Daily Archives: January 25, 2015

Upgraded Interactive Data Tables

The data tables on the Atlas have been upgraded to provide more interactive features, including immediate multi-column sort, column filters, map highlights, and more.  An interactive example of the 2012 Gubernatorial Election result is shown below:

New Features:

  • Sort the table on a given column directly by clicking the arrows in the header row cell (one click, sorts ascending, two clicks sorts descending, third click removes the sort).
  • Sort on multiple columns by holding down shift key when clicking on the header sort cell.
  • Mouse over on a row highlights the row and the corresponding shape boundary on the map.
  • Mouse over on a map highlights the shape boundary and the corresponding row in the table
  • Click on the mini map at left of each row goes to the summary data page with candidate result details and maps.
  • Click on the name at left of each row goes to the next-level down data table