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Election Law

  • Method for Choosing Presidential Electors: Statewide Popular Vote, Winner-Take-All
  • Fusion Legal: No
  • More Election Law information available via the link below.

Electoral College in Pennsylvania

Selection of Electors in Pennsylvania

Electoral College Proceedings

Presidential Election Results

Gubernatorial Election Results

Elected Officials, State

Position Name Party Since
Governor Ed Rendell Democrat 2003
Lt. Governor Catherine Baker Knoll Democrat 2003
Treasurer Bob Casey Jr. Democrat 2005
Auditor Jack Wagner Democrat 2005
Attorney General Tom Corbett Republican 2005

Elected officials, Federal

Position Name Party Since
Sr Senator Arlen Specter Republican 1975
Jr Senator Rick Santorum Republican 1995
PA-1 Rep. Robert Brady Democrat 1997
PA-2 Rep. Chaka Fattah Democrat 1994
PA-3 Rep. Phil English Republican 1995
PA-4 Rep. Melissa Hart Republican 2001
PA-5 Rep. John Peterson Republican 1996
PA-6 Rep. Jim Gerlach Republican 2003
PA-7 Rep. Curt Weldon Republican 1987
PA-8 Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick Republican 2005
PA-9 Rep. Bill Shuster Republican 2001
PA-10 Rep. Don Sherwood Republican 1999
PA-11 Rep. Paul Kanjorski Democrat 1985
PA-12 Rep. Jack Murtha Democrat 1975
PA-13 Rep. Alysson Schwartz Democrat 2005
PA-14 Rep. Michael Doyle Democrat 1995
PA-15 Rep. Charlie Dent Republican 2005
PA-16 Rep. Joseph Pitts Republican 1997
PA-17 Rep. Tim Holden Democrat 1993
PA-18 Rep. Tim Murphy Republican 2003
PA-19 Rep. Todd Platts Republican 2001
