Talk Elections

General Discussion => Alternative History => Topic started by: 7,052,770 on April 10, 2004, 11:24:57 PM

Title: SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: 7,052,770 on April 10, 2004, 11:24:57 PM
SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)

1844—James Polk defeats Henry Clay.

1844-48—Polk’s presidency continues as it did OTL, including the annexation of half of Mexico and half of Oregon, but in late 1848 Polk announces that he has purchased Cuba from Spain for $125 million.  Southerners rejoice while Northerners scorn.  Polk then satisfies the Northerners by proposing the Compromise of 1848, which states:
1. Any new territory north of 34’30 will be forever free as long as it’s a territory.  Any land south of the line will have slavery during territoryhood.  Once a state is admitted, it can choose whether to be slave or free.
2.  States will always be admitted in pairs, one slave, and one free.
3.  Texas gives up its western land claims.

1848—Even though Polk had said he’d only do one term, people love him so much they nominate him again.  He wins every southern state in a 218-72 rout over Gen. Zachary Taylor.

1849—President Polk sends James Gadsden to Mexico to make another large purchase.  Gold is discovered in Sutter’s Mill.  Cuba applies for statehood, but is put on hold until a new free state applies.   Polk does not contract cholera.

1850—California applies for statehood.  California [free] and Cuba [slave] are admitted on the same day.  A corrupt deal puts Santa Ana back on the throne of Mexico.  He agrees to sell the US the states of Chihuahua, Sonora, and the Baja Peninsula.  Northerners grumble at this, but they set their sights on annexing some of Canada.  Polk negotiates with the British for some of Canada, but the British will not budge.  Gadsden returns to the US, a hero to some.  Polk calls for an improved US army.

1851—Polk again attempts to negiotiate for part of Canada, but British ambassadors storm out and do not return.  Polk contacts cholera from tainted water and dies in DC.  His untimely death immortalizes him forever.  George Dallas ascends the presidency.  Dallas enlargens and reequips the US army even more.

1852—Dallas proposes a new monument in DC called the Polk Memorial.  It is built in the westernmost point of the city.  Dallas decides to return home to Pennsylvania and not seek reelection.  The Whigs nominate Winfield Scott, while the Democrats choose Franklin Pierce.  The “Polk ‘em and Pierce ‘em” slogan works and Pierce rides Polk’s popularity to a 275-30 win.

1853—Pierce sends James Gadsden to Quebec for a top secret meeting with Quebecian officials.  He persuades them to declare independence.  The US backs them under the Monroe Doctrine, as does France, wanting to mess with Britain and get a loyal partner in the new world.  Bogged down in Europe, and not wanting to deal with the Polked/Dallased US army, Britain concedes.  The Republic of Quebec is formed.  James Gadsden moves into Ontario and begins spreading Sam Adams-esque propaganda.  The popularity of Polk, Dallas, and Pierce has made Ontario sympathetic to the US.

1854—In January, Ontario applies to the US for annexation and statehood.  The state of Polk in former Chihuahua is created.  Polk [slave] and Ontario [free] enter the US on February 19.  The Republican Party is formed.

1855—William Walker takes up a force and heads for Nicaragua.  New Brunswick and Nova Scotia [which includes PEI] begin talking about joining the US  [could James Gadsden be involved? ;) ]

1856—William Walker installs himself as president of Nicaragua, legalizes slavery, and applies for statehood.  Northern Cuba breaks off and applies for statehood as the state of Havana.  Nova Scotia and New Brunswick also apply for statehood.  New Brunswick [free], Nova Scotia [free], Havana, [slave], and Nicaragua [slave], are all admitted in October.  Pierce is reelected over CA senator John Fremont, winning all states added during his first term.

1857—Immigration to Nicaragua increased.  William Walker begins a coup in Costa Rica.  Minnesota Territory begins moving toward statehood.

1858—Pierce tries to negiotiate for more land in Mexico.  Deseret [Mormon lands] applies for statehood, but is turned down by both sides.

1859—Walker’s Costa Rica coup is successful.  He sets is sights on Panama, which falls soon, as much of the populace wants to join the USA.  Gran Columbia objects but can do little to stop it.  On December 19, Oregon [free], Minnesota [free], Panama [slave], and Costa Rica [slave] join the Union.

1860—A three way election begins.  The platforms:
Democratic—James Gadsden and Stephen Douglas:  continue the expansion of the US; go after territory in the West Indies, Central America, and Canada.  Continue popular sovereignty and retain the free-slave balance.
Republican—Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin:  stop the expansion, no more slave territories, eventual abolition of slavery
Constitutional Union—John Bell and James Crittenden:  do not let the Union fall apart; expand much less and retain the free-slave balance; avoid dissolution at all costs.
The election ends with no candidate receiving a majority.
In the House, Bell decides to back Gadsden, but then the Republicans offer to back Bell to prevent Gadsdenfrom being elected.  In the end, Gadsden is elected by the House.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on April 10, 2004, 11:25:12 PM
1861—William Walker attempts to take Honduras and is shot dead.  Gadsden negiotiates with Santa Ana for more territory in Mexico, but Santa Ana dies before anything is agreed upon.  Haiti and the Dominican Republic offer themselves to the United States for annexation, seeing how the quality of life has improved in Cuba and American Central America [ACA].  Though slavery had gone in and out of legality in both territories, it was agreed to allow slavery there, even though it was not widespread.

1862--Haiti, Santo Domingo, both with legal but little slavery, and Nevada [free] and Kansas [free] are added to the Union.

1863—The Democrats begin to split along North-South lines.  The Southern Democrats want to concentrate chiefly on annexing more slave territory, while the Northern Democrats look toward Canada.  The Republicans become more and more antislavery.

1864—The Democrats split at the convention.  Neither side likes the expansion policy of President Gadsden, expanding on each side equally and keeping the free-slave balance, so neither side nominates him.  The Northern Democrats nominate VP Douglas for president and George Pendleton for VP.  The Southern Democrats nominate John Breckinridge for president and Joseph Lane for VP.  The Republicans decide to retain the Lincoln-Hamlin ticket.  Again, the election is close and is thrown into the house.  Somewhat surprisingly, only the deepest slave slaves support Breckinridge, and several marginal slave states back Douglas.  Though the 3 candidates virtually third the states, Douglas wins a very slim majority.

1865—Haiti and Santa Domingo have 2 new senators in DC, both anti-slavery.  Rumors are rampant that slavery’s status is about to be changed.  Southerners demand two new slave states, calling H and SD “neutral,” but the Senate will not oblige.  Secession grumblings begin in the South.

1866—Antislavery Senator Boyer (Haiti) drafts a “Declaration of the End of Slavery” recanting and illegalizing slavery.  He intends that one day, each slave state will ratify this document.  He does not realize the he has opened Pandora’s Box.  By the end of the year, Haiti, Santo Domingo, Polk, Delaware, Kentucky, and Missouri have ratified the declaration and freed their slaves.  Southern states want President Douglas to do something, but he simply smiles and says “Popularity Sovereignty rules.”
South Carolina and Mississippi secede from the Union, followed by Florida, Alabama, North Carolina, Georgia, Arkansas, Texas, Nicaragua, Cuba, Havana, Panama, and Costa Rica.  On December 6, Stephen Douglas is shot dead by a Southern sympathizer in Washington.  George Pendleton becomes president.

1867—President Pendleton appoints Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant in charge of the East and West, respectively.  Soldiers from Texas overrun Polk and Sonora Territory.  By the end of the year, a blockade is in place, and North Carolina, Cuba, and Havana have been conquered.  The thirteenth amendment to the Constitution is drafted and ratified, prohibiting slavery.  North Carolina and Havana refuse to sign, but Cuba signs it and is readmitted to the Union.

1868—Russia puts up Alaska for sale.  President Pendleton shocks many people by not only offering to buy Alaska, but a large chunk of Siberia as well.  Seeing no reason not to sell, Russia sells both for $90 million.  Pendleton is ridiculed, but no one knows how significant the purchase would be years later.  Pendleton decides not to run for reelection and the Democrats nominate George McLellan, who was a general in the army until he was fired by Lee, for president and TN senator Andrew Johnson for VP.  They want to end the war in 2 years, whether or not Southern territory has been reconquered.  The Republicans nominate editor Horace Greeley for president and Schuyler Colfax of IN for VP.  They promise to crush the rebellion and bring them back into the union.  Greeley wins in a landslide.

1869—Greeley becomes president.  The US Army liberates Polk and the Southwestern territories.  The conquer Texas and move into Louisiana and Arkansas.

1870—The remaining part of the seceding states is captured, except for ACA.  North Carolina, Texas, Arkansas, and Havana free their slaves and are readmitted to the Union.

1871—Mississippi, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, and Alabama are readmitted to the Union after ratifying the 13th amendment.  The 14th and 15th amendments are passed, granting former slaves citizenship and the right to vote.  ACA [American Central America], led by transplanted Southerners, writes its own constitution, declares itself an independent republic and accepts slaveowners and their slaves, fleeing from the now free USA.  Many in Congress want the US to let them go and flounder, and end this war, but Greeley announces that the US will not abandon is former territories.  Aging John Breckinridge and Jefferson Davis take up residence in the new ACA.

1872—The South is in an odd position; many slaveowners have moved to ACA.  Poor farmers are mostly what’s left.  President Greeley encourages many people to move down and give the place a jumpstart.  The ACA takes and occupies Honduras.  General Robert E. Lee and the Union army are sent to once and for all recapture the ACA and end slavery.  The Republicans renominate Greeley for a second term.  He wins in a landslide race over Thomas Hendricks.  Greeley does not die.

1873—Honduras becomes a state of ACA and slaveowners move into it.  Lee lands an army in southern Panama, but disease takes down many men.  He moves into Panama City by the end of the year.  Gran Colombia wants it back, but Lee raises the US flag and stations troops.

1874—General Grant arrives early in the year at Panama with many more men.  Grant and Lee together overrun Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Honduras before the year is over.  The slaves are freed; the war is over.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on April 10, 2004, 11:25:25 PM
1875—Feeling his work is done, and his health declining, Greeley retires from office and dies within the year.  Immensely popular, a new state in former Sonora is named for him.  Schuyler Colfax becomes president.  Baja is admitted to the Union.  The former ACA states [including Honduras now, which is flooded with former Southerners] is placed under Reconstruction.  Nebraska is admitted to the Union.

1876—New York lawyer Samuel Tilden is nominated for President, and Thomas Hendricks VP on the Democratic side.  The Republicans nominate President Colfax and Rutherford B. Hayes.  Both sides support keeping troops in ACA for a while.  ACA states do not vote, but do have representatives readmitted into Congress [not actually elected, of course].  Colorado becomes a state and cancels the presidential election.

1877—President Tilden sends a telegram to British West Canada officials in Victoria.  He offers annexation to them.  At this point, British Columbia and Manitoba are provinces.  Tilden offers to annex both them and the vast lands to the North.  In the Treaty of Halifax, all of British North America except Newfoundland and British Honduras is ceded to the United States for $300 million and some trading rights.  Alaska is formally organized as Alaska Territory, and Siberia is formally organized as Siberia Territory.  British Columbia and Manitoba become states, and the rest is divided into territories.

1878—Tilden ends Reconstruction of the ACA states.

1879—Tilden signs a treaty with Japan, Britain, France, and Netherlands concerning trading rights in China.

1880—Tilden and Hendricks run for reelection against James Garfield and James Blaine.  Garfield wins in a shocking upset, when the Border States choose Garfield.

1881—Garfield takes office and is shot by a disgruntled office seeker.  Arthur ascends to the presidency.  Upper Ontario becomes the state of Pierce.

1882—President Tortega of Mexico makes a shocking announcement:  Because foreigners keep interfering in Mexico, he wants the entire nation to be absorbed by the United States.  Many Democrats support this, while many Republicans are horrified.  President Arthur, though, decides that he can’t turn them down and decides to annex.  British Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador, are obviously ticked off by this.

1883—Britain cedes British Honduras to the US in exchange for some trading adjustments in China.  President Arthur offers El Salvador and Guatemala statehood, and they have little choice but to accept.

1884—The states of Durango in NE Mexico, Washington [OTL Washington], and Yucatan are admitted to the US.  James Blaine receives the Republican nomination along with John Logan.  For the Democrats, Thomas Hendricks is nominated for president with Grover Cleveland.  Hendricks wins somewhat easily.  Outgoing Republicans admit Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, and South Dakota as states.

1885—Hendricks enters office with several new Republican states.  To counter this, he manages to get Senate approval of 3 more states in Mexico:  Chiapas, Veracruz, and Mexico.  President Hendricks dies in November and Grover Cleveland ascends to the presidency.

1886—Cleveland passes the 16th amendment concerning presidential succession after the ultimately deaths of the last two elected presidents in their first year.  The amendment also requires for there to be a vice president at all times, so Cleveland chooses Allen Thurman.

1887—Democrats begin spending money promoting themselves in the Solid Republican North, while Republicans promote themselves in the Solid Democratic South,

1888—Cleveland and Thurman are nominated for another term, and are opposed by Benjamin Harrison and Levi Morton.  On election night, a few Democratic states switch, but Cleveland holds on and wins.

1889—The Populist Party gains prominence.  Alberta and Saskatchewan are admitted as states.

1890—Populists win many seats in Congress.  Sherman Anti-Trust Act.

1891—James Naismith invents basketball.

1892—The Populists nominate James Weaver and James Field for president.  The Republicans nominate Whitelaw Reid and Mark Hanna, while the Democrats nominate VP Thurman and Adlai Stevenson.  The Populists actually win, carrying the West and former Spanish lands, and New York surprisingly to win outright.

1893—The Populists keep rolling on through Congress.  The Democrats and Republicans pledge to nominate a single candidate between them for the next election.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on April 10, 2004, 11:25:40 PM
1894—The Democratic-Republican coalition gains a majority in Congress.  When Weaver’s Secretary of State resigns, Weaver promotes Assistant Sec. State Theodore Roosevelt to temporarily fill the position.  The next day, an unfortunate fire sweeps through Washington, killing Weaver and Field.  According to the 16th amendment, Roosevelt is now president.  New president Roosevelt calls for tri-partisan agreement and is well liked by all three parties.

1895—President Roosevelt announces that America will restart its expansionist policies.  He announces that America will be taking over all Caribbean islands and will compensate former owners.  Utah is admitted as a state.

1896—US assumes practical ownership of the Caribbean.  TR reorganizes the Populist Party and renames it the Progressive party.  The Democratic-Republican Coalition nominates William McKinley and Arthur Sewall.

1. George Washington, 1789-1797, F
2. John Adams, 1797-1801, F
3. Thomas Jefferson, 1801-1809, DR
4. James Madison, 1809-1817, DR
5. James Monroe, 1817-1825, DR
6. John Quincy Adams, 1825-1829, NR
7. Andrew Jackson, 1829-1837, D
8. Martin Van Buren, 1837-1841, D
9. William H. Harrison, 1841, W
10. John Tyler, 1841-1845, W
11. James K. Polk, 1845-1851, D
12. George Dallas, 1851-1853, D
13. Franklin Pierce, 1853-1861, D
14. James Gadsden, 1861-1865, D
15. Stephen Douglas, 1865-1866, D
16. George Pendleton, 1866-1869, D
17. Horace Greeley, 1869-1875, R
18. Schuyler Colfax, 1875-1877, R
19. Samuel Tilden, 1877-1881, D
20. James Garfield, 1881, R
21. Chester Arthur, 1881-1885, R
22. Thomas Hendricks, 1885, D
23. Grover Cleveland, 1885-1893, D
24. James Weaver, 1893-1894, Pop
25. Theodore Roosevelt, 1894-, Pop/Prog

The order of admittance of states:
1. Delaware-- 1787
2. Pennsylvania-- 1787
3. New Jersey-- 1787
4. Georgia-- 1788
5. Connecticut--1788
6. Massachusetts-- 1788
7. Maryland-- 1788
8. South Carolina-- 1788
9. New Hampshire-- 1788
10. Virginia-- 1788
11. New York--1788
12. North Carolina-- 1789
13. Rhode Island-- 1790
14. Vermont-- 1791
15. Kentucky-- 1792
16. Tennessee-- 1796
17. Ohio--1803
18. Louisiana--1812
19. Indiana--1816
20. Mississippi-- 1817
21. Illinois--1818
22. Alabama--1819
23. Maine--1820
24. Missouri--1821
25. Arkansas--1836
26. Michigan--1837
27. Florida--1845
28. Texas--1845
29. Iowa--1846
30. Wisconsin--1848
31. California--1850
32. Cuba--1850
33. Polk--1854
34. Ontario--1854
35. New Brunswick--1856
36. Nova Scotia--1856
37. Havana--1856
38. Nicaragua--1856
39. Oregon--1859
40. Minnesota--1859
41. Panama--1859
42. Costa Rica--1859
43. Haiti--1862
44. Santo Domingo--1862
45. Nevada--1862
46. Kansas--1862
47. Honduras--1875
48. Baja—1875
49. Greeley--1875
50. Nebraska--1875
51. Colorado—1876
52. British Columbia—1887
53. Manitoba—1877
54. Pierce--1881
55. El Salvador--1883
56. Guatemala--1883
57. Durango--1884
58. Washington--1884
59. Yucatan--1884
60. Idaho--1884
61. Montana--1884
62. Wyoming--1884
63. North Dakota--1884
64. South Dakota--1884
65. Chiapas--1885
66. Veracruz--1885
67. Mexico--1885
68. Alberta--1889
69. Saskatchewan--1889
70. Utah--1895

There's more to come!

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Gustaf on April 11, 2004, 06:07:28 AM
This is a VERY cool scenario. :) Keep it up!

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: ilikeverin on April 11, 2004, 09:08:06 AM
*worships Harry*

I'm not worthy!

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Michael Z on April 11, 2004, 09:33:38 AM

Really good work, looking forward to the next part.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: © tweed on April 11, 2004, 10:26:12 AM
I like the .png's!  Much better than the .bmp's :(

I want to know how you got all those states there..musn't have been easy to draw...and now I get to save it to my computer and reap the benefits :D

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: JohnFKennedy on April 11, 2004, 10:42:24 AM
nice, how long exactly before USA rules the world in this? lol

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Gustaf on April 11, 2004, 11:29:57 AM
nice, how long exactly before USA rules the world in this? lol

1984. ;)

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Filuwaúrdjan on April 11, 2004, 12:19:35 PM
Excellent work Harry!
BTW: The rise of the CCF in Saskatchewan should be included.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on April 11, 2004, 01:01:32 PM
Excellent work Harry!
BTW: The rise of the CCF in Saskatchewan should be included.

What is the CCF?

I'm working one Part 2 now.  It will continue the exploits of President Roosevelt and American imperialism in Africa and Asia.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: PBrunsel on April 11, 2004, 01:04:45 PM
You must have worked hard Mr. Vice President! Loved the story!

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Lunar on April 11, 2004, 01:48:26 PM
Great read.  Don't forget Liberia.  You'll have to figure out a way to trigger a war with Spain when they don't own Cuba if you want to get the Philippines.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Filuwaúrdjan on April 11, 2004, 02:07:08 PM
Excellent work Harry!
BTW: The rise of the CCF in Saskatchewan should be included.

What is the CCF?

Co-operative Commonwealth Federation. Canada's first big Socialist party (and a fore-runner of the NDP).
It was formed during the Great Depression (1932).
The victory of the Saskatchewan CCF (under Bible-bashing lefty, Tommy Douglas) in the 1944 Provincial Election was the most importent event in the Province's history, and the first Socialist government in North America.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on April 11, 2004, 03:27:34 PM
Excellent work Harry!
BTW: The rise of the CCF in Saskatchewan should be included.

What is the CCF?

Co-operative Commonwealth Federation. Canada's first big Socialist party (and a fore-runner of the NDP).
It was formed during the Great Depression (1932).
The victory of the Saskatchewan CCF (under Bible-bashing lefty, Tommy Douglas) in the 1944 Provincial Election was the most importent event in the Province's history, and the first Socialist government in North America.

Sure; maybe I'll have them merge with Norman Thomas's Socialist party.

A war with Spain is definitely in the picture.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Filuwaúrdjan on April 11, 2004, 03:32:04 PM
Excellent work Harry!
BTW: The rise of the CCF in Saskatchewan should be included.

What is the CCF?

