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Date of Prediction: 2018-11-02 Version:111

Prediction Map
Politician MapPrediction Key

* = Pickup via defeat of incumbent; ^ = Pickup of an open seat

Confidence Map
Politician MapConfidence Key

Prediction States Won
19 |
36 |
50 |

Confidence States Won
19 |
36 |
50 |

State Pick-ups

Gain Loss Hold Net Gain
Inc. Open Total Inc. Open Total Inc. Open Total

Prediction Score (max Score = 72)

ScoreState WinsState Percentages

No Analysis Entered

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Version: 82

Changed Kansas due to Kobach leading in the primary.

Version: 77

Tennessee: Lean R->Tossup<br /> Idaho: Safe R->Lean R

Version: 45

A more R-friendly prediction, though Democrats are favorites still in Ohio and New Hampshire.

Version: 37

AL: Safe R<br /> AK: Tilt I, Walker will edge it out<br /> AZ: Lean D, polling already shows Ducey behind<br /> AR: Safe R<br /> CA: Safe D<br /> CO: Safe D<br /> CT: Lean D, weak Republican field<br /> FL: Lean D<br /> GA: Tilt R<br /> HI: Safe D (though Ige will lose his primary)<br /> ID: Likely R<br /> IL: Likely D<br /> IA: Lean D, unpopular Republican governor in a swing state<br /> KS: Lean D, Brownback unpopular + strong D candidate (Svaty)<br /> ME: Likely D due to ranked-choice voting system<br /> MD: Lean D, #resistors in Baltimore will sink Hogan<br /> MA: Safe R<br /> MI: Likely D, Tilt D if Thanedar is the nominee<br /> MN: Likely D<br /> NE: Safe R<br /> NV: Likely D<br /> NH: Tilt D<br /> NM: Safe D, Republicans are gone here<br /> NY: Safe D, Likely D if Nixon runs on the WFP ticket<br /> OH: Tilt D, Cordray is an extremely strong candidate<br /> OK: Tilt D, Likely R if Lamb loses the nomination<br /> OR: Safe D<br /> PA: Safe D<br /> RI: Likely D<br /> SC: Likely R<br /> SD: Likely R<br /> TN: Lean R<br /> TX: Safe R<br /> VT: Likely R, if the D field improves Lean R<br /> WI: Lean D, Walker unpopular + Supreme Court results<br /> WY: Likely R

Version: 13

AL: Safe R<br /> AK: Tossup, Tilt I: Despite Walker's low approval rating, the GOP candidates are weak, and the environment favors Walker.<br /> AZ: Tossup, Tilt D: Garcia is ahead of Ducey in polling, and can increase Latino turnout to defeat unpopular incumbent Ducey.<br /> AR: Safe R<br /> CA: Safe D<br /> CO: Likely D: In a state that's trending D, they should be fine.<br /> CT: Tossup, Tilt D: Malloy's "ghost" will haunt Dems, but they should be able to win a narrow victory.<br /> FL: Tossup, Tilt D: Scott barely won in 2014, and now that it's an open seat, Graham should pull this off.<br /> GA: Lean R: Although Abrams is a strong candidate, Republicans should be able to narrowly hold this one.<br /> HI: Safe D<br /> ID: Safe R<br /> IL: Lean D: The Democratic candidate is terrible, but Rauner's unpopularity will greatly help Democrats.<br /> IA: Tossup, Tilt D: Reynolds' unpopularity combined with good candidates should hand Democrats an extremely narrow win.<br /> KS: Tossup, Tilt R: Brownback's "ghost" will plague Colyer, but Orman's independent campaign may take enough votes from the Democrats to narrowly win, combined with the state's Republican lean.<br /> ME: Lean D: LePage's unpopularity combined with Collins' refusal to run will help the Democrats easily win.<br /> MD: Tossup, Tilt R: Although Hogan has high approval ratings, most Democrats will vote for his opponent (likely Jealous) and he will only narrowly win.<br /> MA: Safe R: Unlike Hogan, Baker has strong support even from Democrats.<br /> MI: Lean D: After the Flint water crisis, Snyder was in trouble. Gretchen Whitmer should be able to get >50% of the vote.<br /> MN: Lean D: Dayton is retiring, Tim Walz should beat Tim Pawlently, former governor, in an Evan Bayh-esque scenario.<br /> NE: Safe R<br /> NV: Tossup, Tilt D: Nevada his heavily trending Democratic, and Sandoval cannot run which reduces Republicans' ability to hold the seat.<br /> NH: Tossup, Tilt R: New Hampshire governor control flips frequently. Sununu will likely narrowly win, but Democrats will pick it up in 2020.<br /> NM: Likely D: Strong D candidate + Unpopular R incumbent + Trending Democratic = you get it.<br /> NY: Safe D<br /> OH: Tossup, Tilt R: Although Cordray is a good candidate, DeWine will narrowly win due to Kasich's decent approval and the state's Republican lean.<br /> OK: Likely R: The unpopularity of Fallin gives the Democrats a slim chance.<br /> OR: Safe D<br /> PA: Likely D: Wolf should be fine in a favorable year. <br /> RI: Lean D: Raimondo is unpopular, but it's Rhode Island and she should be able to win a narrow win.<br /> SC: Safe R<br /> SD: Safe R<br /> TN: Likely R: An open seat Democrats could win in a tidal wave.<br /> TX: Safe R<br /> VT: Likely R: Scott's popular in this sold blue state, but control of the governorship flips frequently. Not many good Democratic candidates.<br /> WI: Lean D: Walker's unpopularity combined with the recent Supreme Court election results should ensure Democrats can pick this one up.<br /> WY: Safe R

Version History

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User's Predictions

Prediction Score States Percent Total Accuracy Ver #D Rank#Pred
P 2024 President /56 /56 /112 % pie 259
P 2023 Governor 3/3 3/3 6/6 100.0% pie 3 6 1T115
P 2022 Senate 31/35 27/35 58/70 82.9% pie 21 1 97T305
P 2022 Governor 32/36 25/36 57/72 79.2% pie 22 1 130T272
P 2020 President 54/56 42/56 96/112 85.7% pie 37 179 130T684
P 2020 Senate 31/35 22/35 53/70 75.7% pie 9 177 137T423
P 2020 Governor 9/11 5/11 14/22 63.6% pie 6 189 264T293
P 2019 Governor 2/3 2/3 4/6 66.7% pie 11 24 35T192
P 2018 Senate 32/35 25/35 57/70 81.4% pie 81 1 24T483
P 2018 Governor 33/36 28/36 61/72 84.7% pie 111 6 6T372
Aggregate Predictions 227/250 179/250 406/500 81.2% pie

Alabama Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Arizona Arkansas California California California California Colorado Connecticut Connecticut Florida Georgia Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Idaho Illinois Iowa Kansas Maine Maryland Maryland Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Michigan Minnesota Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Mexico New York New York Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Vermont Wisconsin Wisconsin Wyoming

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