Daily Archives: June 26, 2013

Equal Voice Voting

Equal Voice Voting Book Cover I have received a signed copy of Equal Voice Voting Making Our Votes Count in the Electoral College by Jerry Spriggs. The book proposes a modified Electoral College, named Equal Voice that “combines the power of the popular vote while retaining an equal representation of every state in the country.” The book draws data from the Atlas for use in analysis – the Acknowledgements state “It would not have happened without the ready reference and data gleaned from Dave Leip’s Atlas of Presidential Elections data (https://uselectionatlas.org)”. I’m always happy to see (and receive) examples of the site’s application!

Some more description of the book on Amazon: “The current U.S. presidential election process, known as the Electoral College, needs to be modified. Only a minority of our nation’s voters are actually represented in the Electoral College in its current form. Because of the low voter representation, our citizens are not encouraged to vote; a state of apathy is prevalent in the very process designed to choose our nation’s leader. Voters are discouraged and our democracy suffers. Something must change! Equal Voice Voting is a new presidential election method that modifies the Electoral College. Equal Voice Voting gives both the popular as well as the geographic representation needed to allow everyone an equal voice in our presidential elections. It eliminates the winner-take-all approach, giving every political party an opportunity to be represented in every presidential election. This book discusses other voting alternatives, such as the National Popular Voting bill and the option of relying on voting by congressional districts…”