PredictionsMock2020 Presidential Predictions - Scott (O-FL) ResultsPolls
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Date of Prediction: 2020-05-31 Version:99

Prediction Map
Scott MapPrediction Key

Confidence Map
Scott MapConfidence Key

Prediction States Won
270 |
538 |

Confidence States Won
270 |
538 |

State Pick-ups

Gain Loss Hold Net Gain


It is coming out that Obama has been running a shadow government during his attempted coup against Trump. The writing is on the wall Obama has committed Treason.

Prediction History
Prediction Graph

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Version: 225

The Democrat Communists only have extortion of we will trash your cities and attack you with the fascist Antifa if you don't put us in power. America is going full Trump because he is returning the power to the people not drunk with it as the Democrats are.

Version: 224

The Biden Crime Family is on full display. The media and social media are colluding to commit Treason.

Version: 223

The Democrat party has moved to the communist party and commits treason to try and attain power. The American people are rejecting that and protecting freedom.

Version: 222

Bidengate, Obamagate and Treason is what is before the American People.

Version: 221

The Biden crime family aided by the communist sympathizer tech moguls of Google, Twitter and Facebook is not fooling the American people.<br />

Version: 220

Biden is compromised with Communist China. He has enriched himself and his family by selling his position in the United States Government to the CCP.

Version: 219

Justice Amy Coney Barret defending the Constitution as written.

Version: 218

Amy Coney Barret will be confirmed today as the next Supreme Court Justice.

Version: 217

The totalitarian democrat scandals abound. The Silent Majority will not be silent in this vote. Obamagate and Bidengate are going to sink the Democrat Party.

Version: 216

Bidengate and Obamagate abound, so much for the previous administration having no scandals. They were nothing but scandals.<br />

Version: 215

Now the Biden Crime Family is also completely exposed as well as Obamagate.

Version: 214

The swamp is exposed and the lemmings are running for the cliff.

Version: 213

Obamagate and Biden Crime Family issues explode.

Version: 212

The Biden crime family and Obamagate indictments are coming.

Version: 211

The time is coming for corrupt Joe to answer for his crimes as well as the Treason crew of Brennan, Hillary Clinton and Obama et. al.

Version: 210

First Obamagate Treason and now Biden Crime Family corruption, how much more before they are just removed from the public square and any consideration from being able to get funding from the public in any way, shape or form.

Version: 209

All who committed Treason against the United States: Clinton, Comey, McCabe, Strok, Weissman, Page, Brennan, Clapper, Obama, Biden and Rosenstein.

Version: 208

The Biden crime family has been completely exposed. The communists are exposed as well and the name they have taken for this election is the Democrat Party. If you value you freedom then you need to vote for Trump and the Republicans.

Version: 207

Biden-Obama corruption - influence peddling in plain site and the lamestream media is covering up for Joe Biden crime family. His family gets rich because of his position's ability to affect policy in favor of foreign countries that are paying his family to gain favor. Democrats wake up you are being scammed.

Version: 206

The emails and videos are in. Biden knew of his son's corrupt business dealings and was involved in them. Time for indictments to drop.

Version: 205

Biden doesn't even know which seat he is running for! He said he was running for Senate again!<br /> He also is having his family leach off of his position in government.

Version: 204

The Democrats grab power by committing Treason. The Coup has been exposed and indictments are around the corner.<br />

Version: 203

The Obama-Biden Treason crew are panicking. The indictments are closing in and it means the rest of their lives in prison.

Version: 202

The party of Treason is tripling down again! They are so arrogant they care nothing for main street. They believe the elitest screed they are putting out and have no idea of the groundswell they are building against themselves.<br />

Version: 201

The media are all in for Biden! Wait aren't they supposed to be neutral! They are only missing the biggest corruption story in the history of the United States, that of Treason against the duly elected government by the guy running against it.

Version: 200

Joe is in China's pocket. Hunter is getting Millions from them, you think Joe is going to do anything that isn't in China's best interest?

