PredictionsEndorse2018 Senatorial Predictions - deleteduser (I-WV) ResultsPolls
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Date of Prediction: 2018-11-06 Version:135

Prediction Map
deleteduser MapPrediction Key

* = Pickup via defeat of incumbent; ^ = Pickup of an open seat

Confidence Map
deleteduser MapConfidence Key

Prediction States Won
17 |
35 |
50 |

Confidence States Won
17 |
35 |
50 |

State Pick-ups

Gain Loss Hold Net Gain
Inc. Open Total Inc. Open Total Inc. Open Total

Predicted Senate Control (116th Congress):
Party Seats Up Seats Not Up Total Seats

Prediction Score (max Score = 70)

ScoreState WinsState Percentages


My final map. Who knows? Anything can happen. Wait and see as always!

Prediction History
Prediction Graph

Comments History - hide

Version: 131

The "ability to agree to disagree" has been at least temporarily lost in this country, that is if it even existed in the 1st darn place. I think the hatred we see right now between conservative and liberal extremists has always existed. It's just out more in the open than it has been since the 1960s, in large part because of social media (sad but true), and because it's "chic" to say and do crap like that again, just like it was back in the 1960s. This hatred among Americans has always been there though. Sad but true. It has never, ever disappeared sad to say. There has just been a "mask" over it since then, if you know what I mean. Sad but true for a final time.

Version: 129

The "ability to agree to disagree" has been at least temporarily lost in this country, that is if it even existed in the 1st darn place. I think the hatred we see right now between conservative and liberal extremists has always existed. It's just out more in the open than it has been since the 1960s, in large part because of social media (sad but true), and because it's "chic" to say and do crap like that again, just like it was back in the 1960s. This hatred among Americans has always been there though. Sad but true. It has never, ever disappeared sad to say. There has just been a "mask" over it since then, if you know what I mean. Sad but true for a final time.

Version: 128

The tide is in the GOP's direction as of right now. Will it continue? Wait and see as always!

Version: 126

Sad Man Sad. The Democratic establishment is their own worst enemy. Decided it is time to do the ol' "Republican best case scenario map." Believe it or not, unless the Democrats get their act together, this could actually be a nightmare election for Dems. Sadly, I am not joking either.

Version: 125

Still too close to call in many races. Wait and see as always!

Version: 124

I'm 50/50 on IN, MO, FL, NV, and AZ. Perhaps MT too. This race is as close as I've ever seen it. I think Blackburn is in good shape in TN, despite Breseden's surprisingly popularity as a Democrat there, simply because of white evangelicals returning back to the fold. White evangelicals are key in IN, MO, and FL too. NV and AZ will both come down to the Hispanic vote, possibly FL too. I can't believe I have NV as Republican, and AZ as Democratic right now, but as of right now, that actually looks possible if not likely. Again proof that things in politics always change daily. Wait and see as always!

Version: 122

If the Kavanaugh Effect isn't as great as I think it is, this will probably be the map. Florida is the one I'm most undecided on as of right now, with Indiana being the 2nd most. Wait and see as always!

Version: 121

I think the Kavanaugh thing will play into GOP hands. I hope and pray that I'm wrong. Wait and see as always!

Version: 119

Democratic best case scenario as of 10/02/2018. Wait and see as always!

Version: 118

GOP best case scenario as of 10/02/2018. Wait and see as always!

Version: 117

I have a feeling the Kavanaugh hearings could very well backfire on us Dems. I hope and pray I'm wrong. Wait and see as always!

Version: 110

I think we Dems will narrowly hang on to IN, ND, and MO, but lose TN and FL. The reason I say this, is because Trump seems to be losing support outside of the South, but retaining support in the South, and thus that's why I think TN will stay GOP, and FL will flip, even though it's still far from a sure thing. Also the Dem base still seems to be fairly energized, much to my pleasant surprise. As for WV, I think we will stay Dem, but it's far from a sure thing. Wait and see as always!

Version: 108

The Americans' perception of the economy, especially in solidly GOP states, is that it's still doing very well as of right now July, 28, 2018. I sincerely and respectfully disagree with the majority of my fellow Americans, but that's the way they perceive it as of right now. That's what this map is based on. I bumped up the GOP chances in AZ, NV, and WV my home state based on this. The GOP is also looking fairly good in FL, ND, IN, and TN right now as well. Only time will tell. Wait and see as always.

Version: 107

Back with the "minimal to no Russian Effect" map, which I believe will be the case sad to say. Wait and see as always!

