CO
-Flight to Washington D.C.
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

May 26, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

May 27, 2020
-Flight to Tallahassee, Florida
-Economic policy speech at the Tallahassee Automobile Museum in Tallahassee, FL
-Rally at Doak Campbell Stadium in Tallahassee, FL
-Meet with college voters at Florida State University in Tallahassee, FL
-Speech at the Hispanic Latino Student Union El Centro in Tallahassee, FL, in an effort to attract Hispanic voters and young voters
-Barnstorm in Havana, FL
-Barnstorm in Woodville, FL
-Barnstorm in Quincy, FL
-Bus trip to Tampa, FL

May 28, 2020
-Senator Marco Rubio (born on May 28, 1971), his family and his supporters celebrate his 49th birthday in Tampa, FL. Britney Spears comes on stage to sing « Happy Birthday » at Rubio's birthday celebration.

-Speech at Straz Center for the Performing Arts in Tampa, FL
-Speech at Tampa Hispanic Heritage, Inc. in Tampa, FL, in an effort to attract Hispanic voters
-Dinner with the voters at the Columbia Restaurant in Tampa, FL
-Innovation policy speech at Museum of Science and Industry in Tampa, FL

May 29, 2020
-Bus trip to Merritt Island, FL
-Infrastructure policy speech in Merritt Island, FL
-Space policy speech before the Kennedy Space Center in Merritt Island, FL
-Flight to Washington D.C.
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

May 30, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.
-Flight to Indianapolis, Indiana
-Economic policy speech at Simon Property Group, Inc. in Indianapolis, IN
-Fundraising event at the Indianapolis Museum of Art in Indianapolis, IN

-Rally at the Madame Walker Theatre Center in Indianapolis, IN, as John Williams' Raiders March (Indiana Jones music theme) plays (because it's in Indiana) to open the rally

-National defense policy speech at the Indiana World War Memorial Military Museum in Indianapolis, IN
-Veteran policy speech at the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument in Indianapolis, IN
-Fundraising at Bankers Life Fieldhouse in Indianapolis, IN
-Bus trip to Marion, IN
-Dinner with the voters at Hong Kong Restaurant in Marion, IN
-Manufacturing engineering policy speech at AA Auto Glass facility in Marion, IN
-Meet with college voters at Indiana Wesleyan University in Marion, IN
-Barnstorm in Fort Wayne, IN
-Flight to Santa Fe, New Mexico
-Organize « Asian-Americans for Rubio »

« Asian-Americans for Rubio » announced
Senator Rubio is proud to announce the formation of Asian-Americans for Rubio. The committee, chaired by former U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, will aim to reach Asian-American voters by convincing them that Rubio's economic policy agenda, education plan, immigration policy agenda and free trade agenda will be beneficial for all Americans, including all Asian-American citizens in the United States, and that Rubio's promotion of peace through strength by reinforcing and expanding America's alliances and by securing strategic points, such as the Pacific will ensure peace and prevent arms races and wars from happening. Chao will have full autonomy over the program.

Surrogate schedule

May 24, 2020
-Josh Romney, the Republican candidate for Governor of Utah, gives an economic speech in Salt Lake City, Utah, where he praises Rubio's economic policy :

If my father was elected President eight years ago, our country would have actually been prosperous and our economy would have been very strong today thanks to his business experience. But unfortunately, my father lost to Barack Obama and now eight years later, we have a national unemployment at 8 %, we are more dependent on foreign oil, less competitive due to Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine's protectionist policies and some of our companies are offshoring overseas.

But Marco Rubio, our presidential nominee, will give us a new chance of getting the America my father was promoting when he was running for President : permanent economic prosperity with full-employment through energy independence, free trade promotion, education reform and school choice, balancing the budget, cutting taxes for all the American people, championing businesses of all sizes and developing infrastructures. The future of America, the future of our economy as well as the future of the American Dream matter so much that we can't skip this presidential election even if I'm actually running for Governor.

That's why I support Marco Rubio to ensure America a safe and bright future. Thank you, God bless America.

May 25-28, 2020
-Bruce Rauner and Mark Kirk campaign for Marco Rubio all across Illinois

May 26-29, 2020
-Eric Cantor campaigns for Marco Rubio in Virginia, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania and New Hampshire. He praises the Republican presidential nominee's economic, foreign policy and education policy agenda.

May 27, 2020
-Paul LePage campaigns for Marco Rubio in Portland, Maine
-Susan Collins campaigns for Marco Rubio in Augusta, ME

May 28, 2020
-Jeb Bush, Mike Huckabee and Carlos Lopez-Cantera rally with Marco Rubio, his family and his supporters in Tampa, Florida, to celebrate Rubio's 49th birthday.

May 29, 2020
-Bobby Jindal campaigns for Marco Rubio in Sioux City, Iowa

May 30, 2020
-Brian Sandoval campaigns for Marco Rubio in Santa Fe, New Mexico

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 21, 2016, 09:45:47 PM
Round 36 : May 31, 2020-June 6, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 21, 2016, 10:39:09 PM
New polls

General Election Polls

Tim Kaine vs Marco Rubio vs Tim Ashe vs Ron Paul

Marco Rubio : 50 %
Tim Kaine : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 12 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Statewide Opinion Polls


Marco Rubio : 46 %
Tim Kaine: 40 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 55 %
Tim Kaine : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 7 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 47 %
Tim Kaine : 40 %
Tim Ashe : 11 %
Ron Paul : 2 %

New Hampshire

Marco Rubio : 45 %
Tim Kaine : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 45 %
Marco Rubio : 41 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

North Carolina

Marco Rubio : 50 %
Tim Kaine : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 11 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 51 %
Tim Kaine : 36 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 52 %
Tim Kaine : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 9 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 47 %
Marco Rubio : 42 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 45 %
Tim Kaine : 41 %
Tim Ashe : 12 %
Ron Paul : 2 %


Marco Rubio : 46 %
Tim Kaine : 42 %
Tim Ashe : 11 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 41 %
Tim Kaine : 40 %
Tim Ashe : 17 %
Ron Paul : 2 %


Tim Kaine : 42 %
Marco Rubio : 41 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Ashe : 38 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Marco Rubio : 25 %
Ron Paul : 2 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on November 22, 2016, 10:25:14 PM

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 22, 2016, 11:12:46 PM

Andrzej Duda and Grzegorz Schetyna winners of the first round of the 2020 Polish Presidential election

On the first round of the Polish presidential election, Incumbent President Andrzej Duda (who got 39 % of the vote) and Grzegorz Schetyna (who earned 33 % of the vote), the presidential nominee of the Civic Platform, are declared the winners and will be the contenders for the second round next week. After getting the 5th place, the Zmiana party, the pro-Russian political movement, is eliminated.

Bill De Blasio to run for U.S. Senate


Yesterday, Bill De Blasio announced his candidacy for New York Senator, challenging Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. De Blasio's challenge to Schumer is likely to make the New York Senate race interesting.


Marco Rubio : MoPresident of People to People International and President Dwight D. Eisenhower's granddaughter Mary Jean Eisenhower, Businessman Wilbur Ross, Diplomat and President of American Enterprise Institute Richard C. Brooks, California Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, Iowa Congressman Steve King, Former NASA advisor Michael D. Griffin, Actor Dwayne Johnson

Tim Ashe : Actress Emma Watson, Senator Jeff Merkley, Actor Robert De Niro, Actor Sean Penn, Actor Robert Duvall, Americans for Democratic Action, Rabbi Arthur Waskow, Mr Khizr Khan, Author Reza Aslan

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on November 23, 2016, 01:19:00 PM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now
Schedule for the week of May 31, 2020-June 6, 2020

May 31, 2020
-Fundraising event at Santa Fe Opera in Santa Fe, New Mexico
-Immigration policy speech in Santa Fe, NM
-Rally in Santa Fe, NM, alongside Brian Sandoval
-Speech at the New Mexico Museum of Art in Santa Fe, NM
-Economic policy speech at Intel Corporation facility in Rio Rancho, NM
-Rally at Santa Ana Star Center in Rio Rancho, NM
-Speech at the Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce in Albuquerque, NM, in an effort to attract Hispanic voters by describing the economic benefits of free trade with Latin America, education reform and immigration reform on the Hispanic community
-Speech at the National Hispanic Cultural Center in Albuquerque, NM, in an effort to attract Hispanic voters
-Rally at Isotopes Park in Albuquerque, NM
-Meet with college voters at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, NM
-Free trade policy speech in Albuquerque, NM
-Foreign policy speech at Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, NM
-Economic policy speech at PNM Resources in Albuquerque, NM
-Energy policy speech at New Mexico Solar Energy Association in Albuquerque, NM
-Bus trip to Las Cruces, NM

June 1, 2020
-Meet with college voters at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, NM
-Rally at Aggie Memorial Stadium in Las Cruces, NM
-Town hall at Thomas Branigan Memorial Library, NM, where he's asked about what he thinks of who could be the best Republican candidate to face Chuck Schumer and Bill De Blasio in the New York Senate race in 2022 :

We don’t have figured it out yet, but every race has its time so we have to focus on the current presidential race for now. But of course De Blasio’s challenge to Chuck Schumer will make the New York Senate race very interesting. I believe it will be a referendum on Schumer’s record bad judgement that hurt the American people by promoting big government, high tax rates, and weak national defense, which brought depression, uncertainty, insecurity and national division. By 2022, we will find out who will be the best Republican because, as usual and like everywhere in the country, a primary senate race will be held between the Republican candidates for New York Senator and our voters in New York will make their choice.

-Agriculture policy speech at Hispanic Farmers & Ranchers in Las Cruces, NM
-Economic policy speech at Las Cruces Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in Las Cruces, NM
-Flight to Salem, Oregon
-Fundraising event at Mark O. Hatfield Library in Salem, OR
-Meet with college voters at Willamette University in Salem, OR
-Bus trip to Portland, OR

June 2, 2020
-Barnstorm at Old Town Chinatown in Portland, OR, in an effort to attract Asian-American voters
-Free trade policy speech at the Port of Portland, OR, in favor of Trans-Pacific Partnership
-Economic policy speech at Oregon Steel Mills headquarters in Portland, OR
-Economic policy speech at Silicon Forest in Portland, OR
-Innovation policy speech at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry in Portland, OR
-Rally at the Moda Center in Portland, OR
-Speech at Providence Park in Portland, OR
-Meet with college voters at Concordia University in Portland, OR
-Foreign policy speech at Linfield College

June 3, 2020
-Flight to Washington, D.C.
-Senate duties in Washington, D.C.

June 4, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington, D.C.
-During an interview with CNN, Marco Rubio gives a statement in reaction of the results of the first round of the Polish presidential election :


It's a victory for democracy, freedom and integrity. Democracy spoke, the Polish people spoke. Andrzej Duda has demonstrated in the last five years his status as a great partner to America for international security and stability in Eastern Europe by confronting Russia’s imperialist policies in the region, especially in Ukraine. If he’s re-elected, this partnership will remain alive and together, the United States, Poland and all their partners in Europe will keep standing with Ukraine and we will win against Putin. I’m ready to work with President Duda as President of the United States.

June 5, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington, D.C.

June 6, 2020

-Flight to Bowling Green, Ohio
-Energy policy speech in Bowling Green, OH
-Economic policy speech in Bowling Green, OH
-Town-hall meeting in Bowling Green, OH
-Meet with college voters at Bowling Green State University in Bowling, OH
-Economic policy speech at Cooper Tire & Rubber Company headquarters in Findlay, OH
-Healthcare policy speech at Blanchard Valley Hospital in Findlay, OH
-Energy policy speech at Marathon Petroleum Corporation headquarters in Findlay, OH
-Meet with college voters at the University of Findlay in Findlay, OH

Surrogate schedule

May 31, 2020
-Susana Martinez campaigns for Marco Rubio in Albuquerque, New Mexico

June 1-4, 2020

-Mitt Romney campaigns for Marco Rubio all across Michigan
-John McCain campaigns for Marco Rubio in the Orange County, California
-Jon Huntsman campaigns for Marco Rubio in Oregon

June 2, 2020

-Carly Fiorina fundraises for Marco Rubio’s presidential campaign in San Francisco, CA
-Carly Fiorina praises Rubio’s economic agenda in San Francisco, CA
-Mike Pence campaigns for Marco Rubio in Indianapolis, Indiana

June 3, 2020
-Chris Christie campaigns for Marco Rubio in Newark, New Jersey

June 4, 2020

-Patricia Russo campaigns for Marco Rubio in Trenton, NJ

June 5, 2020
-Ted Cruz campaigns for Marco Rubio in Colorado

June 6, 2020

-Thom Tillis campaigns for Marco Rubio in Charlotte, North Carolina

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 23, 2016, 02:10:33 PM

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 23, 2016, 02:22:04 PM
Republican Party Presidential Primaries, 2020 – Final results

1219 delegates needed to win the nomination


Marco Rubio : 2007 delegates, 43 states + D.C., PR, GU, AS, VI, NMI and 61 % of the vote ✔
Paul Ryan : 304 delegates, 6 states and 23 % of the vote
Tom Cotton : 97 delegates, 1 state and 10,12 % of the vote
Ron Paul : 24 delegates, 0 state and 4,44 % of the vote
James Comey : 4 delegates, 0 state and 1,44 % of the vote

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 24, 2016, 11:43:18 PM
Round 37 : June 7, 2020-June 13, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 24, 2016, 11:49:43 PM
New polls

General Election Polls

Tim Kaine vs Marco Rubio vs Tim Ashe vs Ron Paul

Marco Rubio : 50 %
Tim Kaine : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 11 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Statewide Opinion Polls


Marco Rubio : 47 %
Tim Kaine: 40 %
Tim Ashe : 12 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 55 %
Tim Kaine : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 7 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 48 %
Tim Kaine : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 11 %
Ron Paul : 2 %

New Hampshire

Marco Rubio : 45 %
Tim Kaine : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 46 %
Marco Rubio : 41 %
Tim Ashe : 12 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

North Carolina

Marco Rubio : 50 %
Tim Kaine : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 52 %
Tim Kaine : 36 %
Tim Ashe : 9 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 51 %
Tim Kaine : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 11 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 46 %
Marco Rubio : 43 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 44 %
Tim Kaine : 42 %
Tim Ashe : 12 %
Ron Paul : 2 %


Marco Rubio : 47 %
Tim Kaine : 41 %
Tim Ashe : 11 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 43 %
Tim Kaine : 40 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 42 %
Tim Kaine : 41 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Ashe : 37 %
Tim Kaine : 36 %
Marco Rubio : 26 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 26, 2016, 07:38:28 AM

Andrzej Duda re-elected as Polish President

On the second round of the Polish presidential election, Incumbent President Andrzej Duda is re-elected at the country's top job with 55 % of the vote against 45 % for his opponent Grzegorz Schetyna. His the President's popularity is due to his stance against Russia's invasion of Ukraine and due to a stronger economic situation than it was five years ago. During his victory speech, President Duda promised to keep Poland moving foward for a stronger and safer future.

Judith Giuliani to run for U.S. Senate in 2022


Yesterday, Judith Giuliani, wife of former New York Mayor and 2008 presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani, announced that she will run for New York Senator in 2022. So if she wins the Republican nomination for Senator of New York in 2022, Judith Giuliani, a fundraiser for charitable organizations, Managing Director of Changing Our World and founding board member of the Twin Towers Fund, will challenge Democratic Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and the Progressive Liberty Party candidate and Mayor of New York Bill De Blasio.


Marco Rubio : Judith Giuliani, wife of Rudy Giuliani and announced Republican candidate for New York Senator in 2022; Michele Bachman, former Minnesota Congresswoman and 2012 presidential candidate; Karl Rove, political analyst; Richard J. Berry, Mayor of Albuquerque; Dana Rohrabacher, California Congressman; Pete Wilson, former California Governor and 1996 presidential candidate

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on November 26, 2016, 10:23:06 AM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now
Schedule for the week of June 7, 2020-June 13, 2020

June 7, 2020
-Flight to Washington D.C.
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.
-Statement in reaction of Duda's reelection in Poland :

These are great news for security, prosperity and territorial integrity in Eastern Europe. Our partnership and our standing against Russia's imperialist policies will be stronger than ever before.
June 8, 2020   
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.
-Interview with MSNBC during which Marco Rubio answers what he thinks of Judith Giuliani's Senate candidacy in 2022 :

This race will more than interesting. It will demonstrate Chuck Schumer's ineffectiveness as Minority Leader of the Senate and inability to work with other parties to defend the American people's interests. I believe Rudy Giuliani's reputation and name recognition will help our party winning Schumer's Senate seat, we still have to focus on the presidential race. If she's elected in 2022, I'm ready to work with Judith Giuliani, a Senator that will defend the American people's interests and make sure that my laws will be passed for the sake of America's prosperity, security and unity.

June 9, 2020   
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

June 10, 2020
-Senator Marco Rubio starts his international trip, just like John McCain, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney during their presidential campaigns, to meet heads of state and also to raise funds. He travels with his family and some of his campaign officials.
-Flight to Paris, France
-Marco Rubio meets with French President Francois Fillon at Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport
-Speech before the Pont de Grenelle's Statue of Liberty in Paris, France :

Almost two and a half centuries ago, while we were fighting for our liberty against the most powerful empire in the world, France became the first country to recognize our independence, stood with us and intervened on American soil to support us militarily, which helped us winning the American Revolution and officially becoming the United States of America. Today, international freedom is much more in danger than it was ever before : all around the world, terrorism killed many innocent people, whether it's in the United States, Germany, Canada, Australia, India, Afghanistan, Turkey or here in France, thus threatening freedom, the right to speak, freedom of press, freedom of religion and democracy. We need to keep fighting this threat and we will defeat international terrorism by working together, expanding our alliances, modernizing our military strength and strengthening our security measures. That way, we will stop terrorists from slaying populations for what they are and for what they believe. That's how we're going to restore international security, defend inviolable Human rights and defeat tyranny, oppression, terror and extremism. That way, we will defend what we fought for two and half centuries ago and this fight will not be in vain.

Thank you. God bless France and God bless America.

-Meet with college voters at the University of Paris in Paris, France   
-Visit at the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France
-Visit at the Palace of Versailles in Versailles, France

June 11, 2020
-Flight to London, United Kingdom
-Meet with British Prime Minister Theresa May at London City Airport in London, UK
-Foreign policy and economic issues discuss with Theresa May
-Speech in front of British deputies at the Palace of Westminster in London, UK, about US-UK relations, economic issues, free trade, foreign policy and war on terror
-Economic policy speech at the London School of Economics in London, UK
-Fundraising event with US financiers at the British Museum in London, UK

June 12, 2020
-Flight to Berlin, Germany
-Meet with German Chancelor Angela Merkel at Berlin Tegel Airport in Berlin, Germany
-Foreign policy speech at the Humboldt University of Berlin in Berlin, Germany
-Speech at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, Germany
-Visit at the East Side Gallery in Berlin, Germany

June 13, 2020
-Flight to Jerusalem, Israel
-Meet with Reuven Rivlin, President of Israel, at Ben Gurion Airport in Jerusalem, Israel
-Meet with Israel Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu at the Knesset in Jerusalem, Israel

-Foreign policy speech at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel :

Since the beginning, Israel is America's greatest ally and partner in the Middle East, a region more dangerous than ever due to growing terrorist threat, Assad's tyranny and terror and Iran's support to terrorism (including Hezbollah) and attempt to develop its nuclear program to destroy Israel and to threat us and our allies. If we keep working together, we will win together. We are close from obtaining this victory because my Bipartisan Counterterrorist Coalition Act reinforced our defense ties with you and all of our allies in the Middle East and in the Indian Subcontinent to fight terrorism in the Middle East more effectively and reinforced sanctions against Tehran to make sure that Iran will use its nuclear energy for Iranian economic development rather than for its military nuclear program's development. In addition, if I'm President of the United States, I will seek to form with you and all our other allies in this region to form the Southwest Alliance Defense Association (SWADA) to fight terrorism and keep Iran from getting nuclear weapons and slaying an entire people like Israel. It will also protect freedom of religion because a potential massive nuclear attack against Israel is a massive nuclear attack against the Jewish people. Thanks to stronger military engagement, thanks to the courageous service of our brave men and women in uniform, we will surround ISIS and these terrorists will be attacked from all sides, thus further weakening them. That way, we will find Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and bring him to justice. That way, we will remove Assad from power in Syria, which will stop this outrageous massacre of the Syrian people and restore democracy, integrity and security in this country in addition of restoring Syria's sovereignty since Syria will no longer be led by Russia's puppet. Even after Assad's toppling, Syria will never become a terrorist heaven because we will rebuild this country to make health services, education, housing, food and freedom accessible for all the Syrian people just like we did in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Under my leadership, we will always stand with you Israel. I believe Jerusalem should be incontestably recognized as capital of Israel and I think Israelis and Palestinians should stop fighting each other. After all, these two people are brothers : if Christianity exists, it's because of Judaism and also because of Jesus Christ's sacrifice and resurrection. Since then, many Christians unfairly got persecuted, especially by the Roman empire, and we can't afford to keep seeing religious groups getting persecuted for what they are and what they believe. Israelis and Palestinians must live together like brothers, otherwise they will die together like fools. By working together, Israelis and Palestinians will overcome their challenges.

Combined with my leadership as future President of the United States, Benyamin Netanyahu's leadership as well as all our allies' leadership, we will make the world safer and terrorism extinct. We're living in a dangerous world and I'm ready to work with you in this dangerous and difficult time to accomplish our campaign for international freedom, justice and integrity against international terrorism, tyranny and corruption. United we stand, divided we fall.

Thank you. God bless you all, God bless Israel, God bless our allies and God bless the United States of America.

-Fundraising event with US financiers at the National Library of Israel in Jerusalem, Israel
-Visit at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, Israel
-Visit at the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, Israel

Surrogate schedule

June 7, 2020   
-Rudy Giuliani fundraises for Marco Rubio in New York City, New York

June 8, 2020
-In addition of running her Senate campaign in New York City, NY, Judith Giuliani campaigns for Marco Rubio and praises her foreign policy agenda which, according to her, will prevent another 9/11 from happening.

June 9-10, 2020
-Rudy Giuliani campaigns for Marco Rubio in New Jersey
-John McCain campaigns for Marco Rubio in Richmond, Virginia

June 10, 2020
-Jeb Bush campaigns for Marco Rubio in Durham, New Hampshire

June 11, 2020
-Michael Reagan campaigns for Marco Rubio in Seattle, Washington

June 12, 2020
-Cory Gardner campaigns for Marco Rubio in Denver and Yuma, Colorado
-Joni Ernst campaigns for Marco Rubio in Springfield, Illinois

June 13, 2020
-Cory Gardner campaigns for Marco Rubio in Albuquerque and Santa Fe, New Mexico

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on November 26, 2016, 05:16:19 PM
Ashe/Monds 2020
Taking America Back

Schedule for June 7-13 2020

June 7
-Fly to Oregon
-Rally in Portland, Oregon with Senator Jeff Merkley
-Rally in Salem, Oregon with former Governor John Kitzhaber
-Fly to California
-Interview on New Rules with Bill Maher

June 8
-Rally in Los Angeles, California with Sean Penn and Robert De Niro. Both said they supported Ashe because of his common sense policies, with De Niro closing the rally with one of his quotes from his hit movie Goodfellas, in reference to the Republican Party
Remember something. These people don't five a f**k about you unless you're doing something for them
-Interview with Cenk Ugyur of The Young Turks
-Interview with Amy Goodman of Democracy Now!
-Fly to Maryland
-Rally in Baltimore, Maryland with Rabbi Arthur Waskow. Waskow stated that he had protested racial segregation, campaigned for gender equality, and protested the Iraq War because he believed that it was the right thing to do, and that history had vindicated those who stood with him. He praised Ashe for his appeal to "common logic that is not that common in today's politics"

June 9
-Fly to Washington DC
-Rally with President of Americans for Democratic Action, Lynn Woolsey in Washington DC
I support Tim Ashe for a very simple reason: he is the candidate of social progress. He has no PAC or SuperPAC; his funding comes from the American people. That is why I stand with him.
-House duties

June 10
-Fly to Rhode Island
-Rally on the Brown University campus with Emma Watson (Watson is an alumni of the University)
As many of you know, I'm a fierce advocate for women's rights. I've spoken at the United Nations and spearheaded campaigns to bring attention to wherever gender inequality exists. I've visited places like Zambia and Zimbabwe to promote the need for girls' education.

Four years ago, I supported Hillary Clinton, albeit with great reservations. I would have much preferred to support Senator Warren.

This election is too important to sit out. The Republican Party is advocating for stripping women of their reproductive rights, cracking down on homosexuality in this country; all under the guise of religion, while at the same time, they seem to conveniently forget about that parts of the Bible that say to heal the sick, feed the hungry and care for the weakest among us.

This year, I support Tim Ashe. Why? He is a fierce advocate for women's rights, and he is at this moment crafting new women's rights legislation. I support him because of his backing for not just women's rights, but also LGBT rights and his economic policies. That is why I support him!
-Hold events on the Brown University campus with Emma Watson, Mark Ruffalo and Shailene Woodley, with the aim to recruit volunteers and potential future candidates

June 11
-Fly to New York
-Attend formal launches of Secretary Powell's campaign for Mayor of New York City, Mayor De Blasio's campaign for the US Senate, and surprisingly, Jon Stewart's campaign for Governor of New York

June 12
-Fly to Vermont
-Rally in Burlington, Vermont with Sen. Sanders
-Rally in Montpelier, Vermont with Gov. Shumlin and Sen. Leahy
-Fly to New Mexico
-Campaign for Gary Johnson

June 13
-Fly to Illinois
-Campaign for Wesley Clark
-Rally in Chicago, Illinois

Schedule for John Monds

June 7-9
-Campaign for Wesley Clark, John Baldacci and Gary Johnson

June 10-13
-Hold rallies, give speeches and barnstorm in Georgia, Virginia and Missouri, targeting African-American neighbourhoods and areas hard-hit by the financial crises

Surrogate schedule

The Libertarian Team will campaign in Nevada, Colorado and Montana, highlighting Ashe's civil libertarianism, citing his ability to work with libertarians (John McAfee is being detached to campaign for Gary Johnson)

The Progressive Team will campaign in Vermont, California and New Hampshire, touting his populist agenda which resonated with Sanders voters four years ago

The Economics Team will campaign in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana, visiting areas hardest hit by free trade deals (Sen. Warren is being detached to campaign for John Baldacci)

The Senators' Team will campaign in Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota, spinning Ashe's lack of time in federal office as "not enough time to corrupt him" (Sen. Baldwin is being detached to campaign for Bill de Blasio from June 11 onwards)

The Governors' Team will campaign in the tri-state area, emphasizing Ashe's agenda to support the working and middle class (Fmr. Gov. O'Malley is being detached to campaign for Baldacci)

The Veterans' Team will be campaigning in Florida, Virginia and Georgia, visiting VA hospitals and touting Ashe's pro-veterans agenda

The Fundraising Team will be holding fundraisers in New York, California and Michigan. A quarter of all proceeds from these ventures will go towards downballot campaigns.

The Entertainers' Team will hold rallies at universities in California, Nevada and Arizona.

Trumka, unions, Equality Federation and the League of Conservation Voters will once again launch a 50-state plan, holding rallies, giving speeches and barnstorming in all 50 states.

Edward Snowden and Lindsay Mills will be holding a week-long AMA on Reddit, with emphasis on why they support Ashe.

As a footnote: The first Progressive Liberty National Convention will be held at the Augusta Civic Center in Augusta, Maine, in honor of the late Senator King.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: WashLibertarian on November 26, 2016, 07:34:44 PM
.  June 7, 2020
-Fly to Illinois
-Rally in Chicago
-Poverty Speech in Chicago
-Town Hall in Chicago
-Drive to Aurora
-Foreign Policy Speech in Aurora
-Twitter Q&A
-Townhall in Aurora
-Dinner with supporters

June 8, 2020
-Drive to Joliet
-Rally in Joliet
-Doorknock with supporters in Joliet
-Townhall in Joliet
-Economic Policy Speech in Joliet
-Drive to Rockford
-Rally in Rockford
-Townhall in Rockford
-Personal Liberty speech in Rockford

June 9, 2020
-Fly to Ohio
-Rally in Cleveland
-Build ground infrastructure
-Townhall in Cleveland
-Education Speech in Cleveland
-2nd TownHall in Cleveland
-Lunch with supporters
-Drive to Columbus
-Rally in Columbus
-Trade Speech in Columbus
-Townhall in Columbus

June 10, 2020
-Drive to Cincinnati
-Twitter Q&A
-Rally in Cincinnati
-Townhall in Cincinnati
-doorknock with supporters
-Foreign Policy Speech in Cincinnati
-2nd Townhall in Cincinnati
-Dinner with supporters

June 11, 2020
-Fly to Maine
-Rally in Augusta
-Doorknock with supporters in Augusta
-Townhall in Augusta
-Healthcare speech in Augusta
-Build Ground infrastructure in Augusta
-Education Speech in Augusta
-2nd Townhall in Augusta
-Dinner with supporters

June 12, 2020
-Drive to Portland
-Rally in Portland
-Economic Speech in Portland
-Establish ground infrastructure in Portland
-Townhall in Portland
-Trade Policy Speech in Portland
-Drive to Lewiston
-Rally in Lewiston
-Townhall in Lewiston
-Role of government speech in Lewiston
-build ground infrastructure in Lewiston

June 13, 2020
-Fly to New York
-Rally in NYC
-Build ground infrastructure in NYC
-Townhall in NYC
-Economic Policy Speech in NYC
-Meet with college voters at NYU
-Personal Liberty Speech at NYU
-Townhall at NYU
-Townhall in NYC
-Education Speech in NYC


Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 27, 2016, 10:42:42 PM
Round 38 : June 14, 2020-June 20, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 28, 2016, 07:06:45 AM
New polls

General Election Polls

Tim Kaine vs Marco Rubio vs Tim Ashe vs Ron Paul

Marco Rubio : 51 %
Tim Kaine : 36 %
Tim Ashe : 12 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Statewide Opinion Polls


Marco Rubio : 48 %
Tim Kaine: 40 %
Tim Ashe : 11 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 55 %
Tim Kaine : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 7 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 49 %
Tim Kaine : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 11 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

New Hampshire

Marco Rubio : 45 %
Tim Kaine : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 45 %
Marco Rubio : 41 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

North Carolina

Marco Rubio : 51 %
Tim Kaine : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 52 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 51 %
Tim Kaine : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 11 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 44 %
Marco Rubio : 43 %
Tim Ashe : 12 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 44 %
Tim Kaine : 42 %
Tim Ashe : 12 %
Ron Paul : 2 %


Marco Rubio : 46 %
Tim Kaine : 42 %
Tim Ashe : 11 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 43 %
Tim Kaine : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 17 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 41 %
Marco Rubio : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %
Ron Paul : 2 %


Tim Ashe : 39 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Marco Rubio : 25 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on November 28, 2016, 11:41:50 AM

Free elections in Cuba for March 2021

Due to Fidel Castro's death in 2016, to multiplied protests (including, especially, hunger strikes) across Cuba and to the embargo's effects, the Cuban dictatorial regime announced yesterday that for the first time in History, Cuba will have free elections. These elections will be held on March 2021. New Cuban political parties have yet to emerge by 2021. These news are well received around most of the world, especially in the United States.


Marco Rubio : Diplomat Richard N. Haass, Mrs. Ghazala Khan, Vermont Governor Phil Scott, Utah Governor Gary Herbert

Tim Ashe : Standing Rock Indian Reservation Tribal Chairman David Archambault II, Former EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy, Former Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Richard Cordray, Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, The Harvey Milk Foundation

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on November 28, 2016, 12:31:02 PM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now
Schedule for the week of June 14, 2020-June 20, 2020

June 14, 2020
-Flight to New Delhi, India
-Meet with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at Indira Gandhi International Airport in New Delhi, India
-Visit to the Rajghat, the final resting place of Mahatma Gandhi in New Delhi, India
-Free trade policy speech in New Delhi, India
-Foreign policy speech at the National Museum in New Delhi, India
-Economic policy speech at Jindal Steel and Power headquarters in New Delhi, India
-Visit to Connaught Place in New Delhi, India
-Fundraising event with US financiers at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in New Delhi, India
-Meet with Indian President Pranab Mukherjee at the Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi, India

-Senator Marco Rubio gives a statement in New Delhi, India, in reaction to the announcement of the holding of free elections in Cuba on next spring :

I'm proud to learn that Cuba will finally be free and be led by a democratic government on next spring. After six decades of communist dictatorship, time has come to turn the page and to look to the future, a bright future that will bring freedom, democracy, integrity, free market, security, justice, prosperity and stronger relations between the United States and Cuba, the land of my ancestors from which my parents came. As the first Cuban-American president of the United States, I will visit today in my first 100 days in office, remove the embargo against Cuba after the election of the future democratic government in Cuba next spring and make our diplomatic, economic and security relations stronger. This will be good for American and Cuban businesses because it will give them the opportunity to grow, to expand and to trade their products, which will be beneficial for the U.S. economy and Cuba's economy.

El año 2021 van, tal como en el caso de América, marcará desde su inicio una tiempo de prosperidad, seguridad, integridad, opportunidad, libertad y justicia para todos por Cuba. Viva Cuba libre! Viva America libre! Viva el mundo libre!

June 15, 2020
-For fun, Senator Rubio and his family made an elephant ride alongside Prime minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi, India
-Meet with college voters at the University of Delhi in New Delhi, India
-Flight to Tokyo, Japan
-Meet with Japanese Prime Minister Shenzo Abe at Haneda Airport in Tokyo, Japan
-Foreign policy discuss with Shenzo Abe, especially on security, stability and peace on the Pacific Ocean as well as North Korea, China, war against Abu Sayyaf, free trade, etc., at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building

-Economic policy speech before the Tokyo Stock Exchange in Tokyo, Japan
-Free trade policy speech at Ginza in Tokyo, Japan, in favor of the Trans-Pacific Partnership
-Meet with college voters at the University of Tokyo in Tokyo, Japan
-Visit at Tokyo Tower in Tokyo, Japan
-Foreign policy speech at Hitotsubashi University in Tokyo, Japan, where Senator Rubio reiterates his promise to create the Pacific Treaty Organization (PTO) to reinforce peace and security on the Pacific, to stop North Korea's nuclear program through sanctions and the creation of the PTO, to defend South China Sea's territorial integrity against China and to fight Abu Sayyaf as well as international terrorism.
-Visit at National Olympic Stadium in Tokyo, Japan, where Senator Rubio expresses his enthusiasm and optimism about the 2020 Summer Olympics which Tokyo will host in one month

-Visit at the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation in Tokyo, Japan

June 16, 2020
-Flight to Washington D.C.
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

June 17, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.
June 18, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.
-Flight to Newark, New Jersey
-Economic policy speech at Port Newark in Newark, NJ
-Fundraising event at the Newark Museum in Newark, NJ
-Rally at Prudential Center in Newark, NJ
-Economic policy and small government policy speech at Berkely College in Newark, NJ
-Counterterrorism policy speech in Newark, NJ
-Visits at Hispanic and African-American neighbourhoods in Newark, NJ, in an effort to attract Hispanic and African-American voters

June 19, 2020
-Build campaign infrastructure in New Jersey
-Bus trip to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
-Meet with college voters at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, PA, where Senator Rubio recruits young Hispanic and Asian-American volunteers
-Infrastructure policy speech at Suburban Station in Philadelphia, PA
-Dinner with the voters at the Italian Market in Philadelphia, PA
-Rally at Citizens Bank Park in Philadelphia, PA
-Bus trip to Allentown, PA

June 20, 2020
-Energy policy speech at Air Products & Chemicals headquarters in Allentown, PA
-Economic policy speech at the South Mall in Allentown, PA
-Town hall meeting in Allentown, PA
-Speech at the Hispanic American Organization in Allentown, PA, in an effort to attract Hispanic voters
-Bus trip to Erie, PA
-Rally at Erie Veterans Memorial Stadium in Erie, PA
-Speech at the Bicentennial Tower in Erie, PA
-Twitter Q&A
-Foreign policy and national defense policy speech at Erie Maritime Museum in Erie, PA
-Bus trip to Bethlehem, PA
-Rubio's presidential campaign unveils an updated list of potential running mates :

List of Marco Rubio's potential running mates

Nikki Haley
John Kasich
Tim Scott
Eric Cantor
Rob Portman
Chris Sununu
Susana Martinez
Rick Snyder

Surrogate schedule

June 14, 2020
-As he campaigns for Marco Rubio in Miami, Florida, Felix Rodriguez calls for regime change in Cuba

June 15, 2020
-Jeb Bush promotes Rubio's immigration policy agenda in Orlando, FL

June 16, 2020
-Nikki Haley promotes Rubio's foreign policy agenda in Greensboro, North Carolina :

Marco Rubio's international trip demonstrates his understanding of the importance of strong foreign relations, strong economic ties and strong defense ties. His trip in India demonstrated his understanding of the importance of India, as a partner in our crusade against terrorism in the Middle East. He is ready to be commander-in-chief, to make America safe and to make the world safe and peaceful again. By creating the SWADA, President Rubio will reinforce our defense ties with India, the land of my ancestors, and our combined military powers will finish off terrorists in Afghanistan, Pakistan and all across the Middle East and the Indian Subcontinent.

Senator Rubio's home state of Florida’s $1 billion annual exports to India represent a reason why trade ties with India’s and Asia's large and growing markets matter to the United States. The more we export, the more consumers we get in the world, the more our companies can ensure their expansion and the more jobs we can create. That's why President Rubio will sign the Trans-Pacific Partnership and encourage India to become a member of TPP. Free trade will boost free enterprise, which is the strength of our economy. It will also give international consumers a greater access to American products, which will be good for our economy. America's ability to compete and innovate derives from its open markets and from the continual search for new markets through the expansion of free trade.

Rubio's presidency will make US-India relations much stronger than ever, which will be beneficial for international security, freedom and prosperity.

June 17, 2020
-Jon Huntsman campaigns for Marco Rubio in Olympia and Tacoma, Washington

June 18, 2020
-John Boehner campaigns for Marco Rubio in Cincinnati, Ohio

June 19, 2020
-Jim Webb campaigns for Marco Rubio in Norfolk, Virginia, praises Marco Rubio's leadership and political agenda and criticizes Tim Kaine's « weak » leadership as Virginia Governor, Virginia Senator, Vice-President of the United States and President of the United States.

June 20, 2020
-Condoleezza Rice fundraises for Marco Rubio in San Diego, California
-Condoleezza Rice praises Marco Rubio's foreign policy and economic policy agenda in Los Angeles, CA

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on November 30, 2016, 07:09:00 PM
Ashe/Monds 2020
Taking America Back

Schedule for June 14-June 20, 2020

June 14
-Fly to California
-Rally in San Francisco, California with Stuart Milk, founder of the Harvey Milk Foundation. Milk testified that Ashe was the most pro-LGBT candidate in the race, touting his pro-LGBT  voting record in the House and the Vermont Senate
-Rally in Los Angeles, California with Former Governor Jerry Brown
-Interview on The Young Turks with Cenk Uygur
*Uygur* So, you're currently leading in Vermont, which means you're poised to be the first third party candidate to win a state since George Wallace in 1968. How does that feel?

*Ashe* Well let's not get too far ahead of ourselves. If we manage to win a state, then we prove that we are a viable third party. The American people want  a third option, and we can provide that.

*Uygur* What do you think of Cuba holding Democratic elections?

*Ashe* I think it's a terrific thing. These will be the first democratic elections since Batista took power there, and will only help Cuba. I may be a left-wing social democrat, but I don't believe in Communism or any associated far-left ideology; to me it's just nuts.
-Build campaign infrastructure for Congressional candidates in California

June 15
-Fly to Cuba
-In flight, Ashe announces the first Progressive Liberty National Convention will be held at the Augusta Civic Center in Augusta, Maine, from July 1-4
-Meet with members of the Social Democratic Co-Ordination of Cuba to discuss Cuba's forthcoming elections
-Fly to the United Kingdom
-Meet with Leader of the Opposition and Leader of the Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn to discuss shared beliefs on aiding the middle class and taking on the rich and powerful.

June 16
-Fly to Australia
-Meet with Prime Minister of Australia Bill Shorten and Deputy Prime Minister Tanya Plibersek to discuss the US-Australian alliance
-Fly to North Dakota
-Campaign on the Standing Rock Reservation with Chairman David Archembault II. Archembault highlighted Ashe's concern for the Native population, and his willingness to stand up for what mattered
-Meet with leaders of the Standing Rock Reservation

June 17
-Fly to Massachusetts
-Rally in Boston, Massachusetts with former EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy. McCarthy said that no-one understood the threat of climate change like Tim Ashe, and endorsed his plan for the transition to renewable energy
-Barnstorm in Bristol County, Massachusetts
-Barnstorm in Plymouth County, Massachusetts
-Barnstorm in Essex County, Massachusetts with Governor Joe Kennedy

June 18
-Fly to Vermont
-Rally in Burlington, Vermont with Mayor Weinberger
-Rally in Montpelier, Vermont with Sens. Sanders and Leahy and Gov. Shumlin
-Barnstorm in Orange County, Vermont
-Barnstorm in Addison County, Vermont with Sen. Sanders

June 19
-Fly to Maine
-Rally in Augusta, Maine with Fmr. Gov. Baldacci
-Rally in Brunswick, Maine
-Meet with the family of Angus King in Brunswick, Maine
-Visit the Augusta Civic Center in Augusta, Maine, to see preparations for the convention

June 20
-Fly to New York
-Mid-flight, Ashe made the following statement:
Tim Kaine and Marco Rubio say they want a more diversified political system. I say they put their money where their mouths are and allow myself, Ron Paul and our running mates in the debates. I hope the former Congressman will join me in this call
-Appear at a rally for Colin Powell's Mayoral campaign in New York City
-Fly to Colorado
-Rally in Denver, Colorado

Schedule for John Monds

June 14-16
-Campaign for Gary Johnson, Wesley Clark and John Baldacci

June 15-20
-Hold rallies, give speeches and barnstorm in Virginia, Georgia, Colorado and Nevada

Surrogate schedule:

The Libertarian team will campaign in Colorado, Nevada and Montana, highlighting Ashe's campaign as the chance for libertarians to break through. (John McAfee is being detached to campaign for Gary Johnson)

The Progressive Team (including Woolsey and Waskow) will campaign heavily in California, Washington and Oregon, touting Ashe's pro-middle class agenda (Rep. Conyers is being detached to campaign for Wesley Clark)

The Economics Team will campaign in Ohio, Michigan, Indiana and Wisconsin, visiting areas that have been hard-hit by the recession, and calling on President Kaine to abandon the free trade deals that have hammered the rustbelt states.

The Senators' Team will campaign in Lousiana, Mississippi, and Missouri, emphasizing that Ashe seeks to build a party that encompasses a wide range of views (Sen. Harris is being detached to campaign for John Baldacci)

The Governors' Team will campaign in Florida, Virginia and the Carolinas, touting Ashe's support for cutting back on useless regulations while implementing ones that are necessary and his desire to expand social security (Governor Shumlin is being detached to campaign for Colin Powell)

The Veterans' Team will be visiting VA hospitals and those aided by the Help for Heroes Act in Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado.

The Fundraising Team will hold fundraisers in New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Rhode Island. All events are low-cost affairs and a quarter of all proceeds will go to downballot campaigns.

The Entertainers' Team (Joined by Emma Watson, Sean Penn and Robert De Niro) will hit colleges across New England with the aim of turning out the youth vote

Trumka, the unions, EF, ADA, and LCV will continue with their 50-state plan, with a particular focus on Illinois and Michigan.

Snowden and Mills will once again hold 'digital rallies', this time highlighting Ashe's call for himself and Ron Paul to be included in the debates

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on December 01, 2016, 08:13:38 AM
Round 39 : June 21, 2020-June 27, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on December 01, 2016, 08:36:47 AM
New polls

General Election Polls

Tim Kaine vs Marco Rubio vs Tim Ashe vs Ron Paul

Marco Rubio : 48 %
Tim Kaine : 36 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 2 %

Statewide Opinion Polls


Marco Rubio : 48 %
Tim Kaine: 40 %
Tim Ashe : 12 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 54 %
Tim Kaine : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 8 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 50 %
Tim Kaine : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

New Hampshire

Marco Rubio : 45 %
Tim Kaine : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 46 %
Marco Rubio : 41 %
Tim Ashe : 12 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

North Carolina

Marco Rubio : 51 %
Tim Kaine : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 51 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 11 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 52 %
Tim Kaine : 36 %
Tim Ashe : 11 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 44 %
Tim Kaine : 43 %
Tim Ashe : 12 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 44 %
Tim Kaine : 42 %
Tim Ashe : 12 %
Ron Paul : 2 %


Marco Rubio : 47 %
Tim Kaine : 41 %
Tim Ashe : 11 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 42 %
Tim Kaine : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 19 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 41 %
Marco Rubio : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %
Ron Paul : 2 %


Tim Ashe : 40 %
Tim Kaine : 34 %
Marco Rubio : 25 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on December 01, 2016, 09:06:58 AM

An air offensive eradicated ISIS from Al-Raqqah

An air offensive orchestrated by American, Indian and Turkish air forces striked ISIS in the Syrian city of Al Raqqah. The airstrikes killed 3000 ISIS fighters on 5000. These airstrikes weakened the city's defense as well as ISIS' base in this city that it helped the Kurds to led a successful assault in Al-Raqqah and to retake it from ISIS. The Kurds killed 1000 terrorists and captured 600 others. That's another step in the fight against ISIS in Syria.


Marco Rubio : T.V. Evangelical and 1988 presidential candidate Pat Robertson, the International Republican Institute, Montana Senator Steve Daines, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker, Chinese pro-democracy activist Joshua Wong, Actor Andy Garcia

Tim Ashe : Family of Eugene McCarthy, Martin Luther King III, Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Ohio Congresswoman Nina Turner

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on December 03, 2016, 10:04:51 AM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now
Schedule for the week of June 21, 2020-June 27, 2020

June 21, 2020   
-Bus trip to Akron, Ohio
-Economic policy speech at the Kelly Springfield Tire Company headquarters in Akron, OH
-Speech in reaction ISIS' eradication in Al-Raqqah in Akrin, OH :

Thanks to collaboration, thanks to our powerful forces and thanks to the effects of the Bipartisan Counterterrorist Coalition Act, we once again defeated terrorists, this time in Al-Raqqah, in Syria. We won this battle, but we haven't yet won this war. By keeping working together with our allies and by investing all the necessary efforts and arsenal, we will win this war, restore international security, freedom, justice and stability.

-Fundraising event at the Goodyear Polymer Center in Akron, OH
-Meet with college voters at the University of Akron, OH
-Energy policy speech at FirstEnergy Corp. headquarters in Akron, OH
-Bus trip to Cleveland, OH

June 22, 2020
-Speech at Cleveland Public Theatre in Cleveland, OH
-Town hall meeting at the Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland in Cleveland, OH
-Economic policy speech in front of college voters at Ohio Technical College in Cleveland, OH
-Barnstorm in Lakewood, OH
-Rally at Lakewood Park in Lakewood, OH
-Flight to Saginaw, Michigan

June 23, 2020
-Build campaign infrastructure in Michigan
-Speech at Fashion Square Mall in Saginaw, MI
-Meet with college voters at Saginaw Valley State University in Saginaw, MI
-Rally at the Dow Event Center in Saginaw, MI
-Town hall meeting at the Hoyt Library in Saginaw, MI
-Barnstorm in Mount Pleasant, MI
-Meet with college voters at Central Michigan University in Mount Pleasant, MI
-Flight to Honolulu, Hawaii

June 24, 2020
-Senator Rubio assists at the ceremony of Major Tulsi Gabbard's promotion to Lieutenant-Colonel in the Hawaii Army National Guard at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific

June 25, 2020
-Flight to Washington D.C.
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

June 26, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

June 27, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.
-Flight to Durham, North Carolina
-Rally at Carolina Theater in Durham, NC
-Energy policy speech at Cree Inc. headquarters in Durham, NC
-Rally at Cameron Indoor Stadium in Durham, NC
-Speech at Duke Chapel in Durham, NC
-Meet with college voters at North Carolina Central University in Durham, NC, in an effort to attract African-American voters
-Bus trip to Raleigh, NC
-Rubio's presidential campaign unveils an updated list of potential running mates :
List of Marco Rubio's potential running mates

Nikki Haley
John Kasich
Eric Cantor
Rob Portman

Surrogate schedule

June 21, 2020
-Tom Cotton campaigns for Marco Rubio in Des Moines, Iowa

June 22, 2020
-Tom Cotton praises Marco Rubio's strong foreign policy agenda in Davenport, IA

June 23, 2020
-Tim Pawlenty campaigns for Marco Rubio in Saint Paul, Minnesota

June 24, 2020
-Christopher Nixon-Cox, Republican candidate for New York Congressman, campaigns in New York City, NY, claiming that he's ready to pass President Rubio's laws in order to move America foward.

June 25-27, 2020
-Eric Cantor campaigns for Marco Rubio in Norfolk, Chesapeake, Virginia Beach and Richmond, Virginia

June 26, 2020
-Meg Whitman campaigns for Marco Rubio in Oregon

June 27, 2020
-John Kasich campaigns for Marco Rubio in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: WashLibertarian on December 03, 2016, 11:46:01 AM
Ron Paul Campaign Schedule June 21-27, 2020

June 21, 2020
-Fly to Idaho
-Rally in Boise
-Townhall in Boise
-Economy Policy Speech in Boise
-Build Ground Game in Boise
-2nd Rally in Boise
-Drive to Twin Falls
-Rally in Twin Falls
-Townhall in Twin Falls
-Size of government rally in Twin Falls

June 22, 2020
-Fly to Washington
-Rally in Seattle
-Townhall in Seattle
-Foreign Policy Speech in Seattle
-Build ground infrastructure in Seattle
-Drive to Spokane
-Rally in Spokane
-Twitter Q&A
-Townhall in Spokane
-Trade Policy Speech in Spokane

June 23, 2020
-Fly to California
-Rally in San Francisco
-Townhall in San Francisco
-Economy Policy Speech in San Francisco
-Foreign Policy Speech in San Francisco
-Drive to Los Angeles
-Rally in Los Angeles
-Townhall in Los Angeles
-Personal Liberty Speech in Los Angeles

June 24, 2020
-Fly to New Mexico
-Rally in Santa Fe
-Townhall in Santa Fe
-Economy Policy Speech in Santa Fe
-Drive to Albuquerque
-Townhall in Albuquerque
-Rally in Albuquerque
-Townhall in Albuquerque
-Foreign Policy Speech in Albuquerque

June 25, 2020
-Fly to Ohio
-Rally in Cleveland
-Build ground infrastructure
-Townhall in Cleveland
-Education Speech in Cleveland
-2nd TownHall in Cleveland
-Lunch with supporters
-Drive to Columbus
-Rally in Columbus
-Trade Speech in Columbus
-Townhall in Columbus

June 26, 2020
-Drive to Cincinnati
-Twitter Q&A
-Rally in Cincinnati
-Townhall in Cincinnati
-doorknock with supporters
-Foreign Policy Speech in Cincinnati
-2nd Townhall in Cincinnati
-Dinner with supporters

June 27, 2020
-Fly to Maine
-Rally in Augusta
-Doorknock with supporters in Augusta
-Townhall in Augusta
-Healthcare speech in Augusta
-Build Ground infrastructure in Augusta
-Education Speech in Augusta
-2nd Townhall in Augusta
-Dinner with supporters

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on December 03, 2016, 06:23:08 PM
Ashe/Monds 2020
Taking America Back

Schedule for June 21-27 2020

June 21
-Fly to Vermont
-Rally in Burlington, VT with Sen. Sanders and Mayor Weinberger
-Rally in Montpelier, VT with Gov. Shumlin and Sen. Leahy
-Visit University of Vermont to give guest lecture for the Political Science course

June 22
-Fly to Minnesota
-Rally in Watkins, Minnesota with the family of Eugene McCarthy. The rally started with the McCarthy honouring their father, Senator Eugene McCarthy, and calling Ashe the heir to his legacy.
-Barnstorm in Cass County, MN
-Barnstorm in Carlton County, MN with Fmr. Gov. Ventura
-Barnstorm in Benton County, MN with Congressman Keith Ellison

June 23
-Fly to Georgia
-Rally with President of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference Charles Steele Jr.
There is but one man in this race who has vowed to stand up for racial justice, whether your skin ins black, white, brown or any other color. That man is Congressman Tim Ashe!
-Fly to Alabama
-Rally in Montgomery, Alabama with Martin Luther King III
My father would have backed a single man in this race. Not Tim Kaine or Marco Rubio, but the man who stands up to racial inequality for all, and that is Tim Ashe!

June 24
-Fly to Hawaii
-Attend Major Tulsi Gabbard's promotion to Lieutenant-Colonel in the Hawaii Army National Guard at the National Memorial of the Pacific
-Using what leisure time they have, Ashe and his now-pregnant wife Paula visited Pearl Harbor with Lieutenant-Colonel Gabbard and John Monds

June 25
-Fly to Ohio
-Rally in Cincinnati, Ohio with Congresswoman Nina Turner
-Rally in Cleveland,Ohio with Former Congressman Dennis Kucinich

June 26
-Fly to Washington DC
-House duties

June 27
-Fly to Cuba
-Assist in forming the Social Democratic Party of Cuba
-Fly to Maine
-Rally in Augusta, Maine with Fmr Gov. Baldacci

Schedule for John Monds

June 21-24
-Campaigning for Gary Johnson, Wesley Clark, John Baldacci and Colin Powell

June 24-27
-Campaigning in Alabama, Louisiana, the Carolinas and Missouri

Surrogate schedule

The Libertarian Team will campaign in Colorado, Idaho and Montana, attempting to reach libertarian-leaning voters in these states (Austin Petersen is being detached to campaign for Fmr. Gov. Johnson

The Progressive Team (joined by Mayor Anderson) will campaign in Hawaii, California and Florida, touting his agenda civil liberties

The Economics Team will campaign in New York, Vermont, Massachusetts and Maine, attacking Rubio for his plans to introduce a new round of tax cuts for the rich, which is unfair to the middle class that foots the bill for the tax cuts (Senator Warren is being detached to campaign for Fmr. Gov. Baldacci)

The Senators' team will campaign in Ohio, Florida and Hawaii, with a particular focus on the urban poor. (Sen. Feingold is being detached to campaign for Gen. Clark)

The Governors' Team will campaign in New York, Florida and Pennsylvania (Fmr. Gov. Brown is being detached to campaign for Sec. Powell)

The Fundraising Team will hold fundraisers in California, Washington and New York. As always, they are low-cost and a quarter of all proceedings will go towards funding downballot campaigns

The Entertainers' Team will campaign on College campauses in California, Florida and Indiana

Trumka will lead all the unions and organisations endorsing Ashe in executing their 50-state strategy. With only 20 states left to pour resources into, the strategy should be completed by next week.