Version: 199

Hillary started the Treason Obama-Biden, Comey et. al. perpetrated it in full. Indictments to follow.

Version: 198

The Democrats through Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, Strok, Page, Rosenstein and Obama-Biden were involved in Treason against the United States. The rest of the Democrats are involved in a massive cover up. This should all be laid bare before the election. The lid has been blown of the Treasonous cover up by Hillary Clinton and the Democrats. Indictments to follow.

Version: 196

The White House sending a Top Secret communique to James Comey the day before Trumps inauguration hmmm......

Version: 194

Obama-Biden Treason is on full display, Comey lies to congress only putting him in further legal jeopardy.

Version: 193

Now Comey has another charge against him of perjury, i.e. lying to congress.

Version: 192

Now it comes out from 2016 the criminal Hillary Clinton was doing what the treasonous Democrat cabal was accusing Trump of doing! Biden and Obama belongs in prison along with Hillary, Comey, McCabe, Strok, Page, Rosenstein, Brennan, Clapper and many other criminal Democrats.

Version: 191

Joe Biden used his positions in the US government to peddle influence especially while he was Vice President. He is unfit to be President and he would be nothing but a puppet of the radical teardown America Marxists.

Version: 190

Hunter Biden tied to Prostitution and Human Trafficking? What more do the Democrats need? Well I guess its ballot harvesting by allies of Ilhan Omar! The corruption never stops!

Version: 189

Clinton with Obama-Biden conspired and covered up a coup against a sitting President. This defines Treason. All who were involved in the coup are guilty of Treason with the exception of the FBI agent William Barnett. Durham needs to release a flood of indictments on all of these people and now! The Democrat Party is now the Communist Party that is trying to perpetrate tyranny on the American people.

Version: 188

The Whistleblowers are coming out of the woodwork to reveal the Treasonous Coup perpetrated by the Obama-Biden Administration. The American People are seeing the Tyranny the Democrats are pushing and they aren't buying it.

Version: 187

The Democrats are the Fascist Communist Party of Societal destruction that the American People will reject on Nov. 3 2020 and forever more after that.

Version: 186

Indictment for Joe Biden sooner than expected?<br />

Version: 185

The indictments for Treason are coming. The Democrats game of coup is over. The guilty will be held accountable and Trump will continue to give the power back to the American people.

Version: 184

The Democrats are showing they are fascists and that nothing matters to them but POWER! They are about themselves. They only need the American People's vote one more time before they can install their tyrannical regime. Vote for us you stupid peasants! is their demand!

Version: 183

Now the Democrats openly threaten to burn down the country if Trump does what is the power given to the President of the United States. The Democrats put out a false narrative then demand you function to that or they will burn down the country. THIS IS CALLED FASCISM. The Democrats are now the FASCIST/COMMUNIST Party.

Version: 180

Mail in voter fraud is what democrats know is their only way of stealing the election.

Version: 179

The American People see that the Democrats have gone full on Marxist. The Democrats have awakened the Silent Majority that will be silent no more. It is obvious that the country is at stake and that the Democrats are perpetrators of tyranny. Harris has said she will be the President in reality if they were to win even Biden has said it. Tyranny will be defeated.

Version: 178

The full extent of the Coup by Obama-Biden is about to be revealed. It will shock and disgust the American people and they will know to never give the Democrats power again. It will drive the American People away from the Communist Democrats.

Version: 177

Indictments coming in a few days that will wipe out the Democrats because it will expose Treason!

Version: 176

The Mueller Team wipe their Government Phones to keep from being caught committing Treason. That is called obstruction of justice. They need to go to jail for that crime. Biden is up to his neck in this corruption, if he is elected America will be no more. We will descend into a Communist dictatorship.<br />

Version: 175

Blatant obstruction of justice by Mueller and Andrew Weissmann and much of his team. They must be charged and brought to justice!

Version: 174

The Mueller Probe gang commits obstruction of justice by wiping their government phones to hide the fact that they were in on the conspiracy to commit Treason against a duly elected President of the United States. Andrew Weissmann and Mueller should be indicted.