Version: 106

This occurs only if the "Putin Effect" is greater than I think it will be. Otherwise, I still give the GOP the advantage in IN, ND, and probably FL too as of right now. TN could flip too under this scenario. Wait and see as always!

Version: 103

State of the US Senate of of 07/11/2018. Wait and see as always!

Version: 102

Republican best case scenario as of 07/09/2018. Those of you who believe in God and prayer please pray for me, my girlfriend Shelia, and my lifelong crush Crystal right now. Those who don't, just sent best wishes and best vibes to all 3 of us. All 3 of us are being hurt by our Pentecostal families. No wonder so many people are taking a dim view of white evangelical Christianity and its influence over the GOP right now. Sad but true for a final time. Wait and see as always!

Version: 101

2018 is a Purple Wave Election Year. I don't see a Red Wave or a Blue Wave but a Purple Wave instead. Wait and See as always!

Version: 100

2018 is a Purple Wave Election Year. I don't see a Red Wave or a Blue Wave but a Purple Wave instead. Wait and See as always!

Version: 98

Democratic worst case scenario as of June 25, 2018. Please pray for me, my girlfriend, and my lifelong crush friends. Our moms have hurt all three of us, and all strong Pentecostals too. Sadly the Religious Right, Republican Party, the and the USA as a whole is being destroyed by people like them, just like us 3 innocent victims. edwardsna you are 100 percent right on target. People in church have indeed forgotten what it is like to be a Christian. Sad but true for a final time. Wait and see as always. Personally I now do not believe there will either be a Red Wave or Blue Wave. I am expecting a 50/50 split. I wouldn't even be surprised if the House is 218-217, and the Senate 50/50! Yes the USA is that divided right now. However 40 out of 50 states are rock solid one way or the other. As of right now, only WI, PA, and FL will decide who wins the White House in 2020. I give Trump the slightest of advantages as of today 06/25/2018. It literally could go either way. I expect Trump to actually lose the popular vote by 5 million votes, but still be re-elected because of the Electoral College. Election Days 2018 and 2020 are still an eternity away, and anything and everything can and will happen in politics, and does so daily. Wait and see as always.

Version: 97

I'm leaning more towards the pessimistic side right now. However this could actually be a blessing in disguise for us Dems in order to dump Trump in 2020, having a GOP Congress to blame everything on. Trump will destroy the world if he is re-elected. 100 percent certain. Wait and see as always.

Version: 95

Generic map as of June 3, 2018. Wait and see as always!

Version: 94

It's not looking good as it once did for us Democrats in 2018. However this could actually be a blessing in disguise for us against Trump in 2020. I'm very concerned though that it could be too late for our country and the world as well if this happens. Wait and see as always!<br />

Version: 93

Current state of the race. IN, MO, ND, TN, NV, AZ, and my home state WV will decide who controls Congress starting Jan. 2019. Perhaps TX, MS, and NE too. It's the public's perception of the economy stupid. Wait and see as always!

Version: 92

I now think the "Blue Wave" in 2018 is not going to be as great as I initially thought it would be. This is bad for us Dems in the short term of course, but it could, and probably will, backfire on President Trump and the GOP in 2020, and be disastrous for the Republicans and President Trump in 2020. I now think the perception of the economy will continue to be great through Election Day 2018, but shortly afterwards the bottom will drop out. Also the elimination of Net Neutrality if and probably when it happens, will be disastrous for President Trump and the Republican Party as well. Short term gains for the GOP in 2018 will turn into long term pain for them in 2020. That's my prediction. Election Day 2020 (notice I said 2020 not 2018 this time I think the GOP will survive in 2018 but it will backfire on them in 2020) is still an eternity away, and anything and everything can and will happen in politics, and does so daily. Wait and see as always. The GOP will survive, and probably even thrive, in 2018, but their time is up in 2020. #DumpTrump2020

Version: 91

Current state of the race in my honest opinion. Wait and see as always!

Version: 90

My updated best case Democratic scenario map. It comes down a tick from my latest Dem best case scenario. Wait and see as always!

Version: 89

Since the Republican base loves Trump, the GOP is stuck with him, for better or for worse. It's the perception of the economy stupid. Case closed. Wait and see as always!

Version: 88

If Trump's approval rating keeps raising and the economy is still perceived to be strong, I can easily see this happening. I don't think it will, but it's possible. especially if the Republicans are fired up and us Dems take this election for granted. Wait and see as always!

Version: 87

Best case Republican scenario.

Version: 86

Generic map time again lol.

Version: 85

Republican best case scenario as of May 1, 2018. This can happen if Trump's popularity rises, and if the economy is perceived as being strong. Wait and see as always!

