2016 Initiative General Election Results - Lake County, MT
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County Data for this Contest was Contributed by on 2017-12-16

Political PartyPopular Vote
Yes 8,900 68.47%
No 4,098 31.53%
Demographic Data

2016 Population:29,722Est.2016 Population Density:7.7persons/km2
2010 Population:28,746Enum.2010 Population Density:7.4persons/km2
Land Area (2000):3,869km2Annual Pop Growth Rate:0.6%

Data and Statistics:
  • No data presently available
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Election Notes:
  • The proposed text of the ballot was as follows: “CI-116 would add a new section to the Montana Constitution establishing specific rights for crime victims. The rights enumerated include the right to participate in criminal and juvenile justice proceedings, to be notified of major developments in the criminal case, to be notified of changes to the offender's custodial status, to be present at court proceedings and provide input to the prosecutor before a plea agreement is finalized, and to be heard at plea or sentencing proceedings, or any process that may result in the offender's release. CI-116 guarantees crime victims' rights to restitution, privacy, to confer with the prosecuting attorney, and to be informed of their rights. CI-116 defines specific terms and requires no further action by the Legislature for implementation. CI- 116, if passed by the electorate, will become effective immediately. Fiscal impacts are expected for the Office of the Public Defender, Judicial Branch, Department of Corrections and local governments from passage of CI-116, but those costs could not be accurately determined at this time. [ ] YES on Initiative I-175 [ ] NO on Initiative I-175”


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