Version: 173

Indictments are coming and it will blast the whole Russia, Russia, Russia narrative right out of the water. It will point out just how big a liar Schiff is and may even cause him to lose his election. Comey, Brennan, McCabe, Strok and Page will be indicted now. Obama and Biden will be indicted after the election.

Version: 172

Biden has been in government for 50 years and all he has done is make his family multi-millionaires off the taxpayers money. He has done nothing to help the American People. Trump has done more in 3.5 years than Biden ever dreamed of doing.

Version: 171

Comey should be going down soon. The Democrat violence throughout the Country is turning the electorate off to the Democrats who are enabling it. What idiots in the Democrat party thought burning and looting would help there cause I just don't know.

Version: 170

Ten people were in the room and say this didn't happen and a left wing rag quotes four anonymous sources and the lamestream media are still trying to hype this like the bogus Russia, Russia, Russia.

Version: 169

Joe has debated Joe so many times its hard to know just where he stands but since Joe doesn't control Joe but the communists do control Joe the American People wont vote for Joe. What Nancy Pelosi recently said is very telling. She said "Donald Trump and the Republicans are....enemies of the State" Curios that is what a communist dictator would say

Version: 168

Indictments in the Treasonous Obamagate will commence soon. The media continues their blatant lying scheme against Trump but it will not work. The media has wakened the Massive Sleeping Giant and it will crush them.

Version: 167

Pelosi owes the American People an apology for her elitist garbage better yet she should resign from Congress

Version: 166

Indictments soon in Obama-Biden-gate.<br />

Version: 165

Communism is not what the American people want or will stand for. This violence paid for by George Soros, who should be indicted on insurrection, is waking up the sleeping giant and it is bigger than they ever knew. Everyday that this violence continues increases the size of the landslide for Trump.

Version: 164

All Black Lives don't matter to the democrats. It is fine to burn down minority businesses if it gets the democrats power never mind if it hurts the country and it's citizens as long as they can promote china and illegal aliens.

Version: 163

You can't fool all of the American people all of the time. The people see the play for absolute power the Democrats are trying and they aren't going to allow it. Democrats have truly awakened the sleeping giant and it will destroy their political party.

Version: 162

Indictments and Antifa, BLM incited violence will sink the Democrat Party.

Version: 161

The democrats are toast. The violence is on them and the American people are fed up with it. They know the only way they can win is voter fraud. If we are to retain our country and not deliver it into the hands of the CCP democrats must lose big time.

Version: 159

Communism doesn't improve a country it only intensifies the power in a corrupt few that benefit while the masses are savaged and production goes into the toilet. The American experiment is in peril and the corrupt deep state is trying to keep power. Let's drain the swamp once and for all giving power back to the American people by Reelecting Donald Trump.

Version: 158

Arrogance knows no end like James Comey. He must believe that if he acts like he is perfect they can't indict him. His should be the next indictment we learn of. Even then he will paint himself as Saint Comey. He committed Treason attempting a coup.

Version: 157

Notice Comey, McCabe, Strok and Others of the attempted Coup have gone silent. The Durham indictments are coming. Treason will be punished.

Version: 156

The tide is already turning. People are tired of the Democrat Riots and burning down of the cities they run. People just want to be safe in their homes and be able to work and live in peace. The fascist Antifa is going to lose big time with the American people.

Version: 155

Brennan as well as Clinesmith have been turning State's Evidence to stay out of prolonged incarceration. Comey, McCabe, and Strok have gone quiet. Indictments are coming.

Version: 154

Clinesmith worked on the Mueller Probe so that drags in the whole cabal of Democrat Partisans working against the lawful government of the United States. These people committed Treason against the United States!

Version: 153

The DNC is over when the indictments come for Comey, McCabe and Strok.<br />

Version: 152

The first person to plead guilty in Obamagate has happened more coming around labor day!

Version: 151

The FISA abuse is now clear and it will spell the destruction of the Democrat Communist Party.