Version: 84

Democratic best case scenario as of April 30, 2018. The only thing that can save the Republicans right now is the economy, and how it is doing shortly before the election could make or break the GOP as we currently know it here in the USA in 2018. Election Day 2018 is still an eternity away, and anything and everything can and will happen in politics, and does so daily. Wait and see as always!

Version: 83

Republican best case scenario as of April 27, 2018. Even this map is trending strongly Democratic. Wait and see as always!

Version: 82

Generic map as of April 24, 2018. Texas, Mississippi, and Nebraska are becoming interesting my friends. Very, very bad news for Republicans right now. Saddest of all, the main losers are the genuine Christians. The hypocritical ones are killing the Republican Party, and saddest of all Christianity itself, which is sad because I am a Christian myself. Sadly another one I would have died for hates me now. Unless something drastic happens, fundamentalist Christians are going to take a beating this election, and probably 2020. Big time. We Dems may have finally solved our "people problem." You know it's bad when TN, TX, MS, and yes even NE now are in play, and when 29 out of 31 seats could possibly go Democratic this election. Only two states that are safe for Republicans are the ones evangelical Christianity hasn't taken over the Republican Party: Wyoming and Utah. Funny how that works. Wait and see as always. Actually it hasn't taken over Nebraska either. Just weak Republican candidates there, plus strong Democrats it now looks like. Tennessee is definitely a case in which only Breseden can win, and him alone. Take him out of the picture. TN becomes strong 50 percent Republican immediately lol.

Version: 81

Barbara Bush best case Democratic scenario, as of right now April 23, 2018. Wait and see as always!

Version: 80

Generic map as of today April 22, 2018. No Barbara Bush effect at all, after constructive criticism. Lol.

Version: 79

Barbara Bush "worst case Democratic scenario" map. Moved it in favor of Republicans obviously. Wait and see as always!

Version: 78

The "Barbara Bush Effect." Yes deaths do have impact on elections, almost always in favor of the party whom the politician, or in this case the family member, who passed away, especially if they're loved and respected like the Former First Lady was. This could end up biting us Dems big time in the end. Only time will tell. Wait and see as always! My generic, best case, and worst case scenario maps will obviously have to be altered in favor of the GOP as well...

Version: 77

Time to do another "all politics is local" map. Lol. Even it is trending Democratic. Missouri is the one I'm unsure about this time obviously. Wait and see as always!

Version: 76

Generic map time again lol. Nebraska and Mississippi are now lean instead of strong Republican it now looks like. There are currently gas shortages here in the two Virginias where I live. It doesn't look good at all for the Republicans right now, especially if the economy tanks. If that happens, Tennessee will almost surely turn Democratic, and yes even Texas, Mississippi, and Nebraska are up for grabs. The Religious Right in America could be making its last stand my friends. We shall find out in November. Election Day 2018 is still an eternity away, and anything and everything can and will happen in politics and does so daily. Wait And See As Always! #BlueWave2018 #DumpTrump2020

Version: 75

Democratic best case scenario as of April 15, 2018. This will change in time. Wait and see as always!

Version: 74

Republican best case scenario as of April 12, 2018. I did this today because it was a depressing day for yours truly. Wait and see as always.

Version: 73

Generic map time again as of April 11, 2018. Wait and see as always. I think Wyoming and Utah will pretty much stay 60 percent Republican no matter what scenario. Maybe Wyoming at 70 percent Republican. Lol.

Version: 72

Democratic best case scenario as of April 10, 2018. Unless Republicans and true Christians repudiate the Religious Right, they are finished as a party. Yes it came two years later, 2018 instead of 2016, but yes it has happened. That's the only reason West "by God" Virginia will be Trump's best state in 2020, and not Wyoming, Nebraska or Idaho. Nuff said right there. Wait And See As Always. Only Time Will Tell. #BlueWave2018 #DumpTrump2020

Version: 71

Generic map as of April 9, 2018. Please wish me the best right now I'm struggling friends. Wait and see as always. No tossups again I noticed? Weird. Lol

Version: 70

Updated Republican best case scenario map. Even it is trending Democratic slowly but surely. Lol. I had a miserable day yesterday lol. That's why I'm doing this today. Christian fundamentalists hurting me as always. Sigh. That's why I'm dumping Trump and the GOP in 2018. It took two years later than expected, but it looks like it will happen thank God. Please no Hillary Clinton in 2020 please Lord. Wait and see as always!

