Monthly Archives: January 2009

One Decade

Today, January 24, 2009 is exactly one decade since the counter on the home page was added – and since then, 4,131,137 visitors have viewed the page (the counter was set up not to count duplicate visits in the same day).  Certainly a lot has changed – many more features and much more information have been added to the site in those years.  May there be many more years (and decades) to come! 

2008 Data Files Updated

The 2008 General Election data files for President, Senate, Governor, and *New* U.S. House of Representatives have been updated to official results for all states except for Massachusetts.  After repeated contacts through the internet and phone, I went in person to the Elections Office at the Secretary of the Commonwealth here in Boston, only to be told the same answer.  They will not release any town or county election figures until the publication of Public Document #43, due out sometime later this year (they said perhaps as early as April).  

The Presidential data set includes additional figures for write-in votes in multiple states that are not included in the official documents or reports published by the state agencies, rather I’ve been collecting these data from individual county reports. These data will continue to be updated and added to throughout the coming months.

As mentioned above, also available is a data set for U.S. House of Representatives, including data by congressional district and votes by party by county.  Additional House data sets for previous years (back to 2000) are being compiled and will be available soon.