PredictionsEndorse2012 Senatorial Predictions - Mikebatch88 (R-IL) ResultsPolls
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Date of Prediction: 2012-08-23 Version:2

Prediction Map
Mikebatch88 MapPrediction Key

* = Pickup via defeat of incumbent; ^ = Pickup of an open seat

Confidence Map
Mikebatch88 MapConfidence Key

Prediction States Won
17 |
33 |
50 |

Confidence States Won
17 |
33 |
50 |

State Pick-ups

Gain Loss Hold Net Gain
Inc. Open Total Inc. Open Total Inc. Open Total

Predicted Senate Control (113th Congress):
Party Seats Up Seats Not Up Total Seats


We have a tie!

I'm a Southern Illinois Guy. Republicans are everywhere here save for around the Riverbend near St Louis (where I live) So when a certain congressman went on tv and said "Legitimate Rape"..... I just heard "republican from Missouri" not seeking senate seat, not governor, not even congress, I just heard "republican from Missouri says L.R.... and i began laughing, because I knew excatly whom they were talking about. The district he represents is directly across the river from me here. If i shot a gun across the river, it would land in his district, so we know his whacky issues enough over here. His flap has shifted the balance of the senate from GOP control to WIN THE WHITEHOUSE


In GOP Favor:

Florida: Lean Democrat to Tossup Republican. Longshot Connie Mack is polling far better against Bill Nelson than any of us thought.

North Dakota: Tossup to Lean Republican. While Heidi is running a flawless campaign that is giving the GOP headaches, the state is just too much of a republican oasis.

Montana: See North Dakota

Nevada: Once appointed, Heck is doing one heck of a job against Berkley.

Nebraska: Lean to Strong GOP. The woman who came out of nowhere to win the primary is polling double digits over Kerrey already. Unless she pulls a Todd Akin, she has this in the bag.

Wisconsin: This was a democrat seat a few weeks ago, but Tommy Thompson derailed the primary attempt to destroy him, and he is leading comfortably. Add the Walker victory, and the Paul Ryan Pick, Wisconsin is my suprise for 2012 in all races.


Missouri: Tossup Republican to Tossup Democrat. This could easily turn into a Solid Democrat, but Missouri is the state that voted for a dead guy once, and has in 3 straight elections for this particular senate seat voted out the incumbent. Add onto that a strong GOP congressional delegation, Romney doing well here, and their Popular governor who won with 60% in 2008 is polling in low 50's.

Massachusetts: Brown is still leading in polls, but when push comes to shove he needs to bring hundreds of thousands of Obama voters over to his side, and I just see this slipping away despite polling.

Virginia: Allen barely lost in 2006, and It's looking like it will be just as close in 2012. The National race will be the deciding factor. If obama loses, i think allen wins.

New Mexico: Tossup to Lean Democrat. Republicans finally got a high profile name to the table in New Mexico, and it doesn't matter. :)

Hawaii: Tossup Republican to Lean Democrat. Linda Lingle is by far the most dissapointing candidate of the election. A popular governor, I thought she'd be polling somewhere in the margin of error, instead she's out by 10 consistantly.

Prediction History
Prediction Graph

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Version: 1

Numbers on races this far out are very volatile. Mostly because the nominees for most states haven't been chosen yet. Missouri and Wisconsin for instance, Two leading candidates on GOP side have very good chance, but if they don't win the Primary, Little hope to pick those seats off. I Still say Advantage Brown in Mass though part of me also says he'll lose by 10. All in All, I think if the right candidates are chosen, the GOP POTENTIALLY has a shot at the senate. However, I'm being very optimistic here. I can see Missouri, Mass, and Virginia staying blue.Maine going Green and if that's the case,... GOP Will have the majority, and Gentlemen who is leading in polls, said he would caucus with the majority. Giving the GOP a 51-49 advantage. but if he stays with the Dems, it will be 50-50. So depending on who takes the white house, we wont know the tie breaker!

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User's Predictions

Prediction Score States Percent Total Accuracy Ver #D Rank#Pred
P 2012 President 52/56 40/56 92/112 82.1% pie 7 14 435T760
P 2012 Senate 28/33 8/33 36/66 54.5% pie 2 75 297T343
P 2012 Rep Primary 44/52 20/52 64/104 61.5% pie 12 - 25T231
P 2010 Senate 33/37 19/37 52/74 70.3% pie 3 11 181T456
P 2010 Governor 34/37 24/37 58/74 78.4% pie 4 7 74T312
Aggregate Predictions 191/215 111/215 302/430 70.2% pie

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