Co-operative Commonwealth Federation. Canada's first big Socialist party (and a fore-runner of the NDP).
It was formed during the Great Depression (1932).
The victory of the Saskatchewan CCF (under Bible-bashing lefty, Tommy Douglas) in the 1944 Provincial Election was the most importent event in the Province's history, and the first Socialist government in North America.

Sure; maybe I'll have them merge with Norman Thomas's Socialist party.

The SPUSA would be more likely to merge into the CCF than the other way round (the CCF was formed when a load of small socialist parties merged). Thomas would fit in very well.

A war with Spain is definitely in the picture.

But of course ;)

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: opebo on April 11, 2004, 03:45:59 PM
Very cool scenario.  Though I prefer Imperialism on the British model.  Avoids the potential of leftist voting from the subject peoples.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: KEmperor on April 11, 2004, 06:19:19 PM
Crazy scenario, but very amusing.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Beet on April 11, 2004, 07:19:18 PM
This scenario is amazing. Good job Harry :)

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Lunar on April 11, 2004, 08:30:36 PM
So many possiblities if this goes on through the Cold War.  All the coups and military intervention we did could all end up becoming states.

Can also nab a few African territories from Germany in WW1 (Kameroon, Sudwestafrika and Tanganyika).

Ahh the possiblities.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: PBrunsel on April 11, 2004, 08:33:12 PM
Will Fidel Castro become Governor of Cuba?

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on April 11, 2004, 09:12:49 PM
So many possiblities if this goes on through the Cold War.  All the coups and military intervention we did could all end up becoming states.

Can also nab a few African territories from Germany in WW1 (Kameroon, Sudwestafrika and Tanganyika).

Ahh the possiblities.

Yes, I'm planning on the US annexing Spanish, German, and maybe British African territory.  Also, the Siberia territory will play a big part in the Cold War.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: opebo on April 11, 2004, 09:15:19 PM
So many possiblities if this goes on through the Cold War.  All the coups and military intervention we did could all end up becoming states.

Can also nab a few African territories from Germany in WW1 (Kameroon, Sudwestafrika and Tanganyika).

Ahh the possiblities.

Yes, I'm planning on the US annexing Spanish, German, and maybe British African territory.  Also, the Siberia territory will play a big part in the Cold War.

Well if we're in Siberia maybe there won't be a Cold War - we'll be exerting influence in Russia and can either prop up the Czar or aid the White side in the civil war.  Those Bolsheviks wouldn't have a chance.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on April 11, 2004, 09:18:52 PM
I see you posted this at the Alternate History board ;)

Yeah, but they seemed to have ripped it to shreds.   oh well ;)

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: JohnFKennedy on April 12, 2004, 03:43:13 AM
So many possiblities if this goes on through the Cold War.  All the coups and military intervention we did could all end up becoming states.

Can also nab a few African territories from Germany in WW1 (Kameroon, Sudwestafrika and Tanganyika).

Ahh the possiblities.

Yes, I'm planning on the US annexing Spanish, German, and maybe British African territory.  Also, the Siberia territory will play a big part in the Cold War.

Well if we're in Siberia maybe there won't be a Cold War - we'll be exerting influence in Russia and can either prop up the Czar or aid the White side in the civil war.  Those Bolsheviks wouldn't have a chance.

USA UK and France all did help the white side during the war, they still lost, they were unorganised, basically lots of separate armies whereas the red army was very centralised with control of all the major railways, and they had Leon Trotsky of course.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Gustaf on April 12, 2004, 09:22:40 AM
So many possiblities if this goes on through the Cold War.  All the coups and military intervention we did could all end up becoming states.

Can also nab a few African territories from Germany in WW1 (Kameroon, Sudwestafrika and Tanganyika).

Ahh the possiblities.

Yes, I'm planning on the US annexing Spanish, German, and maybe British African territory.  Also, the Siberia territory will play a big part in the Cold War.

Well if we're in Siberia maybe there won't be a Cold War - we'll be exerting influence in Russia and can either prop up the Czar or aid the White side in the civil war.  Those Bolsheviks wouldn't have a chance.

USA UK and France all did help the white side during the war, they still lost, they were unorganised, basically lots of separate armies whereas the red army was very centralised with control of all the major railways, and they had Leon Trotsky of course.

Exactly. The Whites never stood much of a chance in the Russian Civil War. They never won the hearts and minds, and a civil war can NEVER be won without that.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Filuwaúrdjan on April 12, 2004, 09:31:22 AM
Actually both sides were hated by the Peasants (who formed about 80% of Russia's population) hence the "Green" revolts and Nestor Makhno's "Blacks".

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: JohnFKennedy on April 12, 2004, 09:40:08 AM
So many possiblities if this goes on through the Cold War.  All the coups and military intervention we did could all end up becoming states.

Can also nab a few African territories from Germany in WW1 (Kameroon, Sudwestafrika and Tanganyika).

Ahh the possiblities.

Yes, I'm planning on the US annexing Spanish, German, and maybe British African territory.  Also, the Siberia territory will play a big part in the Cold War.

Well if we're in Siberia maybe there won't be a Cold War - we'll be exerting influence in Russia and can either prop up the Czar or aid the White side in the civil war.  Those Bolsheviks wouldn't have a chance.

USA UK and France all did help the white side during the war, they still lost, they were unorganised, basically lots of separate armies whereas the red army was very centralised with control of all the major railways, and they had Leon Trotsky of course.

Exactly. The Whites never stood much of a chance in the Russian Civil War. They never won the hearts and minds, and a civil war can NEVER be won without that.

most wars can't be won without the hearts and minds - e.g. the Vietnam war, the guerrillas had the support of the peasants - "Fish Swim in Water". Anyone who can tell me who said that gets my admiration.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on April 12, 2004, 10:25:24 AM

1897—Seeing how Spanish lands generally vote Progressive, Congress decides to admit the rest of Mexico as states.  The states of Jefferson, Madison, Hamilton, and Franklin are admitted in former central Mexico.
[note:  in this timeline the Berlin Conference of 1884-85 never occurred].  Roosevelt summons all European nations to Washington for the Washington Conference in which they will discuss imperialist claims of each nation.  Britain, France, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russia, Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Japan, and the Ottoman Empire attend.

1898—The US frigate Panama explodes mysteriously in Manila Harbor in the Philippines, owned by Spain.  Congress declares war on Spain without TR’s asking, and the Spanish delegates in Washington are taken prisoner.  Commodore Dewey captures the Philippines.  The navy under Admiral Smith blockades the Spanish mainland.  Spain has no choice but to surrender to the US.  The US assumes all of Spain’s African territory.
With that, the Washington Conference concludes.  TR calls for a conference beginning the next year to discuss claims in Asia.

1899—American Morocco, Rio del Oro, American Equatorial Africa, and American Angola are formally organized into territories.  The Second Washington Conference begins.  Spheres of influence in China are divided among Japan, the US, Russia, Britain, and France.
Many members of the Democratic-Republican Coalition switch to the Progressive Party, leaving only Conservatives in the DRC.  The DRC changes its name to the Conservative Party.  

1900—Liberia decides to give up independence and join American Equatorial Africa.  Breaking tradition, but saying that his first term was incomplete, Theodore Roosevelt runs again for reelection.  The Conservatives turn to William Jennings Bryan and Adlai Stevenson.  The South responds well to Bryan, and the Northeast responds much better to Roosevelt, making somewhat of a turnaround.  

1901—Roosevelt grants statehood to Puerto Rico [includes Virgin Islands] and Jamaica.

1902—Roosevelt decides to offer territoryhood to American East Asian possessions.  The Phillipines is divided into 3 territories and Taiwan becomes a territory.

1903—Roosevelt starts the “Roosevelt Doctrine” that any region of the world may voluntarily annex itself to the United States.

1904—Roosevelt decides not to run again.  The Conservatives again nominate William Jennings Bryan and Adlai Stevenson, while the Progressives choose TR’s handpicked successor William Taft and James Sherman.  Bryan wins more states than before, but without the support of the Spanish states, which are now solidly Progressive, he cannot win.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Siege40 on April 12, 2004, 10:33:06 AM
Very interesting scenario, while I strongly doubt parts of it would ever happen it still is very fascinating.


Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Gustaf on April 12, 2004, 10:34:13 AM
How did the British get hold of Libya?

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: dunn on April 12, 2004, 10:37:52 AM
nice...the progressives rules

good work.

how come oklahoma still not in the union?

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Filuwaúrdjan on April 12, 2004, 10:48:23 AM
Excellent work!

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on April 12, 2004, 11:00:23 AM
Al, who would be leader of the CCF that I should include maybe as a presidential cnadidate?

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: afleitch on April 12, 2004, 11:05:29 AM
Fantastic scenario! Perhaps you could have the USA swallow the UK due to war or something...i've always wondered how the State of Scotland would have voted....:)

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: JohnFKennedy on April 12, 2004, 11:06:33 AM
Fantastic scenario! Perhaps you could have the USA swallow the UK due to war or something...i've always wondered how the State of Scotland would have voted....:)

Ralph Nader!!!! lol

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on April 12, 2004, 11:09:42 AM
Fantastic scenario! Perhaps you could have the USA swallow the UK due to war or something...i've always wondered how the State of Scotland would have voted....:)

Perhaps a war with Britain, and the US assumes control of the entire British Empire . . . :)

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Siege40 on April 12, 2004, 11:12:33 AM
I thought I've read in places that people believe that the U.S. will be allying with the U.K. I doubt that. Germany and the U.S. would be much better. Britain and France would be mad at Imperialist America for getting into their business i.e. Canada. The Japanese, Russian, English and French Empires against your America could run into serious problems, but America would have what America and France have, not Germany. I think.


Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: © tweed on April 12, 2004, 11:12:34 AM
I wonder when we get the southwest

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Siege40 on April 12, 2004, 11:16:47 AM
Also, why was the U.S. willing to annex all that Spanish territory but made Quebec a republic? Just a little contridiction I think.


Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: JohnFKennedy on April 12, 2004, 11:17:20 AM
Fantastic scenario! Perhaps you could have the USA swallow the UK due to war or something...i've always wondered how the State of Scotland would have voted....:)

Perhaps a war with Britain, and the US assumes control of the entire British Empire . . . :)


Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Filuwaúrdjan on April 12, 2004, 11:17:40 AM
Al, who would be leader of the CCF that I should include maybe as a presidential cnadidate?

The first leader of the federal CCF was J.S.Woodsworth (the MP for Winnepeg North).
In 1944, Tommy Douglas was elected Premier of Saskatchewan (you could make that Governer) and led the federal NDP (the new name for the CCF) from the early '60's.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Lunar on April 12, 2004, 12:37:40 PM
No one from any of the new states or territories has ran for president yet.  You said yourself that Central America has at least been heavily populated by Southern immigrants, surely one of them will be interested.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: angus on April 12, 2004, 01:06:56 PM
a couple of things, in 1883 we would have inherited a war with england, no doubt, just as we inherited a war with Mexico in 1845 (though it took till 1848 to make it happen).  In fact, Belize is still claimed by Guatemala.  Also, the maquilladoras in Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, and Tampaulipas vote more capitalist than the peasants in Chiapas, Tabasco, Oaxaca, and Campeche. Also, an US idealist did try to set up an anglocentric empire in Baja California Sur around 1850, and it failed.  I forget the guy's name.  Bryan would have fared better in northern Central America, I imagine, depending on whether capitalist bosses would have let the working classes vote.  Also, when you show ventures into the eastern hemisphere (specifically africa) you should give more space to conflicts with england, france, italy, and germany.  I don't think they'd appreciate US involvement in Africa at that time anymore that TR would stomach european involvement in the Caribbean at that time.

Take a look at for the most recent election results of our closest neighbors.  Although, given your scenario, they wouldn't have had seventy years of PRI rule.  I travel to mexico several times per year and enjoy discussing politics with the locals.  I know nothing of canada, other than it doesn't seem to have a culture distinct from our own and it has a nasty climate, but I'm sure you can find some canadophile to pick apart your predictions about our northern neighbors.  Seems that you should color the western provinces (except BC) the same as wyoming and idaho, given recent trends.  The same sorts of rugged individualist small government gun nuts who move to the rockies in this country seem to be attracted to the western extremities of the northern great plains in Canada.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: PBrunsel on April 12, 2004, 01:08:26 PM
I like how Polk ran for two terms. Polk is one of the 5 greatest presidents. I rate him as number 4.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: opebo on April 12, 2004, 03:04:21 PM
Hey Angus, where in Mexico do you go?  I've been to Guatemala and the Yucatan.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: angus on April 12, 2004, 03:50:23 PM
Hey Angus, where in Mexico do you go?  I've been to Guatemala and the Yucatan.

chiapas is my 'favorite' state.  I scuba dive in Quintana Roo and in BCS regularly.  I have visited 22 of the 31 estados of mexico over the years.  some of them many times.  Panajachel is my favorite town in Guatemala, hands down.  It's like Goa, India, but you're less likely to get busted or get std there.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Huckleberry Finn on April 12, 2004, 04:05:16 PM
Excellent and interesting work Mr. Vice President, but keep your hands off FINLAND!

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on April 12, 2004, 04:19:31 PM
Excellent and interesting work Mr. Vice President, but keep your hands off FINLAND!

That may be a target of US expanision soon . . . ;)

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: ilikeverin on April 12, 2004, 04:42:05 PM
How do you pick who wins the states/provinces?  Just interested...

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Siege40 on April 12, 2004, 07:20:54 PM
I know nothing of canada, other than it doesn't seem to have a culture distinct from our own and it has a nasty climate, but I'm sure you can find some canadophile to pick apart your predictions about our northern neighbors.  Seems that you should color the western provinces (except BC) the same as wyoming and idaho, given recent trends.  The same sorts of rugged individualist small government gun nuts who move to the rockies in this country seem to be attracted to the western extremities of the northern great plains in Canada.

No reason to be making fun of Canada. Especially about Culture, that's a raw nerve. Canada, even back way when already showed signs of its... divergent leftness? What an interesting term, can I copyright that? The Canadian Socialist movement began in Southern and Central Alberta and quickly spread throughout the West, so much for that right minded western Canada theory, it wasn't that way early on. Canada at this stage would likely be for strong centralized government, and be less concerned about individual state/province rights. Canada is a Federation after all, despite what people in Alberta and Quebec want. I also wanted to point out that the proper terms for people from Quebec is Quebecois, or in English we usually call them Quebec(k)ers.

I think that I should point out that keeping an Empire together like this at this period in history would be difficult, perhaps the early advent of the telegraph (I'm not sure when it was invented) or the telephone (Invented by a Canadian in the late 1800's I could get a date for you) could alleviate some of these early problems. And given that the Natives in this timeline didn't just flee into Canada you've got thousands of pissed off natives waiting for you in the West, I.E. there's trouble a-brewin'.


Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: © tweed on April 12, 2004, 08:11:37 PM
I didn't know Alex Graham Bell was a Canadian.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Filuwaúrdjan on April 13, 2004, 04:54:21 AM
Alberta is conservative... Saskatchewan, Manitoba and BC are not.
Don't confuse a vote for the Canadian Alliance as a vote for the Canadian Alliance... for a lot of Westerners in the 90's it was a way of saying " you Ottawa!"
Note that the Conservative Party of Canada is polling considerably lower in Saskatchewan than the CA used to... and the NDP are back on top!
Provincially, the only reason why BC has a right wing BC "Liberals" government is because the previous Glen Clark government ed up in a big way. The BCLibs now trial the BC NDP in the polls.
In Manitoba, the NDP was re-elected in a landslide last year... and in Saskatchewan the NDP has won the last 4 elections.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Polkergeist on April 13, 2004, 06:02:15 AM
Great TL ! it was so good it enticed me to join the board. I have two questions:

1. From which site did you get the maps that were larger than the US?

2. Any plans for India or Australia?

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Fritz on April 13, 2004, 12:03:08 PM
I like how Polk ran for two terms. Polk is one of the 5 greatest presidents. I rate him as number 4.

Here is a problem with this timeline right from the get-go.  Polk died only a few months after leaving office.  Had he run for a second term, and won, he would not have lasted long.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: PBrunsel on April 13, 2004, 03:01:25 PM
That's true.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on April 13, 2004, 04:25:04 PM
I mention in my timeline that he does not contract cholera.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: PBrunsel on April 13, 2004, 05:01:23 PM
I mention in my timeline that he does not contract cholera.

I read it again, I see it now.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: ilikeverin on April 13, 2004, 05:37:27 PM
How do you pick who wins the states/provinces?  Just interested...

Also, how do you find out how many EV's the non-real-US states get?

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on April 14, 2004, 04:28:10 PM
how do you find out how many EV's the non-real-US states get?

Estimations of their population i suppose.  Also, i referenced Southerners coming to central america, so i raised those.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 12th Doctor on April 14, 2004, 05:35:30 PM
This is really great Harry.  I'm sorry that I missed this for so long.  Awesome man, keep it up.  But you need to come-up with an event that breaks the Progressives control.  Just a thought.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: dunn on April 14, 2004, 05:36:14 PM
This is really great Harry.  I'm sorry that I missed this for so long.  Awesome man, keep it up.  But you need to come-up with an event that breaks the Progressives control.  Just a thought.
progressives rule!

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 12th Doctor on April 14, 2004, 05:38:46 PM
I also must say that for some reason the thought of this whole thing happening is kinda scary.

Also, I read much of this in dread because I was waiting for some event that caused the break-up of the USA.  Plunging America into the status of the current Russian Federation or Britian after the break-up of the Empire.  I think that you are driving to that though.  That's gonna be kinda cool to see how you figure that one out.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 12th Doctor on April 14, 2004, 05:39:47 PM
This is really great Harry.  I'm sorry that I missed this for so long.  Awesome man, keep it up.  But you need to come-up with an event that breaks the Progressives control.  Just a thought.
progressives rule!

When you have total party control like this, there is always some event that causes realignment.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: dunn on April 14, 2004, 05:40:43 PM

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Lunar on April 14, 2004, 05:43:49 PM
He's intentionally keeping progressive control to keep up the expansionism.  The other party is going to adopt the issue if it is wildly popular, no one runs with an issue that 70% disagree with.  Maybe not the historic candidates though, since their viewpoints don't give you much breathing room for party changes.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Polkergeist on April 14, 2004, 05:47:01 PM
I wouldn't worry about indefinate progressive domination of this TL simply because of what happened to the early 20th century progressives in real history. I think its a fair bet to say that most of them, well at least the rural component vote GOP today.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on April 14, 2004, 10:01:07 PM
Part 3:

1905—Taft is inaugurated.  Germany and Austria-Hungary offer the US a position in their new Triple Alliance.  TR, who seems to still be in charge in the shadows, encourages the Senate to approve this and they do.  Britain, Spain, Italy, France, and Russia form the Quintuple Entente to counter this new alliance. 

1906—TR negotiates and end to some conflicts in North Africa and Asia.  He is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

1907—The western part of Oklahoma becomes a state [the eastern part remains Indian Territory].  Liberia applies for statehood but is turned down for the time being.

1908—Germany and Britain are on the brink of war.  Sen. Bryan professes that America needs to get out of the Triple Alliance while they still can.  Bryan again receives the nomination from the Conservative Party, but this time his VP is John Kern.  Seeing Taft as unpopular, and not wanting Bryan to ascend to the presidency, Theodore Roosevelt challenges Taft for the Progressive nomination and receives it.  Undaunted, Taft runs his own Incumbency Independent campaign, but in the end, he only wins Utah and Vermont.  Thanks to the solid Spanish states, Roosevelt is reelected.

1909—At the Paris Conference, the Quintuple Entente agrees to declare a preventive war on the Triple Alliance soon.  A German operative gets word of this, and TR is notified.  He notifies Germany and A-H.  The three nations solidify their alliance and attempt to bring in Portugal, Belgium, and the Netherlands into the alliance.  The war begins on July 1.  Japan joins the Triple Alliance [US] for the Asian front.
Prewar Maps—Green is TA, Red is QE

1910—The war involves much fighting.  The TA makes advances in Europe, Africa, and Asia.  American troops land in Spain, France, and Britain.

1911—The war drags on, with the TA gaining the upper hand.  The TA drives the QE off the entire continent of Africa.  Late in the year, the American soldiers have totally subjugated the British Isles and have jailed the king and queen.  America declares itself heir to the British Empire.  American troops capture all of Spain on the last day of the year.

