PredictionsMock2020 Presidential Predictions - paxamericana () ResultsPolls
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Date of Prediction: 2020-11-02 Version:8

Prediction Map
paxamericana MapPrediction Key

Confidence Map
paxamericana MapConfidence Key

Prediction States Won
270 |
538 |

Confidence States Won
270 |
538 |

State Pick-ups

Gain Loss Hold Net Gain

Prediction Score (max Score = 112)

ScoreState WinsState PercentagesCD WinsCD Percentages


11/02: One day out, hard to believe it is so close. This prediction has always been based on a gut feeling, and I have a gut feeling Biden will flip WI. However, as many people have been pointing out, the key to Trump's victory is Pennsylvania. I still believe he will pull it off. The popular vote will likely break somewhere between 3 to 5 points to Biden with a surge of support in deep-blue states pushing him over Clinton's popular vote margins, yet like Clinton, failing to manifest in an electoral college victory.

Prediction History
Prediction Graph

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Version: 7

10/13: yeah... he's not winning Minnesota. He'll pull it off though (I hope)

Version: 6

08/29: Lots of things have been changing: the polls in the swing states are getting tighter and it seems the election is finally getting more competitive. The only state that I have changed is Minnesota. I think that protest fatigue could possibly shift the state to Trump, but that could change.

Version: 5

7/11: Mainly changed some of the percentages and moved Minnesota from tossup to Lean D. The state is certainly in play for 2020.<br /> <br /> Things look very good for Biden at the moment nationally speaking, but it's very hard to tell if this will hold come November. <br /> <br /> This is the reasoning behind why I still have Trump winning in this prediction. Factors such as low enthusiasm for Biden, Trump's record primary turnout (especially in critical swing states), high approval ratings within his own party and positive approval marks for Trump on the economy make me believe Trump will mount a comeback. <br /> <br /> Of course, we will have to see.

Version: 4

6/21: Change New Hampshire from tossup to lean Dem.

Version: 3

6/15: Updated some of the percentages, none of the states have changed. There are some polls that show Trump up less by 10 percent in Missouri, but I seriously doubt that will happen unless Biden wins in a landslide. Trump won the state by double digits despite the polling showing him winning the state by a margin of 8 points in 2016.

Version: 2

6/12: I put Maine at-large back into the Democratic column because I think I think it is a little far fetched to think it will go Republican due to the polling there having Biden up by 10. There are some rumblings within Trump's base about not voting for him due to how he handled the George Floyd protests. Even though I think this is a factor in Trump's steep drop in approval, I'm not sure this will be as big of an issue come election day. Keep in mind, this prediction is not an indicator of how I feel the race stands today. If it was, Biden would certainly be ahead. I believe that Biden is at his peak in terms of polling due to the civil unrest we see right now and that the race is a lot closer than polling suggests at the moment. A recent 538 article analyzing a lot of these swing state polls found that while recent polling looks good for Biden at the moment, they are more right-leaning than the national average (except in Michigan.) These trends benefit Trump and I believe that it will give him a bigger advantage in these states come election day.

Version: 1

This is how I feel the election will stand come November. The world's crazy, so things will probably change. Trump's at a low point at the moment, but I feel once the election gets closer, he will be in better standing especially if the economy looks like it is starting to rebound.

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User's Predictions

Prediction Score States Percent Total Accuracy Ver #D Rank#Pred
P 2022 Senate 30/35 20/35 50/70 71.4% pie 1 191 266T305
P 2020 President 52/56 43/56 95/112 84.8% pie 8 6 179T684
P 2020 Senate 33/35 21/35 54/70 77.1% pie 1 148 101T423
Aggregate Predictions 115/126 84/126 199/252 79.0% pie

Alabama Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Arizona Arkansas California California California California Colorado Connecticut Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Maryland Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Virginia Washington Washington Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wisconsin Wyoming

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