Version: 69

Generic map as of April 7, 2018. Even it's shifting big time in our favor. Lol. Wow no tossups believe it or not. That's a 1st. Lol again. <br /> Wait and see as always!

Version: 68

Yes, you see right. I have NE and MS going Democratic. I know it may be a pipe dream, but then again who knows? Lol. Wait and see as always! Only time will tell. #DumpTrump2020 #BlueWave2018

Version: 67

Could even Nebraska and Mississippi get interesting? Stay tuned folks. Wait and see as always!

Version: 66

Trump's only hope is the economy now. The economy in both 2018 and 2020 will decide his fate. So far the evidence is not on his side. Only time will tell. We shall see. Wait and see as always! #DumpTrump2020 #BlueWave2018

Version: 65

Missouri is the state I'm most undecided on as right now 03/31/2018. Wait And See As Always! #BlueWave2018 #DumpTrump2020 Check that it may be Texas now. I feel a Big Time Blue Wave coming on. And I'm not joking either!

Version: 62

My new Republican best case scenario map. Have to do this every now and then to remind my fellow Democrats not to rest, that there is still work yet to be done. We got this as long as we stay focused on our message, turn out to vote, and have dynamic candidates, which we have this time unlike most elections, and relate to people the way that Republicans usually do. However we Dems got to remember we still may be playing into President Trump's hands if we do win a monumental Democratic landslide in 2018. We've got to deliver, or else he and the Republicans will use this against us in 2020 one percent certain. Trump's election in 2016 shouldn't have been a surprise at all, knowing American politics the way I do. Most elections since 1968 haven't gone the way most "experts" expected they would. Nixon's comeback in 1968 in a troubled country was a major surprise, along with his landslide re-election victory in 1972. Jimmy Carter came out of nowhere as a virtually unknown moderate southern governor in 1976, but was favored to win big time over President Ford, because of his pardon of Nixon, only to eek out a very close election. Reagan beat Carter big time in 1980. No one expected Reagan to win, especially since he was considered outside the American mainstream at the time, much less to win a landslide. 1984 was kind of predictable, but then again who thought that Reagan would win 49 out of 50 states? 1988 was surprising too, since Dukakis was ahead of Bush Sr. by 17 points at one time, only to lose in the biggest landslide we've had since then. Bill Clinton came out of nowhere as a moderate southern governor from an even smaller state than Jimmy Carter in 1992, and not only beat incumbent president Bush Sr., but did so decisively, and that after Bush Sr. once had a 91 percent approval rating. 1996 was surprising too in that Clinton was re-elected, and re-elected by a wide margin considering his lack of popularity, and considering the fact that Dole and Kemp were two respectable Republican candidates. Who thought that Bush Jr. would beat Gore in 2000, with a roaring economy, and then President Clinton's popularity, and then win the Electoral College, while losing the popular vote, something that didn't happen since I believe Benjamin Harrison did so over Grover Cleveland (I could be wrong though). Also who would have thought that Florida would be so close, especially after Bush Jr. was predicted to win FL by a large margin. Who thought that Bush Jr. would win re-election in 2004, with his unpopularity? And who thought it would be so close after 9/11, when Bush Jr's popularity soared. Barack Obama was a virtual unknown candidate in 2008, and stunned Hillary Clinton in one of the most shocking primary upsets ever, and then shockingly beats a respectable Republican McCain in 2008 by a wide margin, even carrying IN and NC in the process, two states I never ever thought would go Democratic IN especially, and also lose formerly Democratic WV, KY, and AR by wide margins. Who thought that Obama had a prayer of being re-elected in 2012, considering the fact that he was African-American, and because of his supposed unpopularity? Then of course 2016. Who thought that Bernie Sanders would come within a whisker of shocking Hillary again in 2016? And of course Donald Trump came out of nowhere not only to win the Republican nomination, but to shock Hillary once again in 2016, and win the white evangelical vote 81-16 percent in the process? Moral of the story in politics: Expect the unexpected. Oh President Trump can still definitely win this thing in 2020, especially with his rock solid white evangelical base. Easily. He could lose the popular vote by 5 million votes, yet still be re-elected because of the Electoral College. Expect the unexpected my fellow Democrats. Expect the unexpected. We Democrats taking back Congress may actually be a "blessing in disguise" for President Trump, if you know what I mean. That is what I am afraid of. We shall see. Only time will tell. Election Day 2018 and Election Day 2020 are both eternities away, and anything and everything can happen in politics, and does so daily. Wait and see as always. #DumpTrump2020 #BlueWave2018

Version: 60

I know this may sound off the wall, but I feel that President Trump may actually be sabotaging his own party's congressmen in order to help himself. I know that sounds crazy, but I put absolutely nothing past this man. I don't see any president of any party Republican or Democratic ever doing the same. I don't see President Reagan or the Bushes ever doing so. Trump I think is truly capable of anything, including this. All he cares about is himself, much more so than the country, and even more than the Republican Party believe it or not. Hmmm.

