PredictionsEndorse2007 Gubernatorial Election Polls - KY ResultsPolls
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Source: Survey USA (url)

CandidatePolitical PartyPollGraphPoll Details
DBeshearDemocratic59%piePoll Date: 2007-07-16
RFletcher*Republican36%Number Polled: 560
-Other-0%Margin of Error: 4%
-Undecided-5%Voter Type: Likely

  * = Incumbent

Breashear maintains wide advantage over Fletcher

 By: Olawakandi (D-TX) - 2007-07-18 @ 01:22:28

Question:If the election for Governor were today, would you vote for the Republican ticket Ernie Fletcher and Robbie Rudolph? Or the Democratic ticket Steve Breashear and Dan Mongiardo?

Poll Demographics
Steve Breashear/Dan Mongiardo
Ernie Fletcher/Robbie Rudolph

About this Poll1,000 Kentucky adults were interviewed 7/14/07 through 7/16/07. Of them, 870 were registered to vote. Of them, 560 were determined by SurveyUSA to be likely to vote in the election for Kentucky Governor, and were included in this survey. Sampling margin of error is +/-4.2 percentage points.

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