Edward Snowden and Lindsay Mills will have a live-streamed interview with Glenn Greenwald (Every candidate can submit at least two questions)

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on December 03, 2016, 11:44:01 PM
Round 40 : June 28, 2020-July 4, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on December 04, 2016, 08:36:28 AM
New polls

General Election Polls

Tim Kaine vs Marco Rubio vs Tim Ashe vs Ron Paul

Marco Rubio : 49 %
Tim Kaine : 36,5 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 0,5 %

Statewide Opinion Polls


Marco Rubio : 49 %
Tim Kaine: 37 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 54 %
Tim Kaine : 36 %
Tim Ashe : 9 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 50 %
Tim Kaine : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

New Hampshire

Marco Rubio : 44 %
Tim Kaine : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 17 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 45 %
Marco Rubio : 42 %
Tim Ashe : 12 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

North Carolina

Marco Rubio : 52 %
Tim Kaine : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 51 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 11 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 52 %
Tim Kaine : 36 %
Tim Ashe : 11 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 44 %
Tim Kaine : 42 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 43 %
Tim Kaine : 43 %
Tim Ashe : 12 %
Ron Paul : 2 %


Marco Rubio : 47 %
Tim Kaine : 41 %
Tim Ashe : 11 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 42 %
Tim Kaine : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 19 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 41 %
Marco Rubio : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %
Ron Paul : 2 %


Tim Ashe : 41 %
Tim Kaine : 34 %
Marco Rubio : 24 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on December 04, 2016, 11:00:37 AM

Alternative for Germany raised at the third place in the polls for the 2021 German federal election

With 19 % of the vote intentions in the polls, the Alternative for Germany, a far-right populist political party, almost edged the SPD (20 %) for second place between Angela Merkel's CDU (29 %). This rise triggered fears and worries about a possible rise of populism in Germany.


Marco Rubio : Florida Congressman Brian Mast, Businessman and California Congressman Jeff Denham, son of General Douglas MacArthur Arthur MacArthur, San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer, Domino's Pizza CEO Tom Monaghan

Tim Ashe : Governor David Ige of Hawaii, President of the Hawaii State Senate Ron Kouchi, Vermont Lieutenant Governor David Zuckerman, Working Families Party, University of Vermont College Democrats, Mayor John Hollar

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on December 06, 2016, 01:57:59 PM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now
Schedule for the week of June 28, 2020-July 4, 2020, Part 1

June 28, 2020
-Speech at African American Cultural Complex in Raleigh, North Carolina, in an effort to attract African-American voters
-Rally at Carter-Finley Stadium in Raleigh, NC
-Meet with college voters at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC
-Speech in Raleigh, NC, in reaction to the Alternative for Germany's rise on German political scene :

Like all of you, I'm concerned about the rise of the Alternative for Germany in the polls for the next German federal election in 2021. I know it's the German people's choice, but we will never tolerate xenophobia and protectionism, which is bad for national stability and for the economy. Xenophobia means hate and no tolerance for ethnic minorities. Protectionism means closure and higher tariffs, which will hurt the international economy since the cost of trading would be higher. Germany deserves better and doesn't need another Hitler, 75 years after his fall. I wish Angela Merkel's victory next year. As President of the United States, me and Angela Merkel will defend our mutual economic interests and our international security interests as she always did as German Chancellor by fighting terrorism and confronting Russia's military intrusion in Eastern Europe.

-Bus trip to Charlotte, NC
-Speech at the Harvey B. Gantt Center for African-American Arts + Culture in Charlotte, NC, in an effort to attract African-American voters
-Foreign policy speech at the Carolinas Aviation Museum in Charlotte, NC
-Fundraising event at the Bechtler Museum of Modern Art in Charlotte, NC
-Rally at the Spectrum Center in Charlotte, NC

June 29, 2020   
-Flight to Seattle, Washington
-Economic policy speech at Expeditors International headquarters in Seattle, WA
-Rally at CenturyLink Field in Seattle, WA
-Economic policy speech at Bloch Steel Industries in Seattle, WA
-Foreign policy speech at Seattle MEPS in Seattle, WA, promoting a stronger American military presence on the Pacific in order to stop North Korea from aggressing its neighbors militarily, including through nuclear missile attacks.
-Dinner with voters at Magic Dragon in Seattle, WA
-Meet with college voters at Seattle University in Seattle, WA
-Town hall meeting in Seattle, WA
-Bus trip to Tacoma, WA

June 30, 2020
-Meet with voters at the Tacoma Mall in Tacoma, WA
-Fundraising event at Emerald Queen Casino in Tacoma, WA
-Meet with college voters at the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, WA
-Speech at Tacoma's Pantages Theater in Tacoma, WA
-Rally in Olympia, WA
-Flight to Reno, Nevada
-Rally at Reno Events Center in Reno, NV
-Supper with the voters at Siena Reno in Reno, NV

July 1, 2020
-Bus trip to Carson City, NV
-Infrastructure policy speech at the Nevada State Railroad Museum in Carson City, NV
-Bus trip to Las Vegas, NV
-Rally at Symphony Park in Las Vegas, NV
-Visits T-Mobile Arena to watch the development of the organization of the Republican National Convention that will be held from July 20-23
-Fundraising event at South Pont Hotel, Casino & Spa in Las Vegas, NV
-Barnstorm in Winchester, NV
-Barnstorm in Spring Valley, NV
-Meet with Asian-American voters at Spring Valley's Chinatown in an effort to attract Asian-American voters

July 2, 2020
-Barnstorm in Summerlin, NV
-Dinner with voters at Suncoast Hotel and Casino in Summerlin, NV
-Economic and innovation policy speech at Allegiant Air headquarters in Summerlin, NV
-Flight to Washington D.C.
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

July 3, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

July 4, 2020
-Marco Rubio meets with his supporters in Washington D.C. and wishes them Happy 4th of July
-Flight to Miami, Florida
-Alongside Rick Scott, Jeb Bush, Mike Huckabee, Carlos Lopez-Cantera and Brian Mast, Senator Marco Rubio, his family and his supporters celebrate Independence Day in Miami, FL, where the Republican presidential nominee delivers his Independence Day message :

My fellow Americans, 244 years ago, our Founding Fathers successfully fought tyranny, declared the independence of a new country named the United States of America and we obtained it through engagement patriotism. During all the 244 years of America's existence, until today, we always fought for our freedom diplomatically, militarily, economically and socially and we always managed to overcome our challenges through conviction and audacity like we will always do. When my parents came here, in Miami, as immigrants, they learned about the opportunities that the American Dream is offering for every single American through hard-working and these opportunities gave their children, including me, a better life, which helped them to make their way in the American society. We need to restore that dream through job creation, free market promotion, immigration reform, education reform and fight against poverty, thus resulting to economic prosperity that will bring the American people together and make the United States of America a united country again.

Thank you and happy Independence Day my friends, God bless you and God bless the United States of America!

-Marco Rubio his family and his supporters sing Star Spangled Banner (USA national anthem) and them pursue their Independence Day celebration in Miami, FL

-Rubio's presidential campaign unveils an updated list of potential running mates :
List of Marco Rubio's potential running mates

Nikki Haley
John Kasich

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on December 06, 2016, 01:59:56 PM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now
Schedule for the week of June 28, 2020-July 4, 2020, Part 2

Surrogate schedule

June 28, 2020
-Brian Mast campaigns for Marco Rubio in Tallahassee, FL, and praises Rubio's record on veterans and social security :

Like all our men and women in uniform, I fought with courage for America's liberty against terrorism and tyranny. While fighting in Afghanistan, I lost my two legs and one of my fingers because of an explosion. But life gave me a second chance since my lost legs are replaced by robotic legs, and I'm happy to walk again. That's one of the right things to do to take care of our veterans for their courage, their service and their sacrifices.

Marco Rubio is the best man to take care of our veterans. Like all of us, he's grateful of our veterans service for America, a strong and beautiful country. Marco cosponsored the AGREE Act, a bill that gave tax credits for veterans opening a business franchise, so it helps them to find a good paying job and to prosper after their military service. He co-sponsored the 2014 VA reform law by introducing a measure empowering the VA secretary to hold managers accountable for incompetence, negligence and corruption and to care more about veterans than bureaucrats because it's another way to reward our veterans for their military service and their sacrifices for America. And this year, alongside some his Senate colleagues, especially John McCain and Lindsey Graham who are military veterans, Marco Rubio voted in favor of the Help for Heroes Act that passed into law and will increase funding for the VA, as well as a major retraining and housing program for past and future veterans.

After serving their country and fighting tyranny and terrorism, our men and women in uniform need something in return and Marco Rubio knows it. That's why President Marco Rubio will always thank them for their courage and service not only through medals of honour but also through social services and health care services by using the same leadership he adopted in the Senate when it comes to take care of our veterans.

Thank you. God bless Marco Rubio, God bless our veterans and God bless America.

June 29, 2020
Cory Gardner campaigns for Marco Rubio in Denver and Yuma, Colorado

June 30-July 2, 2020
-Susan Collins campaigns for Marco Rubio in Maine

July 1, 2020
-Joe Lieberman campaigns for Marco Rubio in Concord and Manchester, New Hampshire, and meets with college voters in Saint-Anselm College

July 2, 2020
-James Comey campaigns for Marco Rubio in Richmond, Virginia

July 3, 2020
-Rand Paul campaigns for Marco Rubio in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and praises Rubio's engagement to reduce the size of government, to restore free market and to fight for freedom and democracy :

Since the end of Ronald Reagan's presidency, we did not have a conservative administration in Washington. Since too long, government is too big and is still getting bigger and bigger, thus increasing our national deficit, killing American jobs, increasing poverty. It's been three decades that we are led by a big government administration. We can't wait any longer. Time has come to correct the situation and that's why I support Marco Rubio to be the next President of the United States of America.

He will make us energy independent through increasing oil drilling and help us taking advantage of all of our sources of energy, including renewable ones. He will promote free trade with our allies, thus reducing tariffs and government intrusion in the economy through reduction of the cost of exporting and importing. He will reduce useless government spending in order to balance the budget, cut taxes for every single American. That's the right way to restore prosperity. And as we approach Independence Day, we need to remember that taxes, outrageous taxes, are the reason why we triggered the American Revolution by fighting against the British Empire's tyranny, thus declaring our national independence here in Philadelphia, 244 years ago. Then, we got military help from France, we defeated British troops and we obtained our independence and this glorious honorable victory definitely gave birth to our country : the United States of America. We then drafted the Constitution of the United States in order to protect our rights and our freedom, especially the right to speak, freedom of press, the right to self-defense through owning guns, etc., all rights, freedoms and values that Marco Rubio will defend as President of the United States.

By promoting peace through strength, as Ronald Reagan did, through securing strategic points in the world such as the Black Sea, the Persian Gulf, and the Pacific Ocean, we will reduce the need of intervening militarily to attack geopolitical foes such as Iran or North Korea since such increased pression will dissuade them to attack us or our allies. This is exactly Marco Rubio's plan to stop Iran and North Korea from developing their nuclear programs, which will ensure international peace and freedom and save the life of many Americans, civilians or men and women in uniform that won't need to fight and get killed abroad.
God bless you and God bless America.

July 4, 2020
-All surrogates celebrate Independence Day

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on December 06, 2016, 11:42:56 PM
Ashe/Monds 2020

Taking America Back

Schedule for June 28-July 4

June 28
-Fly to Vermont
-Rally in Montpelier, Vermont with Mayor John Hollar and Lieutenant-Governor David Zuckerman, who called him the logical choice to bring Vermont's progressive policies to the entire nation
-Meet with University of Vermont College Democrats
-Fly to Hawaii
-Rally in Honolulu, Hawaii with Governor David Ige and Hawaii State Senate President Ron Kouchi. Both praised his well-run campaign, and both vowed to aid his Hawaii campaign
-Visit Pearl Harbor military base with Rep. Gabbard, Gov. Ige and State Sen. Kouchi

July 29
-Fly to Maine
-Rally in Brunswick, Maine with Fmr. Gov. Baldacci
-Rally in Augusta, Maine
-Prepare Convention schedule

July 1-4
-Progressive Liberty National Convention

Schedule for John Monds
June 28-29
-Hold rallies, give speeches and Barnstorm in Virginia and the Carolinas

July 1-4
-Attend PLNC

Surrogate schedule

The Libertarian Team will campaign in Colorado and Nevada, emphasizing his support for legalised marijuana

The Progressive Team will campaign in Ohio and Michigan, touting his pro-worker policies

The Economics and Senators' Teams will join forces, campaigning in Washington and Oregon.

The Governors' and Entertainers' Teams will join together and campaign in Pennsylvania and Maryland

The Fundraising and Entertainers' Teams will campaign together in California and Hawaii.

Trumka will coordinate unions and organizations in the last week fof their 50 state strategy

Snowden and Mills will campaign online.

OOC: Convention Schedule next.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on December 07, 2016, 12:55:53 AM
Progressive Liberty National Convention

Location: Augusta Civic Center. Augusta, Maine

Date: July 1 2020-July 4 2020

Chair of the Convention: Mrs Tulsi Gabbard, Representative for Hawaii's 2nd Congressional District


Platform Committee:

Rep. Keith Ellison
Fmr. Gov. Gary Johnson
Sec. John Kerry
Fmr. Sen. Tom Daschle
Gov. Joe Kennedy
Mayor Miro Weinberger
Sen. Elizabeth Warren
Fmr. VP Al Gore
Fmr. Pres. Carter
Fmr. Gov. Jesse Ventura

Night 1 (July 1) Speakers

-Convention Chair Tulsi Gabbard
-Mr. Richard Trumka
-Mr. Robert Duvall
-Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich
-Former Secretary of State  Colin Powell
-Governor of Hawaii David Ige
-Mr. Bill Maher
-Former Senator Tom Daschle
-Governor of Vermont Peter Shumlin (Introducing Senator Bernie Sanders)
-Senator Bernie Sanders  (keynote speaker)
Four years ago, I stood before the Democratic National Convention, asking my supporters to back Secretary Clinton. Today, I stand before you to support Tim Ashe for President of the United States of America!

Tim has fought his entire life for the less fortunate; the veterans; the farmers and more. He stands up for his beliefs and defends those who cannot do so for themselves. We are the party for Main Street, not Wall Street. For the farmer, not the CEO. For the secretary, not the banker. We stand for the common people!

Tim Kaine and Marco Rubio do not share these value. They would rather support the major corporations than the people. It is not moral to force a mother to take unpaid time off work to raise a newborn child . . .  (Goes on)

So, that is why I support Tim Ashe. This is our revolution! We are creating a future to believe in!

Night 2 (July 2) speakers

-Senator Elizabeth Warren
-Former Secretary of State John Kerry
-General and Senate nominee Wesley Clark
-Senator Russ Feingold 
-Mr Austin Petersen
-Mr John McAfee
-Former Governor Jesse Ventura
-Senator Patrick Leahy
-Governor Joe Kennedy. Kennedy delivered a powerful speech reminiscent of his uncle Ted's speech at the 1980 DNC, even ending with the phrase "The work goes on; the cause shall endure; the dream shall never die!"

Night 3 (July 3) speakers

-Former Vice President Al Gore
-Former Vice President Walter Mondale
-Former President Jimmy Carter
-Congressman John Conyers
-Mr Martin Luther King III
-Ms Shailene Woodley
-Mr Bill Gates
-Mr Mark Ruffalo
-Mr Viggo Mortensen
-Dr Jill Stein

Night 4 (July 4) speakers

-Mr Jon Stewart
-Mr Steve Eisman
-Mr Michael Lewis
-Former Mayor of New York City Bill de Blasio
-Senator Kamala Harris
-Former Governor of New Mexico and Senate nominee Gary Johnson  (introducing John Monds)
-John Monds, Progressive Liberty nominee for Vice President of the United States of America
Mr Kerry; Tim; fellow Progressive Libertarians; I gratefully and proudly accept your nomination for Vice President of the United States of America!
-Senator Tammy Baldwin  (introducing Tim Ashe)
-Representative for Vermont's At-Large Congressional District and Progressive Liberty nominee for President of the United States of America Tim Ashe
John Kerry; fellow progressives and libertarians, is with great pride and all due humility that I accept your nomination for President of the United States of America!

The Convention closes to the tune of the Union version of "Battle Cry of Freedom" as US flags descend from the ceiling

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on December 07, 2016, 06:42:14 AM
Round 41 : July 5, 2020-July 11, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on December 07, 2016, 06:52:57 AM
New polls
The PLP National Convention in Augusta seems to have given a boost in the polls for Tim Ashe as the Democrats are preparing to hold their National Convention in Madison, Wisconsin.

General Election Polls

Tim Kaine vs Marco Rubio vs Tim Ashe vs Ron Paul

Marco Rubio : 46 %
Tim Kaine : 34,5 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Statewide Opinion Polls


Marco Rubio : 48 %
Tim Kaine: 36 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 53,5 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 10,5 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 49 %
Tim Kaine : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 12 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

New Hampshire

Marco Rubio : 44 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 19 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 44 %
Marco Rubio : 41 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

North Carolina

Marco Rubio : 52 %
Tim Kaine : 36 %
Tim Ashe : 11 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 49 %
Tim Kaine : 34 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 51 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 43 %
Tim Kaine : 40 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 42 %
Tim Kaine : 41 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 46 %
Tim Kaine : 40 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 40 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 23 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 39 %
Marco Rubio : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 19 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Ashe : 43 %
Tim Kaine : 33 %
Marco Rubio : 23 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on December 07, 2016, 11:32:28 PM

Mikhail Gorbatchev passed away

This morning, Mikhail Gorbatchev, the last President of the Soviet Union who agreed to
remove INF systems from Europe and to equal global limits of 100 INF missile warheads, died at the age of 89. Russian President Vladimir Putin honored Gorbatchev, « a great man and a great diplomat who managed to improve our relations with other countries at the end of Cold War despite the Soviet Union's fall. »


Marco Rubio : Oregon Representative and CEO Kevin Cramer, Actor Tim Allen, U.S. Ambassador to Tanzania Mark Green, Military Veteran and CEO Frederick W. Smith, Georgia Congressman Tom Graves, Retired neurosurgeon and 2016 presidential candidate Ben Carson

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on December 08, 2016, 11:48:34 AM
Marco Rubio for President 2020 Right here Right now
Schedule for the week of July 5, 2020-July 11, 2020, Part 1

July 5, 2020
-Bus trip to Key West, Florida
-Speech at Key West Museum of Art & History in Key West, FL
-Foreign policy speech at Key West Naval Air Station in Key West, FL
-Town hall meeting in Key West, FL
-Dinner with the voters at Sloppy Joe's Bar in Key West, FL
-Flight to Duluth, Minnesota

July 6, 2020
-Meet with college voters at the College of St. Scholastica in Duluth, MN
-Barnstorm in Duluth, MN
-Bus trip to Saint Paul, MN
-Economic policy speech at the 3M Company headquarters in Saint Paul, MN
-Speech in reaction to Gorbachev's death at RiverCentre in Saint Paul, MN :

Yesterday Mikhail Gorbachev, a leader that contributed to the end of more than 40 years of Cold War and collaborated with Ronald Reagan to ensure international peace and stability, has died. Even though he was a leader from the Soviet Union, our greatest rival in the Cold War, we have to credit Gorbachev for his great diplomatic ability that helped us getting victory in the Cold War and led the whole world to peace, stability and integrity.

-Rally at Minnesota United FC Stadium in Saint Paul, MN
-Meet with college voters at Macalester College in Saint Paul, MN

July 7, 2020
-Barnstorm in Rochester, MN
-Bus trip to Des Moines, Iowa
-Economic policy speech at Bridgestone facility in Des Moines, IA
-Town hall meeting at Des Moines Art Center in Des Moines, IA
-Bus trip to Cedar Rapids, IA
-Rally at U.S. Cellular Center in Cedar Rapids, IA
-Foreign policy speech at Veterans Memorial Building in Cedar Rapids, IA

July 8, 2020
-Bus trip to Fayette, IA
-Meet with college voters at Upper Iowa in Fayette, IA
-Barnstorm in West Union, IA
-Barnstorm in Oelwein, IA
-Rally at Williams Wellness Center in Oelwein, IA
-Flight to Washington D.C.
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

July 9, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

July 10, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

July 11, 2020
-Flight to Milwaukee, Wisconsin
-Town hall meeting at the Central Library in Milwaukee, WI
-Fundraising event Potawatomi Hotel & Casino in Milwaukee, WI
-Free trade policy speech at the Port of Milwaukee in Milwaukee, WI
-Visits the Menomonee Valley in Milwaukee, WI
-Economic and manufacturing policy speech at the Harley-Davidson Museum in Milwaukee, WI
-V.P. selection announcement speech at Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI :

Thank you my friends, thank you Milwaukee, thank you Wisconsin.

Milwaukee is one of our greatest contributors to America's prosperity through the development of its industry and the Menomonee Valley as well as the Harley-Davidson Museum (a great symbol of America's famous reputation as manufacturing job creator) represent a major example of this matter of fact. Thanks to Milwaukee's access to Lake Michigan and to other Great Lakes, this city, just like all the Midwest and just like all America benefits from free trade. The reason of such prosperity in the Midwest and then to all America is that we put government aside and send it a message that made sure that he should understand that the procedure to keep our prosperity alive is to cut taxes for all Americans, champion businesses, get us energy independence, promote free trade and reduce the cost of doing business in America. That's what I will do as President of the United States to get America back to work.

My friends, I'm here today to announce you who will be my running mate and the next Vice-President of the United States. It's a great reformer. It's a leader who lived the American Dream and grew up in a hard working middle class family just like I did. It's a leader who has the best business experience and background to make a great contribution to America's economic growth. It's a leader who understands the terrible living conditions of our veterans since having a husband sent on a year-long deployment to Afghanistan and a brother who is a retired member of the United States Army Chemical Corps who proudly served our country in the Gulf War. It's a leader who ensured it's state's prosperity by reducing the cost of doing business there, thus making this place the most favourable environment for businesses in the United States, which helped this right-to-work state to attract some large companies like BMW and brought positive effects as well as other companies by reducing corporate income tax rate to 5 %, by abolishing state property tax, local income tax, inventory tax, sales tax on manufacturing equipment, wholesale tax and unitary tax on worldwide profits and by having industrial power or materials for finished products, which boosted job creation and innovation. It's also a leader who managed to keep our country together even after one of the worst shootings in America's history that killed 9 African-Americans in a church at the summer of 2015 by successfully campaigning in favor of removing the Confederate flag from the local State Capitol and it's grounds. That's the right way to defend America's greatness as diversified, united, fair and prosperous country.

My friends, my fellow Americans, I am proud to introduce to you the next Vice-President of the United States of America, Governor Nikki Haley!

[Applause from the audience]

-Nikki Haley's speech as Marco Rubio's running mate :

Thank you so much my friends! Thank you Marco! I'm honored and proud to be selected as your running mate and to contribute to a decisive a great change for our country. And it's an honor to serve America alongside the next President of the United States Marco Rubio.

As Senator Rubio said, I have, just like him, the best background to understand what hard working means since I lived the American Dream. I was born to an Indian Sikh family that came from India to America before my birth. At the age of 12, I began helping with the bookkeeping in Exotica International, my mother's ladies' clothing shop. Then I joined Exotica International ten years later grew to become a multimillion-dollar company. I was named to the board of directors of directors of the Orangeburg County Chamber of Commerce before being named to the board of directors of the Lexington Chamber of Commerce and becoming president of the South Carolina Chapter of the National Association of Women Business Owners. As Governor of South Carolina, I reduced the cost of doing business in the Palmetto State, reduced corporate income tax rate to 5 %, abolished state property tax, local income tax, inventory tax, sales tax on manufacturing equipment, wholesale tax and unitary tax on worldwide profits, which helped my state to have industrial power or materials for finished products and boosted job creation and innovation. These pro-growth policies made South Carolina the best place to open a new business and reduced the local unemployment rate from 12 % to 5 % during my governorship. I know what it takes to create jobs, to get America back to work and to restore the American Dream just as Marco Rubio does. He will cut taxes for all Americans, champion businesses of all sizes, reduce the cost of doing business in America (which will make America the best place in the world to open a business), promote energy independence by making sure that we take advantage of all of our sources of energy (oil, gas, coal, nuclear, electricity, wind, solar energy, etc.), promote free trade to reduce the cost of trading and make us competitive in the world economy, reform our education system to give our children a chance to get the best job they can be dreaming about and to create the jobs of tomorrow, reform our immigration system, balance our budget, develop our infrastructures through a part of future budget surpluses and reduce our national debt caused by big government policies that kept us from becoming energy independent, increased taxes on the American people and our businesses and increased poverty. That's how Marco Rubio and I will make America more prosperous than it was ever before and get people out of poverty.

Marco Rubio is a great leader who understands what it takes to make the world safe again in this time of growing international terrorism. He will increase defense budget, strengthen and modernize our military and send all the necessary troops and arsenal to defeat ISIS, Al Qaida and international terrorism. He will use all the necessary diplomatic skills he has as well as the necessary arsenal to defend Ukraine from Vladimir Putin's tyranny and corruption, stop Iran and North Korea from pursuing the development of their nuclear programs and to restore international territorial integrity.

I overcome to keep our country together after one of the worst shootings in America's history that killed 9 African-Americans in a church in Charleston at the summer of 2015. I successfully campaigned to remove the Confederate flag from the local State Capitol and it's grounds. Marco Rubio will keep our country together by reforming our immigration system to give immigrants a chance to earn American citizenship and promote school choice. That's the right thing to do to give all ethnic minorities and young people living in America a chance to live the American Dream as Marco Rubio and I did.

Marco Rubio and I will lead America into brighter days by making it fairer, more prosperous, safer and more united than it was ever before. We have an Hispanic at the top of our ticket and an Asian-American serving as his running mate. Today, we have showed America that the Republican Party is not only the party of old white men, but the party of ALL Americans. Like Barack Obama said, there's not a white or black America, there's no Hispanic or Asian America, there's no conservative or liberal America. This is the United States of America!
Thank you! God bless you all and God bless the United States of America!


Rubio/Haley 2020
Right here Right now

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on December 09, 2016, 09:59:11 AM
Rubio/Haley 2020
Right here Right now
Schedule for the week of June 28, 2020-July 4, 2020, Part 2

Surrogate schedule

July 5, 2020
-John Thune campaigns for Marco Rubio in Sioux City, Iowa
-With Nikki Haley's selection as Marco Rubio's running mate, Rubio's presidential campaign brought a few modifications to the campaign logo by adding Haley's name on the logo. In addition, there's not only the continental United States on the «i» of «Rubio» but also Alaska on the « i » of « Right here » and Hawaii on the « i » « Right now ». Rubio's presidential campain also added a flying bald eagle to form the «W» of «Now» at the end of the slogan « Right here Right now ».

July 6, 2020
-Mitt Romney campaigns for Marco Rubio in Chicago, Illinois

July 7, 2020
-Brian Sandoval campaigns for Marco Rubio in Las Vegas and watches the organization of the Republican National Convention

July 8, 2020
-Actor Tim Allen campaigns for Marco Rubio in Denver, Colorado, and stumps for him by giving a speech, which a part is taken from one his famous movie quotes from Toy Story in which he plays Buzz Lightyear :

With Marco Rubio as President of the United States, our country will move foward, « to infinity and beyond! »

July 9, 2020
-John Kasich campaigns for Marco Rubio in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

July 10, 2020
-Susana Martinez campaigns for Marco Rubio in Colorado

July 11, 2020
-Mitch McConnell campaigns for Marco Rubio in Cincinnati and Dayron, Ohio

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on December 10, 2016, 03:42:07 PM
Ashe/Monds 2020
Taking America Back

Schedule for July 5-11 2020

June 5
-Rally in Brunswick, Maine
-Rally in Augusta, Maine
We're already leading in Vermont. Let's take Maine and honor the memory of Angus King!
-Barnstorm in Somerset County, Maine
-Barnstorm in Penobscot County, Maine
-Fly to France

June 6
-Attend D-Day ceremony in Normandy, France with John Monds, Tulsi Gabbard and wife Paula

June 7
-Fly to Vermont
-Rally in Montpelier, Vermont with Gov. Shumlin and Sen. Leahy
-Rally in Burlington, Vermont with Sen. Sanders and Mayor Weinberger
-Meet with University of Vermont College Democrats

June 8
-Fly to Illinois
-Rally in Chicago, Illinois with Gen. Clark
-Barnstorm in Macon County, Illinois
-Barnstorm in Ford County, Illinois
-Barnstorm in Adams County, Illinois

June 9
-Fly to Ohio
-Rally in Columbus, Ohio with Former Congressman Kucinich
-Rally in Cincinnati, Ohio with Senator Sherrod Brown
-Town Hall in Cincinnatti, Ohio with John Monds
-Visit farmers in northern Ohio

June 10
-Fly to Pennsylvania
-Rally in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with Gov. Wolf
-Rally in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
-Meet with Pennsylvania State University students

June 11
-Fly to California
-Rally in Sacramento, California with Fmr. Gov. Brown
-Rally in Los Angeles, California with Sen. Harris
-Rally in San Diego, California with Mr Bill Maher
-Rally in San Francisco, California with Robert De Niro and Sean Penn

Schedule for John Monds
-Barnstorm heavily in Georgia, Virginia and the Carolinas
-Campaign for Gary Johnson and Wesley Clark
-Visit ghetto areas of Baltimore, Maryland

Surrogate schedule

The Libertarian Team will campaign in Idaho, Montana and North Dakota, emphasizing Ashe's desire to leave law-abiding citizens alone

The Progressive and Economics Teams will join together and make a concerted appeal to the state of Massachusetts, a state where Ashe is hoping to break 10%

The Senators' and Governors' teams will be focusing their joint efforts on Michigan, another state where Ashe is hopeful of doing well.

The Fundraising and Entertainers' Teams will be holding fundraisers and events in Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania, attempting to sway minority voters

Trumka will co-ordinate the unions and organizations that have endorsed Ashe in a concerted effort to help organize downballot candidates.

Snowden and Mills will be giving a live interview in support of Ashe

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on December 10, 2016, 09:05:16 PM
Round 42 : July 12, 2020-July 19, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on December 11, 2016, 08:13:59 AM
New polls
As the Democrats will be holding their National Convention this week, Nikki Haley's selection as Marco Rubio's running mate seems to have boosted the Republican presidential nominee in the polls. Rubio is now leading in Michigan by 10 points. This must be due to Haley's business experience (which seems to have an important influence in the birthplace of the automobilie industry) and also to the former South Carolina Governor's decision to remove the Confederate flag from South Carolina's Capitol, which would have helped Rubio increasing his supports among the African-American community that represents an important part of the Wolverine State. He's also leading in the Washington state by two points. Thanks to double diversity in the Republican ticket, formed by a Hispanic and an Asian-American, the Republican Party could break records in terms of attracting minority voters.

General Election Polls

Tim Kaine vs Marco Rubio vs Tim Ashe vs Ron Paul

Marco Rubio : 49 %
Tim Kaine : 33 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Statewide Opinion Polls


Marco Rubio : 48 %
Tim Kaine: 36 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 55 %
Tim Kaine : 34 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 50 %
Tim Kaine : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 12 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

New Hampshire

Marco Rubio : 45 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 19 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 43 %
Marco Rubio : 43 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

North Carolina

Marco Rubio : 54 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 52 %
Tim Kaine : 32 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 53 %
Tim Kaine : 34 %
Tim Ashe : 12 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 44 %
Tim Kaine : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 45 %
Tim Kaine : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 47 %
Tim Kaine : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 47 %
Tim Kaine : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 40 %
Tim Kaine : 33 %
Tim Ashe : 25 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 40 %
Tim Kaine : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 20 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Ashe : 42 %
Tim Kaine : 33 %
Marco Rubio : 24 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Washington state

Marco Rubio : 41 %
Tim Kaine : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 2 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on December 12, 2016, 06:23:22 AM

Earthquake in South Korea

This morning, South Korea is hit by an earthquake that destroyed 6 buildings in Seoul and killed 14 people and injured 91 others. Neighboring countries are preparing to collect funds for the victims' families.


Marco Rubio : The American Israel Public Affairs Committee, Kentucky Congressman Andy Barr, The Family Leader, political commentator Ann Coulter, Retired General James Mattis

Tim Ashe : State Counsellor of Myanmar Aung San Suu Kyi, Activist Jodie Evans, Activist Ezra Nawi, Author Arundhati Roy

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on December 12, 2016, 12:59:07 PM
Ashe/Monds 2020
Taking America Back

Schedule for July 12-July 19 2020

July 12
-Fly to South Korea
-Visit areas hardest hit by the earthquake
This sort of thing shouldn't happen to anyone at all, least of all the people of South Korea. This is an absolute tragedy and I will do the very best I can to ensure that people here can get their lives back on track

July 13
-Ashe and other members of the campaign will assist in rebuilding some areas of South Korea

July 14
-Rebuilding areas of South Korea

July 15
-Fly to Myanmar
-Meet with State Counsellor and de facto President of Myanmar Aung San Suu Kyi to discuss shared beliefs on human rights
-Visit poorest areas of Myanmar

July 16
-Fly to Maine
-Rally in Brunswick, Maine
-Rally in Augusta, Maine
-Fly to Nevada
-Rally with Jodie Evans in Las Vegas, Nevada. Evans called on those who believed in women's rights to support him, citing his endorsement from Emma Watson as proof of his advocacy for women

July 17
-Hold live interview with Ezra Nawi in mid-flight to Massachusetts
*Ashe* Thank you for your endorsement, Mr Nawi

*Nawi* It's one of the easiest decision I've ever made, Congressman. Israel needs to be questioned rather than listened to blindly, and you're the only candidate willing to do so.
-Rally in Boston, Massachusetts
-Rally in Lexington, Massachusetts
-Rally in Concord, Massachusetts
-Town Hall in Worcester, Massachusetts

July 18
-Fly to India
-Meet with Arundhati Roy to discuss shared beliefs on human rights
-Fly to Vermont
-Rally in Montpelier, Vermont with Sen. Leahy, Gov. Shumlin and Mayor John Hollar
-Rally in Burlington, Vermont with Sen. Sanders and Mayor Weinberger

July 19
-Fly to Maine
-Barnstorm in Franklin County, Maine
-Barnstorm in Knox County, Maine
-Fly to Washington state
-Rally in Seattle, Washington with Gov. Inslee and Mr Gates

Schedule for John Monds

July 12-16
-Assist Congressional candidates in building campaign infrastructure

July 17-19
-Hold rallies and barnstorm heavily in Virginia and the Carolinas

Surrogate schedule

The Libertarian team campaigned in Idaho, Montana and Nevada, touting his desire to maintain the aspects of social liberalism

The Progressive Team will campaign in Michigan, Minnesota and Iowa, emphasizing Ashe's support of farming and industrial communities

The Economics Team will focus their efforts on California, visiting the poorer neighbourhoods of the big cities

The Senators' Team will campaign in Florida, Georgia and Louisiana, touting Ashe's support of working and middle class voters

The Governors' Team will be focusing efforts on Massachusetts and Maine. During a rally in his home state of Massachusetts, Governor Kennedy delivered a powerful speech on Ashe's visits to foreign nations.

Tim's visits to South Korea, India and Myanmar this week show that he knows the importance of maintaining good relations with other nations. The fact that he took time off his own campaign to rebuild areas of South Korea hardest hit by the earthquake show that he is willing to give up his own time to aid afflicted people. This is important for a leader and a prospective President.

He has met with visionaries like Aung San Suu Ky; authors like Arundhati Roy and foreign leaders like Bill Shorten. This is the man that Americans deserve to be their President!

The Fundraising Team will hold fundraisers in California, Maine and Vermont. All are low-cost affairs.

The Entertainers' Team will hold events on College campuses up and down the East Coast.

Trumka will coordinate the unions and the organisations in preparing candidates for 2022

Snowden and Mills will once again hold digital rallies.


Format: Television

*Cut to a desk with TIm Ashe sitting at it. John Monds is standing behind him.*

*Ashe* Hi. I'm Tim Ashe and I'm running to be your President. You might be expecting to find a fancy ad telling you to vote for me, but I'm not like that. This is a simple ad to tell you where I stand.

You see, I belive the American people have been sold down the river. The Republicans and Democrats are one and the same; the only time they care for you is when you're doing something for them. As you may have seen, they have spent considerable time attacking me. Why? They're scared. They do not like third parties and independents providing viable alternatives to them.

What do I stand for? The regulation of Wall Street. I want to make sure another crash like 2008 doesn't occur again. Senator RUbio wants to deregulate Wall Street even further and lower taxes for the rich. President Kaine pay lip service tou our cause, but then just does the opposite.

The legalisation or marijuana. Senator Rubio wants to fearmonger about marijuana. President Kaine wants to as well.

A woman's right to choose. Senator Rubio opposes this because his religious beliefs say so, despite the fact our Constitution does not allow Congress to establish an official religion. President Kaine says he does, but said he was opposed to it when he ran for Governor of Virginia.

Being transparent. Senator Rubio wants to expand the illegal and unconstitutional spying on American citizens, while President Kaine says he wants to restrict it, but then expands it. Both of them want to keep government record secret for decades. I will stop your Fourth Amendment rights from being violated and reveal to the world every deed done by my administration.

I vow to be accessible. No problem is too small or insignificant for a President to address. As a Congressman from Vermont, even going back to my days as a State Senator, I always made myself accessible to the people on the street.

*cuts to man on street*
*man on street* Heck, you could just walk into this guy's office and he'd listen to you. Didn't even need an appointment

*Cut back to Ashe*
I'm Tim Ashe. And you better believe that I approve this message.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on December 12, 2016, 10:50:19 PM
Rubio/Haley 2020
Right here Right now
Schedule for the week of July 12, 2020-July 18, 2020, Part 1

July 12, 2020
-Barnstorm in Dane, Wisconsin
-Flight to Seoul, South Korea, to assist victims' families
-Visit areas hardest hit by the earthquake
-Marco Rubio gives a speech in reaction to the earthquake :
South Korea is one of our greatest friends and allies. We will never give it up. We will always stand with our common principles and stand with our allies, including South Korea, whether it's in the throes of an earthquake or North Korea's threat and agression. God bless you all.

-Assist in rebuilding some areas of South Korea
-Meet with South Korean president Hwang Kyo-ahn

July 13, 2020
-Flight to Detroit, Michigan
-Barnstorm in Detroit, MI, alongside Nikki Haley
-Economic policy speech at the Detroit Economic Club in Detroit, MI, alongside Nikki Haley, reiterating economic policy agenda
-Manufacturing policy speech at the Packard Automotive Plant in Detroit, MI
-Rally at Belle Isle Park in Detroit, MI
-Visit Eastern Market in Detroit, MI

July 14, 2020
-Economic policy speech at Cadillac Place in Detroit, MI
-Barnstorm in Monroe, MI
-Energy policy speech at the Monroe Power Plant in Monroe, MI
-Flight to New York City, New York
-Town hall meeting at Butler Library in New York City, NY
-Meet with college voters at Columbia University in New York City, NY
-Interview with Jimmy Fallon at The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon in New York City, NY

Fallon : Ladies and gentlemen please welcome the Republican nominee for President of the United States Marco Rubio.

Rubio : Thank you Jimmy.

Fallon : Now as we speak, some polls signaled that you might become the first Republican since three decades to win some Democratic strongholds because you are now leading in states like Maine, Illinois and the Washington state. How do you feel it?


Rubio : Well that means we are leading a very dynamic campaign proposing an optimistic, bright and collective future for all the American people, conservatives, liberals and independents. We plan to invest into the development of renewable energies with a part of the revenues from increased oil drilling, to invest a part of future budget surpluses into the development of our infrastructures to encourage job creation and business implementation in America and to promote peace through strength by reinforcing our alliances, our military and our presence in some strategic zones like the Pacific or the Black Sea. That's how we are attracting a great number of independent voters as well as some Democrats disappointed of Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine's weak leadership that hurt our economy, made us more dependent on foreign oil and made the world less safe because they understood that after twelve years of such disappointment it's time to follow the path I'm offering them to make their future bright.

Fallon : Recently, one of Tim Ashe's campaign ads accused you of wanting « to deregulate Wall Street even further and lower taxes for the rich. » How do you respond that?

Rubio : First of all, it's strange that Congressman Ashe calls for a minimum wage while Angus King, with whom he was running with, opposed raising Maine's minimum wage by 25 cents per hour while he was Governor of Maine. When it comes to the ad, this statement is inaccurate. I want to cut taxes for all the American people, including the middle class and lower-income Americans, because it's the right way to reinforce their purchasing power, to make sure they find a job and that they will be able to consume. The more jobs we create, the more we increase wages and that's how all Americans, no matter their income, will have a fair chance of succeeding in a fair society like America.

Fallon : Three days ago, you selected Nikki Haley to be your running mate. Why did you select her as your partner and why will she make a good Vice-President of the United States?

Rubio : I selected Governor Haley as my running mate because she's woman of great leadership and integrity. I selected her because I care about all the American people, including women, and all ethnic minorities, including Asian-Americans. So it brought double diversity in our presidential ticket. Because you know if I'm elected, I will be the first Hispanic to become President of the United States and Nikki Haley will become not only the first Asian-American to become Vice-President of the United States but also the first woman at this office. Plus, Governor Haley fought racism by successfully campaigning to remove the confederate flag from South Carolina's Capitol Hill after a psychopath killed 9 African-Americans in a church in Charleston, South Carolina. So African-Americans will understand that we care about them, which will help our party to increase its supports among African-Americans. I also chosen Governor Haley to be my running mate because she and I understand the struggles and challenges our young people are facing today. We are in 2020 and all Millennials are eligible to vote so we can't afford to neglect them because they represent America's future as well as the future of our economy while many baby-boomers are about to go to entitlement. We have to offer young people a path to success, which we are doing by, notably, promoting school choice, reducing their taxes or reducing the cost of doing business in America, which will encourage our young future business owners to open their business here in the United States. By selecting Governor Haley as my running mate, we emphasized our message calling for a restoration of the American Dream, because Nikki and I both lived it and are both children of immigrants. We will reform our broken immigration system in order to give immigrants a chance to live the American Dream, to earn education, to find a good paying job and to succeed in America.
That way, much more elements of the American people will be represented at the White House.

Nikki will make a terrific Vice-President because she has all the necessary executive experience for the job after 8 years as Governor of South Carolina. Together, we are combining legislative AND executive experience. In addition, under her governorship, South Carolina's unemployment rate has plummeted thanks to her economic policies that reduced the cost of doing business in South Carolina, promoting school choice, cutting taxes and attracting some foreign companies in South Carolina such as BMW. Just like I do, she understands what hard working means. For example, when she was a member of the South Carolina House of Representatives she has proposed a plan that would determine a teacher's salary based not only on seniority and qualifications but also on job performance. She also has the business experience to bring economic credibility to our ticket since she worked for Exotica International before being named to the board of directors of the Lexington Chamber of Commerce and becoming president of the South Carolina Chapter of the National Association of Women Business Owners. In addition, I am a member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship. So we are forming a team that has all the necessary experience and background to create jobs, bring prosperity back in America and get this country back to work.

Fallon : So do you think the Republican Party's nickname should be changed : from Grand Old Party (GOP) to Grand Young Party (GYP)?

[Laughs and applause from the audience]


Rubio : [Laughs] Maybe! And maybe our party could even be nicknamed the Grand Diverse Young Party (GDYP).

[Laughs and applause from the audience]

Rubio : And when it comes to GOP, in my opinion it means « Grand Opportunity Party ».

[Applause from the audience]

Fallon : As we all know, the Republican National Convention in Las Vegas is coming very soon. Did you start writing your Acceptance speech and how optimistic are you about this upcoming event?

Rubio : First of all, yes I started writing my Acceptance speech for Republican National Convention and believe me it will be a great speech for all the American people. I feel very optimistic about the RNC because it will represent a great opportunity for us to deliver our message for the American people to call them to turn the page on the last twelve dark years and to follow the bright future we are proposing for the sake of our prosperity, our unity and our security.

Fallon : Senator Rubio, thank you and we wish you good campaign and a good RNC.

Rubio : Thank you Jimmy.

July 15, 2020
-Flight to Washington D.C.
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

July 16, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

July 17, 2020
-Flight to Hillsboro, Oregon
Fundraising event at Hillsboro's Civic Center in Hillsboro, OR
-Rally at Ron Tonkin Field in Hillsboro, OR
-Economic policy speech at the Rice Northwest Museum of Rocks and Minerals in Hillsboro, OR
-Bus trip to Forest Grove, OR
-Meet with college voters at Pacific University in Forest Grove, OR
-Bus trip to Tillamook, OR
-Agriculture policy speech at the Tillamook Cheese Factory in Tillamook, OR
-Foreign policy speech at the Tillamook Air Museum in Tillamook, OR

July 18, 2020

-Bus trip to Beaverton, OR
-Breakfast with voters at Buffet Palace in Beaverton, OR
-Economic policy speech at Nike headquarters in Beaverton, OR
-Rally at the Howard M. Terpenning Recreation Complex in Beaverton, OR
-Immigration policy speech in Beaverton, OR
-Dinner with voters at Pepita's Mexican Restaurant & Cantina in Beaverton, OR
-Visits the Beaverton Hispanic Center in Beaverton, OR

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on December 12, 2016, 11:04:20 PM
Rubio/Haley 2020
Right here Right now
Schedule for the week of July 12, 2020-July 18, 2020, Part 2

Nikki Haley's campaign schedule

July 12, 2020
-Campaigns for Marco Rubio in Madison, WI

July 13, 2020
-Campaigns alongside Marco Rubio in Detroit, MI

July 14, 2020
-Campaigns for Marco Rubio in Troy, MI
-Haley promotes Rubio's economic policy agenda at Altair Engineering, Inc. headquarters in Troy, MI
-Meet with college voters at Walsh College of Accountancy and Business in Troy, MI

July 15, 2020

-Writes her RNC speech
-Bus trip to Pontiac, MI
-In an effort to attract African-American voters, Nikki Haley gives a speech at the African American Cultural & Historical Museum in Pontiac, MI, in which she reiterates her accomplishment of removing the confederate flag on South Carolina's Capitol Hill

-Barnstorm in Pontiac, MI

July 16, 2020
-Flight to Cleveland, OH
-Fundraising event at Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland, OH
-Speech at the Cleveland Museum of Art in Cleveland, OH

July 17, 2020

-Barnstorm in Toledo, OH

July 18, 2020
-Barnstorm in Cincinnati, OH

Surrogate schedule

July 12, 2020
-Susana Martinez campaigns for Marco Rubio in Las Vegas, Nevada

July 13, 2020
-Mark Green campaigns for Marco Rubio in New Hampshire

July 14, 2020
-Ted Cruz campaigns for Marco Rubio in Iowa

July 15, 2020
-Lindsey Graham campaigns for Marco Rubio in North Carolina

July 16, 2020
-Jeb and Columba Bush campaign for Marco Rubio in New Mexico

July 17, 2020
-Tom Cotton campaigns for Marco Rubio in Minnesota

July 18, 2020
-The American Israel Public Affairs Committee campaigns for Marco Rubio in Florida, Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New Jersey to promote Rubio's foreign policy agenda

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on December 14, 2016, 06:14:34 AM
Round 43 : July 19, 2020-July 25, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on December 14, 2016, 06:53:42 PM
New polls
After the Democratic National Convention in Madison, Wisconsin, Tim Kaine got a little bounce as the Republicans are about to hold their National Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada.

General Election Polls

Tim Kaine vs Marco Rubio vs Tim Ashe vs Ron Paul

Marco Rubio : 46,5 %
Tim Kaine : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 0,5 %

Statewide Opinion Polls


Marco Rubio : 47 %
Tim Kaine: 38 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 53 %
Tim Kaine : 36 %
Tim Ashe : 11 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 49 %
Tim Kaine : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 11 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

New Hampshire

Marco Rubio : 44 %
Tim Kaine : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 17 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 46 %
Marco Rubio : 42 %
Tim Ashe : 12 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

North Carolina

Marco Rubio : 53 %
Tim Kaine : 34 %
Tim Ashe : 12 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 50 %
Tim Kaine : 32 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 51 %
Tim Kaine : 33 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 43 %
Tim Kaine : 41 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 44 %
Marco Rubio : 42 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 45 %
Tim Kaine : 40 %
Tim Ashe : 12 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 44 %
Tim Kaine : 41 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 38 %
Tim Kaine : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 22 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 40 %
Marco Rubio : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Ashe : 40 %
Tim Kaine : 36 %
Marco Rubio : 23 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Washington state

Marco Rubio : 40 %
Tim Kaine : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Demographic Polls


Marco Rubio : 54 %
Tim Kaine : 30 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 49 %
Tim Kaine : 31 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 61 %
Tim Ashe : 21 %
Marco Rubio : 16 %
Ron Paul : 2 %


Tim Kaine : 43 %
Marco Rubio : 36 %
Tim Ashe : 19 %
Ron Paul : 2 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on December 14, 2016, 07:14:42 PM

The Donkey comes to Madison

The Democrats held their National Convention in Madison, Wisconsin, from July 12 to July 15, nominating President Tim Kaine. The key speakers were Bill Clinton, Julian Castro, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, George Clooney, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, Martin O'Malley and, of course, Vice-President Deval Patrick and President Tim Kaine.

Bill Clinton reminded the audience that one of the main reasons he won in 1992 over George H. W. Bush was because the Republican elctoral base was divided due to Ross Perot's candidacy. He then accused Tim Ashe to divide the progressive vote, which, in his mind, would help the Republicans to win the White House next November, which would « end Obamacare, increase inequalities and get us into unuseful wars ». The former President called for progressive unity to win in November.

Chuck Schumer claims that he's proud of passing the laws of the last four years that « decreased unemployement », briefly before it raised to 8 %, and « reduced ISIS' territory ».

Martin O'Malley questionned Nikki Haley's experience to be Vice-President of the United States.

In his acceptance speech, President Kaine claims he knows « that the American people is angry about the situation we are living today. In the last four years, unemployement went down before rising, which demonstrates that there is still work to do. This work can only be done if we get progressives and liberals together. That way, we can create a New Deal 2.0. »

The Republicans will hold their National Convention in Las Vegas from July 20-23.


Marco Rubio : West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin, Exo Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson, Nike CEO Mike Parker, Washington Congressman Dave Reichert, Maryland Governor Larry Hogan

Tim Ashe : Former White House Press Secretary Bill Moyers, Physicians for a National Health Program, Activist Gloria Steinem, Students for a Democratic Society, former New York Governor George Pataki

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on December 14, 2016, 07:29:06 PM
Tim Ashe's response to President Kaine's accusations

President Kaine has accused me of trying to divide the liberal and progressive vote in this country. Mr President, people have been flocking to my campaign because they want a liberal and progressive choice. We offer that. All you can offer is the same lip service we have gotten to our causes as alwas, while you just do the exact opposite. When you ran for Governor, you described yourself as an anti-choice centrist. Have you flip flopped there?

You merely want to pursue the failed Republican-lite policies that others have done as well. We offer a proper alternative to your failed policies. Why do you think that so many Democrats have endorsed me?

Unlike your party Mr President, we will not simply roll over if we lose. We are winning several Congressional races and our two flagship candidates, Wesley Clark and Gary Johnson, are both leading in their polls as well.

Mr President, you are no liberal. You are no progressive. You are a centrist, corporatist, third-way Democrat, and that is a kind description. There are some who would call you center-right.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on December 15, 2016, 08:06:18 AM
Rubio/Haley 2020
Right here Right now
Schedule for the week of July 19, 2020-July 25, 2020

July 19, 2020
-Bus trip to Portland, Oregon
-Speech at the Hispanic Metropolitan Chamber in Portland, OR, in an effort to attract Hispanic voters
-Speech in Portland, OR, in reaction to the Democratic National Convention :

While we all know that Hillary Clinton's and Tim Kaine's leadership has failed us in the last four years, the Democrats asked the American people four more years of economic decline, national division, weaker national security and stronger terrorism. We can't afford to do that. We need to reverse that situation.

And I heard Martin O'Malley questioning my running mate's readiness to be vice-president of the United States during the DNC. Let me tell you this Governor O'Malley : Nikki has the executive experience and leadership to be vice-president. She has a better record than you when it comes to take care of the African-American community and kept our people together better than you as Governor. Even if she has only 16 years of background in public service, the American people wants change. Nikki Haley and I will bring change in this country by turning the page on your failed policies.

-Economic policy speech at Oregon Steel Mills, Inc. headquarters in Portland, OR
-Dinner with the voters at Mother's Bistro & Bar in Portland, OR
-Visits Silicon Forest in Portland, OR
-Innovation and economic policy speech at Silicon Forest in Portland, OR
-Meet with college voters at Portland State University in Portland, OR
-Fundraising event at the Moda Center in Portland, OR
-Rally at Providence Park in Portland, OR
-Flight to Las Vegas, Nevada

July 20-23, 2020
-Assists at the Republican National Convention at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, NV

July 24, 2020
-Flight to Eagle, Colorado
-Barnstorm in Eagle, CO
-Barnstorm in Edwards, CO

July 25, 2020
-Flight to Washington D.C.
-Senate Duties in Washington D.C.

Nikki Haley's schedule

July 19, 2020
-Barnstorm in Reno, Nevada

July 20-23, 2020
-Assists at the Republican National Convention at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, NV

July 24, 2020
-Flight to Miami, Florida
-Immigration policy speech at the Freedom Tower in Miami, FL
-Free trade policy speech at the Port of Miami in Miami, FL
-Speech at the University of Miami in Coral Gables, FL
-Economic policy speech at Mastec Inc. headquarters in Coral Gables, FL

July 25, 2020
-Barnstorm in East Naples, FL
-Fundraising event at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company facility in Naples, FL

Surrogate schedule

All surrogates reunite at the Republican National Convention at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, NV

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on December 16, 2016, 09:27:34 PM
Ashe/Monds 2020
Taking America Back

Schedule for July 19-25 2020

July 19
-Fly to New York
-Rally in Manhattan, New York with Former Governor George Pataki and Mrs Gloria Steinem
Every day, I find myself being worried more and more at the direction of the Republican Party. These religious folks believe they're acting in the name of God, so it's hard to compromise with them. I believe in a woman's right to choose. I believe that members of the LGBT community should be able to marry and serve in the military. I believe that we need sensible gun control.

Only Tim Ashe has vowed to support these causes no matter the personal costs. I am proud to endorse him

Tim Ashe stands for the rights of all. He will uphold a woman's right to choose and will fight for gay rights. He will stand up for equal pay for equal work; will eliminate the wage gap and stand up for women in underprivileged nations. This is why he has my support

-Barnstorm in Ulster County, New York with Former Mayor Bill de Blasio
-Barnstorm in Oswego County, New York with Mr Steve Eisman
-Barnstorm in St. Lawrence County, New York with candidate for Governor of New York Jon Stewart

July 20
-Fly to Vermont
-Guest lecture at the University of Vermont
-Rally in Burlington, Vermont with Sen. Sanders and Sen. Leahy
-Rally in Montpelier, Vermont with Gov. Shumlin
-Barnstorm in Caledonia County, Vermont

July 21
-Fly to Maine
-Rally in Augusta, Maine with Fmr. Gov. Baldacci
-Rally in Brunswick, Maine with family of Angus King
-Barnstorm in Cumberland County, Maine
-Barnstorm in Hancock County, Maine

July 22
-Fly to Michigan
-Rally in Detroit, Michigan with Rep. Conyers
-Rally in Flint, Michigan with John Monds
-Fly to Louisiana
-Rally in New Orleans, Louisiana

July 23
-Fly to Colorado
-Rally in Denver, Colorado
-Rally in Colorado Springs, Colorado
-Fly to California
-Interview with Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks

July 24
-Rally in Los Angeles, California with Former Governor Jerry Brown
-Fly to Washington state
-Rally with Gov. Inslee in Seattle, Washington
-Rally with Senate candidate Bill Gates in Medina, Washington
-Town Hall in Seattle, Washington with John Monds

July 25
-Fly back to Vermont
-Attend birth of first child

Schedule for John Monds

July 19-21
-Campaign for Wesley Clark, Gary Johnson and John Baldacci

July 22-25
-Hold rallies, give speeches and barnstorm in Maine, Massachusetts and Georgia

Surrogate schedule

The Libertarian team will campaign in Colorado, Idaho and Wyoming, touting Ashe's desire to leave law-abiding citizens alone (Austin Petersen is being detached to campaign for Gary Johnson)

The Progressive Team will campaign in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan, emphasizing the campaign platform to raise the minimum wage

The Economics Team will campaign in Iowa, Nebraska and Montana, touting Ashe's support for farm subsidies

The Senators' Team will campaign in Maryland, Virginia and Pennsylvania along with the Governors' Team

The Fundraising Team will hold fundraisers in New York and California, as well as recording a radio ad (attached below)

The Entertainers' Team will be visiting college campuses all along the West Coast, emphasizing Ashe's support for debt-free education

Mr Richard Trumka will coordinate unions and organisations in campaigning for downballot candidates.