Version: 150

A plea deal signals turning states evidence which means there are more blockbuster indictments coming down the line. Labor Day will be the victory of the people against the deep state.

Version: 149

The Debates will lay out for all America that the democrat party has become the communist party of America.

Version: 148

The plea bargain will lead to indictments of many more people. The plea bargain is just the beginning.

Version: 147

The indictments begin, democrats will rue the day the Obama-Biden administration went down the path of treason against the United States.<br />

Version: 146

"Development" coming in Durham criminal investigation

Version: 145

Three weeks to the dam bursting and the corruption laid out for all to see.

Version: 144

The Democrats corruption and criminality makes Nixon look like a choir boy with the way the weaponized the system against their political enemies. The Fascists are trying to take power.

Version: 143

Sleepy Joe and corrupt Harris, what a team. communism is not what the American people want!

Version: 142

Answer from Bill Barr from a democrat question of "Will you agree to not release any report from John Durham prior to the November 3rd election: NO! The indictments are coming.

Version: 141

Democrats can scream all they want. Indictments are coming and it will shake the democrat party apart all the way to the top. Trump landslide coming.

Version: 140

Comey is radioactive, Democrats spied on the Trump Campaign by weaponizing the intelligence community making Nixon look like a choir boy. This will cause a Trump landslide. Indictments are coming. We must have what happened in the 2016 election exposed before we go through the 2020 election.

Version: 139

Marxism is not the way to go. Riots in the streets does not prove your point or influence people. The Democrats have thrown in with tyranny and the "Brown Shirts" of Antifa. The fascists are trying to take over this country and the democrats have thrown in with them.

Version: 138

The House of Cards will all come tumbling down with the indictments over this next month. Obamagate will stun those who have listened to the lies of CNN and MSNBC.

Version: 137

August and Early September are going to spell disaster for the Democrat Party because even the lamestream media won't be able to hide the Treason.

Version: 136

The absolute dishonorable behavior towards the Attorney General shows that they are losing their minds as their total corruption is shown for all to see.

Version: 135

The Hillary Clinton deflect her ties to $145,000,000 from sale of Uranium to Russia maneuver to smear Donald Trump has now completely fallen apart. She will go to jail for this Treason. The Democrat Party is going to be devastated. Trump will win in a landslide.<br />

Version: 134

The Democrats are showing themselves for what they political hacks. There is nothing but a theater of the absurd which the American people will reject resoundingly. If any of those Democrats were treated the way they treated Attorney General Barr they would be throwing a temper tantrum. They behave like spoiled children.<br />

Version: 133

The Deep State is panicking, Democrats are desperate so they are pushing the full Marxist maneuver to stay in power.

Version: 132

The pandemic is a farce. The Hospitals and Labs have been caught stacking the deck with false numbers and there are no consequences to them for doing that. This is just the death throws of the Deep State. Democrats are now Marxists and dangerous to the survival of this country.

Version: 131

Democrats are a criminal enterprise as the evidence builds of the Treason committed by Obama-Biden.

Version: 130

September or sooner for indictments. Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Lynch, Rosenstein, Strok, Page, Clinton (Hitlery), Weismann, Mueller and ultimately (perhaps January 21) Biden and Obama.

Version: 129

The indictments time has come, people to go to jail for the Obama-Biden Treason against the United States.

Version: 128

Treason from the top (Obama - Biden) proof keeps coming.<br />

Version: 127

When a party chooses anarchy over their duty to their oath they become the enemy of the people.<br />

Version: 126

End of Summer indictments for Comey on down to include Brennan and Clapper, Schiff will be implicated.<br />

Version: 125

The Marxist democrats are panicking and they are losing it as they side with Anarchist fascists terrorist organization Antifa. The American people don't want this.<br />

Version: 124

The Deep State is Deep but justice and indictments are coming.<br />

Version: 123

Obama used the CIA and the DOJ as a weapon against Trump. The way in which it was used is Treason against the Constitution of the United States. Both Obama and Biden need to be tried for Treason.

