PredictionsEndorse2014 Gubernatorial Predictions - IceSpear (D-PA) ResultsPolls
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Date of Prediction: 2014-08-27 Version:7

Prediction Map
IceSpear MapPrediction Key

* = Pickup via defeat of incumbent; ^ = Pickup of an open seat

Confidence Map
IceSpear MapConfidence Key

Prediction States Won
19 |
36 |
50 |

Confidence States Won
19 |
36 |
50 |

State Pick-ups

Gain Loss Hold Net Gain
Inc. Open Total Inc. Open Total Inc. Open Total


A lot of changes in this update, mostly in the Midwest. Iowa/Ohio go from Lean R -> Strong R. Branstad has recovered from his poor news cycles in Iowa and should easily win re-election, whereas Kasich's opponent has essentially thrown in the towel. In the opposite direction, Michigan and Wisconsin have moved towards the Dems. While they remain toss ups and could easily go either way, I'm changing Wisconsin from Walker -> Burke and Michigan from Snyder -> Schauer. Also, I'm giving the Republicans the slightest of edges in Connecticut, moving it from Malloy -> Foley.

Prediction History
Prediction Graph

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Version: 21

AR: Lean R -> Strong R. GA: Toss Up -> Lean R.

Version: 20

MA: Coakley -> Baker. HI: Lean D -> Strong D. NE: Lean R -> Strong R.

Version: 19

AZ: Toss Up -> Lean R

Version: 18

Kansas: Lean D -> Toss Up.

Version: 17

Maine: Lean D -> Toss Up. I kept this one at lean D for so long because I figured Cutler would end up fading in the home stretch, or perhaps even drop out and endorse Michaud. Neither seems like it will happen at this point.

Version: 16

CT: Foley -> Malloy

Version: 15

Michigan: Schauer -> Snyder. Massachusetts: Lean D -> Toss Up.

Version: 14

NM: Lean R -> Strong R

Version: 13

Alaska: Parnell -> Walker. Illinois: Rauner -> Quinn.

Version: 12

Arkansas: Toss Up -> Lean R. Wisconsin: Burke -> Walker.

Version: 11

RI: Strong D -> Lean D

Version: 10

Arizona: Lean R -> Toss Up. Minnesota: Strong D -> Lean D.

Version: 9

AK: Strong R -> Lean R. GA: Lean R -> Toss Up

Version: 8

AR: Lean R -> Toss Up. SC: Lean R -> Strong R.

Version: 7

A lot of changes in this update, mostly in the Midwest. Iowa/Ohio go from Lean R -> Strong R. Branstad has recovered from his poor news cycles in Iowa and should easily win re-election, whereas Kasich's opponent has essentially thrown in the towel. In the opposite direction, Michigan and Wisconsin have moved towards the Dems. While they remain toss ups and could easily go either way, I'm changing Wisconsin from Walker -> Burke and Michigan from Snyder -> Schauer. Also, I'm giving the Republicans the slightest of edges in Connecticut, moving it from Malloy -> Foley.

Version: 6

Arkansas: Toss Up -> Lean R. Georgia: Toss Up -> Lean R. Kansas: Toss Up -> Lean D.

Version: 5

Hawaii to Lean D due to Ige's primary victory.

Version: 4

Connecticut: Lean D -> Toss Up. It's looking like Malloy is in for a difficult race, but he'll probably slide through again. Illinois goes from Quinn -> Rauner, but only by a knife's edge. This is still very much a toss up, and it would not surprise me at all for Quinn to barely squeak through yet again. Hawaii will probably move back to Lean D (at least) if Ige wins the primary, but for now I'll keep it at a toss up.

Version: 3

Colorado goes from Lean D to Toss Up. New Mexico goes from Lean R to Toss Up. Kansas stays at a Toss Up, but I'm giving it to Davis now. His fortunes seem to only be improving as time goes on, but it remains to be seen if he can maintain it after Brownback goes on the offensive.

Version: 2

Georgia has gone from Lean R to Toss Up. If it wasn't for the fact that Carter needs to crack 50% in order to win, I'd probably give Carter the win. But due to the presence of a potential runoff, I still give Deal a very slight edge. Hawaii has gone from Lean D to Toss Up. The presence of the independent Hannemann who is polling strongly and the yet to be decided Democratic primary, along with the notoriously bad/sparse Hawaii polling, makes this race extremely difficult to judge. Michigan has gone from Lean R to Toss Up. Snyder appears to still have a slight edge, but it's no longer the large lead he used to command. Oklahoma's Strong R rating has not changed, but a poll suggests the race could be potentially competitive. At the least, this probably means the Democrat won't be blown out, so I lessened the winning share of the vote for Fallin from >60% to >50%.

Version: 1

Democrats will most likely be gaining governorships this year. Probably the best case scenario for the GOP is no net change, or maybe +1 if they're having a really great night. Although I currently have the Dems gaining a net of 2 governorships (the prediction says 3, but Lincoln Chafee is a Democrat now, so Rhode Island is not a gain), that's actually pretty decent news for the GOP considering how bad it could potentially get for them. At the moment, they seem to be doing a pretty good job at holding their turf, especially in key Rust Belt races such as Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin. As of right now, their only black eye is Pennsylvania, where it's all over but the shouting. The only question at this point is whether Wolf wins by double digits, or his numbers come back to earth and he ends up winning by "only" 5-10 points.

Version History

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User's Predictions

Prediction Score States Percent Total Accuracy Ver #D Rank#Pred
P 2020 President 54/56 50/56 104/112 92.9% pie 1 472 4T684
P 2019 Governor 2/3 2/3 4/6 66.7% pie 1 106 35T192
P 2018 Senate 31/35 24/35 55/70 78.6% pie 8 1 67T483
P 2018 Governor 32/36 26/36 58/72 80.6% pie 8 3 56T372
P 2017 Governor 2/2 2/2 4/4 100.0% pie 1 11 1T149
P 2016 President 49/56 33/56 82/112 73.2% pie 7 1 149T678
P 2016 Senate 32/34 22/34 54/68 79.4% pie 7 1 6T362
P 2016 Governor 9/12 5/12 14/24 58.3% pie 7 1 67T279
P 2015 Governor 2/3 1/3 3/6 50.0% pie 3 1 57T112
P 2014 Senate 33/36 27/36 60/72 83.3% pie 22 0 21T382
P 2014 Governor 30/36 18/36 48/72 66.7% pie 22 0 73T300
Aggregate Predictions 276/309 210/309 486/618 78.6% pie

Alabama Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Arizona Arkansas California California California California Colorado Connecticut Connecticut Florida Georgia Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Idaho Illinois Iowa Kansas Maine Maryland Maryland Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Michigan Minnesota Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Mexico New York New York Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Vermont Wisconsin Wisconsin Wyoming

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