PredictionsEndorse2010 Senatorial Election Polls - CA ResultsPolls
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Source: Public Policy Institute of CA (url)

CandidatePolitical PartyPollGraphPoll Details
RFiorinaRepublican44%piePoll Date: 2010-03-16
DBoxer*Democratic43%Number Polled: 1,102
-Other-0%Margin of Error: 3%
-Undecided-13%Voter Type: Likely

  * = Incumbent

Boxer in tight race

 By: Olawakandi (D-TX) on 2010-03-25 @ 09:30:17


Poll Demographics
In hypothetical November matchups, incumbent Boxer is deadlocked with Campbell (43% to 44%), with 13 percent undecided. A plurality of independents support Campbell (48% Campbell, 32% Boxer, 20% undecided). Since January, support for Boxer has dropped 10 points among independents, and Campbellā€™s support has increased 11 points. Half of women support Boxer (50% vs. 38% Campbell) and half of men favor Campbell (51% vs. 36% Boxer).
About this Poll
3/9-16/10; 2,002 adults, 2% margin of error
1,102 likely voters, 3% margin of error
410 Republican primary voters, 5% margin of error
Mode: Live telephone interviews
(PPIC release)

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