Version: 122

The radical socialist democrats will be rejected by the American People. Trump will win in a landslide.

Version: 121

Democrats are on the pinnacle of disaster as indictments begin to drop.

Version: 120

The Democrat run cities are killing children because they refuse to handle their gang problems, which they created.

Version: 119

Indictments are coming and there is a possibility of Obama and Biden being charged with Treason.

Version: 118

The Marxist fascists of Antifa and BLM have shown they are about terrorizing this country and tearing it down. The American people see that the Democrat Party leadership has fully embraced this and they will not support this destructive party in November. Indictments will only seal the deal to the Democrat defeat.

Version: 117

Obamagate will bring down the Democrat Party. The party of Marxism.

Version: 116

Now Obama and Biden have both been tied to the spying on the Trump Campaign and starting illegitimate investigations. The indictments are not far away.

Version: 115

The abuse of power is now confirmed to be right to the top! Indictments are coming for the likes of Comey, McCabe, Strok, Page, Brennan, Clapper, Lynch and many others eventually even Obama and Biden.

Version: 114

It may take into the summer but the indictments are coming

Version: 113

It is almost the end of June. Indictments are coming many of the principle players have gone silent.

Version: 112

Obama indictment in October would be justice after he weaponized the FBI against the Trump Campaign and Presidency.<br />

Version: 111

The end of June is nearing and so are the indictments for the likes of Comey et. al.

Version: 110

The corruption of the establishment will be laid bare and ultimately they will all fall.

Version: 109

Democrat Corruption and that of the establishment elites is about to be laid bare. The indictments will implicate many who don't even see it coming.

Version: 108

The indictments will make the democrats very unappealing and few will vote for them. Comey, McCabe, Strok, Page, Rice, Clapper and Brennan are all going down.

Version: 107

By the 4th of July the indictments will be flowing and many who work for CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post and New York Times will be doing their perp walks.

Version: 106

More Criminal Referrals are coming from obamagate. The Democrats are going to be roasted for their corruption.

Version: 105

Obamagate is being laid bare. Democrats will lose big time in 2020.

Version: 104

When the Democrat indictments start coming no one will vote for the tyranny they represent.

Version: 103

The shoes are steadily dropping. Indictments soon, notice some of the most arrogant have gone silent. Democrat leadership is about to be decimated.

Version: 102

Rod Rosenstein says he didn't know but I believe he was complicit not incompetent. Obama and Biden are responsible for this attempted Coup and they and the Democrat Party will ultimately be held accountable.

Version: 101

The attempted coup continues thru George Soros funded Antifa. Terrorism will not win the day in America. The Dems will suffer a big defeat come November.

Version: 100

Obama has tried multiple methods of performing a coup. It is not working. The Democrats leadership will be shown to be totally corrupt. This will wipe out there electoral chances.

Version: 99

It is coming out that Obama has been running a shadow government during his attempted coup against Trump. The writing is on the wall Obama has committed Treason.

Version: 98

The Democrat leadership has been caught in an attempted coup. This will not go well for them. Indictments are coming and perhaps some higher than many thought.

Version: 97

The Unmasking investigation will lead to Obama-Biden being indicted.

Version: 96

Another investigation on going about illegal unmasking in the Obama administration

Version: 95

Released Strok-Page texts put this criminal coup directly in Obama's Oval Office.

Version: 94

Obamagate is going to bring indictments and prosecutions of those attempting to perpetrate a coup. The day will not be good for the Democrats caught in this corruption.

Version: 93

Biden has shown his racism as well as his corruption.

Version: 92

Obamagate is breaking wide open and Andrew Weismann will be swept up in the indictments as well.<br />

Version: 91

The judge in the Flynn Case must explain himself to the superior court. Obamagate is going to burst wide open.

Version: 90

The Deep State is throwing everything they can to make this a communist state but it will not work. The American People love their freedom and they will fight for it. The Democrat Coup has been uncovered and they will be held accountable.<br />

Version: 89

Ukraine is beginning to affect the investigation of Obamagate. Quid Pro Quo Joe is going down and so will in time Obama!