Snowden and Mills will be hosting daily video Q&A sessions on YouTube


Format: Radio

Title: No Dice

To Air in all 50 states

*Gates* Hi, I'm Bill Gates

*Buffett* And I'm Warren Buffett. The two of us have done very well for ourselves, and what better way has there been to pay our country back but to support the right candidates for the right jobs?

*Gates* Both of us endorsed Congressman Ashe's campaign for President because we saw him as the only one who was willing to stand up to the unscrupulous members of the billionaire and millionaire class.

*Buffett* Both of us had large war chests ready to donate to his campaign. Yet, when we both made our offers, Ashe flatly rejected us. He said he would not take any money from rich donors.

*Gates* To this date, the Ashe campaign has raised over 1.5 billion dollars, with an average donation of 34 dollars per donor. But we need your help to see this thing through. Visit to donate or volunteer.

*Buffett* Together, we can take America back.

*Ashe* I'm Tim Ashe, and I approve this message

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on December 16, 2016, 09:41:05 PM
Tim and Paula Ashe Welcome First Child

July 25, 2020

AP-Today, Progressive Liberty Party Presidential nominee, Tim Ashe and his wife Paula welcomed their first child into the world, a son named Angus, in honor if the late Senator Angus King.

"We could not be happier to welcome Angus into this world." Said Tim, "He's already bringing so much joy to our lives."

Wife Paula expressed similar sentiments "It's so wonderful to have a family now. I couldn't be happier."

The couple was personally congratulated at the University of Vermont Medical Center in Burlington, Vermont by Senator Bernie Sanders and Ashe's running mate, John Monds.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on December 16, 2016, 10:04:04 PM
2020 Republican National Convention

Location : T-Mobile Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada
Date : July 20 2020-July 23 2020

2020 Republican National Convention results

Marco Rubio : 2425 delegates, 99,54 % of the vote ✔
Paul Ryan : 7 delegates, 0,28 % of the vote
Tom Cotton : 4 delegates, 0,16 % of the vote

1219 delegates needed to win the nomination


Night 1 : National unity Right here Right now
-Former Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval
-Nevada Congressman Joe Heck
-Leader of the Republican majority in the U.S. Senate John Cornyn
-Former Florida Senator Mel Martinez
-South Carolina Senator and 2020 presidential candidate Tim Scott
-Texas Senator and 2016 presidential candidate Ted Cruz
-Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse
-Former FBI Director and 2020 presidential candidate James Comey
-Florida Senator Jeff Atwater
-Former New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez
-Former Louisiana Governor and 2016 presidential candidate Bobby Jindal
-Former Indiana Governor and 2016 vice-presidential nominee Mike Pence
-New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu (Keynote Speaker)

Thank you my fellow Republicans. Thank you my fellow Americans and thank you Las Vegas for this great hospitality.

This city is a great symbol of the American Dream. And just like Marco Rubio, I lived the American Dream. My father John H. Sununu was born in Havana, Cuba, from Lebanese ancestors. He and his family then moved here in this country where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree, a master of science and a Ph.D., all in mechanical engineering. After this long road, he served as President of JHS Engineering Company and Thermal Research Inc in addition of helping establish and serving as chief engineer for Astro Dynamics Inc. from 1960 until 1965 before becoming Governor of New Hampshire. I followed my father’s steps by running a business called Sununu Enterprises before becoming Governor of New Hampshire. That’s a wonderful family story that demonstrates that our prosperity is not based on big government intrusion but on the ingenuity and entrepreneurship and hard work of the American people. The American people have always been the source of our nation's strength and they always will be!
Just like my father, Marco Rubio’s parents were born in Cuba, then moved to the United States for better economic opportunities. At the beginning, they lived paycheck to paycheck, they weren’t able to adapt in this new society, but thanks to their hard work, they succeeded and they made their children’s lives successful. I support Marco Rubio because he understands what hard work means. He’s the only one candidate in this race who understands the American Dream. He’s member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship. So he has all the necessary background and experience to grow our economy and create jobs. He will restore it by putting the government aside, cutting taxes for all the American people and bringing innovation.

Such innovation will be brought through school choice, energy independence that will help us developing renewable energies and pursue further job creation and encourage automobile manufacturing, free trade that will make us competitive in the world economy and help us keeping our status as the first worldwide economic power in the world over China, a currency manipulator that wants to obtain supremacy. Innovation will also be brought through championing businesses, including small business, because just like us, Marco Rubio understands that most of the jobs come from small business. That’s one of the reasons why he selected Governor Nikki Haley to be his running mate and to be the next Vice-President of the United States. In addition of running businesses during her youth, Nikki Haley has brought prosperity in South Carolina by lowering the cost of doing business there corporate income tax rate to 5 %, abolished state property tax, local income tax, inventory tax, sales tax on manufacturing equipment, wholesale tax and unitary tax on worldwide profits, which helped her state to have industrial power or materials for finished products, boosted job creation and innovation and reduced her state’s unemployement rate by 7 %.
Right here right now, time has come for us to turn the page on the last twelve years that were disastrous for our economy through big government, high taxes, energy dependence, protectionism, bigger deficit and education struggle. We, the people of the United States of America deserve better.

Thanks to their experiences and backgrounds, President Rubio and Vice-President Haley will restore our prosperity and the American Dream and that’s why we need them right here right now.
Thank you, God bless you and God bless America.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on December 16, 2016, 10:13:03 PM
2020 Republican National Convention

Location : T-Mobile Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada
Date : July 20 2020-July 23 2020


Night 2 : Prosperity Right here Right now
-Ohio Senator and Presidential candidate in 2000, 2016 and 2020 John Kasich
-Colorado Senator and 2020 presidential candidate Cory Gardner
-Ohio Senator Rob Portman
-Former Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao
-Vermont Governor Phil Scott
-Nike CEO Mark Parker
-Businessman and presidential candidate in 1996 and 2000 Steve Forbes
-Former Minnesota Governor and 2012 presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty
-Former Massachusetts Governor and 2012 Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney
-Former Michigan Governor Rick Snyder
-Businessman and CEO co-founder Paul Allen
-Businessman and 2012 presidential candidate Herman Cain
-West Virginia Democratic Senator Joe Manchin
-Utah Senator Mike Lee
-Former Pennsylvania Senator Pat Toomey
-Speaker of the House of the Representatives, 2012 vice-presidential nominee and 2020 presidential candidate Paul Ryan

Thank you my fellow Republicans, delegates and alternates, ladies and gentlemen, the convention will be in order.

[Hits the Speaker's hammer on the table]

Over the last twelve years, government has got bigger and bigger, which is threatening our freedom, increased taxes on the American people, which decreased it's purchasing power, made us more dependent on foreign energy, closed our country from the global economy, increased our national debt to over 20 trillion dollars, offshored some of our businesses overseas and cut the national defense budget which made our military less prepared, made our country an easier target for radical Islamic terrorists and made the world less safe. All my career, I fought to balance our budget, avoid government shutdowns, grow our economy and give America a path to prosperity. We have to stop Hillary Clinton's and Tim Kaine's mess. We will do it by electing Marco Rubio and Nikki Haley to be our next leaders.

Unlike Tim Kaine and Tim Ashe, Marco Rubio will boost our economy by cutting taxes for all the American people, cutting government spending, increasing oil drilling, using a part of revenues from oil revenues to develop renewable energies, encouraging free trade, reforming our education system, balancing the budget, investing infrastructure development with a part of future budget surpluses and championing businesses of all sizes.

Unlike Tim Kaine and Tim Ashe, Marco Rubio will defend our values, stand with our allies, increase our defense budget in order to make our military stronger and modernized, to deploy all the necessary arsenal to defeat terrorism and to overthrow dictatorial regimes that are not only oppressing their people but also supporting terrorism. He will use all his leadership and diplomatic skills to stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons, to stop Russia's imperial policies and to restore international territorial integrity.

That's the kind of leadership we need right here right now. Even though we were opponents during the Republican presidential primaries, Marco Rubio and I are ready to work together. As Speaker of the House, I'm ready to pass President Marco Rubio's laws that will make our country more prosperous, more united and safer than ever before.

Thank you. God bless you and God bless America.

-Former North Dakota Democratic Senator Heidi Heitkamp
-Former Hewlett-Packard CEO and 2016 presidential candidate Carly Fiorina
-Hewlett-Packard CEO Meg Whitman
-Wisconsin Governor and 2016 presidential candidate Scott Walker
-Former Montana Democratic Governor Brian Schweitzer
-Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner
-Virginia Congressman Dave Brat
-2020 Republican candidate for Maine Senator Peter Cianchette
-Former Maine Governor Paul LePage
-Former Florida Governor and 2016 presidential candidate Jeb Bush (introducing Jeanette Rubio)


My fellow Americans, I’m honored to introduce to you the next First Lady of the United States of America, Jeanette Rubio.

-Marco Rubio's wife Jeanette Rubio

Thank you my friends!

As we nominate my husband Marco Rubio to be our next President, I want to talk about what holds us together as a united nation. One of the things that holds us together is diversity and Marco understands it because he’s in the party of Abraham Lincoln, a man who freed African-Americans from slavery. When Marco’s parents came here from Cuba for better economic opportunities, they made a contribution to American diversity. Due to their hard work, they became able to make a living, to start a family and to raise their children. I have a similar background to Marco’s. I was born in Florida from parents who emigrated from Colombia and 22 years ago, I became the luckiest woman on Earth when I accepted to marry Marco Rubio, a man of great gratitude, honor, love, kindness, audacity and courage. We then became parents of four children.

As a mother of two daughters and two sons, I believe we all need to raise our children to help them getting success, which will give them a bright future. Marco will do it by promoting school choice, which will cost families, including these immigrant families living paycheck to paycheck, less and produce higher outcomes compared to public education. It will grant parents the power to orientate their children out of poorly-performing schools assigned by zip code and look for better education elsewhere. It will expand opportunities for low-income students—especially minorities—to attend high-quality schools that would otherwise be accessible only to higher-income families, thus increasing their chances of success and of entry into the workforce.

Thanks to his experience in the U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Marco will make America the best country to open a business by reducing the cost of doing business in America, by investing into the development of infrastructures to encourage the implementation of new American businesses and by cutting taxes for all the American people. He understands that the way to grow this economy is to make poor people richer.

As President, Marco will make America a more inclusive country by reforming our broken immigration in order to help immigrants to get American citizenship and to live the American Dream like Marco and I did.

In his career, Marco demonstrated his gratitude toward our veterans by cosponsoring the AGREE Act, which gave tax credits for veterans opening a business franchise and helps them to find a good paying job and to prosper after their military service. He then co-sponsored the 2014 VA reform law by introducing a measure empowering the VA secretary to hold managers accountable for incompetence, negligence and corruption and to care more about veterans than bureaucrats.

He also voted in favor of the Help for Heroes Act, which increased funding for the VA and brought a major retraining and housing program for past and future veterans.

As a father, Marco Rubio will take care of all the American people as President of the United States of America by investing all his energy to make sure that you're future will be bright and that America’s future will be bright.

God bless you and God bless the United States of America.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on December 17, 2016, 12:09:50 AM
2020 Republican National Convention

Location : T-Mobile Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada
Date : July 20 2020-July 23 2020


Night 3 : Security Right here Right now
-South Carolina Senator and 2016 presidential candidate Lindsey Graham
-Arizona Senator and 2008 Republican presidential nominee John McCain
-Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
-Former Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown
-Utah Senator Mia Love
-Former Pennsylvania Senator, Presidential candidate in 2012 and 2016 Rick Santorum
-Former Virginia Senator and 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Jim Webb
-Former U.S. Navy Seal and author of Lone Survivor Marcus Luttrell
-Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani
-Arkansas Senator and 2020 presidential candidate Tom Cotton
-Former U.S. Navy SEAL and man who killed Osama Bin Laden Robert J. O’Neill
-North Carolina Senator Richard Burr
-Former Connecticut Senator, 2000 Democratic vice-presidential nominee and 2004 presidential candidate Joe Lieberman
-Former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations John R. Bolton
-Florida Congressman Brian Mast
-Wyoming Congressman Liz Cheney
-Former CIA Agent Felix Rodriguez
-Iowa Senator and 2020 presidential candidate Joni Ernst (introducing Nikki Haley)

My fellow conservatives, Republicans and Americans, I’m proud to have the privilege to introduce to you the next Vice-President of the United States of America, Nikki Haley.

-Nikki Haley, Republican nominee for Vice-President of the United States of America

Mr. Chairman and delegates, it's with honor, pride, patriotism and love for our country that I accept your nomination for Vice-President of the United States.

In these times of economic depression, we need not only leadership but also knowledge of how to create jobs and to bring prosperity to America. Marco Rubio and I are son and daughter of immigrants that lived the American Dream.

I was born, 48 years ago, to an Indian Sikh family that came from India to America before my birth. At the age of 12, I began helping with the bookkeeping in Exotica International, my mother's ladies' clothing shop. Then I joined Exotica International ten years later grew to become a multimillion-dollar company. I was named to the board of directors of directors of the Orangeburg County Chamber of Commerce before being named to the board of directors of the Lexington Chamber of Commerce and becoming president of the South Carolina Chapter of the National Association of Women Business Owners. As Governor of South Carolina, I reduced the cost of doing business in the Palmetto State, reduced corporate income tax rate to 5 %, abolished state property tax, local income tax, inventory tax, sales tax on manufacturing equipment, wholesale tax and unitary tax on worldwide profits, which helped my state to have industrial power or materials for finished products and boosted job creation and innovation. These pro-growth policies made South Carolina the best place to open a new business and reduced the local unemployment rate from 12 % to 5 % during my governorship. I know what it takes to create jobs, to get America back to work and to restore the American Dream just as Marco Rubio does. That's the leadership we need to make sure our country will be able to reclaim his status as the number one nation in terms of job creation. That's why Marco Rubio selected me to be his running mate and to be the next Vice-President of the United States.

Marco Rubio will use his experience in the U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship and in the U.S. Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee to create jobs and get America back to work. We will put an end to Tim Kaine's failed economic policies that Tim Ashe seeks to pursue which are high taxes and regulations, protectionism, energy dependency and bigger deficit. Marco Rubio and I will cut taxes on all the American people and make us energy independent by increasing oil production, using a part of revenues from oil drilling to invest in the development of renewable energies, including solar, wind, hydroelectricity, etc. Such energy independence will lower the cost of buying a car in America, which will boost our automobile industry as well as automobile manufacturing, which will help us to create jobs and to make sure that industrial cities like Detroit (where the local African-American community will finally find its way by finally finding good-paying jobs), Milwaukee, Chicago, won't fall into bankruptcy. With less expansive American cars, we will have the upper hand in the Trans Pacific Partnership because we will be able to compete in this dynamic region since our cars will be less expensive than Asian cars.

Even if India, the land of my ancestors, is not a member of TPP, the $1 billion annual exports to India from Marco Rubio's home state of Florida represent a reason why trade ties with India’s and Asia's large and growing markets matter to Americans. The more we export, the more consumers we get in the world, the more our companies can ensure their expansion and the more jobs we can create. That's why Marco Rubio will ratify the TPP if we elect him President on November.

Marco Rubio and I will reform our education system, balance our budget, extend our infrastructures through future budget surpluses, champion businesses and reduce the cost of doing business in America like I did in South Carolina.

Free trade will boost free enterprise, which is the strength of our economy. It will also give international consumers a greater access to American products, which will be good for our economy. America's ability to compete and innovate derives from its open markets and from the continual search for new markets through the expansion of free trade.

Marco Rubio and I will keep our country together and make America a fairer and more inclusive country by reforming our immigration system to make sure immigrants will be able to get American citizenship and to live the American Dream. Five years ago, when I was Governor, 9 African-Americans were killed by a supremacist. Then, I successfully campaigned to remove the to remove the Confederate flag from the local State Capitol and it's grounds. That's another way to fight racism. By selecting me as his running mate, Marco Rubio demonstrated once again that the Republican Party is the party of Abraham Lincoln who freed African-American from slavery. We are the party of all the American people, whites, blacks, Latinos, Asian-Americans, men, women, etc.

As President of the United States, Marco Rubio will make our country safer by standing with our allies and increasing our defense budget. He will use all the necessary troops to defeat international terrorism, including Al Qaida and ISIS, and bring Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to justice. We will promote democracy and keep Iran from getting nuclear weapons as Marco Rubio did by successfully cosponsoring the Bipartisan Counterterrorist Coalition Act that not only increased our defense ties with Middle Eastern countries and Indian Subcontinent countries (including my family's birthplace of India) but also includes stronger sanctions on Iran if it ever violates the Iran nuclear deal. Like we will do as President and Vice-President, this bill made sure that Iran uses its nuclear energy for economic growth and not for the development of its nuclear arsenal.

That's why, as President and Vice-President of the United States, Marco Rubio and I will form one of the best teams America has ever known, a team that will get this country on the right direction by getting prosperity, unity and security back in America.

Thank you. God bless you and God bless the United States of America.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on December 17, 2016, 09:33:53 AM
2020 Republican National Convention

Location : T-Mobile Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada
Date : July 20 2020-July 23 2020


Night 4 : Leadership Right here Right now
-Kentucky Senator and 2016 presidential candidate Rand Paul
-Former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor
-Former House Speaker and 2012 presidential candidate Newt Gingrich
-Actor Sylvester Stallone
-Florida Governor, former Arkansas Governor and Presidential candidate in 2008 and 2016
-Maine Senator Susan Collins
-Former U.S. Ambassador to China, former Utah Governor and 2012 presidential candidate Jon Huntsman
-Michigan Congressman Justin Amash
-Former CIA Agent Evan McMullin
-Indiana Senator Todd Young (introducing Marco Rubio)

My fellow Americans, I’m proud to introduce to you the next President of the United States of America, Marco Rubio.

-Marco Rubio, Republican nominee for President of the United States of America

Mr. Chairman and delegates, I accept your nomination for President of the United States of America.

And I do so with honor, humility and love for our country. Tonight, I ask you to follow me in this campaign for a better future for America. By my side, I have selected a woman of great heart from a hard working immigrant family and who represents what makes America special, my friend and next Vice-President of the United States Nikki Haley.

When my parents came here 64 years ago from Cuba, they lived paycheck to paycheck, but the hard working of a bartender and a house keeper helped them to succeed in this new society and to raise their children in Miami and here in Las Vegas.

Four years ago, we elected a leader who doesn't believe in free market, destroyed the American Dream, divided us and made our country less safe. We will reverse this tendency and restore the American Dream.

I know what it takes to get America back to work, to create jobs and to restore our prosperity and I will do so with my experience in the U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship and in the U.S. Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee.

In 2011, I cosponsored the AGREE Act, a bill that expanded tax credits and exemptions for businesses investing in research and development, equipment and other capital, gave tax credits for veterans starting a business franchise and contributed to an increase in immigration for some types of work visas, which helped our nation to reinforce job creation and innovation. I successfully cosponsored the SAVE Act that provided tax credits for companies investing in ethanol in order to boost car manufacturing and to help us getting energy independence. I voted in favor of the Trans Pacific Partnership to move America foward in the competition in the world economy. In 2015, the Spurring Private Aerospace Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship Act of 2015 (SPACE Act of 2015) was signed into law after passing in Congress in order to discourage government barriers to the development in the United States of economically viable, safe, and stable industries for commercial exploration and commercial recovery of spatial resources in manners consistent with the global commitments of America, to recognize the right of U.S. citizens and businesses to own space resources they obtain and to promote the commercial exploration and use of resources exploited on asteroids. This bill is an important gain for our country, for Florida’s space coast and for the whole space exploration community. That's why I supported that bill to help the American space industry to create new jobs and to expand further into space than ever before. I will use this kind leadership as President of the United States. I also cosponsored the EMPLEO Act that established an opt-in system by which participating employers disburse pay raises to all employees earning below the median hourly wage in Puerto Rico. Any worker earning less than $10 per hour would receive a raise, up to a maximum of $2.50 per hour.

Juntos, nosotros restableceremos qué hace America excepcional.

Taxes will be reduced for all Americans, including from the middle class and poor people, because it will reinforce their purchasing power and boost consumption. A great part of our economy is based on consumption.

Unlike Tim Kaine, whose assault on energy industry will send energy and manufacturing jobs to China, we will, by 2035, lead America to energy independence by taking advantage of our own oil, gas and coal, by using a part of revenues from oil drilling to develop renewable energies such as solar, wind, nuclear, hydroelectricity, etc.

We will give our fellow citizens the skills they need for the jobs of today and the careers of tomorrow. We will facilitate it through promoting school choice, which will give a fair chance for every single child in addition of costing families, including these immigrant families living paycheck to paycheck, less and producing higher outcomes compared to public education.

We will open new free trade agreements with our partners in order to make sure our country keeps his status as the strongest economic power in the world and to make us competitive in the global economy.

We will reduce our national deficit and balance our budget through job creation, which will help us getting budget surpluses, which a part will be invested into the development of new infrastructures, which will be economically beneficial for America by encouraging our future business owners to open their business here in America and by extending commercial activities here in America.

By championing businesses of all sizes (small, middle and big) and reducing the cost of doing business in America, we will contribute to further innovation, production and job creation. This will make America the best place in the world to open a new business because our economic success is based on audacity, hard work and competitiveness, not big government.

By reforming our immigration system, we will give immigrants a path to American citizenship, to success in the American society through finding a good-paying job.

That's how we're going to restore the American Dream.

In order to make the world safe, we have to reverse Tim Kaine's cuts in the defense budget by increasing it. Terrorism will be defeated through a stronger and modernized military, through the deployement of troops and through collaboration from our allies, which will give us the upper hand against terrorists. This will also bring freedom, democracy and security back in the Middle East through toppling Bachar al-Assad who is slaying his own people in addition of being Russia's puppet. We will give Syria back to Syrians. Through sanctions and collaboration with our allies (just like with the Bipartisan Counterterrorist Act), we will make sure that Iran never gets nuclear weapons and rather uses its nuclear energy for economic development. By securing the Black Sea and providing military arsenal and military training to the Ukrainian army, we will help Ukraine to stop Russia' imperialist policies and to give Ukraine back to the Ukrainian people. With a stronger military presence and by creating the Pacific Treaty Organization (PTO), we will stop China's expansionist policies and restore territorial integrity on the Pacific in addition of stopping North Korea's agression. By providing intelligence and military assistance to our allies in Africa, we will stop terrorist gangrene from expanding in Africa like it did in Egypt.

It will not only restore international security but also protect freedom of religion by allowing religious believers around the world to practice the religion of their choice without being persecuted or killed for what they believe. Freedom of religion as well as freedom of speech and freedom of press must be protected here and abroad because they are basic elements of the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States.

One mounth ago, we learned that after sixty years of communist dictatorship, Cuba, the land of my ancestors, will hold its first free elections next year. In the first 100 days of my presidency, I will visit this island. Under my administration, « nuestras relaciones con Cuba será más fuerte y el pueble cubano van a ganar una sociedad justa asi como unas oportunidades justas de prosperar. Los Estados Unidos y Cuba éstas estarán entre los mejores asociados trabajando con toda su energía para combatir la corrupción y la delincuencia organizada, consolidar la democracia y libertad y restaurar seguridad y prosperidad en el continente americano. »

We will make America united, prosperous and safe again and we need to do it right here right now.

Lo mejor está por llegar para los Estados Unidos de America. Esta es retorno del America.

America's best days are yet to come. This is America's comeback. A New American Century is coming for brighter, more prosperous, safer and happier days.

Thank you. God bless you all, God bless the United States of America.


Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on December 17, 2016, 10:40:43 AM
Round 44 : July 26, 2020-August 1, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on December 17, 2016, 10:51:31 AM
New polls
After the Republican National Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada, Marco Rubio, the Republican presidential nominee, got a boost in the polls.

General Election Polls

Tim Kaine vs Marco Rubio vs Tim Ashe vs Ron Paul

Marco Rubio : 49 %
Tim Kaine : 34 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Statewide Opinion Polls


Marco Rubio : 49 %
Tim Kaine: 37 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 55 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 50 %
Tim Kaine : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 11 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

New Hampshire

Marco Rubio : 46 %
Tim Kaine : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 44 %
Marco Rubio : 43 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

North Carolina

Marco Rubio : 54 %
Tim Kaine : 33 %
Tim Ashe : 12 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 51 %
Tim Kaine : 31 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 54 %
Tim Kaine : 31 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 44 %
Tim Kaine : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 46 %
Marco Rubio : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 47 %
Tim Kaine : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 11 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 46 %
Tim Kaine : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 39 %
Tim Kaine : 34 %
Tim Ashe : 25 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 42 %
Tim Kaine : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Ashe : 43 %
Tim Kaine : 34 %
Marco Rubio : 22 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Washington state

Marco Rubio : 43 %
Tim Kaine : 36 %
Tim Ashe : 17 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Demographic Polls


Marco Rubio : 55 %
Tim Kaine : 28 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 52 %
Tim Kaine : 29 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 59 %
Tim Ashe : 21 %
Marco Rubio : 19 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 41 %
Marco Rubio : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 19 %
Ron Paul : 2 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on December 17, 2016, 01:15:27 PM

Historic Convention in Las Vegas

On July 24, during the Republican National Convention in Las Vegas, Florida Senator Marco Rubio is officially nominated to be the Republican candidate for President of the United States, becoming the first Hispanic to be nominated by one of the two makor parties (Republican or Democrat). At the same occasion, Nikki Haley became the first Asian-American and the third woman to be nominated by one of the two major parties to be the Republican candidate for Vice-President of the United States.

It also makes the first Presidential election in which every presidential ticket has ethnic minority candidates (with Deval Patrick, the Democratic Vice-President, Marco Rubio and Nikki Haley who are forming the Republican ticket and John Monds, the PLP V.P. nominee). That's why many people are calling the 2020 presidential election the « Multicolor Election ».

Marco Rubio and Nikki Haley pledged to grow the U.S. Economy through free market solutions such as lower government, energy independence, free trade, business championing, school choice, etc. They also pledged to defeat terrorism through an increased defense budget, stronger alliances and a modernized American military.

Now that all the conventions of the three major parties happened, the « real campaign » for the presidency can start.

The 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo opened

On July 24, all the Olympic teams of every country in the world assisted at the opening of the 2020 Summer Olympic Games at the National Olympic Stadium in Tokyo, Japan. As usual, every country made a parade with their teams at the alphabetical order. The Olympic Games will be held from July 24 to August 9 2020.


Marco Rubio : Mississippi Senator Thad Cochran, Portland General Electric CEO Peggy Fowler, Former Democratic Florida Senator Bob Graham, the International Democrat Union, the Asia Pacific Democrat Union

Tim Ashe : Mayors Against Illegal Guns, Former Congressman Daniel Hamburg, Seattle City Councilwoman Kshama Sawant, Vermont State Senator and Congressional candidate Anthony Pollina, The Occupy Movement, Maine Congresswoman Chellie Pingree, the Fight for $15 Movement

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on December 17, 2016, 01:18:17 PM
Is this the first time ever that a minority has been on every Presidential ticket?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on December 17, 2016, 01:45:17 PM
Is this the first time ever that a minority has been on every Presidential ticket?

Yes, you're right. Thank you!

Deval Patrick, the Democratic Vice-President, Marco Rubio and Nikki Haley who are forming the Republican ticket and John Monds, the PLP V.P. nominee.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: WashLibertarian on December 17, 2016, 05:47:21 PM
Ron Paul Campaign Schedule

July 26-August 1, 2020

July 26, 2020
-Fly to Idaho
-Rally in Boise
-Townhall in Boise
-Economy Policy Speech in Boise
-Build Ground Game in Boise
-2nd Rally in Boise
-Drive to Twin Falls
-Rally in Twin Falls
-Townhall in Twin Falls
-Size of government rally in Twin Falls

July 27, 2020
-Fly to Washington
-Rally in Seattle
-Townhall in Seattle
-Foreign Policy Speech in Seattle
-Build ground infrastructure in Seattle
-Drive to Spokane
-Rally in Spokane
-Twitter Q&A
-Townhall in Spokane
-Trade Policy Speech in Spokane

July 28, 2020
-Fly to California
-Rally in San Francisco
-Townhall in San Francisco
-Economy Policy Speech in San Francisco
-Foreign Policy Speech in San Francisco
-Drive to Los Angeles
-Rally in Los Angeles
-Townhall in Los Angeles
-Personal Liberty Speech in Los Angeles

July 28, 2020
-Fly to New Mexico
-Rally in Santa Fe
-Townhall in Santa Fe
-Economy Policy Speech in Santa Fe
-Drive to Albuquerque
-Townhall in Albuquerque
-Rally in Albuquerque
-Townhall in Albuquerque
-Foreign Policy Speech in Albuquerque

July 30, 2020
-Fly to Ohio
-Rally in Cleveland
-Build ground infrastructure
-Townhall in Cleveland
-Education Speech in Cleveland
-2nd TownHall in Cleveland
-Lunch with supporters
-Drive to Columbus
-Rally in Columbus
-Trade Speech in Columbus
-Townhall in Columbus

July 31, 2020
-Drive to Cincinnati
-Twitter Q&A
-Rally in Cincinnati
-Townhall in Cincinnati
-doorknock with supporters
-Foreign Policy Speech in Cincinnati
-2nd Townhall in Cincinnati
-Dinner with supporters

August 1, 2020
-Fly to Maine
-Rally in Augusta
-Doorknock with supporters in Augusta
-Townhall in Augusta
-Healthcare speech in Augusta
-Build Ground infrastructure in Augusta
-Education Speech in Augusta
-2nd Townhall in Augusta
-Dinner with supporters

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Kingpoleon on December 18, 2016, 10:21:43 PM
John Monds:
The Republican Convention symbolized the fears of a desperate, dying elite. I expect Senator Rubio will take this as bait and respond. This is not bait. Instead, this is a warning. If the Republican Party fails to reject the George W. Bush era ideas of failed economics and extremist social policy, they will not stand. Senator Rubio opposes gay marriage. Ashe and myself support gay marriage, and contrary to the implications of the Republican Party, that does not mean we oppose straight marriages.

Senator Rubio opposes campaign finance reform. Ashe and myself support campaign finance reform. We don't want to destroy the rich - we want to refuse their influence, which may place them before the American people. Senator Rubio supports extreme internationalism - free trade deals negotiated by the other countries for us, invasions of all places he determines as "too bad". Free trade deals should be negotiated one on one; diplomacy and international alliances should be put ahead of invasions and deaths.

Senator Rubio, more than 60% of Americans support gay marriage. Senator Rubio, the policies of George W. Bush and Hillary Clinton lead to recessions. The policies of libertarian progressivism remain untested. To the voters, I say give us a chance. To our opponents in this election, I say: fear us. The people hear our plea. The people hear our call. The people will reject recessions, foreign wars, deaths, and all.

My fellow Americans, America cannot sustain greatness under either of our opponents. We are on the decline. Join Ashe. Join me. Reject failure and reject fear. You need to vote for the future, this very year. Extremism will not be tolerated under the disguise of the establishment. Extremism in any form is dangerous to our country. The establishment is corrupted from the inside out. If extremists are on fire, the establishment is rotting. Either one will destroy us.

If you don't believe President Kaine is an extremist, perhaps his support for partial birth abortion would make you consider. Between six in ten to seven in ten in polls oppose partial birth abortion when defined as aborting a fetus when it is delivered to its navel or all of the head in headfirst cases. President Kaine will not agree to ban it. Senator Rubio believes that even abortions at even two or four weeks should be banned, which is opposed by similar numbers.

Both of them realize now they are trapped. They may abandon extremism and establishment purity, and face the wrath of their rightfully angry voters, or they may continue spreading extremism and establishment purity, causing voters to rebel against the rotting of the trees, the burning of the forest. America knows what we must do now. We must either elect Tim Ashe, or we must fight the good fight in spite of innumerable losses.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on December 19, 2016, 11:47:12 PM
Ashe/Monds 2020
Taking America Back

Schedule for July 26-August 1

July 26
-Fly to Maine
-Rally in Brunswick, Maine
-Rally in Augusta, Maine with Congresswoman Chellie Pingree
-Barnstorm in Waldo County, Maine
-Barnstorm in Kennebec County, Maine

July 27
-Fly to Vermont
-Rally in Montpelier, Vermont
-Rally in Burlington, Vermont
-Barnstorm in Rutland County, Vermont
-Barnstorm in Caledonia County, Vermont

July 28
-Fly to New Hampshire
-Rally in Concord, New Hampshire
-Rally in Lancaster, New Hampshire
-Barnstorm in Belknap County, New Hampshire
-Barnstorm in Grafton County, New Hampshire

July 29
-Fly to Washington
-Rally in Seattle, Washington with Councilwoman Kshama Sawant
-Fly to California
-Rally in Ukiah, California with Former Congressman Daniel Hamburg
-Interview on Real Time with Bill Maher
*Maher* And finally new rule: When you're the Presidential nominee for a new political party,  try to find any loophole possible to hlld your Congressional seat. If you don't, you might get a guy like this to fill your seat *shows unflatter picture of Ted Cruz*

*Ashe* Vermont's not that bad!

*Maher* Well you've produced the two best Presidential candidates of the last ten years. You have to lose sometime

July 30
-Fly to New York
-Appear at Colin Powell for Mayor rally
-Fly to New Mexico
-Appear at Gary Johnson for Senate Rally
-Fly to Illinois

July 31
-Appear at Wesley Clark for Senate rally
-Rally in Chicago, Illinois
-Fly to Massachusetts
-Rally in Boston, Massachusetts with Sens. Warren and Markey and Gov. Kennedy
-Address students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology 

August 1
-Fly to Michigan
-Rally in Detroit, Michigan with Rep. Conyers
-Policy speech in Flint, Michigan: "Why Universal Healthcare is the Best Course"
-Rally in Lansing, Michigan
-Rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan

Schedule for John Monds

July 26-28
-Assisting Congressional candidates in building infrastructure

July 29-August 1
-Hold rallies, give speeches and barnstorm in Arizona, Georgia and Florida

Surrogate schedule

The Libertarian Team will campaign in Minnesota, Idaho and Wyoming (Jesse Ventura is being detached to campaign for Gov. Johnson)

The Progressive Team will campaign in Wisconsin, Indiana and Michigan

The Economics Team will campaign in California, Wahington and Oregon  (Mr Eisman is being detached to campaign for Gen. Clark)

The Senators' Team will campaign in Delaware, Rhode Island and Massachusetts  (Sen. Feingold is being detached to campaign for Fmr. Gov. Baldacci)

The Governors' Team will campaign in Massachusetts, Maine and New Hampshire

The Fundraising and Entertainers' Teams will join forces to campaign in Ilinois, Michigan and Ohio

Trumka will coordinate unions and organizations in building campaign infrastructure for Congressional candidates

Snowden and Mills will be providing technical support this week.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on December 20, 2016, 10:29:10 AM
Rubio/Haley 2020
Right here Right now
Schedule for the week of July 26, 2020-August 1, 2020

July 26, 2020
-Flight to Clayton, Ohio
-Barnstorm in Clayton, OH
-Town hall meeting in Englewood, OH, in which Senator Rubio was asked by a reporter about John Monds’ accusations :

Well, as Franklin Delano Roosevelt said, « the only thing to fear is fear itself. » We all agree about that, including the Republicans. So it’s unfair to say that we are campaigning through fear. America is better than fear and anger.

But terrorists around the world are causing fear by killing innocent people and by threatening freedom, democracy, integrity and justice.

President Kaine is causing fear by killing American jobs through big government policies, high taxes, which causes the offshoring of American buisinesses overseas, and energy dependence, which sometimes encourages terrorism since some of the money from energy imports in America falls in the wrong hands.

So we have to fight this fear and we are bringing solutions about it and I take the pledge to confront and defeat this fear as President of the United States.

-Bus trip to Dayton, OH
-Meet with college voters at the Universoty of Dayton in Dayton, OH
-Manufacturing policy speech at Behr Dayton Thermal Products LLC
-Statement in reaction to the opening of the 2020 Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo :

Every four years, our ambitious, dynamic and competitive athletes seize the opportunity to demonstrate what they can do to ensure an American successful olympic performance through ambition, passion, audacity and willingness. We will encourage them whether it’s in Tokyo or by watching them on television. So I wish good luck for our athletes.

July 27, 2020
-Statement in reaction to Tim and Paula Ashe’s first child’s birth :
Our campaign learned that Tim Ashe and his wife Paula gave birth to their first child Angus. I congratulate them for this great stage of life. May Angus Ashe, like any other American, have a bright future no matter which path our country takes in the next few years.

-Foreign policy speech at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, OH
-Counterterrorist policy speech at the National Museum of the United States Air Force in Dayton, OH
-Barnstorm in Germantown, OH   
-Economic policy speech at Yaskawa Motoman headquarters in Miamisburg, OH
-Barnstorm in West Carrollton, OH
-Bus trip to Cincinnati, OH

July 28, 2020
-Breakfast with voters at the Cincinnatian Hotel in Cincinnati, OH
-Economic policy speech at Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky African American Chamber-Commerce in Cincinnati, OH, in an effort to win African-American voters
-Meet with college voters at the University of Cincinnati in Cincinnati, OH
-Infrastructure policy speech at the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center in Cincinnati, OH
-Rally at Paul Brown Stadium in Cincinnati, OH

July 29, 2020
-Flight to Washington D.C.
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

July 30, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

July 31, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

-In the U.S. Senate, Florida Senator Marco Rubio co-sponsors, alongside Senator John McCain, in order to make the American electoral system fairer, a bill named the Fair Democratic Debate Act that would allow all the presidential candidates to participate at the presidential debates even if they are lower than 15 % of the voting intentions in the polls. The Senate vote on this bill will be set on August 7 2020. Should the bill pass in the Senate, the House vote will be set on August 14 2020.

August 1, 2020
-Flight to Nashua, New Hampshire
-Economic policy speech at the Nashuia Corporation in Nashua, NH
-Meet with college voters at Daniel Webster College in Nashua, NH
-Town hall meeting in Nashua, NH
-Speech at the Hunt Memorial Library in Nashua, NH

Nikki Haley's schedule

July 26, 2020
-Flight to Santa Fe, New Mexico
-Barnstorm in Santa Fe, New Mexico
-Rally at KiMo Theatre in Albuquerque, NM
-Energy policy speech in Albuquerque, NM
Agriculture policy speech at Albuquerque Botanical Gardens in Albuquerque, NM

July 27, 2020
-Rally at Isotopes Baseball Park in Albuquerque, NM
-Town hall meeting at Zimmerman Library in Albuquerque, NM
-Flight to Des Moines, Iowa
-Barnstorm in Des Moines, IA
-Barnstorm in Davenport, IA
-Supper with the voters at Gappy Joe's headquarters in Davenport, IA

July 28, 2020
-Meet with college voters at St. Ambrose City in Davenport, IA
-Barnstorm at the Village of East Davenport in Davenport, IA
-Bus trip to Rock Island, Illinois
-Fundraising event at Jumer's Casino & Hotel in Rock Island, IL
-Economic policy speech at YRC Worldwide Inc. facility in Rock Island, IL
-Barnstorm in Rock Island, IL

July 29, 2020
-Barnstorm in Champaign, IL
-Economic policy speech at Hobbico headquarters in Champaign, IL
-Economic policy speech at Amdocs facility in Champaign, IL
-Visits African-American neighbourhoods in Champaign, IL, in an effort to attract African-American voters
-Meet with college voters at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign in Champaign, IL
-Barnstorm in Urbana, IL

July 30, 2020
-Foreign policy speech at the Pritzker Military Museum & Library in Chicago, IL
-Innovation policy speech at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, IL
-Economic policy speech at Sears headquarters in Chicago, IL
-Speech at the Copernicus Theatre in Chicago, IL
-Rally at United Center in Chicago, IL

July 31, 2020
-Free trade policy speech at the Port of Chicago in Chicago, IL
-Counter-crime policy speech in Lincoln Park, IL, location of the Saint Valentine's Day orchestrated by Al Capone in 1929
-Dinner with the voters at the Wieners Circle in Lincoln Park, IL
-Speech before Abraham Lincoln: The Man statue in Lincoln Park, IL
-Economic policy speech at Uline facility in Waukegan, IL
-Speech at Waukegan Public Library in Waukegan, IL

August 1, 2020
-Economic policy speech at WMS Industries facility in Waukegan, IL
-Rally at Genesee Theatre in Waukegan, IL
-Flight to Richmond, Virginia

Surrogate schedule

July 26, 2020
-Matt Blunt campaigns for Marco Rubio in Detroit, Michigan

July 27-29, 2020
-Thad Cochran campaigns for Marco Rubio in Iowa

July 28-31, 2020
-Peggy Fowler campaigns for Marco Rubio in Oregon

July 29-August 1, 2020
-Rudy Giuliani campaigns for Marco Rubio in New Jersey

July 30-August 1, 2020
-Joe Manchin campaigns for Marco Rubio in Ohio and Pennsylvania

July 31, 2020
-Lindsey Graham campaigns for Marco Rubio in North Carolina

August 1, 2020
-Mitt Romney campaigns for Marco Rubio in Wisconsin

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on December 20, 2016, 11:19:45 AM
Round 45 : August 2, 2020-August 8, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on December 20, 2016, 05:50:56 PM
Cross-aisle support for Fair Democratic Debates Act

Press release from Ashe campaign

We are happy to note that the FDDA will be presented to the Senate soon. Notaable supporters of ours, such as Senators Sanders,  Warren, Merkley, Markey, Baldwin, Feingold and the Congressional Progressive Caucus are all prepared to support this act, as well as myself and Congresswoman Gabbard. We promise all the votes we can provide in both chambers of Congress

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on December 21, 2016, 02:17:04 PM
New polls

General Election Polls

Tim Kaine vs Marco Rubio vs Tim Ashe vs Ron Paul

Marco Rubio : 51 %
Tim Kaine : 31 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Statewide Opinion Polls


Marco Rubio : 51 %
Tim Kaine: 35 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 56 %
Tim Kaine : 34 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 50 %
Tim Kaine : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 11 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

New Hampshire

Marco Rubio : 47 %
Tim Kaine : 34 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 44 %
Tim Kaine : 42 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

North Carolina

Marco Rubio : 54 %
Tim Kaine : 33 %
Tim Ashe : 12 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 52 %
Tim Kaine : 30 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 55 %
Tim Kaine : 31 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 44 %
Tim Kaine : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 17 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 46 %
Tim Kaine : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 45 %
Tim Kaine : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 46 %
Tim Kaine : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 39 %
Tim Kaine : 32 %
Tim Ashe : 27 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 44 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 19 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Ashe : 43 %
Tim Kaine : 34 %
Marco Rubio : 22 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Washington state

Marco Rubio : 42 %
Tim Kaine : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Demographic Polls


Marco Rubio : 54 %
Tim Kaine : 28 %
Tim Ashe : 17 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 53 %
Tim Kaine : 30 %
Tim Ashe : 13,5 %
Ron Paul : 0,5 %


Tim Kaine : 58,5 %
Tim Ashe : 21 %
Marco Rubio : 19,5 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 42 %
Marco Rubio : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on December 21, 2016, 02:41:45 PM

Katie Ledecky wins a new gold medal

Yesterday in Tokyo, the American Olympic competitive swimmer Katie Ledecky wins a new gold medal during in the women's 400-meter freestyle, beating the British female swimmer Jazmin Carlin who gets a silver medal and the Australian Alicia Coutts who gets the the bronze medal.

Success for Shawnacy Barber in Tokyo

The 26 year old Canadian pole vault athlete wins the gold medal in the Olympic pole vault turnament over the French athlete Renaud Lavillenie who gets the silver medal and the German athlete Raphael Holzdeppe who gets the bronze medal.


Marco Rubio : The International Democrat Union, Attorney General of Oklahoma Scott Pruit, Member of the Mississippi Senate Chris McDaniel, Economist Martin Feldstein

Tim Ashe : The Progressive Alliance, A Just Russia Leader Sergey Mironov, Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on December 22, 2016, 11:13:38 PM
Rubio/Haley 2020
Right here Right now
Schedule for the week of August 2, 2020-August 8, 2020

August 2, 2020
-Bus trip to Portsmouth, New Hampshire
-Barnstorm in Portsmouth, NH
-Bus trip to Seabrook, NH
-Energy policy speech at the Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant in Seabrook, NH
-Bus trip to Hooksett, NH
August 3, 2020
-Fundraising event in Hooksett, NH
-Economic policy speech at Robie's Country Store in Hooksett, NH
-Speech at Pinkerton Academy in Derry, NH
-Bus trip to Concord, NH
-Speech at Eagle Square in Concord, NH
-Meet with college voters at Franklin Pierce University in Concord, NH
-Speech in reaction to Katie Ledecky's victory in the Olympics :

I congratulate one of our great athletes, Katie Ledecky, for her victory in the female swimming Olympic tournament. The best is yet to come. Even if some of our athletes didn't get the gold medal, they are still great champions.

August 4, 2020
-Bus trip to Portland, Maine
-Energy policy speech at Magellan Petroleum facility in Portland, ME
-Economic policy speech at Pioneer Telephone headquarters in Portland, ME
-Free trade policy speech in Portland, ME
-Rally at Cross Insurance Arena in Portland, ME
-Bus trip to Kennebunkport, ME
-Visits Bush Compound in Kennebunkport, ME
-Rally in Kennebunkport, ME, alongside George H. W. Bush
-Speech at Louis T. Graves Memorial Public Library in Kennebunkport, ME
-Fundraising event in Kennebunkport, ME
-Advertisement filming in Kennebunkport, ME

August 5, 2020
-Bus trip to Augusta, ME
-Rally with Peter Cianchette Republican candidate for Angus King's Senate seat in Augusta, ME
-Speech at Cony High School in Augusta, ME
-Speech at the Maine State Library in Augusta, ME
-Rally at Augusta Waterfront Park in Augusta, ME
-Economic policy speech at Augusta State Airport in Augusta, ME
-Bus trip to Orono, ME
-Supper with the voters at Pat's Pizza in Orono, ME

August 6, 2020
-Meet with college voters at the University of Maine in Orono, ME
-Flight to Washington D.C.
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

August 7, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.
-In the U.S. Senate, Senator Marco Rubio votes in favor of his co-sponsored Fair Democratic Debates Act

August 8, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.
« African-Americans for Rubio » announced

Senator Rubio is proud to announce the formation of African-Americans for Rubio. The committee, chaired by sugar businessman Michael Steele, will aim to reach African-American voters by convincing them that Rubio's immigration policy, education plan and economic agenda will be beneficial for the African-American community. Steele will have full autonomy over the program.

-Rubio's presidential campaign broadcasts a television ad that airs in New Hampshire and Maine. The ad titled « Energy, Prosperity and Future » describes Marco Rubio's plan to develop renewable energies is narrated, notably, by Rubio's speech at the Bipartisan Energy Summit

« Energy, Prosperity and Future » advertisement narration :

Thanks to energy independence, we will be able to develop renewable energies to pursue further job creation while ensuring the protection of our environment.

We will use a part of the revenues from oil drilling to invest into the development of nuclear and other renewable energies such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, ethanol, biomass, etc., thus contributing to further job creation without hurting the environment and getting us energy independence by 2035, which will make sure that we take advantage of all of our sources of energy and that we stop terrorist organizations from getting some of the money we send overseas to oil producing countries by importing their oil.

I will support the expansion of the Quebec–New England Electric Power Transmission (also called Northern Pass Transmission) to create new American jobs and develop new electric technologies that will help us creating more jobs. I will woo French investors with electric industry skills at the annual World Economic Forum in Davos (Switzerland) in order to help our electric and nuclear industries growing thanks to nuclear technologies adopted by France, one of our greatest partners and one of the greatest electric powers in the world. That way, we will help people to get good-paying jobs to heat through electricity.

Chose Marco Rubio for President for a better environment, for a stronger prosperity and for better living conditions.

I'm Marco Rubio and I approve this message.

Nikki Haley's schedule
August 2-5, 2020
-Barnstorm in Virginia

August 6-8, 2020
-Barnstorm in the Washington state

Surrogate schedule
August 2-4, 2020
-Chuck Norris campaigns for Marco Rubio in Iowa

August 5-8, 2020
-José Pepe Fanjul campaigns for Marco Rubio in Florida, Colorado, Nevada and New Mexico in an effort to attract Hispanic voters

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Cynthia on December 23, 2016, 04:27:16 AM
Tim Ashe speaking to reporters after announcement

June 3, 2019; Burlington, VT:
Hello, my fellow citizens of Vermont. I am here before you today to discuss some very important issues in America today. I am also here because I need your support in this election, as I have decided to run for President of the United States! I do this not out of anger but out of hope. I am hopeful for change in America.

Our leaders in Washington, D. C. grow out of touch with the very people they claim to represent. In two years in D. C. I have learned that there is little compromise and even less progress. After Welch's resignation and my election two years ago to his seat, I have seen all this. When I ask people to help me ban Super PACs, they act afraid. When I ask for people to support universal healthcare for all, they are unwilling.

With your help and your support, we will get rid of Super PACs. Special interests, whether they be big agriculture, business, or energy, will have less influence. Instead, the common person will donate to the campaigns they really wish to support. If the public does not wish to fund you, they will not. If you deserve their funds, you will get it.

I promise you that we will pass universal healthcare. Our healthcare system is inefficient, weak, and frankly confusing. With the help of people like Former Senator Sanders and former Secretary Robert Reich, I intend to write healthcare legislation that will be passed in 2021 if I am President. We, as a nation, ought to find it horrible that thousands of people die on our streets every year from poverty that prevents them from having healthcare.

I intend to take up the issue of fair trade. We are losing far too many jobs that could go to our communities at home overseas. This problem especially affects African-Americans and young people struggling to find a job. At the hands of the Washington consensus, our nation is being ruined by trade deals like TPP that hurt our nation badly.

Colleges, frankly, charge far too much. If you're smart and you have a bright brain, we will pay for your college. To those of you struggling with college debt, I intend to pay it down for everyone currently in college and out of college. In the future, anyone with an ACT score of thirty or higher will have their college paid for, while anyone in a household making under fifty thousand dollars a year will be able to apply for Pell Grants, which we will make easier to apply for.

I intend to pursue a foreign policy of diplomacy. With diplomacy, we will liberalize Cuba. With diplomacy, we can apply less brute force and aggressiveness and apply more common sense and compromise. We cannot afford many more wars. I promise you, with an Ashe administration, we will have peace, prosperity, and progress! Thank you!

Please pay my tuition, I have a 34.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on December 23, 2016, 07:16:53 AM
Ashe/Monds 2020
Taking America Back

Schedule for August 2nd-August 8 2020

August 2nd
-Fly to Maine
-Rally in Augusta, Maine with Fmr. Gov. Baldacci
-Fly to Japan
-Congratulate Katie Ledecky in person
-Fly to Austria

August 3rd\d
-Meet with Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen to discuss shared left-wing ideals
-Fly to Russia
-Meet with Sergey Mirinov, Leader of A Just Russia to discuss their shared desire to see Russia develop in a more democratic direction
-Fly to Germany
-Give speech to the Conference of the Progressive Alliance
There is no doubt that we live in troubled times these days. There has been a meteoric rise in xenophobia and Islamophobia in the modern world; things that are quite frankly, the antithesis of what every Western nation purports to stand for.

For example, we decry the injustices of Sharia Law. Now don't get me wrong, Shariah Law deserves to be criticized. It is a horrible, oppressive way to run a nation. Yet, we found ourselves selling arms to nations like Saudi Arabia, and we allow nations like Brunei to get into our trade deals. That is hypocrisy of the highest order. We cannot claim to be against oppression when we support governments that ARE oppressive by their very nature.

To a large extent, the Western world have none but themselves to blame for this. We have created such a terrible environment in the Middle East that people feel the need to turn to terrorism to defend their nation. I am not advocating for leaving these people alone; they are terrible people and must be opposed, but we cannot claim to oppose Islamic fundamentalism when we do not oppose the fundamentalists of other nations.

Meanwhile, our environment continues to collapse throughout the world. Many supposedly center-left parties throughout the world have pushed for us to consider fracking or increase oil drilling, but this harms our environment immeasurably. They may claim to support the environment, but our colleagues on the right only support the environment when it is politically convenient for them to do so!

This year, we can start a global revolution. People like Mr Corbyn; President Van der Bellen; Prime Minister Shorten and Mr Mironov are at the forefront of this revolution; leading the fight, and I am eager to join them.

August 4th
-Fly to Vermont
-Rally in Burlington, Vermont with Sen. Sanders and Mayor Weinberger
-Rally in Montpelier, Vermont with Gov. Shumlin
-Fly to Maine
-Rally in Augusta, Maine

August 5th
-Rally in Brunswick, Maine
-Barnstorm in Aroostook County, Maine
-Barnstorm in Piscataquis County, Maine
-Barnstorm in Androscoggin County, Maine
-Barnstorm in Washington County, Maine

August 6th
-Fly to New York
-Rally in the Bronx with Former Mayor and Senate Candidate Bill de Blasio
-Rally in Manhattan with former Secretary of State and Mayoral candidate Colin Powell
-Barnstorm in Broome County, New York
-Barnstorm in Albany County, New York

August 7th
-Fly to Minnesota
-Rally in Saint Pual, Minnesota with Fmr. Gov. Jesse Ventura
-Rally in Minneapolis, Minnesota with Rep. Keith Ellison
-Barnstorm in Crow Wing County, Minnesota
-Barnstorm in Todd County, Minnesota

August 8th
-Fly to California
-Rally in Los Angeles, California with John Monds
-Rally in San Francisco, California with Fmr. Gov. Jerry Brown
-Rally in Sacramento, California
-Rally in San Diego, California

Schedule for John Monds

August 2nd-August 4
-Barnstorm heavily in home state of Georgia, attempting to leverage black vote

August 5-8
-Lead Surrogate efforts in Maine

All surrogate teams will be focusing efforts on Maine this week, where Ashe believes that they are on the verge of a breakthrough

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on December 23, 2016, 12:23:48 PM
Round 46 : August 9, 2020-August 15, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: WashLibertarian on December 23, 2016, 01:52:03 PM
Ron Paul Campaign Schedule August 9-15

August 9, 2020
-Fly to Idaho
-Rally in Boise
-Townhall in Boise
-Economy Policy Speech in Boise
-Build Ground Game in Boise
-2nd Rally in Boise
-Drive to Twin Falls
-Rally in Twin Falls
-Townhall in Twin Falls
-Size of government rally in Twin Falls

August 10, 2020
-Fly to Washington
-Rally in Seattle
-Townhall in Seattle
-Foreign Policy Speech in Seattle
-Build ground infrastructure in Seattle
-Drive to Spokane
-Rally in Spokane
-Twitter Q&A
-Townhall in Spokane
-Trade Policy Speech in Spokane

August 11, 2020
-Fly to California
-Rally in San Francisco
-Townhall in San Francisco
-Economy Policy Speech in San Francisco
-Foreign Policy Speech in San Francisco
-Drive to Los Angeles
-Rally in Los Angeles
-Townhall in Los Angeles
-Personal Liberty Speech in Los Angeles

August 12, 2020
-Fly to New Mexico
-Rally in Santa Fe
-Townhall in Santa Fe
-Economy Policy Speech in Santa Fe
-Drive to Albuquerque
-Townhall in Albuquerque
-Rally in Albuquerque
-Townhall in Albuquerque
-Foreign Policy Speech in Albuquerque

August 13, 2020
-Fly to Ohio
-Rally in Cleveland
-Build ground infrastructure
-Townhall in Cleveland
-Education Speech in Cleveland
-2nd TownHall in Cleveland
-Lunch with supporters
-Drive to Columbus
-Rally in Columbus
-Trade Speech in Columbus
-Townhall in Columbus

August 14, 2020
-Drive to Cincinnati
-Twitter Q&A
-Rally in Cincinnati
-Townhall in Cincinnati
-doorknock with supporters
-Foreign Policy Speech in Cincinnati
-2nd Townhall in Cincinnati
-Dinner with supporters

August 15, 2020
-Fly to Maine
-Rally in Augusta
-Doorknock with supporters in Augusta
-Townhall in Augusta
-Healthcare speech in Augusta
-Build Ground infrastructure in Augusta
-Education Speech in Augusta
-2nd Townhall in Augusta
-Dinner with supporters

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on December 23, 2016, 02:54:09 PM
New polls

General Election Polls

Tim Kaine vs Marco Rubio vs Tim Ashe vs Ron Paul

Marco Rubio : 50 %
Tim Kaine : 30 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %
Ron Paul : 2 %

Statewide Opinion Polls


Marco Rubio : 51 %
Tim Kaine: 34 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 2 %


Marco Rubio : 56 %
Tim Kaine : 34 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 49 %
Tim Kaine : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 11 %
Ron Paul : 2 %

New Hampshire

Marco Rubio : 49 %
Tim Kaine : 33 %
Tim Ashe : 17 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 44 %
Marco Rubio : 43 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

North Carolina

Marco Rubio : 53 %
Tim Kaine : 32 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 51 %
Tim Kaine : 30 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 54 %
Tim Kaine : 32 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 44 %
Tim Kaine : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 46 %
Tim Kaine : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 45 %
Tim Kaine : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 47 %
Tim Kaine : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 2 %


Marco Rubio : 40 %
Tim Kaine : 29 %
Tim Ashe : 29 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 44 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 19 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Ashe : 44 %
Tim Kaine : 33 %
Marco Rubio : 22 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Washington state

Marco Rubio : 43 %
Tim Kaine : 36 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Demographic Polls


Marco Rubio : 55 %
Tim Kaine : 28 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 54 %
Tim Kaine :  29 %
Tim Ashe : 13,5 %
Ron Paul : 0,5 %


Tim Kaine : 57 %
Tim Ashe : 22 %
Marco Rubio : 20 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 42 %
Marco Rubio : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on December 24, 2016, 02:08:29 AM

The Fair Democratic Debates Act passes the Senate

On August 7, the Fair Democratic Debates Act cosponsored by Florida Senator and Republican presidential nominee Marco Rubio passes the Senate with 90 Yes votes, 7 No votes and 3 abstentions. The bill would allow all the presidential candidates to participate at the presidential debates even if they are lower than 15 % of the voting intentions in the polls. The House vote will be set on August 14 2020.

