PredictionsMock2008 Presidential Predictions - satyrday (I-MI) ResultsPolls
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Date of Prediction: 2008-10-07 Version:8

Prediction Map
satyrday MapPrediction Key

Confidence Map
satyrday MapConfidence Key

Prediction States Won
270 |
538 |

Confidence States Won
270 |
538 |

State Pick-ups

Gain Loss Hold Net Gain

Prediction Score (max Score = 112)

ScoreState WinsState PercentagesCD WinsCD Percentages


This sight gives Obama a solid 309 EV, so it was time for a few more changes.

Give Missouri to Obama.

The next battlegrounds are Georgia, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina.

Prediction History
Prediction Graph

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Version: 7

McCain is tanking, and he knows it. Now he wants to 'postpone' the debate in a desperate attempt to stop the straight talk express from crashing and burning, like he's done to so many of our nations' aircraft. Everyone knows that he has no clue about the economy, no clue about Iraq, and no clue about America. He won't even let his pet Sarah come out and play. Seriously, I think he's throwing in the towel on purpose, because the next president is going to go through a lot of crap trying to recover this country from Hurricane Dubya.

It's going to be an Obama landslide.

Version: 6

The map according to Intrade, following both conventions. As we progress from the conventions, Palin can only drop in the polls now, based on how she is currently the 'Reagan-fable-of-the-month' (see Thompson, Giulliani, Romney, etc). And McCain will drop in the polls, as soon as they prop him up next to somebody who actually knows what they're talking about in the first debate. He will try to repeatedly say 'maverick' and 'P.O.W.', but after the first five minutes he'll have nothing left to say. Then Obama will shoot down his lies about tax plans, and his lies about the Iraq war. It's going to be a slaughter. I almost pity McSame/Failin'. But the country is too important to give it up to these losers, to tack 4 more scheisse years onto the last 8.

Version: 5

Coming off of the bitter democratic primary, McCains numbers are now at the highest they will ever be. So if he doesn't have a state by at least +5%, he won't win that state in November. We'll see even more tanking by McCain, as soon as they prop him up next to Obama, and he tries to pander to the half of the Republicans that still like dubya, and the half that hate dubya. All of the traditional swing states are decided. The new swing states are Montana, North Dakota, Louisiana, Indiana, Kansas, North Carolina, South Carolina, West Virginia, and maybe even Texas. It's going to be fun to watch.

Version: 4

Obama vs. McCain according to SurveyUSA, who has a good prediction track record. And some blanks filled in with my own analysis. Obama still has a great shot at the Dakotas, Tennesee, Indiana, North Carolina, and Florida. But I'll leave them blue for now. McCain could surprisingly take a few north-eastern states that have no consequence.

Version: 3

This map is primary turnout so far.

I think the GE will yield a map that is much different than we've had in the last 2 decades.

Some state notes:

Michigan and Florida primaries were messed up, so Michigan is still dem, and who knows where Florida will be.

Colorado and North Dakota turnout was almost 65% dem.

Missouri and Arkansas were about 58% dem.

North Carolina- 54% dem.
Georgia- 52% dem.
Oklahoma- 54% dem.

Virginia- Obama got more votes than all of the Republicans combined

But some questions still remain:
a) What will the Ron Paul-bots do in the GE? My guess is most will stay home, or go for Obama.
b) Fervor over Clinton (first woman) or Obama (first African American)? In most surveys, these primary voters will go to the other dem. 70-80% of the time.
c) McCain hatred? His victories have been small, and there's huge divisions that were dead set on Romney, Huckabee, and/or Ron Paul.
d) Can McCain chip away at some of the north-east, and can he old on to the southern base?

Version: 2

This map is primary turnout so far.

I think the GE will yield a map that is much different than we've had in the last 2 decades.

Some state notes:

Michigan and Florida primaries were messed up, so Michigan is still dem, and who knows where Florida will be.

Colorado and North Dakota turnout was almost 65% dem.

Missouri and Arkansas were about 58% dem.

North Carolina- 54% dem.
Georgia- 52% dem.
Oklahoma- 54% dem.

Virginia- Obama got more votes than all of the Republicans combined

But some questions still remain:
a) What will the Ron Paul-bots do in the GE? My guess is most will stay home, or go for Obama.
b) Fervor over Clinton (first woman) or Obama (first African American)? In most surveys, these primary voters will go to the other dem. 70-80% of the time.
c) McCain hatred? His victories have been small, and there's huge divisions that were dead set on Romney, Huckabee, and/or Ron Paul.
d) Can McCain chip away at some of the north-east, and can he old on to the southern base?

Version: 1

How I differ from the other predictions? I think that there are some previous Republican states that are on shaky ground now, like Iowa, Kentucky, West Virginia, Missouri and from the latest poll, even Indiana. I think that Ohio has finally learned it's lesson also. Florida, New Mexico, Nevada and Colorado might also go to the Dems. I don't see the Republicans picking up any new states.

Version History

Member Comments
 By: satyrday (I-MI) 2008-10-07 @ 12:51:11
The mavericks are about to be sent to the glue factory.prediction Map

 By: pace (D-IL) 2008-10-07 @ 19:46:52
ROFL. Timber! What fun times indeed to be a Democrat.

Oh how I hope McCain tries to go negative tonight. In this media cycle the media will just crucify him if he does.
prediction Map

 By: satyrday (I-MI) 2008-10-14 @ 12:59:35
This site now gives Obama 338 EV.
The only way that McCain can win now is if he:
a) personally captures Osama bin Laden,
b) makes a deal where all of the middle east stays peaceful, and gives us their oil for half price, and
c) finds a trillion dollars that Bush had misplaced, to pour into our economy, and give everyone huge tax rebates.
prediction Map

 By: BushCountry (I-IN) 2008-10-14 @ 17:54:06
Or suspends his...campaign...and declares that this is a simply a referendum on Obama and thus doesn't need to campaign any more. Sarah Palin continues to go to events where she either a. get booed or b. yells at her own supporters.

Also, this is about right if in fact Obama is ahead by ten points (which I'm not quite sure is the case). What I'm saying is that it's implausible. If he had Clinton on the ticket he could already start putting away Arkansas and Kentucky too.
prediction Map

 By: pace (D-IL) 2008-10-14 @ 21:00:43
I disagree. I think the only way for McCain to win is to awaken from a terrible terrible nightmare to discover that HE is actually Barrack Hussein Obama!prediction Map

User's Predictions

Prediction Score States Percent Total Accuracy Ver #D Rank#Pred
P 2012 President 54/56 40/56 94/112 83.9% pie 3 157 367T760
P 2012 Senate 28/33 17/33 45/66 68.2% pie 2 226 198T343
P 2008 President 51/56 32/56 83/112 74.1% pie 8 28 404T1,505
Aggregate Predictions 133/145 89/145 222/290 76.6% pie

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