Version: 88

Is DC to far gone in the swamp not to see that the worst abuse of power far worse than watergate is Obamagate.

Version: 87

"Obamagate" will soon lead to the indictments of the likes of Strok, Comey and McCabe. After the defeat of Biden in November Indictments will come for Obama and Biden.<br />

Version: 86

DC may be too corrupt to move away from the deep state but the rest of the country are seeing the democrats for the tyrannical dictators they want to be. Even California will vote for liberty instead of tyranny. Obama used the power of the government (IRS) against the Tea Party from 2009 to 2016 then he used the intelligence community against Donald Trump and his campaign. This is sedition if not Treason! His indictment should be just around the corner.

Version: 85

The Deep State may be fighting back but the American people are aware of the attempted coup which is now out for all to see.

Version: 84

The Deep State is fighting back but the American people see what is happening and they don't want the totalitarian socialist Democrats. The indictments are coming.

Version: 83

DC is corrupt to the core. The indictments will only begin the cleanup necessary.

Version: 82

What did Obama-Biden know and when did they know it? The use of U.S. Intelligence against your political enemy is just as reprehensible and illegal as using the IRS against your political enemy. This is a Barrack Hussein Obama MO!

Version: 81

Obama-Clinton Gate is here and it is going to lead to the greatest political scandal in the history of this country. Even the slipperiest Clinton may be indicted finally.

Version: 80

Following his pattern of illegally using the power of the government to attack his political enemies like he used the IRS and Lois Lerner against the Tea Party Obama used the Intelligence Community to try to commit a silent Coup! The Indictments are coming. Look for a Democrat Party implosion.

Version: 79

The information is steadily moving in the direction to show Obama's MO of targeting his political enemies by illegally using the power of the government against them. He did it to the Tea Party from 2010 to 2014 and he has done it again to Trump from 2016 until now. He has committed acts of sedition against the United States along with Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, Andrew McCabe, John Brennan, Jim Clapper, Loretta Lynch, Andrew Weismann, Peter Strok, Lisa Page and Bruce and Nellie Ohr.

Version: 78

Obama Administration committed treason by trying to perform a coup. The dropping of the charges against Lt. General Flynn is just the beginning. The Obama, Clinton cabal will be prosecuted.

Version: 77

The criminality of the Obama Administration is being laid bare. Indictments will soon flow. Democrats will be decimated. Treason was committed here by the Obama Administration.

Version: 76

Adam Schiff is going to be forced to resign when his criminality is revealed.

Version: 75

Obama, Biden, Comey, Lynch, Yates, Brennan, Clapper, McCabe, Strok, Page, Ohr, Baker and Hillary Clinton all tried to manufacture crimes against anyone in the Trump Sphere. This was an attempted coup. The Democrats are guilty of conspiracy to commit fraud and perform a coup of a duly elected President. Trump will win in a landslide when the criminality is revealed by the John Durham indictments.

Version: 74

It is now apparent that the Obama administration attempted a coup by illegally spying on the Trump campaign and outsourced spying to outside intelligence agency because they were breaking the law already and did not want to make it so they could not carry the coup off. They have failed and Durham is going to be indicting a great many people.

Version: 73

The indictments look to be much more than previously thought this will likely bring down the Democrat Party. Trump will win in the biggest landslide in history!

Version: 72

The Spygate dam is breaking. The democrats will have all laid bare with key indictments coming prior to the election. It will wreak havoc on the Democrats.

Version: 71

The Cover Up Dam has burst. Lt. General Flynn was set up to start the coup against Donald Trump by the Obama administration. The Democrat jig is up.

Version: 70

The cat is out of the bag and Durham is building his case to start indicting the likes of Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Lynch, McCabe, Rosenstein, Strok, Page, Clinton and her lawyers and many with the Clinton Foundation. Just how many Democrats that conspired in the Coup against Trump this will reach I don't know but it is likely to be extensive. Lt. General Flynn I believe will soon be vindicated and restitution from the perpetrators like Andrew Weissmann should be demanded.