Tokyo 2020 : Weekly reports

The United States won a gold medal at the rowing tournament over China, Russia, Spain, Norway, Canada and Belgium.

Japan won the gold medal over the United Kingdom im the badminton tournament.

After imposing a formidable challenge to Jamaican athletics champion Usain Bolt 4 years ago in Rio de Janeiro, 25 year old Canadian athlete Andre De Grasse and 2016 runner-up became the new athletics champion and even the « new king of athletics » after arriving first, beating the Kenyan David Rudisha, the Turkish Yasmani Copello and the Spanish Orlando Ortega, thus winning the gold medal while Rudisha wins the silver medal and Copello won the bronze medal.

Greece won the Wrestling tournament over China while the United States has beaten Egypt in the fencing tournament.

The United States and Japan are the top two countries that received the most medals during the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: WashLibertarian on December 24, 2016, 01:58:59 PM
Ron Paul Campaign Schedule August 16-22

August 16, 2020
-Fly to Illinois
-Rally in Chicago
-Poverty Speech in Chicago
-Town Hall in Chicago
-Drive to Aurora
-Foreign Policy Speech in Aurora
-Twitter Q&A
-Townhall in Aurora
-Dinner with supporters

August 17, 2020
-Drive to Joliet
-Rally in Joliet
-Doorknock with supporters in Joliet
-Townhall in Joliet
-Economic Policy Speech in Joliet
-Drive to Rockford
-Rally in Rockford
-Townhall in Rockford
-Personal Liberty speech in Rockford

August 18, 2020
-Fly to Ohio
-Rally in Cleveland
-Build ground infrastructure
-Townhall in Cleveland
-Education Speech in Cleveland
-2nd TownHall in Cleveland
-Lunch with supporters
-Drive to Columbus
-Rally in Columbus
-Trade Speech in Columbus
-Townhall in Columbus

August 19, 2020
-Drive to Cincinnati
-Twitter Q&A
-Rally in Cincinnati
-Townhall in Cincinnati
-doorknock with supporters
-Foreign Policy Speech in Cincinnati
-2nd Townhall in Cincinnati
-Dinner with supporters

August 20, 2020
-Fly to Maine
-Rally in Augusta
-Doorknock with supporters in Augusta
-Townhall in Augusta
-Healthcare speech in Augusta
-Build Ground infrastructure in Augusta
-Education Speech in Augusta
-2nd Townhall in Augusta
-Dinner with supporters

August 21, 2020
-Drive to Portland
-Rally in Portland
-Economic Speech in Portland
-Establish ground infrastructure in Portland
-Townhall in Portland
-Trade Policy Speech in Portland
-Drive to Lewiston
-Rally in Lewiston
-Townhall in Lewiston
-Role of government speech in Lewiston
-build ground infrastructure in Lewiston

August 22, 2020
-Fly to New York
-Rally in NYC
-Build ground infrastructure in NYC
-Townhall in NYC
-Economic Policy Speech in NYC
-Meet with college voters at NYU
-Personal Liberty Speech at NYU
-Townhall at NYU
-Townhall in NYC
-Education Speech in NYC

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on December 26, 2016, 10:08:29 PM
Ashe/Monds 2020
Taking America Back

Schedule for August 9-15, 2020

August 9
-Fly to Maine
-Rally in Augusta, Maine
-Barnstorm in Aroostook County, Maine
-Barnstorm in Sagadahoc County, Maine
-Barnstorm in Cumberland County, Maine

August 10
-Fly to Vermont
-Rally in Burlington, Vermont with Sen Sanders
-Barnstorm in Chittenden County, Vermont
-Barnstorm in Windsor County, Vermont
-Fly to Michigan

August 11
-Rally in Detroit, Michigan
-Visit abandoned factories in Detroit.
-Barnstorm in Barry County, Michigan
-Barnstorm in Crawford County, Michigan
-Barnstorm in Marquette County, Michigan

August 12
-Fly to California
-Rally in Los Angeles, California with Erin Brockovich
-Rally in San Diego, California with Shailene Woodley
-Barnstorm in San Bernardino County, California
-Rally in San Francisco, California

August 13
-Fly to Australia
-Meet with Bill Shorten to discuss fair trade over free trade

August 14
-Fly to Washington DC
-Attend House session to vote in favour of the Fair Democratic Debates Act

August 15
-House Duties.

John Monds and all surrogates will be focusing efforts on Maine.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on December 27, 2016, 10:57:14 AM
Rubio/Haley 2020
Right here Right now
Schedule for the week of August 9, 2020-August 15, 2020

August 9, 2020
-Flight to Madison, Wisconsin
-Economic policy speech at Spectrum Brands headquarters in Madison, WI
-Energy policy speech at Alliant Energy headquarters in Madison, WI
-Meet with college voters at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in Madison, WI
-Dinner with the voters at the Glass Nickel Pizza in Madison, WI
-Free trade policy speech in Wisconsin
-Foreign policy speech at the Wisconsin Air National Guard in Madison, WI

August 10, 2020
-Advertisement filming in Madison, WI
-Barnstorm in Baraboo, WI
-Manufacturing and economic policy speech in Baraboo, WI
-Fundraising event in Baraboo, WI
-Speech at the AI. Ringling Theatre in Baraboo, WI
-Bus trip to Beloit, WI

August 11, 2020
-Economic policy speech at Regal Beloit headquarters in Beloit, WI
-Energy policy speech at Mesto facility in Beloit, WI
-Innovation and manufacturing policy speech ahead of college voters at Blackhawk Technical College in Beloit, WI
-Fundraising event at Angel Museum in Beloit, WI

August 12, 2020
-Education policy speech in Beloit, WI
-Visits the Hispanic and African-American neighborhoods in Beloit, WI, in an effort to win these local minority votes
-Bus trip to Janesville, WI
-Agriculture policy speech at Blain's Farm and Fleet headquarters in Janesville, WI

August 13, 2020
-Education policy speech at the Parker Pen Company facility in Janesville, WI
-Economic policy speech at Janesville Assembly Plant in Janesville, WI
-Speech ahead of students at Joseph A. Craig High School in Janesville, WI
-Town hall meeting at George S. Parker High School in Janesville, WI
-Barnstorm in Milton, WI
-Edgerton in Milton, WI

August 14, 2020
-Flight to Washington D.C.
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

August 15, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

Nikki Haley's schedule

August 9-15, 2020
-Haley campaigns in Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Minnesota

Surrogate schedule
August 9-15, 2020

Many surrogate teams will be focusing their efforts on the Democratic strongholds that are becoming battleground states due to Ashe's candidacy such as Maine, New Jersey, Illinois, Oregon and Washington where Marco Rubio believes he's on verge of a breakthrough.

Michael Steele campaigns for Marco Rubio in Florida, Michigan, Virginia, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Minnesota in an effort to attract African-American votes.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on December 27, 2016, 09:02:09 PM
Round 47 : August 16, 2020-August 22, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on December 28, 2016, 10:15:31 AM
New polls

While Marco Rubio, the Republican nominee, still leads in the national polls, Tim Ashe's efforts in Maine put him in second place in the Pine Tree State with 31 % of the vote behind Senator Rubio who gets 41 % of the voting intentions and ahead of President Kaine who earns 28 % of the vote.

General Election Polls

Tim Kaine vs Marco Rubio vs Tim Ashe vs Ron Paul

Marco Rubio : 49 %
Tim Kaine : 30 %
Tim Ashe : 19 %
Ron Paul : 2 %

Statewide Opinion Polls


Marco Rubio : 51 %
Tim Kaine: 33 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 3 %


Marco Rubio : 55 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 49 %
Tim Kaine : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 11 %
Ron Paul : 2 %

New Hampshire

Marco Rubio : 48 %
Tim Kaine : 32 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %
Ron Paul : 2 %


Tim Kaine : 43 %
Marco Rubio : 42 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

North Carolina

Marco Rubio : 50 %
Tim Kaine : 34 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 52 %
Tim Kaine : 30 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 54 %
Tim Kaine : 32 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 44 %
Tim Kaine : 36 %
Tim Ashe : 19 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 49 %
Tim Kaine : 36 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 46 %
Tim Kaine : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 48 %
Tim Kaine : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 41 %
Tim Ashe : 31 %
Tim Kaine : 28 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 44 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 19 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Ashe : 45 %
Tim Kaine : 31 %
Marco Rubio : 23 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Washington state

Marco Rubio : 43 %
Tim Kaine : 36 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Demographic Polls


Marco Rubio : 56 %
Tim Kaine : 28 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 54 %
Tim Kaine :  29 %
Tim Ashe : 13,5 %
Ron Paul : 0,5 %


Tim Kaine : 56 %
Tim Ashe : 22 %
Marco Rubio : 21 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 42 %
Marco Rubio : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on December 30, 2016, 07:51:20 AM

The Fair Democratic Debates Act passes the House of Representatives and is signed into law

On August 14, the Fair Democratic Debates Act cosponsored by Florida Senator and Republican presidential nominee Marco Rubio passes the House of Representatives with 396 Yes votes, including the PLP presidential nominee Tim Ashe, against 31 No votes and 8 abstentions. The bill is signed into law by President Tim Kaine.

So all the presidential candidates will participate at the presidential debates this fall even if they are lower than 15 % in the polls.

The announcement of the dates of the 3 presidential debates and the vice-presidential debate is yet to come.


Marco Rubio : J. Larry Nichols, Ryan Zinke, Carl Icahn, Pierre S. du Pont IV, Focus on the Family

Tim Ashe : League of Women Voters, Congressman Jared Polis,
Fomer Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis, The Justice Party, Rocky Anderson, The Roosevelt Institute, Center for Progressive Christianity, Former Senator Tom Harkin

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on December 31, 2016, 01:43:10 AM
Rubio/Haley 2020
Right here Right now
Schedule for the week of August 16, 2020-August 22, 2020

August 16, 2020
-Flight to Chicago, Illinois
-Fundraising event at the Chicago Theatre in Chicago, IL
-Rally at Millennium Park in Chicago, IL
-Manufacturing policy speech at the Schwinn Bicycle Company headquarters in Chicago, IL
-Economic policy speech at McCormick Place in Chicago, IL

August 17, 2020
-Agriculture policy speech at the Archer Daniels Midland Company in Chicago, IL
-Speech at the Chicago Cultural Center in Chicago, IL
-Meet with college voters at the University of Chicago in Chicago, IL
-Speech at the DuSable Museum of African American History in Chicago, IL, in an effort to win African-American voters
-Speech ahead of the Statue of the Republic in Chicago, IL

August 18, 2020
-Economic policy speech at the Port of Chicago in Chicago, IL
-Economic at the Hispanic Marketing in Chicago, IL, in an effort to win Hispanic voters
-Speech at the Hispanic Business Services in Chicago, IL, in an effort to win Hispanic voters
Foreign policy speech in Chicago, IL

August 19, 2020
-Bus trip to Waukegan, IL
-Education policy speech in Waukegan, IL
-Economic policy speech in Waukegan, IL
-Foreign policy speech in Waukegan, IL
-Immigration policy speech in Waukegan, IL

August 20, 2020
-Bus trip to Decatur, IL
-Meet with college voters at the Millikin University in Decatur, IL
-Economic policy speech at the Caterpillar Inc. facility in Decatur, IL
-Speech in front of the statue of Abraham Lincoln in Decatur, IL

August 21, 2020
-Flight to Alamosa, Colorado
-Barnstorm in Alamosa, CO
-Meet with college voters at Adams State University in Alamosa, CO
-Visits Hispanic neighborhoods in Alamosa, CO, in an effort to win Hispanic voters

August 22, 2020
-Bus trip to Colorado Springs, CO
-Economic policy speech in Colorado Springs, CO
-Foreign policy speech in Colorado Springs, CO
-Immigration policy speech in Colorado Springs, CO
-Health care policy speech in Colorado Springs, CO

Nikki Haley's schedule

August 16-22, 2020
-Haley campaigns in Florida, North Carolina, Nevada and Colorado

Surrogate schedule
August 16-22, 2020
-Most of the surrogates will focus their efforts on the industrial battleground states in the Midwest such as Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa and Illinois through Rubio's economic message in order to demonstrate that Rubio's plan is the best path to America's economic prosperity and fairness for all.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on December 31, 2016, 09:54:12 AM
Ashe/Monds 2020
Taking America Back

Schedule for August 16-22 2020

August 16
-Fly to Iowa
-Rally in Des Moines, Iowa with Former Senator Tom Harkin
Only one person on the race can carry forward a progressive, populist message in this country. He is campaigning against so-called "free trade" deals; unrestrained and unfettered capitalism; and equality for all. Regardless of your political affiliation, you cannot deny the middle class in this country is disappearing. They have been sold down the river by politicians who only want to line the pockets of themselves and their donors.

The one person standing up to them? Tim Ashe. I am proud to endorse this man today.
-Assist in building infrastructure for state legislature candidates.

August 17
-Fly to Maine
-Rally in Farmington, Maine
-Rally in Rocklands, Maine
-Barnstorm in Waldo County, Maine
-Barnstorm in Lincoln County, Maine

August 17
-Barnstorm in Androscoggin County, Maine
-Barnstorm in Sagadahoc County, Maine
-Barnstorm in Kennebec County, Maine
-Barnstorm in Piscataquis County, Maine
-Barnstorm in Aroostook Maine

August 18
-Fly to Washington DC
-Rally with Chris Carson, President of the League of Women Voters
Four years ago, we faced a Presidential Election without the Voting Rights Act. Thankfully, we did not have to endure four years of Donald Trump.

This year however is equally important. One party seeks to curtail a woman's right to choose; seeks to destroy universal healthcare as a concept; seeks to make the system of campaign finance even worse that it is. Only Tim Ashe has vowed to stand up against these actions, and that is why the League of Women Voters stands with him!
-House duties

August 19
-Fly to New York
-Speech at the Roosevelt Institute, New York
I am humbled to have received an invitation to speak here. The purpose of this institute is to keep the dream of America's greatest President of the 20th Century, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, alive.

Unfortunately, his dream is being dismantled. His own party has not fought to keep it alive, while the party he opposed has sought to destroy every vestige of the man's legacy. Rest assured, I will fight to maintain the legacy of this great man and his wife, Eleanor Roosevelt; one of the most remarkable women ever to have lived; alive. I will keep their dream alive!

-Speech in Brooklyn, New York, where Ashe formally accepted the Working Families Party nomination for President

I keep hearing this argument that the government should just stay out. Less government equals better results for everyone involved. People said the same thing when President Lincoln emancipated the slaves. People said the same thing when President Johnson ended segregation in this country.

This is a duplicitous made by people who really should know better. You know what I heard the other day? I heard that raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour would destroy the economy. Funny; the same thing was said when child labor laws were created and enforced. The same thing was said when slavery was ended in this nation. It's simple maths; if people earn more money; they're going to spend more money. There are people out there working two or three jobs just to keep themselves afloat. That is just disgraceful.

I've also heard the word progressive hurled around as if it's something to be afraid of; something almost Communist in nature. Progressivism is not Communism. So what do they mean when they call me a progressive? Because I'm not a Communist or a Marxist in any way, shape or form. TO echo the words of President Kennedy; if by this word they mean someone who looks forward and not backward; someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions; someone who cares about the welfare of the people-their healthcare, their jobs, their their civil rights, their civil liberties-someone who believes that we can break through suspicion and stalemate that grips our foreign policy, then I am proud to say I am a progressive.
-Organize infrastructure for Congressional candidates.

August 20
-Fly to Wisonsin
-Rally in Madison, Wisconsin with Sen. Feingold
-Rally in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with Sen. Baldwin
-Barnstorm in Sawyer County, Wisconsin
-Barnstorm in Marathon County, Wisconsin

August 21
-Fly to Massachusetts
-Rally in Cambridge, Massachusetts with Sen. Markey
-Rally in Brockton, Massachusetts with Sen. Warren and Gov. Kennedy
-Barnstorm in Bristol County, Massachusetts
-Barnstorm in Plymouth County, Massachusetts

August 22
-Barnstorm in Worcester County, Massachusetts with Gov. Kennedy
-Barnstorm in Hampden County, Massachusetts
-Rally in Boston, Massachusetts with Sen. Warren
-Rally in New Bedford, Massachusetts with Sen. Markey

Schedule for John Monds
August 16-18
-Organize infrastructure for state legislature candidate in Georgia

August 19-22
-Lead campaigning efforts in Georgia, Florida, Virginia and Missouri

Surrogate Schedule

The Libertarian team will focus efforts on Colorado this week, emphasizing Ashe's commitment to civil liberties (Jesse Ventura is being detached to campaign for Gary Johnson)

The Progressive Team will campaign heavily in Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine, with a rally in Brunswick, Maine to include a minute's silence for Senator King (John Conyers is being detached to campaign for John Baldacci)

The Economics Team will campaign in the industrial states of Ohio and Pennsylvania, touting Ashe's protectionism and opposition to free trade deals (Steve Eisman is being detached to campaign for Wesley Clark)

The Senators' Team and Governors' Team will campaign in Virginia, Florida and Georgia, attempting to create a coalition on the south for the PLP to build on in the future

The Veterans' Team will campaign in Arizona, Texas and Louisiana, touting Ashe's support from libertarian Republicans like Gary Johnson

The Entertainers' Team will campaign on College campuses all across New England

The Fundraising Team will hold low-price fundraisers in Massachusetts and Vermont

Snowden and Mills will be appearing in a public talk with Ashe

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on December 31, 2016, 10:21:34 AM
Round 48 : August 23, 2020-August 29, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on December 31, 2016, 10:25:57 AM
New polls

While Marco Rubio, the Republican nominee, still leads in the national polls, Tim Ashe's efforts in Maine put him in second place in the Pine Tree State with 31 % of the vote behind Senator Rubio who gets 41 % of the voting intentions and ahead of President Kaine who earns 28 % of the vote.

General Election Polls

Tim Kaine vs Marco Rubio vs Tim Ashe vs Ron Paul

Marco Rubio : 49,5 %
Tim Kaine : 30 %
Tim Ashe : 20 %
Ron Paul : 1,5 %

Statewide Opinion Polls


Marco Rubio : 51 %
Tim Kaine: 34 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 54 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 11 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 48 %
Tim Kaine : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

New Hampshire

Marco Rubio : 48 %
Tim Kaine : 31 %
Tim Ashe : 20 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 44 %
Marco Rubio : 42 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 0,5 %

North Carolina

Marco Rubio : 50 %
Tim Kaine : 34 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 53 %
Tim Kaine : 29 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 53 %
Tim Kaine : 32 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 45 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 19 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 51 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 12 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 47 %
Tim Kaine : 36 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 48 %
Tim Kaine : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 40 %
Tim Ashe : 32 %
Tim Kaine : 27 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 45 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Ashe : 45 %
Tim Kaine : 31 %
Marco Rubio : 23 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Washington state

Marco Rubio : 43 %
Tim Kaine : 36 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Demographic Polls


Marco Rubio : 56 %
Tim Kaine : 28 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 54 %
Tim Kaine :  29 %
Tim Ashe : 13,5 %
Ron Paul : 0,5 %


Tim Kaine : 56 %
Tim Ashe : 22 %
Marco Rubio : 21 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 42 %
Marco Rubio : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: WashLibertarian on December 31, 2016, 07:56:16 PM
Ron Paul Campaign Schedule August 23-29, 2020

August 23, 2020
-Fly to Idaho
-Rally in Boise
-Townhall in Boise
-Economy Policy Speech in Boise
-Build Ground Game in Boise
-2nd Rally in Boise
-Drive to Twin Falls
-Rally in Twin Falls
-Townhall in Twin Falls
-Size of government rally in Twin Falls

August 24, 2020
-Fly to Washington
-Rally in Seattle
-Townhall in Seattle
-Foreign Policy Speech in Seattle
-Build ground infrastructure in Seattle
-Drive to Spokane
-Rally in Spokane
-Twitter Q&A
-Townhall in Spokane
-Trade Policy Speech in Spokane

August 25, 2020
-Fly to California
-Rally in San Francisco
-Townhall in San Francisco
-Economy Policy Speech in San Francisco
-Foreign Policy Speech in San Francisco
-Drive to Los Angeles
-Rally in Los Angeles
-Townhall in Los Angeles
-Personal Liberty Speech in Los Angeles

August 26, 2020
-Fly to New Mexico
-Rally in Santa Fe
-Townhall in Santa Fe
-Economy Policy Speech in Santa Fe
-Drive to Albuquerque
-Townhall in Albuquerque
-Rally in Albuquerque
-Townhall in Albuquerque
-Foreign Policy Speech in Albuquerque

August 27, 2020
-Fly to Ohio
-Rally in Cleveland
-Build ground infrastructure
-Townhall in Cleveland
-Education Speech in Cleveland
-2nd TownHall in Cleveland
-Lunch with supporters
-Drive to Columbus
-Rally in Columbus
-Trade Speech in Columbus
-Townhall in Columbus

August 28, 2020
-Drive to Cincinnati
-Twitter Q&A
-Rally in Cincinnati
-Townhall in Cincinnati
-doorknock with supporters
-Foreign Policy Speech in Cincinnati
-2nd Townhall in Cincinnati
-Dinner with supporters

August 29, 2020
-Fly to Maine
-Rally in Augusta
-Doorknock with supporters in Augusta
-Townhall in Augusta
-Healthcare speech in Augusta
-Build Ground infrastructure in Augusta
-Education Speech in Augusta
-2nd Townhall in Augusta
-Dinner with supporters

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on January 02, 2017, 10:54:54 AM

Mikhail Prokhorov on the run

Mikhail Prokhorov, one of the main leaders of the Russian political opposition to Vladimir Putin, is ressearched by the Russian authorities for his opposition to Putin's policies. Prokhorov decided to flee to Germany in order to raise its voice for the rights and dignity of man in Russia.


Marco Rubio : Russian opposition leader Mikhail Prokhorov, U.S. Representative from Texas Louie Gohmert, President Barack Obama's half-brother Malik Obama

Tim Ashe :
Former Energy Secretary Steven Chu, Chairperson of The Left (German left-wing party) Katja Kipping

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on January 03, 2017, 02:34:33 PM
Rubio/Haley 2020
Right here Right now
Schedule for the week of August 23, 2020-August 29, 2020

August 23, 2020
-Bus trip to Denver, Colorado
-Economic policy speech at Denver Technological Center in Denver, CO
-Economic policy speech at the Denver Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in Denver, CO, in an effort to attract Hispanic voters
-Rally at Pepsi Center in Denver, CO
-Meet with college voters at Johnson & Wales University in Denver, CO

August 24, 2020
-Speech in reaction to Mikhail Prokhorov's escape from Russia :

We just learned that Mikhail Prokhorov escaped from Vladimir Putin's tyranny and oppression. And I'm proud to earn his endorsement. When I'm President of the United States, our foreign policy will not tolerate any form of terror, tyranny and corruption. Syria and all the Eastern European countries will find back their sovereignty and their territorial integrity and we will defeat any terrorist movement supported by Vladimir Putin whether it's in Syria or Ukraine. Democracy, justice, integrity and security will be restored.

-Meet with college voters at the University of Denver in Denver, CO
-Bus trip to Broomfield, CO
-Economic policy speech at Level 3 Communications headquarters in Broomfield, CO
-Barnstorm in Broomfield, CO
-Bus trip to Boulder, CO
-Visits the Crossroads Mall in Boulder, CO
-Fundraising event in Boulder, CO

August 25, 2020
-Meet with college voters at the University of Colorado Boulder in Boulder, CO
-Bus trip to Yuma, CO
-Barnstorm in Yuma, CO
-Bus trip to Wray, CO
-Barnstorm in Wray, CO

August 26, 2020
-Flight to Tallahassee, Florida
-Immigration policy speech in Tallahassee, FL
-Free trade policy speech in Tallahassee, FL
-Economic policy speech in Tallahassee, FL
-Foreign policy speech in Tampa, FL
-Education policy speech in Tampa, FL

August 27, 2020
-Fundraising event in Miami, FL
-Counterterrorist policy speech in Miami, FL
-Economic policy speech in Miami, FL
-Barnstorm in Orlando, FL

August 28, 2020
-Flight to Minneapolis, Minnesota
-Economic policy speech in Minneapolis, MN
-Speech at Latino Economic Development Center in Minneapolis, MN, in an effort to attract Hispanic voters
-Rally at Target Field in Minneapolis, MN
-Foreign policy speech in Minneapolis, MN

August 29, 2020
-Bus trip to Richfield, MN
-Economic policy speech at Best Buy headquarters in Richfield, MN
-Dinner with the voters at Chipotle Mexican Grill in Richfield, MN

Nikki Haley's schedule

August 23-29, 2020
-Haley campaigns in for Rubio in Michigan, North Carolina and Virginia where she delivers efforts to attract African-American voters through her record as Governor of South Carolina

Surrogate schedule

August 23-29, 2020
-Mikhail Prokhorov campaigns for Marco Rubio through Twitter and promotes Rubio's foreign policy agenda, especially when it comes to Russia, Ukraine and Syria
-Elaine Chao campaigns for Marco Rubio in Oregon and Washington where she delivers efforts to attract Asian-American voters

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on January 03, 2017, 09:06:02 PM
Ashe/Monds 2020
Taking America Back

Schedule for August 23-August 29 2020

August 23
-Fly to Maine
-Rally in Augusta, Maine
-Town Hall in Brunswick, Maine with John Monds
-Rally in Portland, Maine
-Appear at Baldacci for Senate rally

August 24
-Fly to Massachusetts
-Rally in Boston, Massachusetts with Senator Elizabeth Warren
-Rally in Worcester, Massachusetts with Governor Joe Kennedy
-Town Hall in Springfield, Massachusetts with Senator Ed Markey
*Audeience member* What do you think of Senator Rubio's comments on Vladimir Putin?

*Ashe* Frankly, they frighten me. I do not believe that Putin is a good man, but at the same time, we must not look to provoke him. The Senator's attitude is remarkably cavalier to all this; and that worries me greatly.
-Give speech at Massachusetts Institute of Technology

August 25
-Fly to Georgia
-Rally in Atlanta, Georgia with Former President Jimmy Carter
-Barnstorm in Jasper County, Georgia
-Barnstorm in Jones Coutny, Georgia
-Barnstorm in Camden County, Georgia

August 26
-Fly to Virginia
-Rally in Richmond, Virginia
-Barnstorm in Arlington County, Virginia
-Visit Arlington Cemetery with wife Paula and young son
-Barnstorm in Prince William County, Virginia

August 27
-Fly to New Mexico
-Appear at Johnson for Senate rally
-Rally in Santa Fe, New Mexico
-Assist Congressional candidates in building infrastructure

August 28
-Fly to Illinois
-Rally in Chicago, Illinois
-Fly to Austria
-Meet with President Van der Bellen
-Fly to Cuba

August 29
-Assist in building the Partido Socialdemocrata de Cuba (Social Democratic Party of Cuba)

John Monds and all surrogates will campaign in Maine and Massachusetts

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on January 04, 2017, 12:00:02 AM
Round 49 : August 30, 2020-September 5, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on January 04, 2017, 11:59:03 AM
New polls

General Election Polls

Tim Kaine vs Marco Rubio vs Tim Ashe vs Ron Paul

Marco Rubio : 49,5 %
Tim Kaine : 30 %
Tim Ashe : 20,5 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Statewide Opinion Polls


Marco Rubio : 50 %
Tim Kaine: 34 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 55 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 47 %
Tim Kaine : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

New Hampshire

Marco Rubio : 47 %
Tim Kaine : 32 %
Tim Ashe : 20 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 44 %
Marco Rubio : 42 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 0,5 %

North Carolina

Marco Rubio : 50 %
Tim Kaine : 34 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 55 %
Tim Kaine : 28 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 53 %
Tim Kaine : 32 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 46 %
Tim Kaine : 34 %
Tim Ashe : 19 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 52 %
Tim Kaine : 34 %
Tim Ashe : 12 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 47 %
Tim Kaine : 36 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 48 %
Tim Kaine : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 33 %
Tim Kaine : 27 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 47 %
Tim Kaine : 34 %
Tim Ashe : 17 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Ashe : 46 %
Tim Kaine : 30 %
Marco Rubio : 23 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Washington state

Marco Rubio : 43 %
Tim Kaine : 36 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Demographic Polls


Marco Rubio : 55 %
Tim Kaine : 29 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 55 %
Tim Kaine :  28 %
Tim Ashe : 13,5 %
Ron Paul : 0,5 %


Tim Kaine : 55 %
Tim Ashe : 22 %
Marco Rubio : 21 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 41 %
Marco Rubio : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on January 05, 2017, 10:12:30 AM

Announcement of the presidential debates dates and locations

The dates and locations of the presidential debates that will oppose the Democratic President Tim Kaine, the Republican presidential nominee Marco Rubio, the PLP nominee Tim Ashe and the Independent candidate Ron Paul are announced.

The first presidential debate will be held at the University of Dayton, Ohio, on September 29 2020 and will focus on economic and fiscal issues. This debate will be moderated by Jake Tapper of CNN.


The vice-presidential debate that will oppose Democratic Vice-President Deval Patrick, Republican vice-presidential running mate Nikki Haley and PLP vice-presidential nominee John Monds and that will be focused on mixed issues (economic, social and foreign policy issues) will be held at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, on October 5 2020.

This vice-presidential debate could be a historical since all the debaters are from an ethnic minority (2 African-Americans and 1 Asian-American).

This debate will be moderated by George Stephanopoulos of ABC News.


The second presidential debate that will follow a town hall format and be focused on mixed issues (economic, social and foreign policy issues) will be held at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on October 12 2020. The second debate will be moderated by Tom Brokaw of NBC News.


The third and final presidential debate that will be focused on foreign policy issues will be held at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York, on October 20 2020. It will be moderated by Elaine Quijano of CBS News.



Marco Rubio : CEO Pete Snyder, the New York Post, the New Hampshire Union Leader

Tim Ashe :

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: BuckeyeNut on January 05, 2017, 10:58:38 AM
The League of Women Voters never endorses candidates, but okay. lol

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on January 08, 2017, 01:53:50 AM

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on January 08, 2017, 10:16:24 AM
Rubio/Haley 2020
Right here Right now
Schedule for the week of August 30, 2020-September 5, 2020

August 30, 2020
-Flight to Washington D.C.
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

August 31, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

September 1, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

September 2, 2020
-Flight to Portland, Maine
-Economic policy speech in Portland, ME
-Free trade policy speech in Portland, ME
-Energy policy speech in Portland, ME
-Infrastructure policy speech in Portland, ME

September 3, 2020
-Foreign policy speech in Augusta, ME
-Counterterrorist policy speech in Augusta, ME
-Energy policy speech in Augusta, ME
-Health care policy speech in Augusta, ME
-Flight to Cincinnati, Ohio
-Fundraising event in Cincinnati, OH

September 4, 2020
-Marco Rubio hires Rob Portman and Ted Cruz to make debate preparations with him since they are great debaters as well. Senator Portman will play Tim Kaine's role while Senator Cruz will play Tim Ashe's role in Rubio's debate preparations.

-Debate preparations with Rob Portman and Ted Cruz
-Economic policy speech at Toyota Boshoku America headquarters in Cincinnati, OH
-Energy policy speech in Cincinnati, OH
-Bus trip to West Chester, OH
-Barnstorm in West Chester, OH

September 5, 2020
-Economic policy speech at AK Steel headquarters in West Chester, OH
-Rally at the Square at Union in West Chester, OH
-Manufacturing policy speech at FKI facility in West Chester, OH
-Barnstorm in Liberty Township, OH
-Debate preparation with Rob Portman and Ted Cruz

Nikki Haley's schedule

August 30-September 2, 2020

-Haley campaigns for Rubio in Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Ohio in an effort to where she campaigns to convince the local voters of the economic credibility of the Republican presidential ticket due to Rubio's and Haley's experience of the American Dream, to Rubio's experience as a member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship and of the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, to Haley's background as a businesswoman and to her record of job creation as Governor of South Carolina. She even gave the following speech in Milwaukee, Wisconsin :

After 12 years of slow growth and economic decline, we are witnessing a decline of the American Dream. Now is the time to solve these problems by reversing these exorbitant regulations and taxes and by promoting free market, energy independence, business championing, free trade and stronger American competition in the global economy, education system reform, budget balance, immigration reform and infrastructure development through future budget surpluses. Marco Rubio and I have the best and right experience to finally get America back to work and both know what it takes to create jobs for all the American people.

September 2-3, 2020

-In a speech at the Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, VA, commemorating the 81st anniversary of the beginning of World War II, Governor Haley praises American soldiers' and Allies' soldiers that bravely fought terror, tyranny and xenophoby by defeating Adolf Hitler, the Third Reich and it's allies. She also praised the sacrifice of the soldiers who died for freedom, peace, integrity and stability. Then she claims that it's another reason why military veterans desperately need health and social services. So Haley praised Senator Rubio's record of taking care of military veterans.

September 4-5, 2020

-Nikki Haley organizes the building of infrastructure for state legislature candidates in Maine and New York, including Judith Giuliani, Rudy Giuliani's wife and candidate for New York Senator in 2022 (challenging Chuck Schumer and Bill De Blasio) and Peter Cianchette, candidate for Maine Senator in 2020 so seeking Angus King's vacant seat.

Surrogate schedule

August 30-September 5, 2020
-Rob Portman plays the role of Tim Kaine and Ted Cruz plays the role of Tim Ashe during Marco Rubio's presidential debate preparations
-Joe Lieberman campaigns for Marco Rubio in New Hampshire and Maine
-Brian Schweitzer campaigns for Marco Rubio in Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico
-Joni Ernst and Matt Blunt campaign for Marco Rubio in Iowa and Illinois

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on January 08, 2017, 05:49:06 PM
Ashe/Monds 2020
Taking America Back

Schedule for August 30-September 5, 2020

August 30
-Fly to Vermont
-Give speech at University of Vermont
-Prepare for the general elections debates. President Kaine will be played by  Wesley Clark, Senator Rubio by Former Governor Pataki and Former Congressman Paul by Former Governor and Senate nominee Gary Johnson

August 31
-Fly to Maine
-Town Hall in Augusta, Maine
-Rally in Portland, Maine
-Barnstorm in Androscoggin County, Maine
-Barnstorm in Franklin County, Maine

September 1
-Barnstorm in Hancock County, Maine
-Barnstorm in Knox County, Maine
-Rally in Auburn, Maine
-Rally in Alfred, Maine
-Town Hall in Bangor, Maine

September 2
-Fly to Washington DC
-House duties in Washington DC

September 3
-House duties in Washington DC

September 4
-Fly to Kansas
-Rally in Topeka, Kansas
-Rally in Wichita, Kansas
-Fly to Massachusetts
-Rally in Boston, Massachusetts with Gov. Kennedy

September 5
-Barnstorm in Bristol County, Massachusetts
-Barnstorm in Middlesex County, Massachusetts
-Rally in Brockton, Massachusetts with Sen. Warren
-Rally in Lynn, Massachusetts with Sen. Markey

Schedule for John Monds

August 30-December 2
-Appear at events for Baldacci, Johnson and Clark

December 3-5
-Lead campaign efforts in Virginia, Alabama and Louisiana

All surrogate teams will be focusing on Maine and Massachusetts, two states where Ashe feels they have a chance of winning electoral votes.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on January 08, 2017, 08:54:33 PM
Round 50 : September 6, 2020-September 12, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: WashLibertarian on January 08, 2017, 09:59:48 PM
Ron Paul Campaign Schedule September 6-12, 2020

September 6, 2020
-Fly to Ohio
-Rally in Cleveland
-Build ground infrastructure
-Townhall in Cleveland
-Education Speech in Cleveland
-2nd TownHall in Cleveland
-Lunch with supporters
-Drive to Columbus
-Rally in Columbus
-Trade Speech in Columbus
-Townhall in Columbus

September 7, 2020
-Drive to Cincinnati
-Twitter Q&A
-Rally in Cincinnati
-Townhall in Cincinnati
-doorknock with supporters
-Foreign Policy Speech in Cincinnati
-2nd Townhall in Cincinnati
-Dinner with supporters

September 8, 2020
-Fly to Maine
-Rally in Augusta
-Doorknock with supporters in Augusta
-Townhall in Augusta
-Healthcare speech in Augusta
-Build Ground infrastructure in Augusta
-Education Speech in Augusta
-2nd Townhall in Augusta
-Dinner with supporters

September 9, 2020
-Fly to Illinois
-Rally in Chicago
-Poverty Speech in Chicago
-Town Hall in Chicago
-Drive to Aurora
-Foreign Policy Speech in Aurora
-Twitter Q&A
-Townhall in Aurora
-Dinner with supporters

September 10, 2020
-Drive to Joliet
-Rally in Joliet
-Doorknock with supporters in Joliet
-Townhall in Joliet
-Economic Policy Speech in Joliet
-Drive to Rockford
-Rally in Rockford
-Townhall in Rockford
-Personal Liberty speech in Rockford

September 11, 2020
-Fly to Ohio
-Rally in Cleveland
-Build ground infrastructure
-Townhall in Cleveland
-Education Speech in Cleveland
-2nd TownHall in Cleveland
-Lunch with supporters
-Drive to Columbus
-Rally in Columbus
-Trade Speech in Columbus
-Townhall in Columbus

September 12, 2020
-Drive to Cincinnati
-Twitter Q&A
-Rally in Cincinnati
-Townhall in Cincinnati
-doorknock with supporters
-Foreign Policy Speech in Cincinnati
-2nd Townhall in Cincinnati
-Dinner with supporters

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on January 09, 2017, 12:37:35 AM
New polls

According to a recent poll, Tim Ashe's efforts in Massachusetts could make this New England Democratic stronghold a battleground state in 2020.

General Election Polls

Tim Kaine vs Marco Rubio vs Tim Ashe vs Ron Paul

Marco Rubio : 47 %
Tim Kaine : 31 %
Tim Ashe : 21 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Statewide Opinion Polls


Marco Rubio : 51 %
Tim Kaine: 33 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 55 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 47 %
Tim Kaine : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

New Hampshire

Marco Rubio : 47 %
Tim Kaine : 31 %
Tim Ashe : 21 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 44 %
Marco Rubio : 43 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 0,5 %

North Carolina

Marco Rubio : 50 %
Tim Kaine : 34 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 55 %
Tim Kaine : 28 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 53 %
Tim Kaine : 32 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 46 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 53 %
Tim Kaine : 33 %
Tim Ashe : 12 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 48 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 48 %
Tim Kaine : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 40 %
Tim Ashe : 35 %
Tim Kaine : 24 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 48 %
Tim Kaine : 33 %
Tim Ashe : 17 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Ashe : 46 %
Tim Kaine : 30 %
Marco Rubio : 23 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Washington state

Marco Rubio : 43 %
Tim Kaine : 36 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 44 %
Marco Rubio : 36 %
Tim Ashe : 19 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Demographic Polls


Marco Rubio : 55 %
Tim Kaine : 29 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 55 %
Tim Kaine :  28 %
Tim Ashe : 13,5 %
Ron Paul : 0,5 %


Tim Kaine : 55 %
Tim Ashe : 22 %
Marco Rubio : 21 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 41 %
Marco Rubio : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on January 09, 2017, 06:06:30 AM

Massachusetts is about to become a battleground state

According to a recent poll, Tim Ashe's efforts in Massachusetts could make this Democratic stronghold a battleground state in 2020. President Tim Kaine is leading in the Bay State by only 8 points over Marco Rubio's 36 %, Tim Ashe's 19 % and Ron Paul's 1 %.

Republicans and Progressive Libertarians will surely add Massachusetts among their targets in the campaign.


Marco Rubio : Businesswoman and 2016 Independent running mate Mindy Finn, Former Secretary of Defense Frank Carlucci, Conservative Party of Canada leader Michael Chong

Tim Ashe : Retired General Paul Eaton, Alaska Governor Bill Walker, Mr Thom Hartmann and Mr Jimmy Dore

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on January 12, 2017, 07:10:12 AM
Rubio/Haley 2020
Right here Right now
Schedule for the week of August 30, 2020-September 5, 2020
September 6, 2020
-Bus trip to Dayton, Ohio
-Economic policy speech at the Advanced Technical Intelligence Center in Dayton, OH
-Foreign policy speech in at Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, OH
-Bus trip to Toledo, OH
-Meet with college voters at the University of Toledo in Toledo, OH
-Town hall meeting at the Huntington Center in Toledo, OH
-Bus trip to Lorain, OH

September 7, 2020
-Infrastructure policy speech at the Charles Berry Bridge in Lorain, OH
-Manufacturing policy speech at CenturyTel of Ohio, Inc. headquarters in Lorain, OH
-Delivers efforts to attract Hispanic voters in Lorain, OH
-Bus trip to Akron, OH
-Rally at Firestone Stadium in Akron, OH
-Barnstorm in Canton, OH
-Bus trip to Youngstown, OH
-Barnstorm in Youngstown, OH
-Economic policy speech at the Lordstown Assembly in Lordstown, OH

September 8, 2020
-Flight to Boston, Massachusetts
-Infrastructure policy speech in Boston, MA
-Education policy speech in Boston, MA
-Economic and entrepreneurship policy speech before Bain Capital headquarters
-Immigration policy speech in Boston, MA
-Barnstorm at Chinatown, Boston in Boston, MA, in an effort to attract Asian-American voters
-Meet with college voters at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston, MA
-Rally at Jordan Hall in Boston, MA

September 9, 2020
-Meet with college voters at Harvard University in Boston, MA
-Rally at the TD Garden in Boston, MA, starting with the song I'm Shipping Up to Boston of Dropkick Murphys as the background music

-Foreign policy speech at the University of Massachusetts in Boston, MA
-Congressman Justin Amash joins Marco Rubio in Rubio’s debate preparations. He plays Ron Paul in Rubio’s debate preparations

-National security and counterterrorist policy speech at Boylston Street where the Boston Marathon bombing has been committed in 2013
-Debate preparations with Rob Portman, Ted Cruz and Justin Amash
-Bus trip to Brocktown, MA
-Barnstorm in Brocktown, MA
-Bus trip to Quincy, MA
-Barnstorm in Quincy, MA
-Bus trip to New Bedford, MA

September 10, 2020
-Barnstorm in New Bedford, MA
-Barnstorm in Watertown, MA
-Energy policy speech in Cambridge, MA
-Innovation policy speech at Biogen headquarters in Cambridge, MA
-Health care policy speech at Novartis Institutes in Cambridge, MA
-Fundraising event at the Harvard Art Museums in Cambridge, MA
-Meet with college voters at University Hall in Cambridge, MA

September 11, 2020
-Flight to New York City, New York
-Marco Rubio visits the National September 11 Memorial & Museum where he gives a speech for the 19th commemoration of the 9/11 terrorist attacks :

Nineteen years ago, on September 11 2001, the United States of America suffered the worst attack in their history. The World Trade Center came down, another plane hit the Pentagon and Flight 93's target was either the White House or the Capitol. But Flight 93's passengers sacrificed their lives in order to stop another terrorist attack from being committed by revolting against the terrorists controlling the plane and by making this plane crash in Shanksville, Pennsylvania , thus saving many lives as well as the American democracy.

Many families suffered and cried from the loss of their beloved ones. We have give our support to these families through social services to make sure they will face 9/11's sequellae more effectively. Many of 9/11's victims had all their lives ahead of them and had many stages of life to achieve : getting through school, graduation, integration into workforce, wedding, giving birth to children, earning a living and living the American Dream. But sadly, Al Qaida took these lives. These terrorist attacks were an offense committed against the American Dream, democracy, justice and freedom.

But after 9/11, we fought back by declaring war on international terror, by reinforcing our security measures, by reinforcing our military and our partnerships with our allies and by intervening militarily in Afghanistan, thus toppling the tyrannical Taliban regime and destroying Al Qaida's bases. Then, our brave soldiers killed Osama Bin Laden, the responsible of 9/11 attacks. While Bin Laden's death is one of our greatest victories against terrorism, the job is not yet completed. We have to keep fighting terrorism through security, stronger military and stronger alliances. We will also do this by securing strategic zones and by making sure that the state sponsors of terrorism like Syria and Iran will never ever get nuclear weapons or weapons of mass destruction. That way, we can prevent another 9/11 from happening.

United we stand, divided we fall. Thanks to strength, solidarity and collaboration, we will defeat ISIS, Al Qaida and international terrorism for the sake of security, freedom, justice, democracy and peace.

Thank you, God bless 9/11's victims and their families and God bless the United States of America.

-Flight to Washington D.C.
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

September 12, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

Nikki Haley's schedule

September 6-8, 2020
-Haley campaigns in for Rubio in Pennsylvania

September 9-11, 2020
-Haley campaigns for Rubio in Nevada and Oregon
-Nikki Haley makes debate preparations for the vice-presidential debate. Mitt Romney plays Deval Patrick's role while Tim Scott plays John Monds' role in Haley's debate preparations.


-Debate preparation with Mitt Romney and Tim Scott

September 12, 2020
-Flight to Seattle, WA
-Foreign policy speech in Seattle, WA
-Economic policy speech in Seattle, WA
-Free trade policy speech in Seattle, WA

Surrogate schedule

September 6-12, 2020
-Many of the supporters will focus their efforts on New Hampshire, Maine and Massachusetts in order to ensure that Rubio becomes the first Republican since over thirty years to make a strong performance in New England by winning some states of this area in addition of New Hampshire
-Mitt Romney campaigns for Marco Rubio in his home state of Massachusetts and promotes Rubio's economic agenda while giving his business experience and his record as Governor of Massachusetts as examples.


Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on January 12, 2017, 07:30:20 AM
I should have mine up soon. Storm's about to come through and we have to turn off all electronics. Sorry everyone.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on January 13, 2017, 07:43:29 PM
And I get a break in the storm . . . just as I'm about to go to work.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on January 15, 2017, 07:07:10 AM
Ashe/Monds 2020
Taking America Back

Schedule for September 6-12, 2020

September 6
-Fly to Maine
-Rally in Augusta, Maine
-Town Hall in Augusta, Maine
-Barnstorm in Washington County, Maine
-Barnstorm in Franklin County, Maine

September 7
-Rally in Farmington, Maine
Senator King did great work for this state, and his campaign this year was one of peace and understanding. This party of ours was his biggest wish.

We may not win this election, but this is only step one of our fight. We have Congressional, Senate, Gubernatorial and state legislature races to win. Rest assured, we WILL have an influence in the 116th Congress.

We are the party of grassroots America. As demonstrated by this dollar bill *holds it up* this was the 250,000,000th dollar donated to our campaign. Our average donation has been $34.68. This is absolutely phenomenal. We have proven that a campaign can be run without lobbying firms or big money donors. As such, I am pleased to announce that this morning, John Kerry, the Chair of the Progressive Liberty National Committee introduced a motion banning the use of PACs and SuperPACs for any PLP candidate; be they Presidential or School Board. I am pleased to announce that in a unanimous 9-0 decision, the motion was passed. Every single PLP candidate will now raise funds through you; the American people or self-fund.

We are not owned by lobbyists. We are not owned by special interests. The billionaires and millionaires; the Koch brothers, Goldman Sachs, Time Warner, Boeing, General Electric Lockheed, General Dynamics and others, we are coming for you, and you will not be able to ignore us.
-Fly to Massachusetts
-Rally in Boston, Massachusetts with General Paul Eaton
I was a soldier for most of my life. When I was deployed to Iraq, I saw firsthand the failures of Republican foreign policy. We cannot afford another Iraq-style blunder. The only candidate who is capable of doing so, is Congressman Ashe. He stands opposed to these endless wars for profit; so do I.
-Rally in Worcester, Massachusetts
-Barnstorm in Plymouth County, Massachusetts

September 8
-Rally in Lowell, Massachusetts with Gov. Kennedy.
-Rally in Cambridge, Massachusetts with Sen. Warren
-Rally in Quincy, Massachusetts with Sen. Markey
-Barnstorm in Hampden County, Massachusetts
-Barnstorm in Essex County, Massachusetts

September 9-10
-Ashe flew back to Vermont for time with his wife Paula and 2-month-old son Angus.

September 11
-Attend anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Ashe expressed his desire to improve the lives of the first responders to the attacks, while also echosing a similar sentiment to Marco Rubio, stating "The American spirit will never be overcome."

September 12
-Fly to Illinois
-Appear at a Wesley Clark for Senate rally
-Rally in Chicago, Illinois
-Barnstorm in Lake COunty, Illinois
-Record ad: "In Good Company"

Schedule for John Monds

September 6-9
-Monds will undergo heavy debate prep for the Vice-Presidential debate. The role of Deval Patrick will be played by Martin Luther King III, while Nikki Haley will be played by Senator Warren

September 10
-Campaign for Gary Johnson

September 11
-Attend 9/11 memorial service

September 12
-Organize foundations for Bill Gates' 2022 Senate run

Surrogate schedule

The Libertarian Team will be campaigning for Gary Johnson

The Veterans' Team will campaign for Wesley Clarke

All remaining surrogates will divide their time between Maine, Vermont and Massachusetts

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on January 15, 2017, 07:50:06 AM
Advertisement: In Good Company

To air in cinemas and TV nationwide

*fade in to a photo of Abraham Lincoln, next to a quote of his*


*cut to Ashe at a rally*

The CEOs of massive corporations have successfully kept several billions out of the hands of the American people. If they keep amassing their personal fortunes at the cost of this country, then our economy will collapse

*fade to a photo and quote of Teddy Roosevelt*


Cut to Ashe at an "Overturn Citizens United" rally

The Citizens United decision was one of the most egregious and short-sighted legal decision in the history of the Supreme Court of the United States. it needs to be overturned, and it needs to be overturned now!

*Cut to a photo and quote of Franklin Roosevelt*


*cut to Ashe, at the same rally*

The people who benefit from Citizens United are spending billions of dollars to get their candidates elected; candidates who will do their bidding. This is outrageous and we need to end it now!

*cut to a photo and quote of Dwight Eisenhower* 


*Cut to an Ashe rally*

Republicans want you to believe that Social Security is going bankrupt. It's not. It's solvent, and will be for a very long time to come. They say this is the time to cut back Social Security; I say this is the time to expand it!

*cut to a quote and photo of John F Kennedy*


*Ashe rally*

What I find hilarious is that I've been referred to as a far-leftist in this campaign. What makes me far-left? Is it because I care about the welfare of Americans? The healthcare of Americans? The housing? Schools? Disastrous free trade? My devotion to civil liberties? If that is what they mean when they call me far-left, then I will call myself far-left


Tim Ashe; he's in good company

*Cut to Ashe, sitting at a desk*

I'm Tim Ashe, and you better believe that I approve this message

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on January 15, 2017, 09:11:28 AM
Round 51 : September 13, 2020-September 19, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on January 16, 2017, 06:35:20 AM
New polls

According to a recent poll, Tim Ashe's efforts in Massachusetts could make this New England Democratic stronghold a battleground state in 2020.

General Election Polls

Tim Kaine vs Marco Rubio vs Tim Ashe vs Ron Paul

Marco Rubio : 47 %
Tim Kaine : 31 %
Tim Ashe : 21 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Statewide Opinion Polls


Marco Rubio : 52 %
Tim Kaine: 33 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 56 %
Tim Kaine : 34 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 47 %
Tim Kaine : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

New Hampshire

Marco Rubio : 48 %
Tim Kaine : 30 %
Tim Ashe : 21 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 45 %
Marco Rubio : 42 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 0,5 %

North Carolina

Marco Rubio : 51 %
Tim Kaine : 33 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 55 %
Tim Kaine : 28 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 53 %
Tim Kaine : 32 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 46 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 53 %
Tim Kaine : 33 %
Tim Ashe : 12 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 47 %
Tim Kaine : 36 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 49 %
Tim Kaine : 36 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 40 %
Tim Ashe : 36 %
Tim Kaine : 23 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 47 %
Tim Kaine : 33 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Ashe : 46 %
Tim Kaine : 30 %
Marco Rubio : 23 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Washington state

Marco Rubio : 43 %
Tim Kaine : 36 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 41 %
Marco Rubio : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 21 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Demographic Polls


Marco Rubio : 56 %
Tim Kaine : 28 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 55 %
Tim Kaine :  28 %
Tim Ashe : 13,5 %
Ron Paul : 0,5 %


Tim Kaine : 54 %
Tim Ashe : 23 %
Marco Rubio : 21 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 42 %
Marco Rubio : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on January 17, 2017, 06:48:37 AM

The United States and Vietnam agree to reinforce their defense ties to fight Abu Sayyaf in the Philippines and to maintain order on the South China Sea

In order to fight the Philipinian jihadist group of Abu Sayaf more effectively and to ensure South China Sea's territorial integrity against China, the United States and Vietnam agreed to reinforce their defense ties by increasing their military presence there and by multiplying their military exercises.