Version: 59

Texas could go blue (red on atlas) too with the right candidate. Wait and see as always! #DumpTrump2020 #BlueWave2018

Version: 50

I'm "cautiously optimistic" right now. Those are the two words describing me and my fellow Democrats right now. The Republicans cannot win if we Democrats stand united. We have been sweeping the races even in blood red Republican districts because of that fact, and that fact alone. That's a huge "if" though as always concerning us Dems. You just never know in politics. Election Days 2018 and 2020 are an eternity away, and anything and everything can and will happen in politics, and does so daily. It has really ever since 9/11. #Wait and See as Always. #BlueWave2018 #DumpTrump2020

Version: 48

Flipped my home state lol. Praying and keeping my fingers crossed Sen. Manchin survives the extreme pro-Trump wave here in West "by God" Virginia. Yes Sen. Manchin is far from perfect, but he's still better than any Republican 100 percent certain lol. #BlueWave2018 #DumpTrump2020

Version: 47

The "middle of the road" solution. I still think us Dems will do very well. How well I do not know yet. I think it all depends upon the exact candidates running, the change in demographics, everything really. I have my home state West "by God" Virginia going Republican even with Manchin as popular as he currently is, simply because Trump is more popular sad to say, and just because of that reason alone. Tennessee is another example. It would be solidly Republican if it weren't for Breseden, a strong Dem candidate, and him alone. Texas could be close simply because of demographics and the Hispanic vote, and because of lingering doubts about Cruz. In Missouri, McCaskill is in trouble simply because of a strong GOP trend there, and because she's a rather weak candidate. In Nevada, Heller is a weak candidate, and the with the Democratic tide there, things look good for us as of right now, but things could still change there. Arizona could go either way, but I give us Dems a very slight advantage due to the strong Hispanic vote, and the exact candidates running. In Indiana, it could go either way, but Donnelly has a slight advantage as of right now. He seems to be weathering the storm. North Dakota has gotten more interesting it now looks like, as a strong Republican candidate has apparently entered the race. Heidtkamp (spelling) is holding her own in a blood red (blue on uselectionatlas) state as of right now, but this is definitely a tossup state no question about it. Tester in Montana seems to be doing very well as of right now, but things could change there too. Brown should win in Ohio, unless the GOP nominates a strong candidate there, which could make it a tossup. The same is true with Nelson in Florida, and Casey in Pennsylvania. As for 2020, I think the presidential election as of right now all hinges upon two states: FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA. MICHIGAN MICHIGAN MICHIGAN. I don't know about Wisconsin and Pennsylvania especially. They are 50/50 tossups, but I wouldn't bank on either state being a sure-fired guarantee as of right now, simply because of a pro-GOP tide in both states Pennsylvania especially. We Dems also have to hold on to every single Hillary state as well. The Hillary states I'm most concerned about flipping as of right now are Minnesota, New Hampshire, and Maine. It looks good for us Dems in all three states as of right now, but they are definitely not 100 percent guarantees. Nevada is the only other Hillary state that concerns me some, but I think we're in good shape there too because of the Hispanic vote of course. I love our chances in Michigan right now mainly because of the African American vote in the cities of Detroit of course, and also Flint as well. I think they'll be much more motivated in 2020, than they were in 2016. But Florida is the key state. The increased Puerto Rican vote, plus other Hispanic and other minority demographics in that state too as well, are key. If we Dems can somehow beat Trump in Florida, I don't see any possible way he can win, since I highly doubt he could carry Minnesota, New Hampshire, Maine, and especially Nevada most of all if we flip Florida. FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA just like Tim Russert nailed on the head back in 2000. Election Day 2018 is still an eternity away, and anything and everything can and will happen in politics, and does so daily. Wait and see as always! #BlueWave2018 #DumpTrump2020

Version: 46

It's sad that the fake Christians have stolen the U.S.A. from the real Christians. I had another sad incident with a pastor just right now. Fake Christians are the ones who have hurt me the most as well all of them who have done so are church people. This pastor strongly supports Trump too not surprisingly. #DumpTrump2020

