Daily Archives: July 9, 2013

Official 2004 Write-in Votes Added to the Atlas Database in DE and NY

The Atlas database has been updated to include additional Write-in Votes for President for the 2004 General Election in New York and Delaware.  The state of Delaware publishes a “results book” after each election cycle.  This paper publication (more recently provided as a more convenient pdf) includes more complete results, including official write-in votes that are not presented on the official election results posted on Delaware Commissioner of Elections 2004 Election Results web page.  The Delaware 2004 Election Results book includes a total of 80 write-in votes for President (three are for Róger Calero the Socialist Workers candidate, the remaining are not cast for any of the other national candidates).

New York also printed a more recent (and unlabeled) version of the  the 2004 Election Results for President and Vice President that includes more votes for qualified write-in candidates.  This document has a creation date of May 9, 2005, but is not labeled as an amended version.  It includes write-in votes for David Cobb, Michael A. Peroutka, and Bill Van Auken in a number of counties that were left blank in the December 2004 version of the document.  The Peroutka vote increases from 207 to 363, Cobb from 87 to 138, and Van Auken from 2 to 4.  This newer report, however, does not include any qualified write-in votes from the five New York City boroughs.