Marco Rubio : Actor Mel Gibson, Actor Charlie Sheen, Businessman and 2014 Kansas Independent Senate candidate Greg Orman, Retired Colonel and 2014 New Mexico Republican Senatorial candidate Allen Weh

Tim Ashe : National Council of La Raza, National Council of Churches, Actor Dick Van Dyke, Former Northern Ireland MP Ivan Cooper

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on January 18, 2017, 11:59:42 PM
Rubio/Haley 2020
Right here Right now
Schedule for the week of September 13, 2020-September 19, 2020
September 13, 2020
-Flight to Cambridge, Massachusetts
-Economic policy speech at Cambridge Innovation Center in Cambridge, MA
-Innovation policy speech at Akamai Technologies headquarters in Cambridge, MA
-Bus trip to Lowell, MA
-Debate preparation with Rob Portman and Ted Cruz
September 14, 2020
-Barnstorm in Lowell, MA
-Speech at Lowell Memorial Auditorium in Lowell, MA
-Bus trip to New Bedford, MA
-Barnstorm in New Bedford, MA
-Debate preparation with Rob Portman, Ted Cruz and Justin Amash

September 15, 2020
-Bus trip to Worcester, Massachusetts
-Economic policy speech at David Clark Company headquarters in Worcester, MA
-Meet with college voters at Worcester Academy in Worcester, MA
-Immigration policy speech in Worcester, MA
-Bus trip to Springfield, MA

September 16, 2020
-Economic policy speech in Springfield, MA
-Rally at the MassMutual Center in Springfield, MA
-Foreign policy speech in Springfield, MA
-Debate preparation with Rob Portman, Ted Cruz and Justin Amash
-Rally at Forest Park in Springfield, MA

September 17, 2020
-Flight to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
-Speech at the Independence National Historical Park in Philadelphia, PA
-Dinner with voters at McGillin's Olde Ale House in Philadelphia, PA
-Foreign policy speech at Boeing Rotorcraft Systems in Philadelphia, PA, in reaction to the recent reinforcement of defense ties between the United States and Vietnam :

After a long and terrible war opposing each other (referring to Vietnam War), the United States and Vietnam overcame to normalize their relations. Today, they have a common goal : ensuring territorial integrity, freedom and security in the South China Sea. So they reinforced their defense ties, intensified military exercises on the South China Sea and reinforced their military presence there. I will pursue this policy as President of the United States, which will lead to the elimination of Abu Sayyaf and to South China Sea's freedom and territorial integrity.

-Energy policy speech at Rohm and Haas Company headquarters in Philadelphia, PA
-Visits South Philadelphia east of Broad Street in Philadelphia, PA, in an effort to attract Hispanic, Asian-American and Italian-American voters

September 18, 2020
-Breakfast with the voters at the Italian Market in Philadelphia, PA
-Fundraising event in Philadelphia, PA
-Bus trip to Levittown, PA
-Barnstorm in Levittown, PA
-Bus trip to Reading, PA
-Debate preparation with Rob Portman, Ted Cruz and Justin Amash

September 19, 2020
-Debate preparation with Rob Portman, Ted Cruz and Justin Amash
-Economic policy speech at Carpenter Technology Corporation headquarters in Reading, PA
-Economic policy speech at Penske Truck Leasing headquarters in Reading, PA
-Meet with college voters at Alvernia University in Reading, PA
-Rally at FirstEnergy Stadium in Reading, PA
-Rally at the Pagoda in Reading, PA

Nikki Haley's schedule

September 13-19, 2020
-Haley campaigns in for Rubio in Colorado, Iowa and Wisconsin
-Debate preparation with Mitt Romney and Tim Scott

Surrogate schedule
September 13-19, 2020

-Anthony Rubio, one of Rubio's sons, gives a speech at the University of Las Vegas in Las Vegas, Nevada :

When he was my age, my dad was raised paycheck to paycheck, so he understands perfectly the middle class' and poor people's social and economic concerns. As President, my father will make sure that everybody, especially children like me, a 13-year old boy, will have access to education through school choice, a policy that will give parents the option to orientate their children out of poorly-performing schools assigned by zip code and look for better education elsewhere. It will expand opportunities for low-income students—especially minorities—to attend high-quality schools that would otherwise be accessible only to higher-income families, thus increasing their chances of success and of integration into the workforce. This is how every young American, no matter their income, will have a fair chance to succeed, to find a good-paying job and to live the American Dream.

Keeping the American Dream alive also means making sure that our future business owners will chose America as the best place to open their business, which my dad will do by giving tax credits to small businesses. That's how our future business owners will be able to innovate, to produce, to sell, to improve and to create the jobs of tomorrow here in America.

-Mitt Romney campaigns for Marco Rubio in his home state of Massachusetts and gives the following speech in Boston, MA :

When I became Governor of Massachusetts, 87 % of the legislators were Democrats. I did not demonize them and I didn't demagogue them. Time and time again, I brought Republicans and Democrats together in order to put partisanship aside and to get things done for the good of Massachusetts. Thanks to this leadership, I found common ground and balanced the budget four times without raising taxes and we provided health insurance for Massachusetts.

Now we have a chance to elect a President who will bring Republicans, Democrats and Progressive Libertarians together in order to get things done and ensure a bright future for America, but this time in Washington. Marco Rubio will get us to energy independence without hurting the environment by increasing oil drilling, using a part of oil revenues to invest into the development of renewable energies. We all know, no matter our party affiliation, that everyone should have access to education, which means reducing the cost of getting education. Marco Rubio knows this and that's why he will promote school choice which will cost families, including these immigrant families living paycheck to paycheck, less and produce higher outcomes compared to public education. It will grant parents the power to orientate their children out of poorly-performing schools assigned by zip code and look for better education elsewhere. It will expand opportunities for low-income students—especially minorities—to attend high-quality schools that would otherwise be accessible only to higher-income families, thus increasing their chances of success and of entry into the workforce. As President of the United States, Marco Rubio will champion small business because that's where most of jobs are created, which will ensure innovation, production, competitiveness and job creation. By using a part of future budget surpluses to invest into the development of infrastructures, President Rubio will encourage further job creation through innovation and stronger economic activities due to developed infrastructures.

That's why Marco Rubio will the President of all Americans whether they are Republicans, Democrats, Progressive Libertarians or Independents just like I was Governor of all Massachusettsians.

Thank you, God bless the United States of America.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: WashLibertarian on January 19, 2017, 09:54:02 AM
Ron Paul Campaign Schedule September 13-19, 2020

September 13, 2020
-Fly to Illinois
-Rally in Chicago
-Poverty Speech in Chicago
-Town Hall in Chicago
-Drive to Aurora
-Foreign Policy Speech in Aurora
-Twitter Q&A
-Townhall in Aurora
-Dinner with supporters

September 14, 2020
-Drive to Joliet
-Rally in Joliet
-Doorknock with supporters in Joliet
-Townhall in Joliet
-Economic Policy Speech in Joliet
-Drive to Rockford
-Rally in Rockford
-Townhall in Rockford
-Personal Liberty speech in Rockford

September 15, 2020
-Fly to Ohio
-Rally in Cleveland
-Build ground infrastructure
-Townhall in Cleveland
-Education Speech in Cleveland
-2nd TownHall in Cleveland
-Lunch with supporters
-Drive to Columbus
-Rally in Columbus
-Trade Speech in Columbus
-Townhall in Columbus

September 16, 2020
-Drive to Cincinnati
-Twitter Q&A
-Rally in Cincinnati
-Townhall in Cincinnati
-doorknock with supporters
-Foreign Policy Speech in Cincinnati
-2nd Townhall in Cincinnati
-Dinner with supporters

September 17, 2020
-Fly to Maine
-Rally in Augusta
-Doorknock with supporters in Augusta
-Townhall in Augusta
-Healthcare speech in Augusta
-Build Ground infrastructure in Augusta
-Education Speech in Augusta
-2nd Townhall in Augusta
-Dinner with supporters

September 18, 2020
-Drive to Portland
-Rally in Portland
-Economic Speech in Portland
-Establish ground infrastructure in Portland
-Townhall in Portland
-Trade Policy Speech in Portland
-Drive to Lewiston
-Rally in Lewiston
-Townhall in Lewiston
-Role of government speech in Lewiston
-build ground infrastructure in Lewiston

September 19, 2020
-Fly to New York
-Rally in NYC
-Build ground infrastructure in NYC
-Townhall in NYC
-Economic Policy Speech in NYC
-Meet with college voters at NYU
-Personal Liberty Speech at NYU
-Townhall at NYU
-Townhall in NYC
-Education Speech in NYC

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on January 22, 2017, 05:52:28 AM
Ashe/Monds 2020
Taking America Back

Schedule for September 13-19, 2020

September 13
-Fly to Washington DC
-Meet with Janet Murguia, President of the National Council of La Raza. The NCLR later released a statement on the meeting.
This morning, Ms Janet Murguia, President of the NCLR met with Progressive Liberty Party founder and nominee for President Congressman Tim Ashe. The two had a productive meeting on immigration reform, pathways to citizenship and reduction of deportations, as well as the need to raise the minimum wage, something that affects the Hispanic community greatly. At the meeting's conclusion, Ms Murguia pledged the organization's support for Congressman Ashe's campaign and the PLP
-House duties

September 14
-Fly to Maine
-In-flight debate prep with Jesse Ventura as Ron Paul, Tom Daschle as Tim Kaine and Colin Powell as Marco Rubio.
-Rally in Augusta, Maine
-Rally in Brunswick, Maine
-Barnstorm in Androscoggin County, Maine

September 15
-Barnstorm in Piscataquis County, Maine
-Barnstorm in Waldo County, Maine
-Rally in Rockland, Maine
-Town Hall in Farmington, Maine with John Monds
-Fly to Vermont

September 16
-Rally in Rutland, Vermont
-Rally in Barre, Vermont
-Town Hall in Montpelier, Vermont with Gov. Shumlin
-Town Hall in Burlington, Vermont with Sen. Sanders
-Fly to Northern Ireland

September 17
-Meet with Former Northern ireland MP Ivan Cooper
Nearly 50 years ago, in 1972, I was leading the fight for Catholic civil rights in Northern Ireland. I led a peaceful movement that was hijacked by armed radicals; something I can never forgive.I saw my fellow protesters gunned down by a military that was completely off the leash.

Today, there is but one man who stands, continuing the fight for justice; peace; equality; and workers. That man is Congressman Tim Ashe, and I am proud to give him my support
-Fly to Germany
-Meet with Katja Kipping, Chair of Die Linke (The Left)
-Fly to Austria
-Meet with Austrian President Alexander Van Der Bellen

September 18
-Fly to Massachusetts
-Rally in Boston, Massachusetts with Gov. Kennedy
-Rally in Fall River, Massachusetts with Sen. Warren
-Rally in Cambridge, Massachusetts with Sen. Markey
-Barnstorm in Bristol County, Massachusetts

September 19
-Fly to Alabama
-Barnstorm in Madison County, Alabama
-Rally in Montgomery, Alabama with Martin Luther King III
-Barnstorm in Mobile County, Alabama
-Rally in Birmingham, Alabama with John McAfee (was disrupted; more on that in next post)

Monds and all surrogates will be focusing heavily on Michigan and Massachusetts this week.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on January 22, 2017, 05:58:28 AM
Alert: Ashe Rally in Birmingham, Alabama Disrupted

Sketchy reports indicate that a rally led by Presidential candidate Tim Ashe in Birmingham, Alabama was disrupted to the point of cancellation by what is possibly an attempt on the Vermont Congressman's life. Updates to follow.

UPDATE: Disruption confirmed to be gunfire. Shooter in custody; possibly white supremacist.

UPDATE: Ashe unharmed, but supporter John McAfee wounded in shooting. 3 confirmed wounded, including McAfee.

UPDATE: Shooter confirmed to be white supremacist. McAfee's wound not serious. One confirmed dead.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on January 22, 2017, 08:57:11 PM
Round 52 : September 20, 2020-September 26, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on January 23, 2017, 06:07:06 AM
New polls

After the assassination attempt against Tim Ashe by a white supremacist, Ashe's support among African-Americans increased.

General Election Polls

Tim Kaine vs Marco Rubio vs Tim Ashe vs Ron Paul

Marco Rubio : 48 %
Tim Kaine : 30 %
Tim Ashe : 21 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Statewide Opinion Polls


Marco Rubio : 52 %
Tim Kaine: 33 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 57 %
Tim Kaine : 33 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 48 %
Tim Kaine : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

New Hampshire

Marco Rubio : 48 %
Tim Kaine : 30 %
Tim Ashe : 21 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 45 %
Marco Rubio : 42 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 0,5 %

North Carolina

Marco Rubio : 52 %
Tim Kaine : 33 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 55 %
Tim Kaine : 28 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 54 %
Tim Kaine : 31 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 45 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 51 %
Tim Kaine : 33 %
Tim Ashe : 12 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 46 %
Tim Kaine : 36 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 50 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 40 %
Tim Ashe : 37 %
Tim Kaine : 22 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 47 %
Tim Kaine : 33 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Ashe : 47 %
Tim Kaine : 29 %
Marco Rubio : 23 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Washington state

Marco Rubio : 43 %
Tim Kaine : 36 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 39,5 %
Marco Rubio : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 22 %
Ron Paul : 0,5 %

Demographic Polls


Marco Rubio : 55 %
Tim Kaine : 27 %
Tim Ashe : 17 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 54 %
Tim Kaine :  27 %
Tim Ashe : 17 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 51 %
Tim Ashe : 27 %
Marco Rubio : 21 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 42 %
Marco Rubio : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 19 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: WashLibertarian on January 24, 2017, 10:09:10 AM
Ron Paul Campaign Schedule September 20-26, 2020

September 20, 2020
-Fly to Idaho
-Rally in Boise
-Townhall in Boise
-Economy Policy Speech in Boise
-Build Ground Game in Boise
-2nd Rally in Boise
-Drive to Twin Falls
-Rally in Twin Falls
-Townhall in Twin Falls
-Size of government rally in Twin Falls

September 21, 2020
-Fly to Washington
-Rally in Seattle
-Townhall in Seattle
-Foreign Policy Speech in Seattle
-Build ground infrastructure in Seattle
-Drive to Spokane
-Rally in Spokane
-Twitter Q&A
-Townhall in Spokane
-Trade Policy Speech in Spokane

September 22, 2020
-Fly to California
-Rally in San Francisco
-Townhall in San Francisco
-Economy Policy Speech in San Francisco
-Foreign Policy Speech in San Francisco
-Drive to Los Angeles
-Rally in Los Angeles
-Townhall in Los Angeles
-Personal Liberty Speech in Los Angeles

September 23, 2020
-Fly to New Mexico
-Rally in Santa Fe
-Townhall in Santa Fe
-Economy Policy Speech in Santa Fe
-Drive to Albuquerque
-Townhall in Albuquerque
-Rally in Albuquerque
-Townhall in Albuquerque
-Foreign Policy Speech in Albuquerque

September 24, 2020
-Fly to Ohio
-Rally in Cleveland
-Build ground infrastructure
-Townhall in Cleveland
-Education Speech in Cleveland
-2nd TownHall in Cleveland
-Lunch with supporters
-Drive to Columbus
-Rally in Columbus
-Trade Speech in Columbus
-Townhall in Columbus

September 25, 2020
-Drive to Cincinnati
-Twitter Q&A
-Rally in Cincinnati
-Townhall in Cincinnati
-doorknock with supporters
-Foreign Policy Speech in Cincinnati
-2nd Townhall in Cincinnati
-Dinner with supporters

September 26, 2020
-Fly to Maine
-Rally in Augusta
-Doorknock with supporters in Augusta
-Townhall in Augusta
-Healthcare speech in Augusta
-Build Ground infrastructure in Augusta
-Education Speech in Augusta
-2nd Townhall in Augusta
-Dinner with supporters

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on January 24, 2017, 12:17:34 PM

The Birmingham shooter arrested and sentenced to the capital punishment by the Alabama civil court

After trying to assassinate the PLP presidential nominee Tim Ashe, the Birmingham shooter has been arrested. After days of trial, the white supremacist who tried received the following sentence from Alabama's civil court  : capital punishment. His execution will be set on June 2021. The suspect killed wounded three people, including John McCafee, and killed one man.


Marco Rubio : The Boston Herald, political commentator Laura Ingraham, businessman Ron Johnson, former North Carolina Senator and Bob Dole's wife Elizabeth Dole

Tim Ashe : TBD

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on January 26, 2017, 10:25:35 PM
Rubio/Haley 2020
Right here Right now
Schedule for the week of September 20, 2020-September 26, 2020
September 20, 2020
-Speech in reaction to the Birmingham shooter's sentence :

This is not acceptable that a supremacist of any race takes on another race. It's unacceptable that such a psychopath threats any racial group's right to live free and fairly and to earn the same rights. The racial tensions that marked the last few years already ripped our country apart and now this too much. That's enough. We are a diverse country and that's what makes our America strong and it will be stronger if we unite this country together no matter our differences, our beliefs and our origins.

By the way, violently targeting a candidate for office, including for the presidency of the United States like Tim Ashe, is an offense against democracy. We can't tolerate such a madness. This is a democratic republic and we must protect all Americans' inviolable rights.
Thank you, God bless you and God bless the United States of America.

-Flight to Appleton, Wisconsin
-Manufacturing policy speech at Air Wisconsin headquarters in Appleton, WI
-Energy policy speech at Miller Electric headquarters in Appleton, WI
-Rally at Fox Cities Performing Arts Center alongside Paul Ryan
-Debate preparation with Rob Portman, Ted Cruz and Justin Amash

September 21, 2020
-Bus trip to Oshkosh, WI
-Meet with college voters at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh in Oshkosh, WI
-Economic policy speech at Oshkosh Corporation headquarters in Oshkosh, WI
-Fundraising event at the Grand Opera House in Oshkosh, WI
-Barnstorm in Winnebago, WI
-Debate preparation with Rob Portman, Ted Cruz and Justin Amash
-Barnstorm in Neenah, WI

September 22, 2020
-Bus trip to Green Bay, WI
-Immigration policy speech at the Multicultural Community Center in Green Bay, WI, in an effort to attract minority voters
-Infrastructure policy speech at the Chicago and North Western Railway Passenger Depot in Green Bay, WI
-Rally at Lambeau Field in Green Bay, WI
-Fundraising at the Weidner Center in Green Bay, WI
-Health care policy speech at Humana facility in Green Bay, WI
-Trade policy speech at Schneider National headquarters in Green Bay, WI
-Debate preparation with Rob Portman, Ted Cruz and Justin Amash

September 23, 2020
-Rally at the Resch Center in Green Bay, WI
-Foreign policy speech at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay in Green Bay, WI
-Flight to Seattle, Washington
-Dinner with voters at Dragonfish Asian Cafe in Seattle, WA
-Speech at Wing Luke Museum of the Asian Pacific American Experience in Seattle, WA, in an effort to attract Asian-American voters
-Education policy speech in Seattle, WA
-Immigration policy speech in Seattle, WA
-Free trade policy speech promoting the Transpacific Partnership in Seattle, WA
-Foreign policy speech in Seattle, WA
-Debate preparation with Rob Portman, Ted Cruz and Justin Amash

September 24, 2020
-Flight to Washington D.C.
-Debate preparation with Rob Portman, Ted Cruz and Justin Amash on the plane
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

September 25, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.
-Debate preparation with Rob Portman, Ted Cruz and Justin Amash

September 26, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.
-Debate preparation with Rob Portman, Ted Cruz and Justin Amash

Nikki Haley's schedule

September 20-26, 2020
-Haley campaigns in for Rubio in Maine, Pennsylvania, Virginia and North Carolina
-Debate preparation with Mitt Romney and Tim Scott

Surrogate schedule

September 20-26, 2020
-Former Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown campaigns for Rubio in Boston, Massachusetts, promoting Rubio's foreign policy agenda, criticizing President Kaine's foreign policy and slamming Tim Ashe's for his lack of foreign policy experience
-Bob and Elizabeth Dole campaign for Marco Rubio in North Carolina
-Eric Cantor and Dave Brat campaign for Marco Rubio in Virginia, promoting Rubio's economic agenda and foreign policy agenda
-Jeanette Rubio campaigns for her husband in Colorado

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on January 28, 2017, 04:36:27 AM
Ashe/Monds 2020
Taking America Back

Schedule for September 20-26

September 20
-Rally in Birmingham, Alabama with John Monds
No-one ever said this was going to be easy. Supremacism of any kind has no place in a modern society. However, we will not be intimidated. We will carry on!
-Fly to Maine
-Rally in Augusta, Maine
-Rally in Brunswick, Maine
-Town Hall in Auburn, Maine

September 21
-Rally in Houlton, Maine
This election is about more than winning the Presidency. Should any party attempt to harm health coverage, Social Security; lift regulations on Wall Street and oil companies; harm the environment or the middle and working classes or do anything else to harm our country, then we will fight them every step of the way! We are the party of the people; every single donation to a PLP candidate has come from you, the people of this nation!

We may not win this year. We may not win next year, or even the year after, but we will win in the long run. We will win the long-term political fight in this country. So join us in our quest to make the fat cats accountable!
-Barnstorm in Waldo County, Maine
-Meet with farmers in Washington County, Maine
-Policy speech in Bangor, Maine. "Unions: The Foundations of a Strong Economy"
-Rally in Portland, Maine

September 22
-Fly to Washington DC
-In a House session, Ashe proposed the Fair Trade Act, crafted in conjunction with Trumka, Sanders, Gabbard and Powell. The Senate vote is set for September 28 and should it pass, the House will vote on October 1
The Fair Trade Act of 2020

1) Trade agreements cannot be simply forced through Congress; they must be treated the same as any other legislation. If a Free Trade Agreement dies on the floor of the House, so be it.

2) Agreements must be considered carefully. It must be ensured that there are good, strong environmental and workers' rights regulations must be in place.

3) Human rights violators will be permanently barred from entering a Free Trade Agreement with the United States. America is a bright beacon in this world; aligning ourselves with human rights violators tarnishes our reputation immensely.
-House duties

September 23
-Fly to New York
-Appear at a "Powell for Mayor" rally in New York City
-Fly to Illinois
-Appear at a "Clarke for Senate" rally.
-Appear at various rallies for Illinois Congressional and State Legislature candidates

September 24
-Fly to New Mexico
-Appear at a "Johnson for Senate" rally
-Appear at various rallies for New Mexico Congressional and State Legislature candidates

September 25
-Fly to Massachusetts
-Rally in Boston, Massachusetts with Sen. Markey
-Barnstorm in Bristol County, Massachusetts with Gov. Kennedy
-Town Hall in New Bedford, Massachusetts with Sen. Warren
-Visit Lexington and Concord historical sites with Governor Kennedy, Senators Warren and Markey, running mate John Monds, wife Paula and three-month old son Angus

September 26
-All day debate prep with Jesse Ventura, Tom Daschle and Colin Powell

Schedule for John Monds

September 20-22
-Debate prep with  Martin Luther King III and Elizabeth Warren

September 23-26
-Hold rallies, barnstorm and give speeches for Congressional and State Legislature candidates in California, Nevada and Arizona

Surrogate schedule

-All surrogates will be focusing their efforts on Massachusetts this week.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on January 28, 2017, 06:20:06 AM
Round 53 : September 27, 2020-October 3, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on January 28, 2017, 06:30:55 AM
New polls

General Election Polls

Tim Kaine vs Marco Rubio vs Tim Ashe vs Ron Paul

Marco Rubio : 48 %
Tim Kaine : 30 %
Tim Ashe : 21 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Statewide Opinion Polls


Marco Rubio : 52 %
Tim Kaine: 33 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 57 %
Tim Kaine : 33 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 48 %
Tim Kaine : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

New Hampshire

Marco Rubio : 48 %
Tim Kaine : 30 %
Tim Ashe : 21 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 44 %
Marco Rubio : 43 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 0,5 %

North Carolina

Marco Rubio : 53 %
Tim Kaine : 32 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 56 %
Tim Kaine : 28 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 55 %
Tim Kaine : 31 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 45 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 52 %
Tim Kaine : 32 %
Tim Ashe : 12 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 45 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 50 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 40 %
Tim Ashe : 37 %
Tim Kaine : 22 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 46 %
Tim Kaine : 33 %
Tim Ashe : 19 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Ashe : 47 %
Tim Kaine : 29 %
Marco Rubio : 23 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Washington state

Marco Rubio : 44 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 40 %
Tim Kaine : 36 %
Tim Ashe : 24 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Demographic Polls


Marco Rubio : 55 %
Tim Kaine : 26 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 54 %
Tim Kaine :  27 %
Tim Ashe : 17 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 50 %
Tim Ashe : 28 %
Marco Rubio : 21 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 40 %
Marco Rubio : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 20 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on January 28, 2017, 07:29:47 AM

Presidential candidates preparing for the clash

President Tim Kaine (D), Senator Marco Rubio (R), Congressman Tim Ashe (PLP) and former Congressman Ron Paul (I) are hardly preparing for their first debate that will be held on September 29 2020 in Dayton, Ohio.

This debate will focus on economic and fiscal issues and will be moderated by Jake Tapper of CNN.


Marco Rubio : Former Nebraska Senator Bill Nelson, Congressman Mike Pompeo, former Idaho Senator Larry Craig, former Baker Hughes CEO Martin S. Craighead

Tim Ashe :

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on January 30, 2017, 02:19:11 AM
Rubio/Haley 2020
Right here Right now
Schedule for the week of September 27, 2020-October 3, 2020
September 27, 2020
-Flight to Cleveland, Ohio
-Economic policy speech at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, OH
-Speech at Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, OH
-Free trade policy speech at the port of Cleveland in Cleveland, OH
-Bus trip to Fairborn, OH
-Barnstorm in Beavercreek, OH
-Barnstorm in Beavercreek, OH
-R & D policy speech in Dayton, OH
-Energy policy speech in Dayton, OH
-Debate preparation with Rob Portman, Ted Cruz and Justin Amash

September 28, 2020
-All day debate preparation with Rob Portman, Ted Cruz and Justin Amash

September 29, 2020
-All day debate preparation with Rob Portman, Ted Cruz and Justin Amash
-Senator Marco Rubio debates with President Tim Kaine, Congressman Tim Ashe and former Congressman Ron Paul at the University of Dayton in Dayton, OH

September 30, 2020
-Bus trip to Newark, OH
-Economic policy speech at the Longaberger Company headquarters in Newark, OH
-Flight to Denver, Colorado
-Debate preparation with Rob Portman, Ted Cruz and Justin Amash on the plane

October 1, 2020
-Fundraising breakfast with the voters and the donors at the Brown Palace Hotel in Denver, CO
-Infrastructure policy speech at Denver Union Station in Denver, CO
-Size of government policy speech in Denver, CO
-Immigration policy speech in Denver, CO

October 2, 2020
-Meet with college voters at the University of Denver in Denver, CO
-Appear at a « Cory Gardner for Senate » rally in Aurora, CO
-Appear at various rallies for Colorado Congressional and State Legislature candidates
-Speech at the Aurora Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in Aurora, CO, in an effort to attract Hispanic voters
-Energy policy speech in Aurora, CO

October 3, 2020
-Foreign policy speech at Buckley Air Force Base in Aurora, CO
-Flight to San Diego, California
-Build campaign infrastructure in California
-Fundraising event at El Cortez in San Diego, CA

Nikki Haley's schedule

September 27-October 3, 2020
-Haley appears at various rallies for Republican senatorial candidates such as incumbent Joni Ernst, incumbent Iowa Senator, Cory Gardner, incumbent Colorado Senator, Tom Cotton, incumbent Arkansas Senator, Thom Tillis, incumbent North Carolina Senator, Susan Collins, incumbent Maine Senator.

She also appears at rallies for Republican candidates for office such as Peter Cianchette who is seeking Angus King's vacant senate seat in a special election, Scott Taylor who is challenging incumbent Virginia Senator Mark Warner and Joe Walsh in Illinois.

-Haley campaigns for Marco Rubio in California
-Debate preparation with Mitt Romney and Tim Scott

Surrogate schedule

September 27-October 3, 2020
-Surrogates start campaigning in California, where Rubio's campaign hopes to make a breakthrough
-Cory Gardner's re-election campaign speech alongside Marco Rubio in Aurora, Colorado :

In the next six years, I will keep pursuing my leadership in the Senate and work with President Marco Rubio to pass his laws in order to make America fair, prosperous, energy independent, competitive in the world economy and safe through a stronger military and stronger alliances. That's why I'm asking for your vote for a second term and your vote for Marco Rubio for the Presidency of the United States.

-Joni Ernst's re-election campaign speech alongside Nikki Haley in Des Moines, Iowa :

This year, I enthusiastically supported Senator Rubio's Bipartisan Counterterrorist Coalition Act that passed in Congress, which reinforced defense ties between the United States, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Turkey, Jordan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and the United Arab Emirates in order to fight terrorism in the Middle East through military strength and to stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons by increasing pressure on Tehran and making sure Iran uses its nuclear energy to ensure economic growth instead of developing nuclear weapons to trigger a devastating and catastrophic war.

This same year, I supported Senator Rubio's Syria Arms Nonproliferation Act, which established penalties and sanctions for nations (including Syria), persons or companies assisting Syria in acquiring chemical and missile technology or all other types of weapons of mass destruction. This bill too passed the Congress, which deprived the Assad regime of weapons and reinforced sanctions against Russia when Moscow tries to deliver weapons to Assad.

These two bills made America and the whole world safer. And if I'm re-elected for a second six-year term, I will keep promoting national and international security by passing President Rubio's laws and policies that will strength our alliances, defeat radical Islamic terrorism, stop Russia's imperialist policies and restore stability on the Pacific Ocean.

-Oriales Rubio campaigns for her son in New Mexico   

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on January 30, 2017, 02:53:52 AM
First presidential debate at the University of Dayton, Ohio

Date : September 29th, 2020

Participants : President Tim Kaine (D), Florida Senator Marco Rubio (R), Congressman Tim Ashe (PLP), former Texas Congressman Ron Paul (I)


Moderator : Jake Tapper

Podium order was determined by the average of the national polls :

Paul    Kaine    Rubio    Ashe

Jake Tapper's opening statement :

Good evening from the University of Dayton in Dayton, Ohio. I'm Jake Tapper of CNN. I want to welcome you to the first presidential debate.

The participants tonight are President Tim Kaine, the Democratic nominee, Florida Senator Marco Rubio, the Republican nominee, Tim Ashee, the Progressive Libertarian nominee, and former  Texas Congressman Ron Paul, the Independent nominee. This debate is sponsored by the Commission on Presidential Debates, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization. The commission drafted tonight's format, and the rules have been agreed to by the campaigns.

The 90-minute debate is divided into six segments, each 15 minutes long. We'll explore three topic areas tonight: economic and fiscal issues. At the start of each segment, I will ask the same lead-off question to all candidates, and they will each have up to two minutes to respond. From that point until the end of the segment, we'll have an open discussion.

The questions are mine and have not been shared with the commission or the campaigns. The audience here in the room has agreed to remain silent so that we can focus on what the candidates are saying.

I will invite you to applaud, however, at this moment, as we welcome the candidates: Tim Kaine, Marco Rubio, Tim Ashe and Ron Paul


-What are the major differences between the four of you about how you would go about creating new jobs?

-What are the differences between the four of you as to how you would go about tackling the deficit problem in this country?

-How do you plan to use future budget surpluses when you would have balanced the budget?

-What are the differences between the four of you as to how you would make America energy independent?

-What is your plan to make America competitive in the world economy?

-What is your plan to make sure education will be accessible for all Americans and to create the jobs of tomorrow?

-Since many years, the wealth gap between different racial groups in America has increased. What's your plan to get racial groups (especially Hispanics, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, etc.) out of poverty?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on February 01, 2017, 08:48:46 PM
Marco Rubio's debate responses, Part 1


-What are the major differences between the four of you about how you would go about creating new jobs?

Thank you Jake. I want to thank the University of Dayton to host this debate and I thank you Mr. President, Congressman Ashe and Congressman Paul for participating at this debate.

We are living difficult times. All across the country, I listened to the people who talked to me about their concerns. Recently, during one of my rallies in Des Moines, Iowa, I met an agribusinessman whose business is about to collapse since his company's products are becoming more expensive due to higher inflation and asked for my help. And during a campaign stop in Chicago, I had a contact with an electrical worker who declared that he would vote for me in order to make sure that electricity production will increase thanks to energy independence.

 The unemployment rate is now at 8,1 %, we lost over 10 millions of jobs over the last four years, our national deficit has hit over 20 trillion dollars, we are more dependent than ever before on foreign energy and we are less competitive in the world economy. The President's big government policies as well as Hillary Clinton's including exorbitant taxes, regulations and government spending pursued the killing of American jobs, which some of them offshored overseas.

So we need to take a different leadership.

I was raised paycheck to paycheck, I lived the American Dream and I spent over six years in the U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship and in the United States Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. I know what it takes to make America prosperous again and making it the number one country in the world in terms of job creation.
My plan has seven basic points. Number one, cutting taxes and regulations for all the American people and establishing tax reform and regulatory reform in order to reinforce our consumers' purchasing power. Number two getting us to energy independence by fully utilizing all of our resources including oil, gas, ethanol, coal, nuclear and renewables and by developing renewable energies through a part of revenues from oil drilling. Number three promoting free trade in order to make us competitive in the worldwide economy through lower tariffs (which will make our products less expensive and more attractive to foreign consumers). Number four making education accessible for all the people through school choice and through giving them the skills they need to succeed and to enter the workforce. Number five balancing the budget. Number six making America the best place in the world to start a business or expand an existing business, which requires championing businesses of all sizes. And number seven investing into the development of infrastructures through future budget surpluses.

That's how we will restore the vitality and the dynamism that makes America's economic force and gets America working again.

-What are the differences between the four of you as to how you would go about tackling the deficit problem in this country?

What we need to do to reduce the deficit is to create as many jobs as possible, because the more jobs we create, the more our economy works, the more we can rise the wages and the more we will be able to reduce the deficit. And the reason why the deficit increased in the last couple of years is because the President and his predecessors took on the American people's purchasing power, thus making our economy less dynamic and weakening the middle-class. Because if more people work in a growing economy, they're paying taxes, which will help us reducing the deficit. We also have to reduce spending and taxes if we want to make the middle-class stronger because a stronger middle-class is one of the main tools for a stronger economy. We have the duty to put the deficit under control if not, those burdens will be passed on to our children, to our great children and to the next generations. They're going to be paying the interest and the principal all their lives. We can't let that happen.

-How do you plan to use future budget surpluses when you would have balanced the budget?

If I'm President, we will balance the budget, and once we have balanced the budget, we will use a part of budget surpluses to invest into the development of infrastructures in order to grow our economy by making our companies more dynamic and more competitive, thus ensuring innovation and further job creation because developing our infrastructures will improve transportation, facilitate economic activities all across the country and make sure that new businesses will be able to implement here in the United States, which will help our  business owners and business owners to ensure the expansion of their companies, to prosper, to create jobs, to innovate and to reinforce their competitiveness. We will not do it with borrowed money but with earned money.

Another part of budget surpluses will help us lowering taxes, which will further reinforce the American people's purchasing power and diminish their fiscal burden.

Another part of future budget surpluses will also be invested to pursue further improvement and modernization of our military equipment and arsenal, which will make our military much more ready and reinforce peace and security all around the world through fighting and defeating terrorism and all dictatorial regimes supporting terrorism. By the way, Dayton gave birth to aviation and is known for its high concentration of aerospace and aviation technology.
The National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC) and the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) have headquarters at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base located here in Dayton. This base is one of the Air Force's largest air base wings.

Local companies snagged some of that construction work. In 2009, for example, Wilcon Construction of Dayton, won a 13 million $ expansion and renovation project at the 88th Security Forces Squadron Operations facility at the base. In addition, state officials are working to make the Dayton region a hub and a leader for UAV research and manufacturing. In all, defense spending accounted for more than 6 billion $ in economic activity in South Carolina in 2014. That’s 1,262 $ per resident. A strong defense industrial base is essential to both our national security and our local economies. So defense manufacturing will be beneficial for both our economy and our national security.

That way, the U.S. military will remain the most powerful military in the world and by standing with our allies, we will force Russia and China to cease their expansionist and aggressive policies against our allies, which will reinforce territorial integrity as well as international peace. That's why we absolutely need to balance the budget if we want to reduce our deficit and to clear a path to peace and economic prosperity.

-What are the differences between the four of you about how you would make America energy independent?

Over the last twelve years, the President and his two predecessors cut permits on federal lands and increased taxes and regulations on energy industries. That's not the right path to energy independence.

Energy independence requires increasing oil drilling and production, doubling permits on federal lands, approving Keystone XL pipeline, the TransAmerica Energy pipeline (from Pennsylvania to California) and drilling in ANWR, exploit subsea oil and gas resources through underwater tankers in order to avoid an environmental catastrophe, thus helping us creating new jobs while preserving the environment. This will restore the vitality and dynamism of America's automobile industry, thus helping us to manufacture more cars. Energy independence will make our cars less expensive than Asian cars, which will give us the upper hand if America becomes a member of the Trans-Pacific Partnership because it will give Asian consumers a chance for a stronger purchasing power by giving them the option of buying less expensive American cars. That way, we will prevent another bankruptcy in Detroit, in the Great Lakes and all across America.
We need to use a part of the revenues from oil drilling to invest into the development of renewable energies such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, ethanol, biomass, etc., thus contributing to further job creation without hurting the environment and getting us energy independence by 2035, which will make sure that we take advantage of all of our sources of energy and that we stop terrorist organizations from getting some of the money we send overseas to oil producing countries by importing their oil. This is not only an economic issue, it's also a national security issue.

We also have to support the expansion of the Quebec–New England Electric Power Transmission (also called Northern Pass Transmission) to create new American jobs and develop new electric technologies that will help us creating more jobs. My plan also forecasts wooing French investors with electric industry skills at the annual World Economic Forum in Davos, in Switzerland, in order to help our electric and nuclear industries growing thanks to nuclear technologies adopted by France, one of our greatest partners and one of the greatest electric powers in the world.
This plan will create about 7 million new good-paying jobs and bring prosperity back to America through cleanliness.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on February 01, 2017, 08:50:36 PM
Marco Rubio's debate responses, Part 2


-What is your plan to make America competitive in the world economy?

First of all, even with Barack Obama, we had the opportunity to be competitive in the Asian markets thanks to Trans-Pacific Partnership. But unfortunately, when Hillary Clinton came in office, she withdrew from TPP and her successor Tim Kaine is pursuing the same protectionist policies that increased tariffs, made our products more expensive in foreign markets, gave China, a country that doesn't respect human rights, to remain the main competitor in the Far East's markets and killed hundreds of thousands of jobs.

Under my administration, we're going to promote free trade in order to reinforce America's trade power by reducing tariffs, making our companies more competitive, promoting innovation, getting us new consumers around the world and opening new markets.

If we want our country to remain the first worldwide economic power, we need to reinforce free trade with our allies. Latin America represents a great opportunity for us since it's economy is as big China's. So free trade with Latin America will allow us to counter China's trade power. The Trans-Pacific Partnership will give us the status of competitors in such a dynamic region like East Asia, create economic partnership between the United States and China's traditional trade partners and allow us to innovate and to improve our relations with local nations. This capacity comes from open markets and from the continual search for new markets through the expansion of free trade. By reducing tariffs, our products will be less expansive, which will increase foreign consumers' access to our markets. Also, like I said, getting energy independence by increasing oil drilling will make our cars less expensive than Asian cars and encourage consumers here and in the rest of the world to buy more American cars, which will help us growing our economy.

In addition, many agricultural companies, notably dairy companies, located, in New England that are benefiting from free trade partly because American milk is approximately twice less expensive than the Canadian milk, which encourages of American and Canadian consumers to buy more American milk than Canadian milk to keep their purchasing power strong.

By the way, my home state of Florida’s $1 billion annual exports to India represent a reason why trade ties with India’s and Asia's large and growing markets matter to Americans. The more we export, the more consumers we get in the world, the more our companies can ensure their expansion and the more jobs we can create. That's why I take the pledge to ratify the Trans-Pacific Partnership if I become President.

-What is your plan to make sure education will be accessible for all Americans and to create the jobs of tomorrow?

The America my parents came to 64 years ago was one where you could find a middle income job even without a higher education. That is how they succeeded to the middle class, working as a bartender and a maid. But they desperately wanted their children to have even more than that, giving us the chance at a better life was their American Dream. My parents did not make enough to save for our education. But I managed to use Pell grants, student loans, work study and summer jobs to pay for a four-year degree and eventually law school.

Not all college majors have the same success rate in terms of students' connection with good jobs. At the national level, majors like business, liberal arts, and hospitality have underemployment rates at 50 percent if not more. There are more graduates than jobs in these sectors. Meanwhile, engineering, health services and education all have underemployment rates under 25 percent. It's imperative that we reverse this tendency.

We need to promote school choice, which will cost families, including immigrant families living paycheck to paycheck, less and produce higher outcomes compared to public education. It will grant parents the power to orientate their children out of poorly-performing schools assigned by zip code and look for better education elsewhere. It will expand opportunities for low-income students—especially minorities—to attend high-quality schools that would otherwise be accessible only to higher-income families, thus increasing their chances of success and of entry into the workforce.

China & India graduate more science & engineering PhDs, which is boosting their innovation knowledge faster than ours, boosting their industries and helping them creating much more new businesses and jobs than we do. So we need to increase education investing, to invest in science and technology, to encourage research and development and to make it easier to create the jobs of tomorrow and help students studying in business administration or in engineering to create, open and develop new businesses that will create more jobs thanks to increased knowledge.

That's how we will create the good-paying jobs of tomorrow and strengthen America's reputation as the land of opportunity.

-Since many years, the wealth gap between different racial groups in America has increased. What's your plan to get racial groups (especially Hispanics, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, etc.) out of poverty?

If we want to reduce poverty among minority groups, we need to increase wages, which requires making America the best place in the world to open a new business, reforming our tax and regulation code, reducing our national debt, taking full control of our energy resources and reinvigorating manufacturing.

Like I said earlier, school choice will cost immigrant families less and produce more outcomes unlike public education, which will expand opportunities for low-income students—especially minorities—to attend high-quality schools that would otherwise be accessible only to higher-income families, thus increasing their chances of success and of entry into the workforce.
We need to go to the community colleges and design education and training programs so that workers who lost their jobs get a second chance. That's our duty as a country.

Detroit, which most of the residents are African-Americans, represents a great example of the unfavorable and unfair living conditions the African-American community is suffering. Even during Barack Obama's eight years as President, our black community's living conditions didn't improve and President Kaine's failed economic policies are making things worse, which we saw last spring with a new bankruptcy in Detroit that killed jobs, increased poverty and offshored jobs and companies overseas. So we have to cut taxes for all the American people and for business owners and to build more factories, especially automobile factories, and schools in Detroit. And again, energy independence will also helping our automobile industry to re-emerge and to create jobs, including for African-Americans whether they live in Detroit or all across the country.

By promoting free trade with Latin America, we will give our businesses, including Hispanic small businesses in the United States thanks to language opportunities and their fluency in Spanish and English, new opportunities to innovate, to increase their competitiveness, to get new consumers by giving them access to American products, to create jobs in our country and ensure their business' expansion here and around the world. Thanks to their bilingualism, Hispanics will be dominant among the importers, exporters, translators and executives who ensure such a cultural and commercial exchange. Our innovation and competition capacity comes from our open markets as well as our constant quest for new markets.

-Closing statement

Thank you Jake, Mr. President, Congressman Ashe and Congressman Paul and thank you the people for watching this debate.

You know, this election matters more than ever before. This election is about the future of America and the future of the American Dream. There are many reasons to be concerned about the future of this great and beautiful country. The choice for the path we want to take is clear :

Either if the President is re-elected or Congressman Ashe is elected, we will keep seeing the middle-class crushed through the fall of incomes and an increase of prices, thus contributing to an increase of inflation and to higher unemployment rate. My opponents trust the government, but I trust the American people and it's willing and audacity to work hard in order live better lives and to rise their children for a better future.

If I'm President, we will help create over 10 million new jobs in America through free market solutions.

Either if the President is re-elected or Congressman Ashe is elected, Obamacare will be permanent, which will dramatically increase the cost of earning health services. Health premiums will rise by approximately 4000 $ per family.

If you put your trust in me, I will repeal and replace Obamacare by a better health care reform that will make health care more accessible to more Americans through reforms that will lower costs in the health care industry, which will reinforce the world's best medical care quality.
And finally, if President Kaine or Congressman Ashe were to be elected, there will be heavy cuts to our military, which will be a disaster for our national security and which terrorists will see as an opportunity to strike us or our allies.

If you elect me as your President, I will make our military stronger in order to face our foes more effectively. I will use all of my energy to keep America safe, strong, fair and prosperous for all the American people.

Thank you.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on February 01, 2017, 09:14:13 PM
Ashe/Monds 2020
Taking America Back

Schedule for September 27-October 3 2020

September 27
-Fly to Maine
-Rally in Augusta, Maine
-Town Hall in Augusta, Maine
-Give lecture at University of Maine
-Fly to Washington

September 28
-Rally in Seattle, Washington with Gov. Inslee
-Rally in Tacoma, Washington with Bill Gates
-Radio interview with Thom Hartmann
-TOwn Hall in Spokane, Washington
-Rally in Aberdeen, Washington

September 29
-Fly to Ohio
-Rally in Cincinnati, Ohio with Former Senator Sherrod Brown
-Rally in Cleveland, Ohio with Former Congressman Dennis Kucinich
-Barnstorm in Logan County, Ohio
-Attend first Presidential Debate at the University of Dayton, Ohio

(rest of schedule to come after debate answers)

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on February 01, 2017, 10:28:01 PM
Tim Ashe debate answers


Thank you Jake, for being able to moderate tonight's debate. I'd also like to thank President Kaine, Senator Rubio and Congressman Paul for being here tonight. These men are all formidable candidates to be up against.

I believe this country stands on the verge of a crisis. The Democratic and Republican parties only care about lining their own pockets and little more. The only time they actually do something for the American people is when their corporate masters decide that the people are getting too close to finding out the truth.

Myself and John Monds represent change for this nation. We can create a nation where everyone is guaranteed healthcare and an education. We can create a nation that doesn't spend billions of dollars on an already bloated national military. We can create a nation with the ability to inspire greatness in other nations. That is why we're here.

-What are the major differences between the four of you about how you would go about creating new jobs?

Well there's a rather simple method to do so: A nationwide infrastructure build. Our national infrastructure gets a grade of D-. That is just atrocious. Our bridges are collapsing and our highways are marked with potholes. Infrastructure in phenomenally important.

Unlike the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines though, my infrastructure plan creates 15 million new jobs, around 10 million of which would be permanent. Infrastructure is not a one-time thing; it needs to be maintained continuously over the years. Keystone XL will only create 35 permanent jobs while accelerating climate change by decades.

-What are the differences between the four of you as to how you would go about tackling the deficit problem in this country?

Let me be absolutely clear on this: this deficit was the result of an unjustified foreign invasion and years of out-of-control military spending. We have spent over $2 trillion on this war, and what did it accomplish? Absolutely nothing, apart from creating more terrorists. Around half of our discretionary budget is spent on the military. Yet, the same people who launched this war and gave billions in tax cuts to the rich along the way then turn around and say "we can't afford universal healthcare".

We can reduce the deficit by making the rich pay their fair share of taxes by introducing the Buffett Rule: No billionaire should be paying less than their secretary in taxes. That's just egregious. How can a a billionaire's secretary be paying less taxes than the billionaire himself?

How do you plan to use future budget surpluses when you would have balanced the budget?

As I said before, we can balance the budget through cutting military spending, end these pointless wars, and making the rich pay their share of taxes.

I believe surpluses should go towards bettering the lives of middle and working class America. I believe that any surplus must go towards Social Security and Medicare for all. I believe we should funnel it into infrastructure projects and towards creating better lives for the middle and working classes. '

We can also funnel surplus money into renewable energy research. We are badly falling behind in this regard, and we can't afford to delay any longer. Unless we want to leave the world in a bad shape, we must start looking towards renewables without delay.

-What are the differences between the four of you as to how you would make America energy independent?

This is obviously a hot topic at the moment. Energy independence is no good if it involves relying on things like coal, gas and oil. These materials are harming the planet. The same goes for the methods used for extracting them. Hydraulic fracking is harming the environment; this fact is inescapable. There is no such thing as "safe fracking". That is a fallacy.

For true, long term energy independence, we need to look to renewable energy. Wind farms, biofuel plantations, hydropower, and solar power. Climate change is real. THe science is correct, and 97% of the world's scientists will agree. this must be treated, as my friend Senator Sanders said four years ago, as a World War 2 level threat. Reports say the Middle East may be uninhabitable by the year 2100, which will mean an even worse refugee crisis.

We are more than capable of reversing this. The real question is, have we become too comfortable to try to reverse it?

-What is your plan to make America competitive in the world economy?

The removal of the TPP was a great step in this direction. The pursuit of free trade over fair trade will continue to harm the average worker of this country. How are we supposed to tell an auto worker that his job's being shipped overseas because a Chinese worker can do the same job for an extremely low wage without having to worry about workers' rights or environmental regulations?

That is not moral. If we are going to pursue trade, we need to ensure that there are adequate wages, worker and environmental protections in place. This is why I proposed the Fair Trade Act last week. American manufacturing must come first.

-What is your plan to make sure education will be accessible for all Americans and to create the jobs of tomorrow?

It's simple: Public schools and colleges must be made debt-free. There are some students who have over 40,000 dollars in student loans to pay off. Not everyone can afford this. We need to focus on expanding our research and development sectors.

However, we cannot abandon our academic sector either. We're going to need teachers, professors and others to keep the economy going. If we don't have them, then we can't make education accessible. Let private areas teach what they want. However, private schools and colleges should not be receiving a single cent in government funding at all. The money we save from this would be enormous; we can use it to help pay for universal tuition for American children.

We must also look to train scientists, doctors and engineers to focus on creating our renewable energy sources. A College degree is the new high-school diploma. Everyone needs one.

Since many years, the wealth gap between different racial groups in America has increased. What's your plan to get racial groups (especially Hispanics, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, etc.) out of poverty?

First, we need to raise the federal minimum wage. $7.25 is just plain inept. There are people who are working two or three jobs a day, and are still jot making enough to support their families. That's just egregious. We need to raise it to $15 without delay and tie it to inflation. Heck, if the minimum wage remained tied to inflation since the 60s, it'd be over $20.

We can also continue with affirmative action. We need to ensure that all people have access to decent-paying jobs. School vouchers will do absolutely nothing to curb costs. In fact, failing to regulate costs of education will allow them to increase their fees dramatically, which means less people will be abel to go to schools and colleges to get an education

We also need to look at tackling gangs. What my opponents fail to understand is that gangs often give a sense of belonging in poor neighborhoods. When I campaigned in the Bronx, this was the information the NYPD gave me. These gangs give a sens of belonging. The best way to tackle them would be to co-opt them. Turn them into virtuous organizations who help kids get the education they need. We've tried gunning them down. Now we need to try another approach 

Closing statement

People of America, you face a choice this year. If you vote for President Kaine, you'll be voting for the same policies of the last 12 years. You'll be voting for sellouts to this country's biggest corporations and cowards who couldn't stand up to Republicans.

If you vote for Senator Rubio, then he will systematically dismantle the middle class by privatizing healthcare and Social Security. I know the Senator and his friends prefer the term "save and strengthen" but we should call it what it is: Privatization. Honestly, I'd respect them more if they just came out and said it. The Senator wants to continue our disastrous wars in the Middle East which will only harm America. The Senator wants to expand our already bloated national military to carry wars for profit because they line the pockets of his corporate donors. The Senator wants to expand the unconstitutional NSA spying, which is a direct violation of the Fourth Amendment.

If you want an administration that will resurrect the New Deal and the Great Society; one that will stand up for the middle class; one that will expand healthcare and Social Security; one that will prioritize the needs of the American people over the needs of the corporations and Wall Street, then I ask you to vote for the Progressive Liberty Party this year. Thank you. 

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on February 02, 2017, 12:18:57 AM
Marco Rubio's responses to Tim Ashe (before the closing statements)


-What are the differences between the four of you as to how you would make America energy independent?

This is obviously a hot topic at the moment. Energy independence is no good if it involves relying on things like coal, gas and oil. These materials are harming the planet. The same goes for the methods used for extracting them. Hydraulic fracking is harming the environment; this fact is inescapable. There is no such thing as "safe fracking". That is a fallacy.

For true, long term energy independence, we need to look to renewable energy. Wind farms, biofuel plantations, hydropower, and solar power. Climate change is real. THe science is correct, and 97% of the world's scientists will agree. this must be treated, as my friend Senator Sanders said four years ago, as a World War 2 level threat. Reports say the Middle East may be uninhabitable by the year 2100, which will mean an even worse refugee crisis.

We are more than capable of reversing this. The real question is, have we become too comfortable to try to reverse it?

Rubio's response :

Actually, TransCanada argued that Keystone XL would create jobs indirectly for companies that sell products and services used to build the pipeline, that's why my agenda forecasts encouraging manufacturing. The State Department report estimates that there would be a total of 42,000 indirect jobs created, with a total of $2 billion in wages.

And to boost the number of American jobs created through the construction of Keystone XL, we'll have to cut a deal with TransCanada to make sure that the pipeline will be built with U.S.-made pipe.

And let me tell you this Congressman : even if the project really creates only 35 jobs, every single job counts, especially in a time of recession, because we want jobs for every single American, which requires giving them an equal chance of entering the workforce. That's how the American Dream works.

-What is your plan to make America competitive in the world economy?

The removal of the TPP was a great step in this direction. The pursuit of free trade over fair trade will continue to harm the average worker of this country. How are we supposed to tell an auto worker that his job's being shipped overseas because a Chinese worker can do the same job for an extremely low wage without having to worry about workers' rights or environmental regulations?

That is not moral. If we are going to pursue trade, we need to ensure that there are adequate wages, worker and environmental protections in place. This is why I proposed the Fair Trade Act last week. American manufacturing must come first.

Rubio's response :

Well first of all Congressman, the workers' rights issue is precisely a reason why we excluded China from TPP because China is disrespectful towards workers' rights and human rights. Secondly, free trade is one of the necessary tools to avoid another Great Depression because protectionism will undermine our consumers' purchasing power, thus weakening consumption and consumption is an important element of economic growth. The Great Depression got longer and worse because of the legislation of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930 that increased tariffs and reduced American exports and imports, thus increasing unemployment rate from 8 % in 1930 to 25 % in 1932.

So if you're looking for a leader of the past on this matter, don't look at me. Look at your at yourself in the mirror.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on February 02, 2017, 12:58:11 AM
Responses to Marco Rubio's attacks

Actually, TransCanada argued that Keystone XL would create jobs indirectly for companies that sell products and services used to build the pipeline, that's why my agenda forecasts encouraging manufacturing. The State Department report estimates that there would be a total of 42,000 indirect jobs created, with a total of $2 billion in wages.

And to boost the number of American jobs created through the construction of Keystone XL, we'll have to cut a deal with TransCanada to make sure that the pipeline will be built with U.S.-made pipe.

And let me tell you this Congressman : even if the project really creates only 35 jobs, every single job counts, especially in a time of recession, because we want jobs for every single American, which requires giving them an equal chance of entering the workforce. That's how the American Dream works.

Well let's first understand what TransCanada is. TransCanada is a multi-billion dollar international energy company that is personally involved with Keystone XL. Then again, I expected you to defer to what a powerful corporation says. This is what Democrats and Republicans always do; they defer to men of money because those people fund their campaigns.

Senator, how much has TransCanada and other corporations released to your campaign? You want to know how much TransCanada and other corporations, along with Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, my supporters have donated to my campaign? Here, I release records of my donations from them *he throws his arms in the air* there ain't nothing here, Senator. How much have oil companies donated to your campaign? How much have companies like Exxon Mobil donated? How much have people like Rex Tillerson donated?  And I'll be insisting on an answer because the American people deserve to know. I mean, I know oil and gas companies donated over half a million to you in 2016. How much is it now?