Version: 45

Big Time Democratic Wave. President Trump is now proposing food boxes in exchange for food stamps. I think this will backfire big time on the GOP. Sure the ultra-conservative white evangelicals and the GOP base absolutely love it, and are all 100 percent for it, but everyone else is against it, including the few remaining moderate Republicans. I actually think that my home state of West "by God" Virginia is most likely to vote GOP because I think their support of Manchin is fake, and my fellow West Virginians somehow think whatever Trump proposes is good for our country, whether it really is or not. I don't think the rest of my fellow Americans feel the same way thank God. Sadly I've had a lot of personal problems due to them recently. They have hurt me and cut my heart big time, and have actually benefited from it believe it or not. That said my fellow West Virginians that are genuine have an absolute heart of gold and are diamonds in the rough. I'm seeing God putting a lot of them into my life as well right now. Sadly we are grossly out numbered though as much as I hate to admit it. Election Day 2018 is still an eternity away, and anything and everything can happen in politics, and does so daily. Wait And See As Always! #BlueWave2018 #DumpTrump2020

Version: 41

Theme of this map and yesterday's: all politics is local. Lol. Wait and see as always!

Version: 40

Yes this is a weird map I know, but I have my reasons that this scenario may actually happen, if I receive any additional comments on it.

Version: 38

I smell a big time Democratic wave in 2018. Nunes' memo backfired on him, Trump, and the Republicans. Yes! Even MO, TN, and TX look winnable now. #DumpTrump2020

Version: 37

Sorry friends. This is a personal map against some white evangelical fake friends and family that have hurt me big time here recently. Sad but true once again.

Version: 30

Thinking "outside the box" on this one. Think TX could actually very well go Democratic if we find the right candidate. TN could very well go Democratic too, only because Bredesden is a very strong Democratic candidate going against apparently a weak Republican. TN is redder now though than when Bredesden served as governor, so it will still definitely be interesting. I think McCaskill could still be in trouble in MO even with a strong Democratic wave. MO is much redder than when she won her seat as well, and she is a rather weak candidate. Last but not least my home state of West "by God" Virginia. Yes Manchin seems safe as of right now Jan. 26, 2018, but people here in WV absolutely worship Trump right now, much more so than even Ronald Reagan believe it or not, and Trump's endorsement of the GOP candidate here could change everything, even against a popular Dem like Manchin. Election Day 2018 is still an eternity away. Anything and everything can and will happen in politics, and does so daily. Wait and see as always!

Version: 27

TN, MO, and even TX are possible in a strong Democratic wave with strong Democratic candidates. We shall see how the government shutdown plays out. Here in my home state of West Virginia not surprisingly most people are blaming Schumer and the Dems, but that's only because my fellow West Virginians absolutely worship Trump, and because it's a solidly red state. Not surprisingly in this divided nation we currently have right it's breaking among partisan lines. Independents however seem to be breaking against Trump on the govt. shutdown as of right now, and that's nowt just good news but great news for us Dems. We shall see if that continues to be the case. It's an absolute eternity until Election Day 2018, and anything and everything can and will happen in politics, and does so daily. Wait and see as always!

Version: 23

The "middle of the road" election scenario.

Version: 22

My updated Trump and Republican best case scenario map. I am writing this because I read today where President Trump may be banking on a terrorist attack to help bail him and the Republicans out on Election Day 2018. I wouldn't be surprised if that happened too, since the American people have almost always rallied behind their president whenever that has happened. Trump is right sad to say. The American people are sadly that gullible. We have to educate them once again. That's why the Republicans always try to "dumb us down" if you will. We can't let them. There is way too much at stake in this country and the rest of the word right now. It's as simple as that. Key race still looks to be Nevada as of right now Jan. 18, 2018. Election Day 2018 is still an eternity away, and anything and everything can and does happen in politics, and does so daily. Wait and see as always!

Version: 20

Oil prices going up. Food prices going up. Unemployment starting to edge upward. GOP tax plan hasn't even kicked in yet. Trump approval rating down. Strong Democratic candidates this time. A united Democratic base for the 1st time in a very, very long time. Looking very good at the moment. Sadly it may be way too little too late for our country unfortunately. Sad but true. I hope and pray I'm wrong. It's still an eternity until Election Day 2018, and anything and everything can and does happen in politics, and does so daily. Wait and see as always! #DumpTrump2020<br /> <br />

Version: 19

Oil prices going up. Food prices going up. Unemployment starting to edge upward. GOP tax plan hasn't even kicked in yet. Trump approval rating down. Strong Democratic candidates this time. A united Democratic base for the 1st time in a very, very long time. Looking very good at the moment. Sadly it may be way too little too late for our country unfortunately. Sad but true. I hope and pray I'm wrong. It's still an eternity until Election Day 2018, and anything and everything can and does happen in politics, and does so daily. Wait and see as always! #DumpTrump2020

Version: 13

My current opinion on the U.S. Senate election as of Jan. 9, 2018. Control of the Senate could easily go either way as of right now. Wait and see as always!

