PredictionsMock2020 Presidential Election Polls - AZ ResultsPolls
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Source: Other Source (url)

CandidatePolitical PartyPollGraphPoll Details
DBidenDemocratic47%piePoll Date: 2020-06-29
RTrumpRepublican46%Number Polled: 600
IInd CandIndependent0%Margin of Error: 4%
-Other-3%Voter Type: Likely

Biden +1

 By: Lief (D-NY) on 2020-07-05 @ 17:30:09

If the election for President were held today, who would you vote for?

About this Poll
This poll of 600 likely General Election voters was conducted through a live survey that collected 60% of the results from land lines and 40% from cell phones. It has a margin of error at plus or minus 4.00% with a 95% confidence interval. Respondents were weighted on a number of different demographic figures based off historical Arizona general election turnout. The poll was conducted from June 27-29, 2020. All non-released questions prior to the question released would not reasonably be expected to influence responses to all released questions. The questions released are verbatim from the survey provided to respondents.

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