1912--In Europe, France is totally conquered by the US.  Italy and Russia surrender; the war is over.  The postwar maps:
The US grants South Asian independence.  Africa is divided among the US and other parties.  The US decides that it will permanently occupy Spain, France, and Britain, and admit them into statehood when they are ready.  It further decides that anyone living in any US possession is a US citizen.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: JohnFKennedy on April 15, 2004, 02:56:43 AM
Last installment is THE most unlikely thing I have ever heard, but interesting still lol.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Filuwaúrdjan on April 15, 2004, 05:18:00 AM
Britain would have to be divided up... the population is too big for one state.

How about:

Northumbria (Northumberland, Durham, Cumberland, Westmoreland, Yorkshire, Lancashire)
Anglia (everything else?)
Could also have: Mercia (midlands) and/or Wessex (Cornwall, Devon et al)

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: ?????????? on April 15, 2004, 06:26:04 AM
How about ALL of Ireland free? North Ireland being liberated and allowed to be back with the rest of Ireland?

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Filuwaúrdjan on April 15, 2004, 06:46:04 AM
How about ALL of Ireland free? North Ireland being liberated and allowed to be back with the rest of Ireland?

While 45% of NI would agree with you, 55% would hate you.
BTW in 1912, all of Ireland was part of the UK

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Siege40 on April 15, 2004, 03:02:09 PM
This has gone from Unlikely to completely insane...


Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Gustaf on April 15, 2004, 03:51:59 PM
This has gone from Unlikely to completely insane...


Yes. :) But it's still kind of cool... ;)

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: opebo on April 15, 2004, 06:25:55 PM
I like that even in all that excessive imperialism, Thailand remains independent - just like it barely managed to do irl.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: ilikeverin on April 15, 2004, 08:23:46 PM
Vaguely off topic... what font did you use for the names and the EV's?

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: M on April 15, 2004, 10:56:19 PM
I love this TL! How can I make cool maps like yours?

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Polkergeist on April 15, 2004, 10:59:08 PM
Yes I too am interested in how you make the maps. I've got a TL of my own in the works.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Michael Z on April 16, 2004, 04:14:46 PM
Harry, this was one of the most fascinating "what if"-timelines I've ever seen. Great work.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on April 17, 2004, 10:07:37 PM
Basically I combined several maps.
The outline maps made by Scott Foresman are good.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on April 17, 2004, 10:47:34 PM

1912{continued}—Northern Ireland is ceded to the Republic of Ireland.  The US takes all of Australia and New Zealand.  Though TR wants to annex the entire Pacific, Congress gives it up and it is divided between Germany and Japan.  Gran Colombia dissolves.  Colombia, Venezeula, Guyana, Suriname [a gift from the Netherlands], and Cayenne become US territories.
US Territories, as of August 1912:
N.America [8]—New Mexico, Arizona, Indian Territory, Lesser Antilles, Bahamas, British Honduras, Alaska, Northwest Territory [includes several districts]
S.America [5]—Colombia, Venezeula, Guyana, Suriname, Cayenne
Africa [14]—Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Gold Coast, American West Africa, American Equatorial Africa, Angola, Cape
East Pacific [8]—Siberia, Formosa, Philippines, Sabah, Indochina, Western Australia, Central Australia, Pershing [OTL Queensland, named after the American General fought against the British in the East Pacific], New South Wales, New Zealand
England [6]—Wales, Scotland, Wessex {SW England}, Anglia {England around London}, Northumbria {Northern England}, Mercia {central England}
Spain [4]—Leon {North Spain}, Aragon {Basque area}, Castile {Central Spain}, Cordoba {South Spain}
France [3]—Burgundy {SE France}, Aquitaine {SE France}, France {N France}

1912 {part 3—big year} People in Congress are uncomfortable with the idea of TR running for a forth term.  He decides to step down from the ticket and give it to VP Hiram Johnson, on the condition he will become Secretary of State.  The Progs pick Thomas Marshall as their VP.  William Jennings Bryan seeks the Conservative nomination for the fourth time and is D-nied.  Charles Evans Hughes wins the nomination, but capitalizes on Bryan’s popularity and picks him as his VP.  A key issue is whether and when to make the new possessions states.  This furor prevents Arizona or New Mexico from becoming states for the time being.  In the end, Johnson is victorious.  Side Note:  Eugene Debs, a Socialist, gathered 5% of the PV

1913—President Johnson is inaugurated.  He drafts the Johnson Plan for Statehood which states that:
A territory can become a state if it is no larger or smaller in population than any current state and when 50% of the population has sworn loyalty to the US.  New Mexico and Arizona apply to join the Union and are finally admitted.

1914—American West Africa applies to join the Union under the name Liberia.  President Johnson is hesitant, but TR encourages him.  Liberia becomes the 76th state in June.  In July a fire sweeps through Washington.  Remembering what happened to President Weaver 20 years before, President Johnson and VP Marshall are evacuated to separate locations.  Unfortunately, on the way, President Johnson’s train derails and he is permanently dismembered.  He doesn’t want to resign, but TR and Wilson come talk to him.  He “retires” with honor and severance pay, Marshall becomes president, and picks NJ Gov Woodrow Wilson to be his VP.  Some people believe that William Jennings Bryan started the original fire, but an investigation clears him of any wrongdoing.  This accusation effectively ends his career in politics.

1915—Tempers are running high in Spain/France/Britain.  President Marshall personally goes to Europe to calm them down, where is captured a huge militant mob.  The mob sends word that they’ve killed him [is it true?].  Wilson is inaugurated president {James Cox is VP}, and sends troops to personally make an example of the terrorists.  The crisis brings Europe together, actually, and now many support the US.  Unfortunately, no one can find President Marshall’s body . . .

1916—Wilson and Cox are renominated, and the Conservatives are getting desparate.  They turn to Nova Scotia governor Robert Borden for the presidency and Charles Fairbanks for VP.  Tired for years of Progressive rule, Wilson goes down in defeat to Borden.  Borden announces that he will continue to apply the Johnson Plan and even offers to make TR secretary of the Navy to promote bipartisan glee.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: YRABNNRM on April 17, 2004, 10:52:34 PM
Pretty cool!

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Polkergeist on April 18, 2004, 01:44:08 AM
This eagle has got some seriously big wings :)

However, if I could indulge in a little suggestion. When you give Australian territories their statehood, could you give Victoria back its statehood. It's Australia's 2nd biggest state and it often gets into bickering matches with NSW so I can't see them living together so comfortably.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: dunn on April 18, 2004, 02:24:18 AM
go progressives!

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on April 18, 2004, 10:51:12 AM
the world in late 1916
The 7 allied nations are shown.

{Sorry, the green for USA and gold for Netherlands looks similar--the Netherlands owns part of South Africa, Botsawana, and Indonesia :) }

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: JohnFKennedy on April 18, 2004, 10:52:18 AM
LOL, I don't understand quite why you had USA join the Triple Alliance.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on April 18, 2004, 10:53:51 AM
LOL, I don't understand quite why you had USA join the Triple Alliance.

France and Britain don't like them.  Germany has amibiton, as the US does.  Seems a good fit.  I haven't yet decided whether to have Hitler rise in the 1930's and if so what to do with him.

Also, I included a real Canadian Prime Minister as a US president.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Neil.A on April 18, 2004, 11:59:04 AM
Not realistic but nice

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: ilikeverin on April 18, 2004, 12:36:18 PM
Bi-partisan glee!

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on April 18, 2004, 02:04:28 PM
A preview of the next 20 years:

What happens when the strong US has a land border on Russia and the Bolshevik revolution occurs?
Will TR become president ever again?
How will the US deal with Hitler?
Can six constitutional amendments be passed in a peiod of four years?
and finally, What exactly happened to Thomas Marshall?

these questions will likely be answered in Part Five.  You may speculate on this thread.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Gustaf on April 18, 2004, 02:15:07 PM
Sure, TR'll be president. I say, get Hitler and make Germany, along with Eastern Europe, part of the empire!!!

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: ilikeverin on April 18, 2004, 04:33:09 PM
Thomas Marshall was brainwashed and now is a French seperatist!

Vive la France!

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: PBrunsel on April 18, 2004, 09:44:03 PM
I wonder if the Conservative's will ever crack the Progressive hold on Central America?

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Lunar on April 18, 2004, 10:04:09 PM
I wonder if the Conservative's will ever crack the Progressive hold on Central America?

Probably will take a regional issue or a conservative from the area to do so.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: dunn on April 19, 2004, 02:09:27 AM
I wonder if the Conservative's will ever crack the Progressive hold on Central America?
never! ;)

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: PBrunsel on April 19, 2004, 03:50:38 PM
I wonder if the Conservative's will ever crack the Progressive hold on Central America?
never! ;)

I knew that you Mr. Dunn would not want the Progressives to lose power :)

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: dunn on April 19, 2004, 03:51:52 PM
I wonder if the Conservative's will ever crack the Progressive hold on Central America?
never! ;)

I knew that you Mr. Dunn would not want the Progressives to lose power :)

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on April 20, 2004, 09:10:37 PM
Here is part Five:

1917—President Borden inaugurated.
The United States, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Japan extend their alliance to include Quebec, Brazil, and Argentina.  These nations form the Tenfold Alliance.  
President Borden proposes that the British, French, and Spanish royal families and extreme nationalists can go to Bermuda and congregate there, and Bermuda can become an independent nation.  Congress passes this.  The 17th amendment, calling for direct election of Senators goes into effect.
The Bolshevik Revolution begins in Russia.  Borden discreetly backs the White Army.  The Communists take power.

1918—Argentina annexes Uruguay and Chile.  To protect against Argentine expansion, Peru, Ecuador, Paraguay, and Bolivia form the United South American Republic.  Liberia is the 57th state to ratify the 18th amendment granting Congress the power to have an income tax.  The amendment goes into effect.  President Borden calls for a 19th amendment granting women the right to vote.  A proposed amendment for the prohibition of alcohol is defeated in Congress.  VP Fairbanks dies and President Borden chooses Secretary of Agriculture Herbert Hoover as his new VP.  Refugees begin spilling into Siberia territory.

1919—Pro-women’s suffrage Congressmen admit New Zealand and Pershing as states to get more support for the 19th amendment, which is close to passing.  The inhabitants of Pershing, though, not wanting to be named after a man who conquered them, ask to have the name changed back to Queensland, and Congress obliges.  With bipartisan support, the amendment passes and goes into effect by the end of the year.

1920—The Progressives nominate James Cox and Franklin D. Roosevelt to bring popular president Borden down.  They are doomed though, as strong Socialist candidate Eugene Debs takes much steam away from their ticket, lodging an impressive win of Minnesota, and Borden is reelected in a landslide.

1921—President Borden gets word of corrupt people in his administration from Sec. of the Navy Theodore Roosevelt {he’ll never be out of the limelight . . . :) }  Borden fires all of them immediately and his popularity shoots up again.  He releases Eugene Debs from prison on December 25.  Siberia Territory is divided into three territories, each with several hundred thousand [many illegal] people:  Kamchatka, Pendleton [the southern part], and Siberia [the rest].

1922—Police in Paris capture several leaders of the terrorist group LIBERATE, responsible for acts of terror throughout Spain, France, and Britain ever since American annexation.  The terrorists kill themselves soon, but not before they allude to having several prisons somewhere off the coast of Scotland.
Aberdeen police do find one holding cell in December and release four men the terrorists had captured.  The terrorists there burned most of their documents, but one mentions “Prisoner A” as a top priority who must never be allowed to go free.

1923—President Borden, Sec. of the Navy Roosevelt, and political activist Debs, leaders of the three major political parties, together release a document condemning forever all acts of terror.  All three agree upon having members of the US Army and Navy scour Scotland, searching for any terrorist prison.  They find five such prisons, one of which “Prisoner A” was in for several years.  One search mission to a small obscure island of Scotland’s coast is commanded by Capt. Harry Truman.  They don’t really expect to find anything, but as soon as they land on the island, they are attacked by men with prominent LIBERATE insignia.  After the skirmish, they come across “the big one,” the largest of all prisons.  The men scour the prison, releasing various captive Pro-Americans, yet they find no sign of “Prisoner A.”  When personally examining the prison, Col. Truman notices a strange crack in the wall.  He puts his hand up to it and a hidden door opens, and who does he see but a near-death malnourished Thomas Marshall, held captive by LIBERATE for eight years.  Marshall gives him info on the rest of LIBERATE’s camps and returns to the US a hero.  President Borden gives Marshall a huge welcome in DC and holds a banquet in his honor.

1924—The election of 1924 heats up early in the year.  Debs declines to run again, and the Socialist party suffers greatly.  Many Progressives want to nominate Thomas Marshall to play off his popularity, but he declines, saying he’s not yet fit for such a job.  Theodore Roosevelt receives votes even though he says he’s not interested in the job.  TR endorses Wisconsin governor Robert LaFollette, who receives the nomination along with Burton Wheeler of Montana {he does take Marshall for his VP candidate, which helps him get some votes}.  Borden/Hoover run for a third term.  On election night, unfortunately, it ends up a 375-375 tie.  Despite the fact that LaFollette won more states, Conservative representatives go against the way their state voted and elect Borden to a third term.  Angry Progressives start a riot, but a notice from LaFollette, Wheeler, TR, H.Johnson, Marshall, and other prominent progressives condemn such riots.  They stop mostly, but many progressives are still very angry.

1925—Robert Borden is sworn in his third term.  Tempers are high, but the inauguration goes without incident.  Borden takes LaFollete onto his cabinet to cool some heads.  Adolf Hitler is rejected by Vienna’s art school.

1926—The state of Keewatin is admitted by the Conservative-dominated Congress.  President Borden proposes admitting several new states, but the Conservative-dominated Congress declines.  In the midterm elections, the Progressives retake both houses.  Tasmania [but not the rest of NSW] and Colombia [only northern part] become states.  Southern Colombia becomes the territory of Meta.

1927—President Borden signs the European Statehood Initiative, calling for the twelve European territories to become states by 1935.  Some progressives try to pass a bill barring President Borden from running for a fourth term, but it fails.
The European Nationalists on Bermuda declare themselves the Kingdoms of Bermuda and ally themselves with Russia and Italy.

1928—President Borden retires.  Herbert Hoover and Charles Dawes receive the nomination for the presidency.  The Progressives nominate Gov. Al Smith (NY) and Burton Wheeler of MT.  Norman Thomas tries to lead the Socialist Party, but flounders as he is unable to inspire many people.  The election is almost a repeat of 1924, with only IL switching sides, but that is enough for Hoover to win outright.

1929—Hoover is inaugurated.  The stock market crashes in October.  The Great Depression begins, but it is not as serious as OTL.

1930—Hoover starts the Transplantation Initiative, calling for people to move around in the US, getting the economy rolling and people moving.  He also takes similar measures as he did in OTL.

1931—Despite Hoover doing his best and the GD not being his fault, he is very unpopular.  “Hoovervilles” spring up around the country.  He is especially unpopular in Europe and the almost-defeated LIBERATE and similar less violent organizations spring up.

1932—The Progressives nominate the 74-year-old Theodore Roosevelt without his campaigning for the nomination.  He promises to only serve one more term and to get the ball rolling to success.  He chooses his cousin Franklin D. Roosevelt as his VP.  Hoover and Curtis are renominated, but most everyone knows there is no chance.  People need a scapegoat, and TR is elected yet again to the presidency.

1933—Theodore Roosevelt becomes president again, nearly 40 years after the first time he was president.  He begins with the “Hundred Days” of new reforms and launches the “New Deal.”  

A list of presidents

1. George Washington, 1789-1797, F
2. John Adams, 1797-1801, F
3. Thomas Jefferson, 1801-1809, DR
4. James Madison, 1809-1817, DR
5. James Monroe, 1817-1825, DR
6. John Quincy Adams, 1825-1829, NR
7. Andrew Jackson, 1829-1837, D
8. Martin Van Buren, 1837-1841, D
9. William H. Harrison, 1841, W—died of pneumonia
10. John Tyler, 1841-1845, W
11. James K. Polk, 1845-1851, D—died of cholera
12. George Dallas, 1851-1853, D
13. Franklin Pierce, 1853-1861, D
14. James Gadsden, 1861-1865, D
15. Stephen Douglas, 1865-1866, D—assassinated by Southern sympathizer
16. George Pendleton, 1866-1869, D
17. Horace Greeley, 1869-1875, R—retires due to poor health, dies in late 1875
18. Schuyler Colfax, 1875-1877, R
19. Samuel Tilden, 1877-1881, D
20. James Garfield, 1881, R—assassinated by disgruntled office seeker
21. Chester Arthur, 1881-1885, R
22. Thomas Hendricks, 1885, D—dies from strange disease
23. Grover Cleveland, 1885-1893, D
24. James Weaver, 1893-1894, Pop—dies in an unfortunate huge fire
25. Theodore Roosevelt, 1894-1905, Pop/Prog
26. William Taft, 1905-1909, Prog
27. Theodore Roosevelt, 1909-1913 Prog
28. Hiram Johnson, 1913-1914, Prog—retires after being permanently dismembered in a train wreck
29. Thomas Marshall, 1914-1915, Prog—captured by terrorists and presumed dead
30. Woodrow Wilson, 1915-1917, Prog
31. Robert Borden, 1917-1929, Cons
32. Herbert Hoover, 1929-1933, Cons
33. Theodore Roosevelt, 1933-, Prog

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: dunn on April 21, 2004, 03:13:03 AM
Yeah baby, progressive keep rule

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: © tweed on April 21, 2004, 07:02:42 AM
Why would TR live longer if the USA was super-imperialist?

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Filuwaúrdjan on April 21, 2004, 09:18:54 AM
Remember the CCF ;)

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: ?????????? on April 21, 2004, 11:23:05 AM
What about that little gray area in East Oklahoma? What's going on with that? A glitch?

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: ilikeverin on April 21, 2004, 11:32:06 AM
Good 'ol radical Minnesota!  I hope they vote for a third party again :)

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: PBrunsel on April 21, 2004, 03:37:16 PM
Yeah baby, progressive keep rule

And Hoover was still president, and won more electoral votes in 1932.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on April 21, 2004, 04:05:14 PM
Why would TR live longer if the USA was super-imperialist?
In this TL, he remained secretary of state {or secretary of the navy under Borden}, so he never had a chance to go on wild expeditions to the Amazon and get sick.

What about that little gray area in East Oklahoma? What's going on with that? A glitch?
Indian Territory.  In OTL, eastern Oklahoma remained Indian Territory for a while, while the western part became Oklahoma Territory.  Eventually, both were admitted as the state of Oklahoma, but not in this TL.

I will. . .  when exactly did it begin?

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Lt. Gov. Immy on April 21, 2004, 05:09:11 PM
Shouldn't New Foundland and British Honduras have become part of the US when it took over the British Empire or did I miss something?

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: ilikeverin on April 21, 2004, 05:19:32 PM
*continues worshiping Harry*

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on April 21, 2004, 05:21:54 PM
Shouldn't New Foundland and British Honduras have become part of the US when it took over the British Empire or did I miss something?

British Honduras is part of the US, but only a territory, while Newfoundland went to Quebec {i'm not sure if i covered it in the text, but it's on the map}

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Lt. Gov. Immy on April 22, 2004, 02:43:03 AM
Cool.  Nice timeline btw, though maybe not that realistic.  Still a fun read though.  :)

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Filuwaúrdjan on April 22, 2004, 04:15:27 AM

About 1932/3. It was caused by the Depression.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Gustaf on April 22, 2004, 04:02:20 PM
Shouldn't New Foundland and British Honduras have become part of the US when it took over the British Empire or did I miss something?

You're still here??? :)

Hi, Immy. :)

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Lt. Gov. Immy on April 23, 2004, 01:49:13 PM
Shouldn't New Foundland and British Honduras have become part of the US when it took over the British Empire or did I miss something?

You're still here??? :)

Hi, Immy. :)

Yeah, I mostly lurk these days though, got too much stuff on my plate with school and such.  But just remember, I'm always watching. ;)

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: NHPolitico on April 24, 2004, 12:46:08 AM
Just wanted to add my "good job" comment.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: NHPolitico on April 24, 2004, 12:49:01 AM
Why would TR live longer if the USA was super-imperialist?