Version: 69

The American People are seeing the blatant bias of the lamestream media. You must believe the woman only if it is against a republican or independent never a democrat!

Version: 68

After several survey studies it shows Corona Virus death rate is actually about .05 percent where the annual flu is generally .1 percent. The democrat governors will be held accountable if they keep their economies closed down.

Version: 67

The 24/7 Propaganda of the lamestream democrats on CNN, MSDNC and the other alphabet democrats will not win them the election, in fact it will backfire on them.

Version: 66

June is when the indictments will be flowing including people like Strok, Page, Brennan and Clapper.

Version: 65

The Trump Campaign was spied on without any predication and the FBI covered up evidence that showed that. The democrats will see indictments flowing soon. Signing a FISA warrant while hiding exculpatory evidence is a criminal act Mr. Comey, McCabe, Baker, Rosenstein, and Ms. Yates and Lynch. Others will likely be charged beyond this list but this is a good start.

Version: 64

Durham is looking at indictments not a "report" and Barr has stated that there was NO predication for any investigation into the Trump campaign so this was a democrat lead coup that people will go to jail for.

Version: 63

The Durham Report and Indictments will derail the Democrat Party and expose their criminal enterprise involving FISA.

Version: 62

If the democrats try impeachment again they will anger the American people and they may lose all but the District of Columbia!

Version: 61

The democrats in Washington D.C. are trying to start another impeachment scam. Don't they understand the American people are fed up with this garbage. It will turn 80% of the independents against them resulting in a landslide for Trump.<br />

Version: 60

If the Democrats try to pull the impeachment crap in the middle of this pandemic the American people will give them a shellacking since they will have ticked off all the independents wasting time, energy and money on this nonsense. This will cost them their stronghold of California.

Version: 58

When the economy comes roaring back and Democrats are indicted for their attempted coup with the gross misuse of FISA.

Version: 52

Durham-Barr indictments will tear the Democrats apart and show their overt criminality over the last 12 years. Biden will definitely not finish the run.

Version: 50

Schumer needs to be charged with the felony he committed under USC 18 875 and removed from the Senate for ethics violation by intimidating two U.S. Supreme Court Justices.

Version: 49

Senator Schumer just threatened Supreme Court Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh with bodily harm! This will damage Democrats nationwide since the American people will see that the Democrats and Media will not hold him accountable and likely neither will the Senate.

Version: 46

Brennan, Clapper, McCabe, Strok, Page, Ohr, Ohr, Glen Simpson, Andrew Wiseman, Hillary Clinton and James Comey indictments coming in June!

Version: 44

The Indictments will roll in June which will devastate the Democrat Party.

Version: 43

Steadily toward indictment for FISA fraud and spying on an opposition candidate. Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, Strok, Page will go down.

Version: 42

Trump Acquitted and the Durham report and indictments are not that far away.

Version: 40

Quid Pro Joe and the coming indictments of criminal democrats that violated the law to Spy on Trump!

Version: 39

The impeachment just fell apart and Durham is still steadily investigating Brennan, Clinton, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, Strok, Page and Rosenstein. Indictments are coming.

Version: 38

The impeachment will fail, and then Durham will issue key indictments that will show the Democrats lead by Hillary Clinton, John Brennan and Jim Comey weaponized the agencies of the Federal Government against a political opponent.

Version: 36

June will be the major breaking news and I don't mean the Democrat Convention, The Durham Report and Indictments.

Version: 34

The indictments will come, The Democrats will lose big time.

Version: 33

Durham drops in June with multiple indictments that lead right back to Barrack Obama.

Version: 32

An FBI lawyer changed an email from the CIA that stated "Carter Page is a source for the CIA" to "Carter Page is not a source for the CIA" so they could obtain a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump Campaign. This order came from the top.Obama has a pattern of using the power of government against his political enemies. This is pure TYRANNY raising its ugly socialist/communist head.<br />

Version: 31

A massive Democrat criminal cover-up of Spying on an opposition campaign through the illegal use of 5 Eyes spies to "create" an excuse for surveillance that was false and unsubstantiated which started with Obama. People will be indicted before the election.