Well first of all Congressman, the workers' rights issue is precisely a reason why we excluded China from TPP because China is disrespectful towards workers' rights and human rights. Secondly, free trade is one of the necessary tools to avoid another Great Depression because protectionism will undermine our consumers' purchasing power, thus weakening consumption and consumption is an important element of economic growth. The Great Depression got longer and worse because of the legislation of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930 that increased tariffs and reduced American exports and imports, thus increasing unemployment rate from 8 % in 1930 to 25 % in 1932.

So if you're looking for a leader of the past on this matter, don't look at me. Look at your at yourself in the mirror.

And yet, companies still outsource their jobs to China with little to restriction. For all your tough talk Senator, you have been one of the cheerleaders for outsourcing; your voting record says so.

There is a difference between free trade and fair trade Senator. Fair trade is the more desirable of the two. I am not against trade, but we cannot claim to be protecting the rights of workers when countries like Brunei, who have Sharia Law, are involved in the TPP. How can you defend that?

I will also remind people that the massive unemployment rate came when we attempted full-scale Republican economics. The economy was not saved by the free market in the Great Depression, Senator. It was saved by the New Deal policies of President Roosevelt. Now, that great man would be the very antipathy of the modern Republican Party. So would his cousin, Teddy Roosevelt, who was a Republican.

Senator, I want trade just as much as you do, but we must ensure that the proper regulations are in place. We can't have trade just going openly to anyone. We have to protect American jobs; massive corporations will use them to outsource jobs to low wage countries so they can line their pockets. But that's okay, because these companies have already paid their bribes in campaign donations to your campaign and/or your party.

You want to look to the past? Fine, let's look at the past. Conservatives opposed the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act. It was a liberal Republican, Abraham Lincoln who ended slavery. It was another liberal Republican, Teddy Roosevelt, who broke up monopolies. Conservatives opposed the New Deal and the Great Society. Conservatives opposed the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act. Conservatives opposed child labor laws. Conservatives opposed desegregation. During the 1920s, conservative economics cause the Great Depression and FDR cleaned up Hoover's mess.

Liberals and progressives did all of these things, Senator. And conservatives opposed them. Talk about the past, and it will bite you. I am not some wishy-washy moderate Democrat who will bend and sway to the political winds.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on February 04, 2017, 05:58:20 AM
Schedule for September 30-October 3

September 30
-Fly to Michigan
-Rally in Detroit, Michigan
Senator Rubio supports free trade. You know, the same deals that have destroyed the auto manufacturing industry? I mean, big corporations have taken advantage of free trade to ship their jobs overseas, and have left you; the hard-working taxpayers, out in the cold. We will not do that! I voted against every single free trade deal put to the table in Congress, and will continue to do so! I will protect your rights as workers!
-Rally in Flint, Michigan with John Conyers. Both Ashe and Conyers blasted the Democratic Mayor of Flint and the Republican Governor of Michigan Rick Snyder for their inadequate response to the dangerous levels of lead in the water
-Fly to the United Kingdom

October 1
-Attend a "Save the NHS" rally with Opposition Leader Jeremy Corbyn
-Fly to Austria
-Meet with Austrian President Alexander Van Der Bellen
-Fly to Burma
-Meet with Aung San Suu Kyi

October 2
-Fly to Australia
-Meet with Prime Minister Bill Shorten and Deputy Prime Minister Tanya Plibersek
-Fly to Maine
-Rally in Portland, Maine
-Rally in Augusta, Maine

October 3
-Rally in Brunswick, Maine
-Barnstorm in Penobscot County, Maine
-Barnstorm York County, Maine
-Town Hall in Auburn, Maine
-Town Hall in Ellsworth, Maine

Schedule for John Monds

October 27-30
-Appear at rallies for Wesley Clark and Gary Johnson

September 1
-All day debate prep with MLK III and Sen. Warren

September 2-3
-Leading campaign efforts in Maine

All surrogates will focus on Maine and Massachusetts.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on February 04, 2017, 12:02:11 PM
Round 54 : October 4, 2020-October 10, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on February 04, 2017, 12:29:54 PM
New polls

Due to their strong debate performances, Marco Rubio and Tim Ashe made progress in the polls. But we will have to pay attention at the following weeks where we will be witnessing the vice-presidential debate and the finald two presidential debates.

General Election Polls

Tim Kaine vs Marco Rubio vs Tim Ashe vs Ron Paul

Marco Rubio : 49 %
Tim Kaine : 28 %
Tim Ashe : 23 %
Ron Paul : 0,5 %

Statewide Opinion Polls


Marco Rubio : 53 %
Tim Kaine: 30 %
Tim Ashe : 17 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 58 %
Tim Kaine : 32 %
Tim Ashe : 9 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 47 %
Tim Kaine : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

New Hampshire

Marco Rubio : 47 %
Tim Kaine : 30 %
Tim Ashe : 22 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 44 %
Tim Kaine : 42 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 0,5 %

North Carolina

Marco Rubio : 52 %
Tim Kaine : 32 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 57 %
Tim Kaine : 28 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 56 %
Tim Kaine : 30 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 43 %
Tim Kaine : 34 %
Tim Ashe : 20 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 52 %
Tim Kaine : 31 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 46 %
Tim Kaine : 33,5 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %
Ron Paul : 0,5 %


Marco Rubio : 51 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 41 %
Tim Ashe : 39 %
Tim Kaine : 20 %
Ron Paul : 0,5 %


Marco Rubio : 45 %
Tim Kaine : 34 %
Tim Ashe : 19 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Ashe : 49 %
Tim Kaine : 27 %
Marco Rubio : 22 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Washington state

Marco Rubio : 44 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 41 %
Tim Kaine : 34 %
Tim Ashe : 27 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Demographic Polls


Marco Rubio : 54 %
Tim Kaine : 26 %
Tim Ashe : 19 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 55 %
Tim Kaine :  27 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 49 %
Tim Ashe : 29 %
Marco Rubio : 21 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 40 %
Marco Rubio : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 20 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on February 04, 2017, 01:31:50 PM

Draw match between Marco Rubio and Tim Ashe during the first presidential debate

The winners of the first presidential debate set at the University of Dayton in Dayton, Ohio, are Senator Marco Rubio and Congressman Tim Ashe. According to a CNN poll, 40 % of the respondents estimated that the Republican presidential nominee won the debate while 34 % said the same for the Vermont Congressman.

Incumbent President Tim Kaine has been described as the biggest loser of the debate. Only 18 % of the respondents mentioned him as the winner while 7 % said that Ron Paul won.

The Fair Trade Act fails to pass the Senate and is delayed

On September 28, the Fair Trade Act introduced by Progressive Libertarian nominee Congressman Tim Ashe that would have estalished renégociations of free trade deals failed to pass the Senate and is delayed.

The bill got only 38 « Yes » votes while 48 senators voted « No » and 3 senators abstained. Eleven senators were absent at the voting session. In fact, most of these senators, especially Cory Gardner (R-CO), Joni Ernst (R-IA), Thom Tillis (R-NC), Cory Booker (D-NJ), Jean Hassan (D-NH), Dick Durbin (D-IL), etc., decided to skip this vote in order to focus on their re-election campaigns.


Marco Rubio : Actor Denzel Washington, businessman and 2014 Independent Senatorial candidate in Kansas Greg Orman, Idaho Congressman Raul Labrador, former United States Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff, Former Ohio Governor Bob Taft

Tim Ashe : Former Governor Michael Dukakis, Former Congressman Alan Grayson, Attorney Kenneth Feinberg

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on February 05, 2017, 09:39:04 AM
Rubio/Haley 2020
Right here Right now
Schedule for the week of October 4, 2020-October 10, 2020, Part 1
October 4, 2020
-Speech in front of the Black Infant Health-Central San Diego in San Diego, California, in an effort to attract African-American voters. Senator Rubio is asked by an undecided African-American voter what he would do to stop racist massive shootings against African-Americans :

To stop such outrageous shootings against your community, I will use the same leadership as I did four years ago by introducing the Terror Intelligence Improvement Act a few months after the Orlando shooting. This law is aimed at limiting gun sales to terrorists and suspected terrorists. As President, I will extend this law to make sure that it will keep guns away from not only terrorists but also from supremacists or any other psychopath like Dylann Roof (perpetrator of the Charleston shooting in 2015). That way, we can protect the Second Amendmentand our constitutional rights while stopping terrorists or supremacists from getting weapons to kill innocent people, including those from minority groups. Because white supremacists committing massive shootings against a minority group are not only not tolerating minority groups' rights to live like all other American citizens but they are embracing what we can call racist terrorism.

-Rally and fundraising event at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, CA
-Manufacturing policy speech at Cubic Corporation headquarters in San Diego, CA
-Foreign policy speech at General Atomics headquarters in San Diego, CA, where Senator Rubio is asked about Tim Ashe's claims during the first presidential debate that America « accomplished absolutely nothing » in the War on Terror :

Congressman Ashe got it wrong. We accomplished a lot of things in the War on Terror. In 2011, we killed Osama Bin Laden, leader of Al Qaida and perpetrator of the 9/11 attacks. ISIS' territory has been dramatically reduced in Syria and Iraq even if it now operates in other Middle East countries. Now what we have to do is to finish the job. Thanks to the legislation of my bill called to the Syrian Arms Nonproliferation Act that establishes penalties and sanctions for nations, persons or companies assisting Syria in acquiring chemical and missile technology or all other types of weapons of mass destruction, we stopped the Assad regime from getting the necessary weapons to slay its own people and we stopped Russia from supporting Assad materially and militarily, thus depriving this tyrannical regime that is practicing such form of terrorism by killing its own people. And thanks to the legislation of the Bipartisan Counterterrorist Coalition Act that I introduced in February, we created a great and powerful coalition reinforce defence ties with Turkey, Iraq, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India in order to fight terrorism in the Middle East. This bill also aimed at deterring Iran from getting nuclear weapons through sanctions unless Iran uses its nuclear energy only for economic purposes. If we haven't take action, if we hadn't done such accomplishments, Al Qaida would have won, Russia would have made his influence in Syria permanent, Iran would have got nuclear weapons and Iraq and Syria would have already been terrorist heavens.

If Congressman Ashe really believes that we accomplished absolutely nothing in the War on Terror, then he clearly demonstrated that he does not have the national security experience, judgement and leadership to keep America safe.

-Economic policy speech at Qualcomm headquarters in San Diego, CA
-Rally at Qualcomm Stadium in San Diego, CA, alongside San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer
-Immigration policy speech in San Diego, CA
-Energy policy speech at Sempra Energy headquarters in San Diego, CA, promoting the Transamerica pipeline for energy independence
-Economic policy speech in San Diego County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in San Diego, CA, where Marco Rubio gives efforts to attract Hispanic voters by talking about the advantages of school choice, free trade with Latin America, education and training program design and immigration reform for the Hispanic community in order to reinforce the American Dream. The speech is given in Spanish :

Mis abuelos y padres vino a este pais buscando una vida mejor. Es nuestro trabajo asegurarnos de que continuemos el sueno mi familia y tantos de ustedes han tenido, que requiere dejando de lado al gobierno y redujo los impuestos por todos Americanos, incluida por clase media, pobres y propietarios de pequenas empresas porque la mayor parte de puestos provienen de pequenas empresas. Como vimos durante las ultimas décadas, uno de los principales intrumentos por una economia mas solidaes una clase media mas fuerte.

La elección de escuela dará resultados positivos a los hispanos: los costos de educación más bajos para las familias, incluyendo las familias de inmigrantes de cheque a cheque, la producción de los resultados más altos, por el contrario viven a la educación pública. Se permite a los padres a guiar a sus hijos de las escuelas-funcionando mal asignados por el código postal y les otorgan una mejor educación en otros lugares. Se ampliará las oportunidades para los estudiantes -en particular las minorías de bajos ingresos, para asistir a escuelas de alta calidad que de otro modo sólo será accesible a las familias de altos ingresos, lo que les da una oportunidad razonable de éxito y un camino más fácil a la fuerza de trabajo.

Gracias a mi agenda pro-crecimiento para abrir oportunidades económicas para los hispanos y crear puestos de trabajo para ellos, esta gran comunidad ganará las mismas oportunidades que cualquier otro americano, porque Estados Unidos es la tierra donde todo es posible.

Gracias. Que Dios bendiga los Estados Unidos de America.

-Debate preparation with Rob Portman, Ted Cruz and Justin Amash

October 5, 2020
-Bus trip to Los Angeles, CA
-Barnstorm at Los Angeles' Chinatown in an effort to attract Asian-American voters
-Economic policy speech at the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce in Los Angeles, CA
-Visits South Los Angeles in an effort to attract African-American and Hispanic voters.
-Meet with college voters at the University of California in Los Angeles, CA
-Energy policy speech at Occidental Petroleum facility in Los Angeles, CA
-Health care policy at Halth Net headquarters in Los Angeles, CA
-Manufacturing policy speech at Reliance Steel & Aluminium Corporation headquarters in Los Angeles, CA
-Fundraising event at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, CA
-Trade policy speech at the Port of Los Angeles in Los Angeles, CA
-Rally at the Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles, CA
-Interview with CNN :

Wolf Blitzer : Senator Rubio thank you for joining us for this interview.

Marco Rubio : That's a great honor Wolf.

Wolf Blitzer : We just learn that you started campaigning in California, a blue state that voted Democrat since 1992. Do you think you have chance to win this state this year in 2020?

Marco Rubio : Yes, I do.

Wolf Blitzer : Why?

Marco Rubio : Well, firstly, because I'm not Donald Trump [laughs]. Secondly, because even if California voted Democrat since almost 30 years, the Republican Party's strongest performance in California in recent history was in 2004 when John Kerry won this state over George W. Bush by less than 10 points of percentage (54,31 % for Kerry and 44,36 % for Bush). Thirdly, Tim Ashe's candidacy is dividing the liberal and progressive vote, which could help us winning blue states like California. Plus, Nikki Haley and I are from ethnic minorities and we are making progress among minority groups, we are leading nationally among Hispanics and we are closely trailing President Kaine among Asian-Americans and we are now getting over 20 % of voting intentions among African-Americans. Thanks to my position in favor of reforming our immigration system to give illegal immigrants a path to citizenship, we can do more. In addition, California's economy is dependent on trade and international related commerce accounts for about one-quarter of the state's economy. So TPP and free trade with Latin America will be beneficial for California as well as for all the country. By building the Transamerica pipeline, that would go from Pennsylvania to California, we will contribute to job creation in this state since oil is one of its main energy resources. It will encourage energy independence and help us investing into renewable energies through revenues from oil drilling, thus creating green jobs. That's why I think we can win California this year.

Wolf Blitzer : Senator Rubio, thank you.

Marco Rubio : Thank you.

-Watch the vice-presidential debate opposing Nikki Haley, Deval Patrick and John Monds

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on February 05, 2017, 10:07:42 AM
Rubio/Haley 2020
Right here Right now
Schedule for the week of October 4, 2020-October 10, 2020, Part 2

October 6, 2020
-Meet with college voters at California State University in Los Angeles, CA
-Rally at Staples Center in Los Angeles, CA
-Economic and manufacturing policy speech at AECOM headquarters in Los Angeles, CA
-Economic policy speech at CBRE Group headquarters in Los Angeles, CA
-Dinner with the voters at the Mexican Village Restaurant in Los Angeles, CA
-Rally in Los Angeles, CA, alongside Denzel Washington who came there to announce his endorsement to Marco Rubio :

I'm an Independent, but now I decided to endorse Senator Marco Rubio for President of the United States because I appreciate his willing to compromise, especially on immigration, gun laws, energy and environment and even some times on foreign policy. We are a diverse nation with diverse ideas and Marco Rubio understands this. That's why I support him.

-Advertisement filming in Los Angeles, CA
-Bus trip to Santa Cruz, CA
-Rally at the University of California in Santa Cruz, CA, with Rubio's family
-Economic policy speech at Plantronics headquarters in Santa Cruz, CA
-Rubio spends time of amusement with his wife and four children at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk amusement park in Santa Cruz, CA
-Debate preparation with Rob Portman, Ted Cruz and Justin Amash

October 7, 2020
-Bus trip to San Jose, CA
-Engineering policy speech at Cisco Systems headquarters in San Jose, CA
-Economic policy speech at eBay headquarters in San Jose, CA
-Economic policy speech at Adobe Systems in San Jose, CA
-Rally at SAP Center in San Jose, CA
-Immigration policy speech at the Mexican Heritage Plaza in San Jose, CA
-Foreign policy speech in San Jose, CA, in favor of the establishment of the Pacific Treaty Organization, the Pacific Ocean's version of NATO, in order to maintain peace and stability on the Pacific by making sure that North Korea does not commit any nuclear attack and that China respects territorial integrity on South China Sea
-Flight to Washington D.C.
-Debate preparation with Rob Portman, Ted Cruz and Justin Amash on the plane

October 8, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.
-Debate preparation with Rob Portman, Ted Cruz and Justin Amash

October 9, 2020   
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.
-Debate preparation with Rob Portman, Ted Cruz and Justin Amash
-Marco Rubio's presidential campaign broadcasts an ad titled « Reviving our manufacturing industry » that promotes Rubio's plan to relaunch America's manufacturing industry. The ad airs in Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, California, Oregon and the Washington state

« Reviving our manufacturing industry » advertisement narration :

Over the last twelve years, our economy suffered big government policies, taxes and regulations, which caused job losses and job exodus overseas.


Here's the alternative to this crisis : reviving our manufacturing industry, which requires cutting taxes and regulations for the middle class, poor people and business owners in order to increase their ability to compete, to produce, to sell and to hire.


We must also get us to energy independence by taking advantage of all of our energy resources in order not only to help us developing renewable energies through new revenues but also to encourage the manufacturing of cars (including electric and less-energy-consuming cars that will be less ), which will revive our automobile industry and make American cars less expensive than Asian cars, thus giving us the advantage in the Trans-Pacific Partnership. It will also help us to avoid bankruptcies in great cities of the Midwest such as Detroit, Chicago or Milwaukee and to avoid an expansion of such bankruptcies all across the country.


And finally, making our manufacturing industry more dynamic requires investing into the development of infrastructures, which will be done through future budget surpluses once the budget balanced, which will encourage our future business owners to do business here in America and will facilitate commercial activities.


That is the path for a stronger U.S. economy. I aim to follow this path and that's why I'm asking for your vote because America deserves much better that the situation we are living today.


I'm Marco Rubio and I approve this message.

October 10, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.
-Debate preparation with Rob Portman, Ted Cruz and Justin Amash
-Bus trip to Ashland, Virginia
-Meet with college voters at Randolph-Macon College in Ashland, VA
-Flight to Chicago, IL

Nikki Haley's schedule

October 4-October 5, 2020
-Debate preparation with Mitt Romney and Tim Scott
-Nikki Haley debates with Deval Patrick and John Monds at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina

October 6-October 10, 2020
-Haley campaigns for Rubio in California, Oregon and Minnesota

Surrogate schedule

October 4-October 10, 2020
-Surrogates will be focusing mostly on California, Oregon, the Washington state, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan and Ohio
-Mikhaïl Prokhorov will be campaigning for Marco Rubio through Skype during town halls with the voters

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: WashLibertarian on February 06, 2017, 03:48:22 PM
Ron Paul Campaign Schedule October 4-10

October 4, 2020
-Fly to Illinois
-Rally in Chicago
-Poverty Speech in Chicago
-Town Hall in Chicago
-Drive to Aurora
-Foreign Policy Speech in Aurora
-Twitter Q&A
-Townhall in Aurora
-Dinner with supporters

October 5, 2020
-Drive to Joliet
-Rally in Joliet
-Doorknock with supporters in Joliet
-Townhall in Joliet
-Economic Policy Speech in Joliet
-Drive to Rockford
-Rally in Rockford
-Townhall in Rockford
-Personal Liberty speech in Rockford

October 6, 2020
-Fly to Ohio
-Rally in Cleveland
-Build ground infrastructure
-Townhall in Cleveland
-Education Speech in Cleveland
-2nd TownHall in Cleveland
-Lunch with supporters
-Drive to Columbus
-Rally in Columbus
-Trade Speech in Columbus
-Townhall in Columbus

October 7, 2020
-Drive to Cincinnati
-Twitter Q&A
-Rally in Cincinnati
-Townhall in Cincinnati
-doorknock with supporters
-Foreign Policy Speech in Cincinnati
-2nd Townhall in Cincinnati
-Dinner with supporters

October 8, 2020
-Fly to Maine
-Rally in Augusta
-Doorknock with supporters in Augusta
-Townhall in Augusta
-Healthcare speech in Augusta
-Build Ground infrastructure in Augusta
-Education Speech in Augusta
-2nd Townhall in Augusta
-Dinner with supporters

October 9, 2020
-Drive to Portland
-Rally in Portland
-Economic Speech in Portland
-Establish ground infrastructure in Portland
-Townhall in Portland
-Trade Policy Speech in Portland
-Drive to Lewiston
-Rally in Lewiston
-Townhall in Lewiston
-Role of government speech in Lewiston
-build ground infrastructure in Lewiston

October 10, 2020
-Fly to New York
-Rally in NYC
-Build ground infrastructure in NYC
-Townhall in NYC
-Economic Policy Speech in NYC
-Meet with college voters at NYU
-Personal Liberty Speech at NYU
-Townhall at NYU
-Townhall in NYC
-Education Speech in NYC

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: WashLibertarian on February 06, 2017, 03:50:23 PM
Ron Paul is announcing that his vice presidential pick will be the candidate who finishes 2nd in the electoral college. In order to promote bipartisanship and an agenda of liberty Ron thinks it is important to have many viewpoints in government.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on February 07, 2017, 11:16:20 AM
Vice-Presidential debate at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Date : October 5th, 2020

Participants : Vice-President Deval Patrick (D), former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley (R) and activist John Monds (PLP)


Moderator : George Stephanopoulos

Podium order was determined by the average of the national polls :

Monds    Haley    Patrick

George Stephanopoulos' opening statement :

Good evening. From Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and welcome to the first, and only, vice presidential debate of 2020, sponsored by the Commission on Presidential Debates.

I'm George Stephanopoulos, Chief Anchor and the Chief Political Correspondent for ABC News. It's an honor to moderate this debate between Vice-President Deval Patrick, former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley and Mr. John Monds.

The campaigns have agreed to the rules of this 90-minute debate. There will be three different segments covering economic and domestic issues as well as social issues and foreign policy issues. Each segment will begin with a question to all three candidates who will each have two minutes to answer. Then I'll ask follow-up questions to facilitate a discussion between the candidates.

We have an enthusiastic audience tonight. They've agreed to only express that enthusiasm once at the end of the debate and right now as we welcome Vice-President Deval Patrick, former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley and Mr. John Monds.



-This is the first vice-presidential debate opposing only running mates from ethnic minorities. That's why we call it the "Multicolor debate". How do you feel about that?

-Last November, we witnessed an emergence of ISIS in Egypt. Nine US ambassadors were killed at that time in Cairo and ISIS multiplie dits terrorist attacks in Egypt, which raised rumors claiming that the leader of Al Qaida Ayman al-Zawahiri might be hidding in Egypt, his birthplace. Do you believe he's there? And if yes how do you intend to capture or kill him?

-Should Ukraine and Finland become NATO members?

-Since the beginning of the Syrian Civil War in 2011, over 700 000 people are killed, and an important part of these victims are civilian people killed by the Assad regime for opposing Assad’s oppression. Do you believe Bachar al-Assad is committing genocide in Syria by slaying his own people and that Russia is a partner in crime in such a genocide?

-Mr. Monds, Congressman Ashe focused most of his economic agenda on manufacturing. Last week, during the first presidential debate, Senator Rubio said, I quote :

« Dayton gave birth to aviation and is known for its high concentration of aerospace and aviation technology. […] Local companies snagged some of that construction work. In 2009, for example, Wilcon Construction of Dayton, won a 13 million $ expansion and renovation project at the 88th Security Forces Squadron Operations facility at the base. In addition, state officials are working to make the Dayton region a hub and a leader for UAV research and manufacturing. In all, defense spending accounted for more than 6 billion $ in economic activity in South Carolina in 2014. That’s 1,262 $ per resident. A strong defense industrial base is essential to both our national security and our local economies. So defense manufacturing will be beneficial for both our economy and our national security. »

So I ask you the following question : do you think your administration would risk of cutting manufacturing jobs by cutting military spending as Congressman Ashe seeks to do as President?

-Governor Haley, Senator Rubio said that we can increase oil drilling while protecting the environment through encouraging renewable energies. How is that possible?

-The following question will be asked to you Vice-President Patrick and Governor Haley. Both of you have similar backgrounds : you were both governors of a U.S. State and you have private sector experience, since you Mr. Vice-President you were a managing director at Bain Capital and you Governor Haley worked at Exotica International before being named at the board of directors of the Orangeburg County Chamber of Commerce, then of the Lexington Chamber of Commerce and becoming president of the South Carolina Chapter of the National Association of Women Business Owners.

So I want to hear from both of you : why do you have the best business experience to bring in your administration to get America back to work? Mr. Vice-President you go first, then Governor Haley and then Mr. Monds you will have the chance to respond.

-Mr. Vice President, when President Kaine was Governor of Virginia, he was against abortion before changing his position. How do you argue that this changing position is not through political calculation?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Kingpoleon on February 07, 2017, 04:55:38 PM

This is the first vice-presidential debate opposing only running mates from ethnic minorities. That's why we call it the "Multicolor debate". How do you feel about that?
I believe the American path is one of diversity. I speak not of diversity of color, but diversity of thought. In America, the biggest lie is our biggest weakness. The American duopoly, the two party system, has told you that your worst enemy is the other party's voters. We have been told it is not polite to bring up politics. Do you know why it is not polite? Because the duopoly system of hatred of the enemy has caused the greatest division in our country, it is not polite. If we defeat this duopoly, we can become better. We can discuss politics without fighting. An exchange of ideas, a diversity of thought, is what we advocate for.

Last November, we witnessed an emergence of ISIS in Egypt. Nine US ambassadors were killed at that time in Cairo and ISIS multiplie dits terrorist attacks in Egypt, which raised rumors claiming that the leader of Al Qaida Ayman al-Zawahiri might be hidding in Egypt, his birthplace. Do you believe he's there? And if yes how do you intend to capture or kill him?
I would advocate to President Ashe to investigate this matter. We will kill him if it saves even one life of our men on the mission.

Should Ukraine and Finland become NATO members?
Yes. If Ukraine seems to have a doubtful democracy, we would be willing to ask our allies in the region, such as Germany and Poland, to consider observing the elections. We would not do so without a willing and welcoming Ukrainian response.

Since the beginning of the Syrian Civil War in 2011, over 700 000 people are killed, and an important part of these victims are civilian people killed by the Assad regime for opposing Assad’s oppression. Do you believe Bachar al-Assad is committing genocide in Syria by slaying his own people and that Russia is a partner in crime in such a genocide?
The Assad regime should be brought down. We will negotiate with him. Should Assad refuse to stop mass murders, we will work with our allies in the region, such as Turkey, diplomatically. If it is possible to depose him with minimal bloodshed, once all other problems are taken care of, we will do so. In the mean time, it does not seem advisable to march head on with no plan into the Middle East.

Mr. Monds, Congressman Ashe focused most of his economic agenda on manufacturing. Last week, during the first presidential debate, Senator Rubio said, I quote :

« Dayton gave birth to aviation and is known for its high concentration of aerospace and aviation technology. […] Local companies snagged some of that construction work. In 2009, for example, Wilcon Construction of Dayton, won a 13 million $ expansion and renovation project at the 88th Security Forces Squadron Operations facility at the base. In addition, state officials are working to make the Dayton region a hub and a leader for UAV research and manufacturing. In all, defense spending accounted for more than 6 billion $ in economic activity in South Carolina in 2014. That’s 1,262 $ per resident. A strong defense industrial base is essential to both our national security and our local economies. So defense manufacturing will be beneficial for both our economy and our national security. »

So I ask you the following question : do you think your administration would risk of cutting manufacturing jobs by cutting military spending as Congressman Ashe seeks to do as President?
Senator Rubio is from a similar part of the South as me. Let me assure you: this is double talk. Any cut of manufacturing jobs would only come from the military-industrial complex which has consistently been supported by the two sides of the same coin. The military-industrial complex, held up by the Democrats and Republicans, is directly opposed to the interests of the American people.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on February 09, 2017, 12:51:15 PM
Nikki Haley's debate answers, Part 1

-This is the first vice-presidential debate opposing only running mates from ethnic minorities. That's why we call it the "Multicolor debate". How do you feel about that?

I feel that this debate demonstrates that everything is possible in America and that America is incontestably the land of opportunity. Even though we don't agree on most of the issues, Mr. Monds is right : our country has not only a diversity of color, but also a diversity of thought, ideas and views. Marco Rubio and I understand this and that's why we are ready, as representatives of the American Dream, to lead this country for all the American people and to work with Republicans, Democrats and Progressive Libertarians in order to get things done and to move America forward in order to make our country's future better than the last four years in which we saw higher unemployment at 8,1 % today, higher poverty, bigger energy dependence, stronger terrorist threat and national division.

-Last November, we witnessed an emergence of ISIS in Egypt. Nine US ambassadors were killed at that time in Cairo and ISIS multiplie dits terrorist attacks in Egypt, which raised rumors claiming that the leader of Al Qaida Ayman al-Zawahiri might be hidding in Egypt, his birthplace. Do you believe he's there? And if yes how do you intend to capture or kill him?

The Rubio Administration will first put in place an investigation to get information confirming Zawahiri's presence in Egypt. We will then will increase the number of American warships on Eastern Mediterranean Sea, establish more military  and naval bases in this region, reinforce our regional military alliances and engage more warplanes and drones to destroy terrorist bases and force terrorists, including Ayman al-Zawahiri, to get out of their refuges, which will help us capturing or killing Ayman al-Zawahiri for the sake of justice, security and liberty.

-Should Ukraine and Finland become NATO members?

Yes, they should. These countries need to keep their democratic political status, which requires making sure that Russia doesn't attempt to hack elections in Ukraine and Finland to ensure the election of pro-Russian governments, which would decrease the European continent's stability.
Vladimir Putin's insanity needs to stop now and the invasion of Eastern Europe by Russia has to stop now. So we need an expansion of NATO, which will increase pressure on Moscow and reinforce the spirit of solidarity towards our allies. Ukraine's and Finland's NATO memberships will be a great step to such a procedure. So by strengthening and enlarging our regional alliances, increasing our military presence in Eastern Europe as well as on the Black Sea and by giving military assistance, we will stop any Russian invasion, defeat the pro-Russian insurrection in Ukraine and give Crimea back to Ukraine, thus restoring peace and freedom in Eastern Europe, which will be a victory for democracy.

-Since the beginning of the Syrian Civil War in 2011, over 700 000 people are killed, and an important part of these victims are civilian people killed by the Assad regime for opposing Assad’s oppression. Do you believe Bachar al-Assad is committing genocide in Syria by slaying his own people and that Russia is a partner in crime in such a genocide?

Bachar al-Assad is a tyrant who kills anybody who doesn't stand with him or fights against him. He possesses dangerous chemical weapons that would cause catastrophic and deadly impacts. So yes, Assad is committing genocide against his own people, that's why he needs to step down.

Assad is Russia's main economic partner on the Mediterranean Sea. Instead of prioritizing the fight against ISIS in Syria, Vladimir Putin decided to help Assad defeating the Syrian rebellion by providing the Assad regime through weapons. By providing weapons to the Assad regime, thus allowing it to launch further attacks against the Syrian rebellion, Russia is only complicating our fight against terrorism. So Russia is effectively a partner in crime in this genocide that the Assad regime is committing.

But the Syria Nonproliferation Act introduced in the Senate by Marco Rubio last spring reversed this situation by deterring any foreign arms transfers to the Assad regime and increasing diplomatic and economic sanctions against any nation, company or individual providing Assad in weapons, which, in addition of making our antiterrorist crusade easier, weaken the Assad regime forces against the rebels who will take the upper hand against Assad's troops, thus clearing a path for Syria to freedom, democracy, stability and peace. Thanks to the establishment of a democratic government in Syria, the Syrian people will regain trust in their government. And it's also through trust to a more integrate and democratic government that the fight against terrorism will be successful. That's how we're going give Syria back to the Syrian people, make the Middle East safer and make jihadist terrorism extinct.

-Mr. Monds, Congressman Ashe focused most of his economic agenda on manufacturing. Last week, during the first presidential debate, Senator Rubio said, I quote :

« Dayton gave birth to aviation and is known for its high concentration of aerospace and aviation technology. […] Local companies snagged some of that construction work. In 2009, for example, Wilcon Construction of Dayton, won a 13 million $ expansion and renovation project at the 88th Security Forces Squadron Operations facility at the base. In addition, state officials are working to make the Dayton region a hub and a leader for UAV research and manufacturing. In all, defense spending accounted for more than 6 billion $ in economic activity in South Carolina in 2014. That’s 1,262 $ per resident. A strong defense industrial base is essential to both our national security and our local economies. So defense manufacturing will be beneficial for both our economy and our national security. »

So I ask you the following question : do you think your administration would risk of cutting manufacturing jobs by cutting military spending as Congressman Ashe seeks to do as President?

Well, I'm from a similar part of the South as Senator Rubio and Mr. Monds as well since I'm from South Carolina while Senator Rubio is from Florida and Mr. Monds from Georgia. I know Marco Rubio well enough to know that he knows what he's talking about.

Under a Rubio administration there won't be any cut among any type of jobs, including manufacturing jobs. Tim Ashe suggests that we leave the people working in the military-industrial complex out in the cold by cutting their jobs. Marco Rubio and I disagree with such a dangerous agenda. We need to keep these manufacturing jobs in America and keep our defense industrial base strong. Because, unlike what my opponent claimed, the military-industrial complex works in favor of the American people since it not only creates jobs, provides billions of dollars in economic activity. My home state of South Carolina represents a great example of this matter of fact and in addition I was Governor of this state at that time. This industry also makes our military stronger through modernized military technology and better preparedness for our troops, thus ensuring a stronger national security.

I know we are not witnessing a third world war, but we know that during the two world wars, before entering these conflicts, our country encouraged defense manufacturing in the arms industry, which not only provided weapons to our allies but also created jobs in America, including in the manufacturing sector, which started one of the greatest economic booms in American history, thus ending the last traces of unemployment after a decade of Great Depression.

That's why defense manufacturing is one of the necessary tools for a stronger, safer and more prosperous America.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on February 09, 2017, 12:52:06 PM
Nikki Haley's debate answers, Part 2

-Governor Haley, Senator Rubio said that we can increase oil drilling while protecting the environment through encouraging renewable energies. How is that possible?

Well, first of all, we can exploit underwater oil resources with underwater tankers, which will make us able to exploit the Arctic's oil reserves without risking of hurting the environment. By increasing oil drilling, exploitation and production, we not only create jobs but also get revenues, which a part will be invested into the development of renewable energies to pursue further job creation and to improve our ecological footprint.

Norway is the largest producer of oil and natural gas in Europe. And yet Norway is classified among the most ecological countries in the world due to its abundant hydraulic energy and due to the priority this country is giving to energy research in order to develop the necessary technologies for energy exploitation, for energy efficiency, for hydrogen and for CO2 capture and storage.

So by following Norway's example, we can encourage oil production, get America to energy independence, invest into the development of renewable energies, protect the environment and ensure America's prosperity. That's why Marco Rubio calls it « America's Energy Revolution ».

-The following question will be asked to you Vice-President Patrick and Governor Haley. Both of you have similar backgrounds : you were both governors of a U.S. State and you have private sector experience, since you Mr. Vice-President you were a managing director at Bain Capital and you Governor Haley worked at Exotica International before being named at the board of directors of the Orangeburg County Chamber of Commerce, then of the Lexington Chamber of Commerce and becoming president of the South Carolina Chapter of the National Association of Women Business Owners.

So I want to hear from both of you : why do you have the best business experience to bring in your administration to get America back to work? Mr. Vice-President you go first, then Governor Haley and then Mr. Monds you will have the chance to respond.

Thank you George for mentioning my business background. This background is one of the reasons why Marco Rubio selected me as his running mate in order to make sure that the economy remains the number one issue of this campaign and to make this election a referendum on the terrible economic conditions of the last twelve years. By the way, between January 2009 and March 2012, 9 lost jobs on 10 were occupied by women.

I'm proud of my business experience in which I created jobs, which most of them are now occupied by women. As Governor of South Carolina, I reduced the cost of doing business there, reduced corporate income tax rate to 5 %, abolished state property tax, local income tax, inventory tax, sales tax on manufacturing equipment, wholesale tax and unitary tax on worldwide profits, which helped my state to have industrial power or materials for finished products and boosted job creation and innovation. These pro-growth policies made South Carolina the best place to open a new business and reduced the local unemployment rate from 12 % to 5 % during my governorship.

That's why these policies that Marco Rubio and I will adopt at the White House will get this country back to work and make it prosperous again.

-Mr. Vice President, when President Kaine was Governor of Virginia, he was against abortion before changing his position. How do you argue that this changing position is not through political calculation?

Well, President Kaine is neither pro-choice, nor pro-life. He is multiple-choice.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on February 11, 2017, 11:20:03 PM
Ashe/Monds 2020
Taking America Back

Schedule for October 4-10

October 4
-Fly to Massachusetts
-Rally in Boston, Massachusetts with Former Governor and 1988 Democratic presidential nominee Michael Dukakis
I suppot Tim Ashe and John Monds for a very good reason: They represent sanity in this race. In an era where the Democrats have become centrists and the Republicans have gone so far to the right, only Tim Ashe has become an effective defender of the left in this country. He is not a far-leftist by any stretch of the imagination. He is the last of the New Dealers. And let me tell you, this nation needs another New Deal!
-Following this rally, a new campaign poster was distributed:
-Interviews with Boston media outlets

October 5
-Fly to Michigan
-Rally in Detroit, Michigan
I'm disappointed, but not surprised that the Senate has refused to vote on the Fair trade Act. They're more concerned with getting corporate money than they aiding American workers. Well rest assured, myself and John Monds will always put American workers first. The industrial states of this nation have been screwed around with for too long by a corporate Congress that routinely stands only for re-election.

Our party; our ticket; stands for the American people, and we will not let Boeing, General Motors or any other corporation to ship their jobs overseas!
-Assist in building infrastructure for Congressional candidates

October 6
-Fly to New York
-Rally for Colin Powell's Mayoral campaign
-Rally at the Kleinhans Music Hall, New York. Several people who had supported Bobby Kennedy in the 60s showed up, and as Ashe left, a new slogan started up:
All the way with Timmy A! All the way with Timmy A!
-Interview with the New York Times. During the interview, Ashe expressed slight embarrassment at his childhood nickname being dragged up, but was receptive to the slogan.
-Reddit AMA. After the AMA, a new hashtag began on Twitter: #allthewaywithTimmyA

October 7
-Fly to Illinois
-Attend Clark for Senate rally in Chicago
-Campaign for Wesley Clark

October 8
-Fly to New Mexico
-Attend Johnson for Senate rally in Santa Fe
-Campaign for Gary Johnson

October 9
-Fly to Washington
-Rally in Seattle, Washington with Gov. Inslee
-Rally in Tacoma, Washington
-Give guest lecture at the University of Washington
-Recruit candidates at the University of Washington for 2022

October 10
-Fly to California
-Rally in Los Angeles, California with Fmr. Gov. Brown
-Rally in Oakland, California with Sen. Harris
-Interview with The Young Turks
-Campaign  for Congressional candidates

Monds will be leading surrogate teams in California, Washington and Maine

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on February 12, 2017, 08:24:20 AM
Round 55 : October 11, 2020-October 17, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on February 12, 2017, 09:27:43 AM
New polls

General Election Polls

Tim Kaine vs Marco Rubio vs Tim Ashe vs Ron Paul

Marco Rubio : 49 %
Tim Kaine : 28 %
Tim Ashe : 22 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Statewide Opinion Polls


Marco Rubio : 54 %
Tim Kaine: 30 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 58 %
Tim Kaine : 32 %
Tim Ashe : 9 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 47 %
Tim Kaine : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

New Hampshire

Marco Rubio : 48 %
Tim Kaine : 30 %
Tim Ashe : 21 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 45 %
Tim Kaine : 41 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 0,5 %

North Carolina

Marco Rubio : 53 %
Tim Kaine : 31 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 57 %
Tim Kaine : 28 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 57 %
Tim Kaine : 30 %
Tim Ashe : 12 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 43 %
Tim Kaine : 34 %
Tim Ashe : 20 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 52 %
Tim Kaine : 31 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 47 %
Tim Kaine : 31,5 %
Tim Ashe : 17 %
Ron Paul : 0,5 %


Marco Rubio : 51 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 41 %
Tim Ashe : 38 %
Tim Kaine : 20 %
Ron Paul : 0,5 %


Marco Rubio : 45 %
Tim Kaine : 34 %
Tim Ashe : 20 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Ashe : 49 %
Tim Kaine : 27 %
Marco Rubio : 22 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Washington state

Marco Rubio : 44 %
Tim Kaine : 34 %
Tim Ashe : 19 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 41 %
Tim Kaine : 34 %
Tim Ashe : 27 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Demographic Polls


Marco Rubio : 55 %
Tim Kaine : 26 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 56 %
Tim Kaine :  26 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 48 %
Tim Ashe : 29 %
Marco Rubio : 22 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 39 %
Marco Rubio : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 20 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on February 12, 2017, 09:56:20 AM

October surprise :
Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign accepted Chinese donations

Yesterday, at the conclusion of an investigation on electoral integrity of the 2016 presidential election, the FBI discovered and reported that Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign received and accepted foreign donations, especially from China.

According to this investigation, some Chinese donators, businessmen and officials feared that Donald Trump would trigger a trade war against China if he was elected President of the United States in 2016. So these people decided to ensure Hillary Clinton's victory by giving 5 billion $ to her campaign.

If this is effectively the October surprise of 2020, Tim Kaine, who was Hillary Clinton's running mate in 2016, is the presidential candidate most likely to suffer from it.

Nikki Haley wins the Vice-Presidential debate

According to CNN, Nikki Haley, Marco Rubio's running mate, made the strongest performance during the vice-presidential debate set on October 5 at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. CNN's poll reported that 52 % of the respondents mentionned the former South Carolina Governor and Republican vice-presidential nominee as the winner of the debate while 29 % of the respondents said the same for John Monds, Tim Ashe's running mate, and 20 % for Vice-President Deval Patrick.

One of Haley's most remarkable debate performances that night was when she called Tim Kaine « multiple-choice » due to the President's changing position on abortion during his political career. She defended Rubio's energy plan by mentioning Norway's energy policy in which while being one of the world's greatest oil producers is considered as one of the most ecological countries in the world due to this nation's contribution to energy research and renewable energy development. In addition, she countered Monds' claims that the military-industrial complex is « against the American people's interests » by evoking this industry's contribution to the U.S. Economy as well as to the U.S. military power and national security and by citing the example of the end of World War II when began « one of the greatest economic booms in American history, thus ending the last traces of unemployment after a decade of Great Depression ».


Marco Rubio : President and CEO of the United States Chamber of Commerce Tom J. Donohue, Norwegian President Erna Solberg, Texas Congressman Will Hurd, former Vermont Governor Jim Douglas, U.S. Ambassador to Russia John F. Tefft

Tim Ashe : Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Bill Nye, Actor Martin Sheen, Former Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton, President of Ireland Michael Higgins

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: Enduro on February 12, 2017, 04:51:40 PM
I'm surprised that this game lasted this long. Usually, people lose interest around the first primary.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on February 14, 2017, 09:10:13 AM
Rubio/Haley 2020
Right here Right now
Schedule for the week of October 11-October 17, 2020
October 11, 2020
-Speech in Chicago denouncing the recent October surprise :

As expected, we are witnessing an October surprise, like it happens every four years. But this time, we learned that Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign accepted funds from Chinese donators who were afraid that Donald Trump's election would have triggered a trade war between the United States and China. I understand their concern on trade, but that's not a reason to make intrusion in an American presidential election by giving contributions and that's not a reason for Clinton's campaign to accept such foreign donations, which threats electoral integrity. Only the American people decides who should lead our country.

So once again, Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine lied to the American people by promising electoral integrity against potential Russia hacking while they took any measure to win this election by accepting foreign donations. Mr. President, democratic elections are not for sale. I will never tolorate that and the American people will never tolorate that. We are in a democracy, not in an aristocracy. I only trust the American people's conviction, judgement and patriotism for the choice of our next President.

-Meet with college voters at the Harold Washington Library Center in Chicago, IL
-Foreign policy speech in Chicago, IL
-Economic policy speech in Chicago, IL
-Energy policy speech in Chicago, IL
-Flight to Grand Rapids, Michigan
-Infrastructure policy speech in Grand Rapids, MI, in which Marco Rubio promotes the construction of a bridge connecting Grand Rapids and Milwaukee through Holland, MI, in order to facilitate commercial and economic activities :

We need to balance the budget, which will allow us to use a part of budget surpluses in the investment of the development of new infrastructures. in America. that way, we will facilitate our economic and trade activities all across this country, which will make our economy and our companies much more dynamic and competitive and ensure further job creation. That's why I believe that we need the construction of a bridge above Lake Michigan connecting Grand Rapids and Milwaukee through Holland, all cities known for their status as great contributors to America's prosperity through the development of our industry.

This will be another bridge to the future. That way, we can bring the Midwest and all America back to work for a better, brighter and more prosperous future.

Thank you, God bless America.

-Economic policy speech at GE Aviation Systems facility in Grand Rapids, MI
-Economic policy speech at Johnson Controls facility in Holland, MI
-Manufacturing policy speech in Holland, MI :

The right way to boost our manufacturing industry is not to rip our free trade deals. If we want to revive and boost our manufacturing industry, we have to cut taxes and regulations on manufacturing industry and manufacturing businesses. We need to abolish the sales taxes on manufacturing equipment. That way, we're going to make our manufacturing industry dynamic again and much more able to be competitive, to produce, to manufacture, to sell and to create good-paying manufacturing jobs. That's exactly what Nikki Haley, my running mate, did when she was Governor of South Carolina, which contributed to a reduction of the unemployment rate from 12 % to 5 % in her home state during the eight years of her governorship.

America's prosperity comes from the ingenuity and entrepreneurship and hard work of the American people. So we need to put the government aside and cut taxes for all the American people, for business owners and for our manufacturing industry. That's how America will reclaim it's economic strength and prosperity for all the American people.

Thank you. God bless you, God bless our manufacturing workers and God bless the United States of America.

-Debate preparation with Rob Portman, Ted Cruz and Justin Amash

October 12, 2020
-Rally in Zeeland, MI, alongside Nikki Haley and former Michigan Governor Rick Snyder
-Economic policy speech at Gentex headquarters in Zeeland, MI
-Meet with college voters at Hope College in Zeeland, MI
-Flight to Albuquerque, New Mexico
-All afternoon, debate preparation with Rob Portman, Ted Cruz and Justin Amash
-Marco Rubio debates with Tim Kaine, Tim Ashe and Ron Paul at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, New Mexico

October 13, 2020
-Flight to San Jose, California
-Meet with college voters at San Jose State University in San Jose, CA
-Rally at Avaya Stadium in San Jose, CA
-Bus trip to Palo Alto, CA
-Economic policy speech at Hewlett Packard Enterprise in Palo Alto, CA
-Engineering policy speech at Apple headquarters in Cupertino, CA
-Economic policy speech at Nvidia headquarters in Santa Clara, CA
-Economic policy speech at Oracle headquarters in Santa Clara, CA
-Innovation policy speech at Intel Security headquarters in Santa Clara, CA
-Space policy speech at Ames Research Center in Mountain View, CA

October 14, 2020
-Bus trip to San Francisco, CA
-Barnstorm in San Francisco's Chinatown in San Francisco, CA, in an effort to attract Asian-American voters
-Immigration policy speech at the Mexican Museum in San Francisco, CA
-Speech at the Hispanic Chambers of Commerce of San Francisco in San Francisco, CA
-Economic policy speech at Ammunition Design Group headquarters in San Francisco, CA
-Energy policy speech at 3Degrees headquarters in San Francisco, CA
-Energy policy speech at the Pacific Gas and Electric Company headquarters San Francisco, CA
-Meet with college voters at the University of San Francisco in San Francisco, CA

October 15, 2020
-Free trade policy speech at the Port of San Francisco in San Francisco, CA
-Meet with college voters at the University of California in San Francisco, CA
-Foreign policy speech at the War Memorial Opera House in San Francisco, CA
-Visits the Mission District in an effort to attract Hispanic and African American voters
-Rally at the Golden Gate Park in San Francisco, CA, alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger
-Dinner with the voters and the donors at the San Francisco Ferry Building in San Francisco, CA
-Bus trip to Sacramento, CA
-Economic policy speech at Teichert headquarters in Sacramento, CA
-Debate preparation with Rob Portman, Ted Cruz and Justin Amash

October 16, 2020

-Economic policy speech at Sacramento Asian-Pacific Chamber of Commerce in Sacramento, CA
-Rally at Golden 1 Center in Sacramento, CA
-Meet with college voters at California State University in Sacramento, CA
-Dinner with the voters at Sacramento Beer Week in Sacramento, CA
-Rally at Raley Field in Sacramento, CA
-Speech at Latino Center of Art and Culture in Sacramento, CA, in an effort to attract Hispanic voters
-Fundraising event at the Sacramento Convention Center Complex in Sacramento, CA
-Flight to Washington D.C.
-Debate preparation with Rob Portman, Ted Cruz and Justin Amash

October 17, 2020
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.
-Debate preparation with Rob Portman, Ted Cruz and Justin Amash

Nikki Haley's schedule
October 11-October 17, 2020
-Nikki Haley attends at a rally with Marco Rubio in Grand Rapids in Grand Rapids, Michigan
-Haley campaigns for Marco Rubio in Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania
-Appear at rallies for Republican senatorial candidates such as Joe Walsh (Illinois), Peter Cianchette (Maine) and Scott Taylor (Virginia)

Surrogate schedule

October 11-October 17, 2020
- Susan Collins and Joe Lieberman campaign for Marco Rubio in Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts
-Carly Fiorina and Condoleezza Rice campaign for Marco Rubio in California
-Paul Ryan campaigns for Marco Rubio in Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota
-John Kasich campaign for Marco Rubio in Ohio
-Jeb Bush campaigns for Marco Rubio in Florida
-Rick Snyder campaigns for Marco Rubio in Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio and Illinois

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: WashLibertarian on February 14, 2017, 10:01:54 AM
Ron Paul Campaign Schedule October 11-17

October 11, 2020
-Fly to Idaho
-Rally in Boise
-Townhall in Boise
-Economy Policy Speech in Boise
-Build Ground Game in Boise
-2nd Rally in Boise
-Drive to Twin Falls
-Rally in Twin Falls
-Townhall in Twin Falls
-Size of government rally in Twin Falls

October 12, 2020
-Fly to Washington
-Rally in Seattle
-Townhall in Seattle
-Foreign Policy Speech in Seattle
-Build ground infrastructure in Seattle
-Drive to Spokane
-Rally in Spokane
-Twitter Q&A
-Townhall in Spokane
-Trade Policy Speech in Spokane

October 13, 2020
-Fly to California
-Rally in San Francisco
-Townhall in San Francisco
-Economy Policy Speech in San Francisco
-Foreign Policy Speech in San Francisco
-Drive to Los Angeles
-Rally in Los Angeles
-Townhall in Los Angeles
-Personal Liberty Speech in Los Angeles

October 14, 2020
-Fly to New Mexico
-Rally in Santa Fe
-Townhall in Santa Fe
-Economy Policy Speech in Santa Fe
-Drive to Albuquerque
-Townhall in Albuquerque
-Rally in Albuquerque
-Townhall in Albuquerque
-Foreign Policy Speech in Albuquerque

October 15, 2020
-Fly to Ohio
-Rally in Cleveland
-Build ground infrastructure
-Townhall in Cleveland
-Education Speech in Cleveland
-2nd TownHall in Cleveland
-Lunch with supporters
-Drive to Columbus
-Rally in Columbus
-Trade Speech in Columbus
-Townhall in Columbus

October 16, 2020
-Drive to Cincinnati
-Twitter Q&A
-Rally in Cincinnati
-Townhall in Cincinnati
-doorknock with supporters
-Foreign Policy Speech in Cincinnati
-2nd Townhall in Cincinnati
-Dinner with supporters

October 17, 2020
-Fly to Maine
-Rally in Augusta
-Doorknock with supporters in Augusta
-Townhall in Augusta
-Healthcare speech in Augusta
-Build Ground infrastructure in Augusta
-Education Speech in Augusta
-2nd Townhall in Augusta
-Dinner with supporters

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on February 15, 2017, 11:59:31 PM
Second presidential debate at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, New Mexico

Date : October 12th, 2020

Participants : President Tim Kaine (D), Florida Senator Marco Rubio (R), Congressman Tim Ashe (PLP), former Texas Congressman Ron Paul (I)


Moderator : Tom Brokaw

Podium order was determined by the average of the national polls :

Ashe   Rubio   Kaine    Paul

Tom Brokaw's opening statement :

Good evening from the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I'm Tom Brokaw of NBC News. And welcome to this second presidential debate, sponsored by the Commission on Presidential Debates.

Tonight's debate is the only one with a town hall format. The Gallup Organization chose 80 uncommitted voters from the Albuquerque area to be here with us tonight. And earlier today, each of them gave me a copy of their question for the candidates.

From all of these questions -- and from tens of thousands submitted online -- I have selected a long list of excellent questions on economic, domestic and foreign policy.

Neither the commission nor the candidates have seen the questions. And although we won't be able to get to all of them tonight, we should have a wide-ranging discussion one month before the election.

Each candidate will have two minutes to respond to a common question, and there will be a one-minute follow-up. The audience here in the hall has agreed to be polite, and attentive, no cheering or outbursts. Those of you at home, of course, are not so constrained.

The only exception in the hall is right now, as it is my privilege to introduce the candidates, President Tim Kaine, Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, Congressman Tim Ashe of Vermont and former Congressman Ron Paul of Texas


-Question from Gary Stevens adressed to Senator Rubio : My name is Gary Stevens and I'm an agrobusiness owner and my business is about to collapse due to the recent reccession we are living today and also due to the rise of inflation. So I want to hear from all four of you : what is your plan to boost American agriculture?

-Question from Tom Brokaw adressed to Congressman Ashe : Congressman Ashe, your Fair Trade Act recently introduced in Congress failed to pass. According to you, why did it fail to pass? Do you think you have a better chance of passing it if you become president?

-Question from Fred Scott : My name is Fred Scott and I'm working as a security officer at the borders between the United States and Mexico. Terrorist attacks have increased around the world. Do you think it demonstrates that we should close our borders and reduce the annual number of refugees in order to help us, more effectively, in order to  improve our national security?

-Question from Kevin Brown : My name is Kevin Brown and as a 21-year old college student studying in business administration, I want to hear from all of you : what is your plan to make America the best place in the world to start a new business?

-Question from Martha Juarez to President Kaine : Mr. President, during the first presidential debate, Congressman Ashe questionned America's accomplishments in the War on Terror. As a Geopolitics teacher, I want you to answer my following question : what have we accomplished in the War on Terror?

-Question from Michael Brooks : As an African-American primary school teacher, I am worried about the hate towards the African-American community and the multiplication of massive shootings orchestrated against this community by white supremacists. Do you believe it demonstrates that it demonstrates that we should not tolerate gun ownership restriction among African-Americans in order to make them able to defend themselves through self-defense?

-Question from Tom Brokaw : What is your reaction about the recent October surprise in which Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign accepted funds from Chinese donors to fund her campaign?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on February 17, 2017, 06:22:16 AM
Marco Rubio's debate answers


-Question from Gary Stevens addressed to Senator Rubio : My name is Gary Stevens and I'm an agrobusiness owner and my business is about to collapse due to the recent recession we are living today and also due to the rise of inflation. So I want to hear from all four of you : what is your plan to boost American agriculture?