In addition to what Veep said, maybe there is more medical advancements under imperialism and maybe just doing something that made him so happy aided his health.  I think it helped Thurmond. He loved his job.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Gustaf on April 24, 2004, 10:56:03 AM
Shouldn't New Foundland and British Honduras have become part of the US when it took over the British Empire or did I miss something?

You're still here??? :)

Hi, Immy. :)

Yeah, I mostly lurk these days though, got too much stuff on my plate with school and such.  But just remember, I'm always watching. ;) can still paricipat in the fantasy elections, you know. :)

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: MasterJedi on April 24, 2004, 06:19:37 PM
This is a great work here, wish it did happen! Then we would be the ultimate power, hooray!

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on April 25, 2004, 10:20:14 AM
Sorry for not updating, I've been away.  Hopefully I can have another installment up by tomrrow

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: MasterJedi on April 25, 2004, 06:35:37 PM
Alright we get some more soon hopefully! I wonder how WWII is going to play out and into the late 20th century.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on April 27, 2004, 06:23:34 PM
1933 [continued]—Several small socialist parties in former Canada unite to form the CCF [Cooperative Commonwealth Federation].  In July the Socialist Party now under the leadership of Norman Thomas joins.  Thomas becomes chief of the CCF.  The CCF begins running campaigns in the Northern US for local and state offices, winning a few.  Adolf Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany.  America formally assumes ownership of Tristain de Cuhna, Ascension Island, and St. Helena.

1934—The New Deal progresses as in OTL.  TR, recalling the European Statehood Initiative lets all 12 European territories vote on whether to become states.  Despite some rioting, most Europeans have accepted US rule and their quality of life has improved.  Also, Hitler’s rise in Germany has scared them.  Finally, promiment activist Stanley Baldwin announces his intention to run for president in 1936.  The initiave passes in every European territory territory, and under the deal:
1. Twelve new states—Scotland, Wales, Northumbria, Wessex, Anglia, Mercia, France, Aquitaine, Burgundy, Cordoba, Castille, Leon, Aragon—will become states on July 4, 1935.
2. Anyone who doesn’t like this can freely leave the country.  Ascension Island, Tristain de Cuhna, and St. Helena are ceded to the Kingdoms of Bermuda, which changes its name to Atlantica.

1935—The CCF writes document known as the New Statehood Initiaive, calling for all US territories to become states by 1945.  The twelve European states enter the union on July 4.  Seeing that there are over 200 electoral votes to be found in Europe, Norman Thomas announces his candidacy.  To counter him, Stanley Baldwin declares his candidacy and begins campaigning across Britain.  TR announces we won’t run for another term in 1936.

1936—Franklin Roosevelt and John Garner receive the Progressive nomination.  Alf Landon and Stanley Baldwin have a fierce battle for the Conservative nomination, but in the end, Landon concedes to Baldwin in exchange for being the VP nominee.  The CCF, having now gained prominence in Upper North America [which will henceforth refer to central to western Canada and the US states which border it] and Europe, nominate Norman Thomas and George Nelson.  Huey Long, having escaped an assassination attempt the year before, runs an independent campaign with former MS governor Theodore Bilbo as his running mate.  All 4 candidates campaign strongly in their respective regions and all are expected to get some amount of electoral votes.  On election night:
Franklin Roosevelt is elected in a landslide, with most candidates only winning on a regional basis.

1937—FDR is inaugurated as the 34th president.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: MasterJedi on April 27, 2004, 08:06:49 PM
Now there's a lot of states coming in at one time!

I wonder if Hitler will invade the US in former France, Spain and England and then get thrown back with overwhelming US manpower!

I also suspect that Siberia will become the next states due to the fact that Russia will probably play a big part in this TL too!

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Blerpiez on April 28, 2004, 05:17:09 PM
Why is the more populous bit of australia not a state while there are two less populous states in australia?

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on May 01, 2004, 11:14:41 PM
i will finish this at some point, but i'm gonna have to put it on hold for now because of AP exams.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: MasterJedi on May 02, 2004, 03:18:53 PM
Darn, when should we expect to look for more of this excellant story?

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on May 02, 2004, 03:22:19 PM
around May 20 or so I'll be done with school for the year and I can write a good bit to catch up.  Probably won't be able to work much until then though :(

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: MasterJedi on May 02, 2004, 04:10:45 PM
 :O  *looks at calender* Dang that's a long time but I know how stressful/evil exams are! Good luck!

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on May 11, 2004, 04:35:22 PM
Now that AP exams have been compeleted for me, I'll start working on the TL again!  Maybe I'll have the next part up tomorrow :)

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: ilikeverin on May 11, 2004, 04:36:24 PM
Now that AP exams have been compeleted for me, I'll start working on the TL again!  Maybe I'll have the next part up tomorrow :)



Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: MasterJedi on May 11, 2004, 05:47:03 PM
*crosses fingers and hopes there's a new post tomorrow with some new states joining too*

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: TheWildCard on May 11, 2004, 06:17:56 PM
*thinks it'd be good if MacArthur was elected President at some point in this what-if*

Hey it's as probable as anything else...

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: ilikeverin on May 11, 2004, 06:35:48 PM
*thinks it'd be good if MacArthur was elected President at some point in this what-if*

Hey it's as probable as anything else...

*thinks it'd be good if I was elected President at some point in this what-if*

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: TheWildCard on May 11, 2004, 08:31:21 PM
*thinks it'd be good if MacArthur was elected President at some point in this what-if*

Hey it's as probable as anything else...

*thinks it'd be good if I was elected President at some point in this what-if*

*Thinks if it goes that far into the future maybe he should be elected President 8 years before Ilikeverin...*

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Reaganfan on May 12, 2004, 03:26:12 PM

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on May 12, 2004, 09:45:41 PM
Due to other problems, I can't update today, but hopefully I can update tomorrow!  Sorry :)
And I'll probably have time to extend this past 2100 ;)

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: TheWildCard on May 12, 2004, 09:49:43 PM
Due to other problems, I can't update today, but hopefully I can update tomorrow!  Sorry :)
And I'll probably have time to extend this past 2100 ;)

Come on put me in there as a successful President :D

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on May 12, 2004, 09:57:26 PM
let's see, ILV and WC, what are your first and last names and year you turn 35?

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: TheWildCard on May 12, 2004, 10:02:06 PM
Just put me down as Michael Robert Lane and I turn 35 in late Jan. 2041.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on May 12, 2004, 10:06:49 PM
Just put me down as Michael Robert Lane and I turn 35 in late Jan. 2041.

hmmm, that'd mean you're boon in 2006 . . . :)

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: TheWildCard on May 12, 2004, 10:43:01 PM
Just put me down as Michael Robert Lane and I turn 35 in late Jan. 2041.

hmmm, that'd mean you're boon in 2006 . . . :)

Sorry meant 2021 hit the wrong frigging button...

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: ?????????? on May 13, 2004, 01:53:44 AM
I will be elligible to run for the 2016 election! Jeff Wallnöfer! Write me into your story! Win or lose put me in!

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: MasterJedi on May 13, 2004, 07:17:54 AM
If possible I'd like to be included in this TL, win or lose it doesn't matter either.

Ryan Noble, I'd be elligable to run in 2024!

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: ilikeverin on May 13, 2004, 07:57:05 AM
let's see, ILV and WC, what are your first and last names and year you turn 35?

Put me down as Chris... uh... Johnson (:P not real name).

I turn 35 in 2025!

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Fmr. Gov. NickG on May 13, 2004, 11:46:10 AM

I'm wondering if we'll see any Presidential candidates from outside the continental US.  Central American has been part of the country for almost 100 years, and we still haven't seen any hispanics running.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: ?????????? on May 13, 2004, 11:50:30 AM

I'm wondering if we'll see any Presidential candidates from outside the continental US.  Central American has been part of the country for almost 100 years, and we still haven't seen any hispanics running.

Vincente Fox for President!

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on May 14, 2004, 11:04:40 PM
Just to update, I'm now in the mid-1940's but I'm going to wait until I finish totally with World War II until I post it here.
Just for a preview, WWII involves 3 alliances!

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on May 15, 2004, 08:24:49 PM
1937—FDR is inaugurated as the 34th president.  Hitler announces that he seeks to add much of Austria-Hungary to Germany, maybe even all of it.  A-H declines.  FDR announces that the US will honor its alliance with A-H.  A-H, the US, Netherlands, and Belgium, decide to start disassociating with Germany.  Atlantica, Italy, and the USSR sign the Pact of Eternity, a symbol of their permanent alliance.  Hitler’s Germany is caught in the middle of the two largening alliances.

1938—Japan, Brazil, and Germany sign a treaty of friendship known as the Axis.  Quebec, under new leadership, decides to join it.  The US-centered alliance official reforms itself into the “Group of Six.”  The United South American Republic announces its intention to join the Pact of Eternity.
The Axis:
Brazil, Germany, Japan, Quebec
The Group of Six:
Argentina, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Netherlands, Portugal, United States
The Pact of Eternity:
Atlantica, Italy, USSR, USAR

1939—The US Congress is in turmoil; the Progressives and Conservatives are both split by isolationist and pro-foreign groups.  Many want the US to withdraw from the Group of Six and focus on domestic issues.  On July 1, Germany announces that it will occupy part of Austria-Hungary.  The Group of Six declares war on The Axis, and World War II is on.  The Pact of Eternity proclaims neutrality.  Troops begin movement in Africa.  Skirmishes begin in South America.

~There are WWII maps on the next page :) ~

1940—Belgium and the Netherlands are overrun, as is much of Austria-Hungary.  Both sides ask the Pact of Eternity to join, but to no avail.  Germany sweeps through Northern A-H.  Germany is pushed back at Paris by the Allies.  US Soldiers are drafted and chiefly sent to Europe.  In Africa, German troops capture part of former Netherlands territory.  The remaining Belgian and Dutch territory remains in limbo, somewhat independent.  Brazil captures America’s Guyanas, and begins moving into Argentina, finding them drastically unprepared for war.  Japan moves into Manchuria.
In the presidential election, the Conservatives and Progressives run a coalition ticket, with FDR and Wendell Wilkie, and win 888 electoral votes.  Norman Thomas runs again under the CCF, and wins the same 70 electoral votes as he did in 1936.  Quebec fortifies its cities for a US invasion.

1941—Portugal joins the US in March out of fear.  It is admitted as the 95th state.  The German panzers continue sweeping east through more of Austria-Hungary through Ukraine to the Black Sea.  Many Soviets see the threat posed by Germany, but the Pact of Eternity decides not to declare war on the Axis in July.  On the Western front, German panzers are beaten back at the Second Battle of Paris, leaving over 600,000 dead.  The US assumes control of former Portuguese, Belgian, and Dutch African territory, and Dutch East India.  Brazil decides to concentrate cheify on Argentina rather than the US, as Argentina, it seems, shall quickly fall.  American troops from Siberia liberate and occupy Manchuria and Sapporo.  American troops capture Southern Quebec; Newfoundland declares itself to be part of the US and is made a state.

1942—German troops sweep through eastern A-H and Bulgaria, and also into Lithuania.  President Roosevelt begs Stalin and the other members of the Pact of Eternity to join.  American soldiers defeat the Germans at Calais.  Germany withdraws its troops from Africa, seeing the need for them elsewhere, and America sends some troops.  America controls the entire continent by the end of the year.  Brazil captures all of Argentina except for some islands off the coast.  The rest of Japan and Korea are liberated, the US begins occupation.  US troops from Australia sweep across the Pacific and capture most of Japan and Germany’s islands.  German troops generally surrender, but it takes more trouble on Japanese islands.  The Kindgom of Hawaii voluntarily annexes itself to the US.  Quebec surrenders and is occupied by the US.

1943—Fearing a German invasion, Norway asks for annexation by the US and becomes a state.  Denmark and Sweden decline to join the US in plebiscites.  On February 28, alarmed by the fall of Argentina, the USSR, Italy, Atlantica, and the USAR join the Group of Six on their war with the Axis.  Germany moves into western Russia and makes a small gain.  Italy helps bolster the Austria-Hungarian lines and Germany makes no more gains in A-H.  Germany begins plans for a huge offensive into France, keying in on Paris.  Ireland decides to join the US as the 97th state.  The Manhattan Project begins.  New USAR troops capture some jungles of Brazil, and America regains the Guyanas.  

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on May 15, 2004, 08:25:06 PM
1944—On January 27, the Third Battle of Paris begins.  Irish, Portuguese, and Norwegian troops have joined the other American troops in defense of the city.  Over 2,000,000 American soldiers wait there, and soliders of different ethnic backgrounds are beginning to work together.  Seeing that the Soviet armies will sweep west, Germany knows it must put everything into razing Paris, and forcing the Americans out of the war [the moral defeat can do wonders—a presidential election is coming up].  At the Third Battle of Paris, troops clash throughout the State of France; the Germans resort to massacring civilians.  When the German army finally surrenders in July, an astonishing 5,000,000 people have been killed.  American troops plunge into Germany, and Russian troops into eastern Europe.  In South America, D-Day begins!  Troops from America, USAR, the Argentine islands, and Atlantica land near Buenos Aries and take the area around the city.  America and the USAR capture more of the northern Brazilian jungles, but this doesn’t really mean much.
In the presidential election, a Progressive Coalition renominates FDR, but when Wilkie retires, they nominate William L. Mackenzie King for the VP spot.  With the Conservative Party dwindling, an Anti-War Group forms and nominates Henry Wallace and Glen Taylor.  Wallace promises to quickly end the war.  The CCF decides to endorse FDR for this election, but they pledge to nominate a candidate in 1948.  With the Conservatives, CCF, and Progressives behind him, FDR completes the first sweep since Washington, winning all 1005 electoral votes.  Wallace comes close in some states, but cannot win any.

1945—The G6 and PE troops continue to push across Germany.  Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg are liberated and join the US as states.  Hitler commits suicide.  Argentina regains much of its former territory as Brazil withdraws into its old borders for defensive reasons.  Atlantica begins a landing on Eastern Brazil, and captures some.  Sadly, FDR dies in April, and W. L. Mackenzie King becomes president.

1946—Germany finally surrenders totally.  Sweden and Demark apply for statehood, and the US assumes control of Western Germany, whose status will be determined later.  Brazil is defeated; 500,000 die at the battle of Sao Paulo, site of final resistance.  The US, USAR, Argentina, and Atlantica divvy up Brazil, and Atlantica gets a small piece—its first mainland territory.  WORLD WAR II is over!!!!


1947—Now with 103 states and much more area, the US’s focuses shifts inward.  All of this new area will have to be developed.  Decisions must be made on occupied territory.  An amendment to the constitution concerning American Territory:
America will consist of three types of territory:  states, district, and occupied territory {OT}
States will have 2 senators and appropriate representation in the House.  No new state can be admitted as the smallest state by population.
Districts are less developed areas that have only one voting representative in the House and one electoral vote.
OT is territory captured in a war, and must be given independence, districthood, or statehood 7 years after creation.
The amendment passes soon.
Africa is districtized.  In a rare move, Gambia secedes from Liberia in order to unite into the Senegal District.  In all, 59 districts are created.

1948—President King announces his retirement.  The parties are somewhat reformed; the CCF nominates Norman Thomas and Henry Wallace, and that brings some more support to their cause.  The Progressive Party nominates MO Senator Harry Truman and NY statesman Thomas Dewey.  The Conservative Party, which has greatly fallen, chooses the far-right Strom Thurmond and the more moderate Earl Warren.  Later, Mohammad Hatta of Indonesia announces his run for the presidency, and promises immediate statehood for all districts should he win.  He chooses Australian William John McKell for his vice-president.  Hatta/McKell popular in the Muslim lands and Australia, but cannot hope to win much more.  There is much speculation that the race may be thrown into the House.
In the end, though, Truman runs away with it, but Hatta impressively sweeps the “Far Southeast” and all of Africa, and several territories in America that have been itching for statehood.  Note:  Turnout across many of the “un-American-like” districts was between 10-20%, so it should not be taken to mean that everyone there desires or even cares about statehood.
WWIII almost breaks out in Europe between Austria-Hungary and the USSR over a land dispute {USSR hasn’t given back some liberated land, but war is averted when the USSR returns the land to A-H in exchange for being allowed to formally annex must of Eastern Europe.

1949—For the first time in forever, Theodore Roosevelt, now in his 90’s, is not in the president’s cabinet. Guided by President Truman, Congress allows Western Australia, New South Wales, Southern Australia, and Victoria to be admitted to the Union as states.  The US now contains 107 states.  Mohammed Hatta and others begin the Colonial Statehood Caucus, a House Organization to vehemently campaign for statehood.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: ?????????? on May 15, 2004, 08:29:57 PM
Any chance of seeing any regional splits soon? And lets make eastern OK a state? lol

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on May 15, 2004, 08:31:32 PM
If anyone has suggestions or comments, I'd love to hear and entertain them :)  I hope you enjoy.

BTW, Eastern Oklahoma is Indian Territory

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: ?????????? on May 15, 2004, 08:49:36 PM
Greenland? How about Indian Territory being offered statehood?

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: ilikeverin on May 15, 2004, 09:00:09 PM
Hatta/McKell 1952 8)

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Fmr. Gov. NickG on May 15, 2004, 09:10:41 PM

Was the Capitol ever rebuilt?  How do they fit 200 Senators & 1000 Representatives on the House & Senate floor? :)

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Lunar on May 15, 2004, 10:05:10 PM
The countries that aren't part of the US and are afraid of being annexed are going to start banding together, likely under the protection of the USSR.

Companies are going to start moving into the poor districts for the cheap labor, but due to the huge amount of districts, this will be spread thin and little progress will be made.  Perhaps, companies will even form monopolies over the various labor markets and dominate the districts.  The more benevolent CEOs might improve the areas vastly and perhaps a "Rockefeller" state might pop up in Mozambique or something.

The income gap between the industrialized states and the non-industrialized ones just has to casue some riots and attempted rebellions.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: MasterJedi on May 16, 2004, 06:31:42 AM
Well I suspect some of those districts will becoming states first before we get any ohter states. My guess is the 3 districts in Siberia and Manchuria and Japan will become states soon if the Cold War is still in this TL.

So no bomb dropped on Japan here? hehe, let's test it on Moscow to gain a lot more land in Eastern Russia and end the Cold War!

EDIT: After some thinking Greenland should be a US district now along with that Island chain that Norway controls north of itself. Along those lines the Azores and Canary Islands would also be the US's.

Edit II: After thinking some more. Is Antarctica going to be a thing in this TL? And what about the Middle East and Israel, are they going to be causing trouble too?

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Blerpiez on May 16, 2004, 06:44:39 AM
I think that the southern districts of Australia should become states.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on May 16, 2004, 09:59:19 AM
Some notes:
In this TL, Greenland was bought by Iceland in the early 1900's.  Iceland acheived its indepedence and bought Greenland and Svalbard.
Altantica owns the Azores and wants the Cape Verde Islands.
The Manhattan Project produced an atomic bomb in 1945, but it was decided to not use it since only Brazil and Germany were left to beat and it wasn't necessary.  No other countries are aware of the US's atomic bomb.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Josh/Devilman88 on May 16, 2004, 10:03:20 AM
Harry you make the best timelines I have ever seen.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on May 16, 2004, 10:54:31 AM

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Josh/Devilman88 on May 16, 2004, 10:59:30 AM
Way COOL keep it up harry!

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: MasterJedi on May 16, 2004, 11:04:43 AM
Nice map, it really helps sort out who controls what and helps show how much the US actually controls!

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Lunar on May 16, 2004, 11:16:20 AM
How could Iceland buy Greenland in the 1900s?  Iceland belonged to Denmark until 1939 when they gave it to the US.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: ?????????? on May 16, 2004, 09:21:22 PM
Harry where can I get those type of maps with all the countries outlined? I want to make a world sized electoral map for a thread I'm working on.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on May 16, 2004, 09:22:47 PM
i found the world map at

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on May 19, 2004, 09:08:45 PM

1950—Hatta continues to call for statehood and is little heard.  Harry Belvin, chief of the Oklahoma Choctaw, and Indian Territory’s representative calls for statehood for Indian Territory.
Turkey and Greece nearly fall to Communism like much of the rest of Eastern Europe, but Truman sends much aid to prevent this, much as in OTL.
The people of Austria-Hungary begin protesting under King Franz Ferdinand’s absoluteism.  He’s not a bad ruler at all, but the people want democracy.  Seeing this, he makes a HUGE PR move and allows democracy to come.  He’ll keep his title, but he gives up most of his power.

