Progressive Party

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The Progressive Party was a short lived party used to support the run of three different bids for the presidency: Teddy Roosevelt's in 1912, Robert LaFollette, Sr.'s in 1924, and Henry Wallace's in 1948. They had little relation to eachother in political stances or membership base.


The Progressive Party's first showing would be in 1912, after Teddy Roosevelt was snubbed by the Republican Party at thier national convention. Roosevelt and his supporters quickly splintered from the party to form the Progressive Party. After the splinter, news sources began to question Roosevelt's fitness to serve, to which he replied that he was "fit as a Bull Moose". The line would lead to the party's nickanem, The Bull Moose Party. At thier national convention, they unanomously chose Teddy Roosevelt as their Presidential candidate. Despite some success elsewhere both state wide and federally, Roosevelt's loss in the election would bring a sudden close to the powerful political party's existance for now.


In 1924, Popular republican Robert LaFollette, Sr. created the party inside of the Republican Party of Wisconsin, his homestate, as a way to show disapproval of current actions of the party. The party was used soley as a way for him to run for president, as it did not field a candidate for any otehr office. LaFollette had a great showing, but his loss would once again bring a very quick end to the party.


By far the least successful Progressive Party attempt, the party was re-incarnated for the final time in 1948 by former Secretary of Agriculture Henry Wallace as a base for his presidential run. Unable to ever really gain momentum, Wallace would finish with less than 3% would bring a final closing to the Progressive Party.

Presidential Election Candidates

Ticket Election Year Popular Vote Percentage of Vote Electoral Votes
Theodore Roosevelt/Hiram Johnson 1912 4,122,721 27.4% 88
Robert LaFollette/Burton Wheeler 1924 4,831,706 16.61% 13
Henry Wallace/Glen Taylor 1948 1,157,328 2.37% 0