Version: 12

Republican best case scenario as of Jan. 8, 2018. The Democratic best case scenario is much, much more likely as of right now. In my honest opinion the only way this happens is if the U.S.A. economy is the best it is in the history of the country, and perhaps Trump is able to rally the country, let's say if North Korea attacks us, something like that, and also the economy doesn't crash before the GOP tax plan kicks in before Election Day 2018, and also as well the full effect of the elimination of Net Neutrality hasn't kicked in before then. I think the key race to watch as of right now is in Nevada. If Heller is able to somehow survive, then it will probably be a wonderful night for Trump and the Republicans. I don't think Heller will though. As they always say Election Day 2018 is still more than 10 months away, and anything and everything can happen in politics, and does so daily. Wait and see as always!

Version: 11

Democratic best case scenario as of Jan. 7, 2018. I think this only happens if the economy completely crashes due to the GOP tax bill before Election Day 2018, and Trump's approval ratings are completely in the toilet. Wait and see as always!

Version: 10

Nothing unchanged as of right now. You think it would seeing all the bad things happening to Trump, but not as of right now Jan. 6, 2018. The perception of the economy is the only thing keeping Trump and the Republicans afloat as of right now. If and when the economy goes into the tank, it will get really bad for the GOP. It all depends upon when. If it doesn't happen until after Election Day 2018, this map will probably get better for the Republicans. If it does indeed go into the tank though, and it's just a matter of matter of time before it will, since trickle down economics has never, ever worked before, and never will work, then even TN and TX could flip believe it or not, esp. with TN having a strong Dem candidate and the GOP a weak candidate right now. The economy will definitely go into the tank. Election Day 2018 all depends upon exactly when. Anything and everything can change in politics, and does so daily. Wait and see as always!

Version: 6

Happy New Year folks. 2018 is a critical year for the U.S. of A. Wait and see as always!

Version: 3

Control of the Senate could go either way as of right now.

Version: 1

We live in a 50/50 nation my friends. This election could literally go either way. It's the economy stupid. I think that will determine who takes the Senate in 2018. It's an absolute eternity until Election Day 2018, and anything and everything can and will happen in politics, and does so daily. Wait and see as always!

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 By: deleteduser (I-WV) 2018-11-07 @ 00:50:48 prediction Map
This nation is in big, big trouble after tonight. I am disappointed but not at all surprised that I think of it, not surprised at all. Somehow the GOP has managed to get away with deceiving my fellow Americans, the white evangelicals especially. It's looking more and more like Trump will be re-elected in 2020. It's a sad night to be an American. I should be surprised, but I am not. You get what you vote for. We will regret tonight, 100 percent.

 By: deleteduser (I-WV) 2018-11-07 @ 00:51:29 prediction Map
I blame my fellow liberals most of all. We self-destructed yet again. We keep shooting our ownselves in the foot time and time again, and can't get out of our own way. We handed this election to the Republicans on a silver platter, 100 percent certain.

 By: deleteduser (I-WV) 2018-11-07 @ 01:04:18 prediction Map
Like it or not, Hillary Clinton was still on the ballot in many Americans' eyes, even though her name technically wasn't. Perhaps Barack Obama too. Until we Dems can shake her ghost off (and probably his as well), we will not win a national election until our demographics eventually takeover. Sure long term Trump will help the Democrats, but the USA just cannot wait long term I'm afraid. I'm scared there won't even be an America after tonight. We needed help right now, and didn't get it. Sad but true for a final time.

Last Edit: 2018-11-07 @ 01:04:45

 By: man_of_honor885 (-PA) 2018-11-18 @ 19:43:23 prediction Map
Well, honestly, we will see and you may end up wrong or correct about this on many aspects or all of the fewer. Also time will tell as it impeccably seems to do. I was surprised by the results too, as we predicted similarly. I'll say that you shouldn't worry about this one election because things always change whether you or I like the current political climate is invalid to what Im saying here which is that the USA will find its way to greatness one way or another in the end.

 By: man_of_honor885 (-PA) 2018-11-18 @ 19:47:23 prediction Map
in my current prediction for 2020 I'm going to say that if the democrats pick either Bernie Sanders or Joseph Biden, they will beat Donald Trump. In reality it can be proven by the 2018 midterms that only a progressive or a democrat with high name recognition can defeat us Republicans in 2020.