1951—With the Cold War now officially, going, Congress hurridiedly decides to admit the Siberian states.  The Statehood Coalition is happy, but encourages more statehood.  The Districts are mostly much worse off, and statehood could improve them.  Congress passes the Internal Movement Act, which gives tax incentives to rich people who move to a poor area.

1952—A communist revolt occurs in the USAR.  Truman does everything he can to stop it, but fails.  Truman drops out of the presidential race after performing poorly in the New Hampshire primary.
Adlai Stevenson seeks the Progressive nomination, but instead it goes to WWII General Dwight D. Eisenhower, who is more moderate than the usual progressive.  Eisenhower picks Stevenson as his running mate.
The CCF shockingly dumps Thomas and instead chooses Vincent Auriol of France, along with Tommy Douglas.  Many liberals turn to Auriol, dissatisfied with Eisenhower.
The Conservatives, in winless in 20 years, decide to look at Gen. Dwight Eisenhower, but when he takes the Progressive nomination, they reluctantly choose Gen. Douglas MacArthur
The Statehood Coalition picks Hatta and McKell again, and this time they have more support.  A major issue is the Occupied Territory, which must by 1954 become districts or independent.  Eisenhower supports a referendum; Auriol statehood, and MacArthur wants to amend the constitution to occupy them longer.
To win, a candidate needs 593 electoral votes, which is exactly how many Eisenhower gets.  The Conservatives are distraught at yet another loss.

1953—Eisenhower announces a referendum for the occupied territories of Quebec, Germany, Brazil, and Greater Japan.  The options are districthood and independence.  The date of the referendum will be July 31.  Mohammad Hatta tours Japan, Korea, and Manchuria begging for them to choose districthood and reminding them how they’ve improved.  Germany, seeing how their lives and the lives of their neighbors have improved, overwhelming chooses to become a district.  Brazil, in a close 52-48 vote, also chooses districthood.  Seeing the threat of Communism very nearby, Japan, Korea, and Manchuria become districts as well.  The USSR and China are dismayed.  Quebec decides to become a district by a large margin.

1954—Montenegro falls to Communism.  Soon enough, so does Albania.  Austria-Hungary and Greece attempt to stop it, but to no avail.  The USSR moves South and takes over Turkistan.  The districts and states on the mainland cower in fear at such a thought.  In response, Eisenhower sends 500,000 US soldiers to Siberia, Kamchatka, Pendleton, Korea, and Manchuria.  The thought that WWIII may be just around the corner frightens many Americans.  Eisenhower’s approval rates plummets.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on May 19, 2004, 09:09:01 PM
1955—The US sends an envoy to Mongolia offering annexation, but he turns up dead.  The next day, Mongolia decides to join the Soviet Union.  Eisenhower raises the troop count in East Asia to 800,000, lowering his approval rating even more {except in East Asia, where it rises :) }
McArthur is placed in command in East Asia.  He asks the president for permission to use force whenever he feels it is necessary without the president’s permission.  He also asks the president for three small atomic bombs {which are top secret—no one else has them}.  President Eisenhower will not consent to this.  When McArthur criticizes Eisenhower to the press, Eisenhower has no choice but to fire him.  At the end of the year, Communism prevails in Thailand.

1956—Having not won an election in 24, the Conservatives are ready to win—now.  Their first hope is to nominate Winston Churchill, governor of Anglia, and social leader during WWII, but his old age and poor health prevent that.  They finally settle on Alexander Douglas-Home of Scotland, and Richard Nixon of CA as his running mate.  Vincent Auriol and Norman Thomas both campaign for the CCF nomination, but surprisingly, Adlai Stevenson shows up at the CCF convention and asks them to choose Eisenhower and himself on a coalition ticket.  Even more surprisingly, the CCF decides to endorse Eisenhower/Stevenson for a second term.  Despite a low approval rating, this endorsement gives Eisenhower a second chance at reelection.  Mohammad Hatta announces he won’t run for president in June, as does McKell, leaving the Statehood Coalition without a candidate.  Then Eisenhower makes a commitment to bring in more states, and the S.C. endorses him and Stevenson.  Despite his tri-party fusion ticket, Douglas-Home seems very likely to defeat Eisenhower.  The Conservatives are banking everything on this election.  If they lose, the different factions will likely break apart.  This 2-man election requires 596 votes to win.  An anamoly of the polls seems to show close in most states, but Douglas-Home way ahead in Australia, and Eisenhower way ahead in non-English Europe.
Despite Conservative high hopes, Eisenhower is able to win, with Europe being the deciding factor.

1957—The Conservative Party breaks down:  Conservatives from the “American Heartland,” or English-speaking continental North America, form the American Party.  Strom Thurmond is the party’s chief.  Their aim is “to secure independence for the districts and concentrate on improvements for the Real America.”  European conservatives combine with more moderate American conservatives to form the Republican Party, a throwback to the nineteenth century party.
Eisenhower begins his second term.  The Communist Party begins taking strides in India.  Eisenhower sends aid to pro-Democratic parties.
Turkey falls to Communism.  Eisenhower cannot prevent it.
At this point, the following countries are communist:  USSR, USAR, Turkey, China, Thailand.

1958—To the free world’s dismay, Iceland falls to Communism.  Later this year, the USSR invades and takes over Afghanistan.  Troops in East Asian America go on red alert.  Eisenhower increases the number to 1,000,000 troops in Siberia/Manchuria and 500,000 in Europe.  Another heartbreaking blow comes in July:  Arabia and Persia have gone Communist.  Eisenhower’s approval rating drops into the 30’s.  Reactionaries and radicals alike call for his resignation, but many still support him.  Then, in a surprising forward gesture, Eisenhower personally travels to meet with Muhammad Najib al-Rubai, president of the United Arab Republic, and the two of them agree that the UAR will never go Communist.  Then, in an even more daring move, he meets with Mohammad Ayub Khan, president of Pakistan, and he also signs a permanent alliance with the US, and agrees to always have a Pakistani democracy.  The “victories” of the UAR and Pakistan restore many people’s faith in Eisenhower.

1959—The Free Peoples of the World meet in February in Pierce for the Thunder Bay Conference.  The subject:  containment of Communism.  In the fateful conference, the United States, Argentina, Atlantica, Austria-Hungary, Pakistan, the United Arab Republic, Italy, San Marino, Sri Lanka, the Indian Ocean Confederation, Andorra, Liechtenstein, and Greece sign the Pact of Freedom.
The conference is planning to seat delegates from India when word is received that India has fallen to Communism.  The nations of the Pact of Freedom are stunned.
In October, USARian rebels land in the Bay of Swords on the Pacific coast.  They intend to overthrow the government, but fail miserably.  They are later found to have been armed by the Pact of Freedom.  The “Bay of Swords” Incident haunts Eisenhower and the other free countries.  In December, the armies of the USSR and India look into Pakistan.  Eisenhower clearly tells the communists than any excursion into Pakistan will start WWIII.  At 4 AM, December 31, 1959, Communist troops move into Pakistan.  As soon as Eisenhower hears, he asks Congress to declare war on the USSR and India.  Congress obliges with little opposition.  Eisenhower fears for the lives of American citizens, thrown into yet another world war, but remembers that America has a weapon that other nations do not:  the atomic bomb.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: MasterJedi on May 20, 2004, 07:18:05 AM
And so WWIII starts! Time for some atomic explosions. I'm surprised the rest of Austrailia isn't a state yet. I wonder how much death this new war will cause and it only starts 10 years from WWII!  :)

FYI in the last election map you didn't have the 6 electoral votes for one of the Siberian states.

Great update!

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on May 21, 2004, 07:54:51 PM
Does anyone else have any comments? ;)

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Lunar on May 21, 2004, 08:03:12 PM
Great as always.

Waiting for Eastern Oklahoma to become a state, heh.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: © tweed on May 21, 2004, 08:16:46 PM
This gets the Academy award for Best Timeline.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on May 21, 2004, 08:30:01 PM
From now on, I'll be posting by decade.

A preview for the sixties
Turblent times, atomic bombs, and several assassinations.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Gustaf on May 22, 2004, 04:39:20 AM
Opebo will be heart-broken by Thailand falling to Communism!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

And I was by Iceland doing that... :(

Great work!

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on May 22, 2004, 09:52:56 PM

1960—US soldiers pour into Eastern USSR on January 1.  The army of Pakistan withdraws to a defensive position around Islamabad, facing the combined onslaught of India and the USSR.  Turkey, Persia, and Arabia march on the United Arab Republic.  Soviet troops are moved into Montenegro and Albania to help them defend themselves.  The USAR and Thailand engage in skirmishes with US troops along their borders.  Chinese and American troops fight in first major engagement of the war, the Battle of Beijing.  Under semiheavy casualties, American forces withdraw.  The Pact of Freedom declares war on all of the world’s Communist countries.
By February, Thailand has been subjugated and placed under occupation, with a referendum scheduled for 1968.  In a somewhat surprising move, the Trucial States declare war on Arabia and join the Pact of Freedom.  The Soviet and Indian troops engage Pakistani troops at Islamabad.  The battle rages on with no clear favorite.  Italian and Greek troops enter Montenegro and set up a new democratic government which proclaims freedom for all.  Austro-Hungarian troops liberate Tirana, and the rest of Albania.  Albania becomes a province of the A-H Republic.  Many American troops in Europe {Which includes German troops} are sent to the UAR, which is loosing badly.
By August, Greek, American, Italian, and A-Hian troops are bogged down in Eastern Europe, American troops have withdrawn from the UAR following its unfortunate fall, and the war in the East is going nowhere.
West Pakistan falls on September 3.  East Pakistan now proclaims itself Bangladesh.
Amongst all of this, a presidential election is occurring.  The American party has nominated Harry Byrd for president, with founder and former presidential candidate Strom Thurmond for VP.
The new Republican Party decides to nominate CA representative Richard Nixon for president, and in a somewhat suprising move, they nominate Gustavo Díaz Ordaz, governor of the state of Mexico, for VP.
The Progressive Party decides to nominate President Eisenhower again, but VP Stevenson declines to be on the ticket again.  Instead, Eisenhower chooses Lyndon Johnson of TX to be his running mate.
The CCF is dead, basically.  They’ve lost a lot, and their pacifist platform is about shot.  The Statehood Coalition reluctantly endorses Eisenhower again.
A lot of new things happen this time.  Several Spanish states don’t vote Progressive for the first time EVER.  When the race ends up with no majority, it goes to the House, who choose Richard Nixon as the 38th president of the United States.

1961—Richard Nixon is inaugurated.  He is eager to end the war quickly, and cost as few American lives as possible.  He sends troops to southern Pakistan to relieve the entrenched at Islamabad.
In South America, the USAR decides to throw everything at Argentina.  The battles go very well for the USAR.  At this point, Nixon feels like he has no choice.  He orders atomic bombs dropped on New Delhi and Quito.  On what would later be called the Day of Darkness, April 18, both cities are reduced to rubble.  Within a week, the various nations of each side sue for peace.  WWIII has come to an abrupt end.
In the end, WWIII accomplished very little.  The only changes:
Thailand is now occupied by the US.
Montenegro and Albania now have democratic governments.
The United Arab Republic is now hated by its neighbors.
New Delhi and Quito have been reduced to rubble.
Bangladesh is now an independent nation, and Sikkim has gained independence as well.
Both the US and USSR each had comparatively few casualities.  The brunt of the fighting was done in the UAR, Pakistan, and USAR/Argentina.  Other nations become somewhat angry at each nation.

1962—Mohammad Hatta declares that now that WWIII is over, statehood must become a huge concern for the US.  The Republican-controlled House proposes admitting Guyana, Venezuela, Meta, and Alaska as states.  With few reservations, it passes, and 4 new states join the union on July 4.  When Indian Territory is not admitted, the state goes into a huge riot.  200,000 protestors gather on the Capitol grounds.  Harry Belvin gives an inspiring speech, when all of a sudden, shots ring out.  Harry Belvin has been shot dead.  The people are stunned.  This assassination causes enough backlash to have Congress, in a special session, admit Indian Territory as a state.  Belvin is chosen as the new name for this state.
The USSR puts up a manmade satellite into orbit.  President Nixon and MA Senator John F. Kennedy make a joint goal of sending an American to the moon and safely returning him by 1969, a very lofty goal.

1963—Atlantica grants its Brazilian territory independence.  It wasn’t working out, a few Atlantic islands {all with big cities on them, though}, ruling a much larger segment of Brazil.  The US eyes this area for annexation, but they actually reject the US, even though the Northern Brazil District is becoming more and more cool with being part of the US.
President Nixon decides to go to Dallas in late November 1963.  There, while in a limo in Deeley Plaza, a shot rings out of the Texas School Book Depository, and President Nixon is shot dead.  Lee Harvey Oswald is accused, but killed before he can go to trial.  Gustavo Diaz Ordaz becomes the nation’s first Hispanic president.  He announces that he will pick Henry Cabot Lodge as his VP.
Martin Luther King makes his “I have a dream” speech, and President Ordaz is in full support of King.

1964—President Ordaz manages to pass a bill proclaiming the Lesser Antilles, the Bahamas, and Belize {formerly British Honduras} as the 116th, 117th, and 118th states.
The presidential election is fast approaching.  The Republicans, with a little dismay, nominate Ordaz/Lodge.  Some bigotry causes some defection into the American Party, who renominate Harry Byrd, along with Marvin Griffin.  Several contend for the Progressive nomination, but Lyndon B. Johnson is able to secure it in the end.  Mohammad Hatta and the Statehood Coalition endorse Ordaz, all but guaranteeing his victory.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on May 22, 2004, 09:53:10 PM
1965—The American Party hates Ordaz a lot, and some Republicans question him, while Progressives like him.  All in all, though, he is a uniter, and very unpolarizing.  His approval rating stands at 81%.
Ordaz drafts the Interstate Highway Program, which was defeated during Eisenhower’s presidency.  The ambitious program proposes interstate highways across the US, including Africa and Southeast Asia, and a very ambitious bridge across the Bering Strait.  Hatta is elated; putting these interstates through less developed land will promote trade and provide jobs.  The American Party condemns such a plan.

1966—With the Mercury program completed, and Gemini going on schedule, many people are beginning to think that the Americans could get to the moon by 1969.  South Africa is admitted as a state.
The nation mourns as Theodore Roosevelt dies at age 107, and the nation goes into mourning.  His birthday, October 27, is made a national holiday by executive order of President Ordaz.

1967—A fire on the Apollo 1 launchpad results in the deaths of three American astronauts.  The space program is pushed back somewhat, but President Ordaz assures everyone that things will be ok, and the space program must move on.  The Statehood Act passes through Congress over the deep discord of the American Party, proclaiming that at least two new states will be created every year on July 4 until all districts have become states.  On July 4, the District of Germany is divided into three states, bringing the total to 122:  Westphalia, Rhineland, and Brandenburg.  Martin Luther King makes

1968—The presidential election season starts up again.  President Ordaz, despite his popularity, decides not to seek another term.  He turns the Republican nomination over to his VP Lodge, and Spiro Agnew of MD is nominated for VP.  Alabama governor George Wallace runs with General Curtis LeMay under the American Party.  He speaks out to many people frustrated with spending much money in Africa and SE Asia, and with the Statehood Act.  His platform calls for cessation of financing and eventual independence of non-North American territories.  Quite a few people seek the Progressive nomination in 1968, including Hubert Humphrey, Eugene McCarthy, John F. Kennedy, and Robert Kennedy.  RFK seems to be getting the nomination, but after his impressive win in the CA primary, he is shot dead by Sirhan Sirhan.  His brother John is sweeps the next few primaries and wins the nomination.  He picks Harold Wilson of Britain as his running mate.
A referendum in Thailand chooses to become a district, due to circumstances, the process isn't completed until November 19, after election day.
Congress decides to grant statehood to Quebec and Suriname.
Martin Luther King is assassinated in Memphis, to the dismay of many.
As Election Day nearens, several surprising trends emerge:  the Latin American states will be more competitive, and George Wallace has much more support than Byrd did.  With both Lodge and Kennedy from Massachusetts, New England is a big tossup.  For the first time, the Statehood Coalition decides against endorsing a candidate, the districts are somewhat split.
By the end, though, Kennedy’s Catholicism helps him pull through in the Latin American states and sweep the election.  Though the electoral college is a landslide, the national popular vote was Kennedy 41, Lodge 40, Wallace 16.

1969—John F. Kennedy is inaugurated as the nation’s 40th president.  
Ghana and Angola are admitted into statehood.
On July 20, astronauts Neil Armstrong and Yuri Gagarin {his parents escaped into American Siberia in his youth} are the first men to walk on the moon.  A commemorative plaque is left behind, with the names of Armstrong, Gagarin, Kennedy, and Nixon.
The “Amazing” New York Mets win the World Series in five games over the heavily favored Bogotá Bombers.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: M on May 23, 2004, 11:09:51 AM
Why would Arafat send a terrorist to kill Bobby Kennedy in this TL? Certainly not for his support for Israel, as in real life. Or are their Palestinian Nationalists protesting their incorporation into the UAR?

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on May 23, 2004, 11:17:36 AM
Why would Arafat send a terrorist to kill Bobby Kennedy in this TL? Certainly not for his support for Israel, as in real life. Or are their Palestinian Nationalists protesting their incorporation into the UAR?
Since there is no Isreal in this TL, i guess there are other reasons.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: sobo on May 23, 2004, 11:40:55 AM
What happended in the 1968 Thailand refferendum?  Also will the space program continue as in OTL or will it be different?

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on May 23, 2004, 12:01:47 PM
What happended in the 1968 Thailand refferendum?  Also will the space program continue as in OTL or will it be different?

Thanks for pointing out the Thailand thing.  I've fixed the problem.  As for the space program, it'll probably go somewhat different, much of it depending on who the president is.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: MasterJedi on May 24, 2004, 07:16:07 AM
Now there's a lot of new states! Thought WWIII would have a greater effect. Anyway great update and time for some new states!

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: PBrunsel on May 24, 2004, 05:03:07 PM
Does Herbert Hoover get to live longer than 90 years in this timeline?

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on May 24, 2004, 05:32:15 PM
Does Herbert Hoover get to live longer than 90 years in this timeline?
If TR can be 107, then certainly Hoover can live at least as long :)

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Lunar on May 28, 2004, 12:59:41 AM
I'm bumping this.  I want at least one topic of substance on the entire first page of this board.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: M on May 28, 2004, 01:21:13 AM
Actually, if you had read "the fair actress for president poll" you would know it actually has a full, non-humorous, and almost believable future history timeline on it. Why don't you check it out, vote, and leave a message?

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Lunar on May 28, 2004, 01:40:04 AM
Alright, yours has a story.  Yours is fine too, heh ;)

I'm just tired of the random "vs" polls.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on May 28, 2004, 09:19:47 AM
I'm working on the 1970's now, and perhaps can post it by this afternoon.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: PBrunsel on May 29, 2004, 11:21:31 AM
Harry, it's nice to know that a good timeline still exists in this board.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: MasterJedi on May 31, 2004, 01:36:26 PM
Hopefully we can get some more soon?

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on May 31, 2004, 11:13:01 PM
yes, i'll update before i leave for DC.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: opebo on May 31, 2004, 11:22:06 PM
Opebo will be heart-broken by Thailand falling to Communism!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

Its true I would be.  It had a narrow enough escape in the 1970's - the Thai army had to get pretty harsh.  I'm happy to say its currently a very capitalist place.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on June 01, 2004, 09:23:45 PM
1970—George Wallace takes an unexpected trip to Southeast Asia to meet with a young dissident by the name of Pol Pot.  They talk for a long time about how the United States should leave the region.  Pol Pot is suspected to be both Communist and evil, especially by Mohammad Hatta, but he agrees to help campaign for the American Party.  From this point forward, the American Party becomes popular in districts by those who support independence.
French Guiana and Taiwan are admitted into statehood.
Mohammad Hatta proposes the Fair Districts Act, which essentially proposes that no district is to have a larger population than the largest state.  This act would create many new districts in SE Asia.  Though the Act is eventually defeated, President Kennedy does get an act passed that creates a few more districts, including Papua New Guinea, and dividing Indonesia into 3 districts [Jakarta, Aceh and Borneo, East Indonesia}.  Pol Pot is elected to Congress as the Indochina District’s representative, the first member of the American Party to come from a district.  Apollos 12, 13, and 14 travel to the moon without incident.

