Daily Archives: November 25, 2013

Atlas adds 8,510 Election 2000 Votes for President

Upon a detailed review of all official county election publications for the state of New York 2000 General Election results for President, the Atlas database has been updated with 8,510 more votes not included in the New York State Board of Elections 2000 General Election certified results.  Overall, the atlas results in New York include 44 corrections to the certified results by county for President.  This database update replaces the official certified vote counts in three counties with those published in the following documents: Official Canvass and Statement of Votes Cast, published by the Nassau County Board of Elections (732 more votes than reported in the statewide certified results) and the City of New York Statement and Return of the Votes for the Office of President and Vice President of the United States (corrections in Kings and New York Counties), published by the New York City Board of Elections on February 21, 2001 (7,778 more votes than reported in the statewide certified results).  Given that this update is from heavily democratic counties, the net result of these corrections is an increase in the vote margin for Al Gore over George W. Bush of 3,582 votes (bringing the total popular vote margin to 547,398 votes).