PredictionsMock2020 Presidential Election Polls - MA ResultsPolls
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Source: Emerson College (url)

CandidatePolitical PartyPollGraphPoll Details
DDem CandDemocratic66%piePoll Date: 2019-04-07
RTrumpRepublican34%Number Polled: 761
IInd CandIndependent0%Margin of Error: 4%
-Other-0%Voter Type: Likely

Democrats with Solid Lead in Massachusetts

 By: leip (I-NY) on 2019-06-11 @ 10:00:45

Biden 69% - Trump 31%
Sanders 64% - Trump 36%
Warren 63% - Trump 37%

About this Poll
The Massachusetts statewide Emerson College poll was conducted April 4-7, 2019. The sample consisted of registered voters, n=761, with a Credibility Interval (CI) similar to a poll’s margin of error (MOE) of +/- 3.5 percentage points. The data was weighted based on 2016 voter model, gender, education, ethnicity, party, and region.

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