1971—In January, former Boer lands are admitted as the state of Orange.  Many are disgruntled with the fact that the area is to become one large state, with 50 electoral votes, the nation’s largest, but despite them, it does.  The House of Representatives chamber, which now holds over 1200 congressmen, is getting a bit crowded.  Some shortsided person decides to sit representatives by region, and Pol Pot and Mohammad Hatta are seated next to each other.  Shouting matches and arguments become frequent; they almost come to blows more than once.  Hawaii is granted statehood later that year.  Apollos 15, 16, and 17 make missions to the moon.

1972—The Kennedy/Wilson administration enters the election year with a high probably of reelection.  The nation is in a high, and getting even higher.  Improving matters, the Republican Party has no viable candidate to even challenge him.  Several candidates emerge.  MD governor Spiro Agnew, CA governor Ronald Reagan, Orange governor Nicholas Diederichs, and MI Representative Gerald Ford, all declare candidacy.  Another group of people back former president Ordaz, despite the fact he says he doesn’t want the nomination.  Diederichs campaigns throughout Iowa, and manages to pull of an impressive win there.  In the next primaries, NH and OG{whose legislature cleverly put an early primary to helpout Diederichs}, are also won by Diederichs.  Though Ford and Agnew each win a few, the big battle is between Diederichs and Reagan.  In the end Diedrichs wins the nomination, and rather than picking a sensible running mate {Reagan}, he chooses Oswaldo Lopez Arellano of Honduras, who came into the governership by . . . questionable . . . means.  The ticket of Diederichs/Lopez gains some steam in places, but Diederichs support of the now-abolished apartheid system scares many people.  Some Republicans defect to Kennedy; others defect to the American Party, breathing new life into the floundering party, and prompting George Wallace and Curtis LeMay to make a second run.
Then, in May, while campaigning, George Wallace is shot.  In a shocking move, he announces that he’s gonna drop out of the race, and because Diederichs’s blatant support of a racist policy, he endorses Kennedy.
A breakin occurs at Kennedy headquarters in June.  Agents of Diederichs are shown to be the culprits.  This tarnishes Diederichs’s already bleak image.
In August, Sabah and Sarawak are admitted into statehood, in time enough to vote in the presidential election.  Not that it matters . . . Wallace’s endorsement, fears of Diederichs’s extremism, and Watergate are enough to give Kennedy the election in an all-but-one-state landslide.

1973—The first space station, Skylab enters service in Earth orbit.  The Ivory Coast is admitted into statehood, along with Senegambia.
Leaders from Argentine-occupied Brazil and the US District of North Brazil meet with leaders of the Independent Atlantic Brazil.  They begin discussing reuniting the three parts into a new nation of Brazil {of course, the jungles occupied by USAR wouldn’t be  a part}.  President Kennedy says he will allow the District of North Brazil to hold a referendum.  Cleverly upping the stakes, he puts statehood and independence as the only two options.  Surprisingly enough, Argentine Brazil votes to join Atlantic Brazil in a new Republic of Brazil, while North Brazil chooses statehood.  In a treaty with the new Brazilian republic, slight boundary changes are made to make the boundary correspond to Brazillian states, rather than arbitrary division.  Two new states are scheduled to enter the union from the district in January 1974.

1974—The Final Apollo Missions, Apollos 18 and 19 land on the moon.  NASA begins to concentrate on space stations.  Bahia and North Brazil become states.  In the midterm elections, the Democrats lose several seats, but maintain their lose hold on Congress.  Republicans make gains in the west, and the American party holds strong, especially in Indochina, were Pol Pot is highly reelected.  Seeing the threat that Pol Pot makes on stability in the region, President Kennedy and Mohammad Hatta begin drawing up maps on statehood for Indochina.  In sports, the Stockholm Blitz defeat the Monrovia Warriors in the first Superbowl involving no North American teams.

1975—Cambodia, Laos, North Vietnam, and South Vietnam are admitted to the union in January.  Some people disgruntle at North and South Vietnam now being the two largest states in the union, but oh well.  Pol Pot becomes the leader of the American Party after George Wallace’s final retirement.  Despite the fact that Cambodia is now a state, he still dreams of his own nation in SE Asia.

1976—The Republicans enter the presidential election year with a lot against them.  JFK is very popular, but he announces in February that he won’t seek reelection due to back trouble.  His VP Harold Wilson surprisingly announces that he’s retiring and won’t seeking the Progressive nomination.  The main contenders for the nomination turn out to be Quebec senator Pierre Elliot Trudeau and Georgia governor Jimmy Carter.  Contenders for the Republican nomination include Ronald Reagan of CA, NZ governor Robert David Muldoon, MI Representative Gerald Ford, and AB senator Joe Clark.  The American Party has no viable candidate, and Pol Pot announces his candidacy in March.  Carter and Trudeau continue in a dogfight for the Progressive nomination, and Reagan begins to pull away with the Republican nomination when he decides to also seek the American nomination.  His fusion ticket catches on, and he begins sweeping the primaries of both parties.
In June, Italy invokes the Roosevelt Doctrine and proclaims that it has joined the US as four states.  Some people are taken aback, but Congress accepts Italy into the union.  It has become four states:  North Italy, Roma, Tyrrhenia, on the mainland & Sicily, and Italy’s island possessions of Sardinia, Corsica, Malta, and Balearics as the state of Mediterranea.  San Marino and Vatican City cease being sovereign nations and become part of the states of Italy.  Andorra joins the state of Aquitaine.  Monaco joins the state of Mediterranea.
Carter finally secures the nomination at the convention and chooses Trudeau as his VP to help heal the rift.  Reagan chooses Joe Clark as his running mate on his Republican/American coalition ticket.  Carter and Reagan debate several times, with both candidates coming across very well.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on June 01, 2004, 09:24:55 PM
Sorry I couldn't complete the decade, but I have a 7 AM flight to DC tomorrow morning, which means I have to get up at about 4:30ish, but I'll complete it as soon as possible when i get back.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: PBrunsel on June 02, 2004, 08:31:41 AM
Good Luck at your Schoolastic Compitition Harry.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: MasterJedi on June 03, 2004, 07:09:38 AM
Great update, hope you can get the rest up when you get back and good luck!

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Jens on June 07, 2004, 03:09:27 PM
I've just read it all and I loved it. Very nice detail the referendums in Denmark and Sweden, but why does Norway have more electoral votes then Sweden and Denmark. There is 5.4 mil in Denmark, (4.5 in 1945), 8.7 in Sweden (7.6 in 1945) and 4.7 in Norway (3.9 in 1945) (Please say stop if this is getting too weird - it's a trademark of my profession ;-)

nuf said - It is a good story. I WANT MORE

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on June 10, 2004, 10:18:29 PM
1976, part II:
Election night!:  Reagan and Carter both know the election will be very close, probably within a couple million popular votes and 20 or less electoral votes.  
Reagan can’t be upset with the early results, winning most of the Pacific Rim, and then splitting Europe with Carter.  In the end, Reagan squeaks out a win by the narrowest of margins.  JFK must be kicking himself for letting the Italian states in, which gave Reagan the margin for victory.

1977—Reagan is inaugurated as president.  In his inauguration, he promises to be stringent on the communist nations of USSR, China, Iceland, and India.
Gabon and Namibia are granted statehood.
John Rockefeller III receives the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to improve Equatorial Africa.  Reagan begins upping nuclear arms and sets off a race with the Communist nations.
The Supreme Court legalizes abortion across America, to the dismay of the Republican Party and much of Southern Europe and Latin America.  Pope Paul VI {now residing on American soil} condemns the decision.  Reagan calls for a constitutional amendment banning abortion [AAA].  At the same time, more liberal members of Congress propose the Equal Rights Amendment [ERA], and an amendment banning capital punishment is put forward [DPA].  Another amendment revamping presidential succession [PSA] to go VP-Speaker of House-PPT Senate-Sec State-AG . . . . is also proposed.  In December, and amendment lowering the voting age to 18 [18A] is proposed, making 1977 the “Year of Amendments.”

1978—With Reagan’s endorsement, 18A passes.  Another amendment is proposed, banning poll tax [PTA], which passes by the end of the year, as the 22nd amendment.  The DPA and AAA are grouped together by an ingenious congressman, calling it the “Life Amendment.”  After much deliberation, the Life Amendment passes in November.
To Hatta’s extreme happiness, Indonesian statehood begins with the admittance of Sumatra and Aceh.
In a little-precedented move, John F. Kennedy is elected back into the House of Representatives in Massachusetts.  The Progressives don’t hold a majority, but he is made minority leader.

1979—Borneo and New Guinea are granted statehood.  Mohammad Hatta dies in Jakarta in February, elated that his dream has finally come true.  Iceland, India, China, and USSR sign the Leningrad Pact, each promising forever loyalty.
In Atlantica, Prince Charles {British} marries Princess Maria {French/Spanish} to unite the houses of Atlantica.  The monarch does have limited power, though most of it is in parliament.  The ERA finally passes through Congress, but is not ratified by too many states.  
The 24th amendment, the PSA passes.  Communist forces take over Afghanistan.

1980—The Progressives enter the election year with high hopes.  Reagan’s presidency hasn’t turned out that great.  The only major contender for the party’s nomination is Malcolm Fraser of Victoria.  He chooses Walter Mondale of  MN for his running mate.  The Republican and American Parties overwhelmingly renominate Reagan/Clark.  His supporters are positive that he will be reelected.
Celebes and Timor are admitted as states in time to vote in the upcoming election, leaving only the island of Java without Indonesian statehood.
Fraser and Reagan debate several times, and Fraser leads in the polls, but after Communist forces are forced out of Afghanistan, Reagan squeaks reelection out barely, losing in the popular vote 49-48.
At the same time, the Progressives retake the House, and former president Kennedy is made Speaker of the House.

1981—Reagan is inaugurated in his second term.  Then, on March 29, Reagan himself is shot by John Hinckley, and dies shortly thereafter, shocking the nation.  Joe Clark ascends to the presidency, and decides to wait until after Reagan’s funeral to name a vice-president.  Then, shockingly, President Clark himself is assassinated by a Communist sympathizer in Maryland on April 3.  The new 24th amendment dictates that Speaker Kennedy ascend to the presidency.  President Kennedy addresses the nation on the unfortunate events that have occurred, and promises to do his best to serve the nation and honor the now-deceased presidents.  Kennedy makes a surprising move and picks JMG Adams of Barbados as his new vice president.
Java is divided into three states:  West Java, Central Java, and East Java.

1982—The nation wakes up on January 19 to even more shocking news:  President Kennedy has been found dead, due to his bad back and other health problems.  The little-known JMG Adams is now president of the United States, and he nominates Gro Harlem Brundtland as his VP, making her the first woman to hold that position.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on June 10, 2004, 10:19:24 PM
btw, A list of 20th century presidents until 1982:
25. Theodore Roosevelt, 1894-1905, Pop/Prog
26. William Taft, 1905-1909, Prog
27. Theodore Roosevelt, 1909-1913 Prog
28. Hiram Johnson, 1913-1914, Prog—retires after being permanently dismembered in a train wreck
29. Thomas Marshall, 1914-1915, Prog—captured by terrorists and presumed dead
30. Woodrow Wilson, 1915-1917, Prog
31. Robert Borden, 1917-1929, Cons
32. Herbert Hoover, 1929-1933, Cons
33. Theodore Roosevelt, 1933-1937, Prog
34. Franklin Roosevelt, 1937-1945, Prog—dies in office
35. William L. Mackenzie King, 1945-1949, Prog
36. Harry Truman, 1949-1953, Prog
37. Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1953-1961, Prog
38. Richard Nixon, 1961-1963, R—assassinated in Dallas by Lee Harvey Oswald
39. Gustavo Diaz Ordaz, 1963-1969, R
40. John F. Kennedy, 1969-1977, Prog
41. Ronald Reagan, 1977-1981, R—assassinated by John Hinckley shortly after beginning second term
42. Joe Clark, 1981, R—assassinated by Communist sympathizer shortly after becoming president
43. John F. Kennedy, 1981-1982, Prog—dies in office
44. JMG Adams, 1982-, Prog

and constitutional amendments:
1-10. Bill of Rights
11. Suits against States
12. Electors
13. Abolishment of Slavery
14. Former Slaves Are Citizens
15. Former Slaves Have Right to Vote
16. Presidential Succession
17. Direct Election of Senators
18. Income Tax
19. Women’s Suffrage
20. American Territory
21. Voting Age Lowered to 18
22. No Poll Tax
23. No Abortion or Death Penalty
24. Presidential Succession {revamped}

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Lunar on June 10, 2004, 11:06:34 PM
Stop killing our presidents!

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Jens on June 11, 2004, 03:32:20 AM
LOL This is getting better and better - and now it's possible to win an election without any of the OTL USA-stats voting for you! Keep up the good work, Harry

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: JohnFKennedy on June 11, 2004, 04:35:57 AM
Why is the Pope now residing on American soil? Did the Vatican become part of the USA?

Interesting development with JFK there.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on June 11, 2004, 09:39:49 AM
Why is the Pope now residing on American soil? Did the Vatican become part of the USA?

Interesting development with JFK there.

It's not indepedent; it's just an area of Rome that the US government ignores and lets it do its own thing, but it is offically part of the USA and the state of Roma.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: JohnFKennedy on June 11, 2004, 09:42:09 AM
Why is the Pope now residing on American soil? Did the Vatican become part of the USA?

Interesting development with JFK there.

It's not indepedent; it's just an area of Rome that the US government ignores and lets it do its own thing, but it is offically part of the USA and the state of Roma.

Vatican is a separate nation.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on June 11, 2004, 09:44:34 AM
Why is the Pope now residing on American soil? Did the Vatican become part of the USA?

Interesting development with JFK there.

It's not indepedent; it's just an area of Rome that the US government ignores and lets it do its own thing, but it is offically part of the USA and the state of Roma.

Vatican is a separate nation.

In OTL, that became official in 1929 with a treaty with Musolini.

But in this TL, Musolini never came to power, and so treaty was signed, and Vatican City is part of the US now.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: MasterJedi on June 11, 2004, 02:05:00 PM
You shouldn't have killed Reagan there! *shakes finger at you*

It's great that all those new states are joining, but let's finish off North America and Austrailia soon.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: sobo on June 11, 2004, 02:46:48 PM
But the only remaining territories in North America and Australia have very few people in them.  I don't know how many people are left in the northern Canadian territory, but I am almost sure it is less than 100,000 the Northen Territory in Australia has about the same numbers.  By the way, great timeline.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: PBrunsel on June 11, 2004, 02:55:13 PM
Excellent as always, Harry, with the exception of the assanation of Ronald Reagan

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: ATFFL on June 12, 2004, 12:42:46 AM
As alternate history, this is awful, terrible and the AH boards should rip it to shreds.  It fails the plausibility test early and often, and suffers from the ridiculous notin that after a century of changes the same people will bein the same place doing the same things, sometimes to the same people.

As far as writing and storytelling, it is excellent stuff, really.  Once you trhough plausibility, and even possibility, out the window, and everyone accepts that, it is fun.  Plus the story is internally consistent, which is rare once people start throwing the rules of AH out the window.  

Though the exact same things happeneing on the same date with no logial reason in some of the most recent parts are really off putting.  THe RFK assassination and the Reagan ones are just way too much.  

And if you are going to keep the same OTL assassins how can you skip Squeaky Fromme?  THE best would ba assassin name!

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 12th Doctor on June 12, 2004, 02:19:23 AM
As alternate history, this is awful, terrible and the AH boards should rip it to shreds.  It fails the plausibility test early and often, and suffers from the ridiculous notin that after a century of changes the same people will bein the same place doing the same things, sometimes to the same people.

As far as writing and storytelling, it is excellent stuff, really.  Once you trhough plausibility, and even possibility, out the window, and everyone accepts that, it is fun.  Plus the story is internally consistent, which is rare once people start throwing the rules of AH out the window.  

Though the exact same things happeneing on the same date with no logial reason in some of the most recent parts are really off putting.  THe RFK assassination and the Reagan ones are just way too much.  

And if you are going to keep the same OTL assassins how can you skip Squeaky Fromme?  THE best would ba assassin name!

Ever read Turtledove's "American Empire" series.  If massivly flunks the plausability test right out of the gate.  He has people who were born long after the point of divergence, doing the same things and with the same life-stories.

Just to list:

Ronald "Dutch" Reagan:  He is doing radio for sports in the 1930's and even has the same nick name as in the OTL!!

Joe Kennedy:  Still a Democrat party boss in Boston and still married to Rose. (though not as wealthy or prominant because there is no prohibition)

Mordecai "Three Fingure" Brown:  Not a baseball player in this TL, but a construction worker who still lost his fingures.

Lou Gehrig:  Not a baseball Player, but the star quarterback of the "Philadelphia Barrels".  And he still uses his old Hoover line (except with Blackford instead) "I know I had a better year last year than he did".

Jerry Voorhis:  Once a Senator and now US ambassador to the CSA and still a Socialist.

Herbert Hoover:  President of the United States after President-elect Calvin Coolidge dies of a heart attack, on the exact same day he did in the OTL.

Barry Goldwater: An upstart congressman from New Mexico (the Arizona/New Mexico Territory is never split in two) who is a hard-line conservative Democrat (since the Democrats and Socialists are the two major parties).

Wendel Wilkie: Runs for President on the ticket of the hapless Republican Party (which is the moderate party and holds but a few seats in congress) in 1940.

These are, but a few examples in the story.  The point I am trying to make is that in order for Alternate History to be fun and in order for a reader to be able to realate to it, you need recongnizable events and faces, even though it is almost impossible for these people to have existed in a NTL.

P.S. And though I was never able to prove it, I always suspected that Hitler is in the "Great War" series the precludes the "American Empire" series.

Anyway, welcome to the forum Tedrick.  I love AH.  Hope you stick around.  

And to everyone, I will start-up my "President Dole" timeline to follow up on my "Alternate 1996" timeline.  I just haven't had a chance.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: M on June 12, 2004, 02:48:55 AM
Really, where did you see Hitler? The only Austrian I remember is that one who followed Morell around in the Canadian Rockies for a while, but he didn't seem the type at all. Anyway, Featherston is Hitler, more or less.

BTW soulty, I'm only up to the book that ends with Jake's election. What exactly is the secret plan to beat the Union, I'm guessins it resembles Barbarossa. I don't mind you spoiling it for me.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 12th Doctor on June 12, 2004, 03:24:51 AM
Really, where did you see Hitler? The only Austrian I remember is that one who followed Morell around in the Canadian Rockies for a while, but he didn't seem the type at all. Anyway, Featherston is Hitler, more or less.

BTW soulty, I'm only up to the book that ends with Jake's election. What exactly is the secret plan to beat the Union, I'm guessins it resembles Barbarossa. I don't mind you spoiling it for me.

We still don't know what it is after book three.  :)

Remember, the Austrian had an aid who was a Sergent.  Turtledove never mentions his name, but makes a big deal out of mentioning him several times.  I always thought he was going to drop the bomb and say he was Hitler, but he never did.  I had a feeling though.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Archangel_Mikey on June 12, 2004, 10:00:49 AM
You could just tell that it was Hitler by the way HT described that sergant.  My main problem is the time length in the books.  In the 'American Empire' series, the third book-The Victorious Opposition-lastes eight years, while the second book-The Center Cannot Hold-lasts I think a decade, I'm not sure.  The other major problem is with his characters.  They're all centered as Americans or in the Americas, and they never go abroad, and HT has too many, I got confused once.   Anyway, back to the topic.  TTL is completley inplausible.  The peoepl over at ripped it to shred when you posted it there.  I wonder what their reaction to it would be?

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: M on June 12, 2004, 10:27:50 AM
I had forgotten the Hitler thing, if I ever knew it. Turtledove is ridiculously implausible, but I cannot stand shwi. It's entire purpose is vicious sniping, periodic denunciations of the United States, Israel, and centrists and conservatives worldwide, making newcomers feel very unwelcome by carrying on eight year discussions about nothing and having already assumed in their own heads that most actual alternate history is impossible or unimportant. Of course there are those great stories;  but too few and far between to let me stay there. I used to post under the username "Mike", I even had a good partial TL "If You Will it, it is Not a Dream" about Israel being established in 1903. I'll put a link to it.

