PredictionsEndorse2014 Gubernatorial Election Polls - NH ResultsPolls
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Source: ARG (url)

CandidatePolitical PartyPollGraphPoll Details
DMaggie Hassan*Democratic55%piePoll Date: 2014-09-29
RWalt HavensteinRepublican40%Number Polled: 600
-Other-0%Margin of Error: 4%
-Undecided-5%Voter Type: Likely

  * = Incumbent

Hassan dominating, leads by 15%

 By: Lief (D-NY) on 2014-09-30 @ 17:58:24

If the 2014 election for New Hampshire governor were being held today between Maggie Hassan, the Democrat, and Walt Havenstein, the Republican, for whom would you vote - Hassan or Havenstein? (names rotated)

About this Poll
The following results are based on 600 completed interviews among a statewide random sample of likely voters in New Hampshire (208 Republicans, 190 Democrats, and 202 undeclared voters). The interviews were conducted September 27 through 29, 2014.

The theoretical margin of error for the sample of 600 likely voters is plus or minus 4 percentage points, 95% of the time, on questions where opinion is evenly split.

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