PredictionsEndorse2014 Gubernatorial Election Polls - CO ResultsPolls
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Source: Suffolk University (url)

CandidatePolitical PartyPollGraphPoll Details
DJohn Hickenlooper*Democratic43%piePoll Date: 2014-09-16
RBob BeauprezRepublican41%Number Polled: 500
-Other-6%Margin of Error: 4%
-Undecided-10%Voter Type: Likely

  * = Incumbent

Close Contest for Colorado Governor

 By: leip (I-NY) on 2014-09-18 @ 06:17:21

For Governor, there are six candidates listed on your ballot in the following order: Republican Bob Beaupre, Democrat John Hickenlooper, Green Party Harry Hempy, Libertarian Matthew Hess, Unaffiliated Mike
Dunafon, and Unaffiliated Paul Fiorino. At this point for whom will you vote Hickenlooper, Hempy, Hess, Dunafon, or Fiorino?
(N=500) n Republican Bob Beauprez------------------------------------ 204 40.8%
Democrat John Hickenlooper-------------------------------- 215 43%
Green Party Harry Hempy----------------------------------------9 1.8%
Libertarian Matthew Hess ----------------------------------------9 1.8%
Mike Dunafon, Unaffiliated ---------------------------------------8 1.6%
Paul Fiorino, Unaffiliated------------------------------------------4 0.8%
Undecided ---------------------------------------------------------- 50 10%
Refused ---------------------------------------------------------------1

About this Poll
Statement of Methodology: The survey was conducted via landline and cell phone. All respondents indicated that they were very or somewhat likely to vote in the Nov. 4 election. The field of 500 likely general-election voters was conducted Saturday, Sept. 13, through Tuesday, Sept. 16. The margin of error is +/-4.4 percent at a 95 percent level of confidence.

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