Chapter 1: Milked With Words of Honey,+it+is+not+a+dream+group:soc.history.what-if&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&group=soc.history.what-if&safe=active& (,+it+is+not+a+dream+group:soc.history.what-if&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&group=soc.history.what-if&safe=active&

Chapter 2: Jerusalem Wasn't Built in a Day,+it+is+not+a+dream+group:soc.history.what-if&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&group=soc.history.what-if&safe=active& (,+it+is+not+a+dream+group:soc.history.what-if&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&group=soc.history.what-if&safe=active&

Chapter 3: Next Year in Jerusalem,+it+is+not+a+dream+group:soc.history.what-if&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&group=soc.history.what-if&safe=active& (,+it+is+not+a+dream+group:soc.history.what-if&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&group=soc.history.what-if&safe=active&

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: ATFFL on June 12, 2004, 12:24:03 PM
HT is awful at AH right now.  He can't create a divregency without using some out there gimmick.  

I've stopped reading him.

The worst AH I ever read was about the Falkland Islands War.  The scenario was it happening a few years earlier.  In teh book, after the Argentine invasion, the RN is hastily assembled and sent down in about a week.  They scrape up a few infantry divisions to go down and do the nasty work of actually fighting on the islands.  The fleet overcomes some techinical difficulties arising from being scrambled so fast and gets to the island and handily defeats the Argentine navy.  THen they go about planning the invasion of the islands.

Only no one brought a map.

The RN forgot to give them a map of the islands the were supposed to invade.

Thankfully one of the Captains in the fleet used to have a sail boat and sailed around the islands.  Even better, he happened to bring it along, just in case it was needed.

Then they draw up their plans to invade the island and assign the Ghurkas, one of the finest light infantry units in the world, the extremely difficult task of guarding prisoners.

The entire invasion sees, if I remember correctly, 5 casualties.

Now that was bad AH.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Archangel_Mikey on June 12, 2004, 02:52:02 PM
Another problem with HT is that he bases things in the Great War series on historical events.  The rise and fall and rise of the Freedom Party, their hatred of other peoples, hatred of their neighbors, supporting Fascists in a civil war on their own continent, and the SA (Freedom Party stalwarts) and the SS (Freedom Party guards).  One thing that disapointed me was that there was no Night of the Long Knives, where the SA was destroyed.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: PBrunsel on June 17, 2004, 02:37:19 PM
I re-read the entire timeline from the start until the last section, it is the best timeline on this board.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on June 17, 2004, 03:49:01 PM
since I recently got my wisdom teeth out, i haven't felt like working on this, but pretty soon i'm gonna post the remainder of the 1980's

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: PBrunsel on June 17, 2004, 04:39:37 PM
since I recently got my wisdom teeth out, i haven't felt like working on this, but pretty soon i'm gonna post the remainder of the 1980's

The wisdom teeth! Ow! That must have hurt! I don't blame you for not working on this for a while.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Jens on June 18, 2004, 01:58:52 PM
since I recently got my wisdom teeth out, i haven't felt like working on this, but pretty soon i'm gonna post the remainder of the 1980's

The wisdom teeth! Ow! That must have hurt! I don't blame you for not working on this for a while.
Poor fellow. I'm glad I missed that, but I am still waiting for the next episode.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: MasterJedi on June 23, 2004, 04:53:31 PM of 80's!

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Josh/Devilman88 on June 23, 2004, 05:48:03 PM

Hey long time no see...

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: MasterJedi on June 24, 2004, 04:53:17 PM
Yea, my computer broke and I didn't have access to another computer with internet access!

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Josh/Devilman88 on June 24, 2004, 05:28:33 PM
Yea, my computer broke and I didn't have access to another computer with internet access!

Wellcome back to the elections...

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Akno21 on June 24, 2004, 10:02:06 PM
I just spent an hour reading all these things. They are addictive.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 7,052,770 on June 24, 2004, 10:22:44 PM
I'm gonna try to put up the next part by Saturday

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: bergie72 on June 24, 2004, 10:24:44 PM
I'm gonna try to put up the next part by Saturday

Please do Harry!   I'm Jonesin' for the next installment!    :-)

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: 12th Doctor on June 24, 2004, 10:43:11 PM
HT is awful at AH right now.  He can't create a divregency without using some out there gimmick.  

I've stopped reading him.

The worst AH I ever read was about the Falkland Islands War.  The scenario was it happening a few years earlier.  In teh book, after the Argentine invasion, the RN is hastily assembled and sent down in about a week.  They scrape up a few infantry divisions to go down and do the nasty work of actually fighting on the islands.  The fleet overcomes some techinical difficulties arising from being scrambled so fast and gets to the island and handily defeats the Argentine navy.  THen they go about planning the invasion of the islands.

Only no one brought a map.

The RN forgot to give them a map of the islands the were supposed to invade.

Thankfully one of the Captains in the fleet used to have a sail boat and sailed around the islands.  Even better, he happened to bring it along, just in case it was needed.

Then they draw up their plans to invade the island and assign the Ghurkas, one of the finest light infantry units in the world, the extremely difficult task of guarding prisoners.

The entire invasion sees, if I remember correctly, 5 casualties.

Now that was bad AH.

Turtledove is very gimicky, but I still enjoy his work.  World War was a great TL.  I will be reading the "Settleing Accounts" series when the first one comes out.  I just hope that he resists the temptation of making it too much like the real WWII.

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Jens on June 25, 2004, 01:17:36 PM
I'm gonna try to put up the next part by Saturday
Hurrah, about time Harry ;) ()

Title: Re:Superimperialist USA timeline
Post by: Matt on June 25, 2004, 01:29:49 PM
I just finished reading it. It's great, extremely creative. I can't wait for more

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: 7,052,770 on June 25, 2004, 10:59:53 PM
Well, I'm ready to post the next installment, but freewebs is down . . . I'll wait until tomorrow morning I guess.
I have changed the title because after I update through 1991, this timeline will be complete.
However, a new timeline, ERA TWO, will begin on another thread--kinda like a sequel to a movie.  So once I post through 1991, ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination will be complete.
In the week following I'll post some follow-up maps and charts with some statistics.

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: Akno21 on June 25, 2004, 11:04:10 PM

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: 7,052,770 on June 26, 2004, 09:09:01 AM
1982, continued—JMG Adams, a year little known outside the Caribbean, now finds himself president of the United States.  He inherits a shaky position, as Iceland, USSR, China, and India seemed to have aligned against the US.  To help ease some tempers, he promises not to seek reelection.
In July, the Leningrad Pact expands to include Arabia, Turkey, Persia, and the USAR.  Adams offers annexation to Bangladesh, Pakistan, and the UAR if they want it.  Bangladesh accepts, and Montenegro and Albania also apply for annexation.  The District of Korea is divided into the states of North Korea and South Korea.

1983—The Leningrad Pact begins placing troops on the borders of Austria-Hungary, and submarines near the islands of Atlantica.  President Adams warns them that an attack on any free nation will be considered an attack on the United States.  The nations of the LP member what happen to Quito and New Delhi during the last war, but it is widely speculated that they have nuclear weapons of their own.  Some extremist members of the American Party support a preemptive nuclear strike on all LP nations, but luckily they are paid no heed.
Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao are granted statehood.
As Soviet tanks seem poised to enter A-H, a new election takes place there, and the people overwhelmingly back the candidate who supports annexation to the US.  In November, a treaty is signed that puts makes Austria-Hungary a part of the US.  Greece and Switerzerland decline annexation for now, though pundits believe it’s only a matter of time until they are annexed.

1984—President Adams keeps to his promise of not running for reelection, but that does not mean he’s inactive.  He attends the Bern Conference in February, which is attended by both the Leningrad Pact and the free countries—US, Argentina, Atlantica, Greece, UAR, Pakistan—to negotiate weapons reductions and promote better relations.
An uprising begins in Iceland, as the IDA {Icelandic Democratic Army} burns the Capitol to the ground, and begins demanding a freely elected government.  IDA partisans on Svalbard announce they’re joining the US state of Norway, and the outnumbered Icelandic Communist government can do nothing to stop them.  In Greenland, a similar rebellion occurs and asks for annexation to the US as a district.  The premier of Iceland is assassinated, and most of the government held hostage.  A deranged air force captain takes up Iceland’s sole nuclear weapon and threatens to use it.  The Leningrad Pact promptly expels Iceland and takes no responsibility for anything that happens, and the Icelandic delegation leaves the Bern Conference.  Icelandic rebels raise an American flag and formally ask for annexation.  The deranged captain takes off and heads out into the Atlantic with his nuclear weapon, and heads for Hamilton, the capital of Atlantic, and now booming metropolis of 15 million people.  Luckily, an Atlantican navy ship is able to shoot him down, destroying the weapon.
Guinea and Mozambique are granted statehood.  Iceland is granted districthood, as is Greenland.
A presidential race is going on all this time:
VP Gro Harlem Brundtland easily secures the Democratic nomination following JMG Adams’ decision not to run for reelection.  She chooses MN Senator Walter Mondale as her running mate, which will be his second try for the vice-presidency.  The Republican/American coalition falls apart without Ronald Reagan, and the American Party decides to nominate Jesse Helms of NC for president and surprisingly, Pat Robertson for VP.  The Republicans finally nominate Margaret Thatcher for president and George Bush of TX for VP.  This is the first time in American history that a woman has been the nominee for president, let alone two women.  The American Party begins the slogan “Helms—He’s the man!” and obviously means more than what it would seem.  Helms, Brudntland, and Thatcher debate evenly, and election day comes uncertainly.
On Election Day the vote is split B. 38%, T. 36%, H. 25%, and no one receives a majority in the electoral college.  Then, Helms surprisingly instructs all of his electors to vote Thatcher/Bush, which gives her a majority, and she wins.
The Bern Conference makes some progress, but will continue into the next year.  Margaret Thatcher reappoints JMG Adams to his post as chief American ambassador to the conference.

1985—President Thatcher is inaugurated as the 45th president, and the 1st woman president.  She promises to be tough on the nations of the Leningrad Pact.
The district of Manchuria is divided into 4 states:  Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, and Outer Manchuria.
Persia, Arabia, and Turkey—all Communist countries—decide that they will eliminate the Democratic government of the UAR.  They quickly invade the UAR and remove its government from power, putting in their puppet.  The free world is horrified by this turn of events.  Pakistan declares war on Persia, Turkey, and Arabia, and do the Trucial States, or as they now prefer to be called, the United Arab Emirates.
JMG Adams puts enough pressure on the USSR at the Bern Conference to force them to kick them out of the Leningrad Pact—which now stands at four members:  USSR, USAR, India, and China.
Arabian soldiers pour into the UAE and annihilate it, burning Abu Dhabi to the ground, and annexing it.  Persia enters the neutral Afghanistan, wary of war, but the wily patriot Osama bin Laden, exiled from his home of Arabia forces them back temporarily, until they force their way into Afghanistan and shoot him in the streets.  Turkistan and Mongolia declare neutrality in the conflict.  Turkish troops secure the island of Cyprus {which was part of the UAR}, and head into Greece.  Greece begs the US to intervene.  President Thatcher asks Congress to declare war on Turkey, Arabia, and Persia on June 14, and Congress approves, with some grumbling from the left.  American troops from the Balkan Peninsula help push back the Turks out of Greece, and capture Istanbul by September.  Greek leaflets find their way into USSR-occupied Bulgaria, encouraging a revolt ala Iceland.  JMG Adams dies surprisingly in Bern of natural causes.  As year ends, the world seems to be in disarray:  World War IV seems to have started in the Middle East, the Bern Conference has been going on for 22 months without the expected results, and the leader of the US at the conference has unexpectedly died.
A revolt begins in Soviet Finland.  The state of Adams declares that it now represents John, John Quincy, and JMG, rather than just the first 2.

1986—Bulgaria has a massive uprising and kicks the USSR out and declares independence.  UAR nationalist Saddam Hussein leads a surprise attack on Baghdad and liberates it.  Persian troops occupy all of Afghanistan, and begin an invasion of Pakistan.  On February 24, India declares war on Pakistan.  The neutral IOC {Indian Ocean Confederation—consists of Sri Lanka, Diego Garcia, Seychelles, Mauritius, Reunion, and Comoros} announces it supports the efforts of the US, Greece, Pakistan, and Hussein’s UAR nationalists.   The USAR launches a surprise sneak attack on independent Brazil, capturing Rio de Janerio in the night.  Argentina and Atlantica declare war on the USAR the following day.  Nations call on the US to join in and declare war on the USAR and India.  Thatcher asks Congress for the declaration of war, which it grants.
Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Malawi are admitted as states—far from the fighting.
Indian troops pour into the District of Bangladesh, but are met with swift resistance.
The US Army sends troops to Bangladesh and Pakistan, and also completely liberate the UAR, with the exception of Cyprus,, installing Saddam Hussein as the temporary president.  The Finnish revolt is successful, and Finland declares independence.  Finland then asks for annexation to the US to join its Swedish and Norwegian neighbors.  This puts the US in a very awkward position, as there is currently no official hostility between the US and the USSR.  The situation is easened somewhat when the USSR announces it will retake Bulgaria and Finland by force, and also support other Communist causes with troops.  Because of this, the US declares war on the USSR, and WWIV is official on.

1987—For the second time in history, the USAR makes huge inroads into Argentina.  American troops have to bail Argentina out . . . again.  American troops reinforce Pakistan, and also enter Finland and Bulgaria.
Soviet troops are pushed out of Finland totally, but they do make gains in Bulgaria.  The USAR officially adds Brazil and northern Argentina as provinces.  American troops begin arming Indian rebels, hoping they’ll take the brunt of overthrowing the Indian government.
Tanzania and Madagascar become states.

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: 7,052,770 on June 26, 2004, 09:09:16 AM
1988—Finland is annexed and becomes a district.  Progressives begin to complain that the government under Thatcher is only admitting states from districts that voted Republican in 1984.  They reject the plan of admitting former Belgian Congo as several states.  American troops in Pendleton and Siberia begin preparing for an invasion of eastern USSR.
In the US, it is a presidential election year.  Margaret Thatcher/George Bush easily secures the Republican nomination, as many people hold her in high esteem for fighting the war, and she seems almost unbeatable.  The American is somewhat in disarray.  Many want to support President Thatcher, although many also dislike that she is not from the American continent.  Pat Robertson rises up for the American nomination, in the process drawing up his “Plan of Division,” saying that after WWIV is complete, the US will divide into 5 different nations, in North America, Latin America, Europe, Africa, and West Pacific.  He chooses Missouri governor John Ashcroft as his running mate.  The Progressives have a much wider field, including Dick Gephardt [MO], Al Gore [TN], Jesse Jackson [NY], Michael Dukakis [MA], John Turner [ON], Gary Hart [CO], Robert Mugabe [ZM], and several others.  Soon enough, Dick Gephardt is able to secure the nomination with some impressive early primary victories.  Seeing how Mugabe could bring him several central and south African states that were supposedly created just to give votes to the Republicans, Gephardt chooses Mugabe as his running mate.  Allegations arise about some of Mugabe’s discriminations as governor of the Region and later State of Zimbabwe, but as the Constitution limited him, he couldn’t do that much.  The Thatcher/Robertson/Gephardt debates are somewhat ho-hum, but the Bush/Ashcroft/Mugabe vice-presidential debates are supremely entertaining.
The government of Turkey surrenders in July.  The agree to let the European section of their country go free, but they avoid annihilation, and fate that Persia suffers when the US Army enters and destroys its government.  A free-ish government is set up in Persia, which now wishes to go by the name Iran.  India, is shockingly overcome with rebellion in September, as the populace revolts against the Communist government and replaces it with a freely elected one.
Cyprus remains a stronghold for the enemy.  Turks and Arabians, with some support from the populace, are entrenched on the island.  President Thatcher orders a full scale invasion on the island.  The first invasion, with 100,000 people fails horribly.  Thatcher falls in the polls, as Gephardt rises.  Gephardt announces his plan to make all regions with a population over 400,000 people states upon his inauguration.  “After all,” he says, “this two or three states a year thing is stupid.  Let them become states!”  The American Party rises up against this plan, with Pat Robertson being its biggest opponent.  At the debates, Thatcher can hardly get in a word edgewise and Robertson and Gephardt sling and yell at each other.  And they both slam Thatcher on her botched invasion of Cyprus.  Robertson’s and Gephardt’s numbers both shoot up after two more debates, as Thatcher’s shoot down.
On Election Night, a virtual three-way dead heat in the popular vote becomes an electoral landslide for Gephardt.
As 1988 ends, it is the first year since 1965 where no states were admitted.  

1989—Dick Gephardt is inaugurated as the nation’s 46th president.  He passes the Rapid State Admissions Act, calling for all districts with a population over 400,000 to be made states in the next few years.  Sixteen states are admitted in 1989:  Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya, Somalia, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Rockefeller (Southern Ethiopia—where John D. Rockefeller III went and transformed), Sudan, Congo, Central Africa, Chad, Egypt, Alexandria, and Sinai.  The USSR agrees to a treaty with the US.
The war in Asia wraps itself up, as Arabia surrenders and is dismantled ala Persia/Iran.  In South America it’s a different story.  The USAR now occupies Brazil {not American Brazil} and Northern Argentina.  American agents begin inciting a revolt in the capital of Lima {moved from Quito after the atomic bomb}, but no success.  President Gephardt begins planning for a full-scale invasion.  Also, there is still the Cyprus problem to worry about.  Gephardt orders heavy bombing and shelling before landing 600,000 Marines onto the island.  They do manage to get a foothold in the Southern part of the island, but not enough to liberate it all.  So more soldiers are needed, but by August, the island is under control and return to the UAR.
The sights are set on the USAR.  Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo are liberated in November, and it is projected that the USAR can be defeated within a year.

1990—American troops liberate Montevideo, with the help of the powerful Atlantican navy.  In February, they enter Buenos Aries and restore the old Argentine government to power, along with the old Brazilian one.
Japan is divided into three states:  Tokyo, Kyoto, and Sapporo.  Thailand and Burma are admitted as states.
Bangladesh is divided into six small, but heavily populated states:  Barisal, Chittagong, Dhaka, Khulna, Rajshahi, and Sylhet.  East Pacifica and West Pacifica {the collections of Pacific islands on respective sides of the IDL} are admitted as states.  Malaya becomes a state.  Fifteen states in Europe are admitted in September:  Munich, Finland, Czech, Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, B-H, Montengro, Serbia, Macedonia, Albania, Romania, and Iceland.
By the year’s end, 16,000,000 American troops are fighting against the USAR, and the one year prediction has not come true.

1991—Ten new African states enter in January, bringing the full count of states to 224: Algeria, Mali, Burkina Faso, Morocco, Benin, Libya, Mauritania, Niger, Tunisia, Lagos, and Nigeria.  The Lima revolt finally happens and the USAR must devote more troops to putting it down.  American troops are able to force USAR troops totally out of Brazil and Argentina.  President Gephardt travels to liberated Belo Horizonte, Brazil, and tells the USAR premier to step down immediately.  By the end of the year, the Communist government is overthrown, and a true republic is reestablished.  Now only three Communist countries remain {USSR, Turkey, China}.  Many predict Argentina, Brazil, and USAR to join the US soon enough.
Conclusion:  World War IV is over.  Communism has been abolished in Arabia, Persia, Iceland, India, and the USAR.  The US now contains 224 states.

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: Akno21 on June 26, 2004, 10:59:41 AM
WOW. Yay, Gephardt got elected! I'd love to see a real Bush/Ashcroft/Mugabe deabte. What is Part 2 going to be like?

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: ilikeverin on June 26, 2004, 11:17:20 AM
I don't want to see the flag :P

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: 7,052,770 on June 26, 2004, 12:25:27 PM

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: ilikeverin on June 26, 2004, 01:07:02 PM
Oh my.

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: 12th Doctor on June 26, 2004, 02:34:14 PM
You have Gephardt defeating Thatcher!?!?  I just lost all respect for this TL.

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: Akno21 on June 26, 2004, 02:56:18 PM
You have Gephardt defeating Thatcher!?!?  I just lost all respect for this TL.

