Monthly Archives: February 2015

25,000 Vote Error in KS 2004 Senate Race

Kansas County Map Highlighting Shawnee County

Kansas County Map Highlighting Shawnee County

There exists a significant vote error in the 2004 general election result for United States Senate in Shawnee County, KS as published in the 2004 November 2nd General Election Official Results by County posted by the Kansas Secretary of State. The totals are shown in the table below:

Samuel BrownbackRepublican36,89567.7%
Lee JonesDemocratic15,29729.2%
Steven RosileLibertarian1,0101.9%
George CookReform6981.3%

The total votes counted in the above table is 54,530 and is significantly lower than the 81,577 votes counted for President, 80,582 votes counted for U.S. House of Representatives, and 82,784 ballots cast.  The drop-off is 33% relative to the Presidential Vote.  The reason for this drop-off is because the figures for U.S. Senate as published by the Kansas Secretary of State are incorrect.  The vote totals as published in the Statement of Votes Cast by the Shawnee County Election Office show the correct figures, repeated below:

Samuel BrownbackRepublican53,49167.2%
Lee JonesDemocratic23,77329.9%
Steven RosileLibertarian1,3961.8%
George CookReform9801.2%

The total error is 25,110 votes.  The missing votes are actually very similar percentage wise to the counted votes and do not impact the results of the contest. The Atlas database has been updated with these corrected results and can be seen here:

2015 Gubernatorial Predictions Now Active

2015 Gubernatorial Prediction Map

2015 Gubernatorial Predictions

The 2015 Gubernatorial predictions for the general election to be held on November 3, 2015 are now active.  Three states hold elections for their top executive office in 2015, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Louisiana.  Add your prognostication here.

Bicycle US Presidents Playing Cards

Bicycle US Presidents Playing Cards

Bicycle US Presidents Playing Cards

A very cool set of U.S. Presidents Bicycle Playing Cards is being developed through a KickStarter campaign.  From the developer:

“The US Presidents deck has been in production for many months. Each card has been hand drawn to feature the most intricate details. This deck features all 44 presidents and 4 popular first ladies as queens. Although we can debate which presidents should have been on the court cards, we have done much research before making our choices. We chose based on popularity and the s influence on our s history. The remaining presidents are uniquely featured on the number cards.

The US President Deck was not only designed to appeal to the card collector audience, but also as a fully playable deck of cards. It will be hard not to reflect on our great s history and the accomplishments of our past leaders while playing with these cards.

We are launching this deck in February in honor of s Day (February 16th) here in the United States. Pick up a few packs to show your patriotism, and few extra to play with and admire. Our goal is to have these in your hands by Independence Day.”