Thank you Gary for your great question. In the last four years, agriculture, the Clinton administration's big government policies crushed the middle class and brought the unemployment rate above 8 %.

The American people, including farmers, are struggling to recover and to prosper. Many farmers lost their jobs and rising inflation raised the cost of buying agricultural products, which hurts agricultural businesses. We need to reverse this situation, which means cutting taxes for businesses, including tractor and seed companies, to help them to innovate and to manufacture more tractors and seeds, which will boost job creation, improve agricultural technologies, ensure America's subsistence, reduce food prices through the reduction of inflation and reduce Americans' dependence on food stamps, thus strengthening their purchasing power and giving them an easier access to food.

That's how we're going to make sure that the American people will live better lives by finding good-paying jobs, fulfilling their food needs and accomplishing their agricultural activities.

-Question from Tom Brokaw addressed to Congressman Ashe : Congressman Ashe, your Fair Trade Act recently introduced in Congress failed to pass. According to you, why did it fail to pass? Do you think you have a better chance of passing it if you become president?

[Tim Ashe's answer]

-Question from Fred Scott : Good evening for all the candidates. I'm working as a security officer at the borders between the United States and Mexico. Terrorist attacks have increased around the world. Do you think it demonstrates that we should close our borders and reduce the annual number of refugees in order to help us, more effectively, in order to  improve our national security?

Well, of course we have to reinforce security in our borders. But we have to understand that immigrants are contributors to America's greatness by bringing diversity, thus giving us the opportunity to create jobs while baby boomers are retiring. We are the land of opportunity and as President, I will defend this status by reforming our immigration system to ensure a path to citizenship for immigrants, which will help them to live better lives and to finally accomplish the American Dream.

-Question from Kevin Brown : My name is Kevin Brown and as a 21-year old college student studying in business administration, I want to hear from all of you : what is your plan to make America the best place in the world to start a new business?

Your future is bright, Kevin, just as America's future is bright. If we want to make our country the best place in the world to start or enlarge a business, we have to cut taxes and regulations on businesses, including for small businesses, thus making them more able to produce, to sell, to enlarge their number of consumers and to create jobs. Free trade will also make our companies competitive in the global economy since lower tariffs will reduce the costs of American products and get us new consumers around the world, thus creating American jobs.

We need to give tax credits for business investing in R & D to ensure innovation. We also have reduce the cost of doing business in America, thus allowing us to attract new businesses here in the United States and our future entrepreuneurs to create new ones, just like South Carolina is doing to attract businesses by beeing one of the states where the cost of doing business is the lowest.

And finally, we have to develop our infrastructure through budget surpluses once the budget balanced, which will facilitate economic and commercial activities all across America and encourage future business people to open their business here in the United States, thus ensuring further job creation here in America, the land of opportunity.

I spent over six years in the U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship and in the United States Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. I know what it takes to make American businesses, including American small businesses, growing again to create jobs and to hire people on the land of opportunity.

When small business win, we all win.

-Question from Sarah Gibson : Mr. President, during the first presidential debate, Congressman Ashe questioned America's accomplishments in the War on Terror. As a Geopolitics teacher, I want you to answer my following question : what have we accomplished in the War on Terror?

We actually accomplished a couple of things in the War on Terror. Our special forces killed Osama Bin Laden, perpetrator of the 9/11 attacks, after a decade of hunting. We reduced ISIS' territory in Syria and Iraq.

This year, in the Senate, I successfully introduced the Syrian Arms Nonproliferation Act that establishes penalties and sanctions for nations, persons or companies assisting Syria in acquiring chemical and missile technology or all other types of weapons of mass destruction, which helped us to stop the Assad regime from getting the necessary weapons to slay its the Syrian people. It also prevented Russia from supporting Assad materially and militarily, thus depriving this tyrannical regime that is practicing such form of terrorism by killing its own people.

I co-sponsored the Bipartisan Counterterrorist Coalition Act and it passed the Congress, creating a great coalition and reinforcing our defence ties with Turkey, Iraq, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India in order to fight terrorism in the Middle East. This bill is also aimed at deterring Iran from getting nuclear weapons through increased sanctions unless Iran uses its nuclear energy only for economic purposes.

I'm not saying that all of this is enough to declare that this is total victory against terrorism. But what I can say is that it's a lie to say that we accomplished absolutely nothing in the War on Terror. It's also dishonoring the memory and accomplishments of our brave men and women in uniform that fought and, for some of them, died for our country and kept it safe.

Now, we have to do more to finish the job and the President has failed to do it by cutting military spending and reducing our security measures. We have to reinforce and grow our alliances as well as our homeland security measures, to modernize our military and to deploy the necessary military arsenal to defeat ISIS and Al Qaida on their turf.

-Question from Chris Philipps : As an African-American primary school teacher, I am worried about the hate towards the African-American community and the multiplication of massive shootings orchestrated against this community by white supremacists. Do you believe it demonstrates that it demonstrates that we should not tolerate gun ownership restriction among African-Americans in order to make them able to defend themselves through self-defense?

I believe in the right of self-defence for all the American people, including African-Americans, in accordance with the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States.

If I become President, I will stop such scandalous massive shootings perpetrated by white supremacists against the African-American community by reinforcing the Terror Intelligence Improvement Act that I introduced four years ago after the Orlando shooting. That way, it will be aimed at limiting gun sales not only to terrorists and suspected terrorists but also to supremacists, to suspected criminals or any other psychopath. That's how we can protect our Second Amendment and our constitutional rights while reducing violence through stopping terrorists or supremacists from getting the necessary weapons to commit massive shootings against innocent people and minority groups.

-Question from Tom Brokaw : What is your reaction about the recent October surprise in which Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign accepted funds from Chinese donors to fund her campaign?

Well, Mr. President, I understand China's concern about the eventuality of Donald Trump's victory in 2016 and the potentiality of a trade war between the United States and China under a Trump presidency, but that's not an excuse for accepting donations from China.

America is not an aristocracy, it's a democracy. It's a democratic republic.

That is not for the Chinese people to decide who should occupy the presidency of the United States. Only the American people decides who should lead this country.

In 2016, while Russia was suspected of trying to hack this year's presidential election in favor of Donald Trump, you promised to respect the results of the election no matter who wins and you promised to defend democratic credibility and political integrity against Russia. And yet Hillary Clinton, with whom you were campaigning as her running mate, received and accepted donations from China.

You can't have it both ways. If I'm President, I will not let any foreign country interfering in our elections and defend integrity in our democratic system. That's how we're going to restore the American people's trust in their democratic system and in their government.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on February 28, 2017, 02:51:59 PM
Ashe/Monds 2020
Taking America Back

Schedule for October 11-17

October 11
-Fly to Maine
-Rally in Portland, Maine
-Rally in Augusta Maine
-Barnstorm in Penobscot County, Maine
-Barnstorm in Cumberland County, Maine

October 12
-Barnstorm in Sagadahoc County
-Barnstorm in Waldo County, Maine
-Rally in Auburn, Maine
-Fly to New Mexico
-Attend Second Presidential Debate

October 13
-Fly to Minnestoa
-Rally in Minneapolis, Minnesota with Governor Mark Dayton
-Speech at the Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs
-Fly to Ohio
-Rally in Cincinnati, Ohio

October 14
-Fly to Massachusetts
-Rally in Boston, Massachusetts with Governor Joe Kennedy
-Rally in Cambridge, Massachusetts with Senator Elizabeth Warren
-Speech at Harvard University
-Town Hall at Worcester, Massachusetts

October 15
-Barnstorm in Middlesex County
-Barnstorm in Bristol County
-Barnstorm in Plymouth County
-Rally in Brockton, Massachusetts
-Rally in Quincy, Massachusetts

October 16
-Fly to Georgia
-Rally in Atlanta, Georgia
-Barnstorm in Bartow County, Georgia
-Barnstorm in Bibb County, Georgia
-Rally in Savannah, Georgia

October 17
-Fly to Arizona
-Rally in Phoenix, Arizona
-Barnstorm in Coconino County, Arizona
-Barnstorm in Mohave County, Arizona
-Town Hall in Tucson, Arizona

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on February 28, 2017, 03:22:20 PM
Tim Ashe debate responses


Ladies and gentlemen, since the last debate, we have seen the stunning hypocrisy of the political establishment in this country. We have seen two parties who want to increase defense spending and get us involved in more pointless brushfire wars. We have seen two parties who want to lower taxes for the richest Americans, which mean they taxes will have to be raised on the middlce and working classes of this nation. We have seen two parties who will takes all the bribes in the world from major corporations, then say that we can't afford universal healthcare or education. the Progressive Liberty party is here to change that. John Monds and myself are here to change that.

Question from Tom Brokaw adressed to Congressman Ashe : Congressman Ashe, your Fair Trade Act recently introduced in Congress failed to pass. According to you, why did it fail to pass? Do you think you have a better chance of passing it if you become president?

Thank you for that Tom. The Fair trade Act was designed to make our international trade fairer for American workers. NAFTA and the TPP have been two massive mistakes in out nations history; they have allowed major corporations to shift their jobs overseas. In my opinion, it failed because the companies that shift their jobs overseas are the same ones who pay their bribes in campaign contributions to politicians, who have stood for nothing but re-election.

Myself, John Monds and the rest of this party stand for integrity. The Democrats and Republicans only stand for whatever the political winds say at the time, who will donate the most money to their campaign and who will give them the highest-paid lobbying job when they retire from politics. Would I have a better chance of pushing this through as President? I believe so. We have committed people coming up in the Senate. Gary Johnson, who is in the audience tonight, is one of them. I would have a better chance though if the political revolution started by Senator Sanders four years ago continues to surge.

Question from Fred Scott : My name is Fred Scott and I'm working as a security officer at the borders between the United States and Mexico. Terrorist attacks have increased around the world. Do you think it demonstrates that we should close our borders and reduce the annual number of refugees in order to help us, more effectively, in order to  improve our national security?

Thank you for your question Fred and than you for your service to this nation. The answer is no. If we were to close our national borders and reduce our refugee intake, then it creates a larger pool of recruits for terrorists, radical Islamists or otherwise, to recruit from, and some of the people we refuse to take in will not be so understanding. This ends up threatening our allies overseas, which in turn, will open us up to harsh action from our allies.

As President, I would grant amnesty to everyone here, as Republican Ronald Reagan did. Our priority is not to make out system tougher, our priority should be to make it better. We already have one of the toughest screening systems in the world. We need to make it more efficient. We should be recognising that banning refugees would make us less safe, not more.

Question from Kevin Brown : My name is Kevin Brown and as a 21-year old college student studying in business administration, I want to hear from all of you : what is your plan to make America the best place in the world to start a new business?

Well Kevin, thank you for your question. I want to make a point that everything is not alright in America at the moment. Massive corporations have made it harder for people like yourself to start a major business in this country.

As President, I would do what Republican Teddy Roosevelt did: use antitrust laws to bust up monopolies. The free market is a wonderful thing, but what we have done is allowed major corporations to create monopolies on products. We need to start by limiting the market share of these corporations, and go after them with antitrust laws. We need to break up monopolies, which will allow small businesses to get started.

I also have a plan for small businesses in ares like Detroit. As President, I would give startup grants to those who want to start their businesses in less fortunate areas. You can have all the tax breaks you need-for a time. Heck, we'll even give you the money you need to help pay your employees' wages if needs be.

Question from Michael Brooks : As an African-American primary school teacher, I am worried about the hate towards the African-American community and the multiplication of massive shootings orchestrated against this community by white supremacists. Do you believe it demonstrates that it demonstrates that we should not tolerate gun ownership restriction among African-Americans in order to make them able to defend themselves through self-defense?

There is no doubt there's been an increase in violence towards the black community in this country. I myself have been targeted by a white supremacist. However, guns are a very nuanced issue. I don't believe that a citizen needs an assault weapon like an AR-15 for personal defense. Would a handgun not suffice?

We can tolerate gun ownership, but reasonable levels of it. We can't have citizens waking around in public with assault weapons slung over their shoulders. I actually do come from a rural state. When I ran for Congress, I told everyone that I supported a Federal Assault Weapons Ban, and it turned out they did too. We don't need assault weapons for self-defense when a handgun suffices.

Question from Tom Brokaw : What is your reaction about the recent October surprise in which Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign accepted funds from Chinese donors to fund her campaign?

It was one of the most egregious violations of our already lax campaign finance laws. Taking money from a corporation or a foreign power; it's the same to me. What was done that year by President Clinton was an awful thing that had no reasonable justification at all. You don't take money from a foregin power and get away with it; the American people aren't dumb enough to blindly accept it.

However, it just demonstrates the need to tighten our campaign finance laws. We need comprehensive bans on donations for corporations, we need to abolish PACS and SuperPACs and we need to overturn Citizens United. I am proud that I can say my campaign has not received any donation larger than $1500, and ever single cent of our funding has come from the American people. Unlike President Kaine and Senator Rubio, I have no PAC or SuperPAC, and I don't want them, because unlike them, I am not waiting for the next corporation to come knocking.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on March 01, 2017, 08:35:58 AM
Round 56 : October 18, 2020-October 24, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on March 01, 2017, 09:53:45 AM
New polls

According to the recent polls, Tim Kaine is in deep trouble due to the recent October surprise in which is stuck in a scandal in which Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign accepted donations from Chinese donors in order to stop Donald Trump from winning. He even trails Marco Rubio in his home state of Virginia by 6 percentage points. Tim Ashe takes the lead in Maine, the home state of former PLP nominee Senator Angus King (who died last February). When it comes to demographics, Marco Rubio edges Tim Kaine among Asian-Americans.

General Election Polls

Tim Kaine vs Marco Rubio vs Tim Ashe vs Ron Paul

Marco Rubio : 50 %
Tim Kaine : 27 %
Tim Ashe : 22 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Statewide Opinion Polls


Marco Rubio : 54 %
Tim Kaine: 30 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 58 %
Tim Kaine : 32 %
Tim Ashe : 9 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 48 %
Tim Kaine : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

New Hampshire

Marco Rubio : 49 %
Tim Kaine : 30 %
Tim Ashe : 19 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 46 %
Tim Kaine : 40 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 0,5 %

North Carolina

Marco Rubio : 53 %
Tim Kaine : 31 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 57 %
Tim Kaine : 28 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 57 %
Tim Kaine : 30 %
Tim Ashe : 12 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 44 %
Tim Kaine : 33 %
Tim Ashe : 20 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 53 %
Tim Kaine : 30 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 49 %
Tim Kaine : 31 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 50 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Ashe : 40 %
Marco Rubio : 39 %
Tim Kaine : 19 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 46 %
Tim Kaine : 33 %
Tim Ashe : 20 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Ashe : 50 %
Tim Kaine : 26 %
Marco Rubio : 22 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Washington state

Marco Rubio : 44 %
Tim Kaine : 34 %
Tim Ashe : 19 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 41 %
Tim Kaine : 33 %
Tim Ashe : 28 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Demographic Polls


Marco Rubio : 55 %
Tim Kaine : 26 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 56 %
Tim Kaine :  26 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 46 %
Tim Ashe : 30 %
Marco Rubio : 23 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 41 %
Tim Kaine : 36 %
Tim Ashe : 21 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on March 02, 2017, 06:14:43 AM

Terrorist nationalist attack in Kuala Lumpur

Yesterday, a North Korean nationalist commited a terrorist attack in Kuala Lumpur. The suspect orchestrated a bomb attack at the Ministry of Defense Malaysia, thus killing 9 people and wounding 14 others before being shot and wounded by the Royal Malaysia Police. When he was arrested, the suspect claimed that this attack was done to "avange the death of Kim Jong-Nam, brother of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un due to Malaysia's treason."

Kim Jong-Un is suspected to be behind this attack and North Korea is likely to suffer new sanctions for "supporting terrorism".


Marco Rubio : The United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, the Hispanic Chamber of E-Commerce, Ohio State Treasurer and 2012 Republican nominee for Ohio Senator Josh Mandel, chairman and CEO of Honeywell and 2020 Republican candidate for Jeanne Shaheen Senate seat in New Hampshire David M. Cote, actor Charlie Sheen, former Oklahoma congressman J.C. Watts, former Canadian Prime Mininister Brian Mulroney

Tim Ashe : Actor Patrick Stewart, retired Australian General Scott Morrison, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Massachusetts Senate President Stan Rosenberg, New York State Senate Minority Whip Michael Gianaris

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on March 03, 2017, 12:06:46 PM
Rubio/Haley 2020
Right here Right now
Schedule for the week of October 18, 2020-October 24, 2020
October 18, 2020
-Flight to Miami, Florida
-Married on October 18th 1998, Marco Rubio and his wife Jeanette celebrate their 22nd wedding anniversary

October 19, 2020
-Flight to Cedar Rapids, Iowa
-Manufacturing policy speech at Rockwell Collins headquarters in Cedar Rapids, IA
-Speech at Cedar Rapids Museum of Art in Cedar Rapids, IA
-Meet with college voters at Mount Mercy University in Cedar Rapids, IA
-Bus trip to Davenport, IA
-Agriculture policy speech in Davenport, IA
-Foreign policy speech in Davenport, IA
-Rally at Modern Woodmen Park in Davenport, IA
-Appearance at a Joni Ernst senatorial re-election campaign in Davenport, IA

-Bus trip to Moline, Illinois
-Economic policy speech at Deere & Company headquarters in Moline, IL
-Meet with college voters at Black Hawk College in Moline, IL
-Speech at the John Deere Pavillon in Moline, IL
-Debate preparation with Rob Portman, Ted Cruz and Justin Amash

October 20, 2020
-Flight to New York City, New York
-Debate preparation for most of the day
-Bus trip to Hempstead, NY
-Marco Rubio participates at the third and final debate with President Tim Kaine, Congressman Tim Ashe and former Congressman Ron Paul

October 21, 2020
-Bus trip to Allentown, Pennsylvania
-Energy policy speech at PPL Corporation headquarters in Allentown, PA
-Town-hall meeting at the Nineteenth Street Theater in Allentown, PA
-Rally at Coca-Cola Park in Allentown, PA
-Bus trip to Philadelphia, PA
-Speech ahead of the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, PA
-Speech at the African American Museum in Philadelphia, PA, in an effort to attract African American voters
-Speech at Congreso de Latinos Unidos headquarters in Philadelphia, PA, alongside Nina Vaca (chairman of the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce) :

Como defensora del sueño americano, y quiero agradecer a la Cámara de Comercio Hispana de los Estados Unidos por apoyar a ma campaña. Yo soy el mejor candidato para mejore condiciones de vida del hispanos. Gracias al libre mercado y a la libertad empresarial, 3 de noviembre 2020 constituirá un nuevo amanecer para todos el pueblo americano, incluso los hispanos. América será el mejor lugar del mundo para abrir un nuevo negocio, para prosperar y para cumplir todo lo que habría sido impossible extranjero.
El 20 de enero 2021, será Mañana de nuevo en América para un futuro más brillante, prosperidad, igual y seguro.

On January 20th 2021, it'S going to be Morning Again in America.

Gracias. Que Dios bendiga los Estados Unidos de America.

-Economic policy speech at Chemtura Corporation headquarters in Philadelphia, PA
-Barnstorm in Philadelphia Chinatown in Philadelphia, PA, in an effort to attract Asian-American voters
-Foreign policy speech in Philadelphia, PA
-Bus trip to Harrisburg, PA
-Energy policy speech in Harrisburg, PA
-Bus trip to Pittsburgh, PA
-Manufacturing policy speech at United States Steel headquarters in Pittsburgh, PA
-Rally at the Petersen Events Center in Pittsburgh, PA

October 22, 2020
-Meet with college voters at the University of Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh, PA
-Rally at PPG Paints Arena in Pittsburgh, PA
-Bus trip to Cleveland, Ohio
-Speech at the African American Cultural Garden in Cleveland, OH, in an effort to attract African-American voters
-Manufacturing policy speech in Cleveland, OH
-Infrastructure policy speech in Cleveland, OH
-Energy policy speech in Cleveland, OH
-Free trade policy speech at the Port of Cleveland in Cleveland, OH
-Dinner with the voters at the West Side Market in Cleveland, OH
-Bus trip to Toledo, OH
-Economic policy speech at Toledo Complex in Toledo, OH
-Rally at Fifth Third Field in Toledo, OH
-Bus trip to Columbus, OH
-Barnstorm in Columbus, OH
-Meet with college voters at the Ohio State University in Columbus, OH

October 23, 2020
-Bus trip to Dayton, OH
-Manufacturing policy speech in Dayton, OH
-Energy policy speech in Dayton, OH
-Free trade policy speech in Dayton, OH
-Foreign policy speech at the Air Force Research Laboratory in Dayton, OH
-Dinner with the voters at Marion's Piazza in Dayton, OH
-Bus trip to Cincinnati, OH
-Energy policy speech at Duke Energy Ohio headquarters in Cincinnati, OH
-Manufacturing policy speech at GE Honda Areo Engines in Cincinnati, OH
-Economic policy speech at KOI Auto Parts headquarters in Cincinnati, OH

October 24, 2020
-Flight to Washington D.C.
-Senate duties in Washington D.C.

Nikki Haley's schedule
October 18-October 24, 2020
-Nikki Haley campaigns for Marco Rubio in Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Maine
-Haley appears at a David M. Cote senatorial election rally in Concord, New Hampshire

Surrogate schedule

October 18-October 24, 2020
-John Kasich campaigns for Marco Rubio in Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania
-Tim Scott campaigns for Marco Rubio in Ohio and in Detroit, Michigan
-Condoleezza Rice, Carly Fiorina, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Clint Eastwood and Michael Reagan (Ronald Reagan's son) campaign for Marco Rubio in California
-Bruce Rauner appears at a Joe Walsh senatorial election rally in Chicago, Illinois, while campaigning for Marco Rubio in Illinois

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on March 03, 2017, 02:11:20 PM
Third and final presidential debate at the Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York

Date : October 20th, 2020

Participants : President Tim Kaine (D), Florida Senator Marco Rubio (R), Congressman Tim Ashe (PLP), former Texas Congressman Ron Paul (I)


Moderator : Elaine Quijano

Podium order :

Ashe   Kaine    Rubio   Paul

Elaine Quijano's opening statement :

Good evening from the campus of Hofstra University here in Hempstead, New York. This is the fourth and final debate of the 2020 campaign, brought to you by the Commission on Presidential Debates.

This one is on foreign policy. I'm Elaine Quijano of CBS News. The questions are mine, and I have not shared them with the candidates or their aides.

The audience has taken a vow of silence -- no applause, no reaction of any kind, except right now when we welcome President Tim Kaine, Senator Marco Rubio, Congressman Tim Ashe and Congressman Ron Paul.



-What is your vision on America's role on the world stage?

-After 60 years of communist dictatorship, Cuba is about to hold its first free elections on spring 2021. So I'm going to ask you the following question : how optimistic are you about Cuba's future?

-What's your plan to prevent any future terrorist attack to be committed on the United States' territory?

-During the 2012 presidential campaign, Mitt Romney claimed that Russia is one of America's geopolitical foes, with which President Obama disagreed and even mocked. Yet, Vladimir Putin is supporting the Assad regime materially and militarily for economic purposes. In 2014, Russia invaded Ukraine, annexed Crimea and is supporting the pro-Russian rebellion in Ukraine. During the 2016 election, Russia has been suspected to interfere in the election in order to make sure that Donald Trump wins. Do you think all these actions committed by Russia have proven that Mitt Romney was right about Russia?

-How do you plan to stop Russian aggression and intrusion in eastern Europe?

-What is your plan to defeat ISIS and to kill or capture ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi?

-Senator Rubio, during most of the campaign, you described the Indian Sub-Continent as a vital and strategic point in our crusade against terrorism in the Middle East? What did you mean by that and how do you plan to make sure that India and Pakistan will join us in this fight despite their cultural differences and the territorial tensions between these two countries?

-The question is addressed to all the candidates. As President, if you were to accomplish our fight against terrorism and to eradicate jihadism in the Middle East, how are you going to make sure that terrorism will never rise again in this region?

-A few days ago, a North Korean nationalist committed a terrorist attack in Kuala Lumpur and killed 9 people with the objective of, I quote, "to avange the death of Kim Jong-Nam, brother of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un due to Malaysia's treason." In addition, North Korea is suspected to have supported the terrorist attack in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. This attack was committed by Abu Sayyaf and killed 10 marines and apparently had the objective of ending the US military presence in the Pacific and pursue the development of North Korea's nuclear program. Should we put North Korea back on the black list of nations supporting terrorism?

-How do you plan to stopped any North Korean nuclear attack and to restore peace and stability on the Pacific Ocean?

-Closing statements

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on March 05, 2017, 08:28:24 AM
Marco Rubio's debate answers
Part 1


-What is your vision on America's role on the world stage?

Thank you Elaine. I want to thank the Hofstra University for hosting this debate and thank you Mr. President, Congressman Ashe and Congressman Paul, it's an honor to meet you again for this final debate.

America must keep his status as the hope of the Earth. For that, we have to stand with our allies. Our allies have a common goal : peace, security and freedom around the world. Diplomacy is an effective tool in that matters, but diplomacy alone is not enough to solve international crises and defeat our enemies. We got to increase defense spending to ensure our forces' readiness, reinforce security, fight terrorism and tyranny and promote freedom. We can also defeat our enemies by pushing strategic collaboration, especially with Turkey and India. Assad is slaying his own people while supporting terrorism, ISIS is on the run and emerged in Egypt and North Korea is multiplying provocations in the Pacific Ocean. If we want peace, stability and security, we have to be ready for action and for war, if necessary. As a member of the Committee on Foreign Relations in the Senate, I understand what is required to get America as well as the rest of the world into a safer situation and I will use my experience to fulfill this duty.

-After 60 years of communist dictatorship, Cuba is about to hold its first free elections on spring 2021. So I'm going to ask you the following question : how optimistic are you about Cuba's future?

I'm very optimistic about the future of Cuba, the land of my ancestors where my parents and grandparents came from. In the first 100 days of my presidency, I will visit Cuba and meet the new leaders of this future free island to discuss the common challenges that both the United States and Cuba are facing. We will repeal the Cuban embargo, which will make Cuba a new trade partner for the United States and reinforce our trade and economic relations with Havana. This will be good for American and Cuban businesses because it will give them the opportunity to grow, to expand and to trade their products, which will be beneficial for the U.S. economy and Cuba's economy. Under my leadership, the United States and Cuba will be great partners and invest all their efforts to confront terrorism, corruption and organized crime for the sake of American continent's security, freedom and prosperity.

-What's your plan to prevent any future terrorist attack to be committed on the United States' territory?

The true threat to liberty, to democracy and to the Constitution of the United States is international terrorism and thanks to a reinforced homeland security, we will prevent further terrorist attacks from happening in our country and save American lives. We first have to reinforce our security measures, to reinforce and modernize our military, to consolidate and expand our alliances and defense partnerships and to use all the military arsenal to defeat terrorism.

The reason of this necessity of reinforcing our security measures is that on June 2015, five months before the San Bernardino terrorist attacks on December 2015, the Congress voted in favor of weakening our surveillance program, which encouraged terrorists to commit attacks on our soil to kill Americans like the 14 people killed by two radical Islamic terrorists in San Bernardino.

We will not repeat that mistake. With a stronger American military and homeland security, many innocent Americans will avoid the same fate as all those Americans who did not disserve to die.

-During the 2012 presidential campaign, Mitt Romney claimed that Russia is one of America's geopolitical foes, with which President Obama disagreed and even mocked. Yet, Vladimir Putin is supporting the Assad regime materially and militarily for economic purposes. In 2014, Russia invaded Ukraine, annexed Crimea and is supporting the pro-Russian rebellion in Ukraine. During the 2016 election, Russia has been suspected to interfere in the election in order to make sure that Donald Trump wins. Do you think all these actions committed by Russia have proven that Mitt Romney was right about Russia?

Well, you know. It's no wonder that Vladimir Putin is a former KGB agent (laughing).

No seriously, Mitt Romney was absolutely right. Russia is acting against America's interests and against the principle of international peace, stability, freedom and integrity. By invading Ukraine and annexing Crimea, Russia violated territorial integrity just like this nation did to Georgia in 2008. By supporting the Assad regime, Moscow is allowing permanent tyranny, chaos and instability in Syria and made our fight against ISIS harder, thus allowing bloodbaths. Unlike Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, I had the courage to take real action on this matter : in March, in the Senate I brought Republicans and Democrats together and alongside Senator Menendez I successfully co-sponsored the Bipartisan Syria Arms Nonproliferation Act that established penalties and sanctions for nations, persons or companies assisting the Assad regime in acquiring chemical and missile technology or all other types of weapons of mass destruction, which helped the Syrian rebels to retake Aleppo from the Syrian army's hold because the Assad regime is deprived of Russian weapons.

This kind of leadership will allow the rebellion to defeat Assad's armies, to topple Assad, to restore democracy, justice and integrity in Syria and to give Syria back to the Syrian people. That's how we will stop such genocide orchestrated by Assad against its own people and supported by Russia.

-How do you plan to stop Russian aggression and intrusion in eastern Europe?

Through action. Russia is violating Ukraine's territorial integrity. By increasing diplomatic and economic sanctions against Russia, Vladimir Putin will be forced to step back. We need to stand with our allies. By reinforcing our military presence on the Black Sea, providing military material, military training and intelligence support to the Ukrainian army, Ukraine will manage to counter Russia's military power thanks to American weapons from the United States, the strongest military power on Earth. The Ukrainian army will be able to defeat the pro-Russian insurgency, free eastern Ukraine as well as Crimea and give Ukraine back to the Ukrainian people. That way, Ukraine will retake control of its natural resources, which will deprive Russia of Ukrainian gas since Ukraine seeks to establish permanent economic partnership with the European Union. In addition, Russia is the greatest oil producer in the world by producing 10 250 000 barrels per day, which might explain Ukraine's dependency on Russian oil and gas. It reinforces Russia's hold on Ukraine. So if America takes advantage of all its energy resources, encourages oil production and abolishes ban on oil export, we will export more oil to Ukraine, which, I believe, will make Ukraine less dependent on Russian oil and gas, thus reducing Russia's intrusion thanks to Ukraine's orientation to American energy resources.

-What is your plan to defeat ISIS and to kill or capture ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi?

We need, firstly to increase military spending and send ground troops in Syria and Iraq in order to pursue War on Terror, defeat ISIS and find Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. And our NATO allies got attacked over and over again by ISIS more than ever before and they share our goal of defeating radical Islamic extremism, so they will join us in this military offensive against ISIS. We also need to modernize our intelligence and military technologies to find and destroy terrorist positions. I will also make sure that we capture or kill al-Baghdadi by reinforcing our geopolitical strategic alliances. As a consequence, thanks to the collaboration our local allies, to our military power as well as India's Turkey's military powers, and to the great number of American and allied troops in Syria and Iraq, we will cut ISIS resources, surround ISIS territory, force ISIS fighters to divide their forces for the defense of all the corners of their territory and defeat ISIS more easily. That way, we will finally find al-Baghdadi's refuge, attack it and capture or kill him, thus weakening ISIS leading to its end, thus bringing peace, stability and justice back in the Middle East.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on March 05, 2017, 08:36:01 AM
Marco Rubio's debate answers
Part 2


-Senator Rubio, during most of the campaign, you described the Indian Sub-Continent as a vital and strategic point in our crusade against terrorism in the Middle East? What did you mean by that and how do you plan to make sure that India and Pakistan will join us in this fight despite their cultural differences and the territorial tensions between these two countries?

This administration withdrew our troops from Afghanistan at the wrong time, thus allowing a growing terrorist threat in the Indian Sub-Continent with a re-emergence of the Taliban in Afghanistan. To correct this situation, defeat the Taliban and Al-Qaida and restore security in this country, we need to launch air operations against the Taliban and Al Qaida and send military analysts there to ensure the Afghan army's readiness and to help it develop strategies against the insurgents. By lifting diplomatic and economic sanctions against Iran, the previous administration allowed Tehran to use capital gains from lifting of sanctions to keep developing it's nuclear military arsenal, supporting the Assad regime and funding Hezbollah, which is threatening security in the Middle East as well as Israel's existence. The Iranian government has put its military interests first before it's economic interests by using uranium for the development of its military nuclear program instead of using it for Iran's economic growth. So this move is against Iran's economic interests. We must re-establish sanctions against Tehran to keep capitals from falling in the hands of the Iranian government. I have a plan to create an association between nations included in the Indian Sub-Continent (India, Pakistan and Afghanistan). After all, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India have common goals and common enemies. These three countries suffered terrorist attacks and are fighting terrorism. But for many years, India and Pakistan are facing high diplomatic tensions on religious and territorial matters. But they both successfully fought for their liberty and defeated British colonial oppression seven decades ago. So these two nations are, in some ways, brothers and they need to work together to fight and eradicate terrorism and make sure that Pakistani nuclear weapons will not fall in the hands of terrorists. In addition, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India, just like us, are worried about the possibility of Iran getting a nuclear bomb. Support for the Iranian military nuclear among the Iranian public opinion is still strong. So we need to create this intergovernmental military alliance in the Indian Sub-Continent to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons and to defeat radical Islamic terrorism in Afghanistan and in Pakistan. Thanks to collaboration, we will defeat terrorism. That's why we need a coalition of Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Sunnis, etc. That's why I propose the creation of an intergovernmental military alliance that I call the « Southern and Western Asia Defense Association » (SWADA) in order to reinforce security and freedom in these regions. That's why I co-sponsored the Bipartisan Counterterrorist Coalition Act in the Senate eight months ago. This bill reinforced defence ties with Turkey, Iraq, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India in order to create a greater collaboration with these countries to fight terrorism in the Middle East through military strength. It also deters Iran from getting nuclear weapons by intensifying diplomatic and economic sanctions against Tehran unless the Iranian government uses Iran's uranium and nuclear power for the Iranian people's economic interests and not to develop nuclear weapons. This would be putting the Iranian people first through creating good-paying jobs for the sake of a stronger economy instead of creating chaos through a nuclear war. That's how we're going to restore peace and stability through strength in the Middle East and in the Indian Sub-Continent.

-The question is addressed to all the candidates. As President, if you were to accomplish our fight against terrorism and to eradicate jihadism in the Middle East, how are you going to make sure that terrorism will never rise again in this region?

Terrorist attacks are multiplying in the Middle East, and democracy and freedom are in danger in this region. One of the main reasons why some Muslims are radicalizing and are adhering jihadism is they are living into poverty and under tyranny and are not given the necessitated opportunities to prosper and succeed. So we got to ensure the development of Middle East with a plan similar to President Kennedy's Alliance for Progress used to develop Latin America and combat communism almost sixty years ago, but we will take the lessons of the failures of this program. The goal of my plan is to counter jihadism influence in this region. We have to build houses to give housing for all the people Middle East, hospitals to give them the health care they need, groceries to give them more access to food and schools to give them the education they need to have a successful life and to make sure Middle East's young people will be able to find economic opportunities and good-paying jobs. We also have to invest in the development of Middle East's resources with private investors to give Middle East people access to its own resources, especially oil, nuclear and local agricultural products. We need to give local armed forces military training if we want security and liberty to be permanent in this region. We also have to promote democracy there and to expand free-trade with Middle East to make America and it's companies competitive in this region and ensure job creation not only in America but also in the Middle East. By promoting trade with Middle East, we can promote democracy and political freedom in that region through globalization, technology innovation and economic liberalization. That way, radicalization will be reduced, security and freedom will be reinforced and the Middle East will be more prosperous than ever before.

-A few days ago, a North Korean nationalist committed a terrorist attack in Kuala Lumpur and killed 9 people with the objective of, I quote, "to avange the death of Kim Jong-Nam, brother of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un due to Malaysia's treason." In addition, North Korea is suspected to have supported the terrorist attack in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. This attack was committed by Abu Sayyaf and killed 10 marines and apparently had the objective of ending the US military presence in the Pacific and pursue the development of North Korea's nuclear program. Should we put North Korea back on the black list of nations supporting terrorism?

North Korea is led by a gangster and tyrant who orchestrates conspiracies and is prepared to do anything in order to consolidate his dictatorial power. Who knows if Kim Jong-Un is himself the responsible of his brother's death or his uncle's death, which he was suspected to be. Over the last couple of years, the Obama administration, the Clinton administration and now the Kaine administration did not take North Korean nuclear threat seriously. Kim Jong-Un enjoyed it to develop nuclear weapons and to threat its neighbors, including South Korea and Japan. This risks of triggering an arms race on the Pacific or worse a nuclear war. That's a factor of Japan's reflection on whether it's 9th constitutional amendment should be modified. We need to intensify economic sanctions against North Korea to deprive Pyongyang of the necessary revenues to keep developing its nuclear weapons.

Like you said, Elaine, North Korea supported Abu Sayyaf's attack in Hawaii in order to undermine our navy, thus allowing Pyongyang to pursue its chaotic plans. So the answer is yes, we should put North Korea back on the list of nations supporting terrorism.

-How do you plan to stop any North Korean nuclear attack and to restore peace and stability on the Pacific Ocean?

Well, the right procedure to maintain peace and stability on the Pacific Ocean is to reinforce the U.S. Navy's presence on the Pacific and to establish an anti-missile shield in the Pacific. In order to avoid any war with North Korea and to reinforce security on the Pacific Ocean, I will create an intergovernmental military organization similar to NATO that I call « Pacific Treaty Organization », but this time circling the Pacific Ocean and including the United States and all their allies around the Pacific (Canada, Mexico, Peru, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea and Japan). This will deter Pyongyang from triggering a war against its neighbors or an arms race that will affect East Asia's stability and security. This will also force China to respect territorial integrity on South China Sea and to stop its expansionist policies in favor of our local allies' security and economic development through local energy resources. It will also help us to defeat Abu Sayyaf through strength and collaboration. That way, the Pacific Ocean will remain pacific.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on March 05, 2017, 08:36:35 AM
Marco Rubio's debate answers
Part 3

-Closing statement

Thank you ladies and gentlemen for watching us for these great and amusing debates of diverse ideas for America's future. I'm optimistic about the future.

We have a chance of having real leadership and we can't have that leadership with President Kaine's re-election, which would bring further job losses through big government policies and further growing international threat through dramatic cuts in defense spending and dramatic disengagement around the world. Since too long, America has been ripped apart due to increased violence and tensions.

So in two weeks, the question that will be asked to the voters is whether they want a fourth term like the last twelve years or they want a real great change. I listened to the American people all around the country, and I understand their concerns.

This kind of change includes permanent economic prosperity through free market solutions, energy independence, budget balance, free trade, education reform, small business championing and infrastructure development.

This kind of change requires peace through stronger alliances and a stronger diplomacy in order defeat terrorism and tyranny and restore peace, freedom and integrity around the world.

Such kind of change requires stronger unity among the American people. That's why, throughout this campaign, I showed my willingness to put the different parties together and to work with Republicans, Democrats and Progressive Libertarians to find real solutions to accomplish common goals and get things done whether it's on economic issues, social issues or foreign policy issues. That's why our country is called the United States of America. That's why we need to put our differences aside in order to get things done. That's why need to trust the American people. And I trust the American people in their judgement and their willing to get our country together once and for all and to make sure that we make great accomplishments for a brighter future for America. That's why I'm running for President.

We need strong leadership. I seek to be that leader. I'll work for you. I will put your interests first. That's why I ask for your vote. I want to be President for all Americans, whether they are conservatives, liberals, progressives, libertarians or independents. I want to get America back on track and on the right direction and together, we will ensure that America will keep its status as the hope of the Earth.

Thank you very much.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on March 05, 2017, 09:27:42 AM
ABC Televised Town Hall with Congressman Tim Ashe in Seattle, Washington

Date : October 24, 2020

Host : ABC

Moderator : Ben Sherwood


-Do you think November 3 2020, the Election Day, will be a historic day in America's history? If yes, why?

-Just wondering, how do you think you would have performed against Donald Trump if he won the 2016 election and was running for re-election right now?

-While there is usually 13 battleground states on the Electoral College (Virginia, North Carolina, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Colorado, Nevada and New Mexico), this year in 2020, there is much more additional battleground states such as Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Illinois, California, Oregon and the Washington state, which makes 21 battleground states in total. This is the greatest number of battleground states since many decades. How do you feel about that?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on March 13, 2017, 06:17:13 PM
Ashe/Monds 2020
Taking America Back

Schedule for October 18-24

October 18
-Fly to Canada
-Hold public meeting with Prime Minister Trudeau
Tim Ashe represents the future of liberalism and progressivism in this world. I speak for Canada when I say we would both be stronger with a progressive, liberal America. That is why I support Tim Ashe
-Fly to Australia.
-Meet with Prime Minister Shorten, Deputy Prime Minister Plibersek and General Morrison
-Fly to New York

October 19
-Rally with Patrick Stewart in Nea York City , New York
My father was a trade unionist, and instilled the values of organized labor in me. Yet those in the Republican Party,  who claim to be for the workers, will no doubt seek to pass more of these horrid right-to-work laws and seek to curb the power of our workers' unions. Tim Ashe wants to do the exact opposite. He wants to empower our unions,  make sure our workers can feed their families. That is why I back him.
-Fly to Maine
-Rally in Augusta, Maine
-Rally in Brunswick, Maine. At the rally's aftermath, the chair of the Maine PLP, Duncan King (son of Angus King) announced that the Maine PLP will cross-endorse John Baldacci for Senator.
-Rally in Portland, Maine

October 20
-Fly to Michigan
-Rally in Detroit, Michigan with Rep John Conyers
-Rally in Flint, Michigan with John Monds
-Fly to New York
-Participate in the third and final debate with President Kaine, Senator Rubio and Former Congressman Paul

October 21
-Fly to Nebraska
-Rally in Lincoln, Nebraska
People say that progressive policies only suit the cities. Well, this state was the home of one of the nation's great progressives, William Jennings Bryan. We must protect our farms and farmers from massive corporations that seek only to further their own profits
-Fly to Kansas
-Rally in Kansas City
-Fly to Iowa

October 22
-Meet with farmers in western and eastern Iowa
-Fly to Oklahoma
-Rally in Oklahoma City
-Fly to California
-Rally in Los Angeles with Shailene Woodley

October 23
-Fly to Vermont
-Rally in Burlington, Vermont
-Rally in Montpelier, Vermont
-Fly to Illinois
-Campaign for Wesley Clark's Senate bid

October 24
-Fly to New Mexico
-Campaign for Gary Johnson's Senate bid
-Fly to Washington
-Rally in Seattle, Washington with Bill Gates and Governor Jay Inslee
-ABC Town Hall in Seattle, Washington

Schedule for John Monds

October 18-20
-Campaign for Wesley Clark and Gary Johnson

October 21-24
-Hold rallies, give speeches and barnstorm for Congressional candidates

All surrogate teams will focus on Massachusetts, with Kennedy coordinating

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on March 13, 2017, 09:48:06 PM
Tim Ashe debate responses

Ladiies and gentlemen, I thank you for coming to our final debate. Over the last two debates we have seen the hypocrisy and the condescension of the Washington Elite. I am not a part of this group. I am a politician out to defend the middle and wodking classes. I don't care if Democrats, Republicans and their millionaire and billionaire friends hate me. They probably should. In fact, I welcome their hatred.

-What is your vision on America's role on the world stage?

My vision for America is to be a tough, but humble nation. It is not our job to be the world police. It is our job to aid in the defence of world peace. We need to re-commit ourselves to support of democratically elected governments, instead lf dictatorships and fundamentalist regimes, like Saudi Arabia.

We should not be afraid to tell our allies the truth when they overstep, and we should attempt to pursue peaceful resolutions to conflicts. We need to reinvent ourselves as peacemakers, not warmakers.

After 60 years of communist dictatorship, Cuba is about to hold its first free elections on spring 2021. So I'm going to ask you the following question : how optimistic are you about Cuba's future?

Very. These are the first democratic elections since Batista took power there, and we now have an intelligent political debate going on there.

However, I am concerned about what we might do if a party we do not favor wins. I am concerne that Senator Rubio or President Kaine will atrempt to intervene militarily to put in another right-wing dictator. This is what happened in Nicaragua; we supported the brutal Contras over the democratically elected Sandanistas. That is why tonight, I pledge to support whover is democratically elected.

-What's your plan to prevent any future terrorist attack to be committed on the United States' territory

Well let's clear one thing up: Statistically you're more likely to be killed in a car crash than in a terrorist attack. We can ban assault weapons, we can tighten our regulations on explosive materials; make sure that they are not getting into the hands of those who may have been exposed to radical ideologies and those who have been mentally compromised. Above all, we need to make our immigration system better, not tougher.

During the 2012 presidential campaign, Mitt Romney claimed that Russia is one of America's geopolitical foes, with which President Obama disagreed and even mocked. Yet, Vladimir Putin is supporting the Assad regime materially and militarily for economic purposes. In 2014, Russia invaded Ukraine, annexed Crimea and is supporting the pro-Russian rebellion in Ukraine. During the 2016 election, Russia has been suspected to interfere in the election in order to make sure that Donald Trump wins. Do you think all these actions committed by Russia have proven that Mitt Romney was right about Russia?

Absolutely not. Do I think Putin's a good  man? No I do not. However, we need to stop this alarmism. This is the same jingoistic saber-rattling that starts wars and will plunge our relations with Russia to Cold War levels. We need to pursue detente with Russia, but cautiously. There is nothing to be gained from fear-mongering.

How do you plan to stop Russian aggression and intrusion in eastern Europe?

By stopping the fear-mongering and supporting our allies.

How do you plan to capture Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi

By building a coalition of Arab nations who oppose them. It is not our business to send American boys to fight and die. Though I imagine the Senator is not too fussed about sending other people's kids off to die.

The question is addressed to all the candidates. As President, if you were to accomplish our fight against terrorism and to eradicate jihadism in the Middle East, how are you going to make sure that terrorism will never rise again in this region?

We can accomplish this through supporting education and infrastructure programs. We can support efforts by these countries to liberalize. We can back democratically elected leaders and oversee free and fair elections. We must not attempts to insert ourselves into elections by supporting a candidate.Finally, we can end our decades-long involvement in the Middle East, removing ourselves as a direct threat to the population there.

A few days ago, a North Korean nationalist committed a terrorist attack in Kuala Lumpur and killed 9 people with the objective of, I quote, "to avange the death of Kim Jong-Nam, brother of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un due to Malaysia's treason." In addition, North Korea is suspected to have supported the terrorist attack in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. This attack was committed by Abu Sayyaf and killed 10 marines and apparently had the objective of ending the US military presence in the Pacific and pursue the development of North Korea's nuclear program. Should we put North Korea back on the black list of nations supporting terrorism?

To the best of our knowledge, North Korea was not involved in this attack. We need to be careful about who we go around accusing. Until we have concrete evidence, I'm not supportive of any additional measures. Against them.

However, the Senator and I agree on North Korea's leader. He is a complete nutjob who oppresses his own people while controlling the food the  eat, the water they drink, the literature they read and the television they watch. Perhaps when he outgrows his power fantasies, he can rejoin the rest of the world.

How do you plan to stop a North Korean nuclear attack and restore peace in the Pacific?

We need to tie ourselves closer ot nations like Australia and New Zealand and Japan and need to try and co-operate with China more closely to put pressure on them. A nuclear strike should be averted at all costs.

Closing statements

Ladies and gentlemen, you have two choices tonight. The continuation of failed policies of our major parties, or the fresh ideas of progressive libertarianism. We give new ideas, breathe fresh life into the political system, and it's time to blow the cobwebs out.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on March 13, 2017, 11:11:27 PM
Tim Ashe ABC Town Hall responses

-Do you think November 3 2020, the Election Day, will be a historic day in America's history? If yes, why?

Every election day is historic, and this will be no different. We will bedome the first third party to win Electoral Votes since 1968, and that scares the establishment in this country. They don't want a third party to present a viable alternative. They want their two-party monopoly to remain in power. We are in the business of shattering that monopoly.

We're already on track to having an knfluence in Congress too; Wesley Clark's leading the polls in Illinois and Gary Johnson is in New Mexico. We have Austin Petersen running in Missouri's 5th Congressional District, and many more  candidates besides. We have 84 candidates running for the US House, 3 running for the US Senate, 112 running for State Houses and 67 running for State Senates. We may even win the majority in the Vermont Senate. We have a prepared campaign, and a third psrty will hold power. So yes, it will be historic, but not for the reasons the powerful want it to be.

Just wondering, how do you think you would have performed against Donald Trump if he won the 2016 election and was running for re-election right now?

I can't make a conclusive statemdnt here, but I believe that the Democrats would've nominated Cory Booker or Andrew Cuomo or some other corporatist. I could have drawn myself as the true bipartisan candidate. I still am. However, Trump and I share the same protectionist view on trade; we boh oppose NAFTA and the TPP.

One thing to remember is that we need to give credit to the other side when it's due, otherwise we become partisan hacks. Senator Rubio for instance, believes in the need to reform our immigration system, something that I wholeheartedly agree with. President Kaine wants to renegotiate our trade, something else I support.

But do I think I could've done better against Trump? Yes I do.

While there is usually 13 battleground states on the Electoral College (Virginia, North Carolina, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Colorado, Nevada and New Mexico), this year in 2020, there is much more additional battleground states such as Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Illinois, California, Oregon and the Washington state, which makes 21 battleground states in total. This is the greatest number of battleground states since many decades. How do you feel about tha

I'm extremely happy about it. Democrats know they can't afford to take the left-wing vote for granted anymore, and this forces them to campaign in these states. Over the next few years, we'll endeavor to broaden our appeal to farmers and the rural population. For starters, we believe we need to maintain farm subsdies; we believe that a nationwide broadband network is essential to the modern life. Progressivism started in the farm states, and we intend to bring our message there.

Most importantly, candidates are campaigning in states that were once considered safe votes for either major candidate. We have shaken this up. The system is terrified of us, and they will be for a very long time, because we have no intention of going away or fading. We're here; we bring new ideas; and we're here to stay, so Democrats and Republicans, get used to it, because if you try to harm the middle class here in this country, we will come down on you so hard, that you will wish your party didn't exist.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on March 14, 2017, 12:29:00 AM
Round 57 : October 25, 2020-October 31, 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on March 14, 2017, 01:07:47 AM
New polls

General Election Polls

Tim Kaine vs Marco Rubio vs Tim Ashe vs Ron Paul

Marco Rubio : 49 %
Tim Kaine : 26 %
Tim Ashe : 22 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Statewide Opinion Polls


Marco Rubio : 53 %
Tim Kaine: 30 %
Tim Ashe : 17 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 58 %
Tim Kaine : 32 %
Tim Ashe : 9 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 48 %
Tim Kaine : 36 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

New Hampshire

Marco Rubio : 49 %
Tim Kaine : 30 %
Tim Ashe : 19 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 46 %
Tim Kaine : 40 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 0,5 %

North Carolina

Marco Rubio : 53 %
Tim Kaine : 31 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 57 %
Tim Kaine : 28 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 55 %
Tim Kaine : 30 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 44 %
Tim Kaine : 33 %
Tim Ashe : 20 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 54 %
Tim Kaine : 30 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 50 %
Tim Kaine : 31 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 51 %
Tim Kaine : 34 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Ashe : 41 %
Marco Rubio : 38 %
Tim Kaine : 19 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 42 %
Tim Kaine : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 19 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 46 %
Tim Kaine : 33 %
Tim Ashe : 20 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Ashe : 50 %
Tim Kaine : 26 %
Marco Rubio : 22 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Washington state

Marco Rubio : 44 %
Tim Kaine : 34 %
Tim Ashe : 19 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 40 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 27 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Demographic Polls


Marco Rubio : 55 %
Tim Kaine : 26 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 57 %
Tim Kaine :  25 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Tim Kaine : 46 %
Tim Ashe : 30 %
Marco Rubio : 23 %
Ron Paul : 1 %


Marco Rubio : 42 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 21 %
Ron Paul : 1 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on March 14, 2017, 07:47:06 AM

Analysis on Tim Ashe's debating style

Throughout the three presidential debates of this election cycle, Tim Ashe, the Progressive Libertarian presidential nominee, denounced what he perceives as « hypocrisy from the major parties ».

In fact, a frequent complaint from the left has been that Democrats are « hesitating or not willing to hit Republicans » on certain positions, such as military spending and their « unfettered support of corporate interests ». Ashe has taken a leaf out of this book and is hitting Rubio and Kaine every chance he gets. At the same occasions, he describes himself as a third way that will bring fresh ideas in order to end the Monopoly of the two major parties for a more diversed political landscape in America.

California has definitely become a battleground state

For the first time since the 1980s, in the Reagan/Bush area, California has become a battleground state. Could this Democratic stronghold change allegeance and vote Republican or Progressive Libertarian this year in 2020? We'll have to follow the tendency in the next few days to see the answer.

In fact, according to recent poll, Florida Senator Marco Rubio, the Republican presidential nominee, is narrowly leading Democratic President Tim Kaine by 4 percentage points (42 % of the voting intentions for Rubio and 38 % for Kaine) while Tim Ashe is polling a distant third.

Tim Kaine is targeting traditional Democratic voters and the left-wing voters. Marco Rubio is targeting Republican voters, ethnic minorities (especially Hispanics, Asian-Americans and African-Americans), Independents and Democratic voters who are disapointed of the « disastrous results of the Clinton/Kaine leadership ». Tim Ashe's main target in California are the left-wing voters who described the Kaine administration as « too centrist and not really liberal and progressive », which divided the liberal and progressive vote in California and made this great state a battleground state.


Marco Rubio : Actor Joe Pesci, Economist Lawrence Kudlow, Todd Palin, United States Army lieutenant general H. R. McMaster, The Detroit News

Tim Ashe : Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards, former Florida Congressman Alan Grayson, Minnesota Independence Party, Oregon Progressive Party

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on March 14, 2017, 09:47:06 AM
Face the Nation Town Hall with Senator Marco Rubio in Denver, Colorado

Date : October 30, 2020

Host : Face the Nation

Moderator : John Dickerson


-Do you think November 3 2020, the Election Day, will be a historic day in America's history? If yes, why?

-We need to remember that last year, Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy indicated he is considering retirement from the bench, due in part to his age. Who do you consider choosing to replace Kennedy in the Supreme Court of the United States?

-Do you think we are finally witnessing a political realignment in America?

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on March 15, 2017, 03:13:22 PM
Rubio/Haley 2020
Right here Right now
Schedule for the week of October 25, 2020-October 31, 2020
Part 1

October 25, 2020
-Flight to Concord, New Hampshire
-Barnstorm in Concord, NH
-Bus trip to Claremont, NH
-Economic policy speech at the Monadnock Mills in Claremont, NH
-Bus trip to Hudson, NH
-Bus trip to Manchester, NH
-Rally at the SNHU Arena in Manchester, NH
-Economic policy speech at the Segway PT headquarters in Manchester, NH
-Meet with college voters at the University of New Hampshire in Manchester, NH
-Flight to Portland, Maine
-Speech at the Kotzschmar Memorial Organ in Portland, ME
-Appearance at a Peter Cianchette senatorial campaign in Portland, ME
-Infrastructure policy speech at Maine Narrow Gauge Railroad in Portland, ME
-Town-hall meeting at the Portland Museum of Art in Portland, ME
-Bus trip to Augusta, ME
-Barnstorm in Augusta, ME

October 26, 2020
-Flight to Boston, Massachusetts
-Meet with college voters at the Harvard University in Boston, MA
-Foreign policy speech in Boston, MA
-Economic policy speech at the Port of Boston in Boston, MA
-Immigration policy speech in Boston, MA
-Energy policy speech in Boston, MA
-Infrastructure policy speech in Boston, MA
-Flight to Newark, New Jersey
-Free trade policy speech at Port Newark in Newark, NJ
-Speech at the Newark Museum in Newark, NJ
-Foreign policy speech at Military Park in Newark, NJ
-Bus trip to Paterson, NJ
-Barnstorm in Paterson, NJ
-Bus trip to Jersey City, NJ
-Immigration policy speech in Jersey City, NJ
-Rally at Yanitelli Center in Jersey City, NJ
-Flight to Arlington, Virginia
-Marco Rubio's presidential campaign broadcasts an ad titled « Together » that narrates Rubio's plan to restore national security and fight terrorism. The ad stars a bear (to represent terrorists or a rogue state) hunting a herd of bisons (to represent the United States and its allies and partners) who are holding together to protect each other against the bear. The ad airs in all the 21 battleground states.