Who cares about partisan politics in this sense? This timeline is amusing and creative, not a tool that can be bent to the wishes of various partisans.

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: afleitch on June 26, 2004, 03:49:18 PM
Thatcher Wins Scotland!!! No chance! :)

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: MasterJedi on June 26, 2004, 05:23:41 PM
Damn, another World War! I can't wait to see the next map, it'll be HUGE! Keep it coming, the rest of the world still needs to become states.

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: 12th Doctor on June 26, 2004, 07:39:10 PM
You have Gephardt defeating Thatcher!?!?  I just lost all respect for this TL.

Who cares about partisan politics in this sense? This timeline is amusing and creative, not a tool that can be bent to the wishes of various partisans.

Wow.  You took me way too seriously.

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: 7,052,770 on June 26, 2004, 11:16:15 PM
You have Gephardt defeating Thatcher!?!?  I just lost all respect for this TL.

Who cares about partisan politics in this sense? This timeline is amusing and creative, not a tool that can be bent to the wishes of various partisans.

Wow.  You took me way too seriously.

you didn't put a smiley in it :)

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: TommyC1776 on June 27, 2004, 09:17:12 PM
I like this and wish it was true.  You know, I wonder how many states there'd be voting on Super Tuesday.

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: True Federalist (진정한 연방 주의자) on June 27, 2004, 11:27:14 PM
I'd love to be a flagmaker in this timeline, what with all those new flags that the government would be purchasing each year as new states were admitted.  Seriously tho,  you've got the Senate larger in this timelline than the House ever got, and the House way larger than it would ever likely be allowed to grow to.

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: 7,052,770 on June 28, 2004, 09:29:49 AM
I suppose they'd add a few more stars every year, but no one would really notice whether it's, say 169 or 171 stars on the flag anyway.

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: MasterJedi on June 28, 2004, 12:00:48 PM
I'll make a suggestion of adding another world map so show all the countries and their possestions that are left. And how could Mongolia be neutral if you already had it annexed by the USSR?

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: PBrunsel on June 28, 2004, 12:02:02 PM
That flag nearly gave me a seizure! :)

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: TommyC1776 on June 28, 2004, 12:53:22 PM
That flag nearly gave me a seizure! :)

Yeah it could give someone a seizure.

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: 7,052,770 on June 28, 2004, 02:05:58 PM
Mongolia is officially a part of the USSR, though there is not that much association.  The US pretends that a rogee pro-US group speaks for the whole nation, and that rogue group declared neutrality.


Green is the USA
Gray are other Democracies
Gold are nations in transition to Democracy
Red are Communist nations
White are non of the above

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: MasterJedi on June 28, 2004, 02:20:36 PM
Interesting map.

The US is so big that it basically has enough men in any part of the world to be prepared and hold their own until more men from other regions can be brought in! So it's literally the ultimate superpower.

Plus there are only 21 countries left!

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: M on June 28, 2004, 10:14:51 PM
No, there are 22. The one I think you missed is Sikkim.

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: MasterJedi on June 29, 2004, 03:56:08 PM
Yea I think you're right. Now I'm beginning to wonder how many people live in this USA?

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: 7,052,770 on July 13, 2004, 04:45:54 PM
Ignore the colors, but here is a tentative 1992 map, showing all of the new states
I'll probably tweak the EV's somewhat though

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: MasterJedi on July 13, 2004, 04:58:21 PM
All I have to say is that's a LOT and I mean a LOT of states!!!!!

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: PBrunsel on July 13, 2004, 05:00:46 PM
Harry, I don't know if I ever said this, but this is the best timeline in this thread. it's even better than Randy Jones.

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: 7,052,770 on July 15, 2004, 09:28:26 AM
Well, upon making the promised statistics, it appears there are 229 states.  Darn.  oh well.  Statistics coming soon

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: Archangel_Mikey on July 19, 2004, 12:10:24 PM
I'm not so sure that the United States should be called the United States of Amerca.  How about the United States of the World, Earth Federation, United States, American Empire.

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: 7,052,770 on July 29, 2004, 02:58:46 PM
Here's some statistics

State   Entry   Capital   1991 EV[/u]
Tokyo   1990   Tokyo   91
Congo   1989   Leopoldville   83
West Java   1981   Jakarta   81
South Korea   1982   Seoul   70
Nigeria   1991   Abuja   68
Luzon   1983   Manila   67
Liaoning   1985   Shenyang   66
Rockefeller   1989   Addis Ababa   62
Dhaka    1990   Dhaka    62
Sudan   1989   Khartoum   60
Lagos   1991   Lagos   59
South Vietnam   1975   Saigon   58
Kyoto   1990   Kyoto   57
North Vietnam   1975   Hanoi   57
Tanzania   1987   Dar es Salaam   56
East Java   1981   Surabaya   55
Heilongjiang   1985   Harbin   55
Central Java   1981   Semarag   54
California   1850   Sacremento   50
Rajshahi    1990   Rajshahi    50
Orange   1971   Pretoria   49
Morocco   1991   Rabat   47
Algeria   1991   Algeirs   46
Jilin   1985   Changchun   46
Bahia   1974   Recife   46
North Brazil   1974   Belem   44
Sumatra   1978   Palembang   44
Kenya   1989   Nairobi   44
North Italy   1976   Milan   43
Sapporo   1990   Sapporo   42
Rhineland   1967   Frankfurt   41
Chittagong    1990   Chittagong    40
Uganda   1989   Kampala   39
Egypt   1989   Cairo   37
Venezuela   1962   Caracas   37
North Korea   1982   Pyongyang   36
New York   1788   Albany   35
Alexandria   1989   Alexandria   34
Ethiopia   1989   Mekele   32
Romania   1990   Bucharest   32
Texas   1845   Austin   31
Ghana   1969   Accra   31
Anglia   1935   London   29
Mindanao   1984   Davao   29
Mozambique   1984   Maputo   29
France   1935   Paris   28
Brandenburg   1967   Berlin   28
Sinai   1989   At-Tur   27
Tyrrhenia   1976   Naples   26
Taiwan   1970   Taipei   26
Visayas   1983   Cebu   26
Aceh   1978   Medan   26
Malaya   1990   Singapore   26
Celebes   1980   Ujungpandang   25
Westphalia   1967   Dusseldorf   25
Cameroon   1989   Yaoundé   25
Aquitaine   1935   Bordeaux   24
Ohio   1803   Columbus   24
Khulna    1990   Khulna    24
Madagascar   1987   Antananarivo   24
Pennsylvania   1787   Harrisburg   23
Castille   1935   Madrid   22
Ivory Coast   1973   Yamoussoukro   22
Florida   1845   Talahassee   22
Mexico    1885   Mexico City   21
Cambodia   1975   Phnom Penh   21
Illinois   1818   Springfield   21
Burkina Faso   1991   Ouagadougou   21
Timor   1980   Kupang   20
Virginia   1788   Richmond   20
Michigan   1837   Lansing   20
Zimbabwe   1986   Harare   20
Burgundy   1935   Marseille   19
Colombia   1926   Bogota   19
Malawi   1986   Lilongwe   19
Borneo   1979   Palangkaraya   19
South Africa   1966   Cape Town   18
Mali   1991   Bamako   18
Guinea   1985   Conarky   18
Portugal   1941   Lisbon   17
Niger   1991   Niamey   17
Senegambia   1973   Dakar   17
Hungary   1990   Budapest   16
Czech   1990   Prague   16
New Guinea   1979   Port Moresby   16
Zambia   1986   Lusaka   16
Tunisia   1991   Tunis   16
Munich   1990   Munich   16
Cordoba   1935   Valencia   15
New South Wales   1949   Sydney   15
Meta   1962   Meta   15
New Jersey   1787   Trenton   15
Chad   1989   N'Djamena   15
Serbia   1990   Belgrade   14
Barisal    1990   Barisal    14
Quebec   1968   Quebec   14
Massachusetts   1788   Boston   13
Austria   1990   Vienna   13
North Carolina   1789   Raliegh   13
Sylhet    1990   Sylhet    13
Roma   1976   Rome   13
Norway   1943   Oslo   13
Indiana   1816   Indianapolis   13
Ireland   1943   Dublin   13
Northumbria   1935   Manchester   13
Georgia   1788   Atlanta   12
Somalia   1989   Mogadishu   12
Honduras   1875   Tegucigalpa   12
Mercia   1935   Birmingham   12
Rwanda   1989   Kigali   12
Laos   1975   Vientaine   12
Missouri   1821   Jefferson City   11
Nicaragua   1856   Walker   11
Outer Manchuria   1986   Hohhot   11
Victoria   1949   Melbourne   11
Eritrea   1989   Asmera   11
Leon   1935   Bilbao   11
Benin   1991   Porto Novo   11
Sweden   1946   Stockholm   11
Wessex   1935   Plymouth   11
Kentucky   1792   Frankfurt   10
Tennessee   1796   Nashville   10
Libya   1991   Tripoli   10
Panama   1859   Panama City   10
Wisconsin   1848   Madison   10
Minnesota   1859   St. Paul   10
Ontario   1854   Toronto   10
Washington    1884   Olympia   10
Aragon   1935   Barcelona   10
Finland   1990   Helsinki   9
Cuba   1850   Santiago   9
Slovakia   1990   Bratislava   9
Angola   1969   Luanda   9
Alabama   1819   Montgomery   9
Louisiana   1812   Baton Rouge   9
Burundi   1989   Bujumbura   9
Scotland   1935   Edinburgh   8
Liberia   1914   Monrovia   8
Connecticut   1788   Hartford   8
Colorado   1876   Denver   8
Hamilton   1897   Acapulco   8
Croatia   1990   Zagreb   8
Maryland   1788   Annapolis   8
Denmark   1946   Copenhagen   8
Costa Rica   1859   San Jose   8
South Carolina   1788   Columbia   8
Iowa   1846   Des Moines   7
Yucatan    1884   Merida   7
Veracruz    1885   Veracruz    7
Franklin   1897   Tampico   7
Albania   1990   Tirane   7
Mississippi   1817   Jackson   7
Queensland   1919   Brisbane   7
Kansas   1862   Topeka   7
Siberia   1951   Safe Haven   7
Oklahoma   1907   Oklahoma City   7
Santo Domingo   1862   Santo Domingo   7
Pendleton   1951   Vladivostok   7
Bosnia-Herzegovina   1990   Sarajevo   7
Arizona   1913   Phoenix   7
Havana   1856   Havana   7
Jefferson   1897   Guadalajara   7
Guatemala   1884   Guatemala City   7
British Columbia   1877   Vancouver   6
Belgium   1945   Brussels   6
Arkansas   1836   Little Rock   6
Netherlands   1945   Amsterdam   6
Mauritania   1991   Nouakchott   6
Kamchatka   1951   East Seward   6
Madison   1897   Culiacan   6
Gabon   1977   Libreville   6
Central Africa   1989   Bangui   6
Alberta    1889   Edmonton   6
Western Australia   1949   Perth   6
Oregon   1859   Salem   6
Haiti   1862   Port-au-Prince   6
Chiapas    1885   Tuxtla Gutiérrez   6
Puerto Rico   1901   San Juan   5
Jamaica   1901   Kingston   5
Wales   1935   Cardiff   5
Nevada   1862   Carson City   5
Mediterranea   1976   Sassari   5
Durango    1884   Saltillo   5
Slovenia   1990   Ljubljana   5
Southern Australia   1949   Adelaide   5
Manitoba   1877   Winnipeg   5
Namibia   1977   Windhoek   5
Polk   1854   Chihuahua   5
Macedonia   1990   Skopje   5
Sabah   1972   Kota Kinabalu   5
Nebraska   1875   Douglas   5
New Mexico   1913   Santa Fe   5
Nova Scotia   1856   Halifax   4
Saskatchewan    1889   Regina   4
New Hampshire   1788   Concord   4
Rhode Island   1790   Providence   4
Montenegro   1990   Kotor   4
Utah   1895   Salt Lake City   4
East Pacifica   1990   Suva   4
Belvin   1962   Tulsa   4
Idaho    1884   Clark   4
West Pacifica   1990   Honaria   4
Hawaii   1971   Honolulu   4
Sarawak   1972   Sibu   4
Greeley   1875   Hermosillo   4
New Zealand   1919   Wellington   4
Maine   1820   Augusta   4
New Brunswick   1856   Fredericton   4
Baja   1875   Mexicali   4
Suriname   1968   Paramaribo   3
Montana    1884   Helena   3
North Dakota    1884   Bismarck   3
Guyana   1962   Georgetown   3
Lesser Antilles   1964   Johnson   3
Tasmania   1926   Hobart   3
El Salvador   1883   San Salvador   3
Luxembourg   1946   Luxembourg   3
South Dakota    1884   Pierre   3
Pierce   1883   Thunder Bay   3
Newfoundland   1941   St. John's   3
Alaska   1962   Anchorage   3
Iceland   1990   Reyjavik   3
Bahamas   1964   Dallas   3
Keewatin   1926   Kangiqcliniq   3
Belize   1964   Belize   3
Delaware   1787   Dover   3
Vermont   1791   Montpelier   3
Wyoming    1884   Cheyenne   3
French Guiana   1970   Cayenne   3
District of Columbia      Washington   1
District of Northern Australia      Darwin   1
District of Northern Canada      Yellowknife   1
District of Greenland      Nuuk   1

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: MRDOD on July 30, 2004, 12:58:02 AM
I wonder if we'll be getting the states of Afghanistan and Iraq in 2001-2004. That could be a beachhead into the middle eastern states of the "United American Empire" as I've taken to call it...

[Eagerly awaiting next installment]

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: MasterJedi on July 30, 2004, 10:17:11 AM
Interesting statistics, you should put the population up too sometime when you have the time!

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: Archangel_Mikey on July 30, 2004, 10:49:26 AM
"Nebraska 1874 Douglas 5"

Oh sure, give me the name of a president nobody knows about.

How about Omaha as the capital?  It's only the biggest city on Nebraska.

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: 7,052,770 on July 30, 2004, 01:02:43 PM
"Nebraska 1874 Douglas 5"

Oh sure, give me the name of a president nobody knows about.

How about Omaha as the capital?  It's only the biggest city on Nebraska.
I assume it's the same city as Lincoln, yet named after the guy from IL who became president.

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: Archangel_Mikey on July 30, 2004, 02:39:53 PM
"Nebraska 1874 Douglas 5"

Oh sure, give me the name of a president nobody knows about.

How about Omaha as the capital?  It's only the biggest city on Nebraska.
I assume it's the same city as Lincoln, yet named after the guy from IL who became president.

Omaha?  No.  It's the biggest city in Nebraska and was its territorial capital and named after the Omaha Indians.

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: 7,052,770 on July 30, 2004, 03:01:56 PM
"Nebraska 1874 Douglas 5"

Oh sure, give me the name of a president nobody knows about.

How about Omaha as the capital?  It's only the biggest city on Nebraska.
I assume it's the same city as Lincoln, yet named after the guy from IL who became president.

Omaha?  No.  It's the biggest city in Nebraska and was its territorial capital and named after the Omaha Indians.

No. . .Douglas in this TL is the same as Lincoln in OTL

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: Archangel_Mikey on July 30, 2004, 07:10:57 PM
"Nebraska 1874 Douglas 5"

Oh sure, give me the name of a president nobody knows about.

How about Omaha as the capital?  It's only the biggest city on Nebraska.
I assume it's the same city as Lincoln, yet named after the guy from IL who became president.

Omaha?  No.  It's the biggest city in Nebraska and was its territorial capital and named after the Omaha Indians.

No. . .Douglas in this TL is the same as Lincoln in OTL

I know that.  In OTL, Omaha was the territorial capital of Nebraska.  Why not keep it that way?  Plus, Omaha is in Douglas County.

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: Platypus on July 31, 2004, 06:32:39 AM
this is hilarious.

and the timeline is good too, harry :)

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: 7,052,770 on July 31, 2004, 03:29:29 PM
sites of the Olympics:

1896   Athens, Greece
1900   Paris, France
1904   St. Louis, USA
1908   London, UK
1916   Berlin, Germany
1920   Antwerp, Belgium
1924   Stockholm, Sweden
1928   Amsterdam, Netherlands
1932   Los Angeles, USA
1936   Paris, USA
1948   New York City, USA
1952   Helsinki, Finland
1956   Melbourne, USA
1962   Rome, Italy
1966   Buenos Aries, Argentina
1970   Mexico City, USA
1974   Hamilton, Atlantica
1978   Montreal, USA
1982   Moscow, USSR
1991   Lagos, USA
1995   scheduled for St. Petersburg, USSR
1999   scheduled for Athens, Greece

The summer games began in 1896 in Athens.  They were cancelled in 1912 due to WWI but resumed in 1916.  They were cancelled in 1940 and 1944 due to WWII but resumed in 1948--in New York, as a statement to the world that the games would never be permenantly cancelled.  They were cancelled in 1960 due to WWII, but were held following the conclusion in 1962, beginning a new cycle.  They were cancelled in 1990 due to WWIV, but once peace resumed, they were held in late 1991, beginning yet a new cycle.  By the 1950's, the USA started winning everything, so the US now has five teams competiting the the Olympics:  USA-Africa, USA-Europe, USA-North America, USA-Latin America, and USA-Australiasia.

1924   Chamonix, France (occupied by USA)
1928   St. Mortiz, Switzerland
1932   Lake Placid, USA
1936   Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
1948   St. Mortiz, Switzerland
1952   Oslo, USA
1956   Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy
1962   Innsbruck, Austria
1966   Grenoble, USA
1970   Sapporo, Japan
1974   Denver, USA
1978   Punta Arenas, Argentina
1982   Lake Placid, USA
1991   Archangel, USSR
1993   scheduled for East Seward, USA
1997   scheduled for Nagano, USA
2001   scheduled for Bern, Switzerland

The Winter Olympics began in 1924 in Chamonix, part of France under US control.  They were cancelled and resumed at the same times of the Summer Olympics.  The IOC decided to start holding the winter games two years apart from the summer games, so Winter Olympics were held in both 1991 and 1993, beginning the new cycle.

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: MasterJedi on August 01, 2004, 07:49:29 AM
That's interesting, I didn't expect you to put in Olympics stuff!

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: True Federalist (진정한 연방 주의자) on August 01, 2004, 02:45:58 PM
There is absolutely no way in any conceiveable timeline that Washington, DC could play host to the Olympics.  New York would be a good candidate for the 1948 games, but not Washington.  Washington was, is, and always will be a one company town and that company doesn't need to host the Games to promote its business.  The US is one of a handful of nations whose political capital is not also its financial capital and the Summer Olympics have always been held in cities with some degree of economic importance in their host country.

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: 7,052,770 on August 01, 2004, 03:17:18 PM
There is absolutely no way in any conceiveable timeline that Washington, DC could play host to the Olympics.  New York would be a good candidate for the 1948 games, but not Wasington.  Washington was, is, and always will be a one company town and that company doesn't need to host the Games to promote its business.  The US is one of a handful of nations whose political capital is not also its financial capital and the Summer Olymics have always been held in cities with some degree of economic importance in their host country.
good point

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: PBrunsel on August 20, 2004, 09:32:17 PM
Is Herbert Hoover still alive?

If he is he is at the age of 118.

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: Platypus on August 21, 2004, 04:22:57 AM
I believe he is campaigning for Chuck's re-election. ;)

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: PBrunsel on August 21, 2004, 10:56:51 AM
Is Randy Jones still an Alabama High School Principal in this story? :)

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: 7,052,770 on September 07, 2004, 08:21:22 PM
so do yall want me to start making ERA TWO?

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: ?????????? on September 07, 2004, 08:21:59 PM

Yes, or I will slam your head in a car door. :D

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: MasterJedi on September 08, 2004, 07:14:51 AM
We wanted you to start making it MONTHS ago!!! :)

Title: Re:SUPERIMPERIALIST AMERICA ERA ONE: The Ascent to Domination (1844-1991)
Post by: 7,052,770 on September 25, 2004, 09:37:07 AM
Hey...I'm working on Era Two now!
Here's a vague preview, and we'll see if yall can guess it before I post!:
**A man comes out of nowhere to rise to the presidency.
**A vice president goes down in scandal.
**Someone lands on the moon.
**Seven new states before 2000!

check out Era TWO;action=display;threadid=9142