PredictionsEndorse2010 Senatorial Election Polls - NY (Special) ResultsPolls
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Source: Siena Research Institute (url)

CandidatePolitical PartyPollGraphPoll Details
DGillibrand*Democratic48%piePoll Date: 2010-03-18
RDioGuardiRepublican24%Number Polled: 810
-Other-0%Margin of Error: 3%
-Undecided-28%Voter Type: Registered

  * = Incumbent

Gillibrand defeats Blakeman

 By: Olawakandi (D-TX) on 2010-03-22 @ 11:37:42


Poll Demographics
Gillibrand Pataki Gillibrand Blakeman
Mar. 22, 2010 39% 45% 48% 24%
About this Poll
This SRI survey was conducted March 15-18, 2010 by telephone calls to 810 New York State registered voters. It has a margin of error of
+ 3.4 percentage points. Data was statistically adjusted by age, party, and gender to ensure representativeness. Sampling was conducted via
random digit dialing weighted to reflect known population patterns. SRI is an independent, non-partisan research institute. SRI subscribes
to the American Association of Public Opinion Research Code of Professional Ethics and Practices. For more information, please call Steven
Greenberg at 518-469-9858. Survey cross-tabulations and frequencies can be found at:

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