PredictionsMock2016 Presidential Election Polls - NJ ResultsPolls
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Source: Fairleigh Dickinson University (url)

CandidatePolitical PartyPollGraphPoll Details
DClintonDemocratic48%piePoll Date: 2016-10-16
RTrumpRepublican37%Number Polled: 579
IMcMullinIndependent0%Margin of Error: 4%
-Other-8%Voter Type: Likely

Clinton Leading in New Jersey

 By: leip (I-NY) on 2016-10-18 @ 11:23:31

If the election for president was held today, and the choices were [Democrat Hillary Clinton] and [Republican Donald Trump], for whom would you vote? [rotate choices]
Horserace question with third party candidates
Clinton 48%
Trump 37%
Third party/Other (vol) 8%
DK/Refulsed (vol) 6%

About this Poll
The Fairleigh Dickinson University poll was conducted by landline and cellular telephone October 12-16, 2016 among a random sample of 861 registered voters in New Jersey, including 579 likely voters (upon which numbers in this analysis is based). Results have a margin of sampling error of +/- 4.3 percentage points for likely voters (the basis for the analysis presented in this press release), including the design effect.

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