« Together » advertisement narration :


In the Great Plains, there is a bear plaguing a herd of bisons, the same way terrorists are plaguing innocent people.


When the bear charges a lone prey, this bison is on its own just like these innocent people who are defenceless against terrorist attacks.


But when bisons regroup and hold together, the bear doesn't stand a chance and is forced to retreat just like terrorists won't stand a chance against stronger military coalitions between America and its allies.

United we stand, divided we fall.


I'm Marco Rubio and I approve this message.

October 27, 2020
-Veteran policy speech at the Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, VA
-Foreign policy speech at the United States Marine Corps War Memorial in Arlington, VA
-Bus trip to Richmond, VA
-Town-hall rally at the Carpenter Theatre in Richmond, VA
-Innovation policy speech at the Science Museum of Virginia in Richmond, VA
-Bus trip to Norfolk, VA
-Foreign policy speech in Norfolk, VA
-Flight to Kenosha, Wisconsin
-Economic policy speech in Kenosha, WI
-Bus trip to Milwaukee, WI
-Economic policy speech at Harley-Davidson headquarters in Milwaukee, WI
-Energy policy speech at WEC Energy Group headquarters in Milwaukee, WI
-Rally at Miller Park in Milwaukee, WI
-Marco Rubio's presidential campaign broadcasts an ad titled «Real Solution » that narrates Rubio's plan to favor a new rise for America's manufacturing industry without ripping free trade agreements such as NAFTA, the TPP and the TTIP. The ad airs in Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, Pennsylvania and Iowa.

« Real Solution » advertisement narration :

The right way to keep our manufacturing jobs and to create more of such jobs is not to rip our free trade deals.


If we want to relaunch America's manufacturing industry, we have to cut taxes and regulations for manufacturing businesses, which will make them much more competitive and help them to manufacture, to produce, to grow, to expand and to create jobs. That's what Marco Rubio will do as President to make America's economy healthy again.


That way, we can, without any doubt, become much more competitive in the global economy by promoting free trade, which will get us new consumers and reduce the cost of exporting and importing, thus ensuring job creation for the American people.


Manufacturing and trade are both important elements of America's strength and prosperity. One thing doesn't rule out the other. Marco Rubio understands it and that's why tax cuts for manufacturing industry will help us to create jobs in this sector and keep them while encouraging competition in the world economy.

Marco Rubio for a fairer, freer, prosperous and better America.


I'm Marco Rubio and I approve this message.

October 28, 2020
-Meet with college voters at Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI, where Amanda Rubio, Marco Rubio's daughter gives a speech in front of Millennial voters in an effort to attract young people :

Hi everyone.

This year in 2020, all Millennials, including myself, are eligible to vote and to make their voice heard. Now, I'm 20 years old, so now I can do something I couldn't have done during our first campaign four years ago : voting for my father Marco Rubio to be the next President of the United States of America.

Like my father said, if we can get our economy healthy again, our generation, our children, our grand children and beyond will be the most prosperous Americans ever. Thanks to energy independence, lower fiscal burden for all Americans, open trade, education reform, infrastructure development and cost reduction of doing business in America, everything will be possible. My father knows how to get our economy working again and with his experience as a member of the  U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, he will bring America to full-employment and ensure permanent brightness for America's future and permanent prosperity for all Americans, including young people and immigrants coming here in America, the hope of the Earth, the land of opportunity and the land where everything is possible. That's why he is asking for your vote. So I encourage you to go to the polls on November 3 and to accomplish your duty as citizens for the good of your future.

Thank you, God bless you and God bless America.

-Bus trip to Madison, WI
-Manufacturing policy speech in Madison, WI
-Dinner with the voters at Rocky Rocco facility in Madison, WI
-Rally at the Kohl Center in Madison, WI
-Bus trip to Green Bay, WI
-Barnstorm in Green Bay, WI
-Flight to Grand Rapids, Michigan
-Economic policy speech in Grand Rapids, MI
-Barnstorm in Grand Rapids, MI
-Bus trip to Greenville, MI
-Barnstorm in Greenville, MI
-Bus trip to Flint, MI
-Barnstorm in Flint, MI
-Bus trip to Detroit, MI
-Economic policy speech at the Detroit Economic Club in Detroit, MI
-Economic and manufacturing policy speech at the Renaissance Center in Detroit, MI
-Immigration policy speech in Detroit, MI
-Senator Rubio delivers efforts to attract the Reagan Democrats in Detroit, MI
-Rally at Comerica Park in Detroit, MI

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on March 15, 2017, 03:44:41 PM
Rubio/Haley 2020
Right here Right now
Schedule for the week of October 25, 2020-October 31, 2020
Part 2

October 29, 2020
-Flight to Saint Paul, Minnesota
-Immigration policy speech in Saint Paul, MN
-Rally at Xcel Energy Center in Saint Paul, MN
-Bus trip to Minneapolis, MN
-Economic policy speech at Twin Cities Assembly Plant in Minneapolis, MN
-Energy policy speech at Xcel Energy headquarters in Minneapolis, MN
-Flight to Colorado Springs, Colorado
-Marco Rubio's presidential campaign broadcasts an ad titled « For Veterans » that narrates Rubio's record on improving American military veterans after their military service. The ad airs in all the 21 battleground states.

« For Veterans » advertisement narration :


Mario Rubio (Marco Rubio's older brother) : I'm so proud of my brother Marco Rubio for his service to our country and to veterans, including me, in their post military career. He is the best man to take care of our brave men and women in uniform. Like all of us, Marco is grateful of our veterans' service for America, a strong and beautiful country.


Florida Congressman Brian Mast (a former soldier whose lost legs are replaced by mechanic legs) : Marco Rubio cosponsored the AGREE Act, a bill that gave tax credits for veterans opening a business franchise, so it helps them to find a good paying job and to prosper after their military service.


Rob O'Neill (the U.S. Navy SEAL who killed Osama Bin Laden in 2011) : He co-sponsored the 2014 VA reform law by introducing a measure empowering the VA secretary to hold managers accountable for incompetence, negligence and corruption and to care more about veterans than bureaucrats because it's another way to reward our veterans for their military service and their sacrifices for America.


Arizona Senator John McCain (Vietnam War veteran, POW and 2008 Republican presidential nominee) : Marco Rubio and I voted in favor of the Help for Heroes Act that passed into law and increased funding for the VA, as well as a major retraining and housing program for past and future veterans.


Iowa Senator Joni Ernst (former soldier in the US Army and former 2020 Republican presidential candidate) : After serving their country and fighting tyranny and terrorism, our men and women in uniform need something in return and Marco Rubio knows it. That's why President Marco Rubio will always thank them for their courage and service not only through medals of honour but also through social services and health care services by using the same leadership he adopted in the Senate when it comes to take care of our veterans.


I'm Marco Rubio and I approve this message.

October 30, 2020
-Foreign policy speech in Colorado Springs, CO
-Appearance at a Cory Gardner senatorial re-election campaign in Colorado Springs, CO
-Bus trip to Aurora, CO
-Immigration reform policy speech in Aurora, CO
-Barnstorm in Aurora, CO
-Bus trip to Denver, CO
-Energy policy speech at Halliburton facility in Denver, CO
-Speech at Colorado Convention Center in Denver, CO
-Dinner with the voters at Smashburger headquarters in Denver, CO
-Rally at CIBER Field in Denver, CO
-Meet with college voters at the University of Denver in Denver, CO
-Manufacturing policy speech at Big O Tories facility in Denver, CO
-Face the Nation Town Hall in Denver, CO

October 31, 2020
-Flight to Sacramento, California
-Infrastructure policy speech at Teichert headquarters in Sacramento, CA
-Speech at the Wells Fargo Pavilion in Sacramento, CA
-Rally at Raley Field in Sacramento, CA
-Bus trip to Rancho Cordova, CA
-Manufacturing policy speech at Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings headquarters in Rancho Cordova, CA
-Barnstorm in Rancho Cordova, CA
-Bus trip to San Francisco, CA
-Economic policy in San Francisco, CA, alongside Carly Fiorina
-Foreign policy speech at the War Memorial Opera House in San Francisco, CA
-Free trade policy speech at the Port of San Francisco, CA
-Dinner with the voters at the San Francisco Ferry Building in San Francisco, CA
-Visit at San Francisco's Chinatown in San Francisco, CA, in an effort to attract Asian American voters
-Rally at AT&T Park in San Francisco, CA
-Flight to Los Angeles, CA
-Rally at Staples Center in Los Angeles, CA, alongside Joe Pesci, Home Alone star, who announces his endorsement to Marco Rubio :


Today, I give my endorsement to Marco Rubio because he's the only one who will defend our values and our Constitution.

You know, 30 years ago, I learned that it's very difficult to rob a house or a store because of all these traps. Too many times, we and the rest of the world suffered terrorists attacks. But Marco Rubio will stop terrorists from harming the American people, not with traps that an 8-year old kid would use, but with a stronger homeland security, stronger vigilance and stronger partnerships with our allies.

That's why I support Marco Rubio to be our next President.

-Manufacturing policy speech at Reliance Steel & Aluminium Company headquarters in Los Angeles, CA
-Economic policy speech at AECOM headquarters in Los Angeles, CA

Nikki Haley's schedule

October 25-October 31, 2020
-Nikki Haley campaigns for Marco Rubio in North Carolina, Virginia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Washington, Oregon and California
-Haley appears at a David M. Cote senatorial election rally in Concord, New Hampshire   

Surrogate schedule

October 25-October 31, 2020
-All the surrogates will be focusing their efforts in the 21 battleground states

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on March 15, 2017, 06:51:21 PM
Marco Rubio Face the Nation Town Hall responses

Do you think November 3 2020, the Election Day, will be a historic day in America's history? If yes, why?

As we saw, every Election Day made History whether it's 2000 (the closest election results ever and when George W. Bush won due to Electoral College while losing the popular vote), 2008 (when Barack Obama became the first African American President) or 2016 (when Hillary Clinton became the first female President).

So yes, I think Election Day 2020 will be historic because many traditional strongholds might change allegeance. Plus, if I'm elected, I will be the first Hispanic to become President of the United States while my running mate, Nikki Haley, will become the first woman and the first Asian American to become Vice-President of the United States. And in addition, Congressman Ashe might become the first third-party candidate since 1968 to win a few states.

So all these things combined together might make November 3 2020 the most historic Election Day we've ever lived.

We need to remember that last year, Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy indicated he is considering retirement from the bench, due in part to his age. Who do you consider choosing to replace Kennedy in the Supreme Court of the United States?

Not you, John.

[Laughs on the stage and from the audience]

That's a good question. There is a lot of qualified Americans across this country whose most important values are defended by the Constitution of the United States. Ted Cruz is one of the greatest Constitution defenders I've ever met. But there are people like Tom Colbert or Sri Srinivasan who could be terrific Supreme Court Justice as well : they both understand the struggles that minority groups are suffering. They also both made major accomplishments in their career, particularily Srinivasan who authored the D.C. Circuit's decision in Simon v. Republic of Hungary, Slip Op. holding that Article 27 of the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act merely creates a floor on compensation for Holocaust survivors because the text of the 1947 peace treaty between Hungary and the Allies does not bar claims outside of the treaty.

Do you think we are finally witnessing a political realignment in America?

Of course we are. Four years ago, our party suffered the worst electoral defeat since 1964. Four years ago, our party turned its back to immigrants, women and young people. Unlike 2008, 2012 and 2016, we now made a lot of progress among all of these groups. I want to reform our immigration system and our education system and I'm proposing an agenda that is attracting Independent voters and traditional Democratic voters to our party, especially when it comes to energy issues or infrastructure. Our ticket is made up of two children of immigrants, me and Governor Haley. So we became a much more inclusive party. And as you can see, we are leading in some traditional Democratic strongholds such as Massachusetts, Illinois, the Washington state, Oregon and even California. And according to a recent poll, Congressman Ashe is leading us in Maine by only three points. So who knows, we might win some of these states.

We are also living a political realignment because due to the emergence of the Progressive Libertarian Party, we now have a more diversed political landscape, which is good for democracy. And like I said, this year, some states might be won by a third-party for the first time in 50 years.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: WashLibertarian on March 18, 2017, 01:23:10 PM
Ron Paul Campaign Announcement

Ron Paul is dropping out of the race and endorsing Tim Ashe for President

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on March 19, 2017, 06:56:50 PM
Ashe/Monds 2020
Taking America Back

Schedule for October 25-31, 2020

October 25
-Fly to Texas
-Rally in Surfside Beach, Texas with former Congressman Ron Paul
I was campaigning as a libertarian this year. I wanted to stop the slide of the Republican Party towards interventionism for useless wars; the expansion of domestic spying; the gagging of the First and Fourth Amendments; and the heavy restriction of civil liberties in general. It seems that the Republicans are not yet ready to accept that.

Yet, there is one candidate who is. Tim Ashe. The man stand for restriction of spying, slashing useless military spending, allowing the Constitution to reign, and for allowing our whistleblowers to come home. Granted, Tim and I do not share the same beliefs on everything, but healthy disagreement is good; we can have intelligent debates about it to make this party of ours better. So without further ado, I fully endorse Tim Ashe for President of the United States!
-Town Hall in Galveston, Texas with Fmr. Rep. Paul and John Monds
-Barnstorm in Brazonia County, Texas
-Attend small PLP ceremony in Surfside Beach, Texas. At the ceremony, Former Congressman Paul formally changed his allegiance to the Progressive Liberty Party, and was inducted into the Progressive Liberty National Committee as a Vice-Chair of the PLNC

October 26
-Fly to California
-Rally in Los Angeles, California with Former Governor Jerry Brown
-Rally in Sacramento, California
-Rally in San Francisco, California
-Rally in San Diego, California with Senator Kamala Harria

October 27
-Fly to Louisiana
-Rally in New Orleans, Louisiana with Governor John Bel Edwards. Edwards said that the Democratic party had turned its back on the working class, and that Ashe had picked up the slack. He also said that he would be changing his party affiliation.
-Fly to Georgia
-Rally in Atlanta, Georgia with John Monds
-Fly to Oklahoma

October 28
-Rally in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
-Rally in Bartesville, Oklahoma
-Barnstorm in Tulsa County, Oklahoma
-Barnstorm in Comanche County, Oklahoma
-Town Hall in Claremore, Oklahoma

October 29
-Fly to Kansas
-Barnstorm in Johnson County, Kansas
-Barnstorm in Leavenworth County, Kansas
-Rally in Kansas City, Kansas
-Rally in Topeka, Kansas

October 30
-Fly to Nebraska
-Rally in Omaha, Nebraska
-Rally in Lincoln, Nebraska
-Barnstorm in Buffalo County, Nebraska
-Barnstorm in Madison County, Nebraska

October 31
-Fly to Massachusetts
-Rally in Boston, Massachusetts
-Barnstorm in Plymouth County, Massachusetts
-Barnstorm in Worcester County, Massachusetts
-Rally in Fall River, Massachusetts

John Monds will spend the week campaigning for Gary Johnson and Wesley Clark in their Senate races, and also campaign for Austin Petersen's bid for Missouri's 5th Congressional District

All surrogates will shift their focus to midwestern farm states this week, such as Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas, with the aim of bringing Ashe's message of rural prosperity to these states.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on March 19, 2017, 09:15:07 PM
Round 58 : November 1, 2020-November 3, 2020 (Election Day 2020)

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on March 19, 2017, 09:30:11 PM
New polls

Thanks to Ron Paul's endorsement, Tim Ashe another progress in the polls, crossing at least 20 % of the voting intentions in most of the polls published in the battleground states as we are approching Election Day 2020.

General Election Polls

Tim Kaine vs Marco Rubio vs Tim Ashe

Marco Rubio : 48 %
Tim Kaine : 27 %
Tim Ashe : 23 %

Statewide Opinion Polls


Marco Rubio : 54 %
Tim Kaine: 30 %
Tim Ashe : 17 %


Marco Rubio : 58 %
Tim Kaine : 32 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %


Marco Rubio : 47 %
Tim Kaine : 34 %
Tim Ashe : 19 %

New Hampshire

Marco Rubio : 50 %
Tim Kaine : 30 %
Tim Ashe : 19 %


Marco Rubio : 46 %
Tim Kaine : 40 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %

North Carolina

Marco Rubio : 53 %
Tim Kaine : 31 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %


Marco Rubio : 57 %
Tim Kaine : 28 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %


Marco Rubio : 55 %
Tim Kaine : 30 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %


Marco Rubio : 44 %
Tim Kaine : 33 %
Tim Ashe : 21 %


Marco Rubio : 55 %
Tim Kaine : 30 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %


Marco Rubio : 51 %
Tim Kaine : 31 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %


Marco Rubio : 51 %
Tim Kaine : 34 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %


Tim Ashe : 42 %
Marco Rubio : 39 %
Tim Kaine : 19 %


Marco Rubio : 43 %
Tim Kaine : 36 %
Tim Ashe : 21 %


Marco Rubio : 46 %
Tim Kaine : 33 %
Tim Ashe : 21 %


Tim Ashe : 51 %
Tim Kaine : 26 %
Marco Rubio : 22 %

Washington state

Marco Rubio : 44 %
Tim Kaine : 34 %
Tim Ashe : 20 %


Marco Rubio : 40 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 28 %

Demographic Polls


Marco Rubio : 55 %
Tim Kaine : 26 %
Tim Ashe : 19 %


Marco Rubio : 56 %
Tim Kaine :  26 %
Tim Ashe : 17 %


Tim Kaine : 46 %
Tim Ashe : 31 %
Marco Rubio : 23 %


Marco Rubio : 41 %
Tim Kaine : 34 %
Tim Ashe : 24 %

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on March 20, 2017, 05:09:38 AM

American voters are preparring to go to the polls

Two days from Election Day 2020, all voters accross the country are preparring to go to the polls and to accomplish their duty as citizens. Some analysts expect a bigger turnout than usual due to Tim Ashe's third-party candidacy, to Marco Rubio's ability to attract Independent voters and traditional Democratic voters and to the fact that all Millenials (born between 1980 and 2000) are eligible to vote.


Marco Rubio : Former US Homeland Security Advisor John A. Gordon, former New York Congressman Bob Turner, industrial engineer Grace Bochenek, former US Ambassador to Russia John F. Tefft, the Cincinnati Post, the Rocky Mountain News, the Ledger, New York Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, Actor Mel Gibson, former US Secretary of Defense Frank Carlucci

Tim Ashe : TBD

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on March 20, 2017, 09:05:14 AM
Rubio/Haley 2020
Right here Right now
Schedule for the week of November 1, 2020-November 3, 2020
November 1, 2020
-Bus trip to San Diego
-Barnstorm in San Diego, CA
-Rally with Arnold Schwarzenegger in San Diego, CA :

The day after tomorrow, a new American century will begin. This will be a century of leadership, prosperity, security, unity, fairness and freedom. That's the agenda that Marco Rubio is proposing and that's why I support him. So now, I have a message for President Kaine : you are terminated!

-Flight to Eugene, Oregon
-Rally at the Matthew Knight Arena in Eugene, OR, with Nikki Haley
-Meet with college voters at the University of Oregon in Eugene, OR
-Bus trip to Salem, OR
-Immigration policy speech in Salem, OR
-Barnstorm in Salem, OR
-Bus trip to Portland, OR
-Economic policy speech at Schnitzer Steel Industries headquarters in Portland, OR
-Innovation policy speech at Oregon Museum of Science and Industry in Portland, OR
-Rally at Providence Park in Portland, OR

November 2, 2020
-Flight to Olympia, Washington
-Barnstorm in Olympia, WA
-Bus trip to Tacoma, WA
-Free trade policy speech at the Port of Tacoma in Tacoma, WA
-Energy policy speech in Tacoma, WA
-Rally at Cheney Stadium in Tacoma, WA, where Marco Rubio encourages his supporters to get out the vote on Election Day tomorrow
-Bus trip to Seattle, WA
-Meet with college voters at the University of Washington in Seattle, WA
-Foreign policy speech in Seattle, WA
-Economic policy speech in Seattle, WA
-Infrastructure policy speech in Seattle, WA
-Immigration policy speech in Seattle, WA
-Rally at Safeco Field in Seattle, WA
-Barnstorm in Seattle, WA
-Flight to Cincinnati, Ohio

November 3, 2020
-Barnstorm in Cincinnati, OH
-Bus trip to Columbus, OH
-Barnstorm in Columbus, OH
-Flight to Miami, Florida
-Senator Marco Rubio votes for himself ahead of Election Day 2020. Jeanette Rubio (Rubio's wife), Amanda Rubio (Rubio's 20-year old daughter) and Oriales Rubio (Rubio's mother), who are eligible to vote, cast their votes for the Florida Senator

-Senator Rubio, his family and his team watch the coverage of the 2020 Election Night on television at the Four Seasons Hotel and Tower in Miami, FL

Nikki Haley's schedule

November 1-November 3, 2020
-Nikki Haley campaigns alongside Marco Rubio in California, Oregon, the Washington state and Ohio
-Flight to Charleston, South Carolina
-Nikki Haley votes for Marco Rubio in Charleston, SC

-Flight to Miami, Florida
-Watch the coverage of Election Night 2020 with Marco Rubio, his family and his team at the Four Seasons Hotel and Tower in Miami, FL
Surrogate schedule

November 1-November 3, 2020
-All the surrogates will be focusing their efforts in the 21 battleground states and will be voting for Marco Rubio on Election Day 2020

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on March 27, 2017, 08:13:26 PM
Ashe/Monds 2020
Taking America Back

Schedule for November 1-3 2020

November 1
-Fly to Maine
-Rally in Portland, Mains
-Town Hall in Augusta, Maine
-Fly to Oklahoma
-Rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma

November 2
-Fly to Nebraska
-Rally in Lincoln, Nebraska
-Fly to Massachusetts
-Rally in Boston, Massachusetts with Senator Elizabeth Warren, Governor Joe Kennedy and Senator Ed Markey
-Fly to Vermont

November 3
-Rally in Montpelier, Vermont
-Rally in Burlington, Vermont with Ben Cohen, Jerry Greenfield, Senator Bernie Sanders, Senator Patrick Leahy, Former Governor Pete Shumlin, and Mayor Miro Weinberger
-Go to polling station in Burlington. Ashe cast his vote for himself
-Drawing a direct contrast to Senator Rubio and President Kaine, Ashe will view the Election 2020 results from his modest home in Burlington with his wife Paula, son Angus, and his supporters

Schedule for John Monds
-Monds will campaign in southern states like Louisiana, Alabama and his home state of Georgia. Once he has voted for Ashe, he will fly to Vermont to view the election results with Ashe and supporters.

All surrogates will complete their campaigns is currently campaigning for office, vote for Ashe and themselves in their home states, and then will fly to Vermont to view the election results with Ashe, Monds and supporters.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on March 28, 2017, 05:59:20 AM

CNN America's Choice theme :

Wolf Blitzer : Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I'm Wolf Blitzer from the CNN Election Center and tonight we are covering the 2020 Election Night that will conclude this presidential contest between President Tim Kaine, the Democratic nominee, Florida Senator. This could be an historic night, especially if Marco Rubio (first Hispanic at the Oval Office) or Tim Ashe (first third-party candidate) are elected. Enjoy the night, we will have the first projections in a few minutes. For now we will have a panel with Massachusetts Progressive Libertarian Governor Joe Kennedy. Good evening Governor. Here are my following questions :

-Recently, the Ashe/Monds ticket intensified its efforts in Republican strongholds such as Nebraska, Oklahoma, Georgia and Alabama. Do you think your party has a chance to breakthrough in these states? If yes, how?

[Kennedy's answer]

-We remember that one of the last times that a third-party candidate won a few states was when your granduncle John F. Kennedy was elected President. Now we have a decent chance to see this experience again. How do you feel about that?

[Kennedy's answer]

-Do you think your party is about to surpass the Democratic Party as the main progressive political party in American political landscape?

[Kennedy's answer]

-The Ashe campaign emphasized on its stance on free trade deals and manufacturing jobs. Recently, Senator Rubio, a pro free-trade, proposed a compromise on this issue by cutting taxes for manufacturing industry and manufacuturing companies, which, according to Republicans, would help this industry of being competitive and to create and keep jobs in America. What do you think of it?

[Kennedy's answer]

-When it comes to the Senate, do you think the Democrats will be closer or distant of your party's ideas and proposals?

[Kennedy's answer]

Wolf Blitzer : Thank you, Governor Kennedy. It's 7 PM and we are ready to make the first projections. We can project that Indiana and Kentucky, both Republican strongholds, are unsurprisingly going to be won by Marco Rubio. So Senator Marco Rubio wins Indiana's 11 electoreal votes and 8 more in Kentucky. We can also project that Tim Ashe, the Progressive Libertarian nominee, just made History by winning his home state of Vermont and its 3 electoral votes, thus becoming the first third-party presidential candidate since 1968 to win at least one state. We can see the reaction of his supporters at the Ashe campaign headquarters in Burlington, Vermont.

Indiana - 5 % reported

Marco Rubio : 57 %
Tim Kaine : 33 %
Tim Ashe : 9 %


Kentucky - 5 % reported

Marco Rubio : 60 %
Tim Kaine : 31 %
Tim Ashe : 8 %


Vermont - 5 % reported

Tim Ashe : 45 %
Tim Kaine : 26 %
Marco Rubio : 25 %


Wolf Blitzer :So as you can see, Senator Rubio is now leading with 19 great electors while Congressman Ashe got 3 electoral votes. Remember, a presidential candidate needs 270 great electors to win the presidency.


Marco Rubio : 19 electoral votes, 47 % of the vote
Tim Ashe : 3 electoral votes, 21 % of the vote
Tim Kaine : 0 electoral vote, 30 % of the vote

270 great electors needed to win

Wolf Blitzer : When it comes to the Senate, we can already project that Mitch McConnell, Senator of Kentucky and Senate Majority Leader, is reelected with 60 % of the vote, defeating his Democratic opponent, former Louisville Mayor Gregg Fischer who got 37 % of the vote.



Wolf Blitzer : For the Vermont gubernatorial race, we can see that Doug Hoffer is narrowly leading Governor Phil Scott with 45 % of the vote while the incumbent is now at 42 %.

Wolf Blitzer : Now is 7 : 15 pm and we can project that South Carolina, the home state of Nikki Haley, the Republican vice-presidential nominee, will go to Marco Rubio. For Georgia, the home state of Progressive Libertarian VP nominee John Monds, it is too early to call.

South Carolina - 10 % reported

Marco Rubio : 56 %
Tim Kaine : 32 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %


Georgia - 10 % reported

Marco Rubio : 52 %
Tim Kaine : 30 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %


Marco Rubio : 28 electoral votes, 50 % of the vote
Tim Ashe : 3 electoral votes, 17,6 % of the vote
Tim Kaine : 0 electoral vote, 30 % of the vote

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on March 28, 2017, 07:38:29 AM

Thank you for having me on here, Wolf.

Recently, the Ashe/Monds ticket intensified its efforts in Republican strongholds such as Nebraska, Oklahoma, Georgia and Alabama. Do you think your party has a chance to breakthrough in these states? If yes, how?

I believe so, yes. One of the things John Kerry said to us when we first formed was that we would not be a party localized to a couple of states; we were going to be a national party. That means campaigning in different states. Take Nebraska for example; very much a farming state, like a lot of the midwest. We have a lot of policies that are beneficial to farmers. We give them subsidies when they need it. We protect their farms from government or corporate takeover. We protect our farmers.

As for the south, it's important to remember that a lot of people in those states like Alabama are living in poverty. A lot of people there are unemployed or between jobs, and those that have jobs can't afford to put enough food on the table to feed their families every day. When you have people who can't feed their families, you know that your nation has failed somehow. We appeal to the working and middle classes of this country. We're picking up where the major parties left off.

We remember that one of the last times that a third-party candidate won a few states was when your granduncle John F. Kennedy was elected President. Now we have a decent chance to see this experience again. How do you feel about that?

Yes, Harry Byrd and the Unpledged Elector movement. Look, if we can win Electoral Votes tonight, and pick up a few seats in the House and Senate, maybe the Vermont Governorship, then we prove ourselves to be a viable party. We're already poised to seize control of both houses of the Vermont Legislature.

How do I feel about it? Great. It's absolutely fantastic to be on board with a party that presents fresh ideas and common-sense solutions and goals. The Democratic-Republican monopoly ends tonight.

Do you think your party is about to surpass the Democratic Party as the main progressive political party in American political landscape?

*Laughs* Let's get one thing straight. The Democratic Party has not been progressive, liberal or any other word like that since 1988. It was under Clinton we repealed Glass-Steagall. Under Obama, we pursued a war on whistleblowers and oversaw more deportations of undocumented immigrants than any other President ever. Under President Hillary Clinton and President Kaine, we have pursued the same failed neoliberal policies.

I feel I should also add that we are not just a progressive party. Our Vice-Presidential candidate, one of our Senate candidates, two of our National Committee Vice Chairs and several of our House and State legislature candidates are avowed libertarians, and this is the legacy that Angus King left; a coalition of progressives and libertarians.

The Ashe campaign emphasized on its stance on free trade deals and manufacturing jobs. Recently, Senator Rubio, a pro free-trade, proposed a compromise on this issue by cutting taxes for manufacturing industry and manufacturing companies, which, according to Republicans, would help this industry of being competitive and to create and keep jobs in America. What do you think of it?

I'm going to take a line from President Johnson and be blunt: Republicans simply don't know how to manage the economy. Twice when we tried full-scale conservative economics, it ended in failure. The first time, we had the Great Depression. What got us out of it? The progressive policies of the New Deal. The second time was when we had the Subprime Mortgage Crisis which caused the Crash of 2008.

The manufacturing industry in this country has been unfairly maligned for far too damn long. Free trade deals, like NAFTA ad the TPP have allowed companies to shift jobs overseas to countries like Brunei, where the minimum wage is around 50 cents an hour, and they have no environmental or workers' rights legislation to contend with. Senator Rubio thinks tax cuts will do compromise? I'm sorry, but that's just ludicrous. Because of these tax cuts, we now have the largest gap between rich and poor in this country. Today, the top .01 per cent owns as much wealth as the bottom 90 per cent. Tax cuts will benefit the bosses, not the workers.

That said, new companies that want to start on a "buy American, hire American" basis under our economic plan, will get moderate cuts to their taxes, for a short time. Once they're off the ground, they'll start paying the same tax rate as every other company.

When it comes to the Senate, do you think the Democrats will be closer or distant of your party's ideas and proposals?

That's actually a hard question. Even people like Gary Johnson, George Pataki, Colin Powell and Ron Paul have joined us. The problem is that the spectrum has shifted so far to the right over the last 40 years or so, so people like Senator Sanders were viewed as crazy far-leftists. What these people who criticise us need to understand, is that our ideas are not pie-in-the-sky; every other Western nation has them. What is pie-in-the-sky is thinking that bombing people two continents away makes you safer.

In the House, Senate and State Legislatures, we will side with whoever presents the best solutions to us. We don't believe in siding with one party over the other. Neither major party will be guaranteed our support. We will support bills based on how useful we think they will be to the American people, not on how useful they will be to politicians.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on March 28, 2017, 03:00:20 PM

CNN America's Choice theme :

Wolf Blitzer : Welcome back to the coverage of the 2020 Election Night. It's 7 : 45 PM and we can project that Marco Rubio will win the state of West Virginia, thus adding 5 great electors on his electoral vote count.

West Virginia - 15 % reported

Marco Rubio : 55 %
Tim Kaine : 32 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %

Wolf Blitzer : Now is 8 pm and Georgia is called to Marco Rubio.


Georgia - 30 % reported

Marco Rubio : 53 %
Tim Kaine : 30 %
Tim Ashe : 17 %



Marco Rubio : 49 great electors, 51 % of the popular vote
Tim Ashe : 3 great electors, 19 % of the popular vote
Tim Kaine : 0 great elector, 29 % of the popular vote

Wolf Blitzer : It's 8 : 15 pm and we are now able to make a series of projections : we can project that President Tim Kaine will win the states of Connecticut, Delaware and Maryland as well as Washington D.C. Marco Rubio is the winner in Alabama, Oklahoma and Tennessee.

Connecticut - 5 % reported

Tim Kaine : 48 %
Marco Rubio : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %


Delaware - 5 % reported

Tim Kaine : 52 %
Marco Rubio : 36 %
Tim Ashe : 12 %


Maryland - 5 % reported

Tim Kaine : 54 %
Marco Rubio : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 7 %


Washington D.C. - 5 % reported

Tim Kaine : 82 %
Marco Rubio : 10 %
Tim Ashe : 8 %


Alabama - 5 % reported

Marco Rubio : 59 %
Tim Kaine : 30 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %


Tennessee - 5 % reported

Marco Rubio : 56 %
Tim Kaine : 31 %
Tim Ashe : 11 %


Oklahoma - 5 % reported

Marco Rubio : 57 %
Tim Kaine : 29 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %


Wolf Blitzer : When it comes to Maine, Senator Angus King's home state, it is too close to call between Tim Ashe and Marco Rubio. For Illinois, it is too close to call. For Senator Rubio's home state of Florida it is too early to call but Rubio is largely on the lead.

Wolf Blitzer : It's 8: 30 pm and we can project that Marco Rubio has won the battleground state of North Carolina. Rhode Island will go to Tim Kaine.

Rhode Island - 15 % reported

Tim Kaine : 54 %
Marco Rubio : 32 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %


North Carolina - 35 % reported

Marco Rubio : 55 %
Tim Kaine : 30 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %


Wolf Blitzer : It's 8: 45 pm and we can project that Tim Kaine will win the New York state while Marco Rubio wins Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Kansas and Texas.

New York - 40 % reported

Tim Kaine : 51 %
Marco Rubio : 39 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %


Arkansas - 35 % reported

Marco Rubio : 56 %
Tim Kaine : 30 %
Tim Ashe : 12 %


Mississippi - 15 % reported

Marco Rubio : 59 %
Tim Kaine : 30 %
Tim Ashe : 11 %


Louisiana - 15 % reported

Marco Rubio : 60 %
Tim Kaine : 28 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %


Kansas - 15 % reported

Marco Rubio : 61 %
Tim Kaine : 31 %
Tim Ashe : 8 %


Texas - 15 % reported

Marco Rubio : 60 %
Tim Kaine : 30 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %


Wolf Blitzer : It's 9 pm and we can project that Marco Rubio will win his home state of Florida as well as Nebraska.

Florida - 40 % reported

Marco Rubio : 55 %
Tim Kaine : 36 %
Tim Ashe : 9 %


Nebraska - 25 % reported

Marco Rubio : 57 %
Tim Kaine : 28 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %



Marco Rubio : 189 great electors, 51 % of the popular vote
Tim Kaine : 56 great electors, 29 % of the popular vote
Tim Ashe : 3 great electors, 20 % of the popular vote

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on March 28, 2017, 06:23:38 PM

CNN America's Choice theme :

Wolf Blitzer : Welcome back to the coverage of the 2020 Election Night. We're going to have a panel with Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House, 2012 Republican Vice-Presidential nominee and former 2020 Republican presidential candidate who finished second during the 2020 Republican presidential primaries. Thank you for joining us, Mr. Speaker. Here are my following questions :

-During the last few weeks, Senator Rubio was leading in the polls published in traditional Democratic strongholds such as Illinois, New Jersey and even California. Do you think the Republican Party is poised for a landslide?

-We all know that if Senator Rubio is elected, he would become the first Hispanic President. How do you feel about that?

-We just had a panel with Massachusetts Governor Joe Kennedy who claimed, just like all of his colleagues, that your party's Policy caused every economic crisis, especially in 1929 and 2008. How do you respond that?

Wolf Blitzer : Speaker Ryan, thank you. It's 9 : 15 pm and we can now project that Marco Rubio will win the states of North Dakota and South Dakota. Tim Ashe narrowly wins Angus King's home state of Maine except for the Second Congressional District that is called for Marco Rubio.

North Dakota - 15 % reported

Marco Rubio : 61 %
Tim Kaine : 32 %
Tim Ashe : 7 %


South Dakota - 15 % reported

Marco Rubio : 57 %
Tim Kaine : 33 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %


Maine - 55 % reported

Tim Ashe : 40 %
Marco Rubio : 38 %  
Tim Kaine : 22 %


Maine's Second Congressional District- 55 % reported

Marco Rubio : 41 %
Tim Ashe : 36 %
Tim Kaine : 23 %


Wolf Blitzer : For the special Senate race in Maine for Angus King's vacant seat, we can project that Peter Cianchette, the Republican candidate and former U.S. Ambassador to Costa Rica, narrowly wins the election, defeating former Maine Governor John Baldacci, the Progressive Libertarian nominee.

Maine Special Senatorial election
Peter Cianchette : 40 %
John Baldacci: 36 %
Mike Michaud : 24 %


Wolf Blitzer : It's 9 : 30 pm and we can project that Wyoming, Missouri and Iowa will go to Marco Rubio.

Missouri - 35 % reported

Marco Rubio : 55 %
Tim Kaine : 32 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %


Wyoming - 5 % reported

Marco Rubio : 62 %
Tim Kaine : 30 %
Tim Ashe : 6 %


Iowa - 40 % reported

Marco Rubio : 47 %
Tim Kaine : 33 %
Tim Ashe : 20 %


Wolf Blitzer : Let's take a look at the down ballot races : we can see that Progressive Libertarian Austin Petersen narrowly defeats Matt Blunt for the Congressional race in Missouri's 5th District. In Vermont, Doug Hoffer wins a close gubernatorial race over Phil Scott.

Missouri 5th Congressional district election
John Baldacci : 35 %
Matt Blunt : 34 %  
Robin Carnahan : 31 %


Vermont gubernatorial election
Doug Hoffer : 39 %
Phil Scott : 37 %
Mary Hooper : 24 %


Wolf Blitzer : In the Iowa Senate race, we can project that Senator Joni Ernst, one of Marco Rubio's former rivals during the Republican presidential primaries has won reelection over Tom Vilsack. In Arkansas, Senator Tom Cotton, another former presidential candidate during the Republican primary race is reelected.

Iowa Senatorial election
Joni Ernst : 46 %
Tom Vilsack : 33 %
Dave Loebsack : 21 %


Wolf Blitzer : It's 9 : 45 pm and we can project that Marco Rubio became the first Republican since 1988 to win the state of Michigan.

Michigan - 45 % reported

Marco Rubio : 52 %
Tim Kaine : 32 %
Tim Ashe : 16 %


Wolf Blitzer : It's 10 pm and we can make a very important projection : Marco Rubio wins the crucial battleground state of Ohio, a state that always determined the winner of any presidential race since 1964 by always coming to the winner. Big win for Marco Rubio who now needs only 21 more great electors to be win the White House.

Ohio - 50 % reported

Marco Rubio : 52 %
Tim Kaine : 34 %
Tim Ashe : 14 %



Marco Rubio : 249 great electors, 51 % of the popular vote
Tim Kaine : 56 great electors, 28 % of the popular vote
Tim Ashe : 6 great electors, 19 % of the popular vote

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on March 28, 2017, 07:32:26 PM

Thank you. This is a great honor, Wolf.

-During the last few weeks, Senator Rubio was leading in the polls published in traditional Democratic strongholds such as Illinois, New Jersey and even California. Do you think the Republican Party is poised for a landslide?

Yes, I think so. The Clinton/Kaine administration disappointed many Americans and contributed to job losses because of its big government policies that made us less competitive in the world economy, made us dependent on foreign oil and offshored American companies overseas. Marco Rubio has been able to attract Democratic and Independent voters through an American agenda that promotes energy independence and development of renewable energy through revenues from oil drilling. Thanks to Senator Rubio's proposal to promote free trade and our manufacturing industry at the same time by cutting taxes for our manufacturing industry, we brought working class whites to our party, which, I think, will help Marco Rubio to do well in the Midwest, including in my home state of Wisconsin. So I think we are in good position to win in a landslide. And if we win very big, future historians could call these new Democratic and Independent voters the Rubio Democrats.

-We all know that if Senator Rubio is elected, he would become the first Hispanic President. How do you feel about that?

This will be a great accomplishment made by America. It will show that America is clearly the land where everything is possible for every single American. So if Rubio is elected, this will be a historic moment. In addition, Nikki Haley would be the first female and first Asian American to be Vice-President of the United States. Our party is diversifying and is performing better than ever before among ethnic minorities.

-We just had a panel with Massachusetts Governor Joe Kennedy who claimed, just like all of his colleagues, that your party's Policy caused every economic crisis, especially in 1929 and 2008. How do you respond that?

It's not fair to blame us for every economic crisis that our country suffered. When it comes to the 2008 financial crisis, one of the reasons why it happened is because we lost the 2006 midterm elections, so the Democrats were able to block every policy that President Bush put in place in order to grow the US economy. As a result, we remained dependent on foreign oil, government spending raised, our deficit got bigger and our budget remained unbalanced.

But fortunately, we have a chance to correct the mess we are actually living in. As a member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Marco Rubio has the best experience to grow the economy and he knows what it takes to ensure job creation in America. His running mate Nikki Haley has ran businesses in South Carolina before entering politics. And as a former Chairman of the House Budget Committee, I know what is required to balance the budget and to give America a path to prosperity. As the Speaker of the House, I will pass President Marco Rubio's laws to make sure that America's future is bright. We're going to form a terrific team that will bring prosperity back to America.

For the manufacturing industry, Marco Rubio has the best pan to relaunch it by cutting taxes
and regulations on manufacturing industry and manufacturing businesses and by abolishing the sales taxes on manufacturing equipment, which will make our manufacturing industry dynamic again and much more able to be competitive, to produce, to manufacture, to sell and to create good-paying manufacturing jobs. That's what Nikki Haley did when she was Governor of South Carolina, which contributed to a reduction of the unemployment rate from 12 % to 5 % in her home state during her eight years as Governor.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on March 28, 2017, 08:52:56 PM

CNN America's Choice theme :

Wolf Blitzer : It's 10 : 15 pm and Illinois is still too close to call, but we can see that Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger wins Dick Durbin's seat, which makes one more Republican seat in the Senate.

Illinois Senatorial election
Adam Kinzinger : 45 %
Dick Durbin : 34 %
Wesley Clark : 21 %


Wolf Blitzer : It's 10 : 30 pm and Marco Rubio is projected as the winner in Montana, Idaho and Utah, thus putting him at 262 electoral votes. He needs only 8 more electoral votes to become President of the United States.

Montana - 10 % reported

Marco Rubio : 60 %
Tim Kaine : 33 %
Tim Ashe : 7 %


Idaho - 10 % reported

Marco Rubio : 62 %
Tim Kaine : 31 %
Tim Ashe : 7 %


Utah - 10 % reported

Marco Rubio : 70 %
Tim Kaine : 20 %
Tim Ashe : 10 %



Marco Rubio : 262 great electors, 52 % of the popular vote
Tim Kaine : 56 great electors, 28 % of the popular vote
Tim Ashe : 6 great electors, 20 % of the popular vote

Wolf Blitzer : For the states of New Hampshire. Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and President Kaine's home state of Virginia it is still too close to call. But for the Senate race in Virginia, we can project that the winner is Pete Snyder, businessman and Republican senatorial nominee.

Virginia Senatorial election
Pete Snyder : 44 %
Mark Warner : 35 %
Harris Miller : 21 %


Wolf Blitzer : It's 10 : 45 pm and we can now make an important and historic projection : we can project that Senator Marco Rubio will be elected President of the United States. He just won the state of Arizona and its 11 electoral votes, which gives him a total of 273 great electors, which is 3 more electoral votes than the 270 great elector threshold to win the Presidency. So that's official, Marco Rubio, 49 years old, will be elected as the 47th President of the United States.

Arizona - 10 % reported

Marco Rubio : 55 %
Tim Kaine : 35 % %
Tim Ashe : 10 %




Wolf Blitzer : We can watch reactions at Rubio's campaign headquarters in Miami, Florida.


Wolf Blitzer : And we can watch in New York City that the Empire State Building is turning red due to Rubio's victory.



Marco Rubio : 273 great electors, 52 % of the popular vote
Tim Kaine : 56 great electors, 27 % of the popular vote
Tim Ashe : 6 great electors, 20 % of the popular vote

Wolf Blitzer : So November 3 2020 has become a historic day in the history of the United States : Marco Rubio has become the first Hispanic President while his running mate Nikki Haley will become the first woman and first Asian American to become Vice-President of the United States. Tim Ashe became the first third-party candidate in 50 years to win a few states.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on March 28, 2017, 09:32:15 PM

CNN America's Choice theme :

Wolf Blitzer : It's 11 pm and we can project that Marco Rubio, the next President of the United States, will win the states of New Hampshire, Wisconsin and Colorado. The states of California, Oregon and Washington are still too close to call. In the New Mexico Senatorial race, we can project that former Governor Gary Johnson is elected Senator.

New Hampshire - 80 % reported

Marco Rubio : 44 %
Tim Kaine : 36 %
Tim Ashe : 20 %


Wisconsin - 75 % reported

Marco Rubio : 51 %
Tim Kaine : 34 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %


Colorado - 10 % reported

Marco Rubio : 55 %
Tim Kaine : 32 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %


New Mexico Senatorial election
Gary Johnson : 43 %
Richard Berry : 36 %
Ben Ray Lujan: 21 %


Wolf Blitzer : It's 11 : 15 pm and we can project that President-elect Marco Rubiois the winner in Pennsylvania, New Mexico and Nevada, a state in where the Rubio family lived in the 1980s.

Pennsylvania - 80 % reported

Marco Rubio : 47 %
Tim Kaine : 34 %
Tim Ashe : 19 %


New Mexico - 80 % reported

Marco Rubio : 49 %
Tim Kaine : 34 %
Tim Ashe : 17 %


Nevada - 40 % reported

Marco Rubio : 54 %
Tim Kaine : 33 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %


Wolf Blitzer : It's 11 : 30 pm and we can project that Marco Rubio wins the state of Minnesota and, narrowly, the state of Virginia. This is a humiliation for President Tim Kaine to lose his home state.

Virginia - 95 % reported

Marco Rubio : 43 %
Tim Kaine : 42 %
Tim Ashe : 15 %


Minnesota - 90 % reported

Marco Rubio : 46 %
Tim Kaine : 37 %
Tim Ashe : 17 %


Wolf Blitzer : It's 11 : 45 pm and we can project that a big surprise : Marco Rubio wins Illinois, New Jersey, California and the Washington state, all traditional Democratic strongholds.

Illinois - 95 % reported

Marco Rubio : 46 %
Tim Kaine : 33 %
Tim Ashe : 21 %


New Jersey - 95 % reported

Marco Rubio : 45 %
Tim Kaine : 42 %
Tim Ashe : 13 %


California - 95 % reported

Marco Rubio : 44 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 21 %


Washington state - 95 % reported

Marco Rubio : 47 %
Tim Kaine : 36 %
Tim Ashe : 17 %



Marco Rubio : 451 great electors, 53 % of the popular vote
Tim Kaine : 56 great electors, 26 % of the popular vote
Tim Ashe : 6 great electors, 21 % of the popular vote

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on March 28, 2017, 09:47:15 PM

CNN America's Choice theme :

Wolf Blitzer : It's midnight and we can project that Marco Rubio surprisingly wins the stateof Massachusetts and Oregon.

Massachusetts - 99 % reported

Marco Rubio : 38 %
Tim Kaine : 35 %
Tim Ashe : 27 %


Oregon - 70 % reported

Marco Rubio : 44 %
Tim Kaine : 38 %
Tim Ashe : 18 %


Wolf Blitzer : We can also project that Colorado Senator Cory Gardner, another former Republican former presidential candidate in this election cycle, has won reelection with 51 % of the vote over his Democratic and Progressive Liberterian opponents.

Wolf Blitzer : It's 12 : 15 am and Marco Rubio wins in Alaska while President Kaine wins Hawaii.

Alaska - 5 % reported

Marco Rubio : 65 %
Tim Kaine : 27 %
Tim Ashe : 8 %


Hawaii - 5 % reported

Tim Kaine : 60 %
Marco Rubio : 29 %
Tim Ashe : 11 %


Wolf Blitzer : Here are the final election results.

Electoral College 2020 - Final results


Marco Rubio : 472 great electors, 52 % of the popular vote
Tim Kaine : 60 great electors, 28 % of the popular vote
Tim Ashe : 6 great electors, 20 % of the popular vote

2020 Senate results


Republicans : 60 seats
Democrats : 36 seats
Progressive Libertarians : 4 seats

Wolf Blitzer : So that's what concludes the Election Night 2020 and all the 2020 Presidential campaign. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen for watching the coverage of Election Night 2020 and I wish you good night.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: JustinTimeCuber on March 28, 2017, 10:03:42 PM
that was an anti-climactic ending

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: ASPN on March 28, 2017, 10:09:29 PM

When your players are a republican canidate and a third pardy, it was expected really. No Kane player ruined any chance the democracts had.

Never the less this has been quite the read. I greatly enjoyed it.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on March 28, 2017, 10:18:25 PM

When your players are a republican canidate and a third pardy, it was expected really. No Kane player ruined any chance the democracts had.

Never the less this has been quite the read. I greatly enjoyed it.

Thank you very much.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: JustinTimeCuber on March 28, 2017, 10:46:59 PM
Yeah, it was definitely very interesting.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on March 28, 2017, 10:51:47 PM


Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: GoTfan on March 28, 2017, 11:31:22 PM
Progressive Liberty Party Speeches


From Independence, Missouri, center of the 5th Congressional District, Congressman-Elect Austin Petersen delivers his victory speech.

Thank you all for coming tonight. I just received calls from Matt Blunt and Robert Carnahan who have both conceded the seat. The Progressive Liberty Party has won the 5th Congressional District of Missouri!

This is not just a victory for me, but for the whole party. Tonight, we have proved that we are a force to be reckoned with, and we are not going anywhere. We have sent a message to the Washington establishment: We are coming straight for you!


From Santa Fe, New Mexico, Senator-Elect Gary Johnson delivers his victory speech to supporters.

Thank you, thank you. I have just received calls from my opponents, and have confirmed things with our headquarters in Burlington. We have won!

This is a victory shared by all members of our party. It's nearly unheard of for a new party to perform so well in its first election. But we have done it! We will have an influence in both the Senate and the House, so thank you for joining me on this wild ride, and on we go!


From Montpelier, Vermont, State Auditor and Governor-Elect Doug Hoffer addresses his supporters

I just received a call from Phil Scott. He has graciously conceded this race to us!

This victory is a powerful won. Not only have we run a hell of a campaign for the Governorship, we have also claimed the majority in the State Senate. With this, we can get down to the real work of issuing actual progressive reform. I ask you to join me in this endeavor!


At his home in Burlington, Vermont, Tim Ashe addresses his supporters, flanked by John Monds and Bernie Sanders

I have just called President-Elect Rubio to offer my congratulations on his victory He has run a hell of a campaign, and deserves the Presidency.

However, we have broken ground tonight. We have become the first third party to win seats in the House and Senate. We have claimed the Governorship of this state as well as its State Senate. We have become the first third party to win Electoral Votes in over 50 years!

This was all the dream of one man; that crazy old man from Maine, Senator Angus King. He believed that libertarians and progressives could come together for the greater good. He believed our squabbling could be put aside. And we proved him right. So this fight is just getting started, because he taught the rest of us how to be crazy too.

To those who's concerns have been and will be the cares of our party, I echo the words of Senator Ted Kennedy: Our work goes on, our cause endures, out hope still lives, and our dream . . . OUR DREAM SHALL NEVER DIE!

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on March 29, 2017, 12:23:15 AM
Marco Rubio's victory speech in Miami, Florida


Thank you my friends! Thank you for your support!

I received a phone call from Congressman Ashe who congratulated me for this victory. I congratulate Congressman Ashe for the campaign he led for America's cause and I congratulate President Kaine for the best he did to lead this country.

My friends, your support led us to victory and will lead America to prosperity, security and integrity. Right here right now, we start our crusade to restore the American Dream.

Just like President John F. Kennedy said, we should not ask what our country can do for us, but what we can do for our country. Tonight, we're answering this question about what we can do for our country : we, the people, conservatives, liberals, progressives, independents and libertarians will work together to ensure economic growth and progress, to get America back to work, to unite this country, to restore integrity, to stand with our allies and to defeat our enemies. We're going to promote free market to make our economy competitive and dynamic. We will reform our tax code, reform our education system and reform our immigration system to make American citizenship accessible for all immigrants. We will modernize our military. We are going to stand with our allies and together we will defeat international terrorism and reinforce freedom, democracy and justice. We will not abandon our allies, they can count on our help to defeat terrorism and restore freedom.

Tonight, America reclaimed its status as the land of opportunity where everything is possible.

Sixty-four years ago, my parents came here in Miami, in the quest of better living conditions and better economic opportunities. Though they were not speaking English at that time, had no access to education and were living paycheck to paycheck, the hardworking of a bartender and a housekeeper allowed them to be successful and to make their children's lives better than their's

Es una historia fabulosa del Sueño Americano que representa un ejemplo de nuestro deber para nuestro país : reforzar nuestra prosperidad económica y garantizar que nuestro niños dos estarán la más próspera generación de estadounidenses.

I want to thank my family as well as Vice-President elect Nikki Haley and all the members of our team for their contribution to this campaign. Thanks to their contribution, we will lead America to one of the brightest futures that it has ever known. This future is a new American century.

Esta es mañana de nuevo en América.

It's morning again in America.

America will remain the hope of the Earth.

Thank you! God bless you all and God bless the United States of America!

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: UWS on March 29, 2017, 05:26:14 AM
Marco Rubio's presidential inauguration on January 20th 2021 in Washington D.C.

Chief Justice of the United States : I Marco Antonio Rubio do solemnly swear...

Marco Rubio : I Marco Antonio Rubio do solemnly swear...

Chief Justice of the United States : ...that I will faithfully execute...

Marco Rubio : ...that I will faithfully execute...

Chief Justice of the United States : ...the office of President of the United States...

Marco Rubio : ...the office of President of the United States...

Chief Justice of the United States : ...and will with the best of my ability...

Marco Rubio : ...and will with the best of my ability...

Chief Justice of the United States : ...preserve, protect and defend...

Marco Rubio : ...preserve, protect and defend...

Chief Justice of the United States : ...the Constitution of the United States...

Marco Rubio : ...the Constitution of the United States...

Chief Justice of the United States : help me God.

Marco Rubio : help me God.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: R/H on March 29, 2017, 12:57:57 PM
I want to thank all the 11 players (UWS, Gotfan, Pericles, Branden Cordeiro, Spark498, WashLibertarian, NeverAgain, Governor Wells, Senator Cris, Heisenberg, TedBessell) for their amusement in this game and their hard working in this campaign. Thank you very much.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: terp40hitch on January 23, 2018, 06:08:38 PM
Rubio/Haley 2020!

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: DPKdebator on January 23, 2018, 06:18:21 PM
I'm pretty fascinated by these results, I think I'll make a county map for them.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: America Needs a 13-6 Progressive SCOTUS on January 27, 2018, 09:02:46 PM
This was rigged.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: wxtransit on January 27, 2018, 09:54:55 PM

Yep. Rubio winning California should have been the tip-off.

Title: Re: Election 2020: The Game!
Post by: NewYorkExpress on January 27, 2018, 10:00:47 PM
Gee, you think?