 By: deleteduser (I-WV) 2019-01-24 @ 01:20:17 prediction Map
Looking back, I think we Dems have a slightly better than 50/50 shot of winning in 2020. It all depends upon the candidate. Yes the "messenger" does matter, just like it did in 2018. Hillary Clinton wasn't the right one. Man_Of_Honor, on America finding its way back to greatness, I have to disagree with you right now, as much as I hate it. Right now, the moderates are losing big time to the extremists both liberal and conservative. I only vote Dem most of the time because they are the "least of all evils," (I know many Republicans and conservatives who say the same thing), but I am very displeased with our political discourse right now. I think this hatred has sadly always loomed large unfortunately, but it's been magnified and exposed recently because of social media. They say most Americans aren't in real life what they say on social media. Sadly, they are. It's just that they're "too chicken" most of them to say that "face to face" in real life. The hate is real sad to say. I don't see it ever changing either. Sad but true for a final time. I think if the 2020 presidential election were held today, MI, WI, and PA would all flip back, and the rest of the states would remain the same. Trump can easily still win this thing. He could even lose more popular votes, and still win. We Dems are "intelligent but not smart" as they say, and in the USA, "intelligence" doesn't win elections, "smartness" does, and there is a stark difference between the two. Only Bill Clinton and Barack Obama have been able to figure that out since 1980. I think Bernie did too, but he just couldn't convince enough minority voters to win the Democratic nomination, which is an absolute must to win the Dem nomination nowadays.

 By: deleteduser (I-WV) 2019-01-24 @ 01:22:11 prediction Map
Election Day 2020 is still an eternity away, and anything and everything can and will happen in politics, and does so daily. Wait and see as always!

Last Edit: 2019-01-24 @ 01:22:36

 By: man_of_honor885 (-PA) 2019-02-18 @ 15:35:23 prediction Map
Yes, I agree with you on your predictions. Thank you for the reply!

User's Predictions

Prediction Score States Percent Total Accuracy Ver #D Rank#Pred
P 2022 Senate 33/35 24/35 57/70 81.4% pie 48 75 124T305
P 2022 Governor 35/36 20/36 55/72 76.4% pie 52 75 173T272
P 2021 Governor 2/2 2/2 4/4 100.0% pie 19 7 1T118
P 2020 President 55/56 38/56 93/112 83.0% pie 193 6 260T684
P 2020 Senate 33/35 22/35 55/70 78.6% pie 52 4 66T423
P 2020 Governor 11/11 6/11 17/22 77.3% pie 33 6 147T293
P 2019 Governor 2/3 1/3 3/6 50.0% pie 6 3 104T192
P 2018 Senate 33/35 24/35 57/70 81.4% pie 135 0 24T483
P 2018 Governor 34/36 21/36 55/72 76.4% pie 66 2 122T372
P 2016 President 51/56 23/56 74/112 66.1% pie 290 1 473T678
P 2014 Senate 35/36 20/36 55/72 76.4% pie 22 13 122T382
P 2012 President 54/56 39/56 93/112 83.0% pie 85 2 401T760
P 2011 Governor 4/4 3/4 7/8 87.5% pie 5 36 2T106
P 2010 Senate 33/37 26/37 59/74 79.7% pie 63 0 63T456
P 2008 President 53/56 43/56 96/112 85.7% pie 167 1 74T1,505
P 2008 Senate 33/33 17/33 50/66 75.8% pie 21 7 117T407
P 2008 Governor 11/11 7/11 18/22 81.8% pie 16 0 50T264
P 2007 Governor 2/3 1/3 3/6 50.0% pie 4 27 135T167
Aggregate Predictions 514/541 337/541 851/1082 78.7% pie

Arizona1 California1 California1 California1 California1 Connecticut1 Connecticut1 Delaware1 Florida1 Hawaii1 Hawaii1 Hawaii1 Hawaii1 Hawaii1 Hawaii1 Indiana1 Maine1 Maryland1 Maryland1 Maryland1 Massachusetts1 Michigan1 Michigan1 Minnesota1 Minnesota2 Mississippi1 Mississippi2 Missouri1 Montana1 Nebraska1 Nevada1 New Jersey1 New Mexico1 New York1 New York1 North Dakota1 Ohio1 Pennsylvania1 Rhode Island1 Tennessee1 Texas1 Utah1 Vermont1 Virginia1 Virginia1 Washington1 Washington1 Washington1 West Virginia1 Wisconsin1 Wisconsin1 Wyoming1

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