Version: 30

Durham report in June will show those that conspired to undo an election because they are the elite and know better than all you from fly over country!

Version: 29

The plot of Crossfire Hurricane is out for all to see. The corrupt "insurance policy" has been laid bare. The American people will turn on the Democrat machine and they will lose in a landslide. Indictments are coming.

Version: 28

FISA Report release plus Barr and Durham comments show that the Democrats will be sunk for 2020.

Version: 27

Dec. 9, 2019 FISA Report from DOJ inspector general. The beginning of the crash of the Democrat Party.

Version: 25

The Democrats die by the FISA indictments brought by Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham.

Version: 24

Impeachment is playing particularly with the independents.

Version: 23

This is the best the Democrats will do with the impending prosecutions coming for gross abuse of power by the Obama administration using the FISA for a bludgeon against a political opponent.

Version: 21

When the FISA report comes out it will show corruption beyond what any Administration has suffered from the Deep State before. This will reverberate through the American Electorate.

Version: 15

The criminality that is coming out with the Horowitz report and the Durham criminal investigation will clearly show that Obama continued to weaponize the agencies of the U.S. government against his political enemies just like you would see in Russia, Cuba, Venezuela and Honduras.

Version: 13

The Democrats have wasted their time and ignored the American Public. They are arrogant and believe they are the "ruling class". They don't understand the movement that elected Donald Trump. The liberty of the American individual is central to the founding and success of this country. Every attempt at exacting a coup has failed because they don't have anything. Yet there is evidence that the Obama administration tried to corrupt this election by using the power of government just like they did against the Tea Party in 2010. They got away with it then therefore they believed they could do it again. In 2016 it didn't work.

Version: 12

The Inspector Generals Report is coming out in the next week, when it does it is going to make Nixon look like an angelic choir boy compared to the Democrat Party. Many will be indicted and many if not most will spend time in prison.

Version: 10

The democrats will soon be definitively shown to be dragging foreign countries to interfere in our elections.

Version: 9

People are going to get tired of garbage on the streets of their cities and will reason it is time for a change

Version: 8

This is much more likely than Trump losing Utah?!?

Version: 7

The Mainstream of America is NOT tuned into ANTIFA and Climate Change. They are tuned into Jobs and their salary. What Trump has done floats everyone's boat. No ethnic group of people are uniform and of one mind yet the left in this country has an arrogant attitude that they are uniform. I believe they will be stunned by the result of this election. Trump will garner above 15% of the Black Vote and above 40% of the Hispanic and Asian Vote. This will lead to a landslide as America rejects socialism.

Version: 6

New Mexico could go either way

Version: 5

Trump will double the percentages of the minority vote he got last election

Version: 4

Any State that was within 5% is likely to go for Trump! Also his portion of the Minority Vote will stun all of the Talking heads.

Version: 3

Unemployment lowest in 50 years and Stock Market about to hit 27000 gives Trump any state that he was within 4 % and Colorado as well.

Version: 2

Lowest unemployment in 50 years, any state within 4% points from last time is in play for Trump this time.

Version History

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User's Predictions

Prediction Score States Percent Total Accuracy Ver #D Rank#Pred
P 2020 President 28/56 25/56 53/112 47.3% pie 226 5 679684
P 2018 Senate 28/35 18/35 46/70 65.7% pie 1 4 362T483
P 2016 President 51/56 34/56 85/112 75.9% pie 6 1 66T678
P 2016 Senate 30/34 18/34 48/68 70.6% pie 1 50 164T362
Aggregate Predictions 137/181 95/181 232/362 64.1% pie

Alabama Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Arizona Arkansas California California California California Colorado Connecticut Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Maryland Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Virginia Washington Washington Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wisconsin Wyoming

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